#!/bin/bash VERSION=$(cat ../cli/onionshare_cli/resources/version.txt) # Supported locales LOCALES="en fi pl pt_BR ru tr uk" # Generate English .po files make gettext rm -rf gettext > /dev/null cp -r build/gettext gettext # Update all .po files for all locales for LOCALE in $LOCALES; do sphinx-intl update -p build/gettext -l $LOCALE done # Build all locales rm -rf build/html build/docs > /dev/null mkdir -p build/docs/$VERSION make html mv build/html build/docs/$VERSION/en for LOCALE in $LOCALES; do make -e SPHINXOPTS="-D language='$LOCALE'" html mv build/html build/docs/$VERSION/$LOCALE done # Redirect to English by default echo '<html><head><meta http-equiv="refresh" content="0; url=en/" /><script>document.location="en/"</script></head></html>' > build/docs/$VERSION/index.html # Redirect to latest version echo '<html><head><meta http-equiv="refresh" content="0; url='$VERSION'/en/" /><script>document.location="'$VERSION'/en/"</script></head></html>' > build/docs/index.html