Saptak S a36e90eeaf Reviving the old range request PR
This commit basically just adds the codes from the PR
on the newly structured and refactored code and also
fixes import dependencies and changed any code that was
relevant with the new code of onionshare
2021-04-12 22:57:08 +05:30
2021-04-12 22:57:08 +05:30
2021-02-22 13:37:21 -08:00
2021-03-10 22:59:47 +05:30

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     @@@@@@@@@@@@                  @@@@@@@@@@      \ \_/ / | | | | (_) | | | |  
   @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@                 @@@@@@@@@       \___/|_| |_|_|\___/|_| |_|  
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      @@@@@@@@@@                  @@@@@@@@@@@@     /  ___| |                    
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         @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@             \____/|_| |_|\__,_|_|  \___|

Installing OnionShare CLI

First, make sure you have tor installed. In Linux, install it through your package manager. In macOS, install it with Homebrew: brew install tor.

Then install OnionShare CLI:

pip install onionshare-cli

Then run it with:

onionshare-cli --help

Developing OnionShare CLI

You must have python3 and poetry installed.

Install dependencies with poetry:

poetry install

To run from the source tree:

poetry run onionshare-cli

To run tests:

poetry run pytest -v ./tests

Build a wheel package

poetry build

This will create dist/onionshare_cli-$VERSION-py3-none-any.whl.