name: Build run-name: Build Windows (x86_64), macOS (Intel), Snap, and Flatpak 🚀 on: push: branches: - main pull_request: branches: - main jobs: build-win64: runs-on: windows-latest steps: - uses: actions/checkout@v4 - name: Install python uses: actions/setup-python@v5 with: python-version: "3.12.8" - name: Install poetry run: C:\hostedtoolcache\windows\Python\3.12.8\x64\python -m pip install poetry - name: Restore cache - poetry uses: actions/cache@v4 with: path: ~\AppData\Local\pypoetry\Cache\virtualenvs key: ${{ runner.os }}-win64-poetry-${{ hashFiles('desktop/poetry.lock') }} - name: Install poetry dependencies run: | cd desktop C:\hostedtoolcache\windows\Python\3.12.8\x64\Scripts\poetry install C:\hostedtoolcache\windows\Python\3.12.8\x64\Scripts\poetry env list --full-path - name: Restore cache - tor uses: actions/cache@v4 with: path: desktop\build\tor key: ${{ runner.os }}-win64-tor-${{ hashFiles('desktop/scripts/') }} - name: Get tor binaries from Tor Browser (64-bit) run: cd desktop && C:\hostedtoolcache\windows\Python\3.12.8\x64\Scripts\poetry run python .\scripts\ win64 - name: Install Go >=1.23.5 uses: actions/setup-go@v5 with: go-version: ">=1.23.5" cache: false - run: go version - name: Restore cache - obfs4proxy uses: actions/cache@v4 with: path: desktop\onionshare\resources\tor\obfs4proxy.exe key: ${{ runner.os }}-win64-obfs4proxy-${{ hashFiles('desktop/scripts/build-pt-obfs4proxy.ps1') }} - name: Build obfs4proxy shell: pwsh run: | if ((Test-Path -Path 'desktop\onionshare\resources\tor\obfs4proxy.exe') -eq $True) { Write-Output "obfs4proxy already built" } else { cd desktop .\scripts\build-pt-obfs4proxy.ps1 } - name: Restore cache - snowflake uses: actions/cache@v4 with: path: desktop\onionshare\resources\tor\snowflake-client.exe key: ${{ runner.os }}-win64-snowflake-${{ hashFiles('desktop/scripts/build-pt-snowflake.ps1') }} - name: Build snowflake shell: pwsh run: | if ((Test-Path -Path 'desktop\onionshare\resources\tor\snowflake-client.exe') -eq $True) { Write-Output "snowflake already built" } else { cd desktop .\scripts\build-pt-snowflake.ps1 } - name: Restore cache - meek uses: actions/cache@v4 with: path: desktop\onionshare\resources\tor\meek-client.exe key: ${{ runner.os }}-win64-meek-${{ hashFiles('desktop/scripts/build-pt-meek.ps1') }} - name: Build meek shell: pwsh run: | if ((Test-Path -Path 'desktop\onionshare\resources\tor\meek-client.exe') -eq $True) { Write-Output "meek already built" } else { cd desktop .\scripts\build-pt-meek.ps1 } - name: Build OnionShare run: | cd desktop C:\hostedtoolcache\windows\Python\3.12.8\x64\Scripts\poetry run python .\ build C:\hostedtoolcache\windows\Python\3.12.8\x64\Scripts\poetry run python .\scripts\ cleanup-build - name: Compress shell: pwsh run: | mv desktop\build\\ ~\onionshare-win64 Compress-Archive -LiteralPath ~\onionshare-win64 -DestinationPath ~\ - uses: actions/upload-artifact@v4 with: name: win64-build path: ~\ build-mac-intel: runs-on: macos-latest steps: - uses: actions/checkout@v4 - name: Install Python 3.12.8 (universal2) run: | curl -L --output ~/Downloads/python.pkg sudo installer -pkg ~/Downloads/python.pkg -target / - name: Install poetry run: | curl -sSL | python3 - - name: Restore cache - poetry uses: actions/cache@v4 with: path: ~/Library/Caches/pypoetry/virtualenvs key: ${{ runner.os }}-macos-poetry-${{ hashFiles('desktop/poetry.lock') }} - name: Install poetry dependencies run: | cd desktop ~/Library/Application\ Support/pypoetry/venv/bin/poetry install - name: Restore cache - tor uses: actions/cache@v4 with: path: desktop/build/tor key: ${{ runner.os }}-macos-tor-${{ hashFiles('desktop/scripts/') }} - name: Get tor binaries from Tor Browser run: | cd desktop ~/Library/Application\ Support/pypoetry/venv/bin/poetry run python ./scripts/ macos - name: Install Go >=1.23.5 uses: actions/setup-go@v5 with: go-version: ">=1.23.5" cache: false - run: go version - name: Restore cache - obfs4proxy uses: actions/cache@v4 with: path: desktop/onionshare/resources/tor/obfs4proxy key: ${{ runner.os }}-macos-obfs4proxy-${{ hashFiles('desktop/scripts/') }} - name: Build obfs4proxy run: | if [[ -f "desktop/onionshare/resources/tor/obfs4proxy" ]]; then echo "obfs4proxy already built" else cd desktop ./scripts/ fi - name: Restore cache - snowflake uses: actions/cache@v4 with: path: desktop/onionshare/resources/tor/snowflake-client key: ${{ runner.os }}-macos-snowflake-${{ hashFiles('desktop/scripts/') }} - name: Build snowflake run: | if [[ -f "desktop/onionshare/resources/tor/snowflake-client" ]]; then echo "snowflake already built" else cd desktop ./scripts/ fi - name: Restore cache - meek uses: actions/cache@v4 with: path: desktop/onionshare/resources/tor/meek-client key: ${{ runner.os }}-macos-meek-${{ hashFiles('desktop/scripts/') }} - name: Build meek run: | if [[ -f "desktop/onionshare/resources/tor/meek-client" ]]; then echo "meek already built" else cd desktop ./scripts/ fi - name: Install cx_Freeze/PySide6 build dependencies run: | brew install libiodbc cd ~/Downloads curl -O -L hdiutil attach Postgres-2.6.5-14.dmg cp -r /Volumes/Postgres-2.6.5-14/ /Applications/ hdiutil detach /Volumes/Postgres-2.6.5-14 - name: Build OnionShare run: | cd desktop ~/Library/Application\ Support/pypoetry/venv/bin/poetry run python ./ bdist_mac ~/Library/Application\ Support/pypoetry/venv/bin/poetry run python ./scripts/ cleanup-build - name: Compress run: | cd desktop/build tar -czvf ~/onionshare-macos-intel.tar.gz - uses: actions/upload-artifact@v4 with: name: mac-intel-build path: ~/onionshare-macos-intel.tar.gz build-flatpak: runs-on: ubuntu-latest steps: - uses: actions/checkout@v4 - name: Setup run: | sudo apt update sudo apt install -y flatpak flatpak-builder flatpak remote-add --if-not-exists --user flathub - name: Restore cache - .flatpak-builder uses: actions/cache@v4 with: path: flatpak/.flatpak-builder key: flatpak-.flatpak-builder-${{ hashFiles('flatpak/org.onionshare.OnionShare.yaml') }} - name: Restore cache - build uses: actions/cache@v4 with: path: flatpak/build key: flatpak-build-${{ hashFiles('flatpak/org.onionshare.OnionShare.yaml') }} - name: Flatpak build run: | cd flatpak flatpak-builder build --force-clean --install-deps-from=flathub --install --user org.onionshare.OnionShare.yaml flatpak build-bundle ~/.local/share/flatpak/repo ~/OnionShare.flatpak org.onionshare.OnionShare --runtime-repo= - uses: actions/upload-artifact@v4 with: name: flatpak-build path: ~/OnionShare.flatpak build-snap: runs-on: ubuntu-latest steps: - uses: actions/checkout@v4 - name: Restore cache - lxd uses: actions/cache@v4 with: path: ~/lxd_cache.tar.gz key: snap-lxd-${{ hashFiles('snap/snapcraft.yaml') }} - name: Decompress cached content to lxd directory run: | if [ -f "~/lxd_cache.tar.gz" ]; then sudo tar -xzf ~/lxd_cache.tar.gz -C / fi - name: Install dependencies run: | sudo lxd init --auto sudo lxc storage list sudo snap install snapcraft --classic sudo ufw disable - name: Build snap run: sudo snapcraft - name: Compress lxd directory and set proper permissions run: | sudo tar -czf ~/lxd_cache.tar.gz /var/snap/lxd/common/lxd/storage-pools/default sudo chown $USER:$USER ~/lxd_cache.tar.gz - uses: actions/upload-artifact@v4 with: name: snapcraft-build path: onionshare_*.snap