mirror of
synced 2025-03-14 01:46:28 -04:00
Comment everything out outside of building libevent
This commit is contained in:
@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ orbs:
version: 2
- test-cli
# - test-gui
@ -88,91 +88,175 @@ jobs:
shell: powershell.exe
- checkout
# # Install python
# - run:
# name: Install Python 3.9.12
# command: |
# choco install python3 --version=3.9.12
# # Install poetry
# - run:
# name: Install poetry
# command: (Invoke-WebRequest -Uri https://raw.githubusercontent.com/python-poetry/poetry/master/get-poetry.py -UseBasicParsing).Content | python -
# # Install poetry dependencies
# - restore_cache:
# key: build-win64-desktop-poetry-deps-{{ checksum "C:\Users\circleci\project\desktop\poetry.lock" }}
# - run:
# name: Install poetry dependencies
# command: |
# cd C:\Users\circleci\project\desktop
# poetry install
# - save_cache:
# key: build-win64-desktop-poetry-deps-{{ checksum "C:\Users\circleci\project\desktop\poetry.lock" }}
# paths:
# - C:\Users\circleci\AppData\Local\pypoetry\Cache\virtualenvs
- run:
name: Install Python 3.9.12
name: Install msys2 and dependencies
command: |
choco install python3 --version=3.9.12
choco install msys2 --params "/NoUpdate /InstallDir:C:\msys2"
C:\msys2\usr\bin\bash -c "/c/msys2/usr/bin/pacman -S --needed --noconfirm autoconf automake libtool make clang"
mkdir C:\Users\circleci\src
# Build libevent
- run:
name: Install poetry
command: (Invoke-WebRequest -Uri https://raw.githubusercontent.com/python-poetry/poetry/master/get-poetry.py -UseBasicParsing).Content | python -
- run:
name: Install poetry dependencies
name: Build libevent
command: |
cd ~\project\desktop
poetry install
- restore_cache:
key: download-tor-win32-
- run:
name: Download tor (Windows Expert Bundle)
command: |
mkdir ~\Downloads\tor
cd ~\Downloads\tor
$URL = "https://www.torproject.org/dist/torbrowser/11.0.13/tor-win32-"
$Filename = "tor-win32-"
$ExpectedHash = "6af0088460d61a5e60971aea94562a3bed2fb597da6b8ac77948a5f6424dfa29"
Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $URL -OutFile $Filename
$FileHash = Get-FileHash $Filename
if($FileHash.Hash -ne $ExpectedHash) { throw "Invalid hash" }
mkdir ~\Downloads\tor\tor-win32
Expand-Archive -LiteralPath tor-win32- -DestinationPath ~\Downloads\tor\tor-win32
- save_cache:
key: download-tor-win32-
- ~\Downloads\tor\tor-win32
- run:
name: Copy tor binary into app
command: cp ~\Downloads\tor\tor-win32\* ~\project\desktop\onionshare\resources\tor
- restore_cache:
key: build-win64-obfs4proxy-v0.0.13
- run:
name: Build obfs4proxy
command: |
mkdir ~\Downloads\obfs4proxy
cd Downloads\obfs4proxy
git clone https://gitlab.com/yawning/obfs4
cd obfs4
git checkout obfs4proxy-0.0.13
go build .\obfs4proxy
Move-Item -Path .\obfs4proxy.exe -Destination ~\project\desktop\onionshare\resources\tor\Tor\obfs4proxy.exe
- save_cache:
key: build-win64-obfs4proxy-v0.0.13
- ~\project\desktop\onionshare\resources\tor\Tor\obfs4proxy.exe
- restore_cache:
key: build-win64-snowflake-v2.1.0
- run:
name: Build snowflake-client
command: |
go install git.torproject.org/pluggable-transports/snowflake.git/client@v2.1.0
Move-Item -Path ~\go\bin\client.exe -Destination ~\project\desktop\onionshare\resources\tor\Tor\snowflake-client.exe
- save_cache:
key: build-win64-snowflake-v2.1.0
- ~\project\desktop\onionshare\resources\tor\Tor\snowflake-client.exe
- restore_cache:
key: build-win64-meek-v0.37.0
- run:
name: Build meek-client
command: |
go install git.torproject.org/pluggable-transports/meek.git/meek-client@v0.37.0
Move-Item -Path ~\go\bin\meek-client.exe -Destination ~\project\desktop\onionshare\resources\tor\Tor\meek-client.exe
- save_cache:
key: build-win64-meek-v0.37.0
- ~\project\desktop\onionshare\resources\tor\Tor\meek-client.exe
- run:
name: Build OnionShare
command: |
cd ~\project\desktop
poetry run python .\setup-freeze.py build
poetry run python .\scripts\build-windows.py cleanup-build
- run:
name: Compress
command: |
mv ~\project\desktop\build\exe.win-amd64-3.9\ ~\onionshare-win64
Compress-Archive -LiteralPath ~\onionshare-win64 -DestinationPath ~\onionshare-win64.zip
- store_artifacts:
path: ~\onionshare-win64.zip
$LibeventTag = "release-2.1.12-stable"
# Get source
gpg --recv-key 9E3AC83A27974B84D1B3401DB86086848EF8686D
cd C:\Users\circleci\src
git clone https://github.com/libevent/libevent.git
cd libevent
git tag -v $LibeventTag
if($? -ne $true) { throw "libevent tag doesn't verify" }
git checkout $LibeventTag
# Build
$BashScript = @"
export PATH=/c/msys2/usr/bin:$PATH
cd /c/Users/circleci/src/libevent
./configure --prefix=/opt/libevent-build --with-pic
make -j8 install
# # Build tor
# - run:
# name: Build tor
# command: |
# $LibeventTag = "release-2.1.12-stable"
# $TorTag = "tor-"
# choco install msys2 --params "/NoUpdate /InstallDir:C:\msys2"
# C:\msys2\usr\bin\bash -c "pacman --sync --noconfirm msys/autoconf"
# C:\msys2\usr\bin\bash -c "pacman --sync --noconfirm msys/automake"
# # Get libevent source
# gpg --recv-key 9E3AC83A27974B84D1B3401DB86086848EF8686D
# cd C:\Users\circleci\src
# git clone https://github.com/libevent/libevent.git
# cd libevent
# git tag -v $LibeventTag
# if($? -ne $true) { throw "libevent tag doesn't verify" }
# git checkout $LibeventTag
# # Build libevent
# $BashScript = @"
# #!/bin/bash
# export PATH=/c/msys2/usr/bin:$PATH
# cd /c/Users/circleci/src/libevent
# ./autogen.sh
# ./configure --prefix=/opt/libevent-build --with-pic
# make -j8 install
# "@
# # Get tor source
# gpg --recv-key B74417EDDF22AC9F9E90F49142E86A2A11F48D36
# cd C:\Users\circleci\src
# git clone https://git.torproject.org/tor.git
# cd tor
# git tag -v $TorTag
# if($? -ne $true) { throw "tor tag doesn't verify" }
# git checkout $TorTag
# - restore_cache:
# key: download-tor-win32-
# - run:
# name: Download tor (Windows Expert Bundle)
# command: |
# mkdir ~\Downloads\tor
# cd ~\Downloads\tor
# $URL = "https://www.torproject.org/dist/torbrowser/11.0.13/tor-win32-"
# $Filename = "tor-win32-"
# $ExpectedHash = "6af0088460d61a5e60971aea94562a3bed2fb597da6b8ac77948a5f6424dfa29"
# Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $URL -OutFile $Filename
# $FileHash = Get-FileHash $Filename
# if($FileHash.Hash -ne $ExpectedHash) { throw "Invalid hash" }
# mkdir ~\Downloads\tor\tor-win32
# Expand-Archive -LiteralPath tor-win32- -DestinationPath ~\Downloads\tor\tor-win32
# - save_cache:
# key: download-tor-win32-
# paths:
# - ~\Downloads\tor\tor-win32
# - run:
# name: Copy tor binary into app
# command: cp ~\Downloads\tor\tor-win32\* ~\project\desktop\onionshare\resources\tor
# - restore_cache:
# key: build-win64-obfs4proxy-v0.0.13
# - run:
# name: Build obfs4proxy
# command: |
# mkdir ~\Downloads\obfs4proxy
# cd Downloads\obfs4proxy
# git clone https://gitlab.com/yawning/obfs4
# cd obfs4
# git checkout obfs4proxy-0.0.13
# go build .\obfs4proxy
# Move-Item -Path .\obfs4proxy.exe -Destination ~\project\desktop\onionshare\resources\tor\Tor\obfs4proxy.exe
# - save_cache:
# key: build-win64-obfs4proxy-v0.0.13
# paths:
# - ~\project\desktop\onionshare\resources\tor\Tor\obfs4proxy.exe
# - restore_cache:
# key: build-win64-snowflake-v2.1.0
# - run:
# name: Build snowflake-client
# command: |
# go install git.torproject.org/pluggable-transports/snowflake.git/client@v2.1.0
# Move-Item -Path ~\go\bin\client.exe -Destination ~\project\desktop\onionshare\resources\tor\Tor\snowflake-client.exe
# - save_cache:
# key: build-win64-snowflake-v2.1.0
# paths:
# - ~\project\desktop\onionshare\resources\tor\Tor\snowflake-client.exe
# - restore_cache:
# key: build-win64-meek-v0.37.0
# - run:
# name: Build meek-client
# command: |
# go install git.torproject.org/pluggable-transports/meek.git/meek-client@v0.37.0
# Move-Item -Path ~\go\bin\meek-client.exe -Destination ~\project\desktop\onionshare\resources\tor\Tor\meek-client.exe
# - save_cache:
# key: build-win64-meek-v0.37.0
# paths:
# - ~\project\desktop\onionshare\resources\tor\Tor\meek-client.exe
# - run:
# name: Build OnionShare
# command: |
# cd ~\project\desktop
# poetry run python .\setup-freeze.py build
# poetry run python .\scripts\build-windows.py cleanup-build
# - run:
# name: Compress
# command: |
# mv ~\project\desktop\build\exe.win-amd64-3.9\ ~\onionshare-win64
# Compress-Archive -LiteralPath ~\onionshare-win64 -DestinationPath ~\onionshare-win64.zip
# - store_artifacts:
# path: ~\onionshare-win64.zip
Reference in New Issue
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