#!/bin/bash OS=$(uname -s) if [ "$OS" == "Linux" ]; then # Check poetry installation and exit if no installation found. if ! command -v poetry 2>&1 >/dev/null then echo "Could not detect Poetry installation. Please make sure you install Poetry first. See https://python-poetry.org/docs/#installation or run pip3 install poetry" exit 1 fi # setup environment cd cli poetry install echo "OnionShare CLI is installed!" cd ../desktop poetry install # setup tor poetry run python ./scripts/get-tor.py linux-x86_64 echo "Tor is installed" # compile dependencies ./scripts/build-pt-obfs4proxy.sh ./scripts/build-pt-snowflake.sh ./scripts/build-pt-meek.sh # add alias echo "alias onionshare='cd $(pwd) && poetry run onionshare'" >> ~/.bash_aliases echo "alias onionshare-cli='cd $(pwd) && poetry run onionshare-cli'" >> ~/.bash_aliases source ~/.bash_aliases echo "OnionShare Desktop is now installed" echo "Try running 'onionshare' to start onionshare server from source tree" echo "Restart a new terminal if the above doesnt work" echo "Checkout desktop/README.md for more info" else echo "This script only works in linux distros, Try cli/README.md, desktop/README.md for installation steps" exit 1 fi