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"gui_chat_url_description": " Herkesî bi vê navnîşanê OnionShare dikaretevlî vê rûniştinê bibebi bikaranîna Tor Browser:" + "gui_chat_url_description": " Herkesî bi vê navnîşanê OnionShare dikaretevlî vê rûniştinê bibebi bikaranîna Tor Browser:", + "gui_settings_theme_label": "ڕووکار", + "gui_settings_theme_light": "ڕووناکی", + "gui_settings_theme_dark": "تاریک", + "gui_settings_bridge_none_radio_option": "Piran bi kar neyne", + "gui_receive_url_public_description": "Her kesekî bi vê malpera OnionShare dikare belgeran li ser komputera te bi kar anîna Tor Broweser bar bike: ", + "gui_chat_url_public_description": " Herkesî bi vê navnîşanê OnionShare dikaretevlî vê rûniştinê bibebi bikaranîna Tor Browser:", + "gui_status_indicator_chat_working": "Destpê dike…", + "gui_status_indicator_chat_scheduled": "Pilankirî…", + "gui_please_wait_no_button": "Destpê dike…", + "gui_share_url_public_description": "Her kesî bi vê malpera OnionShare bikare belgeryên te bi TorBrowser berjêr bike: ", + "gui_website_url_public_description": "Her kesî bi vê malpera OnionShare dikare were li ser malpera te dema TorBrowser bikar tîne: ", + "gui_settings_theme_auto": "خۆکار", + "moat_captcha_submit": "پێشکەشکردن", + "gui_general_settings_window_title": "گشتی" } diff --git a/desktop/onionshare/resources/locale/cs.json b/desktop/onionshare/resources/locale/cs.json index c3756bfd..27465b54 100644 --- a/desktop/onionshare/resources/locale/cs.json +++ b/desktop/onionshare/resources/locale/cs.json @@ -48,7 +48,6 @@ "gui_settings_autoupdate_check_button": "Kontrola nové verze", "gui_settings_connection_type_bundled_option": "Použít verzi Toru vestavěnou v OnionShare", "gui_settings_connection_type_test_button": "Vyzkoušet připojení k Toru", - "gui_settings_socks_label": "SOCKS port", "gui_settings_tor_bridges": "Připojit se pomocí mostu Tor?", "gui_add_files": "Přidat soubory", "gui_add_folder": "Přidat adresář", @@ -199,7 +198,7 @@ "gui_all_modes_progress_eta": "{0:s}, Přibližně: {1:s}, %p%", "gui_tab_name_share": "Sdílení", "gui_close_tab_warning_receive_description": "Zavřít panel, který přijímá soubory?", - "gui_close_tab_warning_close": "Zavřít", + "gui_close_tab_warning_close": "Ok", "gui_website_mode_no_files": "Zatím nejsou sdíleny žádné webové stránky", "gui_receive_mode_no_files": "Zatím nebyly přijaty žádné soubory", "gui_close_tab_warning_cancel": "Zrušit", @@ -253,5 +252,7 @@ "mode_settings_autostart_timer_checkbox": "Spustit službu onion v naplánovaný čas", "settings_error_bundled_tor_not_supported": "Používání verze Toru dodávané se službou OnionShare nefunguje v režimu pro vývojáře v systémech Windows a macOS.", "gui_close_tab_warning_chat_description": "Zavřít kartu, která hostuje chat server?", - "waitress_web_server_error": "Došlo k chybě při spuštění webového serveru" + "waitress_web_server_error": "Došlo k chybě při spuštění webového serveru", + "gui_settings_socks_label": "SOCKS port", + "gui_chat_mode_explainer": "Režim chatu umožňuje interaktivně chatovat s ostatními v rámci Prohlížeče Tor.

Historie chatu není uložena v OnionShare. Historie chatu zmizí, když zavřete Prohlížeč Tor." } diff --git a/desktop/onionshare/resources/locale/da.json b/desktop/onionshare/resources/locale/da.json index d039fbfd..15fcd340 100644 --- a/desktop/onionshare/resources/locale/da.json +++ b/desktop/onionshare/resources/locale/da.json @@ -235,5 +235,9 @@ "gui_autoconnect_try_again_without_a_bridge": "Prøv igen uden broer", "gui_autoconnect_bridge_setting_options": "Indstillinger for broer", "waitress_web_server_error": "Der opstod et problem ved start af webserveren", - "gui_client_auth_instructions": "Send herefter den private nøgle for at give adgang til din OnionShare-tjeneste:" + "gui_client_auth_instructions": "Send herefter den private nøgle for at give adgang til din OnionShare-tjeneste:", + "gui_share_url_public_description": "Alle med OnionShare-adressen kan downloade dine filer med Tor Browser: ", + "gui_chat_url_public_description": "Alle med denne OnionShare-adresse kan deltage i chatrummet med Tor Browser: ", + "gui_website_url_public_description": "Alle med OnionShare-adressen kan besøge dit websted med Tor Browser: ", + "gui_receive_url_public_description": "Alle med OnionShare-adressen kan uploade filer til din computer med Tor Browser: " } diff --git a/desktop/onionshare/resources/locale/fi.json b/desktop/onionshare/resources/locale/fi.json index 0acd80c8..37496da8 100644 --- a/desktop/onionshare/resources/locale/fi.json +++ b/desktop/onionshare/resources/locale/fi.json @@ -141,7 +141,7 @@ "gui_quit_warning_cancel": "Peruuta", "gui_quit_warning_title": "Lopetetaanko OnionShare?", "gui_close_tab_warning_cancel": "Peruuta", - 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"gui_close_tab_warning_close": "Zatvori", + "gui_close_tab_warning_close": "U redu", "gui_close_tab_warning_website_description": "Zatvoriti karticu koja hostira web mjesto?", "gui_close_tab_warning_receive_description": "Zatvoriti karticu koja prima datoteke?", "gui_close_tab_warning_share_description": "Zatvoriti karticu koja šalje datoteke?", diff --git a/desktop/onionshare/resources/locale/hu.json b/desktop/onionshare/resources/locale/hu.json index 217cd266..79f6cf4a 100644 --- a/desktop/onionshare/resources/locale/hu.json +++ b/desktop/onionshare/resources/locale/hu.json @@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ "closing_automatically": "Leállítva, mert az átvitel véget ért", "large_filesize": "Figyelem: A nagyobb fájlok elküldése órákat vehet igénybe", "systray_menu_exit": "Kilépés", - "gui_drag_and_drop": "Húzzon ide fájlt vagy mappát\na megosztás megkezdéséhez", + "gui_drag_and_drop": "Húzzon ide fájlt vagy mappát a megosztás megkezdéséhez", "gui_add": "Hozzáadás", "gui_choose_items": "Kiválaszt", "gui_share_start_server": "Megosztás kezdése", @@ -35,7 +35,6 @@ "gui_settings_connection_type_test_button": "Tor-kapcsolat tesztelése", "gui_settings_control_port_label": "Kontroll port", "gui_settings_socket_file_label": "Szokettfájl", - "gui_settings_socks_label": "SOCKS port", "gui_settings_authenticate_no_auth_option": "Nincs hitelesítés, vagy sütik általi hitelesítés", "gui_settings_authenticate_password_option": "Jelszó", "gui_settings_password_label": "Jelszó", @@ -59,8 +58,8 @@ "error_tor_protocol_error": "Hiba a Tor-ral: {}", "connecting_to_tor": "Csatlakozás a Tor-hálózathoz", "update_available": "Új OnionShare-verzió érhető el. Kattints ide a letöltéshez.

A te verziód {}, a mostani pedig {}.", - "update_error_check_error": "Nem sikerült az új verzió keresése: Az OnionShare weboldal szerint az új verzió '{}' ám az felismerhetetlen…", - "update_error_invalid_latest_version": "Nem sikerült az új verzió keresése: Lehet, hogy nem csatlakoztál a Tor-hoz, vagy az OnionShare oldal nem elérhető?", + "update_error_check_error": "Nem sikerült az új verzió keresése: Lehet, hogy nem csatlakoztál a Tor-hoz, vagy az OnionShare oldal nem elérhető?", + "update_error_invalid_latest_version": "Nem sikerült az új verzió keresése: Az OnionShare weboldal szerint az új verzió '{}' ám az felismerhetetlen…", "update_not_available": "A legújabb OnionShare-verziót használod.", "gui_tor_connection_ask_open_settings": "Igen", "gui_tor_connection_ask_quit": "Kilépés", @@ -72,5 +71,41 @@ "gui_stop_server_autostop_timer_tooltip": "Auto-stop időzítő megáll: {}", "gui_start_server_autostart_timer_tooltip": "Auto-start időzítő megáll: {}", "incorrect_password": "Rossz jelszó", - "gui_waiting_to_start": "Indulás ütemezve: {}. Kattints a megszakításhoz." + "gui_waiting_to_start": "Indulás ütemezve: {}. Kattints a megszakításhoz.", + "gui_hide": "Elrejtés", + "gui_all_modes_history": "Előzmények", + "gui_tab_name_website": "weboldal", + "gui_tab_name_chat": "Csevegés", + "gui_settings_bridge_moat_radio_option": "Híd kérése a torproject.org-tól", + "gui_reveal": "Felfedés", + "moat_solution_empty_error": "Írja be a képen látható karaktereket", + "gui_status_indicator_share_working": "Indítás…", + "gui_close_tab_warning_close": "Oké", + "gui_status_indicator_receive_working": "Indítás…", + "gui_settings_bridge_none_radio_option": "Ne használjon hidakat", + "gui_settings_bridge_custom_placeholder": "írja be cím:port (egyet soronként)", + "moat_captcha_submit": "Elküldés", + "gui_status_indicator_chat_working": "Indítás…", + "gui_settings_theme_auto": "Automatikus", + "mode_settings_advanced_toggle_show": "Speciális beállítások megjelenítése", + "gui_autoconnect_start": "Csatlakozás a Tor-hoz", + "gui_quit_warning_cancel": "Mégsem", + "gui_remove": "Eltávolítás", + "gui_tab_name_receive": "Fogadás", + "gui_autoconnect_trying_to_connect_to_tor": "Kapcsolódás a Tor-hoz…", + "gui_please_wait_no_button": "Indítás…", + "gui_close_tab_warning_cancel": "Mégsem", + "gui_new_tab_share_button": "Fájlok megosztása", + "gui_general_settings_window_title": "Általános", + "gui_file_selection_remove_all": "Minden eltávolítása", + "gui_settings_theme_light": "Világos", + "moat_captcha_placeholder": "Írja be a képen látható karaktereket", + "moat_captcha_label": "Oldjon meg egy CAPTCHA-t a híd kéréséhez.", + "moat_captcha_reload": "Frissítés", + "gui_all_modes_clear_history": "Kijelölések törlése", + "gui_new_tab": "Új fül", + "gui_tab_name_share": "Megosztás", + "mode_settings_receive_data_dir_browse_button": "Tallózás", + "gui_settings_theme_label": "Téma", + "gui_settings_theme_dark": "Sötét" } diff --git a/desktop/onionshare/resources/locale/hy_AM.json b/desktop/onionshare/resources/locale/hy_AM.json index 0967ef42..8b661368 100644 --- a/desktop/onionshare/resources/locale/hy_AM.json +++ b/desktop/onionshare/resources/locale/hy_AM.json @@ -1 +1,38 @@ -{} +{ + "gui_close_tab_warning_close": "Ok", + "gui_file_selection_remove_all": "Հեռացնել բոլորը", + "gui_autoconnect_trying_to_connect_to_tor": "Միացում Tor-ին…", + "gui_settings_window_title": "Կարգավորումներ", + "gui_general_settings_window_title": "General", + "gui_settings_autoupdate_timestamp_never": "Երբեք", + "gui_all_modes_history": "Պատմություն", + "gui_close_tab_warning_cancel": "Չեղարկել", + "gui_quit_warning_cancel": "Չեղարկել", + "mode_settings_receive_data_dir_browse_button": "Դիտարկում", + "moat_captcha_label": "Լուծեք «CAPTCHA»-ն կամուրջ պահանջելու համար:", + "moat_captcha_placeholder": "Մուտքագրեք նկարում պատկերված խորհրդանիշները", + "moat_captcha_reload": "Վերբեռնել", + "gui_tab_name_chat": "Զրուցարան", + "gui_remove": "Հեռացնել", + "gui_choose_items": "Ընտրել", + "gui_hide": "Թաքցնել", + "gui_settings_bridge_custom_placeholder": "type address:port (one per line)", + "gui_autoconnect_start": "Միանալ Tor-ին", + "gui_settings_bridge_moat_radio_option": "Պահանջել կամուրջ torproject.org-ից", + "gui_settings_button_help": "Օգնություն", + "gui_settings_theme_auto": "Ինքնին", + "gui_settings_theme_light": "Լուսավոր", + "gui_settings_theme_dark": "Մութ", + "gui_new_tab": "Նոր էջանշան", + "moat_captcha_submit": "Հաստատել", + "moat_solution_empty_error": "Մուտքագրեք նկարում պատկերված խորհրդանիշները", + "gui_tab_name_website": "Վեբ կայք", + "gui_add": "Ավելացնել", + "gui_settings_authenticate_password_option": "Գաղտնաբառ", + "gui_settings_password_label": "Գաղտնաբառ", + "gui_settings_button_save": "Պահել", + "gui_settings_button_cancel": "Չեղարկել", + "gui_tor_connection_ask_open_settings": "Այո", + "gui_settings_language_label": "Լեզու", + "gui_settings_theme_label": "Ոճ" +} diff --git a/desktop/onionshare/resources/locale/id.json b/desktop/onionshare/resources/locale/id.json index a5137d3b..5d78769e 100644 --- a/desktop/onionshare/resources/locale/id.json +++ b/desktop/onionshare/resources/locale/id.json @@ -175,7 +175,7 @@ "mode_settings_receive_disable_text_checkbox": "Nonaktifkan pengiriman teks", "mode_settings_title_label": "Judul kustom", "gui_quit_warning_description": "Pembagian sedang aktif di beberapa tab Anda. Jika Anda keluar, seluruh tab Anda akan tertutup. Apakah Anda yakin mau keluar?", - "gui_close_tab_warning_close": "Tutup", + "gui_close_tab_warning_close": "Oke", "gui_close_tab_warning_website_description": "Anda secara aktif menghosting situs web. Apakah Anda yakin mau menutup tab ini?", "gui_close_tab_warning_receive_description": "Anda dalam proses menerima berkas. Apakah Anda yakin mau menutup tab ini?", "gui_close_tab_warning_share_description": "Anda dalam proses mengirim berkas. Apakah Anda yakin mau menutup tab ini?", @@ -188,5 +188,22 @@ "gui_status_indicator_chat_working": "Memulai…", "gui_status_indicator_chat_stopped": "Siap untuk mengobrol", "gui_copied_client_auth_title": "Kunci Pribadi Disalin", - "gui_copy_client_auth": "Salin Kunci Pribadi" + "gui_copy_client_auth": "Salin Kunci Pribadi", + "gui_hide": "Sembunyikan", + "gui_settings_theme_auto": "Otomatis", + "gui_settings_theme_dark": "Thema Malam", + "gui_please_wait_no_button": "Memulai…", + "gui_settings_theme_label": "Tema", + "gui_settings_theme_light": "Terang", + "moat_captcha_submit": "Kirim", + "gui_autoconnect_start": "Hubungkan ke Tor", + "moat_captcha_label": "Selesaikan CAPTCHA untuk meminta sebuah bridge.", + "gui_reveal": "Tampilkan", + "gui_settings_bridge_moat_radio_option": "Meminta sebuah bridge ke torproject.org", + "gui_settings_bridge_custom_placeholder": "masukkan alamat:port (satu entri per baris)", + "moat_captcha_placeholder": "Masukkan karakter-karakter dari gambar tesebut.", + "moat_captcha_reload": "Muat Ulang", + "moat_solution_empty_error": "Masukkan karakter-karakter dari gambar tesebut.", + "gui_autoconnect_trying_to_connect_to_tor": "Menghubungkan ke Tor…", + "gui_general_settings_window_title": "Umum" } diff --git a/desktop/onionshare/resources/locale/is.json b/desktop/onionshare/resources/locale/is.json index 0bc6c69d..141874a6 100644 --- a/desktop/onionshare/resources/locale/is.json +++ b/desktop/onionshare/resources/locale/is.json @@ -153,7 +153,7 @@ "gui_close_tab_warning_title": "Loka flipa?", "gui_new_tab_website_button": "Hýsa vefsvæði", "gui_new_tab": "Nýr flipi", - "gui_close_tab_warning_close": "Loka", + "gui_close_tab_warning_close": "Ókei", "gui_close_tab_warning_cancel": "Hætta við", "mode_settings_autostop_timer_checkbox": "Stöðva onion-þjónustu á áætluðum tíma", "gui_receive_flatpak_data_dir": "Þar sem þú settir OnionShare upp með því að nota Flatpak, þá verður þú að vista skrár í möppu undir ~/OnionShare.", diff --git a/desktop/onionshare/resources/locale/it.json b/desktop/onionshare/resources/locale/it.json index 83d02695..888a1623 100644 --- a/desktop/onionshare/resources/locale/it.json +++ b/desktop/onionshare/resources/locale/it.json @@ -159,7 +159,7 @@ "gui_new_tab_website_button": "Ospita un sito web", "gui_quit_warning_description": "La condivisione è attiva in alcune delle tue schede. Uscendo, tutte le tue schede verranno chiuse. Sei sicuro di voler uscire?", "gui_quit_warning_title": "Uscire da OnionShare?", - "gui_close_tab_warning_close": "Chiudi", + "gui_close_tab_warning_close": "Ok", "gui_close_tab_warning_website_description": "Stai ospitando un sito web. Sei sicuro di voler chiudere questa scheda?", "mode_settings_website_disable_csp_checkbox": "Non inviare l'intestazione della Politica sulla Sicurezza dei Contenuti (consente al sito web di utilizzare risorse di terze parti)", "mode_settings_receive_data_dir_browse_button": "Naviga", diff --git a/desktop/onionshare/resources/locale/ka.json b/desktop/onionshare/resources/locale/ka.json index f8517604..c4ff27ba 100644 --- a/desktop/onionshare/resources/locale/ka.json +++ b/desktop/onionshare/resources/locale/ka.json @@ -3,5 +3,46 @@ "gui_add": "დამატება", "gui_quit_warning_quit": "პროგრამის დატოვება", "gui_settings_button_save": "შენახვა", - "gui_tor_connection_ask_quit": "პროგრამის დატოვება" + "gui_tor_connection_ask_quit": "პროგრამის დატოვება", + "gui_settings_theme_dark": "ბნელი", + "gui_settings_autoupdate_timestamp_never": "არასდროს", + "gui_settings_window_title": "მორგება", + "gui_settings_authenticate_password_option": "პაროლი", + "gui_tab_name_share": "გაზიარება", + "gui_close_tab_warning_cancel": "გაუქმება", + "gui_quit_warning_cancel": "გაუქმება", + "gui_settings_theme_auto": "ავტო", + "gui_settings_bridge_moat_radio_option": "გადამცემი ხიდის მოთხოვნა საიტიდან torproject.org", + "gui_status_indicator_chat_working": "გაშვება…", + "gui_general_settings_window_title": "ზოგადი", + "gui_all_modes_history": "ისტორია", + "gui_settings_bridge_custom_placeholder": "აკრიფეთ მისამართი:პორტი (თითო ცალკე ხაზზე)", + "gui_settings_language_label": "ენა", + "gui_status_indicator_share_started": "გაზიარება", + "gui_settings_password_label": "პაროლი", + "gui_please_wait_no_button": "გაშვება…", + "moat_solution_empty_error": "შეიყვანეთ სურათიდან სიმბოლოები", + "gui_status_indicator_share_working": "გაშვება…", + "gui_autoconnect_start": "დააკავშირეთ Tor", + "gui_settings_button_cancel": "გაუქმება", + "gui_settings_button_help": "დახმარება", + "gui_tor_connection_ask_open_settings": "დიახ", + "gui_status_indicator_receive_working": "გაშვება…", + "gui_all_modes_clear_history": "ყველას გასუფთავება", + "gui_tab_name_website": "ვებსაიტი", + "gui_settings_theme_label": "თემა", + "gui_settings_theme_light": "მსუბუქი", + "moat_captcha_reload": "თავიდან ჩატვირთვა", + "gui_main_page_share_button": "გაზიარების დაწყება", + "gui_autoconnect_trying_to_connect_to_tor": "უკავშირდება Tor-ს…", + "mode_settings_receive_data_dir_browse_button": "ნუსხა", + "gui_tab_name_chat": "ჩატი", + "gui_file_selection_remove_all": "ყველას მოცილება", + "moat_captcha_label": "გაიარეთ CAPTCHA, გადამცემი ხიდის მოთხოვნისთვის.", + "gui_remove": "წაშლა", + "gui_hide": "დამალვა", + "moat_captcha_submit": "გაგზავნა", + "gui_choose_items": "აირჩიეთ", + "gui_canceled": "გაუქმებული", + "moat_captcha_placeholder": "შეიყვანეთ სურათიდან სიმბოლოები" } diff --git a/desktop/onionshare/resources/locale/kab.json b/desktop/onionshare/resources/locale/kab.json new file mode 100644 index 00000000..0967ef42 --- /dev/null +++ b/desktop/onionshare/resources/locale/kab.json @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +{} diff --git a/desktop/onionshare/resources/locale/ko.json b/desktop/onionshare/resources/locale/ko.json index 21d54607..ba5e4c28 100644 --- a/desktop/onionshare/resources/locale/ko.json +++ b/desktop/onionshare/resources/locale/ko.json @@ -70,5 +70,33 @@ "gui_copied_client_auth_title": "개인 키가 복사되었습니다", "gui_autoconnect_bridge_setting_options": "브리지 설정", "gui_autoconnect_start": "Tor에 연결하기", - 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"gui_close_tab_warning_close": "Užverti", + "gui_close_tab_warning_close": "Gerai", "gui_close_tab_warning_cancel": "Atsisakyti", "gui_quit_warning_title": "Išeiti iš „OnionShare“?", "gui_quit_warning_description": "Išeiti ir uždaryti visus skirtukus, net jei kai kuriuose iš jų yra aktyvus bendrinimas?", diff --git a/desktop/onionshare/resources/locale/mk.json b/desktop/onionshare/resources/locale/mk.json index 816332c2..6101f02d 100644 --- a/desktop/onionshare/resources/locale/mk.json +++ b/desktop/onionshare/resources/locale/mk.json @@ -5,5 +5,37 @@ "gui_settings_autoupdate_timestamp_never": "Никогаш", "gui_settings_button_save": "Зачувување", "gui_settings_button_cancel": "Откажи", - "gui_tor_connection_ask_quit": "Излези" + "gui_tor_connection_ask_quit": "Излези", + "gui_settings_theme_auto": "Автоматски", + "gui_tab_name_chat": "Chat", + "moat_captcha_submit": "Испрати", + "moat_solution_empty_error": "Внесете ги карактерите од сликата", + "gui_autoconnect_trying_to_connect_to_tor": "Поврзување на Tor…", + "gui_tor_connection_ask_open_settings": "Да", + "gui_close_tab_warning_cancel": "Одкажи", + "gui_close_tab_warning_close": "Добро", + "moat_captcha_placeholder": "Внесете ги карактерите од сликата", + "gui_quit_warning_cancel": "Одкажи", + "gui_settings_theme_label": "Тема", + "gui_tab_name_share": "Spodeli", + "gui_tab_name_website": "Webstranica", + "gui_autoconnect_start": "Поврзи се на Tor", + "gui_new_tab": "Ново јазиче", + "gui_canceled": "Odbien", + "gui_remove": "Одстрани", + "gui_settings_theme_light": "Svetla", + "gui_file_selection_remove_all": "Избриши СЕ", + "gui_settings_language_label": "Јазик", + "moat_captcha_reload": "Včitaj povtorno", + "gui_general_settings_window_title": "Општи поставки", + "gui_add": "Додај", + "gui_settings_authenticate_password_option": "Лозинка", + "gui_settings_password_label": "Лозинка", + "gui_settings_button_help": "Помош", + "gui_all_modes_history": "Istorija", + "gui_settings_theme_dark": "Temna", + "gui_hide": "Skrij", + "gui_settings_bridge_moat_radio_option": "Барање за мост од torproject.org", + "gui_settings_bridge_custom_placeholder": "внеси адреса:порта (по една во секој ред)", + "moat_captcha_label": "Решете ја ЗАДАЧАТА за да побарате мост." } diff --git a/desktop/onionshare/resources/locale/ms.json b/desktop/onionshare/resources/locale/ms.json index 1c4ad0ce..cfc33ce5 100644 --- a/desktop/onionshare/resources/locale/ms.json +++ b/desktop/onionshare/resources/locale/ms.json @@ -11,5 +11,32 @@ "gui_tor_connection_ask_quit": "Keluar", "gui_status_indicator_receive_started": "Penerimaan", "systray_menu_exit": "Keluar", - "gui_all_modes_history": "Sejarah" + "gui_all_modes_history": "Sejarah", + "gui_settings_theme_dark": "Gelap", + "gui_remove": "Buang", + "gui_file_selection_remove_all": "Alih Keluar Semua", + "gui_autoconnect_start": "Sambung denganTor", + "gui_hide": "Sembunyikan", + "mode_settings_receive_data_dir_browse_button": "Semak imbas", + "gui_general_settings_window_title": "Umum", + "gui_tab_name_receive": "Terima", + "gui_tab_name_chat": "Chat", + "gui_tab_name_website": "Laman Web", + "gui_new_tab": "Tab Baru", + "gui_close_tab_warning_close": "OK", + "incorrect_password": "Kata laluan tidak betul", + "gui_settings_button_help": "Bantuan", + "gui_settings_language_label": "Bahasa", + "gui_tab_name_share": "Kongsi", + "gui_close_tab_warning_cancel": "Batal", + "gui_quit_warning_cancel": "Batal", + "gui_settings_theme_label": "Tema", + "gui_settings_theme_auto": "Auto", + "gui_settings_theme_light": "Cahaya", + "moat_captcha_placeholder": "Masukkan aksara yang tertera dari imej", + "gui_settings_bridge_moat_radio_option": "Pinta titi dari torproject.org", + "gui_settings_bridge_custom_placeholder": "taip alamat:port (satu per baris)", + "moat_captcha_label": "Selesaikan CAPTCHA untuk meminta satu titi.", + "moat_captcha_submit": "Serah", + "moat_solution_empty_error": "Masukkan aksara yang tertera dari imej" } diff --git a/desktop/onionshare/resources/locale/nb_NO.json b/desktop/onionshare/resources/locale/nb_NO.json index 0300a836..0b1563a5 100644 --- a/desktop/onionshare/resources/locale/nb_NO.json +++ b/desktop/onionshare/resources/locale/nb_NO.json @@ -226,11 +226,11 @@ "mode_tor_not_connected_label": "OnionShare er ikke tilkoblet Tor-nettverket", "gui_dragdrop_sandbox_flatpak": "For å gjøre Flatpak-sandkassen sikrere er ikke dra og slipp støttet. Bruk «Legg til filer» og «Legg til mappe»-knappene for å åpne filutforskeren istedenfor.", "gui_settings_controller_extras_label": "Tor-innstillinger", - "gui_settings_bridge_none_radio_option": "Ikke bruk en bro", + "gui_settings_bridge_none_radio_option": "Ikke bruk broer", "gui_settings_tor_bridges_label": "Broer hjelper trafikken din å nå Tor-nettverket der Tor-tilgang er blokkert. Avhengig av hvor du er kan én bro fungere bedre enn en annen.", "gui_settings_moat_bridges_invalid": "Du har ikke forespurt en bro fra torproject.org enda.", "moat_captcha_placeholder": "Skriv inn tegnene fra bildet", - "moat_solution_empty_error": "Du må skrive inn tegnene fra bildet", + "moat_solution_empty_error": "Skriv inn tegnene fra bildet", "mode_settings_website_custom_csp_checkbox": "Send egendefinert Content Security Policy header", "gui_autoconnect_trying_to_connect_to_tor": "Kobler til Tor…", "gui_autoconnect_bridge_description": "Det kan hende du kan omgå sensur hvis du bruker en bro for å koble til.", diff --git a/desktop/onionshare/resources/locale/nl.json b/desktop/onionshare/resources/locale/nl.json index d2e0dce7..fbd95d87 100644 --- a/desktop/onionshare/resources/locale/nl.json +++ b/desktop/onionshare/resources/locale/nl.json @@ -138,7 +138,7 @@ "gui_quit_warning_cancel": "Annuleren", "gui_quit_warning_title": "OnionShare sluiten?", "gui_close_tab_warning_cancel": "Annuleren", - "gui_close_tab_warning_close": "Afsluiten", + "gui_close_tab_warning_close": "OK", "gui_close_tab_warning_receive_description": "Tabblad sluiten dat bestanden aan het ontvangen is?", "gui_close_tab_warning_share_description": "Tabblad sluiten dat bestanden aan het verzenden is?", "gui_close_tab_warning_title": "Tab afsluiten?", @@ -186,5 +186,26 @@ "gui_status_indicator_chat_started": "in gesprek", "gui_status_indicator_chat_scheduled": "Ingepland…", "gui_color_mode_changed_notice": "Herstart OnionShare om de nieuwe kleur toe te passen.", - "gui_status_indicator_chat_stopped": "Klaar om te chatten" + "gui_status_indicator_chat_stopped": "Klaar om te chatten", + "gui_settings_theme_label": "Thema", + "gui_settings_theme_auto": "Automatisch", + "moat_captcha_label": "Los de CAPTCHA op om een bridge aan te vragen.", + "moat_captcha_placeholder": "Voer de tekens van de afbeelding in", + "gui_reveal": "Onthullen", + "gui_settings_theme_light": "Licht", + "gui_settings_theme_dark": "Donker", + "gui_settings_bridge_custom_placeholder": "typ adres:poort (één per regel)", + "gui_settings_bridge_moat_radio_option": "Een bridge aanvragen bij torproject.org", + "gui_general_settings_window_title": "Algemeen", + "gui_please_wait_no_button": "Aan het starten…", + "gui_website_url_public_description": "1Iedereen2 met dit OnionShare-adres kan je bestanden 3bezoeken4 met de 5Tor Browser6: ", + "gui_hide": "Verbergen", + "gui_autoconnect_trying_to_connect_to_tor": "Verbinden met Tor…", + "moat_captcha_reload": "Vernieuwen", + "gui_settings_bridge_none_radio_option": "Gebruik geen bridges", + "gui_autoconnect_start": "Verbinden met Tor", + "moat_captcha_submit": "Versturen", + "moat_solution_empty_error": "Voer de tekens van de afbeelding in", + "gui_share_url_public_description": "Iedereen met dit OnionShare adres kan je bestanden binnenhalen met de Tor browser.", + "gui_receive_url_public_description": "1Iedereen2 met dit OnionShare adres kan bestanden op je computer 3plaatsen4 met de 5Tor Browser6: 7" } diff --git a/desktop/onionshare/resources/locale/pa.json b/desktop/onionshare/resources/locale/pa.json index 9540fa91..872e1447 100644 --- a/desktop/onionshare/resources/locale/pa.json +++ b/desktop/onionshare/resources/locale/pa.json @@ -1,5 +1,36 @@ { "systray_menu_exit": "ਬਾਹਰ", "gui_quit_warning_quit": "ਬਾਹਰ", - "gui_tor_connection_ask_quit": "ਬਾਹਰ" + "gui_tor_connection_ask_quit": "ਬਾਹਰ", + "gui_settings_button_help": "ਮਦਦ", + "gui_tab_name_chat": "Chat", + "gui_settings_window_title": "ਸੈਟਿੰਗਾਂ", + "gui_settings_autoupdate_timestamp_never": "ਕਦੇ ਨਹੀਂ", + "gui_settings_button_save": "ਸੰਭਾਲੋ", + "mode_settings_receive_data_dir_browse_button": "ਝਲਕ", + "gui_settings_bridge_custom_placeholder": "type address:port (one per line)", + "gui_status_indicator_share_working": "ਸ਼ੁਰੂ ਕਰ ਰਿਹਾ…", + "gui_settings_theme_label": "ਥੀਮ", + "gui_remove": "ਹਟਾਓ", + "gui_add": "ਜੋੜੋ", + "gui_settings_theme_light": "ਸਫ਼ੈਦ", + "moat_captcha_submit": "Submit", + "gui_settings_language_label": "ਭਾਸ਼ਾ", + "gui_settings_authenticate_password_option": "ਪਾਸਵਰਡ", + "gui_close_tab_warning_cancel": "ਰੱਦ ਕਰੋ", + "gui_status_indicator_chat_working": "ਸ਼ੁਰੂ ਕਰ ਰਿਹਾ…", + "gui_settings_theme_auto": "ਆਟੋ", + "gui_tab_name_website": "ਵੈੱਬਸਾਈਟ", + "gui_quit_warning_cancel": "ਰੱਦ ਕਰੋ", + "gui_tor_connection_ask_open_settings": "ਹਾਂ", + "gui_settings_button_cancel": "ਰੱਦ ਕਰੋ", + "gui_file_selection_remove_all": "ਸਭ ਹਟਾਓ", + "gui_general_settings_window_title": "ਜਨਰਲ", + "gui_settings_password_label": "ਪਾਸਵਰਡ", + "gui_all_modes_history": "ਇਤਿਹਾਸ", + "gui_new_tab": "ਨਵਾਂ ਟੈਬ", + "gui_tab_name_share": "ਸਾਂਝਾ ਕਰੋ", + "gui_please_wait_no_button": "ਸ਼ੁਰੂ ਕਰ ਰਿਹਾ…", + "gui_settings_theme_dark": "ਗੂੜ੍ਹਾ", + "gui_status_indicator_receive_working": "ਸ਼ੁਰੂ ਕਰ ਰਿਹਾ…" } diff --git a/desktop/onionshare/resources/locale/pt_BR.json b/desktop/onionshare/resources/locale/pt_BR.json index 46a0b13d..dc32f200 100644 --- a/desktop/onionshare/resources/locale/pt_BR.json +++ b/desktop/onionshare/resources/locale/pt_BR.json @@ -145,7 +145,7 @@ "gui_quit_warning_description": "Sair e fechar todas as abas, embora a partilha de ficheiros esteja ativa em algumas delas?", "gui_quit_warning_title": "Sair do OnionShare?", "gui_close_tab_warning_cancel": "Cancelar", - "gui_close_tab_warning_close": "Fechar", + "gui_close_tab_warning_close": "Ok", "gui_close_tab_warning_website_description": "Fechar a aba que está hospedando um site?", "gui_close_tab_warning_receive_description": "Fechar a aba que está recebendo ficheiros?", "gui_close_tab_warning_share_description": "Fechar a aba que está enviando ficheiros?", diff --git a/desktop/onionshare/resources/locale/pt_PT.json b/desktop/onionshare/resources/locale/pt_PT.json index 8253c03b..2a26e562 100644 --- a/desktop/onionshare/resources/locale/pt_PT.json +++ b/desktop/onionshare/resources/locale/pt_PT.json @@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ "gui_copy_url": "Copiar endereço", "gui_canceled": "Cancelado", "gui_copied_url_title": "Endereço OnionShare copiado", - "gui_copied_url": "O endereço OnionShare foi copiado para área de transferência", + "gui_copied_url": "O endereço OnionShare foi copiado para a área de transferência", "gui_please_wait": "A iniciar… Clique para cancelar.", "gui_quit_warning_quit": "Sair", "zip_progress_bar_format": "A comprimir: %p%", @@ -30,13 +30,13 @@ "gui_settings_connection_type_label": "Como é que o OnionShare deve conectar-se à rede Tor?", "gui_settings_connection_type_bundled_option": "Utilizar a versão do Tor integrada no OnionShare", "gui_settings_connection_type_automatic_option": "Tentar configurar automaticamente com o Tor Browser", - "gui_settings_connection_type_control_port_option": "Ligar utilizando a porta de controlo", - "gui_settings_connection_type_socket_file_option": "Ligar utilizando um ficheiro socket", - "gui_settings_connection_type_test_button": "Testar a Ligação ao Tor", + "gui_settings_connection_type_control_port_option": "Conectar utilizando a porta de controlo", + "gui_settings_connection_type_socket_file_option": "Conectar utilizando um ficheiro socket", + "gui_settings_connection_type_test_button": "Testar a conexão à rede Tor", "gui_settings_control_port_label": "Porta de controlo", "gui_settings_socket_file_label": "Ficheiro socket", "gui_settings_socks_label": "Porta SOCKS", - "gui_settings_authenticate_no_auth_option": "Sem autenticação, ou autenticação por cookie", + "gui_settings_authenticate_no_auth_option": "Sem autenticação ou autenticação por cookie", "gui_settings_authenticate_password_option": "Palavra-passe", "gui_settings_password_label": "Palavra-passe", "gui_settings_tor_bridges": "Ligar com Ponte Tor?", @@ -55,18 +55,18 @@ "settings_error_bundled_tor_not_supported": "Utilizar a versão do Tor que vem com o OnionShare não funciona no modo de 'programação' no Windows ou macOS.", "settings_error_bundled_tor_timeout": "A ligação ao Tor está a demorar muito. Talvez não esteja ligado à Internet, ou o relógio do sistema está incorreto?", "settings_error_bundled_tor_broken": "OnionShare não pôde se conectar ao Tor:\n{}", - "settings_test_success": "Ligado ao controlador Tor.\n\nVersão do Tor: {}\nSuporta serviços onion efémeros: {}.\nSuporta autenticação de cliente: {}.\nSuporta próxima geração de endereços .onion: {}.", + "settings_test_success": "Conectado ao controlador Tor.\n\nVersão do Tor: {}\nSuporta serviços onion efémeros: {}.\nSuporta autenticação de cliente: {}.\nSuporta próxima geração de endereços .onion: {}.", "error_tor_protocol_error": "Ocorreu um erro com o Tor: {}", - "connecting_to_tor": "A ligar à rede Tor", - "update_available": "Disponível nova versão do OnionShare. Clique aqui para obtê-la.

Está a utilizar a versão {}, e a versão mais recente é a {}.", - "update_error_check_error": "Não foi possível procurar por nova versão: Talvez não esteja ligado ao Tor, ou o ''site'' da Web OnionShare está em baixo?", - "update_error_invalid_latest_version": "Não foi possível procurar por nova versão: o ''site'' da Web OnionShare está a dizer que a última versão não é reconhecida '{}'…", + "connecting_to_tor": "A conectar à rede Tor", + "update_available": "Está disponível uma nova versão do OnionShare. Clique aqui para obtê-la.

Está a utilizar a versão {} e a versão mais recente é a {}.", + "update_error_check_error": "Não foi possível procurar por nova versão: talvez não esteja ligado à rede Tor ou o site do OnionShare está desligado?", + "update_error_invalid_latest_version": "Não foi possível verificar se existe uma nova versão: o site do OnionShare está a dizer que a última versão não é reconhecida '{}'…", "update_not_available": "Está a utilizar a versão mais recente do OnionShare.", - "gui_tor_connection_ask": "Abrir as definições para corrigir a ligação ao Tor?", + "gui_tor_connection_ask": "Abrir as definições para corrigir a conexão ao Tor?", "gui_tor_connection_ask_open_settings": "Sim", "gui_tor_connection_ask_quit": "Sair", - "gui_tor_connection_error_settings": "Tente alterar nas definições o modo como o OnionShare liga à rede Tor.", - "gui_tor_connection_canceled": "Não foi possível ligar à rede Tor.\n\nCertifique-se se está ligado à Internet, depois reabra o OnionShare e configure a sua ligação ao Tor.", + "gui_tor_connection_error_settings": "Tente alterar nas definições o modo como o OnionShare conecta à rede Tor.", + "gui_tor_connection_canceled": "Não foi possível ligar à rede Tor.\n\nCertifique-se se está conectado à Internet, depois reabra o OnionShare e configure a sua conexão à rede Tor.", "gui_tor_connection_lost": "Desconectado da rede Tor.", "gui_server_started_after_autostop_timer": "O cronómetro de paragem automática atingiu o tempo limite antes do servidor iniciar. Crie uma nova partilha.", "gui_server_autostop_timer_expired": "O cronómetro de paragem automática expirou. Por favor, ajuste-o para começar a partilhar.", @@ -87,23 +87,23 @@ "history_in_progress_tooltip": "{} a decorrer", "history_completed_tooltip": "{} completo", "gui_receive_mode_warning": "O modo de receção permite que as pessoas enviem ficheiros para o seu computador.

Alguns ficheiros podem potencialmente tomar o controlo do seu computador se os abrir. Abra apenas ficheiros enviados por pessoas que confia ou se souber o que está a fazer.", - "systray_page_loaded_title": "Página Carregada", + "systray_page_loaded_title": "Página carregada", "gui_settings_language_label": "Idioma preferido", "gui_settings_language_changed_notice": "Reiniciar o OnionShare para o novo idioma seja aplicado.", "gui_add_files": "Adicionar ficheiros", "gui_add_folder": "Adicionar pasta", "error_cannot_create_data_dir": "Não foi possível criar a pasta de dados do OnionShare: {}", "systray_page_loaded_message": "Endereço do OnionShare carregado", - "systray_share_started_title": "Partilha Iniciada", + "systray_share_started_title": "Partilha iniciada", "systray_share_started_message": "A iniciar o envio dos ficheiros para alguém", - "systray_share_completed_title": "Partilha Concluída", + "systray_share_completed_title": "Partilha concluída", "systray_share_completed_message": "O envio dos ficheiros terminou", - "systray_share_canceled_title": "Partilha Cancelada", + "systray_share_canceled_title": "Partilha cancelada", "systray_share_canceled_message": "Alguém cancelou a receção dos seus ficheiros", - "systray_receive_started_title": "Receção Iniciada", + "systray_receive_started_title": "Receção iniciada", "systray_receive_started_message": "Alguém está a enviar-lhe ficheiros", "gui_all_modes_history": "Histórico", - "gui_all_modes_clear_history": "Limpar Tudo", + "gui_all_modes_clear_history": "Limpar tudo", "gui_all_modes_transfer_started": "Iniciado em {}", "gui_all_modes_transfer_finished_range": "Transferido {} - {}", "gui_all_modes_transfer_finished": "Transferido {}", @@ -115,7 +115,7 @@ "gui_share_mode_no_files": "Ainda não foram enviados ficheiros", "gui_receive_mode_no_files": "Ainda não foram recebidos ficheiros", "gui_stop_server_autostop_timer_tooltip": "O cronómetro de paragem automática termina em {}", - "gui_start_server_autostart_timer_tooltip": "O cronómetro de início automático começa em {}", + "gui_start_server_autostart_timer_tooltip": "O cronómetro de início automático termina em {}", "gui_waiting_to_start": "Agendado para iniciar em {}. Clique para cancelar.", "gui_server_autostart_timer_expired": "O tempo agendado já passou. Por favor, ajuste-o para começar a partilhar.", "gui_autostop_timer_cant_be_earlier_than_autostart_timer": "O tempo de paragem automática não pode ser o mesmo que o tempo do início automático. Por favor, ajuste-o para começar a partilhar.", @@ -136,15 +136,15 @@ "gui_quit_warning_cancel": "Cancelar", "gui_quit_warning_title": "Tem a certeza?", "gui_close_tab_warning_cancel": "Cancelar", - "gui_close_tab_warning_close": "Fechar", + "gui_close_tab_warning_close": "Ok", "gui_close_tab_warning_title": "Tem a certeza?", - "gui_new_tab_website_button": "Publicar Site da Web", - "gui_new_tab_receive_button": "Receber Ficheiros", - "gui_new_tab_share_button": "Partilhar Ficheiros", + "gui_new_tab_website_button": "Publicar site da web", + "gui_new_tab_receive_button": "Receber ficheiros", + "gui_new_tab_share_button": "Partilhar ficheiros", "gui_new_tab_tooltip": "Abrir um novo separador", - "gui_new_tab": "Novo Separador", - "gui_website_mode_no_files": "Ainda Sem Site da Web Partilhado", - "history_requests_tooltip": "{} pedidos da Web", + "gui_new_tab": "Novo separador", + "gui_website_mode_no_files": "Ainda sem site da web partilhado", + "history_requests_tooltip": "{} pedidos da web", "gui_website_url_description": "Qualquer pessoa com um endereço do OnionShare pode visitar o seu site utilizando o Tor Browser: ", "mode_settings_website_disable_csp_checkbox": "Não envie cabeçalho de Política de Segurança de Conteúdo (permite que o seu sítio electrónico utilize recursos de terceiros)", "mode_settings_receive_data_dir_browse_button": "Navegar", @@ -162,13 +162,13 @@ "gui_tab_name_share": "Partilha", "gui_main_page_chat_button": "Começa a Conversar", "gui_main_page_website_button": "Começa a Hospedar", - "gui_main_page_receive_button": "Começa a Receber", - "gui_main_page_share_button": "Começa a Partilhar", + "gui_main_page_receive_button": "Começa a receber", + "gui_main_page_share_button": "Começa a partilhar", "gui_new_tab_chat_button": "Converse Anónimamente", - "gui_open_folder_error": "Falhou a abrir a pasta com xdc-open. O ficheiro está aqui: {}", + "gui_open_folder_error": "Falhou a abrir a pasta com xdc-open. O ficheiro está em: {}", "gui_qr_code_dialog_title": "Código QR OnionShare", "gui_show_qr_code": "Mostrar código QR", - "gui_receive_flatpak_data_dir": "Como instalou o OnionShare utilizando Flatpak, deve guardar os ficheiros na pasta ~/OnionShare.", + "gui_receive_flatpak_data_dir": "Como o OnionShare foi instalado por Flatpak, é necessário guardar os ficheiros numa pasta em ~/OnionShare.", "gui_chat_stop_server": "Parar servidor de conversação", "gui_chat_start_server": "Começar servidor de conversa", "gui_file_selection_remove_all": "Remover todos", @@ -206,13 +206,13 @@ "gui_receive_url_public_description": "Qualquer pessoa com este endereço OnionShare pode enviar ficheiros para o seu computador usando o Tor Browser: ", "gui_website_url_public_description": "Qualquer pessoa com este endereço OnionShare pode visitar o seu site usando o Tor Browser: ", "gui_share_url_public_description": "Qualquer pessoa com este endereço OnionShare pode descarregar os seus ficheiros usando o Tor Browser: ", - "gui_server_doesnt_support_stealth": "Desculpe, esta versão do Tor não suporta ocultação (stealth - autenticação do cliente). Por favor, tente uma versão mais recente do Tor ou utilize o modo 'público' se não houver a necessidade de privacidade.", + "gui_server_doesnt_support_stealth": "Desculpe, esta versão do Tor não suporta ocultação stealth (autenticação do cliente). Por favor, tente uma versão mais recente do Tor ou utilize o modo 'público' se não houver a necessidade de privacidade.", "gui_dragdrop_sandbox_flatpak": "Para tornar o \"ambiente de testes\" Flatpak mais seguro, a functionalidade \"arrastar e largar\" não é suportada. Em vez disso, use os botões de \"Adicionar Ficheiros\" e \"Adicionar Pasta\" para selecionar os ficheiros.", "gui_tor_settings_window_title": "Definições do Tor", "gui_settings_controller_extras_label": "Definições do Tor", "gui_settings_bridge_use_checkbox": "Utilizar uma ponte", "gui_settings_bridge_radio_builtin": "Selecionar uma ponte embutida", - "gui_settings_bridge_none_radio_option": "Não utilizar uma ponte", + "gui_settings_bridge_none_radio_option": "Não utilizar pontes", "gui_settings_bridge_moat_radio_option": "Solicitar uma ponte a torproject.org", "gui_settings_bridge_moat_button": "Solicitar uma Ponte Nova", "gui_settings_tor_bridges_label": "As pontes ajudam no acesso a rede Tor em localizações onde esta está bloqueada, algumas pontes podem funcionar melhor do que outras dependendo da localização.", @@ -220,8 +220,8 @@ "gui_settings_bridge_custom_placeholder": "digite endereço:porta (uma por linha)", "gui_settings_moat_bridges_invalid": "Ainda não solicitou uma ponte de torproject.org.", "gui_settings_stop_active_tabs_label": "Existem serviços em execução em alguns dos seus separadores.\nDeve para todos os serviços para alterar as suas definições do Tor.", - "gui_settings_version_label": "Está a utilizar OnionShare {}", - "gui_settings_help_label": "Precisa de ajuda? Consulte docs.onionshare.org", + "gui_settings_version_label": "Você está a usar o OnionShare {}", + "gui_settings_help_label": "Precisa de ajuda? Veja docs.onionshare.org", "mode_settings_website_custom_csp_checkbox": "Envie um cabeçalho de «Política de Segurança de Conteúdo» personalizado", "moat_contact_label": "A contactar BridgeDB...", "moat_captcha_label": "Resolva o 'CAPTCHA' para solicitar uma ponte.", @@ -230,7 +230,7 @@ "moat_captcha_reload": "Recarregar", "moat_bridgedb_error": "Erro ao contactar BridgeDB.", "moat_captcha_error": "A solução não está correta. Por favor, tente novamente.", - "moat_solution_empty_error": "Deve inserir os carateres da imagem", + "moat_solution_empty_error": "Insira os carateres da imagem", "mode_tor_not_connected_label": "OnionShare não está ligado à rede Tor", "gui_autoconnect_trying_to_connect_to_tor": "A ligar-se à Tor…", "gui_autoconnect_description": "OnionShare depende da rede Tor, que é operada voluntariamente.", diff --git a/desktop/onionshare/resources/locale/ro.json b/desktop/onionshare/resources/locale/ro.json index 0e123ffa..383d43ba 100644 --- a/desktop/onionshare/resources/locale/ro.json +++ b/desktop/onionshare/resources/locale/ro.json @@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ "closing_automatically": "Oprit pentru că transferul s-a încheiat cu succes", "large_filesize": "Avertisment: Transferul unui volum mare de date poate dura ore", "systray_menu_exit": "Închidere", - "gui_drag_and_drop": "Tragere și plasare fișiere și directoare\npentru a începe partajarea", + "gui_drag_and_drop": "Tragere și plasare fișiere și directoare pentru a începe partajarea", "gui_add": "Adaugă", "gui_choose_items": "Alegeți", "gui_share_start_server": "Începe partajarea", @@ -59,8 +59,8 @@ "error_tor_protocol_error": "A apărut o eroare cu Tor: {}", "connecting_to_tor": "Conectarea la rețeaua Tor", "update_available": "Noua versiune OnionShare. Clic aici pentru a o obține.

Folosiți versiunea {} și ultima versiune este {}.", - "update_error_check_error": "Nu s-a putut verifica dacă există o versiune nouă: site-ul OnionShare spune că ultima versiune nu poate fi recunoscută '{}'…", - "update_error_invalid_latest_version": "Nu s-a putut verifica dacă există o versiune nouă: Poate nu sunteți conectat la Tor, sau site-ul OnionShare este închis?", + "update_error_check_error": "Nu s-a putut verifica dacă există o versiune nouă: Poate nu sunteți conectat la Tor, sau site-ul OnionShare este închis?", + "update_error_invalid_latest_version": "Nu s-a putut verifica dacă există o versiune nouă: site-ul OnionShare spune că ultima versiune nu poate fi recunoscută '{}'…", "update_not_available": "Rulează ultima versiune OnionShare.", "gui_tor_connection_ask": "Deschideți setările pentru a sorta conexiunea la Tor?", "gui_tor_connection_ask_open_settings": "Da", @@ -130,5 +130,43 @@ "gui_website_url_description": "Oricine are această adresă OnionShare poate vizita website-ul dvs. folosind Tor Browser: ", "gui_website_mode_no_files": "Niciun site nu a fost partajat încă", "incorrect_password": "Parolă incorectă", - "history_requests_tooltip": "{} solicitări web" + "history_requests_tooltip": "{} solicitări web", + "gui_quit_warning_cancel": "Anulare", + "moat_solution_empty_error": "Introdu caracterele din imagine", + "gui_autoconnect_trying_to_connect_to_tor": "Conectare la Tor…", + "gui_website_url_public_description": "Oricine are această adresă OnionShare poate vizita website-ul dvs. folosind Tor Browser: ", + "gui_settings_controller_extras_label": "Setări Tor", + "gui_tab_name_receive": "Primește", + "moat_captcha_submit": "Trimiteți", + "gui_please_wait_no_button": "Pornire…", + "gui_receive_url_public_description": "Oricine are această adresă OnionShare poate încărca fișiere pe computerul dvs. folosind Tor Browser: ", + "gui_status_indicator_chat_scheduled": "Programat …", + "gui_settings_theme_label": "Tema aplicației", + "gui_tab_name_website": "Site web", + "gui_new_tab_receive_button": "Primire fișiere", + "gui_settings_theme_auto": "Automat", + "mode_settings_receive_data_dir_browse_button": "Răsfoiește", + "gui_new_tab_share_button": "Partajare fișiere", + "gui_close_tab_warning_close": "Ok", + "gui_settings_bridge_moat_radio_option": "Cere o punte de la torproject.org", + "gui_settings_bridge_custom_placeholder": "scrie adresă:port (una pe linie)", + "mode_settings_receive_data_dir_label": "Salvare fișiere în", + "gui_new_tab": "Panel nou", + "gui_settings_theme_dark": "Întuneric", + "gui_settings_theme_light": "Luminos", + "gui_tab_name_chat": "Chat", + "moat_captcha_placeholder": "Introdu caracterele din imagine", + "gui_remove": "Elimină", + "gui_file_selection_remove_all": "Șterge tot", + "gui_tab_name_share": "Partajează", + "gui_close_tab_warning_cancel": "Anulare", + "gui_status_indicator_chat_working": "Pornire…", + "gui_reveal": "Dezvăluie", + "gui_hide": "Ascunde", + "gui_settings_bridge_none_radio_option": "Nu folosiți poduri", + "moat_captcha_label": "Rezolvă acest CAPTCHA pentru a cere o punte.", + "moat_captcha_reload": "Reîncarcă", + "gui_autoconnect_start": "Conectare la Tor", + "gui_general_settings_window_title": "General", + "gui_share_url_public_description": "Oricine are această adresă OnionShare poate descărca fișierele dvs. folosind Tor Browser: " } diff --git a/desktop/onionshare/resources/locale/ru.json b/desktop/onionshare/resources/locale/ru.json index f03368a3..cf126dea 100644 --- a/desktop/onionshare/resources/locale/ru.json +++ b/desktop/onionshare/resources/locale/ru.json @@ -147,7 +147,7 @@ "gui_quit_warning_description": "Выйти и закрыть все вкладки, несмотря на то, что в некоторых из них раздаются файлы?", "gui_quit_warning_title": "Закрыть OnionShare?", "gui_close_tab_warning_cancel": "Отменить", - "gui_close_tab_warning_close": "Закрыть", + "gui_close_tab_warning_close": "Ок", "gui_close_tab_warning_website_description": "Закрыть вкладку, размещающую сайт?", "gui_close_tab_warning_receive_description": "Закрыть вкладку, на которой принимаются файлы?", "gui_close_tab_warning_share_description": "Закрыть вкладку, отправляющую файлы?", diff --git a/desktop/onionshare/resources/locale/si.json b/desktop/onionshare/resources/locale/si.json index 0967ef42..1c0355a4 100644 --- a/desktop/onionshare/resources/locale/si.json +++ b/desktop/onionshare/resources/locale/si.json @@ -1 +1,32 @@ -{} +{ + "gui_settings_button_save": "සුරකින්න", + "gui_settings_button_cancel": "අවලංගු", + "gui_settings_button_help": "උපකාර", + "gui_tor_connection_ask_quit": "ඉවත් වන්න", + "gui_all_modes_history": "ඉතිහාසය", + "gui_quit_warning_cancel": "අවලංගු", + "moat_captcha_reload": "යලි පුරන්න", + "gui_settings_theme_label": "තේමාව", + "gui_remove": "ඉවත්", + "gui_settings_bridge_custom_placeholder": "type address:port (one per line)", + "mode_settings_receive_data_dir_browse_button": "පිරික්සන්න", + "gui_settings_autoupdate_timestamp_never": "කිසිදා නැත", + "gui_close_tab_warning_cancel": "අවලංගු", + "gui_quit_warning_quit": "ඉවත් වන්න", + "gui_settings_authenticate_password_option": "මුරපදය", + "gui_add": "එකතු", + "gui_hide": "සඟවන්න", + "gui_settings_window_title": "සැකසුම්", + "gui_general_settings_window_title": "ප්‍රධාන", + "gui_settings_password_label": "මුරපදය", + "gui_tor_connection_ask_open_settings": "ඔව්", + "gui_settings_language_label": "භාෂාව", + "gui_settings_theme_light": "දීප්ත", + "gui_settings_theme_dark": "අඳුරු", + "systray_menu_exit": "ඉවත් වන්න", + "gui_tab_name_share": "බෙදාගන්න", + "gui_tab_name_website": "වෙබ් අඩවිය", + "gui_tab_name_chat": "කතාබහ", + "moat_captcha_submit": "Submit", + "gui_close_tab_warning_close": "හරි" +} diff --git a/desktop/onionshare/resources/locale/sk.json b/desktop/onionshare/resources/locale/sk.json index e6e37f43..e9d32603 100644 --- a/desktop/onionshare/resources/locale/sk.json +++ b/desktop/onionshare/resources/locale/sk.json @@ -142,7 +142,7 @@ "gui_close_tab_warning_share_description": "Ste v procese odosielania súborov. Naozaj chcete zavrieť túto kartu?", "gui_close_tab_warning_receive_description": "Ste v procese prijímania súborov. Naozaj chcete zavrieť túto kartu?", "gui_close_tab_warning_website_description": "Aktívne hosťujete webovú lokalitu. Naozaj chcete zavrieť túto kartu?", - "gui_close_tab_warning_close": "Zatvoriť", + "gui_close_tab_warning_close": "OK", "gui_close_tab_warning_cancel": "Zrušiť", "gui_quit_warning_title": "Ste si istí?", "gui_quit_warning_description": "Zdieľanie je aktívne na niektorých kartách. Ak skončíte, všetky karty sa zavrú. Naozaj chcete skončiť?", @@ -175,5 +175,28 @@ "settings_error_socket_port": "Nedá sa pripojiť k ovládaču Tor na {}:{}.", "settings_error_automatic": "Nepodarilo sa pripojiť k ovládaču Tor. Je prehliadač Tor (dostupný na torproject.org) spustený na pozadí?", "settings_error_unknown": "Nemôžem sa pripojiť k ovládaču Tor, pretože vaše nastavenia nedávajú zmysel.", - "gui_chat_url_description": "Ktokoľvek s touto adresou OnionShare sa môže pripojiť k tejto miestnosti chatu pomocou Tor prehliadača: " + "gui_chat_url_description": "Ktokoľvek s touto adresou OnionShare sa môže pripojiť k tejto miestnosti chatu pomocou Tor prehliadača: ", + "gui_settings_theme_label": "Téma", + "gui_settings_theme_auto": "Auto", + "gui_settings_theme_light": "Světlo", + "gui_please_wait_no_button": "Začína…", + "gui_share_url_public_description": "Ktokoľvek s touto adresou OnionShare si môže stiahnuť vaše súbory pomocou Tor Browser: ", + "gui_website_url_public_description": "Ktokoľvek s touto adresou OnionShare môže navštíviť váš web pomocou Tor Browser: ", + "gui_settings_bridge_custom_placeholder": "napíšte adresu:port (jedna na riadok)", + "moat_captcha_label": "Vyrieš CAPTCHA na vyžiadanie premostenia.", + "moat_captcha_submit": "Odoslať", + "gui_general_settings_window_title": "Obecné", + "gui_status_indicator_chat_scheduled": "Naplánované…", + "moat_captcha_placeholder": "Zadajte znaky z obrázka...", + "moat_captcha_reload": "Znovu načítať", + "gui_autoconnect_start": "Pripojiť k Tor", + "moat_solution_empty_error": "Zadajte znaky z obrázka...", + "gui_receive_url_public_description": "Ktokoľvek s touto adresou OnionShare môže nahrať súbory do vášho počítača pomocou Tor Browser: ", + "gui_chat_url_public_description": "Ktokoľvek s touto adresou OnionShare sa môže pripojiť k tejto miestnosti chatu pomocou Tor prehliadača: ", + "gui_reveal": "Odkryť", + "gui_settings_theme_dark": "Tmavá", + "gui_hide": "Skryť", + "gui_settings_bridge_none_radio_option": "Nepoužívať Tor bridge", + "gui_settings_bridge_moat_radio_option": "Vyžiadať premostenie od torproject.org", + "gui_status_indicator_chat_working": "Začína…" } diff --git a/desktop/onionshare/resources/locale/sl.json b/desktop/onionshare/resources/locale/sl.json index 43eeac29..7cc7586e 100644 --- a/desktop/onionshare/resources/locale/sl.json +++ b/desktop/onionshare/resources/locale/sl.json @@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ "closing_automatically": "Prenehal, ker se je prenos končal", "large_filesize": "Opozorilo: Pošiljanje prevelikih deležel lahko traja ure", "systray_menu_exit": "Izhod", - "gui_drag_and_drop": "Povleci in spusti datoteke in mape\nza začetek skupne rabe", + "gui_drag_and_drop": "Povleci in spusti datoteke in mape za začetek skupne rabe", "gui_add": "Dodaj", "gui_choose_items": "Izberi", "gui_share_start_server": "Začni deliti", @@ -25,5 +25,38 @@ "hours_first_letter": "h", "minutes_first_letter": "m", "seconds_first_letter": "s", - "incorrect_password": "Napačno geslo" + "incorrect_password": "Napačno geslo", + "gui_settings_button_cancel": "Prekliči", + "gui_settings_window_title": "Nastavitve", + "gui_settings_authenticate_password_option": "Geslo", + "gui_close_tab_warning_close": "V redu", + "gui_tab_name_share": "Deli", + "gui_settings_theme_auto": "Samodejno", + "gui_file_selection_remove_all": "Odstrani vse", + "gui_quit_warning_cancel": "Prekliči", + "gui_hide": "Skrij", + "gui_tab_name_chat": "Klepet", + "gui_settings_theme_light": "Svetla", + "gui_settings_button_save": "Shrani", + "gui_settings_theme_dark": "Temna", + "gui_main_page_share_button": "Začnite deliti", + "gui_general_settings_window_title": "Splošno", + "gui_settings_password_label": "Geslo", + "gui_settings_theme_label": "Tema", + "gui_status_indicator_share_working": "Začetek …", + "moat_captcha_submit": "Vloži", + "gui_please_wait_no_button": "Začetek …", + "gui_new_tab": "Nov Zavihek", + "gui_tab_name_website": "Spletišče", + "gui_remove": "Odstrani", + "gui_settings_language_label": "Jezik", + "gui_all_modes_history": "Zgodovina", + "gui_all_modes_clear_history": "Počisti vse", + "gui_close_tab_warning_cancel": "Prekliči", + "mode_settings_receive_data_dir_browse_button": "Brskanje", + "gui_settings_bridge_custom_placeholder": "type address:port (one per line)", + "moat_captcha_reload": "Ponovno naloži", + "gui_status_indicator_share_started": "Deljenje", + "gui_status_indicator_receive_working": "Začetek …", + "gui_status_indicator_chat_working": "Začetek …" } diff --git a/desktop/onionshare/resources/locale/sr_Latn.json b/desktop/onionshare/resources/locale/sr_Latn.json index 2df294c2..93dd6337 100644 --- a/desktop/onionshare/resources/locale/sr_Latn.json +++ b/desktop/onionshare/resources/locale/sr_Latn.json @@ -152,7 +152,7 @@ "mode_settings_advanced_toggle_hide": "Sakrij napredne postavke", "mode_settings_advanced_toggle_show": "Prikaži napredne postavke", "gui_quit_warning_title": "Da li ste sigurni?", - "gui_close_tab_warning_close": "Zatvori", + "gui_close_tab_warning_close": "U redu", "gui_close_tab_warning_title": "Da li ste sigurni?", "gui_tab_name_chat": "Ćaskanje", "gui_tab_name_website": "Veb sajt", @@ -185,7 +185,7 @@ "gui_settings_controller_extras_label": "Tor Podešenja", "gui_settings_bridge_use_checkbox": "Koristite most", "gui_settings_bridge_radio_builtin": "Odaberite most", - "gui_settings_bridge_none_radio_option": "Ne koristi most", + "gui_settings_bridge_none_radio_option": "Ne koristi mostove", "gui_settings_bridge_moat_radio_option": "Zatražite most od torproject.org", "gui_settings_bridge_moat_button": "Zatražite novi most", "gui_settings_bridge_custom_radio_option": "Obezbedite most za koji ste saznali iz pouzdanog izvora", @@ -215,5 +215,11 @@ "history_receive_read_message_button": "Pročitaj poruku", "moat_captcha_error": "Rješenje nije ispravno. Molimo pokušajte ponovo.", "moat_solution_empty_error": "Morate uneti znakove sa slike", - "mode_tor_not_connected_label": "OnionShare nije povezan na Tor mrežu" + "mode_tor_not_connected_label": "OnionShare nije povezan na Tor mrežu", + "gui_settings_theme_dark": "Tamna", + "gui_status_indicator_chat_working": "Pokretanje …", + "gui_status_indicator_chat_scheduled": "Planirano…", + "gui_settings_theme_label": "Tema", + "gui_settings_theme_light": "Svetla", + "gui_general_settings_window_title": "Generalno" } diff --git a/desktop/onionshare/resources/locale/sv.json b/desktop/onionshare/resources/locale/sv.json index e967427d..5c5acc5d 100644 --- a/desktop/onionshare/resources/locale/sv.json +++ b/desktop/onionshare/resources/locale/sv.json @@ -146,7 +146,7 @@ "gui_quit_warning_description": "Vill du vsluta och stänga alla flikar, även om delning är aktiv i några av dem?", "gui_quit_warning_title": "Avsluta OnionShare?", "gui_close_tab_warning_cancel": "Avbryt", - "gui_close_tab_warning_close": "Stäng", + "gui_close_tab_warning_close": "Ok", "gui_close_tab_warning_website_description": "Vill du stänga fliken som är värd för en webbplats?", "gui_close_tab_warning_receive_description": "Vill du stänga fliken som tar emot filer?", "gui_close_tab_warning_share_description": "Vill du stänga fliken som skickar filer?", diff --git a/desktop/onionshare/resources/locale/sw.json b/desktop/onionshare/resources/locale/sw.json index 3a3b8bb5..3a68560f 100644 --- a/desktop/onionshare/resources/locale/sw.json +++ b/desktop/onionshare/resources/locale/sw.json @@ -224,7 +224,7 @@ "moat_captcha_error": "Ufumbuzi usio sahihi. tafadhali jaribu tena.", "moat_solution_empty_error": "Weka alama kutoka kwenye picha", "mode_tor_not_connected_label": "OnionShare imunganishwa na mtandao wa Tor", - "gui_close_tab_warning_close": "Funga", + "gui_close_tab_warning_close": "Sawa", "gui_tab_name_website": "Tovuti", "error_port_not_available": "Sakiti za OnionShare hazipatikani", "history_receive_read_message_button": "Soma Ujumbe", diff --git a/desktop/onionshare/resources/locale/ta.json b/desktop/onionshare/resources/locale/ta.json index 0967ef42..7cc8f86e 100644 --- a/desktop/onionshare/resources/locale/ta.json +++ b/desktop/onionshare/resources/locale/ta.json @@ -1 +1,49 @@ -{} +{ + "gui_tor_connection_ask_quit": "வெளியேறு", + "gui_file_selection_remove_all": "அனைத்தையும் அகற்று", + "gui_choose_items": "தேர்வு", + "gui_canceled": "ரத்துசெய்யப்பட்டது", + "gui_settings_button_save": "சேமி", + "gui_settings_button_cancel": "நிராகரி", + "gui_settings_button_help": "உதவி", + "gui_all_modes_clear_history": "அனைத்தையும் தீர்த்துவை", + "gui_tab_name_share": "பகிர்", + "gui_tab_name_receive": "பெறு", + "gui_tab_name_chat": "Chat", + "gui_close_tab_warning_cancel": "நிராகரி", + "moat_captcha_placeholder": "படத்திலிருக்கும் எழுத்துகளை உள்ளிடுங்கள்", + "moat_solution_empty_error": "படத்திலிருக்கும் எழுத்துகளை உள்ளிடுங்கள்", + "gui_status_indicator_receive_working": "தொடங்குகிறது…", + "gui_status_indicator_chat_working": "தொடங்குகிறது…", + "gui_close_tab_warning_close": "சரி", + "gui_settings_authenticate_password_option": "கடவுச்சொல்", + "gui_settings_password_label": "கடவுச்சொல்", + "gui_hide": "மறை", + "gui_quit_warning_cancel": "நிராகரி", + "gui_tab_name_website": "இணையதளம்", + "gui_settings_autoupdate_timestamp_never": "ஒருபோதும் இல்லை", + "gui_settings_theme_dark": "கருமை", + "gui_new_tab": "புதிய பக்கம்", + "gui_settings_theme_light": "வெளிச்சம்", + "gui_settings_bridge_moat_radio_option": "torproject.org இலிருந்து bridge கோருங்கள்", + "gui_settings_bridge_custom_placeholder": "முகவரி:முனை தட்டச்சிடுங்கள் (ஒரு வரிசைக்கு ஒன்று)", + "mode_settings_receive_data_dir_browse_button": "உலாவு", + "moat_captcha_reload": "மீளேற்று", + "moat_captcha_submit": "சமர்ப்பிக்கவும்", + "gui_please_wait_no_button": "தொடங்குகிறது…", + "gui_add": "சேர்க்க", + "gui_remove": "நீக்கு", + "gui_autoconnect_start": "Tor உடன் இணை", + "gui_settings_window_title": "அமைப்புகள்", + "gui_general_settings_window_title": "பொது", + "gui_settings_autoupdate_label": "புதிய Versionக்கு Check செய்யவும்", + "gui_tor_connection_ask_open_settings": "ஆம்", + "gui_settings_language_label": "மொழி", + "gui_settings_theme_label": "கருப்பொருள்", + "gui_status_indicator_receive_started": "பெறுகிறது", + "gui_settings_theme_auto": "தானியங்கி", + "systray_menu_exit": "வெளியேறு", + "gui_all_modes_history": "வரலாறு", + "gui_quit_warning_quit": "வெளியேறு", + "gui_status_indicator_share_working": "தொடங்குகிறது…" +} diff --git a/desktop/onionshare/resources/locale/te.json b/desktop/onionshare/resources/locale/te.json index ce88695b..58de45ef 100644 --- a/desktop/onionshare/resources/locale/te.json +++ b/desktop/onionshare/resources/locale/te.json @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ "close_on_autostop_timer": "స్వయంచాలితంగా ఆగు సమయ సూచీ సమయాతీతమయిపోయినది కనుక ఆపివేయబడినది", "closing_automatically": "బదిలీ పూర్తి అయినందున ఆపబడినది", "large_filesize": "హెచ్చరిక: ఒక పెద్ద అంశాన్ని పంపించడానికి కొన్ని గంటలు పట్టవచ్చు", - "gui_drag_and_drop": "దస్త్రాలను, సంచయాలను లాగి వదలండి\nవాటిని పంచుకోవడం మొదలుపెట్టుటకు", + "gui_drag_and_drop": "దస్త్రాలను, సంచయాలను లాగి వదలండి వాటిని పంచుకోవడం మొదలుపెట్టుటకు", "gui_add": "చేర్చు", "gui_add_files": "దస్త్రాలను చేర్చు", "gui_add_folder": "సంచయాన్ని చేర్చు", @@ -12,8 +12,6 @@ "gui_share_start_server": "పంచుకోవడం మొదలుపెట్టు", "gui_share_stop_server": "పంచుకోవడం ఆపివేయి", "gui_share_stop_server_autostop_timer": "పంచుకోవడం ఆపివేయి ({})", - "gui_stop_server_autostop_timer_tooltip": "స్వీయ నియంత్రణ సమయం అయిపోయినది", - "gui_start_server_autostart_timer_tooltip": "స్వీయ నియంత్రణ సమయం అయిపోయినది", "gui_receive_start_server": "స్వీకరించు రీతిని మొదలుపెట్టు", "gui_receive_stop_server": "స్వీకరించు రీతిని ఆపివేయి", "gui_receive_stop_server_autostop_timer": "స్వీకరించు రీతిని ఆపివేయి ({} మిగిలినది)", @@ -63,8 +61,7 @@ "error_tor_protocol_error": "Torతో పనిచేయుటలో ఒక దోషం కనబడింది: {}", "connecting_to_tor": "Tor జాలాకార వ్యవస్థకు అనుసంధానించబడుతుంది", "update_available": "సరికొత్త OnionShare వచ్చింది. తెచ్చుకోవడానికి ఇక్కడ నొక్కండి.

మీరు వాడుతున్నది {}, సరికొత్తది {}.", - "update_error_check_error": "కొత్త రూపాంతరాల కోసం సరిచూడలేకపోతుంది: OnionShare జాలగూడు ఇలా చెప్తుంది - సరికొత్త రూపాంతరం ఆనవాలు పట్టబడనిది '{}'…", - "update_error_invalid_latest_version": "కొత్త రూపాంతరం కోసం సరిచూడలేకపోతుంది: బహుశా మీరు Torకు అనుసంధానమై లేరా, లేదా OnionShare జాలగూడు పనిచేయట్లేదా?", + "update_error_check_error": "కొత్త రూపాంతరం కోసం సరిచూడలేకపోతుంది: బహుశా మీరు Torకు అనుసంధానమై లేరా, లేదా OnionShare జాలగూడు పనిచేయట్లేదా?", "update_not_available": "మీరు అతినూతన OnionShareని వాడుతున్నారు.", "gui_tor_connection_ask": "Tor అనుసంధానత సమస్యను పరిష్కరించడానికి అమరికలను తెరవనా?", "gui_tor_connection_ask_open_settings": "అవును", @@ -127,5 +124,32 @@ "hours_first_letter": "h", "minutes_first_letter": "m", "seconds_first_letter": "s", - "incorrect_password": "తప్పు పాస్వర్డ్" + "incorrect_password": "తప్పు పాస్వర్డ్", + "gui_settings_theme_dark": "దట్టము", + "gui_please_wait_no_button": "మొదలుపెడుతుంది…", + 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+203,7 @@ "gui_close_tab_warning_share_description": "Đóng tab đang gửi tập tin chứ?", "gui_close_tab_warning_receive_description": "Đóng tab đang nhận tập tin?", "gui_close_tab_warning_website_description": "Đóng tab đang lưu trữ host một trang web chứ?", - "gui_close_tab_warning_close": "Đóng", + "gui_close_tab_warning_close": "Đồng ý", "gui_close_tab_warning_cancel": "Huỷ bỏ", "gui_quit_warning_title": "Thoát OnionShare chứ?", "gui_quit_warning_description": "Thoát và đóng tất cả các tab, mặc dù tính năng chia sẻ vẫn đang hoạt động ở một số tab chứ?", diff --git a/desktop/onionshare/resources/locale/yo.json b/desktop/onionshare/resources/locale/yo.json index bbd55d3e..bad0689f 100644 --- a/desktop/onionshare/resources/locale/yo.json +++ b/desktop/onionshare/resources/locale/yo.json @@ -20,5 +20,8 @@ "gui_remove": "Yokuro", "gui_add_folder": "S'afikun folda", "gui_add_files": "S'afikun faili", - "incorrect_password": "Ashiko oro igbaniwole" + "incorrect_password": "Ashiko oro 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b/docs/source/locale/bg/LC_MESSAGES/security.po @@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: OnionShare 2.5\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: onionshare-dev@lists.riseup.net\n" "POT-Creation-Date: 2023-09-05 11:30-0700\n" -"PO-Revision-Date: 2024-03-01 23:00+0000\n" +"PO-Revision-Date: 2024-03-07 13:48+0000\n" "Last-Translator: 109247019824 \n" "Language-Team: none\n" "Language: bg\n" @@ -39,7 +39,6 @@ msgid "What OnionShare protects against" msgstr "От какво защитава OnionShare" #: ../../source/security.rst:11 -#, fuzzy msgid "" "**Third parties don't have access to anything that happens in OnionShare.** " "Using OnionShare means hosting services directly on your computer. When " @@ -49,7 +48,11 @@ msgid "" "computers of others." msgstr "" "**Трети страни нямат достъп до случващото се в OnionShare.** Като използвате " -"OnionShare" +"OnionShare вие създавате услугите директно устройството си. Като споделяте " +"свои файлове с OnionShare те не се изпращат към сървъри на трета страна. " +"Като създавате стая за разговори с OnionShare това се случва само на вашето " +"устройство. Това е начин да се избегне традиционния модел, който налага да " +"имате доверие на чужди компютри." #: ../../source/security.rst:17 msgid "" diff --git a/docs/source/locale/kab/LC_MESSAGES/features.po b/docs/source/locale/kab/LC_MESSAGES/features.po new file mode 100644 index 00000000..a4e3cdac --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/source/locale/kab/LC_MESSAGES/features.po @@ -0,0 +1,263 @@ +# SOME DESCRIPTIVE TITLE. +# Copyright (C) Micah Lee, et al. +# This file is distributed under the same license as the OnionShare package. +# FIRST AUTHOR , YEAR. +# +msgid "" +msgstr "" +"Project-Id-Version: OnionShare 2.6.1\n" +"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: onionshare-dev@lists.riseup.net\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2023-09-05 11:30-0700\n" +"PO-Revision-Date: 2024-03-08 14:02+0000\n" +"Last-Translator: ButterflyOfFire \n" +"Language-Team: none\n" +"Language: kab\n" +"MIME-Version: 1.0\n" +"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" +"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" +"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=n > 1;\n" +"X-Generator: Weblate 5.5-dev\n" + +#: ../../source/features.rst:4 +msgid "How OnionShare Works" +msgstr "Amek ay yetteddu OnionShare" + +#: ../../source/features.rst:6 +msgid "Web servers are started locally on your computer and made accessible to other people as `Tor `_ `onion services `_." +msgstr "" + +#: ../../source/features.rst:8 +msgid "By default, OnionShare web addresses are protected with a private key." +msgstr "" +"S wudem amezwer, tansiwin web n OnionShare ttwaḥerzent s tsarut tusligt." + +#: ../../source/features.rst:10 +msgid "OnionShare addresses look something like this::" +msgstr "Tansiwin n OnionShare, ttbanen-d amzun d taɣawsa am ta::" + +#: ../../source/features.rst:14 +msgid "And private keys might look something like this::" +msgstr "Tisura tusligin zemrent ad sɛunt azal am a::" + +#: ../../source/features.rst:18 +msgid "You're responsible for securely sharing that URL and private key using a communication channel of your choice like in an encrypted chat message, or using something less secure like unencrypted email, depending on your `threat model `_." +msgstr "" + +#: ../../source/features.rst:20 +msgid "The people you send the URL to then copy and paste it into their `Tor Browser `_ to access the OnionShare service. Tor Browser will then prompt for the private key, which the people can also then copy and paste in." +msgstr "" + +#: ../../source/features.rst:24 +msgid "If you run OnionShare on your laptop to send someone files, and then suspend it before the files are sent, the service will not be available until your laptop is unsuspended and on the internet again. OnionShare works best when working with people in real-time." +msgstr "" + +#: ../../source/features.rst:26 +msgid "Because your own computer is the web server, *no third party can access anything that happens in OnionShare*, not even the developers of OnionShare. It's completely private. And because OnionShare is based on Tor onion services too, it also protects your anonymity. See the :doc:`security design ` for more info." +msgstr "" + +#: ../../source/features.rst:29 +msgid "Share Files" +msgstr "" + +#: ../../source/features.rst:31 +msgid "You can use OnionShare to send files and folders to people securely and anonymously. Open a share tab, drag in the files and folders you wish to share, and click \"Start sharing\"." +msgstr "" + +#: ../../source/features.rst:35 +#: ../../source/features.rst:112 +msgid "After you add files, you'll see some settings. Make sure you choose the setting you're interested in before you start sharing." +msgstr "" + +#: ../../source/features.rst:39 +msgid "As soon as someone finishes downloading your files, OnionShare will automatically stop the server, removing the website from the internet. To allow multiple people to download them, uncheck the \"Stop sharing after files have been sent (uncheck to allow downloading individual files)\" box." +msgstr "" + +#: ../../source/features.rst:42 +msgid "Also, if you uncheck this box, people will be able to download the individual files you share rather than a single compressed version of all the files." +msgstr "" + +#: ../../source/features.rst:44 +msgid "When you're ready to share, click the \"Start sharing\" button. You can always click \"Stop sharing\", or quit OnionShare, immediately taking the website down. You can also click the \"↑\" icon in the top-right corner to show the history and progress of people downloading files from you." +msgstr "" + +#: ../../source/features.rst:48 +msgid "Now that you have a OnionShare, copy the address and the private key and send it to the person you want to receive the files. If the files need to stay secure, or the person is otherwise exposed to danger, use an encrypted messaging app." +msgstr "" + +#: ../../source/features.rst:50 +msgid "That person then must load the address in Tor Browser. After logging in with the private key, the files can be downloaded directly from your computer by clicking the \"Download Files\" link in the corner." +msgstr "" + +#: ../../source/features.rst:55 +msgid "Receive Files and Messages" +msgstr "" + +#: ../../source/features.rst:57 +msgid "You can use OnionShare to let people anonymously submit files and messages directly to your computer, essentially turning it into an anonymous dropbox. Open a receive tab and choose the settings that you want." +msgstr "" + +#: ../../source/features.rst:62 +msgid "You can browse for a folder to save messages and files that get submitted." +msgstr "" + +#: ../../source/features.rst:64 +msgid "You can check \"Disable submitting text\" if want to only allow file uploads, and you can check \"Disable uploading files\" if you want to only allow submitting text messages, like for an anonymous contact form." +msgstr "" + +#: ../../source/features.rst:66 +msgid "You can check \"Use notification webhook\" and then choose a webhook URL if you want to be notified when someone submits files or messages to your OnionShare service. If you use this feature, OnionShare will make an HTTP POST request to this URL whenever someone submits files or messages. For example, if you want to get an encrypted text messaging on the messaging app `Keybase `_, you can start a conversation with `@webhookbot `_, type ``!webhook create onionshare-alerts``, and it will respond with a URL. Use that as the notification webhook URL. If someone uploads a file to your receive mode service, @webhookbot will send you a message on Keybase letting you know as soon as it happens." +msgstr "" + +#: ../../source/features.rst:71 +msgid "When you are ready, click \"Start Receive Mode\". This starts the OnionShare service. Anyone loading this address in their Tor Browser will be able to submit files and messages which get uploaded to your computer." +msgstr "" + +#: ../../source/features.rst:75 +msgid "You can also click the down \"↓\" icon in the top-right corner to show the history and progress of people sending files to you." +msgstr "" + +#: ../../source/features.rst:77 +msgid "Here is what it looks like for someone sending you files and messages." +msgstr "" + +#: ../../source/features.rst:81 +msgid "When someone submits files or messages to your receive service, by default they get saved to a folder called ``OnionShare`` in the home folder on your computer, automatically organized into separate subfolders based on the time that the files get uploaded." +msgstr "" + +#: ../../source/features.rst:83 +msgid "Setting up an OnionShare receiving service is useful for journalists and others needing to securely accept documents from anonymous sources. When used in this way, OnionShare is sort of like a lightweight, simpler, not quite as secure version of `SecureDrop `_, the whistleblower submission system." +msgstr "" + +#: ../../source/features.rst:86 +msgid "Use at your own risk" +msgstr "Sseqdec deg tmijewt-ik" + +#: ../../source/features.rst:88 +msgid "Just like with malicious email attachments, it's possible someone could try to attack your computer by uploading a malicious file to your OnionShare service. OnionShare does not add any safety mechanisms to protect your system from malicious files." +msgstr "" + +#: ../../source/features.rst:90 +msgid "If you receive an Office document or a PDF through OnionShare, you can convert these documents into PDFs that are safe to open using `Dangerzone `_. You can also protect yourself when opening untrusted documents by opening them in `Tails `_ or in a `Qubes `_ disposableVM." +msgstr "" + +#: ../../source/features.rst:92 +msgid "However, it is always safe to open text messages sent through OnionShare." +msgstr "" +"D acu kan, dima yelha ma yeldi yiwen iznan n yiḍrisen i d-yettwaceyyεen s " +"OnionShare." + +#: ../../source/features.rst:95 +msgid "Tips for running a receive service" +msgstr "" + +#: ../../source/features.rst:97 +msgid "If you want to host your own anonymous dropbox using OnionShare, it's recommended you do so on a separate, dedicated computer always powered on and connected to the internet, and not on the one you use on a regular basis." +msgstr "" + +#: ../../source/features.rst:99 +msgid "If you intend to put the OnionShare address on your website or social media profiles, save the tab (see :ref:`save_tabs`) and run it as a public service (see :ref:`turn_off_private_key`). It's also a good idea to give it a custom title (see :ref:`custom_titles`)." +msgstr "" + +#: ../../source/features.rst:102 +msgid "Host a Website" +msgstr "" + +#: ../../source/features.rst:104 +msgid "To host a static HTML website with OnionShare, open a website tab, drag the files and folders that make up the static content there, and click \"Start sharing\" when you are ready." +msgstr "" + +#: ../../source/features.rst:108 +msgid "If you add an ``index.html`` file, it will render when someone loads your website. You should also include any other HTML files, CSS files, JavaScript files, and images that make up the website. (Note that OnionShare only supports hosting *static* websites. It can't host websites that execute code or use databases. So you can't for example use WordPress.)" +msgstr "" + +#: ../../source/features.rst:110 +msgid "If you don't have an ``index.html`` file, it will show a directory listing instead, and people loading it can look through the files and download them." +msgstr "" + +#: ../../source/features.rst:117 +msgid "Content Security Policy" +msgstr "" + +#: ../../source/features.rst:119 +msgid "By default OnionShare helps secure your website by setting a strict `Content Security Policy `_ header. However, this prevents third-party content from loading inside the web page." +msgstr "" + +#: ../../source/features.rst:121 +msgid "If you want to load content from third-party websites, like assets or JavaScript libraries from CDNs, you have two options:" +msgstr "" + +#: ../../source/features.rst:123 +msgid "You can disable sending a Content Security Policy header by checking the \"Don't send Content Security Policy header (allows your website to use third-party resources)\" box before starting the service." +msgstr "" + +#: ../../source/features.rst:124 +msgid "You can send a custom Content Security Policy header." +msgstr "" + +#: ../../source/features.rst:127 +msgid "Tips for running a website service" +msgstr "" + +#: ../../source/features.rst:129 +msgid "If you want to host a long-term website using OnionShare (meaning not just to quickly show someone something), it's recommended you do it on a separate, dedicated computer that is always powered on and connected to the internet, and not on the one you use on a regular basis. Save the tab (see :ref:`save_tabs`) so you can resume the website with the same address if you close OnionShare and re-open it later." +msgstr "" + +#: ../../source/features.rst:132 +msgid "If your website is intended for the public, you should run it as a public service (see :ref:`turn_off_private_key`)." +msgstr "" + +#: ../../source/features.rst:135 +msgid "Chat Anonymously" +msgstr "" + +#: ../../source/features.rst:137 +msgid "You can use OnionShare to set up a private, secure chat room that doesn't log anything. Just open a chat tab and click \"Start chat server\"." +msgstr "" + +#: ../../source/features.rst:141 +msgid "After you start the server, copy the OnionShare address and private key and send them to the people you want in the anonymous chat room. If it's important to limit exactly who can join, use an encrypted messaging app to send out the OnionShare address and private key." +msgstr "" + +#: ../../source/features.rst:146 +msgid "People can join the chat room by loading its OnionShare address in Tor Browser. The chat room requires JavasScript, so everyone who wants to participate must have their Tor Browser security level set to \"Standard\" or \"Safer\", instead of \"Safest\"." +msgstr "" + +#: ../../source/features.rst:149 +msgid "When someone joins the chat room they get assigned a random name. They can change their name by typing a new name in the box in the left panel and pressing ↵. Since the chat history isn't saved anywhere, it doesn't get displayed at all, even if others were already chatting in the room." +msgstr "" + +#: ../../source/features.rst:155 +msgid "In an OnionShare chat room, everyone is anonymous. Anyone can change their name to anything, and there is no way to confirm anyone's identity." +msgstr "" + +#: ../../source/features.rst:158 +msgid "However, if you create an OnionShare chat room and securely send the address only to a small group of trusted friends using encrypted messages, you can be reasonably confident the people joining the chat room are your friends." +msgstr "" + +#: ../../source/features.rst:161 +msgid "How is this useful?" +msgstr "Amek yenfeε waya?" + +#: ../../source/features.rst:163 +msgid "If you need to already be using an encrypted messaging app, what's the point of an OnionShare chat room to begin with? It leaves less traces." +msgstr "" + +#: ../../source/features.rst:165 +msgid "If you for example send a message to a Signal group, a copy of your message ends up on each device (the smartphones, and computers if they set up Signal Desktop) of each member of the group. Even if disappearing messages is turned on, it's hard to confirm all copies of the messages are actually deleted from all devices, and from any other places (like notifications databases) they may have been saved to. OnionShare chat rooms don't store any messages anywhere, so the problem is reduced to a minimum." +msgstr "" + +#: ../../source/features.rst:168 +msgid "OnionShare chat rooms can also be useful for people wanting to chat anonymously and securely with someone without needing to create any accounts. For example, a source can send an OnionShare address to a journalist using a disposable email address, and then wait for the journalist to join the chat room, all without compromosing their anonymity." +msgstr "" + +#: ../../source/features.rst:172 +msgid "How does the encryption work?" +msgstr "Amek ay yetteddu uwgelhen?" + +#: ../../source/features.rst:174 +msgid "Because OnionShare relies on Tor onion services, connections between the Tor Browser and OnionShare are all end-to-end encrypted (E2EE). When someone posts a message to an OnionShare chat room, they send it to the server through the E2EE onion connection, which then sends it to all other members of the chat room using WebSockets, through their E2EE onion connections." +msgstr "" + +#: ../../source/features.rst:176 +msgid "OnionShare doesn't implement any chat encryption on its own. It relies on the Tor onion service's encryption instead." +msgstr "" diff --git a/docs/source/locale/kab/LC_MESSAGES/index.po b/docs/source/locale/kab/LC_MESSAGES/index.po new file mode 100644 index 00000000..06e94814 --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/source/locale/kab/LC_MESSAGES/index.po @@ -0,0 +1,27 @@ +# SOME DESCRIPTIVE TITLE. +# Copyright (C) Micah Lee, et al. +# This file is distributed under the same license as the OnionShare package. +# FIRST AUTHOR , YEAR. +# +msgid "" +msgstr "" +"Project-Id-Version: OnionShare 2.6.1\n" +"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: onionshare-dev@lists.riseup.net\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2023-09-05 11:30-0700\n" +"PO-Revision-Date: 2024-03-07 13:48+0000\n" +"Last-Translator: ButterflyOfFire \n" +"Language-Team: none\n" +"Language: kab\n" +"MIME-Version: 1.0\n" +"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" +"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" +"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=n > 1;\n" +"X-Generator: Weblate 5.5-dev\n" + +#: ../../source/index.rst:2 +msgid "OnionShare's documentation" +msgstr "Arrat n OnionShare" + +#: ../../source/index.rst:6 +msgid "OnionShare is an open source tool that lets you securely and anonymously share files, host websites, and chat with friends using the Tor network." +msgstr "" diff --git a/docs/source/locale/kab/LC_MESSAGES/install.po b/docs/source/locale/kab/LC_MESSAGES/install.po new file mode 100644 index 00000000..9cccfecf --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/source/locale/kab/LC_MESSAGES/install.po @@ -0,0 +1,193 @@ +# SOME DESCRIPTIVE TITLE. +# Copyright (C) Micah Lee, et al. +# This file is distributed under the same license as the OnionShare package. +# FIRST AUTHOR , YEAR. +# +msgid "" +msgstr "" +"Project-Id-Version: OnionShare 2.6.1\n" +"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: onionshare-dev@lists.riseup.net\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2023-09-05 11:51-0700\n" +"PO-Revision-Date: 2024-03-08 14:02+0000\n" +"Last-Translator: ButterflyOfFire \n" +"Language-Team: none\n" +"Language: kab\n" +"MIME-Version: 1.0\n" +"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" +"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" +"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=n > 1;\n" +"X-Generator: Weblate 5.5-dev\n" + +#: ../../source/install.rst:2 +msgid "Installation" +msgstr "Asebded" + +#: ../../source/install.rst:5 +msgid "Windows or macOS" +msgstr "Windows neɣ macOS" + +#: ../../source/install.rst:7 +msgid "You can download OnionShare for Windows and macOS from the `OnionShare website `_." +msgstr "" +"Tzemreḍ ad d-tzedmeḍ OnionShare i Windows akked macOS seg `usmel web n " +"OnionShare `_." + +#: ../../source/install.rst:12 +msgid "Linux" +msgstr "" + +#: ../../source/install.rst:14 +msgid "There are various ways to install OnionShare for Linux, but the recommended way is to use either the `Flatpak `_ or the `Snap `_ package. Flatpak and Snapcraft ensure that you'll always use the newest version and run OnionShare inside of a sandbox." +msgstr "" + +#: ../../source/install.rst:17 +msgid "Snapcraft support is built-in to Ubuntu and Fedora comes with Flatpak support, but which you use is up to you. Both work in all Linux distributions." +msgstr "" + +#: ../../source/install.rst:19 +msgid "**Install OnionShare using Flatpak**: https://flathub.org/apps/details/org.onionshare.OnionShare" +msgstr "" + +#: ../../source/install.rst:21 +msgid "**Install OnionShare using Snapcraft**: https://snapcraft.io/onionshare" +msgstr "" + +#: ../../source/install.rst:23 +msgid "You can also download and install PGP-signed ``.flatpak`` or ``.snap`` packages from https://onionshare.org/dist/ if you prefer." +msgstr "" + +#: ../../source/install.rst:26 +msgid "Manual Flatpak Installation" +msgstr "Asbeddi s ufus n Flatpak" + +#: ../../source/install.rst:28 +msgid "If you'd like to install OnionShare manually with Flatpak using the PGP-signed `single-file bundle `_, you can do so like this:" +msgstr "" + +#: ../../source/install.rst:30 +msgid "Install Flatpak by following the instructions at https://flatpak.org/setup/." +msgstr "" + +#: ../../source/install.rst:31 +msgid "Add the Flathub repository by running ``flatpak remote-add --if-not-exists flathub https://flathub.org/repo/flathub.flatpakrepo``. Even though you won't be downloading OnionShare from Flathub, OnionShare depends on some packages that are only available there." +msgstr "" + +#: ../../source/install.rst:32 +msgid "Go to https://onionshare.org/dist/, choose the latest version of OnionShare, and download the ``.flatpak`` and ``.flatpak.asc`` files." +msgstr "" + +#: ../../source/install.rst:33 +msgid "Verify the PGP signature of the ``.flatpak`` file. See :ref:`verifying_sigs` for more info." +msgstr "" + +#: ../../source/install.rst:34 +msgid "Install the ``.flatpak`` file by running ``flatpak install OnionShare-VERSION.flatpak``. Replace ``VERSION`` with the version number of the file you downloaded." +msgstr "" + +#: ../../source/install.rst:36 +msgid "You can run OnionShare with: `flatpak run org.onionshare.OnionShare`." +msgstr "" + +#: ../../source/install.rst:39 +msgid "Manual Snapcraft Installation" +msgstr "" + +#: ../../source/install.rst:41 +msgid "If you'd like to install OnionShare manually with Snapcraft using the PGP-signed Snapcraft package, you can do so like this:" +msgstr "" + +#: ../../source/install.rst:43 +msgid "Install Snapcraft by following the instructions at https://snapcraft.io/docs/installing-snapd." +msgstr "" + +#: ../../source/install.rst:44 +msgid "Go to https://onionshare.org/dist/, choose the latest version of OnionShare, and download the ``.snap`` and ``.snap.asc`` files." +msgstr "" + +#: ../../source/install.rst:45 +msgid "Verify the PGP signature of the ``.snap`` file. See :ref:`verifying_sigs` for more info." +msgstr "" + +#: ../../source/install.rst:46 +msgid "Install the ``.snap`` file by running ``snap install --dangerous onionshare_VERSION_amd64.snap``. Replace ``VERSION`` with the version number of the file you downloaded. Note that you must use `--dangerous` because the package is not signed by the Snapcraft store, however you did verify its PGP signature, so you know it's legitimate." +msgstr "" + +#: ../../source/install.rst:48 +msgid "You can run OnionShare with: `snap run onionshare`." +msgstr "" + +#: ../../source/install.rst:53 +msgid "Command-line only" +msgstr "" + +#: ../../source/install.rst:55 +msgid "You can install just the command-line version of OnionShare on any operating system using the Python package manager ``pip``. :ref:`cli` has more info." +msgstr "" + +#: ../../source/install.rst:60 +msgid "Verifying PGP signatures" +msgstr "" + +#: ../../source/install.rst:62 +msgid "You can verify that the package you download is legitimate and hasn't been tampered with by verifying its PGP signature. For Windows and macOS, this step is optional and provides defense in depth: the OnionShare binaries include operating system-specific signatures, and you can just rely on those alone if you'd like." +msgstr "" + +#: ../../source/install.rst:66 +msgid "Signing key" +msgstr "Tasarut n uzmul" + +#: ../../source/install.rst:68 +msgid "Packages are signed by Micah Lee, the core developer, using his PGP public key with fingerprint ``927F419D7EC82C2F149C1BD1403C2657CD994F73``. You can download Micah's key `from the keys.openpgp.org keyserver `_." +msgstr "" + +#: ../../source/install.rst:71 +msgid "You must have GnuPG installed to verify signatures. For macOS you probably want `GPGTools `_, and for Windows you probably want `Gpg4win `_." +msgstr "" + +#: ../../source/install.rst:74 +msgid "Signatures" +msgstr "" + +#: ../../source/install.rst:76 +msgid "You can find the signatures (as ``.asc`` files), as well as Windows, macOS, Flatpak, Snap, and source packages, at https://onionshare.org/dist/ in the folders named for each version of OnionShare. You can also find them on the `GitHub Releases page `_." +msgstr "" + +#: ../../source/install.rst:80 +msgid "Verifying" +msgstr "Asenqed" + +#: ../../source/install.rst:82 +msgid "Once you have imported Micah's public key into your GnuPG keychain, downloaded the binary and ``.asc`` signature, you can verify the binary in a terminal like this:" +msgstr "" + +#: ../../source/install.rst:84 +msgid "For Windows::" +msgstr "I Windows::" + +#: ../../source/install.rst:88 +msgid "For macOS::" +msgstr "I macOS::" + +#: ../../source/install.rst:92 +msgid "For Linux::" +msgstr "I Linux::" + +#: ../../source/install.rst:98 +msgid "and for the source file::" +msgstr "" + +#: ../../source/install.rst:102 +msgid "The expected output looks like this::" +msgstr "" + +#: ../../source/install.rst:112 +msgid "If you don't see ``Good signature from``, there might be a problem with the integrity of the file (malicious or otherwise), and you should not install the package." +msgstr "" + +#: ../../source/install.rst:114 +msgid "The ``WARNING:`` shown above, is not a problem with the package, it only means you haven't defined a level of \"trust\" of Micah's (the core developer) PGP key." +msgstr "" + +#: ../../source/install.rst:116 +msgid "If you want to learn more about verifying PGP signatures, the guides for `Qubes OS `_ and the `Tor Project `_ may be useful." +msgstr "" diff --git a/docs/source/locale/nb_NO/LC_MESSAGES/install.po b/docs/source/locale/nb_NO/LC_MESSAGES/install.po index fbde6b3b..4036e0f4 100644 --- a/docs/source/locale/nb_NO/LC_MESSAGES/install.po +++ b/docs/source/locale/nb_NO/LC_MESSAGES/install.po @@ -6,9 +6,9 @@ msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: OnionShare 2.3\n" -"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n" +"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: onionshare-dev@lists.riseup.net\n" "POT-Creation-Date: 2023-09-05 11:51-0700\n" -"PO-Revision-Date: 2023-07-11 12:23+0000\n" +"PO-Revision-Date: 2024-03-14 03:02+0000\n" "Last-Translator: Allan Nordhøy \n" "Language-Team: none\n" "Language: nb_NO\n" @@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ msgstr "" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" "Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=n != 1;\n" -"X-Generator: Weblate 5.0-dev\n" +"X-Generator: Weblate 5.5-dev\n" "Generated-By: Babel 2.9.1\n" #: ../../source/install.rst:2 @@ -302,11 +302,11 @@ msgstr "" #: ../../source/install.rst:84 msgid "For Windows::" -msgstr "" +msgstr "For Windows::" #: ../../source/install.rst:88 msgid "For macOS::" -msgstr "" +msgstr "For macOS::" #: ../../source/install.rst:92 #, fuzzy @@ -314,8 +314,9 @@ msgid "For Linux::" msgstr "Linux|GNU" #: ../../source/install.rst:98 +#, fuzzy msgid "and for the source file::" -msgstr "" +msgstr "og for kildekodefiler::" #: ../../source/install.rst:102 msgid "The expected output looks like this::"