From 16ba5441e73c9cd99281a483fa5006accec6ae63 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Jonatan Nyberg Date: Sat, 29 Dec 2018 03:29:18 +0000 Subject: [PATCH 01/62] Translated using Weblate (Swedish) Translate-URL: --- share/locale/sv.json | 267 ++++++++++++++++++++++--------------------- 1 file changed, 135 insertions(+), 132 deletions(-) diff --git a/share/locale/sv.json b/share/locale/sv.json index c5f6e8da..c0e28ec7 100644 --- a/share/locale/sv.json +++ b/share/locale/sv.json @@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ "not_a_readable_file": "{0:s} är inte en läsbar fil.", "no_available_port": "Kunde inte hitta en ledig kort för att starta onion-tjänsten", "other_page_loaded": "Adress laddad", - "close_on_timeout": "", + "close_on_timeout": "Stoppad för att automatiska stopp-timern tiden tog slut", "closing_automatically": "Stannade för att nedladdningen blev klar", "timeout_download_still_running": "Väntar på att nedladdningen ska bli klar", "timeout_upload_still_running": "Väntar på att uppladdningen ska bli klar", @@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ "gui_share_start_server": "Påbörja delning", "gui_share_stop_server": "Avbryt delning", "gui_share_stop_server_shutdown_timeout": "Avbryt Delning ({}s kvarstår)", - "gui_share_stop_server_shutdown_timeout_tooltip": "", + "gui_share_stop_server_shutdown_timeout_tooltip": "Automatiska stopp-timern slutar vid {}", "gui_receive_start_server": "Starta Mottagarläge", "gui_receive_stop_server": "Avsluta Mottagarläge", "gui_receive_stop_server_shutdown_timeout": "Avsluta Mottagarläge ({}s kvarstår)", @@ -52,134 +52,137 @@ "gui_copied_url_title": "OnionShare Adress Kopierad", "gui_copied_url": "OnionShare adress kopierad till urklipp", "gui_copied_hidservauth_title": "HidServAuth Kopierad", - "gui_copied_hidservauth": "", - "gui_please_wait": "", - "gui_download_upload_progress_complete": "", - "gui_download_upload_progress_starting": "", - "gui_download_upload_progress_eta": "", - "version_string": "", - "gui_quit_title": "", - "gui_share_quit_warning": "", - "gui_receive_quit_warning": "", - "gui_quit_warning_quit": "", - "gui_quit_warning_dont_quit": "", - "error_rate_limit": "", - "zip_progress_bar_format": "", - "error_stealth_not_supported": "", - "error_ephemeral_not_supported": "", - "gui_settings_window_title": "", - "gui_settings_whats_this": "", - "gui_settings_stealth_option": "", - "gui_settings_stealth_hidservauth_string": "", - "gui_settings_autoupdate_label": "", - "gui_settings_autoupdate_option": "", - "gui_settings_autoupdate_timestamp": "", - "gui_settings_autoupdate_timestamp_never": "", - "gui_settings_autoupdate_check_button": "", - "gui_settings_general_label": "", - "gui_settings_sharing_label": "", - "gui_settings_close_after_first_download_option": "", - "gui_settings_connection_type_label": "", - "gui_settings_connection_type_bundled_option": "", - "gui_settings_connection_type_automatic_option": "", - "gui_settings_connection_type_control_port_option": "", - "gui_settings_connection_type_socket_file_option": "", - "gui_settings_connection_type_test_button": "", - "gui_settings_control_port_label": "", - "gui_settings_socket_file_label": "", - "gui_settings_socks_label": "", - "gui_settings_authenticate_label": "", - "gui_settings_authenticate_no_auth_option": "", - "gui_settings_authenticate_password_option": "", - "gui_settings_password_label": "", - "gui_settings_tor_bridges": "", - "gui_settings_tor_bridges_no_bridges_radio_option": "", - "gui_settings_tor_bridges_obfs4_radio_option": "", - "gui_settings_tor_bridges_obfs4_radio_option_no_obfs4proxy": "", - "gui_settings_tor_bridges_meek_lite_azure_radio_option": "", - "gui_settings_tor_bridges_meek_lite_azure_radio_option_no_obfs4proxy": "", - "gui_settings_meek_lite_expensive_warning": "", - "gui_settings_tor_bridges_custom_radio_option": "", - "gui_settings_tor_bridges_custom_label": "", - "gui_settings_tor_bridges_invalid": "", - "gui_settings_button_save": "", - "gui_settings_button_cancel": "", - "gui_settings_button_help": "", - "gui_settings_shutdown_timeout_checkbox": "", - "gui_settings_shutdown_timeout": "", - "settings_error_unknown": "", - "settings_error_automatic": "", - "settings_error_socket_port": "", - "settings_error_socket_file": "", - "settings_error_auth": "", - "settings_error_missing_password": "", - "settings_error_unreadable_cookie_file": "", - "settings_error_bundled_tor_not_supported": "", - "settings_error_bundled_tor_timeout": "", - "settings_error_bundled_tor_broken": "", - "settings_test_success": "", - "error_tor_protocol_error": "", - "error_tor_protocol_error_unknown": "", - "error_invalid_private_key": "", - "connecting_to_tor": "", - "update_available": "", - "update_error_check_error": "", - "update_error_invalid_latest_version": "", - "update_not_available": "", - "gui_tor_connection_ask": "", - "gui_tor_connection_ask_open_settings": "", - "gui_tor_connection_ask_quit": "", - "gui_tor_connection_error_settings": "", - "gui_tor_connection_canceled": "", - "gui_tor_connection_lost": "", - "gui_server_started_after_timeout": "", - "gui_server_timeout_expired": "", - "share_via_onionshare": "", - "gui_use_legacy_v2_onions_checkbox": "", - "gui_save_private_key_checkbox": "", - "gui_share_url_description": "", - "gui_receive_url_description": "", - "gui_url_label_persistent": "", - "gui_url_label_stay_open": "", - "gui_url_label_onetime": "", - "gui_url_label_onetime_and_persistent": "", - "gui_status_indicator_share_stopped": "", - "gui_status_indicator_share_working": "", - "gui_status_indicator_share_started": "", - "gui_status_indicator_receive_stopped": "", - "gui_status_indicator_receive_working": "", - "gui_status_indicator_receive_started": "", - "gui_file_info": "", - "gui_file_info_single": "", - "history_in_progress_tooltip": "", - "history_completed_tooltip": "", - "info_in_progress_uploads_tooltip": "", - "info_completed_uploads_tooltip": "", - "error_cannot_create_downloads_dir": "", - "receive_mode_downloads_dir": "", - "receive_mode_warning": "", - "gui_receive_mode_warning": "", - "receive_mode_upload_starting": "", - "receive_mode_received_file": "", - "gui_mode_share_button": "", - "gui_mode_receive_button": "", - "gui_settings_receiving_label": "", - "gui_settings_downloads_label": "", - "gui_settings_downloads_button": "", - "gui_settings_public_mode_checkbox": "", - "systray_close_server_title": "", - "systray_close_server_message": "", - "systray_page_loaded_title": "", - "systray_download_page_loaded_message": "", - "systray_upload_page_loaded_message": "", - "gui_uploads": "", - "gui_no_uploads": "", - "gui_clear_history": "", - "gui_upload_in_progress": "", - "gui_upload_finished_range": "", - "gui_upload_finished": "", - "gui_download_in_progress": "", - "gui_open_folder_error_nautilus": "", - "gui_settings_language_label": "", - "gui_settings_language_changed_notice": "" + "gui_copied_hidservauth": "HidServAuth-rad kopierad till urklipp", + "gui_please_wait": "Börjar... klicka för att avbryta.", + "gui_download_upload_progress_complete": "%p%, {0:s} förflutit.", + "gui_download_upload_progress_starting": "{0:s}, %p% (beräknar)", + "gui_download_upload_progress_eta": "{0:s}, ETA: {1:s}, %p%", + "version_string": "OnionShare {0:s} |", + "gui_quit_title": "Inte så fort", + "gui_share_quit_warning": "Du håller på att skicka filer. Är du säker på att du vill avsluta OnionShare?", + "gui_receive_quit_warning": "Du håller på att ta emot filer. Är du säker på att du vill avsluta OnionShare?", + "gui_quit_warning_quit": "Avsluta", + "gui_quit_warning_dont_quit": "Avbryt", + "error_rate_limit": "Någon har gjort för många felaktiga försök på din adress, vilket innebär att de kan försöka gissa det, så OnionShare har stoppat servern. Börja dela igen och skicka mottagaren en ny adress att dela.", + "zip_progress_bar_format": "Komprimerar: %p%", + "error_stealth_not_supported": "För att använda klientauktorisering behöver du minst både Tor (eller Tor Browser 6.5) och python3-stem 1.5.0.", + "error_ephemeral_not_supported": "OnionShare kräver minst både Tor och python3-stem 1.4.0.", + "gui_settings_window_title": "Inställningar", + "gui_settings_whats_this": "Vad är det här?", + "gui_settings_stealth_option": "Använd klientauktorisering", + "gui_settings_stealth_hidservauth_string": "Efter att ha sparat din privata nyckel för återanvändning, innebär att du kan nu\nklicka för att kopiera din HidServAuth.", + "gui_settings_autoupdate_label": "Sök efter ny version", + "gui_settings_autoupdate_option": "Meddela mig när en ny version är tillgänglig", + "gui_settings_autoupdate_timestamp": "Senast kontrollerad: {}", + "gui_settings_autoupdate_timestamp_never": "Aldrig", + "gui_settings_autoupdate_check_button": "Sök efter ny version", + "gui_settings_general_label": "Allmänna inställningar", + "gui_settings_sharing_label": "Delningsinställningar", + "gui_settings_close_after_first_download_option": "Sluta dela efter första hämtningen", + "gui_settings_connection_type_label": "Hur ska OnionShare ansluta till Tor?", + "gui_settings_connection_type_bundled_option": "Använd Tor-versionen inbyggd i OnionShare", + "gui_settings_connection_type_automatic_option": "Försök automatisk konfiguration med Tor Browser", + "gui_settings_connection_type_control_port_option": "Anslut med kontrollport", + "gui_settings_connection_type_socket_file_option": "Anslut med socket-filen", + "gui_settings_connection_type_test_button": "Provningsanslutning till Tor", + "gui_settings_control_port_label": "Kontrollport", + "gui_settings_socket_file_label": "Socket-fil", + "gui_settings_socks_label": "SOCKS-port", + "gui_settings_authenticate_label": "Tor-autentiseringsinställningar", + "gui_settings_authenticate_no_auth_option": "Ingen autentisering eller kak-autentisering", + "gui_settings_authenticate_password_option": "Lösenord", + "gui_settings_password_label": "Lösenord", + "gui_settings_tor_bridges": "Stöd för Tor broar", + "gui_settings_tor_bridges_no_bridges_radio_option": "Använd inte broar", + "gui_settings_tor_bridges_obfs4_radio_option": "Använd inbyggda obfs4 pluggbara transporter", + "gui_settings_tor_bridges_obfs4_radio_option_no_obfs4proxy": "Använd inbyggda obfs4 pluggbara transporter (kräver obfs4proxy)", + "gui_settings_tor_bridges_meek_lite_azure_radio_option": "Använd inbyggda meek_lite (Azure) pluggbara transporter", + "gui_settings_tor_bridges_meek_lite_azure_radio_option_no_obfs4proxy": "Använd inbyggda meek_lite (Azure) pluggbara transporter (kräver obfs4proxy)", + "gui_settings_meek_lite_expensive_warning": "Varning: meek_lite-broarna är mycket kostsamma för att Tor-projektet ska kunna köras.

Använd dem endast om det inte går att ansluta till Tor direkt, via obfs4-transporter eller andra normala broar.", + "gui_settings_tor_bridges_custom_radio_option": "Använd anpassade broar", + "gui_settings_tor_bridges_custom_label": "Du kan få broar från", + "gui_settings_tor_bridges_invalid": "Ingen av broarna du lagt till arbete.\nDubbelkolla dem eller lägga till andra.", + "gui_settings_button_save": "Spara", + "gui_settings_button_cancel": "Avbryt", + "gui_settings_button_help": "Hjälp", + "gui_settings_shutdown_timeout_checkbox": "Använd automatiska stopp-timern", + "gui_settings_shutdown_timeout": "Stoppa delningen vid:", + "settings_error_unknown": "Kan inte ansluta till Tor-regulatorn eftersom dina inställningar inte är vettiga.", + "settings_error_automatic": "Kunde inte ansluta till Tor-regulatorn. Körs Tor Browser (tillgänglig från i bakgrunden?", + "settings_error_socket_port": "Det går inte att ansluta till Tor-regulatorn på {}:{}.", + "settings_error_socket_file": "Det går inte att ansluta till Tor-regulatorn med socket-filen {}.", + "settings_error_auth": "Ansluten till {}:{}, men kan inte autentisera. Kanske är det här inte en Tor-regulator?", + "settings_error_missing_password": "Ansluten till Tor-regulatorn, men den kräver ett lösenord för att autentisera.", + "settings_error_unreadable_cookie_file": "Ansluten till Tor-regulatorn, men lösenordet kan vara fel, eller din användare är inte tillåtet att läsa kakfilen.", + "settings_error_bundled_tor_not_supported": "Användning av Tor-versionen som följer med OnionShare fungerar inte i utvecklarläge på Windows eller macOS.", + "settings_error_bundled_tor_timeout": "Det tar för lång tid att ansluta till Tor. Kanske är du inte ansluten till Internet, eller har en felaktig systemklocka?", + "settings_error_bundled_tor_broken": "OnionShare kunde inte ansluta till Tor i bakgrunden:\n{}", + "settings_test_success": "Ansluten till Tor-regulatorn.\n\nTor version: {}\nStöder efemära onion-tjänster: {}.\nStöder klientautentisering: {}.\nStöder nästa generations .onion-adresser: {}.", + "error_tor_protocol_error": "Det fanns ett fel med Tor: {}", + "error_tor_protocol_error_unknown": "Det fanns ett okänt fel med Tor", + "error_invalid_private_key": "Denna privata nyckeltyp stöds inte", + "connecting_to_tor": "Ansluter till Tor-nätverket", + "update_available": "Ny OnionShare utgiven. Klicka här för att få det.

Du använder {} och det senaste är {}.", + "update_error_check_error": "Det gick inte att söka efter nya versioner: OnionShare-webbplatsen säger att den senaste versionen är den oigenkännliga '{}'…", + "update_error_invalid_latest_version": "Det gick inte att söka efter ny version: kanske är du inte ansluten till Tor, eller OnionShare-webbplatsen är nere?", + "update_not_available": "Du kör den senaste OnionShare.", + "gui_tor_connection_ask": "Öppna inställningarna för att sortera ut anslutning till Tor?", + "gui_tor_connection_ask_open_settings": "Ja", + "gui_tor_connection_ask_quit": "Avsluta", + "gui_tor_connection_error_settings": "Försök ändra hur OnionShare ansluter till Tor-nätverket i inställningarna.", + "gui_tor_connection_canceled": "Kunde inte ansluta till Tor.\n\nSe till att du är ansluten till Internet, öppna sedan OnionShare och ställ in anslutningen till Tor.", + "gui_tor_connection_lost": "Frånkopplad från Tor.", + "gui_server_started_after_timeout": "Automatiska stopp-timern tog slut innan servern startade.\nVänligen gör en ny delning.", + "gui_server_timeout_expired": "Automatiska stopp-timern har redan slutat.\nUppdatera den för att börja dela.", + "share_via_onionshare": "OnionShare den", + "gui_use_legacy_v2_onions_checkbox": "Använd äldre adresser", + "gui_save_private_key_checkbox": "Använd en beständig adress", + "gui_share_url_description": "Alla med denna OnionShare-adress kan hämta dina filer med hjälp av Tor Browser: ", + "gui_receive_url_description": "Alla med denna OnionShare-adress kan skicka filer till din dator med hjälp av Tor Browser: ", + "gui_url_label_persistent": "Denna delning kommer inte automatiskt att sluta.
< br>Varje efterföljande delning återanvänder adressen. (För att använda engångsadresser, stäng av \"använd beständig adress\" i inställningarna.)", + "gui_url_label_stay_open": "Denna delning kommer inte automatiskt att sluta.", + "gui_url_label_onetime": "Denna delning kommer att sluta efter första slutförandet.", + "gui_url_label_onetime_and_persistent": "Denna delning kommer inte automatiskt att sluta.
< br>Varje efterföljande delning kommer att återanvända adressen. (För att använda engångsadresser, stäng av \"använd beständig adress\" i inställningarna.)", + "gui_status_indicator_share_stopped": "Redo att dela", + "gui_status_indicator_share_working": "Börjar…", + "gui_status_indicator_share_started": "Delar", + "gui_status_indicator_receive_stopped": "Redo att ta emot", + "gui_status_indicator_receive_working": "Börjar…", + "gui_status_indicator_receive_started": "Tar emot", + "gui_file_info": "{} filer, {}", + "gui_file_info_single": "{} fil, {}", + "history_in_progress_tooltip": "{} pågår", + "history_completed_tooltip": "{} slutförda", + "info_in_progress_uploads_tooltip": "{} pågående sändning(ar)", + "info_completed_uploads_tooltip": "{} sändning(ar) slutförd(a)", + "error_cannot_create_downloads_dir": "Det gick inte att skapa mappen mottagningsläge: {}", + "receive_mode_downloads_dir": "Filer som skickas till dig visas i den här mappen: {}", + "receive_mode_warning": "Varning: Mottagningsläge låter personer skicka filer till din dator. Vissa filer kan potentiellt ta kontroll över din dator om du öppnar dem. Bara öppna saker från personer du litar på, eller om du vet vad du gör.", + "gui_receive_mode_warning": "Mottagningsläge låter personer skicka filer till din dator.

Vissa filer kan potentiellt ta kontroll över din dator om du öppnar dem. Bara öppna saker från personer du litar på, eller om du vet vad du gör.", + "receive_mode_upload_starting": "Sändning av total storlek {} börjar", + "receive_mode_received_file": "Mottaget: {}", + "gui_mode_share_button": "Dela filer", + "gui_mode_receive_button": "Ta emot filer", + "gui_settings_receiving_label": "Mottagning-inställningar", + "gui_settings_downloads_label": "Spara filer till", + "gui_settings_downloads_button": "Bläddra", + "gui_settings_public_mode_checkbox": "Offentligt läge", + "systray_close_server_title": "OnionShare-servern stängd", + "systray_close_server_message": "En användare stängde servern", + "systray_page_loaded_title": "OnionShare-sidan lästes in", + "systray_download_page_loaded_message": "En användare läste in hämtningssidan", + "systray_upload_page_loaded_message": "En användare läste in sändningssidan", + "gui_uploads": "Sändningshistoriken", + "gui_no_uploads": "Inga sändningar ännu", + "gui_clear_history": "Rensa alla", + "gui_upload_in_progress": "Sändning påbörjad {}", + "gui_upload_finished_range": "Skickade {} till {}", + "gui_upload_finished": "Skickade {}", + "gui_download_in_progress": "Hämtning påbörjad {}", + "gui_open_folder_error_nautilus": "Det går inte att öppna mappen eftersom nautilus inte är tillgänglig. Filen är här: {}", + "gui_settings_language_label": "Föredraget språk", + "gui_settings_language_changed_notice": "Starta om OnionShare för att din språkändring ska träda i kraft.", + "gui_add_files": "Lägg till filer", + "gui_add_folder": "Lägg till mapp", + "gui_connect_to_tor_for_onion_settings": "Anslut till Tor för att se onion-tjänst-inställningar" } From be093c32bc38a6f8abaa92a6de7d052eddaf3277 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: leonardo Date: Sat, 29 Dec 2018 18:30:53 +0000 Subject: [PATCH 02/62] Translated using Weblate (Italian) Translate-URL: --- share/locale/it.json | 13 ++++++++++++- 1 file changed, 12 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-) diff --git a/share/locale/it.json b/share/locale/it.json index 8d4f5bf3..8bbc657f 100644 --- a/share/locale/it.json +++ b/share/locale/it.json @@ -83,5 +83,16 @@ "gui_settings_connection_type_automatic_option": "Tentativo di auto-configurazione con Tor Browser", "gui_settings_language_label": "Lingua preferita", "gui_settings_language_changed_notice": "Riavvia OnionShare affinché il cambiamento della tua lingua abbia effetto.", - "gui_settings_tor_bridges_custom_radio_option": "Utilizzare ponti personalizzati" + "gui_settings_tor_bridges_custom_radio_option": "Utilizzare ponti personalizzati", + "timeout_upload_still_running": "Aspettando che si completi l'upload", + "gui_add_files": "Aggiungi file", + "gui_add_folder": "Aggiungi cartella", + "gui_settings_connection_type_control_port_option": "Connettendo usano la porta di controllo", + "gui_settings_connection_type_socket_file_option": "Connessione usano file di socket", + "gui_settings_connection_type_test_button": "Testa la connessione Tor", + "gui_settings_socket_file_label": "File di socket", + "gui_settings_socks_label": "Porta SOCKS", + "gui_settings_authenticate_label": "Impostazioni autenticazione Tor", + "gui_settings_authenticate_password_option": "Password", + "gui_settings_password_label": "Password" } From 80a35bd9687ea7070fd4093e605449d98c53c356 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: monica calcagnini Date: Sun, 30 Dec 2018 15:44:09 +0000 Subject: [PATCH 03/62] Translated using Weblate (Italian) Translate-URL: --- share/locale/it.json | 22 +++++++++++----------- 1 file changed, 11 insertions(+), 11 deletions(-) diff --git a/share/locale/it.json b/share/locale/it.json index 8bbc657f..2c357fcd 100644 --- a/share/locale/it.json +++ b/share/locale/it.json @@ -1,10 +1,10 @@ { - "preparing_files": "Preparazione dei files da condividere.", - "give_this_url": "Dai questo URL alla persona a cui vuoi inviare il file:", - "ctrlc_to_stop": "Premi Ctrl-C per fermare il server", - "not_a_file": "{0:s} non è un file.", + "preparing_files": "Compressione dei file in corso.", + "give_this_url": "Dai questa URL alla persona al destinatario:", + "ctrlc_to_stop": "Premi Ctrl+C per fermare il server", + "not_a_file": "{0:s} non è un file valido.", "other_page_loaded": "URL caricato", - "closing_automatically": "Chiusura automatica dopo aver finito il download", + "closing_automatically": "Chiusura automatica, download completato", "large_filesize": "Attenzione: Inviare file di grandi dimensioni può richiedere ore", "help_local_only": "Non usare tor: è solo per lo sviluppo", "help_stay_open": "Mantieni il servizio nascosto avviato anche dopo aver finito il download", @@ -22,13 +22,13 @@ "gui_copied_url": "URL Copiato nella clipboard", "gui_please_wait": "Attendere prego...", "zip_progress_bar_format": "Elaborazione files: %p%", - "config_onion_service": "Preparando il servizio onion sulla porta {0,d}.", - "give_this_url_stealth": "Dai questa URL e la linea di HidServAuth al recipiente:", + "config_onion_service": "Preparando il servizio onion sulla porta {0:d}.", + "give_this_url_stealth": "Dai questa URL e la linea di HidServAuth al destinatario:", "give_this_url_receive": "Dai questo indirizzo al mittente:", - "give_this_url_receive_stealth": "Condividi questo indirizzo e la linea HideServAuth:", - "not_a_readable_file": "{0:s} non e' un file leggibile.", - "no_available_port": "Non trovo nessuna porta disponibile per far partire un onion service", - "close_on_timeout": "tempo scaduto, chiudo", + "give_this_url_receive_stealth": "Condividi questo indirizzo e la linea HideServAuth con il mittente:", + "not_a_readable_file": "{0:s} non è un file leggibile.", + "no_available_port": "Non è stato possibile trovare alcuna porta per avviare il servizio onion", + "close_on_timeout": "Arrestato per tempo scaduto", "timeout_download_still_running": "download in corso, attendere", "systray_menu_exit": "Fine", "systray_download_started_title": "Inizio il Download con OnionShare", From 84fc0345808a7ec57f2782ff1bf80ba4e44ebd53 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: monica calcagnini Date: Sun, 30 Dec 2018 15:50:28 +0000 Subject: [PATCH 04/62] Translated using Weblate (Italian) Translate-URL: --- share/locale/it.json | 200 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++------------ 1 file changed, 145 insertions(+), 55 deletions(-) diff --git a/share/locale/it.json b/share/locale/it.json index 2c357fcd..ba8b280a 100644 --- a/share/locale/it.json +++ b/share/locale/it.json @@ -5,23 +5,23 @@ "not_a_file": "{0:s} non è un file valido.", "other_page_loaded": "URL caricato", "closing_automatically": "Chiusura automatica, download completato", - "large_filesize": "Attenzione: Inviare file di grandi dimensioni può richiedere ore", - "help_local_only": "Non usare tor: è solo per lo sviluppo", - "help_stay_open": "Mantieni il servizio nascosto avviato anche dopo aver finito il download", + "large_filesize": "Attenzione: inviare file di grandi dimensioni può richiedere ore", + "help_local_only": "Non usare Tor: versione in fase di sviluppo", + "help_stay_open": "Mantieni il servizio avviato anche dopo aver completato il primo download", "help_debug": "Registra gli errori sul disco", "help_filename": "Lista dei file o cartelle da condividere", - "gui_drag_and_drop": "Prendi e rilascia\ni file qui sopra", + "gui_drag_and_drop": "Trascina e rilascia i file e le cartelle per iniziare la condivisione", "gui_add": "Aggiungi", "gui_delete": "Cancella", "gui_choose_items": "Scegli", "gui_share_start_server": "Inizia la condivisione", - "gui_share_stop_server": "Ferma la condivisione", - "gui_copy_url": "Copia l' URL", - "gui_downloads": "Cronologia Dei Downloads", - "gui_canceled": "Cancellati", - "gui_copied_url": "URL Copiato nella clipboard", - "gui_please_wait": "Attendere prego...", - "zip_progress_bar_format": "Elaborazione files: %p%", + "gui_share_stop_server": "Arresta la condivisione", + "gui_copy_url": "Copia la URL", + "gui_downloads": "Cronologia dei Download", + "gui_canceled": "Annullato", + "gui_copied_url": "URL Copiato negli appunti", + "gui_please_wait": "Avviato... Cliccare per interrompere.", + "zip_progress_bar_format": "Compressione in corso: %p%", "config_onion_service": "Preparando il servizio onion sulla porta {0:d}.", "give_this_url_stealth": "Dai questa URL e la linea di HidServAuth al destinatario:", "give_this_url_receive": "Dai questo indirizzo al mittente:", @@ -30,69 +30,159 @@ "no_available_port": "Non è stato possibile trovare alcuna porta per avviare il servizio onion", "close_on_timeout": "Arrestato per tempo scaduto", "timeout_download_still_running": "download in corso, attendere", - "systray_menu_exit": "Fine", - "systray_download_started_title": "Inizio il Download con OnionShare", - "systray_download_started_message": "Una persona ha iniziato il download dei tuoi file", + "systray_menu_exit": "Termina", + "systray_download_started_title": "Download con OnionShare avviato", + "systray_download_started_message": "Un utente ha iniziato il download dei tuoi file", "systray_download_completed_title": "Download completato", - "systray_download_completed_message": "il download dei tuoi file è stato completato", + "systray_download_completed_message": "L'utente ha terminato il download dei tuoi file", "systray_download_canceled_title": "Download cancellato", - "systray_download_canceled_message": "la persona ha interrotto il download", - "systray_upload_started_title": "Iniziando upload", - "systray_upload_started_message": "Iniziando upload di file sul tuo computer", + "systray_download_canceled_message": "l'utente ha interrotto il download", + "systray_upload_started_title": "Upload con OnionShare avviato", + "systray_upload_started_message": "Un utente ha avviato l'upload di file sul tuo computer", "help_shutdown_timeout": "Termina la condivisione dopo alcuni secondi", - "help_stealth": "Richiedi autorizzazione (avanzato)", - "help_config": "Specifica il path del file JSON personalizzato", - "gui_share_stop_server_shutdown_timeout": "Ferma la condivisione ({}s rimanenti)", - "gui_share_stop_server_shutdown_timeout_tooltip": "timer termina in {}", - "gui_receive_start_server": "Inizia modalitá ricezione", - "gui_receive_stop_server": "Termina modalitá ricezione", - "gui_receive_stop_server_shutdown_timeout": "Interrompi modalitá ricezione ({}s rimanenti)", - "gui_receive_stop_server_shutdown_timeout_tooltip": "timer termina in {}", - "gui_copy_hidservauth": "Copia URL segreto", - "gui_no_downloads": "ancora niente", + "help_stealth": "Usa l'autorizzazione del client (avanzato)", + "help_config": "Specifica il percorso del file di configurazione del JSON personalizzato", + "gui_share_stop_server_shutdown_timeout": "Arresta la condivisione ({}s rimanenti)", + "gui_share_stop_server_shutdown_timeout_tooltip": "Il timer si arresterà tra {}", + "gui_receive_start_server": "Inizia la ricezione", + "gui_receive_stop_server": "Arresta la ricezione", + "gui_receive_stop_server_shutdown_timeout": "Interrompi la ricezione ({}s rimanenti)", + "gui_receive_stop_server_shutdown_timeout_tooltip": "Il timer termina tra {}", + "gui_copy_hidservauth": "Copia HidServAuth", + "gui_no_downloads": "Ancora nessun Download", "gui_copied_url_title": "Indirizzo OnionShare copiato", - "gui_copied_hidservauth_title": "URL segreto copiato", - "gui_copied_hidservauth": "URL segreto copiato", - "gui_download_upload_progress_complete": "%p%, {0:s} mancanti.", - "gui_download_upload_progress_starting": "{0:s}, %p% (calcolando)", + "gui_copied_hidservauth_title": "HidServAuth copiato", + "gui_copied_hidservauth": "HidServAuth copiato negli appunti", + "gui_download_upload_progress_complete": "%p%, {0:s} trascorsi.", + "gui_download_upload_progress_starting": "{0:s}, %p% (calcolato)", "gui_download_upload_progress_eta": "{0:s}, Terminando in: {1:s}, %p%", "version_string": "OnionShare {0:s} |", - "gui_quit_title": "Non cosí in fretta", - "gui_share_quit_warning": "Stai per inviare dai file. Sei sicuro di voler uscire da OnionShare?", - "gui_receive_quit_warning": "Stai ricevendo file, vuoi davvero terminare e chiudere OnionShare?", + "gui_quit_title": "Non così in fretta", + "gui_share_quit_warning": "Stai per inviare dei file. Sei sicuro di voler uscire da OnionShare?", + "gui_receive_quit_warning": "Stai per ricevere dei file, vuoi davvero terminare e chiudere OnionShare?", "gui_quit_warning_quit": "Esci", "gui_quit_warning_dont_quit": "Cancella", - "error_rate_limit": "Qualcosa ha fatto troppi tentativi a questo indirizzo, questo potrebbe esporre la sicurezza dell'indirizzo, quindi OnionShare ha deciso di interrompere il server. Prova a condividere di nuovo e invia al tuo contatto il nuovo URL che verrá generato.", - "error_stealth_not_supported": "Per usare l'opzione \"client auth\" hai bisogno almeno di Tor (o Tor Browser 6.5) con python3-stem 1.5.0.", + "error_rate_limit": "Qualcuno ha tentato troppe volte di accedere al tuo indirizzo, questo potrebbe comprometterne la sicurezza quindi OnionShare ha deciso di interrompere il server. Prova a condividere di nuovo e invia al tuo contatto il nuovo URL.", + "error_stealth_not_supported": "Per usare l'opzione \"client auth\" hai bisogno almeno della versione di Tor (o Tor Browser 6.5) con python3-stem 1.5.0.", "error_ephemeral_not_supported": "OnionShare richiede almeno Tor e python3-stem 1.4.0.", - "gui_settings_window_title": "Preferenze", - "gui_settings_whats_this": "Cos'e' questo?", - "help_receive": "Ricevi condivisioni invece di inviarle", + "gui_settings_window_title": "Impostazioni", + "gui_settings_whats_this": "Cos'è questo?", + "help_receive": "Ricevi le condivisioni invece di inviarle", "gui_settings_stealth_option": "Usa l'autorizzazione client (legacy)", - "gui_settings_stealth_hidservauth_string": "Dopo aver salvato la tua chiave privata per il riutilizzo, significa che ora puoi\nclicca per copiare il tuo HidServAuth.", - "gui_settings_autoupdate_label": "controlla la nuova versione", - "gui_settings_autoupdate_option": "Notificami quando una nuova versione è disponibile", - "gui_settings_autoupdate_timestamp": "ultimo controllo", + "gui_settings_stealth_hidservauth_string": "Avendo salvato la tua chiave privata per il riutilizzo, puoi\ncliccare per copiare il tuo HidServAuth.", + "gui_settings_autoupdate_label": "Controlla se vi sono nuove versioni", + "gui_settings_autoupdate_option": "Notificami quando è disponibile una nuova versione", + "gui_settings_autoupdate_timestamp": "Ultimo controllo: {}", "gui_settings_autoupdate_timestamp_never": "Mai", - "gui_settings_autoupdate_check_button": "Controlla per una nuova nuova versione", + "gui_settings_autoupdate_check_button": "Controlla per una nuova versione", "gui_settings_general_label": "Impostazioni generali", - "gui_settings_sharing_label": "Impostazione Condivise", - "gui_settings_close_after_first_download_option": "Ferma la condivisione dopo il primo download", - "gui_settings_connection_type_label": "Come OnionShare si connette a tor?", + "gui_settings_sharing_label": "Sto condividendo le impostazioni", + "gui_settings_close_after_first_download_option": "Interrompe la condivisione dopo il primo download", + "gui_settings_connection_type_label": "Come si dovrebbe connettere OnionShare a Tor?", "gui_settings_connection_type_bundled_option": "Usa la versione Tor integrata in OnionShare", "gui_settings_connection_type_automatic_option": "Tentativo di auto-configurazione con Tor Browser", "gui_settings_language_label": "Lingua preferita", "gui_settings_language_changed_notice": "Riavvia OnionShare affinché il cambiamento della tua lingua abbia effetto.", "gui_settings_tor_bridges_custom_radio_option": "Utilizzare ponti personalizzati", - "timeout_upload_still_running": "Aspettando che si completi l'upload", + "timeout_upload_still_running": "In attesa del completamento dell'upload", "gui_add_files": "Aggiungi file", - "gui_add_folder": "Aggiungi cartella", - "gui_settings_connection_type_control_port_option": "Connettendo usano la porta di controllo", - "gui_settings_connection_type_socket_file_option": "Connessione usano file di socket", - "gui_settings_connection_type_test_button": "Testa la connessione Tor", + "gui_add_folder": "Aggiungi una cartella", + "gui_settings_connection_type_control_port_option": "Connessione usando la porta di controllo", + "gui_settings_connection_type_socket_file_option": "Connessione usando il file di socket", + "gui_settings_connection_type_test_button": "Prova la connessione Tor", "gui_settings_socket_file_label": "File di socket", "gui_settings_socks_label": "Porta SOCKS", - "gui_settings_authenticate_label": "Impostazioni autenticazione Tor", + "gui_settings_authenticate_label": "Impostazioni di autenticazione Tor", "gui_settings_authenticate_password_option": "Password", - "gui_settings_password_label": "Password" + "gui_settings_password_label": "Password", + "gui_settings_control_port_label": "Porta di controllo", + "gui_settings_authenticate_no_auth_option": "Nessuna autenticazione o autenticazione tramite cookie", + "gui_settings_tor_bridges": "Supporto bridge Tor", + "gui_settings_tor_bridges_no_bridges_radio_option": "Non usare i bridge", + "gui_settings_tor_bridges_obfs4_radio_option": "Usare i trasporti obfs4 integrati selezionabili", + "gui_settings_tor_bridges_obfs4_radio_option_no_obfs4proxy": "Usare i trasporti obfs4 integrati selezionabili (richiede obfs4proxy)", + "gui_settings_tor_bridges_meek_lite_azure_radio_option": "Usare i trasporti integrati meek_lite (Azure) selezionabili", + "gui_settings_tor_bridges_meek_lite_azure_radio_option_no_obfs4proxy": "Usare i trasporti integrati meek_lite (Azure) selezionabili (richiede obfs4proxy)", + "gui_settings_meek_lite_expensive_warning": "Attenzione: i bridge meek_lite sono molto pesanti per l'esecuzione del progetto Tor.

Da usare solo se impossibile connettersi a Tor direttamente, con obfs4, o altri bridge normali.", + "gui_settings_tor_bridges_custom_label": "Puoi prendere i bridge da 1 https://bridges.torproject.org2", + "gui_settings_tor_bridges_invalid": "Nessuno dei bridge che hai aggiunto funzionano\nControllali nuovamente o aggiungine altri.", + "gui_settings_button_save": "Salva", + "gui_settings_button_cancel": "Cancella", + "gui_settings_button_help": "Aiuto", + "gui_settings_shutdown_timeout_checkbox": "Utilizza il timer di arresto automatico", + "gui_settings_shutdown_timeout": "Ferma la condivisione alle:", + "settings_error_unknown": "Impossibile connettersi al controller Tor perché le tue impostazioni non hanno senso.", + "settings_error_automatic": "Impossibile connettersi al controller Tor. Tor Browser (disponibile da è in esecuzione in background?", + "settings_error_socket_port": "Impossibile connettersi al controller Tor in {}: {}.", + "settings_error_socket_file": "Impossibile connettersi al controller Tor utilizzando il file socket {}.", + "settings_error_auth": "Connesso a {}: {}, ma non può autenticarsi. Forse questo non è un controller Tor?", + "settings_error_missing_password": "Collegato al controller Tor, ma richiede una password per l'autenticazione.", + "settings_error_unreadable_cookie_file": "Collegato al controller Tor, ma la password potrebbe essere errata o l'utente non è autorizzato a leggere il file cookie.", + "settings_error_bundled_tor_not_supported": "L'uso della versione Tor fornita con OnionShare non funziona in modalità sviluppatore su Windows o macOS.", + "settings_error_bundled_tor_timeout": "Prendendo troppo tempo per connettersi a Tor. Forse non sei connesso a Internet o hai un orologio di sistema impreciso?", + "settings_error_bundled_tor_broken": "OnionShare non è riuscito a connettersi a Tor in background:\n{}", + "settings_test_success": "Collegato al controller Tor.\n\nVersione Tor: {}\nSupporta servizi onion effimeri: {}.\nSupporta l'autenticazione del client: {}.\nSupporta indirizzi .onion next-gen: {}.", + "error_tor_protocol_error": "Si è verificato un errore con Tor: {}", + "error_tor_protocol_error_unknown": "Si è verificato un errore sconosciuto con Tor", + "error_invalid_private_key": "Questo tipo di chiave privata non è supportato", + "connecting_to_tor": "In connessione alla rete Tor", + "update_available": "E' disponibile una nuova versione di OnionShare. Clicca qui per scaricarla.

Stai usando {} e l'ultima versione è {}.", + "update_error_check_error": "Non è possibile verificare per nuove versioni: il sito OnionShare dice che l'ultima versione non è riconoscibile '{}'…", + "update_error_invalid_latest_version": "Non è possibile controllare per una nuova versione: Magari non sei connesso a Tor, o il sito OnionShare non funziona?", + "update_not_available": "Stai usando la ultima versione di OnionShare.", + "gui_tor_connection_ask": "Apri le impostazione per trovare la connessione a Tor?", + "gui_tor_connection_ask_open_settings": "Sì", + "gui_tor_connection_ask_quit": "Esci", + "gui_tor_connection_error_settings": "Prova a modificare le impostazioni di come OnionShare si connette alla rete Tor.", + "gui_tor_connection_canceled": "Impossibile connettersi a Tor,\n\nVerifica la connessione a Internet, dopo prova a riaprire OnionShare e configurare la connessione a Tor.", + "gui_tor_connection_lost": "Disconnesso da Tor.", + "gui_server_started_after_timeout": "Il timer auto-stop si è esaurito prima dell'avvio del server.\nSi prega di fare una nuova condivisione.", + "gui_server_timeout_expired": "Il timer auto-stop ha già finito.\nPer favore aggiornalo per iniziare la condivisione.", + "share_via_onionshare": "Usa OnionShare", + "gui_connect_to_tor_for_onion_settings": "Connetti a Tor per vedere le impostazioni del servizio onion", + "gui_use_legacy_v2_onions_checkbox": "Usa gli indirizzi legacy", + "gui_save_private_key_checkbox": "Usa un indirizzo persistente", + "gui_share_url_description": "1 Tutti2 con questo l'indirizzo di OnionShare possono 3 scaricare4 i tuoi file usando 5 il Browser Tor6: 7", + "gui_receive_url_description": "1 Tutti2 con questo indirizzo OnionShare possono 3 caricare4 file nel tuo computer usando 5 Tor Browser6: 7", + "gui_url_label_persistent": "Questa condivisione non si arresterà automaticamente.

Ogni successiva condivisione riutilizza l'indirizzo. (Per utilizzare indirizzi monouso, disattivare \"Usa indirizzo persistente\" nelle impostazioni.)", + "gui_url_label_stay_open": "Questa condivisione non si arresterà automaticamente.", + "gui_url_label_onetime": "Questa condivisione verrà interrotta dopo il primo completamento.", + "gui_url_label_onetime_and_persistent": "Questa condivisione non si arresterà automaticamente.

Ogni condivisione successiva riutilizzerà l'indirizzo. (Per utilizzare indirizzi monouso, disattivare \"Usa indirizzo persistente\" nelle impostazioni.)", + "gui_status_indicator_share_stopped": "Pronto per condividere", + "gui_status_indicator_share_working": "Iniziando…", + "gui_status_indicator_share_started": "Condividendo", + "gui_status_indicator_receive_stopped": "Pronto per ricevere", + "gui_status_indicator_receive_working": "Iniziando…", + "gui_status_indicator_receive_started": "Ricevendo", + "gui_file_info": "{} file, {}", + "gui_file_info_single": "{} file, {}", + "history_in_progress_tooltip": "{} in avanzamento", + "history_completed_tooltip": "{} completato", + "info_in_progress_uploads_tooltip": "{} upload(s) in avanzamento", + "info_completed_uploads_tooltip": "{} upload(s) completati", + "error_cannot_create_downloads_dir": "Non è stato possibile creare la cartella in modalità ricezione: {}", + "receive_mode_downloads_dir": "I file a te mandati appariranno in questa cartella: {}", + "receive_mode_warning": "Attenzione: La modalità ricezione permette alla gente di fare l'upload di file nel tuo computer. Alcuni file possono potenzialmente prendere il controllo del tuo computer se aperti. Apri solamente file inviati da persone di cui ti fidi, o se sai quello che stai facendo.", + "gui_receive_mode_warning": "La modalità ricezione permette alle persone di fare l'upload di file nel tuo computer.

Alcuni file possono potenzialmente prendere il controllo del tuo computer se li apri. Apri solamente file di persone di cui ti fidi, o se sai quello che stai facendo.", + "receive_mode_upload_starting": "Upload di dimensione totale {} sta partendo", + "receive_mode_received_file": "Ricevuto: {}", + "gui_mode_share_button": "Condividi File", + "gui_mode_receive_button": "Ricevi File", + "gui_settings_receiving_label": "Impostazioni di Ricezione", + "gui_settings_downloads_label": "Salva i file in", + "gui_settings_downloads_button": "Navigare", + "gui_settings_public_mode_checkbox": "Modalità pubblica", + "systray_close_server_title": "Il server OnionShare è inattivo", + "systray_close_server_message": "Un utente ha disattivato il Server", + "systray_page_loaded_title": "La pagina di OnionShare è stata caricata", + "systray_download_page_loaded_message": "Un utente ha caricato la pagina di Download", + "systray_upload_page_loaded_message": "Un utente ha caricato la pagina di Upload", + "gui_uploads": "Storia degli Upload", + "gui_no_uploads": "Nessun Upload ancora", + "gui_clear_history": "Pulisci tutto", + "gui_upload_in_progress": "Upload iniziato {}", + "gui_upload_finished_range": "Upload eseguito {} a {}", + "gui_upload_finished": "Caricato {}", + "gui_download_in_progress": "Download iniziato {}", + "gui_open_folder_error_nautilus": "Impossibile aprire la cartella perché Nautilus non è disponibile. Il file è qui: {}" } From 5cb35b9d6320d9180feb1bf6b00fb49836986029 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: leonardo Date: Sun, 30 Dec 2018 23:33:33 +0000 Subject: [PATCH 05/62] Translated using Weblate (Italian) Translate-URL: --- share/locale/it.json | 6 +++--- 1 file changed, 3 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-) diff --git a/share/locale/it.json b/share/locale/it.json index ba8b280a..36044d0b 100644 --- a/share/locale/it.json +++ b/share/locale/it.json @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ { "preparing_files": "Compressione dei file in corso.", - "give_this_url": "Dai questa URL alla persona al destinatario:", + "give_this_url": "Dai questa URL al destinatario:", "ctrlc_to_stop": "Premi Ctrl+C per fermare il server", "not_a_file": "{0:s} non è un file valido.", "other_page_loaded": "URL caricato", @@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ "gui_please_wait": "Avviato... Cliccare per interrompere.", "zip_progress_bar_format": "Compressione in corso: %p%", "config_onion_service": "Preparando il servizio onion sulla porta {0:d}.", - "give_this_url_stealth": "Dai questa URL e la linea di HidServAuth al destinatario:", + "give_this_url_stealth": "Dai questa URL e la linea HidServAuth al destinatario:", "give_this_url_receive": "Dai questo indirizzo al mittente:", "give_this_url_receive_stealth": "Condividi questo indirizzo e la linea HideServAuth con il mittente:", "not_a_readable_file": "{0:s} non è un file leggibile.", @@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ "systray_download_started_message": "Un utente ha iniziato il download dei tuoi file", "systray_download_completed_title": "Download completato", "systray_download_completed_message": "L'utente ha terminato il download dei tuoi file", - "systray_download_canceled_title": "Download cancellato", + "systray_download_canceled_title": "OnionShare Download cancellato", "systray_download_canceled_message": "l'utente ha interrotto il download", "systray_upload_started_title": "Upload con OnionShare avviato", "systray_upload_started_message": "Un utente ha avviato l'upload di file sul tuo computer", From 1f8d94a00039c1df553832c9e1f8bd142d99846f Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: =?UTF-8?q?Allan=20Nordh=C3=B8y?= Date: Sat, 29 Dec 2018 13:13:52 +0000 Subject: [PATCH 06/62] =?UTF-8?q?Translated=20using=20Weblate=20(Norwegian?= =?UTF-8?q?=20Bokm=C3=A5l)=20Translate-URL:=20 =?UTF-8?q?rojects/onionshare/translations/nb=5FNO/?= MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit --- share/locale/no.json | 7 +++++-- 1 file changed, 5 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-) diff --git a/share/locale/no.json b/share/locale/no.json index 381b4e84..073461bb 100644 --- a/share/locale/no.json +++ b/share/locale/no.json @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ { "give_this_url": "Gi denne adressen til mottakeren:", - "ctrlc_to_stop": "Trykk Ctrl+C for å stoppe serveren", + "ctrlc_to_stop": "Trykk Ctrl+C for å stoppe tjeneren", "not_a_file": "{0:s} er ikke en fil.", "gui_copied_url": "OnionShare-adresse kopiert til utklippstavle", "other_page_loaded": "En annen side har blitt lastet", @@ -186,5 +186,8 @@ "gui_download_in_progress": "Nedlasting startet {}", "gui_settings_language_label": "Foretrukket språk", "gui_settings_language_changed_notice": "Start OnionShare på ny for å se nytt språkvalg.", - "timeout_upload_still_running": "Venter på at opplastingen fullføres" + "timeout_upload_still_running": "Venter på at opplastingen fullføres", + "gui_add_files": "Legg til filer", + "gui_add_folder": "Legg til mappe", + "gui_connect_to_tor_for_onion_settings": "Koble til Tor for å se løktjeneste-innstillinger" } From 3c7b3d9e32a788d1f3bb9dcb8378eed42a7b8e43 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: la corneja Date: Thu, 3 Jan 2019 12:04:21 +0000 Subject: [PATCH 07/62] Translated using Weblate (German) Translate-URL: --- share/locale/de.json | 28 ++++++++++++++++------------ 1 file changed, 16 insertions(+), 12 deletions(-) diff --git a/share/locale/de.json b/share/locale/de.json index 3aae1951..f6f90129 100644 --- a/share/locale/de.json +++ b/share/locale/de.json @@ -96,13 +96,13 @@ "error_stealth_not_supported": "Um Klientauthorisierung zu nutzen, benötigst du mindestens Tor (or Tor Browser 6.5) und python3-stem 1.5.0.", "error_ephemeral_not_supported": "OnionShare benötigt mindestens Tor als auch python3-stem 1.4.0.", "gui_settings_whats_this": "Was ist das?", - "gui_settings_stealth_option": "Nutze Klientauthorisierung (Alt)", + "gui_settings_stealth_option": "Nutze Klientauthorisierung", "gui_settings_autoupdate_label": "Suche nach einer neueren Version", "gui_settings_autoupdate_option": "Benachrichtige mich, wenn eine neuere Version verfügbar ist", "gui_settings_autoupdate_check_button": "Suche nach neuerer Version", "gui_settings_general_label": "Allgemeine Einstellungen", "gui_settings_sharing_label": "Freigabe-Einstellungen", - "gui_settings_connection_type_automatic_option": "Versuche auto-konfiguartion mittels des Tor Browsers", + "gui_settings_connection_type_automatic_option": "Versuche Autokonfiguration mittels Tor Browser", "gui_settings_connection_type_test_button": "Teste Verbindung zum Tornetzwerk", "gui_settings_authenticate_label": "Autentifizierungseinstellungen für Tor", "gui_settings_tor_bridges": "Unterstützung für Tor Bridges", @@ -112,11 +112,11 @@ "settings_error_automatic": "Kann nicht zum Tor controller verbinden. Läuft der Tor Browser (zum Download unter im Hintergrund?", "settings_error_socket_port": "Kann unter {}:{} nicht zum Tor controller verbinden.", "settings_error_unreadable_cookie_file": "Verbindung zum Tor controller hergestellt, aber dein Passwort ist falsch oder dein Nutzer darf die Cookiedatei nicht lesen.", - "settings_error_bundled_tor_not_supported": "Im Entwicklermodus auf Windows oder macOS kannst du die Torversion, die mit OnionShare geliefert wird nicht nutzen.", + "settings_error_bundled_tor_not_supported": "Im Entwicklermodus auf Windows oder macOS kannst du die Torversion, die mit OnionShare geliefert wird, nicht nutzen.", "settings_error_bundled_tor_timeout": "Die Verbindung zum Tornetzwerk braucht zu lang. Bist du vielleicht nicht mit dem Internet verbunden oder geht die Uhr auf deinem System falsch?", - "settings_error_bundled_tor_broken": "OnionShare konnte in Hintergrund nicht mit Tor verbinden:\n{}", + "settings_error_bundled_tor_broken": "OnionShare konnte im Hintergrund nicht mit Tor verbinden:\n{}", "settings_test_success": "Verbunden mit dem Tor controller.\n\nTor-Version: {}\nUnterstützt vorübergehende onion services: {}.\nUnterstützt Klient-Authorisierung: {}.\nUnterstützt .onion-Adressen der nächsten Generation: {}.", - "error_tor_protocol_error": "Es gab eine Fehler mit Tor: {}", + "error_tor_protocol_error": "Es gab einen Fehler mit Tor: {}", "error_tor_protocol_error_unknown": "Es gab einen unbekannten Fehler mit Tor", "error_invalid_private_key": "Diese Art von privatem Schlüssel wird nicht unterstützt", "update_available": "Es gibt eine neue Version von OnionShare. Klicke hier um sie herunterzuladen.

Du benutzt {} und die neueste Version ist {}.", @@ -129,7 +129,7 @@ "gui_tor_connection_canceled": "Konnte keine Verbindung zu Tor herstellen.\n\nStelle sicher, dass du mit dem Internet verbunden bist, öffne OnionShare erneut und richte die Verbindung zu Tor ein.", "share_via_onionshare": "Teile es per OnionShare", "gui_use_legacy_v2_onions_checkbox": "Nutze das alte Adressformat", - "gui_save_private_key_checkbox": "Nutze eine gleichbleibende Adresse (alt)", + "gui_save_private_key_checkbox": "Nutze eine gleichbleibende Adresse", "gui_share_url_description": "Jeder mit dieser OnionShareAdresse kann deine Dateien mit dem Tor Browser herunterladen: ", "gui_receive_url_description": "Jeder mit dieser OnionShareAdresse kann mit dem Tor Browser Dateien auf deinen Computer hochladen: ", "gui_url_label_persistent": "Dieser Server wird nicht automatisch stoppen.

Jeder folgende Server wird die Adresse erneut nutzen. (Um Adressen nur einmal zu nutzen, schalte \"Nutze beständige Adressen\" in den Einstellungen aus.)", @@ -148,7 +148,7 @@ "error_cannot_create_downloads_dir": "Konnte den Ordner für den Empfängermodus nicht erstellen: {}", "receive_mode_downloads_dir": "Dateien, die dir geschickt werden, findest du in diesem Ordner: {}", "receive_mode_warning": "Achtung: Im Empfängermodus können Leute Dateien auf deinen Computer laden. Einige Dateien können die Kontrolle über deinen Computer übernehmen, wenn du sie öffnest. Öffne nur Dateien von Personen, denen du vertraust oder wenn du genau weißt, was du tust.", - "gui_receive_mode_warning": "Im Empfängermodus können Leute Dateien auf deinen Computer laden.

Einige Dateien können die Kontrolle über deinen Computer übernehmen, wenn du sie öffnest. Öffne nur Dateien von Personen, denen du vertraust oder wenn du genau weißt, was du tust.", + "gui_receive_mode_warning": "Im Empfängermodus können Personen Dateien auf deinen Computer laden.

Einige Dateien können die Kontrolle über deinen Computer übernehmen, wenn du sie öffnest. Öffne nur Dateien von Personen, denen du vertraust oder wenn du genau weißt, was du tust.", "receive_mode_received_file": "Empfangen: {}", "gui_mode_share_button": "Versende Dateien", "gui_mode_receive_button": "Empfange Dateien", @@ -170,16 +170,20 @@ "gui_settings_language_label": "Bevorzugte Sprache", "gui_settings_language_changed_notice": "Starte OnionShare neu, damit die Sprache geändert wird.", "help_config": "Ort deiner eigenen JSON Konfigurationsdatei (optional)", - "timeout_upload_still_running": "Warte bis der Upload abgeschlossen wurde", + "timeout_upload_still_running": "Warte bis Upload vollständig ist", "gui_settings_stealth_hidservauth_string": "Da dein privater Schlüssel jetzt gespeichert wurde um ihn später erneut zu nutzen, kannst du jetzt\nklicken um deinen HidServAuth zu kopieren.", - "gui_settings_connection_type_bundled_option": "Benutzt die in OnionShare eingebaute Tor-Version", + "gui_settings_connection_type_bundled_option": "Die integrierte Tor version von OnionShare nutzen", "settings_error_socket_file": "Kann nicht mittels des Tor Controller Socket {} verbinden.", - "gui_server_started_after_timeout": "Der Zeit ist abgelaufen bevor der Server gestartet werden konnte.\nBitte erneut etwas teilen.", - "gui_server_timeout_expired": "Der Timer ist bereits abgelaufen.\nBearbeite diesen um das teilen zu starten.", + "gui_server_started_after_timeout": "Die Zeit ist abgelaufen bevor der Server gestartet werden konnte.\nBitte erneut etwas teilen.", + "gui_server_timeout_expired": "Der Timer ist bereits abgelaufen.\nBearbeite diesen um das Teilen zu starten.", "gui_status_indicator_share_stopped": "Bereit zum teilen", "history_in_progress_tooltip": "{} läuft", "receive_mode_upload_starting": "Hochladen von insgesamt {} beginnt", "systray_page_loaded_title": "OnionShare Seite geladen", "gui_upload_finished_range": "{} hochgeladen zu {}", - "gui_upload_finished": "{} hochgeladen" + "gui_upload_finished": "{} hochgeladen", + "gui_add_files": "Dateien hinzufügen", + "gui_add_folder": "Ordner hinzufügen", + "gui_connect_to_tor_for_onion_settings": "Verbinde dich mit Tor, um die Einstellungen für onion services zu sehen", + "gui_url_label_onetime_and_persistent": "Dieser Server wird nicht automatisch stoppen. >br>
Jeder nachfolgende Server wird die gleiche Adresse nutzen. (Um jedes mal eine andere Adresse zu nutzen, schalte \"Nutze eine gleichbleibende Adresse\" in den Einstellungen aus.)" } From 98d40d022304fe4193265e719e311d02f37c16a8 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Ahmed Essam Date: Sun, 30 Dec 2018 14:09:45 +0000 Subject: [PATCH 08/62] Translated using Weblate (Arabic) Translate-URL: --- share/locale/ar.json | 12 ++++++------ 1 file changed, 6 insertions(+), 6 deletions(-) diff --git a/share/locale/ar.json b/share/locale/ar.json index 92987bd7..f89ceb10 100644 --- a/share/locale/ar.json +++ b/share/locale/ar.json @@ -2,13 +2,13 @@ "config_onion_service": "تثبيت خدمة onion على المنفذ {0:d}.", "preparing_files": "ضغط الملفات.", "give_this_url": "أعط هذا العنوان للمتلقي:", - "give_this_url_stealth": "", + "give_this_url_stealth": "أعط العنوان التالى و السطر الذى يحتوى على (HidServAuth) للمتلقى:", "give_this_url_receive": "إعط هذا العنوان للمُرسِل:", - "give_this_url_receive_stealth": "", - "ctrlc_to_stop": "", - "not_a_file": "", - "not_a_readable_file": "", - "no_available_port": "", + "give_this_url_receive_stealth": "أعط هذا العنوان و الخط المحتوى على (HidServAuth) للراسل:", + "ctrlc_to_stop": "اضغط (Ctrl+C) لايقاف السيرفر", + "not_a_file": "{0:s} ليس ملفا يستطيع البرنامج التعامل معه.", + "not_a_readable_file": "{0:s} ملف لا يمكن قراءته.", + "no_available_port": "لا يوجد منفذ متاح لتشغيل (onion service)", "other_page_loaded": "", "close_on_timeout": "", "closing_automatically": "", From 565ec373fc9109678ba0e0db4bede2c5fa45fd03 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: leonardo Date: Sun, 30 Dec 2018 23:36:20 +0000 Subject: [PATCH 09/62] Translated using Weblate (Italian) Translate-URL: --- share/locale/it.json | 4 ++-- 1 file changed, 2 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-) diff --git a/share/locale/it.json b/share/locale/it.json index 36044d0b..22934e94 100644 --- a/share/locale/it.json +++ b/share/locale/it.json @@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ "other_page_loaded": "URL caricato", "closing_automatically": "Chiusura automatica, download completato", "large_filesize": "Attenzione: inviare file di grandi dimensioni può richiedere ore", - "help_local_only": "Non usare Tor: versione in fase di sviluppo", + "help_local_only": "Non usare Tor (versione in fase di sviluppo)", "help_stay_open": "Mantieni il servizio avviato anche dopo aver completato il primo download", "help_debug": "Registra gli errori sul disco", "help_filename": "Lista dei file o cartelle da condividere", @@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ "systray_download_completed_title": "Download completato", "systray_download_completed_message": "L'utente ha terminato il download dei tuoi file", "systray_download_canceled_title": "OnionShare Download cancellato", - "systray_download_canceled_message": "l'utente ha interrotto il download", + "systray_download_canceled_message": "L'utente ha interrotto il download", "systray_upload_started_title": "Upload con OnionShare avviato", "systray_upload_started_message": "Un utente ha avviato l'upload di file sul tuo computer", "help_shutdown_timeout": "Termina la condivisione dopo alcuni secondi", From b614994dde68ab4cd74f390b3e5124a62101ea1f Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Ahmed Essam Date: Thu, 3 Jan 2019 15:39:01 +0000 Subject: [PATCH 10/62] Translated using Weblate (Arabic) Translate-URL: --- share/locale/ar.json | 4 ++-- 1 file changed, 2 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-) diff --git a/share/locale/ar.json b/share/locale/ar.json index f89ceb10..14a20842 100644 --- a/share/locale/ar.json +++ b/share/locale/ar.json @@ -1,9 +1,9 @@ { "config_onion_service": "تثبيت خدمة onion على المنفذ {0:d}.", - "preparing_files": "ضغط الملفات.", + "preparing_files": "يتم ضغط الملفات.", "give_this_url": "أعط هذا العنوان للمتلقي:", "give_this_url_stealth": "أعط العنوان التالى و السطر الذى يحتوى على (HidServAuth) للمتلقى:", - "give_this_url_receive": "إعط هذا العنوان للمُرسِل:", + "give_this_url_receive": "إعط هذا العنوان للراسل:", "give_this_url_receive_stealth": "أعط هذا العنوان و الخط المحتوى على (HidServAuth) للراسل:", "ctrlc_to_stop": "اضغط (Ctrl+C) لايقاف السيرفر", "not_a_file": "{0:s} ليس ملفا يستطيع البرنامج التعامل معه.", From 436fb8e68fcc622df264881879fcffaafd982d8c Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: emma peel Date: Thu, 3 Jan 2019 15:35:11 +0000 Subject: [PATCH 11/62] Translated using Weblate (Czech) Translate-URL: --- share/locale/cs.json | 13 ++++++++----- 1 file changed, 8 insertions(+), 5 deletions(-) diff --git a/share/locale/cs.json b/share/locale/cs.json index 74eb8ea3..af8c6fff 100644 --- a/share/locale/cs.json +++ b/share/locale/cs.json @@ -1,9 +1,9 @@ { - "config_onion_service": "Nastavuji onion service na portu {0:d}.", - "preparing_files": "Připravuji soubory ke sdílení.", + "config_onion_service": "Nastavuji onion požadavky na portu {0:d}.", + "preparing_files": "Probíhá komprese souborů.", "give_this_url": "Dejte tuto URL osobě, které dané soubory posíláte:", - "give_this_url_stealth": "Give this URL and HidServAuth line to the person you're sending the file to:", - "ctrlc_to_stop": "Stiskněte Ctrl-C pro zastavení serveru", + "give_this_url_stealth": "Sděl příjemci tuto URL a HidServAuth:", + "ctrlc_to_stop": "Stiskněte Ctrl+C pro zastavení serveru", "not_a_file": "{0:s} není soubor.", "other_page_loaded": "URL loaded", "closing_automatically": "Zastavuji automaticky, protože stahování skončilo", @@ -59,5 +59,8 @@ "settings_error_missing_password": "Připojen k ovladači Toru, ale vyžaduje heslo pro autentizaci.", "settings_error_unreadable_cookie_file": "Připojen k ovladači Toru, ale nejde se autentizovat, protože heslo je možná špatné a váš uživatel nemá povolení číst soubor cookie.", "settings_test_success": "Congratulations, OnionShare can connect to the Tor controller.\n\nTor version: {}\nSupports ephemeral onion services: {}\nSupports stealth onion services: {}", - "error_tor_protocol_error": "Error talking to the Tor controller.\nIf you're using Whonix, check out to make OnionShare work." + "error_tor_protocol_error": "Error talking to the Tor controller.\nIf you're using Whonix, check out to make OnionShare work.", + "give_this_url_receive": "Sděl tuto adresu odesilateli:", + "give_this_url_receive_stealth": "Sdělte tuto adresu a HidServAuth odesilateli:", + "no_available_port": "Port potřebný ke spuštění služeb onion nelze nalézt" } From 2c5f82801d1832b9f93643fee2e639af24f20153 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Filip Hron Date: Thu, 3 Jan 2019 15:37:31 +0000 Subject: [PATCH 12/62] Translated using Weblate (Czech) Translate-URL: --- share/locale/cs.json | 6 ++++-- 1 file changed, 4 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-) diff --git a/share/locale/cs.json b/share/locale/cs.json index af8c6fff..84593750 100644 --- a/share/locale/cs.json +++ b/share/locale/cs.json @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ "give_this_url": "Dejte tuto URL osobě, které dané soubory posíláte:", "give_this_url_stealth": "Sděl příjemci tuto URL a HidServAuth:", "ctrlc_to_stop": "Stiskněte Ctrl+C pro zastavení serveru", - "not_a_file": "{0:s} není soubor.", + "not_a_file": "{0:s} není platný soubor.", "other_page_loaded": "URL loaded", "closing_automatically": "Zastavuji automaticky, protože stahování skončilo", "large_filesize": "Varování: Posílání velkých souborů může trvat hodiny", @@ -62,5 +62,7 @@ "error_tor_protocol_error": "Error talking to the Tor controller.\nIf you're using Whonix, check out to make OnionShare work.", "give_this_url_receive": "Sděl tuto adresu odesilateli:", "give_this_url_receive_stealth": "Sdělte tuto adresu a HidServAuth odesilateli:", - "no_available_port": "Port potřebný ke spuštění služeb onion nelze nalézt" + "no_available_port": "Port potřebný ke spuštění služeb onion nelze nalézt", + "not_a_readable_file": "Soubor {0:s} není čitelný.", + "timeout_download_still_running": "Čeká se na konec stahování" } From e1494fde6a66db7faa82d8ef398a602c6e4e5cbe Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: scootergrisen Date: Sun, 30 Dec 2018 13:37:19 +0000 Subject: [PATCH 13/62] Translated using Weblate (Danish) Translate-URL: --- share/locale/da.json | 9 ++++++--- 1 file changed, 6 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-) diff --git a/share/locale/da.json b/share/locale/da.json index b759cdc4..fdb456e0 100644 --- a/share/locale/da.json +++ b/share/locale/da.json @@ -51,7 +51,7 @@ "error_stealth_not_supported": "For at bruge klientautentifikation skal du have mindst Tor (eller Tor Browser 6.5) og python3-stem 1.5.0.", "error_ephemeral_not_supported": "OnionShare kræver mindst både Tor og python3-stem 1.4.0.", "gui_settings_window_title": "Indstillinger", - "gui_settings_stealth_option": "Brug klientautentifikation (forældet)", + "gui_settings_stealth_option": "Brug klientautentifikation", "gui_settings_stealth_hidservauth_string": "Ved at have gemt din private nøgle til at blive brugt igen, betyder det at du nu\nkan klikke for at kopiere din HidServAuth.", "gui_settings_autoupdate_label": "Søg efter ny version", "gui_settings_autoupdate_option": "Giv mig besked når der findes en ny version", @@ -111,7 +111,7 @@ "gui_server_started_after_timeout": "Timeren med autostop løb ud inden serveren startede.\nOpret venligst en ny deling.", "gui_server_timeout_expired": "Timeren med autostop er allerede løbet ud.\nOpdater den venligst for at starte deling.", "share_via_onionshare": "Del via OnionShare", - "gui_save_private_key_checkbox": "Brug en vedvarende adresse (udgået)", + "gui_save_private_key_checkbox": "Brug en vedvarende adresse", "gui_copied_url_title": "Kopierede OnionShare-adresse", "gui_copied_hidservauth_title": "Kopierede HidServAuth", "gui_quit_title": "Klap lige hesten", @@ -185,5 +185,8 @@ "gui_receive_mode_warning": "Modtagetilstand lader folk uploade filer til din computer.

Nogle filer kan potentielt tage kontrol over din computer hvis du åbner dem. Åbn kun ting fra folk du har tillid til, eller hvis du ved hvad du har gang i.", "receive_mode_upload_starting": "Upload med samlet størrelse på {} starter", "gui_open_folder_error_nautilus": "Kan ikke åbne mappe fordi nautilus ikke er tilgængelig. Filen er her: {}", - "timeout_upload_still_running": "Venter på at upload skal blive færdig" + "timeout_upload_still_running": "Venter på at upload skal blive færdig", + "gui_add_files": "Tilføj filer", + "gui_add_folder": "Tilføj mappe", + "gui_connect_to_tor_for_onion_settings": "Opret forbindelse til Tor for at se indstillinger for onion-tjeneste" } From e066a1a1f935c91667cff1e4822d26fed7bc1085 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: xin Date: Tue, 1 Jan 2019 21:57:15 +0000 Subject: [PATCH 14/62] Translated using Weblate (French) Translate-URL: --- share/locale/fr.json | 8 +++++--- 1 file changed, 5 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-) diff --git a/share/locale/fr.json b/share/locale/fr.json index 38580eb1..72ed6b5a 100644 --- a/share/locale/fr.json +++ b/share/locale/fr.json @@ -106,7 +106,7 @@ "gui_tor_connection_ask_quit": "Quitter", "gui_tor_connection_lost": "Déconnecté de Tor.", "share_via_onionshare": "Partager via OnionShare", - "gui_save_private_key_checkbox": "Utiliser une adresse persistante (legacy)", + "gui_save_private_key_checkbox": "Utiliser une adresse persistante", "gui_share_url_description": "Avec cette adresse OnionShare n'importe qui peut télécharger vos fichiers en utilisant le navigateur Tor : ", "gui_receive_url_description": "Avec cette adresse OnionShare n'importe qui peut envoyer des fichiers vers votre ordinateur en utilisant le navigateur Tor : ", "gui_url_label_persistent": "Ce partage ne s'arrêtera pas automatiquement.

Tous les partages suivants réutiliseront l'adresse. (Pour utiliser des adresses uniques, désactivez \"Utiliser une adresse persistante\" dans les paramètres.)", @@ -154,7 +154,7 @@ "gui_download_upload_progress_eta": "{0:s}, Fin : {1:s}, %p%", "error_rate_limit": "Une personne a effectué sur votre adresse beaucoup de tentatives qui ont échouées, ce qui veut dire qu'elle essayait de la deviner, ainsi OnionShare a arrêté le serveur. Démarrez le partage à nouveau et envoyez une nouvelle adresse au destinataire pour pouvoir partager.", "error_stealth_not_supported": "Pour utiliser l’autorisation client, vous avez besoin d'au moins Tor (ou le navigateur Tor 6.5) et python3-stem 1.5.0.", - "gui_settings_stealth_option": "Utiliser l'autorisation client (legacy)", + "gui_settings_stealth_option": "Utiliser l'autorisation client", "timeout_upload_still_running": "En attente de la fin de l'envoi", "gui_settings_stealth_hidservauth_string": "Vous avez enregistré votre clé privée, vous pouvez maintenant\ncliquer pour copier votre HidServAuth.", "gui_settings_autoupdate_check_button": "Vérifier les mises à jour", @@ -182,5 +182,7 @@ "gui_settings_shutdown_timeout_checkbox": "Utiliser la minuterie d'arrêt automatique", "gui_server_started_after_timeout": "La minuterie d'arrêt automatique a expiré avant le démarrage du serveur.\nVeuillez faire un nouveau partage.", "gui_server_timeout_expired": "La minuterie d'arrêt automatique a déjà expiré.\nVeuillez la mettre à jour pour démarrer le partage.", - "close_on_timeout": "Arrêté parce que la minuterie d'arrêt automatique a expiré" + "close_on_timeout": "Arrêté parce que la minuterie d'arrêt automatique a expiré", + "gui_add_files": "Ajouter fichiers", + "gui_add_folder": "Ajouter dossier" } From 61ad53052295235f4bddf50fb940958633a267a0 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: emma peel Date: Fri, 4 Jan 2019 07:57:13 +0000 Subject: [PATCH 15/62] Translated using Weblate (Italian) Translate-URL: --- share/locale/it.json | 2 +- 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-) diff --git a/share/locale/it.json b/share/locale/it.json index 22934e94..17d4e770 100644 --- a/share/locale/it.json +++ b/share/locale/it.json @@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ "other_page_loaded": "URL caricato", "closing_automatically": "Chiusura automatica, download completato", "large_filesize": "Attenzione: inviare file di grandi dimensioni può richiedere ore", - "help_local_only": "Non usare Tor (versione in fase di sviluppo)", + "help_local_only": "Non usare Tor (solo per lo sviluppo)", "help_stay_open": "Mantieni il servizio avviato anche dopo aver completato il primo download", "help_debug": "Registra gli errori sul disco", "help_filename": "Lista dei file o cartelle da condividere", From 7b13e36e49a05e659c39455bcc2af3493074cf01 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Zuhualime Akoochimoya Date: Sat, 29 Dec 2018 19:05:50 +0000 Subject: [PATCH 16/62] Translated using Weblate (Spanish) Translate-URL: --- share/locale/es.json | 9 ++++++--- 1 file changed, 6 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-) diff --git a/share/locale/es.json b/share/locale/es.json index e18c54a0..0e2c3135 100644 --- a/share/locale/es.json +++ b/share/locale/es.json @@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ "error_stealth_not_supported": "Para usar autorización de cliente, necesitas al menos Tor (o Navegador Tor 6.5) y python3-stem 1.5.0.", "error_ephemeral_not_supported": "OnionShare requiere ambos Tor y python3-stem 1.4.0 al menos.", "gui_settings_window_title": "Configuración", - "gui_settings_stealth_option": "Utilizar la autorización del cliente (antigua)", + "gui_settings_stealth_option": "Utilizar autorización de cliente", "gui_settings_stealth_hidservauth_string": "Habiendo guardado tu clave privada para volver a utilizarla, ahora puedes\nhacer clic para copiar tu HidServAuth.", "gui_settings_autoupdate_label": "Comprobar si hay una versión nueva", "gui_settings_autoupdate_option": "Notificarme cuando haya una nueva versión disponible", @@ -99,7 +99,7 @@ "gui_server_timeout_expired": "El temporizador de parada automática ya se ha agotado.\nPor favor, actualízalo para comenzar a compartir.", "share_via_onionshare": "Compártelo con OnionShare", "gui_use_legacy_v2_onions_checkbox": "Usar direcciones antiguas", - "gui_save_private_key_checkbox": "Usar una dirección persistente (modo antiguo)", + "gui_save_private_key_checkbox": "Usar una dirección persistente", "gui_share_url_description": "Cualquier persona con esta dirección de OnionShare puede descargar tus archivos usando el Navegador Tor: ", "gui_receive_url_description": "Con esta dirección de OnionShare, cualquier persona puede subir archivos a tu ordenador usando el Navegador Tor: ", "gui_url_label_persistent": "Este recurso compartido no se detendrá automáticamente.

Cada recurso compartido subsiguiente reutilizará la dirección. (Para usar direcciones una sola vez, desactive la opción \"Usar dirección persistente\" en los ajustes.)", @@ -186,5 +186,8 @@ "gui_settings_language_label": "Idioma preferido", "gui_settings_language_changed_notice": "Reinicia OnionShare para que el cambio de idioma surta efecto.", "gui_upload_finished_range": "Cargado {} a {}", - "timeout_upload_still_running": "Esperando a que se complete la subida" + "timeout_upload_still_running": "Esperando a que se complete la subida", + "gui_add_files": "Añadir Archivos", + "gui_add_folder": "Añadir Carpeta", + "gui_connect_to_tor_for_onion_settings": "Conectarse a Tor para ver configuraciones de servicio cebolla" } From cc1d04c91ff7543b0d90b2badcacd6ec50069bd3 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: xin Date: Sun, 6 Jan 2019 00:03:35 +0000 Subject: [PATCH 17/62] Translated using Weblate (French) Translate-URL: --- share/locale/fr.json | 6 +++--- 1 file changed, 3 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-) diff --git a/share/locale/fr.json b/share/locale/fr.json index 72ed6b5a..275fd80a 100644 --- a/share/locale/fr.json +++ b/share/locale/fr.json @@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ "gui_drag_and_drop": "Glissez-déposez les fichiers et dossiers\npour commencer à partager", "gui_add": "Ajouter", "gui_delete": "Supprimer", - "gui_choose_items": "Sélectionnez", + "gui_choose_items": "Sélectionner", "gui_share_start_server": "Commencer à partager", "gui_share_stop_server": "Arrêter le partage", "gui_copy_url": "Copier l'adresse", @@ -124,8 +124,8 @@ "history_in_progress_tooltip": "{} en cours", "history_completed_tooltip": "{} terminé", "receive_mode_downloads_dir": "Les fichiers qui vous sont envoyés apparaissent dans ce dossier : {}", - "receive_mode_warning": "Avertissement : le mode réception permet à des personnes d'envoyer des fichiers vers votre ordinateur. Certains fichiers peuvent potentiellement prendre le contrôle de votre ordinateur si vous les ouvrez. Ouvrez uniquement des choses provenant de personnes de confiance ou si vous savez ce que vous faites.", - "gui_receive_mode_warning": "Le mode réception permet à des personnes d'envoyer des fichiers vers votre ordinateur.

Certains fichiers peuvent potentiellement prendre le contrôle de votre ordinateur si vous les ouvrez. Ouvrez uniquement des choses provenant de personnes de confiance ou si vous savez ce que vous faites.", + "receive_mode_warning": "Avertissement : le mode réception permet à d'autres personnes d'envoyer des fichiers vers votre ordinateur. Certains fichiers peuvent potentiellement prendre le contrôle de votre ordinateur si vous les ouvrez. Ouvrez uniquement des fichiers provenant de personnes de confiance ou si vous savez ce que vous faites.", + "gui_receive_mode_warning": "Le mode réception permet à d'autres personnes d'envoyer des fichiers vers votre ordinateur.

Certains fichiers peuvent potentiellement prendre le contrôle de votre ordinateur si vous les ouvrez. Ouvrez uniquement des fichiers provenant de personnes de confiance ou si vous savez ce que vous faites.", "receive_mode_received_file": "Reçu : {}", "gui_mode_share_button": "Fichiers partagés", "gui_mode_receive_button": "Fichiers reçus", From 5274246ea857982f8d7420dc6a42d5e1c4aaae8e Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: emma peel Date: Fri, 11 Jan 2019 09:05:27 +0000 Subject: [PATCH 18/62] Added translation using Weblate (Hebrew) --- share/locale/he.json | 188 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 1 file changed, 188 insertions(+) create mode 100644 share/locale/he.json diff --git a/share/locale/he.json b/share/locale/he.json new file mode 100644 index 00000000..11c255f6 --- /dev/null +++ b/share/locale/he.json @@ -0,0 +1,188 @@ +{ + "config_onion_service": "", + "preparing_files": "", + "give_this_url": "", + "give_this_url_stealth": "", + "give_this_url_receive": "", + "give_this_url_receive_stealth": "", + "ctrlc_to_stop": "", + "not_a_file": "", + "not_a_readable_file": "", + "no_available_port": "", + "other_page_loaded": "", + "close_on_timeout": "", + "closing_automatically": "", + "timeout_download_still_running": "", + "timeout_upload_still_running": "", + "large_filesize": "", + "systray_menu_exit": "", + "systray_download_started_title": "", + "systray_download_started_message": "", + "systray_download_completed_title": "", + "systray_download_completed_message": "", + "systray_download_canceled_title": "", + "systray_download_canceled_message": "", + "systray_upload_started_title": "", + "systray_upload_started_message": "", + "help_local_only": "", + "help_stay_open": "", + "help_shutdown_timeout": "", + "help_stealth": "", + "help_receive": "", + "help_debug": "", + "help_filename": "", + "help_config": "", + "gui_drag_and_drop": "", + "gui_add": "", + "gui_add_files": "", + "gui_add_folder": "", + "gui_delete": "", + "gui_choose_items": "", + "gui_share_start_server": "", + "gui_share_stop_server": "", + "gui_share_stop_server_shutdown_timeout": "", + "gui_share_stop_server_shutdown_timeout_tooltip": "", + "gui_receive_start_server": "", + "gui_receive_stop_server": "", + "gui_receive_stop_server_shutdown_timeout": "", + "gui_receive_stop_server_shutdown_timeout_tooltip": "", + "gui_copy_url": "", + "gui_copy_hidservauth": "", + "gui_downloads": "", + "gui_no_downloads": "", + "gui_canceled": "", + "gui_copied_url_title": "", + "gui_copied_url": "", + "gui_copied_hidservauth_title": "", + "gui_copied_hidservauth": "", + "gui_please_wait": "", + "gui_download_upload_progress_complete": "", + "gui_download_upload_progress_starting": "", + "gui_download_upload_progress_eta": "", + "version_string": "", + "gui_quit_title": "", + "gui_share_quit_warning": "", + "gui_receive_quit_warning": "", + "gui_quit_warning_quit": "", + "gui_quit_warning_dont_quit": "", + "error_rate_limit": "", + "zip_progress_bar_format": "", + "error_stealth_not_supported": "", + "error_ephemeral_not_supported": "", + "gui_settings_window_title": "", + "gui_settings_whats_this": "", + "gui_settings_stealth_option": "", + "gui_settings_stealth_hidservauth_string": "", + "gui_settings_autoupdate_label": "", + "gui_settings_autoupdate_option": "", + "gui_settings_autoupdate_timestamp": "", + "gui_settings_autoupdate_timestamp_never": "", + "gui_settings_autoupdate_check_button": "", + "gui_settings_general_label": "", + "gui_settings_sharing_label": "", + "gui_settings_close_after_first_download_option": "", + "gui_settings_connection_type_label": "", + "gui_settings_connection_type_bundled_option": "", + "gui_settings_connection_type_automatic_option": "", + "gui_settings_connection_type_control_port_option": "", + "gui_settings_connection_type_socket_file_option": "", + "gui_settings_connection_type_test_button": "", + "gui_settings_control_port_label": "", + "gui_settings_socket_file_label": "", + "gui_settings_socks_label": "", + "gui_settings_authenticate_label": "", + "gui_settings_authenticate_no_auth_option": "", + 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"settings_error_missing_password": "", + "settings_error_unreadable_cookie_file": "", + "settings_error_bundled_tor_not_supported": "", + "settings_error_bundled_tor_timeout": "", + "settings_error_bundled_tor_broken": "", + "settings_test_success": "", + "error_tor_protocol_error": "", + "error_tor_protocol_error_unknown": "", + "error_invalid_private_key": "", + "connecting_to_tor": "", + "update_available": "", + "update_error_check_error": "", + "update_error_invalid_latest_version": "", + "update_not_available": "", + "gui_tor_connection_ask": "", + "gui_tor_connection_ask_open_settings": "", + "gui_tor_connection_ask_quit": "", + "gui_tor_connection_error_settings": "", + "gui_tor_connection_canceled": "", + "gui_tor_connection_lost": "", + "gui_server_started_after_timeout": "", + "gui_server_timeout_expired": "", + "share_via_onionshare": "", + "gui_connect_to_tor_for_onion_settings": "", + "gui_use_legacy_v2_onions_checkbox": "", + "gui_save_private_key_checkbox": "", + 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share/locale/ja.json diff --git a/share/locale/ja.json b/share/locale/ja.json new file mode 100644 index 00000000..11c255f6 --- /dev/null +++ b/share/locale/ja.json @@ -0,0 +1,188 @@ +{ + "config_onion_service": "", + "preparing_files": "", + "give_this_url": "", + "give_this_url_stealth": "", + "give_this_url_receive": "", + "give_this_url_receive_stealth": "", + "ctrlc_to_stop": "", + "not_a_file": "", + "not_a_readable_file": "", + "no_available_port": "", + "other_page_loaded": "", + "close_on_timeout": "", + "closing_automatically": "", + "timeout_download_still_running": "", + "timeout_upload_still_running": "", + "large_filesize": "", + "systray_menu_exit": "", + "systray_download_started_title": "", + "systray_download_started_message": "", + "systray_download_completed_title": "", + "systray_download_completed_message": "", + "systray_download_canceled_title": "", + "systray_download_canceled_message": "", + "systray_upload_started_title": "", + "systray_upload_started_message": "", + "help_local_only": "", + "help_stay_open": "", + "help_shutdown_timeout": "", + "help_stealth": "", + "help_receive": "", + "help_debug": "", + "help_filename": "", + "help_config": "", + "gui_drag_and_drop": "", + "gui_add": "", + "gui_add_files": "", + "gui_add_folder": "", + "gui_delete": "", + "gui_choose_items": "", + "gui_share_start_server": "", + "gui_share_stop_server": "", + "gui_share_stop_server_shutdown_timeout": "", + "gui_share_stop_server_shutdown_timeout_tooltip": "", + "gui_receive_start_server": "", + "gui_receive_stop_server": "", + "gui_receive_stop_server_shutdown_timeout": "", + "gui_receive_stop_server_shutdown_timeout_tooltip": "", + "gui_copy_url": "", + "gui_copy_hidservauth": "", + "gui_downloads": "", + "gui_no_downloads": "", + "gui_canceled": "", + "gui_copied_url_title": "", + "gui_copied_url": "", + "gui_copied_hidservauth_title": "", + "gui_copied_hidservauth": "", + "gui_please_wait": "", + 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autenticación de cliente: {}.\nSoporta direcciones cebolla .onion de nueva generación: {}.", + "settings_test_success": "Conectado al controlador Tor.\n\nVersión de Tor: {}.\nSoporta servicios cebolla efímeros: {}.\nSoporta autenticación de cliente: {}.\nSoporta direcciones cebolla .onion de nueva generación: {}.", "error_tor_protocol_error": "Hubo un error con Tor: {}", "error_tor_protocol_error_unknown": "Hubo un error desconocido con Tor", "error_invalid_private_key": "Este tipo de clave privada no está soportado", @@ -95,7 +95,7 @@ "gui_tor_connection_error_settings": "Intenta cambiando la forma en que OnionShare se conecta a la red Tor en tu configuración.", "gui_tor_connection_canceled": "No se pudo conectar con Tor.\n\nAsegúrate de estar conectado a Internet, luego vuelve a abrir OnionShare y configurar tu conexión a Tor.", "gui_tor_connection_lost": "Desconectado de Tor.", - "gui_server_started_after_timeout": "El temporizador de parada automática se agotó antes de que se iniciara el servidor.\nPor favor crea nueva conexión compartida.", + "gui_server_started_after_timeout": "El temporizador de parada automática se agotó antes de que se iniciara el servidor.\nPor favor crea una nueva conexión compartida.", "gui_server_timeout_expired": "El temporizador de parada automática ya se ha agotado.\nPor favor, actualízalo para comenzar a compartir.", "share_via_onionshare": "Compártelo con OnionShare", "gui_use_legacy_v2_onions_checkbox": "Usar direcciones antiguas", From d190d931301847f72dd8a0dfb686fbc3fe6f5ae9 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Robert Macabre Blimey Date: Sun, 13 Jan 2019 21:34:23 +0000 Subject: [PATCH 23/62] Translated using Weblate (Korean) Translate-URL: --- share/locale/ko.json | 58 ++++++++++++++++++++++---------------------- 1 file changed, 29 insertions(+), 29 deletions(-) diff --git a/share/locale/ko.json b/share/locale/ko.json index c152c33a..d4ce9d38 100644 --- a/share/locale/ko.json +++ b/share/locale/ko.json @@ -1,34 +1,34 @@ { - 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"other_page_loaded": "주소가 로드되다", + "close_on_timeout": "자동멈춤 타이머가 끝났기 때문에 정지되다", + "closing_automatically": "다운로드가 완료되었기 때문에 정지되다", + "timeout_download_still_running": "다운로드가 완료되기를 기다리는 중입니다", + "timeout_upload_still_running": "업로드가 완료되기를 기다리는 중입니다", + "large_filesize": "경고: 대용량의 자료를 보내는것은 오래 걸릴수 있습니다", "systray_menu_exit": "종료", - "systray_download_started_title": "", - "systray_download_started_message": "", - "systray_download_completed_title": "", - "systray_download_completed_message": "", - "systray_download_canceled_title": "", - "systray_download_canceled_message": "", - "systray_upload_started_title": "", - "systray_upload_started_message": "", - "help_local_only": "", - "help_stay_open": "", - "help_shutdown_timeout": "", - "help_stealth": "", - "help_receive": "", + "systray_download_started_title": "어니언쉐어 다운로드가 시작됨", + "systray_download_started_message": "사용자가 당신의 파일들을 다운로딩 하기 시작했습니다", + "systray_download_completed_title": "어니언쉐어 다운로드가 완료됨", + "systray_download_completed_message": "사용자가 당신의 파일들을 다운로딩 하는것을 완료했습니다", + "systray_download_canceled_title": "어니언쉐어 다운로드가 취소됨", + "systray_download_canceled_message": "사용자가 다운로드를 취소했습니다", + "systray_upload_started_title": "어니언쉐어 업로드가 시작됨", + "systray_upload_started_message": "사용자가 파일들을 당신의 컴퓨터로 업로딩 하는것을 시작했습니다", + "help_local_only": "Tor를 사용하지 마시오 (오직 개발자용)", + "help_stay_open": "첫 다운로드 후 계속 공유하시오", + "help_shutdown_timeout": "정해진 초단위의 시간이 지난후 공유하는 것을 멈추시오", + "help_stealth": "고객 허가를 사용 (고급 수준의)", + "help_receive": "그것들을 보내는것 대신 공유를 받으시오", "help_debug": "", "help_filename": "", "help_config": "", From 9b778385424f10b31d631a8b2aedc20f4bbbc30b Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: emma peel Date: Fri, 11 Jan 2019 09:14:00 +0000 Subject: [PATCH 24/62] Translated using Weblate (Bulgarian) Translate-URL: --- share/locale/bg.json | 2 +- 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-) diff --git a/share/locale/bg.json b/share/locale/bg.json index e8a8f3e5..256f27e0 100644 --- a/share/locale/bg.json +++ b/share/locale/bg.json @@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ "ctrlc_to_stop": "Натиснете Ctrl+C, за да спрете сървъра", "not_a_file": "{0: s) не е валиден документ.", "not_a_readable_file": "{0:s) не е четаем файл.", - "no_available_port": "Свободен порт не бе намерен, за да може onion услугата да бъде стартирана.", + "no_available_port": "Свободен порт не бе намерен, за да може onion услугата да бъде стартирана", "other_page_loaded": "Адресът е зареден", "close_on_timeout": "Спряно, защото автоматично спиращият таймер приключи", "closing_automatically": "Спряно, защото свалянето приключи", From 72b991fda05199b43e3f5d58ec29f18edb4fe48d Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Robert Macabre Blimey Date: Sun, 13 Jan 2019 13:31:51 +0000 Subject: [PATCH 25/62] Translated using Weblate (German) Translate-URL: --- share/locale/de.json | 16 ++++++++-------- 1 file changed, 8 insertions(+), 8 deletions(-) diff --git a/share/locale/de.json b/share/locale/de.json index f6f90129..d8df06a9 100644 --- a/share/locale/de.json +++ b/share/locale/de.json @@ -1,15 +1,15 @@ { - "preparing_files": "Dateien werden vorbereitet.", + "preparing_files": "Dateien werden komprimiert.", "give_this_url": "Gib diese URL an den Empfänger:", "ctrlc_to_stop": "Drücke Strg+C um den Server anzuhalten", - "not_a_file": "{0:s} ist keine Datei.", + "not_a_file": "{0:s} ist keine gültige Datei.", "other_page_loaded": "URL geladen", "closing_automatically": "Gestoppt, da der Download beendet wurde", "large_filesize": "Warnung: Das Senden von großen Dateien kann Stunden dauern", "help_local_only": "Tor nicht benutzen (nur für Entwicklung)", "help_stay_open": "Den OnionService nicht anhalten nachdem ein Download beendet wurde", - "help_debug": "Schreibe Fehler von OnionShare nach stdout und Webfehler aus die Festplatte", - "help_filename": "Liste der zu teilenden Dateien oder Verzeichnisse", + "help_debug": "Schreibe Fehler von OnionShare nach stdout und Webfehler auf die Festplatte", + "help_filename": "Liste der zu teilenden Dateien oder Ordner", "gui_drag_and_drop": "Dateien und Ordner hierher ziehen\num sie zu teilen", "gui_add": "Hinzufügen", "gui_delete": "Löschen", @@ -28,11 +28,11 @@ "gui_settings_button_cancel": "Abbrechen", "gui_settings_button_help": "Hilfe", "gui_settings_shutdown_timeout": "Stoppe den Server bei:", - "systray_download_started_title": "OnionShareDownload begonnen", + "systray_download_started_title": "OnionShare Download begonnen", "systray_download_started_message": "Ein Nutzer hat begonnen deine Dateien herunterzuladen", "systray_download_completed_title": "OnionShare Download beendet", "systray_download_completed_message": "Der Benutzer hat deine Dateien heruntergeladen", - "systray_download_canceled_title": "OnionShareDownload abgebrochen", + "systray_download_canceled_title": "OnionShare Download abgebrochen", "systray_download_canceled_message": "Der Benutzer hat den Download abgebrochen", "gui_copy_hidservauth": "HidServAuth kopieren", "gui_canceled": "Abgebrochen", @@ -49,10 +49,10 @@ "give_this_url_receive": "Gib diese URL dem Sender:", "give_this_url_receive_stealth": "Gib diese URL und die HidServAuth-Zeile an den Sender:", "not_a_readable_file": "{0:s} kann nicht gelesen werden.", - "no_available_port": "Konnte keinen freien Port finden, um den Onionservice zu starten", + "no_available_port": "Es konnte kein freier Port gefunden werden, um den Onionservice zu starten", "close_on_timeout": "Wegen Zeitablaufs gestoppt", "systray_upload_started_title": "OnionShare Upload gestartet", - "systray_upload_started_message": "Ein Nutzer hat begonnen Dateien auf deinen Computer zu laden", + "systray_upload_started_message": "Ein Benutzer hat begonnen Dateien auf deinen Computer zu laden", "help_shutdown_timeout": "Den Server nach einer bestimmten Zeit anhalten", "help_receive": "Empfange Dateien anstatt sie zu senden", "gui_share_stop_server_shutdown_timeout": "Server stoppen (läuft noch {} Sekunden)", From 733a5e96b364d65739ffcd0a6b2a77a96a7e27b3 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Erwin de Keijzer Date: Wed, 16 Jan 2019 12:45:25 +0000 Subject: [PATCH 26/62] Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Translate-URL: --- share/locale/nl.json | 4 +++- 1 file changed, 3 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-) diff --git a/share/locale/nl.json b/share/locale/nl.json index 3ecc763b..37dd03c6 100644 --- a/share/locale/nl.json +++ b/share/locale/nl.json @@ -182,5 +182,7 @@ "gui_download_in_progress": "Binnenhalen gestart {}", "gui_open_folder_error_nautilus": "Kan de map niet openen omdat bestandsbeheerprogramma nautilus niet beschikbaar is. Het bestand staat hier : {}", "gui_settings_language_label": "Voorkeurstaal", - "gui_settings_language_changed_notice": "Je moet OnionShare opnieuw starten als je de taal veranderd." + "gui_settings_language_changed_notice": "Je moet OnionShare opnieuw starten als je de taal veranderd.", + "gui_add_files": "Bestanden toevoegen", + "gui_add_folder": "Map toevoegen" } From 49b38d3de9e534439979ed204dfca5bbe13e897f Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: CookingLeaf23 Date: Wed, 16 Jan 2019 13:53:17 +0000 Subject: [PATCH 27/62] Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Translate-URL: --- share/locale/nl.json | 3 ++- 1 file changed, 2 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-) diff --git a/share/locale/nl.json b/share/locale/nl.json index 37dd03c6..69237437 100644 --- a/share/locale/nl.json +++ b/share/locale/nl.json @@ -184,5 +184,6 @@ "gui_settings_language_label": "Voorkeurstaal", "gui_settings_language_changed_notice": "Je moet OnionShare opnieuw starten als je de taal veranderd.", "gui_add_files": "Bestanden toevoegen", - "gui_add_folder": "Map toevoegen" + "gui_add_folder": "Map toevoegen", + "gui_connect_to_tor_for_onion_settings": "Verbind met Tor om de instellingen van onion diensten te zien" } From 77f4b313b55e82d4ddeb7a63ed67379b20263e4c Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Taro Tanaka Date: Wed, 16 Jan 2019 15:21:31 +0000 Subject: [PATCH 28/62] Translated using Weblate (Japanese) Translate-URL: --- share/locale/ja.json | 116 +++++++++++++++++++++---------------------- 1 file changed, 58 insertions(+), 58 deletions(-) diff --git a/share/locale/ja.json b/share/locale/ja.json index 11c255f6..bf6fcbb6 100644 --- a/share/locale/ja.json +++ b/share/locale/ja.json @@ -1,62 +1,62 @@ { - "config_onion_service": "", - "preparing_files": "", - "give_this_url": "", - "give_this_url_stealth": "", - "give_this_url_receive": "", - "give_this_url_receive_stealth": "", - "ctrlc_to_stop": "", - "not_a_file": "", - "not_a_readable_file": "", - "no_available_port": "", - "other_page_loaded": "", - "close_on_timeout": "", - "closing_automatically": "", - "timeout_download_still_running": "", - "timeout_upload_still_running": "", - "large_filesize": "", - "systray_menu_exit": "", - "systray_download_started_title": "", - "systray_download_started_message": "", - "systray_download_completed_title": "", - "systray_download_completed_message": "", - "systray_download_canceled_title": "", - "systray_download_canceled_message": "", - "systray_upload_started_title": "", - "systray_upload_started_message": "", - "help_local_only": "", - "help_stay_open": "", - "help_shutdown_timeout": "", - "help_stealth": "", - "help_receive": "", - "help_debug": "", - "help_filename": "", - "help_config": "", - "gui_drag_and_drop": "", - "gui_add": "", - "gui_add_files": "", - "gui_add_folder": "", - "gui_delete": "", - "gui_choose_items": "", - "gui_share_start_server": "", - "gui_share_stop_server": "", - "gui_share_stop_server_shutdown_timeout": "", - "gui_share_stop_server_shutdown_timeout_tooltip": "", - "gui_receive_start_server": "", - "gui_receive_stop_server": "", - "gui_receive_stop_server_shutdown_timeout": "", - "gui_receive_stop_server_shutdown_timeout_tooltip": "", - "gui_copy_url": "", - "gui_copy_hidservauth": "", - "gui_downloads": "", - "gui_no_downloads": "", - "gui_canceled": "", - "gui_copied_url_title": "", - "gui_copied_url": "", - "gui_copied_hidservauth_title": "", - "gui_copied_hidservauth": "", - "gui_please_wait": "", - "gui_download_upload_progress_complete": "", + "config_onion_service": "{0:d}番ポートを使ってonionサービス設定中...", + "preparing_files": "ファイル圧縮中...", + "give_this_url": "このアドレスを受領者と共有して下さい。", + "give_this_url_stealth": "このアドレスとHidServAuth行を受領者と共有して下さい。", + "give_this_url_receive": "このアドレスを送信者と共有して下さい。", + "give_this_url_receive_stealth": "このアドレスとHidServAuth行を送信者と共有して下さい。", + "ctrlc_to_stop": "Ctrl+Cキーでサーバーをシャットダウンする", + "not_a_file": "{0:s}は有効なファイルではありません。", + "not_a_readable_file": "{0:s}は読めるファイルではありません。", + "no_available_port": "onionサービスを実行するための利用可能ポートを見つかりません", + "other_page_loaded": "アドレスはロードされています", + "close_on_timeout": "自動タイマーがタイムアウトしたため停止されました", + "closing_automatically": "ダウンロードが完了されたため停止されました", + "timeout_download_still_running": "ダウンロード完了待ち", + "timeout_upload_still_running": "アップロード完了待ち", + "large_filesize": "注意:大きいなファイルを送信するに数時間かかるかもしれない", + "systray_menu_exit": "停止", + "systray_download_started_title": "OnionShareダウンロードは開始されました", + "systray_download_started_message": "ユーザーがダウンロードを開始しました", + "systray_download_completed_title": "OnionShareダウンロード完了", + "systray_download_completed_message": "ユーザーがダウンロードし終えました", + "systray_download_canceled_title": "OnionShareダウンロードは中止されました", + "systray_download_canceled_message": "ユーザーがダウンロードを中止しました", + "systray_upload_started_title": "OnionShareアップロードは開始されました", + "systray_upload_started_message": "ユーザーがファイルをアップロードし始めました", + "help_local_only": "Torを使わない(開発利用のみ)", + "help_stay_open": "最初ダウンロード後に共有し続けます", + "help_shutdown_timeout": "数秒後に共有が停止されます", + "help_stealth": "クライアント認証を使う(上級者向け)", + "help_receive": "送信の代わりに受信を優先する", + "help_debug": "OnionShareのエラーを標準出力に、Webのエラーをディスクに記録する", + "help_filename": "共有するファイルとフォルダの一覧", + "help_config": "カスタムJSON設定ファイルの位置(任意)", + "gui_drag_and_drop": "共有を始めるにはファイルやフォルダをドラッグアンドドロップしてください", + "gui_add": "追加", + "gui_add_files": "ファイルを追加", + "gui_add_folder": "フォルダを追加", + "gui_delete": "削除", + "gui_choose_items": "選択", + "gui_share_start_server": "共有を開始する", + "gui_share_stop_server": "共有を停止する", + "gui_share_stop_server_shutdown_timeout": "共有を停止中です(残り{}秒)", + "gui_share_stop_server_shutdown_timeout_tooltip": "{}に自動停止します", + "gui_receive_start_server": "受信モードを開始", + "gui_receive_stop_server": "受信モードを停止", + "gui_receive_stop_server_shutdown_timeout": "受信モードを停止中(残り{}秒)", + "gui_receive_stop_server_shutdown_timeout_tooltip": "{}に自動停止します", + "gui_copy_url": "アドレスをコピー", + "gui_copy_hidservauth": "HidServAuthをコピー", + "gui_downloads": "ダウンロード履歴", + "gui_no_downloads": "まだダウンロードがありません", + "gui_canceled": "キャンセルされました", + "gui_copied_url_title": "OnionShareのアドレスをコピーしました", + "gui_copied_url": "OnionShareのアドレスをクリップボードへコピーしました", + "gui_copied_hidservauth_title": "HidServAuthをコピーしました", + "gui_copied_hidservauth": "HidServAuthの行をクリップボードへコピーしました", + "gui_please_wait": "実行中… クリックでキャンセルします。", + "gui_download_upload_progress_complete": "%p%、 経過時間 ({0:s})。", "gui_download_upload_progress_starting": "", "gui_download_upload_progress_eta": "", "version_string": "", From 26f99d07b66c91826d445c470a6d33ed8417d335 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Koki Kawasaki Date: Fri, 18 Jan 2019 14:00:59 +0000 Subject: [PATCH 29/62] Translated using Weblate (Japanese) Translate-URL: --- share/locale/ja.json | 4 ++-- 1 file changed, 2 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-) diff --git a/share/locale/ja.json b/share/locale/ja.json index bf6fcbb6..10865a47 100644 --- a/share/locale/ja.json +++ b/share/locale/ja.json @@ -57,8 +57,8 @@ "gui_copied_hidservauth": "HidServAuthの行をクリップボードへコピーしました", "gui_please_wait": "実行中… クリックでキャンセルします。", "gui_download_upload_progress_complete": "%p%、 経過時間 ({0:s})。", - "gui_download_upload_progress_starting": "", - "gui_download_upload_progress_eta": "", + "gui_download_upload_progress_starting": "{0:s}, %p% (計算中)", + "gui_download_upload_progress_eta": "%p% {0:s} 終了予定:{1:s}", "version_string": "", "gui_quit_title": "", "gui_share_quit_warning": "", From d9649b8e84557f94b20196515165e077a43320cf Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Filip Hron Date: Sat, 19 Jan 2019 07:22:27 +0000 Subject: [PATCH 30/62] Translated using Weblate (Czech) Translate-URL: --- share/locale/cs.json | 20 +++++++++++++++++--- 1 file changed, 17 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-) diff --git a/share/locale/cs.json b/share/locale/cs.json index 84593750..25f7582c 100644 --- a/share/locale/cs.json +++ b/share/locale/cs.json @@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ "gui_share_stop_server": "Zastavit sdílení", "gui_copy_url": "Kopírovat URL", "gui_copy_hidservauth": "Kopírovat HidServAuth", - "gui_downloads": "Stahování:", + "gui_downloads": "Historie stahování:", "gui_canceled": "Zrušeno", "gui_copied_url": "URL zkopírováno do schránky", "gui_copied_hidservauth": "Copied HidServAuth line to clipboard", @@ -63,6 +63,20 @@ "give_this_url_receive": "Sděl tuto adresu odesilateli:", "give_this_url_receive_stealth": "Sdělte tuto adresu a HidServAuth odesilateli:", "no_available_port": "Port potřebný ke spuštění služeb onion nelze nalézt", - "not_a_readable_file": "Soubor {0:s} není čitelný.", - "timeout_download_still_running": "Čeká se na konec stahování" + "not_a_readable_file": "{0:s} soubor není čitelný.", + "timeout_download_still_running": "Čeká se na konec stahování", + "systray_menu_exit": "Ukončit", + "systray_download_started_title": "Stahování pomocí OnionShare začalo", + "systray_download_started_message": "Někdo stahuje vaše soubory", + "systray_download_completed_title": "Stahování pomocí OnionShare skončilo", + "systray_download_completed_message": "Uživatel dokončil stahování vašich souborů", + "systray_download_canceled_title": "Stahování pomocí OnionShare bylo zrušeno", + "systray_download_canceled_message": "Uživatel přerušil stahování souboru", + "systray_upload_started_title": "Začalo nahrávání pomocí OnionShare ", + "systray_upload_started_message": "Někdo právě začal nahrávat soubory na váš počítač", + "gui_share_stop_server_shutdown_timeout": "Zastavit sdílení ({}s zbývá)", + "gui_receive_start_server": "Spustit mód přijímání", + "gui_receive_stop_server": "Zastavit přijímání", + "gui_receive_stop_server_shutdown_timeout": "Zastavit mód přijímání ({}s zbývá)", + "gui_copied_hidservauth_title": "Zkopírovaný HidServAuth token" } From 9b31a9f0ac20d76650d2b7f1345b6cb3b86d7577 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: emma peel Date: Sat, 19 Jan 2019 07:25:11 +0000 Subject: [PATCH 31/62] Translated using Weblate (Arabic) Translate-URL: --- share/locale/ar.json | 4 ++-- 1 file changed, 2 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-) diff --git a/share/locale/ar.json b/share/locale/ar.json index 3e402ac1..650be35b 100644 --- a/share/locale/ar.json +++ b/share/locale/ar.json @@ -1,9 +1,9 @@ { "config_onion_service": "تثبيت خدمة onion على المنفذ {0:d}.", - "preparing_files": "يتم ضغط الملفات.", + "preparing_files": "جاري ضغط الملفات.", "give_this_url": "أعط هذا العنوان للمتلقي:", "give_this_url_stealth": "أعط العنوان التالى و السطر الذى يحتوى على (HidServAuth) للمتلقى:", - "give_this_url_receive": "إعط هذا العنوان للراسل:", + "give_this_url_receive": "اعط هذا العنوان للمرسل:", "give_this_url_receive_stealth": "أعط هذا العنوان و الخط المحتوى على (HidServAuth) للراسل:", "ctrlc_to_stop": "اضغط (Ctrl+C) لايقاف السيرفر", "not_a_file": "{0:s} ليس ملفا يستطيع البرنامج التعامل معه.", From a26954070f789ee335e49ae049b6eb0b16e4a34e Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Deleted User Date: Sat, 19 Jan 2019 07:25:52 +0000 Subject: [PATCH 32/62] Translated using Weblate (Arabic) Translate-URL: --- share/locale/ar.json | 2 +- 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-) diff --git a/share/locale/ar.json b/share/locale/ar.json index 650be35b..5924eb5d 100644 --- a/share/locale/ar.json +++ b/share/locale/ar.json @@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ "give_this_url_stealth": "أعط العنوان التالى و السطر الذى يحتوى على (HidServAuth) للمتلقى:", "give_this_url_receive": "اعط هذا العنوان للمرسل:", "give_this_url_receive_stealth": "أعط هذا العنوان و الخط المحتوى على (HidServAuth) للراسل:", - "ctrlc_to_stop": "اضغط (Ctrl+C) لايقاف السيرفر", + "ctrlc_to_stop": "اضغط (Ctrl+C) لايقاف الخادم", "not_a_file": "{0:s} ليس ملفا يستطيع البرنامج التعامل معه.", "not_a_readable_file": "{0:s} ملف لا يمكن قراءته.", "no_available_port": "لا يوجد منفذ متاح لتشغيل (onion service)", From 95f06bd0c9e82583695374e58a04a34c866c8623 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: emma peel Date: Sat, 19 Jan 2019 07:24:13 +0000 Subject: [PATCH 33/62] Translated using Weblate (Czech) Translate-URL: --- share/locale/cs.json | 4 ++-- 1 file changed, 2 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-) diff --git a/share/locale/cs.json b/share/locale/cs.json index 25f7582c..3eb03198 100644 --- a/share/locale/cs.json +++ b/share/locale/cs.json @@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ "gui_share_stop_server": "Zastavit sdílení", "gui_copy_url": "Kopírovat URL", "gui_copy_hidservauth": "Kopírovat HidServAuth", - "gui_downloads": "Historie stahování:", + "gui_downloads": "Historie stahování", "gui_canceled": "Zrušeno", "gui_copied_url": "URL zkopírováno do schránky", "gui_copied_hidservauth": "Copied HidServAuth line to clipboard", @@ -72,7 +72,7 @@ "systray_download_completed_message": "Uživatel dokončil stahování vašich souborů", "systray_download_canceled_title": "Stahování pomocí OnionShare bylo zrušeno", "systray_download_canceled_message": "Uživatel přerušil stahování souboru", - "systray_upload_started_title": "Začalo nahrávání pomocí OnionShare ", + "systray_upload_started_title": "Začalo nahrávání pomocí OnionShare", "systray_upload_started_message": "Někdo právě začal nahrávat soubory na váš počítač", "gui_share_stop_server_shutdown_timeout": "Zastavit sdílení ({}s zbývá)", "gui_receive_start_server": "Spustit mód přijímání", From 37cb8f16ce990fe095a67c3d89064019621965d3 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: CookingLeaf23 Date: Wed, 16 Jan 2019 13:58:08 +0000 Subject: [PATCH 34/62] Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Translate-URL: --- share/locale/nl.json | 72 ++++++++++++++++++++++---------------------- 1 file changed, 36 insertions(+), 36 deletions(-) diff --git a/share/locale/nl.json b/share/locale/nl.json index 69237437..39c5ba9f 100644 --- a/share/locale/nl.json +++ b/share/locale/nl.json @@ -23,10 +23,10 @@ "help_stay_open": "Blijven delen na afronden van eerste download", "help_shutdown_timeout": "Stoppen met delen na het opgegeven aantal seconden", "help_stealth": "Client-authorisatie gebruiken (geavanceerd)", - "help_debug": "Log OnionShare fouten naar stdout, en web fouten naar disk", + "help_debug": "Log OnionShare fouten naar stdout, en web fouten naar disk", "help_filename": "Lijst van bestanden of mappen om te delen", "help_config": "Instelbaar pad naar JSON configuratie bestand (optioneel)", - "gui_drag_and_drop": "Sleep en zet\nbestanden hier neer", + "gui_drag_and_drop": "Sleep en zet\nbestanden hier neer om het delen te starten", "gui_add": "Toevoegen", "gui_delete": "Verwijder", "gui_choose_items": "Kies", @@ -41,22 +41,22 @@ "gui_download_upload_progress_starting": "{0:s}, %p% (berekenen)", "gui_download_upload_progress_eta": "{0:s}, ETA: {1:s}, %p%", "version_string": "OnionShare {0:s} |", - "gui_share_quit_warning": "Weet je zeker dat je wilt afsluiten?\nDe URL die je aan het delen bent zal niet meer bestaan.", + "gui_share_quit_warning": "Je bent in het proces van bestanden versturen. Weet je zeker dat je OnionShare af wilt sluiten?", "gui_quit_warning_quit": "Afsluiten", - "gui_quit_warning_dont_quit": "Niet afsluiten", - "error_rate_limit": "Iemand heeft te veel foute pogingen gedaan op je adres, dit betekent dat ze zouden kunnen proberen het te raden, daarom heeft OnionShare de server gestopt. Start het delen opnieuw en stuur de ontvanger een nieuw adres om te delen.", + "gui_quit_warning_dont_quit": "Annuleren", + "error_rate_limit": "Iemand heeft te veel foute pogingen gedaan op je adres, dit betekent dat ze zouden kunnen proberen het te raden, daarom heeft OnionShare de server gestopt. Start het delen opnieuw en stuur de ontvanger een nieuw adres om te delen.", "zip_progress_bar_format": "Comprimeren: %p%", "error_stealth_not_supported": "Om client authorization te gebruiken heb je op zijn minst zowel Tor (of Tor Browser 6.5) en python3-stem 1.5.0 nodig.", "error_ephemeral_not_supported": "OnionShare vereist minstens zowel Tor als python3-stem 1.4.0.", "gui_settings_window_title": "Instellingen", - "gui_settings_stealth_option": "Gebruik client authorization (achterhaald)", - "gui_settings_autoupdate_label": "Controleer op updates", + "gui_settings_stealth_option": "Gebruik cliëntautorisatie", + "gui_settings_autoupdate_label": "Controleer op nieuwe versies", "gui_settings_autoupdate_option": "Laat me weten als er een nieuwe versie beschikbaar is", "gui_settings_autoupdate_timestamp": "Laatste controle: {}", "gui_settings_autoupdate_timestamp_never": "Nooit", "gui_settings_autoupdate_check_button": "Controleer op een Nieuwe Versie", "gui_settings_sharing_label": "Instelling voor delen", - "gui_settings_close_after_first_download_option": "Stop delen na eerste download", + "gui_settings_close_after_first_download_option": "Stop met delen na eerste download", "gui_settings_connection_type_label": "Hoe moet OnionShare verbinden met Tor?", "gui_settings_connection_type_bundled_option": "Gebruik de Tor versie die is ingebouwd in OnionShare", "gui_settings_connection_type_automatic_option": "Probeer auto-configuratie met Tor Browser", @@ -67,13 +67,13 @@ "gui_settings_socket_file_label": "Socket bestand", "gui_settings_socks_label": "SOCKS poort", "gui_settings_authenticate_label": "Tor authenticatie instellingen", - "gui_settings_authenticate_no_auth_option": "Geen authenticatie of cookie authenticatie", + "gui_settings_authenticate_no_auth_option": "Geen authenticatie, of cookie authenticatie", "gui_settings_authenticate_password_option": "Wachtwoord", "gui_settings_password_label": "Wachtwoord", "gui_settings_button_save": "Opslaan", "gui_settings_button_cancel": "Annuleren", "gui_settings_button_help": "Help", - "gui_settings_shutdown_timeout": "Stop delen om:", + "gui_settings_shutdown_timeout": "Stop het delen om:", "settings_saved": "Instellingen opgeslagen in {}", "settings_error_unknown": "Kan geen verbinding maken met de Tor controller omdat je instellingen nergens op slaan.", "settings_error_automatic": "Kon geen verbinding maken met de Tor controller. Draait Tor Browser (beschikbaar via in de achtergrond?", @@ -82,15 +82,15 @@ "settings_error_auth": "Verbonden met {}:{}, maar kan niet authenticeren. Misschien is het geen Tor controller?", "settings_error_missing_password": "Verbonden met Tor controller, maar het heeft een wachtwoord nodig voor authenticatie.", "settings_error_unreadable_cookie_file": "Verbonden met de Tor controller, maar het wachtwoord kan onjuist zijn, of je gebruiker heeft geen toestemming om het cookie bestand te lezen.", - "settings_error_bundled_tor_not_supported": "De Tor versie die is meegeleverd bij OnionShare werkt niet in de developer mode op Windows of macOS.", + "settings_error_bundled_tor_not_supported": "De Tor versie die is meegeleverd bij OnionShare werkt niet in de ontwikkelaarsmodus op Windows of macOS.", "settings_error_bundled_tor_timeout": "Verbinden met Tor duurt te lang. Misschien is je computer niet verbonden met internet, of je hebt een inaccurate systeemklok?", "settings_error_bundled_tor_broken": "OnionShare kan niet verbinden met Tor op de achtergrond:\n{}", "settings_test_success": "Verbonden met de Tor controller.\n\nTor versie: {}\nOndersteund ephemeral onion services: {}.\nOndersteund client authentication: {}.\nOndersteund next-gen .onion addresses: {}.", "error_tor_protocol_error": "Er was een fout met Tor: {}", "connecting_to_tor": "Verbinden met het Tor network", - "update_available": "Er is een nieuwe versie van OnionShare beschikbaar. Klik hier om te updaten.

Je hebt nu {} en de laatste versie is {}.", + "update_available": "Nieuwe OnionShare is uitgekomen. Klik hier om hem te krijgen.

Jij gebruikt {} and de laatste is {}.", "update_error_check_error": "Kon niet controleren op nieuwe versies: De OnionShare website meldt dat de laatste versie de onherkenbare is '{}' is…", - "update_error_invalid_latest_version": "Kon niet controleren op een nieuwe versie: Wellicht ben je niet met Tor verbonden, of is de OnionShare website is niet beschikbaar?", + "update_error_invalid_latest_version": "Kon niet controleren op een nieuwe versie: Wellicht ben je niet met Tor verbonden, of de OnionShare website is niet beschikbaar?", "update_not_available": "Je draait de laatst beschikbare OnionShare.", "gui_tor_connection_ask": "Open de instellingen om het verbindingsprobleem met Tor op te lossen?", "gui_tor_connection_ask_open_settings": "Ja", @@ -106,21 +106,21 @@ "systray_upload_started_message": "Een gebruiker is begonnen met uploaden van bestanden naar je computer", "help_receive": "Bestanden ontvangen in plaats van ze versturen", "timeout_upload_still_running": "Wachten op voltooiing van de upload", - "gui_share_start_server": "Start delen", - "gui_share_stop_server": "Stop delen", - "gui_share_stop_server_shutdown_timeout": "Stop Delen ({}s resterend)", + "gui_share_start_server": "Start met delen", + "gui_share_stop_server": "Stop met delen", + "gui_share_stop_server_shutdown_timeout": "Stop met Delen ({}s resterend)", "gui_share_stop_server_shutdown_timeout_tooltip": "Auto-stop timer eindigt bij {}", - "gui_receive_start_server": "Start Ontvangst Mode", - "gui_receive_stop_server": "Stop Ontvangst Mode", - "gui_receive_stop_server_shutdown_timeout": "Stop Ontvangst Mode ({}s resterend)", + "gui_receive_start_server": "Start Ontvangstmodus", + "gui_receive_stop_server": "Stop Ontvangstmodus", + "gui_receive_stop_server_shutdown_timeout": "Stop Ontvangstmodus ({}s resterend)", "gui_receive_stop_server_shutdown_timeout_tooltip": "Auto-stop timer stopt bij {}", "gui_no_downloads": "Nog Geen Downloads", - "gui_copied_url_title": "Gekopieerd OnionShare Adres", + "gui_copied_url_title": "Gekopieerd OnionShare Adres", "gui_copied_hidservauth_title": "HidServAuth gekopieerd", "gui_quit_title": "Niet zo snel", - "gui_receive_quit_warning": "Je ben bezig files te ontvangen. Weet je zeker dat je OnionShare wilt stoppen?", - "gui_settings_whats_this": "1What is dit?2", - "gui_settings_stealth_hidservauth_string": "Nu de privésleutel voor hergebruik is opgeslagen kun je klikken om je HidServAuth te kopiëren.", + "gui_receive_quit_warning": "Je bent in het proces van bestanden ontvangen. Weet je zeker dat je OnionShare af wilt sluiten?", + "gui_settings_whats_this": "1Wat is dit?2", + "gui_settings_stealth_hidservauth_string": "Nu de privésleutel voor hergebruik is opgeslagen kun je \nklikken om je HidServAuth te kopiëren.", "gui_settings_general_label": "Algemene instellingen", "gui_settings_tor_bridges": "Tor bridge ondersteuning", "gui_settings_tor_bridges_no_bridges_radio_option": "Gebruik geen bridges", @@ -131,13 +131,13 @@ "gui_settings_meek_lite_expensive_warning": "Waarschuwing: De meek_lite bridges zijn erg kostbaar voor het Tor Project om uit te voeren.

Gebruik ze alleen als je niet direct met Tor kan verbinden, via obfs4 transports, of andere normale bridges.", "gui_settings_tor_bridges_custom_radio_option": "Gebruik custom bridges", "gui_settings_tor_bridges_custom_label": "Je kan bridges krijgen via 1https://bridges.torproject.org2", - "gui_settings_tor_bridges_invalid": "Geen van de bridges die je hebt toegevoegd werken. Controleer ze of voeg andere toe.", + "gui_settings_tor_bridges_invalid": "Geen van de bridges die je hebt toegevoegd werken. \nControleer ze of voeg andere toe.", "gui_settings_shutdown_timeout_checkbox": "Gebruik auto-stop timer", "error_tor_protocol_error_unknown": "Er was een onbekende fout met Tor", "error_invalid_private_key": "Dit type privésleutel wordt niet ondersteund", "gui_tor_connection_lost": "De verbinding met Tor is verbroken.", "gui_use_legacy_v2_onions_checkbox": "Gebruik ouderwetse adressen", - "gui_save_private_key_checkbox": "Gebruik een blijvend adres (achterhaald)", + "gui_save_private_key_checkbox": "Gebruik een blijvend adres", "gui_share_url_description": "1Iedereen2 met dit OnionShare adres kan je bestanden 3binnenhalen4 met de 5Tor Browser6: ", "gui_receive_url_description": "1Iedereen2 met dit OnionShare adres kan bestanden op je computer 3plaatsen4 met de 5Tor Browser6: 7", "gui_url_label_persistent": "Deze share stopt niet vanzelf.

Elke volgende share hergebruikt het adres. (Om eenmalige adressen te gebruiken, zet \"Gebruik vast adres\" uit in de settings.)", @@ -156,7 +156,7 @@ "history_completed_tooltip": "{} klaar", "info_in_progress_uploads_tooltip": "{} upload(s) zijn bezig", "info_completed_uploads_tooltip": "de {} upload(s) zijn klaar", - "error_cannot_create_downloads_dir": "Kon de ontvangst mode map niet maken: {}", + "error_cannot_create_downloads_dir": "Kon de ontvangst modus map niet aanmaken: {}", "receive_mode_downloads_dir": "De naar je verstuurde bestanden verschijnen in deze map: {}", "receive_mode_warning": "Waarschuwing: Ontvangst mode laat het toe dat mensen bestanden op je computer zetten. Sommige bestanden kunnen mogelijk de controle over je computer overnemen als je ze opent. Open alleen dingen van mensen die je vertrouwd of als je weet wat je aan het doen bent.", "gui_receive_mode_warning": "Ontvangst mode laat het toe dat mensen bestanden op je computer zetten.

Sommige bestanden kunnen mogelijk de controle over je computer overnemen als je ze opent. Open alleen dingen van mensen die je vertrouwd of als je weet wat je aan het doen bent.", @@ -167,23 +167,23 @@ "gui_settings_receiving_label": "Instellingen voor Ontvangen", "gui_settings_downloads_label": "Sla bestanden op naar", "gui_settings_downloads_button": "Surf", - "gui_settings_public_mode_checkbox": "Publieke mode", + "gui_settings_public_mode_checkbox": "Openbaarmodus", "systray_close_server_title": "OnionShare Server Afgesloten", "systray_close_server_message": "Een gebruiker heeft de server gestopt", "systray_page_loaded_title": "OnionShare Pagina Geladen", "systray_download_page_loaded_message": "Een gebruiker heeft de download pagina geladen", "systray_upload_page_loaded_message": "Een gebruiker heeft de upload pagina geladen", - "gui_uploads": "Upload geschiedenis", - "gui_no_uploads": "Er zijn nog geen uploads", - "gui_clear_history": "Wis alles", - "gui_upload_in_progress": "Upload is gestart{}", + "gui_uploads": "Upload Geschiedenis", + "gui_no_uploads": "Er Zijn Nog Geen Uploads", + "gui_clear_history": "Wis Alles", + "gui_upload_in_progress": "Upload Is Gestart{}", "gui_upload_finished_range": "{} is naar {} gestuurd", "gui_upload_finished": "Verzonden {}", - "gui_download_in_progress": "Binnenhalen gestart {}", - "gui_open_folder_error_nautilus": "Kan de map niet openen omdat bestandsbeheerprogramma nautilus niet beschikbaar is. Het bestand staat hier : {}", + "gui_download_in_progress": "Downloaden Gestart {}", + "gui_open_folder_error_nautilus": "Kan de map niet openen omdat nautilus niet beschikbaar is. Het bestand staat hier: {}", "gui_settings_language_label": "Voorkeurstaal", "gui_settings_language_changed_notice": "Je moet OnionShare opnieuw starten als je de taal veranderd.", - "gui_add_files": "Bestanden toevoegen", - "gui_add_folder": "Map toevoegen", - "gui_connect_to_tor_for_onion_settings": "Verbind met Tor om de instellingen van onion diensten te zien" + "gui_add_files": "Voeg bestanden toe", + "gui_add_folder": "Voeg map toe", + "gui_connect_to_tor_for_onion_settings": "Verbind met Tor om de instellingen van onion-diensten te zien" } From 98955ccb353de9c4e54749997b855022582bc1b9 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: unmixabledoze Date: Fri, 18 Jan 2019 21:02:14 +0000 Subject: [PATCH 35/62] Translated using Weblate (German) Translate-URL: --- share/locale/de.json | 10 +++++----- 1 file changed, 5 insertions(+), 5 deletions(-) diff --git a/share/locale/de.json b/share/locale/de.json index d8df06a9..8021cfed 100644 --- a/share/locale/de.json +++ b/share/locale/de.json @@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ "gui_settings_button_help": "Hilfe", "gui_settings_shutdown_timeout": "Stoppe den Server bei:", "systray_download_started_title": "OnionShare Download begonnen", - "systray_download_started_message": "Ein Nutzer hat begonnen deine Dateien herunterzuladen", + "systray_download_started_message": "Ein Nutzer hat begonnen, deine Dateien herunterzuladen", "systray_download_completed_title": "OnionShare Download beendet", "systray_download_completed_message": "Der Benutzer hat deine Dateien heruntergeladen", "systray_download_canceled_title": "OnionShare Download abgebrochen", @@ -51,8 +51,8 @@ "not_a_readable_file": "{0:s} kann nicht gelesen werden.", "no_available_port": "Es konnte kein freier Port gefunden werden, um den Onionservice zu starten", "close_on_timeout": "Wegen Zeitablaufs gestoppt", - "systray_upload_started_title": "OnionShare Upload gestartet", - "systray_upload_started_message": "Ein Benutzer hat begonnen Dateien auf deinen Computer zu laden", + "systray_upload_started_title": "OnionShare Upload wurde gestartet", + "systray_upload_started_message": "Ein Benutzer hat begonnen, Dateien auf deinen Computer hochzuladen", "help_shutdown_timeout": "Den Server nach einer bestimmten Zeit anhalten", "help_receive": "Empfange Dateien anstatt sie zu senden", "gui_share_stop_server_shutdown_timeout": "Server stoppen (läuft noch {} Sekunden)", @@ -82,7 +82,7 @@ "gui_receive_stop_server_shutdown_timeout": "Stoppe den Empfängermodus (stoppt automatisch in {})", "gui_receive_stop_server_shutdown_timeout_tooltip": "Zeit läuft in {} Sekunden ab", "gui_no_downloads": "Bisher keine Downloads", - "gui_copied_url_title": "OnionShareadresse kopiert", + "gui_copied_url_title": "OnionShare-Adresse kopiert", "gui_copied_hidservauth": "HidServAuth-Zeile in die Zwischenablage kopiert", "gui_download_upload_progress_complete": "%p%, {0:s} vergangen.", "gui_download_upload_progress_starting": "{0:s}, %p% (berechne)", @@ -93,7 +93,7 @@ "gui_receive_quit_warning": "Du empfängst gerade Dateien. Bist du sicher, dass du OnionShare beenden willst?", "error_rate_limit": "Jemand hat deine Adresse zu oft falsch eingegeben, das heißt, jemand könnte versuchen, sie zu erraten. Deswegen hat OnionShare den Server gestoppt. Starte den Server erneut und schicke dem Empfänger die neue Adresse, um die Dateien zu verschicken.", "zip_progress_bar_format": "Komprimiere: %p%", - "error_stealth_not_supported": "Um Klientauthorisierung zu nutzen, benötigst du mindestens Tor (or Tor Browser 6.5) und python3-stem 1.5.0.", + "error_stealth_not_supported": "Um Klientauthorisierung zu nutzen, benötigst du mindestens Tor (oder Tor Browser 6.5) und python3-stem 1.5.0.", "error_ephemeral_not_supported": "OnionShare benötigt mindestens Tor als auch python3-stem 1.4.0.", "gui_settings_whats_this": "Was ist das?", "gui_settings_stealth_option": "Nutze Klientauthorisierung", From 13f073d51ff19ffb087fe777750e1e802c491df1 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: la corneja Date: Sat, 19 Jan 2019 22:41:22 +0000 Subject: [PATCH 36/62] Translated using Weblate (German) Translate-URL: --- share/locale/de.json | 2 +- 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-) diff --git a/share/locale/de.json b/share/locale/de.json index 8021cfed..8e9bd634 100644 --- a/share/locale/de.json +++ b/share/locale/de.json @@ -115,7 +115,7 @@ "settings_error_bundled_tor_not_supported": "Im Entwicklermodus auf Windows oder macOS kannst du die Torversion, die mit OnionShare geliefert wird, nicht nutzen.", "settings_error_bundled_tor_timeout": "Die Verbindung zum Tornetzwerk braucht zu lang. Bist du vielleicht nicht mit dem Internet verbunden oder geht die Uhr auf deinem System falsch?", "settings_error_bundled_tor_broken": "OnionShare konnte im Hintergrund nicht mit Tor verbinden:\n{}", - "settings_test_success": "Verbunden mit dem Tor controller.\n\nTor-Version: {}\nUnterstützt vorübergehende onion services: {}.\nUnterstützt Klient-Authorisierung: {}.\nUnterstützt .onion-Adressen der nächsten Generation: {}.", + "settings_test_success": "Verbunden mit dem Tor controller.\n\nTorversion: {}\nUnterstützt flüchtige onion services: {}.\nUnterstützt Klientauthorisierung: {}.\nUnterstützt .onion-Adressen der nächsten Generation: {}.", "error_tor_protocol_error": "Es gab einen Fehler mit Tor: {}", "error_tor_protocol_error_unknown": "Es gab einen unbekannten Fehler mit Tor", "error_invalid_private_key": "Diese Art von privatem Schlüssel wird nicht unterstützt", From e93fe39edf59bc311d42d78889e54939c78ec514 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Taro Tanaka Date: Fri, 18 Jan 2019 14:03:14 +0000 Subject: [PATCH 37/62] Translated using Weblate (Japanese) Translate-URL: --- share/locale/ja.json | 96 ++++++++++++++++++++++---------------------- 1 file changed, 48 insertions(+), 48 deletions(-) diff --git a/share/locale/ja.json b/share/locale/ja.json index 10865a47..5503f429 100644 --- a/share/locale/ja.json +++ b/share/locale/ja.json @@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ "timeout_download_still_running": "ダウンロード完了待ち", "timeout_upload_still_running": "アップロード完了待ち", "large_filesize": "注意:大きいなファイルを送信するに数時間かかるかもしれない", - "systray_menu_exit": "停止", + "systray_menu_exit": "終了", "systray_download_started_title": "OnionShareダウンロードは開始されました", "systray_download_started_message": "ユーザーがダウンロードを開始しました", "systray_download_completed_title": "OnionShareダウンロード完了", @@ -58,57 +58,57 @@ "gui_please_wait": "実行中… クリックでキャンセルします。", "gui_download_upload_progress_complete": "%p%、 経過時間 ({0:s})。", "gui_download_upload_progress_starting": "{0:s}, %p% (計算中)", - "gui_download_upload_progress_eta": "%p% {0:s} 終了予定:{1:s}", + "gui_download_upload_progress_eta": "{0:s} 終了予定:{1:s}、%p%", "version_string": "", - "gui_quit_title": "", + "gui_quit_title": "ちょっと待って", "gui_share_quit_warning": "", - "gui_receive_quit_warning": "", + "gui_receive_quit_warning": "ファイルを受信中です。本当にOnionShareを終了しますか?", "gui_quit_warning_quit": "", "gui_quit_warning_dont_quit": "", - "error_rate_limit": "", - "zip_progress_bar_format": "", - "error_stealth_not_supported": "", - "error_ephemeral_not_supported": "", - "gui_settings_window_title": "", - "gui_settings_whats_this": "", - "gui_settings_stealth_option": "", - "gui_settings_stealth_hidservauth_string": "", - "gui_settings_autoupdate_label": "", - "gui_settings_autoupdate_option": "", - "gui_settings_autoupdate_timestamp": "", - "gui_settings_autoupdate_timestamp_never": "", - "gui_settings_autoupdate_check_button": "", - "gui_settings_general_label": "", - "gui_settings_sharing_label": "", - "gui_settings_close_after_first_download_option": "", - "gui_settings_connection_type_label": "", - "gui_settings_connection_type_bundled_option": "", - "gui_settings_connection_type_automatic_option": "", - "gui_settings_connection_type_control_port_option": "", - "gui_settings_connection_type_socket_file_option": "", - "gui_settings_connection_type_test_button": "", - "gui_settings_control_port_label": "", - "gui_settings_socket_file_label": "", - "gui_settings_socks_label": "", - "gui_settings_authenticate_label": "", - "gui_settings_authenticate_no_auth_option": "", - "gui_settings_authenticate_password_option": "", - "gui_settings_password_label": "", - "gui_settings_tor_bridges": "", - "gui_settings_tor_bridges_no_bridges_radio_option": "", - "gui_settings_tor_bridges_obfs4_radio_option": "", - "gui_settings_tor_bridges_obfs4_radio_option_no_obfs4proxy": "", - "gui_settings_tor_bridges_meek_lite_azure_radio_option": "", - "gui_settings_tor_bridges_meek_lite_azure_radio_option_no_obfs4proxy": "", - "gui_settings_meek_lite_expensive_warning": "", - "gui_settings_tor_bridges_custom_radio_option": "", - "gui_settings_tor_bridges_custom_label": "", - "gui_settings_tor_bridges_invalid": "", - "gui_settings_button_save": "", - "gui_settings_button_cancel": "", - "gui_settings_button_help": "", - "gui_settings_shutdown_timeout_checkbox": "", - "gui_settings_shutdown_timeout": "", + "error_rate_limit": "誰かが何度も間違えたアドレスをアクセスして試みるので、不正アクセスしようとする可能性があります。セキュリティーのためにOnionShareはサーバーを停止しました。再び共有し始めて、受領者に新しいアドレスに送って下さい。", + "zip_progress_bar_format": "圧縮中: %p%", + "error_stealth_not_supported": "クライアント認証を使用するのに、少なくともTor (それともTor Browser 6.5)とpython3-stem 1.5.0が必要です。", + "error_ephemeral_not_supported": "OnionShareは少なくともTorとpython3-stem 1.4.0が必要です。", + "gui_settings_window_title": "設定", + "gui_settings_whats_this": "これは何ですか?", + "gui_settings_stealth_option": "クライアント認証を使用", + "gui_settings_stealth_hidservauth_string": "秘密鍵を保存したので、クリックしてHidServAuthをコピーできます。", + "gui_settings_autoupdate_label": "更新バージョンの有無をチェックする", + "gui_settings_autoupdate_option": "更新通知を起動します", + "gui_settings_autoupdate_timestamp": "前回にチェックした時: {}", + "gui_settings_autoupdate_timestamp_never": "したことがない", + "gui_settings_autoupdate_check_button": "更新をチェックする", + "gui_settings_general_label": "一般的設定", + "gui_settings_sharing_label": "共有設定", + "gui_settings_close_after_first_download_option": "最初のダウンロード後に停止する", + "gui_settings_connection_type_label": "OnionShareがどうやってTorと接続して欲しい?", + "gui_settings_connection_type_bundled_option": "OnionShareに組み込まれるTorバージョンを使用する", + "gui_settings_connection_type_automatic_option": "Torブラウザと自動設定してみる", + "gui_settings_connection_type_control_port_option": "コントロールポートを使用して接続する", + "gui_settings_connection_type_socket_file_option": "ソケットファイルを使用して接続する", + "gui_settings_connection_type_test_button": "Torへの接続をテストする", + "gui_settings_control_port_label": "コントロールポート", + "gui_settings_socket_file_label": "ソケットファイル", + "gui_settings_socks_label": "SOCKSポート", + "gui_settings_authenticate_label": "Tor認証の設定", + "gui_settings_authenticate_no_auth_option": "認証なし、それともクッキー認証", + "gui_settings_authenticate_password_option": "パスワード", + "gui_settings_password_label": "パスワード", + "gui_settings_tor_bridges": "Torブリッジサポート", + "gui_settings_tor_bridges_no_bridges_radio_option": "ブリッジを使用しない", + "gui_settings_tor_bridges_obfs4_radio_option": "組み込みのobs4 pluggable transportを使用する", + "gui_settings_tor_bridges_obfs4_radio_option_no_obfs4proxy": "組み込みのobs4 pluggable transportを使用する(obsf4proxy必要)", + "gui_settings_tor_bridges_meek_lite_azure_radio_option": "組み込みのmeek_lite (Azure) pluggable transportを使用する", + "gui_settings_tor_bridges_meek_lite_azure_radio_option_no_obfs4proxy": "組み込みのmeek_lite (Azure) pluggable transportを使用する(obsf4proxy必要)", + "gui_settings_meek_lite_expensive_warning": "警告:meek_liteブリッジはTor Projectにとって維持費がかさむ

直接にTorと接続できない場合、あるいはobsf4ブリッジや他のブリッジが使用できない場合のみに使って下さい。", + "gui_settings_tor_bridges_custom_radio_option": "カスタムブリッジを使用する", + "gui_settings_tor_bridges_custom_label": "https://bridges.torproject.orgからブリッジを入手できます", + "gui_settings_tor_bridges_invalid": "全ての追加したブリッジは機能しませんでした。\n再確認して、あるいは他のを追加して下さい。", + "gui_settings_button_save": "保存", + "gui_settings_button_cancel": "キャンセル", + "gui_settings_button_help": "ヘルプ", + "gui_settings_shutdown_timeout_checkbox": "自動停止タイマーを使用する", + "gui_settings_shutdown_timeout": "共有を停止する時間:", "settings_error_unknown": "", "settings_error_automatic": "", "settings_error_socket_port": "", From 427a231704a192e8dd21e488009a2a6e554f84aa Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Koki Kawasaki Date: Fri, 18 Jan 2019 14:03:24 +0000 Subject: [PATCH 38/62] Translated using Weblate (Japanese) Translate-URL: --- share/locale/ja.json | 8 ++++---- 1 file changed, 4 insertions(+), 4 deletions(-) diff --git a/share/locale/ja.json b/share/locale/ja.json index 5503f429..acddc8c2 100644 --- a/share/locale/ja.json +++ b/share/locale/ja.json @@ -59,12 +59,12 @@ "gui_download_upload_progress_complete": "%p%、 経過時間 ({0:s})。", "gui_download_upload_progress_starting": "{0:s}, %p% (計算中)", "gui_download_upload_progress_eta": "{0:s} 終了予定:{1:s}、%p%", - "version_string": "", + "version_string": "OnionShare {0:s} |", "gui_quit_title": "ちょっと待って", - "gui_share_quit_warning": "", + "gui_share_quit_warning": "ファイルを送信中です。本当にOnionShareを終了しますか?", "gui_receive_quit_warning": "ファイルを受信中です。本当にOnionShareを終了しますか?", - "gui_quit_warning_quit": "", - "gui_quit_warning_dont_quit": "", + "gui_quit_warning_quit": "終了", + "gui_quit_warning_dont_quit": "キャンセル", "error_rate_limit": "誰かが何度も間違えたアドレスをアクセスして試みるので、不正アクセスしようとする可能性があります。セキュリティーのためにOnionShareはサーバーを停止しました。再び共有し始めて、受領者に新しいアドレスに送って下さい。", "zip_progress_bar_format": "圧縮中: %p%", "error_stealth_not_supported": "クライアント認証を使用するのに、少なくともTor (それともTor Browser 6.5)とpython3-stem 1.5.0が必要です。", From 33060ab6bba4cf4506fac593e1cd017a1a953575 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: R Date: Fri, 18 Jan 2019 19:43:29 +0000 Subject: [PATCH 39/62] Translated using Weblate (Persian) Translate-URL: --- share/locale/fa.json | 107 ++++++++++++++++++++++--------------------- 1 file changed, 55 insertions(+), 52 deletions(-) diff --git a/share/locale/fa.json b/share/locale/fa.json index d45ea27c..21ebbec5 100644 --- a/share/locale/fa.json +++ b/share/locale/fa.json @@ -1,73 +1,73 @@ { - "config_onion_service": "", - "preparing_files": "", - "give_this_url": "", - "give_this_url_stealth": "", - "give_this_url_receive": "", - "give_this_url_receive_stealth": "", - "ctrlc_to_stop": "", - "not_a_file": "", - "not_a_readable_file": "", - "no_available_port": "", - "other_page_loaded": "", + "config_onion_service": "آماده سازی سرویس onion روی پورت {0:d}.", + "preparing_files": "فشرده سازی فایل ها.", + "give_this_url": "دادن این آدرس به گیرنده:", + "give_this_url_stealth": "دادن این آدرس و خط HidServAuth به گیرنده:", + "give_this_url_receive": "دادن این آدرس به ارسال کننده:", + "give_this_url_receive_stealth": "دادن این آدرس و HidServAuth به ارسال کننده:", + "ctrlc_to_stop": "برای توقف سرور Ctrl+C را فشار دهید", + "not_a_file": "{0:s} یک فایل معتبر نمی باشد.", + "not_a_readable_file": "{0:s} قابل خواندن نمی باشد.", + "no_available_port": "پورت قابل استفاده برای شروع سرویس onion پیدا نشد.", + "other_page_loaded": "آدرس بارگذاری شد", "close_on_timeout": "", - "closing_automatically": "", - "timeout_download_still_running": "", - "large_filesize": "", + "closing_automatically": "متوقف شد چون دانلود به پایان رسید", + "timeout_download_still_running": "انتظار برای تکمیل دانلود", + "large_filesize": "هشدار: یک اشتراک گذاری بزرگ ممکن است ساعت ها طول بکشد", "systray_menu_exit": "خروج", - "systray_download_started_title": "", - "systray_download_started_message": "", - "systray_download_completed_title": "", - "systray_download_completed_message": "", - "systray_download_canceled_title": "", - "systray_download_canceled_message": "", - "systray_upload_started_title": "", - "systray_upload_started_message": "", + "systray_download_started_title": "دانلود OnionShare آغاز شد", + "systray_download_started_message": "یک کاربر شروع به دانلود فایل های شما کرد", + "systray_download_completed_title": "دانلود OnionShare به پایان رسید", + "systray_download_completed_message": "دانلود فایل های شما توسط کاربر به پایان رسید", + "systray_download_canceled_title": "دانلود OnionShare لغو شد", + "systray_download_canceled_message": "کاربر دانلود را لغو کرد", + "systray_upload_started_title": "آپلود OnionShare آغاز شد", + "systray_upload_started_message": "یک کاربر شروع به آپلود فایل بر روی کامپیوتر شما کرده است", "help_local_only": "", - "help_stay_open": "", + "help_stay_open": "ادامه اشتراک گذاری پس از اولین دانلود", "help_shutdown_timeout": "", "help_stealth": "", "help_receive": "", "help_debug": "", - "help_filename": "", + "help_filename": "لیست فایل ها یا فولدر ها برای به اشتراک گذاری", "help_config": "", "gui_drag_and_drop": "", "gui_add": "افزودن", - "gui_delete": "Delete", - "gui_choose_items": "گزینش", - "gui_share_start_server": "", - "gui_share_stop_server": "", - "gui_share_stop_server_shutdown_timeout": "", + "gui_delete": "حذف", + "gui_choose_items": "انتخاب", + "gui_share_start_server": "شروع اشتراک گذاری", + "gui_share_stop_server": "توقف اشتراک گذاری", + "gui_share_stop_server_shutdown_timeout": "توقف اشتراک گذاری ({} ثانیه باقیمانده)", "gui_share_stop_server_shutdown_timeout_tooltip": "", - "gui_receive_start_server": "", - "gui_receive_stop_server": "", + "gui_receive_start_server": "شروع حالت دریافت", + "gui_receive_stop_server": "توقف حالت دریافت", "gui_receive_stop_server_shutdown_timeout": "", "gui_receive_stop_server_shutdown_timeout_tooltip": "", - "gui_copy_url": "", - "gui_copy_hidservauth": "", - "gui_downloads": "", + "gui_copy_url": "کپی آدرس", + "gui_copy_hidservauth": "کپی HidServAuth", + "gui_downloads": "دانلود تاریخچه", "gui_no_downloads": "", "gui_canceled": "لغو شده", - "gui_copied_url_title": "", - "gui_copied_url": "", - "gui_copied_hidservauth_title": "", - "gui_copied_hidservauth": "", - "gui_please_wait": "", + "gui_copied_url_title": "آدرس OnionShare کپی شد", + "gui_copied_url": "آدرس OnionShare بر کلیپ بورد کپی شد", + "gui_copied_hidservauth_title": "HidServAuth کپی شد", + "gui_copied_hidservauth": "خط HidServAuth بر کلیپ بورد کپی شد", + "gui_please_wait": "در حال آغاز... برای لغو کلیک کنید.", "gui_download_upload_progress_complete": "", "gui_download_upload_progress_starting": "", "gui_download_upload_progress_eta": "", "version_string": "", - "gui_quit_title": "", - "gui_share_quit_warning": "", - "gui_receive_quit_warning": "", + "gui_quit_title": "نه به این سرعت", + "gui_share_quit_warning": "شما در پروسه ارسال فایل می باشید. مطمئن هستید که میخواهید از OnionShare خارج شوید؟", + "gui_receive_quit_warning": "شما در پروسه دریافت فایل می باشید. مطمئن هستید که میخواهید از OnionShare خارج شوید؟", "gui_quit_warning_quit": "خروج", "gui_quit_warning_dont_quit": "لغو", "error_rate_limit": "", - "zip_progress_bar_format": "", + "zip_progress_bar_format": "فشرده سازی: %p%", "error_stealth_not_supported": "", "error_ephemeral_not_supported": "", "gui_settings_window_title": "تنظیمات", - "gui_settings_whats_this": "", + "gui_settings_whats_this": "این چیست؟", "gui_settings_stealth_option": "", "gui_settings_stealth_hidservauth_string": "", "gui_settings_autoupdate_label": "بررسی برای نسخه جدید", @@ -75,8 +75,8 @@ "gui_settings_autoupdate_timestamp": "", "gui_settings_autoupdate_timestamp_never": "هرگز", "gui_settings_autoupdate_check_button": "", - "gui_settings_general_label": "تنظیمات عمومی", - "gui_settings_sharing_label": "", + "gui_settings_general_label": "تنظیمات کلی", + "gui_settings_sharing_label": "تنظیمات اشتراک گذاری", "gui_settings_close_after_first_download_option": "", "gui_settings_connection_type_label": "", "gui_settings_connection_type_bundled_option": "", @@ -86,13 +86,13 @@ "gui_settings_connection_type_test_button": "", "gui_settings_control_port_label": "", "gui_settings_socket_file_label": "", - "gui_settings_socks_label": "", + "gui_settings_socks_label": "پورت SOCKS", "gui_settings_authenticate_label": "", "gui_settings_authenticate_no_auth_option": "", - "gui_settings_authenticate_password_option": "Password", - "gui_settings_password_label": "Password", + "gui_settings_authenticate_password_option": "رمز عبور", + "gui_settings_password_label": "رمز عبور", "gui_settings_tor_bridges": "", - "gui_settings_tor_bridges_no_bridges_radio_option": "", + "gui_settings_tor_bridges_no_bridges_radio_option": "عدم استفاده از بریج", "gui_settings_tor_bridges_obfs4_radio_option": "", "gui_settings_tor_bridges_obfs4_radio_option_no_obfs4proxy": "", "gui_settings_tor_bridges_meek_lite_azure_radio_option": "", @@ -178,8 +178,11 @@ "gui_upload_in_progress": "", "gui_upload_finished_range": "", "gui_upload_finished": "", - "gui_download_in_progress": "", + "gui_download_in_progress": "دانلود آغاز شد {}", "gui_open_folder_error_nautilus": "", "gui_settings_language_label": "زبان ترجیحی", - "gui_settings_language_changed_notice": "" + "gui_settings_language_changed_notice": "", + "timeout_upload_still_running": "انتظار برای تکمیل آپلود", + "gui_add_files": "افزودن فایل ها", + "gui_add_folder": "افزودن پوشه" } From 764a13eb672de452c2f6d673e9d2ed0e9abad4ed Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: unmixabledoze Date: Fri, 18 Jan 2019 20:42:24 +0000 Subject: [PATCH 40/62] Translated using Weblate (Polish) Translate-URL: --- share/locale/pl.json | 205 ++++++++++++++++++++++--------------------- 1 file changed, 104 insertions(+), 101 deletions(-) diff --git a/share/locale/pl.json b/share/locale/pl.json index d24a0818..f10a30ce 100644 --- a/share/locale/pl.json +++ b/share/locale/pl.json @@ -1,128 +1,128 @@ { - "config_onion_service": "", - "preparing_files": "", - "give_this_url": "", - "give_this_url_stealth": "", - "give_this_url_receive": "", - "give_this_url_receive_stealth": "", - "ctrlc_to_stop": "", - "not_a_file": "", - "not_a_readable_file": "", - "no_available_port": "", - "other_page_loaded": "", - "close_on_timeout": "", - "closing_automatically": "", - "timeout_download_still_running": "", - "large_filesize": "", + "config_onion_service": "Konfiguruję usługę onion na porcie {0:d}.", + "preparing_files": "Kompresuję pliki.", + "give_this_url": "Przekaż ten adres odbiorcy:", + "give_this_url_stealth": "Przekaż ten adres i linijkę HidServAuth odbiorcy:", + "give_this_url_receive": "Przekaż ten adres do nadawcy:", + "give_this_url_receive_stealth": "Przekaż ten adres i linijkę HidServAuth do nadawcy:", + "ctrlc_to_stop": "Przyciśnij kombinację klawiszy Ctrl i C aby zatrzymać serwer", + "not_a_file": "{0:s} nie jest prawidłowym plikiem.", + "not_a_readable_file": "{0:s} nie jest plikiem do odczytu.", + "no_available_port": "Nie można znaleźć dostępnego portu aby włączyć usługę onion", + "other_page_loaded": "Adres został wczytany", + "close_on_timeout": "Zatrzymano, gdyż upłynął czas", + "closing_automatically": "Zatrzymano, gdyż pobieranie zostało ukończone", + "timeout_download_still_running": "Czekam na ukończenie pobierania", + "large_filesize": "Uwaga: Wysyłanie dużego pliku może zająć kilka godzin", "systray_menu_exit": "Wyjście", - "systray_download_started_title": "", - "systray_download_started_message": "", - "systray_download_completed_title": "", - "systray_download_completed_message": "", - "systray_download_canceled_title": "", - "systray_download_canceled_message": "", - "systray_upload_started_title": "", - "systray_upload_started_message": "", - "help_local_only": "", - "help_stay_open": "", - "help_shutdown_timeout": "", - "help_stealth": "", - "help_receive": "", - "help_debug": "", - "help_filename": "", - "help_config": "", - "gui_drag_and_drop": "", - "gui_add": "", + "systray_download_started_title": "Pobieranie OnionShare zostało rozpoczęte", + "systray_download_started_message": "Użytkownik rozpoczął ściąganie Twoich plików", + "systray_download_completed_title": "Pobieranie OnionShare skończone", + "systray_download_completed_message": "Użytkownik ukończył ściąganie Twoich plików", + "systray_download_canceled_title": "Pobieranie OnionShare zostało anulowane", + "systray_download_canceled_message": "Użytkownik anulował pobieranie", + "systray_upload_started_title": "Wysyłanie OnionShare rozpoczęte", + "systray_upload_started_message": "Użytkownik rozpoczął wysyłanie plików na Twój komputer", + "help_local_only": "Nie wykorzystuj sieci Tor (opcja zaawansowana)", + "help_stay_open": "Kontynuuj udostępnianie po pierwszym pobraniu", + "help_shutdown_timeout": "Przestań udostępniać po określonym czasie w sekundach", + "help_stealth": "Korzystaj z weryfikacji klienta (zaawansowane)", + "help_receive": "Odbieraj dane zamiast je wysyłać", + "help_debug": "Zapisz błędy OnionShare do stdout i zapisz błędy sieciowe na dysku", + "help_filename": "Lista plików i folderów do udostępnienia", + "help_config": "Lokalizacja niestandarowego pliku konfiguracyjnego JSON (opcjonalne)", + "gui_drag_and_drop": "Przeciągnij i upuść pliki i foldery\naby je udostępnić", + "gui_add": "Dodaj", "gui_delete": "Usuń", "gui_choose_items": "Wybierz", - "gui_share_start_server": "", - "gui_share_stop_server": "", - "gui_share_stop_server_shutdown_timeout": "", - "gui_share_stop_server_shutdown_timeout_tooltip": "", - "gui_receive_start_server": "", - "gui_receive_stop_server": "", - "gui_receive_stop_server_shutdown_timeout": "", - "gui_receive_stop_server_shutdown_timeout_tooltip": "", - "gui_copy_url": "", - "gui_copy_hidservauth": "", - "gui_downloads": "", - "gui_no_downloads": "", + "gui_share_start_server": "Rozpocznij udostępnianie", + "gui_share_stop_server": "Zatrzymaj udostępnianie", + "gui_share_stop_server_shutdown_timeout": "Zatrzymaj udostępnianie (zostało {}s)", + "gui_share_stop_server_shutdown_timeout_tooltip": "Czas upłynie za {}", + "gui_receive_start_server": "Rozpocznij tryb odbierania", + "gui_receive_stop_server": "Zatrzymaj tryb odbierania", + "gui_receive_stop_server_shutdown_timeout": "Zatrzymaj tryb odbierania (pozostało {}s)", + "gui_receive_stop_server_shutdown_timeout_tooltip": "Czas upływa za {}", + "gui_copy_url": "Kopiuj adres załącznika", + "gui_copy_hidservauth": "Kopiuj HidServAuth", + "gui_downloads": "Historia pobierania", + "gui_no_downloads": "Nie pobrano jeszcze niczego", "gui_canceled": "Anulowano", - "gui_copied_url_title": "", - "gui_copied_url": "", - "gui_copied_hidservauth_title": "", - "gui_copied_hidservauth": "", - "gui_please_wait": "", - "gui_download_upload_progress_complete": "", - "gui_download_upload_progress_starting": "", - "gui_download_upload_progress_eta": "", - "version_string": "", - "gui_quit_title": "", - "gui_share_quit_warning": "", - "gui_receive_quit_warning": "", + "gui_copied_url_title": "Skopiowano adres URL OnionShare", + "gui_copied_url": "Adres URL OnionShare został skopiowany do schowka", + "gui_copied_hidservauth_title": "Skopiowano HidServAuth", + "gui_copied_hidservauth": "Linijka HidServAuth została skopiowana do schowka", + "gui_please_wait": "Rozpoczynam... Kliknij, aby zatrzymać.", + "gui_download_upload_progress_complete": "%p%, {0:s} upłynęło.", + "gui_download_upload_progress_starting": "{0:s}, %p% (obliczam)", + "gui_download_upload_progress_eta": "{0:s}, pozostało: {1:s}, %p%", + "version_string": "OnionShare {0:s} |", + "gui_quit_title": "Nie tak szybko", + "gui_share_quit_warning": "Jesteś w trakcie wysyłania plików. Jesteś pewien, że chcesz wyjść z OnionShare?", + "gui_receive_quit_warning": "Odbierasz teraz pliki. Jesteś pewien, że chcesz wyjść z OnionShare?", "gui_quit_warning_quit": "Wyjście", "gui_quit_warning_dont_quit": "Anuluj", - "error_rate_limit": "", - "zip_progress_bar_format": "", - "error_stealth_not_supported": "", - "error_ephemeral_not_supported": "", + "error_rate_limit": "Ktoś zbyt często próbował odczytać Twój adres, co może oznaczać, że ktoś próbuje go odgadnąć, zatem OnionShare zatrzymał serwer. Rozpocznij udostępnianie ponownie i wyślij odbiorcy nowy adres aby udostępniać Twoje pliki.", + "zip_progress_bar_format": "Kompresuję: %p%", + "error_stealth_not_supported": "Aby skorzystać z autoryzacji klienta wymagana jest wersja programu Tor lub nowsza, bądź Tor Browser w wersji 6.5 lub nowszej oraz python3-stem w wersji 1.5 lub nowszej.", + "error_ephemeral_not_supported": "OnionShare wymaga programu Tor w wersji lub nowszej oraz python3-stem w wersji 1.4.0 lub nowszej.", "gui_settings_window_title": "Ustawienia", - "gui_settings_whats_this": "", - "gui_settings_stealth_option": "", - "gui_settings_stealth_hidservauth_string": "", + "gui_settings_whats_this": "Co to jest?", + "gui_settings_stealth_option": "Użyj autoryzacji klienta", + "gui_settings_stealth_hidservauth_string": "Skoro zapisałeś swój klucz prywatny do ponownego użycia, oznacza to, że możesz\nnacisnąć aby skopiować Twój HidServAuth.", "gui_settings_autoupdate_label": "Sprawdź nową wersję", - "gui_settings_autoupdate_option": "", - "gui_settings_autoupdate_timestamp": "", + "gui_settings_autoupdate_option": "Poinformuj mnie, kiedy nowa wersja programu będzie dostępna", + "gui_settings_autoupdate_timestamp": "Ostatnie sprawdzenie aktualizacji: {}", "gui_settings_autoupdate_timestamp_never": "Nigdy", - "gui_settings_autoupdate_check_button": "", + "gui_settings_autoupdate_check_button": "Sprawdź, czy nowa wersja programu jest dostępna", "gui_settings_general_label": "Ustawienia ogólne", - "gui_settings_sharing_label": "", - "gui_settings_close_after_first_download_option": "", - "gui_settings_connection_type_label": "", - "gui_settings_connection_type_bundled_option": "", - "gui_settings_connection_type_automatic_option": "", + "gui_settings_sharing_label": "Ustawienia udostępniania", + "gui_settings_close_after_first_download_option": "Przestań udostępniać po pierwszym pobraniu", + "gui_settings_connection_type_label": "W jaki sposób OnionShare powinien połączyć się z siecią Tor?", + "gui_settings_connection_type_bundled_option": "Skorzystaj z wersji Tora udostępnionego wraz z OnionShare", + "gui_settings_connection_type_automatic_option": "Spróbuj automatycznej konfiguracji za pomocą Tor Browser", "gui_settings_connection_type_control_port_option": "", - "gui_settings_connection_type_socket_file_option": "", - "gui_settings_connection_type_test_button": "", + "gui_settings_connection_type_socket_file_option": "Połącz z użyciem pliku socket", + "gui_settings_connection_type_test_button": "Sprawdź połączenie z siecią Tor", "gui_settings_control_port_label": "Port sterowania", - "gui_settings_socket_file_label": "", - "gui_settings_socks_label": "", - "gui_settings_authenticate_label": "", - "gui_settings_authenticate_no_auth_option": "", + "gui_settings_socket_file_label": "Plik socket", + "gui_settings_socks_label": "Port SOCKS", + "gui_settings_authenticate_label": "Ustawienia autoryzacji sieci Tor", + "gui_settings_authenticate_no_auth_option": "Brak autoryzacji lub autoryzacji ciasteczek", "gui_settings_authenticate_password_option": "Hasło", "gui_settings_password_label": "Hasło", - "gui_settings_tor_bridges": "", - "gui_settings_tor_bridges_no_bridges_radio_option": "", + "gui_settings_tor_bridges": "Wsparcie mostków sieci Tor", + "gui_settings_tor_bridges_no_bridges_radio_option": "Nie korzystaj z mostków sieci Tor", "gui_settings_tor_bridges_obfs4_radio_option": "", "gui_settings_tor_bridges_obfs4_radio_option_no_obfs4proxy": "", "gui_settings_tor_bridges_meek_lite_azure_radio_option": "", "gui_settings_tor_bridges_meek_lite_azure_radio_option_no_obfs4proxy": "", - "gui_settings_meek_lite_expensive_warning": "", - "gui_settings_tor_bridges_custom_radio_option": "", - "gui_settings_tor_bridges_custom_label": "", - "gui_settings_tor_bridges_invalid": "", + "gui_settings_meek_lite_expensive_warning": "Uwaga: Mostki meek_lite są bardzo kosztowne dla Tor Project.

Korzystaj z nich tylko wtedy, gdy nie możesz połączyć się bezpośrednio z siecią Tor, poprzez obsf4 albo przez inne normalne mostki.", + "gui_settings_tor_bridges_custom_radio_option": "Użyj niestandardowych mostków", + "gui_settings_tor_bridges_custom_label": "Mostki możesz znaleźć na", + "gui_settings_tor_bridges_invalid": "Żadne z dodanych przez Ciebie mostków nie działają.\nZweryfikuj je lub dodaj inne.", "gui_settings_button_save": "Zapisz", "gui_settings_button_cancel": "Anuluj", "gui_settings_button_help": "Pomoc", "gui_settings_shutdown_timeout_checkbox": "", "gui_settings_shutdown_timeout": "", - "settings_error_unknown": "", - "settings_error_automatic": "", - "settings_error_socket_port": "", - "settings_error_socket_file": "", - "settings_error_auth": "", - "settings_error_missing_password": "", - "settings_error_unreadable_cookie_file": "", + "settings_error_unknown": "Nie można połączyć się z kontrolerem Tor, ponieważ Twoje ustawienia nie mają sensu.", + "settings_error_automatic": "Nie można połączyć się z kontrolerem Tor. Czy Tor Browser (dostępny na działa w tle?", + "settings_error_socket_port": "Nie można połączyć się z kontrolerem Tor pod adresem {}:{}.", + "settings_error_socket_file": "Nie można połączyć się z kontrolerem Tor używając pliku socket znajdującym się w ścieżce {}.", + "settings_error_auth": "Połączono z {}:{} ale nie można uwierzytelnić. Być może to nie jest kontroler Tor?", + "settings_error_missing_password": "Połączono z kontrolerem Tor ale wymaga on hasła do uwierzytelnienia.", + "settings_error_unreadable_cookie_file": "Połączono z kontrolerem Tor ale hasło może być niepoprawne albo Twój użytkownik nie ma uprawnień do odczytania plików cookie.", "settings_error_bundled_tor_not_supported": "", - "settings_error_bundled_tor_timeout": "", - "settings_error_bundled_tor_broken": "", - "settings_test_success": "", - "error_tor_protocol_error": "", - "error_tor_protocol_error_unknown": "", - "error_invalid_private_key": "", - "connecting_to_tor": "", - "update_available": "", - "update_error_check_error": "", + "settings_error_bundled_tor_timeout": "Połączenie się z siecią Tor zajmuje zbyt dużo czasu. Być może nie jesteś połączony z internetem albo masz niedokładny zegar systemowy?", + "settings_error_bundled_tor_broken": "OnionShare nie mógł połączyć się z siecią Tor w tle\n{}", + "settings_test_success": "Połączono z kontrolerem Tor.\n\nWersja Tor: {}\nWsparcie ulotnych serwisów onion: {}.\nWsparcie autoryzacji klienta: {}.\nWsparcie adresów onion nowej generacji: {}.", + "error_tor_protocol_error": "Pojawił się błąd z Tor: {}", + "error_tor_protocol_error_unknown": "Pojawił się nieznany błąd z Tor", + "error_invalid_private_key": "Ten typ klucza prywatnego jest niewspierany", + "connecting_to_tor": "Łączę z siecią Tor", + "update_available": "Nowa wersja programu OnionShare jest dostępna. Naciśnij tutaj aby ją ściągnąć.

Korzystasz z wersji {} a najnowszą jest {}.", + "update_error_check_error": "Nie można sprawdzić czy są dostępne aktualizacje. Strona programu OnionShare mówi, że ostatnia wersja programu jest nierozpoznawalna '{}'…", "update_error_invalid_latest_version": "", "update_not_available": "", "gui_tor_connection_ask": "", @@ -181,5 +181,8 @@ "gui_download_in_progress": "", "gui_open_folder_error_nautilus": "", "gui_settings_language_label": "Preferowany język", - "gui_settings_language_changed_notice": "" + "gui_settings_language_changed_notice": "", + "timeout_upload_still_running": "Czekam na ukończenie wysyłania", + "gui_add_files": "Dodaj pliki", + "gui_add_folder": "Dodaj foldery" } From 640819d696e5efe550de8e72174b77261d60ea3d Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Taro Tanaka Date: Sun, 20 Jan 2019 05:12:37 +0000 Subject: [PATCH 41/62] Translated using Weblate (Japanese) Translate-URL: --- share/locale/ja.json | 6 +++--- 1 file changed, 3 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-) diff --git a/share/locale/ja.json b/share/locale/ja.json index acddc8c2..e846a5f0 100644 --- a/share/locale/ja.json +++ b/share/locale/ja.json @@ -109,9 +109,9 @@ "gui_settings_button_help": "ヘルプ", "gui_settings_shutdown_timeout_checkbox": "自動停止タイマーを使用する", "gui_settings_shutdown_timeout": "共有を停止する時間:", - "settings_error_unknown": "", - "settings_error_automatic": "", - "settings_error_socket_port": "", + "settings_error_unknown": "設定を解釈できないため、Torコントローラーと接続できません。", + "settings_error_automatic": "Torコントローラーと接続できません。Torブラウザ(torproject.orgから入手できる)がバックグラウンドで動作していますか?", + "settings_error_socket_port": "{}:{}でTorコントローラーと接続できません。", "settings_error_socket_file": "", "settings_error_auth": "", "settings_error_missing_password": "", From b6931bf17a93dcd5b2c28bd433025f913b751f68 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Taro Tanaka Date: Sun, 20 Jan 2019 05:19:01 +0000 Subject: [PATCH 42/62] Translated using Weblate (Japanese) Translate-URL: --- share/locale/ja.json | 148 +++++++++++++++++++++---------------------- 1 file changed, 74 insertions(+), 74 deletions(-) diff --git a/share/locale/ja.json b/share/locale/ja.json index e846a5f0..77ae9b58 100644 --- a/share/locale/ja.json +++ b/share/locale/ja.json @@ -72,7 +72,7 @@ "gui_settings_window_title": "設定", "gui_settings_whats_this": "これは何ですか?", "gui_settings_stealth_option": "クライアント認証を使用", - "gui_settings_stealth_hidservauth_string": "秘密鍵を保存したので、クリックしてHidServAuthをコピーできます。", + "gui_settings_stealth_hidservauth_string": "秘密鍵を保存したので、\nクリックしてHidServAuthをコピーできます。", "gui_settings_autoupdate_label": "更新バージョンの有無をチェックする", "gui_settings_autoupdate_option": "更新通知を起動します", "gui_settings_autoupdate_timestamp": "前回にチェックした時: {}", @@ -112,77 +112,77 @@ "settings_error_unknown": "設定を解釈できないため、Torコントローラーと接続できません。", "settings_error_automatic": "Torコントローラーと接続できません。Torブラウザ(torproject.orgから入手できる)がバックグラウンドで動作していますか?", "settings_error_socket_port": "{}:{}でTorコントローラーと接続できません。", - "settings_error_socket_file": "", - "settings_error_auth": "", - "settings_error_missing_password": "", - "settings_error_unreadable_cookie_file": "", - "settings_error_bundled_tor_not_supported": "", - "settings_error_bundled_tor_timeout": "", - "settings_error_bundled_tor_broken": "", - "settings_test_success": "", - "error_tor_protocol_error": "", - "error_tor_protocol_error_unknown": "", - "error_invalid_private_key": "", - 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現行バージョンは{}そして最新バージョンは{}。", + "update_error_check_error": "新バージョンのチェックをできなかった:OnionShare公式サイトによれば、最新バージョンは認識できない '{}'です…", + "update_error_invalid_latest_version": "新バージョンのチェックをできなかった:多分Torと接続していない、あるいはOnionShare公式サイトはダウンかもしれない?", + "update_not_available": "OnionShareの最新バージョンを使っています。", + "gui_tor_connection_ask": "設定を開いて、Torとの接続問題を解決しますか?", + "gui_tor_connection_ask_open_settings": "はい", + "gui_tor_connection_ask_quit": "終了", + "gui_tor_connection_error_settings": "設定でTorとの接続方法を変更してみて下さい。", + "gui_tor_connection_canceled": "Torと接続できませんでした。\n\nインターネット接続を確認してから、OnionShareを再開してTorとの接続を設定して下さい。", + "gui_tor_connection_lost": "Torから切断されました。", + "gui_server_started_after_timeout": "サーバーが起動した前、自動停止タイマーがタイムアウトしました。\n再びファイル共有をして下さい。", + "gui_server_timeout_expired": "自動停止タイマーはすでにタイムアウトしています。\n共有し始めるにはリセットして下さい。", + "share_via_onionshare": "OnionShareで共有する", + "gui_connect_to_tor_for_onion_settings": "onionサービス設定を見るのにTorと接続して下さい", + "gui_use_legacy_v2_onions_checkbox": "レガシーアドレスを使用する", + "gui_save_private_key_checkbox": "永続的アドレスを使用する", + "gui_share_url_description": "このOnionShareアドレスを持つ限り誰でもTorブラウザーを利用してこのファイルをダウンロードできます", + "gui_receive_url_description": "このOnionShareアドレスを持つ限り誰でもTorブラウザーを利用してこのPCにファイルをアップロードできます", + "gui_url_label_persistent": "このファイル共有には自動停止はありません。

その次の共有は同じアドレスを再利用します。(1回限りのアドレスには、設定で「永続的アドレス」を無効にして下さい。)", + "gui_url_label_stay_open": "このファイル共有には自動停止はありません。", + "gui_url_label_onetime": "このファイル共有は最初の完了後に停止されます。", + "gui_url_label_onetime_and_persistent": "このファイル共有には自動停止はありません。

その次の共有は同じアドレスを再利用します。(1回限りのアドレスには、設定で「永続的アドレス」を無効にして下さい。)", + "gui_status_indicator_share_stopped": "共有の準備完了", + "gui_status_indicator_share_working": "起動しています…", + "gui_status_indicator_share_started": "共有中", + "gui_status_indicator_receive_stopped": "受信の準備完了", + "gui_status_indicator_receive_working": "起動しています…", + "gui_status_indicator_receive_started": "受信中", + "gui_file_info": "{} ファイル, {}", + "gui_file_info_single": "{} ファイル, {}", + "history_in_progress_tooltip": "{} 進行中", + "history_completed_tooltip": "{} 完了", + "info_in_progress_uploads_tooltip": "{} 進行中のアップロード", + "info_completed_uploads_tooltip": "{} 完了のアップロード", + "error_cannot_create_downloads_dir": "受信モードフォルダを作成できなかった: {}", + "receive_mode_downloads_dir": "受信されるファイルはこのフォルダに保存されます: {}", + "receive_mode_warning": "警告:受信モードで他の人はあなたのPCへファイルをアップロードできるようにします。悪意なファイルを開いたら、PCは感染される可能性があります。ファイル内容を完全に理解しない場合、信用している人のみからのファイルを開いて下さい。", + "gui_receive_mode_warning": "受信モードで他の人はあなたのPCへファイルをアップロードできるようにします。

悪意なファイルを開いたら、PCは感染される可能性があります。ファイル内容を完全に理解しない場合、信用している人のみからのファイルを開いて下さい。", + "receive_mode_upload_starting": "ファイルサイズ{}のアップロードが実行中", + "receive_mode_received_file": "受信した: {}", + "gui_mode_share_button": "ファイル共有", + "gui_mode_receive_button": "ファイル受信", + "gui_settings_receiving_label": "受信設定", + "gui_settings_downloads_label": "保存フォルダ", + "gui_settings_downloads_button": "選ぶ", + "gui_settings_public_mode_checkbox": "公開モード", + "systray_close_server_title": "OnionShareサーバーは閉鎖されました", + "systray_close_server_message": "ユーザーがサーバーを閉鎖しました", + "systray_page_loaded_title": "OnionShareページはロードされました", + "systray_download_page_loaded_message": "ユーザーがダウンロードページをロードしました", + "systray_upload_page_loaded_message": "ユーザーがアップロードページをロードしました", + "gui_uploads": "アップロード履歴", + "gui_no_uploads": "アップロードはまだありません", + "gui_clear_history": "全てをクリアする", + "gui_upload_in_progress": "アップロード開始しました {}", + "gui_upload_finished_range": "{}を{}にアップロードしました", + "gui_upload_finished": "{}をアップロードしました", + "gui_download_in_progress": "ダウンロード開始しました {}", + "gui_open_folder_error_nautilus": "nautilusを利用できないためフォルダーを開けません。ファイルはここに保存されました: {}", + "gui_settings_language_label": "優先言語", + "gui_settings_language_changed_notice": "言語設定の変更を実行するにはOnionShareを再起動して下さい。" } From b1c4048f562bb945aed45a205409bf5fbd4946f8 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: R Date: Sun, 20 Jan 2019 18:21:47 +0000 Subject: [PATCH 43/62] Translated using Weblate (Persian) Translate-URL: --- share/locale/fa.json | 131 ++++++++++++++++++++++--------------------- 1 file changed, 66 insertions(+), 65 deletions(-) diff --git a/share/locale/fa.json b/share/locale/fa.json index 21ebbec5..bca7cc99 100644 --- a/share/locale/fa.json +++ b/share/locale/fa.json @@ -71,23 +71,23 @@ "gui_settings_stealth_option": "", "gui_settings_stealth_hidservauth_string": "", "gui_settings_autoupdate_label": "بررسی برای نسخه جدید", - "gui_settings_autoupdate_option": "", + "gui_settings_autoupdate_option": "زمانی که نسخه جدید موجود بود من را خبر کن", "gui_settings_autoupdate_timestamp": "", "gui_settings_autoupdate_timestamp_never": "هرگز", - "gui_settings_autoupdate_check_button": "", + "gui_settings_autoupdate_check_button": "بررسی برای نسخه جدید", "gui_settings_general_label": "تنظیمات کلی", "gui_settings_sharing_label": "تنظیمات اشتراک گذاری", - "gui_settings_close_after_first_download_option": "", + "gui_settings_close_after_first_download_option": "توقف اشتراک پس از اولین دانلود", "gui_settings_connection_type_label": "", "gui_settings_connection_type_bundled_option": "", "gui_settings_connection_type_automatic_option": "", - "gui_settings_connection_type_control_port_option": "", - "gui_settings_connection_type_socket_file_option": "", - "gui_settings_connection_type_test_button": "", - "gui_settings_control_port_label": "", - "gui_settings_socket_file_label": "", + "gui_settings_connection_type_control_port_option": "اتصال از طریق پورت کنترل", + "gui_settings_connection_type_socket_file_option": "اتصال از طریق فایل سوکت", + "gui_settings_connection_type_test_button": "تست اتصال به Tor", + "gui_settings_control_port_label": "پورت کنترل", + "gui_settings_socket_file_label": "فایل سوکت‌", "gui_settings_socks_label": "پورت SOCKS", - "gui_settings_authenticate_label": "", + "gui_settings_authenticate_label": "تنظیمات احراز هویت Tor", "gui_settings_authenticate_no_auth_option": "", "gui_settings_authenticate_password_option": "رمز عبور", "gui_settings_password_label": "رمز عبور", @@ -98,14 +98,14 @@ "gui_settings_tor_bridges_meek_lite_azure_radio_option": "", "gui_settings_tor_bridges_meek_lite_azure_radio_option_no_obfs4proxy": "", "gui_settings_meek_lite_expensive_warning": "", - "gui_settings_tor_bridges_custom_radio_option": "", - "gui_settings_tor_bridges_custom_label": "", - "gui_settings_tor_bridges_invalid": "", + "gui_settings_tor_bridges_custom_radio_option": "استفاده از بریج های کاستوم", + "gui_settings_tor_bridges_custom_label": "میتوانید از بریج دریافت کنید", + "gui_settings_tor_bridges_invalid": "هیچ کدام از بریج هایی که شما اضافه کردید کار نمی کند.\nآن ها را دوباره چک کنید یا بریج های دیگری اضافه کنید.", "gui_settings_button_save": "ذخیره", "gui_settings_button_cancel": "لغو", - "gui_settings_button_help": "", - "gui_settings_shutdown_timeout_checkbox": "", - "gui_settings_shutdown_timeout": "", + "gui_settings_button_help": "راهنما", + "gui_settings_shutdown_timeout_checkbox": "استفاده از تایمر توقف خودکار", + "gui_settings_shutdown_timeout": "توقف اشتراک در:", "settings_error_unknown": "", "settings_error_automatic": "", "settings_error_socket_port": "", @@ -119,70 +119,71 @@ "settings_test_success": "", "error_tor_protocol_error": "", "error_tor_protocol_error_unknown": "", - "error_invalid_private_key": "", - "connecting_to_tor": "", + "error_invalid_private_key": "این نوع کلید خصوصی پشتیبانی نمی شود", + "connecting_to_tor": "در حال اتصال به شبکه Tor", "update_available": "", "update_error_check_error": "", "update_error_invalid_latest_version": "", - "update_not_available": "", - "gui_tor_connection_ask": "", + "update_not_available": "شما از آخرین نسخه OnionShare استفاده می کنید.", + "gui_tor_connection_ask": "باز کردن تنظیمات برای ساماندهی اتصال به Tor؟", "gui_tor_connection_ask_open_settings": "بله", "gui_tor_connection_ask_quit": "خروج", - "gui_tor_connection_error_settings": "", - "gui_tor_connection_canceled": "", - "gui_tor_connection_lost": "", - "gui_server_started_after_timeout": "", - "gui_server_timeout_expired": "", - "share_via_onionshare": "", - "gui_use_legacy_v2_onions_checkbox": "", - "gui_save_private_key_checkbox": "", + "gui_tor_connection_error_settings": "تغییر نحوه اتصال OnionShare به شبکه Tor در تنظیمات.", + "gui_tor_connection_canceled": "اتصال به Tor برقرار نشد.\n\nمطمئن شوید که به اینترنت متصل هستید، سپس OnionShare را دوباره باز کرده و اتصال آن را به Tor دوباره برقرار کنید.", + "gui_tor_connection_lost": "اتصال با Tor قطع شده است.", + "gui_server_started_after_timeout": "تایمر توقف خودکار قبل از آغاز سرور به پایان رسید.\nلطفا یک اشتراک جدید درست کنید.", + "gui_server_timeout_expired": "تایمر توقف خودکار به پایان رسید.\nلطفا برای آغاز اشتراک گذاری آن را به روز رسانی کنید.", + "share_via_onionshare": "OnionShare کنید", + "gui_use_legacy_v2_onions_checkbox": "استفاده از آدرس های بازمانده", + "gui_save_private_key_checkbox": "استفاده از یک آدرس پایا", "gui_share_url_description": "", "gui_receive_url_description": "", "gui_url_label_persistent": "", - 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برخی فایل ها را اگر باز کنید پتانسیل این را دارند که کنترل کامپیوتر شما را در دست بگیرند. فقط چیزهایی را باز کنید که از کسانی دریافت کرده اید که به آن ها اعتماد دارید، یا میدانید دارید چه کار میکنید.", + "receive_mode_upload_starting": "آپلود حجم کلی {} در حال آغاز می باشد", + "receive_mode_received_file": "دریافت شده: {}", + "gui_mode_share_button": "اشتراک گذاری فایل ها", + "gui_mode_receive_button": "دریافت فایل ها", + "gui_settings_receiving_label": "تنظیمات دریافت", + "gui_settings_downloads_label": "ذخیره فایل ها در", "gui_settings_downloads_button": "فهرست", "gui_settings_receive_allow_receiver_shutdown_checkbox": "", - "gui_settings_public_mode_checkbox": "", - "systray_close_server_title": "", - "systray_close_server_message": "", - "systray_page_loaded_title": "", - "systray_download_page_loaded_message": "", - "systray_upload_page_loaded_message": "", - "gui_uploads": "", - "gui_no_uploads": "", - "gui_clear_history": "", - "gui_upload_in_progress": "", - "gui_upload_finished_range": "", - 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"gui_add_folder": "افزودن پوشه" + "gui_add_folder": "افزودن پوشه", + "gui_connect_to_tor_for_onion_settings": "اتصال به Tor برای دیدن تنظیمات سرویس onion" } From ea44c5321248143012dc78f88de74a39710ed3e8 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: xin Date: Mon, 21 Jan 2019 16:30:12 +0000 Subject: [PATCH 44/62] Translated using Weblate (French) Translate-URL: --- share/locale/fr.json | 34 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++----- 1 file changed, 29 insertions(+), 5 deletions(-) diff --git a/share/locale/fr.json b/share/locale/fr.json index 275fd80a..965b5066 100644 --- a/share/locale/fr.json +++ b/share/locale/fr.json @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ "ctrlc_to_stop": "Appuyez sur Ctrl+c pour arrêter le serveur", "not_a_file": "{0:s} n'est pas un fichier valide.", "other_page_loaded": "Adresse chargée", - "closing_automatically": "Arrêt automatique car le téléchargement est fini", + "closing_automatically": "Arrêté car le transfert est fini", "systray_menu_exit": "Quitter", "systray_download_started_title": "Téléchargement OnionShare démarré", "systray_download_started_message": "Une personne télécharge vos fichiers", @@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ "systray_download_canceled_title": "Téléchargement OnionShare annulé", "systray_download_canceled_message": "La personne a annulé le téléchargement", "help_local_only": "Ne pas utiliser Tor (uniquement pour le développement)", - "help_stay_open": "Continuer le partage après le premier téléchargement", + "help_stay_open": "Continuer le partage après l'envoi des fichiers", "help_debug": "Enregistrer les erreurs OnionShare sur la sortie standard, et les erreurs web sur le disque", "help_filename": "Liste des fichiers ou dossiers à partager", "gui_drag_and_drop": "Glissez-déposez les fichiers et dossiers\npour commencer à partager", @@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ "gui_copied_hidservauth_title": "HidServAuth copié", "gui_settings_window_title": "Paramètres", "gui_settings_autoupdate_timestamp": "Dernière vérification : {}", - "gui_settings_close_after_first_download_option": "Arrêt du partage après le premier téléchargement", + "gui_settings_close_after_first_download_option": "Arrêt du partage après l'envoi des fichiers", "gui_settings_connection_type_label": "Comment OnionShare doit-il se connecter à Tor ?", "gui_settings_connection_type_control_port_option": "Se connecter avec le port de contrôle", "gui_settings_connection_type_socket_file_option": "Se connecter à l'aide d'un fichier socket", @@ -169,7 +169,7 @@ "error_cannot_create_downloads_dir": "Impossible de créer le dossier du mode réception : {}", "receive_mode_upload_starting": "Un envoi d'une taille totale de {} a commencé", "systray_close_server_message": "Une personne a arrêté le serveur", - "systray_page_loaded_title": "Page OnionShare chargée", + "systray_page_loaded_title": "Page chargée", "systray_download_page_loaded_message": "Une personne a chargé la page de téléchargement", "systray_upload_page_loaded_message": "Une personne a chargé la page d'envoi", "gui_share_stop_server_shutdown_timeout_tooltip": "La minuterie d'arrêt automatique se termine après {}", @@ -184,5 +184,29 @@ "gui_server_timeout_expired": "La minuterie d'arrêt automatique a déjà expiré.\nVeuillez la mettre à jour pour démarrer le partage.", "close_on_timeout": "Arrêté parce que la minuterie d'arrêt automatique a expiré", "gui_add_files": "Ajouter fichiers", - "gui_add_folder": "Ajouter dossier" + "gui_add_folder": "Ajouter dossier", + "error_cannot_create_data_dir": "Impossible de créer le dossier de données OnionShare : {}", + "receive_mode_data_dir": "Les fichiers qui vous sont envoyés apparaissent dans ce dossier : {}", + "gui_settings_data_dir_label": "Enregistrer les fichiers dans", + "gui_settings_data_dir_browse_button": "Parcourir", + "systray_page_loaded_message": "Adresse OnionShare chargée", + "systray_share_started_title": "Partage commencé", + "systray_share_started_message": "Démarrer l'envoi de fichiers à une personne", + "systray_share_completed_title": "Partage terminé", + "systray_share_canceled_title": "Partage annulé", + "systray_share_canceled_message": "Une personne a annulé la réception de vos fichiers", + "systray_receive_started_title": "Réception commencée", + "systray_receive_started_message": "Une personne vous envoie des fichiers", + "gui_all_modes_history": "Historique", + "gui_all_modes_clear_history": "Tout effacer", + "gui_all_modes_transfer_started": "{} démarré", + "gui_all_modes_transfer_finished_range": "Transféré {} - {}", + "gui_all_modes_transfer_finished": "Transféré {}", + "gui_all_modes_progress_complete": "%p%, {0:s} écoulé.", + "gui_all_modes_progress_starting": "{0:s}, %p% (estimation)", + "gui_all_modes_progress_eta": "{0:s}, Fin : {1:s}, %p%", + "gui_share_mode_no_files": "Pas encore de fichiers envoyés", + "gui_share_mode_timeout_waiting": "En attente de la fin de l'envoi", + "gui_receive_mode_no_files": "Pas encore de fichiers reçus", + "gui_receive_mode_timeout_waiting": "En attente de la fin de la réception" } From 448d57a659148986a3709e8fbb4f5346053b506b Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: =?UTF-8?q?Allan=20Nordh=C3=B8y?= Date: Mon, 21 Jan 2019 08:03:35 +0000 Subject: [PATCH 45/62] =?UTF-8?q?Translated=20using=20Weblate=20(Norwegian?= =?UTF-8?q?=20Bokm=C3=A5l)=20Translate-URL:=20 =?UTF-8?q?rojects/onionshare/translations/nb=5FNO/?= MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit --- share/locale/no.json | 27 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++- 1 file changed, 26 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-) diff --git a/share/locale/no.json b/share/locale/no.json index 073461bb..6d5a41f0 100644 --- a/share/locale/no.json +++ b/share/locale/no.json @@ -189,5 +189,30 @@ "timeout_upload_still_running": "Venter på at opplastingen fullføres", "gui_add_files": "Legg til filer", "gui_add_folder": "Legg til mappe", - "gui_connect_to_tor_for_onion_settings": "Koble til Tor for å se løktjeneste-innstillinger" + "gui_connect_to_tor_for_onion_settings": "Koble til Tor for å se løktjeneste-innstillinger", + "error_cannot_create_data_dir": "Kunne ikke opprette OnionShare-datamappe: {}", + "receive_mode_data_dir": "Filers sendt til deg havner i denne mappen: {}", + "gui_settings_data_dir_label": "Lagre filer i", + "gui_settings_data_dir_browse_button": "Utforsk", + "systray_page_loaded_message": "OnionShare-adresse innlastet", + "systray_share_started_title": "Deling startet", + "systray_share_started_message": "Begynner å sende filer til noen", + "systray_share_completed_title": "Deling fullført", + "systray_share_completed_message": "Forsendelse av filer utført", + "systray_share_canceled_title": "Deling avbrutt", + "systray_share_canceled_message": "Noen avbrøt mottak av filene dine", + "systray_receive_started_title": "Mottak startet", + "systray_receive_started_message": "Noen sender filer til deg", + "gui_all_modes_history": "Historikk", + "gui_all_modes_clear_history": "Tøm alt", + "gui_all_modes_transfer_started": "Startet {}", + "gui_all_modes_transfer_finished_range": "Overført {} - {}", + "gui_all_modes_transfer_finished": "Overført {}", + "gui_all_modes_progress_complete": "%p%, {0:s} forløpt.", + "gui_all_modes_progress_starting": "{0:s}, %p% (kalkulerer)", + "gui_all_modes_progress_eta": "{0:s}, ETA: {1:s}, %p%", + "gui_share_mode_no_files": "Ingen filer sendt enda", + "gui_share_mode_timeout_waiting": "Venter på fullføring av forsendelse", + "gui_receive_mode_no_files": "Ingen filer mottatt enda", + "gui_receive_mode_timeout_waiting": "Venter på fullføring av mottak" } From a9261e42a38940968e10ebd6061c45a4a41ca774 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: R Date: Mon, 21 Jan 2019 11:49:00 +0000 Subject: [PATCH 46/62] Translated using Weblate (Persian) Translate-URL: --- share/locale/fa.json | 133 +++++++++++++++++++++++++------------------ 1 file changed, 79 insertions(+), 54 deletions(-) diff --git a/share/locale/fa.json b/share/locale/fa.json index bca7cc99..9c266770 100644 --- a/share/locale/fa.json +++ b/share/locale/fa.json @@ -8,10 +8,10 @@ "ctrlc_to_stop": "برای توقف سرور Ctrl+C را فشار دهید", "not_a_file": "{0:s} یک فایل معتبر نمی باشد.", "not_a_readable_file": "{0:s} قابل خواندن نمی باشد.", - "no_available_port": "پورت قابل استفاده برای شروع سرویس onion پیدا نشد.", + "no_available_port": "پورت قابل استفاده برای شروع سرویس onion پیدا نشد", "other_page_loaded": "آدرس بارگذاری شد", - "close_on_timeout": "", - "closing_automatically": "متوقف شد چون دانلود به پایان رسید", + "close_on_timeout": "متوقف شد چون تایمر توقف خودکار به پایان رسید", + "closing_automatically": "متوقف شد چون انتقال انجام شد", "timeout_download_still_running": "انتظار برای تکمیل دانلود", "large_filesize": "هشدار: یک اشتراک گذاری بزرگ ممکن است ساعت ها طول بکشد", "systray_menu_exit": "خروج", @@ -23,26 +23,26 @@ "systray_download_canceled_message": "کاربر دانلود را لغو کرد", "systray_upload_started_title": "آپلود OnionShare آغاز شد", "systray_upload_started_message": "یک کاربر شروع به آپلود فایل بر روی کامپیوتر شما کرده است", - "help_local_only": "", - "help_stay_open": "ادامه اشتراک گذاری پس از اولین دانلود", - "help_shutdown_timeout": "", - "help_stealth": "", - "help_receive": "", - "help_debug": "", + "help_local_only": "عدم استفاده از Tor (فقط برای توسعه)", + "help_stay_open": "ادامه اشتراک گذاری پس از ارسال دانلود ها", + "help_shutdown_timeout": "توقف به اشتراک گذاری پس از میزان ثانیه ای مشخص", + "help_stealth": "استفاده از احراز هویت کلاینت (پیشرفته)", + "help_receive": "دریافت اشتراک به جای ارسال آن", + "help_debug": "لاگ کردن خطاهای OnionShare روی stdout، و خطاهای وب بر روی دیسک", "help_filename": "لیست فایل ها یا فولدر ها برای به اشتراک گذاری", - "help_config": "", - "gui_drag_and_drop": "", + "help_config": "مکان فایل کانفیگ JSON کاستوم (اختیاری)", + "gui_drag_and_drop": "فایل ها و پوشه ها را بکشید و رها کنید\nتا اشتراک گذاری آغاز شود", "gui_add": "افزودن", "gui_delete": "حذف", "gui_choose_items": "انتخاب", "gui_share_start_server": "شروع اشتراک گذاری", "gui_share_stop_server": "توقف اشتراک گذاری", "gui_share_stop_server_shutdown_timeout": "توقف اشتراک گذاری ({} ثانیه باقیمانده)", - "gui_share_stop_server_shutdown_timeout_tooltip": "", + "gui_share_stop_server_shutdown_timeout_tooltip": "تایمر توقف خودکار در {} متوقف می شود", "gui_receive_start_server": "شروع حالت دریافت", "gui_receive_stop_server": "توقف حالت دریافت", - "gui_receive_stop_server_shutdown_timeout": "", - "gui_receive_stop_server_shutdown_timeout_tooltip": "", + "gui_receive_stop_server_shutdown_timeout": "توقف حالت دریافت ({} ثانیه باقیمانده)", + "gui_receive_stop_server_shutdown_timeout_tooltip": "تایمر توقف خودکار در {} به پایان می رسد", "gui_copy_url": "کپی آدرس", "gui_copy_hidservauth": "کپی HidServAuth", "gui_downloads": "دانلود تاریخچه", @@ -56,31 +56,31 @@ "gui_download_upload_progress_complete": "", "gui_download_upload_progress_starting": "", "gui_download_upload_progress_eta": "", - "version_string": "", + "version_string": "OnionShare {0:s} |", "gui_quit_title": "نه به این سرعت", "gui_share_quit_warning": "شما در پروسه ارسال فایل می باشید. مطمئن هستید که میخواهید از OnionShare خارج شوید؟", "gui_receive_quit_warning": "شما در پروسه دریافت فایل می باشید. مطمئن هستید که میخواهید از OnionShare خارج شوید؟", "gui_quit_warning_quit": "خروج", "gui_quit_warning_dont_quit": "لغو", - "error_rate_limit": "", + "error_rate_limit": "شخصی تعداد زیادی قصد ناصحیح روی آدرس شما داشته است، این می تواند بدین معنا باشد که در حال تلاش برای حدس زدن آن هستند، بنابراین OnionShare سرور را متوقف کرده است. دوباره اشتراک گذاری را آغاز کنید و به گیرنده یک آدرس جدید برای اشتراک ارسال کنید.", "zip_progress_bar_format": "فشرده سازی: %p%", - "error_stealth_not_supported": "", - "error_ephemeral_not_supported": "", + "error_stealth_not_supported": "برای استفاده از احراز هویت کلاینت، شما نیاز به داشتن Tor (یا مرورگر Tor 6.5) و python3-stem 1.5.0 دارید.", + "error_ephemeral_not_supported": "OnionShare حداقل به Tor و python3-stem 1.4.0 نیاز دارد.", "gui_settings_window_title": "تنظیمات", "gui_settings_whats_this": "این چیست؟", - "gui_settings_stealth_option": "", - "gui_settings_stealth_hidservauth_string": "", + "gui_settings_stealth_option": "استفاده از احراز هویت کلاینت", + "gui_settings_stealth_hidservauth_string": "ذخیره کردن کلید خصوصی برای استفاده دوباره، بدین معناست که الان می توانید\nبرای کپی HidServAuth کلیک کنید.", "gui_settings_autoupdate_label": "بررسی برای نسخه جدید", "gui_settings_autoupdate_option": "زمانی که نسخه جدید موجود بود من را خبر کن", - "gui_settings_autoupdate_timestamp": "", + "gui_settings_autoupdate_timestamp": "آخرین بررسی: {}", "gui_settings_autoupdate_timestamp_never": "هرگز", "gui_settings_autoupdate_check_button": "بررسی برای نسخه جدید", "gui_settings_general_label": "تنظیمات کلی", "gui_settings_sharing_label": "تنظیمات اشتراک گذاری", - "gui_settings_close_after_first_download_option": "توقف اشتراک پس از اولین دانلود", - "gui_settings_connection_type_label": "", - "gui_settings_connection_type_bundled_option": "", - "gui_settings_connection_type_automatic_option": "", + "gui_settings_close_after_first_download_option": "توقف اشتراک گذاری پس از اولین ارسال دانلود", + "gui_settings_connection_type_label": "OnionShare چگونه به Tor باید متصل شود؟", + "gui_settings_connection_type_bundled_option": "استفاده از نسخه Tor قرار گرفته در OnionShare", + "gui_settings_connection_type_automatic_option": "اعمال پیکربندی خودکار با مرورگر Tor", "gui_settings_connection_type_control_port_option": "اتصال از طریق پورت کنترل", "gui_settings_connection_type_socket_file_option": "اتصال از طریق فایل سوکت", "gui_settings_connection_type_test_button": "تست اتصال به Tor", @@ -88,16 +88,16 @@ "gui_settings_socket_file_label": "فایل سوکت‌", "gui_settings_socks_label": "پورت SOCKS", "gui_settings_authenticate_label": "تنظیمات احراز هویت Tor", - "gui_settings_authenticate_no_auth_option": "", + "gui_settings_authenticate_no_auth_option": "هیچ احراز هویت، یا احراز هویت کوکی", "gui_settings_authenticate_password_option": "رمز عبور", "gui_settings_password_label": "رمز عبور", - "gui_settings_tor_bridges": "", + "gui_settings_tor_bridges": "پشتیبانی بریج Tor", "gui_settings_tor_bridges_no_bridges_radio_option": "عدم استفاده از بریج", - "gui_settings_tor_bridges_obfs4_radio_option": "", - "gui_settings_tor_bridges_obfs4_radio_option_no_obfs4proxy": "", - "gui_settings_tor_bridges_meek_lite_azure_radio_option": "", - "gui_settings_tor_bridges_meek_lite_azure_radio_option_no_obfs4proxy": "", - "gui_settings_meek_lite_expensive_warning": "", + "gui_settings_tor_bridges_obfs4_radio_option": "استفاده از پلاگبل ترنسپورت obfs4", + "gui_settings_tor_bridges_obfs4_radio_option_no_obfs4proxy": "استفاده از پلاگبل ترنسپورت obfs4 (نیازمند obfs4proxy)", + "gui_settings_tor_bridges_meek_lite_azure_radio_option": "استفاده از پلاگبل ترنسپورت meek_lite (Azure)", + "gui_settings_tor_bridges_meek_lite_azure_radio_option_no_obfs4proxy": "استفاده از پلاگبل ترنسپورت meek_lite (Azure) (نیازمند obfs4proxy)", + "gui_settings_meek_lite_expensive_warning": "هشدار: بریج های meek_lite برای پروژه Tor بسیار هزینه بر هستند.

فقط در صورت ناتوانی در اتصال به Tor به صورت مستقیم، از طریق obfs4، یا دیگر بریج ها از آن استفاده کنید.", "gui_settings_tor_bridges_custom_radio_option": "استفاده از بریج های کاستوم", "gui_settings_tor_bridges_custom_label": "میتوانید از بریج دریافت کنید", "gui_settings_tor_bridges_invalid": "هیچ کدام از بریج هایی که شما اضافه کردید کار نمی کند.\nآن ها را دوباره چک کنید یا بریج های دیگری اضافه کنید.", @@ -106,24 +106,24 @@ "gui_settings_button_help": "راهنما", "gui_settings_shutdown_timeout_checkbox": "استفاده از تایمر توقف خودکار", "gui_settings_shutdown_timeout": "توقف اشتراک در:", - "settings_error_unknown": "", - "settings_error_automatic": "", - "settings_error_socket_port": "", - "settings_error_socket_file": "", - "settings_error_auth": "", - "settings_error_missing_password": "", - "settings_error_unreadable_cookie_file": "", - "settings_error_bundled_tor_not_supported": "", - "settings_error_bundled_tor_timeout": "", - "settings_error_bundled_tor_broken": "", - "settings_test_success": "", - "error_tor_protocol_error": "", - "error_tor_protocol_error_unknown": "", + "settings_error_unknown": "ناتوانی در اتصال به کنترل کننده Tor بدلیل نامفهوم بودن تنظیمات.", + "settings_error_automatic": "ناتوانی در اتصال به کنترل کننده Tor. آیا مرورگر Tor (در دسترس از طریق در پس زمینه در حال اجراست؟", + "settings_error_socket_port": "ناتوانی در اتصال به کنترل کننده Tor در {}:{}.", + "settings_error_socket_file": "ناتوانی در اتصال به کنترل کننده Tor از طریق فایل سوکت {}.", + "settings_error_auth": "متصل به {}:{}، اما ناتوانی در احراز هویت. شاید این یک کنترل کننده Tor نمی باشد؟", + "settings_error_missing_password": "متصل به کنترل کننده Tor، اما نیاز به یک رمز عبور برای احراز هویت می باشد.", + "settings_error_unreadable_cookie_file": "اتصال به کنترل کننده Tor برقرار است، اما رمز عبور ممکن است اشتباه باشد، یا کاربری شما اجازه خواندن فایل کوکی را ندارد.", + "settings_error_bundled_tor_not_supported": "استفاده از نسخه Tor که با OnionShare می آید در حالت توسعه روی ویندوز یا مک کار نمی کند.", + "settings_error_bundled_tor_timeout": "اتصال به Tor زمان زیادی می برد. شاید شما به اینترنت متصل نیستید، یا ساعت سیستم شما دقیق نیست؟", + "settings_error_bundled_tor_broken": "OnionShare نمی تواند در پس زمینه به Tor متصل شود:\n{}", + "settings_test_success": "اتصال به کنترل کننده Tor برقرار است.\n\nنسخه Tor: {}\nسرویس های onion ناپایدار پشتیبانی شده: {}.\nاحراز هویت کلاینت پشتیبانی شده: {}.\nپشتیبانی از آدرس های .onion نسل بعدی: {}.", + "error_tor_protocol_error": "خطایی با Tor وجود داشت: {}", + "error_tor_protocol_error_unknown": "خطای ناشناخته ای با Tor وجود داشت", "error_invalid_private_key": "این نوع کلید خصوصی پشتیبانی نمی شود", "connecting_to_tor": "در حال اتصال به شبکه Tor", - "update_available": "", - "update_error_check_error": "", - "update_error_invalid_latest_version": "", + "update_available": "نسخه جدید OnionShare وجود دارد. اینجا کلیک کنید تا آن را دریافت کنید.

شما در حال استفاده از {} می باشید و آخرین نسخه {} می باشد.", + "update_error_check_error": "ناتوانی در بررسی برای نسخه های جدید: سایت OnionShare میگوید که آخرین نسخه '{}' ناشناس می باشد…", + "update_error_invalid_latest_version": "ناتوانی در بررسی نسخه جدید: شاید شما به Tor متصل نیستید، یا سایت OnionShare کار نمی کند؟", "update_not_available": "شما از آخرین نسخه OnionShare استفاده می کنید.", "gui_tor_connection_ask": "باز کردن تنظیمات برای ساماندهی اتصال به Tor؟", "gui_tor_connection_ask_open_settings": "بله", @@ -136,12 +136,12 @@ "share_via_onionshare": "OnionShare کنید", "gui_use_legacy_v2_onions_checkbox": "استفاده از آدرس های بازمانده", "gui_save_private_key_checkbox": "استفاده از یک آدرس پایا", - "gui_share_url_description": "", - "gui_receive_url_description": "", - "gui_url_label_persistent": "", + "gui_share_url_description": "هرکس با این آدرس OnionShare میتواند روی کامپیوتر شما فایل دانلود کند از طریق مرورگر تور: ", + "gui_receive_url_description": "هرکس با این آدرس OnionShare میتواند روی کامپیوتر شما فایل آپلود کند از طریق مرورگر تور: ", + "gui_url_label_persistent": "این اشتراک به صورت خودکار متوقف نمی شود.

هر اشتراک بعدی از آدرس دوباره استفاده می کند. ( برای استفاده از آدرس های یکبار مصرف، از تنظیمات \"استفاده از آدرس پایا\" را غیرفعال کنید.)", "gui_url_label_stay_open": "این اشتراک به صورت خودکار متوقف نمی شود.", "gui_url_label_onetime": "این اشتراک پس از اولین تکمیل متوقف خواهد شد.", - "gui_url_label_onetime_and_persistent": "", + "gui_url_label_onetime_and_persistent": "این اشتراک به صورت خودکار متوقف نمی شود.

هر اشتراک بعدی از آدرس دوباره استفاده میکند. (برای استفاده از آدرس های یکبار مصرف، از تنظیمات \"استفاده از آدرس پایا\" را غیرفعال کنید.)", "gui_status_indicator_share_stopped": "آماده به اشتراک گذاری", "gui_status_indicator_share_working": "در حال شروع…", "gui_status_indicator_share_started": "در حال اشتراک گذاری", @@ -169,7 +169,7 @@ "gui_settings_public_mode_checkbox": "حالت عمومی", "systray_close_server_title": "سرور OnionShare بسته شد", "systray_close_server_message": "یک کاربر سرور را بست", - "systray_page_loaded_title": "صفحه OnionShare بارگذاری شد", + "systray_page_loaded_title": "صفحه بارگذاری شد", "systray_download_page_loaded_message": "یک کاربر صفحه دانلود را بارگذاری کرد", "systray_upload_page_loaded_message": "یک کاربر صفحه آپلود را بارگذاری کرد", "gui_uploads": "تاریخچه آپلود", @@ -185,5 +185,30 @@ "timeout_upload_still_running": "انتظار برای تکمیل آپلود", "gui_add_files": "افزودن فایل ها", "gui_add_folder": "افزودن پوشه", - "gui_connect_to_tor_for_onion_settings": "اتصال به Tor برای دیدن تنظیمات سرویس onion" + "gui_connect_to_tor_for_onion_settings": "اتصال به Tor برای دیدن تنظیمات سرویس onion", + "error_cannot_create_data_dir": "ناتوانی در ایجاد پوشه داده OnionShare: {}", + "receive_mode_data_dir": "فایل های ارسال شده به شما در این پوشه پدیدار خواهند شد: {}", + "gui_settings_data_dir_label": "ذخیره فایل ها در", + "gui_settings_data_dir_browse_button": "مرور", + "systray_page_loaded_message": "آدرس OnionShare بارگذاری شد", + "systray_share_started_title": "اشتراک گذاری آغاز شد", + "systray_share_started_message": "آغاز ارسال فایل به شخصی", + "systray_share_completed_title": "اشتراک گذاری تکمیل شد", + "systray_share_completed_message": "ارسال فایل ها به پایان رسید", + "systray_share_canceled_title": "اشتراک گذاری لغو شد", + "systray_share_canceled_message": "شخصی دریافت فایل های شما را لغو کرد", + "systray_receive_started_title": "دریافت آغاز شد", + "systray_receive_started_message": "شخصی در حال ارسال فایل به شماست", + "gui_all_modes_history": "تاریخچه", + "gui_all_modes_clear_history": "پاکسازی همه", + "gui_all_modes_transfer_started": "{} شروع شد", + "gui_all_modes_transfer_finished_range": "منتقل شد {} - {}", + "gui_all_modes_transfer_finished": "{} منتقل شد", + "gui_all_modes_progress_complete": "%p%، {0:s} سپری شد.", + "gui_all_modes_progress_starting": "{0:s}, %p% (در حال محاسبه)", + "gui_all_modes_progress_eta": "{0:s}، تخمین: {1:s}, %p%", + "gui_share_mode_no_files": "هیچ فایلی هنوز ارسال نشده است", + "gui_share_mode_timeout_waiting": "انتظار برای به پایان رسیدن ارسال", + "gui_receive_mode_no_files": "هیچ فایلی هنوز دریافت نشده است", + "gui_receive_mode_timeout_waiting": "انتظار برای به پایان رسیدن دریافت" } From ff94d3d7fd0f42985625e4813389e889cfaf530d Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Zuhualime Akoochimoya Date: Mon, 21 Jan 2019 10:16:34 +0000 Subject: [PATCH 47/62] Translated using Weblate (Spanish) Translate-URL: --- share/locale/es.json | 37 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++------ 1 file changed, 31 insertions(+), 6 deletions(-) diff --git a/share/locale/es.json b/share/locale/es.json index ce6c0fd2..ed73bd1e 100644 --- a/share/locale/es.json +++ b/share/locale/es.json @@ -4,9 +4,9 @@ "ctrlc_to_stop": "Pulsa Ctrl-C para detener el servidor", "not_a_file": "{0:s} no es un archivo válido.", "other_page_loaded": "La URL está lista", - "closing_automatically": "Apagando automáticamente porque la descarga finalizó", + "closing_automatically": "Detenido porque la transferencia se completó", "help_local_only": "No usar Tor (sólo para desarrollo)", - "help_stay_open": "Mantener el servicio después de que la primera descarga haya finalizado", + "help_stay_open": "Continuar compartiendo luego que los archivos hayan sido enviados", "help_debug": "Enviar los errores de OnionShare a stdout, y los errores web al disco", "help_filename": "Lista de archivos o carpetas para compartir", "gui_drag_and_drop": "Arrastra y suelta archivos y carpetas\npara empezar a compartir", @@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ "gui_settings_tor_bridges": "Soporte de puentes de Tor", "gui_settings_tor_bridges_invalid": "Ninguno de los puentes que has añadido funciona.\nVuelve a verificarlos o añade otros.", "settings_saved": "Ajustes guardados en {}", - "give_this_url_receive": "Dale esta dirección al remitente:", + "give_this_url_receive": "Dele esta dirección al remitente:", "give_this_url_receive_stealth": "Entrega esta dirección y HidServAuth al remitente:", "not_a_readable_file": "{0:s} no es un archivo legible.", "systray_menu_exit": "Salir", @@ -132,7 +132,7 @@ "gui_settings_autoupdate_timestamp_never": "Nunca", "gui_settings_general_label": "Ajustes generales", "gui_settings_sharing_label": "Configuración de compartición", - "gui_settings_close_after_first_download_option": "Dejar de compartir después de la primera descarga", + "gui_settings_close_after_first_download_option": "Dejar de compartir luego que los archivos hayan sido enviados", "gui_settings_connection_type_label": "¿Cómo debería conectarse OnionShare a Tor?", "gui_settings_connection_type_control_port_option": "Conectar usando el puerto de control", "gui_settings_connection_type_socket_file_option": "Conectar usando archivo de socket", @@ -172,7 +172,7 @@ "gui_settings_public_mode_checkbox": "Modo público", "systray_close_server_title": "Servidor OnionShare cerrado", "systray_close_server_message": "Un usuario cerró el servidor", - "systray_page_loaded_title": "Página de OnionShare Cargada", + "systray_page_loaded_title": "Página Cargada", "systray_download_page_loaded_message": "Un usuario cargó la página de descarga", "systray_upload_page_loaded_message": "Un usuario cargó la página de carga", "gui_uploads": "Historial de carga", @@ -189,5 +189,30 @@ "timeout_upload_still_running": "Esperando a que se complete la subida", "gui_add_files": "Añadir Archivos", "gui_add_folder": "Añadir Carpeta", - "gui_connect_to_tor_for_onion_settings": "Conectarse a Tor para ver configuraciones de servicio cebolla" + "gui_connect_to_tor_for_onion_settings": "Conectarse a Tor para ver configuraciones de servicio cebolla", + "error_cannot_create_data_dir": "No se pudo crear carpeta de datos OnionShare: {}", + "receive_mode_data_dir": "Archivos enviados a usted aparecen en esta carpeta: {}", + "gui_settings_data_dir_label": "Guardar archivos en", + "gui_settings_data_dir_browse_button": "Navegar", + "systray_page_loaded_message": "Dirección OnionShare cargada", + "systray_share_started_title": "Compartir Iniciado", + "systray_share_started_message": "Se empezó a enviar archivos a alguien", + "systray_share_completed_title": "Compartir Completado", + "systray_share_completed_message": "Finalizó envío de archivos", + "systray_share_canceled_title": "Compartir Cancelado", + "systray_share_canceled_message": "Alguien canceló la recepción de sus archivos", + "systray_receive_started_title": "Recepción Iniciada", + "systray_receive_started_message": "Alguien le está enviando archivos", + "gui_all_modes_history": "Historial", + "gui_all_modes_clear_history": "Limpiar Todo", + "gui_all_modes_transfer_started": "Iniciado {}", + "gui_all_modes_transfer_finished_range": "Transferido {} - {}", + "gui_all_modes_transfer_finished": "Transferido {}", + "gui_all_modes_progress_complete": "%p%, {0:s} transcurridos.", + "gui_all_modes_progress_starting": "{0:s}, %p% (calculando)", + "gui_all_modes_progress_eta": "{0:s}, TEA: {1:s}, %p%", + "gui_share_mode_no_files": "No se enviaron archivos todavía", + "gui_share_mode_timeout_waiting": "Esperando a que termine el envío", + "gui_receive_mode_no_files": "No se recibieron archivos todavía", + "gui_receive_mode_timeout_waiting": "Esperando a que termine la recepción" } From 4e74f342db97386c93a4ea8731ddb9352ec6b6a9 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: scootergrisen Date: Wed, 23 Jan 2019 06:19:17 +0000 Subject: [PATCH 48/62] Translated using Weblate (Danish) Translate-URL: --- share/locale/da.json | 35 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++----- 1 file changed, 30 insertions(+), 5 deletions(-) diff --git a/share/locale/da.json b/share/locale/da.json index fdb456e0..48090c82 100644 --- a/share/locale/da.json +++ b/share/locale/da.json @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ "no_available_port": "Kunne ikke finde en tilgængelig port til at starte onion-tjenesten", "other_page_loaded": "Adresse indlæst", "close_on_timeout": "Stoppede fordi timer med autostop løb ud", - "closing_automatically": "Stoppede fordi download er færdig", + "closing_automatically": "Stoppede fordi overførslen er færdig", "timeout_download_still_running": "Venter på at download skal blive færdig", "large_filesize": "Advarsel: Det kan tage timer at sende en stor deling", "systray_menu_exit": "Afslut", @@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ "systray_download_canceled_title": "OnionShare-download annulleret", "systray_download_canceled_message": "Brugeren annullerede downloaden", "help_local_only": "Brug ikke Tor (kun til udvikling)", - "help_stay_open": "Bliv ved med at dele efter første download", + "help_stay_open": "Fortsæt deling efter filerne er blevet sendt", "help_shutdown_timeout": "Stop deling efter et vist antal sekunder", "help_stealth": "Brug klientautentifikation (avanceret)", "help_debug": "Log OnionShare-fejl til stdout, og webfejl til disk", @@ -59,7 +59,7 @@ "gui_settings_autoupdate_timestamp_never": "Aldrig", "gui_settings_autoupdate_check_button": "Søg efter ny version", "gui_settings_sharing_label": "Delingsindstillinger", - "gui_settings_close_after_first_download_option": "Stop deling efter første download", + "gui_settings_close_after_first_download_option": "Stop deling efter filerne er blevet sendt", "gui_settings_connection_type_label": "Hvordan skal OnionShare oprette forbindelse til Tor?", "gui_settings_connection_type_bundled_option": "Brug Tor-versionen som er indbygget i OnionShare", "gui_settings_connection_type_automatic_option": "Prøv autokonfiguration med Tor Browser", @@ -162,7 +162,7 @@ "gui_settings_public_mode_checkbox": "Offentlig tilstand", "systray_close_server_title": "OnionShare-server lukket", "systray_close_server_message": "En bruger lukkede serveren", - "systray_page_loaded_title": "OnionShare-side indlæst", + "systray_page_loaded_title": "Siden er indlæst", "systray_download_page_loaded_message": "En bruger indlæste downloadsiden", "systray_upload_page_loaded_message": "En bruger indlæste uploadsiden", "gui_uploads": "Uploadhistorik", @@ -188,5 +188,30 @@ "timeout_upload_still_running": "Venter på at upload skal blive færdig", "gui_add_files": "Tilføj filer", "gui_add_folder": "Tilføj mappe", - "gui_connect_to_tor_for_onion_settings": "Opret forbindelse til Tor for at se indstillinger for onion-tjeneste" + "gui_connect_to_tor_for_onion_settings": "Opret forbindelse til Tor for at se indstillinger for onion-tjeneste", + "error_cannot_create_data_dir": "Kunne ikke oprette OnionShare-datamappe: {}", + "receive_mode_data_dir": "Filer som sendes til dig vises i denne mappe: {}", + "gui_settings_data_dir_label": "Gem filer til", + "gui_settings_data_dir_browse_button": "Gennemse", + "systray_page_loaded_message": "OnionShare-adresse indlæst", + "systray_share_started_title": "Deling startet", + "systray_share_started_message": "Start på at sende filer til nogen", + "systray_share_completed_title": "Deling er færdig", + "systray_share_completed_message": "Færdig med at sende filer", + "systray_share_canceled_title": "Deling annulleret", + "systray_share_canceled_message": "Nogen annullerede modtagelsen af dine filer", + "systray_receive_started_title": "Modtagelse startede", + "systray_receive_started_message": "Nogen sender filer til dig", + "gui_all_modes_history": "Historik", + "gui_all_modes_clear_history": "Ryd alle", + "gui_all_modes_transfer_started": "Startede {}", + "gui_all_modes_transfer_finished_range": "Overførte {} - {}", + "gui_all_modes_transfer_finished": "Overførte {}", + "gui_all_modes_progress_complete": "%p%, {0:s} forløbet.", + "gui_all_modes_progress_starting": "{0:s}, %p% (udregner)", + "gui_all_modes_progress_eta": "{0:s}, anslået ankomsttidspunkt: {1:s}, %p%", + "gui_share_mode_no_files": "Der er endnu ikke sendt nogen filer", + "gui_share_mode_timeout_waiting": "Venter på at blive færdig med at sende", + "gui_receive_mode_no_files": "Der er endnu ikke modtaget nogen filer", + "gui_receive_mode_timeout_waiting": "Venter på at blive færdig med at modtage" } From 8fcad905ade2449c08aad8b3b9bcd53075fbc497 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: emma peel Date: Wed, 23 Jan 2019 11:04:24 +0000 Subject: [PATCH 49/62] Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Simplified)) Translate-URL: --- share/locale/zh_Hans.json | 14 +++++++------- 1 file changed, 7 insertions(+), 7 deletions(-) diff --git a/share/locale/zh_Hans.json b/share/locale/zh_Hans.json index 958bfb3c..16ca1064 100644 --- a/share/locale/zh_Hans.json +++ b/share/locale/zh_Hans.json @@ -1,12 +1,12 @@ { - "config_onion_service": "", + "config_onion_service": "在端口{0:d}上设置洋葱服务。", "preparing_files": "", - "give_this_url": "", - "give_this_url_stealth": "", - "give_this_url_receive": "", - "give_this_url_receive_stealth": "", - "ctrlc_to_stop": "", - "not_a_file": "", + "give_this_url": "把这个地址给收件人:", + "give_this_url_stealth": "向收件人提供此地址和HidServAuth行:", + "give_this_url_receive": "把这个地址交给发件人:", + "give_this_url_receive_stealth": "把这个地址和HidServAuth交给发送者:", + "ctrlc_to_stop": "按Ctrl+C停止服务器", + "not_a_file": "{0:s}不是有效文件。", "not_a_readable_file": "", "no_available_port": "", "other_page_loaded": "", From c77b4245cd0353cd7de14f35a68dc65ef06d690b Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Ethan Sayyid Date: Wed, 23 Jan 2019 11:13:49 +0000 Subject: [PATCH 50/62] Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Simplified)) Translate-URL: --- share/locale/zh_Hans.json | 280 +++++++++++++++++++++----------------- 1 file changed, 154 insertions(+), 126 deletions(-) diff --git a/share/locale/zh_Hans.json b/share/locale/zh_Hans.json index 16ca1064..2331e762 100644 --- a/share/locale/zh_Hans.json +++ b/share/locale/zh_Hans.json @@ -1,19 +1,19 @@ { "config_onion_service": "在端口{0:d}上设置洋葱服务。", - "preparing_files": "", + "preparing_files": "正在压缩文件.", "give_this_url": "把这个地址给收件人:", "give_this_url_stealth": "向收件人提供此地址和HidServAuth行:", "give_this_url_receive": "把这个地址交给发件人:", "give_this_url_receive_stealth": "把这个地址和HidServAuth交给发送者:", "ctrlc_to_stop": "按Ctrl+C停止服务器", "not_a_file": "{0:s}不是有效文件。", - "not_a_readable_file": "", - "no_available_port": "", - "other_page_loaded": "", - "close_on_timeout": "", - "closing_automatically": "", + "not_a_readable_file": "{0:s}不是可读文件.", + "no_available_port": "找不到可用于开启onion服务的端口", + "other_page_loaded": "地址已加载完成", + "close_on_timeout": "终止 原因:自动停止计时器的时间已到", + "closing_automatically": "终止 原因:传输已完成", "timeout_download_still_running": "", - "large_filesize": "", + "large_filesize": "警告:分享大文件可能会用上数小时", "systray_menu_exit": "退出", "systray_download_started_title": "", "systray_download_started_message": "", @@ -23,153 +23,153 @@ "systray_download_canceled_message": "", "systray_upload_started_title": "", "systray_upload_started_message": "", - "help_local_only": "", - "help_stay_open": "", - "help_shutdown_timeout": "", - "help_stealth": "", - "help_receive": "", - "help_debug": "", - "help_filename": "", - "help_config": "", - "gui_drag_and_drop": "", + "help_local_only": "不使用Tor(只限开发测试)", + "help_stay_open": "文件传输完成后继续分享", + "help_shutdown_timeout": "超过给定时间(秒)后,终止分享.", + "help_stealth": "使用服务端认证(高级选项)", + "help_receive": "仅接收分享的文件,不发送", + "help_debug": "将OnionShare错误日志记录到stdout,将web错误日志记录到磁盘", + "help_filename": "要分享的文件或文件夹的列表", + "help_config": "自定义JSON配置文件的路径(可选)", + "gui_drag_and_drop": "将文件或文件夹拖动到这里来开始分享", "gui_add": "添加", "gui_delete": "删除", - "gui_choose_items": "选择", - "gui_share_start_server": "", - "gui_share_stop_server": "", - "gui_share_stop_server_shutdown_timeout": "", - "gui_share_stop_server_shutdown_timeout_tooltip": "", - "gui_receive_start_server": "", - "gui_receive_stop_server": "", - "gui_receive_stop_server_shutdown_timeout": "", - "gui_receive_stop_server_shutdown_timeout_tooltip": "", - "gui_copy_url": "", - "gui_copy_hidservauth": "", + "gui_choose_items": "选取", + "gui_share_start_server": "开始分享", + "gui_share_stop_server": "停止分享", + "gui_share_stop_server_shutdown_timeout": "停止分享(还剩{}秒)", + "gui_share_stop_server_shutdown_timeout_tooltip": "在{}自动停止", + "gui_receive_start_server": "开启接受模式", + "gui_receive_stop_server": "停止接受模式", + "gui_receive_stop_server_shutdown_timeout": "停止接受模式(还剩{}秒)", + "gui_receive_stop_server_shutdown_timeout_tooltip": "在{}自动停止", + "gui_copy_url": "复制地址", + "gui_copy_hidservauth": "复制HidServAuth", "gui_downloads": "", "gui_no_downloads": "", - "gui_canceled": "取消", - "gui_copied_url_title": "", - "gui_copied_url": "", - "gui_copied_hidservauth_title": "", - "gui_copied_hidservauth": "", - "gui_please_wait": "", + "gui_canceled": "已取消", + "gui_copied_url_title": "已复制的OnionShare地址", + "gui_copied_url": "OnionShare地址已复制到剪贴板", + "gui_copied_hidservauth_title": "已复制的HidServAuth", + "gui_copied_hidservauth": "HidServAuth行已复制到剪贴板", + "gui_please_wait": "起始中...点击这里可取消.", "gui_download_upload_progress_complete": "", "gui_download_upload_progress_starting": "", "gui_download_upload_progress_eta": "", - "version_string": "", - "gui_quit_title": "", - "gui_share_quit_warning": "", - "gui_receive_quit_warning": "", + "version_string": "版本: OnionShare {0:s} |", + "gui_quit_title": "再等等", + "gui_share_quit_warning": "您有文件正在传输中...您确定要退出OnionShare吗?", + "gui_receive_quit_warning": "您有文件还正在接收中...您确定要退出OnionShare吗?", "gui_quit_warning_quit": "退出", "gui_quit_warning_dont_quit": "取消", - "error_rate_limit": "", - "zip_progress_bar_format": "", - "error_stealth_not_supported": "", - "error_ephemeral_not_supported": "", - "gui_settings_window_title": "设置中", - "gui_settings_whats_this": "", - "gui_settings_stealth_option": "", - "gui_settings_stealth_hidservauth_string": "", + "error_rate_limit": "有人您对地址发出过多错误请求,这很可能说明有人在尝试猜测您的地址.因此为了安全OinionShare已终止服务.请重新开启分享并且向收件人发送新地址.", + "zip_progress_bar_format": "压缩中: %p%", + "error_stealth_not_supported": "要使用服务端认证,您至少需要的最低版本要求是:Tor (or Tor Browser 6.5)和python3-stem 1.5.0.两者缺一不可,同时需要.", + "error_ephemeral_not_supported": "OnionShare至少同时需要Tor和python3-stem 1.4.0来运行.", + "gui_settings_window_title": "设置", + "gui_settings_whats_this": "这是什么?", + "gui_settings_stealth_option": "使用客户端认证", + "gui_settings_stealth_hidservauth_string": "已保存了你的私钥用于重复使用,意味着您现在可以\n点击这里来复制您的HidServAuth.", "gui_settings_autoupdate_label": "检查新版本", - "gui_settings_autoupdate_option": "", - "gui_settings_autoupdate_timestamp": "", + "gui_settings_autoupdate_option": "有新版本可用时告知我", + "gui_settings_autoupdate_timestamp": "上次检查更新的时间:{}", "gui_settings_autoupdate_timestamp_never": "从不", - "gui_settings_autoupdate_check_button": "", + "gui_settings_autoupdate_check_button": "检查新版本", "gui_settings_general_label": "常规设置", - "gui_settings_sharing_label": "", - "gui_settings_close_after_first_download_option": "", - "gui_settings_connection_type_label": "", - "gui_settings_connection_type_bundled_option": "", - "gui_settings_connection_type_automatic_option": "", - "gui_settings_connection_type_control_port_option": "", - "gui_settings_connection_type_socket_file_option": "", - "gui_settings_connection_type_test_button": "", + "gui_settings_sharing_label": "分享设置", + "gui_settings_close_after_first_download_option": "文件发送完成后停止分享", + "gui_settings_connection_type_label": "OnionShare应如何连接Tor?", + "gui_settings_connection_type_bundled_option": "使用OnionShare内置的tor", + "gui_settings_connection_type_automatic_option": "尝试使用Tor Browser(Tor浏览器)的设置", + "gui_settings_connection_type_control_port_option": "用特定端口连接", + "gui_settings_connection_type_socket_file_option": "使用socket文档的设置连接", + "gui_settings_connection_type_test_button": "测试tor连接", "gui_settings_control_port_label": "控制端口", - "gui_settings_socket_file_label": "", - "gui_settings_socks_label": "", - "gui_settings_authenticate_label": "", - "gui_settings_authenticate_no_auth_option": "", + "gui_settings_socket_file_label": "Socket配置文档", + "gui_settings_socks_label": "SOCKS 端口", + "gui_settings_authenticate_label": "Tor认证设置", + "gui_settings_authenticate_no_auth_option": "无须认证,或者使用的是cookie认证", "gui_settings_authenticate_password_option": "密码", "gui_settings_password_label": "密码", - "gui_settings_tor_bridges": "", - "gui_settings_tor_bridges_no_bridges_radio_option": "", - "gui_settings_tor_bridges_obfs4_radio_option": "", - "gui_settings_tor_bridges_obfs4_radio_option_no_obfs4proxy": "", - "gui_settings_tor_bridges_meek_lite_azure_radio_option": "", - "gui_settings_tor_bridges_meek_lite_azure_radio_option_no_obfs4proxy": "", - "gui_settings_meek_lite_expensive_warning": "", - "gui_settings_tor_bridges_custom_radio_option": "", - "gui_settings_tor_bridges_custom_label": "", - "gui_settings_tor_bridges_invalid": "", + "gui_settings_tor_bridges": "Tor网桥设置", + "gui_settings_tor_bridges_no_bridges_radio_option": "不使用网桥", + "gui_settings_tor_bridges_obfs4_radio_option": "使用内置的obfs4 pluggable transports", + "gui_settings_tor_bridges_obfs4_radio_option_no_obfs4proxy": "使用内置的obfs4 pluggable transports(需要obfs4代理)", + "gui_settings_tor_bridges_meek_lite_azure_radio_option": "使用内置meek_lite (Azure) pluggable transports", + "gui_settings_tor_bridges_meek_lite_azure_radio_option_no_obfs4proxy": "使用内置meek_lite (Azure) pluggable transports (需要obfs4代理)", + "gui_settings_meek_lite_expensive_warning": "警告:meek_lite类型的网桥对Tor流量产生的负担很大,
请只在无法直接使用tor,且obfs4 transport和其他网桥都无法连接时才使用.
.", + "gui_settings_tor_bridges_custom_radio_option": "使用自定义网桥", + "gui_settings_tor_bridges_custom_label": "您可以从这里得到网桥地址\n", + "gui_settings_tor_bridges_invalid": "您所添加的网桥无法工作.\n请双击它们或者添加其它网桥.", "gui_settings_button_save": "保存", "gui_settings_button_cancel": "取消", "gui_settings_button_help": "帮助", - "gui_settings_shutdown_timeout_checkbox": "", - "gui_settings_shutdown_timeout": "", - "settings_error_unknown": "", - "settings_error_automatic": "", - "settings_error_socket_port": "", - "settings_error_socket_file": "", - "settings_error_auth": "", - "settings_error_missing_password": "", - "settings_error_unreadable_cookie_file": "", - "settings_error_bundled_tor_not_supported": "", - "settings_error_bundled_tor_timeout": "", - "settings_error_bundled_tor_broken": "", - "settings_test_success": "", - "error_tor_protocol_error": "", - "error_tor_protocol_error_unknown": "", - "error_invalid_private_key": "", - "connecting_to_tor": "", - "update_available": "", - "update_error_check_error": "", - "update_error_invalid_latest_version": "", - "update_not_available": "", - "gui_tor_connection_ask": "", + "gui_settings_shutdown_timeout_checkbox": "使用自动停止计时器", + "gui_settings_shutdown_timeout": "在(时间)停止分享", + "settings_error_unknown": "无法连接Tor控制件,因为您的设置无法被理解.", + "settings_error_automatic": "无法连接tor控制件.Tor浏览器是否在后台工作?(从torproject.org可以获得Tor Browser)", + "settings_error_socket_port": "在socket端口{}:{}无法连接tor控制件.", + "settings_error_socket_file": "无法使用socket配置文档的设置连接tor控制件", + "settings_error_auth": "已连接到了{}:{},但是无法认证,也许这不是tor控制件?", + "settings_error_missing_password": "已连接到tor控制件,但需要密码来认证.", + "settings_error_unreadable_cookie_file": "已连接到tor控制件,但可能密码错误,或者没有读取cookie文件的权限.", + "settings_error_bundled_tor_not_supported": "OnionShare自带的Tor无法在Windows或macOS下运行开发者模式", + "settings_error_bundled_tor_timeout": "尝试连接tor的用时过长,也许您的网络有问题,或者是系统时间不准确?", + "settings_error_bundled_tor_broken": "OnionShare无法在后台连接Tor\n{}", + "settings_test_success": "已连接到Tor控制件\n\nTor版本: {}\n支持短期onion服务: {}.\n支持客户端认证: {}.\n支持新一代.onion地址: {}.", + "error_tor_protocol_error": "Tor出现错误: {}", + "error_tor_protocol_error_unknown": "Tor出现未知错误", + "error_invalid_private_key": "不支持这种类型的私钥", + "connecting_to_tor": "正在连接Tor网络", + "update_available": "有新版本的OnionShare可用:请点击这里 来获得.

您在使用的版本为 {} 最新的可用版本为 {}.", + "update_error_check_error": "无法检查更新:OnionShare官网对最新版本无法识别'{}'…", + "update_error_invalid_latest_version": "无法检查更新:也许您没有连接到Tor?或者OnionShare官网不可用?", + "update_not_available": "您现在运行的OnionShare为最新版本.", + "gui_tor_connection_ask": "打开设置来查看Tor连接?", "gui_tor_connection_ask_open_settings": "是的", "gui_tor_connection_ask_quit": "退出", - "gui_tor_connection_error_settings": "", - "gui_tor_connection_canceled": "", - "gui_tor_connection_lost": "", - "gui_server_started_after_timeout": "", - "gui_server_timeout_expired": "", - "share_via_onionshare": "", - "gui_use_legacy_v2_onions_checkbox": "", - "gui_save_private_key_checkbox": "", - "gui_share_url_description": "", - "gui_receive_url_description": "", - "gui_url_label_persistent": "", - "gui_url_label_stay_open": "", - "gui_url_label_onetime": "", - "gui_url_label_onetime_and_persistent": "", - "gui_status_indicator_share_stopped": "", - "gui_status_indicator_share_working": "", - "gui_status_indicator_share_started": "分享", - "gui_status_indicator_receive_stopped": "", - "gui_status_indicator_receive_working": "", + "gui_tor_connection_error_settings": "请尝试在设置中设定OnionShare连接Tor的方式.", + "gui_tor_connection_canceled": "无法连接Tor.\n\n请确保您一连接到网络,然后重启OnionShare并设置Tor连接.", + "gui_tor_connection_lost": "已和Tor断开连接.", + "gui_server_started_after_timeout": "在服务开始之前自动停止计时器的时间已到.\n请建立新的分享.", + "gui_server_timeout_expired": "自动停止计时器的时间已到.\n请更新其设置来开始分享.", + "share_via_onionshare": "用OnionShare来分享", + "gui_use_legacy_v2_onions_checkbox": "使用古老的地址", + "gui_save_private_key_checkbox": "使用长期地址", + "gui_share_url_description": "任何人只要拥有这个OnionShare 地址,都可以用Tor浏览器来从您的设备进行文件下载", + "gui_receive_url_description": "任何人只要拥有这个OnionShare 地址,都可以用Tor浏览器来给你的设备进行文件上传", + "gui_url_label_persistent": "这个分享不会自动停止.

每个子列分享都会重复使用这个地址.(要使用一次性地址, 请在设置中关闭\"使用长期地址\"的选项.)", + "gui_url_label_stay_open": "这个分享不会自动停止.", + "gui_url_label_onetime": "这个分享将在初次完成后终止.", + "gui_url_label_onetime_and_persistent": "这个分享不会自动停止.

每个子列分享都将会重复使用这个地址.(要使用一次性地址, 请在设置中关闭\"使用长期地址\"的选项.)", + "gui_status_indicator_share_stopped": "准备分享", + "gui_status_indicator_share_working": "正在初始话…", + "gui_status_indicator_share_started": "分享中", + "gui_status_indicator_receive_stopped": "准备接收", + "gui_status_indicator_receive_working": "正在初始化…", "gui_status_indicator_receive_started": "正在接收", - "gui_file_info": "", - "gui_file_info_single": "", - "history_in_progress_tooltip": "", - "history_completed_tooltip": "", + "gui_file_info": "{} 个文件, {}", + "gui_file_info_single": "{} 个文件, {}", + "history_in_progress_tooltip": "{}在进行中", + "history_completed_tooltip": "{}已完成", "info_in_progress_uploads_tooltip": "", "info_completed_uploads_tooltip": "", "error_cannot_create_downloads_dir": "", "receive_mode_downloads_dir": "", - "receive_mode_warning": "", - "gui_receive_mode_warning": "", - "receive_mode_upload_starting": "", - "receive_mode_received_file": "", - "gui_mode_share_button": "", - "gui_mode_receive_button": "", - "gui_settings_receiving_label": "", + "receive_mode_warning": "警告:接收模式下允许他人对您的设备上传文件.有一些文件可能有恶意代码并控制您的设备或者造成严重伤害,请只谨慎打开来自您信赖的人的文件,或者确保采取必要的安全措施.", + "gui_receive_mode_warning": "接收模式下允许他人对您的设备上传文件.

有一些文件可能有恶意代码并控制您的设备或者造成严重伤害,请只谨慎打开来自您信赖的人的文件,或者确保采取必要的安全措施.", + "receive_mode_upload_starting": "上传文件的大小为{}正在开始", + "receive_mode_received_file": "接收到: {}", + "gui_mode_share_button": "分享文件", + "gui_mode_receive_button": "接收文件", + "gui_settings_receiving_label": "接收设置", "gui_settings_downloads_label": "", "gui_settings_downloads_button": "分享轨迹", "gui_settings_receive_allow_receiver_shutdown_checkbox": "", - "gui_settings_public_mode_checkbox": "", + "gui_settings_public_mode_checkbox": "公共模式", "systray_close_server_title": "", "systray_close_server_message": "", - "systray_page_loaded_title": "", + "systray_page_loaded_title": "页面已加载", "systray_download_page_loaded_message": "", "systray_upload_page_loaded_message": "", "gui_uploads": "", @@ -179,7 +179,35 @@ "gui_upload_finished_range": "", "gui_upload_finished": "", "gui_download_in_progress": "", - "gui_open_folder_error_nautilus": "", + "gui_open_folder_error_nautilus": "无法打开文件夹,原因:nautilus不可用.文件在这里: {}", "gui_settings_language_label": "首选语言", - "gui_settings_language_changed_notice": "" + "gui_settings_language_changed_notice": "请重启OnionShare以使您的语言改变设定生效.", + "gui_add_files": "添加文件", + "gui_add_folder": "添加文件夹", + "gui_connect_to_tor_for_onion_settings": "连接Tor来查看onion服务的设置", + "error_cannot_create_data_dir": "无法建立OnionShare文件夹: {}", + "receive_mode_data_dir": "您收到的文件会出现在这个文件夹: {}", + "gui_settings_data_dir_label": "将文件保存到", + "gui_settings_data_dir_browse_button": "浏览", + "systray_page_loaded_message": "OnionShare地址已加载", + "systray_share_started_title": "分享开始", + "systray_share_started_message": "开始向某人发送文件", + "systray_share_completed_title": "分享完成", + "systray_share_completed_message": "文件发送完成", + "systray_share_canceled_title": "分享已取消", + "systray_share_canceled_message": "某人取消了接收您的文件", + "systray_receive_started_title": "接收开始", + "systray_receive_started_message": "某人在向您发送文件", + "gui_all_modes_history": "历史", + "gui_all_modes_clear_history": "清除全部", + "gui_all_modes_transfer_started": "已开始{}", + "gui_all_modes_transfer_finished_range": "已传输 {} - {}", + "gui_all_modes_transfer_finished": "已传输完成 {}", + "gui_all_modes_progress_complete": "%p%, {0:s} 已完成.", + "gui_all_modes_progress_starting": "{0:s}, %p% (计算中)", + "gui_all_modes_progress_eta": "{0:s}, 预计完成时间: {1:s}, %p%", + "gui_share_mode_no_files": "还没有文件发出", + "gui_share_mode_timeout_waiting": "等待结束发送", + "gui_receive_mode_no_files": "还没有接收文件", + "gui_receive_mode_timeout_waiting": "等待接收完成" } From 7b14eaee805493c6bfb6a6acd0162a1c367c552e Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: michalis Date: Tue, 22 Jan 2019 12:35:15 +0000 Subject: [PATCH 51/62] Translated using Weblate (French) Translate-URL: --- share/locale/fr.json | 4 +++- 1 file changed, 3 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-) diff --git a/share/locale/fr.json b/share/locale/fr.json index 965b5066..0adbf96a 100644 --- a/share/locale/fr.json +++ b/share/locale/fr.json @@ -208,5 +208,7 @@ "gui_share_mode_no_files": "Pas encore de fichiers envoyés", "gui_share_mode_timeout_waiting": "En attente de la fin de l'envoi", "gui_receive_mode_no_files": "Pas encore de fichiers reçus", - "gui_receive_mode_timeout_waiting": "En attente de la fin de la réception" + "gui_receive_mode_timeout_waiting": "En attente de la fin de la réception", + "gui_connect_to_tor_for_onion_settings": "Connectez-vous à Tor pour voir les paramètres du service Onion", + "systray_share_completed_message": "Terminé l'envoi de fichiers" } From b179b574bf1ce2901ed890b44a283313d670fac7 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: LocLab fr Date: Fri, 25 Jan 2019 14:16:29 +0000 Subject: [PATCH 52/62] Translated using Weblate (French) Translate-URL: --- share/locale/fr.json | 90 ++++++++++++++++++++++---------------------- 1 file changed, 45 insertions(+), 45 deletions(-) diff --git a/share/locale/fr.json b/share/locale/fr.json index 0adbf96a..1661f42c 100644 --- a/share/locale/fr.json +++ b/share/locale/fr.json @@ -1,10 +1,10 @@ { "preparing_files": "Compression des fichiers.", - "give_this_url": "Donnez cette adresse au destinataire :", + "give_this_url": "Donnez cette adresse au destinataire :", "ctrlc_to_stop": "Appuyez sur Ctrl+c pour arrêter le serveur", - "not_a_file": "{0:s} n'est pas un fichier valide.", - "other_page_loaded": "Adresse chargée", - "closing_automatically": "Arrêté car le transfert est fini", + "not_a_file": "{0:s} n’est pas un fichier valide.", + "other_page_loaded": "L’adresse a été chargée", + "closing_automatically": "Arrêté, car le transfert est fini", "systray_menu_exit": "Quitter", "systray_download_started_title": "Téléchargement OnionShare démarré", "systray_download_started_message": "Une personne télécharge vos fichiers", @@ -12,14 +12,14 @@ "systray_download_canceled_title": "Téléchargement OnionShare annulé", "systray_download_canceled_message": "La personne a annulé le téléchargement", "help_local_only": "Ne pas utiliser Tor (uniquement pour le développement)", - "help_stay_open": "Continuer le partage après l'envoi des fichiers", - "help_debug": "Enregistrer les erreurs OnionShare sur la sortie standard, et les erreurs web sur le disque", + "help_stay_open": "Continuer le partage après l’envoi des fichiers", + "help_debug": "Journaliser les erreurs d’OnionShare sur la sortie standard et les erreurs Web sur le disque", "help_filename": "Liste des fichiers ou dossiers à partager", - "gui_drag_and_drop": "Glissez-déposez les fichiers et dossiers\npour commencer à partager", + "gui_drag_and_drop": "Glisser-déposer des fichiers et dossiers\npour commencer le partage", "gui_add": "Ajouter", "gui_delete": "Supprimer", "gui_choose_items": "Sélectionner", - "gui_share_start_server": "Commencer à partager", + "gui_share_start_server": "Commencer le partage", "gui_share_stop_server": "Arrêter le partage", "gui_copy_url": "Copier l'adresse", "gui_copy_hidservauth": "Copier HidServAuth", @@ -32,16 +32,16 @@ "gui_settings_autoupdate_timestamp_never": "Jamais", "gui_settings_language_changed_notice": "Redémarrez OnionShare pour que votre changement de langue prenne effet.", "config_onion_service": "Mise en place du service oignon sur le port {0:d}.", - "give_this_url_stealth": "Donnez cette adresse et cette ligne HidServAuth au destinataire :", - "give_this_url_receive": "Donnez cette adresse à l'expéditeur :", - "give_this_url_receive_stealth": "Donnez cette adresse et HidServAuth à l'expéditeur :", - "not_a_readable_file": "{0:s} n'est pas un fichier lisible.", + "give_this_url_stealth": "Donnez cette adresse et cette ligne HidServAuth au destinataire :", + "give_this_url_receive": "Donnez cette adresse à l’expéditeur :", + "give_this_url_receive_stealth": "Donnez cette adresse et cette ligne HidServAuth à l'expéditeur :", + "not_a_readable_file": "{0:s} n’est pas un fichier lisible.", "timeout_download_still_running": "En attente de la fin du téléchargement", "systray_download_completed_message": "La personne a terminé de télécharger vos fichiers", "gui_copied_hidservauth_title": "HidServAuth copié", "gui_settings_window_title": "Paramètres", "gui_settings_autoupdate_timestamp": "Dernière vérification : {}", - "gui_settings_close_after_first_download_option": "Arrêt du partage après l'envoi des fichiers", + "gui_settings_close_after_first_download_option": "Arrêter le partage après envoi des fichiers", "gui_settings_connection_type_label": "Comment OnionShare doit-il se connecter à Tor ?", "gui_settings_connection_type_control_port_option": "Se connecter avec le port de contrôle", "gui_settings_connection_type_socket_file_option": "Se connecter à l'aide d'un fichier socket", @@ -50,14 +50,14 @@ "gui_settings_authenticate_no_auth_option": "Pas d'authentification ou authentification par cookie", "gui_settings_authenticate_password_option": "Mot de passe", "gui_settings_password_label": "Mot de passe", - "gui_settings_tor_bridges_no_bridges_radio_option": "Ne pas utiliser de bridge", + "gui_settings_tor_bridges_no_bridges_radio_option": "Ne pas utiliser de pont", "gui_settings_button_save": "Sauvegarder", "gui_settings_button_cancel": "Annuler", "gui_settings_button_help": "Aide", - "gui_settings_shutdown_timeout": "Arrêter le partage à :", + "gui_settings_shutdown_timeout": "Arrêter le partage à :", "connecting_to_tor": "Connexion au réseau Tor", - "help_config": "Emplacement du fichier de configuration JSON personnalisé (optionnel)", - "large_filesize": "Avertissement : envoyer un gros fichier peut prendre plusieurs heures", + "help_config": "Emplacement du fichier personnalisé de configuration JSON (facultatif)", + "large_filesize": "Avertissement : envoyer un gros partage peut prendre des heures", "gui_copied_hidservauth": "Ligne HidServAuth copiée dans le presse-papiers", "version_string": "OnionShare {0:s} |", "zip_progress_bar_format": "Compression : %p%", @@ -83,10 +83,10 @@ "gui_settings_connection_type_test_button": "Tester la connexion à Tor", "gui_settings_control_port_label": "Port de contrôle", "gui_settings_authenticate_label": "Paramètres d'authentification de Tor", - "gui_settings_tor_bridges": "Support des bridges Tor", - "gui_settings_tor_bridges_custom_radio_option": "Utiliser des bridges personnalisés", - "gui_settings_tor_bridges_custom_label": "Vous pouvez obtenir des bridges à l'adresse", - "gui_settings_tor_bridges_invalid": "Aucun des bridges que vous avez ajouté ne fonctionne.\nVérifiez les à nouveau ou ajoutez-en d'autres.", + "gui_settings_tor_bridges": "Prise en charge des ponts de Tor", + "gui_settings_tor_bridges_custom_radio_option": "Utiliser des ponts personnalisés", + "gui_settings_tor_bridges_custom_label": "Vous pouvez obtenir des ponts sur", + "gui_settings_tor_bridges_invalid": "Aucun des ponts que vous avez ajoutés ne fonctionne.\nVérifiez-les de nouveau ou ajoutez-en d’autres.", "settings_error_unknown": "Impossible de se connecter au contrôleur Tor car les paramètres n'ont pas de sens.", "settings_error_automatic": "Impossible de se connecter au contrôleur Tor. Est-ce que le navigateur Tor (disponible sur fonctionne en arrière-plan ?", "settings_error_socket_port": "Impossible de se connecter au contrôleur Tor à {}:{}.", @@ -108,11 +108,11 @@ "share_via_onionshare": "Partager via OnionShare", "gui_save_private_key_checkbox": "Utiliser une adresse persistante", "gui_share_url_description": "Avec cette adresse OnionShare n'importe qui peut télécharger vos fichiers en utilisant le navigateur Tor : ", - "gui_receive_url_description": "Avec cette adresse OnionShare n'importe qui peut envoyer des fichiers vers votre ordinateur en utilisant le navigateur Tor : ", - "gui_url_label_persistent": "Ce partage ne s'arrêtera pas automatiquement.

Tous les partages suivants réutiliseront l'adresse. (Pour utiliser des adresses uniques, désactivez \"Utiliser une adresse persistante\" dans les paramètres.)", - "gui_url_label_stay_open": "Ce partage ne s'arrêtera pas automatiquement.", - "gui_url_label_onetime": "Ce partage s'arrêtera après le premier téléchargement complété.", - "gui_url_label_onetime_and_persistent": "Ce partage ne s'arrêtera pas automatiquement.

Tous les partages suivants devraient réutiliser l'adresse. (Pour utiliser des adresses uniques, désactivez \"Utiliser une adresse persistante\" dans les paramètres.)", + "gui_receive_url_description": "Quiconque possède cette adresse OnionShare peut téléverser des fichiers vers votre ordinateur en utilisant le Navigateur Tor : ", + "gui_url_label_persistent": "Ce partage ne s’arrêtera pas automatiquement.

Tout partage subséquent réutilisera l’adresse. (Pour des adresses qui ne peuvent être utilisées qu’une fois, désactivez « Utiliser une adresse persistante » dans les paramètres.)", + "gui_url_label_stay_open": "Ce partage ne s’arrêtera pas automatiquement.", + "gui_url_label_onetime": "Ce partage s’arrêtera une fois que le premier téléchargement sera terminé.", + "gui_url_label_onetime_and_persistent": "Ce partage ne s’arrêtera pas automatiquement.

Tout partage subséquent réutilisera l’adresse. (Pour des adresses qui ne peuvent être utilisées qu’une fois, désactivez « Utiliser une adresse persistante » dans les paramètres.)", "gui_status_indicator_share_stopped": "Prêt à partager", "gui_status_indicator_share_working": "Démarrage…", "gui_status_indicator_share_started": "Partage", @@ -124,8 +124,8 @@ "history_in_progress_tooltip": "{} en cours", "history_completed_tooltip": "{} terminé", "receive_mode_downloads_dir": "Les fichiers qui vous sont envoyés apparaissent dans ce dossier : {}", - "receive_mode_warning": "Avertissement : le mode réception permet à d'autres personnes d'envoyer des fichiers vers votre ordinateur. Certains fichiers peuvent potentiellement prendre le contrôle de votre ordinateur si vous les ouvrez. Ouvrez uniquement des fichiers provenant de personnes de confiance ou si vous savez ce que vous faites.", - "gui_receive_mode_warning": "Le mode réception permet à d'autres personnes d'envoyer des fichiers vers votre ordinateur.

Certains fichiers peuvent potentiellement prendre le contrôle de votre ordinateur si vous les ouvrez. Ouvrez uniquement des fichiers provenant de personnes de confiance ou si vous savez ce que vous faites.", + "receive_mode_warning": "Avertissement : le mode réception permet à d’autres de téléverser des fichiers vers votre ordinateur. Certains fichiers pourraient prendre le contrôle de votre ordinateur si vous les ouvrez. N’ouvrez que des fichiers provenant de personnes de confiance ou si vous savez ce que vous faites.", + "gui_receive_mode_warning": "Le mode réception permet à d’autres de téléverser des fichiers vers votre ordinateur.

Certains fichiers pourraient prendre le contrôle de votre ordinateur si vous les ouvrez. N’ouvrez que des fichiers provenant de personnes de confiance ou si vous savez ce que vous faites.", "receive_mode_received_file": "Reçu : {}", "gui_mode_share_button": "Fichiers partagés", "gui_mode_receive_button": "Fichiers reçus", @@ -144,7 +144,7 @@ "gui_download_in_progress": "Téléchargement démarré {}", "gui_open_folder_error_nautilus": "Impossible d'ouvrir le dossier car nautilus n'est pas disponible. Le fichier est ici : {}", "gui_settings_language_label": "Langue préférée", - "help_stealth": "Utilisation de l'autorisation client (avancé)", + "help_stealth": "Utilisation de l’autorisation client (avancé)", "help_receive": "Recevoir des partages au lieu de les envoyer", "gui_receive_start_server": "Démarrer le mode réception", "gui_receive_stop_server": "Arrêter le mode réception", @@ -152,7 +152,7 @@ "gui_download_upload_progress_complete": "%p%, {0:s} écoulées.", "gui_download_upload_progress_starting": "{0:s}, %p% (estimation)", "gui_download_upload_progress_eta": "{0:s}, Fin : {1:s}, %p%", - "error_rate_limit": "Une personne a effectué sur votre adresse beaucoup de tentatives qui ont échouées, ce qui veut dire qu'elle essayait de la deviner, ainsi OnionShare a arrêté le serveur. Démarrez le partage à nouveau et envoyez une nouvelle adresse au destinataire pour pouvoir partager.", + "error_rate_limit": "Quelqu’un a effectué trop de tentatives échouées sur votre adresse, ce qui signifie que cette personne pourrait essayer de la deviner. C’est pourquoi OnionShare a arrêté le serveur. Redémarrez le partage et envoyez au destinataire une nouvelle adresse pour partager.", "error_stealth_not_supported": "Pour utiliser l’autorisation client, vous avez besoin d'au moins Tor (ou le navigateur Tor 6.5) et python3-stem 1.5.0.", "gui_settings_stealth_option": "Utiliser l'autorisation client", "timeout_upload_still_running": "En attente de la fin de l'envoi", @@ -167,33 +167,33 @@ "info_in_progress_uploads_tooltip": "{} envoi(s) en cours", "info_completed_uploads_tooltip": "{} envoi(s) terminé(s)", "error_cannot_create_downloads_dir": "Impossible de créer le dossier du mode réception : {}", - "receive_mode_upload_starting": "Un envoi d'une taille totale de {} a commencé", + "receive_mode_upload_starting": "Un téléversement d’une taille totale de {} commence", "systray_close_server_message": "Une personne a arrêté le serveur", "systray_page_loaded_title": "Page chargée", "systray_download_page_loaded_message": "Une personne a chargé la page de téléchargement", "systray_upload_page_loaded_message": "Une personne a chargé la page d'envoi", - "gui_share_stop_server_shutdown_timeout_tooltip": "La minuterie d'arrêt automatique se termine après {}", - "gui_receive_stop_server_shutdown_timeout_tooltip": "La minuterie d'arrêt automatique se termine après {}", + "gui_share_stop_server_shutdown_timeout_tooltip": "La minuterie d’arrêt automatique se termine à {}", + "gui_receive_stop_server_shutdown_timeout_tooltip": "La minuterie d’arrêt automatique se termine à {}", "gui_settings_tor_bridges_obfs4_radio_option": "Utiliser les transports enfichables obfs4 intégrés", - "gui_settings_tor_bridges_obfs4_radio_option_no_obfs4proxy": "Utiliser les transports enfichables obfs4 intégrés (nécessitent obfs4proxy)", + "gui_settings_tor_bridges_obfs4_radio_option_no_obfs4proxy": "Utiliser les transports enfichables obfs4 intégrés (exige obfs4proxy)", "gui_settings_tor_bridges_meek_lite_azure_radio_option": "Utiliser les transports enfichables meek_lite (Azure) intégrés", - "gui_settings_tor_bridges_meek_lite_azure_radio_option_no_obfs4proxy": "Utiliser les transports enfichables meek_lite (Azure) intégrés (nécessitent obfs4proxy)", - "gui_settings_meek_lite_expensive_warning": "Avertissement : les bridges meek_lite sont très coûteux à faire fonctionner pour le Tor Project.

Utilisez les seulement si vous ne pouvez pas vous connecter à Tor directement, via les transports obfs4 ou avec d'autres bridges normaux.", - "gui_settings_shutdown_timeout_checkbox": "Utiliser la minuterie d'arrêt automatique", - "gui_server_started_after_timeout": "La minuterie d'arrêt automatique a expiré avant le démarrage du serveur.\nVeuillez faire un nouveau partage.", - "gui_server_timeout_expired": "La minuterie d'arrêt automatique a déjà expiré.\nVeuillez la mettre à jour pour démarrer le partage.", - "close_on_timeout": "Arrêté parce que la minuterie d'arrêt automatique a expiré", - "gui_add_files": "Ajouter fichiers", - "gui_add_folder": "Ajouter dossier", + "gui_settings_tor_bridges_meek_lite_azure_radio_option_no_obfs4proxy": "Utiliser les transports enfichables meek_lite (Azure) intégrés (exige obfs4proxy)", + "gui_settings_meek_lite_expensive_warning": "Avertissement : l’exploitation de ponts meek_lite demande beaucoup de ressources au Projet Tor.

Ne les utilisez que si vous ne pouvez pas vous connecter directement à Tor, par les transports obfs4 ou autres ponts normaux.", + "gui_settings_shutdown_timeout_checkbox": "Utiliser la minuterie d’arrêt automatique", + "gui_server_started_after_timeout": "La minuterie d’arrêt automatique est arrivée au bout de son délai avant le démarrage du serveur.\nVeuillez mettre en place un nouveau partage.", + "gui_server_timeout_expired": "La minuterie d’arrêt automatique est déjà arrivée au bout de son délai.\nVeuillez la mettre à jour pour commencer le partage.", + "close_on_timeout": "Arrêté, car la minuterie d’arrêt automatique est arrivée au bout de son délai", + "gui_add_files": "Ajouter des fichiers", + "gui_add_folder": "Ajouter un dossier", "error_cannot_create_data_dir": "Impossible de créer le dossier de données OnionShare : {}", "receive_mode_data_dir": "Les fichiers qui vous sont envoyés apparaissent dans ce dossier : {}", "gui_settings_data_dir_label": "Enregistrer les fichiers dans", "gui_settings_data_dir_browse_button": "Parcourir", "systray_page_loaded_message": "Adresse OnionShare chargée", - "systray_share_started_title": "Partage commencé", + "systray_share_started_title": "Le partage a commencé", "systray_share_started_message": "Démarrer l'envoi de fichiers à une personne", - "systray_share_completed_title": "Partage terminé", - "systray_share_canceled_title": "Partage annulé", + "systray_share_completed_title": "Le partage est terminé", + "systray_share_canceled_title": "Le partage a été annulé", "systray_share_canceled_message": "Une personne a annulé la réception de vos fichiers", "systray_receive_started_title": "Réception commencée", "systray_receive_started_message": "Une personne vous envoie des fichiers", From 46b31d7b23ad2adf508b7ec9f5ba35cde6a1dc2a Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: michalis Date: Tue, 22 Jan 2019 09:42:46 +0000 Subject: [PATCH 53/62] Translated using Weblate (Greek) Translate-URL: --- share/locale/el.json | 154 +++++++++++++++++++++++++------------------ 1 file changed, 91 insertions(+), 63 deletions(-) diff --git a/share/locale/el.json b/share/locale/el.json index dcdc97f1..c217716b 100644 --- a/share/locale/el.json +++ b/share/locale/el.json @@ -24,13 +24,13 @@ "systray_upload_started_title": "Η λήψη του OnionShare ξεκίνησε", "systray_upload_started_message": "Ένας/μια χρήστης/τρια ξεκίνησε να ανεβάζει αρχεία στον υπολογιστή σου", "help_local_only": "Να μην χρησιμοποιηθεί το Tor (μόνο για development)", - "help_stay_open": "Να συνεχίσει ο διαμοιρασμός μετά τη πρώτη λήψη", + "help_stay_open": "Να συνεχίσει ο διαμοιρασμός μετά την αποστολή των αρχείων", "help_shutdown_timeout": "Να τερματιστεί ο διαμοιρασμός μετά από ένα συγκεκριμένο αριθμό δευτερολέπτων", - "help_stealth": "Χρησιμοποιήστε άδεια χρήστη (Για προχωρημένους)", - "help_receive": "", - "help_debug": "", + "help_stealth": "Κάντε χρήση εξουσιοδότησης πελάτη (Για προχωρημένους)", + "help_receive": "Λάβετε διαμοιρασμένα αρχεία αντι να τα στέλνετε", + "help_debug": "Κατέγραψε τα σφάλματα του OnionShare στο stdout (συνήθως οθόνη) και τα σφάλματα web στον δίσκο", "help_filename": "Λίστα αρχείων ή φακέλων για μοίρασμα", - "help_config": "", + "help_config": "Ορίστε σημείο αποθήκευσης αρχείου JSON", "gui_drag_and_drop": "Σύρτε και αφήστε αρχεία και φακέλους\nγια να αρχίσετε να τα μοιράζεστε", "gui_add": "Προσθήκη", "gui_delete": "Διαγραφή", @@ -68,7 +68,7 @@ "error_ephemeral_not_supported": "Το OnionShare απαιτεί τουλάχιστον το Tor και το python3-stem 1.4.0.", "gui_settings_window_title": "Ρυθμίσεις", "gui_settings_whats_this": " Τί είναι αυτό? ", - "gui_settings_stealth_option": "Χρήση άδειας χρήστη (αδειοδότηση)", + "gui_settings_stealth_option": "Χρήση εξουσιοδότηση πελάτη", "gui_settings_stealth_hidservauth_string": "Με την αποθήκευση των κλειδιών σας για χρήση εκ νέου, μπορείτε τώρα \nνα επιλέξετε την αντιγραφή του HidServAuth σας.", "gui_settings_autoupdate_label": "Έλεγχος για νέα έκδοση", "gui_settings_autoupdate_option": "Ενημερώστε με όταν είναι διαθέσιμη μια νέα έκδοση", @@ -77,7 +77,7 @@ "gui_settings_autoupdate_check_button": "Έλεγχος για νέα έκδοση", "gui_settings_general_label": "Γενικές ρυθμίσεις", "gui_settings_sharing_label": "Ρυθμίσεις κοινοποίησης", - "gui_settings_close_after_first_download_option": "Τερματισμός κοινοποίησης μετά την πρώτη λήψη", + "gui_settings_close_after_first_download_option": "Τερματισμός κοινοποίησης αρχείων μετά την αποστολή τους", "gui_settings_connection_type_label": "Πώς πρέπει να συνδέεται το OnionShare με το Tor?", "gui_settings_connection_type_bundled_option": "Χρησιμοποιήστε την έκδοση του Tor, ενσωματωμένη στο OnionShare", "gui_settings_connection_type_automatic_option": "Προσπάθεια σύνδεσης με τον Tor Browser", @@ -109,67 +109,67 @@ "settings_error_unknown": "Αδύνατη η σύνδεση του ελέγχου Tor, καθώς οι ρυθμίσεις σας δεν έχουν κανένα νόημα.", "settings_error_automatic": "Είναι αδύνατη η σύνδεση στον έλεγχο του Tor. Λειτουργεί ο Tor Browser (διαθέσιμος στο στο παρασκήνιο?", "settings_error_socket_port": "Αδύνατη η σύνδεση στον έλεγχο Tor στις {}:{}.", - "settings_error_socket_file": "", - "settings_error_auth": "", - "settings_error_missing_password": "", - "settings_error_unreadable_cookie_file": "", - "settings_error_bundled_tor_not_supported": "", - "settings_error_bundled_tor_timeout": "", - "settings_error_bundled_tor_broken": "", - "settings_test_success": "", - "error_tor_protocol_error": "", - "error_tor_protocol_error_unknown": "", - "error_invalid_private_key": "", - "connecting_to_tor": "", - "update_available": "", - "update_error_check_error": "", - "update_error_invalid_latest_version": "", - "update_not_available": "", - "gui_tor_connection_ask": "", - "gui_tor_connection_ask_open_settings": "", - "gui_tor_connection_ask_quit": "", - "gui_tor_connection_error_settings": "", - "gui_tor_connection_canceled": "", - "gui_tor_connection_lost": "", - "gui_server_started_after_timeout": "", - "gui_server_timeout_expired": "", - "share_via_onionshare": "", - "gui_use_legacy_v2_onions_checkbox": "", - "gui_save_private_key_checkbox": "", - "gui_share_url_description": "", - "gui_receive_url_description": "", - "gui_url_label_persistent": "", - "gui_url_label_stay_open": "", - "gui_url_label_onetime": "", - "gui_url_label_onetime_and_persistent": "", - "gui_status_indicator_share_stopped": "", - "gui_status_indicator_share_working": "", - "gui_status_indicator_share_started": "", - "gui_status_indicator_receive_stopped": "", - "gui_status_indicator_receive_working": "", - "gui_status_indicator_receive_started": "", - "gui_file_info": "", - "gui_file_info_single": "", - "history_in_progress_tooltip": "", - "history_completed_tooltip": "", + "settings_error_socket_file": "Ανέφικτη η σύνδεση με τον ελεγκτή Tor, κάνοντας χρήση αρχείου socket {}.", + "settings_error_auth": "Εγινε σύνδεση με {}:{}, αλλα δεν μπορεί να γίνει πιστοποίηση. Ισως δεν ειναι ενας ελεγκτής Tor?", + "settings_error_missing_password": "Εγινε σύνδεση με ελεγκτή Tor, αλλά απαιτείται κωδικός για πιστοποίηση.", + "settings_error_unreadable_cookie_file": "Εγινε σύνδεση με ελεγκτή Tor, αλλα ο κωδικός πιθανόν να είναι λάθος ή ο χρήστης δεν επιτρέπεται να διαβάζει αρχεία cookie.", + "settings_error_bundled_tor_not_supported": "Η έκδοση Tor που συνοδεύει το OnionShare δεν λειτουργεί σε περιβάλλον προγραμματιστή σε Windows ή macOS.", + "settings_error_bundled_tor_timeout": "Η σύνδεση με Tor αργεί αρκετά. Ισως δεν είστε συνδεδεμένοι στο Διαδίκτυο ή το ρολόι σας δεν ειναι συγχρονισμένο?", + "settings_error_bundled_tor_broken": "Το OnionShare δεν μπορεί να συνδεθεί με το Tor στο παρασκήνιο:\n{}", + "settings_test_success": "Εγινε σύνδεση με τον ελεγκτή Tor.\n\nΕκδοση Tor: {}\nΥποστηρίζει εφήμερες υπηρεσίες onion: {}.\nΥποστηρίζει πιστοποίηση πελάτη: {}.\nΥποστηρίζει νέας γενιάς διευθύνσεις .onion: {}.", + "error_tor_protocol_error": "Υπήρξε σφάλμα με το Tor: {}", + "error_tor_protocol_error_unknown": "Υπήρξε άγνωστο σφάλμα με το Tor", + "error_invalid_private_key": "Αυτο το ιδιωτικό κλειδί δεν υποστηρίζεται", + "connecting_to_tor": "Γίνεται σύνδεση με το δίκτυο Tor", + "update_available": "Βγήκε ενα νέο OnionShare. Κάντε κλικ εδώ για να το λάβετε.

Χρησιμοποιείτε {} και το πιό πρόσφατο είναι το {}.", + "update_error_check_error": "Δεν μπόρεσε να γίνει έλεγχος για νέες εκδόσεις. Ο ιστότοπος OnionShare αναφέρει ότι η πιό πρόσφατη έκδοση δεν αναγνωρίζεται '{}'…", + "update_error_invalid_latest_version": "Δεν μπόρεσε να γίνει έλεγχος για νέες εκδόσεις. Ισως δεν είστε συνδεδεμένοι στο Tor ή ο ιστότοπος OnionShare είναι κάτω?", + "update_not_available": "Εχετε την πιό πρόσφατη έκδοση OnionShare.", + "gui_tor_connection_ask": "Να ανοίξετε τις ρυθμίσεις για να επιλύσετε την σύνδεση με το Tor?", + "gui_tor_connection_ask_open_settings": "Ναι", + "gui_tor_connection_ask_quit": "Εξοδος", + "gui_tor_connection_error_settings": "Προσπαθήστε να αλλάξετε τον τρόπο σύνδεσης του OnionShare, με το δίκτυο Tor, από τις ρυθμίσεις.", + "gui_tor_connection_canceled": "Δεν μπόρεσε να γίνει σύνδεση με Tor.\n\nΕλέγξτε ότι είστε συνδεδεμένοι στο Διαδίκτυο, επανεκινήστε το OnionShare και ρυθμίστε την σύνδεση με το Tor.", + "gui_tor_connection_lost": "Εγινε αποσύνδεση απο το Tor.", + "gui_server_started_after_timeout": "Η λειτουργία auto-stop τερματίστηκε πριν την εκκίνηση διακομιστή.\nΠαρακαλώ κάντε εναν νέο διαμοιρασμό.", + "gui_server_timeout_expired": "Η λειτουργία auto-stop ήδη τερματίστηκε.\nΕνημερώστε την για να ξεκινήσετε τον διαμοιρασμό.", + "share_via_onionshare": "Κάντε το OnionShare", + "gui_use_legacy_v2_onions_checkbox": "Χρηση \"παραδοσιακών\" διευθύνσεων", + "gui_save_private_key_checkbox": "Χρήση μόνιμης διεύθυνσης", + "gui_share_url_description": "Οποιοσδήποτε με αυτήν την διεύθυνση OnionShare, μπορεί να κατεβάσει τα αρχεία σας με χρήση Φυλλομετρητη Tor: ", + "gui_receive_url_description": "Οποιοσδήποτε με αυτήν την διεύθυνση OnionShare, μπορεί να ανεβάσει αρχεία στον υπολογιστή σας με χρήση του Φυλλομετρητή Tor: ", + "gui_url_label_persistent": "Αυτός ο διαμοιρασμός δεν έχει auto-stop.

Οποιοσδήποτε μετέπειτα διαμοιρασμός κάνει ξανα χρήση αυτής της διεύθυνσης. (Για να κάνετε χρήση διευθύνσεων μιάς φοράς (one-time addresses), απενεργοποιήστε την λειτουργία \"Μόνιμης διεύθυνσης\" στις Ρυθμίσεις.)", + "gui_url_label_stay_open": "Αυτος ο διαμοιρασμός δεν έχει auto-stop.", + "gui_url_label_onetime": "Αυτός ο διαμοιρασμός θα σταματήσει με την πρώτη λήψη.", + "gui_url_label_onetime_and_persistent": "Αυτός ο διαμοιρασμός δεν έχει auto-stop.

Οποιοσδήποτε μετέπειτα διαμοιρασμός θα κάνει ξανα χρήση αυτής της διεύθυνσης. (Για να κάνετε χρήση διευθύνσεων μιάς φοράς (one-time addresses), απενεργοποιήστε την λειτουργία \"Μόνιμης διεύθυνσης\" στις Ρυθμίσεις.)", + "gui_status_indicator_share_stopped": "Ετοιμο για διαμοιρασμό", + "gui_status_indicator_share_working": "Ξεκινάει…", + "gui_status_indicator_share_started": "Διαμοιράζει", + "gui_status_indicator_receive_stopped": "Ετοιμο για λήψη", + "gui_status_indicator_receive_working": "Ξεκινάει…", + "gui_status_indicator_receive_started": "Γίνεται λήψη", + "gui_file_info": "{} αρχεία, {}", + "gui_file_info_single": "{} αρχείο, {}", + "history_in_progress_tooltip": "{} σε εξέλιξη", + "history_completed_tooltip": "{} ολοκληρώθηκε", "info_in_progress_uploads_tooltip": "", "info_completed_uploads_tooltip": "", "error_cannot_create_downloads_dir": "", "receive_mode_downloads_dir": "", - "receive_mode_warning": "", - "gui_receive_mode_warning": "", - "receive_mode_upload_starting": "", - "receive_mode_received_file": "", - "gui_mode_share_button": "", - "gui_mode_receive_button": "", - "gui_settings_receiving_label": "", + "receive_mode_warning": "Προσοχή: η λειτουργία λήψης, επιτρέπει άλλους να ανεβάζουν αρχεία στον υπολογιστή σας. Μερικά αρχεία πιθανόν να είναι σε θέση να αποκτήσουν τον έλεγχο του υπολογιστή σας εαν τα ανοίξετε. Ανοίξτε μόνο αρχεία που σας εστειλαν άτομα που εμπιστεύεστε ή εαν ξέρετε τι κάνετε.", + "gui_receive_mode_warning": "Η λειτουργία λήψης, επιτρέπει άλλους να ανεβάζουν αρχεία στον υπολογιστή σας.

Μερικά αρχεία πιθανόν να είναι σε θέση να αποκτήσουν τον έλεγχο του υπολογιστή σας εαν τα ανοίξετε. Ανοίξτε μόνο αρχεία που σας εστειλαν άτομα που εμπιστεύεστε ή εαν ξέρετε τι κάνετε.", + "receive_mode_upload_starting": "Αποστολή συνολικού μεγέθους {} ξεκινάει", + "receive_mode_received_file": "Ελήφθη: {}", + "gui_mode_share_button": "Διαμοίρασε αρχεία", + "gui_mode_receive_button": "Λήψη αρχείων", + "gui_settings_receiving_label": "Ρυθμίσεις λήψης", "gui_settings_downloads_label": "", "gui_settings_downloads_button": "", "gui_settings_receive_allow_receiver_shutdown_checkbox": "", - "gui_settings_public_mode_checkbox": "", + "gui_settings_public_mode_checkbox": "Δημόσια λειτουργία", "systray_close_server_title": "", "systray_close_server_message": "", - "systray_page_loaded_title": "", + "systray_page_loaded_title": "Η σελίδα φορτώθηκε", "systray_download_page_loaded_message": "", "systray_upload_page_loaded_message": "", "gui_uploads": "", @@ -179,8 +179,36 @@ "gui_upload_finished_range": "", "gui_upload_finished": "", "gui_download_in_progress": "", - "gui_open_folder_error_nautilus": "", - "gui_settings_language_label": "", - "gui_settings_language_changed_notice": "", - "timeout_upload_still_running": "Αναμονή ολοκλήρωσης του ανεβάσματος" + "gui_open_folder_error_nautilus": "Δεν μπορεί να ανοιχτεί ο φάκελος γιατί το nautilus δεν είναι διαθέσιμο. Το αρχείο είναι εδω: {}", + "gui_settings_language_label": "Προτιμώμενη γλώσσα", + "gui_settings_language_changed_notice": "Επανεκινήστε το OnionShare για να ενεργοποιηθεί η αλλαγή γλώσσας.", + "timeout_upload_still_running": "Αναμονή ολοκλήρωσης του ανεβάσματος", + "gui_add_files": "Προσθέστε αρχεία", + "gui_add_folder": "Προσθέστε φάκελο", + "gui_connect_to_tor_for_onion_settings": "Συνδεθείτε με Tor για να δείτε τις ρυθμίσεις της υπηρεσίας onion", + "error_cannot_create_data_dir": "Δεν ήταν δυνατό να δημιουργηθεί φάκελος δεδομένων OnionShare: {}", + "receive_mode_data_dir": "Τα αρχεία που στάλθηκαν σε εσας εμφανίζοντε στον φάκελο: {}", + "gui_settings_data_dir_label": "Αποθήκευσε αρχεία στο", + "gui_settings_data_dir_browse_button": "Περιήγηση", + "systray_page_loaded_message": "Η διεύθυνση OnionShare φορτώθηκε", + "systray_share_started_title": "Ο διαμοιρασμός ξεκίνησε", + "systray_share_started_message": "Ξεκίνησε η αποστολή αρχείων σε κάποιον", + "systray_share_completed_title": "Ο διαμοιρασμός ολοκληρώθηκε", + "systray_share_completed_message": "Ολοκληρώθηκε η αποστολή αρχείων", + "systray_share_canceled_title": "Ο διαμοιρασμός ακυρώθηκε", + "systray_share_canceled_message": "Κάποιος ακύρωσε την λήψη των αρχείων σας", + "systray_receive_started_title": "Η λήψη ξεκίνησε", + "systray_receive_started_message": "Κάποιος σας στέλνει αρχεία", + "gui_all_modes_history": "Ιστορικό", + "gui_all_modes_clear_history": "Καθαρισμός όλων", + "gui_all_modes_transfer_started": "Ξεκινησε {}", + "gui_all_modes_transfer_finished_range": "Μεταφέρθηκαν {} - {}", + "gui_all_modes_transfer_finished": "Μεταφέρθηκαν {} - {}", + "gui_all_modes_progress_complete": "%p%, {0:s} διάρκεια.", + "gui_all_modes_progress_starting": "{0:s}, %p% (γίνεται υπολογισμός)", + "gui_all_modes_progress_eta": "{0:s}, εκτίμηση: {1:s}, %p%", + "gui_share_mode_no_files": "Δεν Στάλθηκαν Αρχεία Ακόμα", + "gui_share_mode_timeout_waiting": "Αναμένοντας την ολοκλήρωση αποστολής", + "gui_receive_mode_no_files": "Δεν Εγινε Καμμία Λήψη Αρχείων Ακόμα", + "gui_receive_mode_timeout_waiting": "Αναμένοντας την ολοκλήρωση της λήψης" } From fee148d8a810813fa0547ad67b82d6b702c04f6f Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: michalis Date: Tue, 22 Jan 2019 09:47:46 +0000 Subject: [PATCH 54/62] Translated using Weblate (Italian) Translate-URL: --- share/locale/it.json | 2 +- 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-) diff --git a/share/locale/it.json b/share/locale/it.json index 17d4e770..a21d6c5d 100644 --- a/share/locale/it.json +++ b/share/locale/it.json @@ -85,7 +85,7 @@ "gui_settings_language_changed_notice": "Riavvia OnionShare affinché il cambiamento della tua lingua abbia effetto.", "gui_settings_tor_bridges_custom_radio_option": "Utilizzare ponti personalizzati", "timeout_upload_still_running": "In attesa del completamento dell'upload", - "gui_add_files": "Aggiungi file", + "gui_add_files": "Aggiungi archivi", "gui_add_folder": "Aggiungi una cartella", "gui_settings_connection_type_control_port_option": "Connessione usando la porta di controllo", "gui_settings_connection_type_socket_file_option": "Connessione usando il file di socket", From 5fad3dc736246b7169e8255d836cf4ed1d47960d Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: michalis Date: Tue, 22 Jan 2019 12:32:56 +0000 Subject: [PATCH 55/62] Translated using Weblate (Russian) Translate-URL: --- share/locale/ru.json | 5 ++++- 1 file changed, 4 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-) diff --git a/share/locale/ru.json b/share/locale/ru.json index 254b5ef8..4655a2e5 100644 --- a/share/locale/ru.json +++ b/share/locale/ru.json @@ -181,5 +181,8 @@ "gui_upload_finished": "Выгружено {}", "gui_download_in_progress": "Загрузка Началась {}", "gui_open_folder_error_nautilus": "Не удаётся открыть папку, поскольку nautilus не доступен. Файл находится здесь: {}", - "gui_settings_language_changed_notice": "Перезапустите OnionShare чтобы применились языковые настройки." + "gui_settings_language_changed_notice": "Перезапустите OnionShare чтобы применились языковые настройки.", + "gui_add_files": "Добавить файлы", + "gui_add_folder": "Добавить папку", + "error_cannot_create_data_dir": "Не удалось создать папку данных OnionShare: {}" } From 4e010f419d2a117b050cae970279869e2059bac3 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Jonatan Nyberg Date: Fri, 25 Jan 2019 18:43:53 +0000 Subject: [PATCH 56/62] Translated using Weblate (Swedish) Translate-URL: --- share/locale/sv.json | 59 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++------------- 1 file changed, 42 insertions(+), 17 deletions(-) diff --git a/share/locale/sv.json b/share/locale/sv.json index c0e28ec7..779b235e 100644 --- a/share/locale/sv.json +++ b/share/locale/sv.json @@ -3,15 +3,15 @@ "preparing_files": "Komprimera filer.", "give_this_url": "Ge den här adressen till mottagaren:", "give_this_url_stealth": "Ge den här adressen och HidServAuth-raden till mottagaren:", - "give_this_url_receive": "Ge den här adressen till avsändaren:", - "give_this_url_receive_stealth": "Ge den här adressen och HidServAuth-raden till avsändaren:", + "give_this_url_receive": "Ge denna adress till avsändaren:", + "give_this_url_receive_stealth": "Ge denna adress och HidServAuth till avsändaren:", "ctrlc_to_stop": "Tryck ned Ctrl+C för att stoppa servern", "not_a_file": "{0:s} är inte en giltig fil.", "not_a_readable_file": "{0:s} är inte en läsbar fil.", - "no_available_port": "Kunde inte hitta en ledig kort för att starta onion-tjänsten", + "no_available_port": "Kunde inte hitta en ledig kort för att börja onion-tjänsten", "other_page_loaded": "Adress laddad", "close_on_timeout": "Stoppad för att automatiska stopp-timern tiden tog slut", - "closing_automatically": "Stannade för att nedladdningen blev klar", + "closing_automatically": "Stoppad för att hämtningen är klar", "timeout_download_still_running": "Väntar på att nedladdningen ska bli klar", "timeout_upload_still_running": "Väntar på att uppladdningen ska bli klar", "large_filesize": "Varning: Att skicka en stor fil kan ta timmar", @@ -25,22 +25,22 @@ "systray_upload_started_title": "OnionShare Uppladdning Påbörjad", "systray_upload_started_message": "En användare började ladda upp filer på din dator", "help_local_only": "Använd inte Tor (endast för utveckling)", - "help_stay_open": "Fortsätt dela efter första nedladdning", + "help_stay_open": "Fortsätt dela efter att filer har skickats", "help_shutdown_timeout": "Avbryt delning efter ett bestämt antal sekunder", "help_stealth": "Använd klient-auktorisering (avancerat)", "help_receive": "Ta emot delningar istället för att skicka dem", "help_debug": "Logga OnionShare fel till stdout och webbfel till hårddisken", "help_filename": "Lista filer och mappar att dela", "help_config": "Egenvald sökväg för JSON konfigurationsfil (valfri)", - "gui_drag_and_drop": "Dra och släpp filer och mappar\nför att påbörja delning", + "gui_drag_and_drop": "Dra och släpp filer och mappar\nför att börja delning", "gui_add": "Lägg till", "gui_delete": "Radera", "gui_choose_items": "Välj", - "gui_share_start_server": "Påbörja delning", + "gui_share_start_server": "Börja dela", "gui_share_stop_server": "Avbryt delning", "gui_share_stop_server_shutdown_timeout": "Avbryt Delning ({}s kvarstår)", - "gui_share_stop_server_shutdown_timeout_tooltip": "Automatiska stopp-timern slutar vid {}", - "gui_receive_start_server": "Starta Mottagarläge", + "gui_share_stop_server_shutdown_timeout_tooltip": "Automatiska stopp-timern avslutar vid {}", + "gui_receive_start_server": "Börja mottagarläge", "gui_receive_stop_server": "Avsluta Mottagarläge", "gui_receive_stop_server_shutdown_timeout": "Avsluta Mottagarläge ({}s kvarstår)", "gui_receive_stop_server_shutdown_timeout_tooltip": "Auto-stop timer avslutas kl {}", @@ -49,8 +49,8 @@ "gui_downloads": "Nedladdningshistorik", "gui_no_downloads": "Inga Nedladdningar Än", "gui_canceled": "Avbruten", - "gui_copied_url_title": "OnionShare Adress Kopierad", - "gui_copied_url": "OnionShare adress kopierad till urklipp", + "gui_copied_url_title": "OnionShare-adress kopierad", + "gui_copied_url": "OnionShare-adress kopierad till urklipp", "gui_copied_hidservauth_title": "HidServAuth Kopierad", "gui_copied_hidservauth": "HidServAuth-rad kopierad till urklipp", "gui_please_wait": "Börjar... klicka för att avbryta.", @@ -78,9 +78,9 @@ "gui_settings_autoupdate_check_button": "Sök efter ny version", "gui_settings_general_label": "Allmänna inställningar", "gui_settings_sharing_label": "Delningsinställningar", - "gui_settings_close_after_first_download_option": "Sluta dela efter första hämtningen", + "gui_settings_close_after_first_download_option": "Fortsätt dela efter att filer har skickats", "gui_settings_connection_type_label": "Hur ska OnionShare ansluta till Tor?", - "gui_settings_connection_type_bundled_option": "Använd Tor-versionen inbyggd i OnionShare", + "gui_settings_connection_type_bundled_option": "Använd Tor-versionen som är inbyggd i OnionShare", "gui_settings_connection_type_automatic_option": "Försök automatisk konfiguration med Tor Browser", "gui_settings_connection_type_control_port_option": "Anslut med kontrollport", "gui_settings_connection_type_socket_file_option": "Anslut med socket-filen", @@ -122,9 +122,9 @@ "error_tor_protocol_error_unknown": "Det fanns ett okänt fel med Tor", "error_invalid_private_key": "Denna privata nyckeltyp stöds inte", "connecting_to_tor": "Ansluter till Tor-nätverket", - "update_available": "Ny OnionShare utgiven. Klicka här för att få det.

Du använder {} och det senaste är {}.", + "update_available": "Ny OnionShare utgiven. Klicka här för att få den.

Du använder {} och den senaste är {}.", "update_error_check_error": "Det gick inte att söka efter nya versioner: OnionShare-webbplatsen säger att den senaste versionen är den oigenkännliga '{}'…", - "update_error_invalid_latest_version": "Det gick inte att söka efter ny version: kanske är du inte ansluten till Tor, eller OnionShare-webbplatsen är nere?", + "update_error_invalid_latest_version": "Det gick inte att söka efter ny version: Kanske är du inte ansluten till Tor, eller är OnionShare-webbplatsen nere?", "update_not_available": "Du kör den senaste OnionShare.", "gui_tor_connection_ask": "Öppna inställningarna för att sortera ut anslutning till Tor?", "gui_tor_connection_ask_open_settings": "Ja", @@ -169,7 +169,7 @@ "gui_settings_public_mode_checkbox": "Offentligt läge", "systray_close_server_title": "OnionShare-servern stängd", "systray_close_server_message": "En användare stängde servern", - "systray_page_loaded_title": "OnionShare-sidan lästes in", + "systray_page_loaded_title": "Sidan lästes in", "systray_download_page_loaded_message": "En användare läste in hämtningssidan", "systray_upload_page_loaded_message": "En användare läste in sändningssidan", "gui_uploads": "Sändningshistoriken", @@ -184,5 +184,30 @@ "gui_settings_language_changed_notice": "Starta om OnionShare för att din språkändring ska träda i kraft.", "gui_add_files": "Lägg till filer", "gui_add_folder": "Lägg till mapp", - "gui_connect_to_tor_for_onion_settings": "Anslut till Tor för att se onion-tjänst-inställningar" + "gui_connect_to_tor_for_onion_settings": "Anslut till Tor för att se onion-tjänst-inställningar", + "error_cannot_create_data_dir": "Det gick inte att skapa OnionShare-datamapp: {}", + "receive_mode_data_dir": "Filer som skickas till dig visas i den här mappen: {}", + "gui_settings_data_dir_label": "Spara filer till", + "gui_settings_data_dir_browse_button": "Bläddra", + "systray_page_loaded_message": "OnionShare-adress lästes in", + "systray_share_started_title": "Delning börjades", + "systray_share_started_message": "Börjar skicka filer till någon", + "systray_share_completed_title": "Delning klar", + "systray_share_completed_message": "Filerna skickades", + "systray_share_canceled_title": "Delning avbruten", + "systray_share_canceled_message": "Någon har avbrutit att ta emot dina filer", + "systray_receive_started_title": "Mottagning startad", + "systray_receive_started_message": "Någon skickar filer till dig", + "gui_all_modes_history": "Historik", + "gui_all_modes_clear_history": "Rensa alla", + "gui_all_modes_transfer_started": "Började {}", + "gui_all_modes_transfer_finished_range": "Överförd {} - {}", + "gui_all_modes_transfer_finished": "Överförd {}", + "gui_all_modes_progress_complete": "%p%, {0} förflutit.", + "gui_all_modes_progress_starting": "{0} %s% (beräkning)", + "gui_all_modes_progress_eta": "{0:s}, ETA: {1:s}, %p%", + "gui_share_mode_no_files": "Inga filer har skickats än", + "gui_share_mode_timeout_waiting": "Väntar på att avsluta sändningen", + "gui_receive_mode_no_files": "Inga filer har mottagits ännu", + "gui_receive_mode_timeout_waiting": "Väntar på att avsluta mottagande" } From b09bf192c2e49c8f3da577c410e08a92d0d31537 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: =?UTF-8?q?Allan=20Nordh=C3=B8y?= Date: Fri, 25 Jan 2019 22:22:18 +0000 Subject: [PATCH 57/62] =?UTF-8?q?Translated=20using=20Weblate=20(Norwegian?= =?UTF-8?q?=20Bokm=C3=A5l)=20Translate-URL:=20 =?UTF-8?q?rojects/onionshare/translations/nb=5FNO/?= MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit --- share/locale/no.json | 14 ++++++++------ 1 file changed, 8 insertions(+), 6 deletions(-) diff --git a/share/locale/no.json b/share/locale/no.json index 6d5a41f0..9d67e6fa 100644 --- a/share/locale/no.json +++ b/share/locale/no.json @@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ "systray_upload_started_title": "OnionShare-opplasting startet", "systray_upload_started_message": "En bruker startet opplasting av filer til din datamaskin", "help_local_only": "Ikke bruk Tor (kun i utviklingsøyemed)", - "help_stay_open": "Fortsett å dele etter første nedlasting", + "help_stay_open": "Fortsett å dele etter at filene har blitt sendt", "help_shutdown_timeout": "Stopp deling etter et gitt antall sekunder", "help_stealth": "Bruk klientidentifisering (avansert)", "help_receive": "Motta delinger istedenfor å sende dem", @@ -68,7 +68,7 @@ "error_ephemeral_not_supported": "OnionShare krever minst både Tor og pything3-stem 1.4.0.", "gui_settings_window_title": "Innstillinger", "gui_settings_whats_this": "Hva er dette?", - "gui_settings_stealth_option": "Bruk klientidentifisering (gammeldags)", + "gui_settings_stealth_option": "Bruk klientidentifisering", "gui_settings_stealth_hidservauth_string": "Siden du har lagret din private nøkkel for gjenbruk, kan du nå\nklikke for å kopiere din HidServAuth-linje.", "gui_settings_autoupdate_label": "Se etter ny versjon", "gui_settings_autoupdate_option": "Gi meg beskjed når en ny versjon er tilgjengelig", @@ -77,7 +77,7 @@ "gui_settings_autoupdate_check_button": "Se etter ny versjon", "gui_settings_general_label": "Hovedinnstillinger", "gui_settings_sharing_label": "Delingsinnstillinger", - "gui_settings_close_after_first_download_option": "Stopp deling etter første nedlasting", + "gui_settings_close_after_first_download_option": "Stopp deling etter at filene har blitt sendt", "gui_settings_connection_type_label": "Hvordan skal OnionShare koble seg til Tor?", "gui_settings_connection_type_bundled_option": "Bruk Tor-versjonen som kommer med OnionShare", "gui_settings_connection_type_automatic_option": "Forsøk automatisk oppsett med Tor-nettleser", @@ -136,7 +136,7 @@ "gui_server_timeout_expired": "Tidsavbruddsuret har gått ut allerede.\nOppdater det for å starte deling.", "share_via_onionshare": "OnionShare det", "gui_use_legacy_v2_onions_checkbox": "Bruk gammeldagse adresser", - "gui_save_private_key_checkbox": "Bruk en vedvarende adresse (gammeldags)", + "gui_save_private_key_checkbox": "Bruk en vedvarende adresse", "gui_share_url_description": "Alle som har denne OnionShare-adressen kan Laste ned filene dine ved bruk av Tor-nettleseren: ", "gui_receive_url_description": "Alle som har denne OnionShare-adressen kan Laste opp filer til din datamaskin ved bruk av Tor-nettleseren: ", "gui_url_label_persistent": "Delingen vil ikke stoppe automatisk.

Hver påfølgende deling vil gjenbruke adressen. (For engangsadresser, skru av \"Bruk vedvarende adresse\" i innstillingene.)", @@ -171,7 +171,7 @@ "gui_settings_public_mode_checkbox": "Offentlig modus", "systray_close_server_title": "OnionShare-tjener lukket", "systray_close_server_message": "En bruker stengte tjeneren", - "systray_page_loaded_title": "OnionShare-side lastet", + "systray_page_loaded_title": "Side innlastet", "systray_download_page_loaded_message": "En bruker lastet inn nedlastingssiden", "systray_upload_page_loaded_message": "En bruker lastet inn opplastingssiden", "gui_uploads": "Opplastingshistorikk", @@ -214,5 +214,7 @@ "gui_share_mode_no_files": "Ingen filer sendt enda", "gui_share_mode_timeout_waiting": "Venter på fullføring av forsendelse", "gui_receive_mode_no_files": "Ingen filer mottatt enda", - "gui_receive_mode_timeout_waiting": "Venter på fullføring av mottak" + "gui_receive_mode_timeout_waiting": "Venter på fullføring av mottak", + "gui_all_modes_transfer_canceled_range": "Avbrutt {} - {}", + "gui_all_modes_transfer_canceled": "Avbrutt {}" } From 63a0ca10613a8895f7125bef544e4703cb58d9ae Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: scootergrisen Date: Sun, 27 Jan 2019 01:47:25 +0000 Subject: [PATCH 58/62] Translated using Weblate (Danish) Translate-URL: --- share/locale/da.json | 4 +++- 1 file changed, 3 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-) diff --git a/share/locale/da.json b/share/locale/da.json index 48090c82..b87f0151 100644 --- a/share/locale/da.json +++ b/share/locale/da.json @@ -213,5 +213,7 @@ "gui_share_mode_no_files": "Der er endnu ikke sendt nogen filer", "gui_share_mode_timeout_waiting": "Venter på at blive færdig med at sende", "gui_receive_mode_no_files": "Der er endnu ikke modtaget nogen filer", - "gui_receive_mode_timeout_waiting": "Venter på at blive færdig med at modtage" + "gui_receive_mode_timeout_waiting": "Venter på at blive færdig med at modtage", + "gui_all_modes_transfer_canceled_range": "Annullerede {} - {}", + "gui_all_modes_transfer_canceled": "Annullerede {}" } From fe253692875e44d552f4832f5daf929409949bc7 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Taro Tanaka Date: Sat, 26 Jan 2019 03:14:56 +0000 Subject: [PATCH 59/62] Translated using Weblate (Japanese) Translate-URL: --- share/locale/ja.json | 37 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++----- 1 file changed, 32 insertions(+), 5 deletions(-) diff --git a/share/locale/ja.json b/share/locale/ja.json index 77ae9b58..fae2109e 100644 --- a/share/locale/ja.json +++ b/share/locale/ja.json @@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ "no_available_port": "onionサービスを実行するための利用可能ポートを見つかりません", "other_page_loaded": "アドレスはロードされています", "close_on_timeout": "自動タイマーがタイムアウトしたため停止されました", - "closing_automatically": "ダウンロードが完了されたため停止されました", + "closing_automatically": "転送が完了されたため停止されました", "timeout_download_still_running": "ダウンロード完了待ち", "timeout_upload_still_running": "アップロード完了待ち", "large_filesize": "注意:大きいなファイルを送信するに数時間かかるかもしれない", @@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ "systray_upload_started_title": "OnionShareアップロードは開始されました", "systray_upload_started_message": "ユーザーがファイルをアップロードし始めました", "help_local_only": "Torを使わない(開発利用のみ)", - "help_stay_open": "最初ダウンロード後に共有し続けます", + "help_stay_open": "ファイルが送信された後に共有し続けます", "help_shutdown_timeout": "数秒後に共有が停止されます", "help_stealth": "クライアント認証を使う(上級者向け)", "help_receive": "送信の代わりに受信を優先する", @@ -80,7 +80,7 @@ "gui_settings_autoupdate_check_button": "更新をチェックする", "gui_settings_general_label": "一般的設定", "gui_settings_sharing_label": "共有設定", - "gui_settings_close_after_first_download_option": "最初のダウンロード後に停止する", + "gui_settings_close_after_first_download_option": "ファイルが送信された後に停止する", "gui_settings_connection_type_label": "OnionShareがどうやってTorと接続して欲しい?", "gui_settings_connection_type_bundled_option": "OnionShareに組み込まれるTorバージョンを使用する", "gui_settings_connection_type_automatic_option": "Torブラウザと自動設定してみる", @@ -172,7 +172,7 @@ "gui_settings_public_mode_checkbox": "公開モード", "systray_close_server_title": "OnionShareサーバーは閉鎖されました", "systray_close_server_message": "ユーザーがサーバーを閉鎖しました", - "systray_page_loaded_title": "OnionShareページはロードされました", + "systray_page_loaded_title": "ページはロードされました", "systray_download_page_loaded_message": "ユーザーがダウンロードページをロードしました", "systray_upload_page_loaded_message": "ユーザーがアップロードページをロードしました", "gui_uploads": "アップロード履歴", @@ -184,5 +184,32 @@ "gui_download_in_progress": "ダウンロード開始しました {}", "gui_open_folder_error_nautilus": "nautilusを利用できないためフォルダーを開けません。ファイルはここに保存されました: {}", "gui_settings_language_label": "優先言語", - "gui_settings_language_changed_notice": "言語設定の変更を実行するにはOnionShareを再起動して下さい。" + "gui_settings_language_changed_notice": "言語設定の変更を実行するにはOnionShareを再起動して下さい。", + "error_cannot_create_data_dir": "OnionShareのデータフォルダーを作成できませんでした: {}", + "receive_mode_data_dir": "受信されるファイルをこのフォルダーにあります: {}", + "gui_settings_data_dir_label": "ファイルの保存", + "gui_settings_data_dir_browse_button": "閲覧", + "systray_page_loaded_message": "OnionShareアドレスはロードされました", + "systray_share_started_title": "共有は始めました", + "systray_share_started_message": "誰かにファイルを通信し始めました", + "systray_share_completed_title": "共有完了", + "systray_share_completed_message": "ファイル送信完了", + "systray_share_canceled_title": "共有は停止されました", + "systray_share_canceled_message": "誰かがファイル受信を停止しました", + "systray_receive_started_title": "受信は始めました", + "systray_receive_started_message": "誰かがファイルを送信しています", + "gui_all_modes_history": "歴史", + "gui_all_modes_clear_history": "すべてクリア", + "gui_all_modes_transfer_started": "始めました {}", + "gui_all_modes_transfer_finished_range": "転送された {} - {}", + "gui_all_modes_transfer_finished": "転送された {}", + "gui_all_modes_transfer_canceled_range": "停止された {} - {}", + "gui_all_modes_transfer_canceled": "停止された {}", + "gui_all_modes_progress_complete": "%p%, 経過時間 {0:s} 。", + "gui_all_modes_progress_starting": "{0:s}, %p% (計算中)", + "gui_all_modes_progress_eta": "{0:s}, 完了予定時刻: {1:s}, %p%", + "gui_share_mode_no_files": "送信されたファイルがまだありません", + "gui_share_mode_timeout_waiting": "送信完了を待機しています", + "gui_receive_mode_no_files": "受信されたファイルがまだありません", + "gui_receive_mode_timeout_waiting": "受信完了を待機しています" } From 8b0b62be2c391d830c11f89465756c7ed3933f4a Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: R Date: Sat, 26 Jan 2019 23:54:12 +0000 Subject: [PATCH 60/62] Translated using Weblate (Persian) Translate-URL: --- share/locale/fa.json | 8 +++++--- 1 file changed, 5 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-) diff --git a/share/locale/fa.json b/share/locale/fa.json index 9c266770..eafa64c1 100644 --- a/share/locale/fa.json +++ b/share/locale/fa.json @@ -201,8 +201,8 @@ "systray_receive_started_message": "شخصی در حال ارسال فایل به شماست", "gui_all_modes_history": "تاریخچه", "gui_all_modes_clear_history": "پاکسازی همه", - "gui_all_modes_transfer_started": "{} شروع شد", - "gui_all_modes_transfer_finished_range": "منتقل شد {} - {}", + "gui_all_modes_transfer_started": "{} آغاز شد", + "gui_all_modes_transfer_finished_range": "{} - {} منتقل شد", "gui_all_modes_transfer_finished": "{} منتقل شد", "gui_all_modes_progress_complete": "%p%، {0:s} سپری شد.", "gui_all_modes_progress_starting": "{0:s}, %p% (در حال محاسبه)", @@ -210,5 +210,7 @@ "gui_share_mode_no_files": "هیچ فایلی هنوز ارسال نشده است", "gui_share_mode_timeout_waiting": "انتظار برای به پایان رسیدن ارسال", "gui_receive_mode_no_files": "هیچ فایلی هنوز دریافت نشده است", - "gui_receive_mode_timeout_waiting": "انتظار برای به پایان رسیدن دریافت" + "gui_receive_mode_timeout_waiting": "انتظار برای به پایان رسیدن دریافت", + "gui_all_modes_transfer_canceled_range": "{} - {} لغو شد", + "gui_all_modes_transfer_canceled": "{} لغو شد" } From 430f99b7f5bad8839a1c1f8ecc4495aa52a53f3a Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Zuhualime Akoochimoya Date: Fri, 25 Jan 2019 23:06:21 +0000 Subject: [PATCH 61/62] Translated using Weblate (Spanish) Translate-URL: --- share/locale/es.json | 4 +++- 1 file changed, 3 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-) diff --git a/share/locale/es.json b/share/locale/es.json index ed73bd1e..3c6452a8 100644 --- a/share/locale/es.json +++ b/share/locale/es.json @@ -214,5 +214,7 @@ "gui_share_mode_no_files": "No se enviaron archivos todavía", "gui_share_mode_timeout_waiting": "Esperando a que termine el envío", "gui_receive_mode_no_files": "No se recibieron archivos todavía", - "gui_receive_mode_timeout_waiting": "Esperando a que termine la recepción" + "gui_receive_mode_timeout_waiting": "Esperando a que termine la recepción", + "gui_all_modes_transfer_canceled_range": "Cancelado {} - {}", + "gui_all_modes_transfer_canceled": "Cancelado {}" } From 774fcb3c24ee5e8bb8bd22fbe044ae43d2b8204e Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Jonatan Nyberg Date: Sat, 26 Jan 2019 08:15:11 +0000 Subject: [PATCH 62/62] Translated using Weblate (Swedish) Translate-URL: --- share/locale/sv.json | 4 +++- 1 file changed, 3 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-) diff --git a/share/locale/sv.json b/share/locale/sv.json index 779b235e..f1072332 100644 --- a/share/locale/sv.json +++ b/share/locale/sv.json @@ -209,5 +209,7 @@ "gui_share_mode_no_files": "Inga filer har skickats än", "gui_share_mode_timeout_waiting": "Väntar på att avsluta sändningen", "gui_receive_mode_no_files": "Inga filer har mottagits ännu", - "gui_receive_mode_timeout_waiting": "Väntar på att avsluta mottagande" + "gui_receive_mode_timeout_waiting": "Väntar på att avsluta mottagande", + "gui_all_modes_transfer_canceled_range": "Avbröt {} - {}", + "gui_all_modes_transfer_canceled": "Avbröt {}" }