$(function(){ // Add a flash message var flash = function(category, message) { $('#flashes').append($('
  • ').addClass(category).text(message)); }; var scriptEls = document.getElementsByTagName( 'script' ); var thisScriptEl = scriptEls[scriptEls.length - 1]; var scriptPath = thisScriptEl.src; var scriptFolder = scriptPath.substr(0, scriptPath.lastIndexOf( '/' )+1 ); // Intercept submitting the form $('#send').submit(function(event){ event.preventDefault(); // Create form data, and list of filenames var files = $('#file-select').get(0).files; var filenames = []; var formData = new FormData(); for(var i = 0; i < files.length; i++) { var file = files[i]; filenames.push(file.name); formData.append('file[]', file, file.name); } // Reset the upload form $('#send').get(0).reset(); // Don't use jQuery for ajax request, because the upload progress event doesn't // have access to the the XMLHttpRequest object var ajax = new XMLHttpRequest(); ajax.upload.addEventListener('progress', function(event){ // Update progress bar for this specific upload if(event.lengthComputable) { $('progress', ajax.$upload_div).attr({ value: event.loaded, max: event.total, }); } // If it's finished sending all data to the first Tor node, remove cancel button // and update the status if(event.loaded == event.total) { $('.cancel', ajax.$upload_div).remove(); $('.upload-status', ajax.$upload_div).html(' Waiting for data to finish traversing Tor network ...'); } }, false); ajax.addEventListener('load', function(event){ // Remove the upload div ajax.$upload_div.remove(); // Parse response try { var response = JSON.parse(ajax.response); // The 'new_body' response replaces the whole HTML document and ends if('new_body' in response) { $('body').html(response['new_body']); return; } // Show error flashes if('error_flashes' in response) { for(var i=0; i
    educational-video.mp4, secret-plans.pdf
    Sending to first Tor node ...
    */ var $progress = $('').attr({ value: '0', max: 100 }); var $cancel_button = $('').addClass('cancel').attr({ type: 'button', value: 'Cancel' }); var $upload_filename = $('
    ').addClass('upload-filename').text(filenames.join(', ')); var $upload_status = $('
    ').addClass('upload-status').text('Sending data to initial Tor node ...'); var $upload_div = $('
    ') .addClass('upload') .append( $('
    ').addClass('upload-meta') .append($cancel_button) .append($upload_filename) .append($upload_status) ) .append($progress); $cancel_button.click(function(){ // Abort the upload, and remove the upload div ajax.abort(); $upload_div.remove() }); ajax.$upload_div = $upload_div; $('#uploads').append($upload_div); // Send the request ajax.open('POST', '/upload-ajax', true); ajax.send(formData); }); });