diff --git a/onionshare_gui/__init__.py b/onionshare_gui/__init__.py
index 24a97e61..7e8cc700 100644
--- a/onionshare_gui/__init__.py
+++ b/onionshare_gui/__init__.py
@@ -18,20 +18,13 @@ You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program. If not, see .
from __future__ import division
-import os, sys, subprocess, inspect, platform, argparse, threading, time, math, inspect
-from PyQt5 import QtCore, QtWidgets, QtGui
-from PyQt5.QtCore import pyqtSlot
+import os, sys, platform, argparse
+from PyQt5 import QtCore, QtWidgets
-import onionshare
from onionshare import strings, helpers, web
-from onionshare.settings import Settings
+from onionshare.onionshare import OnionShare
-from .menu import Menu
-from .file_selection import FileSelection
-from .server_status import ServerStatus
-from .downloads import Downloads
-from .alert import Alert
-from .update_checker import UpdateThread
+from .onionshare_gui import OnionShareGui
class Application(QtWidgets.QApplication):
@@ -53,360 +46,6 @@ class Application(QtWidgets.QApplication):
return False
-class OnionShareGui(QtWidgets.QMainWindow):
- """
- OnionShareGui is the main window for the GUI that contains all of the
- GUI elements.
- """
- start_server_finished = QtCore.pyqtSignal()
- stop_server_finished = QtCore.pyqtSignal()
- starting_server_step2 = QtCore.pyqtSignal()
- starting_server_step3 = QtCore.pyqtSignal()
- starting_server_error = QtCore.pyqtSignal(str)
- def __init__(self, qtapp, app, filenames):
- super(OnionShareGui, self).__init__()
- self.qtapp = qtapp
- self.app = app
- self.setWindowTitle('OnionShare')
- self.setWindowIcon(QtGui.QIcon(helpers.get_resource_path('images/logo.png')))
- # Menu bar
- self.setMenuBar(Menu(self.qtapp))
- # Check for updates in a new thread, if enabled
- system = platform.system()
- if system == 'Windows' or system == 'Darwin':
- settings = Settings()
- settings.load()
- if settings.get('use_autoupdate'):
- def update_available(update_url, installed_version, latest_version):
- Alert(strings._("update_available", True).format(update_url, installed_version, latest_version))
- t = UpdateThread()
- t.update_available.connect(update_available)
- t.start()
- # File selection
- self.file_selection = FileSelection()
- if filenames:
- for filename in filenames:
- self.file_selection.file_list.add_file(filename)
- # Server status
- self.server_status = ServerStatus(self.qtapp, self.app, web, self.file_selection)
- self.server_status.server_started.connect(self.file_selection.server_started)
- self.server_status.server_started.connect(self.start_server)
- self.server_status.server_stopped.connect(self.file_selection.server_stopped)
- self.server_status.server_stopped.connect(self.stop_server)
- self.start_server_finished.connect(self.clear_message)
- self.start_server_finished.connect(self.server_status.start_server_finished)
- self.stop_server_finished.connect(self.server_status.stop_server_finished)
- self.file_selection.file_list.files_updated.connect(self.server_status.update)
- self.server_status.url_copied.connect(self.copy_url)
- self.server_status.hidservauth_copied.connect(self.copy_hidservauth)
- self.starting_server_step2.connect(self.start_server_step2)
- self.starting_server_step3.connect(self.start_server_step3)
- self.starting_server_error.connect(self.start_server_error)
- # Filesize warning
- self.filesize_warning = QtWidgets.QLabel()
- self.filesize_warning.setStyleSheet('padding: 10px 0; font-weight: bold; color: #333333;')
- self.filesize_warning.hide()
- # Downloads
- self.downloads = Downloads()
- self.downloads_container = QtWidgets.QScrollArea()
- self.downloads_container.setWidget(self.downloads)
- self.downloads_container.setWidgetResizable(True)
- self.downloads_container.setMaximumHeight(200)
- self.vbar = self.downloads_container.verticalScrollBar()
- self.downloads_container.hide() # downloads start out hidden
- self.new_download = False
- # Status bar
- self.status_bar = QtWidgets.QStatusBar()
- self.status_bar.setSizeGripEnabled(False)
- version_label = QtWidgets.QLabel('v{0:s}'.format(helpers.get_version()))
- version_label.setStyleSheet('color: #666666; padding: 0 10px;')
- self.status_bar.addPermanentWidget(version_label)
- self.setStatusBar(self.status_bar)
- # Status bar, zip progress bar
- self._zip_progress_bar = None
- # Main layout
- self.layout = QtWidgets.QVBoxLayout()
- self.layout.addLayout(self.file_selection)
- self.layout.addLayout(self.server_status)
- self.layout.addWidget(self.filesize_warning)
- self.layout.addWidget(self.downloads_container)
- central_widget = QtWidgets.QWidget()
- central_widget.setLayout(self.layout)
- self.setCentralWidget(central_widget)
- self.show()
- # check for requests frequently
- self.timer = QtCore.QTimer()
- self.timer.timeout.connect(self.check_for_requests)
- self.timer.start(500)
- def start_server(self):
- """
- Start the onionshare server. This uses multiple threads to start the Tor onion
- server and the web app.
- """
- # First, load settings and configure
- settings = Settings()
- settings.load()
- self.app.set_stealth(settings.get('use_stealth'))
- web.set_stay_open(not settings.get('close_after_first_download'))
- # Reset web counters
- web.download_count = 0
- web.error404_count = 0
- web.set_gui_mode()
- # pick an available local port for the http service to listen on
- self.app.choose_port()
- # start onionshare http service in new thread
- t = threading.Thread(target=web.start, args=(self.app.port, self.app.stay_open))
- t.daemon = True
- t.start()
- # wait for modules in thread to load, preventing a thread-related cx_Freeze crash
- time.sleep(0.2)
- # start the onion service in a new thread
- def start_onion_service(self):
- try:
- # Show Tor connection status if connection type is bundled tor
- if settings.get('connection_type') == 'bundled':
- def bundled_tor_func(message):
- self.status_bar.showMessage(message)
- if 'Done' in message:
- self.status_bar.showMessage(strings._('gui_starting_server1', True))
- else:
- self.status_bar.showMessage(strings._('gui_starting_server1', True))
- bundled_tor_func = None
- self.app.start_onion_service(bundled_tor_func)
- self.starting_server_step2.emit()
- except (onionshare.onion.TorTooOld, onionshare.onion.TorErrorInvalidSetting, onionshare.onion.TorErrorAutomatic, onionshare.onion.TorErrorSocketPort, onionshare.onion.TorErrorSocketFile, onionshare.onion.TorErrorMissingPassword, onionshare.onion.TorErrorUnreadableCookieFile, onionshare.onion.TorErrorAuthError, onionshare.onion.TorErrorProtocolError, onionshare.onion.BundledTorTimeout) as e:
- self.starting_server_error.emit(e.args[0])
- return
- t = threading.Thread(target=start_onion_service, kwargs={'self': self})
- t.daemon = True
- t.start()
- def start_server_step2(self):
- """
- Step 2 in starting the onionshare server. Zipping up files.
- """
- # add progress bar to the status bar, indicating the crunching of files.
- self._zip_progress_bar = ZipProgressBar(0)
- self._zip_progress_bar.total_files_size = OnionShareGui._compute_total_size(
- self.file_selection.file_list.filenames)
- self.status_bar.clearMessage()
- self.status_bar.insertWidget(0, self._zip_progress_bar)
- # prepare the files for sending in a new thread
- def finish_starting_server(self):
- # prepare files to share
- def _set_processed_size(x):
- if self._zip_progress_bar != None:
- self._zip_progress_bar.update_processed_size_signal.emit(x)
- web.set_file_info(self.file_selection.file_list.filenames, processed_size_callback=_set_processed_size)
- self.app.cleanup_filenames.append(web.zip_filename)
- self.starting_server_step3.emit()
- # done
- self.start_server_finished.emit()
- #self.status_bar.showMessage(strings._('gui_starting_server2', True))
- t = threading.Thread(target=finish_starting_server, kwargs={'self': self})
- t.daemon = True
- t.start()
- def start_server_step3(self):
- """
- Step 3 in starting the onionshare server. This displays the large filesize
- warning, if applicable.
- """
- # Remove zip progress bar
- if self._zip_progress_bar is not None:
- self.status_bar.removeWidget(self._zip_progress_bar)
- self._zip_progress_bar = None
- # warn about sending large files over Tor
- if web.zip_filesize >= 157286400: # 150mb
- self.filesize_warning.setText(strings._("large_filesize", True))
- self.filesize_warning.show()
- def start_server_error(self, error):
- """
- If there's an error when trying to start the onion service
- """
- Alert(error, QtWidgets.QMessageBox.Warning)
- self.server_status.stop_server()
- self.status_bar.clearMessage()
- def stop_server(self):
- """
- Stop the onionshare server.
- """
- if self.server_status.status != self.server_status.STATUS_STOPPED:
- web.stop(self.app.port)
- self.app.cleanup()
- self.filesize_warning.hide()
- self.stop_server_finished.emit()
- @staticmethod
- def _compute_total_size(filenames):
- total_size = 0
- for filename in filenames:
- if os.path.isfile(filename):
- total_size += os.path.getsize(filename)
- if os.path.isdir(filename):
- total_size += helpers.dir_size(filename)
- return total_size
- def check_for_requests(self):
- """
- Check for messages communicated from the web app, and update the GUI accordingly.
- """
- self.update()
- # scroll to the bottom of the dl progress bar log pane
- # if a new download has been added
- if self.new_download:
- self.vbar.setValue(self.vbar.maximum())
- self.new_download = False
- # only check for requests if the server is running
- if self.server_status.status != self.server_status.STATUS_STARTED:
- return
- events = []
- done = False
- while not done:
- try:
- r = web.q.get(False)
- events.append(r)
- except web.queue.Empty:
- done = True
- for event in events:
- if event["type"] == web.REQUEST_LOAD:
- self.status_bar.showMessage(strings._('download_page_loaded', True))
- elif event["type"] == web.REQUEST_DOWNLOAD:
- self.downloads_container.show() # show the downloads layout
- self.downloads.add_download(event["data"]["id"], web.zip_filesize)
- self.new_download = True
- elif event["type"] == web.REQUEST_RATE_LIMIT:
- self.stop_server()
- Alert(strings._('error_rate_limit'), QtWidgets.QMessageBox.Critical)
- elif event["type"] == web.REQUEST_PROGRESS:
- self.downloads.update_download(event["data"]["id"], event["data"]["bytes"])
- # is the download complete?
- if event["data"]["bytes"] == web.zip_filesize:
- # close on finish?
- if not web.get_stay_open():
- self.server_status.stop_server()
- elif event["type"] == web.REQUEST_CANCELED:
- self.downloads.cancel_download(event["data"]["id"])
- elif event["path"] != '/favicon.ico':
- self.status_bar.showMessage('[#{0:d}] {1:s}: {2:s}'.format(web.error404_count, strings._('other_page_loaded', True), event["path"]))
- def copy_url(self):
- """
- When the URL gets copied to the clipboard, display this in the status bar.
- """
- self.status_bar.showMessage(strings._('gui_copied_url', True), 2000)
- def copy_hidservauth(self):
- """
- When the stealth onion service HidServAuth gets copied to the clipboard, display this in the status bar.
- """
- self.status_bar.showMessage(strings._('gui_copied_hidservauth', True), 2000)
- def clear_message(self):
- """
- Clear messages from the status bar.
- """
- self.status_bar.clearMessage()
- def closeEvent(self, e):
- if self.server_status.status != self.server_status.STATUS_STOPPED:
- dialog = QtWidgets.QMessageBox()
- dialog.setWindowTitle("OnionShare")
- dialog.setText(strings._('gui_quit_warning', True))
- quit_button = dialog.addButton(strings._('gui_quit_warning_quit', True), QtWidgets.QMessageBox.YesRole)
- dont_quit_button = dialog.addButton(strings._('gui_quit_warning_dont_quit', True), QtWidgets.QMessageBox.NoRole)
- dialog.setDefaultButton(dont_quit_button)
- reply = dialog.exec_()
- # Quit
- if reply == 0:
- self.stop_server()
- e.accept()
- # Don't Quit
- else:
- e.ignore()
-class ZipProgressBar(QtWidgets.QProgressBar):
- update_processed_size_signal = QtCore.pyqtSignal(int)
- def __init__(self, total_files_size):
- super(ZipProgressBar, self).__init__()
- self.setMaximumHeight(15)
- self.setMinimumWidth(200)
- self.setValue(0)
- self.setFormat(strings._('zip_progress_bar_format'))
- self.setStyleSheet(
- "QProgressBar::chunk { background-color: #05B8CC; } "
- )
- self._total_files_size = total_files_size
- self._processed_size = 0
- self.update_processed_size_signal.connect(self.update_processed_size)
- @property
- def total_files_size(self):
- return self._total_files_size
- @total_files_size.setter
- def total_files_size(self, val):
- self._total_files_size = val
- @property
- def processed_size(self):
- return self._processed_size
- @processed_size.setter
- def processed_size(self, val):
- self.update_processed_size(val)
- def update_processed_size(self, val):
- self._processed_size = val
- if self.processed_size < self.total_files_size:
- self.setValue(int((self.processed_size * 100) / self.total_files_size))
- elif self.total_files_size != 0:
- self.setValue(100)
- else:
- self.setValue(0)
def main():
The main() function implements all of the logic that the GUI version of onionshare uses.
@@ -447,7 +86,7 @@ def main():
# start the onionshare app
- app = onionshare.OnionShare(debug, local_only, stay_open)
+ app = OnionShare(debug, local_only, stay_open)
# clean up when app quits
def shutdown():
diff --git a/onionshare_gui/onionshare_gui.py b/onionshare_gui/onionshare_gui.py
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..7f183532
--- /dev/null
+++ b/onionshare_gui/onionshare_gui.py
@@ -0,0 +1,384 @@
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+OnionShare | https://onionshare.org/
+Copyright (C) 2017 Micah Lee
+This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+(at your option) any later version.
+This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+GNU General Public License for more details.
+You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+along with this program. If not, see .
+import os, platform, threading, time
+from PyQt5 import QtCore, QtWidgets, QtGui
+from onionshare import strings, helpers, web
+from onionshare.settings import Settings
+from .menu import Menu
+from .file_selection import FileSelection
+from .server_status import ServerStatus
+from .downloads import Downloads
+from .alert import Alert
+from .update_checker import UpdateThread
+class OnionShareGui(QtWidgets.QMainWindow):
+ """
+ OnionShareGui is the main window for the GUI that contains all of the
+ GUI elements.
+ """
+ start_server_finished = QtCore.pyqtSignal()
+ stop_server_finished = QtCore.pyqtSignal()
+ starting_server_step2 = QtCore.pyqtSignal()
+ starting_server_step3 = QtCore.pyqtSignal()
+ starting_server_error = QtCore.pyqtSignal(str)
+ def __init__(self, qtapp, app, filenames):
+ super(OnionShareGui, self).__init__()
+ self.qtapp = qtapp
+ self.app = app
+ self.setWindowTitle('OnionShare')
+ self.setWindowIcon(QtGui.QIcon(helpers.get_resource_path('images/logo.png')))
+ # Menu bar
+ self.setMenuBar(Menu(self.qtapp))
+ # Check for updates in a new thread, if enabled
+ system = platform.system()
+ if system == 'Windows' or system == 'Darwin':
+ settings = Settings()
+ settings.load()
+ if settings.get('use_autoupdate'):
+ def update_available(update_url, installed_version, latest_version):
+ Alert(strings._("update_available", True).format(update_url, installed_version, latest_version))
+ t = UpdateThread()
+ t.update_available.connect(update_available)
+ t.start()
+ # File selection
+ self.file_selection = FileSelection()
+ if filenames:
+ for filename in filenames:
+ self.file_selection.file_list.add_file(filename)
+ # Server status
+ self.server_status = ServerStatus(self.qtapp, self.app, web, self.file_selection)
+ self.server_status.server_started.connect(self.file_selection.server_started)
+ self.server_status.server_started.connect(self.start_server)
+ self.server_status.server_stopped.connect(self.file_selection.server_stopped)
+ self.server_status.server_stopped.connect(self.stop_server)
+ self.start_server_finished.connect(self.clear_message)
+ self.start_server_finished.connect(self.server_status.start_server_finished)
+ self.stop_server_finished.connect(self.server_status.stop_server_finished)
+ self.file_selection.file_list.files_updated.connect(self.server_status.update)
+ self.server_status.url_copied.connect(self.copy_url)
+ self.server_status.hidservauth_copied.connect(self.copy_hidservauth)
+ self.starting_server_step2.connect(self.start_server_step2)
+ self.starting_server_step3.connect(self.start_server_step3)
+ self.starting_server_error.connect(self.start_server_error)
+ # Filesize warning
+ self.filesize_warning = QtWidgets.QLabel()
+ self.filesize_warning.setStyleSheet('padding: 10px 0; font-weight: bold; color: #333333;')
+ self.filesize_warning.hide()
+ # Downloads
+ self.downloads = Downloads()
+ self.downloads_container = QtWidgets.QScrollArea()
+ self.downloads_container.setWidget(self.downloads)
+ self.downloads_container.setWidgetResizable(True)
+ self.downloads_container.setMaximumHeight(200)
+ self.vbar = self.downloads_container.verticalScrollBar()
+ self.downloads_container.hide() # downloads start out hidden
+ self.new_download = False
+ # Status bar
+ self.status_bar = QtWidgets.QStatusBar()
+ self.status_bar.setSizeGripEnabled(False)
+ version_label = QtWidgets.QLabel('v{0:s}'.format(helpers.get_version()))
+ version_label.setStyleSheet('color: #666666; padding: 0 10px;')
+ self.status_bar.addPermanentWidget(version_label)
+ self.setStatusBar(self.status_bar)
+ # Status bar, zip progress bar
+ self._zip_progress_bar = None
+ # Main layout
+ self.layout = QtWidgets.QVBoxLayout()
+ self.layout.addLayout(self.file_selection)
+ self.layout.addLayout(self.server_status)
+ self.layout.addWidget(self.filesize_warning)
+ self.layout.addWidget(self.downloads_container)
+ central_widget = QtWidgets.QWidget()
+ central_widget.setLayout(self.layout)
+ self.setCentralWidget(central_widget)
+ self.show()
+ # check for requests frequently
+ self.timer = QtCore.QTimer()
+ self.timer.timeout.connect(self.check_for_requests)
+ self.timer.start(500)
+ def start_server(self):
+ """
+ Start the onionshare server. This uses multiple threads to start the Tor onion
+ server and the web app.
+ """
+ # First, load settings and configure
+ settings = Settings()
+ settings.load()
+ self.app.set_stealth(settings.get('use_stealth'))
+ web.set_stay_open(not settings.get('close_after_first_download'))
+ # Reset web counters
+ web.download_count = 0
+ web.error404_count = 0
+ web.set_gui_mode()
+ # pick an available local port for the http service to listen on
+ self.app.choose_port()
+ # start onionshare http service in new thread
+ t = threading.Thread(target=web.start, args=(self.app.port, self.app.stay_open))
+ t.daemon = True
+ t.start()
+ # wait for modules in thread to load, preventing a thread-related cx_Freeze crash
+ time.sleep(0.2)
+ # start the onion service in a new thread
+ def start_onion_service(self):
+ try:
+ # Show Tor connection status if connection type is bundled tor
+ if settings.get('connection_type') == 'bundled':
+ def bundled_tor_func(message):
+ self.status_bar.showMessage(message)
+ if 'Done' in message:
+ self.status_bar.showMessage(strings._('gui_starting_server1', True))
+ else:
+ self.status_bar.showMessage(strings._('gui_starting_server1', True))
+ bundled_tor_func = None
+ self.app.start_onion_service(bundled_tor_func)
+ self.starting_server_step2.emit()
+ except (onionshare.onion.TorTooOld, onionshare.onion.TorErrorInvalidSetting, onionshare.onion.TorErrorAutomatic, onionshare.onion.TorErrorSocketPort, onionshare.onion.TorErrorSocketFile, onionshare.onion.TorErrorMissingPassword, onionshare.onion.TorErrorUnreadableCookieFile, onionshare.onion.TorErrorAuthError, onionshare.onion.TorErrorProtocolError, onionshare.onion.BundledTorTimeout) as e:
+ self.starting_server_error.emit(e.args[0])
+ return
+ t = threading.Thread(target=start_onion_service, kwargs={'self': self})
+ t.daemon = True
+ t.start()
+ def start_server_step2(self):
+ """
+ Step 2 in starting the onionshare server. Zipping up files.
+ """
+ # add progress bar to the status bar, indicating the crunching of files.
+ self._zip_progress_bar = ZipProgressBar(0)
+ self._zip_progress_bar.total_files_size = OnionShareGui._compute_total_size(
+ self.file_selection.file_list.filenames)
+ self.status_bar.clearMessage()
+ self.status_bar.insertWidget(0, self._zip_progress_bar)
+ # prepare the files for sending in a new thread
+ def finish_starting_server(self):
+ # prepare files to share
+ def _set_processed_size(x):
+ if self._zip_progress_bar != None:
+ self._zip_progress_bar.update_processed_size_signal.emit(x)
+ web.set_file_info(self.file_selection.file_list.filenames, processed_size_callback=_set_processed_size)
+ self.app.cleanup_filenames.append(web.zip_filename)
+ self.starting_server_step3.emit()
+ # done
+ self.start_server_finished.emit()
+ #self.status_bar.showMessage(strings._('gui_starting_server2', True))
+ t = threading.Thread(target=finish_starting_server, kwargs={'self': self})
+ t.daemon = True
+ t.start()
+ def start_server_step3(self):
+ """
+ Step 3 in starting the onionshare server. This displays the large filesize
+ warning, if applicable.
+ """
+ # Remove zip progress bar
+ if self._zip_progress_bar is not None:
+ self.status_bar.removeWidget(self._zip_progress_bar)
+ self._zip_progress_bar = None
+ # warn about sending large files over Tor
+ if web.zip_filesize >= 157286400: # 150mb
+ self.filesize_warning.setText(strings._("large_filesize", True))
+ self.filesize_warning.show()
+ def start_server_error(self, error):
+ """
+ If there's an error when trying to start the onion service
+ """
+ Alert(error, QtWidgets.QMessageBox.Warning)
+ self.server_status.stop_server()
+ self.status_bar.clearMessage()
+ def stop_server(self):
+ """
+ Stop the onionshare server.
+ """
+ if self.server_status.status != self.server_status.STATUS_STOPPED:
+ web.stop(self.app.port)
+ self.app.cleanup()
+ self.filesize_warning.hide()
+ self.stop_server_finished.emit()
+ @staticmethod
+ def _compute_total_size(filenames):
+ total_size = 0
+ for filename in filenames:
+ if os.path.isfile(filename):
+ total_size += os.path.getsize(filename)
+ if os.path.isdir(filename):
+ total_size += helpers.dir_size(filename)
+ return total_size
+ def check_for_requests(self):
+ """
+ Check for messages communicated from the web app, and update the GUI accordingly.
+ """
+ self.update()
+ # scroll to the bottom of the dl progress bar log pane
+ # if a new download has been added
+ if self.new_download:
+ self.vbar.setValue(self.vbar.maximum())
+ self.new_download = False
+ # only check for requests if the server is running
+ if self.server_status.status != self.server_status.STATUS_STARTED:
+ return
+ events = []
+ done = False
+ while not done:
+ try:
+ r = web.q.get(False)
+ events.append(r)
+ except web.queue.Empty:
+ done = True
+ for event in events:
+ if event["type"] == web.REQUEST_LOAD:
+ self.status_bar.showMessage(strings._('download_page_loaded', True))
+ elif event["type"] == web.REQUEST_DOWNLOAD:
+ self.downloads_container.show() # show the downloads layout
+ self.downloads.add_download(event["data"]["id"], web.zip_filesize)
+ self.new_download = True
+ elif event["type"] == web.REQUEST_RATE_LIMIT:
+ self.stop_server()
+ Alert(strings._('error_rate_limit'), QtWidgets.QMessageBox.Critical)
+ elif event["type"] == web.REQUEST_PROGRESS:
+ self.downloads.update_download(event["data"]["id"], event["data"]["bytes"])
+ # is the download complete?
+ if event["data"]["bytes"] == web.zip_filesize:
+ # close on finish?
+ if not web.get_stay_open():
+ self.server_status.stop_server()
+ elif event["type"] == web.REQUEST_CANCELED:
+ self.downloads.cancel_download(event["data"]["id"])
+ elif event["path"] != '/favicon.ico':
+ self.status_bar.showMessage('[#{0:d}] {1:s}: {2:s}'.format(web.error404_count, strings._('other_page_loaded', True), event["path"]))
+ def copy_url(self):
+ """
+ When the URL gets copied to the clipboard, display this in the status bar.
+ """
+ self.status_bar.showMessage(strings._('gui_copied_url', True), 2000)
+ def copy_hidservauth(self):
+ """
+ When the stealth onion service HidServAuth gets copied to the clipboard, display this in the status bar.
+ """
+ self.status_bar.showMessage(strings._('gui_copied_hidservauth', True), 2000)
+ def clear_message(self):
+ """
+ Clear messages from the status bar.
+ """
+ self.status_bar.clearMessage()
+ def closeEvent(self, e):
+ if self.server_status.status != self.server_status.STATUS_STOPPED:
+ dialog = QtWidgets.QMessageBox()
+ dialog.setWindowTitle("OnionShare")
+ dialog.setText(strings._('gui_quit_warning', True))
+ quit_button = dialog.addButton(strings._('gui_quit_warning_quit', True), QtWidgets.QMessageBox.YesRole)
+ dont_quit_button = dialog.addButton(strings._('gui_quit_warning_dont_quit', True), QtWidgets.QMessageBox.NoRole)
+ dialog.setDefaultButton(dont_quit_button)
+ reply = dialog.exec_()
+ # Quit
+ if reply == 0:
+ self.stop_server()
+ e.accept()
+ # Don't Quit
+ else:
+ e.ignore()
+class ZipProgressBar(QtWidgets.QProgressBar):
+ update_processed_size_signal = QtCore.pyqtSignal(int)
+ def __init__(self, total_files_size):
+ super(ZipProgressBar, self).__init__()
+ self.setMaximumHeight(15)
+ self.setMinimumWidth(200)
+ self.setValue(0)
+ self.setFormat(strings._('zip_progress_bar_format'))
+ self.setStyleSheet(
+ "QProgressBar::chunk { background-color: #05B8CC; } "
+ )
+ self._total_files_size = total_files_size
+ self._processed_size = 0
+ self.update_processed_size_signal.connect(self.update_processed_size)
+ @property
+ def total_files_size(self):
+ return self._total_files_size
+ @total_files_size.setter
+ def total_files_size(self, val):
+ self._total_files_size = val
+ @property
+ def processed_size(self):
+ return self._processed_size
+ @processed_size.setter
+ def processed_size(self, val):
+ self.update_processed_size(val)
+ def update_processed_size(self, val):
+ self._processed_size = val
+ if self.processed_size < self.total_files_size:
+ self.setValue(int((self.processed_size * 100) / self.total_files_size))
+ elif self.total_files_size != 0:
+ self.setValue(100)
+ else:
+ self.setValue(0)