mirror of
synced 2025-03-10 07:59:34 -04:00

Currently translated at 2.5% (1 of 39 strings) Translated using Weblate (Bulgarian) Currently translated at 1.6% (1 of 60 strings) Translated using Weblate (Bulgarian) Currently translated at 100.0% (9 of 9 strings) Translated using Weblate (Bulgarian) Currently translated at 100.0% (2 of 2 strings) Translated using Weblate (Bulgarian) Currently translated at 33.3% (5 of 15 strings) Translated using Weblate (Bulgarian) Currently translated at 3.7% (1 of 27 strings) Translated using Weblate (Bulgarian) Translate-URL: https://hosted.weblate.org/projects/onionshare/translations/bg/ Translated using Weblate (Bulgarian) Translate-URL: https://hosted.weblate.org/projects/onionshare/translations/bg/ Translated using Weblate (Bulgarian) Currently translated at 50.0% (1 of 2 strings) Translated using Weblate (Bulgarian) Translate-URL: https://hosted.weblate.org/projects/onionshare/translations/bg/ Translated using Weblate (Russian) Currently translated at 100.0% (39 of 39 strings) Translated using Weblate (Russian) Currently translated at 100.0% (11 of 11 strings) Translated using Weblate (Russian) Currently translated at 100.0% (54 of 54 strings) Translated using Weblate (Russian) Currently translated at 100.0% (30 of 30 strings) Translated using Weblate (Bulgarian) Translate-URL: https://hosted.weblate.org/projects/onionshare/translations/bg/ Translated using Weblate (Bulgarian) Currently translated at 1.8% (1 of 54 strings) Translated using Weblate (Bulgarian) Translate-URL: https://hosted.weblate.org/projects/onionshare/translations/bg/ Translated using Weblate (Bulgarian) Currently translated at 2.5% (1 of 39 strings) Translated using Weblate (Bulgarian) Translate-URL: https://hosted.weblate.org/projects/onionshare/translations/bg/ Translated using Weblate (Catalan) Currently translated at 7.6% (3 of 39 strings) Translated using Weblate (Russian) Translate-URL: https://hosted.weblate.org/projects/onionshare/translations/ru/ Translated using Weblate (Persian) Currently translated at 2.5% (1 of 39 strings) Translated using Weblate (Bengali) Currently translated at 46.6% (7 of 15 strings) Translated using Weblate (Icelandic) Translate-URL: https://hosted.weblate.org/projects/onionshare/translations/is/ Translated using Weblate (Bengali) Currently translated at 6.6% (3 of 45 strings) Translated using Weblate (Bengali) Currently translated at 10.2% (4 of 39 strings) Translated using Weblate (Bengali) Currently translated at 4.4% (2 of 45 strings) Translated using Weblate (Polish) Translate-URL: https://hosted.weblate.org/projects/onionshare/translations/pl/ Translated using Weblate (Czech) Translate-URL: https://hosted.weblate.org/projects/onionshare/translations/cs/ Translated using Weblate (Slovak) Currently translated at 5.5% (3 of 54 strings) Translated using Weblate (Bulgarian) Currently translated at 50.0% (1 of 2 strings) Translated using Weblate (Bulgarian) Currently translated at 100.0% (2 of 2 strings) Translated using Weblate (Bulgarian) Translate-URL: https://hosted.weblate.org/projects/onionshare/translations/bg/ Translated using Weblate (Swahili) Currently translated at 48.1% (26 of 54 strings) Translated using Weblate (Swahili) Translate-URL: https://hosted.weblate.org/projects/onionshare/translations/sw/ Translated using Weblate (Arabic) Currently translated at 51.2% (20 of 39 strings) Translated using Weblate (Greek) Translate-URL: https://hosted.weblate.org/projects/onionshare/translations/el/ Translated using Weblate (German) Translate-URL: https://hosted.weblate.org/projects/onionshare/translations/de/ Translated using Weblate (Belarusian) Translate-URL: https://hosted.weblate.org/projects/onionshare/translations/be/ Translated using Weblate (Vietnamese) Currently translated at 100.0% (54 of 54 strings) Translated using Weblate (Vietnamese) Currently translated at 100.0% (39 of 39 strings) Translated using Weblate (Vietnamese) Translate-URL: https://hosted.weblate.org/projects/onionshare/translations/vi/ Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Portugal)) Translate-URL: https://hosted.weblate.org/projects/onionshare/translations/pt_PT/ Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil)) Translate-URL: https://hosted.weblate.org/projects/onionshare/translations/pt_BR/ Translated using Weblate (Finnish) Translate-URL: https://hosted.weblate.org/projects/onionshare/translations/fi/ Translated using Weblate (Norwegian Bokmål) Currently translated at 61.5% (24 of 39 strings) Translated using Weblate (Arabic) Translate-URL: https://hosted.weblate.org/projects/onionshare/translations/ar/ Translated using Weblate (Catalan) Translate-URL: https://hosted.weblate.org/projects/onionshare/translations/ca/ Translated using Weblate (Norwegian Bokmål) Translate-URL: https://hosted.weblate.org/projects/onionshare/translations/nb_NO/ Translated using Weblate (Afrikaans) Currently translated at 62.9% (34 of 54 strings) Translated using Weblate (Afrikaans) Currently translated at 100.0% (15 of 15 strings) Translated using Weblate (Finnish) Currently translated at 51.8% (28 of 54 strings) Translated using Weblate (Afrikaans) Currently translated at 60.0% (9 of 15 strings) Translated using Weblate (Arabic) Currently translated at 2.5% (1 of 39 strings) Translated using Weblate (Arabic) Currently translated at 100.0% (11 of 11 strings) Translated using Weblate (Afrikaans) Translate-URL: https://hosted.weblate.org/projects/onionshare/translations/af/ Translated using Weblate (Arabic) Translate-URL: https://hosted.weblate.org/projects/onionshare/translations/ar/ Translated using Weblate (Japanese) Translate-URL: https://hosted.weblate.org/projects/onionshare/translations/ja/ Translated using Weblate (Arabic) Translate-URL: https://hosted.weblate.org/projects/onionshare/translations/ar/ Translated using Weblate (Belarusian) Currently translated at 100.0% (9 of 9 strings) Translated using Weblate (Belarusian) Currently translated at 100.0% (11 of 11 strings) Translated using Weblate (Belarusian) Translate-URL: https://hosted.weblate.org/projects/onionshare/translations/be/ Translated using Weblate (Japanese) Translate-URL: https://hosted.weblate.org/projects/onionshare/translations/ja/ Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Traditional)) Translate-URL: https://hosted.weblate.org/projects/onionshare/translations/zh_Hant/ Translated using Weblate (Turkish) Translate-URL: https://hosted.weblate.org/projects/onionshare/translations/tr/ Added translation using Weblate (Belarusian) Added translation using Weblate (Belarusian) Translated using Weblate (Ukrainian) Translate-URL: https://hosted.weblate.org/projects/onionshare/translations/uk/ Translated using Weblate (Japanese) Translate-URL: https://hosted.weblate.org/projects/onionshare/translations/ja/ Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Simplified)) Translate-URL: https://hosted.weblate.org/projects/onionshare/translations/zh_Hans/ Translated using Weblate (Polish) Translate-URL: https://hosted.weblate.org/projects/onionshare/translations/pl/ Translated using Weblate (Italian) Translate-URL: https://hosted.weblate.org/projects/onionshare/translations/it/ Translated using Weblate (Italian) Translate-URL: https://hosted.weblate.org/projects/onionshare/translations/it/ Translated using Weblate (French) Translate-URL: https://hosted.weblate.org/projects/onionshare/translations/fr/ Translated using Weblate (Spanish) Translate-URL: https://hosted.weblate.org/projects/onionshare/translations/es/ Translated using Weblate (Italian) Translate-URL: https://hosted.weblate.org/projects/onionshare/translations/it/ Translated using Weblate (Italian) Translate-URL: https://hosted.weblate.org/projects/onionshare/translations/it/ Translated using Weblate (Greek) Currently translated at 100.0% (39 of 39 strings) Translated using Weblate (Greek) Currently translated at 100.0% (54 of 54 strings) Translated using Weblate (Greek) Translate-URL: https://hosted.weblate.org/projects/onionshare/translations/el/ Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Simplified)) Translate-URL: https://hosted.weblate.org/projects/onionshare/translations/zh_Hans/ Translated using Weblate (Icelandic) Translate-URL: https://hosted.weblate.org/projects/onionshare/translations/is/ Translated using Weblate (Turkish) Currently translated at 100.0% (39 of 39 strings) Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Traditional)) Currently translated at 48.1% (26 of 54 strings) Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Simplified)) Currently translated at 51.8% (28 of 54 strings) Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Simplified)) Translate-URL: https://hosted.weblate.org/projects/onionshare/translations/zh_Hans/ Translated using Weblate (German) Translate-URL: https://hosted.weblate.org/projects/onionshare/translations/de/ Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Simplified)) Currently translated at 43.5% (17 of 39 strings) Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Simplified)) Translate-URL: https://hosted.weblate.org/projects/onionshare/translations/zh_Hans/ Deleted translation using Weblate (Esperanto) Translated using Weblate (Spanish) Currently translated at 100.0% (39 of 39 strings) Translated using Weblate (Spanish) Currently translated at 100.0% (54 of 54 strings) Translated using Weblate (Spanish) Translate-URL: https://hosted.weblate.org/projects/onionshare/translations/es/ Translated using Weblate (Polish) Currently translated at 100.0% (39 of 39 strings) Translated using Weblate (Polish) Currently translated at 100.0% (54 of 54 strings) Translated using Weblate (Ukrainian) Currently translated at 100.0% (54 of 54 strings) Translated using Weblate (Ukrainian) Currently translated at 100.0% (39 of 39 strings) Translated using Weblate (French) Currently translated at 100.0% (39 of 39 strings) Translated using Weblate (French) Currently translated at 100.0% (11 of 11 strings) Translated using Weblate (French) Currently translated at 100.0% (54 of 54 strings) Translated using Weblate (Spanish) Currently translated at 64.1% (25 of 39 strings) Translated using Weblate (Ukrainian) Translate-URL: https://hosted.weblate.org/projects/onionshare/translations/uk/ Translated using Weblate (Polish) Translate-URL: https://hosted.weblate.org/projects/onionshare/translations/pl/ Translated using Weblate (French) Translate-URL: https://hosted.weblate.org/projects/onionshare/translations/fr/ Added translation using Weblate (Albanian) Translated using Weblate (Khmer (Central)) Currently translated at 100.0% (60 of 60 strings) Translated using Weblate (Khmer (Central)) Currently translated at 96.2% (26 of 27 strings) Translated using Weblate (Czech) Currently translated at 100.0% (27 of 27 strings) Translated using Weblate (Finnish) Currently translated at 92.5% (25 of 27 strings) Translated using Weblate (Swedish) Currently translated at 92.5% (25 of 27 strings) Translated using Weblate (Russian) Currently translated at 100.0% (27 of 27 strings) Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Portugal)) Currently translated at 100.0% (31 of 31 strings) Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil)) Currently translated at 100.0% (27 of 27 strings) Translated using Weblate (Japanese) Currently translated at 40.7% (11 of 27 strings) Translated using Weblate (Greek) Currently translated at 100.0% (27 of 27 strings) Translated using Weblate (German) Currently translated at 100.0% (27 of 27 strings) Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Simplified)) Currently translated at 43.5% (17 of 39 strings) Translated using Weblate (Turkish) Currently translated at 100.0% (54 of 54 strings) Translated using Weblate (Swedish) Currently translated at 29.6% (16 of 54 strings) Translated using Weblate (Ukrainian) Currently translated at 100.0% (27 of 27 strings) Translated using Weblate (Norwegian Bokmål) Currently translated at 96.2% (26 of 27 strings) Translated using Weblate (Spanish) Currently translated at 61.5% (24 of 39 strings) Translated using Weblate (Khmer (Central)) Translate-URL: https://hosted.weblate.org/projects/onionshare/translations/km/ Translated using Weblate (Turkish) Translate-URL: https://hosted.weblate.org/projects/onionshare/translations/tr/ Added translation using Weblate (Uyghur) Added translation using Weblate (Albanian) Added translation using Weblate (Albanian) Added translation using Weblate (Albanian) Added translation using Weblate (Albanian) Added translation using Weblate (Tibetan) Added translation using Weblate (Tibetan) Added translation using Weblate (Tibetan) Added translation using Weblate (Tibetan) Added translation using Weblate (Tibetan) Added translation using Weblate (Tibetan) Added translation using Weblate (Tibetan) Added translation using Weblate (Tibetan) Update translation files Updated by "Update PO files to match POT (msgmerge)" hook in Weblate. Update translation files Updated by "Update PO files to match POT (msgmerge)" hook in Weblate. Translated using Weblate (Khmer (Central)) Currently translated at 79.1% (19 of 24 strings) Translated using Weblate (Swahili) Currently translated at 79.1% (19 of 24 strings) Translated using Weblate (Czech) Currently translated at 79.1% (19 of 24 strings) Translated using Weblate (Finnish) Currently translated at 75.0% (18 of 24 strings) Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Traditional)) Currently translated at 70.8% (17 of 24 strings) Translated using Weblate (Serbian (latin)) Currently translated at 75.0% (18 of 24 strings) Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil)) Currently translated at 100.0% (24 of 24 strings) Translated using Weblate (Japanese) Currently translated at 75.0% (18 of 24 strings) Translated using Weblate (Greek) Currently translated at 95.8% (23 of 24 strings) Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Simplified)) Currently translated at 33.3% (21 of 63 strings) Translated using Weblate (Swedish) Currently translated at 50.0% (30 of 60 strings) Translated using Weblate (Polish) Currently translated at 100.0% (60 of 60 strings) Translated using Weblate (French) Currently translated at 100.0% (60 of 60 strings) Translated using Weblate (French) Currently translated at 100.0% (24 of 24 strings) Translated using Weblate (French) Currently translated at 90.9% (10 of 11 strings) Added translation using Weblate (Aymara) Added translation using Weblate (Aymara) Added translation using Weblate (Aymara) Added translation using Weblate (Aymara) Added translation using Weblate (Aymara) Translated using Weblate (Finnish) Currently translated at 44.2% (27 of 61 strings) Translated using Weblate (German) Currently translated at 55.5% (30 of 54 strings) Translated using Weblate (Japanese) Currently translated at 50.0% (30 of 60 strings) Translated using Weblate (French) Currently translated at 100.0% (54 of 54 strings) Update translation files Updated by "Cleanup translation files" hook in Weblate. Translated using Weblate (Khmer (Central)) Currently translated at 48.1% (26 of 54 strings) Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil)) Currently translated at 100.0% (27 of 27 strings) Translated using Weblate (Serbian (latin)) Currently translated at 39.6% (25 of 63 strings) Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil)) Currently translated at 50.0% (27 of 54 strings) Translated using Weblate (Polish) Currently translated at 100.0% (54 of 54 strings) Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Simplified)) Currently translated at 36.5% (30 of 82 strings) Translated using Weblate (Turkish) Currently translated at 100.0% (60 of 60 strings) Translated using Weblate (Russian) Currently translated at 100.0% (60 of 60 strings) Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil)) Currently translated at 100.0% (60 of 60 strings) Translated using Weblate (French) Currently translated at 100.0% (54 of 54 strings) Translated using Weblate (Spanish) Currently translated at 100.0% (54 of 54 strings) Translated using Weblate (Spanish) Currently translated at 100.0% (60 of 60 strings) Update translation files Updated by "Cleanup translation files" hook in Weblate. Translated using Weblate (Khmer (Central)) Currently translated at 48.1% (26 of 54 strings) Translated using Weblate (Czech) Currently translated at 40.9% (25 of 61 strings) Translated using Weblate (Swahili) Currently translated at 79.1% (19 of 24 strings) Translated using Weblate (Czech) Currently translated at 79.1% (19 of 24 strings) Translated using Weblate (Lithuanian) Currently translated at 79.1% (19 of 24 strings) Translated using Weblate (Finnish) Currently translated at 42.6% (26 of 61 strings) Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Simplified)) Currently translated at 75.0% (18 of 24 strings) Translated using Weblate (Serbian (latin)) Currently translated at 75.0% (18 of 24 strings) Translated using Weblate (Russian) Currently translated at 95.8% (23 of 24 strings) Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Portugal)) Currently translated at 58.3% (14 of 24 strings) Translated using Weblate (Polish) Currently translated at 100.0% (24 of 24 strings) Translated using Weblate (Japanese) Currently translated at 75.0% (18 of 24 strings) Translated using Weblate (Swedish) Currently translated at 40.7% (22 of 54 strings) Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil)) Currently translated at 50.0% (27 of 54 strings) Translated using Weblate (Norwegian Bokmål) Currently translated at 59.2% (32 of 54 strings) Translated using Weblate (French) Currently translated at 100.0% (24 of 24 strings) Translated using Weblate (Spanish) Currently translated at 100.0% (54 of 54 strings) Translated using Weblate (Spanish) Currently translated at 100.0% (30 of 30 strings) Update translation files Updated by "Update PO files to match POT (msgmerge)" hook in Weblate. Update translation files Updated by "Cleanup translation files" hook in Weblate. Translated using Weblate (Khmer (Central)) Currently translated at 48.1% (26 of 54 strings) Translated using Weblate (Finnish) Currently translated at 44.4% (24 of 54 strings) Translated using Weblate (Swedish) Currently translated at 40.7% (22 of 54 strings) Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil)) Currently translated at 50.0% (27 of 54 strings) Translated using Weblate (Greek) Currently translated at 100.0% (54 of 54 strings) Translated using Weblate (Norwegian Bokmål) Currently translated at 59.2% (32 of 54 strings) Translated using Weblate (French) Currently translated at 100.0% (54 of 54 strings) Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Simplified)) Currently translated at 75.0% (18 of 24 strings) Translated using Weblate (Serbian (latin)) Currently translated at 75.0% (18 of 24 strings) Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil)) Currently translated at 100.0% (24 of 24 strings) Translated using Weblate (Serbian (latin)) Currently translated at 40.7% (22 of 54 strings) Update translation files Updated by "Update PO files to match POT (msgmerge)" hook in Weblate. Translated using Weblate (Spanish) Currently translated at 100.0% (24 of 24 strings) Update translation files Updated by "Update PO files to match POT (msgmerge)" hook in Weblate. Update translation files Updated by "Update PO files to match POT (msgmerge)" hook in Weblate. Co-authored-by: 109247019824 <stoyan@gmx.com> Co-authored-by: Allan Nordhøy <epost@anotheragency.no> Co-authored-by: Chris Nolan <chrisnolan@tutanota.de> Co-authored-by: Danial Behzadi <dani.behzi@ubuntu.com> Co-authored-by: Deleted User <noreply+25923@weblate.org> Co-authored-by: Ecron <ecron_89@hotmail.com> Co-authored-by: Gideon Wentink <gjwentink@gmail.com> Co-authored-by: Hosted Weblate <hosted@weblate.org> Co-authored-by: Ihor Hordiichuk <igor_ck@outlook.com> Co-authored-by: Isizaki mei <christine.dinapoli@tmail.link> Co-authored-by: Kaio <kaiod@riseup.net> Co-authored-by: Kaya Zeren <kayazeren@gmail.com> Co-authored-by: Maksim <maxklezovich@gmail.com> Co-authored-by: Matthaiks <kitynska@gmail.com> Co-authored-by: Milan Šalka <salka.milan@googlemail.com> Co-authored-by: Oskari Lavinto <olavinto@protonmail.com> Co-authored-by: Oğuz Ersen <oguz@ersen.moe> Co-authored-by: Pedro Cerejo <pedro.cerejo@tecnico.ulisboa.pt> Co-authored-by: Pier Angelo Vendrame <vogliadifarniente@gmail.com> Co-authored-by: Rafał Godek <p3run@tutanota.com> Co-authored-by: Sabbir Ahmed Shameem <sasonymous@gmail.com> Co-authored-by: Salif Mehmed <mail@salif.eu> Co-authored-by: Soufiane Ht <ifreelance.0@gmail.com> Co-authored-by: Sveinn í Felli <sv1@fellsnet.is> Co-authored-by: Taro Tanaka <anon_japan@protonmail.com> Co-authored-by: emma peel <emmapeel@torproject.org> Co-authored-by: gallegonovato <fran-carro@hotmail.es> Co-authored-by: george kitsoukakis <norhorn@gmail.com> Co-authored-by: jonnysemon <jonnysemon@users.noreply.hosted.weblate.org> Co-authored-by: jxt <chihsun.tsai@gmail.com> Co-authored-by: kennto isii <tyler.fink@tmail.link> Co-authored-by: mik <ls4wl@riseup.net> Co-authored-by: nautilusx <translate@disroot.org> Co-authored-by: pipi <fangyq21@outlook.com> Co-authored-by: slrslr <adm@prnet.info> Co-authored-by: tachyglossues <tachyglossues@gmail.com> Co-authored-by: tictactoe <phandinhminh@protonmail.ch> Co-authored-by: xXx <xxx_xxx_xxxxxxxxx@mail.ru> Co-authored-by: محيي الدين <tx99h4@hotmail.com> Translate-URL: https://hosted.weblate.org/projects/onionshare/doc-advanced/bn/ Translate-URL: https://hosted.weblate.org/projects/onionshare/doc-advanced/es/ Translate-URL: https://hosted.weblate.org/projects/onionshare/doc-advanced/ru/ Translate-URL: https://hosted.weblate.org/projects/onionshare/doc-develop/ Translate-URL: https://hosted.weblate.org/projects/onionshare/doc-develop/bg/ Translate-URL: https://hosted.weblate.org/projects/onionshare/doc-develop/cs/ Translate-URL: https://hosted.weblate.org/projects/onionshare/doc-develop/de/ Translate-URL: https://hosted.weblate.org/projects/onionshare/doc-develop/el/ Translate-URL: https://hosted.weblate.org/projects/onionshare/doc-develop/fi/ Translate-URL: https://hosted.weblate.org/projects/onionshare/doc-develop/ja/ Translate-URL: https://hosted.weblate.org/projects/onionshare/doc-develop/km/ Translate-URL: https://hosted.weblate.org/projects/onionshare/doc-develop/nb_NO/ Translate-URL: https://hosted.weblate.org/projects/onionshare/doc-develop/pt_BR/ Translate-URL: https://hosted.weblate.org/projects/onionshare/doc-develop/pt_PT/ Translate-URL: https://hosted.weblate.org/projects/onionshare/doc-develop/ru/ Translate-URL: https://hosted.weblate.org/projects/onionshare/doc-develop/sv/ Translate-URL: https://hosted.weblate.org/projects/onionshare/doc-develop/uk/ Translate-URL: https://hosted.weblate.org/projects/onionshare/doc-features/bg/ Translate-URL: https://hosted.weblate.org/projects/onionshare/doc-features/es/ Translate-URL: https://hosted.weblate.org/projects/onionshare/doc-features/fr/ Translate-URL: https://hosted.weblate.org/projects/onionshare/doc-features/ja/ Translate-URL: https://hosted.weblate.org/projects/onionshare/doc-features/km/ Translate-URL: https://hosted.weblate.org/projects/onionshare/doc-features/pl/ Translate-URL: https://hosted.weblate.org/projects/onionshare/doc-features/pt_BR/ Translate-URL: https://hosted.weblate.org/projects/onionshare/doc-features/ru/ Translate-URL: https://hosted.weblate.org/projects/onionshare/doc-features/sv/ Translate-URL: https://hosted.weblate.org/projects/onionshare/doc-features/tr/ Translate-URL: https://hosted.weblate.org/projects/onionshare/doc-features/zh_Hans/ Translate-URL: https://hosted.weblate.org/projects/onionshare/doc-help/ar/ Translate-URL: https://hosted.weblate.org/projects/onionshare/doc-help/be/ Translate-URL: https://hosted.weblate.org/projects/onionshare/doc-help/bg/ Translate-URL: https://hosted.weblate.org/projects/onionshare/doc-index/bg/ Translate-URL: https://hosted.weblate.org/projects/onionshare/doc-install/ Translate-URL: https://hosted.weblate.org/projects/onionshare/doc-install/ar/ Translate-URL: https://hosted.weblate.org/projects/onionshare/doc-install/be/ Translate-URL: https://hosted.weblate.org/projects/onionshare/doc-install/bg/ Translate-URL: https://hosted.weblate.org/projects/onionshare/doc-install/bn/ Translate-URL: https://hosted.weblate.org/projects/onionshare/doc-install/ca/ Translate-URL: https://hosted.weblate.org/projects/onionshare/doc-install/cs/ Translate-URL: https://hosted.weblate.org/projects/onionshare/doc-install/el/ Translate-URL: https://hosted.weblate.org/projects/onionshare/doc-install/es/ Translate-URL: https://hosted.weblate.org/projects/onionshare/doc-install/fa/ Translate-URL: https://hosted.weblate.org/projects/onionshare/doc-install/fi/ Translate-URL: https://hosted.weblate.org/projects/onionshare/doc-install/fr/ Translate-URL: https://hosted.weblate.org/projects/onionshare/doc-install/ja/ Translate-URL: https://hosted.weblate.org/projects/onionshare/doc-install/km/ Translate-URL: https://hosted.weblate.org/projects/onionshare/doc-install/lt/ Translate-URL: https://hosted.weblate.org/projects/onionshare/doc-install/nb_NO/ Translate-URL: https://hosted.weblate.org/projects/onionshare/doc-install/pl/ Translate-URL: https://hosted.weblate.org/projects/onionshare/doc-install/pt_BR/ Translate-URL: https://hosted.weblate.org/projects/onionshare/doc-install/pt_PT/ Translate-URL: https://hosted.weblate.org/projects/onionshare/doc-install/ru/ Translate-URL: https://hosted.weblate.org/projects/onionshare/doc-install/sr_Latn/ Translate-URL: https://hosted.weblate.org/projects/onionshare/doc-install/sw/ Translate-URL: https://hosted.weblate.org/projects/onionshare/doc-install/tr/ Translate-URL: https://hosted.weblate.org/projects/onionshare/doc-install/uk/ Translate-URL: https://hosted.weblate.org/projects/onionshare/doc-install/vi/ Translate-URL: https://hosted.weblate.org/projects/onionshare/doc-install/zh_Hans/ Translate-URL: https://hosted.weblate.org/projects/onionshare/doc-install/zh_Hant/ Translate-URL: https://hosted.weblate.org/projects/onionshare/doc-security/ Translate-URL: https://hosted.weblate.org/projects/onionshare/doc-security/af/ Translate-URL: https://hosted.weblate.org/projects/onionshare/doc-security/be/ Translate-URL: https://hosted.weblate.org/projects/onionshare/doc-security/bg/ Translate-URL: https://hosted.weblate.org/projects/onionshare/doc-security/bn/ Translate-URL: https://hosted.weblate.org/projects/onionshare/doc-security/fr/ Translate-URL: https://hosted.weblate.org/projects/onionshare/doc-security/ru/ Translate-URL: https://hosted.weblate.org/projects/onionshare/doc-sphinx/bg/ Translate-URL: https://hosted.weblate.org/projects/onionshare/doc-tor/ Translate-URL: https://hosted.weblate.org/projects/onionshare/doc-tor/af/ Translate-URL: https://hosted.weblate.org/projects/onionshare/doc-tor/bg/ Translate-URL: https://hosted.weblate.org/projects/onionshare/doc-tor/cs/ Translate-URL: https://hosted.weblate.org/projects/onionshare/doc-tor/de/ Translate-URL: https://hosted.weblate.org/projects/onionshare/doc-tor/el/ Translate-URL: https://hosted.weblate.org/projects/onionshare/doc-tor/es/ Translate-URL: https://hosted.weblate.org/projects/onionshare/doc-tor/fi/ Translate-URL: https://hosted.weblate.org/projects/onionshare/doc-tor/fr/ Translate-URL: https://hosted.weblate.org/projects/onionshare/doc-tor/km/ Translate-URL: https://hosted.weblate.org/projects/onionshare/doc-tor/nb_NO/ Translate-URL: https://hosted.weblate.org/projects/onionshare/doc-tor/pl/ Translate-URL: https://hosted.weblate.org/projects/onionshare/doc-tor/pt_BR/ Translate-URL: https://hosted.weblate.org/projects/onionshare/doc-tor/ru/ Translate-URL: https://hosted.weblate.org/projects/onionshare/doc-tor/sk/ Translate-URL: https://hosted.weblate.org/projects/onionshare/doc-tor/sr_Latn/ Translate-URL: https://hosted.weblate.org/projects/onionshare/doc-tor/sv/ Translate-URL: https://hosted.weblate.org/projects/onionshare/doc-tor/sw/ Translate-URL: https://hosted.weblate.org/projects/onionshare/doc-tor/tr/ Translate-URL: https://hosted.weblate.org/projects/onionshare/doc-tor/uk/ Translate-URL: https://hosted.weblate.org/projects/onionshare/doc-tor/vi/ Translate-URL: https://hosted.weblate.org/projects/onionshare/doc-tor/zh_Hans/ Translate-URL: https://hosted.weblate.org/projects/onionshare/doc-tor/zh_Hant/ Translate-URL: https://hosted.weblate.org/projects/onionshare/translations/ Translation: OnionShare/Doc - Advanced Translation: OnionShare/Doc - Develop Translation: OnionShare/Doc - Features Translation: OnionShare/Doc - Help Translation: OnionShare/Doc - Index Translation: OnionShare/Doc - Install Translation: OnionShare/Doc - Security Translation: OnionShare/Doc - Sphinx Translation: OnionShare/Doc - Tor Translation: OnionShare/OnionShare Desktop
625 lines
30 KiB
625 lines
30 KiB
# Copyright (C) Micah Lee, et al.
# This file is distributed under the same license as the OnionShare package.
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: OnionShare 2.3\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: onionshare-dev@lists.riseup.net\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2022-01-17 10:28-0800\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2023-06-06 12:39+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: emma peel <emmapeel@torproject.org>\n"
"Language-Team: none\n"
"Language: fr\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=n > 1;\n"
"X-Generator: Weblate 4.18-dev\n"
"Generated-By: Babel 2.9.1\n"
#: ../../source/features.rst:4
msgid "How OnionShare Works"
msgstr "Comment fonctionne OnionShare"
#: ../../source/features.rst:6
msgid ""
"Web servers are started locally on your computer and made accessible to "
"other people as `Tor <https://www.torproject.org/>`_ `onion services "
msgstr ""
"Les serveurs web sont démarrés automatiquement sur votre ordinateur et "
"rendus accessibles à autrui en tant que `service onion <https://community."
"torproject.org/onion-services/>`_ `Tor <https://www.torproject.org/>`_ ."
#: ../../source/features.rst:8
msgid "By default, OnionShare web addresses are protected with a private key."
msgstr ""
"Par défaut, les adresses Web OnionShare sont protégées avec une clé privée."
#: ../../source/features.rst:10
msgid "OnionShare addresses look something like this::"
msgstr "Les adresses OnionShare ressemblent à quelque chose comme ça ::"
#: ../../source/features.rst:14
msgid "And private keys might look something like this::"
msgstr "Et les clés privées ressemblent à quelque chose comme ça : :"
#: ../../source/features.rst:18
msgid ""
"You're responsible for securely sharing that URL and private key using a "
"communication channel of your choice like in an encrypted chat message, or "
"using something less secure like unencrypted email, depending on your "
"`threat model <https://ssd.eff.org/module/your-security-plan>`_."
msgstr ""
"C'est votre responsabilité de partager de manière sécurisée les URL et les "
"clé privées. Vous pouvez le faire en utilisant un moyen de communication de "
"votre choix, par exemple un message dans une conversation chiffrée, ou en "
"utilisant quelque chose de moins sécurisé comme un courriel non-chiffré, "
"tout cela dépendant de votre `threat model <https://ssd.eff.org/module/your-"
#: ../../source/features.rst:20
msgid ""
"The people you send the URL to then copy and paste it into their `Tor "
"Browser <https://www.torproject.org/>`_ to access the OnionShare service. "
"Tor Browser will then prompt for the private key, which the people can also "
"then copy and paste in."
msgstr ""
"Les personnes à qui vous envoyez l'URL peuvent ensuite la copier-coller dans "
"leur `Navigateur Tor <https://www.torproject.org/>`_ pour accéder au service "
"OnionShare. Le Navigateur Tor va ensuite demander la clé privée, que les "
"personnes peuvent aussi copier-coller."
#: ../../source/features.rst:24
msgid ""
"If you run OnionShare on your laptop to send someone files, and then suspend "
"it before the files are sent, the service will not be available until your "
"laptop is unsuspended and on the internet again. OnionShare works best when "
"working with people in real-time."
msgstr ""
"Si vous utilisez OnionShare sur votre ordinateur portable pour envoyer des "
"fichiers, et que vous le mettez en veille avant que les fichiers ne soient "
"transférés, le service ne sera pas disponible tant que votre ordinateur "
"portable ne sera pas de nouveau actif et connecté à internet. OnionShare "
"marche mieux quand les personnes travaillent en temps réel."
#: ../../source/features.rst:26
msgid ""
"Because your own computer is the web server, *no third party can access "
"anything that happens in OnionShare*, not even the developers of OnionShare. "
"It's completely private. And because OnionShare is based on Tor onion "
"services too, it also protects your anonymity. See the :doc:`security design "
"</security>` for more info."
msgstr ""
"Parce que votre propre ordinateur est le serveur web, *aucun tiers ne peut "
"accéder à ce qui se passe sur OnionShare*, pas même les développeurs "
"d'OnionShare. C'est totalement confidentiel. Et parce que OnionShare est "
"basé sur les services oignons Tor, cela protège aussi votre anonyma. Voir "
"le :doc:`security design </security>`pour plus d'information."
#: ../../source/features.rst:29
msgid "Share Files"
msgstr "Partager des fichiers"
#: ../../source/features.rst:31
msgid ""
"You can use OnionShare to send files and folders to people securely and "
"anonymously. Open a share tab, drag in the files and folders you wish to "
"share, and click \"Start sharing\"."
msgstr ""
"Vous pouvez utiliser OnionShare pour envoyer des fichiers et des dosiers à "
"des personnes de manière sécurisé et anonyme. Ouvrez un onglet partage, "
"déplacez dedans les fichiers et les dossiers que vous souhaitez partager, et "
"cliquer \"Commencer à partager\"."
#: ../../source/features.rst:35 ../../source/features.rst:112
msgid ""
"After you add files, you'll see some settings. Make sure you choose the "
"setting you're interested in before you start sharing."
msgstr ""
"Après avoir ajouté les fichiers, vous allez voir certains paramètres. Soyez "
"certains de choisir les paramètres qui vous intéressent avant de commencer à "
#: ../../source/features.rst:39
msgid ""
"As soon as someone finishes downloading your files, OnionShare will "
"automatically stop the server, removing the website from the internet. To "
"allow multiple people to download them, uncheck the \"Stop sharing after "
"files have been sent (uncheck to allow downloading individual files)\" box."
msgstr ""
"Dès que quelqu'un à finit de télécharger vos fichiers, OnionShare va "
"automatiquement arrêter le serveur, retirant le site Web d'internet. Pour "
"autoriser plusieurs personnes à télécharger les fichiers, vous devez "
"décocher la boîte \"Cesser le partage une fois que les fichiers ont été "
"envoyés (décocher afin de permettre le téléchargement de fichiers "
#: ../../source/features.rst:42
msgid ""
"Also, if you uncheck this box, people will be able to download the "
"individual files you share rather than a single compressed version of all "
"the files."
msgstr ""
"Aussi, si vous décochez cette case, les personnes seront capables de "
"télécharger les fichiers individuels que vous partagez plutôt qu'une unique "
"version compressée de tout les fichiers."
#: ../../source/features.rst:44
msgid ""
"When you're ready to share, click the \"Start sharing\" button. You can "
"always click \"Stop sharing\", or quit OnionShare, immediately taking the "
"website down. You can also click the \"↑\" icon in the top-right corner to "
"show the history and progress of people downloading files from you."
msgstr ""
"Quand vous être prêt à partager, cliquer sur le bouton \"Commencer à partager"
"\". Vous pouvez toujours cliquer \"Arrêter de partager\", ou quitter "
"OnionShare, mettant immédiatement le site hors-ligne. Vous pouvez aussi "
"cliquer l'icône \"↑\" dans le coin en haut à droite pour montrer "
"l'historique et la progression des personnes qui téléchargent vos fichiers."
#: ../../source/features.rst:48
msgid ""
"Now that you have a OnionShare, copy the address and the private key and "
"send it to the person you want to receive the files. If the files need to "
"stay secure, or the person is otherwise exposed to danger, use an encrypted "
"messaging app."
msgstr ""
"Maintenant que vous avez OnionShare, copier l'adresse et la clé privée et "
"envoyez les à la personne censée recevoir les fichiers. Si les fichiers "
"doivent restés sécurisés, ou si la personne est exposée au danger, utilisez "
"une application de messagerie chiffrée."
#: ../../source/features.rst:50
msgid ""
"That person then must load the address in Tor Browser. After logging in with "
"the private key, the files can be downloaded directly from your computer by "
"clicking the \"Download Files\" link in the corner."
msgstr ""
"Cette personne doit ensuite charger l'adresse dans Tor Browser. Après s'être "
"connecté avec la clé privée, les fichiers peuvent être téléchargés "
"directement depuis son ordinateur en cliquant sur le lien \"Télécharger les "
"fichiers\" dans le coin."
#: ../../source/features.rst:55
msgid "Receive Files and Messages"
msgstr "Recevoir les fichiers et les messages"
#: ../../source/features.rst:57
msgid ""
"You can use OnionShare to let people anonymously submit files and messages "
"directly to your computer, essentially turning it into an anonymous dropbox. "
"Open a receive tab and choose the settings that you want."
msgstr ""
"Vous pouvez utiliser OnionChare pour permettre aux personnes de vous envoyer "
"de manière anonymes des fichiers et des messages directement sur votre "
"ordinateur, le transformant en une sorte de dropbox anonyme. Ouvrez un "
"onglet de réception et choisissez les paramètres que vous voulez."
#: ../../source/features.rst:62
msgid ""
"You can browse for a folder to save messages and files that get submitted."
msgstr ""
"Vous pouvez sélectionner un dossier pour sauvegarder les messages et les "
"fichiers qui vous sont envoyés."
#: ../../source/features.rst:64
msgid ""
"You can check \"Disable submitting text\" if want to only allow file "
"uploads, and you can check \"Disable uploading files\" if you want to only "
"allow submitting text messages, like for an anonymous contact form."
msgstr ""
"Vous pouvez cocher la case \"Désactiver la soumission de texte\" si vous "
"souhaitez uniquement autoriser le téléchargement de fichiers, et vous pouvez "
"cocher la case \"Désactiver le téléchargement de fichiers\" si vous "
"souhaitez uniquement autoriser la soumission de messages texte, comme pour "
"un formulaire de contact anonyme."
#: ../../source/features.rst:66
msgid ""
"You can check \"Use notification webhook\" and then choose a webhook URL if "
"you want to be notified when someone submits files or messages to your "
"OnionShare service. If you use this feature, OnionShare will make an HTTP "
"POST request to this URL whenever someone submits files or messages. For "
"example, if you want to get an encrypted text messaging on the messaging app "
"`Keybase <https://keybase.io/>`_, you can start a conversation with "
"`@webhookbot <https://keybase.io/webhookbot>`_, type ``!webhook create "
"onionshare-alerts``, and it will respond with a URL. Use that as the "
"notification webhook URL. If someone uploads a file to your receive mode "
"service, @webhookbot will send you a message on Keybase letting you know as "
"soon as it happens."
msgstr ""
"Vous pouvez cocher l'option \"Utiliser le service de notification par "
"webhook \", puis choisir une URL de webhook si vous souhaitez être informé "
"lorsque quelqu'un soumet des fichiers ou des messages à votre service "
"OnionShare. Si vous utilisez cette fonctionnalité, OnionShare effectuera une "
"requête HTTP POST vers cette URL chaque fois que quelqu'un soumettra des "
"fichiers ou des messages. Par exemple, si vous voulez obtenir un message "
"texte crypté sur l'application de messagerie `Keybase <https://keybase.io/>`"
"_, vous pouvez démarrer une conversation avec `@webhookbot <https://keybase."
"io/webhookbot>`_, taper ``!webhook create onionshare-alerts``, et il "
"répondra avec une URL. Utilisez-la comme URL du webhook de notification. Si "
"quelqu'un télécharge un fichier sur votre service en mode réception, @"
"webhookbot vous enverra un message sur Keybase pour vous en informer dès que "
"cela se produira."
#: ../../source/features.rst:71
msgid ""
"When you are ready, click \"Start Receive Mode\". This starts the OnionShare "
"service. Anyone loading this address in their Tor Browser will be able to "
"submit files and messages which get uploaded to your computer."
msgstr ""
"Lorsque vous êtes prêt, cliquez sur \" Démarrer le mode réception \". Cela "
"démarre le service OnionShare. Quiconque charge cette adresse dans son "
"navigateur Tor pourra soumettre des fichiers et des messages qui seront "
"téléchargés sur votre ordinateur."
#: ../../source/features.rst:75
msgid ""
"You can also click the down \"↓\" icon in the top-right corner to show the "
"history and progress of people sending files to you."
msgstr ""
"Vous pouvez aussi cliquer l'icône \"↓\" dans le coin en haut à droite pour "
"montrer l'historique et la progression des personnes qui vous envoient des "
#: ../../source/features.rst:77
msgid "Here is what it looks like for someone sending you files and messages."
msgstr ""
"Voilà à quoi cela ressemble quand quelqu'un vous envoi des fichiers et des "
#: ../../source/features.rst:81
msgid ""
"When someone submits files or messages to your receive service, by default "
"they get saved to a folder called ``OnionShare`` in the home folder on your "
"computer, automatically organized into separate subfolders based on the time "
"that the files get uploaded."
msgstr ""
"Quand quelqu'un envoi des fichiers ou des messages à votre service de "
"réception, par défaut ils sont sauvegardés dans un dossier appelé "
"``OnionShare`` dans le dossier personnel de votre ordinateur, "
"automatiquement organisés dans des sous-dossiers différents en fonction du "
"moment où les fichiers ont été envoyés."
#: ../../source/features.rst:83
msgid ""
"Setting up an OnionShare receiving service is useful for journalists and "
"others needing to securely accept documents from anonymous sources. When "
"used in this way, OnionShare is sort of like a lightweight, simpler, not "
"quite as secure version of `SecureDrop <https://securedrop.org/>`_, the "
"whistleblower submission system."
msgstr ""
"Mettre en place un service de récupération OnionSare est utile pour les "
"journalistes et celleux qui ont besoin d'accepter de manière sécurisée des "
"documents depuis une source anonyme. Utilisé de cette manière, OnionShare "
"est une sorte de plus légère, plus simple et pas aussi sécurisé version de "
"`SecureDrop <https://securedrop.org/>`_, le système de soumission pour les "
"lanceurs d'alerte."
#: ../../source/features.rst:86
msgid "Use at your own risk"
msgstr "Utiliser à vos propres risques"
#: ../../source/features.rst:88
msgid ""
"Just like with malicious email attachments, it's possible someone could try "
"to attack your computer by uploading a malicious file to your OnionShare "
"service. OnionShare does not add any safety mechanisms to protect your "
"system from malicious files."
msgstr ""
"Tout comme pour les pièces jointes d'e-mails malveillants, il est possible "
"que quelqu'un tente d'attaquer votre ordinateur en téléchargeant un fichier "
"malveillant sur votre service OnionShare. Il n'y a aucun mécanisme de "
"sécurité pour protéger votre système contre les fichiers malveillants."
#: ../../source/features.rst:90
msgid ""
"If you receive an Office document or a PDF through OnionShare, you can "
"convert these documents into PDFs that are safe to open using `Dangerzone "
"<https://dangerzone.rocks/>`_. You can also protect yourself when opening "
"untrusted documents by opening them in `Tails <https://tails.boum.org/>`_ or "
"in a `Qubes <https://qubes-os.org/>`_ disposableVM."
msgstr ""
"Si vous recevez un document Office ou un PDF depuis OnionShare, vous pouvez "
"convertir ces documents en PDFs qui sont sans danger à ouvrir en utilisant "
"`Dangerzone <https://dangerzone.rocks/>`_. Vous pouvez aussi vous protéger "
"en ouvrant ces documents non approuvé en les ouvrant dans `Tails <https://"
"tails.boum.org/>`_ ou dans machine virtuel jetable `Qubes <https://qubes-os."
#: ../../source/features.rst:92
msgid ""
"However, it is always safe to open text messages sent through OnionShare."
msgstr ""
"Cependant, il est toujours prudent d'ouvrir les messages texte envoyés par "
#: ../../source/features.rst:95
msgid "Tips for running a receive service"
msgstr "Conseils pour faire tourner un service de réception"
#: ../../source/features.rst:97
msgid ""
"If you want to host your own anonymous dropbox using OnionShare, it's "
"recommended you do so on a separate, dedicated computer always powered on "
"and connected to the internet, and not on the one you use on a regular basis."
msgstr ""
"Si vous souhaitez héberger votre propre boîte de dépôt anonyme à l'aide "
"d'OnionShare, il est recommandé de le faire sur un ordinateur distinct et "
"dédié, toujours allumé et connecté à Internet, et non sur celui que vous "
"utilisez régulièrement."
#: ../../source/features.rst:99
msgid ""
"If you intend to put the OnionShare address on your website or social media "
"profiles, save the tab (see :ref:`save_tabs`) and run it as a public service "
"(see :ref:`turn_off_private_key`). It's also a good idea to give it a custom "
"title (see :ref:`custom_titles`)."
msgstr ""
"Si vous avez l'intention de mettre l'adresse d'OnionShare sur votre site Web "
"ou vos profils de médias sociaux, enregistrez l'onglet (voir :ref:"
"`save_tabs`) et exécutez-le en tant que service public (voir :ref:"
"`turn_off_private_key`). C'est aussi une bonne idée de lui donner un titre "
"personnalisé (voir :ref:`custom_titles`)."
#: ../../source/features.rst:102
msgid "Host a Website"
msgstr "Héberger un site web"
#: ../../source/features.rst:104
msgid ""
"To host a static HTML website with OnionShare, open a website tab, drag the "
"files and folders that make up the static content there, and click \"Start "
"sharing\" when you are ready."
msgstr ""
"Pour héberger un site internet HTML statique avec OnionShare, ouvrez un "
"onglet site internet, déplacez les fichiers et dossiers qui composeront le "
"contenu statique dedans, et cliquez sur \"Commencer à partager\" quand vous "
"êtes prêt."
#: ../../source/features.rst:108
msgid ""
"If you add an ``index.html`` file, it will render when someone loads your "
"website. You should also include any other HTML files, CSS files, JavaScript "
"files, and images that make up the website. (Note that OnionShare only "
"supports hosting *static* websites. It can't host websites that execute code "
"or use databases. So you can't for example use WordPress.)"
msgstr ""
"Si vous ajoutez un fichier ``index.html``, cela sera généré quand quelqu'un "
"chargera votre site. Vous pouvez aussi inclure n'importe quel autre type de "
"fichiers HTML, CSS ou JavaScript, ainsi que des images pour faire votre "
"site. (Notez que OnionShare ne supporte que l'hébergement de sites internets "
"*statique*. Il ne peut pas héberger des sites internets qui éxécute du code "
"ou utilise des bases de données. Ainsi vous ne pouvez pas utilisez "
#: ../../source/features.rst:110
msgid ""
"If you don't have an ``index.html`` file, it will show a directory listing "
"instead, and people loading it can look through the files and download them."
msgstr ""
"Si vous n'avez pas un fichier ``index.html``, cela montrera une liste des "
"répertoires à la place, et les personnes le chargeant pourront parcourir les "
"fichiers et les télécharger."
#: ../../source/features.rst:117
msgid "Content Security Policy"
msgstr "Politique de sécurité du contenu"
#: ../../source/features.rst:119
msgid ""
"By default OnionShare helps secure your website by setting a strict `Content "
"Security Policy <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Content_Security_Policy>`_ "
"header. However, this prevents third-party content from loading inside the "
"web page."
msgstr ""
"Par défaut, OnionShare aide à sécuriser votre site Web en définissant un en-"
"tête strict `Content Security Policy <https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/"
"Content_Security_Policy>`_. Cependant, cela empêche le chargement de contenu "
"tiers à l'intérieur de la page Web."
#: ../../source/features.rst:121
msgid ""
"If you want to load content from third-party websites, like assets or "
"JavaScript libraries from CDNs, you have two options:"
msgstr ""
"Si vous souhaitez charger du contenu provenant de sites Web tiers, comme des "
"ressources ou des bibliothèques JavaScript provenant de CDN, vous avez deux "
"possibilités :"
#: ../../source/features.rst:123
msgid ""
"You can disable sending a Content Security Policy header by checking the "
"\"Don't send Content Security Policy header (allows your website to use "
"third-party resources)\" box before starting the service."
msgstr ""
"Vous pouvez désactiver l'envoi d'un en-tête de politique de sécurité du "
"contenu en cochant la case \"Ne pas envoyer d'en-tête de politique de "
"sécurité du contenu (permet à votre site Web d'utiliser des ressources "
"tierces)\" avant de lancer le service."
#: ../../source/features.rst:124
msgid "You can send a custom Content Security Policy header."
msgstr ""
"Vous pouvez envoyer un en-tête personnalisé de politique de sécurité du "
#: ../../source/features.rst:127
msgid "Tips for running a website service"
msgstr "Conseils pour faire fonctionner un site web de service"
#: ../../source/features.rst:129
msgid ""
"If you want to host a long-term website using OnionShare (meaning not just "
"to quickly show someone something), it's recommended you do it on a "
"separate, dedicated computer that is always powered on and connected to the "
"internet, and not on the one you use on a regular basis. Save the tab (see :"
"ref:`save_tabs`) so you can resume the website with the same address if you "
"close OnionShare and re-open it later."
msgstr ""
"Si vous souhaitez héberger un site web à long terme en utilisant OnionShare "
"(c'est-à-dire pas seulement pour montrer rapidement quelque chose à "
"quelqu'un), il est recommandé de le faire sur un ordinateur séparé, dédié, "
"toujours allumé et connecté à Internet, et non sur celui que vous utilisez "
"régulièrement. Sauvegardez l'onglet (voir :ref:`save_tabs`) afin de pouvoir "
"reprendre le site avec la même adresse si vous fermez OnionShare et le "
"réouvrez plus tard."
#: ../../source/features.rst:132
msgid ""
"If your website is intended for the public, you should run it as a public "
"service (see :ref:`turn_off_private_key`)."
msgstr ""
"Si votre site web est destiné au public, vous devez le faire fonctionner "
"comme un service public (voir :ref:`turn_off_private_key`)."
#: ../../source/features.rst:135
msgid "Chat Anonymously"
msgstr "Discuter anonymement"
#: ../../source/features.rst:137
msgid ""
"You can use OnionShare to set up a private, secure chat room that doesn't "
"log anything. Just open a chat tab and click \"Start chat server\"."
msgstr ""
"Vous pouvez utilisez OnionShare pour mettre en place une salle de discussion "
"privée et sécurisée qui n'enregistre rien. Ouvez juste un onglet discussion "
"et cliquer \"Lancer le serveur de discussion\"."
#: ../../source/features.rst:141
msgid ""
"After you start the server, copy the OnionShare address and private key and "
"send them to the people you want in the anonymous chat room. If it's "
"important to limit exactly who can join, use an encrypted messaging app to "
"send out the OnionShare address and private key."
msgstr ""
"Après avoir démarré le serveur, copiez l'adresse et la clé privée "
"d'OnionShare et envoyez-les aux personnes que vous souhaitez voir dans le "
"salon de discussion anonyme. S'il est important de limiter le nombre exact "
"de participants, utilisez une application de messagerie cryptée pour envoyer "
"l'adresse et la clé privée de OnionShare."
#: ../../source/features.rst:146
msgid ""
"People can join the chat room by loading its OnionShare address in Tor "
"Browser. The chat room requires JavasScript, so everyone who wants to "
"participate must have their Tor Browser security level set to \"Standard\" "
"or \"Safer\", instead of \"Safest\"."
msgstr ""
"Les gens peuvent rejoindre la salle de discussion en chargeant l'adresse "
"OnionShare dans le navigateur Tor. La salle de discussion nécessite "
"JavaScript, celleux qui souhaitent rejoindre la salle de discussion doivent "
"mettre le niveau de sécurité de leur navigateur Tor à « Normal » ou « Plus "
"sûr », à la place de « Le plus sûr »."
#: ../../source/features.rst:149
msgid ""
"When someone joins the chat room they get assigned a random name. They can "
"change their name by typing a new name in the box in the left panel and "
"pressing ↵. Since the chat history isn't saved anywhere, it doesn't get "
"displayed at all, even if others were already chatting in the room."
msgstr ""
"Quand une personne rejoint la salle de discussion, elle reçoit un nom "
"aléatoire. Elle peut changer son nom en tapant un nouveau nom dans l'espace "
"à gauche et en pressant ↵. Comme l'historique de la discussion n'est "
"enregistré nulle part, il n'est pas du tout affiché, même si d'autres "
"personnes étaient déjà en train de discuter dans la salle."
#: ../../source/features.rst:155
msgid ""
"In an OnionShare chat room, everyone is anonymous. Anyone can change their "
"name to anything, and there is no way to confirm anyone's identity."
msgstr ""
"Dans une salle de discussion OnionShare, tout le monde est anonyme. "
"N'importe qui peut changer son nom en n'importe quoi, et il n'y a aucun "
"moyen de vérifier l'identité de quiconque."
#: ../../source/features.rst:158
msgid ""
"However, if you create an OnionShare chat room and securely send the address "
"only to a small group of trusted friends using encrypted messages, you can "
"be reasonably confident the people joining the chat room are your friends."
msgstr ""
"Malgré cela, si vous créer une salle de discussion OnionShare et envoyer "
"l'adresse de manière sécurisée à un petit groupe d'amies de confiance en "
"utilisant des messages chiffrées, vous pouvez être raisonnablement confiant "
"dans le fait que les personnes rejoignant la salle de discussion sont vos "
#: ../../source/features.rst:161
msgid "How is this useful?"
msgstr "En quoi ceci est-il utile ?"
#: ../../source/features.rst:163
msgid ""
"If you need to already be using an encrypted messaging app, what's the point "
"of an OnionShare chat room to begin with? It leaves less traces."
msgstr ""
"Si vous avez besoin de déjà utiliser une messagerie chiffrée, quel est le "
"point du salle de discussion OnionShare ? Cela laisse moins de traces."
#: ../../source/features.rst:165
msgid ""
"If you for example send a message to a Signal group, a copy of your message "
"ends up on each device (the smartphones, and computers if they set up Signal "
"Desktop) of each member of the group. Even if disappearing messages is "
"turned on, it's hard to confirm all copies of the messages are actually "
"deleted from all devices, and from any other places (like notifications "
"databases) they may have been saved to. OnionShare chat rooms don't store "
"any messages anywhere, so the problem is reduced to a minimum."
msgstr ""
"Si vous envoyez par exemple un message à un groupe Signal, une copie de "
"votre message se retrouve sur chaque appareil (les smartphones, et les "
"ordinateurs s'ils ont configuré Signal Desktop) de chaque membre du groupe. "
"Même si la fonction de disparition des messages est activée, il est "
"difficile de confirmer que toutes les copies des messages sont effectivement "
"supprimées de tous les appareils et de tous les autres endroits (comme les "
"bases de données de notifications) où elles ont pu être enregistrées. Les "
"salons de discussion OnionShare ne stockent aucun message nulle part, ce qui "
"réduit le problème au minimum."
#: ../../source/features.rst:168
msgid ""
"OnionShare chat rooms can also be useful for people wanting to chat "
"anonymously and securely with someone without needing to create any "
"accounts. For example, a source can send an OnionShare address to a "
"journalist using a disposable email address, and then wait for the "
"journalist to join the chat room, all without compromosing their anonymity."
msgstr ""
"Les salons de discussion OnionShare peuvent également être utiles aux "
"personnes souhaitant discuter de manière anonyme et sécurisée avec quelqu'un "
"sans avoir à créer de compte. Par exemple, une source peut envoyer une "
"adresse OnionShare à un journaliste en utilisant une adresse électronique "
"jetable, puis attendre que le journaliste rejoigne le salon de discussion, "
"le tout sans compromettre son anonymat."
#: ../../source/features.rst:172
msgid "How does the encryption work?"
msgstr "Comment marche le chiffrement ?"
#: ../../source/features.rst:174
msgid ""
"Because OnionShare relies on Tor onion services, connections between the Tor "
"Browser and OnionShare are all end-to-end encrypted (E2EE). When someone "
"posts a message to an OnionShare chat room, they send it to the server "
"through the E2EE onion connection, which then sends it to all other members "
"of the chat room using WebSockets, through their E2EE onion connections."
msgstr ""
"Parce que OnionShare repose sur les services ognon de Tor, la connexion "
"entre le navigateur Tor et OnionShare sont toutes chiffrées de bout-à-bout "
"(E2EE). Quand quelqu'un poste un message dans une discussion OnionShare, le "
"message est envoyé au serveur à travers la connexion ognon E2EE, qui l’envoi "
"ensuite à tout les autres membres de la salle de discussion en utilisant "
"WebSockets, à travers leurs connexions oignon E2EE."
#: ../../source/features.rst:176
msgid ""
"OnionShare doesn't implement any chat encryption on its own. It relies on "
"the Tor onion service's encryption instead."
msgstr ""
"OnionShare n'implémente aucun chiffrement de lui même. A la place, il "
"utilise le chiffrement des services ognon Tor."