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Butchering the Human Carcass for Human Consumption
by Bob Arson
This is a step-by-step guide on how to break down the human body from the full figure into serviceable choice cuts of meat. As in any field, there are a number of methods to the practice, and you may wish to view this as a set of suggestions rather than concrete rules. You will notice that the carving of the larger or "commercial" cuts down into smaller specific or "retail" cuts will be only mentioned in passing, and not concentrated upon. Also, the use of human fat and viscera is generally avoided, and left only to the most experimental chef. These choices, along with recipes and serving suggestions, are nearly infinite in variety, and we leave them to you. We've found these guidelines to be simple and functional, but recognize that there is always room for improvement and we welcome your suggestions.
Before getting to the main task, it must be mentioned that the complete rendering of the human carcass requires a fairly large amount of time, effort, and space. If the consumer does not wish to go through the ordeal of processing and storing the bulk of the entire animal, an easy alternative is as follows. Simply saw through one or both legs at the points directly below the groin and a few inches above the knee. Once skinned, these portions may then be cut into round steaks of the carver's preferred thickness, cut into fillets, deboned for a roast, etc. Meat for several meals is thus readily obtained without the need for gutting and the complexities of preparing the entire form.
The human being (also referred to throughout culinary history as "long pig" and "hairless goat" in the case of younger specimens) is not generally thought of as a staple food source. Observing the anatomy and skeleton, one can see that the animal is neither built nor bred for its meat, and as such will not provide nearly as much flesh as a pig or cow (for example, an average 1000 pound steer breaks down to provide 432 pounds of saleable beef). The large central pelvis and broad shoulder blades also interfere with achieving perfect cuts. There are advantages to this however, especially due to the fact that the typical specimen will weigh between 100-200 pounds, easily manipulated by one person with sufficient leverage.
Here the caution in choosing your meal must be mentioned. It is VERY IMPORTANT to remember that animals raised for slaughter are kept in tightly controlled environments with their health and diet carefully maintained. Humans are not. Thus not only is the meat of each person of varying quality, but people are also subject to an enormous range of diseases, infections, chemical imbalances, and poisonous bad habits, all typically increasing with age. Also as an animal ages, the meat loses its tenderness, becoming tough and stringy. No farm animal is ever allowed to age for thirty years. Six to thirteen months old is a more common slaughtering point. You will obviously want a youthful but mature physically fit human in apparently good health. A certain amount of fat is desirable as "marbling" to add a juicy, flavorful quality to the meat. We personally prefer firm caucasian females in their early twenties. These are "ripe". But tastes vary, and it is a very large herd.
The butcher will need a fairly roomy space in which to work (an interior location is suggested), and a large table for a butcher's block. A central overhead support will need to be chosen or installed ahead of time to hang the carcass from. Large tubs or barrels for blood and waste trimmings should be convenient, and a water source close by. Most of the work can be done with a few simple tools: sharp, clean short and long bladed knives, a cleaver or hatchet, and a hacksaw.
Body Preparation: Acquiring your subject is up to you. For best results and health, freshness is imperative. A living human in captivity is optimal, but not always available. When possible make sure the animal has no food for 48 hours, but plenty of water. This fasting helps flush the system, purging stored toxins and bodily wastes, as well as making bleeding and cleaning easier. Under ideal conditions, the specimen will then be stunned into insensitivity. Sharp unexpected blows to the head are best, tranquilizers not being recommended as they may taint the flavor of the meat. If this is not possible without exciting the animal and causing a struggle (which will pump a greater volume of blood and secretions such as adrenaline throughout the body), a single bullet through the middle of the forehead or back of the skull will suffice.
Hanging: Once the animal is unconscious or dead, it is ready to be hoisted. Get the feet up first, then the hands, with the head down. This is called the "Gein configuration". Simple loops of rope may be tied around the hands and feet and then attached to a crossbar or overhead beam. Or, by making a cut behind the Achilles tendon, a meathook may be inserted into each ankle for hanging support. The legs should be spread so that the feet are outside the shoulders, with the arms roughly parallel to the legs. This provides access to the pelvis, and keeps the arms out of the way in a ready position for removal. It's easiest to work if the feet are slightly above the level of the butcher's head.
Bleeding: Place a large open vessel beneath the animal's head. With a long-bladed knife, start at one corner of the jaw and make a deep "ear-to-ear" cut through the neck and larynx to the opposite side. This will sever the internal and external carotid arteries, the major blood vessels carrying blood from the heart to the head, face, and brain. If the animal is not yet dead, this will kill it quickly, and allow for the blood to drain in any case. After the initial rush of blood, the stream should be controllable and can be directed into a receptacle. Drainage can be assisted by massaging the extremities down in the direction of the trunk, and by compressing and releasing, "pumping", the stomach. A mature specimen will contain almost six liters of blood. There is no use for this fluid, unless some source is waiting to use it immediately for ritual purposes. It acts as an emetic in most people if drunk, and it must be mentioned here that because of the eternal possibility of AIDS it is recommended that for safety's sake all blood should be considered to be contaminated and disposed of in some fashion. It is not known whether an HlV-infected human's flesh is dangerous even if cooked, but this is another item to consider when choosing a specimen, someone in the low-risk strata.
Beheading: When the bleeding slows, preparation for decapitation can be started. Continue the cut to the throat around the entire neck, from the jawline to the back of the skull. Once muscle and ligament have been sliced away, the head can be cleanly removed by gripping it on either side and twisting it off, separation occurring where the spinal cord meets the skull. This is indicative of the method to be used for dividing other bones or joints, in that the meat should generally be cut through first with a knife, and the exposed bone then separated with a saw or cleaver. The merits of keeping the skull as a trophy are debatable for two principal reasons. First, a human skull may call suspicious attention to the new owner. Secondly, thorough cleaning is difficult due to the large brain mass, which is hard to remove without opening the skull. The brain is not good to eat. Removing the tongue and eyes, skinning the head, and placing it outside in a wire cage may be effective. The cage allows small scavengers such as ants and maggots to cleanse the flesh from the bones, while preventing it being carried off by larger scavengers, such as dogs and children. After a sufficient period of time, you may retrieve the skull and boil it in a dilute bleach solution to sterilize it and wash away any remaining tissue.
Skinning: After removing the head, wash the rest of the body down. Because there is no major market for human hides, particular care in removing the skin in a single piece is not necessary, and makes the task much easier. The skin is in fact a large organ, and by flaying the carcass you not only expose the muscular configuration, but also get rid of the hair and the tiny distasteful glands which produce sweat and oil. A short-bladed knife should be used to avoid slicing into muscle and viscera. The skin is composed of two layers, an outer thinner one with a thicker tissue layer below it. When skinning, first score the surface, cutting lightly to be sure of depth and direction. The diagram of the skinning pattern is an example of strip-style skinning, dividing the surface into portions easy to handle. Reflect the skin by lifting up and peeling back with one hand, while bringing the knife in as flat to the skin as possible to cut away connective tissue. The external genitals present only a small obstacle. In the male the penis and scrotum can be pulled away from the body and severed, in the female the outer lips skinned as the rest of the body. It is important to leave the anus untouched at this point, and a circle of skin should be left around it. You need not bother skinning the hands and feet, these portions not being worth the effort unless you plan to pickle them or use them in soup. The skin can be disposed of, or made into fried rinds. Boil the strips and peel away the outer layer, then cut into smaller pieces and deep-fat fry in boiling oil until puffy and crisp. Dust with garlic salt, paprika and cayenne pepper.
Gutting: The next major step is complete evisceration of the carcass. To begin, make a cut from the solar plexus, the point between the breastbone and stomach, almost to the anus. Be very careful not to cut into the intestines, as this will contaminate the surrounding area with bacteria and possibly feces (if this does happen, cleanse thoroughly). A good way to avoid this is to use the knife inside the abdominal wall, blade facing toward you, and making cautious progress.
Make a cut around the anus, or "bung", and tie it off with twine. This also prevents contamination, keeping the body from voiding any material left in the bowel. With a saw, cut through the pubic bone, or "aitch". The lower body is now completely open, and you can begin to pull the organ masses (large and small intestines, kidneys, liver, stomach) out and cut them away from the back wall of the body.
For the upper torso, first cut through the diaphragm around the inner surface of the carcass. This is the muscular membrane which divides the upper, or thoracic, and the lower abdominal cavities. Remove the breastbone, cutting down to the point on each side where it connects to the ribs, and then sawing through and detaching it from the collar bone. Some prefer to cut straight through the middle, depending on the ideas you have for cuts in the final stages. The heart and lungs may be detached and the throat cut into to remove the larynx and trachea. Once all of the inner organs have been removed, trim away any blood vessels or remaining pieces of connective tissue from the interior of the carcass, and wash out thoroughly.
Remove the Arms: Actual butchering of the carcass is now ready to begin. Cut into the armpit straight to the shoulder, and remove the arm bone, the humerus, from the collar bone and shoulder blade. Chop the hand off an inch or so above the wrist. Most of the meat here is between elbow and shoulder, as the muscle groups are larger here and due to the fact that there are two bones in the forearm. Another way of cutting this portion is to cut away the deltoid muscle from the upper arm near the shoulder (but leaving it attached to the trunk) before removing the limb. This decreases the percentage of useable meat on the arm, but allows a larger shoulder strip when excising the shoulder blade. Purely a matter of personal preference. Cut into and break apart the joint of the elbow, and the two halves of each arm are now ready for carving servings from. Human flesh should always be properly cooked before eating.
Halving the Carcass: The main body is now ready to be split. Some like to saw straight through the spine from buttocks to neck. This leaves the muscle fiber encasing the vertebrae on the end of the ribs. The meat here however is tightly wrapped about the bone, and we find it more suitable (if used at all) when boiled for soup. Thus, our preferred method is to completely remove the entire backbone by cutting and then sawing down either side from the tailbone on through.
Quartering the Carcass: The halves may now be taken down, unless your preparation table or butcher block is very short. This is inadequate, and you will have to quarter while hanging, slicing through the side at a point of your choosing between rib cage and pelvis. Now is also the time to begin thinking about how you would like to serve the flesh, as this will determine the style of cuts you are about to make. These will also be greatly affected by the muscular configuration (physical fitness) of your specimen. First, chop the feet off at a point about three inches up from the ankle. The bones are very thick where the leg connects to the foot. You will want to divide the side of meat into two further principal portions: the ribs and shoulder, and the half-pelvis and leg. In between is the "flank" or belly, which may be used for fillets or steaks, if thick enough, or even bacon strips if you wish to cut this thinly. Thin and wide strips of flesh may also be rolled, and cooked to serve as a roast. Trim away along the edge of the ribs, and then decide whether you will cut steaks from the flank into the thighs and rump, and carve accordingly.
Cutting the Top Quarter: Although not actually 25% of the meat you will get, this is designated as one-fourth of the carcass as divided into major portions. You may trim away the neck, or leave it to be connected with the shoulder, or "chuck". The first major step with this mass is to remove the shoulder blade and the collar bone. The best and easiest way we have found is to just cut along the outline of the shoulder blade, removing the meat on top and then dislocating the large bone. To excise the collar bone make an incision along its length and then cut and pry it away. Depending upon the development of the breast, you may decide it qualifies as a "brisket" and remove it before cutting the ribs. In the female the breast is composed largely of glands and fatty tissue, and despite its appetizing appearance is rather inedible. The ribs are the choice cut of the quarter. An perennial favorite for barbecuing, you may divide into sections of several ribs each and cook them as is, divide the strip in half for shorter ribs, or even carve rib steaks if the muscle mass is sufficient.
Cutting the Lower Quarter: This is where most of the meat is, humans being upright animals. The muscle mass is largest in the legs and rump. The bulk is so comparatively large here that you can do just about anything with it. The main pieces are the buttock or rump and the upper leg, the thigh. Our typical division is to cut the leg off at the bottom of the buttock, then chop away the bony mass of the knee, at places two to three inches away in either direction. Before doing this, however, you may want to remove the whole calf muscle from the back of the lower leg, as this is the best cut in its area. The upper leg is now ready for anything, most especially some beautiful, thick round steaks. The rump will have to be carved from the pelvis in a rather triangular piece. The legs attach at the hip at a forward point on the body, so there will be little interference as you carve along the curve of the pelvis. Remaining meat will be on the thighs in front of the pelvis.
And that's basically it. An average freezer provides plenty of storage space, or you may even wish to build a simple old-fashioned smokehouse (just like an outhouse, with a stone firepit instead of a shitter). Offal and other waste trimmings can be disposed of in a number of ways, burial, animal feed, and puree and flush being just a few. Bones will dry and become brittle after being baked an oven, and can be pulverized.
Bob Arson's White Devil Dinky-Dao Mothafucka Bobbacoo Sauce
Marinade/Baste/Dip/Bloody Leroy Mix
1 8 oz. can tomato sauce
1 6 oz. can tomato paste
1 cup black coffee
3/4 cup beer (Killian's Red preferred)
3/4 cup fruit juice (citrus: orange/pineapple/mango type)
2 tblsp. whiskey
1 tblsp. lemon juice
1 tblsp. worcestershire sauce
1 tblsp. vinegar (red wine garlic preferred)
3 cloves garlic. minced
3 jalepeno peppers, minced
1/4 large onion, minced 1/8 red, 1/8 white preferred)
2 1/2 tsp. liquid smoke
2 tblsp. brown sugar
1 tblsp. molasses
1 1/2 tblsp. crushed red pepper
1 cube beef bouillon
1 1/2 tsp. salt
1 1/2 tsp ground black pepper
1 1/2 tsp. paprika
1 1/2 tsp. cayenne pepper
3 dashes basil
3 dashes oregano
3 dashes savory
ashes of one fine thin joint
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by Sam
Choosong the best girls for your larder is a rather complicated
matter. First you must decise what recipe the girl will be used for,
then the choices can be narrowed. Then you must prepare the body based
on the use to be made of the meat. Different recipes and different
cooking methods determine the age, size, and preparation method.
I know most of you were told not to play with your food, but girlmeat
is an exception to that rule. Before butchering, you should put her to
good use. Sucking your cock is always great, but fucking her and then
stuffing her cunt with your cum still inside her provides an
interesting flavor addition to the stuffing mix. Also a well used cunt
will be more muscular and therefore more meaty.
The best girls are between 14 and 20 years of age, with
proportionately developed bodies. They should be neither fat nor
skinny, except in special cases.
Breast sizes should be moderate. Breasts that are too large or that
have been lactating will have large milk duct glands and a fair amount
of fatty tissue and will not be the best tasting. Ideally breasts
should be firm, with moderate sized nipples, and well rounded. Some
people like puffy nipples if the girls is to be barbequed as these
larger nipples can be sliced off early in the cooking process so that
the girl can watch you eat her while she's still alive. Although
somewhat tough and fatty these nipples are tasty when eaten rare,
dripping with barbeque sauce.
The following recipes require the girls as indicated, although all
girls can used for almost any recipe:
Recipe Preferred Girl
Liver served rare or
fried with onions Young - 14 to 16, not thin but not fat
Heart served rare or Young - 14 to 16, not thin but not fat
sauteed in sauces about 5-10 lbs overweight maximum
Chopped Heart or Liver 18 -20 years old, athletic body
Kidney or other organs
in gravy Any girl
Tongue - smoked or cooked 18 - 20, average girl
Steaks - tartare or rare Young - 14 to 16, not thin but
not fat
meat should have slight marbling
best cuts from ribs, butt & thighs
Roasts 18 - 20, well developed body no
more than 5 lbs overweight.
Prime Rib Roasts 15-19 with large chest muscles and
ribcage, can have large breasts
Briskets and short ribs 15-20 with large chest muscles and
ribcage, can have large breasts
Hams and Bacon 18-20 with large thighs and rounded
stomach 10-20 lbs overweight max.
Barbequed whole girl 16-18 well developed body, but only
moderate sized breasts (puffy nipples
preferred), 5-10 lbs overweight max,
good fatty marbling in meats and skin
can be as tall as 5'8". Cook alive.
Oven Roasted whole girl 14-16 well developed body, but only
moderate sized breasts (puffy nipples
preferred), 5-10 lbs overweight max,
good fatty marbling in meats and skin
Best if small or tiny body 5'3" or
Cook alive or dead, but gutted and
Breasts - baked or boiled Best choice would be VERY firm breasts
that stand high, nipples pointing
on a girl's chest, moderate sized or
(32" - 36") very rounded and that
press back
when squeezed. Never having lactated.
The breast should be sliced off close
the rib bones thus leaving some muscle
the breast meat. Serve sliced thinly
cut diagonally,
with or without the nipples intact, in
The following girls are best served as indicated:
21-29 years old - Butched and cut up into steaks and roasts, will
produce a large amount of tougher meats which should be used as stew
meats or hamburger. Organs (heart, kidney liver) will make good
pate's and gravies. Necks will make excellent soups. Intestines will
make good sausage casings for sausage meats made from her lesser
quality meats.
Fatty or slightly overweight girls - Good for smoked meats, especially
Hams and Bacon, and hamburger meat.
Skinny girls - Should be fattened up first if possible. Most cuts will
cook best if extremely rare or in stews. Butt roast can be delicately
delicious rare.
Tall or large breasted girls - best butchered into roasts and steaks.
Very young girls - under 12 or 13 usually not very good because of
lack of meats and the organs are too small, but if gutted could be
cooked whole in soups. 12-13 year olds with developing breasts and
well proportioned bodies willl be best either roasted whole or spitted
on the barbeque. Care must be taken, however, not to overcook. The
heart or livers of these young girls will be very tasty just barely
cooked and eaten almost raw.
Some tips on dresing/butchering:
If the girl is to be cooked alive, she should be given several enemas
and fed only water for at least 1-2 days. She should be flushed out
thoroughly (through both her anus and her uretha), all her body hair
removed completely (except her head hair, if the head is to be used
for decoration), and the body washed down completely. Before starting,
a pain killer should be administed (Marijuana or liqour is often
effective). With a very sharp knife, carefully open her belly from
just above her vagina to her sternum not slicing too deep. Lay open
the incision and cauterize immediately, Then lift out her guts and cut
each organ off, cauterizing the wound, being careful to leave her
heart and lungs untouched and undamaged. If you touch her heart, it
may flutter slightly, but will continue to beat you take care not to
hurt it. Arteries & veins are a major problem, so be careful not to
cut them if they are leading to or from the heart, brain, or lungs.
You may decide to leave the uterus intact as this can be stuffed.
Rinse out the body cavity with clean water, rub the inside with butter
and herbs. Core out the anus and stitch shut, Stuff her belly if
desired with stuffing mix, and sew the incision shut. The girl will
live longer while being cooked if she is stuffed as the stuffing will
keep her heart from cooking too soon. Basting the body frequently will
serve two uses, the meats will be more flavorful and juicy and she
will live longer. Weigh her after gutting and stuffing and calculate
her cooking time by the following rule - Barbeque 15-20 minutes per
pound, and Oven roast @375 degrees for 25-30 minutes per pound. Few
girls will live longer than 1 hour while cooking since she will die as
soon as her heart starts to cook.
If the girl is to be butchered, flush her intestines and bladder out
as decribed before, then kill her quickly by beheading or if she has
been hanged, cut her head off as well. Hang her body up by the feet
and let all the blood drain out before proceeding. If she is to be
skinned prior to butchering, start at the neck and slice a thin cut
down to the anus and continue down the backs of both legs. Another cut
should bemade from the neck down each arm. Chop off both feet and
hands (these are good for soups). Carefully peel the skin from the
body and turn over continuing on the other side. Leave the nipples on
the skin as the breasts are peeled. The vagina will have to be
carefully peeled and a small cut made to disconnect the skin on the
inside of her vagina. Wash the skin carefully prior to beginning the
tanning process. The leather produced from young girls is exquisitely
soft if treated correctly.
Next slit her belly open from her sternum to 2-4" above her vagina.
Remove all her guts and organs, setting aside the heart, liver and
kidneys. If you plan to use any parts for sausages, thouroughly clean
out the intestines and set aside. Taking a large cleaver, lay the body
chest down and split the body into two parts, using the backbone as
the guide. Chop the neck into soup bones. Turn the body back over and
split the rib cage in two in the center. Cut the belly meats off first
and then using the cleaver again cut the upper body off at waist
level. Cut the vagina off complete with the pubic bone and the 2-4" of
surrounding meat. Then split the lower body into two parts for the
final butchering, it being easier to handle in smaller parts. In
smaller girls it is best to chop off both legs at the hip joint and
knees to cook those parts whole. The thigh can be left in roasts, bone
in hams, or sliced into steaks. The buttocks will make two beautiful
rump roasts or can also be sliced into steaks. Laying the chest sides
flat, breasts up. first slice the breasts off close to the rib bones
and set aside. There should still be some nipple meat if she has been
skinned carefully. Next chop off the racks of short ribs and Prime Rib
Roasts. Next remove all remaining meats from her bones, the brisket
from her upper chest muscles, Steaks & roasts from her back muscles,
and stew meats from her arms and lower legs. any remaining meats
should be ground into sausages or hamburger. A typical teen girl 5'4",
125 lbs when live will produce close to 60 lbs of useable meats,
organs, and sausages.
Some favorite recipes:
Pate of Girl's Liver
1 young girl's liver 2 tablespoons cornstarch
1- 1/2 lbs chopped shoulder meat 3 oz Cognac
1 small onion 4 whole eggs
1 clove garlic 1 tablespoon salt
1 teaspoon sage 1/2 teaspoon ground pepper
Coarse grind all meats and mix with remaining ingredients. place
formed in a loaf in a covered cassorole dish and bake for 2 1/2 hours
at 350 deg F. Cool and serve with unsalted crakers and caviar.
Breast with Red Wine
One moderate size girl's breast 2 tablespoons butter
2 cans tomato pieces 2 cups small pearl onions
4 carrots, sliced 2 stalks celery cut in
large pieces
2 cups red wine 2 cloves garlic, halved
1/2 tsp whole black peppercorns 1 pinch ea Majoram & thyme
1 bay leaf 2 Tablespoons melted butter
salt to taste 1 cup girl meat drippings and
Quickly braise the breast in butter in a frying pan, just enough to
slightly brown. Place the breast in a covered roaster and pour the
broth and wine over it. Add tomatoes, onions, celery, carrots and the
seasonings to the roaster and cover. Roast at 350 deg F, basting
occasionally until done, about 1 1/2 to 2 hours. Serve the breast on a
platter diagonally sliced with the vegetables. Serve the broth like a
gravy to be poured over the meat as eaten.
Sliced Heart in Burgundy Sauce
One girl's heart, sliced 1 cup sliced mushrooms
1/4 cup chopped onions 1 cup burgundy wine
1/2 cup girl meat drippings and broth
salt and pepper to taste flour for thickening
Braised the sliced heart and mushrooms in a pan with girl meat
drippings, butter, and onions.
Add the wine and stir together with the broth. Add the salt and pepper
and add small amounts of flour to thicken sauce just slightly. Serve
very hot.
More to come later.......
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WARNING: Hare Krishna, a sick child molesting cult
Author Message
3 years and 23 weeks ago
WARNING: Hare Krishna, a sick child molesting cult
The Hare Krishna cult is a very dangerous child-molesting cult. Over 2,000 children were molested in the Hare Krishna cult, and hundreds of those children have committed suicide as a result of the psychological trauma.
Here is a full list of the various tortures, as well as sexual molestation, that the children suffered:
Please keep your children far away from Hare Krishna temples, as they could be abducted and molested by Hare Krishna cult members. Here's a worldwide listing of Hare Krishna temples, check and see if they have a temple in your local hometown, and if so, please consider writing to your town council and requesting them to ban this criminal child molesting cult:
Worldwide Hare Krishna Temple Directory:
Please pass on this message to as many people as possible. By doing so, you just might be saving a child's life from being molested by this cult. Please post it on your Facebook wall, send it to your local newspapers, please just spread the word. Parents need to know to keep their children away from areas that have Hare Krishna temples in them.
2 years and 35 weeks ago
Here's some intel for you guys.
The child abuse scandal took place in the Hare Krishna schools for the most part (the Guru Kulas). There were many children who were abused, and when the leadership (the GBC) found out they didn't do anything about it. They didn't punish the offenders or even remove them from thier positions. There was a court case wherein many of the Hare Krishna temples that housed schools which participated in this were sued.
The religion itself is the first representation of the Vaishnava lineage anywhere but in India and southeast Asia. It snowballed in popularity in the US and subsequently around the world during the 60's and 70's. From the beginning it was attacked as a sectarian cult and there were special "deprogrammers" who were hired to intimidate and coerce the adherants to change thier beliefs. From very early on there has been noted subterfuge. As in most popular religions, there has been wide infiltration of various intelligence agencies from different countries. Some of these spies were converted and ended up revealing what they were ordered to do. In some of the more extreme contries, like Russia and China, practitioners of the religion were put in prison and punished in various ways and the practitioners had to practice in secret.
The founder of the Hare Krishna movement was assasinated. He was poisoned with mercury. After his demise there was a power grab and 11 of his desciples were enthroned, so to speak, as gurus of the movement. This was in 1977, and was the beginning of widespread abuse of the members of the Hare Krishna movement. Many of the traditional practices were altered, particularly concerning the protocal between guru and desciple. In 1986 there was a reform movement (the guru reform movement) where the adherants rebelled against the leadership and suceeding in changing many of the bad practices that had been adopted. This fight has continued to this day.
In short, charactorizing the religion as a sectarian cult is inaccurate, as it represents the Vaishnava tradition of India. However, most practitioners of the religion themselves tend to develop thier own communities and stay away from the temples as they're full of politically charged problems and many have leaders with less than noble intentions.
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cheese pizza thread
purchasing humans
selling kidneys
buying baby
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This is research from the deep web that has been found that is related to pizzagate.
Warning: It can be very disturbing to read through it all.
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<p style="text-align:center;"></p>
<h1 style="text-align:center;">list of Paedophile<span style="text-decoration:underline;"><span style="color:#ff0000;"> <a rel="nofollow" href="" style="color:#ff0000;text-decoration:underline;">politicians</a></span></span> UK.</h1>
<h3 style="text-align:center;"><span style="text-decoration:underline;color:#808080;"><strong>by CyberAnon</strong></span></h3>
<h3> <strong>#OpDeathEaters</strong></h3>
<p style="text-align:center;">EXPECT US.</p>
<p style="text-align:center;"></p>
<p style="text-align:center;"><span>June 2008</span> - <a rel="nofollow" href="">Timothy Edmeades</a>, 33, Labour Party super activist and events organiser to Labour Lord Mayor abused his position of trust when he sexually assaulted the two children on swimming trips</p>
<p style="text-align:center;"><span>October 2011</span> - A councillor has narrowly avoided jail after he admitted to a doctor that he had been looking at child abuse images.<a rel="nofollow" href="">John Butcher</a> had 400 images of child abuse on the computers – 48 of these were at level four, one level below the very worst kind of images.</p>
<p style="text-align:center;"><span>May 2005</span> - <a rel="nofollow" href="">Liam Temple</a> – Labour Councillor and former Mayor (Halton/Cheshire), convicted of `Inciting a child under 16 to commit an act of gross indecency. He was jailed for six months at Chester Crown Court for offering a 12-year-old girl money to grope her</p>
<p style="text-align:center;"><span>September 2008</span> – Members of the Establishment refused to accept paedophiles depravity. <a rel="nofollow" href="">Roger Took</a> was sentenced this February to a minimum of four-and-a-half years in prison as part of an indeterminate sentence for 17 other crimes relating to child abuse. They included molesting two of his step-granddaughters and the possession of 260 photographs, including 102 ‘Level 5s’, which mean they contain images of children being tortured or raped.</p>
<p style="text-align:center;"><span>November 2008</span> - TWO men jailed for sexual activity with 14-year-old girls had been thrown out of the British National Party when their offences came to light, it has been revealed.<a rel="nofollow" href="">Ian Richard Hindle</a>, 32, of Church Walk, Blackburn, and Andrew Paul Wells, 49, were jailed on Thursday for a total of five years and three months.</p>
<p style="text-align:center;"><span>February 2004</span> - FORMER Bentham councillor, <a rel="nofollow" href="">John Pilkington</a>, has been jailed for 21 months after amassing a huge quantity of sickening child pornography over a seven year period. “Yours is one of the worst collections of child pornography it has been my misfortune to have to look at,” said Judge Scott Wolstenholme.</p>
<p style="text-align:center;"><span>August 2008</span> - A tory ex-deputy mayor who sexually assaulted a teenage girl and kept child porn while a member of police authority was spared jail. <a rel="nofollow" href="">Ben Redsell</a>, 29, admitted assaulting the 19-year-old at her home after a night out in Colchester, Essex, last August and also 10 child offences. Police had found indecent images of children, which dated from 2000, at his home in Melton, Suffolk.</p>
<p style="text-align:center;"><span>January 2006</span> - THE arrest of the man at the head of a massive paedophile network led police to a pervert in Coventry, it has emerged. <a rel="nofollow" href="">Roderick Rowley</a>, who stood as a candidate for the BNP in Coventry’s Woodlands Ward in the local elections in 2004, was jailed for 15 months in December after sending obscene images involving children.</p>
<p style="text-align:center;"><span>November 2008</span> - A former city councillor was given a five-year jail sentence for molesting an 11-year-old boy and threatening the youngster’s mother in a bid to cover his tracks. Ex-Paston councillor <a rel="nofollow" href="">Gilbert Benn</a> (48) was locked up at Peterborough Crown Court yesterday having earlier been found guilty of twice attempting to rape the young boy in the city.</p>
<p style="text-align:center;"><span>Terry Power</span> was a Labour Party Councillor in Dagenham, London. <a rel="nofollow" href="">Terry Power</a> would roam the streets looking to prey on youngsters who found themselves in a ‘hard up’ lifestyle from single parent families. He molested and took indecent photos of 3 young boys. Power known as the Beast of Dagenham was found guilty but only given a 30 month jail sentence. The photos of the children the labour party councillor took were shown to the jury who were sickened by what Terry Power had done</p>
<p style="text-align:center;"><span>2003</span> - Labour Councillor (Newham/London), <a rel="nofollow" href="">Greg Vincent</a>, who was the Election Agent to Labour MP Tony Banks at the 2001 General Election – was convicted and given a 2-year community rehabilitation order in 2003, for possession of hardcore child abuse films and photos, featuring children as young as 8.</p>
<p style="text-align:center;"><span>August 2006</span> - THE former chairman of Long Sutton Parish Council has been jailed for three months after admitting downloading and distributing child pornography. <a rel="nofollow" href="">Christopher Duckworth</a>, 64, of Bingham Court, Long Sutton, admitted five charges of distributing indecent images of children</p>
<p style="text-align:center;"><span>August 2003</span> - A senior clerk at the House of Commons who used his work computer to download hardcore child pornography has been jailed for one year. <a rel="nofollow" href="">Phillip Lyon</a> was also found guilty on Tuesday of using his home computer to collect more than 1,000 images of children – some of whom were toddlers subjected to “disgusting” sexual acts.</p>
<p style="text-align:center;"><span>April 2012</span> - An ex-councillor caught downloading indecent images of children walked free from court after a judge said he had ‘contributed’ to society. <a rel="nofollow" href="">Andrew Lamont</a>, 53, copied 207 images of girls as young as eight to his computer, 27 of which were level four, the second most serious level.</p>
<p style="text-align:center;"><span>Dec 2009</span> - A Labour councillor who was arrested in a Belfast hotel room in 2007 with his 17-year-old boyfriend has failed in a bid to bring a legal challenge against police. Hull City councillor <a rel="nofollow" href="">Steven Bayes</a>, 47, was found with his boyfriend Dale Martin, who was 17 when he was arrested. At the time, the legal age of consent for gay sex in Northern Ireland was 18. This has now been lowered to 16, in line with the rest of the UK.</p>
<p style="text-align:center;"><span>June 2007</span> - A Hampshire councillor who set up a spy camera to secretly film a woman and two teenage girls using his bathroom has been jailed for four months. <a rel="nofollow" href="">Neil Redrup</a>, a Ministry of Defence database manager at the time, put the camera in an airing cupboard with the lens spying through a hole at his home. Redrup, 45, regularly invited teenagers to parties at his home</p>
<p style="text-align:center;"><span>2008</span> - A former Tory politician has been jailed for six and a half years for five sex offences involving three girls under 14 yrs old, including one charge of rape. <a rel="nofollow" href="">Stephen Mullins</a>, 52, formerly of Links Avenue, Hellesdon, was sentenced at Norwich Crown Court</p>
<p style="text-align:center;"><span>May 2007</span> - A man responsible for distributing indecent images of children to an online paedophile network was yesterday sentenced to three years’ imprisonment. Lib Dem council candidate 26-year-old <a rel="nofollow" href="">Karl Lindon</a>, a civil servant from Camberwell, London SE5 was arrested when his details were found on a computer seized in a separate arrest.</p>
<p style="text-align:center;"><span>Dec 2008</span> - A former deputy mayor and councillor of Harrogate has been sentenced to eight months in prison for attempting to groom a 13-year-old girl for sex. <a rel="nofollow" href="">Morris Lightfoot</a>, of Dryden Close, Bilton, Harrogate, was caught in a sting operation by an administrator on a social networking site.</p>
<p style="text-align:center;"><span>April 2009</span> - A councillor was jailed for six years yesterday after police found an illegal gun and 2000 indecent images of kids at his home. Officers were called to Wigan Town Hall after being told that <a rel="nofollow" href="">Joseph Shaw</a> had been caught with indecent images of children on his home computer.</p>
<p style="text-align:center;"><span>June 2009</span> - A FORMER Conservative councillor who became “infatuated” with a 13-year-old girl and sexually assaulted her has been jailed for eight years. <a rel="nofollow" href="">David Kirton</a>, (55), of Longbanks, Harlow, admitted committing three sexual offences on the girl during an eight month period.</p>
<p style="text-align:center;"><span>November 2011</span> - The agent of Labour MP Chris Bryant has been imprisoned after he was caught with a huge stash of ‘the most serious child pornography police have ever seen’. <a rel="nofollow" href="">Stephen Carnell</a>, who was a chairman on a primary school board of governors in Mr Bryant’s south Wales constituency, was sentenced to three years in jail.</p>
<p style="text-align:center;"><span>September 2002</span> - FORMER Tory Councillor <a rel="nofollow" href="">Louise Burrows</a> failed to convince Doncaster Magistrates that she was acting in self-defence when she was found guilty of attacking three children with a whip after a window in her house had been smashed. A 13-yr-old boy was left with bruising to his left leg after being hit three times; a nine-year-old boy was hit twice and a 12-yr-old girl was slapped as she attempted to ride off on her bicycle. The magistrate gave Burrows a 6-mth community rehabilitation order and ordered her to pay compensation of £75 each to both boys, plus costs of £300.</p>
<p style="text-align:center;"><span>2004</span> - Tory Councillor (Felixstowe/Suffolk), <a rel="nofollow" href="">David Smith</a> - Accepted a police caution for downloading child porn in 2004. Placed on the sex offenders register for 5 years.</p>
<p style="text-align:center;"><span>Sir Ian Horobin</span> was Convicted and jailed for 4 years for indecency in 1952, after paying young boys for sex. <a rel="nofollow" href="">Sir Ian Macdonald Horobin</a> (16 November 1899 – 5 June 1976) was a British Conservative Party politician.</p>
<p style="text-align:center;"><span>July 2004</span> - An ex-Tory party official who went on the run after raping a six-year-old girl has been jailed for 10 years. <a rel="nofollow" href="">Stephen Mertens</a>, 53, was arrested in May 1990 while secretary of the Hackney and South Shoreditch Conservative Association.</p>
<p style="text-align:center;"><span>2001</span> - Former Tory Party councillor (Bradford/Yorkshire), <a rel="nofollow" href="">Jim Merrick</a> – Received a 9-month jail sentence (suspended) and placed on the sex offenders register for 10 years in 2001 after being convicted of multiple sex attacks on little girls between the ages of 9 and 12.</p>
<p style="text-align:center;"><span>2001</span> - Former Lord Mayor of Portsmouth & Tory Party Council Leader jailed. <a rel="nofollow" href="">Freddie Emery-Wallis</a> found guilty of indecently assaulting two boys and jailed for nine months in 2001. Emery-Wallis attacked the two teenage paperboys above the shop he owned in Leith Avenue, Paulsgrove, in the 1960s and 1970s.</p>
<p style="text-align:center;"><span>1987</span> – Tory Party MP (Billericay/Essex) <a rel="nofollow" href="">Harvey Proctor</a> – Convicted and fined a total of £1,450 in 1987, for sex offences of a sado-masochistic nature against teenage boys, and was forced to resign.</p>
<p style="text-align:center;"><span>Feb 1997</span> - CONSERVATIVE councillor <a rel="nofollow" href="">Michael Howden</a>, jailed for five-and-a-half years for the rape of a teenage girl. Howden’s high profile Liverpool Crown Court case came to a dramatic end, when he was jailed for the rape and sexually molesting another 17-year-old girl.</p>
<p style="text-align:center;"><span>July 1999</span> - A teacher and former Tory parliamentary candidate was jailed for child Net porn offences yesterday. <a rel="nofollow" href="">Michael Powell</a>, 51, was sentenced to three years by Cardiff Crown Court for downloading 16,600 pictures of children from the Web. Powell, who was conservative Mayor of Bridgend, South Wales, in 1984</p>
<p style="text-align:center;"><span>March 2009</span> - A WOULD-BE Exeter city councillor who was jailed for four years after offering to pay £500 for sex with young girls is no longer a member of the Labour Party. <a rel="nofollow" href="">Richard Harris</a>, 28, of Union Street, Exeter, who was jailed for four years after admitting seven charges of inciting sexual activity, had unsuccessfully contested seats across the city at elections in 2006, 2007 and last year for Labour.</p>
<p style="text-align:center;"><span>July 2005</span> - DISGRACED ex-councillor <a rel="nofollow" href="">Dean Jenkins</a> was jailed yesterday for possessing, making and distributing thousands of pornographic images of children. Newport crown court heard the images of young boys ranged from level one to the most severe, level five.</p>
<p style="text-align:center;"><span>July 2004</span> - A former councillor who indecently assaulted an eight-year-old girl has been jailed for two-and-a-half years. <a rel="nofollow" href="">David Mills</a>, 55, preyed on the child, now aged 16, as she played in her bedroom when he babysat.</p>
<p style="text-align:center;"><span>July 2001</span> - A FORMER North-East aide of Prime Minister Tony Blair has been jailed for 15 years for an “appalling” string of sex offences against teenage boys.<a rel="nofollow" href="">Martyn Locklin</a>, 41, of Ladybower, Newton Aycliffe, County Durham, was found guilty by the jury of eight men and four women at Teesside Crown Court</p>
<p style="text-align:center;"><span>July 2007</span> - A FORMER councillor jailed for indecently touching an 11-year-old girl failed yesterday in a bid to overturn his conviction. Fifty-six-year-old <a rel="nofollow" href="">Harry Devine</a> was branded a danger to young girls following his trial, at Durham Crown Court. Devine was also found to have home videos of girls in swimming costumes, in which the camera zoomed in on their private parts.</p>
<p style="text-align:center;"><span>August 2011</span> - FORMER Derby City Council leader <a rel="nofollow" href="">Maurice Burgess</a> has been jailed for five years for child sex offences. Ex-Liberal Democrat leader Burgess has admitted indecently assaulting four boys, aged seven to 11 years old, between 1989 and 1994.</p>
<p style="text-align:center;"><span>Feb 2011</span> - THE owner of a taxi firm has been banned from driving schoolchildren after he sexually touched a teenage girl. <a rel="nofollow" href="">Sadiq Choudhry</a>, a councillor who runs 24 7 Private Hire, in Swadlincote, was convicted by a jury of four offences of sexual activity with a child.</p>
<p style="text-align:center;"><span>November 2008</span> - A former teacher and Erewash councillor at a Leicestershire school has been convicted of making and possessing indecent child images. <a rel="nofollow" href="">Robert Dockerill</a>, 32, from Crook, County Durham, denied the charges but was found guilty</p>
<p style="text-align:center;"><span>August 2010</span> - A SERIAL pervert, who admitted he was sexually attracted to girls aged 8 to 12 after police found 810 indecent images in his Derby home, has been jailed. Derby Crown Court heard that former music teacher and Green Party candidate <a rel="nofollow" href="">Gary Anderson</a> had been convicted in 2000 and 2003 for similar offences.</p>
<p style="text-align:center;"><span>January 2012</span> - A FORMER Chelmsford ex-Conservative councillor mayor has failed in a High Court bid to clear his name over possessing child pornography. <a rel="nofollow" href="">David Lee</a>, 48, of Rushleydale, Springfield, was given a caution by Essex Police in August 2008 after indecent images of children were found on computer equipment at his home.</p>
<p style="text-align:center;"><span>March 2009</span> - A FORMER Wirral Tory councillor led a secret life looking at indecent images of children. While his wife and two daughters slept upstairs, <a rel="nofollow" href="">Ian McKellar</a> spent hours poring over child porn downloaded from the internet onto his computer. The court heard that the 1913 images mainly involved girls aged between 12 – 14, sometimes naked</p>
<p style="text-align:center;"><span>November 2003</span> - A HIGH school teacher & Ex-Vale Royal Borough and Kingsley councillor has been jailed for two-and-a-half years after indecently assaulting two vulnerable pupils who had turned to him for help.<a rel="nofollow" href="">David Reaper</a> has been banned from working with young children and ordered to register as a sex offender for life.</p>
<p style="text-align:center;"><span>October 2011</span> - A BNP councillor who downloaded and distributed child pornography on the internet has been jailed for 16 months. <a rel="nofollow" href="">Gavin Leist</a> (20), of Ratcliffe Road, Loughborough, admitted three counts of possessing indecent images and three of distributing them, between 2008 and 2010.</p>
<p style="text-align:center;"><span>October 2003</span> - A DISGRACED former school governor and town and district councillor, convicted of collecting child porn on his personal computer, has been offered honorary membership of a community association. Grandfather, <a rel="nofollow" href="">Keith Rogers</a> from Birch Coppice, Droitwich, was fined £5,000 by Worcester Magistrates a fortnight ago after police found nearly 2,000 indecent images of children on his computer equipment.</p>
<p style="text-align:center;"><span>February 2008</span> - A FORMER Malvern Hills councillor was branded a “dirty old man” by a judge but escaped jail for possessing indecent photographs of children. <a rel="nofollow" href="">Michael Angell</a> was given a six-month prison sentence suspended for two years at Hereford Crown Court</p>
<p style="text-align:center;"><span>April 2012</span> - A disgraced former Cumbrian council chairman has been jailed for four years after admitting abusing a school boy.<a rel="nofollow" href="">Tony Brunskill</a>, 66, is already serving a 10 year sentence for offences against three school boys. Carlisle Crown Court was told this morning that the latest crimes, carried out between 1979 and 1981, happened when the boy was aged between 11 and 13.</p>
<p style="text-align:center;"><span>January 2004</span> - A councillor found guilty of downloading and storing indecent images of children on his council computer has been disqualified from standing for office for five years. Tory <a rel="nofollow" href="">Chris Pilkington</a>, who lives in Shipston, was re-elected for the Vale of the Red Horse ward, which includes Tysoe, Edgehill, Whatcote and Pillerton Priors, with a 384 majority in May 2002</p>
<p style="text-align:center;"><span>March 2009</span> - A FORMER Worcester UKIP candidate –- who has since converted to Islam – has been sentenced for possessing indecent photographs of children. <a rel="nofollow" href="">Jason Phillips</a>, who stood in the city’s 2007 elections for the Arboretum ward, had previously admitted downloading two indecent images of a child.</p>
<p style="text-align:center;"><span>April 2012</span> - The former leader of Worcestershire County Council who sexually abused a Sunday school pupil while he was a church minister has been jailed for four years. <a rel="nofollow" href="">George Lord</a>, who represented Alvechurch, also sexually assaulted a “vulnerable” teenager in the council chamber when he ran the local authority. Lord, 79, who had previously admitted three charges of indecent assault and was found guilty of sexual assault</p>
<p style="text-align:center;"><span>August 2002</span> - A DISGRACED councillor who sexually assaulted a 16-year-old boy has quit. <a rel="nofollow" href="">Neil Derbyshire</a> had refused to give up his Stockport council seat despite being ordered to sign the Sex Offenders’ Register after he admitted indecent assault and attempting to procure an act of gross indecency.</p>
<p style="text-align:center;"><span>April 2009</span> - <a rel="nofollow" href="">David Charles</a>, a councillor in the St Andrew’s ward in Hornchurch, was sentenced to a six month suspended prison sentence after pleading guilty to 16 counts of possessing pornographic images of youngsters. He was also ordered to pay court costs of £500 and remain on the sex offenders list for 7 years</p>
<p style="text-align:center;"><span>May 2003</span> - A former school governor and ex-local councillor is starting a two year jail sentence for downloading more than 42,000 paedophilic images, including 2,500 movies.<a rel="nofollow" href="">Alec Dyer-Atkins</a> and 45 other people were arrested last July for their membership of a major, Internet-based paedophile network, known as the Shadows Brotherhood</p>
<p style="text-align:center;"><span>June 2011</span> - A former Labour councillor who downloaded child pornography from the internet was shopped to police by his partner. <a rel="nofollow" href="">Adrian Cirket</a>, 54, was arrested after the mother of three of his five children, spotted the illegal cache on his laptop computer. Forensic experts discovered more than 500 sexual images of children – some as young as five years old – on the ex-councillor’s computer which he had downloaded over 3 years</p>
<p style="text-align:center;"><span>October 2001</span> - A former assistant director of social services, magistrate and Labour councillor has been jailed for abusing boys in a children’s home scandal which may have had as many as 70 victims over 30 years, it emerged yesterday. <a rel="nofollow" href="">Alan Prescott</a>, 62, who was described at the Old Bailey as a “pillar of his local community”, was sentenced to two years in prison after admitting indecently assaulting four boys in his care between 1970 and 1980 while he was superintendent of a Tower Hamlets children’s home.</p>
<p style="text-align:center;"><span>April 2006</span> - FORMER Cowes town councillor <a rel="nofollow" href="">David Christopher Hill</a> has been jailed for two years and banned from working with children indefinitely after admitting child sex offences. Hill, 59, of High Street, Cowes, pleaded guilty to two charges of inciting indecency with a child and four counts of indecent assault</p>
<p style="text-align:center;"><span>July 2011</span> - A PREDATORY paedophile has been sentenced to 14 years in prison for abusing eight children. <a rel="nofollow" href="">William Barber</a> was a respected councillor, school governor and “pillar of the community” in Brockworth, but he was secretly preying on vulnerable children as young as five. Guilty of 18 charges of indecently assaulting or committing gross indecency with his eight victims over a 13 year period</p>
<p style="text-align:center;"><span>June 2003</span> - A paedophile babysitter who gained the trust of a mother by showing a picture of himself with Tony and Cherie Blair, was jailed today for 15 years. Prominent Labour Party activist <a rel="nofollow" href="">Mark Tann</a>, from Whitstable in Kent, pleaded guilty to 24 charges at Canterbury Crown Court including two counts of rape against a four-year-old girl</p>
<p style="text-align:center;"><span>July 2008</span> - TORY chiefs are demanding that a newly-elected councillor quit after he was exposed as a violent paedophile with a 41-year history of crimes. Pervert <a rel="nofollow" href="">Robert Richdale</a> got the backing of the local party faithful in leader Michael Howard’s own constituency despite having 30 convictions involving 65 offences and FIVE jail sentences. In 1973, a six-month sentence for indecently assaulting underage girls. In 1997, received a caution for a sexual crime involving a girl of 14.</p>
<p style="text-align:center;"><span>June 2008</span> - A FORMER Councillor has escaped jail for downloading thousands of child porn images. <a rel="nofollow" href="">Peter O’Brian</a>, 46, formally of Drakes Way, Hatfield, was given a 3 yr com order and is attending rehabilitation for his sick addiction. The ex-councillor pleaded guilty to 11 counts of making indecent images of children and two counts of possessing indecent images of children.</p>
<p style="text-align:center;"><span>July 2011</span> - A PAEDOPHILE who described his collection of indecent images of children as ‘art’ has been jailed for 15 months after admitting a string of child sex offences. Ex councillor <a rel="nofollow" href="">Martin Fisher</a>, of Queens Road, Whitstable, was sentenced at Canterbury Crown Court today after earlier pleading guilty to five counts of sexual assault, three of which were against a girl under 13, and possessing and making indecent images of children. 3 additional offences of indecent assault on a child under 14 will remain on file</p>
<p style="text-align:center;"><span>Jan 2001</span> - A Labour councillor has been jailed for seven years for raping a nine-year-old child. <a rel="nofollow" href="">Iestyn Tudor Davies</a>, 50, from Brackla in Bridgend, south Wales, carried out the sex attacks on the girl while his magistrate wife Pamela slept just yards away in the next bedroom.</p>
<p style="text-align:center;"><span>June 2006</span> - GANG sex, blackmail, death threats, lighter gas sniffing and sex for rent this man used them all in decades of perversion against young girls and a single mother. Paedophile Eric Coates and his father, Former Labour Councillor <a rel="nofollow" href="">Raymond Coates</a>, preyed on those who came into contact with them in their Huby home and elsewhere, Leeds Crown Court heard. Eric, 51, formerly of Huby, is serving 14 years behind bars after pleading guilty to 15 sexual crimes against girls aged 11 to 14 and a single mother of three.</p>
<p style="text-align:center;"><span>February 2005</span> - Labour Councillor (Coxhoe, Durham)<a rel="nofollow" href="">Les Sheppard</a> was convicted in 2004 on ten counts of indecent assault on young girls. Jailed for 2 years and placed on the Sex Offenders’ Register for 10 years. Teeside Crown Court heard how 71 year-old Cllr Sheppard lured his victims into his gold Porsche before driving them to remote spots, where he would submit them to sickening sex attacks</p>
<p style="text-align:center;"><span>August 2009</span> – A former mayor & Labour councillor escaped jail after being convicted of possessing and distributing child pornography. <a rel="nofollow" href="">Stewart Brown</a>, 60, admitted 21 offences of possessing indecent images of children and one of distributing pictures. Brown, of Nutclough, Hebden Bridge, admitted all the charges, some of which were said to relate to images of girls as young as three</p>
<p style="text-align:center;"><span>May 2009</span> - A disgraced former Walsall councillor who left a computer memory stick containing child porn behind after a town hall meeting was fined £443. <a rel="nofollow" href="">Jonathan Phillips</a> was placed on the sex offenders register for two years</p>
<p style="text-align:center;"><span>March 2010</span> - <a rel="nofollow" href="">Keith Potts</a>, 60, who is a former Labour Party councillor, and served on Chester-le- Street District Council, accepted a police caution for possessing 24 indecent images of children. He must sign on the sex offenders register for two years.</p>
<p style="text-align:center;"><span>March 2012</span> - A former Leicester city councillor who caused a political storm by describing Gordon Brown as “the worst Prime Minister in history”, pestered two schoolgirls for sex and indecently assaulted a young woman. <a rel="nofollow" href="">Manish Sood</a> kissed a 22-year-old on her bottom in the guise of “therapy” and offered to pay two girls, aged 14 and 15, to visit his home for “massages”</p>
<p style="text-align:center;"><span>Nov 2011</span> - A Labour councillor with close links to Harriet Harman and Tessa Jowell has been jailed for attempting grooming an underage girl for sex. <a rel="nofollow" href="">John Friary</a> has been jailed for 15 months after he was caught attempting to sexually groom a child online.</p>
<p style="text-align:center;"><span>January 2007</span> - A councillor been sent to jail for five years after molesting two 11-year-old girls while he was a school governor. <a rel="nofollow" href="">Bob Hargreaves</a>, 62, who was elected to Bradford Metropolitan District Council in 2004, was given five years in jail.</p>
<p style="text-align:center;"><span>December 2006</span> - A former Labour Party organiser has been jailed for 15 months for grooming a 13-year-old boy on the internet. <a rel="nofollow" href="">Peter Tuffley</a>, 28, was working in the North West when he took the teenager back to his flat in Liverpool after they met through an internet chatroom. Tuffley was also sentenced to six months imprisonment, to run concurrently, for abducting the youngster</p>
<p style="text-align:center;"><span>September 2006</span> - The former leader of Dartford Borough Council has been given a three-year community rehabilitation order for downloading child porn. <a rel="nofollow" href="">Kenneth Leadbeater</a>, 50, pleaded guilty before magistrates in June to 14 counts of making indecent images of children. Police found 320 images of indecent images of boys on his computer</p>
<p style="text-align:center;"><span>September 2006</span> - A former Redruth councillor has been jailed for indecently assaulting a young girl. <a rel="nofollow" href="">Andrew Trathen</a>, 52, of Rose Row in Redruth, denied intentionally sexually touching the girl</p>
<p style="text-align:center;"><span>April 2008</span> - A DEVIOUS paedophile convicted of possessing images of child pornography on his computer has been fined £100 for failing to comply with his community order and warned he could go to jail if he does so again. Disgraced former Haverhill town councillor <a rel="nofollow" href="">Mabon Dane</a>, 38, appeared at Ipswich Crown Court where he denied breaching the order imposed on him in 2006 when he was found guilty after a trial of 16 charges of making indecent images of children and one of possessing them</p>
<p style="text-align:center;"><span>Febuary 2005</span> - A man who served Leeds for 10 years as a Labour councillor has been given a suspended jail term for possessing pornographic images of young girls. <a rel="nofollow" href="">Lee Benson</a>, 46, of Yew Tree Lane, Colton, pleaded guilty at Leeds Crown Court to 12 counts of possessing indecent images of children</p>
<p style="text-align:center;"><span>January 2005</span> - A city councillor has been jailed for two years after he used his car to lure schoolgirls for sex assaults. <a rel="nofollow" href="">Leslie Sheppard</a>, 71, of The Grove, Coxhoe, County Durham, was found guilty of nine indecent assaults and one attempt on three girls aged nine to 13</p>
<p style="text-align:center;"><span>January 2005</span> - Tunstall councillor <a rel="nofollow" href="">Lee Wanger</a> was found guilty of encouraging the spread of internet child porn after logging on to a website under investigation. He was fined £250 and placed on the sex offenders’ register for five years</p>
<p style="text-align:center;"><span>March 2004</span> - A former teacher and Labour councillor walked free from court after admitting viewing child porn. <a rel="nofollow" href="">Nelson Bland</a>, 50, from Reading, was sentenced to 100 hours community service. Bland had earlier admitted 16 counts of making indecent images of children and one count of distributing child porn</p>
<p style="text-align:center;"><span>June 2004</span> - A councillor who admitted taking indecent pictures of a 14-year-old girl has been placed on the sex offender’s register. <a rel="nofollow" href="">Graham White</a>, 61, from Woodside, pleaded guilty to four counts of taking indecent photographs of a minor</p>
<p style="text-align:center;"><span>March 2004</span> - A former Perth councillor who downloaded child pornography has been banned from owning a computer after escaping a jail sentence. Disgraced SNP politician <a rel="nofollow" href="">Iain Hunter</a> was found guilty of accessing child porn at home and in his party office</p>
<p style="text-align:center;"><span>March 2003</span> - An ex-political leader in Lancashire has admitted accessing child pornography from the internet. <a rel="nofollow" href="">William Chadwick</a> pleaded guilty, at Liverpool Crown Court, to 18 offences of making indecent photographs of children. Chadwick, who was leader of the Lib-Dem group in Preston, was fined £1,000 and ordered to sign the sex offenders’ register for life</p>
<p style="text-align:center;"><span>August 2008</span> - A disgraced former Coventry city councillor has been given a six month suspended jail sentence for downloading hundreds of child porn images. <a rel="nofollow" href="">Peter Stidworthy</a>, 53, appeared at Coventry Crown Court. The images were found when he took his computer into a shop for repair</p>
<p style="text-align:center;"><span>January 2002</span> - A former Bedfordshire Conservative council leader has been jailed for 18 months for indecently assaulting two girls. <a rel="nofollow" href="">Albert Whinnett</a>, 73, was chairman of South Bedfordshire District Council in 1984. Judge Ronald Moss told him had he been younger and in better health the sentence would have been four or five years</p>
<p style="text-align:center;"><span>November 2009</span> - A young Tory has been jailed for six months after he admitted downloading sickening child porn. <a rel="nofollow" href="">Alister Cooling</a>, 27, who writes for the Conservative Home website and campaigned for London Mayor Boris Johnson, owned films featuring girls as young as five being abused. The pervert also downloaded a bestiality film</p>
<p style="text-align:center;"><span>September 2007</span> - Three people who abused two children during a six-hour orgy arranged over the internet have been jailed. Liberal Democrat activist <a rel="nofollow" href="">Archibald Wood</a>, 60, from Tavistock, Devon, was jailed for seven years. After communicating with Wood over the internet, another man took the 13-year-old boy and 12-year-old girl to the private property in Fleet</p>
<p style="text-align:center;"><span>December 2008</span> – He was the urbane gent who waited on the Royal Family for nine years – first serving the Queen at Buckingham Palace and then her mother. But throughout his service <a rel="nofollow" href="">Paul Kidd</a> was leading a double life as a serial child abuser who molested a number of boys over a 30-year period. Kidd, even stood for election as a UK Independent Party candidate in Dukinfield and Stalybridge</p>
<p style="text-align:center;"><span>January 2003</span> - FORMER Weymouth councillor <a rel="nofollow" href="">David Crosland</a> has been found guilty of child pornography charges. Some of the photographs showed young girls performing sex acts with adult males</p>
<p style="text-align:center;"><span>April 2004</span> - TOP Tory councillor <a rel="nofollow" href="">Mike Oram</a> has been urged to quit after appearing in court on child pornography related charges. Oram, who has represented Blandford East since 1999, admitted one charge of making an indecent photograph of a child and another of inciting the distribution of pseudo-photographs of children under the age of 16. Oram was given a two-year conditional discharge and ordered to pay £87 costs</p>
<p style="text-align:center;"><span>May 2011</span> - A child protection charity has attacked an “appallingly lenient” decision not to jail a former Lambeth councillor who admitted possessing more than 94,000 images/videos of abused children. <a rel="nofollow" href="">Toren Smith</a>, of Lilford Road, Camberwell, was given a two year suspended sentence at Southwark Crown Court on Monday, after earlier pleading guilty to 24 counts of possessing and making indecent images of children</p>
<p style="text-align:center;"><span>Feb 2012</span> - A former SDLP councillor from Londonderry has been given a probation order after admitting two charges of sexual assault against a child. The girl was 11 at the time of the attack. <a rel="nofollow" href="">William McCorriston</a>, 77, from Phillip Street, was also placed on the sex offenders register for five years. The young girl told her mother he had kissed her, and felt her body over her clothing. She also said that weeks earlier, he had kissed her on the cheeks and then the lips</p>
<p style="text-align:center;"><span>Feb 2012</span> - A Darlington councillor has been jailed for sexually assaulting a girl and having pictures of child abuse. Married father-of-three <a rel="nofollow" href="">Mark Burton</a>, 43, of Middleham Road, Darlington, was chairman of a committee responsible for children’s welfare. He was jailed for 22 months at Teesside CC. Burton took advantage of the schoolgirl following a drunken party</p>
<p style="text-align:center;"><span>Dec 2011</span> - A FORMER councillor has described how he considered suicide after being arrested on child pornography charges. <a rel="nofollow" href="">Nathan Bale</a>, former Cornwall councillor for Bude and Stratton North, viewed indecent images of children online over an eight-year period. Bale, of Penfound Gardens, Bude, was ordered to attend a sex offenders’ programme</p>
<p style="text-align:center;"><span>Nov 2011</span> - THE agent of leading Labour MP Chris Bryant was jailed for three years yesterday for having an “appalling” hoard of vile child pornography. Disgraced<a rel="nofollow" href="">Stephen Carnell</a>, who helped shadow Justice Minister Mr Bryant to victory in last year’s election, was caught with over 12,500 sick images and videos of children. A court heard the 58-year-old former councillor and school governors’ chairman had amassed some of the most serious child porn police had ever seen.</p>
<p style="text-align:center;"><span>December 2011</span> - A FORMER councillor was jailed for three years for indecently assaulting a girl more than 14 years ago. <a rel="nofollow" href="">David Woodfinden</a>, 70, of Lon Ely, Llanfairtalhaiarn, was sentenced at Liverpool C/C. He had pleaded guilty on November 22 to four indecent assaults on the same girl aged under 16 in between 1993-97.</p>
<p style="text-align:center;"><span>Tory Party Councillor</span>(Wickbar/Bristol) Roger Talboys – Convicted and jailed for 6 years for multiple sex attacks on children.</p>
<p style="text-align:center;"><span>Labour Councillor</span> (North Lincolnshire) David Spooner – Convicted and jailed for 1 year for masturbating in front of 2 young boys.</p>
<p style="text-align:center;"><span>Labour Mayor</span> (Westhoughton/Lancashire) Nicholas Green – Convicted and jailed for 10 years for 3 rapes and 13 counts of indecent assault against little girls between the age of 6 and 10. He raped one woman on her wedding day.</p>
<p style="text-align:center;"><span>Labour Parliamentary candidate</span>(Cheadle/Cheshire), Paul Diggert – Subject of a 2002 police investigation into the alleged procurement of underage girls for sexual purposes via internet chatrooms. According to the `Sunday Mirror` (3/11/02), Diggert had admitted to having four underage girls that he was `grooming` for sex. In 2004 Diggert was convicted of making and distributing indecent pictures of children</p>
<p style="text-align:center;"><span>1999</span> – <a rel="nofollow" href="">Michael Cunningham</a>, who is a member of the nationalist Social Democratic and Labour Party (SDLP) from Northern Ireland has pleaded guilty to 13 charges of child sex abuse. He admitted indecently assaulting two girls aged six and seven in a series of charges <a rel="nofollow" href="">dating</a> back to 1979</p>
<p style="text-align:center;"><a rel="nofollow" href="">MP, Harriet Harman</a> argued for incest to be decriminalised and argued that sexually explicit photographs of children should be legal unless it could be proven that the subject had suffered harm or that the an inference to that effect or to the effect that harm might have been caused could reasonably be drawn from the images themselves</p>
<p style="text-align:center;"><span>1992</span> - A FORMER Labour councillor and her lover who ‘terrified’ a 15 yr-old girl in 3-in-a-bed sex sessions were jailed. <a rel="nofollow" href="">Susan Smith</a>, 33, the former member for St Martins ward in the London borough of Lambeth, was sentenced to a total of 18 mths. Ronald Lineker, 53, who was said to have transvestite tendencies, was jailed for 3 years after being convicted of two charges of indecent assault and six of unlawful sexual intercourse</p>
<p style="text-align:center;"><span>2005</span> - A FORMER Conservative councillor has been branded “a menace to young women” and sent to jail for two-and-a-half years for a string of sex attacks.<a rel="nofollow" href="">Michael Robinson</a>, 59, pleaded guilty to two indecent assaults and four sexual assaults on four women who worked at his new age and body piercing shop. One of his victims was just 15-years-old.</p>
<p style="text-align:center;"><span>2007</span> – A FORMER councillor has been jailed for five years at Cardiff crown court for raping a 15 yr old girl. <a rel="nofollow" href="">Alan Jolly</a>, 68, of Lower Salisbury Street, Tredegar got into bed with her and raped her. When arrested, Jolly claimed she was an active participant, suggested going to bed and instigated the sex.</p>
<p style="text-align:center;"><span>Jan 2012</span> - A preacher who stood as a Conservative candidate for Holyrood has been jailed for eight years for a 15-year campaign of child abuse. <a rel="nofollow" href="">John Smart</a>, 48, preyed on three youngsters he met at the Edinburgh City Mission. He began abusing one of his victims when the boy was just 3 years old</p>
<p style="text-align:center;"><span>August 2007</span> <span>-</span> A LABOUR councillor who swapped child sex images with internet paedophiles beat a jail sentence yesterday — after a judge decided he was NOT a pervert.<a rel="nofollow" href="">Gregory Vincent</a>, who worked as former sports minister Tony Banks’ agent at the last election, spent hours trawling for pictures of young girls being abused.</p>
<p style="text-align:center;"><span>Mar 2000</span> – Former politician `not fit to stand trial’ on child abuse charges</p>
<p style="text-align:center;">The DPP is not to proceed with the prosecution of a former senior politician on 70 charges of indecent assault of five children following expert medical advice that the man is unfit to stand trial due to his age and illness, the High Court was told</p>
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