import onionshare, webapp import os, sys, subprocess, inspect from PyQt4.QtCore import * from PyQt4.QtGui import * from PyQt4.QtWebKit import * window_icon = None class Application(QApplication): def __init__(self): platform = onionshare.get_platform() if platform == 'Tails' or platform == 'Linux': self.setAttribute(Qt.AA_X11InitThreads, True) QApplication.__init__(self, sys.argv) class WebAppThread(QThread): def __init__(self, webapp_port): QThread.__init__(self) self.webapp_port = webapp_port def run(self): class Window(QWebView): def __init__(self, basename, webapp_port): global window_icon QWebView.__init__(self) self.setWindowTitle("{0} | OnionShare".format(basename)) self.resize(580, 400) self.setMinimumSize(580, 400) self.setMaximumSize(580, 400) self.setWindowIcon(window_icon) self.load(QUrl("{0}".format(webapp_port))) def alert(msg, icon=QMessageBox.NoIcon): global window_icon dialog = QMessageBox() dialog.setWindowTitle("OnionShare") dialog.setWindowIcon(window_icon) dialog.setText(msg) dialog.setIcon(icon) dialog.exec_() def select_file(strings): # get filename, either from argument or file chooser dialog if len(sys.argv) == 2: filename = sys.argv[1] else: args = {} if onionshare.get_platform() == 'Tails': args['directory'] = '/home/amnesia' filename = QFileDialog.getOpenFileName(caption=strings['choose_file'], options=QFileDialog.ReadOnly, **args) if not filename: return False, False filename = str(filename) # validate filename if not os.path.isfile(filename): alert(strings["not_a_file"].format(filename), QMessageBox.Warning) return False, False filename = os.path.abspath(filename) basename = os.path.basename(filename) return filename, basename def main(): onionshare.strings = onionshare.load_strings() # start the Qt app app = Application() # check for root in Tails if onionshare.get_platform() == 'Tails' and not onionshare.is_root():['/usr/bin/gksudo']+sys.argv) return # create the onionshare icon global window_icon onionshare_gui_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(inspect.getfile(inspect.currentframe()))) window_icon = QIcon("{0}/onionshare-icon.png".format(onionshare_gui_dir)) # try starting hidden service onionshare_port = onionshare.choose_port() try: onion_host = onionshare.start_hidden_service(onionshare_port) except onionshare.NoTor as e: alert(e.args[0], QMessageBox.Warning) return onionshare.tails_open_port(onionshare_port) # select file to share filename, basename = select_file(onionshare.strings) if not filename: return # initialize the web app webapp.onionshare = onionshare webapp.onionshare_port = onionshare_port webapp.filename = filename webapp.onion_host = onion_host webapp.qtapp = app webapp.clipboard = app.clipboard() # run the web app in a new thread webapp_port = onionshare.choose_port() onionshare.tails_open_port(webapp_port) webapp_thread = WebAppThread(webapp_port) webapp_thread.start() # clean up when app quits def shutdown(): onionshare.tails_close_port(onionshare_port) onionshare.tails_close_port(webapp_port) app.connect(app, SIGNAL("aboutToQuit()"), shutdown) # launch the window web = Window(basename, webapp_port) # all done sys.exit(app.exec_()) if __name__ == '__main__': main()