mirror of
synced 2025-03-10 07:59:34 -04:00
Merge branch 'mig5-681_remove_obsolete_strings' into receiver-mode-gui
This commit is contained in:
@ -54,7 +54,12 @@ def main():
dir = args.onionshare_dir
src = files_in(dir, 'onionshare') + files_in(dir, 'onionshare_gui')
src = files_in(dir, 'onionshare') + \
files_in(dir, 'onionshare_gui') + \
files_in(dir, 'onionshare_gui/share_mode') + \
files_in(dir, 'onionshare_gui/receive_mode') + \
files_in(dir, 'install/scripts') + \
files_in(dir, 'test')
pysrc = [p for p in src if p.endswith('.py')]
lang_code = args.lang_code
@ -64,11 +69,11 @@ def main():
for line in fileinput.input(pysrc, openhook=fileinput.hook_encoded('utf-8')):
# search `strings._('translate_key')`
# `strings._('translate_key', True)`
m = re.search(r'strings\._\((.*?)\)', line)
m = re.findall(r'strings\._\((.*?)\)', line)
if m:
arg = m.group(1)
key = arg.split(',')[0].strip('''"' ''')
for match in m:
key = match.split(',')[0].strip('''"' ''')
if args.show_all_keys:
for k in sorted(translate_keys):
@ -2,22 +2,15 @@
"config_onion_service": "Nastavuji onion service na portu {0:d}.",
"preparing_files": "Připravuji soubory ke sdílení.",
"wait_for_hs": "Čekám na HS až bude připravena:",
"wait_for_hs_trying": "Zkouším...",
"wait_for_hs_nope": "Ještě nepřipraven.",
"wait_for_hs_yup": "Připraven!",
"give_this_url": "Dejte tuto URL osobě, které dané soubory posíláte:",
"give_this_url_stealth": "Give this URL and HidServAuth line to the person you're sending the file to:",
"ctrlc_to_stop": "Stiskněte Ctrl-C pro zastavení serveru",
"not_a_file": "{0:s} není soubor.",
"download_page_loaded": "Download page loaded",
"other_page_loaded": "URL loaded",
"closing_automatically": "Zastavuji automaticky, protože stahování skončilo",
"large_filesize": "Varování: Posílání velkých souborů může trvat hodiny",
"error_tails_invalid_port": "Nesprávná hodnota, port musí být celé číslo",
"error_tails_unknown_root": "Neznámá chyba s Tails root procesem",
"help_local_only": "Nepoužívat Tor: jen pro vývoj",
"help_stay_open": "Nechat běžet onion service po skončení stahování",
"help_transparent_torification": "My system is transparently torified",
"help_stealth": "Create stealth onion service (advanced)",
"help_debug": "Zaznamenat chyby na disk",
"help_filename": "Seznam souborů a složek ke sdílení",
@ -33,11 +26,7 @@
"gui_canceled": "Zrušeno",
"gui_copied_url": "URL zkopírováno do schránky",
"gui_copied_hidservauth": "Copied HidServAuth line to clipboard",
"gui_starting_server1": "Spouštím Tor onion service...",
"gui_starting_server2": "Zpracovávám soubory...",
"gui_please_wait": "Prosím čekejte...",
"error_hs_dir_cannot_create": "Nejde vytvořit složka onion service {0:s}",
"error_hs_dir_not_writable": "nejde zapisovat do složky onion service {0:s}",
"using_ephemeral": "Starting ephemeral Tor onion service and awaiting publication",
"gui_download_upload_progress_complete": "%p%, Uplynulý čas: {0:s}",
"gui_download_upload_progress_starting": "{0:s}, %p% (Computing ETA)",
@ -50,9 +39,6 @@
"zip_progress_bar_format": "Zpracovávám soubory: %p%",
"error_stealth_not_supported": "To create stealth onion services, you need at least Tor (or Tor Browser 6.5) and at least python3-stem 1.5.0.",
"error_ephemeral_not_supported": "OnionShare vyžaduje nejméně Tor a nejméně python3-stem 1.4.0.",
"gui_menu_file_menu": "&File",
"gui_menu_settings_action": "&Settings",
"gui_menu_quit_action": "&Quit",
"gui_settings_window_title": "Nastavení",
"gui_settings_connection_type_label": "Jak by se měl OnionShare připojit k Toru?",
"gui_settings_connection_type_automatic_option": "Zkusit automatické nastavení s Tor Browserem",
@ -63,10 +49,7 @@
"gui_settings_authenticate_label": "Autentizační možnosti Toru",
"gui_settings_authenticate_no_auth_option": "Žádná autentizace ani cookie autentizace",
"gui_settings_authenticate_password_option": "Heslo",
"gui_settings_authenticate_cookie_option": "Cookie",
"gui_settings_password_label": "Heslo",
"gui_settings_cookie_label": "Cesta ke cookie",
"gui_settings_button_test": "Test Settings",
"gui_settings_button_save": "Uložit",
"gui_settings_button_cancel": "Zrušit",
"settings_saved": "Nastavení uloženo do {}",
@ -2,23 +2,17 @@
"config_onion_service": "Konfigurerer onion-tjeneste på port {0:d}.",
"preparing_files": "Forbereder filer som skal deles.",
"wait_for_hs": "Venter på at HS bliver klar:",
"wait_for_hs_trying": "Prøver...",
"wait_for_hs_nope": "Endnu ikke klar.",
"wait_for_hs_yup": "Klar!",
"give_this_url": "Giv denne URL til personen du sender filen til:",
"give_this_url_stealth": "Giv denne URL og HidServAuth-linje til personen du sender filen til:",
"ctrlc_to_stop": "Tryk på Ctrl-C for at stoppe serveren",
"not_a_file": "{0:s} er ikke en gyldig fil.",
"not_a_readable_file": "{0:s} er ikke en læsbar fil.",
"no_available_port": "Kunne ikke starte onion-tjenesten da der ikke var nogen tilgængelig port.",
"download_page_loaded": "Downloadside indlæst",
"other_page_loaded": "URL indlæst",
"close_on_timeout": "Lukker automatisk da timeout er nået",
"closing_automatically": "Lukker automatisk da download er færdig",
"timeout_download_still_running": "Venter på at download skal blive færdig inden automatisk stop",
"large_filesize": "Advarsel: Det kan tage timer at sende store filer",
"error_tails_invalid_port": "Ugyldig værdi, port skal være et heltal",
"error_tails_unknown_root": "Ukendt fejl med Tails-rodproces",
"systray_menu_exit": "Afslut",
"systray_download_started_title": "OnionShare-download startet",
"systray_download_started_message": "En bruger startede download af dine filer",
@ -29,7 +23,6 @@
"help_local_only": "Undlad at bruge tor: kun til udvikling",
"help_stay_open": "Hold onion-tjeneste kørende efter download er færdig",
"help_shutdown_timeout": "Luk onion-tjenesten efter N sekunder",
"help_transparent_torification": "Mit system er gennemsigtigt torifiseret",
"help_stealth": "Opret usynlig onion-tjeneste (avanceret)",
"help_debug": "Log programfejl til stdout, og log webfejl til disk",
"help_filename": "Liste over filer eller mapper som skal deles",
@ -46,11 +39,7 @@
"gui_canceled": "Annulleret",
"gui_copied_url": "Kopierede URL til udklipsholder",
"gui_copied_hidservauth": "Kopierede HidServAuth-linje til udklipsholder",
"gui_starting_server1": "Starter Tor onion-tjeneste...",
"gui_starting_server2": "Databehandler filer...",
"gui_please_wait": "Vent venligst...",
"error_hs_dir_cannot_create": "Kan ikke oprette onion-tjenestens mappe {0:s}",
"error_hs_dir_not_writable": "onion-tjenestens mappe {0:s} er skrivebeskyttet",
"using_ephemeral": "Starter kortvarig Tor onion-tjeneste og afventer udgivelse",
"gui_download_upload_progress_complete": "%p%, tid forløbet: {0:s}",
"gui_download_upload_progress_starting": "{0:s}, %p% (udregner anslået ankomsttid)",
@ -87,9 +76,7 @@
"gui_settings_authenticate_label": "Valgmuligheder for Tor-autentifikation",
"gui_settings_authenticate_no_auth_option": "Ingen autentifikation, eller cookieautentifikation",
"gui_settings_authenticate_password_option": "Adgangskode",
"gui_settings_authenticate_cookie_option": "Cookie",
"gui_settings_password_label": "Adgangskode",
"gui_settings_cookie_label": "Cookiesti",
"gui_settings_tor_bridges": "Understøttelse af Tor-bro",
"gui_settings_tor_bridges_no_bridges_radio_option": "Brug ikke broer",
"gui_settings_tor_bridges_obfs4_radio_option": "Brug indbygget obfs4 udskiftelige transporter",
@ -100,7 +87,6 @@
"gui_settings_button_save": "Gem",
"gui_settings_button_cancel": "Annuller",
"gui_settings_button_help": "Hjælp",
"gui_settings_shutdown_timeout_choice": "Sæt timer til automatisk stop?",
"gui_settings_shutdown_timeout": "Stop delingen ved:",
"settings_saved": "Indstillinger gemt til {}",
"settings_error_unknown": "Kan ikke oprette forbindelse til Tor-kontroller da indstillingerne ikke giver mening.",
@ -112,7 +98,6 @@
"settings_error_unreadable_cookie_file": "Forbundet til Tor-kontroller, men kan ikke autentificere da din adgangskode kan være forkert, og din bruger ikke har tilladelse til at læse cookiefilen.",
"settings_error_bundled_tor_not_supported": "Bundet Tor understøttes ikke når der ikke bruges udviklertilstand i Windows eller MacOS.",
"settings_error_bundled_tor_timeout": "Det tager for længe at oprette forbindelse til Tor. Din computer er måske offline, eller dit ur går forkert.",
"settings_error_bundled_tor_canceled": "Tor-processen lukkede inden den blev færdig med at oprette forbindelse.",
"settings_error_bundled_tor_broken": "Der er noget galt med OnionShare som opretter forbindelse til Tor i baggrunden:\n{}",
"settings_test_success": "Tillykke, OnionShare kan oprette forbindelse til Tor-kontrolleren.\n\nTor version: {}\nUnderstøtter kortvarige onion-tjenester: {}\nUnderstøtter usynlige onion-tjenester: {}",
"error_tor_protocol_error": "Fejl under snak med Tor-kontrolleren.\nHvis du bruger Whonix, så tjek https://www.whonix.org/wiki/onionshare for at få OnionShare til at virke.",
@ -130,6 +115,5 @@
"gui_server_started_after_timeout": "Serveren startede efter dit valgte automatiske timeout.\nStart venligst en ny deling.",
"gui_server_timeout_expired": "Den valgte timeout er allerede udløbet.\nOpdater venligst timeouten og herefter kan du starte deling.",
"share_via_onionshare": "Del via OnionShare",
"gui_save_private_key_checkbox": "Brug en vedvarende URL\n(fravalg vil slette gemte URL)",
"persistent_url_in_use": "Denne deling bruger en vedvarende URL"
"gui_save_private_key_checkbox": "Brug en vedvarende URL\n(fravalg vil slette gemte URL)"
@ -1,22 +1,12 @@
"connecting_ctrlport": "Verbinde zum Tor-Kontrollport um den versteckten Dienst auf Port {0:d} laufen zu lassen.",
"cant_connect_ctrlport": "Konnte keine Verbindung zum Tor-Kontrollport auf Port {0:s} aufbauen. Läuft Tor?",
"cant_connect_socksport": "Konnte keine Verbindung zum Tor SOCKS5 Server auf Port {0:s} herstellen. OnionShare setzt voraus dass Tor Browser im Hintergrund läuft. Wenn du noch ihn noch noch nicht hast kannst du ihn unter https://www.torproject.org/ herunterladen.",
"preparing_files": "Dateien werden vorbereitet.",
"wait_for_hs": "Warte auf HS:",
"wait_for_hs_trying": "Verbindungsversuch...",
"wait_for_hs_nope": "Noch nicht bereit.",
"wait_for_hs_yup": "Bereit!",
"give_this_url": "Geben Sie diese URL der Person, der Sie die Datei zusenden möchten:",
"ctrlc_to_stop": "Drücken Sie Strg+C um den Server anzuhalten",
"not_a_file": "{0:s} ist keine Datei.",
"download_page_loaded": "Seite geladen",
"other_page_loaded": "URL geladen",
"closing_automatically": "Halte automatisch an, da der Download beendet wurde",
"large_filesize": "Warnung: Das Senden von großen Dateien kann Stunden dauern",
"error_tails_invalid_port": "Ungültiger Wert, Port muss eine ganze Zahl sein",
"error_tails_unknown_root": "Unbekannter Fehler mit Tails root Prozess",
"help_tails_port": "Nur für Tails: Port um den Firewall zu öffnen, starte onion service",
"help_local_only": "Nicht mit Tor benutzen, nur für Entwicklung",
"help_stay_open": "Den onion service nicht anhalten nachdem ein Download beendet wurde",
"help_debug": "Fehler auf Festplatte schreiben",
@ -2,9 +2,6 @@
"config_onion_service": "Configuring onion service on port {0:d}.",
"preparing_files": "Preparing files to share.",
"wait_for_hs": "Waiting for HS to be ready:",
"wait_for_hs_trying": "Trying…",
"wait_for_hs_nope": "Not ready yet.",
"wait_for_hs_yup": "Ready!",
"give_this_url": "Give this address to the person you're sending the file to:",
"give_this_url_stealth": "Give this address and HidServAuth line to the person you're sending the file to:",
"give_this_url_receive": "Give this address to the people sending you files:",
@ -19,8 +16,6 @@
"closing_automatically": "Stopped because download finished",
"timeout_download_still_running": "Waiting for download to complete",
"large_filesize": "Warning: Sending large files could take hours",
"error_tails_invalid_port": "Invalid value, port must be a regular number",
"error_tails_unknown_root": "Unknown error with Tails root process",
"systray_menu_exit": "Quit",
"systray_download_started_title": "OnionShare Download Started",
"systray_download_started_message": "A user started downloading your files",
@ -30,8 +25,6 @@
"systray_download_canceled_message": "The user canceled the download",
"systray_upload_started_title": "OnionShare Upload Started",
"systray_upload_started_message": "A user started uploading files to your computer",
"systray_upload_completed_title": "OnionShare Upload Finished",
"systray_upload_completed_message": "The user finished uploading files to your computer",
"help_local_only": "Do not attempt to use Tor: For development only",
"help_stay_open": "Keep onion service running after download has finished",
"help_shutdown_timeout": "Shut down the onion service after N seconds",
@ -62,11 +55,7 @@
"gui_copied_url": "The OnionShare address has been copied to clipboard",
"gui_copied_hidservauth_title": "Copied HidServAuth",
"gui_copied_hidservauth": "The HidServAuth line has been copied to clipboard",
"gui_starting_server1": "Starting Tor onion service…",
"gui_starting_server2": "Compressing files…",
"gui_please_wait": "Starting… Click to cancel",
"error_hs_dir_cannot_create": "Cannot create onion service dir {0:s}",
"error_hs_dir_not_writable": "onion service dir {0:s} is not writable",
"using_ephemeral": "Starting ephemeral Tor onion service and awaiting publication",
"gui_download_upload_progress_complete": "%p%, Time Elapsed: {0:s}",
"gui_download_upload_progress_starting": "{0:s}, %p% (Computing ETA)",
@ -105,9 +94,7 @@
"gui_settings_authenticate_label": "Tor authentication options",
"gui_settings_authenticate_no_auth_option": "No authentication, or cookie authentication",
"gui_settings_authenticate_password_option": "Password",
"gui_settings_authenticate_cookie_option": "Cookie",
"gui_settings_password_label": "Password",
"gui_settings_cookie_label": "Cookie path",
"gui_settings_tor_bridges": "Tor Bridge support",
"gui_settings_tor_bridges_no_bridges_radio_option": "Don't use bridges",
"gui_settings_tor_bridges_obfs4_radio_option": "Use built-in obfs4 pluggable transports",
@ -135,7 +122,6 @@
"settings_error_unreadable_cookie_file": "Connected to Tor controller, but can't authenticate because your password may be wrong, and your user lacks permission to read the cookie file.",
"settings_error_bundled_tor_not_supported": "Use of the Tor version bundled with OnionShare is not supported when using developer mode on Windows or macOS.",
"settings_error_bundled_tor_timeout": "Connecting to Tor is taking too long. Maybe your computer is offline, or your system clock isn't accurate.",
"settings_error_bundled_tor_canceled": "The Tor process closed before it could finish connecting.",
"settings_error_bundled_tor_broken": "OnionShare could not connect to Tor in the background:\n{}",
"settings_test_success": "Congratulations, OnionShare can connect to the Tor controller.\n\nTor version: {}\nSupports ephemeral onion services: {}\nSupports stealth onion services: {}",
"error_tor_protocol_error": "Could not communicate with the Tor controller.\nIf you're using Whonix, check out https://www.whonix.org/wiki/onionshare to make OnionShare work.",
@ -2,22 +2,15 @@
"config_onion_service": "Agordas onion service je pordo {0:d}.",
"preparing_files": "Preparas dosierojn por kundivido.",
"wait_for_hs": "Atendas al hidden sevice por esti preta:",
"wait_for_hs_trying": "Provas...",
"wait_for_hs_nope": "Ankoraŭ ne preta.",
"wait_for_hs_yup": "Preta!",
"give_this_url": "Donu ĉi tiun URL al la persono al kiu vi sendas la dosieron:",
"give_this_url_stealth": "Give this URL and HidServAuth line to the person you're sending the file to:",
"ctrlc_to_stop": "Presu Ctrl-C por halti la servilon",
"not_a_file": "{0:s} ne estas dosiero.",
"download_page_loaded": "Download page loaded",
"other_page_loaded": "URL loaded",
"closing_automatically": "Haltas aŭtomate ĉar la elŝuto finiĝis",
"large_filesize": "Atentigo: Sendado de grandaj dosieroj povas daŭri horojn",
"error_tails_invalid_port": "Malĝusta valoro, pordo-numero devas esti plena numero",
"error_tails_unknown_root": "Nekonata eraro kun Tails-root-procezo",
"help_local_only": "Ne strebu uzi tor: nur por evoluado",
"help_stay_open": "Lasu onion service funkcii post fino de elŝuto",
"help_transparent_torification": "My system is transparently torified",
"help_stealth": "Create stealth onion service (advanced)",
"help_debug": "Protokoli erarojn sur disko",
"help_filename": "Listo de dosieroj aŭ dosierujoj por kundividi",
@ -33,11 +26,7 @@
"gui_canceled": "Nuligita",
"gui_copied_url": "URL kopiita en tondujon",
"gui_copied_hidservauth": "Copied HidServAuth line to clipboard",
"gui_starting_server1": "Startigas Tor onion service...",
"gui_starting_server2": "Compressing files...",
"gui_please_wait": "Bonvolu atendi...",
"error_hs_dir_cannot_create": "Ne eblas krei hidden-service-dosierujon {0:s}",
"error_hs_dir_not_writable": "ne eblas konservi dosierojn en hidden-service-dosierujo {0:s}",
"using_ephemeral": "Starting ephemeral Tor onion service and awaiting publication",
"gui_download_upload_progress_complete": "%p%, Tempo pasinta: {0:s}",
"gui_download_upload_progress_starting": "{0:s}, %p% (Computing ETA)",
@ -50,9 +39,6 @@
"zip_progress_bar_format": "Compressing files: %p%",
"error_stealth_not_supported": "To create stealth onion services, you need at least Tor (or Tor Browser 6.5) and at least python3-stem 1.5.0.",
"error_ephemeral_not_supported": "OnionShare postulas almenaŭ Tor kaj almenaŭ python3-stem 1.4.0.",
"gui_menu_file_menu": "&File",
"gui_menu_settings_action": "&Settings",
"gui_menu_quit_action": "&Quit",
"gui_settings_window_title": "Settings",
"gui_settings_connection_type_label": "Kiel OnionShare devus konektiĝi al Tor?",
"gui_settings_connection_type_automatic_option": "Provi aŭtomate agordi kun Tor Browser",
@ -63,10 +49,7 @@
"gui_settings_authenticate_label": "Tor authentication options",
"gui_settings_authenticate_no_auth_option": "No authentication, or cookie authentication",
"gui_settings_authenticate_password_option": "Pasvorto",
"gui_settings_authenticate_cookie_option": "Kuketo",
"gui_settings_password_label": "Pasvorto",
"gui_settings_cookie_label": "Cookie path",
"gui_settings_button_test": "Test Settings",
"gui_settings_button_save": "Konservi",
"gui_settings_button_cancel": "Nuligi",
"settings_saved": "Agordoj konservitaj en {}",
@ -1,21 +1,11 @@
"connecting_ctrlport": "Conectando a puerto control de Tor para configurar servicio oculto en puerto {0:d}.",
"cant_connect_ctrlport": "No se pudo conectar a puerto control de Tor en puertos {0:s}. ¿Está funcionando Tor?",
"cant_connect_socksport": "No se pudo conectar al servidor SOCKS5 de Tor en el puerto {0:s}. ¿Está funcionando Tor?",
"preparing_files": "Preparando los archivos para compartir.",
"wait_for_hs": "Esperando a que HS esté listo:",
"wait_for_hs_trying": "Probando...",
"wait_for_hs_nope": "No está listo todavía.",
"wait_for_hs_yup": "Listo!",
"give_this_url": "Entregue esta URL a la persona a la que está enviando el archivo:",
"ctrlc_to_stop": "Pulse Ctrl-C para detener el servidor",
"not_a_file": "{0:s} no es un archivo.",
"download_page_loaded": "La página de descarga está lista.",
"other_page_loaded": "La URL está lista.",
"closing_automatically": "Apagando automáticamente porque la descarga finalizó",
"error_tails_invalid_port": "Valor inválido, el puerto debe ser un entero",
"error_tails_unknown_root": "Error desconocido en el proceso de Tails ejecutando como roo",
"help_tails_port": "Sólo Tails: puerto para abrir en el firewall, al levantar el servicio oculto",
"help_local_only": "No intentar usar Tor: sólo para desarrollo",
"help_stay_open": "Mantener el servicio oculto ejecutando después de que la descarga haya finalizado",
"help_debug": "Guardar registro de errores en el disco",
@ -1,25 +1,14 @@
"connecting_ctrlport": "Yhdistetään Torin ohjausporttiin että saadaan salattu palvelin porttiin {0:d}.",
"cant_connect_ctrlport": "Ei voi yhdistää Torin ohjausporttiin portissa {0:s}. OnionShare tarvitsee Tor Browserin toimimaan taustalla. Jos sinulla ei ole sitä niin voit hakea sen osoitteesta https://www.torproject.org/.",
"cant_connect_socksport": "Ei voi yhdistää Tor SOCKS5 palveluun portissa {0:s}. OnionShare tarvitsee Tor Browserin toimimaan taustalla. Jos sinulla ei ole sitä niin voit hakea sen osoitteesta https://www.torproject.org/.",
"preparing_files": "Valmistellaan tiedostoja jaettavaksi.",
"wait_for_hs": "Odotetaan piilopalvelun valmistumista:",
"wait_for_hs_trying": "Yritetään...",
"wait_for_hs_nope": "Ei vielä valmis.",
"wait_for_hs_yup": "Valmis!",
"give_this_url": "Anna tämä URL-osoite henkilölle, jolle lähetät tiedostot:",
"ctrlc_to_stop": "Näppäin Ctrl-C pysäyttää palvelimen",
"not_a_file": "{0:s} Ei ole tiedosto.",
"download_page_loaded": "Lataussivu ladattu",
"other_page_loaded": "URL-osoite ladattu",
"closing_automatically": "Lataus valmis. Suljetaan automaattisesti",
"large_filesize": "Varoitus: Isojen tiedostojen lähetys saattaa kestää tunteja",
"error_tails_invalid_port": "Väärä arvo, portti pitää olla koknaisluku",
"error_tails_unknown_root": "Tuntematon virhe Tailsissa",
"help_tails_port": "Vain Tails: portti palomuurin läpi, käynnistetään salainen palvelin",
"help_local_only": "Älä käytä Toria: vain ohjelmakehitykseen",
"help_stay_open": "Pidä piilopalvelu käynnissä latauksen jälkeen.",
"help_transparent_torification": "Järjestelmäni käyttää Toria läpinäkyvästi",
"help_debug": "Tallentaa virheet levylle",
"help_filename": "Luettele jaettavat tiedostot tai kansiot",
"gui_drag_and_drop": "Vedä ja pudota\ntiedostot tänne",
@ -32,12 +21,7 @@
"gui_downloads": "Lataukset:",
"gui_canceled": "Peruutettu",
"gui_copied_url": "URL-osoite kopioitu leikepöydälle",
"gui_starting_server1": "Käynnistetään Tor piilopalvelu...",
"gui_starting_server2": "Tiivistän tiedostoja...",
"gui_starting_server3": "Odotetaan Tor piilopalvelua...",
"gui_please_wait": "Odota...",
"error_hs_dir_cannot_create": "Piilopalvelulle ei pystytty luomaan hakemistoa {0:s}",
"error_hs_dir_not_writable": "Piilopalvelun hakemistoon {0:s} ei voi kirjoittaa",
"using_ephemeral": "Käynnistetään lyhytaikainen Tor piilopalvelu ja odotetaan julkaisua",
"zip_progress_bar_format": "Tiivistän tiedostoja: %p%"
@ -1,26 +1,17 @@
"connecting_ctrlport": "Connexion au réseau Tor pour mettre en place un onion service sur le port {0:d}.",
"cant_connect_ctrlport": "Impossible de se connecter au port de contrôle Tor sur le port {0:s}. Est-ce que Tor tourne ?",
"preparing_files": "Préparation des fichiers à partager.",
"wait_for_hs": "En attente du HS:",
"wait_for_hs_trying": "Tentative...",
"wait_for_hs_nope": "Pas encore prêt.",
"wait_for_hs_yup": "Prêt !",
"give_this_url": "Donnez cette URL à la personne qui doit recevoir le fichier :",
"ctrlc_to_stop": "Ctrl-C arrête le serveur",
"not_a_file": "{0:s} n'est pas un fichier.",
"download_page_loaded": "Page de téléchargement chargée",
"other_page_loaded": "URL chargée",
"closing_automatically": "Fermeture automatique car le téléchargement est fini",
"error_tails_invalid_port": "Valeur invalide, le port doit être un nombre entier",
"error_tails_unknown_root": "Erreur inconnue avec un processus root sur Tails",
"systray_menu_exit": "Quitter",
"systray_download_started_title": "Téléchargement OnionShare Démarré",
"systray_download_started_message": "Un utilisateur télécharge vos fichiers",
"systray_download_completed_title": "Téléchargement OnionShare Complete",
"systray_download_canceled_title": "Téléchargement OnionShare Annulé",
"systray_download_canceled_message": "L'utilisateur a annulé le téléchargement",
"help_tails_port": "Seulement sur Tails: port pour ouvrir le firewall, démarrage du onion service",
"help_local_only": "Ne tentez pas d'utiliser Tor, uniquement pour développement",
"help_stay_open": "Laisser tourner le onion service après que le téléchargment soit fini",
"help_debug": "Enregistrer les erreurs sur le disque",
@ -1,25 +1,14 @@
"connecting_ctrlport": "Connessione alla porta di controllo di Tor per inizializzare il servizio nascosto sulla porta {0:d}.",
"cant_connect_ctrlport": "Impossibile connettere alla porta di controllo di Tor sulla porta {0:s}. OnionShare richiede l'esecuzione in background di Tor Browser per funzionare. Se non è installato puoi scaricarlo da https://www.torproject.org/.",
"cant_connect_socksport": "Impossibile connettersi al server Tor SOCKS5 sulla porta {0:s}. OnionShare richiede l'esecuzione in background di Tor Browser per funzionare. Se non è installato puoi scaricarlo da https://www.torproject.org/.",
"preparing_files": "Preparazione dei files da condividere.",
"wait_for_hs": "In attesa che l'HS sia pronto:",
"wait_for_hs_trying": "Tentativo...",
"wait_for_hs_nope": "Non è ancora pronto.",
"wait_for_hs_yup": "Pronto!",
"give_this_url": "Dai questo URL alla persona a cui vuoi inviare il file:",
"ctrlc_to_stop": "Premi Ctrl-C per fermare il server",
"not_a_file": "{0:s} non è un file.",
"download_page_loaded": "Pagina di Download caricata",
"other_page_loaded": "URL caricato",
"closing_automatically": "Chiusura automatica dopo aver finito il download",
"large_filesize": "Attenzione: Inviare file di grandi dimensioni può richiedere ore",
"error_tails_invalid_port": "Valore non valido, la porta deve essere un numero intero",
"error_tails_unknown_root": "Errore sconosciuto con il processo Tails root",
"help_tails_port": "Solo per Tails: porta per passare il firewall, avvio del servizio nascosto",
"help_local_only": "Non usare tor: è solo per lo sviluppo",
"help_stay_open": "Mantieni il servizio nascosto avviato anche dopo aver finito il download",
"help_transparent_torification": "Il mio sistema usa tor in modo trasparente",
"help_debug": "Registra gli errori sul disco",
"help_filename": "Lista dei file o cartelle da condividere",
"gui_drag_and_drop": "Prendi e rilascia\ni file qui sopra",
@ -32,12 +21,7 @@
"gui_downloads": "Downloads:",
"gui_canceled": "Cancellati",
"gui_copied_url": "URL Copiato nella clipboard",
"gui_starting_server1": "Avviamento del servizio nascosto Tor...",
"gui_starting_server2": "Elaborazione files...",
"gui_starting_server3": "In attesa del servizio nascosto Tor...",
"gui_please_wait": "Attendere prego...",
"error_hs_dir_cannot_create": "Impossibile create la cartella per il servizio nascosto {0:s}",
"error_hs_dir_not_writable": "La cartella per il servizio nascosto {0:s} non ha i permessi di scrittura",
"using_ephemeral": "Avviamento del servizio nascosto Tor ephemeral e attesa della pubblicazione",
"zip_progress_bar_format": "Elaborazione files: %p%"
@ -2,23 +2,17 @@
"config_onion_service": "Onion service configureren op poort {0:d}.",
"preparing_files": "Bestanden om te delen aan het voorbereiden.",
"wait_for_hs": "Wachten op gereed zijn van HS:",
"wait_for_hs_trying": "Proberen...",
"wait_for_hs_nope": "Nog niet gereed.",
"wait_for_hs_yup": "Gereed!",
"give_this_url": "Geef deze URL aan de persoon aan wie je dit bestand verzend:",
"give_this_url_stealth": "Geef deze URL en de HidServAuth regel aan de persoon aan wie je dit bestand verzend:",
"ctrlc_to_stop": "Druk Ctrl-C om de server te stoppen",
"not_a_file": "{0:s} is geen bestand.",
"not_a_readable_file": "{0:s} is geen leesbaar bestand.",
"no_available_port": "Kan de Onion service niet starten, er zijn geen poorten beschikbaar.",
"download_page_loaded": "Downloadpagina geladen",
"other_page_loaded": "URL geladen",
"close_on_timeout": "Sluit automatisch omdat timeout bereikt is",
"closing_automatically": "Sluit automatisch omdat download gereed is",
"timeout_download_still_running": "Wachten totdat download gereed is voor automatisch sluiten",
"large_filesize": "Waarschuwing: Versturen van grote bestanden kan uren duren",
"error_tails_invalid_port": "Ongeldige waarde, poort moet een integer zijn",
"error_tails_unknown_root": "Onbekende fout met het Tails root proces",
"systray_menu_exit": "Afsluiten",
"systray_download_started_title": "OnionShare download gestart",
"systray_download_started_message": "Een gebruiker is begonnen met downloaden van je bestanden",
@ -29,7 +23,6 @@
"help_local_only": "Maak geen gebruik van Tor, alleen voor ontwikkeling",
"help_stay_open": "Laat verborgen service draaien nadat download gereed is",
"help_shutdown_timeout": "Sluit de Onion service na N seconden",
"help_transparent_torification": "Mijn systeem gebruikt Tor als proxyserver",
"help_stealth": "Maak stealth Onion service (geavanceerd)",
"help_debug": "Log fouten naar harde schijf",
"help_filename": "Lijst van bestanden of mappen om te delen",
@ -44,11 +37,7 @@
"gui_canceled": "Afgebroken",
"gui_copied_url": "URL gekopieerd naar klembord",
"gui_copied_hidservauth": "HidServAuth regel gekopieerd naar klembord",
"gui_starting_server1": "Tor onion service wordt gestart...",
"gui_starting_server2": "Bestanden verwerken...",
"gui_please_wait": "Moment geduld...",
"error_hs_dir_cannot_create": "Kan verborgen service map {0:s} niet aanmaken",
"error_hs_dir_not_writable": "Verborgen service map {0:s} is niet schrijfbaar",
"using_ephemeral": "Kortstondige Tor onion service gestart en in afwachting van publicatie",
"gui_download_upload_progress_complete": "%p%, Tijd verstreken: {0:s}",
"gui_download_upload_progress_starting": "{0:s}, %p% (ETA berekenen)",
@ -84,13 +73,10 @@
"gui_settings_authenticate_label": "Tor authenticatie opties",
"gui_settings_authenticate_no_auth_option": "Geen authenticatie of cookie authenticatie",
"gui_settings_authenticate_password_option": "Wachtwoord",
"gui_settings_authenticate_cookie_option": "Cookie",
"gui_settings_password_label": "Wachtwoord",
"gui_settings_cookie_label": "Cookie pad",
"gui_settings_button_save": "Opslaan",
"gui_settings_button_cancel": "Annuleren",
"gui_settings_button_help": "Help",
"gui_settings_shutdown_timeout_choice": "Auto-stop timer instellen?",
"gui_settings_shutdown_timeout": "Stop delen om:",
"settings_saved": "Instellingen opgeslagen in {}",
"settings_error_unknown": "Kan geen verbinding maken met de Tor controller omdat de instellingen niet kloppen.",
@ -102,7 +88,6 @@
"settings_error_unreadable_cookie_file": "Verbonden met Tor controller, maar kan niet authenticeren omdat wachtwoord onjuist is en gebruiker heeft niet de permissies om cookie bestand te lezen.",
"settings_error_bundled_tor_not_supported": "Meegeleverde Tor is niet onersteunt wanneer je niet de ontwikkelaarsmodus gebruikt in Windows or macOS.",
"settings_error_bundled_tor_timeout": "Verbinden met Tor duurt te lang. Misschien is je computer offline, of je klok is niet accuraat.",
"settings_error_bundled_tor_canceled": "Het Tor is afgesloten voordat het kon verbinden.",
"settings_error_bundled_tor_broken": "OnionShare kan niet verbinden met Tor op de achtergrond:\n{}",
"settings_test_success": "Gefeliciteerd, OnionShare kan verbinden met de Tor controller.\n\nTor version: {}\nOndersteunt kortstondige onion services: {}\nOndersteunt geheime onion services: {}",
"error_tor_protocol_error": "Fout bij praten met de Tor controller.\nAls je Whonix gebruikt, kijk dan hier https://www.whonix.org/wiki/onionshare om OnionShare werkend te krijgen.",
@ -1,10 +1,7 @@
"connecting_ctrlport": "Kobler til Tors kontroll-port for å sette opp en gjemt tjeneste på port {0:d}.",
"cant_connect_ctrlport": "Klarte ikke å koble til Tors kontroll-porter {0:s}. Sjekk at Tor kjører.",
"give_this_url": "Gi personen du vil sende filen til denne URL-en:",
"ctrlc_to_stop": "Trykk Ctrl+C for å stoppe serveren.",
"not_a_file": "{0:s} er ikke en fil.",
"gui_copied_url": "Kopierte URL-en til utklippstavlen",
"download_page_loaded": "Nedlastingsside lastet",
"other_page_loaded": "En annen side har blitt lastet"
@ -1,10 +1,7 @@
"connecting_ctrlport": "Conectando-se à porta de controle Tor para configurar serviço escondido na porta {0:d}.",
"cant_connect_ctrlport": "Não pode conectar à porta de controle Tor na porta {0:s}. O Tor está rodando?",
"give_this_url": "Passe este URL para a pessoa que deve receber o arquivo:",
"ctrlc_to_stop": "Pressione Ctrl-C para parar o servidor",
"not_a_file": "{0:s} não é um arquivo.",
"gui_copied_url": "URL foi copiado para área de transferência",
"download_page_loaded": "Página de download carregada",
"other_page_loaded": "Outra página tem sido carregada"
@ -1,11 +1,8 @@
"connecting_ctrlport": "Соединяемся с контрольным портом Tor для создания скрытого сервиса на порту {0:d}.",
"cant_connect_ctrlport": "Невозможно соединиться с контрольным портом Tor на порту {0:s}. Tor запущен?",
"give_this_url": "Отправьте эту ссылку тому человеку, которому вы хотите передать файл:",
"ctrlc_to_stop": "Нажмите Ctrl-C чтобы остановить сервер",
"not_a_file": "{0:s} не является файлом.",
"gui_copied_url": "Ссылка скопирована в буфер обмена",
"download_page_loaded": "Страница закачки загружена",
"other_page_loaded": "Другая страница была загружена",
"gui_copy_url": "Скопировать ссылку"
@ -1,25 +1,14 @@
"connecting_ctrlport": "{0:d} portundaki gizli hizmet(GH) kurulumu için Tor kontrol portuna bağlanıyor.",
"cant_connect_ctrlport": "Tor kontrol {0:s} portuna bağlanamıyor. OnionShare çalışması için arkaplanda Tor Browser çalışması gerekiyor. Tor Browser indirmediyseniz, https://www.torproject.org/",
"cant_connect_socksport": "Tor SOCKS5 sunucu {0:s} portuna bağlanamıyor. OnionShare çalışması için arkaplanda Tor Browser çalışması gerekiyor. Tor Browser indirmediyseniz, https://www.torproject.org/",
"preparing_files": "Paylaşmak için dosyalar hazırlanıyor.",
"wait_for_hs": "GH hazır olması bekleniyor:",
"wait_for_hs_trying": "Deneniyor...",
"wait_for_hs_nope": "Henüz hazır değil.",
"wait_for_hs_yup": "Hazır!",
"give_this_url": "Dosyayı gönderdiğin kişiye bu URL'i verin:",
"ctrlc_to_stop": "Sunucuyu durdurmak için, Ctrl-C basın",
"not_a_file": "{0:s} dosya değil.",
"download_page_loaded": "İndirme sayfası yüklendi",
"other_page_loaded": "Diğer sayfa yüklendi",
"closing_automatically": "İndirme işlemi tamamlandığı için kendiliğinden durduruluyor",
"large_filesize": "Uyarı: Büyük dosyaların gönderimi saatler sürebilir",
"error_tails_invalid_port": "Geçersiz değer, port sayı olmalıdır",
"error_tails_unknown_root": "Tails ana işlemi ile ilgili bilinmeyen hata",
"help_tails_port": "Sadece Tails: port for opening firewall, starting onion service",
"help_local_only": "Tor kullanmaya kalkışmayın: sadece geliştirme için",
"help_stay_open": "İndirme tamamlandıktan sonra gizli hizmeti çalıştırmaya devam et",
"help_transparent_torification": "Sistemim apaçık torlu",
"help_debug": "Hata kayıtlarını diske kaydet",
"help_filename": "Paylaşmak için dosya ve klasörler listesi",
"gui_drag_and_drop": "Dosyaları buraya\n Sürükle ve Bırak",
@ -32,12 +21,7 @@
"gui_downloads": "İndirilenler:",
"gui_canceled": "İptal edilen",
"gui_copied_url": "Panoya kopyalanan URL",
"gui_starting_server1": "Tor gizli hizmeti başlatılıyor...",
"gui_starting_server2": "Dosyalar hazırlanıyor...",
"gui_starting_server3": "Tor gizli hizmeti bekleniyor...",
"gui_please_wait": "Lütfen bekleyin...",
"error_hs_dir_cannot_create": "Gizli hizmet klasörü {0:s} oluşturulamıyor",
"error_hs_dir_not_writable": "Gizle hizmet klasörü {0:s} yazılabilir değil",
"using_ephemeral": "Geçici Tor gizli hizmetine bakılıyor ve yayımı bekleniyor",
"zip_progress_bar_format": "Dosyalar hazırlanıyor: %p%"
Reference in New Issue
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