# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ OnionShare | https://onionshare.org/ Copyright (C) 2014-2021 Micah Lee, et al. This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see . """ from .censorship import CensorshipCircumvention from .meek import Meek from stem.control import Controller from stem import ProtocolError, SocketClosed from stem.connection import MissingPassword, UnreadableCookieFile, AuthenticationFailure import base64 import nacl.public import os import psutil import requests import shlex import subprocess import tempfile import time import traceback from distutils.version import LooseVersion as Version class TorErrorAutomatic(Exception): """ OnionShare is failing to connect and authenticate to the Tor controller, using automatic settings that should work with Tor Browser. """ class TorErrorInvalidSetting(Exception): """ This exception is raised if the settings just don't make sense. """ class TorErrorSocketPort(Exception): """ OnionShare can't connect to the Tor controller using the supplied address and port. """ class TorErrorSocketFile(Exception): """ OnionShare can't connect to the Tor controller using the supplied socket file. """ class TorErrorMissingPassword(Exception): """ OnionShare connected to the Tor controller, but it requires a password. """ class TorErrorUnreadableCookieFile(Exception): """ OnionShare connected to the Tor controller, but your user does not have permission to access the cookie file. """ class TorErrorAuthError(Exception): """ OnionShare connected to the address and port, but can't authenticate. It's possible that a Tor controller isn't listening on this port. """ class TorErrorProtocolError(Exception): """ This exception is raised if onionshare connects to the Tor controller, but it isn't acting like a Tor controller (such as in Whonix). """ class TorTooOldEphemeral(Exception): """ This exception is raised if the version of tor doesn't support ephemeral onion services """ class TorTooOldStealth(Exception): """ This exception is raised if the version of tor doesn't support stealth onion services """ class BundledTorTimeout(Exception): """ This exception is raised if onionshare is set to use the bundled Tor binary, but Tor doesn't finish connecting promptly. """ class BundledTorCanceled(Exception): """ This exception is raised if onionshare is set to use the bundled Tor binary, and the user cancels connecting to Tor """ class BundledTorBroken(Exception): """ This exception is raised if onionshare is set to use the bundled Tor binary, but the process seems to fail to run. """ class PortNotAvailable(Exception): """ There are no available ports for OnionShare to use, which really shouldn't ever happen """ class Onion(object): """ Onion is an abstraction layer for connecting to the Tor control port and creating onion services. OnionShare supports creating onion services by connecting to the Tor controller and using ADD_ONION, DEL_ONION. stealth: Should the onion service be stealth? settings: A Settings object. If it's not passed in, load from disk. bundled_connection_func: If the tor connection type is bundled, optionally call this function and pass in a status string while connecting to tor. This is necessary for status updates to reach the GUI. """ def __init__(self, common, use_tmp_dir=False, get_tor_paths=None): self.common = common self.common.log("Onion", "__init__") self.use_tmp_dir = use_tmp_dir # Set the path of the tor binary, for bundled tor if not get_tor_paths: get_tor_paths = self.common.get_tor_paths ( self.tor_path, self.tor_geo_ip_file_path, self.tor_geo_ipv6_file_path, self.obfs4proxy_file_path, self.snowflake_file_path, self.meek_client_file_path, ) = get_tor_paths() # The tor process self.tor_proc = None # The Tor controller self.c = None # Start out not connected to Tor self.connected_to_tor = False # Assigned later if we are using stealth mode self.auth_string = None # Keep track of onions where it's important to gracefully close to prevent truncated downloads self.graceful_close_onions = [] def key_str(self, key): """ Returns a base32 decoded string of a key. """ # bytes to base 32 key_bytes = bytes(key) key_b32 = base64.b32encode(key_bytes) # strip trailing ==== assert key_b32[-4:] == b"====" key_b32 = key_b32[:-4] # change from b'ASDF' to ASDF s = key_b32.decode("utf-8") return s def connect( self, custom_settings=None, config=None, tor_status_update_func=None, connect_timeout=120, local_only=False, ): if local_only: self.common.log( "Onion", "connect", "--local-only, so skip trying to connect" ) return # Either use settings that are passed in, or use them from common if custom_settings: self.settings = custom_settings elif config: self.common.load_settings(config) self.settings = self.common.settings else: self.common.load_settings() self.settings = self.common.settings self.common.log( "Onion", "connect", f"connection_type={self.settings.get('connection_type')}", ) # The Tor controller self.c = None if self.settings.get("connection_type") == "bundled": # Create a torrc for this session if self.use_tmp_dir: self.tor_data_directory = tempfile.TemporaryDirectory( dir=self.common.build_tmp_dir() ) self.tor_data_directory_name = self.tor_data_directory.name else: self.tor_data_directory_name = self.common.build_tor_dir() self.common.log( "Onion", "connect", f"tor_data_directory_name={self.tor_data_directory_name}", ) # Create the torrc with open(self.common.get_resource_path("torrc_template")) as f: torrc_template = f.read() self.tor_cookie_auth_file = os.path.join( self.tor_data_directory_name, "cookie" ) try: self.tor_socks_port = self.common.get_available_port(1000, 65535) except Exception: print("OnionShare port not available") raise PortNotAvailable() self.tor_torrc = os.path.join(self.tor_data_directory_name, "torrc") # If there is an existing OnionShare tor process, kill it for proc in psutil.process_iter(["pid", "name", "username"]): try: cmdline = proc.cmdline() if ( cmdline[0] == self.tor_path and cmdline[1] == "-f" and cmdline[2] == self.tor_torrc ): self.common.log( "Onion", "connect", "found a stale tor process, killing it" ) proc.terminate() proc.wait() break except Exception: pass if self.common.platform == "Windows" or self.common.platform == "Darwin": # Windows doesn't support unix sockets, so it must use a network port. # macOS can't use unix sockets either because socket filenames are limited to # 100 chars, and the macOS sandbox forces us to put the socket file in a place # with a really long path. torrc_template += "ControlPort {{control_port}}\n" try: self.tor_control_port = self.common.get_available_port(1000, 65535) except Exception: print("OnionShare port not available") raise PortNotAvailable() self.tor_control_socket = None else: # Linux and BSD can use unix sockets torrc_template += "ControlSocket {{control_socket}}\n" self.tor_control_port = None self.tor_control_socket = os.path.join( self.tor_data_directory_name, "control_socket" ) torrc_template = torrc_template.replace( "{{data_directory}}", self.tor_data_directory_name ) torrc_template = torrc_template.replace( "{{control_port}}", str(self.tor_control_port) ) torrc_template = torrc_template.replace( "{{control_socket}}", str(self.tor_control_socket) ) torrc_template = torrc_template.replace( "{{cookie_auth_file}}", self.tor_cookie_auth_file ) torrc_template = torrc_template.replace( "{{geo_ip_file}}", self.tor_geo_ip_file_path ) torrc_template = torrc_template.replace( "{{geo_ipv6_file}}", self.tor_geo_ipv6_file_path ) torrc_template = torrc_template.replace( "{{socks_port}}", str(self.tor_socks_port) ) torrc_template = torrc_template.replace( "{{obfs4proxy_path}}", str(self.obfs4proxy_file_path) ) torrc_template = torrc_template.replace( "{{snowflake_path}}", str(self.snowflake_file_path) ) with open(self.tor_torrc, "w") as f: self.common.log("Onion", "connect", "Writing torrc template file") f.write(torrc_template) # Bridge support if self.settings.get("bridges_enabled"): f.write("\nUseBridges 1\n") if self.settings.get("bridges_type") == "built-in": use_torrc_bridge_templates = False builtin_bridge_type = self.settings.get("bridges_builtin_pt") # Use built-inbridges stored in settings, if they are there already. # They are probably newer than that of our hardcoded copies. if self.settings.get("bridges_builtin"): try: for line in self.settings.get("bridges_builtin")[ builtin_bridge_type ]: if line.strip() != "": f.write(f"Bridge {line}\n") self.common.log( "Onion", "connect", "Wrote in the built-in bridges from OnionShare settings", ) except KeyError: # Somehow we had built-in bridges in our settings, but # not for this bridge type. Fall back to using the hard- # coded templates. use_torrc_bridge_templates = True else: use_torrc_bridge_templates = True if use_torrc_bridge_templates: if builtin_bridge_type == "obfs4": with open( self.common.get_resource_path( "torrc_template-obfs4" ) ) as o: f.write(o.read()) elif builtin_bridge_type == "meek-azure": with open( self.common.get_resource_path( "torrc_template-meek_lite_azure" ) ) as o: f.write(o.read()) elif builtin_bridge_type == "snowflake": with open( self.common.get_resource_path( "torrc_template-snowflake" ) ) as o: f.write(o.read()) self.common.log( "Onion", "connect", "Wrote in the built-in bridges from torrc templates", ) elif self.settings.get("bridges_type") == "moat": for line in self.settings.get("bridges_moat").split("\n"): if line.strip() != "": f.write(f"Bridge {line}\n") elif self.settings.get("bridges_type") == "custom": for line in self.settings.get("bridges_custom").split("\n"): if line.strip() != "": f.write(f"Bridge {line}\n") # Execute a tor subprocess self.common.log("Onion", "connect", f"starting {self.tor_path} subprocess") start_ts = time.time() if self.common.platform == "Windows": # In Windows, hide console window when opening tor.exe subprocess startupinfo = subprocess.STARTUPINFO() startupinfo.dwFlags |= subprocess.STARTF_USESHOWWINDOW self.tor_proc = subprocess.Popen( [self.tor_path, "-f", self.tor_torrc], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, startupinfo=startupinfo, ) else: if self.common.is_snapcraft(): env = None else: env = {"LD_LIBRARY_PATH": os.path.dirname(self.tor_path)} self.tor_proc = subprocess.Popen( [self.tor_path, "-f", self.tor_torrc], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, env=env, ) # Wait for the tor controller to start self.common.log("Onion", "connect", f"tor pid: {self.tor_proc.pid}") time.sleep(2) # Connect to the controller self.common.log("Onion", "connect", "authenticating to tor controller") try: if ( self.common.platform == "Windows" or self.common.platform == "Darwin" ): self.c = Controller.from_port(port=self.tor_control_port) self.c.authenticate() else: self.c = Controller.from_socket_file(path=self.tor_control_socket) self.c.authenticate() except Exception as e: print("OnionShare could not connect to Tor:\n{}".format(e.args[0])) print(traceback.format_exc()) raise BundledTorBroken(e.args[0]) while True: try: res = self.c.get_info("status/bootstrap-phase") except SocketClosed: raise BundledTorCanceled() res_parts = shlex.split(res) progress = res_parts[2].split("=")[1] summary = res_parts[4].split("=")[1] # "\033[K" clears the rest of the line print( f"\rConnecting to the Tor network: {progress}% - {summary}\033[K", end="", ) if callable(tor_status_update_func): if not tor_status_update_func(progress, summary): # If the dialog was canceled, stop connecting to Tor self.common.log( "Onion", "connect", "tor_status_update_func returned false, canceling connecting to Tor", ) print() return False if summary == "Done": print("") break time.sleep(0.2) # If using bridges, it might take a bit longer to connect to Tor if self.settings.get("bridges_enabled"): # Only override timeout if a custom timeout has not been passed in if connect_timeout == 120: connect_timeout = 150 if time.time() - start_ts > connect_timeout: print("") try: self.tor_proc.terminate() print( "Taking too long to connect to Tor. Maybe you aren't connected to the Internet, or have an inaccurate system clock?" ) raise BundledTorTimeout() except FileNotFoundError: pass elif self.settings.get("connection_type") == "automatic": # Automatically try to guess the right way to connect to Tor Browser automatic_error = "Could not connect to the Tor controller. Is Tor Browser (available from torproject.org) running in the background?" # Try connecting to control port found_tor = False # If the TOR_CONTROL_PORT environment variable is set, use that env_port = os.environ.get("TOR_CONTROL_PORT") if env_port: try: self.c = Controller.from_port(port=int(env_port)) found_tor = True except Exception: pass else: # Otherwise, try default ports for Tor Browser, Tor Messenger, and system tor try: ports = [9151, 9153, 9051] for port in ports: self.c = Controller.from_port(port=port) found_tor = True except Exception: pass # If this still didn't work, try guessing the default socket file path socket_file_path = "" if not found_tor: try: if self.common.platform == "Darwin": socket_file_path = os.path.expanduser( "~/Library/Application Support/TorBrowser-Data/Tor/control.socket" ) self.c = Controller.from_socket_file(path=socket_file_path) found_tor = True except Exception: pass # If connecting to default control ports failed, so let's try # guessing the socket file name next if not found_tor: try: if self.common.platform == "Linux" or self.common.platform == "BSD": socket_file_path = ( f"/run/user/{os.geteuid()}/Tor/control.socket" ) elif self.common.platform == "Darwin": socket_file_path = ( f"/run/user/{os.geteuid()}/Tor/control.socket" ) elif self.common.platform == "Windows": # Windows doesn't support unix sockets print(automatic_error) raise TorErrorAutomatic() self.c = Controller.from_socket_file(path=socket_file_path) except Exception: print(automatic_error) raise TorErrorAutomatic() # Try authenticating try: self.c.authenticate() except Exception: print(automatic_error) raise TorErrorAutomatic() else: # Use specific settings to connect to tor invalid_settings_error = "Can't connect to Tor controller because your settings don't make sense." # Try connecting try: if self.settings.get("connection_type") == "control_port": self.c = Controller.from_port( address=self.settings.get("control_port_address"), port=self.settings.get("control_port_port"), ) elif self.settings.get("connection_type") == "socket_file": self.c = Controller.from_socket_file( path=self.settings.get("socket_file_path") ) else: print(invalid_settings_error) raise TorErrorInvalidSetting() except Exception: if self.settings.get("connection_type") == "control_port": print( "Can't connect to the Tor controller at {}:{}.".format( self.settings.get("control_port_address"), self.settings.get("control_port_port"), ) ) raise TorErrorSocketPort( self.settings.get("control_port_address"), self.settings.get("control_port_port"), ) print( "Can't connect to the Tor controller using socket file {}.".format( self.settings.get("socket_file_path") ) ) raise TorErrorSocketFile(self.settings.get("socket_file_path")) # Try authenticating try: if self.settings.get("auth_type") == "no_auth": self.c.authenticate() elif self.settings.get("auth_type") == "password": self.c.authenticate(self.settings.get("auth_password")) else: print(invalid_settings_error) raise TorErrorInvalidSetting() except MissingPassword: print( "Connected to Tor controller, but it requires a password to authenticate." ) raise TorErrorMissingPassword() except UnreadableCookieFile: print( "Connected to the Tor controller, but password may be wrong, or your user is not permitted to read the cookie file." ) raise TorErrorUnreadableCookieFile() except AuthenticationFailure: print( "Connected to {}:{}, but can't authenticate. Maybe this isn't a Tor controller?".format( self.settings.get("control_port_address"), self.settings.get("control_port_port"), ) ) raise TorErrorAuthError( self.settings.get("control_port_address"), self.settings.get("control_port_port"), ) # If we made it this far, we should be connected to Tor self.connected_to_tor = True # Get the tor version self.tor_version = self.c.get_version().version_str self.common.log("Onion", "connect", f"Connected to tor {self.tor_version}") # Do the versions of stem and tor that I'm using support ephemeral onion services? list_ephemeral_hidden_services = getattr( self.c, "list_ephemeral_hidden_services", None ) self.supports_ephemeral = ( callable(list_ephemeral_hidden_services) and self.tor_version >= "" ) # Do the versions of stem and tor that I'm using support v3 stealth onion services? try: res = self.c.create_ephemeral_hidden_service( {1: 1}, basic_auth=None, await_publication=False, key_type="NEW", key_content="ED25519-V3", client_auth_v3="E2GOT5LTUTP3OAMRCRXO4GSH6VKJEUOXZQUC336SRKAHTTT5OVSA", ) tmp_service_id = res.service_id self.c.remove_ephemeral_hidden_service(tmp_service_id) self.supports_stealth = True except Exception: # ephemeral stealth onion services are not supported self.supports_stealth = False # Does this version of Tor support next-gen ('v3') onions? # Note, this is the version of Tor where this bug was fixed: # https://trac.torproject.org/projects/tor/ticket/28619 self.supports_v3_onions = self.tor_version >= Version("") # Now that we are connected to Tor, if we are using built-in bridges, # update them with the latest copy available from the Tor API if ( self.settings.get("bridges_enabled") and self.settings.get("bridges_type") == "built-in" ): self.update_builtin_bridges() def is_authenticated(self): """ Returns True if the Tor connection is still working, or False otherwise. """ if self.c is not None: return self.c.is_authenticated() else: return False def start_onion_service(self, mode, mode_settings, port, await_publication): """ Start a onion service on port 80, pointing to the given port, and return the onion hostname. """ self.common.log("Onion", "start_onion_service", f"port={port}") if not self.supports_ephemeral: print( "Your version of Tor is too old, ephemeral onion services are not supported" ) raise TorTooOldEphemeral() if mode_settings.get("onion", "private_key"): key_content = mode_settings.get("onion", "private_key") key_type = "ED25519-V3" else: key_content = "ED25519-V3" key_type = "NEW" debug_message = f"key_type={key_type}" if key_type == "NEW": debug_message += f", key_content={key_content}" self.common.log("Onion", "start_onion_service", debug_message) if mode_settings.get("general", "public"): client_auth_priv_key = None client_auth_pub_key = None else: if not self.supports_stealth: print( "Your version of Tor is too old, stealth onion services are not supported" ) raise TorTooOldStealth() else: if key_type == "NEW" or not mode_settings.get( "onion", "client_auth_priv_key" ): # Generate a new key pair for Client Auth on new onions, or if # it's a persistent onion but for some reason we don't them client_auth_priv_key_raw = nacl.public.PrivateKey.generate() client_auth_priv_key = self.key_str(client_auth_priv_key_raw) client_auth_pub_key = self.key_str( client_auth_priv_key_raw.public_key ) else: # These should have been saved in settings from the previous run of a persistent onion client_auth_priv_key = mode_settings.get( "onion", "client_auth_priv_key" ) client_auth_pub_key = mode_settings.get( "onion", "client_auth_pub_key" ) try: if not self.supports_stealth: res = self.c.create_ephemeral_hidden_service( {80: port}, await_publication=await_publication, basic_auth=None, key_type=key_type, key_content=key_content, ) else: res = self.c.create_ephemeral_hidden_service( {80: port}, await_publication=await_publication, basic_auth=None, key_type=key_type, key_content=key_content, client_auth_v3=client_auth_pub_key, ) except ProtocolError as e: print("Tor error: {}".format(e.args[0])) raise TorErrorProtocolError(e.args[0]) onion_host = res.service_id + ".onion" # Gracefully close share mode rendezvous circuits if mode == "share": self.graceful_close_onions.append(res.service_id) # Save the service_id mode_settings.set("general", "service_id", res.service_id) # Save the private key and hidservauth string if not mode_settings.get("onion", "private_key"): mode_settings.set("onion", "private_key", res.private_key) # If using V3 onions and Client Auth, save both the private and public key # because we need to send the public key to ADD_ONION (if we restart this # same share at a later date), and the private key to the other user for # their Tor Browser. if not mode_settings.get("general", "public"): mode_settings.set("onion", "client_auth_priv_key", client_auth_priv_key) mode_settings.set("onion", "client_auth_pub_key", client_auth_pub_key) # If we were pasting the client auth directly into the filesystem behind a Tor client, # it would need to be in the format below. However, let's just set the private key # by itself, as this can be pasted directly into Tor Browser, which is likely to # be the most common use case. # self.auth_string = f"{onion_host}:x25519:{client_auth_priv_key}" self.auth_string = client_auth_priv_key return onion_host def stop_onion_service(self, mode_settings): """ Stop a specific onion service """ onion_host = mode_settings.get("general", "service_id") if onion_host: self.common.log("Onion", "stop_onion_service", f"onion host: {onion_host}") try: self.c.remove_ephemeral_hidden_service( mode_settings.get("general", "service_id") ) except Exception: self.common.log( "Onion", "stop_onion_service", f"failed to remove {onion_host}" ) def cleanup(self, stop_tor=True, wait=True): """ Stop onion services that were created earlier. If there's a tor subprocess running, kill it. """ self.common.log("Onion", "cleanup") # Cleanup the ephemeral onion services, if we have any try: onions = self.c.list_ephemeral_hidden_services() for service_id in onions: onion_host = f"{service_id}.onion" try: self.common.log( "Onion", "cleanup", f"trying to remove onion {onion_host}" ) self.c.remove_ephemeral_hidden_service(service_id) except Exception: self.common.log( "Onion", "cleanup", f"failed to remove onion {onion_host}" ) pass except Exception: pass if stop_tor: # Stop tor process if self.tor_proc: if wait: # Wait for Tor rendezvous circuits to close # Catch exceptions to prevent crash on Ctrl-C try: rendezvous_circuit_ids = [] for c in self.c.get_circuits(): if ( c.purpose == "HS_SERVICE_REND" and c.rend_query in self.graceful_close_onions ): rendezvous_circuit_ids.append(c.id) symbols = list("\\|/-") symbols_i = 0 while True: num_rend_circuits = 0 for c in self.c.get_circuits(): if c.id in rendezvous_circuit_ids: num_rend_circuits += 1 if num_rend_circuits == 0: print( "\rTor rendezvous circuits have closed" + " " * 20 ) break if num_rend_circuits == 1: circuits = "circuit" else: circuits = "circuits" print( f"\rWaiting for {num_rend_circuits} Tor rendezvous {circuits} to close {symbols[symbols_i]} ", end="", ) symbols_i = (symbols_i + 1) % len(symbols) time.sleep(1) except Exception: pass self.tor_proc.terminate() time.sleep(0.2) if self.tor_proc.poll() is None: self.common.log( "Onion", "cleanup", "Tried to terminate tor process but it's still running", ) try: self.tor_proc.kill() time.sleep(0.2) if self.tor_proc.poll() is None: self.common.log( "Onion", "cleanup", "Tried to kill tor process but it's still running", ) except Exception: self.common.log( "Onion", "cleanup", "Exception while killing tor process" ) self.tor_proc = None # Reset other Onion settings self.connected_to_tor = False try: # Delete the temporary tor data directory if self.use_tmp_dir: self.tor_data_directory.cleanup() except Exception: pass def get_tor_socks_port(self): """ Returns a (address, port) tuple for the Tor SOCKS port """ self.common.log("Onion", "get_tor_socks_port") if self.settings.get("connection_type") == "bundled": return ("", self.tor_socks_port) elif self.settings.get("connection_type") == "automatic": return ("", 9150) else: return (self.settings.get("socks_address"), self.settings.get("socks_port")) def update_builtin_bridges(self): """ Use the CensorshipCircumvention API to fetch the latest built-in bridges and update them in settings. """ got_builtin_bridges = False # Try obtaining bridges over Tor, if we're connected to it. if self.is_authenticated: self.common.log( "Onion", "update_builtin_bridges", "Updating the built-in bridges. Trying over Tor first", ) (socks_address, socks_port) = self.get_tor_socks_port() tor_proxies = { "http": f"socks5h://{socks_address}:{socks_port}", "https": f"socks5h://{socks_address}:{socks_port}", } # Request a bridge r = requests.post( "https://bridges.torproject.org/moat/circumvention/builtin", headers={"Content-Type": "application/vnd.api+json"}, proxies=tor_proxies, ) if r.status_code != 200: self.common.log( "Onion", "update_builtin_bridges", f"Trying over Tor failed: status_code={r.status_code}", ) try: builtin_bridges = r.json() if "errors" in builtin_bridges: self.common.log( "Onion", "update_builtin_bridges", f"Trying over Tor failed: errors={builtin_bridges['errors']}", ) else: got_builtin_bridges = builtin_bridges except Exception as e: self.common.log( "Onion", "update_builtin_bridges", f"Hit exception when trying over Tor: {e}", ) if not got_builtin_bridges: # Fall back to using Meek, without Tor self.common.log( "Onion", "update_builtin_bridges", "Updating the built-in bridges. Trying via Meek (no Tor)", ) meek = Meek(self.common) meek.start() self.censorship_circumvention = CensorshipCircumvention(self.common, meek) got_builtin_bridges = ( self.censorship_circumvention.request_builtin_bridges() ) meek.cleanup() # If we got to this point, we have bridges if got_builtin_bridges: self.common.log( "Onion", "update_builtin_bridges", f"Obtained bridges: {got_builtin_bridges}", ) if got_builtin_bridges["meek"]: # Meek bridge needs to be defined as "meek_lite", not "meek", # for it to work with obfs4proxy. # We also refer to this bridge type as 'meek-azure' in our settings. # So first, rename the key in the dict got_builtin_bridges["meek-azure"] = got_builtin_bridges.pop("meek") new_meek_bridges = [] # Now replace the values. They also need the url/front params appended for item in got_builtin_bridges["meek-azure"]: newline = item.replace("meek", "meek_lite") new_meek_bridges.append( f"{newline} url=https://meek.azureedge.net/ front=ajax.aspnetcdn.com" ) got_builtin_bridges["meek-azure"] = new_meek_bridges # Save the new settings self.settings.set("bridges_builtin", got_builtin_bridges) self.settings.save() else: self.common.log( "Onion", "update_builtin_bridges", "Error getting built-in bridges" ) return False