#!/usr/bin/env python3 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ OnionShare | https://onionshare.org/ Copyright (C) 2014-2021 Micah Lee, et al. This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see . """ import os import sys import platform import shutil import cx_Freeze from cx_Freeze import setup, Executable # There's an obscure cx_Freeze bug that I'm hitting that's preventing the macOS # package from getting built. This is some monkeypatching to fix it. if platform.system() == "Darwin" or platform.system() == "Linux": import importlib_metadata import pathlib from pathlib import Path from tempfile import TemporaryDirectory class CustomPackagePath(pathlib.PurePosixPath): def __init__(self, filename): self.long_filename = str(filename) self.short_filename = "/".join(filename.as_posix().split("/")[-2:]) super(CustomPackagePath, self).__init__() def read_text(self, encoding="utf-8"): with self.locate().open(encoding=encoding) as stream: return stream.read() def read_binary(self): with self.locate().open("rb") as stream: return stream.read() def locate(self): return Path(self.long_filename) def as_posix(self): return self.short_filename class DistributionCache(importlib_metadata.PathDistribution): _cachedir = TemporaryDirectory(prefix="cxfreeze-") @staticmethod def at(path): return DistributionCache(Path(path)) at.__doc__ = importlib_metadata.PathDistribution.at.__doc__ @classmethod def from_name(cls, name): distribution = super().from_name(name) temp_dir = Path(cls._cachedir.name) dist_dir = None files = distribution.files or [] prep = importlib_metadata.Prepared(distribution.name) normalized = prep.normalized legacy_normalized = prep.legacy_normalized for file in files: # patch: the onionshare and onionshare_cli files are using absolute paths, which break everything if name in ["onionshare", "onionshare_cli"]: if ".dist-info" not in file.as_posix(): continue file = CustomPackagePath(file) if ( not file.match(f"{name}-*.dist-info/*") and not file.match(f"{distribution.name}-*.dist-info/*") and not file.match(f"{normalized}-*.dist-info/*") and not file.match(f"{legacy_normalized}-*.dist-info/*") ): continue src_path = file.locate() if not src_path.exists(): continue dst_path = temp_dir / file.as_posix() if dist_dir is None: dist_dir = dst_path.parent dist_dir.mkdir(exist_ok=True) shutil.copy2(src_path, dst_path) if dist_dir is None: raise importlib_metadata.PackageNotFoundError(name) return cls.at(dist_dir) from_name.__doc__ = importlib_metadata.PathDistribution.from_name.__doc__ cx_Freeze.module.DistributionCache = DistributionCache # Discover the version with open(os.path.join("..", "cli", "onionshare_cli", "resources", "version.txt")) as f: version = f.read().strip() # Build include_files = [(os.path.join("..", "LICENSE"), "LICENSE")] if platform.system() == "Windows": include_msvcr = True gui_base = "Win32GUI" exec_icon = os.path.join("onionshare", "resources", "onionshare.ico") elif platform.system() == "Darwin": import PySide2 import shiboken2 include_msvcr = False gui_base = None exec_icon = None include_files += [ ( os.path.join(PySide2.__path__[0], "libpyside2.abi3.5.15.dylib"), "libpyside2.abi3.5.15.dylib", ), ( os.path.join(shiboken2.__path__[0], "libshiboken2.abi3.5.15.dylib"), "libshiboken2.abi3.5.15.dylib", ), ] elif platform.system() == "Linux": include_msvcr = False gui_base = None exec_icon = None if not shutil.which("patchelf"): print("Install the patchelf package") sys.exit() setup( name="onionshare", version=version, description="Securely and anonymously share files, host websites, and chat with friends using the Tor network", options={ # build_exe, for Windows and macOS "build_exe": { "packages": [ "cffi", "engineio", "engineio.async_drivers.gevent", "engineio.async_drivers.gevent_uwsgi", "gevent", "jinja2.ext", "onionshare", "onionshare_cli", "PySide2", "PySide2.QtCore", "PySide2.QtGui", "PySide2.QtWidgets", ], "excludes": [ "test", "tkinter", "PySide2.Qt3DAnimation", "PySide2.Qt3DCore", "PySide2.Qt3DExtras", "PySide2.Qt3DInput", "PySide2.Qt3DLogic", "PySide2.Qt3DRender", "PySide2.QtCharts", "PySide2.QtConcurrent", "PySide2.QtDataVisualization", "PySide2.QtHelp", "PySide2.QtLocation", "PySide2.QtMultimedia", "PySide2.QtMultimediaWidgets", "PySide2.QtNetwork", "PySide2.QtOpenGL", "PySide2.QtOpenGLFunctions", "PySide2.QtPositioning", "PySide2.QtPrintSupport", "PySide2.QtQml", "PySide2.QtQuick", "PySide2.QtQuickControls2", "PySide2.QtQuickWidgets", "PySide2.QtRemoteObjects", "PySide2.QtScript", "PySide2.QtScriptTools", "PySide2.QtScxml", "PySide2.QtSensors", "PySide2.QtSerialPort", "PySide2.QtSql", "PySide2.QtTest", "PySide2.QtTextToSpeech", "PySide2.QtUiTools", "PySide2.QtWebChannel", "PySide2.QtWebEngine", "PySide2.QtWebEngineCore", "PySide2.QtWebEngineWidgets", "PySide2.QtWebSockets", "PySide2.QtXml", "PySide2.QtXmlPatterns", ], "include_files": include_files, "include_msvcr": include_msvcr, }, # bdist_mac, making the macOS app bundle "bdist_mac": { "iconfile": os.path.join("onionshare", "resources", "onionshare.icns"), "bundle_name": "OnionShare", "codesign_identity": "Developer ID Application: Micah Lee (N9B95FDWH4)", "codesign_entitlements": os.path.join("package", "Entitlements.plist"), "codesign_deep": True, }, # bdist_dmg, packaging the macOS app bundle in a dmg "bdist_dmg": { "volume_label": f"OnionShare-{version}", "applications_shortcut": True, }, }, executables=[ Executable( "package/onionshare.py", base=gui_base, icon=exec_icon, ), Executable( "package/onionshare-cli.py", base=None, icon=exec_icon, ), ], )