    "connecting_ctrlport": "Connecting to Tor control port to set up hidden service on port {0}.",
    "cant_connect_ctrlport": "Can't connect to Tor control port on port {0}. OnionShare requires Tor Browser to be running in the background to work. If you don't have it you can get it from https://www.torproject.org/.",
    "cant_connect_socksport": "Can't connect to Tor SOCKS5 server on port {0}. OnionShare requires Tor Browser to be running in the background to work. If you don't have it you can get it from https://www.torproject.org/.",
    "preparing_files": "Preparing files to share.",
    "wait_for_hs": "Waiting for HS to be ready:",
    "wait_for_hs_trying": "Trying...",
    "wait_for_hs_nope": "Not ready yet.",
    "wait_for_hs_yup": "Ready!",
    "give_this_url": "Give this URL to the person you're sending the file to:",
    "ctrlc_to_stop":  "Press Ctrl-C to stop server",
    "not_a_file": "{0} is not a file.",
    "download_size": "Download size",
    "filename": "Filename",
    "size": "Size",
    "download_page_loaded": "Download page loaded",
    "other_page_loaded": "URL loaded",
    "close_on_finish": "Stop server automatically",
    "closing_automatically": "Closing automatically because download finished",
    "large_filesize": "Warning: Sending large files could take hours",
    "error_tails_invalid_port": "Invalid value, port must be an integer",
    "error_tails_unknown_root": "Unknown error with Tails root process",
    "help_tails_port": "Tails only: port for opening firewall, starting hidden service",
    "help_local_only": "Do not attempt to use tor: for development only",
    "help_stay_open": "Keep hidden service running after download has finished",
    "help_debug": "Log errors to disk",
    "help_filename": "List of files or folders to share",
    "gui_drag_and_drop": "Drag and drop\nfiles here",
    "gui_add_files": "Add Files",
    "gui_add_folder": "Add Folder",
    "gui_delete": "Delete",
    "gui_choose_files": "Choose files",
    "gui_choose_folder": "Choose folder",
    "gui_start_server": "Start Server",
    "gui_stop_server": "Stop Server",
    "gui_copy_url": "Copy URL",
    "gui_downloads": "Downloads:",
    "gui_canceled": "Canceled",
    "gui_copied_url": "Copied URL to clipboard",
    "gui_starting_server1": "Starting Tor hidden service...",
    "gui_starting_server2": "Crunching files...",
    "gui_starting_server3": "Waiting for Tor hidden service...",
    "gui_please_wait": "Please wait..."