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synced 2025-03-13 09:26:37 -04:00
Merge pull request #1928 from weblate/weblate-onionshare-translations
Translations update from Hosted Weblate
This commit is contained in:
@ -32,7 +32,7 @@
"gui_settings_connection_type_automatic_option": "Опитване на автоматична настройка чрез четеца Тор",
"gui_settings_connection_type_control_port_option": "Свързване, чрез порт за управление",
"gui_settings_connection_type_socket_file_option": "Свързване, чрез файл на сокет",
"gui_settings_connection_type_test_button": "Проверка на връзката към Тор",
"gui_settings_connection_type_test_button": "Проверка на връзката с Тор",
"gui_settings_control_port_label": "Порт за управление",
"gui_settings_socket_file_label": "Файл на сокет",
"gui_settings_socks_label": "Порт на SOCKS",
@ -55,7 +55,7 @@
"settings_error_bundled_tor_not_supported": "Изданието Тор, вградено в OnionShare не работи в режим на разработчик под Windows или macOS.",
"settings_error_bundled_tor_timeout": "Установяването на връзка с мрежата на Тор отнема твърде много време. Уверете се, че има връзка с интернет и системният часовник е верен.",
"settings_error_bundled_tor_broken": "OnionShare не може да се свърже с Тор във фонов режим:\n{}",
"settings_test_success": "Свързан с контролер на Тор.\n\nИздание на Тор: {}\nПоддържа временни услуги на Onion: {}\nПоддържа удостоверяване на клиента: {}\nПоддържа следващо поколение адреси .onion: {}.",
"settings_test_success": "Има връзка с контролер на Tor.\n\nИздание на Tor: {}\nПоддържа временни услуги на Onion: {}\nПоддържа удостоверяване на клиента: {}\nПоддържа следващо поколение адреси .onion: {}.",
"error_tor_protocol_error": "Възникнала е грешка в Тор: {}",
"connecting_to_tor": "Свързване към мрежата на Тор",
"update_available": "Има ново издание на OnionShare. За да го изтеглите <a href='{}'>щракнете тук</a>.<br><br>Използвате {}, последно издание {}.",
@ -125,7 +125,7 @@
"gui_dragdrop_sandbox_flatpak": "С цел сигурност, пясъчниците на Flatpack не поддържат влачене и пускане на файлове и папки. Вместо това използвайте бутоните.",
"gui_tab_name_share": "Споделяне",
"mode_settings_receive_data_dir_label": "Запазване на файловете",
"mode_settings_receive_webhook_url_checkbox": "Използване на уеб кука за известия",
"mode_settings_receive_webhook_url_checkbox": "Отдалечено известяване",
"gui_autoconnect_start": "Свързване с Тор",
"gui_please_wait_no_button": "Включване…",
"gui_quit_warning_title": "Изход от OnionShare",
@ -16,8 +16,8 @@
"gui_receive_stop_server_autostop_timer": "Atura el mode de recepció (queden {})",
"gui_copy_url": "Copia l'adreça",
"gui_canceled": "S'ha cancel·lat",
"gui_copied_url_title": "S'ha copiat l'adreça OnionShare",
"gui_copied_url": "S'ha copiat l'adreça OnionShare al porta-retalls",
"gui_copied_url_title": "S'ha copiat l'adreça d'OnionShare",
"gui_copied_url": "S'ha copiat l'adreça d'OnionShare al porta-retalls",
"gui_please_wait": "S'està iniciant… Feu clic per a cancel·lar.",
"gui_quit_warning_quit": "Surt",
"zip_progress_bar_format": "S'està comprimint: %p%",
@ -27,7 +27,7 @@
"gui_settings_autoupdate_timestamp": "Última comprovació: {}",
"gui_settings_autoupdate_timestamp_never": "Mai",
"gui_settings_autoupdate_check_button": "Comprova si hi ha una versió més nova",
"gui_settings_connection_type_label": "Com hauria de connectar-se l'OnionShare al Tor?",
"gui_settings_connection_type_label": "Com hauria de connectar-se l'OnionShare a Tor?",
"gui_settings_connection_type_bundled_option": "Fes servir la versió de Tor inclosa dins d'OnionShare",
"gui_settings_connection_type_automatic_option": "Intenta la configuració automàtica amb el Navegador Tor",
"gui_settings_connection_type_control_port_option": "Connecta fent servir el port de control",
@ -39,22 +39,22 @@
"gui_settings_authenticate_no_auth_option": "Sense autenticació, o autenticació amb galetes",
"gui_settings_authenticate_password_option": "Contrasenya",
"gui_settings_password_label": "Contrasenya",
"gui_settings_tor_bridges": "Voleu connectar mitjançant un pont del Tor?",
"gui_settings_tor_bridges": "Voleu connectar mitjançant un pont de Tor?",
"gui_settings_meek_lite_expensive_warning": "Avís: els ponts meek-azure són molt costosos per al Projecte Tor.<br><br>Feu-los servir només si no us podeu connectar directament a Tor, mitjançant transports obfs4 o altres ponts normals.",
"gui_settings_tor_bridges_invalid": "Cap dels ponts que heu afegit funciona. Comproveu-los o proveu d'afegir-ne de nous.",
"gui_settings_button_save": "Desa",
"gui_settings_button_cancel": "Cancel·la",
"gui_settings_button_help": "Ajuda",
"settings_error_unknown": "No s'ha pogut connectar a Tor perquè la configuració és inconsistent.",
"settings_error_automatic": "No s'ha pogut connectar al controlador de Tor. Heu iniciat el Tor Browser (disponible a torproject.org)?",
"settings_error_automatic": "No s'ha pogut connectar al controlador de Tor. Heu iniciat el Navegador Tor (disponible a torproject.org) en segon pla?",
"settings_error_socket_port": "No s'ha pogut establir la connexió al controlador de Tor a {}:{}.",
"settings_error_socket_file": "No s'ha pogut connectar al controlador de Tor fent servir el fitxer de socket {}.",
"settings_error_auth": "S'ha establert la connexió a {}:{} però ha fallat l'autenticació. Pot ser que no sigui un controlador de Tor?",
"settings_error_missing_password": "S'ha establer la connexió al controlador de Tor, però necessita una contrasenya d'autenticació.",
"settings_error_unreadable_cookie_file": "S'ha establert la connexió al controlador de Tor, però pot ser que la contrasenya sigui errònia o que faltin permisos de lectura en el fitxer de galetes.",
"settings_error_bundled_tor_not_supported": "La versió de Tor inclosa a OnionShare no funciona en mode de desenvolupador a Windows ni MacOS.",
"settings_error_bundled_tor_not_supported": "La versió de Tor inclosa a l'OnionShare no funciona en mode de desenvolupador a Windows ni a macOS.",
"settings_error_bundled_tor_timeout": "La connexió està trigant molt. Podeu revisar que tingueu connexió a Internet i que el rellotge del sistema estigui en hora?",
"settings_error_bundled_tor_broken": "OnionShare no s'ha pogut connectar a Tor:\n{}",
"settings_error_bundled_tor_broken": "L'OnionShare no s'ha pogut connectar a Tor:\n{}",
"settings_test_success": "S'ha connectat al controlador de Tor.\n\nVersió de Tor: {}\nCompatible amb serveis onion efímers: {}.\nCompatible amb autenticació del client: {}.\nCompatible amb adreces .onion de nova generació: {}.",
"error_tor_protocol_error": "Hi ha hagut un error amb Tor: {}",
"connecting_to_tor": "S'està connectant a la xarxa Tor",
@ -65,15 +65,15 @@
"gui_tor_connection_ask": "Voleu anar a la configuració per a provar d'arreglar la connexió a Tor?",
"gui_tor_connection_ask_open_settings": "Sí",
"gui_tor_connection_ask_quit": "Surt",
"gui_tor_connection_error_settings": "Proveu de canviar la configuració de com OnionShare es connecta a la xarxa Tor.",
"gui_tor_connection_error_settings": "Proveu de canviar la configuració de com l'OnionShare es connecta a la xarxa Tor.",
"gui_tor_connection_canceled": "No s'ha pogut establir la connexió amb la xarxa Tor.\n\nAssegureu-vos que teniu connexió a internet, torneu a obrir l'OnionShare i prepareu la connexió a Tor.",
"gui_tor_connection_lost": "S'ha perdut la connexió amb Tor.",
"gui_server_started_after_autostop_timer": "El temporitzador de finalització automàtica ha acabat abans que s'iniciés el servidor. Torneu a compartir-ho.",
"gui_server_autostop_timer_expired": "El temporitzador de finalització automàtica ja s'ha acabat. Ajusteu-lo per a poder compartir.",
"gui_share_url_description": "<b>Qualsevol persona</b> amb aquesta adreça d'OnionShare pot <b>baixar</b> els vostres fitxers fent servir el <b>Navegador Tor</b>: <img src='{}' />",
"gui_receive_url_description": "<b>Qualsevol persona</b> amb aquesta adreça d'OnionShare pot <b>pujar</b> fitxers al vostre ordinador fent servir el <b>Navegador Tor</b>: <img src='{}' />",
"gui_url_label_persistent": "Aquest recurs no es tancarà ell sol.<br><br>Cada recurs compartit reutilitzarà aquesta mateixa adreça. (Si voleu crear una adreça diferent per a cada recurs, desactiveu l'opció «Utilitza una adreça persistent» a les opcions.)",
"gui_url_label_stay_open": "Aquest recurs no es tancarà ell sol.",
"gui_url_label_persistent": "Aquest recurs no es tancarà automàticament.<br><br>Cada recurs compartit reutilitzarà aquesta mateixa adreça. (Si voleu crear una adreça diferent per a cada recurs, desactiveu l'opció «Utilitza una adreça persistent» a les opcions.)",
"gui_url_label_stay_open": "Aquest recurs no es tancarà automàticament.",
"gui_url_label_onetime": "Aquest recurs deixarà de compartir-se després de la primera baixada.",
"gui_url_label_onetime_and_persistent": "Aquest recurs no es tancarà ell sol.<br><br>Cada recurs compartit reutilitzarà aquesta mateixa adreça. (Si voleu crear una adreça diferent per a cada recurs, desactiveu l'opció «Utilitza una adreça persistent».)",
"gui_status_indicator_share_stopped": "A punt per a compartir",
@ -88,8 +88,8 @@
"history_completed_tooltip": "{} completats",
"gui_receive_mode_warning": "El mode de rebuda permet a qualsevol pujar fitxers al vostre ordinador.<br><br><b>Alguns fitxers podrien guanyar el control de la vostra màquina si els obriu. Obriu només fitxers de persones de confiança, o si realment sabeu el que esteu fent.</b>",
"systray_page_loaded_title": "S'ha carregat la pàgina",
"gui_settings_language_label": "Llengua preferida",
"gui_settings_language_changed_notice": "Reinicieu l'OnionShare perquè s'apliqui la llengua.",
"gui_settings_language_label": "Llengua",
"gui_settings_language_changed_notice": "Reinicieu l'OnionShare per canviar a la nova llengua.",
"gui_add_files": "Afegeix fitxers",
"gui_add_folder": "Afegeix una carpeta",
"error_cannot_create_data_dir": "No s'ha pogut crear la carpeta de dades d'OnionShare: {}",
@ -131,16 +131,16 @@
"gui_website_mode_no_files": "Encara no s'han compartit llocs web",
"incorrect_password": "La contrasenya no és correcta",
"history_requests_tooltip": "{} peticions web",
"gui_new_tab_share_button": "Comparteix arxius",
"gui_new_tab_share_button": "Compartir fitxers",
"gui_new_tab_tooltip": "Obre una pestanya nova",
"gui_new_tab": "Nova pestanya",
"mode_settings_website_disable_csp_checkbox": "Desactiva la capçalera de la política de seguretat de contingut (permet que el vostre lloc web usi recursos de tercers)",
"mode_settings_receive_data_dir_browse_button": "Navega",
"mode_settings_receive_data_dir_label": "Desa els fitxers a",
"mode_settings_share_autostop_sharing_checkbox": "Atura la compartició després que s'hagin enviat els fitxers (desmarqueu-ho per a permetre baixar fitxers individuals)",
"mode_settings_autostop_timer_checkbox": "Atura el servei ceba a una hora programada",
"mode_settings_autostart_timer_checkbox": "Inicia el servei ceba a una hora programada",
"mode_settings_public_checkbox": "No usis cap contrasenya",
"mode_settings_autostop_timer_checkbox": "Atura el servei onion a una hora programada",
"mode_settings_autostart_timer_checkbox": "Inicia el servei onion a una hora programada",
"mode_settings_public_checkbox": "Aquest és un servei públic d'OnionShare (desactiva la clau privada)",
"mode_settings_persistent_checkbox": "Obre aquesta pestanya automàticament en iniciar l'OnionShare",
"mode_settings_advanced_toggle_hide": "Amaga la configuració avançada",
"mode_settings_advanced_toggle_show": "Mostra la configuració avançada",
@ -154,7 +154,7 @@
"gui_close_tab_warning_share_description": "Voleu tancar la pestanya que envia els fitxers?",
"gui_close_tab_warning_persistent_description": "Voleu tancar la pestanya persistent i perdre l'adreça onion assignada?",
"gui_close_tab_warning_title": "Voleu tancar la pestanya?",
"gui_new_tab_website_button": "Publicar un lloc web",
"gui_new_tab_website_button": "Allotjar un lloc web",
"gui_new_tab_receive_button": "Rebre fitxers",
"gui_qr_code_dialog_title": "Codi QR de l'OnionShare",
"gui_show_qr_code": "Mostra el codi QR",
@ -163,58 +163,58 @@
"gui_chat_start_server": "Inicia el servidor de xat",
"gui_file_selection_remove_all": "Treu-ho tot",
"gui_remove": "Treu",
"error_port_not_available": "El port OnionShare no és disponible",
"error_port_not_available": "El port d'OnionShare no està disponible",
"gui_tab_name_chat": "Xat",
"gui_tab_name_website": "Lloc web",
"gui_tab_name_receive": "Rep",
"gui_tab_name_share": "Comparteix",
"gui_main_page_chat_button": "Comença el xat",
"gui_main_page_website_button": "Comença l'allotjatment",
"gui_main_page_website_button": "Comença l'allotjament",
"gui_main_page_receive_button": "Comença la recepció",
"gui_main_page_share_button": "Comença la compartició",
"gui_new_tab_chat_button": "Xat anònim",
"gui_open_folder_error": "No s'ha pogut obrir la carpeta amb xdg-open. El fitxer és aquí: {}",
"gui_chat_url_description": "<b>Qualsevol persona</b> amb aquesta adreça OnionShare pot <b>unir-se a aquesta sala de xat</b> fent servir el <b>navegador Tor</b>: <img src='{}' />",
"gui_chat_url_description": "<b>Qualsevol persona</b> amb aquesta adreça OnionShare pot <b>unir-se a aquesta sala de xat</b> fent servir el <b>Navegador Tor</b>: <img src='{}' />",
"gui_qr_label_auth_string_title": "Clau privada",
"gui_settings_bridge_moat_button": "Demana un pont nou",
"gui_qr_label_url_title": "Adreça d'OnionShare",
"gui_settings_tor_bridges_label": "Els ponts us ajuden a connectar amb la xarxa Tor si aquesta és blocada. Depenent de la vostra ubicació, un pont pot funcionar millor que un altre.",
"gui_settings_stop_active_tabs_label": "Aquests serveis estan funcionant en alguna de les vostres pestanyes.\nAtureu tots els serveis abans de canviar les opcions del Tor.",
"gui_rendezvous_cleanup": "S'està esperant que es tanquin els circuits del Tor per a assegurar que els vostres fitxers s'han transferit.\n\nAixò pot trigar una estona.",
"gui_rendezvous_cleanup": "S'està esperant que es tanquin els circuits de Tor per a assegurar que els vostres fitxers s'han transferit.\n\nAixò pot trigar una estona.",
"gui_status_indicator_chat_started": "En conversa",
"gui_dragdrop_sandbox_flatpak": "Perquè el sorral del Flatpak sigui més segur, no es permet arrossegar i deixar anar. Utilitzeu els botons «Afegeix fitxers» i «Afegeix una carpeta».",
"gui_copy_client_auth": "Copia la clau privada",
"gui_copied_client_auth_title": "S'ha copiat la clau privada",
"gui_copied_client_auth": "S'ha copiat la clau privada al porta-retalls",
"gui_tor_settings_window_title": "Opcions del Tor",
"gui_settings_controller_extras_label": "Configuracions del Tor",
"gui_tor_settings_window_title": "Paràmetres de Tor",
"gui_settings_controller_extras_label": "Paràmetres de Tor",
"gui_settings_bridge_use_checkbox": "Utilitza un pont",
"gui_settings_bridge_none_radio_option": "No utilitzis ponts",
"gui_settings_bridge_moat_radio_option": "Demana un pont des de torproject.org",
"gui_settings_bridge_moat_radio_option": "Demana un pont a torproject.org",
"gui_settings_bridge_custom_placeholder": "Escriviu adreça:port (un per línia)",
"gui_settings_moat_bridges_invalid": "Encara no heu demanat cap pont des de torproject.org.",
"gui_settings_bridge_custom_radio_option": "Proporcioneu un pont provinent d'una font de confiança",
"gui_settings_bridge_radio_builtin": "Selecciona un pont predefinit",
"gui_settings_version_label": "Esteu utilitzant l'OnionShare {}",
"gui_settings_help_label": "Necessiteu ajuda? Veieu <a href='https://docs.onionshare.org'>docs.onionshare.org</a>",
"mode_settings_website_custom_csp_checkbox": "Envia una capçalera personalitzada de Política de seguretat del contingut",
"mode_settings_website_custom_csp_checkbox": "Envia una capçalera personalitzada de política de seguretat del contingut",
"moat_contact_label": "S'està contactant amb BridgeDB…",
"moat_captcha_label": "Resoleu el CAPTCHA per demanar un pont.",
"moat_captcha_placeholder": "Escriviu els caràcters de la imatge",
"moat_captcha_submit": "Envia",
"moat_captcha_reload": "Torna a carregar",
"moat_bridgedb_error": "No s'ha pogut contactar amb BridgeDB.",
"moat_captcha_error": "La solució no és correcta. Torneu a provar.",
"moat_captcha_error": "La solució no és correcta. Torneu-ho a provar.",
"moat_solution_empty_error": "Introduïu els caràcters de la imatge",
"mode_tor_not_connected_label": "L'OnionShare no està connectat a la xarxa Tor",
"gui_please_wait_no_button": "S'està iniciant…",
"gui_hide": "Amaga",
"gui_reveal": "Mostra",
"gui_server_doesnt_support_stealth": "Aquesta versió del Tor no és compatible amb l'ofuscació (autenticació del client). Instal·leu la versió més recent del Tor o bé utilitzeu el mode «públic» si no us cal aquesta privadesa.",
"gui_share_url_public_description": "<b>Qualsevol</b> que conegui aquesta adreça de l'OnionShare podrà <b>baixar</b> els vostres fitxers mitjançant el <b>Tor Browser</b>: <img src='{}' />",
"gui_share_url_public_description": "<b>Qualsevol</b> que conegui aquesta adreça de l'OnionShare podrà <b>baixar</b> els vostres fitxers mitjançant el <b>Navegador Tor</b>: <img src='{}' />",
"gui_website_url_public_description": "<b>Qualsevol</b> que conegui aquesta adreça de l'OnionShare podrà <b>visitar</b> el vostre web mitjançant el <b>Tor Browser</b>: <img src='{}' />",
"gui_receive_url_public_description": "<b>Qualsevol</b> que conegui aquesta adreça de l'OnionShare podrà <b>enviar</b> fitxers al vostre ordinador mitjançant el <b>Tor Browser</b>: <img src='{}' />",
"gui_chat_url_public_description": "<b>Qualsevol</b> que conegui aquesta adreça de l'OnionShare podrà <b>unir-se al xat</b> mitjançant el <b>Tor Browser</b>: <img src='{}' />",
"gui_receive_url_public_description": "<b>Qualsevol</b> que conegui aquesta adreça de l'OnionShare podrà <b>enviar</b> fitxers al vostre ordinador mitjançant el <b>Navegador Tor</b>: <img src='{}' />",
"gui_chat_url_public_description": "<b>Qualsevol</b> que conegui aquesta adreça de l'OnionShare podrà <b>unir-se al xat</b> mitjançant el <b>Navegador Tor</b>: <img src='{}' />",
"gui_url_instructions": "Primer envieu aquesta adreça d'OnionShare:",
"gui_url_instructions_public_mode": "Envieu aquesta adreça d'OnionShare:",
"gui_client_auth_instructions": "A continuació, envieu la clau privada per accedir al vostre servei d'OnionShare:",
@ -223,14 +223,14 @@
"gui_status_indicator_chat_stopped": "Disponible per xatejar",
"mode_settings_title_label": "Títol personalitzat",
"mode_settings_receive_disable_files_checkbox": "Inhabilita l'enviament de fitxers",
"mode_settings_receive_webhook_url_checkbox": "Utilitza un punt d'ancoratge Web de notificació",
"mode_settings_receive_webhook_url_checkbox": "Utilitza un punt d'ancoratge web de notificació",
"mode_settings_receive_disable_text_checkbox": "Inhabilita l'enviament de text",
"history_receive_read_message_button": "Llegeix el missatge",
"gui_rendezvous_cleanup_quit_early": "Tanca abans",
"gui_rendezvous_cleanup_quit_early": "Surt abans",
"gui_settings_theme_label": "Tema",
"gui_settings_theme_light": "Clar",
"gui_settings_theme_dark": "Fosc",
"gui_color_mode_changed_notice": "Reinicieu l'OnionShare per a veure els colors nous.",
"gui_color_mode_changed_notice": "Reinicieu l'OnionShare per a veure els nous colors.",
"gui_settings_theme_auto": "Automàtic",
"gui_autoconnect_circumventing_censorship_requesting_bridges": "S'estan sol·licitant ponts de l'API de circumval·lació de censura de Tor…",
"gui_autoconnect_could_not_connect_to_tor_api": "No s'ha pogut connectar a l'API del Tor. Comproveu que teniu connexió a internet abans de provar-ho de nou.",
@ -243,7 +243,7 @@
"gui_autoconnect_trying_to_connect_to_tor": "S'està connectant a Tor…",
"gui_autoconnect_connection_error_msg": "Comproveu que teniu connexió a internet.",
"gui_autoconnect_bridge_description": "Podríeu connectar-vos utilitzant un pont, si la vostra connexió a internet es troba sota censura.",
"gui_autoconnect_bridge_setting_options": "Configuració del pont",
"gui_autoconnect_bridge_setting_options": "Paràmetres del pont",
"gui_autoconnect_start": "Connecta a Tor",
"gui_autoconnect_configure": "Configuració de la xarxa",
"gui_autoconnect_no_bridge": "Proveu de nou sense ponts",
@ -252,7 +252,7 @@
"gui_autoconnect_circumventing_censorship_starting_circumvention": "S'està circumval·lant la censura…",
"gui_autoconnect_circumventing_censorship_starting_meek": "S'està establint el pont meek per al domain-fronting…",
"gui_general_settings_window_title": "General",
"gui_close_tab_warning_chat_description": "Voleu tancar la pestanya que hostatja un servidor de xat?",
"gui_close_tab_warning_chat_description": "Voleu tancar la pestanya que allotja un servidor de xat?",
"waitress_web_server_error": "Hi ha hagut un problema en iniciar el servidor web",
"gui_chat_mode_explainer": "El mode de xat us permet xatejar de manera interactiva amb altres persones al Navegador Tor.<br><br><b>L'historial de xat no s'emmagatzema a OnionShare. L'historial de xat desapareixerà quan tanqueu el Navegador Tor.</b>"
@ -46,5 +46,213 @@
"gui_all_modes_history": "வரலாறு",
"gui_quit_warning_quit": "வெளியேறு",
"gui_status_indicator_share_working": "தொடங்குகிறது…",
"gui_autoconnect_configure": "பிணைய அமைப்புகள்"
"gui_autoconnect_configure": "பிணைய அமைப்புகள்",
"gui_share_stop_server_autostop_timer": "பகிர்வை நிறுத்துங்கள் ({})",
"gui_stop_server_autostop_timer_tooltip": "ஆட்டோ-ச்டாப் நேரங்குறிகருவி {} இல் முடிகிறது",
"gui_start_server_autostart_timer_tooltip": "ஆட்டோ-ச்டார்ட் நேரங்குறிகருவி {} இல் முடிகிறது",
"gui_receive_start_server": "பயன்முறையைப் பெறத் தொடங்குங்கள்",
"gui_receive_stop_server": "பயன்முறையைப் பெறுவதை நிறுத்து",
"gui_receive_stop_server_autostop_timer": "பெறும் பயன்முறையை நிறுத்துங்கள் ({} மீதமுள்ள)",
"gui_settings_connection_type_socket_file_option": "சாக்கெட் கோப்பைப் பயன்படுத்தி இணைக்கவும்",
"gui_settings_connection_type_automatic_option": "டோர் உலாவியுடன் தானாக கட்டமைப்பை முயற்சிக்கவும்",
"gui_settings_controller_extras_label": "TOR அமைப்புகள்",
"gui_settings_authenticate_no_auth_option": "ஏற்பு இல்லை, அல்லது குக்கீ ஏற்பு இல்லை",
"gui_tor_settings_window_title": "TOR அமைப்புகள்",
"gui_enable_autoconnect_checkbox": "TOR உடன் தானாக இணைக்கவும்",
"gui_autoconnect_failed_to_connect_to_tor": "டோருடன் இணைக்க முடியவில்லை",
"gui_settings_socket_file_label": "சாக்கெட் கோப்பு",
"gui_settings_socks_label": "சாக்ச் துறைமுகம்",
"gui_settings_tor_bridges": "டோர் பாலத்தைப் பயன்படுத்தி இணைக்கவா?",
"gui_close_tab_warning_receive_description": "கோப்புகளைப் பெறும் தாவலை மூடு?",
"gui_close_tab_warning_website_description": "வலைத்தளத்தை புரவலன் செய்யும் தாவலை மூடு?",
"gui_close_tab_warning_share_description": "கோப்புகளை அனுப்பும் தாவலை மூடு?",
"systray_page_loaded_message": "வெங்காய முகவரி ஏற்றப்பட்டது",
"gui_status_indicator_receive_stopped": "பெற தயாராக உள்ளது",
"gui_all_modes_progress_eta": "{0: с}, இது: {1: с}, %n %",
"hours_first_letter": "ம",
"gui_autoconnect_circumventing_censorship": "இணைப்பு சிக்கல்களைத் தீர்ப்பது…",
"mode_settings_advanced_toggle_show": "மேம்பட்ட அமைப்புகளைக் காட்டு",
"update_error_invalid_latest_version": "புதிய பதிப்பைச் சரிபார்க்க முடியவில்லை: வெங்காயர் வலைத்தளம் அண்மைக் கால பதிப்பு அடையாளம் காண முடியாத '{}' என்று கூறுகிறது…",
"gui_settings_moat_bridges_invalid": "Torproject.org இலிருந்து ஒரு பாலத்தை நீங்கள் இன்னும் கோரவில்லை.",
"gui_main_page_share_button": "பகிர்வைத் தொடங்குங்கள்",
"gui_receive_mode_no_files": "இதுவரை கோப்புகள் எதுவும் பெறப்படவில்லை",
"gui_url_label_onetime_and_persistent": "இந்த பங்கு தானாக நிறுத்தப்படாது. <br> <br> ஒவ்வொரு அடுத்தடுத்த பங்கும் முகவரியை மீண்டும் பயன்படுத்தும். (ஒரு முறை முகவரிகளைப் பயன்படுத்த, அமைப்புகளில் \"தொடர்ச்சியான முகவரியைப் பயன்படுத்தவும்\" அணைக்கவும்.)",
"gui_autoconnect_connection_error_msg": "நீங்கள் இணையத்துடன் இணைக்கப்பட்டுள்ளீர்கள் என்பதை உறுதிப்படுத்திக் கொள்ளுங்கள்.",
"gui_settings_bridge_radio_builtin": "உள்ளமைக்கப்பட்ட பாலத்தைத் தேர்ந்தெடுக்கவும்",
"days_first_letter": "டி",
"gui_new_tab_chat_button": "அநாமதேயமாக அரட்டையடிக்கவும்",
"gui_new_tab_share_button": "கோப்புகளைப் பகிரவும்",
"gui_settings_connection_type_control_port_option": "கட்டுப்பாட்டு துறைமுகத்தைப் பயன்படுத்தி இணைக்கவும்",
"mode_tor_not_connected_label": "வெங்காயம் டோர் நெட்வொர்க்குடன் இணைக்கப்படவில்லை",
"gui_autoconnect_could_not_connect_to_tor_api": "TOR பநிஇ உடன் இணைக்க முடியவில்லை. மீண்டும் முயற்சிக்கும் முன் நீங்கள் இணையத்துடன் இணைக்கப்பட்டுள்ளீர்கள் என்பதை உறுதிப்படுத்திக் கொள்ளுங்கள்.",
"gui_close_tab_warning_title": "தாவலை மூடு?",
"gui_autoconnect_no_bridge": "பாலங்கள் இல்லாமல் மீண்டும் முயற்சிக்கவும்",
"gui_share_url_public_description": "<b> யாராவது </b> இந்த வெங்காய முகவரியுடன் <b> பதிவிறக்கம் </b> <b> டோர் உலாவியைப் பயன்படுத்தி உங்கள் கோப்புகள் </b>: <img src = '{}'/>",
"gui_new_tab_website_button": "ஒரு வலைத்தளத்தை புரவலன் செய்யுங்கள்",
"gui_close_tab_warning_persistent_description": "தொடர்ச்சியான தாவலை மூடி, அது பயன்படுத்தும் வெங்காய முகவரியை இழக்கிறீர்களா?",
"history_in_progress_tooltip": "{} செயலில் உள்ளது",
"gui_show_qr_code": "QR குறியீட்டைக் காட்டு",
"gui_add_files": "கோப்புகளைச் சேர்",
"gui_chat_start_server": "அரட்டை சேவையகத்தைத் தொடங்கவும்",
"gui_chat_stop_server": "அரட்டை சேவையகத்தை நிறுத்துங்கள்",
"gui_autoconnect_try_again_without_a_bridge": "பாலங்கள் இல்லாமல் மீண்டும் முயற்சிக்கவும்",
"gui_autoconnect_circumventing_censorship_starting_circumvention": "தணிக்கை மீறுதல்…",
"gui_autoconnect_circumventing_censorship_starting_meek": "டொமைன்-கைவினைக்கு சாந்தகுணத்தை நிறுவுதல்…",
"gui_autoconnect_circumventing_censorship_requesting_bridges": "TOR தணிக்கை சுற்றறிக்கை பநிஇ இலிருந்து பாலங்களை கோருகிறது…",
"gui_settings_connection_type_test_button": "TOR க்கு சோதனை இணைப்பு",
"gui_settings_control_port_label": "கட்டுப்பாட்டு துறை",
"gui_settings_bridge_moat_button": "புதிய பாலம் கோருங்கள்",
"gui_settings_bridge_custom_radio_option": "நம்பகமான மூலத்திலிருந்து நீங்கள் கற்றுக்கொண்ட ஒரு பாலத்தை வழங்கவும்",
"gui_url_instructions_public_mode": "வெங்காய முகவரியை கீழே அனுப்பவும்:",
"gui_all_modes_transfer_started": "தொடங்கியது {}",
"gui_all_modes_progress_complete": "%p%, {0: S} கழிந்தது.",
"gui_all_modes_progress_starting": "{0: S}, % p % (கணக்கிடுதல்)",
"gui_share_mode_no_files": "கோப்புகள் இதுவரை அனுப்பப்படவில்லை",
"gui_share_mode_autostop_timer_waiting": "அனுப்புதல் அனுப்புதல்…",
"mode_settings_share_autostop_sharing_checkbox": "கோப்புகள் அனுப்பப்பட்ட பிறகு பகிர்வதை நிறுத்துங்கள் (தனிப்பட்ட கோப்புகளைப் பதிவிறக்க அனுமதிக்க தேர்வு செய்யவும்)",
"mode_settings_receive_data_dir_label": "கோப்புகளை சேமிக்கவும்",
"mode_settings_website_disable_csp_checkbox": "இயல்புநிலை உள்ளடக்க பாதுகாப்பு கொள்கை தலைப்பை அனுப்ப வேண்டாம் (மூன்றாம் தரப்பு ஆதாரங்களைப் பயன்படுத்த உங்கள் வலைத்தளத்தை அனுமதிக்கிறது)",
"settings_error_bundled_tor_broken": "வெங்காயர் டோர் உடன் இணைக்க முடியவில்லை:\n {}",
"gui_rendezvous_cleanup_quit_early": "ஆரம்பத்தில் விலகுங்கள்",
"error_port_not_available": "வெங்காயர் துறைமுகம் கிடைக்கவில்லை",
"history_receive_read_message_button": "செய்தியைப் படியுங்கள்",
"error_tor_protocol_error": "TOR உடன் பிழை இருந்தது: {}",
"moat_bridgedb_error": "பிரிட்செட் பி தொடர்பு கொள்ள முடியவில்லை.",
"gui_website_url_public_description": "<b> யாராவது </b> இந்த வெங்காய முகவரியுடன் <b> ஐப் பார்வையிடலாம் </b> <b> டோர் உலாவியைப் பயன்படுத்தி உங்கள் வலைத்தளம் </b>: <img src = '{}'/>",
"gui_please_wait": "தொடங்குகிறது… ரத்து செய்ய சொடுக்கு செய்க.",
"gui_receive_url_public_description": "<b> யாராவது </b> இந்த வெங்காய முகவரியுடன் <b> பதிவேற்றலாம் </b> <b> டோர் உலாவி </b> ஐப் பயன்படுத்தி உங்கள் கணினியில் கோப்புகள்: <img src = '{}'/>",
"gui_share_url_description": "<b> எவரும் </b> இந்த வெங்காய முகவரி மற்றும் தனிப்பட்ட விசையுடன் <b> பதிவிறக்கம் </b> <b> டோர் உலாவி </b> ஐப் பயன்படுத்தி உங்கள் கோப்புகள்: <img src = '{}'/>",
"gui_close_tab_warning_chat_description": "அரட்டை சேவையகத்தை புரவலன் செய்யும் தாவலை மூடு?",
"gui_settings_help_label": "உதவி தேவையா? <A href = 'https: //docs.onionshare.org'> docs.onionshare.org </a> ஐப் பார்க்கவும்",
"gui_qr_label_url_title": "வெங்காய முகவரி",
"gui_settings_meek_lite_expensive_warning": "எச்சரிக்கை: டோர் திட்டம் இயங்குவதற்கு சாந்தகுணமுள்ள ஏழ்நிலை பாலங்கள் மிகவும் விலை உயர்ந்தவை.",
"update_available": "புதிய வெங்காயம் அவுட். <a href = '{}'> அதைப் பெற இங்கே சொடுக்கு செய்க </a>. <br> <br> நீங்கள் {feigh ஐப் பயன்படுத்துகிறீர்கள், மேலும் சமீபத்தியது {}.",
"update_not_available": "நீங்கள் அண்மைக் கால வெங்காயத்தை இயக்குகிறீர்கள்.",
"gui_tor_connection_lost": "TOR இலிருந்து துண்டிக்கப்பட்டது.",
"gui_chat_url_description": "<b> எவரும் </b> இந்த வெங்காய முகவரி மற்றும் தனியார் விசையுடன் <b> இந்த அரட்டை அறையில் சேரலாம் </b> <b> டோர் உலாவி </b> ஐப் பயன்படுத்தி: <img src = '{}'/>",
"gui_open_folder_error": "XDG-OPEN உடன் கோப்புறையைத் திறக்க முடியவில்லை. கோப்பு இங்கே உள்ளது: {}",
"gui_settings_language_changed_notice": "புதிய மொழிக்கு மாற்ற வெங்காயத்தை மறுதொடக்கம் செய்யுங்கள்.",
"gui_color_mode_changed_notice": "புதிய வண்ணங்களைக் காண வெங்காயத்தை மறுதொடக்கம் செய்யுங்கள்.",
"systray_page_loaded_title": "பக்கம் ஏற்றப்பட்டது",
"systray_share_started_title": "பகிர்வு தொடங்கியது",
"systray_share_canceled_title": "பகிர்வு ரத்து செய்யப்பட்டது",
"systray_share_canceled_message": "உங்கள் கோப்புகளைப் பெறுவதை யாரோ ரத்து செய்தனர்",
"systray_receive_started_title": "பெறுதல் தொடங்கியது",
"gui_website_mode_no_files": "இதுவரை எந்த வலைத்தளமும் பகிரப்படவில்லை",
"gui_receive_mode_autostop_timer_waiting": "பெறுவதை முடித்தல்…",
"minutes_first_letter": "மீ",
"seconds_first_letter": "கள்",
"gui_new_tab_tooltip": "புதிய தாவலைத் திறக்கவும்",
"gui_new_tab_receive_button": "கோப்புகளைப் பெறுக",
"gui_website_url_description": "<b> யாராவது </b> இந்த வெங்காய முகவரி மற்றும் தனிப்பட்ட விசையுடன் <b> பார்வையிடலாம் </b> <b> டோர் உலாவி </b> ஐப் பயன்படுத்தி உங்கள் வலைத்தளம்: <img src = '{}'/>",
"gui_url_label_onetime": "இந்த பங்கு முதலில் முடிந்ததும் நின்றுவிடும்.",
"gui_status_indicator_chat_started": "அரட்டை",
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"incorrect_password": "தவறான கடவுச்சொல்",
"close_on_autostop_timer": "ஆட்டோ-ச்டாப் நேரங்குறிகருவி முடிந்ததால் நிறுத்தப்பட்டது",
"closing_automatically": "பரிமாற்றம் முடிந்ததால் நிறுத்தப்பட்டது",
"large_filesize": "எச்சரிக்கை: பெரிய பங்கை அனுப்புவதற்கு மணிநேரம் ஆகலாம்",
"gui_drag_and_drop": "பகிர்வைத் தொடங்க கோப்புகள் மற்றும் கோப்புறைகளை இழுத்து விடுங்கள்",
"gui_add_folder": "கோப்புறையைச் சேர்",
"gui_dragdrop_sandbox_flatpak": "பிளாட்பாக் சாண்ட்பாக்சை மிகவும் பாதுகாப்பாக மாற்ற, இழுத்து துளி ஆதரிக்கப்படவில்லை. அதற்கு பதிலாக கோப்புகளைத் தேர்ந்தெடுக்க \"கோப்புகளைச் சேர்\" மற்றும் \"கோப்புறையைச் சேர்\" பொத்தான்களைப் பயன்படுத்தவும்.",
"gui_share_start_server": "பகிர்வைத் தொடங்குங்கள்",
"gui_share_stop_server": "பகிர்வை நிறுத்துங்கள்",
"gui_receive_flatpak_data_dir": "பிளாட்பேக்கைப் பயன்படுத்தி வெங்காயத்தை நிறுவியதால், ~/வெங்காயத்தில் உள்ள கோப்புறையில் கோப்புகளை சேமிக்க வேண்டும்.",
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"gui_copied_url_title": "வெங்காய முகவரி நகலெடுக்கப்பட்டது",
"gui_copied_url": "கிளிப்போர்டுக்கு நகலெடுக்கப்பட்ட வெங்காயம்",
"gui_copied_client_auth_title": "தனியார் விசை நகலெடுக்கப்பட்டது",
"gui_copied_client_auth": "தனியார் விசை கிளிப்போர்டுக்கு நகலெடுக்கப்பட்டது",
"gui_qr_code_dialog_title": "வெங்காயம் QR குறியீடு",
"gui_qr_label_auth_string_title": "தனிப்பட்ட விசை",
"gui_reveal": "வெளிப்படுத்துங்கள்",
"gui_waiting_to_start": "{In இல் தொடங்க திட்டமிடப்பட்டுள்ளது. ரத்து செய்ய சொடுக்கு செய்க.",
"zip_progress_bar_format": "சுருக்க: %p %",
"gui_autoconnect_description": "வெங்காயர் தன்னார்வலத்தால் இயக்கப்படும் டோர் நெட்வொர்க்கை நம்பியுள்ளது.",
"gui_autoconnect_trying_to_connect_to_tor": "TOR உடன் இணைத்தல்…",
"gui_autoconnect_bridge_description": "உங்கள் இணைய இணைப்பு தணிக்கை செய்யப்பட்டால் நீங்கள் ஒரு பாலத்தைப் பயன்படுத்தி இணைக்க முடியும்.",
"gui_autoconnect_bridge_detect_automatic": "பாலம் அமைப்புகளுக்கான எனது ஐபி முகவரியிலிருந்து எனது நாட்டைத் தீர்மானிக்கவும்",
"gui_autoconnect_bridge_detect_manual": "பாலம் அமைப்புகளுக்கு கைமுறையாக எனது நாட்டைத் தேர்ந்தெடுக்கவும்",
"gui_autoconnect_bridge_setting_options": "பாலம் அமைப்புகள்",
"gui_autoconnect_circumventing_censorship_got_bridges": "பாலங்கள் நிறுவப்பட்டன. TOR உடன் மீண்டும் இணைகிறது…",
"gui_settings_autoupdate_option": "புதிய பதிப்பு கிடைக்கும்போது எனக்கு அறிவிக்கவும்",
"gui_settings_autoupdate_timestamp": "கடைசியாக சரிபார்க்கப்பட்டது: {}",
"gui_settings_autoupdate_check_button": "புதிய பதிப்பை சரிபார்க்கவும்",
"gui_settings_connection_type_label": "வெங்காயம் எவ்வாறு TOR உடன் இணைக்க வேண்டும்?",
"gui_settings_connection_type_bundled_option": "வெங்காயத்தில் கட்டப்பட்ட TOR பதிப்பைப் பயன்படுத்தவும்",
"gui_settings_tor_bridges_label": "டோர் அணுகல் தடுக்கப்பட்டால் உங்கள் போக்குவரத்து TOR நெட்வொர்க்கை உள்ளிட பாலங்கள் உதவுகின்றன. நீங்கள் எங்கிருந்து இணைக்கிறீர்கள் என்பதைப் பொறுத்து, ஒரு பாலம் மற்றொன்றை விட சிறப்பாக செயல்படக்கூடும்.",
"gui_settings_bridge_use_checkbox": "ஒரு பாலத்தைப் பயன்படுத்தவும்",
"gui_settings_bridge_none_radio_option": "பாலங்களைப் பயன்படுத்த வேண்டாம்",
"gui_settings_tor_bridges_invalid": "நீங்கள் வேலையைச் சேர்த்த பாலங்கள் எதுவும் இல்லை. அவற்றை இருமுறை சரிபார்க்கவும் அல்லது மற்றவர்களைச் சேர்க்கவும்.",
"gui_settings_stop_active_tabs_label": "உங்கள் சில தாவல்களில் சேவைகள் உள்ளன.\n உங்கள் TOR அமைப்புகளை மாற்ற அனைத்து சேவைகளையும் நீங்கள் நிறுத்த வேண்டும்.",
"gui_settings_version_label": "நீங்கள் வெங்காயத்தைப் பயன்படுத்துகிறீர்கள் {}",
"settings_test_success": "TOR கட்டுப்படுத்தியுடன் இணைக்கப்பட்டுள்ளது.\n\n TOR பதிப்பு: {}\n இடைக்கால வெங்காய சேவைகளை ஆதரிக்கிறது: {}.\n கிளையன்ட் அங்கீகாரத்தை ஆதரிக்கிறது: {}.\n நெக்ச்ட்-செனரலை ஆதரிக்கிறது .ஒனியன் முகவரிகள்: {}.",
"connecting_to_tor": "TOR நெட்வொர்க்குடன் இணைக்கிறது",
"update_error_check_error": "புதிய பதிப்பைச் சரிபார்க்க முடியவில்லை: ஒருவேளை நீங்கள் டோருடன் இணைக்கப்படவில்லை, அல்லது வெங்காய வலைத்தளம் குறைந்துவிட்டதா?",
"gui_tor_connection_ask": "TOR உடனான இணைப்பை வரிசைப்படுத்த அமைப்புகளைத் திறக்கவா?",
"gui_tor_connection_error_settings": "அமைப்புகளில் டோர் நெட்வொர்க்குடன் வெங்காயம்சேர் எவ்வாறு இணைகிறது என்பதை மாற்ற முயற்சிக்கவும்.",
"gui_tor_connection_canceled": "டோருடன் இணைக்க முடியவில்லை.\n\n நீங்கள் இணையத்துடன் இணைக்கப்பட்டுள்ளீர்கள் என்பதை உறுதிப்படுத்திக் கொள்ளுங்கள், பின்னர் வெங்காயத்தை மீண்டும் திறந்து அதன் இணைப்பை TOR உடன் அமைக்கவும்.",
"gui_server_started_after_autostop_timer": "சேவையகம் தொடங்குவதற்கு முன்பு ஆட்டோ-ச்டாப் நேரங்குறிகருவி வெளியேறியது. தயவுசெய்து ஒரு புதிய பங்கை உருவாக்குங்கள்.",
"gui_server_autostop_timer_expired": "ஆட்டோ-ச்டாப் நேரங்குறிகருவி ஏற்கனவே முடிந்துவிட்டது. பகிர்வைத் தொடங்க அதை சரிசெய்யவும்.",
"gui_server_autostart_timer_expired": "திட்டமிடப்பட்ட நேரம் ஏற்கனவே கடந்துவிட்டது. பகிர்வைத் தொடங்க அதை சரிசெய்யவும்.",
"gui_autostop_timer_cant_be_earlier_than_autostart_timer": "ஆட்டோ-ச்டாப் நேரம் ஆட்டோ-ச்டார்ட் நேரத்தை விட ஒரே மாதிரியாகவோ அல்லது முந்தையதாகவோ இருக்க முடியாது. பகிர்வைத் தொடங்க அதை சரிசெய்யவும்.",
"gui_server_doesnt_support_stealth": "மன்னிக்கவும், TOR இன் இந்த பதிப்பு திருட்டுத்தனத்தை ஆதரிக்காது (கிளையன்ட் அங்கீகாரம்). TOR இன் புதிய பதிப்பில் முயற்சிக்கவும், அல்லது தனிப்பட்டதாக இருக்க தேவையில்லை என்றால் 'பொது' பயன்முறையைப் பயன்படுத்தவும்.",
"gui_receive_url_description": "<b> எவரும் </b> இந்த வெங்காய முகவரி மற்றும் தனிப்பட்ட விசையுடன் <b> பதிவேற்றலாம் </b> <b> டோர் உலாவி </b> ஐப் பயன்படுத்தி உங்கள் கணினியில் கோப்புகள்: <img src = '{}'/>",
"gui_chat_url_public_description": "<b> எவரும் </b> இந்த வெங்காய முகவரியுடன் <b> இந்த அரட்டை அறையில் சேரலாம் </b> <b> டோர் உலாவியைப் பயன்படுத்தி </b>: <img src = '{}'/>",
"gui_url_label_persistent": "இந்த பங்கு தானாக நிறுத்தப்படாது. <br> <br> ஒவ்வொரு அடுத்தடுத்த பங்கும் முகவரியை மீண்டும் பயன்படுத்துகின்றன. (ஒரு முறை முகவரிகளைப் பயன்படுத்த, அமைப்புகளில் \"தொடர்ச்சியான முகவரியைப் பயன்படுத்தவும்\" அணைக்கவும்.)",
"gui_url_label_stay_open": "இந்த பங்கு தானாக நிறுத்தப்படாது.",
"gui_url_instructions": "முதலில், வெங்காய முகவரியை கீழே அனுப்பவும்:",
"gui_client_auth_instructions": "அடுத்து, உங்கள் வெங்காய சேவைக்கு அணுகலை அனுமதிக்க தனிப்பட்ட விசையை அனுப்பவும்:",
"gui_status_indicator_share_stopped": "பகிர தயாராக உள்ளது",
"gui_status_indicator_share_scheduled": "திட்டமிடப்பட்டுள்ளது…",
"gui_status_indicator_share_started": "பகிர்வு",
"gui_status_indicator_receive_scheduled": "திட்டமிடப்பட்டுள்ளது…",
"gui_status_indicator_chat_stopped": "அரட்டையடிக்க தயாராக உள்ளது",
"gui_status_indicator_chat_scheduled": "திட்டமிடப்பட்டுள்ளது…",
"gui_file_info": "{} கோப்புகள், {}",
"gui_file_info_single": "{} கோப்பு, {}",
"history_completed_tooltip": "{} நிறைவு",
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"error_cannot_create_data_dir": "வெங்காய தரவு கோப்புறையை உருவாக்க முடியவில்லை: {}",
"gui_receive_mode_warning": "பயன்முறையைப் பெறுங்கள் உங்கள் கணினியில் கோப்புகளை பதிவேற்ற மக்களை அனுமதிக்கிறது. <br> <br> <b> சில கோப்புகள் உங்கள் கணினியைத் திறந்தால் அவற்றைக் கட்டுப்படுத்தக்கூடும். நீங்கள் நம்பும் நபர்களிடமிருந்து மட்டுமே விசயங்களைத் திறக்கவும், அல்லது நீங்கள் என்ன செய்கிறீர்கள் என்பது உங்களுக்குத் தெரிந்தால். </B>",
"gui_chat_mode_explainer": "டோர் உலாவியில், மற்றவர்களுடன் ஊடாடும் வகையில் அரட்டையடிக்க அரட்டை பயன்முறை உங்களை அனுமதிக்கிறது. <br> <br> <b> அரட்டை வரலாறு வெங்காயத்தில் சேமிக்கப்படவில்லை. நீங்கள் டோர் உலாவியை மூடும்போது அரட்டை வரலாறு மறைந்துவிடும். </B>",
"systray_share_started_message": "ஒருவருக்கு கோப்புகளை அனுப்பத் தொடங்குகிறது",
"systray_share_completed_title": "பகிர்வு முழுமையானது",
"systray_share_completed_message": "கோப்புகளை அனுப்பியது",
"systray_receive_started_message": "யாரோ உங்களுக்கு கோப்புகளை அனுப்புகிறார்கள்",
"gui_main_page_receive_button": "பெறத் தொடங்குங்கள்",
"gui_main_page_website_button": "ஓச்டிங் தொடங்கவும்",
"gui_main_page_chat_button": "அரட்டையடிக்கத் தொடங்குங்கள்",
"gui_quit_warning_title": "வெங்காயத்தை விட்டு வெளியேறவா?",
"gui_quit_warning_description": "அவற்றில் சிலவற்றில் பகிர்வு செயலில் இருந்தாலும், எல்லா தாவல்களையும் விட்டுவிட்டு மூடுங்கள்?",
"mode_settings_advanced_toggle_hide": "மேம்பட்ட அமைப்புகளை மறைக்கவும்",
"mode_settings_title_label": "தனிப்பயன் தலைப்பு",
"mode_settings_persistent_checkbox": "வெங்காயவைத் தொடங்கும்போது எப்போதும் இந்த தாவலைத் திறக்கவும்",
"mode_settings_public_checkbox": "இது ஒரு பொது வெங்காய பணி (தனியார் விசையை முடக்குகிறது)",
"mode_settings_autostart_timer_checkbox": "திட்டமிடப்பட்ட நேரத்தில் வெங்காய சேவையைத் தொடங்கவும்",
"mode_settings_autostop_timer_checkbox": "திட்டமிடப்பட்ட நேரத்தில் வெங்காய சேவையை நிறுத்துங்கள்",
"mode_settings_receive_disable_text_checkbox": "சமர்ப்பிக்கும் உரையை முடக்கு",
"mode_settings_receive_disable_files_checkbox": "பதிவேற்றும் கோப்புகளை முடக்கு",
"mode_settings_receive_webhook_url_checkbox": "அறிவிப்பு வெப்ஊக் பயன்படுத்தவும்",
"mode_settings_website_custom_csp_checkbox": "தனிப்பயன் உள்ளடக்க பாதுகாப்பு கொள்கை தலைப்பை அனுப்பவும்",
"gui_all_modes_transfer_finished_range": "மாற்றப்பட்டது {} - {}",
"gui_all_modes_transfer_finished": "மாற்றப்பட்டது {}",
"gui_all_modes_transfer_canceled_range": "ரத்துசெய்யப்பட்டது {} - {}",
"gui_all_modes_transfer_canceled": "ரத்துசெய்யப்பட்டது {}",
"settings_error_unknown": "உங்கள் அமைப்புகள் அர்த்தமல்ல என்பதால் டோர் கன்ட்ரோலருடன் இணைக்க முடியாது.",
"settings_error_automatic": "TOR கட்டுப்படுத்தியுடன் இணைக்க முடியவில்லை. டோர் உலாவி (Torproject.org இலிருந்து கிடைக்கிறது) பின்னணியில் இயங்குகிறதா?",
"settings_error_socket_port": "Tor}: {to இல் TOR கட்டுப்படுத்தியுடன் இணைக்க முடியாது.",
"settings_error_socket_file": "சாக்கெட் கோப்பைப் பயன்படுத்தி TOR கட்டுப்படுத்தியுடன் இணைக்க முடியாது}}.",
"settings_error_auth": "{}: {With உடன் இணைக்கப்பட்டுள்ளது, ஆனால் அங்கீகரிக்க முடியாது. ஒருவேளை இது ஒரு டோர் கட்டுப்படுத்தி அல்லவா?",
"settings_error_missing_password": "டோர் கன்ட்ரோலருடன் இணைக்கப்பட்டுள்ளது, ஆனால் அங்கீகரிக்க கடவுச்சொல் தேவைப்படுகிறது.",
"settings_error_unreadable_cookie_file": "TOR கட்டுப்படுத்தியுடன் இணைக்கப்பட்டுள்ளது, ஆனால் கடவுச்சொல் தவறாக இருக்கலாம், அல்லது உங்கள் பயனருக்கு குக்கீ கோப்பைப் படிக்க அனுமதிக்கப்படவில்லை.",
"settings_error_bundled_tor_not_supported": "வெங்காயவாதியுடன் வரும் TOR பதிப்பைப் பயன்படுத்துவது சாளரங்கள் அல்லது மேகோசில் உருவாக்குபவர் பயன்முறையில் வேலை செய்யாது.",
"settings_error_bundled_tor_timeout": "TOR உடன் இணைக்க அதிக நேரம் எடுத்துக்கொள்வது. ஒருவேளை நீங்கள் இணையத்துடன் இணைக்கப்படவில்லை, அல்லது தவறான கணினி கடிகாரத்தைக் கொண்டிருக்கலாமா?",
"gui_rendezvous_cleanup": "உங்கள் கோப்புகள் மாற்றப்பட்டுள்ளன என்பதை உறுதிப்படுத்த டோர் சுற்றுகள் மூடப்படுவதற்கு காத்திருக்கிறது.\n\n இதற்கு சில நிமிடங்கள் ஆகலாம்.",
"moat_contact_label": "பிரிட்ச்ட்பி தொடர்பு கொள்ளுங்கள்…",
"moat_captcha_label": "ஒரு பாலம் கோர கேப்ட்சாவை தீர்க்கவும்.",
"moat_captcha_error": "தவறான தீர்வு. மீண்டும் முயற்சிக்கவும்.",
"waitress_web_server_error": "வலை சேவையகத்தைத் தொடங்குவதில் சிக்கல் இருந்தது"
@ -6,9 +6,9 @@
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: OnionShare 2.5\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: onionshare-dev@lists.riseup.net\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2024-03-15 13:52+0530\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2023-09-17 21:00+0000\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2024-11-07 19:00+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: 109247019824 <stoyan@gmx.com>\n"
"Language-Team: none\n"
"Language: bg\n"
@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ msgstr ""
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=n != 1;\n"
"X-Generator: Weblate 5.0.2\n"
"X-Generator: Weblate 5.8.2\n"
#: ../../source/features.rst:4
msgid "How OnionShare Works"
@ -28,18 +28,21 @@ msgid ""
"other people as `Tor <https://www.torproject.org/>`_ `onion services "
msgstr ""
"Услугите работят на вашето устройство и стават достъпни за други хора като `"
"услуги на onion <https://community.torproject.org/onion-services/>`_ през `"
"Tor <https://www.torproject.org/>`_."
#: ../../source/features.rst:8
msgid "By default, OnionShare web addresses are protected with a private key."
msgstr ""
msgstr "По подразбиране адресите на OnionShare са защитени с частен ключ."
#: ../../source/features.rst:10
msgid "OnionShare addresses look something like this::"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Адресите на OnionShare изглеждат подобно на::"
#: ../../source/features.rst:14
msgid "And private keys might look something like this::"
msgstr ""
msgstr "А частните ключове изглеждат подобно на::"
#: ../../source/features.rst:18
msgid ""
@ -48,6 +51,11 @@ msgid ""
"using something less secure like unencrypted email, depending on your "
"`threat model <https://ssd.eff.org/module/your-security-plan>`_."
msgstr ""
"Вие самите носите отговорността за сигурното споделяне на адреса и частния "
"ключ, използвайки канал за връзка по ваш избор, например чрез шифрован чат, "
"или чрез нещо по-малко сигурно, като нешифровано електронно писмо, в "
"зависимост от `модела на заплахата ви <https://ssd.eff.org/module/your-"
#: ../../source/features.rst:20
msgid ""
@ -56,6 +64,10 @@ msgid ""
"Tor Browser will then prompt for the private key, which the people can also "
"then copy and paste in."
msgstr ""
"Хората, на които изпращате адреса, го копират и поставят в `Tor Browser "
"<https://www.torproject.org/>`_, за да получат достъп до услугата на "
"OnionShare. След това Tor Browser ще поиска частния ключ, който хората да "
"копират и поставят."
#: ../../source/features.rst:24
msgid ""
@ -64,6 +76,11 @@ msgid ""
"laptop is unsuspended and on the internet again. OnionShare works best when "
"working with people in real-time."
msgstr ""
"Ако отворите OnionShare на лаптопа си и изпращате файлове на някого, след "
"това спрете лаптопа, но преди файловете да бъдат изпратени, услугата няма да "
"бъде достъпна, докато лаптопът ви не бъде отново включен и с додтъп до "
"интернет. OnionShare работи най-добре, когато работите с хората в реално "
#: ../../source/features.rst:26
msgid ""
@ -73,10 +90,16 @@ msgid ""
"services too, it also protects your anonymity. See the :doc:`security design "
"</security>` for more info."
msgstr ""
"Тъй като сървърът е вашият собствен компютър, *никакви трети лица нямат "
"достъп до вътрешните процеси в OnionShare*, дори и разработчиците на "
"OnionShare. Приложението е напълно поверително. И тъй като OnionShare "
"използва услугите на onion през Tor, той също допълнително защитава "
"анонимността ви. За повече информация вижте :doc:`модела на сигурност "
#: ../../source/features.rst:29
msgid "Share Files"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Споделяне на файлове"
#: ../../source/features.rst:31
msgid ""
@ -84,12 +107,18 @@ msgid ""
"anonymously. Open a share tab, drag in the files and folders you wish to "
"share, and click \"Start sharing\"."
msgstr ""
"Можете да използвате OnionShare за сигурно и анонимно изпращане файлове и "
"папки. Отворете раздела за споделяне, плъзнете и пуснете файловете и "
"папките, които искате да споделите, и натиснете бутона „Споделяне“."
#: ../../source/features.rst:35 ../../source/features.rst:112
msgid ""
"After you add files, you'll see some settings. Make sure you choose the "
"setting you're interested in before you start sharing."
msgstr ""
"След като добавите файлове към OnionShare, ще се появят някои настройки. "
"Уверете се, че използвате само настройките, които ви интересуват, преди да "
"започнете да споделяте."
#: ../../source/features.rst:39
msgid ""
@ -98,6 +127,11 @@ msgid ""
"allow multiple people to download them, uncheck the \"Stop sharing after "
"files have been sent (uncheck to allow downloading individual files)\" box."
msgstr ""
"Веднага щом някой приключи с изтеглянето на файловете, OnionShare "
"автоматично ще спре сървъра и ще премахне достъпа през интернет. За да "
"позволите на няколко души да ги изтеглят, махнете отметката от „Изключване "
"на услугата след изпращане на файловете (за изтегляне на отделни файлове "
"махнете отметката)“."
#: ../../source/features.rst:42
msgid ""
@ -105,6 +139,8 @@ msgid ""
"individual files you share rather than a single compressed version of all "
"the files."
msgstr ""
"Също така, ако отметката е махната, хората ще могат да изтеглят отделни "
"споделени файлове, вместо един голям архив."
#: ../../source/features.rst:44
msgid ""
@ -113,6 +149,10 @@ msgid ""
"website down. You can also click the \"↑\" icon in the top-right corner to "
"show the history and progress of people downloading files from you."
msgstr ""
"Когато сте готови, натиснете бутона „Споделяне“. Ако се налага винаги межете "
"да натиснете „Изключване на споделянето“ или да излезете от OnionShare, "
"което незабавно ще спре достъпа. За преглед на историята и напредъка на "
"споделените файлове, натиснете пиктограната „↑“ в горния десен ъгъл."
#: ../../source/features.rst:48
msgid ""
@ -121,6 +161,10 @@ msgid ""
"stay secure, or the person is otherwise exposed to danger, use an encrypted "
"messaging app."
msgstr ""
"След като вече разполагате с адреса на услугата на OnionShare, той трябва да "
"бъде копиран и изпратен на получателя на файловете. Ако те трябва да останат "
"защитени или получателят по някакъв начин е застрашен, за да изпратите "
"адреса използвайте приложение за шифровани съобщения."
#: ../../source/features.rst:50
msgid ""
@ -128,10 +172,14 @@ msgid ""
"the private key, the files can be downloaded directly from your computer by "
"clicking the \"Download Files\" link in the corner."
msgstr ""
"Така полученият адрес трябва да бъде въведен в адресната лента на Tor "
"Browser. След удостоверяване с частния ключ, получателят ще може да изтегли "
"файловете, директно от вашето устройство като натисне препратката „Изтегляне "
"на файлове“."
#: ../../source/features.rst:55
msgid "Receive Files and Messages"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Получаване на файлове и съобщения"
#: ../../source/features.rst:57
msgid ""
@ -139,11 +187,17 @@ msgid ""
"directly to your computer, essentially turning it into an anonymous dropbox. "
"Open a receive tab and choose the settings that you want."
msgstr ""
"Можете да използвате OnionShare, за да дадете на хората възможност анонимно "
"да изпращат файлове и съобщения, директно на устройство ви, като по същество "
"го превърнете в анонимна пощенска кутия. Отворете раздела за получаване и "
"задайте желаните настройки."
#: ../../source/features.rst:62
msgid ""
"You can browse for a folder to save messages and files that get submitted."
msgstr ""
"Можете да посочите папката, в която ще се запазват получените съобщения и "
#: ../../source/features.rst:64
msgid ""
@ -151,6 +205,10 @@ msgid ""
"uploads, and you can check \"Disable uploading files\" if you want to only "
"allow submitting text messages, like for an anonymous contact form."
msgstr ""
"Можете да отметнете полето „Без изпращане на съобщения“, ако желаете да "
"разрешите само качването на файлове, и можете да поставите отметка пред „Без "
"качване на файлове, ако искате да разрешите само изпращането на "
"текстовисъобщения, например за анонимна форма за контакт."
#: ../../source/features.rst:66
msgid ""
@ -166,6 +224,17 @@ msgid ""
"service, @webhookbot will send you a message on Keybase letting you know as "
"soon as it happens."
msgstr ""
"Може да отметнете „Отдалечено известяване“ и след това да изберете адрес, "
"ако искате да бъдете уведомявани, когато някой изпрати файлове или съобщения "
"към вашата услуга на OnionShare. Ако отметнете тази настройка, OnionShare ще "
"направи HTTP POST заявка към този адрес, когато някой изпрати файлове или "
"съобщения. Например, ако искате да получите шифровано текстово съобщение в "
"приложението за съобщения `Keybase <https://keybase.io/>`_, можете да "
"започнете разговор с `@webhookbot <https://keybase.io/webhookbot>`_, да "
"въведете ``!webhook create onionshare-alerts`` и той ще отговори с адрес. "
"Използвайте го като адрес за отдалечено известяване. Когато някой качи файл, "
"@webhookbot ще ви изпрати съобщение в Keybase, с което ще ви уведоми, че "
"това се е случило."
#: ../../source/features.rst:71
msgid ""
@ -173,16 +242,21 @@ msgid ""
"service. Anyone loading this address in their Tor Browser will be able to "
"submit files and messages which get uploaded to your computer."
msgstr ""
"Когато сте готови, натиснете „Включване на режим получаване“, за да стартира "
"услугата OnionShare. Всеки, който зареди този адрес в своя Tor Browser, ще "
"може да изпраща файлове и съобщения, които се получават от вашия компютър."
#: ../../source/features.rst:75
msgid ""
"You can also click the down \"↓\" icon in the top-right corner to show the "
"history and progress of people sending files to you."
msgstr ""
"За да видите историята и напредъка на изпращаните файлове, можете да "
"натиснете пиктограмата стрелка надолу „↓“ в горния десен ъгъл."
#: ../../source/features.rst:77
msgid "Here is what it looks like for someone sending you files and messages."
msgstr ""
msgstr "Това вижда, някой който ви изпраща файлове и съобщения."
#: ../../source/features.rst:81
msgid ""
@ -191,6 +265,10 @@ msgid ""
"computer, automatically organized into separate subfolders based on the time "
"that the files get uploaded."
msgstr ""
"Когато някой изпрати файлове или съобщения в услугата за получаване, по "
"подразбиране те се записват в папка, наречена ``OnionShare``, в домшната "
"папка на компютъра, като автоматично се организират в отделни папки в "
"зависимост от времето на получаване на файловете."
#: ../../source/features.rst:83
msgid ""
@ -200,10 +278,15 @@ msgid ""
"quite as secure version of `SecureDrop <https://securedrop.org/>`_, the "
"whistleblower submission system."
msgstr ""
"Създаването на услуга за получаване на OnionShare е полезно за журналисти и "
"други лица, които трябва по сигурен начин да получават документи от анонимни "
"източници. Когато се използва по този начин, OnionShare е нещо като "
"олекотена, по-проста и не толкова сигурна версия на `SecureDrop "
"<https://securedrop.org/>`_, системата за подаване на сигнали за нередности."
#: ../../source/features.rst:86
msgid "Use at your own risk"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Използвайте на своя отговорност"
#: ../../source/features.rst:88
msgid ""
@ -212,6 +295,10 @@ msgid ""
"service. OnionShare does not add any safety mechanisms to protect your "
"system from malicious files."
msgstr ""
"Подобно на зловредните прикачени файлове към електронната поща, е възможно "
"някой да се опита да атакува компютъра ви, като изпрати зловреден файл в "
"услугата OnionShare. OnionShare не добавя никакви механизми за безопасност, "
"за да защити системата ви от зловредни файлове."
#: ../../source/features.rst:90
msgid ""
@ -221,15 +308,23 @@ msgid ""
"untrusted documents by opening them in `Tails <https://tails.boum.org/>`_ or "
"in a `Qubes <https://qubes-os.org/>`_ disposableVM."
msgstr ""
"Ако получите документ от Office или PDF чрез OnionShare, можете да "
"преобразувате тези документи в PDF файлове, които са безопасни за отваряне, "
"като използвате `Dangerzone <https://dangerzone.rocks/>`_. Можете също така "
"да се защитите при отваряне на ненадеждни документи, като ги отворите в `"
"Tails <https://tails.boum.org/>`_ или във виртуална машина за еднократна "
"употреба на `Qubes <https://qubes-os.org/>`_."
#: ../../source/features.rst:92
msgid ""
"However, it is always safe to open text messages sent through OnionShare."
msgstr ""
"Въпреки това във всички случаи е безопасно да отваряте текстови съобщения, "
"изпратени чрез OnionShare."
#: ../../source/features.rst:95
msgid "Tips for running a receive service"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Съвети за използване на услугата за получаване на файлове"
#: ../../source/features.rst:97
msgid ""
@ -237,6 +332,10 @@ msgid ""
"recommended you do so on a separate, dedicated computer always powered on "
"and connected to the internet, and not on the one you use on a regular basis."
msgstr ""
"Ако искате да направите своя собствена анонимна пощенска кутия като "
"използвате OnionShare, ви препоръчваме да го направите на отделен компютър, "
"който винаги е включен и свързан с интернет, а не на този, който използвате "
#: ../../source/features.rst:99
msgid ""
@ -245,10 +344,15 @@ msgid ""
"(see :ref:`turn_off_private_key`). It's also a good idea to give it a custom "
"title (see :ref:`custom_titles`)."
msgstr ""
"Ако възнамерявате да поставите адреса на OnionShare на своя уебсайт или в "
"профилите си в социалните мрежи, запазете раздела (вж. :ref:`save_tabs`) и "
"го стартирайте като публична услуга (вж. :ref:`turn_off_private_key`). Добра "
"идея е също така да му дадете потребителско заглавие (вижте "
#: ../../source/features.rst:102
msgid "Host a Website"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Поддържане на уеб страница"
#: ../../source/features.rst:104
msgid ""
@ -256,6 +360,9 @@ msgid ""
"files and folders that make up the static content there, and click \"Start "
"sharing\" when you are ready."
msgstr ""
"За да поддържате статична страница на HTML с OnionShare, отворете раздел за "
"уеб страница, завлачете папките и файловете със статичното съдържание в него "
"и когато сте готови натиснете бутона „Споделяне“."
#: ../../source/features.rst:108
msgid ""
@ -265,16 +372,25 @@ msgid ""
"supports hosting *static* websites. It can't host websites that execute code "
"or use databases. So you can't for example use WordPress.)"
msgstr ""
"Ако добавите файл ``index.html``, той ще се показва когато някой отвори "
"страницата. Трябва да добавите и всички други HTML файлове, CSS файлове, "
"JavaScript файлове и изображения, които се използват в страницата. (Имайте "
"предвид, че OnionShare поддържа само *статични* страници. Не се поддържат "
"страници, които изпълняват код или използват бази от данни. Така че не "
"можете да използвате да речем WordPress.)"
#: ../../source/features.rst:110
msgid ""
"If you don't have an ``index.html`` file, it will show a directory listing "
"instead, and people loading it can look through the files and download them."
msgstr ""
"Ако не разполагате с файл на име ``index.html``, то при отваряне на "
"страницата ще бъде показан списък с файловете и хората ще могат да ги "
"разгледат или изтеглят."
#: ../../source/features.rst:117
msgid "Content Security Policy"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Политика за защита на съдържанието"
#: ../../source/features.rst:119
msgid ""
@ -283,12 +399,18 @@ msgid ""
"header. However, this prevents third-party content from loading inside the "
"web page."
msgstr ""
"По подразбиране OnionShare защитава страницата като задава заглавката `"
"Content Security Policy <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/"
"Content_Security_Policy>`_. Но тя предотвратява възможността за зареждане на "
"странични ресурси."
#: ../../source/features.rst:121
msgid ""
"If you want to load content from third-party websites, like assets or "
"JavaScript libraries from CDNs, you have two options:"
msgstr ""
"Ако желаете да зареждате съдържание от трети страни, като библиотеки на "
"JavaScript от мрежи за доставка на съдържание, имате две възможности:"
#: ../../source/features.rst:123
msgid ""
@ -296,14 +418,18 @@ msgid ""
"\"Don't send Content Security Policy header (allows your website to use "
"third-party resources)\" box before starting the service."
msgstr ""
"Можете да изключите изпращането на заглавката „Content Security Policy “, "
"като отметнете „Без изпращане на подразбираната заглавка на Content Security "
"Policy (за използване на странични ресурси)“, преди да стартирате услугата."
#: ../../source/features.rst:124
msgid "You can send a custom Content Security Policy header."
msgstr ""
"Можете да изпращате заглавка „Content Security Policy“ по ваше усмотрение."
#: ../../source/features.rst:127
msgid "Tips for running a website service"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Съвети за използване на услугата за страница в интернет"
#: ../../source/features.rst:129
msgid ""
@ -314,16 +440,24 @@ msgid ""
"ref:`save_tabs`) so you can resume the website with the same address if you "
"close OnionShare and re-open it later."
msgstr ""
"Ако искате дългосрочно да поддържате страница в интернет (не само набързо да "
"покажете нещо на някого), ви препоръчваме да го направите на отделен "
"компютър, който винаги е включен и свързан с интернет, а не на този, който "
"използвате редовно. Запазете раздела (вж. ref:`save_tabs`), така че да "
"можете да възстановите същия адрес ако се наложи да спрете OnionShare и по-"
"късно да го пуснете отново."
#: ../../source/features.rst:132
msgid ""
"If your website is intended for the public, you should run it as a public "
"service (see :ref:`turn_off_private_key`)."
msgstr ""
"Ако страницата е предназначена за широката публика ви препоръчваме да "
"изключите тайния ключ (вж. ref:`turn_off_private_key`)."
#: ../../source/features.rst:135
msgid "Chat Anonymously"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Анонимен разговор"
#: ../../source/features.rst:137
msgid ""
@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: OnionShare 2.5\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: onionshare-dev@lists.riseup.net\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2024-03-15 13:52+0530\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2024-08-15 05:09+0000\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2024-10-20 20:15+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: 109247019824 <stoyan@gmx.com>\n"
"Language-Team: none\n"
"Language: bg\n"
@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ msgstr ""
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=n != 1;\n"
"X-Generator: Weblate 5.7-dev\n"
"X-Generator: Weblate 5.8-rc\n"
#: ../../source/tor.rst:2
msgid "Connecting to Tor"
@ -39,6 +39,12 @@ msgid ""
"connection fails, you can still try bridges or reconfigure Tor via the "
"\"Network Settings\" button."
msgstr ""
"Можете да отметнете „Автоматично свързване с Tor“, преди да изберете „"
"Свързване с Tor“. Това означава, че при следващото стартиране OnionShare ще "
"се свърже автоматично с настройките за връзка с Tor от последния сеанс, "
"вместо да ви представя диалог за свързване. Ако връзка не бъде установена "
"можете да опитате мостове или да промените настройките на Tor чрез бутона „"
"Настройки на мрежата“."
#: ../../source/tor.rst:11
msgid ""
@ -46,26 +52,34 @@ msgid ""
"are no problems with your network, including any attempts to block your "
"access to the Tor network, this should hopefully work the first time."
msgstr ""
"Изберете „Свързване с Tor“, за да започне процеса на свързване. Ако няма "
"проблеми с мрежата, включително блокиране достъп до мрежата Tor, надяваме "
"се, че това ще се случи от първия път."
#: ../../source/tor.rst:13
msgid ""
"Or, if you want to manually configure Bridges or other Tor settings before "
"you connect, you can click \"Network Settings\"."
msgstr ""
"Ако, преди да се свържете, искате ръчно да настроите мостове или други "
"аспекти на Tor, можете да изберете „Настройки на мрежата“."
#: ../../source/tor.rst:16
msgid "Automatic censorship circumvention"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Автоматично заобикаляне на цензура"
#: ../../source/tor.rst:18
msgid ""
"When you click \"Connect to Tor\", if OnionShare fails to connect, it might "
"be because Tor is censored in your country or on your local network."
msgstr ""
"Когато щракнете върху „Свързване с Tor“, ако OnionShare не успее да се "
"свърже, това може да се дължи на факта, че Tor е цензуриран във вашата "
"държава или местна мрежа."
#: ../../source/tor.rst:20
msgid "If this occurs, you will have these choices:"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Ако това се случи, имате следните възможности:"
#: ../../source/tor.rst:22
msgid "Try again without a bridge"
@ -74,17 +88,19 @@ msgstr "Повторен опит без мост"
#: ../../source/tor.rst:23
msgid ""
"Automatically determine my country from my IP address for bridge settings"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Автоматично определяне на държавата от IP адреса за настройване на мост"
#: ../../source/tor.rst:24
msgid "Manually select my country for bridge settings"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Ръчно избиране на държавата за настройване на мост"
#: ../../source/tor.rst:28
msgid ""
"If you choose the \"Try again without a bridge\" option, OnionShare will "
"retry connecting to Tor like normal, without attempting to bypass censorship."
msgstr ""
"Ако изберете „Повторен опит без мост“, OnionShare ще опита да се свърже с "
"Tor както обикновено, без да заобикаля цензурата."
#: ../../source/tor.rst:30
msgid ""
@ -99,6 +115,17 @@ msgid ""
"Censorship Circumvention API. The Meek proxy hides the fact that you are "
"trying to find a way to connect to Tor."
msgstr ""
"Другите две настройки ще се опитат автоматично да заобиколят цензурата с "
"помощта на мостове на Tor. Ако доставчикът ви възпрепятства достъпа до "
"мрежата на Tor, се надяваме, че все пак можете да се свържете с мост на Tor, "
"който ще ви свърже с мрежата на Tor, заобикаляйки цензурата. И двете "
"възможности използват API за заобикаляне на цензурата на проекта Tor, за да "
"ви предоставят настройки на мостовете, които би трябвало да работят. "
"OnionShare временно ще използва прокси сървъра с домейн `Meek <https://gitlab"
".torproject.org/legacy/trac/-/wikis/doc/meek/>`_, за да осъществи връзка "
"извън мрежата на Tor от компютъра към API за заобикаляне на цензурата на "
"Tor. Прокси сървърът Meek скрива факта, че се опитвате да намерите начин да "
"се свържете с Tor."
#: ../../source/tor.rst:36
msgid ""
@ -108,6 +135,11 @@ msgid ""
"reside in. Based on the country information, the API will try to "
"automatically find bridges that suit your location."
msgstr ""
"Ако изберете „Автоматично определяне на държавата от IP адреса за "
"настройване на мост“, API за заобикаляне на цензурата ще вземе предвид вашия "
"IP адрес (да, истинския ви IP адрес), за да определи в коя държава сте. Въз "
"основа на тази информацията API ще се опита автоматично да намери мостове, "
"които отговарят на вашето местоположение."
#: ../../source/tor.rst:41
msgid ""
@ -115,10 +147,13 @@ msgid ""
"Censorship API will find the bridges that suit the country that you "
msgstr ""
"Ако изберете „Ръчно избиране на държавата за настройване на мост“, "
"Censorship API ще намери мостовете, които отговарят на посочената от вас "
#: ../../source/tor.rst:46
msgid "How automatic censorship circumvention works"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Как работи автоматичното заобикаляне на цензурата"
#: ../../source/tor.rst:48
msgid ""
@ -127,6 +162,10 @@ msgid ""
"does not find any bridges for your location, OnionShare will ask the API for "
"\"fallback\" options, and then try to reconnect using those."
msgstr ""
"Ако API за заобикаляне на цензурата открие подходящи мостове, OnionShare ще "
"се опита да се свърже отново с Tor, като ги използва. Ако API не открие "
"мостове за вашето местоположение, OnionShare ще поиска от API резервни "
"варианти и ще се опита да възстанови връзката, като използва тях."
#: ../../source/tor.rst:50
msgid ""
@ -134,6 +173,9 @@ msgid ""
"or if the API returns an error message, OnionShare will attempt to use the "
"obfs4 built-in bridges."
msgstr ""
"Ако по някаква причина OnionShare не успее да се свърже със самия API за "
"заобикаляне на цензурата или ако API върне съобщение за грешка, OnionShare "
"ще се опита да използва вградените мостове на obfs4."
#: ../../source/tor.rst:52
msgid ""
@ -141,6 +183,9 @@ msgid ""
"do not go over the Tor network (because if you could connect to Tor already, "
"you wouldn't need to connect to the API)."
msgstr ""
"Важно е да се отбележи, че заявките към API за заобикаляне на цензурата не "
"преминават през мрежата Tor (ако можехте да се свържете с Tor, нямаше да е "
"необходимо да се свързвате с API)."
#: ../../source/tor.rst:54
msgid ""
@ -150,6 +195,12 @@ msgid ""
"to making one or two requests to the Censorship Circumvention API. Then Meek "
"is stopped, and all further network requests happen over the Tor network."
msgstr ""
"Въпреки че за противника е трудно да открие къде отива заявката на Meek, "
"това може да бъде рисковано за някои потребители. Поради това тази настройка "
"е по избор. Използването на Meek и мрежови заявки извън мрежата на Tor е "
"ограничено само до извършването на една или две заявки към API за "
"заобикаляне на цензурата. След това Meek спира и всички по-нататъшни заявки "
"се извършват през мрежата Tor."
#: ../../source/tor.rst:56
msgid ""
@ -159,10 +210,15 @@ msgid ""
"appears), and manually configure bridges. After you save any bridge "
"settings, OnionShare will try to reconnect using those bridges."
msgstr ""
"Ако не желаете да правите заявкаи извън мрежата Tor, можете да щракнете "
"върху „Настройки на мрежата“ (или върху „Настройки“ в долния десен ъгъл, "
"последвана от раздела „Настройки на Tor“ в появилия се екран) и ръчно да "
"настроите мостове. След като запазите настройките на мостовете, OnionShare "
"ще се опита да се свърже отново, като използва тези настройки."
#: ../../source/tor.rst:59
msgid "Manually configure Tor settings"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Ръчна настройка на Tor"
#: ../../source/tor.rst:61
msgid ""
@ -171,11 +227,17 @@ msgid ""
"the application, and then switch to the Tor Settings tab in the screen that "
msgstr ""
"Можете да стигнете до настройките на Tor, като щракнете върху „Настройки на "
"мрежата“ на началния екран или пиктограмата „⚙“ в долния десен ъгъл на "
"приложението, след което отворите раздела „Настройки на Tor“ в появилия се "
#: ../../source/tor.rst:65
msgid ""
"Here are the different ways you can configure OnionShare to connect to Tor:"
msgstr ""
"Ето различните начини, по които можете да настроите OnionShare да се свързва "
"с Tor:"
#: ../../source/tor.rst:68
msgid "Use the Tor version built into OnionShare"
@ -186,6 +248,9 @@ msgid ""
"This is the default, simplest and most reliable way that OnionShare connects "
"to Tor. For this reason, it's recommended for most users."
msgstr ""
"Това е стандартният, най-простият и надежден начин за свързване на "
"OnionShare с Tor. Поради тази причина той се препоръчва за повечето "
#: ../../source/tor.rst:73
msgid ""
@ -194,22 +259,29 @@ msgid ""
"``tor`` processes on your computer, so you can use the Tor Browser or the "
"system ``tor`` on their own."
msgstr ""
"При отваряне OnionShare стартира настроен процес на ``tor`` във фонов режим. "
"Тези процес не пречи на останалите процеси на ``tor`` на устройството, така "
"че Tor Browser или системният ``tor`` могат да бъдат използвани едновременно."
#: ../../source/tor.rst:76
msgid "**Using bridges**"
msgstr ""
msgstr "**Използване на мостове**"
#: ../../source/tor.rst:78
msgid ""
"To use a bridge, you must select \"Use the Tor version built into "
"OnionShare\" and check the \"Use a bridge\" checkbox."
msgstr ""
"За да използвате мост, трябва да изберете „Използване на вграденото в "
"OnionShare издание на Тор“ и да изберете настройката „Използване на мост“."
#: ../../source/tor.rst:80
msgid ""
"Try using a built-in bridge first. Using `obfs4` or `snowflake` bridges is "
"recommended over using `meek-azure`."
msgstr ""
"Опитайте първо да използвате вграден мост. Препоръчва се използването на "
"мостове `obfs4` или `snowflake` пред използването на `meek-azure`."
#: ../../source/tor.rst:84
msgid ""
@ -218,12 +290,17 @@ msgid ""
"bridge. (This makes it more difficult for governments or ISPs to block "
"access to Tor bridges.)"
msgstr ""
"Ако използването на вграден мост не работи, можете да поискате мост от "
"torproject.org. Ще трябва да решите CAPTCHA, за да поискате мост. (Това "
"затруднява правителства или интернет доставчици да блокират достъпа до "
"мостовете на Tor.)"
#: ../../source/tor.rst:88
msgid ""
"You also have the option of using a bridge that you learned about from a "
"trusted source."
msgstr ""
"Също така можете да използвате мост, за който знаете от надежден източник."
#: ../../source/tor.rst:91
msgid "Attempt auto-configuration with Tor Browser"
@ -236,16 +313,22 @@ msgid ""
"from the Tor Browser. Keep in mind you need to keep Tor Browser open in the "
"background while you're using OnionShare for this to work."
msgstr ""
"Ако сте `изтеглили Tor Browser <https://www.torproject.org>`_ и не искате да "
"имате два процеса на ``tor``, можете да използвате процеса ``tor`` от Tor "
"Browser. Имайте предвид, че в такъв случай трябва да държите Tor Browser "
"отворен на заден план, докато използвате OnionShare."
#: ../../source/tor.rst:97
msgid "Using a system ``tor`` in Windows"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Използване на системния процес на ``tor`` под Windows"
#: ../../source/tor.rst:99
msgid ""
"This is fairly advanced. You'll need to know how edit plaintext files and do "
"stuff as an administrator."
msgstr ""
"Настройката изисква сравнително напреднали умения, като например редактиране "
"на файлове с настройки и управление на операционната система."
#: ../../source/tor.rst:101
msgid ""
@ -254,6 +337,11 @@ msgid ""
"extracted folder to ``C:\\Program Files (x86)\\`` Rename the extracted "
"folder with ``Data`` and ``Tor`` in it to ``tor-win32``."
msgstr ""
"Изтеглете пакета Tor Windows Expert Bundle `от страницата на Tor <https://www"
".torproject.org/download/tor/>`_. Разархивирайте компресирания файл и "
"копирайте получената папка в ``C:\\Program Files (x86)\\``. Преименувайте "
"разархивираната папка, която съдържа папките ``data`` и ``tor`` на ``tor-"
#: ../../source/tor.rst:105
msgid ""
@ -263,6 +351,11 @@ msgid ""
"administrator, and use ``tor.exe --hash-password`` to generate a hash of "
"your password. For example::"
msgstr ""
"Измислете парола за порта за управление. (Препоръчително е да използвате "
"последователност на 7 думи, напр., ``comprised stumble rummage work avenging "
"construct volatile``, е добра идея за парола.) След това отворете команден "
"ред (``cmd``) като администратор и изпълнете командата ``tor.exe --hash-"
"password``, за да създадете отпечатък на паролата. Например::"
#: ../../source/tor.rst:112
msgid ""
@ -270,6 +363,9 @@ msgid ""
"ignore). In the case of the above example, it is "
msgstr ""
"Отпечатъкът от паролата е изведен след няколко предупреждения, които можете "
"да пренебрегнете. В примера, показан по-горе, отпечатъкът е "
#: ../../source/tor.rst:114
msgid ""
@ -277,6 +373,9 @@ msgid ""
"and put your hashed password output in it, replacing the "
"``HashedControlPassword`` with the one you just generated::"
msgstr ""
"След това създайте нов текстов файл ``C:\\Program Files (x86)\\tor-"
"win32\\torrc`` и поставете отпечатъка от парола след "
#: ../../source/tor.rst:119
msgid ""
@ -284,10 +383,14 @@ msgid ""
"appropriate ``torrc`` file you just created (as described in `<https://2019."
"www.torproject.org/docs/faq.html.en#NTService>`_). Like this::"
msgstr ""
"В командния ред с администраторски права инсталирайте ``tor`` като услуга ("
"както е описано в `<https://2019.www.torproject.org/docs/faq.html."
"en#NTService>`_), използвайки файла ``torrc``, който току-що създадохте. Ето "
#: ../../source/tor.rst:123
msgid "You are now running a system ``tor`` process in Windows!"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Сега вече ``tor`` работи като услуга в Windows!"
#: ../../source/tor.rst:125
msgid ""
@ -299,24 +402,34 @@ msgid ""
"Connection to Tor\" button. If all goes well, you should see \"Connected to "
"the Tor controller\"."
msgstr ""
"Отворете OnionShare, щракнете върху пиктограмата „⚙“ и отворете раздела „"
"Настройки на Tor“. Под \"Как OnionShare да се свързва с мрежата на Tor?\" "
"изберете „Свързване, чрез порт за управление“ и за полето „Порт за "
"управление“ задайте стойността ```` и ``9051`` за – „Порт“. Махнете "
"отметката на „Без удостоверяване, нито с бисквитка“ и в полето „Парола“ "
"въведете изпраната по-рано парола. Щракнете върху бутона „Проверка на "
"връзката с Тор“. Ако всичко е наред, трябва да видите „Има връзка с "
"контролер на Tor“."
#: ../../source/tor.rst:134
msgid "Using a system ``tor`` in macOS"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Използване на системния процес на ``tor`` в macOS"
#: ../../source/tor.rst:136
msgid ""
"First, install `Homebrew <https://brew.sh/>`_ if you don't already have it, "
"and then install Tor::"
msgstr ""
"Първо инсталирайте `Homebrew <https://brew.sh/>`_, и след това инсталирайте "
#: ../../source/tor.rst:140
msgid "Now configure Tor to allow connections from OnionShare::"
msgstr ""
msgstr "След това настройте Tor, за да може OnionShare да го използва::"
#: ../../source/tor.rst:147
msgid "And start the system Tor service::"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Добавете и стартирайте услугата на Tor::"
#: ../../source/tor.rst:151
msgid ""
@ -327,14 +440,20 @@ msgid ""
"authentication, or cookie authentication\". Click the \"Test Connection to "
"Tor\" button."
msgstr ""
"Отворете OnionShare, щракнете върху пиктограмата „⚙“ и отворете раздела „"
"Настройки на Tor“. Под \"Как OnionShare да се свързва с мрежата на Tor?\" "
"изберете „Свързване, чрез файл на сокет“ и за файла на сокет задайте ``/usr/"
"local/var/run/tor/control.socket``. Махнете отметката на „Без "
"удостоверяване, нито с бисквитка“ и в полето „Парола“ въведете изпраната по-"
"рано парола. Щракнете върху бутона „Проверка на връзката с Тор“."
#: ../../source/tor.rst:157 ../../source/tor.rst:177
msgid "If all goes well, you should see \"Connected to the Tor controller\"."
msgstr ""
msgstr "Ако всичко е наред, трябва да видите „Има връзка с контролер на Tor“."
#: ../../source/tor.rst:160
msgid "Using a system ``tor`` in Linux"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Използване на системния процес на ``tor`` в Линукс"
#: ../../source/tor.rst:162
msgid ""
@ -342,6 +461,9 @@ msgid ""
"similar Linux distro, It is recommended to use the Tor Project's `official "
"repository <https://support.torproject.org/apt/tor-deb-repo/>`_."
msgstr ""
"Първа инсталирайте пакета ``tor``. Ако използвате Debian, Ubuntu или подобна "
"дистрибуция на Линукс, е препоръчително да използвате `официалното хранилище "
"на Tor Project <https://support.torproject.org/apt/tor-deb-repo/>`_."
#: ../../source/tor.rst:164
msgid ""
@ -349,12 +471,17 @@ msgid ""
"of Debian and Ubuntu, ``debian-tor``) and configure OnionShare to connect to "
"your system ``tor``'s control socket file."
msgstr ""
"След това добавете потребителя си в групата, която управлява процеса ``tor`` "
"(в случая на Debian и Ubuntu, ``debian-tor``), и настройте OnionShare да се "
"свързва с файла на контролния сокет на ``tor``."
#: ../../source/tor.rst:166
msgid ""
"Add your user to the ``debian-tor`` group by running this command (replace "
"``username`` with your actual username)::"
msgstr ""
"Добавете потребителя си в групата ``debian-tor``, като изпълните тази "
"команда (заменете ``username`` с потребителското си име)::"
#: ../../source/tor.rst:170
msgid ""
@ -365,3 +492,10 @@ msgid ""
"settings\" choose \"No authentication, or cookie authentication\". Click the "
"\"Test Connection to Tor\" button."
msgstr ""
"Рестартирайте устройството. След това, отворете отново OnionShare, щракнете "
"върху пиктограмата „⚙“ и отворете раздела „Настройки на Tor“. Под \"Как "
"OnionShare да се свързва с мрежата на Tor?\" изберете „Свързване, чрез файл "
"на сокет“. Задайте за файла на сокета ``/usr/local/var/run/tor/control."
"socket``. Махнете отметката на „Без удостоверяване, нито с бисквитка“ и в "
"полето „Парола“ въведете изпраната по-рано парола. Щракнете върху бутона „"
"Проверка на връзката с Тор“."
@ -6,9 +6,9 @@
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: OnionShare 2.3\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: onionshare-dev@lists.riseup.net\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2024-03-15 13:52+0530\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2024-02-29 00:02+0000\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2024-09-29 20:15+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: victor dargallo <victordargallo@disroot.org>\n"
"Language-Team: ca <LL@li.org>\n"
"Language: ca\n"
@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ msgstr ""
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=n != 1;\n"
"X-Generator: Weblate 5.5-dev\n"
"X-Generator: Weblate 5.8-dev\n"
"Generated-By: Babel 2.9.0\n"
#: ../../source/install.rst:2
@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ msgstr ""
#: ../../source/install.rst:18
msgid "Android"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Android"
#: ../../source/install.rst:17
msgid ""
@ -3,27 +3,31 @@
# This file is distributed under the same license as the OnionShare package.
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: OnionShare 2.3\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: onionshare-dev@lists.riseup.net\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2024-03-15 13:52+0530\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n"
"Last-Translator: FULL NAME <EMAIL@ADDRESS>\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2024-10-19 19:38+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: Danial Behzadi <dani.behzi@ubuntu.com>\n"
"Language-Team: LANGUAGE <LL@li.org>\n"
"Language: \n"
"Language: fa\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=n > 1;\n"
"X-Generator: Weblate 5.8-rc\n"
"Generated-By: Babel 2.8.0\n"
#: ../../source/index.rst:2
msgid "OnionShare's documentation"
msgstr ""
msgstr "مستندات پیازرسان"
#: ../../source/index.rst:6
msgid ""
"OnionShare is an open source tool that lets you securely and anonymously "
"share files, host websites, and chat with friends using the Tor network."
msgstr ""
"پیازرسان نرمافزاری آزاد است که میگذارد با استفاده از شبکهٔ تور به روشی امن و "
"ناشناس پروندهها را همرسانده، پایگاههای وب میزبانی کرده و با دوستانتان گپ "
@ -3,25 +3,26 @@
# This file is distributed under the same license as the OnionShare package.
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: OnionShare 2.3\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: onionshare-dev@lists.riseup.net\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2024-03-15 13:52+0530\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n"
"Last-Translator: FULL NAME <EMAIL@ADDRESS>\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2024-10-19 19:38+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: Danial Behzadi <dani.behzi@ubuntu.com>\n"
"Language-Team: LANGUAGE <LL@li.org>\n"
"Language: \n"
"Language: fa\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=n > 1;\n"
"X-Generator: Weblate 5.8-rc\n"
"Generated-By: Babel 2.8.0\n"
#: ../../source/_templates/versions.html:10
msgid "Versions"
msgstr ""
msgstr "نگارشها"
#: ../../source/_templates/versions.html:18
msgid "Languages"
msgstr ""
msgstr "زبانها"
@ -6,17 +6,17 @@
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: OnionShare 2.3\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: onionshare-dev@lists.riseup.net\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2024-03-15 13:52+0530\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2023-04-15 05:52+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: jxt <chihsun.tsai@gmail.com>\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2024-11-01 22:00+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: Sketch6580 <Sketch6580@users.noreply.hosted.weblate.org>\n"
"Language-Team: LANGUAGE <LL@li.org>\n"
"Language: zh_CN\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=1; plural=0;\n"
"X-Generator: Weblate 4.17-dev\n"
"X-Generator: Weblate 5.8.2-dev\n"
"Generated-By: Babel 2.9.0\n"
#: ../../source/advanced.rst:2
@ -32,13 +32,15 @@ msgid ""
"Closing OnionShare tabs you host destroys them, preventing reuse. "
"Persistently hosted websites are available on the same address even if the "
"computer they are shared from is rebooted."
msgstr ""
msgstr "关闭您托管的 OnionShare 标签页会破坏它们,防止重复使用。即使共享网站的计算机"
#: ../../source/advanced.rst:12
msgid ""
"Make any tab persistent by checking the \"Always open this tab when "
"OnionShare is started\" box before starting your server."
msgstr ""
msgstr "在启动服务器之前,通过选中“启动 OnionShare "
#: ../../source/advanced.rst:16
msgid ""
@ -46,29 +48,33 @@ msgid ""
"opened. Each service then can be started manually, and will be available on "
"the same OnionShare address and be protected by the same private key."
msgstr ""
"打开 OnionShare "
"这些服务将在同一个 OnionShare 地址上可用,并受同一个私钥保护。"
#: ../../source/advanced.rst:19
msgid ""
"If you save a tab, a copy of its onion service secret key is stored on your "
msgstr ""
msgstr "如果您保存了一个标签页,其洋葱服务密钥的副本将存储在您的计算机上。"
#: ../../source/advanced.rst:24
msgid "Turn Off Private Key"
msgstr ""
msgstr "关闭私钥"
#: ../../source/advanced.rst:26
msgid ""
"By default, all OnionShare services are protected with a private key, which "
"Tor calls \"client authentication\"."
msgstr ""
msgstr "所有 OnionShare 服务默认都使用私钥保护,Tor 称之为“客户端验证”。"
#: ../../source/advanced.rst:28
msgid ""
"The Tor Browser will ask you to enter your private key when you load an "
"OnionShare service. If you want allow the public to use your service, it's "
"better to disable the private key altogether."
msgstr ""
msgstr "当您加载 OnionShare 服务时,Tor "
#: ../../source/advanced.rst:31
msgid ""
@ -77,10 +83,13 @@ msgid ""
"Then the server will be public and a private key is not needed to load it in "
"the Tor Browser."
msgstr ""
"要关闭任何标签页的私钥,请在启动服务器之前选中“这是一项公共 OnionShare "
"服务(禁用私钥)”框。然后服务器将公开,并且不需要私钥即可在 Tor "
#: ../../source/advanced.rst:37
msgid "Custom Titles"
msgstr ""
msgstr "自定义标题"
#: ../../source/advanced.rst:39
msgid ""
@ -88,12 +97,15 @@ msgid ""
"title for each type of service. For example, the default title for chat "
"services is \"OnionShare Chat\"."
msgstr ""
"当人们在 Tor 浏览器中加载 OnionShare "
"服务时,他们会看到每种服务的默认标题。例如,聊天服务的默认标题是“OnionShare "
#: ../../source/advanced.rst:42
msgid ""
"If you edit the \"Custom title\" setting before starting a server you can "
"change it."
msgstr ""
msgstr "如果在启动服务器之前编辑“自定义标题”设置,则可以更改它。"
#: ../../source/advanced.rst:45
msgid "Scheduled Times"
@ -116,7 +128,8 @@ msgid ""
"Services scheduled to start in the future display a countdown timer when "
"when the \"Start sharing\" button is clicked. Services scheduled to stop in "
"the future display a countdown timer when started."
msgstr ""
msgstr "当点击“开始分享”按钮时,计划在未来启动的服务会显示一个倒计时器,计划在未来停"
#: ../../source/advanced.rst:54
msgid ""
@ -125,13 +138,17 @@ msgid ""
"in the future if you are not there to prevent it. If nothing happens to you, "
"you can cancel the service before it's scheduled to start."
msgstr ""
"**将 OnionShare 服务安排为自动启动可以作为一个死开关**。这意味着,如果您不在"
#: ../../source/advanced.rst:60
msgid ""
"**Scheduling an OnionShare service to automatically stop limits its "
"exposure**. If you want to share secret info or something that will be "
"outdated, you can do so for selected limited time."
msgstr ""
msgstr "**安排 OnionShare 服务自动停止会限制其暴露**。如果您想分享秘密信息或一些将过"
#: ../../source/advanced.rst:68
msgid "Command-line Interface"
@ -164,12 +181,16 @@ msgid ""
"`CLI README file <https://github.com/onionshare/onionshare/blob/develop/cli/"
"README.md>`_ in the Git repository."
msgstr ""
"有关在不同操作系统上安装它的信息可以在 Git 存储库中的 `CLI README 文件 "
"<https://github.com/onionshare/onionshare/blob/develop/cli/README.md>`_ "
#: ../../source/advanced.rst:84
msgid ""
"If you installed OnionShare using the Snap package, you can also just run "
"``onionshare.cli`` to access the command-line interface version."
msgstr ""
msgstr "如果您使用 Snap 软件包安装了 OnionShare,您也可以运行 ``onionshare.cli`` "
#: ../../source/advanced.rst:87
msgid "Usage"
@ -178,18 +199,18 @@ msgstr "使用"
#: ../../source/advanced.rst:89
msgid ""
"Browse the command-line documentation by running ``onionshare --help``::"
msgstr ""
msgstr "通过运行 ``onionshare --help`` 浏览命令行文档:"
#: ../../source/advanced.rst:151
msgid "Keyboard Shortcuts"
msgstr ""
msgstr "键盘快捷键"
#: ../../source/advanced.rst:153
msgid ""
"The OnionShare desktop application contains some keyboard shortcuts, for "
"convenience and accessibility::"
msgstr ""
msgstr "OnionShare 桌面应用程序包含一些键盘快捷键,以方便使用和访问:"
#: ../../source/advanced.rst:158
msgid "And from the main mode chooser screen::"
msgstr ""
msgstr "从主模式选择器屏幕:"
@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: OnionShare 2.3\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: onionshare-dev@lists.riseup.net\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2024-03-15 13:52+0530\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2024-08-15 05:09+0000\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2024-11-01 22:00+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: Sketch6580 <Sketch6580@users.noreply.hosted.weblate.org>\n"
"Language-Team: LANGUAGE <LL@li.org>\n"
"Language: zh_CN\n"
@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ msgstr ""
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=1; plural=0;\n"
"X-Generator: Weblate 5.7-dev\n"
"X-Generator: Weblate 5.8.2-dev\n"
"Generated-By: Babel 2.9.0\n"
#: ../../source/develop.rst:2
@ -69,6 +69,10 @@ msgid ""
"also review all of the `open issues <https://github.com/onionshare/"
"onionshare/issues>`_ on GitHub to see if there are any you'd like to tackle."
msgstr ""
"如果您想为 OnionShare 贡献代码,加入 Keybase "
"团队并询问您正在考虑从事的工作会有所帮助。您还应该查看 GitHub 上的所有 `"
"未解决的问题 <https://github.com/onionshare/onionshare/"
#: ../../source/develop.rst:22
msgid ""
@ -91,6 +95,10 @@ msgid ""
"command-line version, and the ``desktop/README.md`` file to learn how to set "
"up your development environment for the graphical version."
msgstr ""
"OnionShare 是用 Python 开发的。首先,请克隆 https://github.com/onionshare/"
"onionshare/ 上的 Git 存储库,然后查阅 ``cli/README.md`` "
"文件以了解如何为命令行版本设置开发环境,并查阅 ``desktop/README.md`` "
#: ../../source/develop.rst:32
msgid ""
@ -155,6 +163,9 @@ msgid ""
"browser like Firefox, instead of using the Tor Browser. The private key is "
"not actually needed in local-only mode, so you can ignore it."
msgstr ""
"在这种情况下,您可以在 Firefox 等普通浏览器中加载 URL ``http://127.0.0."
"1:17641``,而不是使用 Tor "
#: ../../source/develop.rst:168
msgid "Contributing Translations"
@ -6,17 +6,17 @@
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: OnionShare 2.3\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: onionshare-dev@lists.riseup.net\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2024-03-15 13:52+0530\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2023-06-03 17:52+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: emma peel <emmapeel@torproject.org>\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2024-11-01 22:00+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: Sketch6580 <Sketch6580@users.noreply.hosted.weblate.org>\n"
"Language-Team: LANGUAGE <LL@li.org>\n"
"Language: zh_CN\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=1; plural=0;\n"
"X-Generator: Weblate 4.18-dev\n"
"X-Generator: Weblate 5.8.2-dev\n"
"Generated-By: Babel 2.9.0\n"
#: ../../source/features.rst:4
@ -35,15 +35,15 @@ msgstr ""
#: ../../source/features.rst:8
msgid "By default, OnionShare web addresses are protected with a private key."
msgstr ""
msgstr "OnionShare 网址默认受私钥保护。"
#: ../../source/features.rst:10
msgid "OnionShare addresses look something like this::"
msgstr ""
msgstr "OnionShare 地址看起来像这样:"
#: ../../source/features.rst:14
msgid "And private keys might look something like this::"
msgstr ""
msgstr "私钥可能看起来像这样:"
#: ../../source/features.rst:18
msgid ""
@ -52,6 +52,9 @@ msgid ""
"using something less secure like unencrypted email, depending on your "
"`threat model <https://ssd.eff.org/module/your-security-plan>`_."
msgstr ""
"您有责任使用您选择的通信渠道(例如加密的聊天消息)安全地分享该 URL "
"和私钥,或者使用如未加密的电子邮件等不太安全的方式,具体取决于您的`威胁模型 "
#: ../../source/features.rst:20
msgid ""
@ -60,6 +63,9 @@ msgid ""
"Tor Browser will then prompt for the private key, which the people can also "
"then copy and paste in."
msgstr ""
"然后,您发送 URL 的人会将其复制并粘贴到他们的 `Tor 浏览器 <https://www."
"torproject.org/zh-CN/>`_ 中,以访问 OnionShare 服务。然后,Tor "
#: ../../source/features.rst:24
msgid ""
@ -68,6 +74,9 @@ msgid ""
"laptop is unsuspended and on the internet again. OnionShare works best when "
"working with people in real-time."
msgstr ""
"如果您在笔记本电脑上运行 OnionShare 来向某人发送文件,然后在发送文件之前将其"
"OnionShare 在与人们实时合作时效果最佳。"
#: ../../source/features.rst:26
msgid ""
@ -110,6 +119,9 @@ msgid ""
"allow multiple people to download them, uncheck the \"Stop sharing after "
"files have been sent (uncheck to allow downloading individual files)\" box."
msgstr ""
"一旦有人下载完您的文件,OnionShare 将自动停止服务器,将网站从互联网上移除。要"
#: ../../source/features.rst:42
msgid ""
@ -136,17 +148,20 @@ msgid ""
"stay secure, or the person is otherwise exposed to danger, use an encrypted "
"messaging app."
msgstr ""
"现在您有了 OnionShare,请复制地址和私钥并将其发送给您希望接收文件的人。如果文"
#: ../../source/features.rst:50
msgid ""
"That person then must load the address in Tor Browser. After logging in with "
"the private key, the files can be downloaded directly from your computer by "
"clicking the \"Download Files\" link in the corner."
msgstr ""
msgstr "然后,此人必须在 Tor 浏览器中加载该地址。使用私钥登录后,可以通过单击角落中的"
#: ../../source/features.rst:55
msgid "Receive Files and Messages"
msgstr ""
msgstr "接收文件和消息"
#: ../../source/features.rst:57
msgid ""
@ -154,18 +169,21 @@ msgid ""
"directly to your computer, essentially turning it into an anonymous dropbox. "
"Open a receive tab and choose the settings that you want."
msgstr ""
"您可以使用 OnionShare 让人们匿名直接向您的计算机提交文件和消息,"
"本质上将其变成一个匿名 Dropbox。打开接收标签页并选择所需的设置。"
#: ../../source/features.rst:62
msgid ""
"You can browse for a folder to save messages and files that get submitted."
msgstr ""
msgstr "您可以浏览文件夹来保存已提交的消息和文件。"
#: ../../source/features.rst:64
msgid ""
"You can check \"Disable submitting text\" if want to only allow file "
"uploads, and you can check \"Disable uploading files\" if you want to only "
"allow submitting text messages, like for an anonymous contact form."
msgstr ""
msgstr "如果要只允许文件上传,可以选中“禁用提交文本”;如果要只允许提交文本消息(例如"
#: ../../source/features.rst:66
msgid ""
@ -181,6 +199,14 @@ msgid ""
"service, @webhookbot will send you a message on Keybase letting you know as "
"soon as it happens."
msgstr ""
"如果您想在有人向您的 OnionShare 服务提交文件或消息时收到通知,您可以选中“"
"使用通知 webhook”,然后选择 webhook URL。如果您使用此功能,OnionShare "
"会在有人提交文件或消息时向此 URL 发出 HTTP POST 请求。例如,"
"如果您想在消息应用 `Keybase <https://keybase.io/>`_ 上获取加密文本消息,"
"您可以与 `@webhookbot <https://keybase.io/webhookbot>`_ 开始对话,输入 ``"
"!webhook create onionshare-alerts``,它将以 URL 响应。将其用作通知 webhook "
"URL。如果有人将文件上传到您的接收模式服务,@webhookbot 会在 Keybase "
#: ../../source/features.rst:71
msgid ""
@ -188,6 +214,8 @@ msgid ""
"service. Anyone loading this address in their Tor Browser will be able to "
"submit files and messages which get uploaded to your computer."
msgstr ""
"准备就绪后,单击“启动接收模式”。这将启动 OnionShare 服务。任何在 Tor 浏览器中"
#: ../../source/features.rst:75
msgid ""
@ -197,7 +225,7 @@ msgstr "也可以点右上角 \"↓\" 图标 ,即显示别人传送给你的
#: ../../source/features.rst:77
msgid "Here is what it looks like for someone sending you files and messages."
msgstr ""
msgstr "以下是某人向您发送文件和消息的情况。"
#: ../../source/features.rst:81
msgid ""
@ -206,6 +234,8 @@ msgid ""
"computer, automatically organized into separate subfolders based on the time "
"that the files get uploaded."
msgstr ""
"当有人向您的接收服务提交文件或消息时,它们会默认保存到计算机主文件夹中称为 "
"``OnionShare`` 的文件夹中,并根据文件上传的时间自动整理到单独的子文件夹中。"
#: ../../source/features.rst:83
msgid ""
@ -230,6 +260,9 @@ msgid ""
"service. OnionShare does not add any safety mechanisms to protect your "
"system from malicious files."
msgstr ""
"就像恶意电子邮件附件一样,有人可能会尝试通过将恶意文件上传到您的 OnionShare "
"服务来攻击您的计算机。OnionShare "
#: ../../source/features.rst:90
msgid ""
@ -239,15 +272,15 @@ msgid ""
"untrusted documents by opening them in `Tails <https://tails.boum.org/>`_ or "
"in a `Qubes <https://qubes-os.org/>`_ disposableVM."
msgstr ""
"從 OnionShare 收到 Office 文件或 PDF 檔案,可使用`Dangerzone <https://"
"dangerzone.rocks/>`_ 來把文件轉換成可安全開啟的 PDF。為自我保護起見,無法信任"
"的文檔請透過`Tails <https://tails.boum.org/>`_ 或`Qubes <https://qubes-os."
"org/>`_ 一次性虛擬機器來開啟。"
"如果您通过 OnionShare 收到 Office 文档或 PDF,则可以将这些文档转换为可以使用 "
"`Dangerzone <https://dangerzone.rocks/>`_ 安全打开的 PDF。您还可以通过在 `"
"Tails <https://tails.boum.org/>`_ 或 `Qubes <https://qubes-os.org/>`_ "
#: ../../source/features.rst:92
msgid ""
"However, it is always safe to open text messages sent through OnionShare."
msgstr ""
msgstr "然而,打开通过 OnionShare 发送的文本消息总是安全的。"
#: ../../source/features.rst:95
msgid "Tips for running a receive service"
@ -259,6 +292,8 @@ msgid ""
"recommended you do so on a separate, dedicated computer always powered on "
"and connected to the internet, and not on the one you use on a regular basis."
msgstr ""
"如果您想使用 OnionShare 托管您自己的匿名 Dropbox,建议您在一台始终开机并连接"
#: ../../source/features.rst:99
msgid ""
@ -267,6 +302,9 @@ msgid ""
"(see :ref:`turn_off_private_key`). It's also a good idea to give it a custom "
"title (see :ref:`custom_titles`)."
msgstr ""
"如果您打算将 OnionShare 地址放在您的网站或社交媒体个人资料中,请保存此标签页"
#: ../../source/features.rst:102
msgid "Host a Website"
@ -310,24 +348,27 @@ msgid ""
"header. However, this prevents third-party content from loading inside the "
"web page."
msgstr ""
"OnionShare 默认通过设置严格的`内容安全策略 <https://zh.wikipedia.org/wiki/"
#: ../../source/features.rst:121
msgid ""
"If you want to load content from third-party websites, like assets or "
"JavaScript libraries from CDNs, you have two options:"
msgstr ""
msgstr "如果您想从第三方网站加载内容(如来自 CDN 的资产或 JavaScript "
#: ../../source/features.rst:123
msgid ""
"You can disable sending a Content Security Policy header by checking the "
"\"Don't send Content Security Policy header (allows your website to use "
"third-party resources)\" box before starting the service."
msgstr ""
msgstr "您可以在启动服务之前选中“不发送内容安全策略标头(允许您的网站使用第三方资源)"
#: ../../source/features.rst:124
#, fuzzy
msgid "You can send a custom Content Security Policy header."
msgstr "内容安全政策"
msgstr "您可以发送自定义内容安全策略标头。"
#: ../../source/features.rst:127
msgid "Tips for running a website service"
@ -342,12 +383,17 @@ msgid ""
"ref:`save_tabs`) so you can resume the website with the same address if you "
"close OnionShare and re-open it later."
msgstr ""
"如果您想使用 OnionShare 托管一个长期网站(意味着不仅仅是快速向某人展示某些内"
"这样如果您关闭 OnionShare 并稍后重新打开它,您就可以使用相同的地址恢复网站。"
#: ../../source/features.rst:132
msgid ""
"If your website is intended for the public, you should run it as a public "
"service (see :ref:`turn_off_private_key`)."
msgstr ""
msgstr "如果您的网站是面向公众的,您应该将其作为公共服务运行(请参阅:ref:`turn_off_p"
#: ../../source/features.rst:135
msgid "Chat Anonymously"
@ -368,6 +414,9 @@ msgid ""
"important to limit exactly who can join, use an encrypted messaging app to "
"send out the OnionShare address and private key."
msgstr ""
"启动服务器后,复制 OnionShare "
"请使用加密消息应用发送 OnionShare 地址和私钥。"
#: ../../source/features.rst:146
msgid ""
@ -428,6 +477,11 @@ msgid ""
"databases) they may have been saved to. OnionShare chat rooms don't store "
"any messages anywhere, so the problem is reduced to a minimum."
msgstr ""
"例如,如果您向 Signal 群聊发送消息,则该消息的副本将出现在群聊每位成员的每台"
"设备上(智能手机和计算机,如果他们设置了 Signal 桌面版)。即使启用了“消失消息"
"何其他地方(如通知数据库)中删除。OnionShare "
#: ../../source/features.rst:168
msgid ""
@ -437,6 +491,10 @@ msgid ""
"journalist using a disposable email address, and then wait for the "
"journalist to join the chat room, all without compromosing their anonymity."
msgstr ""
"OnionShare "
"消息来源可以使用一次性电子邮件地址向记者发送 OnionShare "
#: ../../source/features.rst:172
msgid "How does the encryption work?"
@ -6,17 +6,17 @@
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: OnionShare 2.3\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: onionshare-dev@lists.riseup.net\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2024-03-15 13:52+0530\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2023-06-08 16:50+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: emma peel <emmapeel@torproject.org>\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2024-11-01 22:00+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: Sketch6580 <Sketch6580@users.noreply.hosted.weblate.org>\n"
"Language-Team: LANGUAGE <LL@li.org>\n"
"Language: zh_CN\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=1; plural=0;\n"
"X-Generator: Weblate 4.18-dev\n"
"X-Generator: Weblate 5.8.2-dev\n"
"Generated-By: Babel 2.9.0\n"
#: ../../source/install.rst:2
@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ msgstr "安装"
#: ../../source/install.rst:5
msgid "Windows or macOS"
msgstr "安装到 Windows 或 macOS"
msgstr "Windows 或 macOS"
#: ../../source/install.rst:7
msgid ""
@ -37,46 +37,48 @@ msgstr ""
#: ../../source/install.rst:12
msgid "Mobile"
msgstr ""
msgstr "手机"
#: ../../source/install.rst:14
msgid "You can download OnionShare for Mobile from the follow links"
msgstr ""
msgstr "您可以从下方链接下载 OnionShare 移动版"
#: ../../source/install.rst:18
msgid "Android"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Android"
#: ../../source/install.rst:17
msgid ""
"Google Play: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=org.onionshare."
msgstr ""
"Google Play: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=org.onionshare."
#: ../../source/install.rst:18
msgid "F-Droid: https://github.com/onionshare/onionshare-android-nightly"
msgstr ""
msgstr "F-Droid: https://github.com/onionshare/onionshare-android-nightly"
#: ../../source/install.rst:24
msgid "iOS"
msgstr ""
msgstr "iOS"
#: ../../source/install.rst:21
msgid "Apple App Store: https://apps.apple.com/app/onionshare/id1601890129"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Apple 应用商店:https://apps.apple.com/app/onionshare/id1601890129"
#: ../../source/install.rst:22
msgid ""
"Direct IPA download: https://github.com/onionshare/onionshare-ios/releases"
msgstr ""
msgstr "直接 IPA 下载:https://github.com/onionshare/onionshare-ios/releases"
#: ../../source/install.rst:23
msgid "Testflight: https://testflight.apple.com/join/ZCJeY65W"
msgstr ""
msgstr "TestFlight: https://testflight.apple.com/join/ZCJeY65W"
#: ../../source/install.rst:27
msgid "Linux"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Linux"
#: ../../source/install.rst:29
msgid ""
@ -90,14 +92,13 @@ msgstr ""
"和 Snap 确保你将总能使用最新版本的 OnionShare 并在一个沙箱里运行它。"
#: ../../source/install.rst:32
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"Snapcraft support is built-in to Ubuntu and Fedora comes with Flatpak "
"support, but which you use is up to you. Both work in all Linux "
msgstr ""
"Ubuntu 内建对 Snap 的支持而 Fedora 附带对 Flatpak 的支持,但选择哪一种取决于"
"你。这两种都能在所有的 Linux 发行版上使用。"
"Ubuntu 内置 Snapcraft 支持,而 Fedora 则支持 Flatpak,但使用哪一种取决于您。"
"两者都适用于所有 Linux 发行版。"
#: ../../source/install.rst:34
msgid ""
@ -109,7 +110,7 @@ msgstr ""
#: ../../source/install.rst:36
msgid "**Install OnionShare using Snapcraft**: https://snapcraft.io/onionshare"
msgstr ""
msgstr "**使用 Snapcraft 安装 OnionShare**:https://snapcraft.io/onionshare"
#: ../../source/install.rst:38
msgid ""
@ -120,9 +121,8 @@ msgstr ""
"的 ``.flatpak`` 或 ``.snap`` 软件包。"
#: ../../source/install.rst:41
#, fuzzy
msgid "Manual Flatpak Installation"
msgstr "安装"
msgstr "手动 Flatpak 安装"
#: ../../source/install.rst:43
msgid ""
@ -130,11 +130,13 @@ msgid ""
"signed `single-file bundle <https://docs.flatpak.org/en/latest/single-file-"
"bundles.html>`_, you can do so like this:"
msgstr ""
"如果您想要通过 Flatpak 使用 PGP 签名的 `单文件软件包 <https://docs.flatpak."
"org/en/latest/single-file-bundles.html>`_ 手动安装 OnionShare,您可以这样做:"
#: ../../source/install.rst:45
msgid ""
"Install Flatpak by following the instructions at https://flatpak.org/setup/."
msgstr ""
msgstr "按照 https://flatpak.org/setup/ 上的说明安装 Flatpak。"
#: ../../source/install.rst:46
msgid ""
@ -143,18 +145,24 @@ msgid ""
"won't be downloading OnionShare from Flathub, OnionShare depends on some "
"packages that are only available there."
msgstr ""
"通过运行 ``flatpak remote-add --if-not-exists flathub https://flathub.org/"
"repo/flathub.flatpakrepo`` 添加 Flathub 存储库。即使您不会从 Flathub 下载 "
"OnionShare,但 OnionShare 也依赖于某些仅在那里可用的软件包。"
#: ../../source/install.rst:47
msgid ""
"Go to https://onionshare.org/dist/, choose the latest version of OnionShare, "
"and download the ``.flatpak`` and ``.flatpak.asc`` files."
msgstr ""
"前往 https://onionshare.org/dist/,选择最新版本的 OnionShare,并下载 ``."
"flatpak`` 和 ``.flatpak.asc`` 文件。"
#: ../../source/install.rst:48
msgid ""
"Verify the PGP signature of the ``.flatpak`` file. See :ref:`verifying_sigs` "
"for more info."
msgstr ""
msgstr "验证 ``.flatpak`` 文件的 PGP "
#: ../../source/install.rst:49
msgid ""
@ -162,38 +170,42 @@ msgid ""
"VERSION.flatpak``. Replace ``VERSION`` with the version number of the file "
"you downloaded."
msgstr ""
"通过运行 ``flatpak install OnionShare-VERSION.flatpak`` 来安装 ``.flatpak`` "
"文件。将 ``VERSION`` 替换为您下载的文件的版本号。"
#: ../../source/install.rst:51
msgid "You can run OnionShare with: `flatpak run org.onionshare.OnionShare`."
msgstr ""
msgstr "您可以使用以下命令运行 OnionShare:`flatpak run org.onionshare.OnionShare`。"
#: ../../source/install.rst:54
msgid "Manual Snapcraft Installation"
msgstr ""
msgstr "手动 Snapcraft 安装"
#: ../../source/install.rst:56
msgid ""
"If you'd like to install OnionShare manually with Snapcraft using the PGP-"
"signed Snapcraft package, you can do so like this:"
msgstr ""
msgstr "如果您想使用 PGP 签名的 Snapcraft 包手动安装 OnionShare,您可以这样做:"
#: ../../source/install.rst:58
msgid ""
"Install Snapcraft by following the instructions at https://snapcraft.io/docs/"
msgstr ""
msgstr "按照 https://snapcraft.io/docs/installing-snapd 上的说明安装 Snapcraft。"
#: ../../source/install.rst:59
msgid ""
"Go to https://onionshare.org/dist/, choose the latest version of OnionShare, "
"and download the ``.snap`` and ``.snap.asc`` files."
msgstr ""
"前往 https://onionshare.org/dist/,选择最新版本的 OnionShare,并下载 ``."
"snap`` 和 ``.snap.asc`` 文件。"
#: ../../source/install.rst:60
msgid ""
"Verify the PGP signature of the ``.snap`` file. See :ref:`verifying_sigs` "
"for more info."
msgstr ""
msgstr "验证 ``.snap`` 文件的 PGP 签名。有关更多信息,请参阅:ref:`verifying_sigs`。"
#: ../../source/install.rst:61
msgid ""
@ -203,24 +215,30 @@ msgid ""
"package is not signed by the Snapcraft store, however you did verify its PGP "
"signature, so you know it's legitimate."
msgstr ""
"通过运行 ``snap install --dangerous onionshare_VERSION_amd64.snap`` 来安装 ``"
".snap`` 文件。将 ``VERSION`` 替换为您下载的文件的版本号。请注意,您必须使用 "
"`--dangerous`,因为该软件包未由 Snapcraft 商店签名,但您确实验证了其 PGP "
#: ../../source/install.rst:63
msgid "You can run OnionShare with: `snap run onionshare`."
msgstr ""
msgstr "您可以使用以下命令运行 OnionShare:`snap run onionshare`。"
#: ../../source/install.rst:68
msgid "Command-line only"
msgstr ""
msgstr "仅限命令行"
#: ../../source/install.rst:70
msgid ""
"You can install just the command-line version of OnionShare on any operating "
"system using the Python package manager ``pip``. :ref:`cli` has more info."
msgstr ""
"您可以使用 Python 软件包管理器 ``pip`` 在任何操作系统上安装 OnionShare "
"的命令行版本。:ref:`cli` 有更多信息。"
#: ../../source/install.rst:75
msgid "FreeBSD"
msgstr ""
msgstr "FreeBSD"
#: ../../source/install.rst:77
msgid ""
@ -230,6 +248,10 @@ msgid ""
"use OnionShare on a FreeBSD operating system, please be aware that it's "
"**NOT** officially supported by the OnionShare project."
msgstr ""
"尽管 OnionShare 并非专为此平台开发,但它也可以安装在 `FreeBSD "
"<https://freebsd.org/>`_ 上。它可通过其 Ports Collection 或预构建包获得。"
"如果您选择在 FreeBSD 操作系统上安装和使用 OnionShare,请注意,它 **不** 受 "
"OnionShare 项目的官方支持。"
#: ../../source/install.rst:79
msgid ""
@ -240,19 +262,22 @@ msgid ""
"you wish to check changes related to this platform, please refer to the "
"following resources:"
msgstr ""
"尽管不是由 OnionShare 开发人员提供和正式维护,但 FreeBSD 软件包和 ports "
"确实会从官方 OnionShare 存储库(或其来自 `PyPI <https://pypi.org/project/"
"onionshare-cli/>`_ 的官方发布软件包)获取和验证源代码。如果您希望查看与此平台"
#: ../../source/install.rst:81
msgid "https://cgit.freebsd.org/ports/log/www/onionshare"
msgstr ""
msgstr "https://cgit.freebsd.org/ports/log/www/onionshare"
#: ../../source/install.rst:82
msgid "https://www.freshports.org/www/onionshare"
msgstr ""
msgstr "https://www.freshports.org/www/onionshare"
#: ../../source/install.rst:85
#, fuzzy
msgid "Manual pkg Installation"
msgstr "安装"
msgstr "手动 pkg 安装"
#: ../../source/install.rst:87
msgid ""
@ -260,6 +285,9 @@ msgid ""
"``pyXY`` specifying the version of Python the package was built for. So, in "
"order to install OnionShare for Python 3.9, use::"
msgstr ""
"要安装二进制包,请使用 ``pkg install pyXY-onionshare``,其中 ``pyXY`` "
"指定包所针对的 Python 版本。因此,为了安装适用于 Python 3.9 的 "
#: ../../source/install.rst:91
msgid ""
@ -267,6 +295,8 @@ msgid ""
"built package. Replace ``py39-onionshare`` by ``py39-onionshare-cli`` if you "
"want to install that version."
msgstr ""
"还有一个**仅命令行**版本的 OnionShare 作为预构建包提供。如果要安装该版本,"
"请将 ``py39-onionshare`` 替换为 ``py39-onionshare-cli`` 。"
#: ../../source/install.rst:93
msgid ""
@ -274,11 +304,13 @@ msgid ""
"please refer to its `official Handbook section about pkg <https://docs."
msgstr ""
"有关 FreeBSD 预构建软件包的更多信息和详细信息,请参阅其`有关 pkg "
"的官方手册部分 <https://docs.freebsd.org/en/books/handbook/ports/#pkgng-"
#: ../../source/install.rst:96
#, fuzzy
msgid "Manual port Installation"
msgstr "安装"
msgstr "手动 port 安装"
#: ../../source/install.rst:98
msgid ""
@ -286,6 +318,8 @@ msgid ""
"<https://freebsd.org/ports/>`_ you must have checked out before and run the "
msgstr ""
"要安装 FreeBSD port,请将目录更改为 `ports collection <https://freebsd.org/"
#: ../../source/install.rst:102
msgid ""
@ -293,6 +327,9 @@ msgid ""
"only** version of OnionShare. Replace ``www/onionshare`` by ``www/onionshare-"
"cli`` if you want to install that version."
msgstr ""
"Ports Collection 还为 OnionShare 的**仅命令行**版本提供了专用 "
"port。如果您想要安装该版本,请将 ``www/onionshare`` 替换为 ``www/onionshare-"
"cli`` 。"
#: ../../source/install.rst:104
msgid ""
@ -300,6 +337,9 @@ msgid ""
"please refer to its `official Handbook section about ports <https://docs."
msgstr ""
"有关 FreeBSD Ports Collection 的更多信息和详细信息,请参阅其`有关 ports "
"的官方手册部分 <https://docs.freebsd.org/en/books/handbook/ports/#ports-"
#: ../../source/install.rst:109
msgid "Verifying PGP signatures"
@ -326,37 +366,35 @@ msgid ""
"Packages are signed by the core developer who is responsible for the "
"particular release. Following are the informations of the core developers of "
msgstr ""
msgstr "软件包由负责特定版本的核心开发人员签名。以下是 OnionShare "
#: ../../source/install.rst:122
msgid "Micah Lee:"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Micah Lee:"
#: ../../source/install.rst:121
msgid ""
"PGP public key fingerprint ``927F419D7EC82C2F149C1BD1403C2657CD994F73``."
msgstr ""
msgstr "PGP 公钥指纹 ``927F419D7EC82C2F149C1BD1403C2657CD994F73``。"
#: ../../source/install.rst:122
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"You can download Micah's key `from the keys.openpgp.org keyserver <https://"
msgstr ""
"软件包由核心开发者 Micah Lee 通过使用他的 PGP 公钥签名,其指纹为 "
"``927F419D7EC82C2F149C1BD1403C2657CD994F73``。你可以下载 Micah 的公钥 `从 "
"keys.openpgp.org keyserver <https://keys.openpgp.org/vks/v1/by-"
"您可以`从 keys.openpgp.org 密钥服务器 <https://keys.openpgp.org/vks/v1/"
"by-fingerprint/927F419D7EC82C2F149C1BD1403C2657CD994F73>`_下载 Micah 的密钥。"
#: ../../source/install.rst:126
msgid "Saptak Sengupta:"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Saptak Sengupta:"
#: ../../source/install.rst:125
msgid ""
"PGP public key fingerprint ``2AE3D40A6905C8E4E8ED95ECE46A2B977C14666B``."
msgstr ""
msgstr "PGP 公钥指纹 ``2AE3D40A6905C8E4E8ED95ECE46A2B977C14666B``。"
#: ../../source/install.rst:126
msgid ""
@ -364,6 +402,9 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"您可以`从 keys.openpgp.org 密钥服务器 <https://keys.openpgp.org/vks/v1/"
"by-fingerprint/2AE3D40A6905C8E4E8ED95ECE46A2B977C14666B>`_下载 Saptak "
#: ../../source/install.rst:128
msgid ""
@ -380,48 +421,44 @@ msgid "Signatures"
msgstr "签名"
#: ../../source/install.rst:133
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"You can find the signatures (as ``.asc`` files), as well as Windows, macOS, "
"Flatpak, Snap, and source packages, at https://onionshare.org/dist/ in the "
"folders named for each version of OnionShare. You can also find them on the "
"`GitHub Releases page <https://github.com/onionshare/onionshare/releases>`_."
msgstr ""
"你可以在 https://onionshare.org/dist/ 下以 OnionShare 每个版本命名的文件夹中"
"找到这些签名(以 ``.asc`` 文件形式),以及对应 Windows、macOS、Flatpak、Snap "
"的 OnionShare 安装包和源码包。你也能在 `GitHub Releases page <https://github."
"com/micahflee/onionshare/releases>`_ 上找到它们。"
"您可以在 https://onionshare.org/dist/ 上每个 OnionShare "
"版本文件夹中找到签名(作为 ``.asc`` 文件),以及 Windows、macOS、Flatpak、"
"Snap 和源代码包。您还可以在 `GitHub 发布页面 <https://github.com/onionshare/"
"onionshare/releases>`_ 上找到它们。"
#: ../../source/install.rst:137
msgid "Verifying"
msgstr "验证"
#: ../../source/install.rst:139
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"Once you have imported the core developers public keys into your GnuPG "
"keychain, downloaded the binary and ``.asc`` signature, you can verify the "
"binary in a terminal like this:"
msgstr ""
"只要你导入过 Micah 的公钥到你的 GnuPG 密钥串上,下载好(被 Micah 的密钥签署过"
"的)二进制文件和 ``.asc`` 签名文件,你就可以在 macOS 的终端中验证这个二进制文"
msgstr "将核心开发人员的公钥导入 GnuPG 密钥串、下载二进制文件和 ``.asc`` "
#: ../../source/install.rst:141
msgid "For Windows::"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Windows::"
#: ../../source/install.rst:145
msgid "For macOS::"
msgstr ""
msgstr "macOS::"
#: ../../source/install.rst:149
msgid "For Linux::"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Linux::"
#: ../../source/install.rst:155
msgid "and for the source file::"
msgstr ""
msgstr "源文件::"
#: ../../source/install.rst:159
msgid "The expected output looks like this::"
@ -432,14 +469,16 @@ msgid ""
"If you don't see ``Good signature from``, there might be a problem with the "
"integrity of the file (malicious or otherwise), and you should not install "
"the package."
msgstr ""
msgstr "如果您没有看到 ``Good signature "
#: ../../source/install.rst:171
msgid ""
"The ``WARNING:`` shown above, is not a problem with the package, it only "
"means you haven't defined a level of \"trust\" of Micah's (the core "
"developer) PGP key."
msgstr ""
msgstr "上面显示的``警告:``不是软件包的问题,它只意味着您没有定义 "
"Micah(核心开发人员)的 PGP 密钥的“信任”级别。"
#: ../../source/install.rst:173
msgid ""
@ -6,17 +6,17 @@
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: OnionShare 2.3\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: onionshare-dev@lists.riseup.net\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2024-03-15 13:52+0530\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2023-04-15 05:52+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: jxt <chihsun.tsai@gmail.com>\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2024-11-01 22:00+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: Sketch6580 <Sketch6580@users.noreply.hosted.weblate.org>\n"
"Language-Team: LANGUAGE <LL@li.org>\n"
"Language: zh_CN\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=1; plural=0;\n"
"X-Generator: Weblate 4.17-dev\n"
"X-Generator: Weblate 5.8.2-dev\n"
"Generated-By: Babel 2.9.0\n"
#: ../../source/security.rst:2
@ -44,6 +44,10 @@ msgid ""
"for that too. This avoids the traditional model of having to trust the "
"computers of others."
msgstr ""
"**第三方无法访问 OnionShare 中发生的任何情况。**使用 OnionShare "
"意味着直接在您的计算机上托管服务。当您使用 OnionShare "
"共享文件时,它们不会上传到任何第三方服务器。如果您创建 OnionShare 聊天室,您"
#: ../../source/security.rst:17
msgid ""
@ -81,6 +85,10 @@ msgid ""
"client authentication must be guessed (unless the service is already made "
"public by turning off the private key -- see :ref:`turn_off_private_key`)."
msgstr ""
"**即使攻击者了解了洋葱服务,他们仍然无法访问任何内容。**之前针对 Tor "
"网络枚举洋葱服务的攻击允许攻击者发现私有的 ``.onion`` 地址。要从其地址访问 "
"OnionShare 服务,必须猜测用于客户端验证的私钥(除非该服务已通过关闭私钥公开 -"
" 请参阅:`turn_off_private_key`)。"
#: ../../source/security.rst:33
msgid "What OnionShare doesn't protect against"
@ -98,6 +106,13 @@ msgid ""
"messages enabled), encrypted e-mail, or in person. This isn't necessary when "
"using OnionShare for something that isn't secret."
msgstr ""
"**传递 OnionShare 地址和私钥可能不安全。**向人们传递 OnionShare 地址是 "
"OnionShare "
"窃听者可以知道正在使用 OnionShare。窃听者可以通过在 Tor 浏览器中加载他们的地"
"、加密电子邮件或亲自安全传递达地址来避免这种情况。当使用 OnionShare "
#: ../../source/security.rst:42
msgid ""
@ -107,3 +122,6 @@ msgid ""
"over Tor, can be used to share the address. This isn't necessary unless "
"anonymity is a goal."
msgstr ""
"**传递 OnionShare 地址和私钥可能不是匿名的。**必须采取额外的预防措施以确保 "
"OnionShare 地址是匿名传递的。可以使用仅通过 Tor "
@ -6,22 +6,22 @@
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: OnionShare 2.3\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: onionshare-dev@lists.riseup.net\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2024-03-15 13:52+0530\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2023-06-10 02:52+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: Chris Nolan <chrisnolan@tutanota.de>\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2024-11-01 22:00+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: Sketch6580 <Sketch6580@users.noreply.hosted.weblate.org>\n"
"Language-Team: LANGUAGE <LL@li.org>\n"
"Language: zh_CN\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=1; plural=0;\n"
"X-Generator: Weblate 4.18-dev\n"
"X-Generator: Weblate 5.8.2-dev\n"
"Generated-By: Babel 2.9.0\n"
#: ../../source/tor.rst:2
msgid "Connecting to Tor"
msgstr "連接到 Tor"
msgstr "正在连接到 Tor"
#: ../../source/tor.rst:4
msgid ""
@ -83,17 +83,18 @@ msgstr "请尝试在没有使用网桥的情况下再次连接"
#: ../../source/tor.rst:23
msgid ""
"Automatically determine my country from my IP address for bridge settings"
msgstr ""
msgstr "自动根据我的 IP 地址确定我的国家/地区以进行网桥设置"
#: ../../source/tor.rst:24
msgid "Manually select my country for bridge settings"
msgstr ""
msgstr "手动选择我的国家/地区以进行网桥设置"
#: ../../source/tor.rst:28
msgid ""
"If you choose the \"Try again without a bridge\" option, OnionShare will "
"retry connecting to Tor like normal, without attempting to bypass censorship."
msgstr ""
msgstr "如果您选择“不使用网桥重试”选项,OnionShare 将像平常一样重试连接到 "
#: ../../source/tor.rst:30
msgid ""
@ -108,6 +109,12 @@ msgid ""
"Censorship Circumvention API. The Meek proxy hides the fact that you are "
"trying to find a way to connect to Tor."
msgstr ""
"另外两个选项将尝试使用 Tor 网桥自动规避审查。如果您的网络提供者阻止访问 Tor "
"网络,您仍有希望连接到 Tor 网桥,然后它将把您连接到 Tor 网络,从而规避审查。"
"这两个选项都使用 Tor Project 的审查规避 API 为您提供适合您的网桥设置。"
"OnionShare 将暂时使用 `Meek <https://gitlab.torproject.org/legacy/trac/-/"
"wikis/doc/meek/>`_ 域前置代理从您的计算机到 Tor 的审查规避 API 建立非 Tor "
"连接。Meek 代理掩盖了您正在尝试找到连接到 Tor 的方法的事实。"
#: ../../source/tor.rst:36
msgid ""
@ -117,17 +124,22 @@ msgid ""
"reside in. Based on the country information, the API will try to "
"automatically find bridges that suit your location."
msgstr ""
"如果您选择“根据我的 IP 地址自动确定我的国家/地区以进行网桥设置”,则审查规避 "
"API 将考虑您的 IP 地址(是的,您的真实 IP "
"地址)来确定您可能居住在哪个国家/地区。根据国家/地区信息,API "
#: ../../source/tor.rst:41
msgid ""
"If you choose \"Manually select my country for bridge settings\", the "
"Censorship API will find the bridges that suit the country that you "
msgstr ""
msgstr "如果您选择“手动选择我的国家/地区进行网桥设置”,审查 API "
#: ../../source/tor.rst:46
msgid "How automatic censorship circumvention works"
msgstr ""
msgstr "自动规避审查的工作原理"
#: ../../source/tor.rst:48
msgid ""
@ -136,6 +148,9 @@ msgid ""
"does not find any bridges for your location, OnionShare will ask the API for "
"\"fallback\" options, and then try to reconnect using those."
msgstr ""
"如果“审查规避 API”找到它认为适合您的网桥,OnionShare "
"将尝试使用这些网桥重新连接到 Tor。如果 API 未找到您所在位置的任何网桥,"
"OnionShare 将向 API 询问“后备”选项,然后尝试使用这些选项重新连接。"
#: ../../source/tor.rst:50
msgid ""
@ -143,13 +158,16 @@ msgid ""
"or if the API returns an error message, OnionShare will attempt to use the "
"obfs4 built-in bridges."
msgstr ""
"如果由于某种原因 OnionShare 无法连接到审查 API 本身,或者 API 返回错误消息,"
"OnionShare 将尝试使用 obfs4 内置网桥。"
#: ../../source/tor.rst:52
msgid ""
"It's important to note that the requests to the Censorship Circumvention API "
"do not go over the Tor network (because if you could connect to Tor already, "
"you wouldn't need to connect to the API)."
msgstr ""
msgstr "值得注意的是,对审查规避 API 的请求不会通过 Tor 网络("
"因为如果您已经可以连接到 Tor,则不需要连接到 API)。"
#: ../../source/tor.rst:54
msgid ""
@ -159,6 +177,10 @@ msgid ""
"to making one or two requests to the Censorship Circumvention API. Then Meek "
"is stopped, and all further network requests happen over the Tor network."
msgstr ""
"尽管攻击者很难发现 Meek "
"使用 Meek 和非 Tor 网络请求仅限于向审查规避 API 发出一两个请求。然后 Meek "
"被停止,所有进一步的网络请求都通过 Tor 网络进行。"
#: ../../source/tor.rst:56
msgid ""
@ -168,10 +190,14 @@ msgid ""
"appears), and manually configure bridges. After you save any bridge "
"settings, OnionShare will try to reconnect using those bridges."
msgstr ""
"如果您不方便发出不通过 Tor 网络的请求,您可以单击“网络设置”(或右下角的“设置”"
"图标,然后在出现的屏幕中单击“Tor "
"设置”标签页),然后手动配置网桥。保存任何网桥设置后,OnionShare "
#: ../../source/tor.rst:59
msgid "Manually configure Tor settings"
msgstr ""
msgstr "手动配置 Tor 设置"
#: ../../source/tor.rst:61
msgid ""
@ -179,16 +205,18 @@ msgid ""
"welcome screen, or by clicking the \"⚙\" icon in the bottom-right corner of "
"the application, and then switch to the Tor Settings tab in the screen that "
msgstr ""
msgstr "您可以通过单击欢迎屏幕上的“网络设置”进入 Tor "
"设置,或者单击应用程序右下角的“⚙”图标,然后在出现的屏幕中切换到 Tor "
#: ../../source/tor.rst:65
msgid ""
"Here are the different ways you can configure OnionShare to connect to Tor:"
msgstr ""
msgstr "以下是配置 OnionShare 连接到 Tor 的不同方法:"
#: ../../source/tor.rst:68
msgid "Use the Tor version built into OnionShare"
msgstr ""
msgstr "使用 OnionShare 内置的 Tor 版本"
#: ../../source/tor.rst:70
msgid ""
@ -209,19 +237,21 @@ msgstr ""
#: ../../source/tor.rst:76
msgid "**Using bridges**"
msgstr ""
msgstr "**使用网桥**"
#: ../../source/tor.rst:78
msgid ""
"To use a bridge, you must select \"Use the Tor version built into "
"OnionShare\" and check the \"Use a bridge\" checkbox."
msgstr ""
msgstr "要使用网桥,您必须选择“使用 OnionShare 内置的 Tor "
#: ../../source/tor.rst:80
msgid ""
"Try using a built-in bridge first. Using `obfs4` or `snowflake` bridges is "
"recommended over using `meek-azure`."
msgstr ""
msgstr "首先尝试使用内置网桥。建议使用 `obfs4` 或 `snowflake` 网桥,而不是使用 `meek-"
#: ../../source/tor.rst:84
msgid ""
@ -230,28 +260,30 @@ msgid ""
"bridge. (This makes it more difficult for governments or ISPs to block "
"access to Tor bridges.)"
msgstr ""
"如果使用内置网桥不起作用,您可以从 torproject.org "
"请求网桥。您必须解决验证码才能请求网桥。(这使得政府或 ISP 更难阻止对 Tor "
#: ../../source/tor.rst:88
msgid ""
"You also have the option of using a bridge that you learned about from a "
"trusted source."
msgstr ""
msgstr "您还可以选择使用从可靠来源了解到的网桥。"
#: ../../source/tor.rst:91
msgid "Attempt auto-configuration with Tor Browser"
msgstr "图试自定配置 Tor 浏览器"
msgstr "尝试使用 Tor 浏览器进行自动配置"
#: ../../source/tor.rst:93
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"If you have `downloaded the Tor Browser <https://www.torproject.org>`_ and "
"don't want two ``tor`` processes running, you can use the ``tor`` process "
"from the Tor Browser. Keep in mind you need to keep Tor Browser open in the "
"background while you're using OnionShare for this to work."
msgstr ""
"如已下载 Tor 浏览器 <https://www.torproject.org>`_ 不想要在系统中运行两个 "
"``tor`` 进程,可只用 Tor 浏览器的 ``tor`` 进程。但记住在使用 OnionShare 时,"
"必须打开 Tor 浏览器,OnionShare 才能运作。"
"如果您`已下载 Tor 浏览器 <https://www.torproject.org>`_ 并且不想运行两个 "
"``tor`` 进程,则可以使用 Tor 浏览器中的 ``tor`` 进程。请记住,在使用 "
"OnionShare 时,您需要在后台保持 Tor 浏览器打开,才能实现此功能。"
#: ../../source/tor.rst:97
msgid "Using a system ``tor`` in Windows"
@ -264,21 +296,15 @@ msgid ""
msgstr "这非常高端,需要会编辑纯文本文件与管理员工作权限。"
#: ../../source/tor.rst:101
#, fuzzy
#| msgid ""
#| "Download the Tor Windows Expert Bundle `from <https://www.torproject.org/"
#| "download/tor/>`_. Extract the compressed file and copy the extracted "
#| "folder to ``C:\\Program Files (x86)\\`` Rename the extracted folder with "
#| "``Data`` and ``Tor`` in it to ``tor-win32``."
msgid ""
"Download the Tor Windows Expert Bundle `from the Tor website <https://www."
"torproject.org/download/tor/>`_. Extract the compressed file and copy the "
"extracted folder to ``C:\\Program Files (x86)\\`` Rename the extracted "
"folder with ``Data`` and ``Tor`` in it to ``tor-win32``."
msgstr ""
"从 <https://www.torproject.org/download/tor/>`_下载 Tor Windows 专家包 `,解"
"压缩文件将其文件夹拷贝到``C:\\Program Files (x86)\\``底下, 将原文件夹名称为"
"``Data`` and ``Tor`` 重命名为 ``tor-win32``。"
"`从 Tor 网站 <https://www.torproject.org/download/tor/>`_ 下载 Tor Windows "
"专家包。解压缩文件并将解压缩的文件夹复制到 ``C:\\Program Files (x86)\\`` 中,"
"将包含 ``Data`` 和 ``Tor`` 的解压缩文件夹重命名为 ``tor-win32``。"
#: ../../source/tor.rst:105
msgid ""
@ -333,6 +359,11 @@ msgid ""
"Connection to Tor\" button. If all goes well, you should see \"Connected to "
"the Tor controller\"."
msgstr ""
"打开 OnionShare,点击其中的“⚙”图标,切换到 Tor 设置标签页。在“OnionShare "
"应如何连接到 Tor?”下,选择“使用控制端口连接”,并将“控制端口”设置为 ``127.0.0"
".1``,将“端口”设置为 ``9051``。在“Tor "
"验证设置”下,选择“密码”,并将密码设置为您上面选择的控制端口密码。点击“测试与 "
"Tor 的连接”按钮。如果一切顺利,您应该会看到“已连接到 Tor 控制器”。"
#: ../../source/tor.rst:134
msgid "Using a system ``tor`` in macOS"
@ -361,6 +392,10 @@ msgid ""
"authentication, or cookie authentication\". Click the \"Test Connection to "
"Tor\" button."
msgstr ""
"打开 OnionShare,点击其中的“⚙”图标,切换到 Tor 设置标签页。在“OnionShare "
"应如何连接到 Tor?”下选择“使用 Socket 文件连接”,并将 Socket 文件设置为 ``/"
"usr/local/var/run/tor/control.socket``。在“Tor 验证设置”下选择“无验证或 "
"Cookie 验证”。点击“测试与 Tor 的连接”按钮。"
#: ../../source/tor.rst:157 ../../source/tor.rst:177
msgid "If all goes well, you should see \"Connected to the Tor controller\"."
@ -376,9 +411,9 @@ msgid ""
"similar Linux distro, It is recommended to use the Tor Project's `official "
"repository <https://support.torproject.org/apt/tor-deb-repo/>`_."
msgstr ""
"首先安装 ``tor``包。如果操作系统为 Debian, Ubuntu 或其它相似发行版,建议使用 "
"Tor Project 官方代码保存库 <https://support.torproject.org/apt/tor-deb-repo/"
"首先,安装 ``tor`` 软件包。如果您使用的是 Debian、Ubuntu 或类似的 Linux "
"发行版,建议使用 Tor Project 的`官方存储库 <https://support.torproject.org/"
#: ../../source/tor.rst:164
msgid ""
@ -406,3 +441,7 @@ msgid ""
"settings\" choose \"No authentication, or cookie authentication\". Click the "
"\"Test Connection to Tor\" button."
msgstr ""
"重启您的电脑。重启后,打开 OnionShare,点击其中的“⚙”图标,切换到 Tor "
"设置标签页。在“OnionShare 应如何连接到 Tor?”下,选择“使用 Socket 文件连接”。"
"将 Socket 文件设置为 ``/var/run/tor/control``。在“Tor 验证设置”下,选择“"
"无验证或 Cookie 验证”。点击“测试与 Tor 的连接”按钮。"
Reference in New Issue
Block a user