mirror of
synced 2025-03-18 03:46:17 -04:00
Language rework
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,184 +1,184 @@
"config_onion_service": "Configuring onion service on port {0:d}.",
"preparing_files": "Preparing files to share.",
"give_this_url": "Give this address to the person you're sending the file to:",
"give_this_url_stealth": "Give this address and HidServAuth line to the person you're sending the file to:",
"give_this_url_receive": "Give this address to the people sending you files:",
"give_this_url_receive_stealth": "Give this address and HidServAuth line to the people sending you files:",
"config_onion_service": "Setting up onion service on port {0:d}.",
"preparing_files": "Preparing share.",
"give_this_url": "Give this address to the recipient:",
"give_this_url_stealth": "Give this inbox address and HidServAuth line to the recipient:",
"give_this_url_receive": "Give this inbox address to the sender:",
"give_this_url_receive_stealth": "Give this inbox address and HidServAuth to the sender:",
"ctrlc_to_stop": "Press Ctrl+C to stop the server",
"not_a_file": "{0:s} is not a valid file.",
"not_a_readable_file": "{0:s} is not a readable file.",
"no_available_port": "Could not start the Onion service as there was no available port.",
"other_page_loaded": "Address loaded",
"close_on_timeout": "Stopped because timer expired",
"closing_automatically": "Stopped because download finished",
"timeout_download_still_running": "Waiting for download to complete",
"large_filesize": "Warning: Sending large files could take hours",
"no_available_port": "Could not find an available port to start the onion service",
"other_page_loaded": "Inbox address loaded",
"close_on_timeout": "Stopped because timeframe expired",
"closing_automatically": "Stopped because you have the complete share",
"timeout_download_still_running": "Awaiting completion of share transfer to you",
"large_filesize": "Warning: Sending a large share could take hours",
"systray_menu_exit": "Quit",
"systray_download_started_title": "OnionShare Download Started",
"systray_download_started_message": "A user started downloading your files",
"systray_download_completed_title": "OnionShare Download Finished",
"systray_download_completed_message": "The user finished downloading your files",
"systray_download_canceled_title": "OnionShare Download Canceled",
"systray_download_canceled_message": "The user canceled the download",
"systray_upload_started_title": "OnionShare Upload Started",
"systray_upload_started_message": "A user started uploading files to your computer",
"help_local_only": "Do not attempt to use Tor: For development only",
"help_stay_open": "Keep onion service running after download has finished",
"help_shutdown_timeout": "Shut down the onion service after N seconds",
"help_stealth": "Create stealth onion service (advanced)",
"help_receive": "Receive files instead of sending them",
"help_debug": "Log application errors to stdout, and log web errors to disk",
"systray_download_started_title": "Sending…",
"systray_download_started_message": "Your share is being sent.",
"systray_download_completed_title": "Share sent",
"systray_download_completed_message": "Your share has been sent.",
"systray_download_canceled_title": "Share cancelled",
"systray_download_canceled_message": "The recipient cancelled the share.",
"systray_upload_started_title": "Receiving…",
"systray_upload_started_message": "Started share transfer to inbox.",
"help_local_only": "Avoid using Tor: (Only for development)",
"help_stay_open": "Keep sending after one completion",
"help_shutdown_timeout": "Stop sharing after a given amount of seconds",
"help_stealth": "Make share that requires HidServAuth (advanced)",
"help_receive": "Receive shares instead of sending them",
"help_debug": "Log OnionShare errors to stdout, and web errors to disk",
"help_filename": "List of files or folders to share",
"help_config": "Path to a custom JSON config file (optional)",
"help_config": "Custom JSON config file location (optional)",
"gui_drag_and_drop": "Drag and drop files and folders\nto start sharing",
"gui_add": "Add",
"gui_delete": "Delete",
"gui_choose_items": "Choose",
"gui_share_start_server": "Start Sharing",
"gui_share_stop_server": "Stop Sharing",
"gui_share_stop_server_shutdown_timeout": "Stop Sharing ({}s remaining)",
"gui_share_stop_server_shutdown_timeout_tooltip": "Share will expire automatically at {}",
"gui_receive_start_server": "Start Receive Mode",
"gui_receive_stop_server": "Stop Receive Mode",
"gui_receive_stop_server_shutdown_timeout": "Stop Receive Mode ({}s remaining)",
"gui_receive_stop_server_shutdown_timeout_tooltip": "Receive mode will expire automatically at {}",
"gui_share_start_server": "Share",
"gui_share_stop_server": "Stop",
"gui_share_stop_server_shutdown_timeout": "Stop sharing ({}s remaining)",
"gui_share_stop_server_shutdown_timeout_tooltip": "Allowed share timeframe ends {}",
"gui_receive_start_server": "Receive",
"gui_receive_stop_server": "Stop",
"gui_receive_stop_server_shutdown_timeout": "Stop receiving ({}s remaining)",
"gui_receive_stop_server_shutdown_timeout_tooltip": "Allowed receive timeframe ends {}",
"gui_copy_url": "Copy Address",
"gui_copy_hidservauth": "Copy HidServAuth",
"gui_downloads": "Download History",
"gui_no_downloads": "No downloads yet.",
"gui_downloads": "History of sent shares",
"gui_no_downloads": "None yet.",
"gui_canceled": "Canceled",
"gui_copied_url_title": "Copied OnionShare address",
"gui_copied_url": "The OnionShare address has been copied to clipboard",
"gui_copied_hidservauth_title": "Copied HidServAuth",
"gui_copied_hidservauth": "The HidServAuth line has been copied to clipboard",
"gui_please_wait": "Starting… Click to cancel",
"gui_download_upload_progress_complete": "%p%, Time Elapsed: {0:s}",
"gui_download_upload_progress_starting": "{0:s}, %p% (Computing ETA)",
"gui_copied_url_title": "Copied",
"gui_copied_url": "OnionShare address copied to clipboard",
"gui_copied_hidservauth_title": "Copied",
"gui_copied_hidservauth": "HidServAuth line copied to clipboard",
"gui_please_wait": "Starting… Click to cancel.",
"gui_download_upload_progress_complete": "%p%, {0:s} elapsed.",
"gui_download_upload_progress_starting": "{0:s}, %p% (calculating end time.)",
"gui_download_upload_progress_eta": "{0:s}, ETA: {1:s}, %p%",
"version_string": "OnionShare {0:s} | https://onionshare.org/",
"gui_quit_title": "Transfer in Progress",
"gui_share_quit_warning": "You're in the process of sending files. Are you sure you want to quit OnionShare?",
"gui_receive_quit_warning": "You're in the process of receiving files. Are you sure you want to quit OnionShare?",
"gui_quit_title": "Not so fast",
"gui_share_quit_warning": "Quitting now means files en route elsewhere won't finish.",
"gui_receive_quit_warning": "Quitting now means files en route to you won't finish.",
"gui_quit_warning_quit": "Quit",
"gui_quit_warning_dont_quit": "Cancel",
"error_rate_limit": "An attacker might be trying to guess your address. To prevent this, OnionShare has automatically stopped the server. To share the files you must start it again and share the new address.",
"zip_progress_bar_format": "Compressing files: %p%",
"error_stealth_not_supported": "To create stealth onion services, you need at least Tor (or Tor Browser 6.5) and at least python3-stem 1.5.0.",
"error_ephemeral_not_supported": "OnionShare requires at least Tor and at least python3-stem 1.4.0.",
"error_rate_limit": "Too many wrong attempts on your sharing address means someone could be trying to guess it. Start OnionShare again and send a new address to share.",
"zip_progress_bar_format": "Making share smaller: %p%",
"error_stealth_not_supported": "To create shares that require knowing HidServAuth, you need at least both Tor (or Tor Browser 6.5) and python3-stem 1.5.0.",
"error_ephemeral_not_supported": "OnionShare requires at least both Tor and python3-stem 1.4.0.",
"gui_settings_window_title": "Settings",
"gui_settings_whats_this": "<a href='{0:s}'>what's this?</a>",
"gui_settings_stealth_option": "Create stealth onion services (legacy)",
"gui_settings_stealth_hidservauth_string": "You have saved the private key for reuse, so your HidServAuth string is also reused.\nClick below to copy the HidServAuth.",
"gui_settings_autoupdate_label": "Check for upgrades",
"gui_settings_autoupdate_option": "Notify me when upgrades are available",
"gui_settings_whats_this": "<a href='{0:s}'>What's this?</a>",
"gui_settings_stealth_option": "Create share that requires knowing HidServAuth (legacy)",
"gui_settings_stealth_hidservauth_string": "Having saved your private key for reuse, means you can now\nclick to copy your HidServAuth.",
"gui_settings_autoupdate_label": "Check for new version",
"gui_settings_autoupdate_option": "Notify me when a new version is available",
"gui_settings_autoupdate_timestamp": "Last checked: {}",
"gui_settings_autoupdate_timestamp_never": "Never",
"gui_settings_autoupdate_check_button": "Check For Upgrades",
"gui_settings_autoupdate_check_button": "Check for New Version",
"gui_settings_general_label": "General settings",
"gui_settings_sharing_label": "Sharing settings",
"gui_settings_close_after_first_download_option": "Stop sharing after first download",
"gui_settings_close_after_first_download_option": "Stop sharing after first completion",
"gui_settings_connection_type_label": "How should OnionShare connect to Tor?",
"gui_settings_connection_type_bundled_option": "Use the Tor version that is bundled with OnionShare",
"gui_settings_connection_type_automatic_option": "Attempt automatic configuration with Tor Browser",
"gui_settings_connection_type_bundled_option": "Use the Tor version built into OnionShare",
"gui_settings_connection_type_automatic_option": "Attempt auto-configuration with Tor Browser",
"gui_settings_connection_type_control_port_option": "Connect using control port",
"gui_settings_connection_type_socket_file_option": "Connect using socket file",
"gui_settings_connection_type_test_button": "Test Tor Settings",
"gui_settings_connection_type_test_button": "Test Connection to Tor",
"gui_settings_control_port_label": "Control port",
"gui_settings_socket_file_label": "Socket file",
"gui_settings_socks_label": "SOCKS port",
"gui_settings_authenticate_label": "Tor authentication settings",
"gui_settings_authenticate_no_auth_option": "No authentication, or cookie authentication",
"gui_settings_authenticate_label": "Tor identification settings",
"gui_settings_authenticate_no_auth_option": "None or cookie based",
"gui_settings_authenticate_password_option": "Password",
"gui_settings_password_label": "Password",
"gui_settings_tor_bridges": "Tor Bridge support",
"gui_settings_tor_bridges": "Tor bridge support",
"gui_settings_tor_bridges_no_bridges_radio_option": "Don't use bridges",
"gui_settings_tor_bridges_obfs4_radio_option": "Use built-in obfs4 pluggable transports",
"gui_settings_tor_bridges_obfs4_radio_option_no_obfs4proxy": "Use built-in obfs4 pluggable transports (requires obfs4proxy)",
"gui_settings_tor_bridges_meek_lite_azure_radio_option": "Use built-in meek_lite (Azure) pluggable transports",
"gui_settings_tor_bridges_meek_lite_azure_radio_option_no_obfs4proxy": "Use built-in meek_lite (Azure) pluggable transports (requires obfs4proxy)",
"gui_settings_meek_lite_expensive_warning": "Warning: the meek_lite bridges are very costly for the Tor Project to run!<br><br>You should only use meek_lite bridges if you are having trouble connecting to Tor directly, via obfs4 transports or other normal bridges.",
"gui_settings_meek_lite_expensive_warning": "Warning: The meek_lite bridges are very costly for the Tor Project to run.<br><br>Only use them if unable to connect to Tor directly, via obfs4 transports, or other normal bridges.",
"gui_settings_tor_bridges_custom_radio_option": "Use custom bridges",
"gui_settings_tor_bridges_custom_label": "You can get bridges from <a href=\"https://bridges.torproject.org/options\">https://bridges.torproject.org</a>",
"gui_settings_tor_bridges_invalid": "None of the bridges you supplied seem to work.\nPlease try again by double-checking them or adding other ones.",
"gui_settings_tor_bridges_invalid": "None of the bridges you added work.\nDouble-check them or add others.",
"gui_settings_button_save": "Save",
"gui_settings_button_cancel": "Cancel",
"gui_settings_button_help": "Help",
"gui_settings_shutdown_timeout_checkbox": "Use auto-stop timer",
"gui_settings_shutdown_timeout": "Stop the share at:",
"settings_saved": "Settings saved to {}",
"settings_error_unknown": "Can't connect to Tor controller because the settings don't make sense.",
"settings_error_automatic": "Can't connect to Tor controller. Is Tor Browser running in the background? If you don't have it you can get it from:\nhttps://www.torproject.org/.",
"settings_error_socket_port": "Can't connect to Tor controller on {}:{}.",
"settings_error_socket_file": "Can't connect to Tor controller using socket file {}.",
"gui_settings_shutdown_timeout_checkbox": "Stop sharing after a given timeframe",
"gui_settings_shutdown_timeout": "Stop sharing after:",
"settings_saved": "Settings saved in {}",
"settings_error_unknown": "Can't connect to Tor controller because it knows your settings aren't making sense.",
"settings_error_automatic": "Could not connect to the Tor controller. The Tor Browser (available from https://www.torproject.org/)\nneeds to be running in the background.",
"settings_error_socket_port": "Can't connect to the Tor controller at {}:{}.",
"settings_error_socket_file": "The Tor controller does not allow connection using the socket file {}.",
"settings_error_auth": "Connected to {}:{}, but can't authenticate. Maybe this isn't a Tor controller?",
"settings_error_missing_password": "Connected to Tor controller, but it requires a password to authenticate.",
"settings_error_unreadable_cookie_file": "Connected to Tor controller, but can't authenticate because your password may be wrong, and your user lacks permission to read the cookie file.",
"settings_error_bundled_tor_not_supported": "Use of the Tor version bundled with OnionShare is not supported when using developer mode on Windows or macOS.",
"settings_error_bundled_tor_timeout": "Connecting to Tor is taking too long. Maybe your computer is offline, or your system clock isn't accurate.",
"settings_error_missing_password": "Connected to the Tor controller, type in the password for it.",
"settings_error_unreadable_cookie_file": "Connected to the Tor controller, but password may be wrong, or your user is not permitted to read the cookie file.",
"settings_error_bundled_tor_not_supported": "Using the Tor version that comes with OnionShare does not work in developer mode on Windows or macOS.",
"settings_error_bundled_tor_timeout": "Taking too long to connect to Tor. Maybe you aren't connected to the Internet, or have an inaccurate system clock?",
"settings_error_bundled_tor_broken": "OnionShare could not connect to Tor in the background:\n{}",
"settings_test_success": "Congratulations, OnionShare can connect to the Tor controller.\n\nTor version: {}\nSupports ephemeral onion services: {}\nSupports stealth onion services: {}",
"settings_test_success": "Connected to the Tor controller.\n\nTor version: {}\nSupports ephemeral onion services: {}.\nSupports shares that require HidServAuth: {}.",
"error_tor_protocol_error": "There was an error with Tor: {}",
"error_tor_protocol_error_unknown": "There was an unknown error with Tor",
"error_invalid_private_key": "This private key type is unsupported",
"connecting_to_tor": "Connecting to the Tor network",
"update_available": "A new version of OnionShare is available. <a href='{}'>Click here</a> to download it.<br><br>Installed version: {}<br>Latest version: {}",
"update_error_check_error": "Error checking for updates: Maybe you're not connected to Tor, or maybe the OnionShare website is down.",
"update_error_invalid_latest_version": "Error checking for updates: The OnionShare website responded saying the latest version is '{}', but that doesn't appear to be a valid version string.",
"update_not_available": "You are running the latest version of OnionShare.",
"gui_tor_connection_ask": "Would you like to open OnionShare settings to troubleshoot connecting to Tor?",
"gui_tor_connection_ask_open_settings": "Open Settings",
"update_available": "New OnionShare out. <a href='{}'>Click here</a> to get it.<br><br>You are using {} and the latest is {}.",
"update_error_check_error": "Could not check for new versions: The OnionShare website is saying the latest version is the unrecognizable '{}'…",
"update_error_invalid_latest_version": "Could not check for new version: Maybe you're not connected to Tor, or the OnionShare website is down?",
"update_not_available": "Running the latest OnionShare.",
"gui_tor_connection_ask": "Open the settings to sort out connection to Tor?",
"gui_tor_connection_ask_open_settings": "Yes",
"gui_tor_connection_ask_quit": "Quit",
"gui_tor_connection_error_settings": "Try adjusting how OnionShare connects to the Tor network in Settings.",
"gui_tor_connection_canceled": "OnionShare could not connect to Tor.\n\nMake sure you're connected to the Internet, then re-open OnionShare to set up the Tor connection.",
"gui_tor_connection_error_settings": "Try changing how OnionShare connects to the Tor network in the settings.",
"gui_tor_connection_canceled": "Could not connect to Tor.\n\nEnsure you are connected to the Internet, then re-open OnionShare and set up its connection to Tor.",
"gui_tor_connection_lost": "Disconnected from Tor.",
"gui_server_started_after_timeout": "The server started after your chosen auto-timeout.\nPlease start a new share.",
"gui_server_timeout_expired": "The chosen timeout has already expired.\nPlease update the timeout and then you may start sharing.",
"share_via_onionshare": "Share via OnionShare",
"gui_server_started_after_timeout": "The set sharing timeframe ran out before the server started.\nPlease make a new share.",
"gui_server_timeout_expired": "The chosen sharing timeframe has already expired.\nPlease update it to start sharing.",
"share_via_onionshare": "OnionShare it",
"gui_use_legacy_v2_onions_checkbox": "Use legacy addresses",
"gui_save_private_key_checkbox": "Use a persistent address (legacy)",
"gui_share_url_description": "<b>Anyone</b> with this link can <b>download</b> your files using the <b>Tor Browser</b>: <img src='{}' />",
"gui_receive_url_description": "<b>Anyone</b> with this link can <b>upload</b> files to your computer using the <b>Tor Browser</b>: <img src='{}' />",
"gui_url_label_persistent": "This share will not expire automatically unless a timer is set.<br><br>Every share will have the same address (to use one-time addresses, disable persistence in Settings)",
"gui_url_label_stay_open": "This share will not expire automatically unless a timer is set.",
"gui_url_label_onetime": "This share will expire after the first download",
"gui_url_label_onetime_and_persistent": "This share will expire after the first download<br><br>Every share will have the same address (to use one-time addresses, disable persistence in the Settings)",
"gui_status_indicator_share_stopped": "Ready to Share",
"gui_share_url_description": "<b>Anyone</b> with this OnionShare address can fetch your share using the <b>Tor Browser</b>: <img src='{}' />",
"gui_receive_url_description": "<b>Anyone</b> with this link can <b>upload</b> files to your inbox folder using the <b>Tor Browser</b>: <img src='{}' />",
"gui_url_label_persistent": "This share will not auto-expire unless a timeframe is set.<br><br>Every subsequent share reuse the address. (To use one-time addresses, turn off \"Use persistent address\" in the settings.)",
"gui_url_label_stay_open": "This share will not auto-expire unless a timeframe is set.",
"gui_url_label_onetime": "This share will expire after first completion.",
"gui_url_label_onetime_and_persistent": "This share will not auto-expire unless a timeframe is set.<br><br>Every subsequent share will reuse the address. (To use one-time addresses, turn off \"Use persistent address\" in the settings.)",
"gui_status_indicator_share_stopped": "Ready to share",
"gui_status_indicator_share_working": "Starting…",
"gui_status_indicator_share_started": "Sharing",
"gui_status_indicator_receive_stopped": "Ready to Receive",
"gui_status_indicator_receive_stopped": "Ready to fetch",
"gui_status_indicator_receive_working": "Starting…",
"gui_status_indicator_receive_started": "Receiving",
"gui_file_info": "{} Files, {}",
"gui_file_info_single": "{} File, {}",
"info_in_progress_downloads_tooltip": "{} download(s) in progress",
"info_completed_downloads_tooltip": "{} download(s) completed",
"info_in_progress_uploads_tooltip": "{} upload(s) in progress",
"info_completed_uploads_tooltip": "{} upload(s) completed",
"error_cannot_create_downloads_dir": "Error creating downloads folder: {}",
"error_downloads_dir_not_writable": "The downloads folder isn't writable: {}",
"receive_mode_downloads_dir": "Files people send you will appear in this folder: {}",
"receive_mode_warning": "Warning: Receive mode lets someone else upload files to your computer. Some files can hack your computer if you open them! Only open files from people you trust, or if you know what you're doing.",
"gui_receive_mode_warning": "<b>Some files can hack your computer if you open them!</b><br>Only open files from people you trust, or if you know what you're doing.",
"gui_status_indicator_receive_started": "Fetching",
"gui_file_info": "{} files, {}",
"gui_file_info_single": "{} file, {}",
"info_in_progress_downloads_tooltip": "{} incoming",
"info_completed_downloads_tooltip": "{} incoming completed",
"info_in_progress_uploads_tooltip": "{} outgoing",
"info_completed_uploads_tooltip": "{} outgoing completed",
"error_cannot_create_downloads_dir": "Could not create inbox: {}",
"error_downloads_dir_not_writable": "The inbox folder is write protected: {}",
"receive_mode_downloads_dir": "Files sent to you appear in this folder: {}",
"receive_mode_warning": "Warning: Receive mode lets someone else upload files to your computer, potentially taking control of it if you open them. Only open things from people you trust to know what they are doing.",
"gui_receive_mode_warning": "<b>A share could contain files that take control of your computer if opened!</b><br>Only open things from people you trust to know what they are doing.",
"receive_mode_upload_starting": "Upload of total size {} is starting",
"receive_mode_received_file": "Received file: {}",
"gui_mode_share_button": "Share Files",
"gui_mode_receive_button": "Receive Files",
"gui_settings_receiving_label": "Receiving settings",
"gui_settings_downloads_label": "Save files to",
"receive_mode_received_file": "Received: {}",
"gui_mode_share_button": "Share",
"gui_mode_receive_button": "Receive",
"gui_settings_receiving_label": "Reception settings",
"gui_settings_downloads_label": "Save shares to",
"gui_settings_downloads_button": "Browse",
"gui_settings_receive_allow_receiver_shutdown_checkbox": "Receive mode can be stopped by the sender",
"gui_settings_public_mode_checkbox": "Public mode",
"systray_close_server_title": "OnionShare Server Closed",
"systray_close_server_title": "OnionShare Server Shut Down",
"systray_close_server_message": "A user closed the server",
"systray_page_loaded_title": "OnionShare Page Loaded",
"systray_download_page_loaded_message": "A user loaded the download page",
"systray_upload_page_loaded_message": "A user loaded the upload page",
"gui_uploads": "Upload History",
"gui_no_uploads": "No uploads yet.",
"gui_clear_history": "Clear history",
"gui_upload_in_progress": "Upload Started {}",
"gui_upload_finished_range": "Uploaded {} to {}",
"gui_upload_finished": "Uploaded {}",
"gui_open_folder_error_nautilus": "Cannot open folder the because nautilus is not available. You can find this file here: {}"
"systray_download_page_loaded_message": "Your page has been loaded",
"systray_upload_page_loaded_message": "Someone is browsing what you share",
"gui_uploads": "Sent Shares",
"gui_no_uploads": "Nothing sent yet.",
"gui_clear_history": "Clear",
"gui_upload_in_progress": "Delivery Started {}",
"gui_upload_finished_range": "Sent {} to {}",
"gui_upload_finished": "Sent {}",
"gui_open_folder_error_nautilus": "Cannot open folder without a file manager. The file is here: {}"
Reference in New Issue
Block a user