Micah Lee
Enable com.apple.security.cs.allow-unsigned-executable-memory in the macOS sandbox because this is required for PyInstaller and Catalina
2020-09-21 21:16:31 -07:00 |
Micah Lee
Add trailing slash to ~/OnionShare/ in entitlements file, so the sandbox knows it's a directory and not a file
2018-11-25 18:00:04 -08:00 |
Micah Lee
Add comments to entitlements file, and remove the application group
2018-11-25 17:18:55 -08:00 |
Micah Lee
Fix indenting in entitlements plist, and give OnionShare read-only access to Tor Browser's data, so it can optionally use Tor Browser's tor
2018-11-25 17:00:02 -08:00 |
Micah Lee
Create a group container for macOS sandbox, and on Mac put the Tor data dir in it
2018-11-25 16:15:27 -08:00 |
Micah Lee
Split entitlements files into child and parent, and try using them both
2018-11-25 15:52:36 -08:00 |