#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- ''' Check translation lacked or disused. Example: in OninShare directory $ check_lacked_trans.py de disused choose_file de disused gui_starting_server de lacked gui_canceled de lacked gui_starting_server1 de lacked gui_starting_server2 de lacked gui_starting_server3 en disused choose_file es disused choose_file es disused gui_starting_server ... 1. search `{{strings.translation_key}}` and `strings._('translation_key')` from .py or .html files. 2. load translation key from locale/*.json. 3. compare these. ''' import fileinput, argparse, re, os, codecs, json, sys def arg_parser(): desc = __doc__.strip().splitlines()[0] p = argparse.ArgumentParser(description=desc) p.add_argument('-d', default='.', help='onionshare directory', metavar='ONIONSHARE_DIR', dest='onionshare_dir') p.add_argument('--show-all-keys', action='store_true', help='show translation key in source and exit') return p def files_in(*dirs): dir = os.path.join(*dirs) files = os.listdir(dir) return [os.path.join(dir, f) for f in files] def main(): parser = arg_parser() args = parser.parse_args() dir = args.onionshare_dir src = files_in(dir, 'onionshare') + files_in(dir, 'onionshare_gui') pysrc = [p for p in src if p.endswith('.py')] htmlsrc = [p for p in src if p.endswith('.html')] translate_keys = set() # load translate key from python source for line in fileinput.input(pysrc, openhook=fileinput.hook_encoded('utf-8')): # search `strings._('translate_key')` # `strings._('translate_key', True)` m = re.search(r'strings\._\((.*?)\)', line) if m: arg = m.group(1) key = arg.split(',')[0].strip('''"' ''') translate_keys.add(key) # load translate key from html source for line in fileinput.input(htmlsrc, openhook=fileinput.hook_encoded('utf-8')): # search `{{strings.translate_key}}` m = re.search(r'{{.*strings\.([-a-zA-Z0-9_]+).*}}', line) if m: key = m.group(1) translate_keys.add(key) if args.show_all_keys: for k in sorted(translate_keys): print k sys.exit() locale_files = [f for f in files_in(dir, 'locale') if f.endswith('.json')] for locale_file in locale_files: with codecs.open(locale_file, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as f: trans = json.load(f) # trans -> {"key1": "translate-text1", "key2": "translate-text2", ...} locale_keys = set(trans.keys()) disused = locale_keys - translate_keys lacked = translate_keys - locale_keys locale, ext = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(locale_file)) for k in sorted(disused): print locale, 'disused', k for k in sorted(lacked): print locale, 'lacked', k if __name__ == '__main__': main()