diff --git a/.circleci/config.yml b/.circleci/config.yml index 79f902c5..6adcdfa9 100644 --- a/.circleci/config.yml +++ b/.circleci/config.yml @@ -18,27 +18,26 @@ jobs: steps: - checkout - # Download and cache dependencies - - restore_cache: - keys: - - v1-dependencies-{{ checksum "install/requirements-tests.txt" }} - # fallback to using the latest cache if no exact match is found - - v1-dependencies- - - run: name: install dependencies command: | + sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install python3-pyqt5 python3 -m venv venv . venv/bin/activate + pip install -r install/requirements.txt + pip install -r install/requirements-tests.txt + pip install pytest-cov flake8 pip install -r install/requirements-tests.txt - - save_cache: - paths: - - ./venv - key: v1-dependencies-{{ checksum "install/requirements-tests.txt" }} - # run tests! - run: + name: run flask tests + command: | + # stop the build if there are Python syntax errors or undefined names + flake8 . --count --select=E901,E999,F821,F822,F823 --show-source --statistics + # exit-zero treats all errors as warnings. The GitHub editor is 127 chars wide + flake8 . --count --exit-zero --max-complexity=10 --max-line-length=127 --statistics + name: run tests command: | . venv/bin/activate