Currently translated at 100.0% (31 of 31 strings) Translated using Weblate (Spanish) Currently translated at 100.0% (52 of 52 strings) Translated using Weblate (Spanish) Currently translated at 100.0% (52 of 52 strings) Translated using Weblate (Spanish) Currently translated at 98.0% (51 of 52 strings) Translated using Weblate (Spanish) Currently translated at 61.2% (19 of 31 strings) Translated using Weblate (Spanish) Currently translated at 100.0% (27 of 27 strings) Translated using Weblate (Spanish) Currently translated at 100.0% (29 of 29 strings) Translated using Weblate (Icelandic) Translate-URL: https://hosted.weblate.org/projects/onionshare/translations/is/ Translated using Weblate (Italian) Currently translated at 95.4% (21 of 22 strings) Translated using Weblate (Greek) Currently translated at 100.0% (11 of 11 strings) Translated using Weblate (Italian) Currently translated at 100.0% (31 of 31 strings) Translated using Weblate (Italian) Currently translated at 100.0% (29 of 29 strings) Translated using Weblate (Italian) Currently translated at 100.0% (52 of 52 strings) Translated using Weblate (Greek) Currently translated at 100.0% (52 of 52 strings) Translated using Weblate (Croatian) Translate-URL: https://hosted.weblate.org/projects/onionshare/translations/hr/ Translated using Weblate (Galician) Translate-URL: https://hosted.weblate.org/projects/onionshare/translations/gl/ Translated using Weblate (Italian) Currently translated at 100.0% (27 of 27 strings) Translated using Weblate (Greek) Currently translated at 100.0% (27 of 27 strings) Translated using Weblate (Italian) Currently translated at 100.0% (9 of 9 strings) Translated using Weblate (Italian) Currently translated at 95.4% (21 of 22 strings) Translated using Weblate (Italian) Currently translated at 100.0% (11 of 11 strings) Translated using Weblate (Greek) Currently translated at 100.0% (29 of 29 strings) Translated using Weblate (Italian) Currently translated at 59.6% (31 of 52 strings) Translated using Weblate (Italian) Currently translated at 59.6% (31 of 52 strings) Translated using Weblate (Greek) Currently translated at 57.6% (30 of 52 strings) Translated using Weblate (Spanish) Currently translated at 100.0% (22 of 22 strings) Translated using Weblate (Spanish) Currently translated at 100.0% (11 of 11 strings) Translated using Weblate (Spanish) Currently translated at 100.0% (9 of 9 strings) Translated using Weblate (Ukrainian) Translate-URL: https://hosted.weblate.org/projects/onionshare/translations/uk/ Translated using Weblate (Bengali) Translate-URL: https://hosted.weblate.org/projects/onionshare/translations/bn/ Translated using Weblate (Greek) Translate-URL: https://hosted.weblate.org/projects/onionshare/translations/el/ Translated using Weblate (Turkish) Translate-URL: https://hosted.weblate.org/projects/onionshare/translations/tr/ Translated using Weblate (Norwegian Bokmål) Translate-URL: https://hosted.weblate.org/projects/onionshare/translations/nb_NO/ Translated using Weblate (Italian) Translate-URL: https://hosted.weblate.org/projects/onionshare/translations/it/ Translated using Weblate (Italian) Translate-URL: https://hosted.weblate.org/projects/onionshare/translations/it/ Translated using Weblate (French) Translate-URL: https://hosted.weblate.org/projects/onionshare/translations/fr/ Translated using Weblate (Spanish) Translate-URL: https://hosted.weblate.org/projects/onionshare/translations/es/ Translated using Weblate (German) Translate-URL: https://hosted.weblate.org/projects/onionshare/translations/de/ Translated using Weblate (Italian) Currently translated at 32.6% (17 of 52 strings) Translated using Weblate (Italian) Currently translated at 32.6% (17 of 52 strings) Translated using Weblate (Italian) Currently translated at 30.7% (16 of 52 strings) Translated using Weblate (Italian) Currently translated at 30.7% (16 of 52 strings) Translated using Weblate (Italian) Currently translated at 28.8% (15 of 52 strings) Translated using Weblate (Italian) Currently translated at 100.0% (9 of 9 strings) Translated using Weblate (Italian) Translate-URL: https://hosted.weblate.org/projects/onionshare/translations/it/ Translated using Weblate (Italian) Translate-URL: https://hosted.weblate.org/projects/onionshare/translations/it/ Translated using Weblate (Italian) Translate-URL: https://hosted.weblate.org/projects/onionshare/translations/it/ Translated using Weblate (Italian) Translate-URL: https://hosted.weblate.org/projects/onionshare/translations/it/ Added translation using Weblate (Galician) Translated using Weblate (Greek) Currently translated at 25.9% (7 of 27 strings) Translated using Weblate (Greek) Currently translated at 54.5% (6 of 11 strings) Translated using Weblate (Greek) Currently translated at 100.0% (31 of 31 strings) Translated using Weblate (Greek) Currently translated at 34.4% (10 of 29 strings) Translated using Weblate (Greek) Currently translated at 21.1% (11 of 52 strings) Translated using Weblate (Greek) Translate-URL: https://hosted.weblate.org/projects/onionshare/translations/el/ Translated using Weblate (Kurdish (Central)) Currently translated at 24.1% (7 of 29 strings) Translated using Weblate (Greek) Currently translated at 100.0% (9 of 9 strings) Translated using Weblate (Greek) Currently translated at 100.0% (2 of 2 strings) Translated using Weblate (Greek) Currently translated at 100.0% (22 of 22 strings) Translated using Weblate (Greek) Currently translated at 100.0% (2 of 2 strings) Translated using Weblate (Greek) Translate-URL: https://hosted.weblate.org/projects/onionshare/translations/el/ Translated using Weblate (Kurdish (Central)) Currently translated at 13.7% (4 of 29 strings) Translated using Weblate (Kurdish (Central)) Currently translated at 100.0% (2 of 2 strings) Translated using Weblate (Catalan) Currently translated at 3.2% (1 of 31 strings) Translated using Weblate (Catalan) Currently translated at 100.0% (2 of 2 strings) Translated using Weblate (Catalan) Currently translated at 9.0% (1 of 11 strings) Translated using Weblate (Catalan) Currently translated at 9.0% (2 of 22 strings) Translated using Weblate (Catalan) Currently translated at 50.0% (1 of 2 strings) Translated using Weblate (Catalan) Currently translated at 11.1% (1 of 9 strings) Translated using Weblate (Catalan) Currently translated at 1.9% (1 of 52 strings) Translated using Weblate (Catalan) Currently translated at 7.4% (2 of 27 strings) Translated using Weblate (Catalan) Currently translated at 6.8% (2 of 29 strings) Translated using Weblate (Italian) Translate-URL: https://hosted.weblate.org/projects/onionshare/translations/it/ Translated using Weblate (Kurdish (Central)) Currently translated at 100.0% (9 of 9 strings) Translated using Weblate (Kurdish (Central)) Currently translated at 40.9% (9 of 22 strings) Translated using Weblate (Italian) Translate-URL: https://hosted.weblate.org/projects/onionshare/translations/it/ Translated using Weblate (Kurdish (Central)) Currently translated at 14.8% (4 of 27 strings) Translated using Weblate (Kurdish (Central)) Currently translated at 45.4% (5 of 11 strings) Translated using Weblate (Kurdish (Central)) Translate-URL: https://hosted.weblate.org/projects/onionshare/translations/ckb/ Translated using Weblate (Italian) Currently translated at 22.2% (6 of 27 strings) Translated using Weblate (Italian) Currently translated at 88.8% (8 of 9 strings) Translated using Weblate (Italian) Currently translated at 100.0% (2 of 2 strings) Translated using Weblate (Italian) Currently translated at 40.9% (9 of 22 strings) Translated using Weblate (Italian) Currently translated at 45.4% (5 of 11 strings) Translated using Weblate (Italian) Currently translated at 100.0% (2 of 2 strings) Translated using Weblate (Italian) Currently translated at 16.1% (5 of 31 strings) Translated using Weblate (Italian) Currently translated at 20.6% (6 of 29 strings) Translated using Weblate (Italian) Currently translated at 26.9% (14 of 52 strings) Translated using Weblate (Italian) Translate-URL: https://hosted.weblate.org/projects/onionshare/translations/it/ Translated using Weblate (Kurdish (Central)) Currently translated at 9.6% (3 of 31 strings) Translated using Weblate (Kurdish (Central)) Currently translated at 100.0% (2 of 2 strings) Translated using Weblate (Kurdish (Central)) Translate-URL: https://hosted.weblate.org/projects/onionshare/translations/ckb/ Translated using Weblate (Norwegian Bokmål) Currently translated at 96.1% (50 of 52 strings) Translated using Weblate (French) Currently translated at 51.6% (16 of 31 strings) Translated using Weblate (Kurdish (Central)) Translate-URL: https://hosted.weblate.org/projects/onionshare/translations/ckb/ Translated using Weblate (Russian) Currently translated at 100.0% (9 of 9 strings) Translated using Weblate (German) Currently translated at 100.0% (9 of 9 strings) Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Portugal)) Currently translated at 100.0% (2 of 2 strings) Translated using Weblate (German) Currently translated at 100.0% (22 of 22 strings) Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Portugal)) Currently translated at 100.0% (2 of 2 strings) Translated using Weblate (German) Currently translated at 100.0% (31 of 31 strings) Translated using Weblate (Russian) Currently translated at 1.9% (1 of 52 strings) Translated using Weblate (Norwegian Bokmål) Currently translated at 100.0% (31 of 31 strings) Translated using Weblate (Norwegian Bokmål) Currently translated at 100.0% (2 of 2 strings) Translated using Weblate (Norwegian Bokmål) Currently translated at 100.0% (11 of 11 strings) Translated using Weblate (Norwegian Bokmål) Currently translated at 100.0% (22 of 22 strings) Translated using Weblate (Norwegian Bokmål) Currently translated at 100.0% (2 of 2 strings) Translated using Weblate (Norwegian Bokmål) Currently translated at 100.0% (9 of 9 strings) Translated using Weblate (Norwegian Bokmål) Currently translated at 100.0% (52 of 52 strings) Translated using Weblate (Norwegian Bokmål) Currently translated at 100.0% (27 of 27 strings) Translated using Weblate (Norwegian Bokmål) Currently translated at 100.0% (27 of 27 strings) Translated using Weblate (Norwegian Bokmål) Currently translated at 100.0% (29 of 29 strings) Translated using Weblate (French) Currently translated at 100.0% (2 of 2 strings) Translated using Weblate (French) Currently translated at 51.6% (16 of 31 strings) Translated using Weblate (Spanish) Currently translated at 11.1% (1 of 9 strings) Translated using Weblate (Lithuanian) Translate-URL: https://hosted.weblate.org/projects/onionshare/translations/lt/ Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Portugal)) Translate-URL: https://hosted.weblate.org/projects/onionshare/translations/pt_PT/ Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil)) Translate-URL: https://hosted.weblate.org/projects/onionshare/translations/pt_BR/ Translated using Weblate (Norwegian Bokmål) Translate-URL: https://hosted.weblate.org/projects/onionshare/translations/nb_NO/ Translated using Weblate (Norwegian Bokmål) Translate-URL: https://hosted.weblate.org/projects/onionshare/translations/nb_NO/ Translated using Weblate (Norwegian Bokmål) Currently translated at 100.0% (52 of 52 strings) Translated using Weblate (Norwegian Bokmål) Currently translated at 96.5% (28 of 29 strings) Translated using Weblate (Norwegian Bokmål) Currently translated at 86.5% (45 of 52 strings) Translated using Weblate (Norwegian Bokmål) Currently translated at 86.5% (45 of 52 strings) Translated using Weblate (Norwegian Bokmål) Currently translated at 46.1% (24 of 52 strings) Translated using Weblate (Norwegian Bokmål) Currently translated at 100.0% (29 of 29 strings) Translated using Weblate (Norwegian Bokmål) Currently translated at 70.9% (22 of 31 strings) Translated using Weblate (Norwegian Bokmål) Currently translated at 70.9% (22 of 31 strings) Translated using Weblate (Norwegian Bokmål) Currently translated at 63.6% (7 of 11 strings) Translated using Weblate (Norwegian Bokmål) Currently translated at 90.9% (20 of 22 strings) Translated using Weblate (Norwegian Bokmål) Currently translated at 96.5% (28 of 29 strings) Translated using Weblate (Norwegian Bokmål) Currently translated at 96.5% (28 of 29 strings) Added translation using Weblate (Kurdish (Central)) Added translation using Weblate (Kurdish (Central)) Added translation using Weblate (Kurdish (Central)) Added translation using Weblate (Kurdish (Central)) Added translation using Weblate (Kurdish (Central)) Added translation using Weblate (Kurdish (Central)) Added translation using Weblate (Kurdish (Central)) Added translation using Weblate (Kurdish (Central)) Added translation using Weblate (Kurdish (Central)) Added translation using Weblate (Kurdish (Central)) Translated using Weblate (German) Currently translated at 100.0% (27 of 27 strings) Translated using Weblate (Turkish) Currently translated at 100.0% (9 of 9 strings) Translated using Weblate (Russian) Currently translated at 33.3% (3 of 9 strings) Translated using Weblate (German) Currently translated at 100.0% (9 of 9 strings) Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Portugal)) Currently translated at 100.0% (22 of 22 strings) Translated using Weblate (German) Currently translated at 100.0% (22 of 22 strings) Translated using Weblate (German) Currently translated at 100.0% (11 of 11 strings) Translated using Weblate (German) Currently translated at 100.0% (31 of 31 strings) Translated using Weblate (German) Currently translated at 100.0% (29 of 29 strings) Translated using Weblate (German) Currently translated at 100.0% (52 of 52 strings) Translated using Weblate (Ukrainian) Currently translated at 100.0% (31 of 31 strings) Translated using Weblate (Ukrainian) Currently translated at 100.0% (29 of 29 strings) Translated using Weblate (Ukrainian) Currently translated at 100.0% (27 of 27 strings) Translated using Weblate (Ukrainian) Currently translated at 100.0% (52 of 52 strings) Translated using Weblate (Ukrainian) Currently translated at 100.0% (22 of 22 strings) Translated using Weblate (Ukrainian) Currently translated at 100.0% (9 of 9 strings) Translated using Weblate (Ukrainian) Currently translated at 100.0% (11 of 11 strings) Translated using Weblate (Norwegian Bokmål) Currently translated at 6.8% (2 of 29 strings) Translated using Weblate (French) Currently translated at 41.9% (13 of 31 strings) Translated using Weblate (Ukrainian) Translate-URL: https://hosted.weblate.org/projects/onionshare/translations/uk/ Translated using Weblate (Swedish) Translate-URL: https://hosted.weblate.org/projects/onionshare/translations/sv/ Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Portugal)) Translate-URL: https://hosted.weblate.org/projects/onionshare/translations/pt_PT/ Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil)) Translate-URL: https://hosted.weblate.org/projects/onionshare/translations/pt_BR/ Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil)) Translate-URL: https://hosted.weblate.org/projects/onionshare/translations/pt_BR/ Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Translate-URL: https://hosted.weblate.org/projects/onionshare/translations/nl/ Translated using Weblate (French) Translate-URL: https://hosted.weblate.org/projects/onionshare/translations/fr/ Translated using Weblate (German) Translate-URL: https://hosted.weblate.org/projects/onionshare/translations/de/ Co-authored-by: AO Localisation Lab <ao@localizationlab.org> Co-authored-by: Allan Nordhøy <epost@anotheragency.no> Co-authored-by: Eduardo Addad de Oliveira <duduaddad@gmail.com> Co-authored-by: EdwardCage <contact@edwardcage.pro> Co-authored-by: Eric Camellini <eric.camellini@gmail.com> Co-authored-by: Fábio Henriques <fabyohenriques@gmail.com> Co-authored-by: Hosted Weblate <hosted@weblate.org> Co-authored-by: Ihor Hordiichuk <igor_ck@outlook.com> Co-authored-by: Kurt Eilertsen <kurt@kheds.com> Co-authored-by: Lecwan Munzur <lecwan@riseup.net> Co-authored-by: Localisation Lab <ao@localizationlab.org> Co-authored-by: Milo Ivir <mail@milotype.de> Co-authored-by: Moo <hazap@hotmail.com> Co-authored-by: Oymate <dhruboadittya96@gmail.com> Co-authored-by: Oğuz Ersen <oguzersen@protonmail.com> Co-authored-by: Panina Nonbinary <panina@nonbinary.me> Co-authored-by: Sveinn í Felli <sv1@fellsnet.is> Co-authored-by: Xosé M <xosem@disroot.org> Co-authored-by: Yuri Slobodyanyuk <yuri@yurisk.info> Co-authored-by: Zuhualime Akoochimoya <zakooch@protonmail.ch> Co-authored-by: carlosm2 <carlosm2@riseup.net> Co-authored-by: communia <ameaneantie@riseup.net> Co-authored-by: fadelkon <fadelkon@posteo.net> Co-authored-by: george k <norhorn@gmail.com> Co-authored-by: mv87 <mv87@dismail.de> Co-authored-by: rc <coluccini.riccardo@gmail.com> Co-authored-by: vanstra <jvs@vanstra.nl> Co-authored-by: x <hardwired1.0@protonmail.com> Translate-URL: https://hosted.weblate.org/projects/onionshare/doc-advanced/ca/ Translate-URL: https://hosted.weblate.org/projects/onionshare/doc-advanced/ckb/ Translate-URL: https://hosted.weblate.org/projects/onionshare/doc-advanced/de/ Translate-URL: https://hosted.weblate.org/projects/onionshare/doc-advanced/el/ Translate-URL: https://hosted.weblate.org/projects/onionshare/doc-advanced/es/ Translate-URL: https://hosted.weblate.org/projects/onionshare/doc-advanced/it/ Translate-URL: https://hosted.weblate.org/projects/onionshare/doc-advanced/nb_NO/ Translate-URL: https://hosted.weblate.org/projects/onionshare/doc-advanced/uk/ Translate-URL: https://hosted.weblate.org/projects/onionshare/doc-develop/ca/ Translate-URL: https://hosted.weblate.org/projects/onionshare/doc-develop/ckb/ Translate-URL: https://hosted.weblate.org/projects/onionshare/doc-develop/de/ Translate-URL: https://hosted.weblate.org/projects/onionshare/doc-develop/el/ Translate-URL: https://hosted.weblate.org/projects/onionshare/doc-develop/es/ Translate-URL: https://hosted.weblate.org/projects/onionshare/doc-develop/it/ Translate-URL: https://hosted.weblate.org/projects/onionshare/doc-develop/nb_NO/ Translate-URL: https://hosted.weblate.org/projects/onionshare/doc-develop/uk/ Translate-URL: https://hosted.weblate.org/projects/onionshare/doc-features/ca/ Translate-URL: https://hosted.weblate.org/projects/onionshare/doc-features/de/ Translate-URL: https://hosted.weblate.org/projects/onionshare/doc-features/el/ Translate-URL: https://hosted.weblate.org/projects/onionshare/doc-features/es/ Translate-URL: https://hosted.weblate.org/projects/onionshare/doc-features/it/ Translate-URL: https://hosted.weblate.org/projects/onionshare/doc-features/nb_NO/ Translate-URL: https://hosted.weblate.org/projects/onionshare/doc-features/ru/ Translate-URL: https://hosted.weblate.org/projects/onionshare/doc-features/uk/ Translate-URL: https://hosted.weblate.org/projects/onionshare/doc-help/ca/ Translate-URL: https://hosted.weblate.org/projects/onionshare/doc-help/ckb/ Translate-URL: https://hosted.weblate.org/projects/onionshare/doc-help/de/ Translate-URL: https://hosted.weblate.org/projects/onionshare/doc-help/el/ Translate-URL: https://hosted.weblate.org/projects/onionshare/doc-help/es/ Translate-URL: https://hosted.weblate.org/projects/onionshare/doc-help/it/ Translate-URL: https://hosted.weblate.org/projects/onionshare/doc-help/nb_NO/ Translate-URL: https://hosted.weblate.org/projects/onionshare/doc-help/ru/ Translate-URL: https://hosted.weblate.org/projects/onionshare/doc-help/tr/ Translate-URL: https://hosted.weblate.org/projects/onionshare/doc-help/uk/ Translate-URL: https://hosted.weblate.org/projects/onionshare/doc-index/ca/ Translate-URL: https://hosted.weblate.org/projects/onionshare/doc-index/ckb/ Translate-URL: https://hosted.weblate.org/projects/onionshare/doc-index/el/ Translate-URL: https://hosted.weblate.org/projects/onionshare/doc-index/it/ Translate-URL: https://hosted.weblate.org/projects/onionshare/doc-index/nb_NO/ Translate-URL: https://hosted.weblate.org/projects/onionshare/doc-index/pt_PT/ Translate-URL: https://hosted.weblate.org/projects/onionshare/doc-install/ca/ Translate-URL: https://hosted.weblate.org/projects/onionshare/doc-install/ckb/ Translate-URL: https://hosted.weblate.org/projects/onionshare/doc-install/de/ Translate-URL: https://hosted.weblate.org/projects/onionshare/doc-install/el/ Translate-URL: https://hosted.weblate.org/projects/onionshare/doc-install/es/ Translate-URL: https://hosted.weblate.org/projects/onionshare/doc-install/it/ Translate-URL: https://hosted.weblate.org/projects/onionshare/doc-install/nb_NO/ Translate-URL: https://hosted.weblate.org/projects/onionshare/doc-install/pt_PT/ Translate-URL: https://hosted.weblate.org/projects/onionshare/doc-install/uk/ Translate-URL: https://hosted.weblate.org/projects/onionshare/doc-security/ca/ Translate-URL: https://hosted.weblate.org/projects/onionshare/doc-security/ckb/ Translate-URL: https://hosted.weblate.org/projects/onionshare/doc-security/de/ Translate-URL: https://hosted.weblate.org/projects/onionshare/doc-security/el/ Translate-URL: https://hosted.weblate.org/projects/onionshare/doc-security/es/ Translate-URL: https://hosted.weblate.org/projects/onionshare/doc-security/it/ Translate-URL: https://hosted.weblate.org/projects/onionshare/doc-security/nb_NO/ Translate-URL: https://hosted.weblate.org/projects/onionshare/doc-security/uk/ Translate-URL: https://hosted.weblate.org/projects/onionshare/doc-sphinx/ca/ Translate-URL: https://hosted.weblate.org/projects/onionshare/doc-sphinx/ckb/ Translate-URL: https://hosted.weblate.org/projects/onionshare/doc-sphinx/el/ Translate-URL: https://hosted.weblate.org/projects/onionshare/doc-sphinx/fr/ Translate-URL: https://hosted.weblate.org/projects/onionshare/doc-sphinx/it/ Translate-URL: https://hosted.weblate.org/projects/onionshare/doc-sphinx/nb_NO/ Translate-URL: https://hosted.weblate.org/projects/onionshare/doc-sphinx/pt_PT/ Translate-URL: https://hosted.weblate.org/projects/onionshare/doc-tor/ca/ Translate-URL: https://hosted.weblate.org/projects/onionshare/doc-tor/ckb/ Translate-URL: https://hosted.weblate.org/projects/onionshare/doc-tor/de/ Translate-URL: https://hosted.weblate.org/projects/onionshare/doc-tor/el/ Translate-URL: https://hosted.weblate.org/projects/onionshare/doc-tor/es/ Translate-URL: https://hosted.weblate.org/projects/onionshare/doc-tor/fr/ Translate-URL: https://hosted.weblate.org/projects/onionshare/doc-tor/it/ Translate-URL: https://hosted.weblate.org/projects/onionshare/doc-tor/nb_NO/ Translate-URL: https://hosted.weblate.org/projects/onionshare/doc-tor/uk/ Translation: OnionShare/Doc - Advanced Translation: OnionShare/Doc - Develop Translation: OnionShare/Doc - Features Translation: OnionShare/Doc - Help Translation: OnionShare/Doc - Index Translation: OnionShare/Doc - Install Translation: OnionShare/Doc - Security Translation: OnionShare/Doc - Sphinx Translation: OnionShare/Doc - Tor
OnionShare Desktop
Building OnionShare
Start by getting the source code and changing to the desktop
git clone https://github.com/micahflee/onionshare.git
cd onionshare/desktop
Install platform-specific dependencies
If you're using Linux, install tor
and obfs4proxy
from either the official Debian repository, or from your package manager.
Download and install Python 3.8.6 from https://www.python.org/downloads/release/python-386/. I downloaded python-3.8.6-macosx10.9.pkg
. (You may need to also run /Applications/Python\ 3.8/Install\ Certificates.command
Install python dependencies:
pip3 install --user poetry requests
Download Tor Browser and extract the binaries:
These instructions include adding folders to the path in Windows. To do this, go to Start and type "advanced system settings", and open "View advanced system settings" in the Control Panel. Click Environment Variables. Under "System variables" double-click on Path. From there you can add and remove folders that are available in the PATH.
Download Python 3.8.6, 32-bit (x86) from https://www.python.org/downloads/release/python-386/. I downloaded python-3.8.6.exe
. When installing it, make sure to check the "Add Python 3.8 to PATH" checkbox on the first page of the installer.
Download and install 7-Zip from http://www.7-zip.org/download.html. I downloaded 7z1900.exe
. Add C:\Program Files (x86)\7-Zip
to your path.
Install python dependencies:
pip install poetry requests
Download Tor Browser and extract the binaries:
python scripts\get-tor-windows.py
Prepare the code
In order to work with the desktop app, you'll need to build a wheel of the CLI package first, and copy it into the desktop
cd ../cli
poetry install
poetry build
cp dist/onionshare_cli-*.whl ../desktop
cd ../desktop
OnionShare uses Briefcase.
Install Briefcase dependencies by following these instructions.
Now create and/or activate a virtual environment.
- Linux and macOS
python3 -m venv venv . venv/bin/activate
- Windows
python -m venv venv venv\Scripts\activate.bat
While your virtual environment is active, install briefcase from pip.
pip install briefcase
Run OnionShare from the source tree like this:
briefcase dev -d
Running tests
Install these packages inside your virtual environment:
pip install pytest pytest-briefcase pytest-faulthandler pytest-qt
Then run the tests:
If you want to run tests while hiding the GUI, you must have the xvfb
package installed, and then:
xvfb-run ./tests/run.sh