mirror of
synced 2025-03-17 19:36:08 -04:00
@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
"close_on_autostop_timer": "Gestop omdat outo-stoptydhouer afgeloop het",
"closing_automatically": "Gestop omdat die oordrag klaar is",
"large_filesize": "Waarskuwing: die stuur van ’n groot lêer kan ure duur",
"gui_drag_and_drop": "Sleep-en-los lêers en vouers\nom te begin deel",
"gui_drag_and_drop": "Sleep-en-los lêers en vouers om te begin deel",
"gui_add": "Voeg Toe",
"gui_add_files": "Voeg Lêers Toe",
"gui_add_folder": "Voeg Vouer Toe",
@ -23,7 +23,7 @@
"gui_receive_stop_server_autostop_timer": "Staak Ontvangmodus ({} oorblywend)",
"gui_copy_url": "Kopieer Adres",
"gui_canceled": "Gekanselleer",
"gui_copied_url_title": "OnionShare-adres Gekopieer",
"gui_copied_url_title": "OnionShare-adres gekopieer",
"gui_copied_url": "OnionShare-adres na knipbord gekopieer",
"gui_waiting_to_start": "Geskeduleer om oor {} te begin. Klik om te kanselleer.",
"gui_please_wait": "Begin… Klik om te kanselleer.",
@ -62,7 +62,7 @@
"gui_settings_authenticate_no_auth_option": "Geen magtiging of koekiemagtiging",
"gui_settings_authenticate_password_option": "Wagwoord",
"gui_settings_password_label": "Wagwoord",
"gui_settings_tor_bridges": "Tor-brugondersteuning",
"gui_settings_tor_bridges": "Koppel u d.m.v. Tor-brug?",
"gui_settings_tor_bridges_no_bridges_radio_option": "Moenie brûe gebruik nie",
"gui_settings_tor_bridges_obfs4_radio_option": "Gebruik ingeboude obfs4-inpropbare vervoere",
"gui_settings_tor_bridges_obfs4_radio_option_no_obfs4proxy": "Gebruik ingeboude obfs4-inpropbare vervoere (vereis obfs4proxy)",
@ -71,7 +71,7 @@
"gui_settings_meek_lite_expensive_warning": "Waarskuwing: Die meek_lite-brûe is baie duur vir die Tor-projek om uit te voer.<br><br>Gebruik dit slegs indien u nie direk aan Tor, d.m.v. obfs4-vervoere, of ander normale brûe kan koppel nie.",
"gui_settings_tor_bridges_custom_radio_option": "Gebruik pasgemaakte brûe",
"gui_settings_tor_bridges_custom_label": "U kan brûe vanaf <a href=\"https://bridges.torproject.org/options?lang=af\">https://bridges.torproject.org</a> verkry",
"gui_settings_tor_bridges_invalid": "Geen van u toegevoegde brûe werk nie.\nGaan dit na of voeg ander toe.",
"gui_settings_tor_bridges_invalid": "Geen van u toegevoegde brûe werk nie. Gaan dit na of voeg ander toe.",
"gui_settings_button_save": "Bewaar",
"gui_settings_button_cancel": "Kanselleer",
"gui_settings_button_help": "Help",
@ -94,8 +94,8 @@
"error_tor_protocol_error_unknown": "Daar was ’n onbekende fout met Tor",
"connecting_to_tor": "Koppel tans aan die Tor-netwerk",
"update_available": "Nuwe OnionShare is beskikbaar. <a href='{}'>Klik hier</a> om dit te kry.<br><br>U gebruik {} en die nuutste is {}.",
"update_error_check_error": "Kon nie na nuwe weergawe soek nie: die OnionShare-webwerf sê dat die nuutste weergawe die onherkenbare ‘{}’ is…",
"update_error_invalid_latest_version": "Kon nie na die nuwe weergawe soek nie. U is dalk nie aan Tor gekoppel nie of die OnionShare-webwerf is vanlyn.",
"update_error_check_error": "Kon nie na nuwe weergawe soek nie: U is dalk nie aan Tor gekoppel nie, of die OnionShare-webwerf is onbeskikbaar?",
"update_error_invalid_latest_version": "Kon nie na nuwe weergawe soek nie: die OnionShare-webwerf meld dat die leeste weergawe die onherkenbare ‘{}’ is…",
"update_not_available": "U gebruik die nuutste OnionShare.",
"gui_tor_connection_ask": "Open die instellings om Tor-koppeling op te los?",
"gui_tor_connection_ask_open_settings": "Ja",
@ -110,8 +110,8 @@
"share_via_onionshare": "Deel d.m.v. OnionShare",
"gui_connect_to_tor_for_onion_settings": "Koppel aan Tor om uidiensinstellings te sien",
"gui_save_private_key_checkbox": "Gebruik ’n blywende adres",
"gui_share_url_description": "<b>Enigeen</b> met hierdie OnionShare-adres kan u lêers d.m.v. die <b>Tor Browser aflaai</b>: <img src=\"{}\"/>",
"gui_website_url_description": "<b>Enigeen</b> met hierdie OnionShare-adres kan u webwerf d.m.v. die <b>Tor Browser besoek</b>: <img src='{}' />",
"gui_share_url_description": "<b>Enigeen</b> met hierdie OnionShare-adres en privaat sleutel kan u lêers <b>aflaai</b> d.m.v. die <b>Tor Browser</b>: <img src=\"{}\" />",
"gui_website_url_description": "<b>Enigeen</b> met hierdie OnionShare-adres en privaat sleutel kan u webwerf <b>besoek</b> d.m.v. die <b>Tor Browser</b>: <img src='{}' />",
"gui_receive_url_description": "<b>Enigeen</b> met hierdie OnionShare-adres kan lêers d.m.v. die <b>Tor Browser</b> na u rekenaar <b>oplaai</b>: <img src='{}' />",
"gui_url_label_persistent": "Hierdie deel sal nie self stop nie.<br><br>Elke opvolgende deel hergebruik die adres. (Deaktiveer “Gebruik ’n blywende adres” in die instellings om eenmalige adresse te gebruik.)",
"gui_url_label_stay_open": "Hierdie deel sal nie self stop nie.",
@ -142,7 +142,7 @@
"gui_settings_public_mode_checkbox": "Openbaarmodus",
"gui_open_folder_error_nautilus": "Kan nie vouer oopmaak nie want nautilus is onbeskikbaar. Die lêer is hier: {}",
"gui_settings_language_label": "Voorkeurtaal",
"gui_settings_language_changed_notice": "Herbegin OnionShare om die nuwe taal te gebruik.",
"gui_settings_language_changed_notice": "Herbegin OnionShare om na die nuwe taal te verander.",
"systray_menu_exit": "Sluit Af",
"systray_page_loaded_title": "Bladsy Gelaai",
"systray_page_loaded_message": "OnionShare-adres gelaai",
@ -165,15 +165,134 @@
"gui_all_modes_progress_starting": "{0:s}, %p% (bereken tans)",
"gui_all_modes_progress_eta": "{0:s}, Verwagte Aankomstyd: {1:s}, %p%",
"gui_share_mode_no_files": "Nog Geen Lêers Gestuur Nie",
"gui_share_mode_autostop_timer_waiting": "Wag om klaar te stuur",
"gui_share_mode_autostop_timer_waiting": "Verstuur word afgehandel…",
"gui_website_mode_no_files": "Nog Geen Webwerf Gedeel Nie",
"gui_receive_mode_no_files": "Nog Geen Lêers Ontvang Nie",
"gui_receive_mode_autostop_timer_waiting": "Wag om klaar te ontvang",
"gui_receive_mode_autostop_timer_waiting": "Ontvang word afgehandel…",
"receive_mode_upload_starting": "Oplaai van totale grootte {} begin",
"days_first_letter": "d",
"hours_first_letter": "h",
"minutes_first_letter": "m",
"seconds_first_letter": "s",
"gui_file_selection_remove_all": "Verwyder Als",
"gui_remove": "Verwyder"
"gui_file_selection_remove_all": "Verwyder alles",
"gui_remove": "Verwyder",
"gui_chat_stop_server": "Stop kletsbediener",
"gui_dragdrop_sandbox_flatpak": "Om die Flatpak-sandput veiliger te maak word sleep-en-los nie gesteun nie. Gebruik eerder die “Voeg lêers toe”- en “Voeg vouer toe”-knoppe om lêers te kies.",
"gui_chat_start_server": "Begin kletsbediener",
"gui_receive_flatpak_data_dir": "Omdat u OnionShare d.m.v. Flatpak geïnstalleer het, moet u lêers in ’n vouer in ~/OnionShare bewaar.",
"gui_copy_client_auth": "Kopieer privaat sleutel",
"gui_copied_client_auth_title": "Privaat sleutel gekopieer",
"gui_qr_code_dialog_title": "OnionShare QR-kode",
"gui_please_wait_no_button": "Begin tans…",
"gui_tor_settings_window_title": "Tor-instellings",
"gui_settings_bridge_use_checkbox": "Gebruik ’n brug",
"gui_settings_bridge_radio_builtin": "Kies ’n ingeboude brug",
"gui_settings_bridge_none_radio_option": "Moenie brûe gebruik nie",
"gui_settings_bridge_moat_radio_option": "Versoek ’n brug vanaf torproject.org",
"gui_settings_bridge_custom_placeholder": "tik adres:poort (een per reël)",
"gui_settings_moat_bridges_invalid": "U het nog nie ’n brug vanaf torproject.org versoek nie.",
"gui_settings_bridge_custom_radio_option": "Verskaf ’n brug wat u van ’n vertroude bron verneem het",
"gui_settings_stop_active_tabs_label": "Daar loop nog dienste in sommige van u oortjies. \nU moet alle dienste stop om u Tor-instellings te verander.",
"gui_settings_version_label": "U gebruik OnionShare {}",
"gui_settings_help_label": "Benodig u hulp? Sien <a href='https://docs.onionshare.org'>docs.onionshare.org</a>",
"moat_solution_empty_error": "Voer die karakters in die beeld in",
"gui_copied_client_auth": "Privaat sleutel na knipbord gekopieer",
"gui_show_qr_code": "Toon QR-kode",
"gui_qr_label_url_title": "OnionShare-adres",
"gui_hide": "Versteek",
"gui_qr_label_auth_string_title": "Privaat sleutel",
"gui_reveal": "Onthul",
"gui_autoconnect_bridge_detect_manual": "Kies handmatig my land vir bruginsttellings",
"gui_autoconnect_no_bridge": "Probeer weer sonder brûe",
"gui_autoconnect_try_again_without_a_bridge": "Probeer weer sonder brûe",
"gui_settings_tor_bridges_label": "Brûe help u verkeer om op die Tor-netwerk te kom indien Tor-toegang versper is. Afhangend van waar u koppel, kan een brug beter as ’n ander werk.",
"gui_enable_autoconnect_checkbox": "Koppel outomaties aan Tor",
"gui_autoconnect_failed_to_connect_to_tor": "Kon nie aan Tor koppel nie",
"gui_autoconnect_description": "OnionShare steun op die vrywilligerbestuurde Tor-netwerk.",
"gui_autoconnect_trying_to_connect_to_tor": "Koppel tans aan Tor…",
"gui_autoconnect_connection_error_msg": "Maak seker u is aan die Internet gekoppel.",
"gui_autoconnect_bridge_setting_options": "Bruginstellings",
"gui_autoconnect_start": "Koppel aan Tor",
"gui_autoconnect_configure": "Netwerkinstellings",
"gui_autoconnect_circumventing_censorship_starting_circumvention": "Sensuur word omseil…",
"gui_autoconnect_circumventing_censorship_got_bridges": "Brûe opgerig. Koppel weer aan Tor…",
"gui_autoconnect_circumventing_censorship_requesting_bridges": "Versoek tans brûe vanaf die Tor-sensuuromseiling-API…",
"gui_autoconnect_could_not_connect_to_tor_api": "Kon nie aan die Tor-API koppel nie. Maak seker u is aan die Internet gekoppel voor u weer probeer.",
"gui_general_settings_window_title": "Algemeen",
"gui_settings_controller_extras_label": "Tor-instellings",
"gui_settings_bridge_moat_button": "Versoek ’n nuwe brug",
"gui_share_url_public_description": "<b>Enigeen</b> met hierdie OnionShare-adres kan u lêers <b>aflaai</b> d.m.v. die <b>Tor Blaaier</b>: <img src='{}' />",
"gui_website_url_public_description": "<b>Enigeen</b> met hierdie OnionShare-adres kan u webwerf <b>besoek</b> d.m.v. die <b>Tor Blaaier</b>: <img src='{}' />",
"gui_receive_url_public_description": "<b>Enigeen</b> met hierdie OnionShare-adres kan u lêers na u rekenaar <b>oplaai</b> d.m.v. die <b>Tor Blaaier</b>: <img src='{}' />",
"gui_chat_url_description": "<b>Enigeen</b> met hierdie OnionShare-adres en privaat sleutel kan <b>by hierdie kletskamer aansluit</b> d.m.v. die <b>Tor Blaaier</b>: <img src='{}' />",
"gui_chat_url_public_description": "<b>Enigeen</b> met hierdie OnionShare-adres kan <b>by hierdie kletskamer aansluit</b> d.m.v. die <b>Tor Blaaier</b>: <img src='{}' />",
"moat_captcha_submit": "Dien in",
"moat_captcha_reload": "Herlaai",
"moat_bridgedb_error": "Kon nie BridgeDB kontak nie.",
"moat_captcha_error": "Verkeerde oplossing. Probeer weer.",
"gui_autoconnect_bridge_detect_automatic": "Bepaal my land d.m.v. my IP-adres vir bruginstellings",
"gui_autoconnect_circumventing_censorship": "Verbindingsprobleme word opgelos…",
"gui_autoconnect_bridge_description": "U kan dalk d.m.v. ’n brug koppel indien u Internetverbinding gesensor word.",
"mode_tor_not_connected_label": "OnionShare is nie aan die Tor-netwerk gekoppel nie",
"gui_status_indicator_chat_scheduled": "Geskeduleer…",
"gui_url_instructions_public_mode": "Stuur die onderstaande OnionShare-adres:",
"gui_client_auth_instructions": "Stuur dan die privaat sleutel vir toegang tot u OnionShare-diens:",
"gui_status_indicator_chat_stopped": "Gereed om te klets",
"gui_status_indicator_chat_working": "Begin…",
"gui_settings_theme_label": "Tema",
"gui_settings_theme_auto": "Outomaties",
"gui_settings_theme_light": "Lig",
"gui_settings_theme_dark": "Donker",
"gui_url_instructions": "Stuur eers die onderstaande OnionShare-adres:",
"gui_status_indicator_chat_started": "In gesprek",
"gui_open_folder_error": "Kon nie die vouer met xdg-open open nie. Die lêer is hier: {}",
"gui_tab_name_share": "Deel",
"gui_close_tab_warning_title": "Sluit oortjie?",
"gui_main_page_website_button": "Begin huisves",
"gui_main_page_chat_button": "Begin klets",
"gui_tab_name_receive": "Ontvang",
"moat_contact_label": "Kontak tans BridgeDB…",
"gui_main_page_receive_button": "Begin ontvang",
"gui_tab_name_chat": "Klets",
"gui_tab_name_website": "Webwerf",
"gui_new_tab_chat_button": "Klets anoniem",
"gui_new_tab_website_button": "Huisves ’n webwerf",
"gui_new_tab_receive_button": "Ontvang lêers",
"gui_new_tab_share_button": "Deel lêers",
"gui_new_tab_tooltip": "Open ’n nuwe oortjie",
"gui_new_tab": "Nuwe oortjie",
"gui_main_page_share_button": "Begin deel",
"gui_color_mode_changed_notice": "Herbegin OnionShare om die nuwe kleure te sien.",
"moat_captcha_label": "Los die CAPTCHA op om ’n brug te versoek.",
"moat_captcha_placeholder": "Voer die karakters wat in die beeld is in",
"gui_close_tab_warning_persistent_description": "Sluit permanente oortjie en verloor die onionadres wat dit gebruik?",
"mode_settings_website_custom_csp_checkbox": "Stuur ’n pasgemaakte inhoudsekuriteitsbeleidkop",
"gui_close_tab_warning_share_description": "Sluit oortjie wat lêers verstuur?",
"mode_settings_title_label": "Pasgemaakte titel",
"mode_settings_receive_disable_text_checkbox": "Deaktiveer indien van teks",
"history_receive_read_message_button": "Lees boodskap",
"mode_settings_website_disable_csp_checkbox": "Moenie verstekinhoudsekuriteitsbeleidkop stuur nie (dit laat u webwerf toe om derdepartyhulpbronne te gebruik)",
"mode_settings_receive_data_dir_label": "Bewaar lêers na",
"mode_settings_receive_data_dir_browse_button": "Blaai",
"mode_settings_share_autostop_sharing_checkbox": "Stop deling nadat lêers verstuur is (merk af om aflaai van individuele lêers toe te laat)",
"mode_settings_autostop_timer_checkbox": "Stop opniondiens op geskeduleerde tyd",
"mode_settings_autostart_timer_checkbox": "Begin oniondiens op geskeduleerde tyd",
"mode_settings_public_checkbox": "Dit is ’n openbare OnionShare-diens (deaktiveer privaat sleutel)",
"mode_settings_persistent_checkbox": "Open altyd hierdie oortjie wanneer OnionShare begin word",
"mode_settings_advanced_toggle_hide": "Versteek gevorderde instellings",
"mode_settings_advanced_toggle_show": "Toon gevorderde instellings",
"gui_quit_warning_cancel": "Kanselleer",
"gui_quit_warning_description": "Sluit alle oortjies af, selfs indien deling in van hulle aktief is?",
"gui_close_tab_warning_cancel": "Kanselleer",
"gui_close_tab_warning_close": "Sluit",
"gui_close_tab_warning_website_description": "Sluit oortjie wat ’n webwerf huisves?",
"gui_close_tab_warning_receive_description": "Sluit oortjie wat lêers ontvang?",
"gui_autoconnect_circumventing_censorship_starting_meek": "Vestig tans meekbrug vir domeinvoorloping…",
"gui_server_doesnt_support_stealth": "Jammer, hierdie weergawe van Tor steun nie heimlikheid (kliëntwaarmerking) nie. Probeer ’n nuwer weergawe van Tor of gebruik ‘openbaar’-modus indien dit nie privaat hoef te wees nie.",
"mode_settings_receive_disable_files_checkbox": "Deaktiveer oplaai van lêers",
"mode_settings_receive_webhook_url_checkbox": "Gebruik webhaak vir kennisgewing",
"gui_rendezvous_cleanup": "Wag tans vir Tor-bane om te sluit om te verseker u lêers is oorgedra.\n\nDit kan ’n paar minute duur.",
"gui_rendezvous_cleanup_quit_early": "Sluit vroeg af",
"error_port_not_available": "OnionShare-poort onbeskikbaar",
"gui_quit_warning_title": "Sluit OnionShare af?"
@ -197,7 +197,7 @@
"gui_share_mode_no_files": "لَمْ تُرسَل أيّة ملفات بعد",
"gui_share_mode_autostop_timer_waiting": "في انتظار إتمام الإرسال",
"gui_receive_mode_no_files": "لَمْ تُتَلقَّ أيّة ملفات بعد",
"gui_receive_mode_autostop_timer_waiting": "في انتظار إتمام التلقّي",
"gui_receive_mode_autostop_timer_waiting": "جارٍ إنهاء الاستلام …",
"gui_stop_server_autostop_timer_tooltip": "مؤقت الإيقاف التلقائي ينتهي في {}",
"gui_start_server_autostart_timer_tooltip": "مؤقت البدأ التلقائي ينتهي في {}",
"gui_waiting_to_start": "مُجدولة للبدأ في {}. اضغط هنا للإلغاء.",
@ -251,7 +251,7 @@
"mode_settings_advanced_toggle_show": "عرض إعدادات متقدمة",
"gui_quit_warning_cancel": "إلغاء",
"gui_quit_warning_description": "المشاركة نشطة على بعض تبويباتك. إذا قمت بالخروج، جميع تبويباتك سيتم إغلاقها. هل أنت متأكد من رغبتك في الخروج؟",
"gui_quit_warning_title": "هل أنت متأكد؟",
"gui_quit_warning_title": "هل تريد الخروج من OnionShare؟",
"gui_close_tab_warning_cancel": "إلغاء",
"gui_close_tab_warning_close": "إغلاق",
"gui_close_tab_warning_website_description": "أنت تقوم باستضافة موقعًا نشطًا. هل أنت متأكد من رغبتك في إغلاق هذا التبويب؟",
@ -273,7 +273,7 @@
"gui_new_tab_share_button": "مشاركة ملفات",
"gui_new_tab_tooltip": "افتح تبويب جديد",
"gui_new_tab": "تبويب جديد",
"gui_color_mode_changed_notice": "يُرجى إعادة تشغيل OnionShare من أجل تطبيق المظهر باللون الجديد.",
"gui_color_mode_changed_notice": "يُرجى إعادة تشغيل OnionShare من أجل رؤية الألوان الجديدة.",
"gui_open_folder_error": "فشل فتح ملف باستخدام xdg-open. الملف هنا: {}",
"gui_chat_url_description": "<b>أي شخص </b> يوجد معه عنوان OnionShare يمكنه <b>الانضمام إلى غرفة المحادثة هذه </b> باستخدام متصفح تور <b>Tor Browser</b><img src='{}' />",
"history_receive_read_message_button": "اقرأ الرسالة",
@ -302,23 +302,28 @@
"gui_settings_controller_extras_label": "إعدادات تور",
"gui_settings_bridge_use_checkbox": "استخدم جسراً",
"gui_settings_bridge_radio_builtin": "حدد جسرًا مدمجًا",
"gui_settings_bridge_none_radio_option": "لا تستخدم جسرا",
"gui_settings_bridge_none_radio_option": "لا تستخدم الجسور",
"gui_settings_bridge_moat_radio_option": "طلب جسر من torproject.org",
"gui_settings_bridge_moat_button": "طلب جسر جديد",
"gui_settings_bridge_custom_placeholder": "اكتب العنوان: المنفذ (واحد لكل سطر)",
"gui_settings_moat_bridges_invalid": "لم تطلب جسرا من torproject.org بعد.",
"gui_settings_version_label": "أنت تستخدم OnionShare {}",
"moat_contact_label": "جاري الاتصال بـ BridgeDB ...",
"moat_contact_label": "جاري الاتصال بـ BridgeDB …",
"moat_captcha_placeholder": "أدخل الأحرف من الصورة",
"moat_captcha_submit": "أرسل",
"moat_captcha_reload": "إعادة التحميل",
"moat_bridgedb_error": "خطأ في الاتصال بـ BridgeDB.",
"moat_bridgedb_error": "تعذر الاتصال بـ BridgeDB.",
"moat_captcha_error": "الحل غير صحيح. حاول مرة اخرى.",
"gui_reveal": "كشف",
"gui_copied_client_auth_title": "تم نسخ المفتاح الخاص",
"mode_tor_not_connected_label": "OnionShare غير متصل بشبكة تور",
"gui_settings_help_label": "بحاجة إلى مساعدة؟ تصفح <a href='https://docs.onionshare.org'>docs.onionshare.org</a>",
"moat_solution_empty_error": "يجب عليك إدخال الأحرف المتواجدة على الصورة",
"moat_solution_empty_error": "أدخل الأحرف المتواجدة على الصورة",
"gui_settings_bridge_custom_radio_option": "وفر جسرًا تعرّفت عليه من مصدر موثوق",
"moat_captcha_label": "قم بحل الـ CAPTCHA لطلب جسر."
"moat_captcha_label": "قم بحل الـ CAPTCHA لطلب جسر.",
"gui_autoconnect_no_bridge": "حاول مرة أخرى بدون جسور",
"gui_autoconnect_configure": "إعدادات الشبكة",
"gui_autoconnect_start": "الاتصال بـ Tor",
"gui_autoconnect_bridge_setting_options": "إعدادات الجسر",
"gui_autoconnect_try_again_without_a_bridge": "حاول مرة أخرى بدون جسور"
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,256 @@
"not_a_readable_file": "",
"other_page_loaded": "",
"incorrect_password": "",
"close_on_autostop_timer": "",
"closing_automatically": "",
"large_filesize": "",
"gui_drag_and_drop": "",
"gui_add": "",
"gui_add_files": "",
"gui_add_folder": "",
"gui_remove": "",
"gui_dragdrop_sandbox_flatpak": "",
"gui_file_selection_remove_all": "",
"gui_choose_items": "",
"gui_share_start_server": "",
"gui_share_stop_server": "",
"gui_share_stop_server_autostop_timer": "",
"gui_chat_start_server": "",
"gui_chat_stop_server": "",
"gui_stop_server_autostop_timer_tooltip": "",
"gui_start_server_autostart_timer_tooltip": "",
"gui_receive_start_server": "",
"gui_receive_stop_server": "",
"gui_receive_stop_server_autostop_timer": "",
"gui_receive_flatpak_data_dir": "",
"gui_copy_url": "",
"gui_copy_client_auth": "",
"gui_canceled": "",
"gui_copied_url_title": "",
"gui_copied_url": "",
"gui_copied_client_auth_title": "",
"gui_copied_client_auth": "",
"gui_show_qr_code": "",
"gui_qr_code_dialog_title": "",
"gui_qr_label_url_title": "",
"gui_qr_label_auth_string_title": "",
"gui_reveal": "",
"gui_hide": "",
"gui_waiting_to_start": "",
"gui_please_wait_no_button": "",
"gui_please_wait": "",
"zip_progress_bar_format": "",
"gui_tor_settings_window_title": "",
"gui_autoconnect_description": "",
"gui_enable_autoconnect_checkbox": "",
"gui_autoconnect_failed_to_connect_to_tor": "",
"gui_autoconnect_trying_to_connect_to_tor": "",
"gui_autoconnect_connection_error_msg": "",
"gui_autoconnect_bridge_description": "",
"gui_autoconnect_bridge_detect_automatic": "",
"gui_autoconnect_bridge_detect_manual": "",
"gui_autoconnect_bridge_setting_options": "",
"gui_autoconnect_start": "",
"gui_autoconnect_configure": "",
"gui_autoconnect_no_bridge": "",
"gui_autoconnect_try_again_without_a_bridge": "",
"gui_autoconnect_circumventing_censorship": "",
"gui_autoconnect_circumventing_censorship_starting_circumvention": "",
"gui_autoconnect_circumventing_censorship_starting_meek": "",
"gui_autoconnect_circumventing_censorship_requesting_bridges": "",
"gui_autoconnect_circumventing_censorship_got_bridges": "",
"gui_autoconnect_could_not_connect_to_tor_api": "",
"gui_settings_window_title": "",
"gui_general_settings_window_title": "",
"gui_settings_autoupdate_label": "",
"gui_settings_autoupdate_option": "",
"gui_settings_autoupdate_timestamp": "",
"gui_settings_autoupdate_timestamp_never": "",
"gui_settings_autoupdate_check_button": "",
"gui_settings_connection_type_label": "",
"gui_settings_connection_type_bundled_option": "",
"gui_settings_connection_type_automatic_option": "",
"gui_settings_controller_extras_label": "",
"gui_settings_connection_type_control_port_option": "",
"gui_settings_connection_type_socket_file_option": "",
"gui_settings_connection_type_test_button": "",
"gui_settings_control_port_label": "",
"gui_settings_socket_file_label": "",
"gui_settings_socks_label": "",
"gui_settings_authenticate_no_auth_option": "",
"gui_settings_authenticate_password_option": "",
"gui_settings_password_label": "",
"gui_settings_tor_bridges": "",
"gui_settings_tor_bridges_label": "",
"gui_settings_bridge_use_checkbox": "",
"gui_settings_bridge_radio_builtin": "",
"gui_settings_bridge_none_radio_option": "",
"gui_settings_meek_lite_expensive_warning": "",
"gui_settings_bridge_moat_radio_option": "",
"gui_settings_bridge_moat_button": "",
"gui_settings_bridge_custom_radio_option": "",
"gui_settings_bridge_custom_placeholder": "",
"gui_settings_moat_bridges_invalid": "",
"gui_settings_tor_bridges_invalid": "",
"gui_settings_stop_active_tabs_label": "",
"gui_settings_button_save": "",
"gui_settings_button_cancel": "",
"gui_settings_button_help": "",
"gui_settings_version_label": "",
"gui_settings_help_label": "",
"settings_test_success": "",
"connecting_to_tor": "",
"update_available": "",
"update_error_invalid_latest_version": "",
"update_error_check_error": "",
"update_not_available": "",
"gui_tor_connection_ask": "",
"gui_tor_connection_ask_open_settings": "",
"gui_tor_connection_ask_quit": "",
"gui_tor_connection_error_settings": "",
"gui_tor_connection_canceled": "",
"gui_tor_connection_lost": "",
"gui_server_started_after_autostop_timer": "",
"gui_server_autostop_timer_expired": "",
"gui_server_autostart_timer_expired": "",
"gui_autostop_timer_cant_be_earlier_than_autostart_timer": "",
"gui_server_doesnt_support_stealth": "",
"share_via_onionshare": "",
"gui_share_url_description": "",
"gui_share_url_public_description": "",
"gui_website_url_description": "",
"gui_website_url_public_description": "",
"gui_receive_url_description": "",
"gui_receive_url_public_description": "",
"gui_chat_url_description": "",
"gui_chat_url_public_description": "",
"gui_url_label_persistent": "",
"gui_url_label_stay_open": "",
"gui_url_label_onetime": "",
"gui_url_label_onetime_and_persistent": "",
"gui_url_instructions": "",
"gui_url_instructions_public_mode": "",
"gui_client_auth_instructions": "",
"gui_status_indicator_share_stopped": "",
"gui_status_indicator_share_working": "",
"gui_status_indicator_share_scheduled": "",
"gui_status_indicator_share_started": "",
"gui_status_indicator_receive_stopped": "",
"gui_status_indicator_receive_working": "",
"gui_status_indicator_receive_scheduled": "",
"gui_status_indicator_receive_started": "",
"gui_status_indicator_chat_stopped": "",
"gui_status_indicator_chat_working": "",
"gui_status_indicator_chat_scheduled": "",
"gui_status_indicator_chat_started": "",
"gui_file_info": "",
"gui_file_info_single": "",
"history_in_progress_tooltip": "",
"history_completed_tooltip": "",
"history_requests_tooltip": "",
"error_cannot_create_data_dir": "",
"gui_receive_mode_warning": "",
"gui_open_folder_error": "",
"gui_settings_language_label": "",
"gui_settings_theme_label": "",
"gui_settings_theme_auto": "",
"gui_settings_theme_light": "",
"gui_settings_theme_dark": "",
"gui_settings_language_changed_notice": "",
"gui_color_mode_changed_notice": "",
"systray_menu_exit": "",
"systray_page_loaded_title": "",
"systray_page_loaded_message": "",
"systray_share_started_title": "",
"systray_share_started_message": "",
"systray_share_completed_title": "",
"systray_share_completed_message": "",
"systray_share_canceled_title": "",
"systray_share_canceled_message": "",
"systray_receive_started_title": "",
"systray_receive_started_message": "",
"gui_all_modes_history": "",
"gui_all_modes_clear_history": "",
"gui_all_modes_transfer_started": "",
"gui_all_modes_progress_complete": "",
"gui_all_modes_progress_starting": "",
"gui_all_modes_progress_eta": "",
"gui_share_mode_no_files": "",
"gui_share_mode_autostop_timer_waiting": "",
"gui_website_mode_no_files": "",
"gui_receive_mode_no_files": "",
"gui_receive_mode_autostop_timer_waiting": "",
"days_first_letter": "",
"hours_first_letter": "",
"minutes_first_letter": "",
"seconds_first_letter": "",
"gui_new_tab": "",
"gui_new_tab_tooltip": "",
"gui_new_tab_share_button": "",
"gui_new_tab_receive_button": "",
"gui_new_tab_website_button": "",
"gui_new_tab_chat_button": "",
"gui_main_page_share_button": "",
"gui_main_page_receive_button": "",
"gui_main_page_website_button": "",
"gui_main_page_chat_button": "",
"gui_tab_name_share": "",
"gui_tab_name_receive": "",
"gui_tab_name_website": "",
"gui_tab_name_chat": "",
"gui_close_tab_warning_title": "",
"gui_close_tab_warning_persistent_description": "",
"gui_close_tab_warning_share_description": "",
"gui_close_tab_warning_receive_description": "",
"gui_close_tab_warning_website_description": "",
"gui_close_tab_warning_close": "",
"gui_close_tab_warning_cancel": "",
"gui_quit_warning_title": "",
"gui_quit_warning_description": "",
"gui_quit_warning_quit": "",
"gui_quit_warning_cancel": "",
"mode_settings_advanced_toggle_show": "",
"mode_settings_advanced_toggle_hide": "",
"mode_settings_title_label": "",
"mode_settings_persistent_checkbox": "",
"mode_settings_public_checkbox": "",
"mode_settings_autostart_timer_checkbox": "",
"mode_settings_autostop_timer_checkbox": "",
"mode_settings_share_autostop_sharing_checkbox": "",
"mode_settings_receive_data_dir_label": "",
"mode_settings_receive_data_dir_browse_button": "",
"mode_settings_receive_disable_text_checkbox": "",
"mode_settings_receive_disable_files_checkbox": "",
"mode_settings_receive_webhook_url_checkbox": "",
"mode_settings_website_disable_csp_checkbox": "",
"mode_settings_website_custom_csp_checkbox": "",
"gui_all_modes_transfer_finished_range": "",
"gui_all_modes_transfer_finished": "",
"gui_all_modes_transfer_canceled_range": "",
"gui_all_modes_transfer_canceled": "",
"settings_error_unknown": "",
"settings_error_automatic": "",
"settings_error_socket_port": "",
"settings_error_socket_file": "",
"settings_error_auth": "",
"settings_error_missing_password": "",
"settings_error_unreadable_cookie_file": "",
"settings_error_bundled_tor_not_supported": "",
"settings_error_bundled_tor_timeout": "",
"settings_error_bundled_tor_broken": "",
"gui_rendezvous_cleanup": "",
"gui_rendezvous_cleanup_quit_early": "",
"error_port_not_available": "",
"history_receive_read_message_button": "",
"error_tor_protocol_error": "",
"moat_contact_label": "",
"moat_captcha_label": "",
"moat_captcha_placeholder": "",
"moat_captcha_submit": "",
"moat_captcha_reload": "",
"moat_bridgedb_error": "",
"moat_captcha_error": "",
"moat_solution_empty_error": "",
"mode_tor_not_connected_label": ""
@ -175,7 +175,7 @@
"gui_download_in_progress": "",
"gui_open_folder_error_nautilus": "No s'ha pogut obrir la carpeta perquè el Nautilus no és disponible. El fitxer és a: {}",
"gui_settings_language_label": "Llengua preferida",
"gui_settings_language_changed_notice": "Torneu a obrir l'OnionShare perquè s'apliqui la llengua nova.",
"gui_settings_language_changed_notice": "Reinicieu l'OnionShare perquè s'apliqui la llengua.",
"timeout_upload_still_running": "S'està esperant que acabi la pujada",
"gui_add_files": "Afegeix fitxers",
"gui_add_folder": "Afegeix una carpeta",
@ -205,9 +205,9 @@
"gui_all_modes_progress_starting": "{0:s}, %p% (s'està calculant)",
"gui_all_modes_progress_eta": "{0:s}, Temps estimat: {1:s}, %p%",
"gui_share_mode_no_files": "Encara no s'han enviat fitxers",
"gui_share_mode_autostop_timer_waiting": "S'està esperant que finalitzi l'enviament",
"gui_share_mode_autostop_timer_waiting": "S'està finalitzant l'enviament…",
"gui_receive_mode_no_files": "Encara no s'ha rebut cap fitxer",
"gui_receive_mode_autostop_timer_waiting": "S'està esperant que finalitzi la recepció",
"gui_receive_mode_autostop_timer_waiting": "S'està finalitzant la recepció…",
"gui_stop_server_autostop_timer_tooltip": "El temporitzador d'aturada automàtica finalitza a les {}",
"gui_start_server_autostart_timer_tooltip": "El temporitzador d'inici automàtic finalitza a les {}",
"gui_waiting_to_start": "S'ha programat per a iniciar en {}. Feu clic per a cancel·lar.",
@ -247,19 +247,19 @@
"mode_settings_autostop_timer_checkbox": "Atura el servei ceba a una hora programada",
"mode_settings_autostart_timer_checkbox": "Inicia el servei ceba a una hora programada",
"mode_settings_public_checkbox": "No usis cap contrasenya",
"mode_settings_persistent_checkbox": "Desa aquesta pestanya i obre-la automàticament en iniciar l'OnionShare",
"mode_settings_persistent_checkbox": "Obre aquesta pestanya automàticament en iniciar l'OnionShare",
"mode_settings_advanced_toggle_hide": "Amaga la configuració avançada",
"mode_settings_advanced_toggle_show": "Mostra la configuració avançada",
"gui_quit_warning_cancel": "Cancel·la",
"gui_quit_warning_description": "La compartició és activa en alguna de les pestanyes. Si sortiu, es tancaran totes les pestanyes. Segur que voleu sortir?",
"gui_quit_warning_title": "N'esteu segur?",
"gui_quit_warning_description": "Voleu sortir i tancar totes les pestanyes, tot i que algunes d'elles estan compartint?",
"gui_quit_warning_title": "Voleu tancar l'OnionShare?",
"gui_close_tab_warning_cancel": "Cancel·la",
"gui_close_tab_warning_close": "Tanca",
"gui_close_tab_warning_website_description": "Esteu hostatjant un lloc web. Segur que voleu tancar aquesta pestanya?",
"gui_close_tab_warning_receive_description": "Esteu en procés de rebre fitxers. Segur que voleu tancar aquesta pestanya?",
"gui_close_tab_warning_share_description": "Esteu en el procés d'enviar fitxers. Segur que voleu tancar aquesta pestanya?",
"gui_close_tab_warning_persistent_description": "Aquesta pestanya és persistent. Si la tanqueu, perdreu l'adreça assignada. Segur que voleu tancar-la?",
"gui_close_tab_warning_title": "N'esteu segur?",
"gui_close_tab_warning_website_description": "Voleu tancar la pestanya que allotja el lloc web?",
"gui_close_tab_warning_receive_description": "Voleu tancar la pestanya que rep els fitxers?",
"gui_close_tab_warning_share_description": "Voleu tancar la pestanya que envia els fitxers?",
"gui_close_tab_warning_persistent_description": "Voleu tancar la pestanya persistent i perdre l'adreça onion assignada?",
"gui_close_tab_warning_title": "Voleu tancar la pestanya?",
"gui_new_tab_website_description": "Hostatgeu un lloc web ceba HTML estàtic en el vostre ordinador.",
"gui_new_tab_website_button": "Publicar un lloc web",
"gui_new_tab_receive_description": "Convertiu el vostre ordinador en un servei de fiters en línia. Les persones podran usar el navegador Tor per a enviar-vos fitxers al vostre ordinador.",
@ -288,18 +288,18 @@
"gui_qr_label_auth_string_title": "Clau privada",
"gui_settings_bridge_moat_button": "Demana un pont nou",
"gui_qr_label_url_title": "Adreça d'OnionShare",
"gui_settings_tor_bridges_label": "Els ponts us ajuden a connectar amb la xarxa Tor i accedir a llocs blocats. Depenent de la vostra ubicació, un pont pot funcionar millor que altre.",
"gui_settings_tor_bridges_label": "Els ponts us ajuden a connectar amb la xarxa Tor si aquesta és blocada. Depenent de la vostra ubicació, un pont pot funcionar millor que un altre.",
"gui_settings_stop_active_tabs_label": "Aquests serveis estan funcionant en alguna de les vostres pestanyes.\nAtureu tots els serveis abans de canviar les opcions del Tor.",
"gui_rendezvous_cleanup": "S'està esperant que es tanquin els circuits del Tor per assegurar que els vostres fitxers s'han transferit correctament.\n\nAixò pot trigar una estona.",
"gui_rendezvous_cleanup": "S'està esperant que es tanquin els circuits del Tor per a assegurar que els vostres fitxers s'han transferit.\n\nAixò pot trigar una estona.",
"gui_status_indicator_chat_started": "En conversa",
"gui_dragdrop_sandbox_flatpak": "Perquè el sorral del Flatpak sigui més segur, no es permet arrossegar i deixar anar. Utilitzeu els botons adients per cercar i enviar fitxers o carpetes.",
"gui_dragdrop_sandbox_flatpak": "Perquè el sorral del Flatpak sigui més segur, no es permet arrossegar i deixar anar. Utilitzeu els botons «Afegeix fitxers» i «Afegeix una carpeta».",
"gui_copy_client_auth": "Copia la clau privada",
"gui_copied_client_auth_title": "S'ha copiat la clau privada",
"gui_copied_client_auth": "S'ha copiat la clau privada al porta-retalls",
"gui_tor_settings_window_title": "Opcions del Tor",
"gui_settings_controller_extras_label": "Configuracions del Tor",
"gui_settings_bridge_use_checkbox": "Utilitza un pont",
"gui_settings_bridge_none_radio_option": "No utilitzis cap pont",
"gui_settings_bridge_none_radio_option": "No utilitzis ponts",
"gui_settings_bridge_moat_radio_option": "Demana un pont des de torproject.org",
"gui_settings_bridge_custom_placeholder": "Escriviu adreça:port (un per línia)",
"gui_settings_moat_bridges_invalid": "Encara no heu demanat cap pont des de torproject.org.",
@ -308,19 +308,19 @@
"gui_settings_version_label": "Esteu utilitzant l'OnionShare {}",
"gui_settings_help_label": "Necessiteu ajuda? Veieu <a href='https://docs.onionshare.org'>docs.onionshare.org</a>",
"mode_settings_website_custom_csp_checkbox": "Envia una capçalera personalitzada de Política de seguretat del contingut",
"moat_contact_label": "S'està contactant amb BridgeDB...",
"moat_contact_label": "S'està contactant amb BridgeDB…",
"moat_captcha_label": "Resoleu el CAPTCHA per demanar un pont.",
"moat_captcha_placeholder": "Escriviu els caràcters de la imatge",
"moat_captcha_submit": "Envia",
"moat_captcha_reload": "Torna a carregar",
"moat_bridgedb_error": "Error en contactar amb BridgeDB.",
"moat_bridgedb_error": "No s'ha pogut contactar amb BridgeDB.",
"moat_captcha_error": "La solució no és correcta. Torneu a provar.",
"moat_solution_empty_error": "Heu d'inserir els caràcters de la imatge",
"moat_solution_empty_error": "Introduïu els caràcters de la imatge",
"mode_tor_not_connected_label": "L'OnionShare no està connectat a la xarxa Tor",
"gui_please_wait_no_button": "S'està iniciant…",
"gui_hide": "Amaga",
"gui_reveal": "Mostra",
"gui_server_doesnt_support_stealth": "Aquesta versió del Tor no suporta l'ofuscació (autenticació del client). Instal·leu la versió més recent del Tor o bé utilitzeu el mode «públic» si no us cal aquesta privadesa.",
"gui_server_doesnt_support_stealth": "Aquesta versió del Tor no és compatible amb l'ofuscació (autenticació del client). Instal·leu la versió més recent del Tor o bé utilitzeu el mode «públic» si no us cal aquesta privadesa.",
"gui_share_url_public_description": "<b>Qualsevol</b> que conegui aquesta adreça de l'OnionShare podrà <b>baixar</b> els vostres fitxers mitjançant el <b>Tor Browser</b>: <img src='{}' />",
"gui_website_url_public_description": "<b>Qualsevol</b> que conegui aquesta adreça de l'OnionShare podrà <b>visitar</b> el vostre web mitjançant el <b>Tor Browser</b>: <img src='{}' />",
"gui_receive_url_public_description": "<b>Qualsevol</b> que conegui aquesta adreça de l'OnionShare podrà <b>enviar</b> fitxers al vostre ordinador mitjançant el <b>Tor Browser</b>: <img src='{}' />",
@ -340,6 +340,26 @@
"gui_settings_theme_label": "Tema",
"gui_settings_theme_light": "Clar",
"gui_settings_theme_dark": "Fosc",
"gui_color_mode_changed_notice": "Reinicieu l'OnionShare per aplicar l'esquema de color nou.",
"gui_settings_theme_auto": "Automàtic"
"gui_color_mode_changed_notice": "Reinicieu l'OnionShare per a veure els colors nous.",
"gui_settings_theme_auto": "Automàtic",
"gui_autoconnect_circumventing_censorship_requesting_bridges": "S'estan sol·licitant ponts de l'API de circumval·lació de censura del Tor…",
"gui_autoconnect_could_not_connect_to_tor_api": "No s'ha pogut connectar a l'API del Tor. Comproveu que teniu connexió a internet abans de provar de nou.",
"gui_enable_autoconnect_checkbox": "Connecta automàticament al Tor",
"gui_autoconnect_bridge_detect_automatic": "Determina el meu país per la meua adreça IP per a la configuració del pont",
"gui_autoconnect_bridge_detect_manual": "Selecciona el meu país per a la configuració del pont de manera manual",
"gui_autoconnect_circumventing_censorship_got_bridges": "S'ha establit el pont. S'està reconnectant al Tor…",
"gui_autoconnect_description": "L'OnionShare es recolza en la xarxa operada per voluntaris Tor.",
"gui_autoconnect_failed_to_connect_to_tor": "No s'ha pogut connectar al Tor",
"gui_autoconnect_trying_to_connect_to_tor": "S'està connectant al Tor…",
"gui_autoconnect_connection_error_msg": "Comproveu que teniu connexió a internet.",
"gui_autoconnect_bridge_description": "Podríeu connectar-vos utilitzant un pont, si la vostra connexió a internet es troba sota censura.",
"gui_autoconnect_bridge_setting_options": "Configuració del pont",
"gui_autoconnect_start": "Connecta al Tor",
"gui_autoconnect_configure": "Configuració de la xarxa",
"gui_autoconnect_no_bridge": "Proveu de nou sense ponts",
"gui_autoconnect_try_again_without_a_bridge": "Proveu de nou sense ponts",
"gui_autoconnect_circumventing_censorship": "S'estan resolent els problemes de connectivitat…",
"gui_autoconnect_circumventing_censorship_starting_circumvention": "S'està circumval·lant la censura…",
"gui_autoconnect_circumventing_censorship_starting_meek": "S'està establint el pont meek per al domain-fronting…",
"gui_general_settings_window_title": "General"
@ -119,10 +119,10 @@
"gui_chat_start_server": "Spustit chatovací server",
"gui_file_selection_remove_all": "Odstranit vše",
"gui_remove": "Odstranit",
"gui_dragdrop_sandbox_flatpak": "Aby byl Flatpak sandbox bezpečnější, není podporováno přetahování. Místo toho použijte k výběru souborů tlačítka \"Přidat soubory\" a \"Přidat adresář\".",
"gui_dragdrop_sandbox_flatpak": "Aby byl Flatpak sandbox bezpečnější, drag and drop není podporováno. Místo toho k výběru souborů použijte tlačítka \"Přidat soubory\" a \"Přidat adresář\".",
"gui_tor_settings_window_title": "Nastavení Toru",
"gui_settings_controller_extras_label": "Nastavení Toru",
"gui_settings_tor_bridges_label": "Mosty pomáhají vašemu provozu vstoupit do sítě Tor, pokud je přístup přes Tor blokován. V závislosti na tom, kde se nacházíte, může jeden most fungovat lépe než jiný.",
"gui_settings_tor_bridges_label": "Mosty pomáhají vašemu provozu vstoupit do sítě Tor, pokud je přístup přes Tor blokován. V závislosti na tom kde se nacházíte, může jeden most fungovat lépe než jiný.",
"gui_settings_bridge_use_checkbox": "Použít most",
"gui_settings_bridge_radio_builtin": "Vyberte vestavěný most",
"gui_settings_bridge_none_radio_option": "Nepoužívat most",
@ -252,12 +252,12 @@
"gui_receive_mode_no_files": "Zatím nebyly přijaty žádné soubory",
"gui_close_tab_warning_cancel": "Zrušit",
"mode_settings_website_custom_csp_checkbox": "Odeslání vlastního záhlaví zásad zabezpečení obsahu",
"gui_main_page_receive_button": "Zajájit příjímání",
"gui_autoconnect_description": "OnionShare se spoléhá na síť Tor, provozovanou tisícemi dobrovolníků po celém světě.",
"gui_main_page_receive_button": "Zahájit příjem",
"gui_autoconnect_description": "OnionShare se spoléhá na síť Tor provozovanou tisícemi dobrovolníků po celém světě.",
"gui_enable_autoconnect_checkbox": "Automaticky se připojovat k síti Tor",
"gui_autoconnect_failed_to_connect_to_tor": "Nepodařilo se připojit k síti Tor",
"gui_autoconnect_trying_to_connect_to_tor": "Pokus o připojení k síti Tor...",
"gui_autoconnect_connection_error_msg": "Jste připojeni k internetu?",
"gui_autoconnect_trying_to_connect_to_tor": "Pokus o připojení k síti Tor…",
"gui_autoconnect_connection_error_msg": "Ujistěte se, že jste připojeni k internetu.",
"gui_autoconnect_bridge_description": "Je také možné, že je Váš internet cenzurován. Možná se vám to podaří obejít pomocí bridge.",
"gui_autoconnect_bridge_detect_automatic": "Automaticky určit mou zemi podle mé IP adresy pro nastavení mostu",
"gui_autoconnect_bridge_detect_manual": "Manuálně vybrat mou zemi pro nastavení mostu",
@ -266,11 +266,11 @@
"gui_autoconnect_configure": "Nastavení sítě",
"gui_autoconnect_no_bridge": "Zkuste to znovu bez mostu",
"gui_autoconnect_try_again_without_a_bridge": "Zkuste to znovu bez mostu",
"gui_autoconnect_circumventing_censorship": "Pokus o vyřešení problémů s připojením",
"gui_autoconnect_circumventing_censorship_starting_circumvention": "Zahájení procesu obcházení cenzury",
"gui_autoconnect_circumventing_censorship_starting_meek": "Spouštím Meek z domain-fronting",
"gui_autoconnect_circumventing_censorship_requesting_bridges": "Vyžádání mostů z Tor Censorship Circumvention API",
"gui_autoconnect_circumventing_censorship_got_bridges": "Mosty získány! Pokus o opětovné připojení k síti Tor",
"gui_autoconnect_circumventing_censorship": "Pokus o vyřešení problémů s připojením…",
"gui_autoconnect_circumventing_censorship_starting_circumvention": "Zahájení procesu obcházení cenzury…",
"gui_autoconnect_circumventing_censorship_starting_meek": "Spouštím meek pro domain-fronting…",
"gui_autoconnect_circumventing_censorship_requesting_bridges": "Vyžádání mostů z Tor Censorship Circumvention API…",
"gui_autoconnect_circumventing_censorship_got_bridges": "Mosty získány! Pokus o opětovné připojení k síti Tor…",
"gui_autoconnect_could_not_connect_to_tor_api": "Nepodařilo se připojit k rozhraní Tor API. Před dalším pokusem se ujistěte, že jste připojeni k internetu.",
"gui_general_settings_window_title": "Obecné",
"gui_settings_bridge_moat_button": "Vyžádat si nový most",
@ -293,7 +293,7 @@
"gui_all_modes_clear_history": "Vyčistit vše",
"gui_all_modes_progress_starting": "{0:s}, %p% (probíhá výpočet)",
"gui_new_tab_share_button": "Sdílet soubory",
"gui_new_tab_website_button": "Hostování webových stránek",
"gui_new_tab_website_button": "Hosting webové stránky",
"gui_quit_warning_cancel": "Zrušit",
"mode_settings_advanced_toggle_show": "Ukázat pokročilá nastavení",
"mode_settings_advanced_toggle_hide": "Skrýt pokročila nastavení",
@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
"ctrlc_to_stop": "Presu Ctrl-C por halti la servilon",
"not_a_file": "{0:s} ne estas dosiero.",
"other_page_loaded": "",
"closing_automatically": "Haltas aŭtomate ĉar la elŝuto finiĝis",
"closing_automatically": "Haltis aŭtomate ĉar la elŝuto finiĝis",
"large_filesize": "Atentigo: Sendado de grandaj dosieroj povas daŭri horojn",
"help_local_only": "Ne strebu uzi tor: nur por evoluado",
"help_stay_open": "Lasu onion service funkcii post fino de elŝuto",
@ -19,7 +19,7 @@
"gui_choose_items": "Elekti",
"gui_share_start_server": "Komenci kundividon",
"gui_share_stop_server": "Ĉesigi kundividon",
"gui_copy_url": "Kopii URL",
"gui_copy_url": "Kopii retejan adreson",
"gui_downloads": "Elŝutoj:",
"gui_canceled": "Nuligita",
"gui_copied_url": "URL kopiita en tondujon",
@ -46,7 +46,7 @@
"settings_saved": "Ajustes guardados en {}",
"give_this_url_receive": "Dele esta dirección al remitente:",
"give_this_url_receive_stealth": "Entrega esta dirección y HidServAuth al remitente:",
"not_a_readable_file": "{0:s} no es un archivo legible.",
"not_a_readable_file": "El archivo {0:s} no se puede leer.",
"systray_menu_exit": "Salir",
"systray_download_started_title": "Iniciada la descarga de OnionShare",
"systray_download_started_message": "Alguien comenzó a descargar tus archivos",
@ -155,7 +155,7 @@
"history_completed_tooltip": "{} completado",
"error_cannot_create_downloads_dir": "No se ha podido crear la carpeta en modo de recepción: {}",
"error_downloads_dir_not_writable": "La carpeta del modo de recepción está protegida contra escritura: {}",
"gui_receive_mode_warning": "El modo de recepción permite que otras personas suban archivos a tu computadora.<br><br><b>Algunos archivos, potencialmente, podrían tomar control de tu computadora si los abres. Abre solo cosas de personas en las que confías, o si sabes lo que estás haciendo.</b>",
"gui_receive_mode_warning": "El modo de recepción permite que otras personas suban archivos a tu ordenador.<br><br><b>Algunos archivos, potencialmente, podrían tomar el control de tu ordenador si los abres. Abre solo cosas de personas en las que confías, o si sabes lo que estás haciendo.</b>",
"receive_mode_upload_starting": "Ha comenzado la carga. Total: {}",
"receive_mode_received_file": "Recibido: {}",
"gui_mode_share_button": "Compartir archivos",
@ -192,7 +192,7 @@
"systray_share_started_title": "Compartición iniciada",
"systray_share_started_message": "Se empezó a enviar archivos a alguien",
"systray_share_completed_title": "Compartición completada",
"systray_share_completed_message": "Finalizó envío de archivos",
"systray_share_completed_message": "Finalizó el envío de archivos",
"systray_share_canceled_title": "Compartición cancelada",
"systray_share_canceled_message": "Alguien canceló la recepción de tus archivos",
"systray_receive_started_title": "Recepción iniciada",
@ -204,7 +204,7 @@
"gui_all_modes_transfer_finished": "Transferido {}",
"gui_all_modes_progress_complete": "%p%, {0:s} transcurridos.",
"gui_all_modes_progress_starting": "{0:s}, %p% (calculando)",
"gui_all_modes_progress_eta": "{0:s}, TEA: {1:s}, %p%",
"gui_all_modes_progress_eta": "{0:s}, Tiempo estimado: {1:s}, %p%",
"gui_share_mode_no_files": "No se enviaron archivos todavía",
"gui_share_mode_autostop_timer_waiting": "Terminando el envío…",
"gui_receive_mode_no_files": "Todavía no se ha recibido ningún archivo",
@ -244,19 +244,19 @@
"mode_settings_autostop_timer_checkbox": "Detener el servicio cebolla a una hora determinada",
"mode_settings_autostart_timer_checkbox": "Iniciar el servicio cebolla a una hora determinada",
"mode_settings_public_checkbox": "Este es un servicio público OnionShare (Deshabilita clave privada)",
"mode_settings_persistent_checkbox": "Guardar esta pestaña, y abrirla automáticamente cuando abra OnionShare",
"mode_settings_persistent_checkbox": "Abre siempre esta pestaña cuando se inicia OnionShare",
"mode_settings_advanced_toggle_hide": "Ocultar la configuración avanzada",
"mode_settings_advanced_toggle_show": "Mostrar configuración avanzada",
"gui_quit_warning_cancel": "Cancelar",
"gui_quit_warning_description": "¿Salir y cerrar todas las pestañas, aunque esté activo el uso compartido en algunas de ellas?",
"gui_quit_warning_title": "¿Estás seguro/a?",
"gui_quit_warning_description": "El modo compartir está activo en algunas de tus pestañas. Si sales, todas tus pestañas se cerrarán. ¿Estás seguro/a de que quieres salir?",
"gui_quit_warning_title": "¿Salir de OnionShare?",
"gui_close_tab_warning_cancel": "Cancelar",
"gui_close_tab_warning_close": "Cerrar",
"gui_close_tab_warning_website_description": "¿Cerrar la pestaña que está alojando un sitio web?",
"gui_close_tab_warning_receive_description": "¿Cerrar la pestaña que está recibiendo archivos?",
"gui_close_tab_warning_share_description": "¿Cerrar la pestaña que está enviando archivos?",
"gui_close_tab_warning_persistent_description": "¿Cerrar la pestaña persistente y perder la dirección de cebolla que está usando?",
"gui_close_tab_warning_title": "¿Seguro?",
"gui_close_tab_warning_title": "¿Cerrar la pestaña?",
"gui_new_tab_website_description": "Hospedar un sitio cebolla HTML estático desde tu computadora.",
"gui_new_tab_website_button": "Alojar un sitio web",
"gui_new_tab_receive_description": "Convierte tu computadora en un buzón en línea. La gente podrá usar el Tor Browser para enviar archivos a tu ordenador.",
@ -268,7 +268,7 @@
"mode_settings_website_disable_csp_checkbox": "No enviar encabezado predeterminado de Política de Seguridad de Contenido (permite que tu sitio web utilice recursos de terceros)",
"mode_settings_receive_data_dir_browse_button": "Navegar",
"mode_settings_receive_data_dir_label": "Guardar archivos en",
"mode_settings_share_autostop_sharing_checkbox": "Dejar de compartir después de haber enviado los archivos (desmarcar para permitir la descarga de archivos individuales)",
"mode_settings_share_autostop_sharing_checkbox": "Dejar de compartir tras el envío de archivos (desmarcar para permitir la descarga de archivos individuales)",
"gui_tab_name_chat": "Chat",
"gui_tab_name_website": "Sitio web",
"gui_tab_name_receive": "Recibir",
@ -321,7 +321,7 @@
"gui_settings_theme_dark": "Oscuro",
"gui_settings_theme_light": "Claro",
"gui_settings_theme_auto": "Automático",
"gui_url_instructions_public_mode": "Envíe la siguiente dirección de OnionShare:",
"gui_url_instructions_public_mode": "Enviar la siguiente dirección de OnionShare:",
"gui_dragdrop_sandbox_flatpak": "Para hacer que la zona de prueba de Flatpak sea más segura, no se soporta arrastrar y colocar. En su lugar, usa los botones \"Agregar Archivos\" y \"Agregar Carpeta\" para seleccionar archivos.",
"gui_tor_settings_window_title": "Configuraciones de Tor",
"gui_settings_controller_extras_label": "Configuraciones de Tor",
@ -351,8 +351,8 @@
"gui_autoconnect_description": "OnionShare se basa en la Red Tor, colaborada por miles de voluntarios en todo el mundo.",
"gui_enable_autoconnect_checkbox": "Conectar a Tor automáticamente",
"gui_autoconnect_failed_to_connect_to_tor": "No se pudo conectar a Tor",
"gui_autoconnect_trying_to_connect_to_tor": "Intentado conectar con Tor...",
"gui_autoconnect_connection_error_msg": "¿Está conectado a Internet?",
"gui_autoconnect_trying_to_connect_to_tor": "Intentado conectar con Tor…",
"gui_autoconnect_connection_error_msg": "Asegúrate de estar conectado a Internet.",
"gui_autoconnect_bridge_description": "También es posible que tu Internet esté siendo censurado. Es posible que puedas eludir esto usando un puente.",
"gui_autoconnect_bridge_detect_manual": "Seleccionar manualmente mi país para la configuración del puente",
"gui_autoconnect_bridge_setting_options": "Configuración del Puente",
@ -360,11 +360,11 @@
"gui_autoconnect_configure": "Configuración de la red",
"gui_autoconnect_no_bridge": "Inténtalo de nuevo sin puente",
"gui_autoconnect_try_again_without_a_bridge": "Inténtalo de nuevo sin Puente",
"gui_autoconnect_circumventing_censorship": "Intentando resolver problemas de conectividad",
"gui_autoconnect_circumventing_censorship_starting_circumvention": "Iniciando el proceso de elusión de censura",
"gui_autoconnect_circumventing_censorship_starting_meek": "Comenzando Meek para domain-fronting",
"gui_autoconnect_circumventing_censorship_requesting_bridges": "Solicitud de puentes desde la API de elusión de la censura de Tor",
"gui_autoconnect_circumventing_censorship_got_bridges": "¡Puentes conseguidos! Intentando reconectar a Tor",
"gui_autoconnect_circumventing_censorship": "Intentando resolver problemas de conectividad…",
"gui_autoconnect_circumventing_censorship_starting_circumvention": "Iniciando el proceso de elusión de censura…",
"gui_autoconnect_circumventing_censorship_starting_meek": "Comenzando puente Meek para domain-fronting…",
"gui_autoconnect_circumventing_censorship_requesting_bridges": "Pidiendo puentes a la API de elusión de la censura de Tor…",
"gui_autoconnect_circumventing_censorship_got_bridges": "¡Puentes conseguidos! Intentando reconectar a Tor…",
"gui_autoconnect_could_not_connect_to_tor_api": "No se pudo conectar a la API de Tor. Asegúrate de estar conectado a Internet antes de volver a intentarlo.",
"gui_general_settings_window_title": "General"
@ -47,7 +47,7 @@
"gui_downloads": "دانلود تاریخچه",
"gui_no_downloads": "",
"gui_canceled": "لغو شده",
"gui_copied_url_title": "آدرس OnionShare کپی شد",
"gui_copied_url_title": "نشانی OnionShare کپی شد",
"gui_copied_url": "آدرس OnionShare بر کلیپ بورد کپی شد",
"gui_please_wait": "در حال آغاز... برای لغو کلیک کنید.",
"gui_download_upload_progress_complete": "",
@ -130,8 +130,8 @@
"gui_server_autostop_timer_expired": "زمانسنج توقف خودکار به پایان رسید. لطفا برای آغاز همرسانی آن را تنظیم کنید.",
"share_via_onionshare": "همرسانی با OnionShare",
"gui_save_private_key_checkbox": "استفاده از یک آدرس پایا",
"gui_share_url_description": "<b>هرکس</b> با این آدرس OnionShare میتواند روی کامپیوتر شما پرونده <b>بارگیری</b> کند از طریق <b>مرورگر تور</b>: <img src='{}' />",
"gui_receive_url_description": "<b>هرکس</b> با این آدرس OnionShare میتواند روی کامپیوتر شما پرونده <b>بارگذاری</b> کند از طریق <b>مرورگر تور</b>: <img src='{}' />",
"gui_share_url_description": "<b>هر کس</b> با این نشانی OnionShare و کلید خصوصی میتواند توسط <b>مرورگر Tor </b> فایلهای شما را <b>بارگیری کند</b>:<img src='{}' />",
"gui_receive_url_description": "<b>هر کس</b> با این نشانی OnionShare و کلید خصوصی میتواند توسط <b>مرورگر Tor </b> فایلهایی را بر روی رایانه شما <b>بارگذاری کند</b>:<img src='{}' />",
"gui_url_label_persistent": "این همرسانی به صورت خودکار متوقف نمیشود.<br><br>همرسانیهای بعدی هم از همین نشانی استفاده میکنند. (برای استفاده از نشانیهای یکبارمصرف، گزینه «استفاده از آدرس پایا» را در تنظیمات غیرفعال کنید.)",
"gui_url_label_stay_open": "این همرسانی به صورت خودکار متوقف خواهد شد.",
"gui_url_label_onetime": "این همرسانی پس از اولین تکمیل متوقف خواهد شد.",
@ -175,7 +175,7 @@
"gui_download_in_progress": "دانلود آغاز شد {}",
"gui_open_folder_error_nautilus": "ناتوانی در باز کردن پوشه به دلیل موجود نبودن ناتیلوس. پرونده در اینجا قرار دارد: {}",
"gui_settings_language_label": "زبان ترجیحی",
"gui_settings_language_changed_notice": "برای اعمال شدن زبان جدید، OnionShare را از نو راهاندازی کنید.",
"gui_settings_language_changed_notice": "برای اعمال تغییرات بر روی زبان جدید، OnionShare را دوباره راهاندازی کنید.",
"timeout_upload_still_running": "انتظار برای تکمیل آپلود",
"gui_add_files": "افزودن پروندهها",
"gui_add_folder": "افزودن پوشه",
@ -202,9 +202,9 @@
"gui_all_modes_progress_starting": "{0:s}, %p% (در حال محاسبه)",
"gui_all_modes_progress_eta": "{0:s}، تخمین: {1:s}, %p%",
"gui_share_mode_no_files": "هیچ پروندهای هنوز فرستاده نشده است",
"gui_share_mode_autostop_timer_waiting": "در انتظار پایان یافتن ارسال",
"gui_share_mode_autostop_timer_waiting": "در حال پایان یافتن ارسال…",
"gui_receive_mode_no_files": "هیچ پروندهای هنوز دریافت نشده است",
"gui_receive_mode_autostop_timer_waiting": "در انتظار برای پایان یافتن دریافت",
"gui_receive_mode_autostop_timer_waiting": "در حال پایان یافتن دریافت…",
"gui_all_modes_transfer_canceled_range": "{} - {} لغو شد",
"gui_all_modes_transfer_canceled": "{} لغو شد",
"gui_settings_onion_label": "تنظیمات Onion",
@ -221,7 +221,7 @@
"hours_first_letter": "س",
"minutes_first_letter": "د",
"seconds_first_letter": "ث",
"gui_website_url_description": "<b>هرکسی</b> با این نشانی OnionShare میتواند <b>با استفاده از مرورگر تور</b> سایت شما را <b>بازدید</b> کند: <img src='{}' />",
"gui_website_url_description": "<b>هرکس</b> با این نشانی OnionShare میتواند توسط <b>مرورگر Tor</b> از وبسایت شما <b>بازدید کند</b>:<img src='{}' />",
"gui_mode_website_button": "انتشار سایت",
"gui_website_mode_no_files": "هنوز سایتی همرسانی نشده است",
"incorrect_password": "گذرواژه نادرست",
@ -229,5 +229,125 @@
"history_requests_tooltip": "{} درخواست وب",
"gui_settings_csp_header_disabled_option": "غیرفعالسازی سرایند سیاست امنیت محتوا",
"gui_settings_website_label": "تنظیمات سایت",
"gui_new_tab_share_button": "اشتراکگذاری فایلها"
"gui_new_tab_share_button": "اشتراکگذاری فایلها",
"gui_file_selection_remove_all": "حذف همه",
"gui_chat_start_server": "شروع سرور گفتگو",
"gui_tor_settings_window_title": "تنظیمات Tor",
"gui_settings_controller_extras_label": "تنظیمات Tor",
"gui_settings_bridge_use_checkbox": "استفاده از پل",
"gui_settings_bridge_radio_builtin": "انتخاب یک پل درونی",
"gui_settings_bridge_moat_radio_option": "درخواست یک پل از torproject.org",
"gui_settings_bridge_moat_button": "درخواست یک پل جدید",
"gui_settings_moat_bridges_invalid": "شما تاکنون از torproject.org درخواست پل نگردهاید.",
"gui_url_instructions_public_mode": "نشانی OnionShare را در زیر ارسال کنید:",
"gui_client_auth_instructions": "سپس، کلید خصوصی برای اجازه دسترسی به خدمات OnionShare خود را ارسال کنید:",
"gui_tab_name_receive": "دریافت",
"mode_settings_advanced_toggle_hide": "عدم نمایش تنظیمات پیشرفته",
"gui_rendezvous_cleanup_quit_early": "خروج زودهنگام",
"moat_captcha_submit": "ارسال",
"moat_solution_empty_error": "نویسههای در تصویر را وارد کنید",
"gui_please_wait_no_button": "در حال شروع…",
"gui_copy_client_auth": "کپی کلید خصوصی",
"gui_copied_client_auth": "کلید خصوصی در کلیپبورد کپی شد",
"gui_qr_label_url_title": "آدرس OnionShare",
"gui_show_qr_code": "نمایش کد QR",
"gui_copied_client_auth_title": "کلید خصوصی کپی شد",
"gui_hide": "مخفی کردن",
"gui_reveal": "آشکار کردن",
"gui_status_indicator_chat_started": "در حال گفتگو",
"gui_url_instructions": "ابتدا، نشانی OnionShare را در زیر ارسال کنید:",
"gui_status_indicator_chat_stopped": "آماده برای گفتگو",
"gui_status_indicator_chat_working": "در حال شروع…",
"gui_color_mode_changed_notice": "OnionShare را برای رنگهای جدید دوباره راهاندازی کنید.",
"gui_new_tab": "زبانه جدید",
"gui_new_tab_tooltip": "بازکردن زبانه جدید",
"gui_new_tab_receive_button": "دریافت فایلها",
"gui_main_page_website_button": "شروع میزبانی",
"gui_main_page_chat_button": "شروع گفتگو",
"gui_tab_name_website": "وبسایت",
"gui_tab_name_share": "اشتراکگذاری",
"gui_tab_name_chat": "گفتگو",
"gui_close_tab_warning_title": "بستن زبانه؟",
"gui_close_tab_warning_close": "بستن",
"gui_quit_warning_cancel": "لغو",
"mode_settings_autostart_timer_checkbox": "شروع خدمت پیازی در زمان برنامهربزی شده",
"mode_settings_autostop_timer_checkbox": "توقف خدمت پیازی در زمان برنامهربزی شده",
"mode_settings_receive_data_dir_label": "ذخیرهٔ فایلها در",
"mode_settings_receive_data_dir_browse_button": "مرور",
"mode_settings_receive_disable_text_checkbox": "غیرفعال سازی ارسال متن",
"gui_settings_theme_label": "تم",
"gui_settings_theme_auto": "خودکار",
"gui_autoconnect_bridge_detect_manual": "انتخاب دستی کشور من برای تنظیمات پل",
"gui_dragdrop_sandbox_flatpak": "به منظور امنیت جعبهشنی Flatpak، کشیدن و رهاکردن پشتیبانی نمیشود. در عوض برای انتخاب پوشهها از دگمههای \"افزودن فایلها\" و \"افزودن پوشهها\" استفاده کنید.",
"gui_receive_flatpak_data_dir": "چون شما OnionShare را با استفاده از Flatpac نصب کردهاید، بایستی فایلها را در پوشهای در ~/OnionShare ذخیره کنید.",
"gui_qr_label_auth_string_title": "کلید خصوصی",
"gui_autoconnect_bridge_setting_options": "تنظیمات پل",
"gui_close_tab_warning_cancel": "لغو",
"gui_qr_code_dialog_title": "کد QR برای OnionShare",
"gui_chat_stop_server": "توقف سرور گفتگو",
"gui_remove": "حذف",
"gui_autoconnect_circumventing_censorship": "در حال حل مشکلات اتصال…",
"gui_autoconnect_try_again_without_a_bridge": "دوباره بدون پلها امتحان کنید",
"gui_autoconnect_no_bridge": "دوباره بدون پل امتحان کنید",
"gui_settings_tor_bridges_label": "اگر دسترسی Tor بسته شده باشد، پلها به ورود ترافیک شما به شبکهٔ Tor کمک میکنند. بسته به اینکه از کجا متصل میشوید، یک پل ممکن است نسبت به پل دیگر بهتر عمل کند.",
"gui_settings_bridge_none_radio_option": "عدم استفاده از پلها",
"gui_settings_bridge_custom_radio_option": "ارائه یک پل که از منبعی قابل اعتماد یاد گرفتهاید",
"gui_settings_bridge_custom_placeholder": "بنویسید نشانی:درگاه (یکی در هر خط)",
"gui_settings_stop_active_tabs_label": "خدماتی بر روی برخی زبانههای شما در حال اجرا هستند.\nبرای تغییر تنظیمات Tor باید تمامی خدمات را متوقف کنید.",
"gui_settings_version_label": "شما در حال استفاده از OnionShar{} هستید",
"gui_settings_help_label": "احتیاج به کمک دارید؟ <a href='https://docs.onionshare.org'>docs.onionshare.org</a> را ببینید",
"gui_server_doesnt_support_stealth": "متأسفیم، این نسخهٔ Tor از stealth (احراز هویت کلاینت) پشتیبانی نمیکند. لطفاً با نسخهٔ جدیدتر Tor سعی کنید، یا چنانچه به خصوصی بودن نیاز نیست از حالت 'عمومی' استفاده کنید.",
"gui_website_url_public_description": "<b>هر کس</b> با این نشانی OnionShare میتواند توسط <b>مرورگر Tor </b> از وبسایت شما <b>بازدید کند</b>:<img src='{}' />",
"gui_share_url_public_description": "<b>هر کس</b> با این نشانی OnionShare میتواند توسط <b>مرورگر Tor </b> فایلهای شما را <b>بارگیری کند</b>:<img src='{}' />",
"gui_receive_url_public_description": "<b>هر کس</b> با این نشانی OnionShare میتواند توسط <b>مرورگر Tor </b> فایلهایی را در رایانه شما <b>بارگذاری کند</b>:<img src='{}' />",
"gui_chat_url_description": "<b>هر کس</b> با این نشانی OnionShare و کلید خصوصی میتواند توسط <b>مرورگر Tor </b> <b>به این اتاق گفتگو بپیوندد</b>:<img src='{}' />",
"gui_chat_url_public_description": "<b>هر کس</b> با این نشانی OnionShare میتواند توسط <b>مرورگر Tor </b> <b>به این اتاق گفتگو بپیوندد</b>:<img src='{}' />",
"mode_settings_public_checkbox": "این خدمت عمومی OnionShare است (کلید خصوصی را غیرفعال میکند)",
"mode_settings_receive_disable_files_checkbox": "غیرفعال سازی بارگذاری فایلها",
"gui_status_indicator_chat_scheduled": "برنامهریزی شد…",
"gui_new_tab_website_button": "میزبانی یک وبسایت",
"gui_open_folder_error": "نمیتوان پوشه را با xdg-open باز کرد. فایل اینجاست:{}",
"gui_close_tab_warning_receive_description": "بستن زبانهای که در حال درسافت فایلها است؟",
"gui_close_tab_warning_share_description": "بستن زبانهای که در حال ارسال فایلها است؟",
"gui_close_tab_warning_website_description": "بستن زبانهای که در حال میزبانی از یک وبسایت است؟",
"gui_settings_theme_light": "روشن",
"gui_settings_theme_dark": "تاریک",
"gui_quit_warning_title": "خروج از OnionShare؟",
"gui_new_tab_chat_button": "گفتگوی ناشناس",
"gui_main_page_receive_button": "شروع دریافت",
"mode_settings_advanced_toggle_show": "نمایش تنظیمات پیشرفته",
"mode_settings_title_label": "عنوان سفارشی",
"gui_close_tab_warning_persistent_description": "بستن زبانه دائمی و از دست رفتن نشانی پیازی مورد استفاده آن؟",
"mode_settings_persistent_checkbox": "همیشه موقع شروع OnionShare این زبانه باز شود",
"mode_settings_receive_webhook_url_checkbox": "استفاده از اعلان Webhook",
"mode_settings_website_disable_csp_checkbox": "سرتیتر پیش فرض سیاست امنیت محتوا (به وبسایت شما اجازه استفاده از منابع شخص ثالث را میدهد) را ارسال نکنید",
"mode_settings_website_custom_csp_checkbox": "ارسال سرتیتر سفارشی سیاست امنیت محتوا",
"gui_rendezvous_cleanup": "در حال انتظار برای بسته شدن مدار Tor به منظور اطمینان از انتقال فایلهای شما.\n\nممکن است دقایقی طول بکشد.",
"moat_contact_label": "درحال برقراری ارتباط با BridgeDB…",
"error_port_not_available": "درگاه OnionShare موجود نیست",
"history_receive_read_message_button": "خواندن پیام",
"moat_captcha_label": "برای درخواست پل CAPTCHA را حل کنید.",
"moat_captcha_reload": "بارگذاری مجدد",
"moat_bridgedb_error": "با BridgeDB ارتباط برقرار نشد.",
"moat_captcha_error": "راهحل نادرست. لطفاً دوباره تلاش کنید.",
"moat_captcha_placeholder": "نویسههای در تصویر را وارد کنید",
"mode_tor_not_connected_label": "OnionShare به شبکه Tor متصل نیست",
"gui_quit_warning_description": "خروج و بستن همهی زبانهها، هرچند اشتراکگذاری در برخی از آن ها فعال است؟",
"mode_settings_share_autostop_sharing_checkbox": "توقف اشتراکگذاری پس از اینکه فایلها ارسال شدند (لغو انتخاب برای بارگیری فایلهای منفرد)",
"gui_main_page_share_button": "شروع اشتراکگذاری",
"gui_autoconnect_description": "OnionShare به عملکرد داوطلبانه شبکهی Tor متکی است.",
"gui_enable_autoconnect_checkbox": "اتصال خودکار به Tor",
"gui_autoconnect_failed_to_connect_to_tor": "اتصال به Tor ممکن نیست",
"gui_autoconnect_connection_error_msg": "مطمئن شوید که به اینترنت متصل هستید.",
"gui_autoconnect_trying_to_connect_to_tor": "در حال اتصال به Tor…",
"gui_autoconnect_bridge_description": "اگر اتصال اینترنت شما سانسور شده است شاید با استفاده از یک پل قادر به برقراری اتصال باشید.",
"gui_autoconnect_bridge_detect_automatic": "تعیین کشور من از روی آدرس IP من برای تنظیمات پل",
"gui_autoconnect_start": "اتصال به Tor",
"gui_autoconnect_configure": "تنظیمات شبکه",
"gui_autoconnect_circumventing_censorship_starting_circumvention": "در حال دور زدن سانسور…",
"gui_autoconnect_circumventing_censorship_starting_meek": "در حال ایجاد پل meek برای دامنهٔ صوری…",
"gui_autoconnect_circumventing_censorship_requesting_bridges": "در حال درخواست پل از API دور زدن سانسور Tor…",
"gui_autoconnect_circumventing_censorship_got_bridges": "پل ایجاد شد. در حال اتصال مجدد به Tor…",
"gui_autoconnect_could_not_connect_to_tor_api": "به TOR API متصل نشد. پیش از تلاش دوباره از اتصال خود به اینترنت مطمئن شوید.",
"gui_general_settings_window_title": "عمومی"
@ -15,7 +15,7 @@
"gui_delete": "Poista",
"gui_choose_items": "Valitse",
"gui_share_start_server": "Aloita jakaminen",
"gui_share_stop_server": "Pysäytä jakaminen",
"gui_share_stop_server": "Lopeta jakaminen",
"gui_copy_url": "Kopioi URL-osoite",
"gui_downloads": "Lataukset:",
"gui_canceled": "Peruutettu",
@ -41,7 +41,7 @@
"gui_receive_stop_server": "Lopeta vastaanottotila",
"gui_receive_stop_server_autostop_timer": "Lopeta vastaanottotila ({} jäljellä)",
"gui_receive_stop_server_autostop_timer_tooltip": "Auto-stop ajastin loppuu kello {}",
"gui_copied_url_title": "Kopioi OnionShare-osoite",
"gui_copied_url_title": "OnionShare-osoite kopioitu",
"version_string": "OnionShare {0:s} | https://onionshare.org/",
"gui_quit_title": "Ei niin nopeasti",
"gui_share_quit_warning": "Olet lähettämässä tiedostoja. Haluatko varmasti lopettaa OnionSharen?",
@ -75,7 +75,7 @@
"gui_settings_authenticate_no_auth_option": "Ei todentamista, tai evästeiden todentamista",
"gui_settings_authenticate_password_option": "Salasana",
"gui_settings_password_label": "Salasana",
"gui_settings_tor_bridges": "Tor-siltojen tuki",
"gui_settings_tor_bridges": "Yhdistetäänkö käyttäen Tor-siltaa?",
"gui_settings_tor_bridges_no_bridges_radio_option": "Älä käytä silta-solmuja",
"gui_settings_tor_bridges_obfs4_radio_option": "Käytä sisäänrakennettuja obfs4-liitettäviä kuljetuksia",
"gui_settings_tor_bridges_obfs4_radio_option_no_obfs4proxy": "Käytä sisäänrakennettuja obfs4-liitettäviä kuljetuksia (vaatii obfs4proxyn)",
@ -84,7 +84,7 @@
"gui_settings_meek_lite_expensive_warning": "Varoitus: Meek_lite-sillat ovat Tor-projektille erittäin kalliita. <br><br> Käytä niitä vain, jos et pysty muodostamaan yhteyttä suoraan Toriin, obfs4-kuljetusten tai muiden tavallisten silta-solmujen kautta.",
"gui_settings_tor_bridges_custom_radio_option": "Käytä mukautettuja silta-solmuja",
"gui_settings_tor_bridges_custom_label": "Löydät silta-solmuja osoitteesta <a href=\"https://bridges.torproject.org/options?lang=fi\">https://bridges.torproject.org</a>",
"gui_settings_tor_bridges_invalid": "Mikään lisäämistäsi silta-solmuista ei toiminut\nTarkista ne uudelleen tai lisää muita.",
"gui_settings_tor_bridges_invalid": "Mikään lisäämistäsi silloista ei toimi. Tarkista ne tai lisää uusia.",
"gui_settings_button_save": "Tallenna",
"gui_settings_button_cancel": "Peruuta",
"gui_settings_button_help": "Ohje",
@ -128,7 +128,7 @@
"gui_url_label_onetime_and_persistent": "Tämä jako ei pysähdy automaattisesti.<br><br>Jokainen seuraava jako käyttää osoitetta uudelleen. (Jos haluat käyttää kertaluontoisia osoitteita, sammuta \"Käytä pysyvää osoitetta\" asetuksissa.)",
"gui_status_indicator_share_stopped": "Valmis jakamaan",
"gui_status_indicator_share_working": "Aloitetaan…",
"gui_status_indicator_share_started": "Jakaa",
"gui_status_indicator_share_started": "Jakaminen",
"gui_status_indicator_receive_stopped": "Valmis vastaanottamaan",
"gui_status_indicator_receive_working": "Vastaanotetaan…",
"gui_status_indicator_receive_started": "Vastaanotetaan",
@ -173,9 +173,9 @@
"gui_all_modes_progress_starting": "{0:s}, %p% (lasketaan)",
"gui_all_modes_progress_eta": "{0:s}, ETA: {1:s}, %p%",
"gui_share_mode_no_files": "Yhtäkään tiedostoa ei ole lähetetty vielä",
"gui_share_mode_autostop_timer_waiting": "Odotetaan lähetyksen valmistumista",
"gui_share_mode_autostop_timer_waiting": "Viimeistellään lähetystä…",
"gui_receive_mode_no_files": "Yhtäkään tiedostoa ei ole vastaanotettu vielä",
"gui_receive_mode_autostop_timer_waiting": "Odotetaan vastaanottamisen valmistumista",
"gui_receive_mode_autostop_timer_waiting": "Viimeistellään vastaanottoa…",
"gui_stop_server_autostop_timer_tooltip": "Automaattinen pysäytysajastin loppuu {} kuluttua",
"gui_start_server_autostart_timer_tooltip": "Automaattinen aloitusajastin loppuu {} kuluttua",
"gui_waiting_to_start": "Ajastettu aloitus {} kuluttua. Peruuta napsauttamalla.",
@ -201,14 +201,14 @@
"mode_settings_receive_data_dir_label": "Tallenna tiedostot",
"mode_settings_share_autostop_sharing_checkbox": "Lopeta jakaminen kun tiedostot on lähetetty (poista valinta malhdollistaaksesi yksittäisten tiedostojen jakamisen)",
"mode_settings_public_checkbox": "Älä käytä salasanaa",
"mode_settings_persistent_checkbox": "Tallenna tämä välilehti ja avaa se automaattisesti kun käynnistän OnionSharen",
"mode_settings_persistent_checkbox": "Avaa tämä välilehti aina OnionSharen käynnistyessä",
"mode_settings_advanced_toggle_hide": "Piilota edistyneet asetukset",
"mode_settings_advanced_toggle_show": "Näytä edistyneet asetukset",
"gui_quit_warning_cancel": "Peruuta",
"gui_quit_warning_title": "Oletko varma?",
"gui_quit_warning_title": "Lopetetaanko OnionShare?",
"gui_close_tab_warning_cancel": "Peruuta",
"gui_close_tab_warning_close": "Sulje",
"gui_close_tab_warning_title": "Oletko varma?",
"gui_close_tab_warning_title": "Suljetaanko välilehti?",
"gui_new_tab_website_button": "Julkaise nettisivu",
"gui_new_tab_receive_button": "Vastaanota tiedostoja",
"gui_new_tab_share_description": "Valitse tietokoneeltasi tiedostot jotka haluat lähettää jollekin. Vastaanottajan pitää käyttää Tor-selainta ladatakseen tiedostot sinulta.",
@ -219,11 +219,11 @@
"mode_settings_legacy_checkbox": "Käytä vanhaa osoitetta (v2 onion-palvelu, ei suositella)",
"mode_settings_autostop_timer_checkbox": "Lopeta onion-palvelu tiettyyn kellon aikaan",
"mode_settings_autostart_timer_checkbox": "Aloita onion-palvelu tiettyyn kellon aikaan",
"gui_quit_warning_description": "Jakaminen on päällä jollain välilehdillä. Jos lopetat, kaikki välilehtesi suljetaan. Oletko varma, että haluat lopettaa jakamisen?",
"gui_close_tab_warning_website_description": "Isännöit tällä hetkellä nettisivua. Oletko varma, että haluat sulkea tämän välilehden?",
"gui_close_tab_warning_receive_description": "Olet saamassa tiedostoja. Oletko varma, että haluat sulkea tämän välilehden?",
"gui_close_tab_warning_share_description": "Olet lähettämässä tiedostoja. Oletko varma, että haluat sulkea tämän välilehden?",
"gui_close_tab_warning_persistent_description": "Tämä välilehti on pysyvä. Jos suljet sen, menetät sen käyttämän onion-osoitteen. Oletko varma, että haluat sulkea tämän välilehden?",
"gui_quit_warning_description": "Suljetaanko kaikki välilehdet vaikka joillakin niistä on aktiivisia jakoja?",
"gui_close_tab_warning_website_description": "Suljetaanko verkkosivustoa jakeleva välilehti?",
"gui_close_tab_warning_receive_description": "Suljetaanko tiedostoja vastaanottava välilehti?",
"gui_close_tab_warning_share_description": "Suljetaanko tiedostoja lähettävä välilehti?",
"gui_close_tab_warning_persistent_description": "Suljetaanko pysyvä välilehti, jolloin sen käyttämä onion-osoite menetetään?",
"gui_new_tab_website_description": "Isännöi staattinen HTML-onion-nettisivu tietokoneestasi.",
"gui_new_tab_receive_description": "Tee tietokoneestasi online-pudotuslaatikko. Tor-selainta voidaan käyttää tiedostojen lähettämiseen koneellesi.",
"gui_main_page_receive_button": "Aloita vastaanottaminen",
@ -238,19 +238,19 @@
"history_receive_read_message_button": "Lue viesti",
"error_port_not_available": "OnionSharen portti ei saatavilla",
"gui_rendezvous_cleanup_quit_early": "Poistu aikaisin",
"gui_rendezvous_cleanup": "Odotetaan Tor-kierrosten sulkeutumista, jotta voidaan varmistaa onnistunut tiedonsiirto.\n\nTässä voi kestää joitain minuutteja.",
"gui_rendezvous_cleanup": "Odotetaan Tor-kierrosten sulkeutumista tiedostosiirtojesi valmistumisen varmistamiseksi.\n\nTämä voi kestää joitain minuutteja.",
"mode_settings_receive_disable_files_checkbox": "Poista käytöstä tiedostojen lataaminen",
"mode_settings_receive_disable_text_checkbox": "Poista käytöstä tekstin syöttö",
"mode_settings_title_label": "Muokattu otsikko",
"gui_main_page_chat_button": "Aloita keskustelu",
"gui_main_page_website_button": "Aloita isännöinti",
"gui_new_tab_chat_button": "Keskustele anonyymisti",
"gui_color_mode_changed_notice": "Käynnistä uudelleen Onionshare, jotta uusi väritila tulee voimaan.",
"gui_color_mode_changed_notice": "Käynnistä uudelleen OnionShare, jotta uusi väritila tulee voimaan.",
"gui_settings_theme_dark": "Tumma",
"gui_settings_theme_light": "Vaalea",
"gui_settings_theme_auto": "Automaattinen",
"gui_settings_theme_label": "Teema",
"gui_open_folder_error": "Ei voitu avata kansiota xdg-open:lla. Tiedosto on tässä: {}",
"gui_open_folder_error": "Kansiota ei voitu avata xdg-open-komennolla. Tiedosto on täällä: {}",
"gui_status_indicator_chat_started": "Keskustellaan",
"gui_status_indicator_chat_scheduled": "Ajastettu…",
"gui_status_indicator_chat_working": "Aloitetaan…",
@ -261,5 +261,58 @@
"gui_show_qr_code": "Näytä QR-koodi",
"gui_receive_flatpak_data_dir": "Koska asensin OnionSharen käyttämällä Flatpakia, sinun täytyy tallentaa tiedostot kansioon sijainnissa ~/OnionShare.",
"gui_chat_stop_server": "Pysäytä chat-palvelin",
"gui_chat_start_server": "Perusta chat-palvelin"
"gui_chat_start_server": "Perusta chat-palvelin",
"gui_dragdrop_sandbox_flatpak": "Flatpakin tarjoaman eristystilan turvallisuuden lisäämiseksi raahaa ja pudota -tuki ei ole käytössä. Käytä \"Lisää tiedostoja\"- ja \"Lisää kansio\"-painikkeita lisätäksesi tiedostoja.",
"gui_autoconnect_description": "OnionShare ei olisi mahdollinen ilman vapaaehtoisten ylläpitämää Tor-verkkoa.",
"gui_share_url_public_description": "<b>Kuka tahansa</b>, jolla on tämä OnionShare-osoite, voi <b>ladata</b> tiedostojasi käyttäen <b>Tor-selainta</b>: <img src='{}' />",
"gui_website_url_public_description": "<b>Kuka tahansa</b>, jolla on tämä OnionShare-osoite, voi <b>vierailla</b> verkkosivustollasi käyttäen <b>Tor-selainta</b>: <img src='{}' />",
"gui_chat_url_public_description": "<b>Kuka tahansa</b>, jolla on tämä OnionShare-osoite, voi <b>liittyä tähän keskusteluhuoneeseen</b> käyttäen <b>Tor-selainta</b>: <img src='{}' />",
"gui_tor_settings_window_title": "Tor-asetukset",
"gui_settings_controller_extras_label": "Tor-asetukset",
"gui_settings_bridge_radio_builtin": "Valitse sisäänrakennettu silta",
"gui_settings_bridge_moat_radio_option": "Pyydä silta torproject.orgilta",
"gui_settings_bridge_moat_button": "Pyydä uusi silta",
"gui_settings_bridge_custom_placeholder": "kirjoita osoite:portti (yksi per rivi)",
"gui_settings_bridge_use_checkbox": "Käytä siltaa",
"gui_settings_help_label": "Tarvitsetko apua? Katso <a href='https://docs.onionshare.org'>docs.onionshare.org</a>",
"gui_settings_version_label": "Käytössäsi on OnionShare {}",
"moat_captcha_placeholder": "Kirjoita kuvassa näkyvät merkit",
"moat_captcha_submit": "Lähetä",
"moat_captcha_reload": "Lataa uudelleen",
"moat_captcha_error": "Virheellinen ratkaisu. Yritä uudelleen.",
"moat_solution_empty_error": "Kirjoita kuvassa näkyvät merkit",
"mode_tor_not_connected_label": "OnionShare ei ole yhdistettynä Tor-verkkoon",
"gui_copied_client_auth_title": "Yksityinen avain kopioitiin",
"gui_qr_label_url_title": "OnionShare-osoite",
"gui_copy_client_auth": "Kopioi yksityinen avain",
"gui_copied_client_auth": "Yksityinen avain kopioitiin leikepöydälle",
"gui_reveal": "Näytä",
"gui_hide": "Piilota",
"gui_qr_label_auth_string_title": "Yksityinen avain",
"gui_receive_url_public_description": "<b>Kuka tahansa</b>, jolla on tämä OnionShare-osoite, voi <b>lähettää</b> tiedostoja tietokoneellesi käyttäen <b>Tor-selainta</b>: <img src='{}' />",
"gui_settings_bridge_none_radio_option": "Älä käytä siltoja",
"gui_enable_autoconnect_checkbox": "Yhdistä automaattisesti Toriin",
"gui_autoconnect_failed_to_connect_to_tor": "Toriin ei voitu yhdistää",
"gui_autoconnect_no_bridge": "Yritä uudelleen ilman siltoja",
"gui_autoconnect_try_again_without_a_bridge": "Yritä uudelleen ilman siltoja",
"gui_autoconnect_circumventing_censorship_starting_circumvention": "Kierretään sensuuria…",
"gui_autoconnect_bridge_detect_manual": "Valitse maa silta-asetuksia varten manuaalisesti",
"gui_autoconnect_trying_to_connect_to_tor": "Yhdistetään Toriin…",
"gui_autoconnect_connection_error_msg": "Varmista, että olet yhdistettynä internetiin.",
"gui_autoconnect_bridge_setting_options": "Silta-asetukset",
"gui_autoconnect_start": "Yhdistä Toriin",
"gui_autoconnect_configure": "Verkkoasetukset",
"gui_general_settings_window_title": "Yleiset",
"gui_autoconnect_bridge_detect_automatic": "Päättele maani IP-osoitteestani silta-asetuksia varten",
"moat_captcha_label": "Ratkaise CAPTCHA pyytääksesi siltaa.",
"gui_settings_stop_active_tabs_label": "Joissain välilehdissä on käynnissä palveluja.\nSinun täytyy pysäyttää kaikki palvelut muuttaaksesi Tor-asetuksia.",
"moat_bridgedb_error": "Yhteyttä BridgeDB:hen ei voitu muodostaa.",
"gui_url_instructions_public_mode": "Lähetä OnionShare-osoite alla:",
"gui_url_instructions": "Lähetä ensin alla oleva OnionShare-osoite:",
"gui_client_auth_instructions": "Seuraavaksi lähetä yksityinen avain salliaksesi pääsyn OnionShare-palveluusi:",
"gui_autoconnect_circumventing_censorship": "Selvitetään yhdistettävyysongelmia…",
"gui_autoconnect_bridge_description": "Saatat kyetä yhdistämään siltaa käyttäen, jos internetyhteytesi on sensuroitu.",
"mode_settings_website_custom_csp_checkbox": "Lähetä mukautettu Content Security Policy -otsake",
"moat_contact_label": "Muodostetaan yhteyttä BridgeDB:hen…",
"gui_settings_moat_bridges_invalid": "Et ole vielä pyytänyt siltaa torproject.orgilta."
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,256 @@
"not_a_readable_file": "",
"other_page_loaded": "",
"incorrect_password": "",
"close_on_autostop_timer": "",
"closing_automatically": "",
"large_filesize": "",
"gui_drag_and_drop": "",
"gui_add": "",
"gui_add_files": "",
"gui_add_folder": "",
"gui_remove": "",
"gui_dragdrop_sandbox_flatpak": "",
"gui_file_selection_remove_all": "",
"gui_choose_items": "",
"gui_share_start_server": "",
"gui_share_stop_server": "",
"gui_share_stop_server_autostop_timer": "",
"gui_chat_start_server": "",
"gui_chat_stop_server": "",
"gui_stop_server_autostop_timer_tooltip": "",
"gui_start_server_autostart_timer_tooltip": "",
"gui_receive_start_server": "",
"gui_receive_stop_server": "",
"gui_receive_stop_server_autostop_timer": "",
"gui_receive_flatpak_data_dir": "",
"gui_copy_url": "",
"gui_copy_client_auth": "",
"gui_canceled": "",
"gui_copied_url_title": "",
"gui_copied_url": "",
"gui_copied_client_auth_title": "",
"gui_copied_client_auth": "",
"gui_show_qr_code": "",
"gui_qr_code_dialog_title": "",
"gui_qr_label_url_title": "",
"gui_qr_label_auth_string_title": "",
"gui_reveal": "",
"gui_hide": "",
"gui_waiting_to_start": "",
"gui_please_wait_no_button": "",
"gui_please_wait": "",
"zip_progress_bar_format": "",
"gui_tor_settings_window_title": "",
"gui_autoconnect_description": "",
"gui_enable_autoconnect_checkbox": "",
"gui_autoconnect_failed_to_connect_to_tor": "",
"gui_autoconnect_trying_to_connect_to_tor": "",
"gui_autoconnect_connection_error_msg": "",
"gui_autoconnect_bridge_description": "",
"gui_autoconnect_bridge_detect_automatic": "",
"gui_autoconnect_bridge_detect_manual": "",
"gui_autoconnect_bridge_setting_options": "",
"gui_autoconnect_start": "",
"gui_autoconnect_configure": "",
"gui_autoconnect_no_bridge": "",
"gui_autoconnect_try_again_without_a_bridge": "",
"gui_autoconnect_circumventing_censorship": "",
"gui_autoconnect_circumventing_censorship_starting_circumvention": "",
"gui_autoconnect_circumventing_censorship_starting_meek": "",
"gui_autoconnect_circumventing_censorship_requesting_bridges": "",
"gui_autoconnect_circumventing_censorship_got_bridges": "",
"gui_autoconnect_could_not_connect_to_tor_api": "",
"gui_settings_window_title": "",
"gui_general_settings_window_title": "",
"gui_settings_autoupdate_label": "",
"gui_settings_autoupdate_option": "",
"gui_settings_autoupdate_timestamp": "",
"gui_settings_autoupdate_timestamp_never": "",
"gui_settings_autoupdate_check_button": "",
"gui_settings_connection_type_label": "",
"gui_settings_connection_type_bundled_option": "",
"gui_settings_connection_type_automatic_option": "",
"gui_settings_controller_extras_label": "",
"gui_settings_connection_type_control_port_option": "",
"gui_settings_connection_type_socket_file_option": "",
"gui_settings_connection_type_test_button": "",
"gui_settings_control_port_label": "",
"gui_settings_socket_file_label": "",
"gui_settings_socks_label": "",
"gui_settings_authenticate_no_auth_option": "",
"gui_settings_authenticate_password_option": "",
"gui_settings_password_label": "",
"gui_settings_tor_bridges": "",
"gui_settings_tor_bridges_label": "",
"gui_settings_bridge_use_checkbox": "",
"gui_settings_bridge_radio_builtin": "",
"gui_settings_bridge_none_radio_option": "",
"gui_settings_meek_lite_expensive_warning": "",
"gui_settings_bridge_moat_radio_option": "",
"gui_settings_bridge_moat_button": "",
"gui_settings_bridge_custom_radio_option": "",
"gui_settings_bridge_custom_placeholder": "",
"gui_settings_moat_bridges_invalid": "",
"gui_settings_tor_bridges_invalid": "",
"gui_settings_stop_active_tabs_label": "",
"gui_settings_button_save": "",
"gui_settings_button_cancel": "",
"gui_settings_button_help": "",
"gui_settings_version_label": "",
"gui_settings_help_label": "",
"settings_test_success": "",
"connecting_to_tor": "",
"update_available": "",
"update_error_invalid_latest_version": "",
"update_error_check_error": "",
"update_not_available": "",
"gui_tor_connection_ask": "",
"gui_tor_connection_ask_open_settings": "",
"gui_tor_connection_ask_quit": "",
"gui_tor_connection_error_settings": "",
"gui_tor_connection_canceled": "",
"gui_tor_connection_lost": "",
"gui_server_started_after_autostop_timer": "",
"gui_server_autostop_timer_expired": "",
"gui_server_autostart_timer_expired": "",
"gui_autostop_timer_cant_be_earlier_than_autostart_timer": "",
"gui_server_doesnt_support_stealth": "",
"share_via_onionshare": "",
"gui_share_url_description": "",
"gui_share_url_public_description": "",
"gui_website_url_description": "",
"gui_website_url_public_description": "",
"gui_receive_url_description": "",
"gui_receive_url_public_description": "",
"gui_chat_url_description": "",
"gui_chat_url_public_description": "",
"gui_url_label_persistent": "",
"gui_url_label_stay_open": "",
"gui_url_label_onetime": "",
"gui_url_label_onetime_and_persistent": "",
"gui_url_instructions": "",
"gui_url_instructions_public_mode": "",
"gui_client_auth_instructions": "",
"gui_status_indicator_share_stopped": "",
"gui_status_indicator_share_working": "",
"gui_status_indicator_share_scheduled": "",
"gui_status_indicator_share_started": "",
"gui_status_indicator_receive_stopped": "",
"gui_status_indicator_receive_working": "",
"gui_status_indicator_receive_scheduled": "",
"gui_status_indicator_receive_started": "",
"gui_status_indicator_chat_stopped": "",
"gui_status_indicator_chat_working": "",
"gui_status_indicator_chat_scheduled": "",
"gui_status_indicator_chat_started": "",
"gui_file_info": "",
"gui_file_info_single": "",
"history_in_progress_tooltip": "",
"history_completed_tooltip": "",
"history_requests_tooltip": "",
"error_cannot_create_data_dir": "",
"gui_receive_mode_warning": "",
"gui_open_folder_error": "",
"gui_settings_language_label": "",
"gui_settings_theme_label": "",
"gui_settings_theme_auto": "",
"gui_settings_theme_light": "",
"gui_settings_theme_dark": "",
"gui_settings_language_changed_notice": "",
"gui_color_mode_changed_notice": "",
"systray_menu_exit": "",
"systray_page_loaded_title": "",
"systray_page_loaded_message": "",
"systray_share_started_title": "",
"systray_share_started_message": "",
"systray_share_completed_title": "",
"systray_share_completed_message": "",
"systray_share_canceled_title": "",
"systray_share_canceled_message": "",
"systray_receive_started_title": "",
"systray_receive_started_message": "",
"gui_all_modes_history": "",
"gui_all_modes_clear_history": "",
"gui_all_modes_transfer_started": "",
"gui_all_modes_progress_complete": "",
"gui_all_modes_progress_starting": "",
"gui_all_modes_progress_eta": "",
"gui_share_mode_no_files": "",
"gui_share_mode_autostop_timer_waiting": "",
"gui_website_mode_no_files": "",
"gui_receive_mode_no_files": "",
"gui_receive_mode_autostop_timer_waiting": "",
"days_first_letter": "",
"hours_first_letter": "",
"minutes_first_letter": "",
"seconds_first_letter": "",
"gui_new_tab": "",
"gui_new_tab_tooltip": "",
"gui_new_tab_share_button": "",
"gui_new_tab_receive_button": "",
"gui_new_tab_website_button": "",
"gui_new_tab_chat_button": "",
"gui_main_page_share_button": "",
"gui_main_page_receive_button": "",
"gui_main_page_website_button": "",
"gui_main_page_chat_button": "",
"gui_tab_name_share": "",
"gui_tab_name_receive": "",
"gui_tab_name_website": "",
"gui_tab_name_chat": "",
"gui_close_tab_warning_title": "",
"gui_close_tab_warning_persistent_description": "",
"gui_close_tab_warning_share_description": "",
"gui_close_tab_warning_receive_description": "",
"gui_close_tab_warning_website_description": "",
"gui_close_tab_warning_close": "",
"gui_close_tab_warning_cancel": "",
"gui_quit_warning_title": "",
"gui_quit_warning_description": "",
"gui_quit_warning_quit": "",
"gui_quit_warning_cancel": "",
"mode_settings_advanced_toggle_show": "",
"mode_settings_advanced_toggle_hide": "",
"mode_settings_title_label": "",
"mode_settings_persistent_checkbox": "",
"mode_settings_public_checkbox": "",
"mode_settings_autostart_timer_checkbox": "",
"mode_settings_autostop_timer_checkbox": "",
"mode_settings_share_autostop_sharing_checkbox": "",
"mode_settings_receive_data_dir_label": "",
"mode_settings_receive_data_dir_browse_button": "",
"mode_settings_receive_disable_text_checkbox": "",
"mode_settings_receive_disable_files_checkbox": "",
"mode_settings_receive_webhook_url_checkbox": "",
"mode_settings_website_disable_csp_checkbox": "",
"mode_settings_website_custom_csp_checkbox": "",
"gui_all_modes_transfer_finished_range": "",
"gui_all_modes_transfer_finished": "",
"gui_all_modes_transfer_canceled_range": "",
"gui_all_modes_transfer_canceled": "",
"settings_error_unknown": "",
"settings_error_automatic": "",
"settings_error_socket_port": "",
"settings_error_socket_file": "",
"settings_error_auth": "",
"settings_error_missing_password": "",
"settings_error_unreadable_cookie_file": "",
"settings_error_bundled_tor_not_supported": "",
"settings_error_bundled_tor_timeout": "",
"settings_error_bundled_tor_broken": "",
"gui_rendezvous_cleanup": "",
"gui_rendezvous_cleanup_quit_early": "",
"error_port_not_available": "",
"history_receive_read_message_button": "",
"error_tor_protocol_error": "",
"moat_contact_label": "",
"moat_captcha_label": "",
"moat_captcha_placeholder": "",
"moat_captcha_submit": "",
"moat_captcha_reload": "",
"moat_bridgedb_error": "",
"moat_captcha_error": "",
"moat_solution_empty_error": "",
"mode_tor_not_connected_label": ""
@ -29,7 +29,7 @@
"gui_quit_warning_quit": "Fermer",
"gui_quit_warning_dont_quit": "Annuler",
"gui_settings_autoupdate_timestamp_never": "Jamais",
"gui_settings_language_changed_notice": "Redémarrez OnionShare afin que la nouvelle langue soit appliquée.",
"gui_settings_language_changed_notice": "Redémarrez OnionShare afin de changer vers la nouvelle langue.",
"config_onion_service": "Mise en place du service oignon sur le port {0:d}.",
"give_this_url_stealth": "Donnez cette adresse et cette ligne HidServAuth au destinataire :",
"give_this_url_receive": "Donnez cette adresse à l’expéditeur :",
@ -176,7 +176,7 @@
"gui_settings_autostop_timer_checkbox": "Utiliser une minuterie d’arrêt automatique",
"gui_server_started_after_autostop_timer": "La minuterie d’arrêt automatique est arrivée au bout de son délai avant le démarrage du serveur. Veuillez mettre en place un nouveau partage.",
"gui_server_autostop_timer_expired": "La minuterie d’arrêt automatique est déjà arrivée au bout de son délai. Veuillez la modifier pour commencer le partage.",
"close_on_autostop_timer": "Arrêté, car la minuterie d’arrêt automatique est arrivée au bout de son délai",
"close_on_autostop_timer": "Arrêté, car la minuterie d’arrêt automatique est épuisée",
"gui_add_files": "Ajouter des fichiers",
"gui_add_folder": "Ajouter un dossier",
"error_cannot_create_data_dir": "Impossible de créer le dossier de données d’OnionShare : {}",
@ -200,9 +200,9 @@
"gui_all_modes_progress_starting": "{0:s}, %p % (calcul en cours)",
"gui_all_modes_progress_eta": "{0:s}, fin prévue : {1:s}, %p %",
"gui_share_mode_no_files": "Aucun fichier n’a encore été envoyé",
"gui_share_mode_autostop_timer_waiting": "En attente de la fin de l’envoi",
"gui_share_mode_autostop_timer_waiting": "Finition de l'envoi…",
"gui_receive_mode_no_files": "Aucun fichier n’a encore été reçu",
"gui_receive_mode_autostop_timer_waiting": "En attente de la fin de la réception",
"gui_receive_mode_autostop_timer_waiting": "Finition de réception…",
"gui_connect_to_tor_for_onion_settings": "Se connecter à Tor pour voir les paramètres du service onion",
"systray_share_completed_message": "L’envoi de fichiers est terminé",
"gui_all_modes_transfer_canceled": "Annulé le {}",
@ -235,7 +235,7 @@
"systray_individual_file_downloaded_message": "Le fichier individuel {} a été visualisé",
"gui_settings_csp_header_disabled_option": "Désactiver l’en-tête Politique de sécurité de contenu",
"gui_settings_website_label": "Paramètres des sites Web",
"gui_close_tab_warning_title": "Confirmez-vous ?",
"gui_close_tab_warning_title": "Fermer l'onglet ?",
"gui_new_tab_website_description": "Hébergez un site Web onion statique HTML à partir de votre ordinateur.",
"gui_new_tab_website_button": "Héberger un site Web",
"gui_new_tab_receive_description": "Transformez votre ordinateur en service de stockage fichiers. Les gens pourront utiliser le Navigateur Tor pour envoyer des fichiers vers votre ordinateur.",
@ -244,7 +244,7 @@
"gui_new_tab_share_button": "Partager des fichiers",
"gui_new_tab_tooltip": "Ouvrir un nouvel onglet",
"gui_new_tab": "Nouvel onglet",
"gui_close_tab_warning_persistent_description": "Cet onglet est persistant. Si vous le fermez, vous perdrez l’adresse oignon qu’il utilise. Voulez-vous vraiment le fermer ?",
"gui_close_tab_warning_persistent_description": "Fermer l'onglet persistant et perdre l'adresse onion qu'il utilise ?",
"mode_settings_autostop_timer_checkbox": "Arrêter un service oignon à une heure prédéterminée",
"mode_settings_autostart_timer_checkbox": "Démarrer un service oignon à une heure prédéterminée",
"mode_settings_website_disable_csp_checkbox": "Ne pas envoyer l’en-tête Politique de sécurité de contenu par défaut (permet à votre site Web d’utiliser des ressources tierces)",
@ -253,23 +253,23 @@
"mode_settings_share_autostop_sharing_checkbox": "Cesser le partage une fois que les fichiers ont été envoyés (décocher afin de permettre le téléchargement de fichiers individuels)",
"mode_settings_legacy_checkbox": "Utiliser une ancienne adresse (service onion v2, non recommandée)",
"mode_settings_public_checkbox": "Ce service OnionShare est public (il désactive la clé privée)",
"mode_settings_persistent_checkbox": "Enregistrer cet onglet et l’ouvrir automatiquement quand j’ouvre OnionShare",
"mode_settings_persistent_checkbox": "Toujours ouvrir cet onglet quand OnionShare est démarrer",
"mode_settings_advanced_toggle_hide": "Cacher les paramètres avancés",
"mode_settings_advanced_toggle_show": "Afficher les paramètres avancés",
"gui_quit_warning_cancel": "Annuler",
"gui_quit_warning_description": "Le partage est actif dans certains de vos onglets. Si vous fermez l’appli, tous vos onglets seront fermés. Voulez-vous vraiment la fermer ?",
"gui_quit_warning_title": "Confirmez-vous ?",
"gui_quit_warning_description": "Quitter et fermer tout les onglets, même si le partage est actifs pour certains d'entre eux ?",
"gui_quit_warning_title": "Quitter OnionShare ?",
"gui_close_tab_warning_cancel": "Annuler",
"gui_close_tab_warning_close": "Fermer",
"gui_close_tab_warning_website_description": "Vous hébergez activement un site Web. Voulez-vous vraiment fermer cet onglet ?",
"gui_close_tab_warning_receive_description": "Vous êtes en train de recevoir des fichiers. Voulez-vous vraiment fermer cet onglet ?",
"gui_close_tab_warning_share_description": "Vous êtes en train d’envoyer des fichiers. Voulez-vous vraiment fermer cet onglet ?",
"gui_close_tab_warning_website_description": "Fermer l'onglet hébergeant un site web ?",
"gui_close_tab_warning_receive_description": "Fermer l'onglet recevant des fichiers ?",
"gui_close_tab_warning_share_description": "Fermer l'onglet envoyant des fichiers ?",
"gui_tab_name_chat": "Dialogue en ligne",
"gui_tab_name_website": "Site Web",
"gui_tab_name_receive": "Recevoir",
"gui_tab_name_share": "Partager",
"gui_new_tab_chat_button": "Dialoguer anonymement",
"gui_open_folder_error": "Échec d’ouverture du dossier avec xdg-open. Le fichier est ici : {}",
"gui_open_folder_error": "Impossible d'ouvrir le dossier avec xdg-open. Le fichier est ici : {}",
"gui_qr_code_description": "Balayez ce code QR avec un lecteur de code QR, tel que l’appareil photo votre appareil, afin de partager plus facilement l’adresse OnionShare avec quelqu’un.",
"gui_qr_code_dialog_title": "Code QR d’OnionShare",
"gui_show_qr_code": "Afficher le code QR",
@ -286,8 +286,8 @@
"gui_chat_url_description": "<b>Quiconque</b> disposant de cette adresse OnionShare et de cette clé privée peut <b>se joindre à ce salon de discussion</b> avec le <b>Navigateur Tor</b> : <img src='{}' />",
"error_port_not_available": "Le port OnionShare n’est pas accessible",
"gui_rendezvous_cleanup_quit_early": "Fermer avant",
"gui_rendezvous_cleanup": "En attente de la fermeture des circuits Tor pour être certain que vos fichiers ont été transférés avec succès.\n\nCela pourrait prendre quelques minutes.",
"gui_color_mode_changed_notice": "Redémarrez OnionShare pour que le nouveau mode chromatique soit appliqué.",
"gui_rendezvous_cleanup": "En attente de la fermeture des circuits Tor pour être certain que vos fichiers ont été transférés.\n\nCela pourrait prendre quelques minutes.",
"gui_color_mode_changed_notice": "Redémarrez OnionShare pour voir la nouvelle couleur.",
"history_receive_read_message_button": "Lire le message",
"mode_settings_receive_webhook_url_checkbox": "Utiliser un point d’ancrage Web de notification",
"mode_settings_receive_disable_files_checkbox": "Désactiver le téléversement de fichiers",
@ -314,19 +314,19 @@
"gui_settings_theme_auto": "Automatique",
"gui_settings_theme_dark": "Sombre",
"gui_website_url_public_description": "<b>Quiconque</b> disposant de cette adresse OnionShare peut <b>visiter</b> votre site Web en utilisant le <b>Navigateur Tor</b> : <img src='{}' />",
"gui_server_doesnt_support_stealth": "Désolé, cette version de Tor ne prend pas en charge l’authentification client. Veuillez essayer avec une version plus récente de Tor ou utilisez le mode « public » si la confidentialité n’est pas nécessaire.",
"gui_server_doesnt_support_stealth": "Désolé, cette version de Tor ne prend pas en charge l’authentification client secrète. Veuillez essayer avec une version plus récente de Tor ou utilisez le mode « public » si la confidentialité n’est pas nécessaire.",
"gui_receive_url_public_description": "<b>Quiconque</b> disposant de cette adresse OnionShare peut <b>téléverser</b> des fichiers vers votre ordinateur en utilisant le <b>Navigateur Tor</b> : <img src='{}' />",
"gui_client_auth_instructions": "Envoyez ensuite la clé privée pour accorder l’accès à votre service OnionShare :",
"gui_dragdrop_sandbox_flatpak": "Afin de rendre le bac à sable Flatpak plus sécurisé, le glisser-déposer n’est pas pris en charge. Utilisez plutôt les boutons « Ajouter des fichiers » et « Ajouter des dossiers » pour sélectionner des fichiers.",
"moat_solution_empty_error": "Vous devez saisir les caractères présentés par l’image",
"moat_solution_empty_error": "Saisir les caractères présentés par l’image",
"gui_settings_stop_active_tabs_label": "Des services sont en cours d’exécution dans certains de vos onglets.\nVous devez arrêter tous les services pour changer vos paramètres de Tor.",
"moat_captcha_label": "Résolvez le CAPTCHA pour demander un pont.",
"gui_tor_settings_window_title": "Paramètres de Tor",
"gui_settings_controller_extras_label": "Paramètres de Tor",
"gui_settings_tor_bridges_label": "Les ponts vous aident à accéder au réseau Tor où Tor est bloqué. Selon l’endroit où vous êtes, un pont pourrait fonctionner mieux qu’un autre.",
"gui_settings_tor_bridges_label": "Les ponts vous aident à accéder au réseau Tor où Tor est bloqué. Selon l’endroit où vous vous connectez, un pont pourrait fonctionner mieux qu’un autre.",
"gui_settings_bridge_use_checkbox": "Utiliser un pont",
"gui_settings_bridge_radio_builtin": "Choisir un pont intégré",
"gui_settings_bridge_none_radio_option": "Ne pas utiliser de pont",
"gui_settings_bridge_none_radio_option": "Ne pas utiliser de ponts",
"gui_settings_bridge_moat_radio_option": "Demander un pont à torproject.org",
"gui_settings_bridge_moat_button": "Demander un nouveau pont",
"gui_settings_bridge_custom_radio_option": "Fournir un pont dont vous avez connaissance de source sûre",
@ -339,7 +339,7 @@
"moat_captcha_placeholder": "Saisissez les caractères de l’image",
"moat_captcha_submit": "Envoyer",
"moat_captcha_reload": "Recharger",
"moat_bridgedb_error": "Erreur lors du contact de BridgeDB.",
"moat_bridgedb_error": "Impossible de contacter de BridgeDB.",
"moat_captcha_error": "La solution est erronée. Veuillez réessayer.",
"mode_tor_not_connected_label": "OnionShare n’est pas connecté au réseau Tor",
"gui_autoconnect_description": "OnionShare repose sur le réseau Tor, exploité par des milliers de bénévoles dans le monde entier.",
@ -348,5 +348,18 @@
"gui_autoconnect_trying_to_connect_to_tor": "Tentative de connexion à Tor…",
"gui_autoconnect_bridge_detect_automatic": "Pour les paramètres de pont, déterminer automatiquement mon pays à partir de mon adresse IP",
"gui_autoconnect_connection_error_msg": "La connexion à Internet fonctionne-t-elle ?",
"gui_autoconnect_bridge_description": "Il est aussi possible que votre Internet soit censuré. Vous pourrez peut-être contourner cette situation en utilisant un pont."
"gui_autoconnect_bridge_description": "Il est aussi possible que votre Internet soit censuré. Vous pourrez peut-être contourner cette situation en utilisant un pont.",
"gui_autoconnect_bridge_detect_manual": "Sélectionner mon pays pour paramètres de pont manuels",
"gui_autoconnect_circumventing_censorship_starting_meek": "Établissement d'un pont simple pour utilisation de domaine-écran…",
"gui_autoconnect_circumventing_censorship_starting_circumvention": "Contournement de censure…",
"gui_autoconnect_no_bridge": "Essayez sans ponts",
"gui_autoconnect_circumventing_censorship_requesting_bridges": "Sollicitation de ponts par l'interface de contournement de censure Tor…",
"gui_autoconnect_try_again_without_a_bridge": "Essayez sans ponts",
"gui_autoconnect_circumventing_censorship": "Résolution de problèmes de connexion…",
"gui_autoconnect_circumventing_censorship_got_bridges": "Ponts établis. Reconnexion à Tor…",
"gui_autoconnect_could_not_connect_to_tor_api": "Connexion à l'interface Tor échouée. Veuillez vérifier votre connexion Internet et réessayer.",
"gui_autoconnect_bridge_setting_options": "Paramètres de pont",
"gui_autoconnect_start": "Connexion à Tor",
"gui_autoconnect_configure": "Connexion réseau",
"gui_general_settings_window_title": "Général"
@ -86,7 +86,7 @@
"gui_settings_authenticate_no_auth_option": "Gan fíordheimhniú, nó fíordheimhniú le fianán",
"gui_settings_authenticate_password_option": "Focal faire",
"gui_settings_password_label": "Focal faire",
"gui_settings_tor_bridges": "Tacaíocht do dhroichid Tor",
"gui_settings_tor_bridges": "An bhfuil fonn ort ceangal le droichead Tor?",
"gui_settings_tor_bridges_no_bridges_radio_option": "Ná húsáid droichid",
"gui_settings_tor_bridges_obfs4_radio_option": "Bain úsáid as córais iompair ionphlugáilte ionsuite obfs4",
"gui_settings_tor_bridges_obfs4_radio_option_no_obfs4proxy": "Bain úsáid as córais iompair ionphlugáilte ionsuite obfs4 (obfs4proxy de dhíth)",
@ -95,7 +95,7 @@
"gui_settings_meek_lite_expensive_warning": "Rabhadh: Tá sé an-chostasach ar Thionscadal Tor na droichid meek_lite a chur ar fáil.<br><br>Iarraimid ort gan iad a úsáid má tá tú in ann ceangal díreach a bhunú le Tor, nó trí chóras iompair obfs4, nó trí dhroichead eile.",
"gui_settings_tor_bridges_custom_radio_option": "Úsáid droichid shaincheaptha",
"gui_settings_tor_bridges_custom_label": "Is féidir leat droichid a fháil ó <a href=\"https://bridges.torproject.org/options?lang=ga\">https://bridges.torproject.org</a>",
"gui_settings_tor_bridges_invalid": "Níl aon cheann de na droichid ag obair.\nSeiceáil arís iad, nó bain triail as droichid eile.",
"gui_settings_tor_bridges_invalid": "Níl aon cheann de do chuid droichead ag obair. Seiceáil arís iad, nó bain triail as droichid eile.",
"gui_settings_button_save": "Sábháil",
"gui_settings_button_cancel": "Cealaigh",
"gui_settings_button_help": "Cabhair",
@ -125,7 +125,7 @@
"gui_all_modes_progress_starting": "{0:s}, %p% (calculando)",
"gui_all_modes_progress_eta": "{0:s}, Estimado: {1:s}, %p%",
"gui_share_mode_no_files": "Aínda non se enviou nada",
"gui_share_mode_autostop_timer_waiting": "Agardando a que remate o envío",
"gui_share_mode_autostop_timer_waiting": "Agardando a que remate o envío…",
"gui_website_mode_no_files": "Aínda non se publicou unha web",
"gui_receive_mode_no_files": "Aínda non se recibiu nada",
"gui_receive_mode_autostop_timer_waiting": "Agardando a que remate a recepción",
@ -225,7 +225,7 @@
"gui_settings_bridge_moat_radio_option": "Solicitar unha ponte a torproject.org",
"gui_settings_bridge_custom_radio_option": "Proporcionar unha ponte que coñeces e é da túa confianza",
"gui_settings_bridge_custom_placeholder": "escribe enderezo:porto (un por liña)",
"gui_settings_moat_bridges_invalid": "Aínda non solicitaches unha ponte a torproject.org",
"gui_settings_moat_bridges_invalid": "Aínda non solicitaches unha ponte a torproject.org.",
"gui_settings_version_label": "Estás utilizando OnionShare {}",
"gui_settings_help_label": "Precisas axuda? Le <a href='https://docs.onionshare.org'>docs.onionshare.org</a>",
"moat_captcha_label": "Completa o CAPTCHA para solicitar unha ponte.",
@ -30,7 +30,7 @@
"gui_quit_title": "Ne tako brzo",
"gui_share_quit_warning": "Proces slanja datoteka je u tijeku. Zaista želiš zatvoriti OnionShare?",
"gui_receive_quit_warning": "Proces primanja datoteka je u tijeku. Zaista želiš zatvoriti OnionShare?",
"gui_quit_warning_quit": "Izađi",
"gui_quit_warning_quit": "Prekini",
"gui_quit_warning_dont_quit": "Odustani",
"zip_progress_bar_format": "Komprimiranje: %p %",
"error_stealth_not_supported": "Za korištenje autorizacije klijenta, potrebni su barem Tor (ili Tor Browser 6.5) i python3-stem 1.5.0.",
@ -182,19 +182,19 @@
"mode_settings_autostop_timer_checkbox": "Prekini onion uslugu u planirano vrijeme",
"mode_settings_autostart_timer_checkbox": "Pokreni onion uslugu u planirano vrijeme",
"mode_settings_public_checkbox": "Ovo je javna OnionShare usluga (deaktivira privatni ključ)",
"mode_settings_persistent_checkbox": "Spremi ovu karticu i automatski je otvori kad otvorim OnionShare",
"mode_settings_persistent_checkbox": "Uvijek otvori ovu karticu kad se pokrene OnionShare",
"mode_settings_advanced_toggle_hide": "Sakrij napredne postavke",
"mode_settings_advanced_toggle_show": "Prikaži napredne postavke",
"gui_quit_warning_cancel": "Odustani",
"gui_quit_warning_description": "Prekinuti i zatvoriti sve kartice, iako je u nekima od njih dijeljenje aktivno?",
"gui_quit_warning_title": "Stvarno?",
"gui_quit_warning_title": "Prekinuti OnionShare?",
"gui_close_tab_warning_cancel": "Odustani",
"gui_close_tab_warning_close": "Zatvori",
"gui_close_tab_warning_website_description": "Zatvoriti karticu koja hostira web mjesto?",
"gui_close_tab_warning_receive_description": "Zatvoriti karticu koja prima datoteke?",
"gui_close_tab_warning_share_description": "Zatvoriti karticu koja šalje datoteke?",
"gui_close_tab_warning_persistent_description": "Zatvoriti trajnu karticu i izgubiti onion adresu koju koristi?",
"gui_close_tab_warning_title": "Stvarno?",
"gui_close_tab_warning_title": "Zatvoriti karticu?",
"gui_new_tab_website_description": "Postavi hosting za statičku HTML onion web-stranicu na tvom računalu.",
"gui_new_tab_website_button": "Objavi web-stranicu",
"gui_new_tab_share_description": "Odaberi datoteke na računalu koje nekome želiš poslati. Za preuzimanje tih datoteka, osoba ili ljudi kojima šalješ datoteke moraju koristiti Tor preglednik.",
@ -236,7 +236,7 @@
"mode_settings_receive_webhook_url_checkbox": "Koristi automatsko obavještavanje",
"gui_status_indicator_chat_started": "Razgovor u tijeku",
"gui_status_indicator_chat_stopped": "Spremno za razgovor",
"gui_server_doesnt_support_stealth": "Nažalost, ova Tor verzija ne podržava nevidljivost (autentifikacija klijenta). Pokušaj s novijom Tor verzijom ili koristi „javni” način rada ako ne mora biti privatni.",
"gui_server_doesnt_support_stealth": "Nažalost, ova Tor verzija ne podržava autentifikaciju klijenata. Pokušaj s novijom Tor verzijom ili koristi „javni” način rada ako ne mora biti privatni.",
"gui_settings_theme_dark": "Tamna",
"gui_settings_theme_light": "Svjetla",
"gui_settings_theme_auto": "Automatski",
@ -280,21 +280,23 @@
"moat_solution_empty_error": "Upiši znakove koji se nalaze u slici",
"gui_enable_autoconnect_checkbox": "Poveži se na Tor automatski",
"gui_autoconnect_failed_to_connect_to_tor": "Neuspjelo povezivanje na Tor",
"gui_autoconnect_connection_error_msg": "Jesi li povezan(a) na internet?",
"gui_autoconnect_connection_error_msg": "Provjeri jesi li povezan(a) na internet.",
"gui_autoconnect_bridge_detect_automatic": "Automatski odredi moju zemlju prema mojoj IP adresi za postavke mosta",
"gui_autoconnect_bridge_detect_manual": "Ručno odaberi moju zemlju za postavke mosta",
"gui_autoconnect_start": "Poveži se na Tor",
"gui_autoconnect_configure": "Mrežne postavke",
"gui_autoconnect_no_bridge": "Pokušaj ponovo bez mosta",
"gui_autoconnect_try_again_without_a_bridge": "Pokušaj ponovo bez mosta",
"gui_autoconnect_circumventing_censorship": "Pokušaj rješavanja problema s povezivanjem",
"gui_autoconnect_circumventing_censorship_starting_circumvention": "Pokretanje procesa zaobilaženja cenzure",
"gui_autoconnect_circumventing_censorship_got_bridges": "Imam mostove! Pokušavam se ponovo povezati na Tor",
"gui_autoconnect_no_bridge": "Pokušaj ponovo bez mostova",
"gui_autoconnect_try_again_without_a_bridge": "Pokušaj ponovo bez mostova",
"gui_autoconnect_circumventing_censorship": "Rješavanje problema s povezivanjem …",
"gui_autoconnect_circumventing_censorship_starting_circumvention": "Zaobilaženje cenzure …",
"gui_autoconnect_circumventing_censorship_got_bridges": "Mostovi su uspostavljeni. Ponovno povezivanje na Tor …",
"gui_general_settings_window_title": "Opće",
"gui_autoconnect_could_not_connect_to_tor_api": "Povezivanje s Tor API-jem nije moguće. Prije ponovnog pokušaja provjeri vezu s internetom.",
"gui_autoconnect_circumventing_censorship_requesting_bridges": "Zahtijevanje mostova od Tor API-ja za zaobilaženja cenzure",
"gui_autoconnect_circumventing_censorship_requesting_bridges": "Zahtijevanje mostova od Tor API-ja za zaobilaženja cenzure …",
"moat_contact_label": "Kontaktiranje BridgeDB-a …",
"gui_autoconnect_description": "OnionShare koristi Tor mrežu, koju pokreću tisuće volontera širom svijeta.",
"gui_autoconnect_bridge_setting_options": "Postavke mosta",
"gui_autoconnect_trying_to_connect_to_tor": "Pokušaj povezivanja na Tor …"
"gui_autoconnect_trying_to_connect_to_tor": "Povezivanje na Tor …",
"gui_autoconnect_bridge_description": "Možda ćeš se moći povezati pomoću mosta ako je tvoja internetska veza cenzurirana.",
"gui_settings_bridge_custom_radio_option": "Omogući most o kojem si saznao/la iz pouzdanog izvora"
@ -77,7 +77,7 @@
"gui_settings_connection_type_bundled_option": "Usa la versione Tor integrata in OnionShare",
"gui_settings_connection_type_automatic_option": "Tentativo di auto-configurazione con Tor Browser",
"gui_settings_language_label": "Lingua preferita",
"gui_settings_language_changed_notice": "Riavvia OnionShare affinché il cambiamento della tua lingua abbia effetto.",
"gui_settings_language_changed_notice": "Riavvia OnionShare per cambiare la lingua.",
"gui_settings_tor_bridges_custom_radio_option": "Usa bridge personalizzati",
"timeout_upload_still_running": "In attesa del completamento dell'upload",
"gui_add_files": "Aggiungi file",
@ -92,7 +92,7 @@
"gui_settings_password_label": "Password",
"gui_settings_control_port_label": "Porta di controllo",
"gui_settings_authenticate_no_auth_option": "Nessuna autenticazione, o cookie di autenticazione",
"gui_settings_tor_bridges": "Supporto bridge Tor",
"gui_settings_tor_bridges": "Connettersi usando un bridge Tor?",
"gui_settings_tor_bridges_no_bridges_radio_option": "Non usare i bridge",
"gui_settings_tor_bridges_obfs4_radio_option": "Usa i trasporti collegabili obfs4 integrati",
"gui_settings_tor_bridges_obfs4_radio_option_no_obfs4proxy": "Usa i trasporti collegabili obfs4 integrati (richiede obfs4proxy)",
@ -100,7 +100,7 @@
"gui_settings_tor_bridges_meek_lite_azure_radio_option_no_obfs4proxy": "Usa i trasporti collegabili meek_lite (Azure) integrati (richiede obfs4proxy)",
"gui_settings_meek_lite_expensive_warning": "Attenzione: i bridge meek_lite sono molto costosi da mantenere per il Progetto Tor.<br><br>Usali solo se è impossibile connettersi a Tor direttamente, con i trasporti obfs4, o con un altro bridge normale.",
"gui_settings_tor_bridges_custom_label": "Puoi ottenere i bridge da <a href=\"https://bridges.torproject.org/options\"> https://bridges.torproject.org</a>",
"gui_settings_tor_bridges_invalid": "Nessuno dei bridge che hai aggiunto funziona.\nControllali nuovamente o aggiungine altri.",
"gui_settings_tor_bridges_invalid": "Nessuno dei bridge aggiunti funziona. Controllali nuovamente o aggiungine altri.",
"gui_settings_button_save": "Salva",
"gui_settings_button_cancel": "Cancella",
"gui_settings_button_help": "Aiuto",
@ -204,9 +204,9 @@
"gui_all_modes_progress_starting": "{0:s}, %p% (in calcolo)",
"gui_all_modes_progress_eta": "{0:s}, ETA: {1:s}, %p%",
"gui_share_mode_no_files": "Nessun file ancora inviato",
"gui_share_mode_autostop_timer_waiting": "In attesa di finire l'invio",
"gui_share_mode_autostop_timer_waiting": "Terminando l'invio…",
"gui_receive_mode_no_files": "Nessun file ricevuto ancora",
"gui_receive_mode_autostop_timer_waiting": "In attesa di finire la ricezione",
"gui_receive_mode_autostop_timer_waiting": "Terminando la ricezione…",
"gui_stop_server_autostop_timer_tooltip": "Il timer di arresto automatico termina alle {}",
"gui_start_server_autostart_timer_tooltip": "Il timer Auto-start termina alle {}",
"gui_waiting_to_start": "Programmato per avviarsi in {}. Clicca per annullare.",
@ -250,12 +250,12 @@
"gui_chat_stop_server": "Arresta il server della chat",
"gui_file_selection_remove_all": "Rimuovi tutto",
"gui_remove": "Rimuovi",
"gui_close_tab_warning_receive_description": "Stai ricevendo dei file. Sei sicuro di voler chiudere questa scheda?",
"gui_close_tab_warning_share_description": "Stai inviando dei file. Sei sicuro di voler chiudere questa scheda?",
"gui_close_tab_warning_title": "Sei sicuro?",
"gui_close_tab_warning_receive_description": "Chiudere la scheda che sta ricevendo file?",
"gui_close_tab_warning_share_description": "Chiudere la scheda che sta inviando file?",
"gui_close_tab_warning_title": "Chiudere la scheda?",
"gui_new_tab_website_button": "Ospita un sito web",
"gui_quit_warning_description": "La condivisione è attiva in alcune delle tue schede. Uscendo, tutte le tue schede verranno chiuse. Sei sicuro di voler uscire?",
"gui_quit_warning_title": "Sei sicuro?",
"gui_quit_warning_title": "Uscire da OnionShare?",
"gui_close_tab_warning_close": "Chiudi",
"gui_close_tab_warning_website_description": "Stai ospitando un sito web. Sei sicuro di voler chiudere questa scheda?",
"mode_settings_website_disable_csp_checkbox": "Non inviare l'intestazione della Politica sulla Sicurezza dei Contenuti (consente al sito web di utilizzare risorse di terze parti)",
@ -275,5 +275,66 @@
"gui_rendezvous_cleanup_quit_early": "Chiudi in anticipo",
"gui_rendezvous_cleanup": "In attesa che i circuiti Tor si chiudano per assicurarsi che i file siano stati trasferiti con successo.\n\nQuesto potrebbe richiedere alcuni minuti.",
"error_port_not_available": "Porta OnionShare non disponibile",
"gui_color_mode_changed_notice": "Riavvia OnionShare per applicare la nuova modalità colore."
"gui_color_mode_changed_notice": "Riavvia OnionShare per vedere i nuovi colori.",
"gui_qr_label_auth_string_title": "Chiave privata",
"gui_reveal": "Rivela",
"gui_tor_settings_window_title": "Impostazioni Tor",
"gui_settings_bridge_moat_radio_option": "Richiedi un bridge da torproject.org",
"gui_settings_controller_extras_label": "Impostazioni Tor",
"gui_settings_bridge_use_checkbox": "Usa un bridge",
"gui_settings_bridge_moat_button": "Richiedi un nuovo bridge",
"gui_settings_moat_bridges_invalid": "Non hai ancora richiesto un bridge da torproject.org.",
"mode_settings_receive_disable_files_checkbox": "Disattiva upload file",
"moat_contact_label": "Contatto BridgeDB…",
"moat_captcha_label": "Risolvi il CAPTCHA per richiedere un bridge.",
"moat_solution_empty_error": "Inserisci i caratteri dell'immagine",
"mode_tor_not_connected_label": "OnionShare non è connesso alla rete Tor",
"gui_copied_client_auth": "Chiave privata copiata negli appunti",
"gui_copy_client_auth": "Copia chiave privata",
"gui_copied_client_auth_title": "Chiave privata copiata",
"gui_qr_label_url_title": "Indirizzo OnionShare",
"gui_status_indicator_chat_working": "Avvio…",
"gui_autoconnect_circumventing_censorship_got_bridges": "Bridge stabiliti. Riconnessione a Tor…",
"gui_settings_bridge_none_radio_option": "Non usare bridge",
"gui_autoconnect_connection_error_msg": "Assicurati di essere connesso ad Internet.",
"gui_please_wait_no_button": "Avvio…",
"gui_hide": "Nascondi",
"gui_autoconnect_trying_to_connect_to_tor": "Connessione a Tor…",
"mode_settings_receive_webhook_url_checkbox": "Usa webhook notifica",
"gui_settings_theme_label": "Tema",
"gui_settings_theme_light": "Chiaro",
"gui_enable_autoconnect_checkbox": "Connetti automaticamente a Tor",
"gui_autoconnect_failed_to_connect_to_tor": "Impossibile connettersi a Tor",
"gui_autoconnect_bridge_setting_options": "Impostazioni Bridge",
"gui_autoconnect_circumventing_censorship": "Risoluzione problemi di connettività…",
"gui_autoconnect_start": "Connettiti a Tor",
"gui_autoconnect_configure": "Impostazioni di rete",
"gui_autoconnect_no_bridge": "Riprova senza bridge",
"gui_autoconnect_try_again_without_a_bridge": "Riprova senza bridge",
"gui_general_settings_window_title": "Generale",
"gui_settings_version_label": "Stai usando OnionShare {}",
"gui_settings_theme_dark": "Scuro",
"mode_settings_title_label": "Titolo personalizzato",
"history_receive_read_message_button": "Leggi messaggio",
"moat_captcha_placeholder": "Inserisci i caratteri dell'immagine",
"moat_captcha_submit": "Invia",
"moat_captcha_reload": "Ricarica",
"moat_captcha_error": "Soluzione non corretta. Riprova.",
"gui_dragdrop_sandbox_flatpak": "Per rendere la sandbox Flatpack più sicura, il \"drag and drop\" non è supportato. Usa i pulsanti \"Aggiungi file\" e \"Aggiungi cartella\" invece.",
"gui_settings_bridge_radio_builtin": "Seleziona un bridge predefinito",
"gui_settings_theme_auto": "Automatico",
"gui_chat_url_public_description": "<b>Chiunque</b> con questo indirizzo OnionShare può <b>entrare in questa chat room</b> usando <b>Tor Browser</b>: <img src='{}' />",
"gui_url_instructions": "Prima di tutto invia l'indirizzo OnionShare qua sotto:",
"gui_status_indicator_chat_scheduled": "Pianificato…",
"gui_autoconnect_bridge_description": "Potresti riuscire a connetterti usando un bridge se la tua connessione ad Internet è censurata.",
"gui_share_url_public_description": "<b>Chiunque</b> con questo indirizzo OnionShare può <b>scaricare</b> i tuoi file usando <b>Tor Browser</b>: <img src='{}' />",
"gui_website_url_public_description": "<b>Chiunque</b> con questo indirizzo OnionShare può <b>visitare</b> il tuo sito web usando <b>Tor Browser</b>: <img src='{}' />",
"gui_receive_url_public_description": "<b>Chiunque</b> con questo indirizzo OnionShare può <b>caricare</b> file sul tuo computer usando <b>Tor Browser</b>: <img src='{}' />",
"gui_autoconnect_description": "OnionShare si affida alla rete Tor gestita da volontari.",
"gui_autoconnect_bridge_detect_automatic": "Determina il mio paese dal mio indirizzo IP per le impostazioni di bridge",
"gui_autoconnect_bridge_detect_manual": "Seleziona il mio paese manualmente per le impostazioni di bridge",
"gui_settings_help_label": "Hai bisogno di aiuto? Visita <a href='https://docs.onionshare.org'>docs.onionshare.org</a>",
"gui_url_instructions_public_mode": "Invia l'indirizzo OnionShare qua sotto:",
"gui_client_auth_instructions": "Successivamente, invia la chiave privata per consentire l'accesso al servizio OnionShare:",
"moat_bridgedb_error": "Impossibile contattare BridgeDB."
@ -335,7 +335,7 @@
"gui_enable_autoconnect_checkbox": "自動的にTorに接続する",
"gui_autoconnect_failed_to_connect_to_tor": "Torとの接続は失敗しました",
"gui_autoconnect_trying_to_connect_to_tor": "Torに接続しようとしています…",
"gui_autoconnect_connection_error_msg": "インターネットに接続していますか?",
"gui_autoconnect_connection_error_msg": "インターネットに接続するか確認して下さい。",
"gui_autoconnect_bridge_description": "インターネット接続は検閲される可能性もあります。ブリッジの使用で回避できるかもしれない。",
"gui_autoconnect_bridge_detect_automatic": "ブリッジ設定のため、IPアドレスで自動的に国を確定する",
"gui_autoconnect_bridge_detect_manual": "ブリッジ設定のため、手動で国を選択する",
@ -344,11 +344,11 @@
"gui_autoconnect_configure": "ネットワーク設定",
"gui_autoconnect_no_bridge": "ブリッジなしで再度接続してみる",
"gui_autoconnect_try_again_without_a_bridge": "ブリッジなしで再度接続してみる",
"gui_autoconnect_circumventing_censorship": "接続問題を解決しようとしてます",
"gui_autoconnect_circumventing_censorship_starting_circumvention": "検閲回避プロセスを起動中",
"gui_autoconnect_circumventing_censorship_starting_meek": "ドメインフロンティングするのにMeekを起動中",
"gui_autoconnect_circumventing_censorship_requesting_bridges": "Tor検閲回避APIからブリッジを要求中",
"gui_autoconnect_circumventing_censorship_got_bridges": "ブリッジを入手しました!Torに再接続中",
"gui_autoconnect_circumventing_censorship": "接続問題を解決しようとしてます…",
"gui_autoconnect_circumventing_censorship_starting_circumvention": "検閲回避プロセスを起動中…",
"gui_autoconnect_circumventing_censorship_starting_meek": "ドメインフロンティングするのにMeekを起動中…",
"gui_autoconnect_circumventing_censorship_requesting_bridges": "Tor検閲回避APIからブリッジを要求中…",
"gui_autoconnect_circumventing_censorship_got_bridges": "ブリッジを入手しました!Torに再接続中…",
"gui_autoconnect_could_not_connect_to_tor_api": "TorのAPIに接続できませんでした。インターネット接続を確認してからもう一度試す。",
"gui_general_settings_window_title": "基本設定"
@ -7,14 +7,14 @@
"give_this_url_receive_stealth": "이 주소와 그리고 HidServAuth를 발신자에 보내시오:",
"ctrlc_to_stop": "서버를 멈추기 위해 Ctrl+C 키를 누르시오",
"not_a_file": "{0:s} 는 유효하지 않은 파일입니다.",
"not_a_readable_file": "{0:s} 는 읽을수 없는 파일입니다.",
"not_a_readable_file": "{0:s}는 읽을 수 있는 파일이 아닙니다.",
"no_available_port": "어니언 서비스를 시작하기 위한 사용 가능한 포트를 찾을수 없었습니다",
"other_page_loaded": "주소가 로드되다",
"close_on_autostop_timer": "자동멈춤 타이머가 끝났기 때문에 정지되다",
"closing_automatically": "다운로드가 완료되었기 때문에 정지되다",
"other_page_loaded": "주소 불러오기됨",
"close_on_autostop_timer": "자동 중지 타이머가 종료되어 중지되었습니다",
"closing_automatically": "전송이 완료되어 중지되었습니다",
"timeout_download_still_running": "다운로드가 완료되기를 기다리는 중입니다",
"timeout_upload_still_running": "업로드가 완료되기를 기다리는 중입니다",
"large_filesize": "경고: 대용량의 자료를 보내는것은 오래 걸릴수 있습니다",
"large_filesize": "경고: 대용량의 공유를 보내는 데 몇 시간이 걸릴 수 있습니다",
"systray_menu_exit": "종료",
"systray_download_started_title": "어니언쉐어 다운로드가 시작됨",
"systray_download_started_message": "사용자가 당신의 파일들을 다운로딩 하기 시작했습니다",
@ -32,25 +32,25 @@
"help_verbose": "어니언쉐어 에러들은 표준 출력 장치로 접속하고, 웹 에러들은 디스크로 접속 ",
"help_filename": "",
"help_config": "",
"gui_drag_and_drop": "",
"gui_add": "",
"gui_drag_and_drop": "공유를 시작하려면 파일과 폴더 끌어다 놓기",
"gui_add": "추가하기",
"gui_delete": "삭제",
"gui_choose_items": "선택",
"gui_share_start_server": "",
"gui_share_stop_server": "",
"gui_share_stop_server_autostop_timer": "",
"gui_choose_items": "고르기",
"gui_share_start_server": "공유 시작",
"gui_share_stop_server": "공유 중지",
"gui_share_stop_server_autostop_timer": "공유 중지 ({})",
"gui_share_stop_server_autostop_timer_tooltip": "",
"gui_receive_start_server": "",
"gui_receive_stop_server": "",
"gui_receive_stop_server_autostop_timer": "",
"gui_receive_start_server": "수신 모드 시작",
"gui_receive_stop_server": "수신 모드 중지",
"gui_receive_stop_server_autostop_timer": "수신 모드 중지 ({} 남음)",
"gui_receive_stop_server_autostop_timer_tooltip": "",
"gui_copy_url": "",
"gui_copy_url": "주소 복사",
"gui_downloads": "",
"gui_no_downloads": "",
"gui_canceled": "취소 된",
"gui_copied_url_title": "",
"gui_copied_url": "",
"gui_please_wait": "",
"gui_canceled": "취소됨",
"gui_copied_url_title": "OnionShare 주소가 복사되었습니다",
"gui_copied_url": "OnionShare 주소가 클립보드로 복사되었습니다",
"gui_please_wait": "시작하는 중... 취소하려면 클릭하십시오.",
"gui_download_upload_progress_complete": "",
"gui_download_upload_progress_starting": "",
"gui_download_upload_progress_eta": "",
@ -60,7 +60,7 @@
"gui_receive_quit_warning": "",
"gui_quit_warning_quit": "종료",
"gui_quit_warning_dont_quit": "취소",
"zip_progress_bar_format": "",
"zip_progress_bar_format": "압축: %p%",
"error_stealth_not_supported": "",
"error_ephemeral_not_supported": "",
"gui_settings_window_title": "설정",
@ -69,7 +69,7 @@
"gui_settings_autoupdate_label": "",
"gui_settings_autoupdate_option": "",
"gui_settings_autoupdate_timestamp": "",
"gui_settings_autoupdate_timestamp_never": "하지 않음",
"gui_settings_autoupdate_timestamp_never": "안함",
"gui_settings_autoupdate_check_button": "",
"gui_settings_general_label": "일반 설정",
"gui_settings_sharing_label": "",
@ -85,8 +85,8 @@
"gui_settings_socks_label": "",
"gui_settings_authenticate_label": "",
"gui_settings_authenticate_no_auth_option": "",
"gui_settings_authenticate_password_option": "Password",
"gui_settings_password_label": "Password",
"gui_settings_authenticate_password_option": "암호",
"gui_settings_password_label": "암호",
"gui_settings_tor_bridges": "",
"gui_settings_tor_bridges_no_bridges_radio_option": "",
"gui_settings_tor_bridges_obfs4_radio_option": "",
@ -97,8 +97,8 @@
"gui_settings_tor_bridges_custom_radio_option": "",
"gui_settings_tor_bridges_custom_label": "",
"gui_settings_tor_bridges_invalid": "",
"gui_settings_button_save": "저장",
"gui_settings_button_cancel": "취소",
"gui_settings_button_save": "저장하기",
"gui_settings_button_cancel": "취소하기",
"gui_settings_button_help": "도움말",
"gui_settings_autostop_timer_checkbox": "",
"gui_settings_autostop_timer": "",
@ -142,7 +142,7 @@
"gui_status_indicator_share_started": "",
"gui_status_indicator_receive_stopped": "",
"gui_status_indicator_receive_working": "",
"gui_status_indicator_receive_started": "수익",
"gui_status_indicator_receive_started": "수신",
"gui_file_info": "",
"gui_file_info_single": "",
"history_in_progress_tooltip": "",
@ -174,6 +174,45 @@
"gui_upload_finished": "",
"gui_download_in_progress": "",
"gui_open_folder_error_nautilus": "",
"gui_settings_language_label": "선호 언어",
"gui_settings_language_changed_notice": ""
"gui_settings_language_label": "언어",
"gui_settings_language_changed_notice": "",
"gui_autoconnect_bridge_description": "인터넷 연결이 검열된 경우 브리지를 사용하여 연결할 수 있습니다.",
"gui_receive_flatpak_data_dir": "Flatpak을 사용하여 OnionShare를 설치했으므로 ~/OnionShare의 폴더에 파일을 저장해야 합니다.",
"gui_add_files": "파일 추가하기",
"gui_remove": "제거하기",
"gui_start_server_autostart_timer_tooltip": "자동 시작 타이머가 {}에 종료됩니다",
"gui_enable_autoconnect_checkbox": "Tor에 자동 연결하기",
"gui_autoconnect_failed_to_connect_to_tor": "Tor에 연결할 수 없습니다",
"gui_autoconnect_trying_to_connect_to_tor": "Tor에 연결하는 중…",
"gui_autoconnect_connection_error_msg": "인터넷에 연결되어 있는지 확인합니다.",
"gui_autoconnect_bridge_detect_manual": "브리지 설정을 위해 수동으로 내 국가 선택하기",
"gui_autoconnect_bridge_detect_automatic": "브리지 설정을 위해 IP 주소에서 내 국가 알아내기",
"gui_autoconnect_circumventing_censorship": "연결성 이슈 해결하는 중…",
"gui_autoconnect_circumventing_censorship_starting_circumvention": "검열 우회하는 중…",
"gui_autoconnect_circumventing_censorship_starting_meek": "도메인 프런팅을 위한 meek 브리지 구축하는 중…",
"gui_qr_code_dialog_title": "OnionShare QR 코드",
"gui_dragdrop_sandbox_flatpak": "Flatpak 샌드박스를 보다 안전하게 만들기 위해 끌어서 놓기가 지원되지 않습니다. 대신 \"파일 추가하기\" 및 \"폴더 추가하기\" 버튼을 사용하여 파일을 선택하십시오.",
"gui_copy_client_auth": "개인 키 복사하기",
"gui_copied_client_auth": "개인 키가 클립보드에 복사되었습니다",
"gui_show_qr_code": "QR 코드 표시하기",
"gui_qr_label_url_title": "OnionShare 주소",
"gui_qr_label_auth_string_title": "개인 키",
"gui_hide": "숨기기",
"gui_waiting_to_start": "{}에서 시작하도록 예약되었습니다. 취소하려면 클릭하십시오.",
"gui_tor_settings_window_title": "Tor 설정",
"gui_please_wait_no_button": "시작하는 중…",
"gui_reveal": "드러내기",
"gui_autoconnect_description": "OnionShare는 자원 봉사자가 운영하는 Tor 네트워크에 의존합니다.",
"gui_autoconnect_no_bridge": "브리지 없이 다시 시도하십시오",
"gui_autoconnect_try_again_without_a_bridge": "브리지 없이 다시 시도하십시오",
"gui_chat_stop_server": "채팅 서버 중지",
"gui_stop_server_autostop_timer_tooltip": "자동 중지 타이머가 {}에 종료됩니다",
"gui_chat_start_server": "채팅 서버 시작",
"gui_file_selection_remove_all": "모두 제거하기",
"gui_add_folder": "폴더 추가하기",
"incorrect_password": "잘못된 암호",
"gui_copied_client_auth_title": "개인 키가 복사되었습니다",
"gui_autoconnect_bridge_setting_options": "브리지 설정",
"gui_autoconnect_start": "Tor에 연결하기",
"gui_autoconnect_configure": "네트워크 설정"
@ -24,8 +24,8 @@
"gui_copy_url": "Kopijuoti adresą",
"gui_copy_hidservauth": "Kopijuoti HidServAuth",
"gui_canceled": "Atsisakyta",
"gui_copied_url_title": "OnionShare adresas nukopijuotas",
"gui_copied_url": "OnionShare adresas nukopijuotas į iškarpinę",
"gui_copied_url_title": "„OnionShare“ adresas nukopijuotas",
"gui_copied_url": "„OnionShare“ adresas nukopijuotas į iškarpinę",
"gui_copied_hidservauth_title": "HidServAuth nukopijuota",
"gui_copied_hidservauth": "HidServAuth eilutė nukopijuota į iškarpinę",
"gui_waiting_to_start": "Planuojama pradėti {}. Spustelėkite , jei norite atšaukti.",
@ -48,7 +48,7 @@
"gui_settings_close_after_first_download_option": "",
"gui_settings_csp_header_disabled_option": "",
"gui_settings_individual_downloads_label": "",
"gui_settings_connection_type_label": "Kaip OnionShare turėtų jungtis prie Tor?",
"gui_settings_connection_type_label": "Kaip „OnionShare“ turėtų jungtis prie „Tor“?",
"gui_settings_connection_type_bundled_option": "Naudokite „Tor“ versiją, integruotą į „OnionShare“",
"gui_settings_connection_type_automatic_option": "Bandyti automatiškai konfigūruoti naudojant „Tor“ naršyklę",
"gui_settings_connection_type_control_port_option": "Prisijunkti naudojant valdymo prievadą",
@ -61,7 +61,7 @@
"gui_settings_authenticate_no_auth_option": "Jokio autentifikavimo ar slapukų autentifikavimo",
"gui_settings_authenticate_password_option": "Slaptažodis",
"gui_settings_password_label": "Slaptažodis",
"gui_settings_tor_bridges": "„Tor“ tilto palaikymas",
"gui_settings_tor_bridges": "Prisijunkti naudodami „Tor“ tiltą?",
"gui_settings_tor_bridges_no_bridges_radio_option": "Nenaudoti tiltų",
"gui_settings_tor_bridges_obfs4_radio_option": "Naudoti integruotą obfs4 prijungiamą transportą",
"gui_settings_tor_bridges_obfs4_radio_option_no_obfs4proxy": "Naudoti integruotą obfs4 prijungiamą transportą (reikalingas obfs4proxy)",
@ -70,7 +70,7 @@
"gui_settings_meek_lite_expensive_warning": "Įspėjimas: <br><br>Meek_lite tiltai labai brangiai kainuoja „Tor“ projektui.<br><br>Jais naudokitės tik tuo atveju, jei negalite prisijungti prie „Tor“ tiesiogiai, per obfs4 transportą ar kitus įprastus tiltus.",
"gui_settings_tor_bridges_custom_radio_option": "Naudoti tinkintus tinklų tiltus",
"gui_settings_tor_bridges_custom_label": "Galite gauti tinklų tiltus iš <a href=\"https://bridges.torproject.org/options\">https://bridges.torproject.org</a>",
"gui_settings_tor_bridges_invalid": "Nei vienas iš jūsų pridėtų tinklų tiltų neveikia.\nPatikrinkite juos dar kartą arba pridėkite kitus.",
"gui_settings_tor_bridges_invalid": "Nė vienas iš jūsų pridėtų tiltų neveikia. Patikrinkite juos dar kartą arba pridėkite kitus.",
"gui_settings_button_save": "Įrašyti",
"gui_settings_button_cancel": "Atsisakyti",
"gui_settings_button_help": "Žinynas",
@ -87,11 +87,11 @@
"settings_error_unreadable_cookie_file": "Prisijungta prie „Tor“ valdiklio, bet slaptažodis gali būti klaidingas arba jūsų naudotojui neleidžiama skaityti slapukų failo.",
"settings_error_bundled_tor_not_supported": "Naudojant „Tor“ versiją, kuri pateikiama kartu su \"OnionShare\", \"Windows\" arba \"macOS\" sistemose ji neveiks kūrėjo režime.",
"settings_error_bundled_tor_timeout": "Per ilgai trunka prisijungimas prie „Tor“. Galbūt nesate prisijungę prie interneto arba turite netikslų sistemos laikrodį?",
"settings_error_bundled_tor_broken": "OnionShare nepavyko prisijungti prie Tor:\n{}",
"settings_error_bundled_tor_broken": "„OnionShare“ nepavyko prisijungti prie „Tor“:\n{}",
"settings_test_success": "Prisijungta prie „Tor“ valdiklio.\n\n„Tor“ versija: {}\nPalaiko efemerines onion paslaugas: {}.\nPalaiko kliento autentifikavimą: {}.\nPalaiko naujos kartos .onion adresus: {}.",
"error_tor_protocol_error": "Įvyko „Tor“ klaida: {}",
"error_tor_protocol_error_unknown": "",
"connecting_to_tor": "Jungiamasi prie Tor tinklo",
"connecting_to_tor": "Jungiamasi prie „Tor“ tinklo",
"update_available": "Išleistas naujas „OnionShare“. <a href='{}'>Paspauskite čia</a>, kad jį gautumėte.<br><br>Jūs naudojate {}, o naujausia versija yra {}.",
"update_error_invalid_latest_version": "Nepavyko patikrinti naujos versijos: „OnionShare“ svetainė sako, kad naujausia versija yra neatpažįstama „{}“…",
"update_error_check_error": "Nepavyko patikrinti naujos versijos: Galbūt nesate prisijungę prie „Tor“ arba „OnionShare“ svetainė neveikia?",
@ -100,16 +100,16 @@
"gui_tor_connection_ask_open_settings": "Taip",
"gui_tor_connection_ask_quit": "Išeiti",
"gui_tor_connection_error_settings": "Pabandykite nustatymuose pakeisti tai, kaip OnionShare jungiasi prie Tor tinklo.",
"gui_tor_connection_canceled": "Nepavyko prisijungti prie Tor.\n\nĮsitikinkite, kad esate prisijungę prie interneto, o tuomet iš naujo atverkite OnionShare ir nustatykite prisijungimą prie Tor.",
"gui_tor_connection_lost": "Atsijungta nuo Tor.",
"gui_tor_connection_canceled": "Nepavyko prisijungti prie „Tor“.\n\nĮsitikinkite, kad esate prisijungę prie interneto, o tuomet iš naujo atverkite „OnionShare“ ir nustatykite prisijungimą prie „Tor“.",
"gui_tor_connection_lost": "Atsijungta nuo „Tor“.",
"gui_server_started_after_autostop_timer": "Automatinio sustabdymo laikmatis baigėsi prieš paleidžiant serverį. Prašome sukurti naują bendrinimą.",
"gui_server_autostop_timer_expired": "Automatinio sustabdymo laikmatis jau baigėsi. Sureguliuokite jį, kad pradėtumėte dalintis.",
"gui_server_autostart_timer_expired": "Numatytas laikas jau praėjo. Pakoreguokite jį, kad galėtumėte pradėti dalintis.",
"gui_autostop_timer_cant_be_earlier_than_autostart_timer": "Automatinio sustabdymo laikas negali būti toks pat arba ankstesnis už automatinio paleidimo laiką. Sureguliuokite jį, kad galėtumėte pradėti dalytis.",
"share_via_onionshare": "Bendrinti per OnionShare",
"share_via_onionshare": "Bendrinti per „OnionShare“",
"gui_connect_to_tor_for_onion_settings": "",
"gui_save_private_key_checkbox": "",
"gui_share_url_description": "<b>Visi</b>, turintys šį OnionShare adresą ir privatųjį raktą gali <b>atsisiųsti</b> jūsų failus, naudodamiesi <b>Tor Naršykle</b>: <img src='{}' />",
"gui_share_url_description": "<b>Visi</b>, turintys šį „OnionShare“ adresą ir privatųjį raktą gali <b>atsisiųsti</b> jūsų failus, naudodamiesi <b>„Tor“Naršykle</b>: <img src='{}' />",
"gui_website_url_description": "<b>Kiekvienas</b>, turintis šį „OnionShare“ adresą ir privatųjį raktą, gali <b>apsilankyti</b> jūsų svetainėje naudodamas <b>„Tor“ naršyklę</b>: <img src='{}' />",
"gui_receive_url_description": "<b>Kiekvienas</b>, turintis šį „OnionShare“ adresą ir privatųjį raktą, gali <b>įkelti</b> failus į jūsų kompiuterį naudodamas <b>„Tor“ naršyklę</b>: <img src='{}' />",
"gui_url_label_persistent": "Šis bendrinimas nebus automatiškai sustabdytas.<br><br>Kiekvienas vėlesnis bendrinimas pakartotinai naudoja adresą. (Norėdami naudoti vienkartinius adresus, nustatymuose išjunkite \"Naudoti nuolatinį adresą\".)",
@ -129,7 +129,7 @@
"history_in_progress_tooltip": "{} vykdoma",
"history_completed_tooltip": "{} baigta",
"history_requests_tooltip": "{} žiniatinklio užklausos",
"error_cannot_create_data_dir": "Nepavyko sukurti OnionShare duomenų aplanko: {}",
"error_cannot_create_data_dir": "Nepavyko sukurti „OnionShare “duomenų aplanko: {}",
"gui_receive_mode_warning": "Gavimo režimas leidžia žmonėms nusiųsti failus į jūsų kompiuterį. <br><br><b>Kai kurie failai gali perimti kompiuterio valdymą, jei juos atidarysite. Atidarykite failus tik iš žmonių, kuriais pasitikite, arba jei žinote, ką darote.</b>",
"gui_mode_share_button": "",
"gui_mode_receive_button": "",
@ -141,10 +141,10 @@
"gui_settings_public_mode_checkbox": "",
"gui_open_folder_error_nautilus": "",
"gui_settings_language_label": "Pageidaujama kalba",
"gui_settings_language_changed_notice": "Norėdami pritaikyti naują kalbą, paleiskite OnionShare iš naujo.",
"gui_settings_language_changed_notice": "Norėdami pritaikyti naują kalbą, paleiskite „OnionShare“ iš naujo.",
"systray_menu_exit": "Išeiti",
"systray_page_loaded_title": "Puslapis įkeltas",
"systray_page_loaded_message": "OnionShare adresas įkeltas",
"systray_page_loaded_message": "„OnionShare“ adresas įkeltas",
"systray_share_started_title": "Pradėtas dalijimasis",
"systray_share_started_message": "Pradedama kažkam siųsti failus",
"systray_share_completed_title": "Dalijimasis baigtas",
@ -164,10 +164,10 @@
"gui_all_modes_progress_starting": "{0:s}, %p% (apskaičiuojama)",
"gui_all_modes_progress_eta": "{0:s}, Preliminarus laikas: {1:s}, %p%",
"gui_share_mode_no_files": "Kol kas nėra išsiųstų failų",
"gui_share_mode_autostop_timer_waiting": "Laukiama, kol bus baigtas siuntimas",
"gui_share_mode_autostop_timer_waiting": "Baigiamas siuntimas…",
"gui_website_mode_no_files": "Dar nėra bendrinama jokia svetainė",
"gui_receive_mode_no_files": "Kol kas nėra gautų failų",
"gui_receive_mode_autostop_timer_waiting": "Laukiama, kol bus baigtas gavimas",
"gui_receive_mode_autostop_timer_waiting": "Baigiamas gavimas…",
"days_first_letter": "d",
"hours_first_letter": "val",
"minutes_first_letter": "min",
@ -180,20 +180,20 @@
"gui_new_tab_receive_description": "",
"gui_new_tab_website_button": "Talpinti svetainę",
"gui_new_tab_website_description": "",
"gui_close_tab_warning_title": "Ar tikrai?",
"gui_close_tab_warning_persistent_description": "Šis skirtukas yra nuolatinis. Jei jį uždarysite, prarasite jo naudojamą onion adresą. Ar tikrai norite jį uždaryti?",
"gui_close_tab_warning_share_description": "Šiuo metu siunčiate failus. Ar tikrai norite uždaryti šį skirtuką?",
"gui_close_tab_warning_receive_description": "Šiuo metu gaunate failus. Ar tikrai norite uždaryti šį skirtuką?",
"gui_close_tab_warning_website_description": "Aktyviai talpinate svetainę. Ar tikrai norite uždaryti šį skirtuką?",
"gui_close_tab_warning_title": "Uždaryti skirtuką?",
"gui_close_tab_warning_persistent_description": "Uždaryti nuolatinį skirtuką ir prarasti jo naudojamą „onion“ adresą?",
"gui_close_tab_warning_share_description": "Uždaryti skirtuką, iš kurio siunčiami failai?",
"gui_close_tab_warning_receive_description": "Uždaryti skirtuką, kuriame gaunami failai?",
"gui_close_tab_warning_website_description": "Uždaryti skirtuką, kuriame talpinama svetainė?",
"gui_close_tab_warning_close": "Užverti",
"gui_close_tab_warning_cancel": "Atsisakyti",
"gui_quit_warning_title": "Ar tikrai?",
"gui_quit_warning_description": "Kuriuose skirtukuose yra aktyviai dalijamasi . Jei išeisite, visi skirtukai bus uždaryti. Ar tikrai norite baigti?",
"gui_quit_warning_title": "Išeiti iš „OnionShare“?",
"gui_quit_warning_description": "Išeiti ir uždaryti visus skirtukus, net jei kai kuriuose iš jų yra aktyvus bendrinimas?",
"gui_quit_warning_quit": "Išeiti",
"gui_quit_warning_cancel": "Atsisakyti",
"mode_settings_advanced_toggle_show": "Rodyti išplėstinius nustatymus",
"mode_settings_advanced_toggle_hide": "Slėpti išplėstinius nustatymus",
"mode_settings_persistent_checkbox": "Išsaugoti šį skirtuką ir automatiškai jį atidaryti, kai atidarysiu „OnionShare“",
"mode_settings_persistent_checkbox": "Visada atidaryti šį skirtuką paleidus „OnionShare“",
"mode_settings_public_checkbox": "Tai yra vieša „OnionShare“ paslauga (išjungia privatųjį raktą)",
"mode_settings_autostart_timer_checkbox": "Pradėti onion paslaugos paleidimą suplanuotu laiku",
"mode_settings_autostop_timer_checkbox": "Sustabdyti onion paslaugos paleidimą suplanuotu laiku",
@ -229,7 +229,7 @@
"gui_color_mode_changed_notice": "Iš naujo paleiskite „OnionShare“, kad būtų pritaikytas naujas spalvų režimas.",
"mode_settings_receive_disable_files_checkbox": "Išjungti failų įkėlimą",
"mode_settings_receive_disable_text_checkbox": "Išjungti teksto pateikimą",
"gui_rendezvous_cleanup": "Laukiama, kol užsidarys „Tor“ grandinės, kad įsitikintume, jog jūsų failai sėkmingai perkelti.\n\nTai gali užtrukti kelias minutes.",
"gui_rendezvous_cleanup": "Laukiama, kol užsidarys „Tor“ grandinės, kad įsitikintume, jog jūsų failai perkelti.\n\nTai gali užtrukti kelias minutes.",
"gui_rendezvous_cleanup_quit_early": "Išeiti anksčiau",
"error_port_not_available": "„OnionShare“ prievadas nepasiekiamas",
"gui_chat_url_description": "<b>Kiekvienas</b>, turintis šį „OnionShare“ adresą ir privatųjį raktą, gali <b>prisijungti prie šio pokalbių kambario</b> naudodamas <b>„Tor“ naršyklę</b>: <img src='{}' />",
@ -251,6 +251,51 @@
"gui_qr_label_auth_string_title": "Privatusis raktas",
"gui_qr_label_url_title": "OnionShare adresas",
"gui_copied_client_auth": "Privatusis raktas nukopijuotas į iškarpinę",
"gui_copied_client_auth_title": "Nukopijuotas privatusis raktas",
"gui_copy_client_auth": "Kopijuoti privatųjį raktą"
"gui_copied_client_auth_title": "Privatusis raktas nukopijuotas",
"gui_copy_client_auth": "Kopijuoti privatųjį raktą",
"gui_tor_settings_window_title": "„Tor“ nustatymai",
"gui_settings_controller_extras_label": "„Tor“ nustatymai",
"gui_settings_bridge_use_checkbox": "Naudoti tiltą",
"gui_settings_bridge_none_radio_option": "Nenaudoti tiltų",
"gui_settings_bridge_radio_builtin": "Pasirinkti programoje esantį tiltą",
"gui_settings_bridge_moat_radio_option": "Prašyti tilto iš torproject.org",
"gui_settings_version_label": "Naudojate „OnionShare“ {}",
"mode_settings_website_custom_csp_checkbox": "Siųsti pasirinktinę turinio saugumo politikos antraštę",
"moat_contact_label": "Susisiekiama su „BridgeDB“…",
"moat_captcha_placeholder": "Įveskite simbolius iš paveikslėlio",
"moat_captcha_submit": "Pateikti",
"moat_captcha_label": "Išspręskite „CAPTCHA“, kad galėtumėte prašyti tiltų.",
"mode_tor_not_connected_label": "„OnionShare“ neprijungtas prie „Tor“ tinklo",
"gui_autoconnect_description": "„OnionShare“ remiasi savanorių valdomu „Tor“ tinklu.",
"gui_enable_autoconnect_checkbox": "Automatiškai prisijungti prie „Tor“",
"gui_autoconnect_bridge_description": "Jei jūsų interneto ryšys cenzūruojamas, galbūt galėsite prisijungti naudodami tiltą.",
"gui_autoconnect_bridge_detect_automatic": "Tilto nustatymams nustatyti mano šalį pagal mano IP adresą",
"gui_autoconnect_bridge_detect_manual": "Pasirinkti mano šalį tilto nustatymams rankiniu būdu",
"gui_autoconnect_no_bridge": "Bandyti dar kartą be tiltų",
"gui_autoconnect_circumventing_censorship_starting_circumvention": "Apeinama cenzūra…",
"gui_autoconnect_circumventing_censorship_starting_meek": "Kuriamas „meek“ tiltas, skirtas domenų sąsajoms…",
"gui_autoconnect_circumventing_censorship_requesting_bridges": "Prašoma tiltų iš „Tor“ cenzūros apėjimo API…",
"gui_autoconnect_could_not_connect_to_tor_api": "Nepavyko prisijungti prie „Tor“ API. Prieš bandydami dar kartą įsitikinkite, kad esate prisijungę prie interneto.",
"gui_autoconnect_start": "Prisijungti prie „Tor“",
"gui_settings_bridge_custom_placeholder": "įveskite adresas:prievadas (po vieną eilutėje)",
"gui_settings_stop_active_tabs_label": "Kai kuriuose jūsų skirtukuose veikia paslaugos.\nNorėdami pakeisti „Tor“ nustatymus, turite sustabdyti visas paslaugas.",
"gui_settings_help_label": "Reikia pagalbos? Žr. <a href='https://docs.onionshare.org'>docs.onionshare.org</a>",
"moat_solution_empty_error": "Įveskite simbolius iš paveikslėlio",
"moat_bridgedb_error": "Nepavyko susisiekti su „BridgeDB“.",
"gui_general_settings_window_title": "Bendrieji",
"gui_settings_bridge_moat_button": "Prašyti naujo tilto",
"gui_autoconnect_failed_to_connect_to_tor": "Nepavyko prisijungti prie „Tor“",
"gui_autoconnect_circumventing_censorship": "Sprendžiamos ryšio problemos…",
"gui_autoconnect_trying_to_connect_to_tor": "Prisijungiama prie „Tor“…",
"gui_autoconnect_circumventing_censorship_got_bridges": "Nustatyti tiltai. Iš naujo prisijungiama prie „Tor“…",
"gui_autoconnect_connection_error_msg": "Įsitikinkite, kad esate prisijungę prie interneto.",
"gui_autoconnect_bridge_setting_options": "Tilto nustatymai",
"gui_autoconnect_configure": "Tinklo nustatymai",
"gui_autoconnect_try_again_without_a_bridge": "Bandyti dar kartą be tiltų",
"gui_settings_tor_bridges_label": "Tiltai padeda jūsų srautui patekti į „Tor“ tinklą, jei „Tor“ prieiga užblokuota. Priklausomai nuo to, iš kur jungiatės, vienas tiltas gali veikti geriau nei kitas.",
"gui_settings_bridge_custom_radio_option": "Pateikti tiltą, apie kurį sužinojote iš patikimo šaltinio",
"gui_settings_moat_bridges_invalid": "Dar neprašėte tilto iš torproject.org.",
"moat_captcha_reload": "Perkrauti",
"moat_captcha_error": "Neteisingas sprendimas. Bandykite dar kartą.",
"gui_dragdrop_sandbox_flatpak": "Kad „Flatpak“ saugi dėžė būtų saugesnė, nuvilkimas ir įdėjimas nepalaikomas. Norėdami pasirinkti failus, naudokite mygtukus „Pridėti failus“ ir „Pridėti aplanką“."
@ -48,7 +48,7 @@
"gui_downloads": "Nedlastingshistorikk",
"gui_no_downloads": "Ingen nedlastinger enda.",
"gui_canceled": "Avbrutt",
"gui_copied_url_title": "Kopierte OnionShare-adressen",
"gui_copied_url_title": "OnionShare-adresse kopiert",
"gui_please_wait": "Starter… Klikk for å avbryte.",
"gui_download_upload_progress_complete": "%p%, {0:s} forløpt.",
"gui_download_upload_progress_starting": "{0:s}, %p% (regner ut)",
@ -112,12 +112,12 @@
"gui_receive_stop_server_autostop_timer": "Stop Ontvangstmodus ({} resterend)",
"gui_receive_stop_server_autostop_timer_tooltip": "Auto-stop timer stopt bij {}",
"gui_no_downloads": "Nog Geen Downloads",
"gui_copied_url_title": "Gekopieerd OnionShare Adres",
"gui_copied_url_title": "OnionShare Adres gekopieerd",
"gui_quit_title": "Niet zo snel",
"gui_receive_quit_warning": "Je bent in het proces van bestanden ontvangen. Weet je zeker dat je OnionShare af wilt sluiten?",
"gui_settings_whats_this": "<a href='{0:s}'>1Wat is dit?</a>2",
"gui_settings_general_label": "Algemene instellingen",
"gui_settings_tor_bridges": "Tor bridge ondersteuning",
"gui_settings_tor_bridges": "Verbinden met Tor bridge?",
"gui_settings_tor_bridges_no_bridges_radio_option": "Gebruik geen bridges",
"gui_settings_tor_bridges_obfs4_radio_option": "Gebruik ingebouwde obfs4 pluggable transports",
"gui_settings_tor_bridges_obfs4_radio_option_no_obfs4proxy": "Gebruik ingebouwde pluggable transports (vereist obfs4proxy)",
@ -126,7 +126,7 @@
"gui_settings_meek_lite_expensive_warning": "Waarschuwing: De meek_lite bridges zijn erg kostbaar voor het Tor Project om uit te voeren. <br><br> Gebruik ze alleen als je niet direct met Tor kan verbinden, via obfs4 transports, of andere normale bridges.",
"gui_settings_tor_bridges_custom_radio_option": "Gebruik custom bridges",
"gui_settings_tor_bridges_custom_label": "Je kan bridges krijgen via <a href=\"https://bridges.torproject.org/options?lang=nl\">https://bridges.torproject.org</a>",
"gui_settings_tor_bridges_invalid": "Geen van de bridges die je hebt toegevoegd werken. \nControleer ze of voeg andere toe.",
"gui_settings_tor_bridges_invalid": "Geen van de bridges die je hebt toegevoegd werken. Controleer ze of voeg andere toe.",
"gui_settings_autostop_timer_checkbox": "Gebruik auto-stop timer",
"error_tor_protocol_error_unknown": "Er was een onbekende fout met Tor",
"error_invalid_private_key": "Dit type privésleutel wordt niet ondersteund",
@ -212,8 +212,8 @@
"gui_autostop_timer_cant_be_earlier_than_autostart_timer": "De auto-stop tijd mag niet identiek of vroeger zijn dan de auto-start tijd. Stel hem opnieuw in om te beginnen met delen.",
"gui_status_indicator_share_scheduled": "Gepland…",
"gui_status_indicator_receive_scheduled": "Gepland…",
"gui_share_mode_autostop_timer_waiting": "Wachten tot verzenden klaar is",
"gui_receive_mode_autostop_timer_waiting": "Wachten tot ontvangen klaar is",
"gui_share_mode_autostop_timer_waiting": "Verzenden afronden…",
"gui_receive_mode_autostop_timer_waiting": "Wachten tot ontvangen klaar is…",
"gui_website_url_description": "<b>1Iedereen</b>2 met dit OnionShare-adres kan je bestanden <b>3bezoeken</b>4 met de <b>5Tor Browser</b>6: <img src='{}' />",
"gui_mode_website_button": "Zet website online",
"systray_site_loaded_title": "Website geladen",
@ -241,12 +241,12 @@
"mode_settings_advanced_toggle_hide": "Verberg geavanceerde instellingen",
"mode_settings_advanced_toggle_show": "Toon geavanceerde instellingen",
"gui_quit_warning_cancel": "Annuleren",
"gui_quit_warning_title": "Weet je het zeker?",
"gui_quit_warning_title": "OnionShare sluiten?",
"gui_close_tab_warning_cancel": "Annuleren",
"gui_close_tab_warning_close": "Afsluiten",
"gui_close_tab_warning_receive_description": "Je bent bezig met bestanden ontvangen. Weet je zeker dat je dit tabblad wilt sluiten?",
"gui_close_tab_warning_share_description": "Je bent bezig bestanden te sturen. Weet je zeker dat je dit tabblad wilt sluiten?",
"gui_close_tab_warning_title": "Weet je het zeker?",
"gui_close_tab_warning_receive_description": "Tabblad sluiten dat bestanden aan het ontvangen is?",
"gui_close_tab_warning_share_description": "Tabblad sluiten dat bestanden aan het verzenden is?",
"gui_close_tab_warning_title": "Tab afsluiten?",
"gui_new_tab_website_description": "Host een statische HTML onion website vanaf je computer.",
"gui_new_tab_receive_button": "Bestanden ontvangen",
"gui_new_tab_share_description": "Kies bestanden op jouw computer om naar iemand anders te sturen. De persoon of personen waar je de bestanden naar wilt sturen moeten de Tor Browser gebruiken om jouw bestanden te downloaden.",
@ -255,10 +255,10 @@
"mode_settings_receive_data_dir_label": "Bewaar bestanden in",
"mode_settings_autostop_timer_checkbox": "Stop onion service op een geplande tijd",
"mode_settings_autostart_timer_checkbox": "Start onion service op een geplande tijd",
"mode_settings_persistent_checkbox": "Bewaar dit tabblad en open het automatisch wanneer ik OnionShare open",
"mode_settings_persistent_checkbox": "Altijd dit tabblad openen als OnionShare start",
"gui_quit_warning_description": "Delen is actief op sommige van uw tabbladen. Als u stopt, worden al uw tabbladen gesloten. Weet u zeker dat u wilt stoppen?",
"gui_close_tab_warning_website_description": "U host actief een website. Weet u zeker dat u dit tabblad wilt sluiten?",
"gui_close_tab_warning_persistent_description": "Dit tabblad heeft een vast onion adres. Als je het tabblad sluit wordt het gebruikte onion adres opgeheven. Weet je zeker dat je dit wil sluiten?",
"gui_close_tab_warning_website_description": "Tabblad sluiten die een website host?",
"gui_close_tab_warning_persistent_description": "Tabblad met vast onion adres sluiten en het adres verliezen?",
"gui_tab_name_chat": "Chat",
"gui_tab_name_website": "Website",
"gui_tab_name_receive": "Ontvang",
@ -175,7 +175,7 @@
"gui_download_in_progress": "",
"gui_open_folder_error_nautilus": "Nie można otworzyć folderu, ponieważ nautilus nie jest dostępny. Plik jest tutaj:{}",
"gui_settings_language_label": "Preferowany język",
"gui_settings_language_changed_notice": "Uruchom ponownie OnionShare, aby zastosować nowy język.",
"gui_settings_language_changed_notice": "Uruchom ponownie OnionShare, aby zmienić na nowy język.",
"timeout_upload_still_running": "Czekam na ukończenie wysyłania",
"gui_add_files": "Dodaj pliki",
"gui_add_folder": "Dodaj folder",
@ -208,9 +208,9 @@
"gui_all_modes_progress_complete": "%p%, upłynęło {0:s}.",
"gui_all_modes_progress_starting": "{0:s}, %p% (obliczanie)",
"gui_share_mode_no_files": "Żadne pliki nie zostały jeszcze wysłane",
"gui_share_mode_autostop_timer_waiting": "Oczekiwanie na zakończenie wysyłania",
"gui_share_mode_autostop_timer_waiting": "Kończenie wysyłania…",
"gui_receive_mode_no_files": "Nie odebrano jeszcze żadnych plików",
"gui_receive_mode_autostop_timer_waiting": "Czekam na zakończenie odbioru",
"gui_receive_mode_autostop_timer_waiting": "Kończenie odbioru…",
"gui_start_server_autostart_timer_tooltip": "Automatyczne rozpoczęcie zakończy się za {}",
"gui_settings_autostart_timer_checkbox": "Użyj czasomierza automatycznego rozpoczęcia",
"gui_autostop_timer_cant_be_earlier_than_autostart_timer": "Czas automatycznego zakończenia powinien być późniejszy niż czas automatycznego rozpoczęcia. Dostosuj go, aby rozpocząć udostępnianie.",
@ -228,7 +228,7 @@
"history_requests_tooltip": "{} żądań z sieci",
"gui_mode_website_button": "Opublikuj Stronę",
"gui_settings_individual_downloads_label": "Odznacz, aby umożliwić pobieranie pojedynczych plików.",
"gui_close_tab_warning_title": "Na pewno?",
"gui_close_tab_warning_title": "Zamknąć kartę?",
"gui_tab_name_chat": "Czat",
"gui_tab_name_website": "Strona internetowa",
"gui_tab_name_receive": "Odbierz",
@ -243,7 +243,7 @@
"gui_new_tab_share_button": "Udostępnij pliki",
"gui_new_tab_tooltip": "Otwórz nową kartę",
"gui_new_tab": "Nowa karta",
"gui_open_folder_error": "Nie udało się otworzyć folderu za pomocą xdg-open. Plik jest tutaj: {}",
"gui_open_folder_error": "Nie można otworzyć folderu za pomocą polecenia xdg-open. Plik jest tutaj: {}",
"gui_qr_code_description": "Zeskanuj ten kod QR za pomocą czytnika QR, takiego jak aparat w telefonie, aby łatwiej udostępnić komuś adres OnionShare.",
"gui_qr_code_dialog_title": "Kod QR OnionShare",
"gui_show_qr_code": "Pokaż kod QR",
@ -254,7 +254,7 @@
"gui_remove": "Usuń",
"error_port_not_available": "Port OnionShare nie jest dostępny",
"gui_rendezvous_cleanup_quit_early": "Zakończ wcześniej",
"gui_rendezvous_cleanup": "Oczekiwanie na zamknięcie obwodów Tor, aby upewnić się, że pliki zostały pomyślnie przeniesione.\n\nMoże to potrwać kilka minut.",
"gui_rendezvous_cleanup": "Oczekiwanie na zamknięcie obwodów Tor, aby upewnić się, że pliki zostały przesłane.\n\nTo może zająć kilka minut.",
"mode_settings_website_disable_csp_checkbox": "Nie ustawiaj nagłówka Content Security Policy (pozwala Twojej witrynie na korzystanie z zasobów zewnętrznych)",
"mode_settings_receive_data_dir_browse_button": "Przeglądaj",
"mode_settings_receive_data_dir_label": "Zapisz pliki do",
@ -263,27 +263,27 @@
"mode_settings_autostop_timer_checkbox": "Zatrzymaj usługę .onion w zaplanowanym czasie",
"mode_settings_autostart_timer_checkbox": "Uruchom usługę cebulową w zaplanowanym czasie",
"mode_settings_public_checkbox": "To jest publiczny serwis OnionShare (wyłącza klucz prywatny)",
"mode_settings_persistent_checkbox": "Zapisz tę kartę i automatycznie otwieraj ją, gdy uruchamiam OnionShare",
"mode_settings_persistent_checkbox": "Zawsze otwieraj tę kartę po uruchomieniu OnionShare",
"mode_settings_advanced_toggle_hide": "Ukryj ustawienia zaawansowane",
"mode_settings_advanced_toggle_show": "Pokaż ustawienia zaawansowane",
"gui_quit_warning_cancel": "Anuluj",
"gui_quit_warning_description": "Udostępnianie jest aktywne w niektórych kartach. Jeśli zakończysz pracę, wszystkie karty zostaną zamknięte. Czy na pewno chcesz zrezygnować?",
"gui_quit_warning_title": "Na pewno?",
"gui_quit_warning_description": "Wyjść i zamknąć wszystke karty, mimo że udostępnianie jest aktywne w niektórych z nich?",
"gui_quit_warning_title": "Zakończyć OnionShare?",
"gui_close_tab_warning_cancel": "Anuluj",
"gui_close_tab_warning_close": "Zamknij",
"gui_close_tab_warning_website_description": "Prowadzisz aktywny hosting strony internetowej. Czy na pewno chcesz zamknąć tę zakładkę?",
"gui_close_tab_warning_receive_description": "Jesteś w trakcie odbierania plików. Czy na pewno chcesz zamknąć tę zakładkę?",
"gui_close_tab_warning_share_description": "Jesteś w trakcie wysyłania plików. Czy na pewno chcesz zamknąć tę kartę?",
"gui_close_tab_warning_persistent_description": "Ta zakładka jest trwała. Jeśli ją zamkniesz, stracisz adres .onion, którego używa. Czy na pewno chcesz ją zamknąć?",
"gui_color_mode_changed_notice": "Uruchom ponownie OnionShare aby zastosować nowy tryb kolorów.",
"gui_close_tab_warning_website_description": "Zamknąć kartę, która hostuje stronę internetową?",
"gui_close_tab_warning_receive_description": "Zamknij kartę, która odbiera pliki?",
"gui_close_tab_warning_share_description": "Zamknąć kartę, która wysyła pliki?",
"gui_close_tab_warning_persistent_description": "Zamknąć trwałą kartę i stracić używany adres .onion?",
"gui_color_mode_changed_notice": "Uruchom ponownie OnionShare, aby zobaczyć nowe kolory.",
"gui_chat_url_description": "<b>Każdy</b> z tym adresem OnionShare oraz kluczem prywatnym może <b>dołączyć do tego czatu</b> używając <b>Przeglądarki Tor</b>: <img src='{}' />",
"mode_settings_receive_disable_files_checkbox": "Wyłącz wysyłanie plików",
"gui_status_indicator_chat_scheduled": "Zaplanowane…",
"gui_status_indicator_chat_working": "Uruchamianie…",
"gui_status_indicator_chat_working": "Rozpoczynanie…",
"history_receive_read_message_button": "Czytaj Wiadomość",
"mode_settings_receive_webhook_url_checkbox": "Użyj powiadomień webhook",
"mode_settings_receive_disable_text_checkbox": "Nie wysyłaj tekstu",
"mode_settings_title_label": "Tytuł",
"mode_settings_title_label": "Tytuł niestandardowy",
"gui_settings_theme_dark": "Ciemny",
"gui_settings_theme_light": "Jasny",
"gui_settings_theme_auto": "Automatyczny",
@ -297,22 +297,22 @@
"gui_receive_url_public_description": "<b>Każdy</b> z tym adresem OnionShare może <b>przesyłać</b> pliki na Twój komputer za pomocą przeglądarki <b>Tor Browser</b>: <img src='{}' />",
"gui_website_url_public_description": "<b>Każdy</b> z tym adresem OnionShare może <b>odwiedzić</b> twoją stronę używając przeglądarki <b>Tor Browser</b>: <img src='{}' />",
"gui_share_url_public_description": "<b>Każdy</b> z tym adresem OnionShare może <b>pobrać</b> Twoje pliki za pomocą przeglądarki <b>Tor Browser</b>: <img src='{}' />",
"gui_server_doesnt_support_stealth": "Przepraszamy, ta wersja Tora nie obsługuje skrytego uwierzytelniania klienta. Spróbuj z nowszą wersją Tora lub użyj trybu „publicznego”, jeśli nie musi być prywatny.",
"gui_please_wait_no_button": "Rozpoczynam…",
"gui_server_doesnt_support_stealth": "Przepraszamy, ta wersja Tor nie obsługuje skrytego (uwierzytelniania klienta). Spróbuj z nowszą wersją Tor lub użyj trybu „publicznego”, jeśli nie musi być prywatny.",
"gui_please_wait_no_button": "Rozpoczynanie…",
"gui_hide": "Ukryj",
"gui_reveal": "Odsłoń",
"gui_qr_label_auth_string_title": "Klucz Prywatny",
"gui_copy_client_auth": "Skopiuj Klucz Prywatny",
"gui_copied_client_auth_title": "Skopiowany Klucz Prywatny",
"gui_copied_client_auth": "Klucz Prywatny skopiowany do schowka",
"gui_copy_client_auth": "Skopiuj klucz prywatny",
"gui_copied_client_auth_title": "Skopiowany klucz prywatny",
"gui_copied_client_auth": "Klucz prywatny skopiowano do schowka",
"gui_qr_label_url_title": "Adres OnionShare",
"gui_dragdrop_sandbox_flatpak": "Aby piaskownica Flatpak była bezpieczniejsza, przeciąganie i upuszczanie nie jest obsługiwane. Zamiast tego użyj przycisków Dodaj pliki i Dodaj folder, aby przeglądać pliki.",
"gui_dragdrop_sandbox_flatpak": "Aby piaskownica Flatpak była bezpieczniejsza, przeciąganie i upuszczanie nie jest obsługiwane. Zamiast tego użyj przycisków \"Dodaj pliki\" i \"Dodaj folder\", aby wybrać pliki.",
"gui_tor_settings_window_title": "Ustawienia Tor",
"gui_settings_controller_extras_label": "Ustawienia Tor",
"gui_settings_tor_bridges_label": "Mostki pomagają uzyskać dostęp do sieci Tor w miejscach, w których Tor jest zablokowany. W zależności od tego, gdzie jesteś, jeden mostek może działać lepiej niż inny.",
"gui_settings_tor_bridges_label": "Mostki pomagają ruchowi wejść do sieci Tor, jeśli dostęp do Tor jest zablokowany. W zależności od tego, skąd się łączysz, jeden mostek może działać lepiej niż inny.",
"gui_settings_bridge_use_checkbox": "Użyj mostka",
"gui_settings_bridge_radio_builtin": "Wybierz wbudowany mostek",
"gui_settings_bridge_none_radio_option": "Nie używaj mostka",
"gui_settings_bridge_none_radio_option": "Nie używaj mostków",
"gui_settings_bridge_moat_radio_option": "Poproś o mostek z torproject.org",
"gui_settings_bridge_moat_button": "Poproś o Nowy Mostek",
"gui_settings_bridge_custom_radio_option": "Podaj mostek, o którym dowiedziałeś się z zaufanego źródła",
@ -322,13 +322,33 @@
"gui_settings_version_label": "Używasz OnionShare {}",
"gui_settings_help_label": "Potrzebujesz pomocy? Sprawdź <a href='https://docs.onionshare.org'>docs.onionshare.org</a>",
"mode_settings_website_custom_csp_checkbox": "Wyślij niestandardowy nagłówek polityki bezpieczeństwa treści",
"moat_contact_label": "Łączenie z BridgeDB...",
"moat_contact_label": "Łączenie z BridgeDB…",
"moat_captcha_label": "Rozwiąż CAPTCHA, aby poprosić o mostek.",
"moat_captcha_placeholder": "Wpisz znaki z obrazka",
"moat_captcha_submit": "Potwierdź",
"moat_captcha_reload": "Załaduj ponownie",
"moat_bridgedb_error": "Błąd połączenia z BridgeDB.",
"moat_captcha_error": "Rozwiązanie nie jest poprawne. Proszę spróbuj ponownie.",
"moat_solution_empty_error": "Musisz wprowadzić znaki z obrazka",
"mode_tor_not_connected_label": "OnionShare nie jest połączony z siecią Tor"
"moat_bridgedb_error": "Nie można połączyć się z BridgeDB.",
"moat_captcha_error": "Nieprawidłowe rozwiązanie. Spróbuj ponownie.",
"moat_solution_empty_error": "Wpisz znaki z obrazka",
"mode_tor_not_connected_label": "OnionShare nie jest połączony z siecią Tor",
"gui_autoconnect_bridge_detect_automatic": "Określ mój kraj na podstawie mojego adresu IP dla ustawień mostka",
"gui_autoconnect_could_not_connect_to_tor_api": "Nie można połączyć się z interfejsem API Tor. Przed ponowną próbą upewnij się, że masz połączenie z Internetem.",
"gui_autoconnect_bridge_detect_manual": "Wybierz mój kraj ręcznie dla ustawień mostka",
"gui_autoconnect_circumventing_censorship_requesting_bridges": "Żądanie mostów z interfejsu API omijania cenzury sieci Tor…",
"gui_autoconnect_circumventing_censorship_got_bridges": "Mostki ustanowione. Podłączenie do sieci Tor…",
"gui_autoconnect_bridge_setting_options": "Ustawienia mostka",
"gui_autoconnect_configure": "Ustawienia sieci",
"gui_autoconnect_no_bridge": "Spróbuj ponownie bez mostków",
"gui_autoconnect_circumventing_censorship_starting_circumvention": "Obejście cenzury…",
"gui_autoconnect_trying_to_connect_to_tor": "Łączenie się z siecią Tor…",
"gui_autoconnect_circumventing_censorship_starting_meek": "Ustanawianie cichego mostka dla frontingu domen…",
"gui_autoconnect_connection_error_msg": "Upewnij się, że masz połączenie z Internetem.",
"gui_autoconnect_bridge_description": "Możesz być w stanie połączyć się za pomocą mostka, jeśli połączenie internetowe jest ocenzurowane.",
"gui_autoconnect_try_again_without_a_bridge": "Spróbuj ponownie bez mostków",
"gui_autoconnect_circumventing_censorship": "Rozwiązywanie problemów z łącznością…",
"gui_autoconnect_description": "OnionShare opiera się na obsługiwanej przez wolontariuszy sieci Tor.",
"gui_enable_autoconnect_checkbox": "Automatyczne łączenie z siecią Tor",
"gui_autoconnect_failed_to_connect_to_tor": "Nie można połączyć się z siecią Tor",
"gui_autoconnect_start": "Połącz się z siecią Tor",
"gui_general_settings_window_title": "Ogólne"
@ -175,7 +175,7 @@
"gui_download_in_progress": "Download Iniciado {}",
"gui_open_folder_error_nautilus": "Não foi possível abrir a pasta porque o nautilus não está disponível. O arquivo está aqui: {}",
"gui_settings_language_label": "Língua",
"gui_settings_language_changed_notice": "Reinicie OnionShare para que o novo idioma seja aplicado.",
"gui_settings_language_changed_notice": "Reinicie o OnionShare para aplicar o novo idioma.",
"timeout_upload_still_running": "Esperando o término do upload",
"gui_add_files": "Adicionar Arquivos",
"gui_add_folder": "Adicionar Pasta",
@ -200,9 +200,9 @@
"gui_all_modes_transfer_finished": "Transferido {}",
"gui_all_modes_transfer_canceled_range": "Cancelado {} - {}",
"gui_all_modes_transfer_canceled": "Cancelado {}",
"gui_share_mode_autostop_timer_waiting": "Esperando para completar o envio",
"gui_share_mode_autostop_timer_waiting": "Completando o envio…",
"gui_receive_mode_no_files": "Nenhum arquivo recebido",
"gui_receive_mode_autostop_timer_waiting": "Esperando para completar o recebimento",
"gui_receive_mode_autostop_timer_waiting": "Terminando de receber…",
"gui_settings_onion_label": "Configurações do Onion",
"systray_page_loaded_message": "O endereço OnionShare carregou",
"gui_all_modes_progress_complete": "%p%, {0:s} em curso.",
@ -237,19 +237,19 @@
"mode_settings_autostop_timer_checkbox": "Interromper o serviço de onion na hora programada",
"mode_settings_autostart_timer_checkbox": "Iniciar serviço de onion na hora programada",
"mode_settings_public_checkbox": "Este é um serviço público OnionShare (desativa a chave privada)",
"mode_settings_persistent_checkbox": "Salvar essa guia e abra-a automaticamente quando eu abrir o OnionShare",
"mode_settings_persistent_checkbox": "Abrir sempre esta aba quando o OnionShare é inicializado",
"mode_settings_advanced_toggle_hide": "Ocultar configurações avançadas",
"mode_settings_advanced_toggle_show": "Mostrar configurações avançadas",
"gui_quit_warning_cancel": "Cancelar",
"gui_quit_warning_description": "O compartilhamento está ativo em algumas de suas guias. Se você sair, todas as suas guias serão fechadas. Você tem certeza que quer sair?",
"gui_quit_warning_title": "Você tem certeza?",
"gui_quit_warning_description": "Sair e fechar todas as abas, embora a partilha de ficheiros esteja ativa em algumas delas?",
"gui_quit_warning_title": "Sair do OnionShare?",
"gui_close_tab_warning_cancel": "Cancelar",
"gui_close_tab_warning_close": "Fechar",
"gui_close_tab_warning_website_description": "Você está hospedando ativamente um site. Tem certeza de que deseja fechar esta guia?",
"gui_close_tab_warning_receive_description": "Você está recebendo arquivos. Tem certeza de que deseja fechar esta guia?",
"gui_close_tab_warning_share_description": "Você está enviando arquivos. Tem certeza de que deseja fechar esta guia?",
"gui_close_tab_warning_persistent_description": "Essa guia é persistente. Se você fechá-lo, perderá o endereço de onion que está usando. Tem certeza de que deseja fechá-lo?",
"gui_close_tab_warning_title": "Você tem certeza?",
"gui_close_tab_warning_website_description": "Fechar a aba que está hospedando um site?",
"gui_close_tab_warning_receive_description": "Fechar a aba que está recebendo ficheiros?",
"gui_close_tab_warning_share_description": "Fechar a aba que está enviando ficheiros?",
"gui_close_tab_warning_persistent_description": "Fechar a aba persistente e perder o endereço onion que ela está usando?",
"gui_close_tab_warning_title": "Fechar a aba?",
"gui_new_tab_website_description": "Hospede um site estático de onion HTML a partir do seu computador.",
"gui_new_tab_website_button": "Publicar site",
"gui_new_tab_receive_description": "Transforme seu computador em uma caixa de depósito online. As pessoas poderão usar o Navegador Tor para enviar arquivos para o seu computador.",
@ -266,7 +266,7 @@
"gui_main_page_receive_button": "Iniciar a receber",
"gui_main_page_share_button": "Iniciar compartilhamento",
"gui_new_tab_chat_button": "Converse anonimamente",
"gui_open_folder_error": "Falha ao abrir a pasta com xdg-open. O arquivo está aqui: {}",
"gui_open_folder_error": "A pasta não pode ser aberta com xdg-open. O arquivo está aqui: {}",
"gui_qr_code_description": "Leia este código QR com um leitor, como a câmera do seu celular, para compartilhar mais facilmente o endereço OnionShare com alguém.",
"gui_qr_code_dialog_title": "Código QR OnionShare",
"gui_show_qr_code": "Mostrar QR Code",
@ -279,8 +279,8 @@
"error_port_not_available": "Porta OnionShare não disponível",
"gui_chat_url_description": "<b>Qualquer pessoa</b> com este endereço OnionShare e chave privada pode <b>entrar nesta sala de bate-papo</b> usando o <b>Navegador Tor</b>: <img src='{}' />",
"gui_rendezvous_cleanup_quit_early": "Fechar facilmente",
"gui_rendezvous_cleanup": "Aguardando o fechamento dos circuitos do Tor para ter certeza de que seus arquivos foram transferidos com sucesso.\n\nIsso pode demorar alguns minutos.",
"gui_color_mode_changed_notice": "Reinicie o OnionShare para que o novo modo de cor seja aplicado.",
"gui_rendezvous_cleanup": "Aguardando o fechamento dos circuitos do Tor para ter certeza de que seus ficheiros foram transferidos.\n\nIsto pode demorar alguns minutos.",
"gui_color_mode_changed_notice": "Reinicie o OnionShare para ver as novas cores.",
"history_receive_read_message_button": "Ler mensagem",
"mode_settings_receive_webhook_url_checkbox": "Usar webhook de notificação",
"mode_settings_receive_disable_files_checkbox": "Desativar o carregamento de arquivos",
@ -291,7 +291,7 @@
"gui_status_indicator_chat_working": "Começando…",
"gui_status_indicator_chat_stopped": "Pronto para conversar",
"gui_share_url_public_description": "<b>Qualquer pessoa</b> com este endereço OnionShare pode <b>baixar</b> seus arquivos usando o <b>Navegador Tor</b>: <img src='{}' />",
"gui_server_doesnt_support_stealth": "Desculpe, esta versão de Tor não suporta (Autenticação de Cliente) furtiva. Por favor, tente uma versão mais recente de Tor ou utilize o modo 'público' se não houver a necessidade de privacidade.",
"gui_server_doesnt_support_stealth": "Desculpe, esta versão do Tor não suporta (autenticação de cliente) furtiva. Por favor, tente uma versão mais recente do Tor ou utilize o modo 'público' se não houver a necessidade de ter privacidade.",
"gui_please_wait_no_button": "Iniciando…",
"gui_hide": "Ocultar",
"gui_reveal": "Mostrar",
@ -310,13 +310,13 @@
"gui_chat_url_public_description": "<b>Qualquer pessoa</b> com este endereço OnionShare pode <b>entrar nesta sala de bate-papo</b> usando o <b>Navegador Tor</b>: <img src='{}' />",
"gui_receive_url_public_description": "<b>Qualquer pessoa</b> com este endereço OnionShare pode <b>carregar</b> arquivos para o seu computador usando o <b>Navegador Tor</b>: <img src='{}' />",
"gui_website_url_public_description": "<b>Qualquer pessoa</b> com este endereço OnionShare pode <b>visitar</b> o seu site usando o <b>Navegador Tor</b>: <img src='{}' />",
"gui_dragdrop_sandbox_flatpak": "Para tornar a ferramenta Flatpak sandbox mais segura, a função de arrastar e largar não é suportada. Em vez disso, use os botões Adicionar Arquivos e Adicionar Pasta para procurar por arquivos.",
"gui_dragdrop_sandbox_flatpak": "Para tornar a ferramenta Flatpak sandbox mais segura, a função de arrastar e largar não é suportada. Em vez disso, use os botões \"Adicionar Arquivos\" e \"Adicionar Pasta\" para selecionar arquivos.",
"gui_tor_settings_window_title": "Configurações do Tor",
"gui_settings_controller_extras_label": "Configurações do Tor",
"gui_settings_tor_bridges_label": "Pontes ajudam a acessar a Rede Tor em locais onde o Tor está bloqueado. Dependendo de onde você estiver, uma ponte pode funcionar melhor que outra.",
"gui_settings_tor_bridges_label": "Pontes ajudam a acessar a Rede Tor em locais onde o Tor está bloqueado. Dependendo de onde você se conectar, uma ponte pode funcionar melhor que outra.",
"gui_settings_bridge_use_checkbox": "Usar uma ponte",
"gui_settings_bridge_radio_builtin": "Selecione uma ponte embutida",
"gui_settings_bridge_none_radio_option": "Não usar uma ponte",
"gui_settings_bridge_none_radio_option": "Não use pontes",
"gui_settings_bridge_moat_radio_option": "Solicite uma ponte no torproject.org",
"gui_settings_bridge_moat_button": "Solicitar uma nova ponte",
"gui_settings_bridge_custom_radio_option": "Fornece uma ponte que você teve acesso de uma fonte confiável",
@ -326,13 +326,33 @@
"gui_settings_version_label": "Você está usando o OnionShare {}",
"gui_settings_help_label": "Precisa de ajuda? Veja <a href='https://docs.onionshare.org'>docs.onionshare.org</a>",
"mode_settings_website_custom_csp_checkbox": "Enviar um cabeçalho personalizado da Política de Segurança de Conteúdo",
"moat_contact_label": "Contactando BridgeDB...",
"moat_contact_label": "Contactando BridgeDB…",
"moat_captcha_label": "Resolva o CAPTCHA para solicitar uma ponte.",
"moat_captcha_placeholder": "Digite os caracteres que aparecem na imagem",
"moat_captcha_submit": "Enviar",
"moat_captcha_reload": "Recarregar",
"moat_bridgedb_error": "Erro ao contactar BridgeDB.",
"moat_captcha_error": "A solução não está correta. Por favor tente novamente.",
"moat_solution_empty_error": "Você deve informar os caracteres que aparecem na imagem",
"mode_tor_not_connected_label": "OnionShare não está conectado com a rede Tor"
"moat_bridgedb_error": "Não foi possível contactar BridgeDB.",
"moat_captcha_error": "Solução incorreta. Por favor tente novamente.",
"moat_solution_empty_error": "Insere os caracteres que aparecem na imagem",
"mode_tor_not_connected_label": "OnionShare não está conectado com a rede Tor",
"gui_autoconnect_description": "OnionShare depende da rede Tor operada por voluntários.",
"gui_enable_autoconnect_checkbox": "Conectar-se automaticamente ao Tor",
"gui_autoconnect_failed_to_connect_to_tor": "Não foi possível conectar ao Tor",
"gui_autoconnect_trying_to_connect_to_tor": "Conectando ao Tor…",
"gui_autoconnect_try_again_without_a_bridge": "Tente novamente sem pontes",
"gui_autoconnect_circumventing_censorship": "Resolvendo problemas de conectividade…",
"gui_autoconnect_bridge_setting_options": "Configurações da ponte",
"gui_autoconnect_start": "Conectar ao Tor",
"gui_autoconnect_configure": "Configurações de rede",
"gui_autoconnect_no_bridge": "Tente novamente sem pontes",
"gui_general_settings_window_title": "Geral",
"gui_autoconnect_circumventing_censorship_starting_circumvention": "Contornando a censura…",
"gui_autoconnect_connection_error_msg": "Verifique se você está conectado à Internet.",
"gui_autoconnect_bridge_detect_automatic": "Determine meu país a partir do meu endereço IP para configurações de ponte",
"gui_autoconnect_circumventing_censorship_requesting_bridges": "Solicitando pontes da API de evasão de censura do Tor…",
"gui_autoconnect_circumventing_censorship_got_bridges": "Pontes estabelecidas. Reconectando ao Tor…",
"gui_autoconnect_bridge_description": "Você pode se conectar usando uma ponte se sua conexão com a Internet for censurada.",
"gui_autoconnect_bridge_detect_manual": "Selecione meu país para configurações de ponte manualmente",
"gui_autoconnect_could_not_connect_to_tor_api": "Não foi possível conectar-se à API do Tor. Verifique se você está conectado à Internet antes de tentar novamente.",
"gui_autoconnect_circumventing_censorship_starting_meek": "Estabelecendo uma ponte meek para fronting de domínio…"
@ -15,7 +15,7 @@
"gui_settings_window_title": "Настройки",
"gui_settings_autoupdate_timestamp_never": "Никогда",
"gui_settings_general_label": "Общие настройки",
"gui_settings_control_port_label": "Контрольный порт",
"gui_settings_control_port_label": "Порт управления",
"gui_settings_authenticate_password_option": "Пароль",
"gui_settings_password_label": "Пароль",
"gui_settings_button_save": "Сохранить",
@ -59,7 +59,7 @@
"help_config": "Расположение пользовательского конфигурационного JSON-файла (необязательно)",
"gui_drag_and_drop": "Перетащите сюда файлы и/или папки, которые хотите отправить",
"gui_share_start_server": "Сделать доступным для скачивания",
"gui_share_stop_server": "Отменить доступ к скачиванию",
"gui_share_stop_server": "Прекратить доступ к скачиванию",
"gui_share_stop_server_autostop_timer": "Отменить доступ к скачиванию ({})",
"gui_share_stop_server_autostop_timer_tooltip": "Время таймера истекает в {}",
"gui_receive_start_server": "Включить режим получения",
@ -69,7 +69,7 @@
"gui_downloads": "История скачиваний",
"gui_no_downloads": "Скачиваний пока нет ",
"gui_copied_url_title": "Адрес OnionShare скопирован",
"gui_please_wait": "Запуск... Для отмены нажмите здесь.",
"gui_please_wait": "Запуск… Нажмите, чтобы отменить.",
"gui_download_upload_progress_complete": "%p%, прошло {0:s}.",
"gui_download_upload_progress_starting": "{0:s}, %p% (вычисляем)",
"gui_download_upload_progress_eta": "{0:s}, ETA: {1:s}, %p%",
@ -91,23 +91,23 @@
"gui_settings_connection_type_label": "Как OnionShare следует подключаться к сети Tor?",
"gui_settings_connection_type_bundled_option": "Использовать версию Tor, встроенную в OnionShare",
"gui_settings_connection_type_automatic_option": "Автоматическая настройка при помощи Tor Browser",
"gui_settings_connection_type_control_port_option": "Использовать контрольный порт",
"gui_settings_connection_type_control_port_option": "Использовать порт управления",
"gui_settings_connection_type_socket_file_option": "Использовать сокет-файл",
"gui_settings_connection_type_test_button": "Проверить подключение к сети Tor",
"gui_settings_socket_file_label": "Сокет-файл",
"gui_settings_socks_label": "Порт SOCKS",
"gui_settings_authenticate_label": "Настройки аутентификации Tor",
"gui_settings_authenticate_no_auth_option": "Без аутентификации по cookie/паролю",
"gui_settings_authenticate_no_auth_option": "Без аутентификации, либо по cookie",
"gui_settings_tor_bridges": "Использовать \"мост\" Tor?",
"gui_settings_tor_bridges_no_bridges_radio_option": "Не использовать \"мосты\"",
"gui_settings_tor_bridges_obfs4_radio_option": "Использовать встроенные подключаемые транспорты obfs4",
"gui_settings_tor_bridges_obfs4_radio_option_no_obfs4proxy": "Использовать встроенные подключаемые транспорты obfs4 (необходим obfs4proxy)",
"gui_settings_tor_bridges_meek_lite_azure_radio_option": "Использовать встроенные транспорты meek_lite (Azure)",
"gui_settings_tor_bridges_meek_lite_azure_radio_option_no_obfs4proxy": "Использовать встроенные транспорты meek_lite (Azure) (необходим obfs4proxy)",
"gui_settings_meek_lite_expensive_warning": "Внимание: использование \"мостов\" meek_azure очень затратно для Tor Project.<br><br>Используйте их только если не можете подключиться к сети Tor напрямую, через obfs4 транспорты или другие обычные \"мосты\".",
"gui_settings_meek_lite_expensive_warning": "Внимание: использование мостов meek-azure очень затратно для Tor Project.<br><br>Используйте их только если не можете подключиться к сети Tor напрямую, через obfs4, или другие обычные мосты.",
"gui_settings_tor_bridges_custom_radio_option": "Использовать пользовательские \"мосты\"",
"gui_settings_tor_bridges_custom_label": "Получить настройки \"мостов\" можно здесь: <a href=\"https://bridges.torproject.org/options?lang=ru\">https://bridges.torproject.org</a>",
"gui_settings_tor_bridges_invalid": "Ни один из добавленных вами \"мостов\" не работает. Проверьте их снова или добавьте другие.",
"gui_settings_tor_bridges_invalid": "Ни один из добавленных вами мостов не работает. Проверьте их снова или добавьте другие.",
"gui_settings_autostop_timer_checkbox": "Использовать стоп-таймер",
"gui_settings_autostop_timer": "Остановить отправку в:",
"settings_error_unknown": "Невозможно подключиться к Tor-контроллеру из-за некорректных настроек.",
@ -125,10 +125,10 @@
"error_tor_protocol_error_unknown": "Неизвестная ошибка Tor",
"error_invalid_private_key": "Этот приватный ключ не поддерживается",
"connecting_to_tor": "Подключение к сети Tor",
"update_available": "Вышла новая версия OnionShare. Для загрузки <a href='{}'>нажмите сюда</a>.<br><br>Вы используется версию {}, наиболее свежая версия {}.",
"update_available": "Вышла новая версия OnionShare. Для загрузки <a href='{}'>нажмите сюда</a>.<br><br>Вы используется версию {}, последняя версия – {}.",
"update_error_check_error": "Ошибка проверки новой версии: возможно Вы не подключены к сети Тор, или сайт OnionShare не доступен?",
"update_error_invalid_latest_version": "Ошибка проверки наличия новой версии: сайт OnionShare сообщает что новейшая версия не распознана - '{}'…",
"update_not_available": "Вы используете наиболее свежую версию OnionShare.",
"update_not_available": "Вы используете последнюю версию OnionShare.",
"gui_tor_connection_ask": "Перейти в раздел \"Настройки\" для решения проблем с подключением к Tor?",
"gui_tor_connection_error_settings": "Попробуйте изменить способ подключения OnionShare к сети Tor в разделе \"Настройки\".",
"gui_tor_connection_canceled": "Ошибка подключения к Tor.\n\nПожалуйста, убедитесь, что вы подключены к сети Интернет. Откройте OnionShare снова и настройте подключение к Tor.",
@ -204,12 +204,12 @@
"gui_all_modes_progress_starting": "{0:s}, %p% (вычисляем)",
"gui_all_modes_progress_eta": "{0:s}, ETA: {1:s}, %p%",
"gui_share_mode_no_files": "Пока нет отправленных файлов",
"gui_share_mode_autostop_timer_waiting": "Ожидается завершение отправки",
"gui_share_mode_autostop_timer_waiting": "Завершаем отправку…",
"gui_receive_mode_no_files": "Пока нет полученных файлов",
"gui_receive_mode_autostop_timer_waiting": "Ожидается завершение загрузки",
"gui_receive_mode_autostop_timer_waiting": "Завершаем скачивание…",
"gui_stop_server_autostop_timer_tooltip": "Время окончания стоп-таймера: {}",
"gui_start_server_autostart_timer_tooltip": "Время окончания старт-таймера: {}",
"gui_waiting_to_start": "Начиная через {}. Нажмите, чтобы отменить.",
"gui_waiting_to_start": "Начинаем через {}. Нажмите, чтобы отменить.",
"gui_settings_autostart_timer_checkbox": "Использовать таймер запуска",
"gui_settings_autostart_timer": "Начать отправку:",
"gui_server_autostart_timer_expired": "Запланированное время уже прошло. Пожалуйста, отрегулируйте его для начала отправки.",
@ -229,7 +229,7 @@
"gui_settings_csp_header_disabled_option": "Отключить проверку Политики Безопасности Содержимого",
"gui_settings_website_label": "Настройки Веб-сайта",
"gui_main_page_share_button": "Сделать доступным для скачивания",
"gui_close_tab_warning_title": "Вы уверены?",
"gui_close_tab_warning_title": "Закрыть вкладку?",
"mode_settings_website_disable_csp_checkbox": "Не посылать стандартный заголовок Content Security Policy (разрешить вашему веб-сайту использовать сторонние ресурсы)",
"mode_settings_receive_data_dir_browse_button": "Обзор файлов",
"mode_settings_receive_data_dir_label": "Сохранять файлы в",
@ -238,18 +238,18 @@
"mode_settings_autostop_timer_checkbox": "Отключить onion-сервис в назначенное время",
"mode_settings_autostart_timer_checkbox": "Запустить onion-сервис в назначенное время",
"mode_settings_public_checkbox": "Это публичная версия сервиса OnionShare (секретный ключ не используется)",
"mode_settings_persistent_checkbox": "Сохранить эту вкладку, и открывать ее автоматически при открытии OnionShare",
"mode_settings_persistent_checkbox": "Показывать эту вкладку при запуске OnionShare",
"mode_settings_advanced_toggle_hide": "Спрятать дополнительные настройки",
"mode_settings_advanced_toggle_show": "Показать дополнительные настройки",
"gui_quit_warning_cancel": "Отменить",
"gui_quit_warning_description": "Раздача файлов все еще активна в некоторых вкладках. Если выйдете сейчас, все ваши вкладки закроются. Вы уверены что хотите выйти?",
"gui_quit_warning_title": "Вы уверены?",
"gui_quit_warning_description": "Выйти и закрыть все вкладки, несмотря на то, что в некоторых из них раздаются файлы?",
"gui_quit_warning_title": "Закрыть OnionShare?",
"gui_close_tab_warning_cancel": "Отменить",
"gui_close_tab_warning_close": "Закрыть",
"gui_close_tab_warning_website_description": "Запущенный вами веб-сайт все еще активен. Вы уверены что хотите закрыть эту вкладку?",
"gui_close_tab_warning_receive_description": "Вы скачиваете файлы. Точно закрыть эту вкладку?",
"gui_close_tab_warning_share_description": "Вы в процессе посылки файлов. Вы уверены что хотите закрыть эту вкладку?",
"gui_close_tab_warning_persistent_description": "Эта закладка важна. Если вы её закроете — потеряете используемый .onion-адрес. Вы уверены?",
"gui_close_tab_warning_website_description": "Закрыть вкладку, размещающую сайт?",
"gui_close_tab_warning_receive_description": "Закрыть вкладку, на которой принимаются файлы?",
"gui_close_tab_warning_share_description": "Закрыть вкладку, отправляющую файлы?",
"gui_close_tab_warning_persistent_description": "Закрыть постоянную вкладку и утратить onion адрес, используемый ей?",
"gui_tab_name_chat": "Чат",
"gui_tab_name_website": "Веб-сайт",
"gui_tab_name_receive": "Скачать",
@ -270,11 +270,11 @@
"gui_receive_flatpak_data_dir": "Так как OnionShare установлен с помощью Flatpak, вы должны сохранять файлы в папке ~/OnionShare.",
"gui_chat_stop_server": "Остановить чат-сервер",
"gui_chat_start_server": "Запустить чат-сервер",
"gui_file_selection_remove_all": "Очистить все",
"gui_remove": "Очистить",
"gui_file_selection_remove_all": "Убрать все",
"gui_remove": "Убрать",
"error_port_not_available": "Порт OnionShare не доступен",
"gui_rendezvous_cleanup_quit_early": "Выйти раньше",
"gui_rendezvous_cleanup": "Ожидается завершение соединений с сетью Tor для подтверждения успешной отправки ваших файлов.\n\nЭто может занять несколько минут.",
"gui_rendezvous_cleanup": "Ожидается завершение соединений с сетью Tor для подтверждения отправки ваших файлов.\n\nЭто может занять несколько минут.",
"gui_color_mode_changed_notice": "Тема будет изменена после перезапуска OnionShare.",
"gui_chat_url_description": "<b>Каждый</b> у кого есть этот адрес OnionShare и секретный ключ может <b>присоединиться к этому чату</b> при помощи <b>Tor Browser</b>: <img src='{}' />",
"history_receive_read_message_button": "Прочитать сообщение",
@ -297,7 +297,7 @@
"gui_receive_url_public_description": "<b>Кто угодно</b> c этим адресом OnionShare ключом может <b>загрузить</b> файлы на ваш компьютер с помощью<b>Tor Browser</b>: <img src='{}' />",
"gui_website_url_public_description": "<b>Любой</b> у кого есть этот адрес OnionShare может <b>посетить</b> ваш сайт при помощи <b>Tor Browser</b>: <img src='{}' />",
"gui_share_url_public_description": "<b>Кто угодно</b> c этим адресом OnionShare может <b>скачать</b> Ваши файлы при помощи <b>Tor Browser</b>: <img src='{}' />",
"gui_server_doesnt_support_stealth": "Приносим свои извинения, текущая версия Tor не поддерживает режим \"stealth\" (Аутентификация Клиента). Пожалуйста, попробуйте обновить версию Tor, или используйте 'публичный' режим, если в 'секретном' режиме отсутствует необходимость.",
"gui_server_doesnt_support_stealth": "Приносим свои извинения, текущая версия Tor не поддерживает режим \"stealth\" (аутентификация клиента). Пожалуйста, попробуйте обновить версию Tor, или используйте 'публичный' режим, если у вас нет необходимости использовать 'секретный' режим.",
"gui_please_wait_no_button": "Запуск…",
"gui_hide": "Скрыть",
"gui_reveal": "Показать",
@ -309,26 +309,46 @@
"gui_dragdrop_sandbox_flatpak": "Для обеспечения дополнительной безопасности, функция \"drag and drop\" не поддерживается песочницей Flatpak. Вместо этого используйте кнопки \"Добавить файлы\" и \"Добавить папку\".",
"gui_tor_settings_window_title": "Настройки Tor",
"gui_settings_controller_extras_label": "Настройки Tor",
"gui_settings_tor_bridges_label": "Мосты позволяют подключаться к сети Tor из мест, где её использование заблокировано. В зависимости от вашего местоположения лучше работать может тот или иной мост.",
"gui_settings_tor_bridges_label": "Мосты позволяют подключаться к сети Tor из мест, где её использование заблокировано. Какой мост лучше выбрать, зависит от того, откуда вы подключаетесь.",
"gui_settings_bridge_use_checkbox": "Использовать мост",
"gui_settings_bridge_radio_builtin": "Выбрать встроенный мост",
"gui_settings_bridge_none_radio_option": "Не использовать мост",
"gui_settings_bridge_none_radio_option": "Не использовать мосты",
"gui_settings_bridge_moat_radio_option": "Запросить мост с сайта torproject.org",
"gui_settings_bridge_moat_button": "Запросить новый мост",
"gui_settings_bridge_custom_radio_option": "Подключить мост, о котором вы узнали из доверенного источника",
"gui_settings_bridge_custom_radio_option": "Подключить мост, полученный у доверенного источника",
"gui_settings_bridge_custom_placeholder": "в формате адрес:порт (по одному на строку)",
"gui_settings_moat_bridges_invalid": "Вы ещё не запрашивали мост с сайта torproject.org.",
"gui_settings_stop_active_tabs_label": "На некоторых из ваших вкладок запущены сервисы.\nНеобходимо остановить все сервисы, чтобы изменить настройки Tor.",
"gui_settings_version_label": "Вы используете OnionShare {}",
"gui_settings_help_label": "Нужна помощь? Вам сюда: <a href='https://docs.onionshare.org'>docs.onionshare.org</a>",
"mode_settings_website_custom_csp_checkbox": "Отправлять самостоятельно настроенный заголовок Content Security Policy",
"moat_contact_label": "Устанавливается связь с BridgeDB...",
"moat_contact_label": "Подключаемся к BridgeDB…",
"moat_captcha_label": "Решите капчу, чтобы получить мост.",
"moat_captcha_placeholder": "Введите символы с картинки",
"moat_captcha_submit": "Отправить",
"moat_captcha_reload": "Запросить новую",
"moat_bridgedb_error": "Ошибка соединения с BridgeDB.",
"moat_captcha_error": "Решение не верно. Пожалуйста, попробуйте ещё раз.",
"moat_solution_empty_error": "Вы должны ввести символы с картинки",
"mode_tor_not_connected_label": "OnionShare не подключен к сети Tor"
"moat_bridgedb_error": "Не удалось подключиться к BridgeDB.",
"moat_captcha_error": "Вы ввели неверный ответ. Пожалуйста, попробуйте ещё раз.",
"moat_solution_empty_error": "Введите символы с картинки",
"mode_tor_not_connected_label": "OnionShare не подключен к сети Tor",
"gui_autoconnect_description": "OnionShare работает благодаря сети Tor, которую поддерживают волонтёры по всему свету.",
"gui_autoconnect_connection_error_msg": "Убедитесь, что вы подключены к Интернету.",
"gui_autoconnect_bridge_description": "Если ваше Интернет-соединение подвергнуто цензуре, можно попробовать подключиться через мост.",
"gui_autoconnect_circumventing_censorship_requesting_bridges": "Запрашиваем мосты через API обхода цензуры Tor…",
"gui_autoconnect_could_not_connect_to_tor_api": "Не удалось подключиться к API Tor. Проверьте, подключены ли вы к интернету.",
"gui_enable_autoconnect_checkbox": "Автоматически подключаться к Tor",
"gui_autoconnect_failed_to_connect_to_tor": "Не удалось подключиться к Tor",
"gui_autoconnect_trying_to_connect_to_tor": "Подключаемся к Тор…",
"gui_autoconnect_bridge_detect_automatic": "Определить мою страну по IP-адресу, чтобы настроить мост",
"gui_autoconnect_bridge_detect_manual": "Выбрать страну вручную, чтобы настроить мост",
"gui_autoconnect_circumventing_censorship": "Устраняем проблемы с подключением…",
"gui_autoconnect_circumventing_censorship_starting_circumvention": "Обходим цензуру…",
"gui_autoconnect_circumventing_censorship_got_bridges": "Мосты получены. Переподключаемся к Tor…",
"gui_autoconnect_bridge_setting_options": "Настройки моста",
"gui_autoconnect_start": "Подключиться к Tor",
"gui_autoconnect_configure": "Настройки сети",
"gui_autoconnect_no_bridge": "Попробовать подключиться без моста ещё раз",
"gui_autoconnect_try_again_without_a_bridge": "Попробовать подключиться без моста ещё раз",
"gui_autoconnect_circumventing_censorship_starting_meek": "Подключаемся к мосту meek…",
"gui_general_settings_window_title": "Общие"
@ -7,15 +7,15 @@
"give_this_url_receive_stealth": "",
"ctrlc_to_stop": "",
"not_a_file": "",
"not_a_readable_file": "",
"not_a_readable_file": "{O:s} faili sio la kusomeka.",
"no_available_port": "",
"other_page_loaded": "",
"close_on_autostop_timer": "",
"closing_automatically": "",
"other_page_loaded": "anuani inapakia",
"close_on_autostop_timer": "imesimama kwa sababu muda wa auto-stop timer umeisha",
"closing_automatically": "imesimama kwa sababu uhamisho umekamilika",
"timeout_download_still_running": "",
"timeout_upload_still_running": "",
"large_filesize": "",
"systray_menu_exit": "",
"large_filesize": "Tahadhari: kutuma mafaili makubwa inachukua muda",
"systray_menu_exit": "acha",
"systray_download_started_title": "",
"systray_download_started_message": "",
"systray_download_completed_title": "",
@ -32,27 +32,27 @@
"help_verbose": "",
"help_filename": "",
"help_config": "",
"gui_drag_and_drop": "",
"gui_add": "",
"gui_add_files": "",
"gui_add_folder": "",
"gui_drag_and_drop": "weka faili kuanza kusambaza",
"gui_add": "ongeza",
"gui_add_files": "ongeza faili",
"gui_add_folder": "ongeza faili",
"gui_delete": "",
"gui_choose_items": "",
"gui_share_start_server": "",
"gui_share_stop_server": "",
"gui_share_stop_server_autostop_timer": "",
"gui_choose_items": "chagua",
"gui_share_start_server": "anza kusambaza",
"gui_share_stop_server": "acha kusambaza",
"gui_share_stop_server_autostop_timer": "acha kusambaza ({})",
"gui_share_stop_server_autostop_timer_tooltip": "",
"gui_receive_start_server": "",
"gui_receive_stop_server": "",
"gui_receive_stop_server_autostop_timer": "",
"gui_receive_start_server": "anza kupokea mode",
"gui_receive_stop_server": "sitisha kupokea mode",
"gui_receive_stop_server_autostop_timer": "acha kupokea mode ({} iliobaki)",
"gui_receive_stop_server_autostop_timer_tooltip": "",
"gui_copy_url": "",
"gui_copy_url": "nakala anuani",
"gui_downloads": "",
"gui_no_downloads": "",
"gui_canceled": "",
"gui_copied_url_title": "",
"gui_copied_url": "",
"gui_please_wait": "",
"gui_canceled": "imesitishwa",
"gui_copied_url_title": "anuani ya OnionShare imenakiliwa",
"gui_copied_url": "OnionShare imenakiliwa ubaoni",
"gui_please_wait": "inaanz... bonyeza kusitisha.",
"gui_download_upload_progress_complete": "",
"gui_download_upload_progress_starting": "",
"gui_download_upload_progress_eta": "",
@ -60,102 +60,102 @@
"gui_quit_title": "",
"gui_share_quit_warning": "",
"gui_receive_quit_warning": "",
"gui_quit_warning_quit": "",
"gui_quit_warning_quit": "acha",
"gui_quit_warning_dont_quit": "",
"zip_progress_bar_format": "",
"zip_progress_bar_format": "imekamilika: %p%",
"error_stealth_not_supported": "",
"error_ephemeral_not_supported": "",
"gui_settings_window_title": "",
"gui_settings_window_title": "mpangilio",
"gui_settings_whats_this": "",
"gui_settings_stealth_option": "",
"gui_settings_autoupdate_label": "",
"gui_settings_autoupdate_option": "",
"gui_settings_autoupdate_timestamp": "",
"gui_settings_autoupdate_timestamp_never": "",
"gui_settings_autoupdate_check_button": "",
"gui_settings_autoupdate_label": "angalia version mpya",
"gui_settings_autoupdate_option": "toa taarifa kama version mpya inapatikana",
"gui_settings_autoupdate_timestamp": "mara ya mwisho kuangaliwa: {}",
"gui_settings_autoupdate_timestamp_never": "hapana",
"gui_settings_autoupdate_check_button": "angalia version mpya",
"gui_settings_general_label": "",
"gui_settings_sharing_label": "",
"gui_settings_close_after_first_download_option": "",
"gui_settings_connection_type_label": "",
"gui_settings_connection_type_bundled_option": "",
"gui_settings_connection_type_automatic_option": "",
"gui_settings_connection_type_control_port_option": "",
"gui_settings_connection_type_socket_file_option": "",
"gui_settings_connection_type_test_button": "",
"gui_settings_control_port_label": "",
"gui_settings_socket_file_label": "",
"gui_settings_socks_label": "",
"gui_settings_connection_type_label": "OnionShare inawezaje kuunganishwa na Tor?",
"gui_settings_connection_type_bundled_option": "tumia Tor Version kuunda kwenye OnionShare",
"gui_settings_connection_type_automatic_option": "jaribu usanidi wa moja kwa moja na Tor Browser",
"gui_settings_connection_type_control_port_option": "unganisha kwa kutumia contol port",
"gui_settings_connection_type_socket_file_option": "unganisha kwa kutumia socket file",
"gui_settings_connection_type_test_button": "jaribu kuunganisha na Tor",
"gui_settings_control_port_label": "control port",
"gui_settings_socket_file_label": "socket file",
"gui_settings_socks_label": "SOCKS port",
"gui_settings_authenticate_label": "",
"gui_settings_authenticate_no_auth_option": "",
"gui_settings_authenticate_password_option": "",
"gui_settings_password_label": "",
"gui_settings_tor_bridges": "",
"gui_settings_authenticate_no_auth_option": "hakuna authentication au vidakuzi authentication",
"gui_settings_authenticate_password_option": "neno siri",
"gui_settings_password_label": "neno siri",
"gui_settings_tor_bridges": "unganisha kwa kutumia kiungio cha Tor?",
"gui_settings_tor_bridges_no_bridges_radio_option": "",
"gui_settings_tor_bridges_obfs4_radio_option": "",
"gui_settings_tor_bridges_obfs4_radio_option_no_obfs4proxy": "",
"gui_settings_tor_bridges_meek_lite_azure_radio_option": "",
"gui_settings_tor_bridges_meek_lite_azure_radio_option_no_obfs4proxy": "",
"gui_settings_meek_lite_expensive_warning": "",
"gui_settings_meek_lite_expensive_warning": "tahadhari: viungio vya meek azure ni gharama sana kuendesha mradi wa Tor. <br><br> unaweza kutumia tu kama imeshindwa kuunganisha na Tor moja kwa moja, kupitia obsfs4 transport, or au viungio vingine.",
"gui_settings_tor_bridges_custom_radio_option": "",
"gui_settings_tor_bridges_custom_label": "",
"gui_settings_tor_bridges_invalid": "",
"gui_settings_button_save": "",
"gui_settings_button_cancel": "",
"gui_settings_button_help": "",
"gui_settings_tor_bridges_invalid": "hakuna kiungio ulichoongeza kwenye kazi yako. bofya mara mbili kuhakikisha au ongeza zingine.",
"gui_settings_button_save": "hifadhi",
"gui_settings_button_cancel": "sitisha",
"gui_settings_button_help": "usaidizi",
"gui_settings_autostop_timer_checkbox": "",
"gui_settings_autostop_timer": "",
"settings_error_unknown": "",
"settings_error_automatic": "",
"settings_error_socket_port": "",
"settings_error_socket_file": "",
"settings_error_auth": "",
"settings_error_missing_password": "",
"settings_error_unreadable_cookie_file": "",
"settings_error_bundled_tor_not_supported": "",
"settings_error_bundled_tor_timeout": "",
"settings_error_bundled_tor_broken": "",
"settings_test_success": "",
"error_tor_protocol_error": "",
"settings_error_unknown": "haiwezi kuunganishwa na Tor kwa sababu mpangilio wako hauleti maana.",
"settings_error_automatic": "haiwezi kuunganishwa na kizuizi cha Tor. (inapatikana kutoka torproject.org) Tor Browser kuendesha kutoka nyuma?",
"settings_error_socket_port": "haiwezi kuunganishwa na kizuizi cha Tor kwa {}:{}.",
"settings_error_socket_file": "haiwezi kuunganishwa na kizuizi cha Tor kwa kutumia Socket file {}.",
"settings_error_auth": "imeunganishwa na {}:, lakini haijadhibitiwa. labda sio kizuizi cha Tor?",
"settings_error_missing_password": "imeunganishwa na kizuizi cha Tor, lakini inahitaji neno siri kudhibiti.",
"settings_error_unreadable_cookie_file": "imeunganishwa na kizuizi cha Tor, lakini neno siri linaweza kuwa limekosewa, au mtumiaji haruhusiwi kusoma mafaili ya vidakuzi.",
"settings_error_bundled_tor_not_supported": "kutumia Version ya Tor ambayo inatokana na OnionShare haiwezikufanya kazi kwenye utengenezaji mode ya programu tumizi au macOS.",
"settings_error_bundled_tor_timeout": "inachukua muda mrefu kuunganisha na Tor. labda hujaunganishwa na mtandandao, au mda sio sahihi?",
"settings_error_bundled_tor_broken": "OnionShare haiwezi kuunganishwa na Tor:\n{}",
"settings_test_success": "imeunganishwa na kizuizi cha Tor.\n\nversion ya Tori: {}\ninasapoti huduma za onion kwa mda: {}.\ninasapoti udhibiti wa mtumiaji: {}.\ninasapoti next-gen. huduma za onion: {}.",
"error_tor_protocol_error": "kulikua na makosa na Tor: {}",
"error_tor_protocol_error_unknown": "",
"error_invalid_private_key": "",
"connecting_to_tor": "",
"update_available": "",
"update_error_check_error": "",
"update_error_invalid_latest_version": "",
"update_not_available": "",
"gui_tor_connection_ask": "",
"gui_tor_connection_ask_open_settings": "",
"gui_tor_connection_ask_quit": "",
"gui_tor_connection_error_settings": "",
"gui_tor_connection_canceled": "",
"gui_tor_connection_lost": "",
"gui_server_started_after_autostop_timer": "",
"gui_server_autostop_timer_expired": "",
"share_via_onionshare": "",
"connecting_to_tor": "inaunganishwa na mtandao wa Tor",
"update_available": "OnionShare mpya imetoka. <a href='{}'>bonyeza hapa</a> kupata.<br><br>sasa unatumia ya sasa.{} {}.",
"update_error_check_error": "haiwezi kuona Version mpya: labda hujaunganishwa na Tor, au tovuti ya OnionShare ipo chini?",
"update_error_invalid_latest_version": "haiwezi kuangalia Version mpya. OnionShare inasema Version ya sasa haitambuliki '{}'…",
"update_not_available": "unatumia OnionShare mpya.",
"gui_tor_connection_ask": "fungua mpangilio kutatua mtandao kwa Tor?",
"gui_tor_connection_ask_open_settings": "ndio",
"gui_tor_connection_ask_quit": "acha",
"gui_tor_connection_error_settings": "jaribu kubadili ni jinsi gani OnionShare inaunganishwa kwa mtandao wa Tor kwenye mpangilio.",
"gui_tor_connection_canceled": "haiwezi kuunganishwa na Tor\n\nhakikisha umeunganisha internet yako, halafu jaribu tena kufungua OnionShare na uunganishe na Tor.",
"gui_tor_connection_lost": "haijaunganishwa na Tor.",
"gui_server_started_after_autostop_timer": "Auto-stop timer imetoka kabla haijahifadhiwa. tafadhali hakikisha unasambaza.",
"gui_server_autostop_timer_expired": "Auto-stop timer tayari imetoka. tafadhali sogeza ili uanze kusambaza.",
"share_via_onionshare": "sambaza kupitia OnionShare",
"gui_connect_to_tor_for_onion_settings": "",
"gui_save_private_key_checkbox": "",
"gui_share_url_description": "",
"gui_receive_url_description": "",
"gui_url_label_persistent": "",
"gui_url_label_stay_open": "",
"gui_url_label_onetime": "",
"gui_url_label_onetime_and_persistent": "",
"gui_status_indicator_share_stopped": "",
"gui_status_indicator_share_working": "",
"gui_status_indicator_share_started": "",
"gui_status_indicator_receive_stopped": "",
"gui_status_indicator_receive_working": "",
"gui_status_indicator_receive_started": "",
"gui_file_info": "",
"gui_file_info_single": "",
"history_in_progress_tooltip": "",
"history_completed_tooltip": "",
"gui_share_url_description": "<b>yeyote</b>mwenye anuani ya OnionShare na private key anaweza <b>kupakua</b>kwa kutumia faili lako la <b>kivinjari cha Tor</b>: <img src='{}' />",
"gui_receive_url_description": "<b> yeyote </b>: mwenye anuani ya OnionShare na private key anaweza <b> kupakia </b> mafaili kwenye kompyuta yako kwa kutumia <b> Tor Browser </b>:<img src='{}' />",
"gui_url_label_persistent": "ukisambaza haiwezi kusimama, <br><br> na kila utakapotumia itahitaji utumie tna anuani. ( ili kutumia anuani ya moja kwa moja, zima \"tumia anuani inayoendelea\" kwenye mpangilio.)",
"gui_url_label_stay_open": "hawezi kusambazwa.",
"gui_url_label_onetime": "itasimama baada ya kukamilika.",
"gui_url_label_onetime_and_persistent": "haitasimama kusambazwa. <br><br> kila usambazaji unahitaji kuweka anuani mpya tena. (ili kutumia anuani ya moja kwa moja , \"zima kwanzaanuani inayoendelea\" kwenye mpangilio.)",
"gui_status_indicator_share_stopped": "tayari kwa kusambaza",
"gui_status_indicator_share_working": "inaanza…",
"gui_status_indicator_share_started": "inasambazwa",
"gui_status_indicator_receive_stopped": "tayari kwa kupokea",
"gui_status_indicator_receive_working": "inaanza…",
"gui_status_indicator_receive_started": "inapokea",
"gui_file_info": "{}}mafaili,{}",
"gui_file_info_single": "{}mafaili,{}",
"history_in_progress_tooltip": "{} inaendelea",
"history_completed_tooltip": "{}imekamilika",
"info_in_progress_uploads_tooltip": "",
"info_completed_uploads_tooltip": "",
"error_cannot_create_downloads_dir": "",
"receive_mode_downloads_dir": "",
"receive_mode_warning": "",
"gui_receive_mode_warning": "",
"gui_receive_mode_warning": "kupokea mode itasaidia watu kupakia mafaili kwenye kompyuta yako. <br><br><br> na faili zingine zinaweza kuhifadhi ubora wa mafaili yako kwenye kompyuta endapo utazifungua. fungua tu kwa watu unaowaamini, au unaojua wanajishughulisha na nini. </b>",
"receive_mode_upload_starting": "",
"receive_mode_received_file": "",
"gui_mode_share_button": "",
@ -166,7 +166,7 @@
"gui_settings_public_mode_checkbox": "",
"systray_close_server_title": "",
"systray_close_server_message": "",
"systray_page_loaded_title": "",
"systray_page_loaded_title": "kurasa inapakiwa",
"systray_download_page_loaded_message": "",
"systray_upload_page_loaded_message": "",
"gui_uploads": "",
@ -177,6 +177,166 @@
"gui_upload_finished": "",
"gui_download_in_progress": "",
"gui_open_folder_error_nautilus": "",
"gui_settings_language_label": "",
"gui_settings_language_changed_notice": ""
"gui_settings_language_label": "lugha",
"gui_settings_language_changed_notice": "anza upya OnionShare kubadili lugha mpya.",
"gui_show_qr_code": "onyesha QR Code",
"gui_qr_label_url_title": "anuani ya OnionShare",
"gui_hide": "ficha",
"gui_tor_settings_window_title": "mpangilio wa Tor",
"gui_qr_label_auth_string_title": "PrivateKey",
"gui_settings_controller_extras_label": "mpangilio wa Tor",
"gui_settings_bridge_use_checkbox": "tumia kiungio",
"gui_settings_bridge_moat_button": "omba kiungio kipya",
"gui_settings_bridge_custom_radio_option": "onyesha kiungio ulichojifunzia kutoka kwa chanzo kinachoaminika",
"gui_settings_bridge_custom_placeholder": "andika anuani:port (moja kwa kila mstari)",
"gui_settings_bridge_moat_radio_option": "omba kiungio kutoka torproject.org",
"gui_website_url_public_description": "<b> yeyote </b> kwenye hii anuani ya OnionShare <b> tembelea </b> tovuti yako kwa kutumia <b> Tor Browser </b>:<img src='{}' />",
"gui_status_indicator_share_scheduled": "imepangwa…",
"gui_status_indicator_receive_scheduled": "imepangwa…",
"history_requests_tooltip": "{} ombi la tovuti",
"error_cannot_create_data_dir": "haijaweza kutengeneza data folda ya OnionShare: {}",
"systray_share_completed_message": "imemaliza kutuma faili",
"systray_share_completed_title": "imekamilika",
"systray_share_canceled_title": "usambazaji umesitishwa",
"systray_share_canceled_message": "mpokeaji amesitisha kupokea faili",
"systray_receive_started_title": "anza kupokea",
"gui_all_modes_clear_history": "futa zote",
"gui_receive_mode_autostop_timer_waiting": "inamalizia kupokea…",
"hours_first_letter": "h",
"minutes_first_letter": "m",
"gui_new_tab": "kurasa mpya",
"days_first_letter": "d",
"seconds_first_letter": "s",
"gui_new_tab_chat_button": "Chat kwa usiri",
"gui_main_page_share_button": "anza kusambaza",
"gui_main_page_receive_button": "anza kupokea",
"gui_main_page_website_button": "anza kuendesha",
"gui_main_page_chat_button": "anza kuwasiliana",
"gui_tab_name_share": "sambaza",
"gui_tab_name_receive": "pokea",
"gui_tab_name_website": "tovuti",
"gui_close_tab_warning_title": "funga ukurasa?",
"gui_quit_warning_cancel": "sitisha",
"mode_settings_advanced_toggle_show": "onyesha mpangilio wenye ubora",
"mode_settings_title_label": "kichwa cha habari kuu",
"mode_settings_advanced_toggle_hide": "ficha mpangilio ulioboreshwa",
"gui_all_modes_transfer_finished_range": "imehamishwa{}-[]",
"mode_settings_receive_data_dir_label": "hifadhi faili kwa",
"gui_all_modes_transfer_finished": "imehamishwa {}",
"mode_settings_receive_data_dir_browse_button": "kivinjari",
"mode_settings_receive_disable_text_checkbox": "sitisha kuwasilisha ujumbe",
"mode_settings_receive_disable_files_checkbox": "sitisha kupakia mafaili",
"mode_settings_receive_webhook_url_checkbox": "tumia taarifa za webhook",
"mode_settings_website_disable_csp_checkbox": "usitume kichwa cha sera ya usalama wa yaliyomo cha chaguo msingi kwa rasilimali za watu wengine(tumia upande mwingine wa tovuti yako)",
"mode_settings_website_custom_csp_checkbox": "tuma kichwa cha sera ya usalama wa iliobinafsishwa",
"gui_all_modes_transfer_canceled": "imesitishwa {}",
"error_port_not_available": "OnionShare haipatikani",
"history_receive_read_message_button": "soma ujumbe",
"moat_contact_label": "wasiliana BridgeDB…",
"moat_captcha_label": "tatua CAPTCHA kuomba kiungio.",
"mode_tor_not_connected_label": "OnionShare haijaunganishwa na mtandao",
"moat_captcha_placeholder": "weka alama kutoka kwenye picha",
"moat_captcha_submit": "wasilisha",
"moat_captcha_reload": "pakia upya",
"moat_bridgedb_error": "haiwezi kuwasiliana na BridgeDB.",
"moat_captcha_error": "utatuzi sio sahihi. tafadhali jaribu tena.",
"gui_please_wait_no_button": "inaanza…",
"gui_copy_client_auth": "nakala Private Key",
"gui_copied_client_auth": "Private key imenakiliwa kwenye ubao",
"gui_reveal": "onyesha",
"gui_all_modes_history": "historia",
"gui_close_tab_warning_persistent_description": "funga kurasa inayoendelea na ufichenanuani ya onion inayotumia?",
"gui_close_tab_warning_share_description": "funga ukurasa ambao unatuma faili?",
"gui_close_tab_warning_receive_description": "funga kurasa ambazo zinapokea mafaili?",
"gui_close_tab_warning_website_description": "funga ukurasa unaoendesha tovuti?",
"gui_close_tab_warning_close": "funga",
"gui_close_tab_warning_cancel": "sitisha",
"gui_quit_warning_title": "acha OnionShare?",
"gui_quit_warning_description": "acha na ufunge kurasa zote, hata kama bado baadhi zinasambaza mafaili?",
"gui_rendezvous_cleanup_quit_early": "acha mapema",
"gui_autoconnect_circumventing_censorship": "kutatua masuala ya kuunganisha…",
"gui_autoconnect_circumventing_censorship_starting_circumvention": "kukwepa udhibiti…",
"gui_autoconnect_circumventing_censorship_starting_meek": "kuanzisha viungio vya meek kwa domain fronting…",
"gui_autoconnect_circumventing_censorship_got_bridges": "Viungio vimeanzishwa. unganisha tena na Tor…",
"gui_autoconnect_could_not_connect_to_tor_api": "haiwezi kuunganishwa na Tor API. hakikisha mtandao wako upo sawa kabla hujajaribu tena.",
"gui_server_doesnt_support_stealth": "samahani, hii version ya Tor haisapoti udhibiti wa mtumiaji. tafadhali jaribu version mpya ya Tor, tumia kwa umma kama mode haiitaji kuwa ya binafsi.",
"gui_waiting_to_start": "imepangwa kuanza kwa {}. bonyeza kusitisha.",
"gui_qr_code_dialog_title": "OnionShare QR Code",
"gui_receive_flatpak_data_dir": "kwa sababu umepakua OnionShare kwa kutumia flatpak, lazima uhifadhi mafaili kwenye folda ya ~/OnionShare.",
"gui_start_server_autostart_timer_tooltip": "Auto-start timer inaishia kwa {}",
"gui_stop_server_autostop_timer_tooltip": "Auto-stop timer inaishia kwa {}",
"gui_chat_stop_server": "acha chat server",
"gui_chat_start_server": "anza chat server",
"gui_file_selection_remove_all": "ondoa zote",
"gui_remove": "ondoa",
"incorrect_password": "neno siri sio sahihi",
"gui_dragdrop_sandbox_flatpak": "ili kufanya flatpak sanbox kuwa salama, iondoe kama haisapotiwi. tumia \"ongeza faili\" na \"ongeza faili\" kuchagua mafaili mbadala.",
"gui_autoconnect_circumventing_censorship_requesting_bridges": "omba viungio vya udhibiti wa Tor API…",
"gui_settings_tor_bridges_label": "viungio vinakusaidia zaidi kuweka mtandao wa Tor ikiwa upatikanaji wake umefungiwa, kutegemeana na wapi umeunganishwa , kiungio kimoja kinaweza kufanya kazi vizuri zaidi kuliko kingine.",
"gui_settings_moat_bridges_invalid": "Bado haujaomba kiungio kutoka torproject.org.",
"gui_settings_stop_active_tabs_label": "kuna huduma zinazoendelea kwenye kurasa zako.\nlazima usitishe kwanza huduma zote ili kubadili mpangilio wa kurasa zako.",
"gui_copied_client_auth_title": "Private Key imenakiliwa",
"gui_autoconnect_description": "Onionshare inategemea mtandao unaoendeshwa na Tor.",
"gui_enable_autoconnect_checkbox": "inaunganishwa na Tor",
"gui_autoconnect_failed_to_connect_to_tor": "haiwezi kuunganishwa na Tor",
"gui_autoconnect_trying_to_connect_to_tor": "inaunganishwa na Tor…",
"gui_autoconnect_connection_error_msg": "Hakikisha umeunganishwa na mtandao.",
"gui_autoconnect_bridge_description": "unaweza kuunganishwa kwa kutumia kiungio kama internet yako imedhibitiwa.",
"gui_autoconnect_bridge_detect_automatic": "kuweka nchi yangu kutoka kwa anuani ya IP kwa mpangilio wa kiungio",
"gui_autoconnect_bridge_detect_manual": "chagua nchi kwa mpangilio halisi",
"gui_autoconnect_bridge_setting_options": "mpangilio wa viungio",
"gui_autoconnect_start": "unganisha na Tor",
"gui_autoconnect_configure": "mpangilio wa mtandao",
"gui_autoconnect_no_bridge": "jaribu tena bila viungio",
"gui_autoconnect_try_again_without_a_bridge": "jaribu tena bila viungio",
"gui_general_settings_window_title": "kuu",
"gui_settings_bridge_radio_builtin": "chagua kiungio kilichoundwa",
"gui_settings_bridge_none_radio_option": "usitumie viungio",
"gui_settings_version_label": "unatumia OnionShare {}",
"gui_settings_help_label": "unahitaji usaidizi? angalia<a href='https://docs.onionshare.org'>docs. onionshare.org</a>",
"gui_autostop_timer_cant_be_earlier_than_autostart_timer": "muda uliopangwa hauwezi kuwa sawa kuliko muda wa kuanza. tafadhali anza kusambaza.",
"gui_share_url_public_description": "<b>yeyote</b>mwenye hii tovuti ya OnionShare anaweza<b>kupakua</b> mafaili kwa kutumia <b> kivinjari cha Tor</b>: <img src='{}' />",
"gui_website_url_description": "<b>yeyote </b> mwenye hii tovuti ya OnionShare na private key anaweza<b>tenmbelea </b> kwenye tovuti yako kwa kutumia <b> Tor Browser </b><img src='{}' />",
"gui_url_instructions": "kwanza, tuma anuani ya OnionShare apo chini:",
"gui_url_instructions_public_mode": "tuma anuani ya OnionShare inayofuata:",
"gui_chat_url_description": "<b> yeyote </b> mwenye hii anuani ya OnionShare na private key anaweza <b> kujiunga na hii chumba cha chat </b> kutumia <b>Tor Browser </b>:<img src='{}' />",
"gui_chat_url_public_description": "<b>yeyote </b> mwenye hii anuani ya OnionShare anaweza kujiunga <b> na hii chumba cha chat kwa kutumia <b> Tor Browser </b>:<img src='{}' />",
"gui_status_indicator_chat_stopped": "tayari kwa chat",
"gui_status_indicator_chat_working": "inaanza…",
"gui_status_indicator_chat_scheduled": "imepangwa…",
"gui_status_indicator_chat_started": "wasiliana",
"gui_open_folder_error": "haiwezi kufungua folda na xdg-open. faili lipo hapa: {}",
"gui_settings_theme_label": "dhamira",
"gui_settings_theme_auto": "auto",
"gui_settings_theme_light": "light",
"gui_settings_theme_dark": "dark",
"gui_color_mode_changed_notice": "anza upya OnionShare kuona rangi mpya.",
"systray_page_loaded_message": "anuani ya OnionShare inapakiwa",
"systray_share_started_title": "imeanza kusambazwa",
"systray_share_started_message": "anza kutuma mafaili kwa mtu",
"systray_receive_started_message": "mtu anatuma faili kwako",
"gui_all_modes_transfer_started": "imeanza {]",
"gui_all_modes_progress_complete": "%p%, {0:s:} ilipita.",
"gui_all_modes_progress_starting": "{0:s}, %p% (inahesabu)",
"gui_all_modes_progress_eta": "{0:s}, ETA: {1:s}, %p%",
"gui_share_mode_no_files": "hakuna faili iliotumwa",
"gui_share_mode_autostop_timer_waiting": "inamalizia kutuma…",
"gui_website_mode_no_files": "hakuna tovuti iliosambazwa",
"gui_receive_mode_no_files": "hakuna faili iliopokelewa",
"gui_new_tab_tooltip": "fungua ukurasa mpya",
"gui_new_tab_share_button": "sambaza faili",
"gui_new_tab_receive_button": "pokea faili",
"gui_new_tab_website_button": "endesha tovuti",
"mode_settings_persistent_checkbox": "mara zote fungua ukurasa wako OnionShare ikianza",
"mode_settings_public_checkbox": "hii ni huduma ya OnionShare ya umma (zima private key)",
"mode_settings_autostart_timer_checkbox": "anza huduma za onion kwa muda uliopangwa",
"gui_server_autostart_timer_expired": "muda uliopangwa umeeisha. tafadhali anza kusambaza.",
"gui_receive_url_public_description": "<b> yeyote </b>mwenye anuani ya OnionShare unaweza <b><kupakia. </b>mafaili kwenye kompyuta yako kutumia <b>Tor Browser </b>:<img src='{}' />",
"gui_client_auth_instructions": "inayofuata, tuma private key kuruhusu upatikanaji wa huduma za Onion Service yako:",
"mode_settings_share_autostop_sharing_checkbox": "acha kusambaza baada ya mafaili kutumwa (toa kuruhusu upakuaji wa mafaili binafsi)",
"gui_tab_name_chat": "chat",
"mode_settings_autostop_timer_checkbox": "funga huduma za onion kwa muda uliopangwa",
"moat_solution_empty_error": "ingiza alama za picha",
"gui_all_modes_transfer_canceled_range": "imesitishwa {}- {}",
"gui_rendezvous_cleanup": "inasubiri mzunguko wa Tor kumalizika ili kuwa na uhakika wa mafaili yako kuhamishwa.\n\nhii inaweza kuchukua muda kidogo."
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,256 @@
"not_a_readable_file": "{0:s} s’është kartelë e lexueshme.",
"other_page_loaded": "Adresa u ngarkua",
"incorrect_password": "Fjalëkalim i pasaktë",
"close_on_autostop_timer": "U ndal, ngaqë kohëmatësi për auto-stop u plotësua",
"closing_automatically": "U ndal, ngaqë shpërngulja u plotësua",
"large_filesize": "Kujdes: Dërgimi i një sasie të madhe mund të dojë orë",
"gui_drag_and_drop": "Që të fillohet ndarje me të tjerë, tërhiqni dhe lini kartela dhe dosje",
"gui_add": "Shto",
"gui_add_files": "Shtoni Kartela",
"gui_add_folder": "Shtoni Dosje",
"gui_remove": "Hiqe",
"gui_dragdrop_sandbox_flatpak": "Për ta bërë më të sigurt bankëprovën Flatpak, nuk mbulohet “merr dhe vër”. Në vend të saj përdorni “Shtoni Kartela” dhe “Shtoni Dosje”.",
"gui_file_selection_remove_all": "Hiqi Krejt",
"gui_choose_items": "Zgjidhni",
"gui_share_start_server": "Filloni të ndani me të tjerë",
"gui_share_stop_server": "Resht së ndari me të tjerë",
"gui_share_stop_server_autostop_timer": "Resht së Ndari Me të Tjerë ({})",
"gui_chat_start_server": "Nis shërbyes fjalosjesh",
"gui_chat_stop_server": "Ndal shërbyes fjalosjesh",
"gui_stop_server_autostop_timer_tooltip": "Kohëmatësi për vetë-ndalje përfundon më {}",
"gui_start_server_autostart_timer_tooltip": "Kohëmatësi i vetë-nisjes përfundon më {}",
"gui_receive_start_server": "Fillo Mënyrën Marrje",
"gui_receive_stop_server": "Ndal Mënyrën Marrje",
"gui_receive_stop_server_autostop_timer": "Ndal Mënyrën Marrje (edhe {})",
"gui_receive_flatpak_data_dir": "Ngaqë e instaluat OnionShare-in duke përdorur Flatpak, duhet t’i ruani kartelat te një dosje në ~/OnionShare.",
"gui_copy_url": "Kopjo Adresën",
"gui_copy_client_auth": "Kopjo Kyç Privat",
"gui_canceled": "Anuluar",
"gui_copied_url_title": "Adresa OnionShare u Kopjua",
"gui_copied_url": "Adresa OnionShare u kopjua te e papastra",
"gui_copied_client_auth_title": "Kyçi Privat u Kopjua",
"gui_copied_client_auth": "Kyçi Privat u kopjua në të papastër",
"gui_show_qr_code": "Shfaq kod QR",
"gui_qr_code_dialog_title": "Kod QR OnionShare",
"gui_qr_label_url_title": "Adresë OnionShare",
"gui_qr_label_auth_string_title": "Kyç Privat",
"gui_reveal": "Shfaqe",
"gui_hide": "Fshihe",
"gui_waiting_to_start": "Vënë në plan që të nisë për {}. Klikoni që të anulohet.",
"gui_please_wait_no_button": "Po niset…",
"gui_please_wait": "Po niset… Klikoni që të anulohet.",
"zip_progress_bar_format": "Po ngjeshet: %p%",
"gui_tor_settings_window_title": "Rregullime Tor-i",
"gui_autoconnect_description": "OnionShare bazohet në rrjetin Tor të mbajtur në punë nga vullnetarë.",
"gui_enable_autoconnect_checkbox": "Vetëlidhu me Tor-in",
"gui_autoconnect_failed_to_connect_to_tor": "S’u lidh dot me Tor-in",
"gui_autoconnect_trying_to_connect_to_tor": "Po lidhet me Tor-in…",
"gui_autoconnect_connection_error_msg": "Sigurohuni se jeni të lidhur në Internet.",
"gui_autoconnect_bridge_description": "Mund të jeni në gjendje të lidheni duke përdorur një urë, nëse lidhja juaj Internet censurohet.",
"gui_autoconnect_bridge_detect_automatic": "Për rregullime urash, përcaktoje vendin tim nga adresa ime IP",
"gui_autoconnect_bridge_detect_manual": "Përzgjidhje dorazi e vendit tim për rregullime urash",
"gui_autoconnect_bridge_setting_options": "Rregullime Ure",
"gui_autoconnect_start": "Lidhu me Tor-in",
"gui_autoconnect_configure": "Rregullime Rrjeti",
"gui_autoconnect_no_bridge": "Riprovo pa ura",
"gui_autoconnect_try_again_without_a_bridge": "Riprovo pa ura",
"gui_autoconnect_circumventing_censorship": "Po zgjidhen probleme lidhje…",
"gui_autoconnect_circumventing_censorship_starting_circumvention": "Anashkalim censurimi…",
"gui_autoconnect_circumventing_censorship_starting_meek": "Po vendoset urë “meek” për “domain-fronting”…",
"gui_autoconnect_circumventing_censorship_requesting_bridges": "Po kërkohen ura nga API Tor anashkalimi censurimi…",
"gui_autoconnect_circumventing_censorship_got_bridges": "U vendosën ura. Po rilidhet me Tor-in…",
"gui_autoconnect_could_not_connect_to_tor_api": "S’u lidh dot me API Tor-i. Sigurohuni se jeni lidhur në Internet, para se të riprovoni.",
"gui_settings_window_title": "Rregullime",
"gui_general_settings_window_title": "Të përgjithshme",
"gui_settings_autoupdate_label": "Kontrolloni për version të ri",
"gui_settings_autoupdate_option": "Njoftomë, kur ka një version të ri gati",
"gui_settings_autoupdate_timestamp": "Kontrolluar së fundi më: {}",
"gui_settings_autoupdate_timestamp_never": "Kurrë",
"gui_settings_autoupdate_check_button": "Kontrollo për Version të Ri",
"gui_settings_connection_type_label": "Si duhet të lidhet me Tor-in OnionShare?",
"gui_settings_connection_type_bundled_option": "Përdor versionin Tor që përmban OnionShare",
"gui_settings_connection_type_automatic_option": "Provo vetë-formësim me Shfletuesin Tor",
"gui_settings_controller_extras_label": "Rregullime Tor-i",
"gui_settings_connection_type_control_port_option": "Lidhu duke përdorur portë kontrolli",
"gui_settings_connection_type_socket_file_option": "Lidhu duke përdorur kartelë socket",
"gui_settings_connection_type_test_button": "Provo Lidhjen me Tor-in",
"gui_settings_control_port_label": "Portë kontrolli",
"gui_settings_socket_file_label": "Kartelë socket",
"gui_settings_socks_label": "Portë Socks",
"gui_settings_authenticate_no_auth_option": "Pa mirëfilltësim, apo mirëfilltësim me cookie",
"gui_settings_authenticate_password_option": "Fjalëkalim",
"gui_settings_password_label": "Fjalëkalim",
"gui_settings_tor_bridges": "Të lidhet duke përdorur një urë Tor?",
"gui_settings_tor_bridges_label": "Urat e ndihmojnë trafikun tuaj të hyjë në Rrjetin Tor, nëse hyrja në Tor është e bllokuar. Një urë mund të punojë më mirë se një tjetër, në varësi të faktit se prej nga lidheni.",
"gui_settings_bridge_use_checkbox": "Përdorni një urë",
"gui_settings_bridge_radio_builtin": "Përzgjidhni një urë të brendshme",
"gui_settings_bridge_none_radio_option": "Mos përdor ura",
"gui_settings_meek_lite_expensive_warning": "Kujdes: Xhirimi i urave “meek-azure” është shumë i kushtueshëm për Projektin Tor.<br><br>Përdorin vetëm nëse s’jeni në gjendje të lidheni drejtpërsëdrejti te Tor-i, përmes transportesh via obfs4 transports, ose urash të tjera normale.",
"gui_settings_bridge_moat_radio_option": "Kërkoni një urë nga torproject.org",
"gui_settings_bridge_moat_button": "Kërkoni një Urë të Re",
"gui_settings_bridge_custom_radio_option": "Jepni një urë që e mësuar nga një burim i besuar",
"gui_settings_bridge_custom_placeholder": "shtypni adresë:portë (një për rresht)",
"gui_settings_moat_bridges_invalid": "S’keni kërkuar ende një ura nga torproject.org.",
"gui_settings_tor_bridges_invalid": "S’funksionon asnjë nga urat që shtuat. Rikontrollojini, ose shtoni të tjera.",
"gui_settings_stop_active_tabs_label": "Në disa nga skedat tuaja ka shërbime që janë duke punuar.\nQë të ndryshoni rregullimet e Tor-it tuaj. duhet të ndalni krejt shërbimet.",
"gui_settings_button_save": "Ruaje",
"gui_settings_button_cancel": "Anuloje",
"gui_settings_button_help": "Ndihmë",
"gui_settings_version_label": "Po përdorni OnionShare {}",
"gui_settings_help_label": "Ju duhet ndihmë? Shihni <a href='https://docs.onionshare.org'>docs.onionshare.org</a>",
"settings_test_success": "I lidhur me kontrollorin Tor.\n\nVersion Tor: {}\nMbulon shërbime Onion efemere: {}.\nMbulon mirëfilltësim klientësh: {}.\nMbulon adresa .onion të brezit pasues: {}.",
"connecting_to_tor": "Lidhje me rrjetin Tor",
"update_available": "OnionShare e Re. <a href='{}'>Klikoni këtu</a> që ta merrni.<br><br>Po përdorni {} dhe më i riu është {}.",
"update_error_invalid_latest_version": "S’u kontrollua dot për version të ri: Sajti OnionShare po thotë se versioni më i ri është i papranuar '{}'…",
"update_error_check_error": "S’u kontrollua dot për version të ri: Ndoshta s’jeni lidhur me Tor-in, ose sajti OnionShare është jashtë funksionimi?",
"update_not_available": "Po xhironi versionin më të ri të OnionShare-it.",
"gui_tor_connection_ask": "Të hapen rregullimet për të zgjidhur lidhjen me Tor-in?",
"gui_tor_connection_ask_open_settings": "Po",
"gui_tor_connection_ask_quit": "Dilni",
"gui_tor_connection_error_settings": "Provoni të ndryshoni te rregullimet se si lidhet me rrjetin Tor OnionShare-i.",
"gui_tor_connection_canceled": "S’u lidh dot me Tor-in.\n\nSigurohuni se jeni lidhur në Internet, mandej rihapni OnionShare dhe ujdisni lidhjen e tij me Tor-in.",
"gui_tor_connection_lost": "Shkëputur nga Tor-i.",
"gui_server_started_after_autostop_timer": "Koha e caktuar te kohëmatësi për vetëndalje i plotësua, para se të nisej shërbyesi. Ju lutemi, bëni një ndarje të re.",
"gui_server_autostop_timer_expired": "Koha e caktuar te kohëmatësi për vetëndalje i plotësua. Ju lutemi, rregullojeni që të fillohet të ndahet me të tjerë.",
"gui_server_autostart_timer_expired": "Koha e planifikuar kaloi tashmë. Ju lutemi, rregullojeni, që të fillohet të ndahet me të tjerë.",
"gui_autostop_timer_cant_be_earlier_than_autostart_timer": "Koha për vetëndalje s’mund të jetë e njëjtë ose më herët se koha për vetënisje. Ju lutemi, që të fillohet ndarje me të tjerë, rregullojeni.",
"gui_server_doesnt_support_stealth": "Na ndjeni, ky version i Tor-it s’mbulon “stealth” (mirëfilltësim klientësh). Ju lutemi, provoni me një version më të ri të Tor-it, ose përdorni mënyrën 'public', nëse s’është e nevojshme të jetë private.",
"share_via_onionshare": "Ndajeni me të tjerë përmes OnionShare-it",
"gui_share_url_description": "<b>Cilido</b> me këtë adresë OnionShare dhe kyç privat mundet <b>të shkarkojë</b> kartelat tuaja duke përdorur <b>Shfletuesin Tor</b>: <img src='{}' />",
"gui_share_url_public_description": "<b>Cilido</b> me këtë adresë OnionShare mundet <b>të shkarkojë</b> kartelat tuaja duke përdorur <b>Shfletuesin Tor</b>: <img src='{}' />",
"gui_website_url_description": "<b>Cilido</b> me këtë adresë OnionShare dhe kyç privat mundet <b>të vizitojë</b> sajtin tuaj duke përdorur <b>Shfletuesin Tor</b>: <img src='{}' />",
"gui_website_url_public_description": "<b>Cilido</b> me këtë adresë OnionShare mundet <b>vizitojë</b> sajtin tuaj duke përdorur <b>Shfletuesin Tor</b>: <img src='{}' />",
"gui_receive_url_description": "<b>Cilido</b> me këtë adresë OnionShare dhe kyç privat mundet <b>të ngarkojë</b> kartela në kompjuterin tuaj duke përdorur <b>Shfletuesin Tor</b>: <img src='{}' />",
"gui_receive_url_public_description": "<b>Cilido</b> me këtë adresë OnionShare mundet <b>të ngarkojë</b> kartela në kompjuterin tuaj duke përdorur <b>Shfletuesin Tor</b>: <img src='{}' />",
"gui_chat_url_description": "<b>Cilido</b> me këtë adresë OnionShare dhe kyç privat mundet <b>të hyjë në këtë dhomë fjalosjesh</b> duke përdorur <b>Shfletuesin Tor</b>: <img src='{}' />",
"gui_chat_url_public_description": "<b>Cilido</b> me këtë adresë OnionShare mundet <b>të hyjë në këtë dhomë fjalosjesh</b> duke përdorur <b>Shfletuesin Tor</b>: <img src='{}' />",
"gui_url_label_persistent": "Kjo ndarje me të tjerë s’do të vetë-ndalet.<br><br>Çdo ndarje pasuese ripërdor adresën. (Që të përdoren adresa vetëm për një herë, çaktivizoni “Përdor adresë të qëndrueshme”, te rregullimet.)",
"gui_url_label_stay_open": "Kjo ndarje me të tjerë s’do të vetë-ndalet.",
"gui_url_label_onetime": "Kjo ndarje me të tjerë do të ndalet pas plotësimit të vet të parë.",
"gui_url_label_onetime_and_persistent": "Kjo ndarje me të tjerë s’do të vetë-ndalet.<br><br>Çdo ndarje pasuese do të ripërdorë adresën. (Që të përdoren adresa vetëm për një herë, çaktivizoni “Përdor adresë të qëndrueshme”, te rregullimet.)",
"gui_url_instructions": "Së pari, dërgoni adresën OnionShare më poshtë:",
"gui_url_instructions_public_mode": "Dërgo adresën OnionShare më poshtë:",
"gui_client_auth_instructions": "Më pas, dërgoni kyçin privat që të lejoni hyrje te shërbimi juaj OnionShare:",
"gui_status_indicator_share_stopped": "Gati për ndarje me të tjerë",
"gui_status_indicator_share_working": "Po niset…",
"gui_status_indicator_share_scheduled": "Vënë në plan…",
"gui_status_indicator_share_started": "Ndarje me të tjerë",
"gui_status_indicator_receive_stopped": "Gati për të marrë",
"gui_status_indicator_receive_working": "Po niset…",
"gui_status_indicator_receive_scheduled": "Vënë në plan…",
"gui_status_indicator_receive_started": "Po merret",
"gui_status_indicator_chat_stopped": "Gati për fjalosje",
"gui_status_indicator_chat_working": "Po niset…",
"gui_status_indicator_chat_scheduled": "Vënë në plan…",
"gui_status_indicator_chat_started": "Po fjaloset",
"gui_file_info": "{} kartela, {}",
"gui_file_info_single": "{} kartelë, {}",
"history_in_progress_tooltip": "{} në kryerje e sipër",
"history_completed_tooltip": "{} i plotësuar",
"history_requests_tooltip": "{} kërkesa web",
"error_cannot_create_data_dir": "S’u krijua dot dosje të dhënash OnionShare: {}",
"gui_receive_mode_warning": "Mënyra marrje u lejon njerëzve të ngarkojnë kartela në kompjuterin tuaj.<br><br><b>Disa kartela munden, potencialisht, të marrin kontrollin e kompjuterit tuaj, nëse i hapni. Hapni gjëra vetëm nga persona të cilëve u zini besë, ose nëse e dini se ç’po bëni.</b>",
"gui_open_folder_error": "S’u hap dot dosja me xdg-open. Kartela gjendet këtu: {}",
"gui_settings_language_label": "Gjuhë",
"gui_settings_theme_label": "Temë",
"gui_settings_theme_auto": "Auto",
"gui_settings_theme_light": "E çelët",
"gui_settings_theme_dark": "E errët",
"gui_settings_language_changed_notice": "Që të kalohet te gjuha e re, rinisni OnionShare.",
"gui_color_mode_changed_notice": "Që të shihni ngjyrat e reja, rinisni OnionShare.",
"systray_menu_exit": "Dilni",
"systray_page_loaded_title": "Faqja u Ngarkua",
"systray_page_loaded_message": "U ngarkua adresë OnionShare",
"systray_share_started_title": "Ndarja Me të Tjerë Filloi",
"systray_share_started_message": "Po fillon dërgim kartelash te dikush",
"systray_share_completed_title": "Ndarje Me të Tjerë u Plotësua",
"systray_share_completed_message": "U përfundua dërgim kartelash",
"systray_share_canceled_title": "Ndarja Me të Tjerë u Anulua",
"systray_share_canceled_message": "Dikush anuloi marrjen e kartelave tuaja",
"systray_receive_started_title": "Filloi Marrje",
"systray_receive_started_message": "Dikush po ju dërgon kartela",
"gui_all_modes_history": "Historik",
"gui_all_modes_clear_history": "Spastroji Krejt",
"gui_all_modes_transfer_started": "Filloi {}",
"gui_all_modes_progress_complete": "%p%, {0:s} të rrjedhura.",
"gui_all_modes_progress_starting": "{0:s}, %p% (po llogaritet)",
"gui_all_modes_progress_eta": "{0:s}, ETA: {1:s}, %p%",
"gui_share_mode_no_files": "Ende Pa Kartela të Dërguara",
"gui_share_mode_autostop_timer_waiting": "Përfundoi së dërguari…",
"gui_website_mode_no_files": "Ende Pa Sajt të Ndarë Me të Tjerët",
"gui_receive_mode_no_files": "Ende Pa Kartela të Marra",
"gui_receive_mode_autostop_timer_waiting": "Po përfundohet marrja …",
"days_first_letter": "d",
"hours_first_letter": "h",
"minutes_first_letter": "m",
"seconds_first_letter": "s",
"gui_new_tab": "Skedë e Re",
"gui_new_tab_tooltip": "Hape në skedë të re",
"gui_new_tab_share_button": "Ndani Kartela Me të Tjerë",
"gui_new_tab_receive_button": "Merr Kartela",
"gui_new_tab_website_button": "Strehoni një Sajt",
"gui_new_tab_chat_button": "Bisedoni Në Mënyrë Anonime",
"gui_main_page_share_button": "Fillo të Ndash Me të Tjerë",
"gui_main_page_receive_button": "Fillo të Marrësh",
"gui_main_page_website_button": "Fillo të Strehosh",
"gui_main_page_chat_button": "Filloni të Bisedoni",
"gui_tab_name_share": "Ndani me të tjerë",
"gui_tab_name_receive": "Merr",
"gui_tab_name_website": "Sajt",
"gui_tab_name_chat": "Fjalosje",
"gui_close_tab_warning_title": "Të mbyllet skeda?",
"gui_close_tab_warning_persistent_description": "Të mbyllet skeda dhe të humbet adresa Onion që po përdor?",
"gui_close_tab_warning_share_description": "Të mbyllet skeda që po dërgon kartela?",
"gui_close_tab_warning_receive_description": "Të mbyllet skeda që po merr kartela?",
"gui_close_tab_warning_website_description": "Të mbyllet skeda që po strehon një sajt?",
"gui_close_tab_warning_close": "Mbylle",
"gui_close_tab_warning_cancel": "Anuloje",
"gui_quit_warning_title": "Të dilet nga OnionShare?",
"gui_quit_warning_description": "Të dilet dhe të mbyllen krejt skedat, edhe pse në disa prej tyre po kryhet ende ndarje me të tjerë?",
"gui_quit_warning_quit": "Dilni",
"gui_quit_warning_cancel": "Anuloje",
"mode_settings_advanced_toggle_show": "Shfaq rregullime të mëtejshme",
"mode_settings_advanced_toggle_hide": "Fshihi rregullimet e mëtejshme",
"mode_settings_title_label": "Titull vetjak",
"mode_settings_persistent_checkbox": "Hape përherë këtë skedë, kur niset OnionShare",
"mode_settings_public_checkbox": "Ky është një shërbim OnionShare publik (çaktivizon kyç publik)",
"mode_settings_autostart_timer_checkbox": "Nise shërbimin Onion në kohën e planifikuar",
"mode_settings_autostop_timer_checkbox": "Ndale shërbimin Onion në kohën e planifikuar",
"mode_settings_share_autostop_sharing_checkbox": "Ndale ndarjen me të tjerë pasi të jenë dërguar kartelat (hiqjani shenjën që të lejoni shkarkim kartelash individuale)",
"mode_settings_receive_data_dir_label": "Ruaji kartelat te",
"mode_settings_receive_data_dir_browse_button": "Shfletoni",
"mode_settings_receive_disable_text_checkbox": "Çaktivizo parashtrim teksti",
"mode_settings_receive_disable_files_checkbox": "Çaktivizo ngarkim kartelash",
"mode_settings_receive_webhook_url_checkbox": "Përdor webhook njoftimesh",
"mode_settings_website_disable_csp_checkbox": "Mos dërgo kryet parazgjedhje Content Security Policy (i lejon sajtit tuaj të përdorë burime nga palë të treta)",
"mode_settings_website_custom_csp_checkbox": "Dërgo një krye vetjake Content Security Policy",
"gui_all_modes_transfer_finished_range": "Shpërngulur {} - {}",
"gui_all_modes_transfer_finished": "Shpërngulur {}",
"gui_all_modes_transfer_canceled_range": "Anuluar {} - {}",
"gui_all_modes_transfer_canceled": "Anuluar {}",
"settings_error_unknown": "S’lidhet dot me kontrollor Tor, ngaqë rregullimet tuaja s’kanë kuptim.",
"settings_error_automatic": "S\"u lidh dot me kontrollor Tor. A po xhiron në prapaskenë Shfletuesi Tor (i passhëm prej torproject.org)?",
"settings_error_socket_port": "S’lidhet do me kontrollor Tor-i te {}:{}.",
"settings_error_socket_file": "S’lidhet dot te kontrollor Tor duke përdorur kartelë socket {}.",
"settings_error_auth": "I lidhur me {}:{}, por s’bëhet dot mirëfilltësimi. Mos nuk është kontrollor Tor?",
"settings_error_missing_password": "I lidhur me kontrollorin Tor, por lypset fjalëkalim për të bërë mirëfilltësimin.",
"settings_error_unreadable_cookie_file": "U lidh me kontrollorin Tor, por fjalëkalimi mund të jetë i gabuar, ose përdoruesit tuaj s’i është lejuar të lexojë kartelën e cookie-ve.",
"settings_error_bundled_tor_not_supported": "Përdorimi i versionit Tor që vjen me OnionShare nuk funksionon nën mënyrën zhvillues në Windows apo macOS.",
"settings_error_bundled_tor_timeout": "Po zgjat shumë lidhje me Tor-in. Ndoshta s’jeni lidhur në Internet, ose keni sahat të pasaktë sistemi?",
"settings_error_bundled_tor_broken": "OnionShare s’u lidh dot me Tor-in:\n{}",
"gui_rendezvous_cleanup": "Po pritet që të mbyllen qarqet Tor, për të qenë të sigurt se kartelat tuaja u shpërngulën.\n\nKjo mund të dojë disa minuta.",
"gui_rendezvous_cleanup_quit_early": "Mbylle Herët",
"error_port_not_available": "S’ka portë OnionShare",
"history_receive_read_message_button": "Lexoni Mesazhin",
"error_tor_protocol_error": "Pati një gabim me Tor-in: {}",
"moat_contact_label": "Po lidhet me BridgeDB…",
"moat_captcha_label": "Që të kërkoni një urë, zgjidhni CAPTCHA-n.",
"moat_captcha_placeholder": "Jepni shenjat prej figure",
"moat_captcha_submit": "Parashtroje",
"moat_captcha_reload": "Ringarkoje",
"moat_bridgedb_error": "S’u lidh dot me BridgeDB.",
"moat_captcha_error": "Zgjidhje e pasaktë. Ju lutemi, riprovoni.",
"moat_solution_empty_error": "Jepni shenjat prej figure",
"mode_tor_not_connected_label": "OnionShare s’është i lidhur me rrjetin Tor"
@ -127,8 +127,8 @@
"gui_tor_connection_error_settings": "Försök att ändra hur OnionShare ansluter till Tor-nätverket i inställningarna.",
"gui_tor_connection_canceled": "Kunde inte ansluta till Tor.\n\nSe till att du är ansluten till Internet, öppna sedan OnionShare igen och ställ in anslutningen till Tor.",
"gui_tor_connection_lost": "Frånkopplad från Tor.",
"gui_server_started_after_autostop_timer": "Tiden för den automatiska stopp-tidtagaren löpte ut innan servern startades.\nVänligen gör en ny delning.",
"gui_server_autostop_timer_expired": "Den automatiska stopp-tidtagaren har redan löpt ut. Vänligen justera den för att starta delning.",
"gui_server_started_after_autostop_timer": "Tiden för den automatiska stopp-tidtagaren löpte ut innan servern startades.\nGör en ny delning.",
"gui_server_autostop_timer_expired": "Den automatiska stopp-tidtagaren har redan löpt ut. Justera den för att starta delning.",
"share_via_onionshare": "Dela med OnionShare",
"gui_save_private_key_checkbox": "Använd en beständig adress",
"gui_share_url_description": "<b>Vem som helst</b> med denna OnionShare-adress och privata nyckel kan <b>ladda ner</b> dina filer med hjälp av <b>Tor Browser</b>: <img src='{}' />",
@ -212,8 +212,8 @@
"gui_waiting_to_start": "Planeras starta om {}. Klicka för att avbryta.",
"gui_settings_autostart_timer_checkbox": "Använd automatisk start-tidtagare",
"gui_settings_autostart_timer": "Starta delning vid:",
"gui_server_autostart_timer_expired": "Den schemalagda tiden har redan passerat. Vänligen justera den för att starta delning.",
"gui_autostop_timer_cant_be_earlier_than_autostart_timer": "Den automatiska stopp-tiden kan inte vara samma eller tidigare än den automatiska starttiden. Vänligen justera den för att starta delning.",
"gui_server_autostart_timer_expired": "Den schemalagda tiden har redan passerat. Justera den för att starta delning.",
"gui_autostop_timer_cant_be_earlier_than_autostart_timer": "Den automatiska stopp-tiden kan inte vara samma eller tidigare än den automatiska starttiden. Justera den för att starta delning.",
"gui_status_indicator_share_scheduled": "Planerad…",
"gui_status_indicator_receive_scheduled": "Planerad…",
"days_first_letter": "d",
@ -244,18 +244,18 @@
"mode_settings_autostart_timer_checkbox": "Starta oniontjänsten vid schemalagd tid",
"mode_settings_autostop_timer_checkbox": "Stoppa oniontjänsten vid schemalagd tid",
"mode_settings_public_checkbox": "Detta är en offentlig OnionShare-tjänst (inaktiverar den privata nyckeln)",
"mode_settings_persistent_checkbox": "Spara denna flik och öppna den automatiskt när jag öppnar OnionShare",
"mode_settings_persistent_checkbox": "Öppna alltid den här fliken när OnionShare startas",
"mode_settings_advanced_toggle_hide": "Dölj avancerade inställningar",
"mode_settings_advanced_toggle_show": "Visa avancerade inställningar",
"gui_quit_warning_cancel": "Avbryt",
"gui_quit_warning_description": "Vill du vsluta och stänga alla flikar, även om delning är aktiv i några av dem?",
"gui_quit_warning_title": "Är du säker?",
"gui_quit_warning_title": "Avsluta OnionShare?",
"gui_close_tab_warning_cancel": "Avbryt",
"gui_close_tab_warning_close": "Stäng",
"gui_close_tab_warning_website_description": "Vill du stänga fliken som är värd för en webbplats?",
"gui_close_tab_warning_receive_description": "Vill du stänga fliken som tar emot filer?",
"gui_close_tab_warning_share_description": "Vill du stänga fliken som skickar filer?",
"gui_close_tab_warning_title": "Är du säker?",
"gui_close_tab_warning_title": "Stäng flik?",
"gui_new_tab_website_description": "Var värd till en statisk HTML-onionwebbplats från din dator.",
"gui_new_tab_website_button": "Publicera webbplats",
"gui_new_tab_receive_description": "Förvandla din dator till en dropbox på nätet. Personer kommer att kunna använda Tor Browser för att skicka filer till din dator.",
@ -307,7 +307,7 @@
"gui_receive_url_public_description": "<b>Alla</b> med denna OnionShare-adress kan <b>ladda upp</b> filer till din dator med <b>Tor Browser</b>: <img src='{}' />",
"gui_website_url_public_description": "<b>Alla</b> med denna OnionShare-adress kan <b>besöka</b> din webbplats med <b>Tor Browser</b>: <img src='{}' />",
"gui_share_url_public_description": "<b>Alla</b> med denna OnionShare-adress kan <b>hämta</b> dina filer med <b>Tor Browser</b>: <img src='{}' />",
"gui_server_doesnt_support_stealth": "Tyvärr stöder den här versionen av Tor inte stealth (klientautentisering). Försök med en nyare version av Tor, eller använd det offentliga läget om det inte behöver vara privat.",
"gui_server_doesnt_support_stealth": "Tyvärr, den här versionen av Tor stöder inte stealth (klientautentisering). Försök med en nyare version av Tor, eller använd \"offentligt\" läge om det inte behöver vara privat.",
"gui_please_wait_no_button": "Startar…",
"gui_hide": "Dölja",
"gui_reveal": "Visa",
@ -321,7 +321,7 @@
"gui_dragdrop_sandbox_flatpak": "För att göra Flatpak mer säkert, är dra och släpp inte tillåtet. Använd knapparna \"Lägg till filer\" och \"Lägg till mapp\" för att välja filer istället.",
"gui_settings_bridge_use_checkbox": "Använd en bryggning",
"gui_settings_bridge_radio_builtin": "Välj en inbyggd bryggning",
"gui_settings_bridge_none_radio_option": "Brygga inte",
"gui_settings_bridge_none_radio_option": "Använd inte broar",
"gui_settings_bridge_moat_radio_option": "Begär en bryggning från torproject.org",
"gui_settings_bridge_moat_button": "Begär en ny bryggning",
"gui_settings_bridge_custom_radio_option": "Tillhandahåll en bryggning som du fått från en pålitlig källa",
@ -339,13 +339,13 @@
"moat_captcha_error": "Lösningen är inte korrekt. Var god försök igen.",
"moat_solution_empty_error": "Ange tecknen från bilden",
"mode_tor_not_connected_label": "OnionShare är inte ansluten till Tor-nätverket",
"gui_settings_tor_bridges_label": "Bryggning hjälper dig att komma åt Tor-nätverket på platser där Tor är blockerat. Beroende på var du befinner dig kan en bryggning fungera bättre än en annan.",
"gui_settings_tor_bridges_label": "Broar hjälper din trafik att komma in i Tor-nätverket om Tor-åtkomst blockeras. Beroende på var du ansluter från kan en bro fungera bättre än en annan.",
"moat_captcha_submit": "Skicka",
"gui_autoconnect_description": "OnionShare bygger på Tor-nätverket, som drivs av tusentals frivilliga runt om i världen.",
"gui_enable_autoconnect_checkbox": "Anslut till Tor automatiskt",
"gui_autoconnect_failed_to_connect_to_tor": "Det gick inte att ansluta till Tor",
"gui_autoconnect_trying_to_connect_to_tor": "Försöker ansluta till Tor...",
"gui_autoconnect_connection_error_msg": "Är du ansluten till internet?",
"gui_autoconnect_trying_to_connect_to_tor": "Ansluter till Tor…",
"gui_autoconnect_connection_error_msg": "Se till att du är ansluten till Internet.",
"gui_autoconnect_bridge_description": "Det är också möjligt att ditt internet censureras. Du kanske kan kringgå detta med hjälp av en bryggning.",
"gui_autoconnect_bridge_detect_automatic": "Bestäm automatiskt mitt land utifrån min IP-adress för bryggningsinställningar",
"gui_autoconnect_bridge_detect_manual": "Välj manuellt mitt land för bryggningsinställningar",
@ -353,12 +353,12 @@
"gui_autoconnect_configure": "Nätverksinställningar",
"gui_autoconnect_no_bridge": "Försök igen utan bryggning",
"gui_autoconnect_try_again_without_a_bridge": "Försök igen utan bryggning",
"gui_autoconnect_circumventing_censorship": "Försöker lösa anslutningsproblem",
"gui_autoconnect_circumventing_censorship_starting_circumvention": "Inleder processen för att kringgå censur",
"gui_autoconnect_circumventing_censorship_starting_meek": "Startar Meek för domänfrontning",
"gui_autoconnect_circumventing_censorship_got_bridges": "Fick bryggning! Försöker återansluta till Tor",
"gui_autoconnect_circumventing_censorship": "Löser anslutningsproblem…",
"gui_autoconnect_circumventing_censorship_starting_circumvention": "Kringgår censur…",
"gui_autoconnect_circumventing_censorship_starting_meek": "Etablerar meek-bro för domänfronting…",
"gui_autoconnect_circumventing_censorship_got_bridges": "Broar etablerade. Återansluter till Tor…",
"gui_general_settings_window_title": "Allmänt",
"gui_autoconnect_bridge_setting_options": "Inställningar för bryggning",
"gui_autoconnect_circumventing_censorship_requesting_bridges": "Begär bryggning från Tor Censorship Circumvention API",
"gui_autoconnect_circumventing_censorship_requesting_bridges": "Begär broar från Tors censur kringgående API…",
"gui_autoconnect_could_not_connect_to_tor_api": "Det gick inte att ansluta till Tor API. Kontrollera att du är ansluten till internet innan du försöker igen."
@ -1,132 +1,132 @@
"preparing_files": "",
"not_a_readable_file": "",
"not_a_readable_file": "{0:s} sio faili linalosomeka.",
"no_available_port": "",
"other_page_loaded": "",
"close_on_autostop_timer": "",
"closing_automatically": "",
"large_filesize": "",
"gui_drag_and_drop": "",
"gui_add": "",
"gui_add_files": "",
"gui_add_folder": "",
"other_page_loaded": "Anwani imepakiwa",
"close_on_autostop_timer": "Imesimama kwa sababu ipo nje ya mda",
"closing_automatically": "imesimamishwa kwa sababu uhamishaji wake umekamilika",
"large_filesize": "Angalizo: kutuma sehemu kubwa itachukua masaa",
"gui_drag_and_drop": "Weka faili na uanze kutumia",
"gui_add": "Ongeza",
"gui_add_files": "Weka faili",
"gui_add_folder": "Weka folda",
"gui_delete": "",
"gui_choose_items": "",
"gui_share_start_server": "",
"gui_share_stop_server": "",
"gui_share_stop_server_autostop_timer": "",
"gui_stop_server_autostop_timer_tooltip": "",
"gui_start_server_autostart_timer_tooltip": "",
"gui_receive_start_server": "",
"gui_receive_stop_server": "",
"gui_receive_stop_server_autostop_timer": "",
"gui_copy_url": "",
"gui_canceled": "",
"gui_copied_url_title": "",
"gui_copied_url": "",
"gui_waiting_to_start": "",
"gui_please_wait": "",
"gui_choose_items": "Chagua",
"gui_share_start_server": "Anza kusanbaza",
"gui_share_stop_server": "Acha kusambaza",
"gui_share_stop_server_autostop_timer": "Acha kusambaza ({})",
"gui_stop_server_autostop_timer_tooltip": "Inaishia kwa Auto-stop timer {}",
"gui_start_server_autostart_timer_tooltip": "Auto-start timer inaishia kwa {}",
"gui_receive_start_server": "Anza kupokea mfumo",
"gui_receive_stop_server": "Acha kupokea mfumo",
"gui_receive_stop_server_autostop_timer": "Acha kupokea mfumo ({} iliobaki)",
"gui_copy_url": "Nakili anuani",
"gui_canceled": "imetolewa",
"gui_copied_url_title": "OnionShare anwani imenakiliwa",
"gui_copied_url": "OnionShare anwani imenakiliwa kwenye ubao",
"gui_waiting_to_start": "Ratiba ya kuanza {}. bofya kufuta.",
"gui_please_wait": "inaanza...bonyeza kusitisha.",
"gui_quit_title": "",
"gui_share_quit_warning": "",
"gui_receive_quit_warning": "",
"gui_quit_warning_quit": "",
"gui_quit_warning_quit": "Acha",
"gui_quit_warning_dont_quit": "",
"zip_progress_bar_format": "",
"zip_progress_bar_format": "kandamiza:%p%",
"error_stealth_not_supported": "",
"error_ephemeral_not_supported": "",
"gui_settings_window_title": "",
"gui_settings_window_title": "mpangilio",
"gui_settings_whats_this": "",
"gui_settings_stealth_option": "",
"gui_settings_autoupdate_label": "",
"gui_settings_autoupdate_option": "",
"gui_settings_autoupdate_timestamp": "",
"gui_settings_autoupdate_timestamp_never": "",
"gui_settings_autoupdate_check_button": "",
"gui_settings_autoupdate_label": "angalia version mpya",
"gui_settings_autoupdate_option": "nipe taarifa endapo version mpya inapatikana",
"gui_settings_autoupdate_timestamp": "mara ya mwisho iliangaliwa: {}",
"gui_settings_autoupdate_timestamp_never": "kanusho",
"gui_settings_autoupdate_check_button": "angalia version mpya",
"gui_settings_general_label": "Mipangilio ya kawaida",
"gui_settings_onion_label": "",
"gui_settings_sharing_label": "",
"gui_settings_close_after_first_download_option": "",
"gui_settings_connection_type_label": "",
"gui_settings_connection_type_bundled_option": "",
"gui_settings_connection_type_automatic_option": "",
"gui_settings_connection_type_control_port_option": "",
"gui_settings_connection_type_socket_file_option": "",
"gui_settings_connection_type_test_button": "",
"gui_settings_control_port_label": "",
"gui_settings_socket_file_label": "",
"gui_settings_socks_label": "",
"gui_settings_connection_type_label": "jinsi gani OnionShare inaunganishwa na Tor?",
"gui_settings_connection_type_bundled_option": "Tumia version ya Tor ilio ndani ya 0nionShare",
"gui_settings_connection_type_automatic_option": "jaribu usanidi wa moja kwa moja na Tor Browser",
"gui_settings_connection_type_control_port_option": "unganisha kwa kutumia control port",
"gui_settings_connection_type_socket_file_option": "unganisha kwa kutumia socket file",
"gui_settings_connection_type_test_button": "jaribu kuunganisha kwa Tor",
"gui_settings_control_port_label": "Control port",
"gui_settings_socket_file_label": "Socket file",
"gui_settings_socks_label": "SOCKS port",
"gui_settings_authenticate_label": "",
"gui_settings_authenticate_no_auth_option": "",
"gui_settings_authenticate_password_option": "",
"gui_settings_password_label": "",
"gui_settings_tor_bridges": "",
"gui_settings_authenticate_no_auth_option": "hakuna authentication, au vidakuzi authentication",
"gui_settings_authenticate_password_option": "neno la siri",
"gui_settings_password_label": "neno siri",
"gui_settings_tor_bridges": "Unganisha kwa kutumia kiungio cha Tor?",
"gui_settings_tor_bridges_no_bridges_radio_option": "",
"gui_settings_tor_bridges_obfs4_radio_option": "",
"gui_settings_tor_bridges_obfs4_radio_option_no_obfs4proxy": "",
"gui_settings_tor_bridges_meek_lite_azure_radio_option": "",
"gui_settings_tor_bridges_meek_lite_azure_radio_option_no_obfs4proxy": "",
"gui_settings_meek_lite_expensive_warning": "",
"gui_settings_meek_lite_expensive_warning": "Onyo: Hizi viungio vya meek- azure ni gharama sana kwa Tor Project kuendeshea. <br><br> unaweza tu kutumia endapo umeshindwa kuunganisha moja kwa moja, kupitia usafirishwaji, au kutumia viungio.",
"gui_settings_tor_bridges_custom_radio_option": "",
"gui_settings_tor_bridges_custom_label": "",
"gui_settings_tor_bridges_invalid": "",
"gui_settings_button_save": "",
"gui_settings_button_cancel": "",
"gui_settings_button_help": "",
"gui_settings_tor_bridges_invalid": "Hakuna kiungio ulichoongeza kinafanya kazi. bofya mara mbili au ongeza kingine.",
"gui_settings_button_save": "Hifadhi",
"gui_settings_button_cancel": "Sitisha",
"gui_settings_button_help": "Msaada",
"gui_settings_autostop_timer_checkbox": "",
"gui_settings_autostop_timer": "",
"gui_settings_autostart_timer_checkbox": "",
"gui_settings_autostart_timer": "",
"settings_error_unknown": "",
"settings_error_automatic": "",
"settings_error_socket_port": "",
"settings_error_socket_file": "",
"settings_error_auth": "",
"settings_error_missing_password": "",
"settings_error_unreadable_cookie_file": "",
"settings_error_bundled_tor_not_supported": "",
"settings_error_bundled_tor_timeout": "",
"settings_error_bundled_tor_broken": "",
"settings_test_success": "",
"error_tor_protocol_error": "",
"settings_error_unknown": "Haiwezi kuunganishwa na kizuizi cha Tor kwa sababu mpangilio wako hauleti maana.",
"settings_error_automatic": "Haiwezi kuunganishwa na kizuizi cha tor. Tor Browser( inapatikana kwenye tovuti ya torproject,org) inaendeshwa kwa muktadha?",
"settings_error_socket_port": "Haiwezi kuunganishwa na kizuizi cha Tor {}:{}.",
"settings_error_socket_file": "Haiwezi kuunganishwa na kizuizi cha Tor kwa kutumia socket file {}.",
"settings_error_auth": "Imeunganishwa na {}: {} lakini sio halisi. Labda inaweza kuwa sio kizuizi cha Tor?",
"settings_error_missing_password": "Imeunganishwa na kizuizi cha Tor, lakini inahitaji neno siri kuthibitisha.",
"settings_error_unreadable_cookie_file": "Imeunganishwa na tor, lakini neno siri linaweza kuwa sio sahihi, au utumiaji wako haujaruhusiwa kusoma mafaili ya vidakuzi.",
"settings_error_bundled_tor_not_supported": "Kutumia Tor version inayotokana na OnionShare haiwezi kufanya kazi kwa utengenezaji wa usanidi kwa Windows au macOS.",
"settings_error_bundled_tor_timeout": "Inachukua mda mrefu kuunganisha na Tor. Labda haujaunganishwa na mtandao. au una mfumo usio sahihi?",
"settings_error_bundled_tor_broken": "OnionShare haiwezi kuunganishwa na Tor:\n{}",
"settings_test_success": "Imeunganishwa na msimamizi wa Tor. \n \nTor version: {} \nHusaidia huduma za onion za muda mfupi: {}. \nHusaidia authentication kwa mtumiaji: {}. \nHusaidia anwani za onion za kizazi kijacho: {}.",
"error_tor_protocol_error": "Kuna makosa ya Tor:{}",
"error_tor_protocol_error_unknown": "",
"connecting_to_tor": "",
"update_available": "",
"update_error_check_error": "",
"update_error_invalid_latest_version": "",
"update_not_available": "",
"gui_tor_connection_ask": "",
"connecting_to_tor": "Unaunganishwa na mtandao wa Tor",
"update_available": "OnionShare mpya nje.<a href='{}'>Click here</a> to get it.<br><br>unatumia {} na kipya {}.",
"update_error_check_error": "Version mpya haiwezi kuangaliwa: labda haujaunganishwa na Tor, au tovuti OnionShare ipo chini?",
"update_error_invalid_latest_version": "Haikuweza kuangaliwa kwa version mpya. Kwa sababu tovuti ya OnionShare inasema version ya karibuni haitambuliki '{}'…",
"update_not_available": "Unaendesha OnionShare mpya.",
"gui_tor_connection_ask": "Fungua mpangilio ili kupanga muunganisho wa Tor?",
"gui_tor_connection_ask_open_settings": "Ndio",
"gui_tor_connection_ask_quit": "",
"gui_tor_connection_error_settings": "",
"gui_tor_connection_canceled": "",
"gui_tor_connection_lost": "",
"gui_server_started_after_autostop_timer": "",
"gui_server_autostop_timer_expired": "",
"gui_server_autostart_timer_expired": "",
"gui_autostop_timer_cant_be_earlier_than_autostart_timer": "",
"share_via_onionshare": "",
"gui_tor_connection_ask_quit": "Acha",
"gui_tor_connection_error_settings": "Jaribu kubadilisha jinsi gani OnionShare inaunganishwa na network ya tor kwa mpangilio.",
"gui_tor_connection_canceled": "Haijaunganishwa na Tor\n\nHakikisha mtandao wako umeunganishwa, halafu fungua OnionShare kuseti mpangilio wake kwa Tor.",
"gui_tor_connection_lost": "Umetenganishwa na Tor.",
"gui_server_started_after_autostop_timer": "auto-stop timer imetoka nje ya mda kabla server haijaanza. Tafadhali anza upya.",
"gui_server_autostop_timer_expired": "Tayari muda wa auto-stop timer umekwiasha. Tafadhali rekebisha na uanze kusambaza.",
"gui_server_autostart_timer_expired": "Wakati uliopangwa tayari umepita. Tafadhali irekebishe ili kuanza kusambaza.",
"gui_autostop_timer_cant_be_earlier_than_autostart_timer": "Muda wa kuisha hauwezi kuwa sawa na muda wa kuanza. Tafadhali rekebisha ili kuanza kusambaza.",
"share_via_onionshare": "Sambaza kupitia OnionShare",
"gui_connect_to_tor_for_onion_settings": "",
"gui_save_private_key_checkbox": "",
"gui_share_url_description": "",
"gui_receive_url_description": "",
"gui_url_label_persistent": "",
"gui_url_label_stay_open": "",
"gui_url_label_onetime": "",
"gui_url_label_onetime_and_persistent": "",
"gui_status_indicator_share_stopped": "",
"gui_status_indicator_share_working": "",
"gui_status_indicator_share_scheduled": "",
"gui_status_indicator_share_started": "",
"gui_status_indicator_receive_stopped": "",
"gui_status_indicator_receive_working": "",
"gui_status_indicator_receive_scheduled": "",
"gui_status_indicator_receive_started": "",
"gui_file_info": "",
"gui_file_info_single": "",
"history_in_progress_tooltip": "",
"history_completed_tooltip": "",
"error_cannot_create_data_dir": "",
"gui_receive_mode_warning": "",
"gui_share_url_description": "<b>Yeyote</b> mwenye hizi anwani za OnionShare pamoja na alama za kipekee binafsi anaweza <b>kupakua</b> mafaili yako kwa kutumia<b>Tor Browser</b>: <img src='{}' />",
"gui_receive_url_description": "<b>Yeyote</b> mwenye hii anwani ya OnionShare na private key anaweza<b>oakia</b> mafaili katika kompyuta yako kwa kutumia <b>Tor Browser</b>: <img src='{}' />",
"gui_url_label_persistent": "Hii anuani inaweza kusimama.<br><br>Hivyo unaweza kutumia baadae. (Unaweza kutumia mara moja , zima halafu tumia anuani inayoendelea kwenye mpangilio.)",
"gui_url_label_stay_open": "Usambazaji huo hautoacha wenyewe.",
"gui_url_label_onetime": "Huu usambazaji utasimama baada ya hitimisho la kwanza.",
"gui_url_label_onetime_and_persistent": "Huu usambazaji hautosimama.<br><br>Kila baada ya muda hii anuani itasimama. (ili kutumia anuani ya moja kwa moja, zima kwanza \"tumia anuani endelevu \" kwenye mpangilio.)",
"gui_status_indicator_share_stopped": "Ipo tayari kwa kusambazwa",
"gui_status_indicator_share_working": "Inaanza…",
"gui_status_indicator_share_scheduled": "Imepangwa…",
"gui_status_indicator_share_started": "Inasambaza",
"gui_status_indicator_receive_stopped": "Tayari kwa kupokea",
"gui_status_indicator_receive_working": "Inaanza…",
"gui_status_indicator_receive_scheduled": "Imepangwa…",
"gui_status_indicator_receive_started": "Kupokea",
"gui_file_info": "{} faili, {}",
"gui_file_info_single": "{} faili, {}",
"history_in_progress_tooltip": "{} inaendelea",
"history_completed_tooltip": "{} imekamilika",
"error_cannot_create_data_dir": "Huwezi kuunda folda ya data ya Onionshare: {}",
"gui_receive_mode_warning": "Pokea mode na uache watu wapakie mafaili kwenye kompyuta yako. <br><br><b> Faili zingine zinaweza kuwa nzuri kwenye komyuta yako endapo utavifungua, fungua vitu vyako kwa watu unaowaamini tu, au kama unajua unachokifanya.</b>",
"gui_mode_share_button": "",
"gui_mode_receive_button": "",
"gui_settings_receiving_label": "",
@ -134,36 +134,161 @@
"gui_settings_data_dir_browse_button": "Vinjari",
"gui_settings_public_mode_checkbox": "",
"gui_open_folder_error_nautilus": "",
"gui_settings_language_label": "",
"gui_settings_language_changed_notice": "",
"systray_menu_exit": "",
"systray_page_loaded_title": "",
"systray_page_loaded_message": "",
"systray_share_started_title": "",
"systray_share_started_message": "",
"systray_share_completed_title": "",
"systray_share_completed_message": "",
"systray_share_canceled_title": "",
"systray_share_canceled_message": "",
"systray_receive_started_title": "",
"systray_receive_started_message": "",
"gui_all_modes_history": "",
"gui_all_modes_clear_history": "",
"gui_all_modes_transfer_started": "",
"gui_all_modes_transfer_finished_range": "",
"gui_all_modes_transfer_finished": "",
"gui_all_modes_transfer_canceled_range": "",
"gui_all_modes_transfer_canceled": "",
"gui_all_modes_progress_complete": "",
"gui_all_modes_progress_starting": "",
"gui_all_modes_progress_eta": "",
"gui_share_mode_no_files": "",
"gui_share_mode_autostop_timer_waiting": "",
"gui_receive_mode_no_files": "",
"gui_receive_mode_autostop_timer_waiting": "",
"gui_settings_language_label": "Lugha",
"gui_settings_language_changed_notice": "Anzisha tena OnionShare kubadilisha lugha mpya.",
"systray_menu_exit": "Acha",
"systray_page_loaded_title": "Ukurasa unapakiwa",
"systray_page_loaded_message": "Anuani ya OnionShare inapakiwa",
"systray_share_started_title": "Imeanza Kusambazwa",
"systray_share_started_message": "Imeanza kusambaza mafaili kwa mwingine",
"systray_share_completed_title": "Imemaliza Kusambazwa",
"systray_share_completed_message": "Imemaliza kutuma mafaili",
"systray_share_canceled_title": "Kusambaza Imeghairishwa",
"systray_share_canceled_message": "Mtu ameghairi kupokea faili zako",
"systray_receive_started_title": "Imeanza Kupokea",
"systray_receive_started_message": "Mtu anatuma mafaili kwako",
"gui_all_modes_history": "Historia",
"gui_all_modes_clear_history": "Toa Zote",
"gui_all_modes_transfer_started": "Imeanza {}",
"gui_all_modes_transfer_finished_range": "Imehamishwa {}-{}",
"gui_all_modes_transfer_finished": "Imehamishwa {}",
"gui_all_modes_transfer_canceled_range": "Imesitishwa {} - {}",
"gui_all_modes_transfer_canceled": "Imesitishwa {}",
"gui_all_modes_progress_complete": "%p%, {0:s} ilipita.",
"gui_all_modes_progress_starting": "{0:s}, %p% (inahesabu)",
"gui_all_modes_progress_eta": "{0:s}, ETA: {1:s}, %p%",
"gui_share_mode_no_files": "Hakuna Faili Iliotumwa",
"gui_share_mode_autostop_timer_waiting": "Inamaliza kutuma…",
"gui_receive_mode_no_files": "Hakuna Faili Iliopokelewa",
"gui_receive_mode_autostop_timer_waiting": "Inamalizia Kupokea…",
"receive_mode_upload_starting": "",
"days_first_letter": "",
"hours_first_letter": "",
"minutes_first_letter": "",
"seconds_first_letter": ""
"days_first_letter": "d",
"hours_first_letter": "h",
"minutes_first_letter": "m",
"seconds_first_letter": "s",
"gui_copy_client_auth": "Nakili private key",
"gui_copied_client_auth_title": "Private Key imenakiliwa",
"gui_copied_client_auth": "Private Key imenakiliwa kwenye ubao",
"gui_show_qr_code": "Onyesha QR code",
"gui_qr_label_url_title": "anuani ya OnionShare",
"gui_qr_label_auth_string_title": "Private Key",
"gui_reveal": "onyesha",
"gui_hide": "ficha",
"gui_please_wait_no_button": "Kuanza…",
"gui_tor_settings_window_title": "mpangilio wa Tor",
"gui_settings_controller_extras_label": "mpangilio wa Tor",
"gui_settings_bridge_use_checkbox": "Tumia kiungio",
"gui_settings_bridge_radio_builtin": "Chagua kiungio kilichoundwa",
"gui_settings_version_label": "Unatumia OnionShare{}",
"gui_settings_help_label": "Unahitaji msaada? Angalia <a href='https://docs.onionshare.org'>docs.onionshare.org</a>",
"gui_autoconnect_bridge_detect_manual": "chagua nchi yangu kwa mpangilio wenyewe",
"gui_autoconnect_no_bridge": "jaribu tena bila kiungio",
"gui_autoconnect_circumventing_censorship_starting_circumvention": "kukwepa vikwazo vya udhibiti wa mtandao…",
"gui_autoconnect_circumventing_censorship_starting_meek": "Kuanzisha meek bridge ya domain-fronting…",
"gui_qr_code_dialog_title": "OnionShare QR code",
"gui_receive_flatpak_data_dir": "Kwa sababu umepakua onionshare kwa kutumia flatpak, ni lazima uhifadhi faili kwenye folda ya ~/onionshare.",
"gui_chat_stop_server": "Acha seva ya chat",
"gui_chat_start_server": "Anza seva ya chat",
"gui_file_selection_remove_all": "Ondoa zote",
"gui_remove": "Toa",
"incorrect_password": "Nywila imekosewa",
"gui_dragdrop_sandbox_flatpak": "Kufanya sandbox flatpak salama zaidi , weka na ushushe kama haijasapotiwa. \" ongeza faili\"na \"ongeza folda\" kuchagua faili badala yake.",
"gui_autoconnect_bridge_detect_automatic": "kutambua nchi yangu kutokana na Ip anuani yangu",
"gui_autoconnect_try_again_without_a_bridge": "jaribu tena bila kiungio",
"gui_autoconnect_circumventing_censorship": "kutatua tatizo la mawasiliano…",
"gui_settings_tor_bridges_label": "Viungio vinakusaidia kuingiza mtandao wa Tor kuligana na wapi unaunganishwa kutoka kiungio kimoja ili kuweza kufanya kazi vizuri kuliko kiungio kingine.",
"gui_autoconnect_description": "OnionShare inategemea mtandao wa Tor ulioendeshwa wa kujitolea.",
"gui_enable_autoconnect_checkbox": "kuunganisha moja kwa moja na Tor",
"gui_autoconnect_failed_to_connect_to_tor": "haiwezi kuunganishwa na Tor",
"gui_autoconnect_trying_to_connect_to_tor": "unganisha na Tor…",
"gui_autoconnect_connection_error_msg": "Hakikisha umeunganishwa na mtandao.",
"gui_autoconnect_bridge_description": "Unaweza kuunganishwa kwa kutumia kiungo kama mtandao wako umedhibitiwa.",
"gui_autoconnect_bridge_setting_options": "mpangilio wa kiungo",
"gui_autoconnect_start": "unganisha Tor",
"gui_autoconnect_configure": "mpangilio wa mtandao",
"gui_autoconnect_circumventing_censorship_requesting_bridges": "kuomba kiungio kutoka kwa mzunguko wa udhibiti wa Tor API…",
"gui_autoconnect_circumventing_censorship_got_bridges": "Kiungio kimeanzishwa. inaunganishwa tena na Tor…",
"gui_autoconnect_could_not_connect_to_tor_api": "haiwezi kuunganishwa na Tor API. hakikisha umeunganishwa na mtandao kabla ya kujaribu tena.",
"gui_general_settings_window_title": "kuu",
"gui_settings_bridge_none_radio_option": "Usitumie kiungio",
"gui_settings_bridge_moat_radio_option": "Omba kiungio kutoka kwa torproject.org",
"gui_settings_bridge_moat_button": "Omba kiungio kipya",
"gui_settings_bridge_custom_radio_option": "Toa kiungio uliyojifunza kutoka kwa chanzo inayoaminika",
"gui_settings_bridge_custom_placeholder": "andika address:port (moja kwa kila mstari)",
"gui_settings_moat_bridges_invalid": "Haujaomba kiungio kutoka torproject.org.",
"gui_settings_stop_active_tabs_label": "Kuna huduma zinazoendelea kwenye baadhi ya kurasa zako. \nHakikisha unasimamisha huduma zako zote ili kubadilisha mpangilio wa Tor.",
"gui_server_doesnt_support_stealth": "Samahani, hii version ya Tor haiwezeshi vitu vilivyofichwa kwa makusudi( mtumiaji wa anthentication. Tafadhali jaribu version mpya ya Tor au tumia mode za\" uma\" na hazihitaji kuwa binafsi.",
"gui_share_url_public_description": "<b>Yeyote</b> mwenye hii anwani ya OnionShare anaweza <b>pakua</b> mafaili yako kwa kutumia <b>Tor Browser</b>: <img src='{}' />",
"gui_website_url_description": "<b>Yeyote</b> mwenye hii anwani ya OnionShare na private key anaweza <b>tembelea</b> tovuti yako kwa kutumia <b>Tor Browser</b>: <img src='{}' />",
"gui_website_url_public_description": "<b>Yeyote</b> mwenye hii anwani ya OnionShare anaweza <b>tembelea</b> tovuti yako kwa kutumia <b>Tor Browser</b>: <img src='{}' />",
"gui_receive_url_public_description": "<b>Yeyote</b> mwenye hizi anwani za OnionShare anaweza <b>pakia</b> mafaili katika kompyuta yako kwa kutumia<b>Tor Browser</b>: <img src='{}' />",
"gui_chat_url_description": "<b>Yeyote</b> mwenye hizi anwani za OnionShare na private key anaweza<b>jiunga sehemu hii ya chat </b> kwa kutumia <b>Tor Browser</b>: <img src='{}' />",
"gui_url_instructions_public_mode": "Tuma anuani ya OnionShare hapo chini:",
"gui_client_auth_instructions": "Inayofuata, tuma Private key ili kuwezesha kutumia huduma za OnionShare:",
"gui_status_indicator_chat_stopped": "Tayari kwa chat",
"history_requests_tooltip": "{} ombi la tovuti",
"gui_settings_theme_auto": "Auto",
"gui_settings_theme_light": "Light",
"gui_settings_theme_label": "Maudhui",
"gui_settings_theme_dark": "Dark",
"gui_color_mode_changed_notice": "Anzisha tena OnionShare kuon rangi mpya.",
"gui_website_mode_no_files": "Hakuna Tovuti Iliopakiwa",
"gui_new_tab_share_button": "Sambaza Faili",
"gui_new_tab_receive_button": "Pokea Faili",
"gui_new_tab_website_button": "Hifadhi Tovuti",
"gui_new_tab_chat_button": "Chat Bila Kujulikana",
"gui_main_page_share_button": "Anza Kusambaza",
"gui_tab_name_share": "Sambaza",
"gui_main_page_receive_button": "Anza Kupokea",
"gui_tab_name_chat": "Chat",
"gui_close_tab_warning_title": "Funga Ukurasa?",
"gui_close_tab_warning_persistent_description": "Funga kurasa inayoendelea na kupoteza anuani ya onion inayotumia?",
"gui_close_tab_warning_share_description": "Funga kurasa inayotuma mafaili?",
"gui_close_tab_warning_receive_description": "Funga ukurasa unaopokea mafaili?",
"gui_close_tab_warning_website_description": "Funga ule ukurasa unaoendesha tovuti?",
"gui_close_tab_warning_cancel": "Sitisha",
"gui_quit_warning_title": "Acha OnionShare?",
"gui_quit_warning_description": "Acha na ufunge kurasa zote, hata kama bado kuna zinazosambaza?",
"gui_quit_warning_cancel": "Sitisha",
"mode_settings_persistent_checkbox": "Fungua huu ukurasa kama OnionShare imeanza",
"mode_settings_public_checkbox": "OnionShare ni huduma ya umma (ina zima private key)",
"mode_settings_autostart_timer_checkbox": "Anza huduma za onion kwa mda uliopangwa",
"mode_settings_autostop_timer_checkbox": "Simamisha huduma za onion kwa mda uliopangwa",
"mode_settings_share_autostop_sharing_checkbox": "Acha kusambaza baada ya faili kutumwa (sitisha kuruhusu upakuaji wa mafaili binafsi)",
"mode_settings_receive_disable_text_checkbox": "Zima kuwasilisha maandishi",
"mode_settings_receive_disable_files_checkbox": "Zima kupakia mafaili",
"mode_settings_website_disable_csp_checkbox": "Usitumie maudhui ya Sera ya Usalama ( ruhusu tovuti yako kutumia sehemu ya tatu)",
"mode_settings_website_custom_csp_checkbox": "Tuma taarifa zenye maudhui kuzingatia Sera ya Usalama kwa mtumiaji",
"gui_rendezvous_cleanup_quit_early": "Acha Mapema",
"moat_captcha_error": "Ufumbuzi usio sahihi. tafadhali jaribu tena.",
"moat_solution_empty_error": "Weka alama kutoka kwenye picha",
"mode_tor_not_connected_label": "OnionShare imunganishwa na mtandao wa Tor",
"gui_close_tab_warning_close": "Funga",
"gui_tab_name_website": "Tovuti",
"error_port_not_available": "Sakiti za OnionShare hazipatikani",
"history_receive_read_message_button": "Soma Ujumbe",
"gui_new_tab": "Kurasa Mpya",
"mode_settings_receive_data_dir_label": "Hifadhi faili kwa",
"mode_settings_receive_data_dir_browse_button": "Kuperuzi",
"gui_chat_url_public_description": "<b>Yeyote</b> mwenye hizi anwani za OnionShare anaweza <b>jiunga sehemu hii ya chat </b> kwa kutumia <b>Tor Browser</b>: <img src='{}' />",
"gui_status_indicator_chat_started": "Mawasiliano",
"gui_url_instructions": "Kwanza, tuma anuani ya OnionShare apo chini:",
"gui_status_indicator_chat_working": "Inaanza…",
"gui_status_indicator_chat_scheduled": "Imepangwa…",
"gui_open_folder_error": "Huwezi kufungua folda kwa kutumia xsd-open. Faili lipo hapa:{}",
"gui_new_tab_tooltip": "Fungua kurasa mpya",
"gui_main_page_website_button": "Anza Kuendesha",
"gui_main_page_chat_button": "Anza Mawasiliano",
"gui_tab_name_receive": "Pokea",
"mode_settings_advanced_toggle_show": "Onyesha mpangilio ulioboreshwa zaidi",
"mode_settings_advanced_toggle_hide": "Ficha mpangilio ulioboreshwa",
"mode_settings_title_label": "Kichwa cha habari kuu",
"mode_settings_receive_webhook_url_checkbox": "Tumia taarifa webhook",
"gui_rendezvous_cleanup": "subiri mzunguko wa Tor ufungwe ili kuwa na uhakika kama mafaili yako yamehamishwa.\n\ninaweza kuchukua dakika chache.",
"moat_contact_label": "Wasiliana BridgeDB…",
"moat_captcha_label": "Tatua ili CAPTCHA kuomba kiungio.",
"moat_captcha_placeholder": "Weka wahusika kutoka kwa picha",
"moat_captcha_reload": "Pakia upya",
"moat_captcha_submit": "Wasilisha",
"moat_bridgedb_error": "Haikuweza kuwasiliana na BridgeD."
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,256 @@
"not_a_readable_file": "",
"other_page_loaded": "",
"incorrect_password": "",
"close_on_autostop_timer": "",
"closing_automatically": "",
"large_filesize": "",
"gui_drag_and_drop": "",
"gui_add": "",
"gui_add_files": "",
"gui_add_folder": "",
"gui_remove": "",
"gui_dragdrop_sandbox_flatpak": "",
"gui_file_selection_remove_all": "",
"gui_choose_items": "",
"gui_share_start_server": "",
"gui_share_stop_server": "",
"gui_share_stop_server_autostop_timer": "",
"gui_chat_start_server": "",
"gui_chat_stop_server": "",
"gui_stop_server_autostop_timer_tooltip": "",
"gui_start_server_autostart_timer_tooltip": "",
"gui_receive_start_server": "",
"gui_receive_stop_server": "",
"gui_receive_stop_server_autostop_timer": "",
"gui_receive_flatpak_data_dir": "",
"gui_copy_url": "",
"gui_copy_client_auth": "",
"gui_canceled": "",
"gui_copied_url_title": "",
"gui_copied_url": "",
"gui_copied_client_auth_title": "",
"gui_copied_client_auth": "",
"gui_show_qr_code": "",
"gui_qr_code_dialog_title": "",
"gui_qr_label_url_title": "",
"gui_qr_label_auth_string_title": "",
"gui_reveal": "",
"gui_hide": "",
"gui_waiting_to_start": "",
"gui_please_wait_no_button": "",
"gui_please_wait": "",
"zip_progress_bar_format": "",
"gui_tor_settings_window_title": "",
"gui_autoconnect_description": "",
"gui_enable_autoconnect_checkbox": "",
"gui_autoconnect_failed_to_connect_to_tor": "",
"gui_autoconnect_trying_to_connect_to_tor": "",
"gui_autoconnect_connection_error_msg": "",
"gui_autoconnect_bridge_description": "",
"gui_autoconnect_bridge_detect_automatic": "",
"gui_autoconnect_bridge_detect_manual": "",
"gui_autoconnect_bridge_setting_options": "",
"gui_autoconnect_start": "",
"gui_autoconnect_configure": "",
"gui_autoconnect_no_bridge": "",
"gui_autoconnect_try_again_without_a_bridge": "",
"gui_autoconnect_circumventing_censorship": "",
"gui_autoconnect_circumventing_censorship_starting_circumvention": "",
"gui_autoconnect_circumventing_censorship_starting_meek": "",
"gui_autoconnect_circumventing_censorship_requesting_bridges": "",
"gui_autoconnect_circumventing_censorship_got_bridges": "",
"gui_autoconnect_could_not_connect_to_tor_api": "",
"gui_settings_window_title": "",
"gui_general_settings_window_title": "",
"gui_settings_autoupdate_label": "",
"gui_settings_autoupdate_option": "",
"gui_settings_autoupdate_timestamp": "",
"gui_settings_autoupdate_timestamp_never": "",
"gui_settings_autoupdate_check_button": "",
"gui_settings_connection_type_label": "",
"gui_settings_connection_type_bundled_option": "",
"gui_settings_connection_type_automatic_option": "",
"gui_settings_controller_extras_label": "",
"gui_settings_connection_type_control_port_option": "",
"gui_settings_connection_type_socket_file_option": "",
"gui_settings_connection_type_test_button": "",
"gui_settings_control_port_label": "",
"gui_settings_socket_file_label": "",
"gui_settings_socks_label": "",
"gui_settings_authenticate_no_auth_option": "",
"gui_settings_authenticate_password_option": "",
"gui_settings_password_label": "",
"gui_settings_tor_bridges": "",
"gui_settings_tor_bridges_label": "",
"gui_settings_bridge_use_checkbox": "",
"gui_settings_bridge_radio_builtin": "",
"gui_settings_bridge_none_radio_option": "",
"gui_settings_meek_lite_expensive_warning": "",
"gui_settings_bridge_moat_radio_option": "",
"gui_settings_bridge_moat_button": "",
"gui_settings_bridge_custom_radio_option": "",
"gui_settings_bridge_custom_placeholder": "",
"gui_settings_moat_bridges_invalid": "",
"gui_settings_tor_bridges_invalid": "",
"gui_settings_stop_active_tabs_label": "",
"gui_settings_button_save": "",
"gui_settings_button_cancel": "",
"gui_settings_button_help": "",
"gui_settings_version_label": "",
"gui_settings_help_label": "",
"settings_test_success": "",
"connecting_to_tor": "",
"update_available": "",
"update_error_invalid_latest_version": "",
"update_error_check_error": "",
"update_not_available": "",
"gui_tor_connection_ask": "",
"gui_tor_connection_ask_open_settings": "",
"gui_tor_connection_ask_quit": "",
"gui_tor_connection_error_settings": "",
"gui_tor_connection_canceled": "",
"gui_tor_connection_lost": "",
"gui_server_started_after_autostop_timer": "",
"gui_server_autostop_timer_expired": "",
"gui_server_autostart_timer_expired": "",
"gui_autostop_timer_cant_be_earlier_than_autostart_timer": "",
"gui_server_doesnt_support_stealth": "",
"share_via_onionshare": "",
"gui_share_url_description": "",
"gui_share_url_public_description": "",
"gui_website_url_description": "",
"gui_website_url_public_description": "",
"gui_receive_url_description": "",
"gui_receive_url_public_description": "",
"gui_chat_url_description": "",
"gui_chat_url_public_description": "",
"gui_url_label_persistent": "",
"gui_url_label_stay_open": "",
"gui_url_label_onetime": "",
"gui_url_label_onetime_and_persistent": "",
"gui_url_instructions": "",
"gui_url_instructions_public_mode": "",
"gui_client_auth_instructions": "",
"gui_status_indicator_share_stopped": "",
"gui_status_indicator_share_working": "",
"gui_status_indicator_share_scheduled": "",
"gui_status_indicator_share_started": "",
"gui_status_indicator_receive_stopped": "",
"gui_status_indicator_receive_working": "",
"gui_status_indicator_receive_scheduled": "",
"gui_status_indicator_receive_started": "",
"gui_status_indicator_chat_stopped": "",
"gui_status_indicator_chat_working": "",
"gui_status_indicator_chat_scheduled": "",
"gui_status_indicator_chat_started": "",
"gui_file_info": "",
"gui_file_info_single": "",
"history_in_progress_tooltip": "",
"history_completed_tooltip": "",
"history_requests_tooltip": "",
"error_cannot_create_data_dir": "",
"gui_receive_mode_warning": "",
"gui_open_folder_error": "",
"gui_settings_language_label": "",
"gui_settings_theme_label": "",
"gui_settings_theme_auto": "",
"gui_settings_theme_light": "",
"gui_settings_theme_dark": "",
"gui_settings_language_changed_notice": "",
"gui_color_mode_changed_notice": "",
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"systray_page_loaded_title": "",
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"systray_share_canceled_title": "",
"systray_share_canceled_message": "",
"systray_receive_started_title": "",
"systray_receive_started_message": "",
"gui_all_modes_history": "",
"gui_all_modes_clear_history": "",
"gui_all_modes_transfer_started": "",
"gui_all_modes_progress_complete": "",
"gui_all_modes_progress_starting": "",
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"gui_share_mode_no_files": "",
"gui_share_mode_autostop_timer_waiting": "",
"gui_website_mode_no_files": "",
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"gui_receive_mode_autostop_timer_waiting": "",
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"gui_quit_warning_quit": "",
"gui_quit_warning_cancel": "",
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"mode_settings_receive_data_dir_browse_button": "",
"mode_settings_receive_disable_text_checkbox": "",
"mode_settings_receive_disable_files_checkbox": "",
"mode_settings_receive_webhook_url_checkbox": "",
"mode_settings_website_disable_csp_checkbox": "",
"mode_settings_website_custom_csp_checkbox": "",
"gui_all_modes_transfer_finished_range": "",
"gui_all_modes_transfer_finished": "",
"gui_all_modes_transfer_canceled_range": "",
"gui_all_modes_transfer_canceled": "",
"settings_error_unknown": "",
"settings_error_automatic": "",
"settings_error_socket_port": "",
"settings_error_socket_file": "",
"settings_error_auth": "",
"settings_error_missing_password": "",
"settings_error_unreadable_cookie_file": "",
"settings_error_bundled_tor_not_supported": "",
"settings_error_bundled_tor_timeout": "",
"settings_error_bundled_tor_broken": "",
"gui_rendezvous_cleanup": "",
"gui_rendezvous_cleanup_quit_early": "",
"error_port_not_available": "",
"history_receive_read_message_button": "",
"error_tor_protocol_error": "",
"moat_contact_label": "",
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"moat_captcha_submit": "",
"moat_captcha_reload": "",
"moat_bridgedb_error": "",
"moat_captcha_error": "",
"moat_solution_empty_error": "",
"mode_tor_not_connected_label": ""
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,256 @@
"not_a_readable_file": "{0:s} không phải là tập tin đọc được.",
"other_page_loaded": "Đã tải địa chỉ",
"incorrect_password": "Mật khẩu không chính xác",
"close_on_autostop_timer": "Đã dừng vì đồng hồ đếm giờ tự động dừng đã điểm giờ",
"closing_automatically": "Đã dừng vì việc chuyển giao đã hoàn thành",
"large_filesize": "Cảnh báo: Gửi một lượng lớn dữ liệu có thể mất nhiều giờ",
"gui_drag_and_drop": "Kéo và thả tập tin và thư mục để bắt đầu chia sẻ",
"gui_add": "Thêm",
"gui_add_files": "Thêm tập tin",
"gui_add_folder": "Thêm thư mục",
"gui_remove": "Bỏ",
"gui_dragdrop_sandbox_flatpak": "Để làm cho sandbox Flatpak thêm bảo mật, kéo và thả không được hỗ trợ. Để thay thế, sử dụng các nút \"Thêm tập tin\" và \"Thêm thư mục\" để chọn các tập tin.",
"gui_file_selection_remove_all": "Bỏ tất cả",
"gui_choose_items": "Chọn",
"gui_share_start_server": "Bắt đầu chia sẻ",
"gui_share_stop_server": "Dừng chia sẻ",
"gui_share_stop_server_autostop_timer": "Dừng chia sẻ ({})",
"gui_chat_start_server": "Bắt đầu máy chủ chat",
"gui_chat_stop_server": "Dừng máy chủ chat",
"gui_stop_server_autostop_timer_tooltip": "Đồng hồ đếm giờ tự động dừng kết thúc tại {}",
"gui_start_server_autostart_timer_tooltip": "Đồng hồ đếm giờ tự động khởi động sẽ dừng tại {}",
"gui_receive_start_server": "Bắt đầu chế độ nhận",
"gui_receive_stop_server": "Dừng chế độ nhận",
"gui_receive_stop_server_autostop_timer": "Dừng chế độ nhận ({} còn lại)",
"gui_receive_flatpak_data_dir": "Vì bạn đã cài đặt OnionShare bằng cách sử dụng Flatpak, bạn phải lưu các tập tin vào một thư mục trong ~/OnionShare.",
"gui_copy_url": "Sao chép địa chỉ",
"gui_copy_client_auth": "Sao chép khoá key riêng tư",
"gui_canceled": "Huỷ bỏ",
"gui_copied_url_title": "Đã sao chép địa chỉ OnionShare",
"gui_copied_url": "Địa chỉ OnionShare đã được sao chép vào khay nhớ tạm",
"gui_copied_client_auth_title": "Khoá key riêng tư đã được sao chép",
"gui_copied_client_auth": "Khoá key riêng tư đã được sao chép vào khay nhớ tạm",
"gui_show_qr_code": "Hiện mã code QR",
"gui_qr_code_dialog_title": "Mã code QR OnionShare",
"gui_qr_label_url_title": "Địa chỉ OnionShare",
"gui_qr_label_auth_string_title": "Khoá key riêng tư",
"gui_reveal": "Lộ diện",
"gui_hide": "Ẩn",
"gui_waiting_to_start": "Đã lên lịch để bắt đầu vào {}. Nhấp vào để hủy bỏ.",
"gui_please_wait_no_button": "Đang bắt đầu…",
"gui_please_wait": "Đang bắt đầu... Nhấp vào để huỷ bỏ.",
"zip_progress_bar_format": "Đang nén: %p%",
"gui_tor_settings_window_title": "Các cài đặt Tor",
"gui_autoconnect_description": "OnionShare phụ thuộc vào mạng lưới Tor Network do tình nguyện viên điều hành.",
"gui_enable_autoconnect_checkbox": "Tự động kết nối tới Tor",
"gui_autoconnect_failed_to_connect_to_tor": "Đã không thể kết nối tới Tor",
"gui_autoconnect_trying_to_connect_to_tor": "Đang kết nối tới Tor…",
"gui_autoconnect_connection_error_msg": "Hãy chắc chắn rằng bạn đã được kết nối tới Internet.",
"gui_autoconnect_bridge_description": "Bạn có thể kết nối bằng cách sử dụng cầu Bridge nếu kết nối Internet của bạn bị kiểm duyệt.",
"gui_autoconnect_bridge_detect_automatic": "Xác định quốc gia của tôi từ địa chỉ IP của tôi cho các cài đặt cầu Bridge",
"gui_autoconnect_bridge_detect_manual": "Lựa chọn quốc gia của tôi cho các cài đặt cầu Bridge theo cách thủ công",
"gui_autoconnect_bridge_setting_options": "Các cài đặt cầu Bridge",
"gui_autoconnect_start": "Kết nối tới Tor",
"gui_autoconnect_configure": "Các cài đặt Mạng lưới",
"gui_autoconnect_no_bridge": "Thử lại mà không sử dụng cầu Bridge",
"gui_autoconnect_try_again_without_a_bridge": "Thử lại mà không sử dụng cầu Bridge",
"gui_autoconnect_circumventing_censorship": "Đang giải quyết các sự cố kết nối…",
"gui_autoconnect_circumventing_censorship_starting_circumvention": "Đang vượt kiểm duyệt…",
"gui_autoconnect_circumventing_censorship_starting_meek": "Thiết lập cầu Bridge \"meek\" cho tên miền trước Domain-Fronting…",
"gui_autoconnect_circumventing_censorship_requesting_bridges": "Yêu cầu các cầu Bridge từ API vượt kiểm duyệt Tor…",
"gui_autoconnect_circumventing_censorship_got_bridges": "Các cầu Bridge đã được thiết lập. Đang kết nối lại tới Tor…",
"gui_autoconnect_could_not_connect_to_tor_api": "Đã không thể kết nối tới API Tor. Đảm bảo rằng bạn đã kết nối tới Internet trước khi thử lại.",
"gui_settings_window_title": "Cài đặt",
"gui_general_settings_window_title": "Tổng quan",
"gui_settings_autoupdate_label": "Kiểm tra phiên bản mới",
"gui_settings_autoupdate_option": "Lưu ý cho tôi khi có một phiên bản mới khả dụng",
"gui_settings_autoupdate_timestamp": "Kiểm tra lần cuối: {}",
"gui_settings_autoupdate_timestamp_never": "Không bao giờ",
"gui_settings_autoupdate_check_button": "Kiểm tra phiên bản mới",
"gui_settings_connection_type_label": "OnionShare nên kết nối tới Tor theo cách nào?",
"gui_settings_connection_type_bundled_option": "Sử dụng phiên bản Tor đã được tích hợp vào OnionShare",
"gui_settings_connection_type_automatic_option": "Thử tự động cấu hình với Trình duyệt Tor Browser",
"gui_settings_controller_extras_label": "Cài đặt Tor",
"gui_settings_connection_type_control_port_option": "Kết nối sử dụng cổng điều khiển",
"gui_settings_connection_type_socket_file_option": "Kết nối sử dụng tập tin socket",
"gui_settings_connection_type_test_button": "Kết nối thử nghiệm tới Tor",
"gui_settings_control_port_label": "Cổng điều khiển",
"gui_settings_socket_file_label": "Tập tin Socket",
"gui_settings_socks_label": "Cổng SOCKS",
"gui_settings_authenticate_no_auth_option": "Không xác thực hoặc xác thực cookie",
"gui_settings_authenticate_password_option": "Mật khẩu",
"gui_settings_password_label": "Mật khẩu",
"gui_settings_tor_bridges": "Sử dụng một cầu Bridge của Tor để kết nối chứ?",
"gui_settings_tor_bridges_label": "Cầu Bridge giúp giao thông của bạn đi vào mạng lưới Tor Network nếu truy cập vào Tor bị chặn. Phụ thuộc vào việc bạn kết nối từ nơi nào, một cầu Bridge có thể hoạt động tốt hơn cái khác.",
"gui_settings_bridge_use_checkbox": "Sử dụng một cầu Bridge",
"gui_settings_bridge_radio_builtin": "Chọn một cầu Bridge đã được tích hợp",
"gui_settings_bridge_none_radio_option": "Không sử dụng cầu Bridge",
"gui_settings_meek_lite_expensive_warning": "Cảnh báo: Các cầu Bridge \"meek-azure\" rất tốn kém cho Dự Án Tor để chạy.<br><br>Chỉ sử dụng chúng nếu không thể kết nối trực tiếp tới Tor, thông qua phương thức vận chuyển obfs4, hoặc các cầu Bridge thông thường khác.",
"gui_settings_bridge_moat_radio_option": "Yêu cầu một cầu Bridge từ torproject.org",
"gui_settings_bridge_moat_button": "Yêu cầu một cầu Bridge mới",
"gui_settings_bridge_custom_radio_option": "Cung cấp một cầu Bridge bạn đã biết từ một nguồn cung cấp đáng tin cậy",
"gui_settings_bridge_custom_placeholder": "Viết theo kiểu dạng địa chỉ:cổng (một trên mỗi dòng)",
"gui_settings_moat_bridges_invalid": "Bạn vẫn chưa yêu cầu một cầu Bridge từ torproject.org.",
"gui_settings_tor_bridges_invalid": "Không có cầu Bridge mà bạn thêm vào nào hoạt động cả. Kiểm tra lại chúng hoặc thêm cái khác vào.",
"gui_settings_stop_active_tabs_label": "Có một số dịch vụ vẫn đang chạy trong một số tab của bạn.\nBạn phải dừng tất cả các dịch vụ để thay đổi cài đặt Tor của bạn.",
"gui_settings_button_save": "Lưu",
"gui_settings_button_cancel": "Huỷ bỏ",
"gui_settings_button_help": "Giúp đỡ",
"gui_settings_version_label": "Bạn đang sử dụng OnionShare {}",
"gui_settings_help_label": "Yêu cầu trợ giúp ư? Hãy xem <a href='https://docs.onionshare.org'>docs.onionshare.org</a>",
"settings_test_success": "Đã kết nối tới bộ điều khiển Tor.\n\nPhiên bản Tor: {}\nHỗ trợ các dịch vụ onion tạm thời: {}.\nHỗ trợ xác thực máy khách: {}.\nHỗ trợ các địa chỉ .onion thế hệ tiếp theo: {}.",
"connecting_to_tor": "Đang kết nối tới mạng lưới Tor Network",
"update_available": "Có một phiên bản OnionShare mới. <a href='{}'>Nhấp vào đây</a> để lấy nó về.<br><br>Bạn đang sử dụng {} và phiên bản mới nhất là {}.",
"update_error_invalid_latest_version": "Đã không thể kiểm tra phiên bản mới: Theo như trang web OnionShare thì phiên bản mới nhất là phiên bản không xác định '{}'…",
"update_error_check_error": "Đã không thể kiểm tra phiên bản mới: Có thể bạn đã không được kết nối tới Tor, hoặc trang web OnionShare đang ngoại tuyến?",
"update_not_available": "Bạn đang chạy phiên bản OnionShare mới nhất.",
"gui_tor_connection_ask": "Mở cài đặt để sắp xếp kết nối tới Tor chứ?",
"gui_tor_connection_ask_open_settings": "Có",
"gui_tor_connection_ask_quit": "Từ bỏ",
"gui_tor_connection_error_settings": "Thử thay đổi cách làm thế nào OnionShare kết nối tới mạng lưới Tor Network trong cài đặt.",
"gui_tor_connection_canceled": "Đã không thể kết nối tới Tor.\n\nHãy chắc chắn rằng bạn đã kết nối tới Internet, sau đó mở lại OnionShare và cài đặt kết nối tới Tor của nó.",
"gui_tor_connection_lost": "Đã ngắt kết nối từ Tor.",
"gui_server_started_after_autostop_timer": "Đồng hồ đếm giờ tự động dừng đã hết giờ trước khi máy chủ bắt đầu. Xin vui lòng thực hiện chia sẻ mới lại.",
"gui_server_autostop_timer_expired": "Đồng hồ đếm giờ tự động dừng đã hết giờ. Xin vui lòng điều chỉnh nó để bắt đầu chia sẻ.",
"gui_server_autostart_timer_expired": "Thời gian được lịch trình đã qua mất rồi. Xin vui lòng điều chỉnh nó để bắt đầu chia sẻ.",
"gui_autostop_timer_cant_be_earlier_than_autostart_timer": "Thời gian tự động dừng không thể trùng khớp hoặc sớm hơn thời gian tự động bắt đầu. Xin vui lòng điều chỉnh nó để bắt đầu chia sẻ.",
"gui_server_doesnt_support_stealth": "Xin lỗi, phiên bản này của Tor không hỗ trợ tàng hình (xác thực máy khách). Xin vui lòng thử lại với một phiên bản mới hơn của Tor, hoặc sử dụng chế độ 'công cộng' nếu nó không cần phải được riêng tư.",
"share_via_onionshare": "Chia sẻ thông qua OnionShare",
"gui_share_url_description": "<b>Bất kỳ ai</b> có địa chỉ OnionShare và khóa key cá nhân này đều có thể <b>tải xuống</b> các tệp của bạn bằng cách sử dụng <b>Trình duyệt Tor</b>: <img src='{}' />",
"gui_share_url_public_description": "<b>Bất kỳ ai</b> có địa chỉ OnionShare này có thể <b>tải xuống</b> các tập tin của bạn bằng cách sử dụng <b>Trình duyệt Tor Browser</b>: <img src='{}' />",
"gui_website_url_description": "<b>Bất kỳ ai</b> có địa chỉ OnionShare và khoá key cá nhân này có thể <b>ghé thăm</b> trang web của bạn bằng cách sử dụng <b>Trình duyệt Tor Browser</b>: <img src='{}' />",
"gui_website_url_public_description": "<b>Bất kỳ ai</b> có địa chỉ OnionShare này có thể <b>ghé thăm</b> trang web của bạn bằng cách sử dụng <b>Trình duyệt Tor Browser</b>: <img src='{}' />",
"gui_receive_url_description": "<b>Bất kỳ ai</b> có địa chỉ OnionShare và khoá key cá nhân này có thể <b>tải lên</b> các tập tin tới máy tính của bạn bằng cách sử dụng <b>Trình duyệt Tor Browser</b>: <img src='{}' />",
"gui_receive_url_public_description": "<b>Bất kỳ ai</b> có địa chỉ OnionShare này có thể <b>tải lên</b> các tập tin tới máy tính của bạn bằng cách sử dụng <b>Trình duyệt Tor Browser</b>: <img src='{}' />",
"gui_chat_url_description": "<b>Bất kỳ ai</b> có địa chỉ OnionShare và khoá key cá nhân này có thể <b>tham gia vào phòng chat này</b> bằng cách sử dụng <b>Trình duyệt Tor Browser</b>: <img src='{}' />",
"gui_chat_url_public_description": "<b>Bất kỳ ai</b> có địa chỉ OnionShare này có thể <b>tham gia phòng chat này</b> bằng cách sử dụng <b>Trình duyệt Tor Browser</b>: <img src='{}' />",
"gui_url_label_persistent": "Lượt chia sẻ này sẽ không tự động dừng.<br><br>Mọi lượt chia sẻ tiếp theo sẽ sử dụng lại địa chỉ. (Để sử dụng địa chỉ một lần, hãy tắt \"Sử dụng địa chỉ liên tục\" trong cài đặt.)",
"gui_url_label_stay_open": "Lượt chia sẻ này sẽ không tự động dừng.",
"gui_url_label_onetime": "Lượt chia sẻ này sẽ dừng lại sau khi hoàn thành lần đầu tiên.",
"gui_url_label_onetime_and_persistent": "Lượt chia sẻ này sẽ không tự động dừng.<br><br>Mọi lượt chia sẻ tiếp theo sẽ sử dụng lại địa chỉ. (Để sử dụng địa chỉ một lần, hãy tắt \"Sử dụng địa chỉ liên tục\" trong cài đặt.)",
"gui_url_instructions": "Đầu tiên, hãy gửi địa chỉ OnionShare bên dưới:",
"gui_url_instructions_public_mode": "Gửi địa chỉ OnionShare bên dưới:",
"gui_client_auth_instructions": "Tiếp theo, gửi khóa key riêng tư để cho phép truy cập vào dịch vụ OnionShare của bạn:",
"gui_status_indicator_share_stopped": "Sẵn sàng chia sẻ",
"gui_status_indicator_share_working": "Đang bắt đầu…",
"gui_status_indicator_share_scheduled": "Lên kế hoạch…",
"gui_status_indicator_share_started": "Chia sẻ",
"gui_status_indicator_receive_stopped": "Sẵn sàng nhận",
"gui_status_indicator_receive_working": "Đang bắt đầu…",
"gui_status_indicator_receive_scheduled": "Lên kế hoạch…",
"gui_status_indicator_receive_started": "Đang nhận",
"gui_status_indicator_chat_stopped": "Sẵn sàng chat",
"gui_status_indicator_chat_working": "Đang bắt đầu…",
"gui_status_indicator_chat_scheduled": "Lên kế hoạch…",
"gui_status_indicator_chat_started": "Chat hội thoại",
"gui_file_info": "{} các tập tin, {}",
"gui_file_info_single": "{} tập tin, {}",
"history_in_progress_tooltip": "{} đang tiến hành",
"history_completed_tooltip": "{} đã hoàn thành",
"history_requests_tooltip": "{} các yêu cầu web",
"error_cannot_create_data_dir": "Đã không thể tạo thư mục dữ liệu OnionShare: {}",
"gui_receive_mode_warning": "Chế độ nhận cho phép mọi người tải tập tin tới máy tính của bạn.<br><br><b>Một số tệp có thể chiếm quyền kiểm soát máy tính của bạn nếu bạn mở chúng. Chỉ mở những thứ từ những người bạn tin tưởng, hoặc nếu bạn biết mình đang làm gì.</b>",
"gui_open_folder_error": "Đã không thể mở thư mục bằng xdg-open. Tập tin ở đây: {}",
"gui_settings_language_label": "Ngôn ngữ",
"gui_settings_theme_label": "Chủ đề",
"gui_settings_theme_auto": "Tự động",
"gui_settings_theme_light": "Sáng",
"gui_settings_theme_dark": "Tối",
"gui_settings_language_changed_notice": "Khởi động lại OnionShare để thay đổi sang ngôn ngữ mới.",
"gui_color_mode_changed_notice": "Khởi động lại OnionShare để xem những màu sắc mới.",
"systray_menu_exit": "Từ bỏ",
"systray_page_loaded_title": "Đã tải Trang web",
"systray_page_loaded_message": "đã tải địa chỉ OnionShare",
"systray_share_started_title": "Đã bắt đầu chia sẻ",
"systray_share_started_message": "Đã bắt đầu gửi các tập tin tới một người khác",
"systray_share_completed_title": "Đã hoàn thành chia sẻ",
"systray_share_completed_message": "Đã hoàn thành chia sẻ các tập tin",
"systray_share_canceled_title": "Đã huỷ bỏ chia sẻ",
"systray_share_canceled_message": "Ai đó đã hủy nhận tập tin của bạn",
"systray_receive_started_title": "Đã bắt đầu nhận",
"systray_receive_started_message": "Ai đó đang gửi các tập tin tới bạn",
"gui_all_modes_history": "Lịch sử tiến trình",
"gui_all_modes_clear_history": "Xóa tất cả danh sách",
"gui_all_modes_transfer_started": "Đã bắt đầu {}",
"gui_all_modes_progress_complete": "%p%, {0:s} đã trôi qua.",
"gui_all_modes_progress_starting": "{0:s}, %p% (đang tính toán)",
"gui_all_modes_progress_eta": "{0:s}, ETA: {1:s}, %p%",
"gui_share_mode_no_files": "Chưa có tập tin nào được gửi",
"gui_share_mode_autostop_timer_waiting": "Đang hoàn tất gửi đi…",
"gui_website_mode_no_files": "Chưa có trang web nào được chia sẻ",
"gui_receive_mode_no_files": "Chưa tập tin nào được nhận",
"gui_receive_mode_autostop_timer_waiting": "Đang hoàn tất nhận…",
"days_first_letter": "d",
"hours_first_letter": "h",
"minutes_first_letter": "m",
"seconds_first_letter": "s",
"gui_new_tab": "Tab mới",
"gui_new_tab_tooltip": "Mở một tab mới",
"gui_new_tab_share_button": "Chia sẻ các tập tin",
"gui_new_tab_receive_button": "Nhận các tập tin",
"gui_new_tab_website_button": "Thành lập host một trang web",
"gui_new_tab_chat_button": "Trò chuyện ẩn danh",
"gui_main_page_share_button": "Bắt đầu chia sẻ",
"gui_main_page_receive_button": "Bắt đầu nhận",
"gui_main_page_website_button": "Bắt đầu thành lập trang web",
"gui_main_page_chat_button": "Bắt đầu chat trò chuyện",
"gui_tab_name_share": "Chia sẻ",
"gui_tab_name_receive": "Nhận",
"gui_tab_name_website": "Trang web",
"gui_tab_name_chat": "Chat trò chuyện",
"gui_close_tab_warning_title": "Đóng tab chứ?",
"gui_close_tab_warning_persistent_description": "Đóng tab liên tục và để mất địa chỉ onion đang sử dụng chứ?",
"gui_close_tab_warning_share_description": "Đóng tab đang gửi tập tin chứ?",
"gui_close_tab_warning_receive_description": "Đóng tab đang nhận tập tin?",
"gui_close_tab_warning_website_description": "Đóng tab đang lưu trữ host một trang web chứ?",
"gui_close_tab_warning_close": "Đóng",
"gui_close_tab_warning_cancel": "Huỷ bỏ",
"gui_quit_warning_title": "Thoát OnionShare chứ?",
"gui_quit_warning_description": "Thoát và đóng tất cả các tab, mặc dù tính năng chia sẻ vẫn đang hoạt động ở một số tab chứ?",
"gui_quit_warning_quit": "Thoát",
"gui_quit_warning_cancel": "Hủy bỏ",
"mode_settings_advanced_toggle_show": "Hiển thị cài đặt nâng cao",
"mode_settings_advanced_toggle_hide": "Ẩn các cài đặt nâng cao",
"mode_settings_title_label": "Tiêu đề tùy chỉnh",
"mode_settings_persistent_checkbox": "Luôn mở tab này khi khởi động OnionShare",
"mode_settings_public_checkbox": "Đây là dịch vụ OnionShare công cộng (tắt khóa key riêng tư)",
"mode_settings_autostart_timer_checkbox": "Bắt đầu dịch vụ onion vào thời gian đã lên kế hoạch",
"mode_settings_autostop_timer_checkbox": "Dừng dịch vụ onion vào thời gian đã lên kế hoạch",
"mode_settings_share_autostop_sharing_checkbox": "Dừng chia sẻ sau khi các tập tin đã được gửi (bỏ chọn để cho phép tải xuống các tập tin riêng lẻ)",
"mode_settings_receive_data_dir_label": "Lưu các tập tin vào",
"mode_settings_receive_data_dir_browse_button": "Duyệt",
"mode_settings_receive_disable_text_checkbox": "Tắt gửi văn bản",
"mode_settings_receive_disable_files_checkbox": "Vô hiệu hóa việc tải lên các tập tin",
"mode_settings_receive_webhook_url_checkbox": "Sử dụng webhook thông báo",
"mode_settings_website_disable_csp_checkbox": "Không gửi tiêu đề Chính sách Bảo mật Nội dung mặc định (cho phép trang web của bạn sử dụng các tài nguyên của bên thứ ba)",
"mode_settings_website_custom_csp_checkbox": "Gửi một tiêu đề Chính sách Bảo mật Nội dung tuỳ chỉnh",
"gui_all_modes_transfer_finished_range": "Chuyển giao {} - {}",
"gui_all_modes_transfer_finished": "Đã chuyển giao {}",
"gui_all_modes_transfer_canceled_range": "Đã huỷ bỏ {} - {}",
"gui_all_modes_transfer_canceled": "Đã huỷ bỏ {}",
"settings_error_unknown": "Không thể kết nối tới bộ điều khiển Tor vì cài đặt của bạn không hợp lý.",
"settings_error_automatic": "Đã không thể kết nối tới bộ điều khiển Tor. Trình duyệt Tor Browser (có sẵn từ torproject.org) có đang chạy dưới nền không?",
"settings_error_socket_port": "Không thể kết nối tới bộ điều khiển Tor tại {}:{}.",
"settings_error_socket_file": "Không thể kết nối tới bộ điều khiển Tor bằng cách sử dụng tập tin socket {}.",
"settings_error_auth": "Đã kết nối tới {}:{}, nhưng không thể xác thực. Có lẽ đây không phải là bộ điều khiển Tor?",
"settings_error_missing_password": "Đã kết nối tới bộ điều khiển Tor, nhưng nó yêu cầu mật khẩu để xác thực.",
"settings_error_unreadable_cookie_file": "Đã kết nối tới bộ điều khiển Tor, nhưng mật khẩu có thể sai, hoặc người dùng của bạn không được cho phép đọc tập tin cookie.",
"settings_error_bundled_tor_not_supported": "Sử dụng phiên bản Tor đi kèm với OnionShare không hoạt động ở chế độ nhà phát triển trên hệ điều hành Windows hoặc macOS.",
"settings_error_bundled_tor_timeout": "Mất quá nhiều thời gian để kết nối tới Tor. Có thể bạn chưa kết nối tới Internet, hoặc có một đồng hồ hệ thống không chính xác?",
"settings_error_bundled_tor_broken": "OnionShare đã không thể kết nối tới Tor:\n{}",
"gui_rendezvous_cleanup": "Đang đợi các mạch nối Tor đóng lại để chắc chắn rằng các tập tin của bạn đã được chuyển giao.\n\nĐiều này có thể mất một vài phút.",
"gui_rendezvous_cleanup_quit_early": "Thoát sớm",
"error_port_not_available": "Cổng OnionShare không khả dụng",
"history_receive_read_message_button": "Đọc tin nhắn",
"error_tor_protocol_error": "Có một lỗi đã xảy ra với Tor: {}",
"moat_contact_label": "Đang liên hệ BridgeDB…",
"moat_captcha_label": "Giải CAPTCHA để yêu cầu một cầu Bridge.",
"moat_captcha_placeholder": "Nhập các ký tự từ hình ảnh",
"moat_captcha_submit": "Đệ trình",
"moat_captcha_reload": "Tải lại",
"moat_bridgedb_error": "Đã không thể liên hệ BridgeDB.",
"moat_captcha_error": "Đáp án không chính xác. Xin thử lại.",
"moat_solution_empty_error": "Nhập các ký tự từ hình ảnh",
"mode_tor_not_connected_label": "OnionShare không được kết nối tới mạng lưới Tor Network"
@ -259,8 +259,8 @@
"gui_new_tab": "新建标签",
"gui_show_qr_code": "显示二维码",
"gui_receive_flatpak_data_dir": "因为你用Flatpack安装的OnionShare,你需要把文件储存到在~/OnionShare里的一个文件夹里。",
"gui_chat_stop_server": "停止言论服务器",
"gui_chat_start_server": "开始言论服务器",
"gui_chat_stop_server": "停止聊天服务器",
"gui_chat_start_server": "启动聊天服务器",
"gui_file_selection_remove_all": "删除所有",
"gui_remove": "删除",
"gui_qr_code_dialog_title": "Onionshare 二维码",
@ -47,8 +47,8 @@
"gui_downloads": "",
"gui_no_downloads": "",
"gui_canceled": "已取消",
"gui_copied_url_title": "已複製OnionShare地址",
"gui_copied_url": "OnionShare地址已複製到剪貼簿",
"gui_copied_url_title": "已複製 OnionShare 地址",
"gui_copied_url": "OnionShare 地址已複製到剪貼簿",
"gui_please_wait": "啟動中...點擊以取消。",
"gui_download_upload_progress_complete": "",
"gui_download_upload_progress_starting": "",
@ -86,7 +86,7 @@
"gui_settings_authenticate_no_auth_option": "沒有驗證,或使用cookie驗證",
"gui_settings_authenticate_password_option": "密碼",
"gui_settings_password_label": "密碼",
"gui_settings_tor_bridges": "Tor bridge支援",
"gui_settings_tor_bridges": "連接 Tor 橋接器?",
"gui_settings_tor_bridges_no_bridges_radio_option": "不要使用bridges",
"gui_settings_tor_bridges_obfs4_radio_option": "使用內建的obfs4 pluggable transports",
"gui_settings_tor_bridges_obfs4_radio_option_no_obfs4proxy": "使用內建的obfs4 pluggable transports (需要 obfs4proxy)",
@ -95,7 +95,7 @@
"gui_settings_meek_lite_expensive_warning": "警告: The meek_lite bridges are very costly for the Tor Project to run.<br><br>Only use them if unable to connect to Tor directly, via obfs4 transports, or other normal bridges.",
"gui_settings_tor_bridges_custom_radio_option": "使用自定義的bridges",
"gui_settings_tor_bridges_custom_label": "你可以從 <a href=\"https://bridges.torproject.org/options?lang=zh_TW\">https://bridges.torproject.org</a>取得bridges",
"gui_settings_tor_bridges_invalid": "您新增的bridges無效。\n請再次檢查他們或新增其他的。",
"gui_settings_tor_bridges_invalid": "您新增的橋接器無效。請再次檢查或新增其他的橋接器。",
"gui_settings_button_save": "保存",
"gui_settings_button_cancel": "取消",
"gui_settings_button_help": "說明",
@ -175,7 +175,7 @@
"gui_download_in_progress": "",
"gui_open_folder_error_nautilus": "無法開啟資料夾,因為nautilus不可用。檔案在此: {}",
"gui_settings_language_label": "語言",
"gui_settings_language_changed_notice": "重啟OnionShare以使用新的語言。",
"gui_settings_language_changed_notice": "重啟 OnionShare 以使用新的語言。",
"gui_add_files": "新增檔案",
"gui_add_folder": "新增資料夾",
"gui_settings_onion_label": "Onion設定",
@ -216,8 +216,8 @@
"gui_autostop_timer_cant_be_earlier_than_autostart_timer": "自動停止時間不能相同或早於自動開始時間。請調整它以開始分享。",
"gui_status_indicator_share_scheduled": "預定…",
"gui_status_indicator_receive_scheduled": "預定…",
"gui_share_mode_autostop_timer_waiting": "等待完成傳送",
"gui_receive_mode_autostop_timer_waiting": "等待完成接收",
"gui_share_mode_autostop_timer_waiting": "完成傳送…",
"gui_receive_mode_autostop_timer_waiting": "完成接收…",
"days_first_letter": "天",
"hours_first_letter": "時",
"minutes_first_letter": "分",
@ -234,9 +234,9 @@
"mode_settings_receive_data_dir_label": "儲存檔案至",
"mode_settings_public_checkbox": "不要使用密碼",
"mode_settings_advanced_toggle_hide": "隱藏進階設定",
"gui_close_tab_warning_title": "您確定?",
"gui_close_tab_warning_title": "關閉標籤頁?",
"gui_quit_warning_cancel": "取消",
"gui_quit_warning_title": "您確定?",
"gui_quit_warning_title": "停止 OnionShare ?",
"gui_close_tab_warning_cancel": "取消",
"gui_close_tab_warning_close": "關閉",
"gui_new_tab_share_description": "選擇要寄送給他人的檔案。接收您傳送檔案的人需要使用Tor 瀏覽器才能下載檔案。",
@ -253,30 +253,104 @@
"gui_main_page_receive_button": "開始接收",
"gui_main_page_share_button": "開始分享",
"gui_new_tab_website_button": "架設一個網站",
"gui_qr_code_dialog_title": "OnionShare QR Code",
"gui_show_qr_code": "顯示QR Code",
"gui_qr_code_dialog_title": "OnionShare 二維碼",
"gui_show_qr_code": "顯示二維碼",
"gui_chat_stop_server": "停止聊天伺服器",
"gui_chat_start_server": "開啟聊天伺服器",
"gui_file_selection_remove_all": "全部移除",
"gui_remove": "移除",
"error_port_not_available": "OnionShare通訊埠不可用",
"gui_rendezvous_cleanup_quit_early": "提前退出",
"gui_rendezvous_cleanup": "等待Tor电路关闭,以确保文檔传输成功。\n\n這可能需要幾分鐘。",
"gui_rendezvous_cleanup": "等待 Tor 迴路關閉,確保檔案傳輪輸成功。\n\n這可能需要幾分鐘。",
"mode_settings_website_disable_csp_checkbox": "取消內容安全政策(Content Security Policy)信頭(允許您的網站使用三方資源)",
"mode_settings_share_autostop_sharing_checkbox": "檔案傳送完後停止共享(取消選中可允許下載單個檔案)",
"mode_settings_legacy_checkbox": "使用舊地址(v2 onion服務,不推薦)",
"mode_settings_autostop_timer_checkbox": "定時停止onion服務",
"mode_settings_autostart_timer_checkbox": "定時起動onion服務",
"mode_settings_persistent_checkbox": "保存此頁,並在我打開OnionShare時自動打開它",
"gui_quit_warning_description": "有的頁中有激活的共享,如果退出,所有的頁將被關閉。您確定要退出嗎?",
"gui_close_tab_warning_website_description": "您正在代管一個網站,確定要關閉此頁嗎?",
"gui_close_tab_warning_receive_description": "您正在接收文件,確定要關閉此頁嗎?",
"gui_close_tab_warning_share_description": "您正在發送文件,確定要關閉此页嗎?",
"gui_close_tab_warning_persistent_description": "此頁會持續存在,如果關閉它,將會丟失它正在使用的onion地址。您確定要關閉它嗎?",
"mode_settings_persistent_checkbox": "OnionShare 啟動後讓此標籤頁一直維持開啟",
"gui_quit_warning_description": "停止並關閉所有標籤頁,即便有些仍在進行分享?",
"gui_close_tab_warning_website_description": "關閉正在代管網站的標籤頁嗎?",
"gui_close_tab_warning_receive_description": "關閉正在接收檔案的標籤頁嗎?",
"gui_close_tab_warning_share_description": "關閉正在發送檔案的標籤頁?",
"gui_close_tab_warning_persistent_description": "關閉長存標籤頁與失掉正在使用的 onion 地址 ?",
"gui_main_page_website_button": "開始代管網頁",
"gui_new_tab_chat_button": "匿名聊天",
"gui_color_mode_changed_notice": "要使即將應用的新色彩模式生效,請重啓 OnionShare。",
"gui_open_folder_error": "用xdg-open打開文件夾失敗。文件在這裏: {}",
"gui_color_mode_changed_notice": "請重啓 OnionShare 來看看新色彩。",
"gui_open_folder_error": "無法用 xdg-open 打開文件夾。文件在這裏: {}",
"gui_chat_url_description": "<b>任何</b>有這個OnionShare地址的人均可 <b>加入這個聊天室</b>,方法是使用<b>Tor瀏覽器</b>:<img src='{}' />",
"gui_receive_flatpak_data_dir": "因爲你用Flatpack安裝的OnionShare,你需要把文件儲存到在~/OnionShare裏的一個文件夾裏。"
"gui_receive_flatpak_data_dir": "因爲你用Flatpack安裝的OnionShare,你需要把文件儲存到在~/OnionShare裏的一個文件夾裏。",
"gui_copy_client_auth": "複製私鑰",
"gui_please_wait_no_button": "啟動…",
"gui_qr_label_url_title": "OnionShare 地址",
"gui_qr_label_auth_string_title": "私鑰",
"gui_reveal": "揭開",
"gui_hide": "隱蔽",
"gui_autoconnect_description": "OnionShare 有賴於志工運作的 Tor 網路。",
"gui_enable_autoconnect_checkbox": "自動連接到 Tor",
"gui_autoconnect_failed_to_connect_to_tor": "無法連接 Tor",
"gui_dragdrop_sandbox_flatpak": "為了讓 Flatpak 沙盒更安全,不支援拖曳功能,請改用\" 新增檔案\"與\"新增資料夾\"按鈕來選取檔案。",
"gui_copied_client_auth": "私鑰複製到剪貼簿",
"gui_tor_settings_window_title": "Tor 設置",
"gui_copied_client_auth_title": "已複製私鑰",
"gui_settings_controller_extras_label": "Tor 設定",
"gui_settings_bridge_use_checkbox": "使用橋接",
"gui_settings_bridge_moat_radio_option": "請求來自 torproject.org 的橋接",
"gui_url_instructions": "首先,發送下方的 OnionShare 地址:",
"gui_settings_theme_light": "亮色",
"moat_captcha_placeholder": "輸入圖片中的字符",
"moat_captcha_submit": "提送",
"gui_share_url_public_description": "<b>任何人</b>取得此 OnionShare 地址後,就可以透過 <b>Tor 瀏覽器</b>來<b>下載</b> 您的檔案: <img src='{}' />",
"gui_website_url_public_description": "<b>任何人</b>取得此 OnionShare 地址後,就可以透過 <b>Tor 瀏覽器</b>來<b>訪問</b> 網站: <img src='{}' />",
"gui_status_indicator_chat_started": "聊天",
"mode_settings_title_label": "自定標題",
"gui_autoconnect_trying_to_connect_to_tor": "連接上 Tor…",
"gui_autoconnect_connection_error_msg": "確認已連接網際網路。",
"gui_autoconnect_circumventing_censorship_got_bridges": "已建立橋接,重新連接 Tor…",
"gui_autoconnect_circumventing_censorship_starting_meek": "為域前置建立 meek 橋接…",
"gui_autoconnect_could_not_connect_to_tor_api": "無法連上 Tor API,請確認已連上網際網路後再試一次。",
"gui_autoconnect_circumventing_censorship_requesting_bridges": "從 Tor 審查規避 API 請求橋接…",
"gui_settings_bridge_none_radio_option": "不使用橋接",
"gui_url_instructions_public_mode": "發送下方 OnionShare 地址:",
"gui_settings_bridge_radio_builtin": "選擇內建的橋接",
"gui_settings_bridge_moat_button": "請求新的橋接",
"gui_settings_theme_label": "主題",
"gui_settings_theme_auto": "自動",
"gui_chat_url_public_description": "<b>任何人</b>取得此 OnionShare 地址後,就可以透過 <b>Tor 瀏覽器</b>來<b>加入聊天室</b> : <img src='{}' />",
"gui_settings_tor_bridges_label": "如果 Tor 遭封鎖,橋接可以協助把您引入 Tor 網路,這要依據您的網路位置來決定較合適的橋接器。",
"gui_server_doesnt_support_stealth": "抱歉此版本 Tor 不支援 stealth (客戶端驗證),請使用新版 Tor 再試試,或者在無須私密的情況下改用公開模式。",
"gui_autoconnect_bridge_description": "若您的網際網路被審查,或許要使用橋接器方能連接。",
"gui_autoconnect_bridge_detect_manual": "選擇所在國以進行手動橋接設置",
"gui_autoconnect_bridge_setting_options": "橋接設置",
"gui_autoconnect_start": "連接 Tor",
"gui_autoconnect_configure": "網路設置",
"gui_autoconnect_no_bridge": "不用橋接器再試一次",
"gui_autoconnect_try_again_without_a_bridge": "不用橋接器再試一次",
"gui_autoconnect_circumventing_censorship_starting_circumvention": "規避網路審查…",
"gui_autoconnect_circumventing_censorship": "解決連接問題…",
"gui_general_settings_window_title": "一般",
"gui_autoconnect_bridge_detect_automatic": "為設置橋接請從 IP 地址判斷所在國家",
"gui_settings_bridge_custom_placeholder": "輸入地址:端口(一列一個)",
"gui_settings_moat_bridges_invalid": "您未曾向 torproject.org 請求橋接。",
"gui_settings_bridge_custom_radio_option": "從您信任的來源提供橋接器",
"gui_settings_help_label": "需要協助,可參考 <a href='https://docs.onionshare.org'>docs.onionshare.org</a>",
"gui_settings_stop_active_tabs_label": "您的標籤頁中有一些執行中的服務。\n必須先中止所有服務才可變動 Tor 設定。",
"gui_settings_version_label": "正在使用 OnionShare {}",
"gui_receive_url_public_description": "<b>任何人</b>取得此 OnionShare 地址後,就可以透過 <b>Tor 瀏覽器</b> <b>上載</b> 檔案到您的電腦: <img src='{}' />",
"gui_status_indicator_chat_working": "啟動…",
"gui_status_indicator_chat_scheduled": "已排程…",
"gui_status_indicator_chat_stopped": "準備聊天",
"gui_client_auth_instructions": "接著發送私鑰以便存取 OnionShare 服務:",
"gui_settings_theme_dark": "深色",
"mode_settings_receive_disable_text_checkbox": "關閉提交文字",
"mode_settings_receive_disable_files_checkbox": "關閉檔案上傳",
"mode_settings_receive_webhook_url_checkbox": "使用 webhook 通知",
"mode_settings_website_custom_csp_checkbox": "發送自定的內容安全政策標頭",
"history_receive_read_message_button": "讀取訊息",
"moat_captcha_reload": "重新載入",
"moat_solution_empty_error": "輸入圖片裏的字符",
"mode_tor_not_connected_label": "OnionShare 未能連接 Tor 網路",
"moat_contact_label": "聯繫 BridgeDB…",
"moat_bridgedb_error": "無法連上 BridgeDB。",
"moat_captcha_error": "答案錯誤,請再試一次。",
"moat_captcha_label": "回答機器人辨識碼以請求橋接器。"
@ -6,23 +6,25 @@
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: OnionShare 2.5\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: onionshare-dev@lists.riseup.net\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2022-01-17 10:28-0800\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n"
"Last-Translator: Automatically generated\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2022-11-06 19:08+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: Gideon Wentink <gjwentink@gmail.com>\n"
"Language-Team: none\n"
"Language: af\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=n != 1;\n"
"X-Generator: Weblate 4.14.2\n"
#: ../../source/advanced.rst:2
msgid "Advanced Usage"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Gevorderde gebruik"
#: ../../source/advanced.rst:7
msgid "Save Tabs"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Bewaar oortjies"
#: ../../source/advanced.rst:9
msgid "Everything in OnionShare is temporary by default. If you close an OnionShare tab, its address no longer exists and it can't be used again. Sometimes you might want an OnionShare service to be persistent. This is useful if you want to host a website available from the same OnionShare address even if you reboot your computer."
@ -42,11 +44,13 @@ msgstr ""
#: ../../source/advanced.rst:26
msgid "Turn Off Private Key"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Deaktiveer privaat sleutel"
#: ../../source/advanced.rst:28
msgid "By default, all OnionShare services are protected with a private key, which Tor calls \"client authentication\"."
msgstr ""
"Alle OnionShare-dienste word by verstek met ’n privaat sleutel beskerm. Tor "
"noem dit “klantstawing”."
#: ../../source/advanced.rst:30
msgid "When browsing to an OnionShare service in Tor Browser, Tor Browser will prompt for the private key to be entered."
@ -62,7 +66,7 @@ msgstr ""
#: ../../source/advanced.rst:40
msgid "Custom Titles"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Pasgemaakte titels"
#: ../../source/advanced.rst:42
msgid "By default, when people load an OnionShare service in Tor Browser they see the default title for the type of service. For example, the default title of a chat service is \"OnionShare Chat\"."
@ -74,11 +78,16 @@ msgstr ""
#: ../../source/advanced.rst:47
msgid "Scheduled Times"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Geskeduleerde tye"
#: ../../source/advanced.rst:49
msgid "OnionShare supports scheduling exactly when a service should start and stop. Before starting a server, click \"Show advanced settings\" in its tab and then check the boxes next to either \"Start onion service at scheduled time\", \"Stop onion service at scheduled time\", or both, and set the respective desired dates and times."
msgstr ""
"OnionShare ondersteun skedulering van wanneer ’n diens moet begin en eindig. "
"Voordat u ’n bediener begin, klik op “Toon gevorderde instellings” in die "
"oortjie en merk dan die kassies af langs òf “Begin onion-diens op "
"geskeduleerde tyd”, “Eindig onion-diens op geskeduleerde tyd”, of albei en "
"stel die onderskeie datums en tye soos verlang."
#: ../../source/advanced.rst:52
msgid "If you scheduled a service to start in the future, when you click the \"Start sharing\" button you will see a timer counting down until it starts. If you scheduled it to stop in the future, after it's started you will see a timer counting down to when it will stop automatically."
@ -94,23 +103,27 @@ msgstr ""
#: ../../source/advanced.rst:67
msgid "Command-line Interface"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Bevellynkoppelvlak"
#: ../../source/advanced.rst:69
msgid "In addition to its graphical interface, OnionShare has a command-line interface."
msgstr ""
"Buiten die grafiese koppelvlak het OnionShare ook ’n bevellynkoppelvlak."
#: ../../source/advanced.rst:71
msgid "You can install just the command-line version of OnionShare using ``pip3``::"
msgstr ""
"U kan slegs die bevellyn-weergawe van OnionShare installeer d.m.v. ``pip3``::"
#: ../../source/advanced.rst:75
msgid "Note that you will also need the ``tor`` package installed. In macOS, install it with: ``brew install tor``"
msgstr ""
"Let op dat die ``tor``-pakket ook geïnstalleer moet wees. In macOS kan u dit "
"installeer met: ``brew install tor``"
#: ../../source/advanced.rst:77
msgid "Then run it like this::"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Loop dit dan soos volg::"
#: ../../source/advanced.rst:81
msgid "For information about installing it on different operating systems, see the `CLI readme file <https://github.com/onionshare/onionshare/blob/develop/cli/README.md>`_ in the git repository."
@ -122,7 +135,7 @@ msgstr ""
#: ../../source/advanced.rst:86
msgid "Usage"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Gebruik"
#: ../../source/advanced.rst:88
msgid "You can browse the command-line documentation by running ``onionshare --help``::"
@ -6,120 +6,181 @@
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: OnionShare 2.5\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: onionshare-dev@lists.riseup.net\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2022-01-17 10:28-0800\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n"
"Last-Translator: Automatically generated\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2022-11-16 07:48+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: Gideon Wentink <gjwentink@gmail.com>\n"
"Language-Team: none\n"
"Language: af\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=n != 1;\n"
"X-Generator: Weblate 4.15-dev\n"
#: ../../source/develop.rst:2
msgid "Developing OnionShare"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Ontwikkeling van OnionShare"
#: ../../source/develop.rst:7
msgid "Collaborating"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Samewerking"
#: ../../source/develop.rst:9
msgid "OnionShare has an open Keybase team to discuss the project, ask questions, share ideas and designs, and making plans for future development. (It's also an easy way to send end-to-end encrypted direct messages to others in the OnionShare community, like OnionShare addresses.) To use Keybase, download the `Keybase app <https://keybase.io/download>`_, make an account, and `join this team <https://keybase.io/team/onionshare>`_. Within the app, go to \"Teams\", click \"Join a Team\", and type \"onionshare\"."
msgstr ""
"OnionShare het ’n oop Keybase-span om die projek te bespreek, vrae te vra, "
"idees en ontwerpe te deel en planne vir verdere ontwikkeling te maak. (Dis "
"ook ’n maklike manier om ein-tot-ein-geënkripteerde direkte boodskappe na "
"ander lede in die OnionShare-gemeenskap, soos OnionShare-adresse, te stuur.) "
"Om Keybase te gebrui, moet u die `Keybase-toep aflaai <https://keybase.io/"
"download>`_, ’n rekening skep, en by `hierdie span aansluit <https://keybase."
"io/team/onionshare>`_. In die toep, gaan u na “Spanne”, klik op “Sluit by ’n "
"span aan” en tik “onionshare”."
#: ../../source/develop.rst:12
msgid "OnionShare also has a `mailing list <https://lists.riseup.net/www/subscribe/onionshare-dev>`_ for developers and and designers to discuss the project."
msgstr ""
"OnionShare het ook ’n `e-poslys <https://lists.riseup.net/www/subscribe/"
"onionshare-dev>`_ waar ontwikkelaars en ontwerpers die projek kan bespreek."
#: ../../source/develop.rst:15
msgid "Contributing Code"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Om kode by te dra"
#: ../../source/develop.rst:17
msgid "OnionShare source code is to be found in this Git repository: https://github.com/onionshare/onionshare"
msgstr ""
"OnionShare-bronkode kan in hierdie Git-bewaarplek gevind word: https://github"
#: ../../source/develop.rst:19
msgid "If you'd like to contribute code to OnionShare, it helps to join the Keybase team and ask questions about what you're thinking of working on. You should also review all of the `open issues <https://github.com/onionshare/onionshare/issues>`_ on GitHub to see if there are any you'd like to tackle."
msgstr ""
"Indien u kode tot OnionShare wil bydra, help dit om by die Keybase-span aan "
"te sluit en vrae te vra oor waaraan u dink om te werk. U kan ook al die `oop "
"probleme <https://github.com/onionshare/onionshare/issues>`_ op GitHub "
"hersien om te kyk of daar iets is wat u wil aandurf."
#: ../../source/develop.rst:22
msgid "When you're ready to contribute code, open a pull request in the GitHub repository and one of the project maintainers will review it and possibly ask questions, request changes, reject it, or merge it into the project."
msgstr ""
"Wanneer u gereed is om kode by te dra, kan u ’n trekversoek in die GitHub-"
"bewaarplek open en een van die projek se onderhouers sal dit hersien en "
"moontlik vrae vra, veranderinge versoek, dit verwerp of dit met die projek "
#: ../../source/develop.rst:27
msgid "Starting Development"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Begin met ontwikkeling"
#: ../../source/develop.rst:29
msgid "OnionShare is developed in Python. To get started, clone the Git repository at https://github.com/onionshare/onionshare/ and then consult the ``cli/README.md`` file to learn how to set up your development environment for the command-line version, and the ``desktop/README.md`` file to learn how to set up your development environment for the graphical version."
msgstr ""
"OnionShare word in Python ontwikkel. Om te begin kan u die Git-bewaarplek "
"kloon by https://github.com/onionshare/onionshare/ en dan die ``cli/README."
"md``-lêer deurwerk om te leer hoe om u ontwikkelingsomgewing op te stel vir "
"die bevellynweergawe, en ook die ``desktop/README.md``-lêer om te leer hoe "
"om u ontwikkelingsomgewing vir die grafiese weergawe op te stel."
#: ../../source/develop.rst:32
msgid "Those files contain the necessary technical instructions and commands install dependencies for your platform, and to run OnionShare from the source tree."
msgstr ""
"Daardie lêers bevat die nodige tegniese instruksies en "
"bevelinstalleerafhanklikhede vir u platform, en om OnionShare vanaf die "
"bronboom te loop."
#: ../../source/develop.rst:35
msgid "Debugging tips"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Ontfoutwenke"
#: ../../source/develop.rst:38
msgid "Verbose mode"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Verbose-modus"
#: ../../source/develop.rst:40
msgid "When developing, it's convenient to run OnionShare from a terminal and add the ``--verbose`` (or ``-v``) flag to the command. This prints a lot of helpful messages to the terminal, such as when certain objects are initialized, when events occur (like buttons clicked, settings saved or reloaded), and other debug info. For example::"
msgstr ""
"Tydens ontwikkeling is dit gerieflik om OnionShare vanuit ’n terminaal te "
"loop en die ``--verbose`` (of ``-v``) -vlag tot die bevel toe te voeg. Dit "
"druk talle hulpvaardige boodskappe na die terminaal, soos wanneer sekere "
"voorwerpe geïnisialiseer word, wanneer gebeure voorkom (soos knoppe wat "
"geklik word, instellings wat bewaar of herlaai word), en ander "
"ontfoutinligting. Byvoorbeeld::"
#: ../../source/develop.rst:117
msgid "You can add your own debug messages by running the ``Common.log`` method from ``onionshare/common.py``. For example::"
msgstr ""
"U kan u eie ontfoutboodskape toevoeg deur die ``Common.log``-metode vanaf ``"
"onionshare/common.py`` te loop. Byvoorbeeld::"
#: ../../source/develop.rst:121
msgid "This can be useful when learning the chain of events that occur when using OnionShare, or the value of certain variables before and after they are manipulated."
msgstr ""
"Dit kan handig wees wanneer die gebeureketting geleer word wat plaasvind "
"wanneer OnionShare gebruik word, or die waarde van sekere veranderlikes voor "
"en nadat dit gemanipuleer is."
#: ../../source/develop.rst:124
msgid "Local Only"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Slegs lokaal"
#: ../../source/develop.rst:126
msgid "Tor is slow, and it's often convenient to skip starting onion services altogether during development. You can do this with the ``--local-only`` flag. For example::"
msgstr ""
"Tor is stadig en dit is dikwels gerieflik om gedurende ontwikkeling onion-"
"dienste heeltemal te staak. U kan dit doen met die ``--local-only``-vlag. "
#: ../../source/develop.rst:165
msgid "In this case, you load the URL ```` in a normal web-browser like Firefox, instead of using the Tor Browser. The private key is not actually needed in local-only mode, so you can ignore it."
msgstr ""
"In hierdie geval laai u die bronadres ```` in ’n "
"normale webblaaier soos Firefox, eerder as om die Tor Blaaier te gebruik. "
"Die privaat sleutel word nie eintlik in slegs-lokaal-modus benodig nie en u "
"kan dit ignoreer."
#: ../../source/develop.rst:168
msgid "Contributing Translations"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Dra vertalings by"
#: ../../source/develop.rst:170
msgid "Help make OnionShare easier to use and more familiar and welcoming for people by translating it on `Hosted Weblate <https://hosted.weblate.org/projects/onionshare/>`_. Always keep the \"OnionShare\" in latin letters, and use \"OnionShare (localname)\" if needed."
msgstr ""
"Help om OnionShare makliker te maak om te gebruik en meer bekend en meer "
"verwelkomend deur dit te vertaal by `Hosted Weblate <https://hosted.weblate."
"org/projects/onionshare/>`_. Behou altyd die “OnionShare” in Latynse "
"letters, en gebruik “OnionShare (inheemse naam)” indien nodig."
#: ../../source/develop.rst:172
msgid "To help translate, make a Hosted Weblate account and start contributing."
msgstr ""
msgstr "Skep ’n Hosted Weblate-rekening om te begin vertaal, en val weg."
#: ../../source/develop.rst:175
msgid "Suggestions for Original English Strings"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Voorstelle vir oorspronklike Engelse stringe"
#: ../../source/develop.rst:177
msgid "Sometimes the original English strings are wrong, or don't match between the application and the documentation."
msgstr ""
"Soms is die oorspronklike Engelse stringe verkeerd, of stem dit nie ooreen "
"tussen die toepassing en die dokumentasie nie."
#: ../../source/develop.rst:179
msgid "File source string improvements by adding @kingu to your Weblate comment, or open a GitHub issue or pull request. The latter ensures all upstream developers see the suggestion, and can potentially modify the string via the usual code review processes."
msgstr ""
"Bring verbeteringe aan die oorspronklike string aan deur @kingu tot u "
"Weblate-kommentaar toe te voeg, of open ’n GitHub-kwessie of -trekversoek. "
"Laasgenoemde verseker dat alle voorgaande ontwikkelaars die voorstelle sien "
"en die string gedeeltelik kan wysig d.m.v. die gewone kodehersienprosesse."
#: ../../source/develop.rst:183
msgid "Status of Translations"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Vertalingstatus"
#: ../../source/develop.rst:184
msgid "Here is the current translation status. If you want start a translation in a language not yet started, please write to the mailing list: onionshare-dev@lists.riseup.net"
msgstr ""
"Hier is die huidige vertalingstatus. Indien u ’n vertaling wil begin vir ’n "
"taal wat nog nie begin is nie, skryf asb. aan die poslys: onionshare-"
@ -6,253 +6,424 @@
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: OnionShare 2.5\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: onionshare-dev@lists.riseup.net\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2022-01-17 10:28-0800\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n"
"Last-Translator: Automatically generated\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2022-11-01 10:03+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: Gideon Wentink <gjwentink@gmail.com>\n"
"Language-Team: none\n"
"Language: af\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=n != 1;\n"
"X-Generator: Weblate 4.14.2-dev\n"
#: ../../source/features.rst:4
msgid "How OnionShare Works"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Hoe OnionShare werk"
#: ../../source/features.rst:6
msgid "Web servers are started locally on your computer and made accessible to other people as `Tor <https://www.torproject.org/>`_ `onion services <https://community.torproject.org/onion-services/>`_."
msgstr ""
"Webbedieners word lokaal op u rekenaar begin en as `Tor <https://www."
"torproject.org/>`_ `onion-dienste <https://community.torproject.org/"
"onion-services/>`_ aan ander mense toeganklik gemaak."
#: ../../source/features.rst:8
msgid "By default, OnionShare web addresses are protected with a private key."
msgstr ""
msgstr "OnionShare-webadresse word by verstek met ’n privaat sleutel beskerm."
#: ../../source/features.rst:10
msgid "OnionShare addresses look something like this::"
msgstr ""
msgstr "OnionShare-adresse lyk soos die volgende::"
#: ../../source/features.rst:14
msgid "And private keys might look something like this::"
msgstr ""
msgstr "En privaat sleutels lyk soos die volgende::"
#: ../../source/features.rst:18
msgid "You're responsible for securely sharing that URL and private key using a communication channel of your choice like in an encrypted chat message, or using something less secure like unencrypted email, depending on your `threat model <https://ssd.eff.org/module/your-security-plan>`_."
msgstr ""
"U is verantwoordelik daarvoor om daardie bronadres en privaat sleutel veilig "
"te deel d.m.v. ’n kommunikasiekanaal van u keuse soos in ’n geënkripteerde "
"kletsboodskap, of om iets minder veilig te gebruik soos ongeënkripteerde e-"
"pos, afhangend van u `bedreidingsmodel <https://ssd.eff.org/module/your-"
#: ../../source/features.rst:20
msgid "The people you send the URL to then copy and paste it into their `Tor Browser <https://www.torproject.org/>`_ to access the OnionShare service. Tor Browser will then prompt for the private key, which the people can also then copy and paste in."
msgstr ""
"Die mense aan wie u die bronadres stuur kopieer en plak dit dan in hulle `"
"Tor Blaaier <https://www.torproject.org/>`_ vir toegang tot die OnionShare-"
"diens. Tor Blaaier sal dan vir die privaat sleutel vra wat die mense dan ook "
"kan kopieer en in plak."
#: ../../source/features.rst:24
msgid "If you run OnionShare on your laptop to send someone files, and then suspend it before the files are sent, the service will not be available until your laptop is unsuspended and on the internet again. OnionShare works best when working with people in real-time."
msgstr ""
"Indien u OnionShare op u skootrekenaar gebruik om lêers aan mense te stuur, "
"en dit dan ophef alvorens die lêers gestuur is, sal die diens onbeskikbaar "
"wees tot u skootrekenaar nie meer opgehef is nie en aan die internet "
"gekoppel is. OnionShare werk die beste wanneer intyds met mense gewerk word."
#: ../../source/features.rst:26
msgid "Because your own computer is the web server, *no third party can access anything that happens in OnionShare*, not even the developers of OnionShare. It's completely private. And because OnionShare is based on Tor onion services too, it also protects your anonymity. See the :doc:`security design </security>` for more info."
msgstr ""
"Omdat u eie rekenaar die webbediener is *het geen derdeparty toegang tot "
"enigiets wat in OnionShare gebeur nie*, selfs nie OnionShare se "
"ontwikkelaars nie. Dit is heeltemal privaat. En omdat OnionShare op Tor-"
"oniondienste gebaseer is, beskerm dit ook u anonimiteit. Sien die :doc:`"
"sekuriteitsontwerp </security>` vir meer inligting."
#: ../../source/features.rst:29
msgid "Share Files"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Deel lêers"
#: ../../source/features.rst:31
msgid "You can use OnionShare to send files and folders to people securely and anonymously. Open a share tab, drag in the files and folders you wish to share, and click \"Start sharing\"."
msgstr ""
"U kan OnionShare gebruik om lêers en vouers privaat en anoniem na mense te "
"stuur. Open ’n deeloortjie, sleep die lêers in die vouers wat u wil deel en "
"klik “Begin deel”."
#: ../../source/features.rst:35
#: ../../source/features.rst:112
msgid "After you add files, you'll see some settings. Make sure you choose the setting you're interested in before you start sharing."
msgstr ""
"Nadat u lêers toegevoeg het sal u instellings te sien kry. Maak seker u kies "
"die instelling waarin u belangstel voor u begin deel."
#: ../../source/features.rst:39
msgid "As soon as someone finishes downloading your files, OnionShare will automatically stop the server, removing the website from the internet. To allow multiple people to download them, uncheck the \"Stop sharing after files have been sent (uncheck to allow downloading individual files)\" box."
msgstr ""
"Sodra iemand u lêers klaar afgelaai het, sal OnionShare outomaties die "
"bediener stop en die webwerf van die internet verwyder. Om toe te laat dat "
"meerdere mense dit kan aflaai, merk die “Hou op deel nadat lêers verstuur is "
"(merk af om aflaai van individuele lêers toe te staan)” kassie af."
#: ../../source/features.rst:42
msgid "Also, if you uncheck this box, people will be able to download the individual files you share rather than a single compressed version of all the files."
msgstr ""
"Voorts, indien u die kassie afmerk, sal mense die individuele lêers wat u "
"deel kan aflaai eerder as ’n saamgepersde weergawe van al die lêers."
#: ../../source/features.rst:44
msgid "When you're ready to share, click the \"Start sharing\" button. You can always click \"Stop sharing\", or quit OnionShare, immediately taking the website down. You can also click the \"↑\" icon in the top-right corner to show the history and progress of people downloading files from you."
msgstr ""
"Wanneer u gereed is om te deel kan u op die “Begin deel”-knop klik. U kan "
"altyd klik op “Stop deling”, of OnionShare afsluit sodat die webwerf "
"onmiddellik verwyder word. U kan oop die “↑”-ikoon in die regter boonste "
"hoek klik om die geskiedenis en vordering te toon van mense wat lêers by u "
#: ../../source/features.rst:48
msgid "Now that you have a OnionShare, copy the address and the private key and send it to the person you want to receive the files. If the files need to stay secure, or the person is otherwise exposed to danger, use an encrypted messaging app."
msgstr ""
"Noudat u OnionShare het, kan u die adres en die privaat sleutel kopieer en "
"dit stuur aan die mense wat u wil hê moet die lêers ontvang. Indien die "
"lêers beveilig moet bly, of die persoon word andersins aan gevaar "
"blootgestel, kan u ’n geënkripteerde boodskaptoep gebruik."
#: ../../source/features.rst:50
msgid "That person then must load the address in Tor Browser. After logging in with the private key, the files can be downloaded directly from your computer by clicking the \"Download Files\" link in the corner."
msgstr ""
"Daardie persoon moet dan die adres in Tor Blaaier laai. Nadat met die "
"privaat sleutel aangeteken is, kan die lêers direk vanaf u rekenaar afgelaai "
"word deur die “Laai lêers af”-knop in die hoek te klik."
#: ../../source/features.rst:55
msgid "Receive Files and Messages"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Ontvang lêers en boodskappe"
#: ../../source/features.rst:57
msgid "You can use OnionShare to let people anonymously submit files and messages directly to your computer, essentially turning it into an anonymous dropbox. Open a receive tab and choose the settings that you want."
msgstr ""
"U kan OnionShare gebruik sodat mense anoniem lêers en boodskappe direk op u "
"rekenaar in te dien, wat dit in effek in ’n anonieme werpkas omskep. Open ’n "
"ontvangoortjie en kies die instellings wat u wil hê."
#: ../../source/features.rst:62
msgid "You can browse for a folder to save messages and files that get submitted."
msgstr ""
"U kan vir ’n vouer blaai om boodskappe en lêers wat ingedien word te bewaar."
#: ../../source/features.rst:64
msgid "You can check \"Disable submitting text\" if want to only allow file uploads, and you can check \"Disable uploading files\" if you want to only allow submitting text messages, like for an anonymous contact form."
msgstr ""
"U kan “Deaktiveer teksindiening” merk as u slegs lêeroplaaie wil toestaan, "
"en u kan “Deaktiveer lêeroplaai” merk as u slegs teksboodskappe wil toelaat, "
"soos vir ’n anonieme kontakvorm."
#: ../../source/features.rst:66
msgid "You can check \"Use notification webhook\" and then choose a webhook URL if you want to be notified when someone submits files or messages to your OnionShare service. If you use this feature, OnionShare will make an HTTP POST request to this URL whenever someone submits files or messages. For example, if you want to get an encrypted text messaging on the messaging app `Keybase <https://keybase.io/>`_, you can start a conversation with `@webhookbot <https://keybase.io/webhookbot>`_, type ``!webhook create onionshare-alerts``, and it will respond with a URL. Use that as the notification webhook URL. If someone uploads a file to your receive mode service, @webhookbot will send you a message on Keybase letting you know as soon as it happens."
msgstr ""
"U kan “Gebruik kennisgewingwebhaak” merk en dan ’n webhaakbronadres kies "
"indien u in kennis gestel wil word wanneer iemand lêers of boodskappe by u "
"OnionShare-diens indien. Indien u hierdie funksie gebruik, sal OnionShare ’n "
"HTTP POST-versoek na hierdie bronadres skep wanneer iemand lêers of "
"boodskappe indien. Indien u bv. geënkripteerde teksboodskappe op `Keybase "
"<https://keybase.io/>`_ wil kry, kan u ’n gesprek begin met `@webhookbot "
"<https://keybase.io/webhookbot>`_, tik ``!webhook create onionshare-alerts``"
", en dit sal met ’n bronadres reageer. Gebruik dit as die "
"kennisgewingwebhaakbronadres. Indien iemand ’n lêer na u ontvangmodusdiens "
"oplaai, sal @webhookbot vir u ’n boodskap op Keybase stuur om te laat weet "
"sodra dit gebeur."
#: ../../source/features.rst:71
msgid "When you are ready, click \"Start Receive Mode\". This starts the OnionShare service. Anyone loading this address in their Tor Browser will be able to submit files and messages which get uploaded to your computer."
msgstr ""
"Klik “Begin ontvangmodus” wanneer u gereed is. Dit begin die OnionShare-"
"diens. Enigeen wat hierdie adres in hul Tor Blaaier laai sal lêers en "
"boodskappe kan indien wat na u rekenaar opgelaai word."
#: ../../source/features.rst:75
msgid "You can also click the down \"↓\" icon in the top-right corner to show the history and progress of people sending files to you."
msgstr ""
"U kan ook die af “↓”-ikoon in die regter boonste hoek klik om die "
"geskiedenis en vordering te toon van mense wat lêers na u stuur."
#: ../../source/features.rst:77
msgid "Here is what it looks like for someone sending you files and messages."
msgstr ""
msgstr "So lyk dit vir iemand wat lêers en boodskappe aan u stuur."
#: ../../source/features.rst:81
msgid "When someone submits files or messages to your receive service, by default they get saved to a folder called ``OnionShare`` in the home folder on your computer, automatically organized into separate subfolders based on the time that the files get uploaded."
msgstr ""
"Wanneer iemand lêers of boodskappe by u ontvangdiens indien, kry hulle by "
"verstek ’n vouer genaamd ``OnionShare`` in die tuisvouer op u rekenaar, "
"outomaties georganiseer in afsonderlike subvouers gebaseer op die tyd wat "
"die lêers opgelaai word."
#: ../../source/features.rst:83
msgid "Setting up an OnionShare receiving service is useful for journalists and others needing to securely accept documents from anonymous sources. When used in this way, OnionShare is sort of like a lightweight, simpler, not quite as secure version of `SecureDrop <https://securedrop.org/>`_, the whistleblower submission system."
msgstr ""
"Die opstel van ’n OnionShare-ontvangdiens is nuttig vir joernaliste en "
"andere wat dokumente op ’n veilige manier van anonieme bronne moet ontvang. "
"Wanneer dit op dié manier gebrui word, is OnionShare soos ’n liggewig, "
"eenvoudiger, nie-heeltemal-so-veilig-weergawe van `SecureDrop "
"<https://securedrop.org/>`_, die fluitjieblaser se indienstelsel."
#: ../../source/features.rst:86
msgid "Use at your own risk"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Gebruik op eie risiko"
#: ../../source/features.rst:88
msgid "Just like with malicious email attachments, it's possible someone could try to attack your computer by uploading a malicious file to your OnionShare service. OnionShare does not add any safety mechanisms to protect your system from malicious files."
msgstr ""
"Net soos kwaadwillige e-posaanhegsels, is dit moontlik dat iemand u rekenaar "
"kan probeer aanval deur kwaadwillige lêers na u OnionShare diens op te laai. "
"OnionShare voeg geen veiligheidsmeganisme toe om u stelsel teen kwaadwillige "
"lêers te beskerm nie."
#: ../../source/features.rst:90
msgid "If you receive an Office document or a PDF through OnionShare, you can convert these documents into PDFs that are safe to open using `Dangerzone <https://dangerzone.rocks/>`_. You can also protect yourself when opening untrusted documents by opening them in `Tails <https://tails.boum.org/>`_ or in a `Qubes <https://qubes-os.org/>`_ disposableVM."
msgstr ""
"Indien u ’n Office-dokument of PDF deur OnionShare ontvang, kan u hierdie "
"dokumente met `Dangerzone <https://dangerzone.rocks/>`_ omskakel in PDF’s "
"wat veilig is om te open. U kan u ook beskerm wanneer u onvertroude "
"dokumente open deur dit in `Tails <https://tails.boum.org/>`_ of in ’n `"
"Qubes <https://qubes-os.org/>`_ weggooibareVM open."
#: ../../source/features.rst:92
msgid "However, it is always safe to open text messages sent through OnionShare."
msgstr ""
"Dit is egter altyd veilig om teksboodskappe wat deur OnionShare gestuur is, "
"te open."
#: ../../source/features.rst:95
msgid "Tips for running a receive service"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Wenke om ’n ontvangdiens te bedryf"
#: ../../source/features.rst:97
msgid "If you want to host your own anonymous dropbox using OnionShare, it's recommended you do so on a separate, dedicated computer always powered on and connected to the internet, and not on the one you use on a regular basis."
msgstr ""
"Indien u u eie anonieme werpkas met OnionShare wil bedryf, word dit "
"aanbeveel om dit op ’n afsonderlike, toegewyde rekenaar te doen wat altyd "
"aan is en ’n internetverbinding het, en nie die een wat u op ’n daaglikse "
"basis gebruik nie."
#: ../../source/features.rst:99
msgid "If you intend to put the OnionShare address on your website or social media profiles, save the tab (see :ref:`save_tabs`) and run it as a public service (see :ref:`turn_off_private_key`). It's also a good idea to give it a custom title (see :ref:`custom_titles`)."
msgstr ""
"Indien u van plan is om die OnionShare-adres op u webwerf of "
"sosialemediaprofiele te plaas, bewaar dan die oortjie (sien :ref:`save_tabs`)"
" en bedryf dit as ’n openbare diens (sien :ref:`turn_off_private_key`). Dit "
"is ook ’n goeie idee om ’n pasgemaakte titel daarvoor te gee (see "
#: ../../source/features.rst:102
msgid "Host a Website"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Huisves ’n webwerf"
#: ../../source/features.rst:104
msgid "To host a static HTML website with OnionShare, open a website tab, drag the files and folders that make up the static content there, and click \"Start sharing\" when you are ready."
msgstr ""
"Om ’n statiese HTML-webwerf met OnionShare te huisves moet u ’n "
"webwerfoortjie open, die lêers en vouers wat die statiese inhoud uitmaak "
"daarin sleep, en op “Begin deel” wanneer u gereed is."
#: ../../source/features.rst:108
msgid "If you add an ``index.html`` file, it will render when someone loads your website. You should also include any other HTML files, CSS files, JavaScript files, and images that make up the website. (Note that OnionShare only supports hosting *static* websites. It can't host websites that execute code or use databases. So you can't for example use WordPress.)"
msgstr ""
"Indien u ’n ``index.html``-lêer toevoeg, sal dit verbeeld wanneer iemand u "
"webwerf laai. U moet ook enige ander HTML-lêers, CSS-lêers, JavaScript-lêers "
"en beelde insluit wat deel vorm van die webwerf. (Let wel dat OnionShare "
"slegs die huisves van *statiese* webwerwe toelaat. Dit kan die webwerwe "
"huisves wat kode uitvoer of databasisse gebruik nie. U kan dus nie iets soos "
"WordPress gebruik nie."
#: ../../source/features.rst:110
msgid "If you don't have an ``index.html`` file, it will show a directory listing instead, and people loading it can look through the files and download them."
msgstr ""
"Indien u nie ’n ``index.html``-lêer het nie, sal dit ’n gidslys vertoon, en "
"mense wat dit laai kan deur die lêers kyk en dit aflaai."
#: ../../source/features.rst:117
msgid "Content Security Policy"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Inhoudveiligheidsbeleid"
#: ../../source/features.rst:119
msgid "By default OnionShare helps secure your website by setting a strict `Content Security Policy <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Content_Security_Policy>`_ header. However, this prevents third-party content from loading inside the web page."
msgstr ""
"OnionShare help by verstek om u webwerb veilig te hou deur ’n streng `"
"inhoudveiligheidsbeleid <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/"
"Content_Security_Policy>`_-kop daar te stel. Dit verhoed egter "
"derdepartyinhoud om in die webwerf te laai."
#: ../../source/features.rst:121
msgid "If you want to load content from third-party websites, like assets or JavaScript libraries from CDNs, you have two options:"
msgstr ""
"Indien u inhoud van derdepartywebwerwe wil laai, soos bates of JavaScript-"
"biblioteke van CDN’e, het u twee opsies:"
#: ../../source/features.rst:123
msgid "You can disable sending a Content Security Policy header by checking the \"Don't send Content Security Policy header (allows your website to use third-party resources)\" box before starting the service."
msgstr ""
"U kan die stuur van ’n inhoudveiligheidsbeleid-kop deaktiveer deur die “"
"Moenie inhoudveiligheidsbeleid-kop stuur nie (laat webwerwe toe om "
"derdepartybronne te gebruik)” voor u die diens begin."
#: ../../source/features.rst:124
msgid "You can send a custom Content Security Policy header."
msgstr ""
msgstr "U kan ’n pasgemaakte inhoudveiligheidsbeleid-kop stuur."
#: ../../source/features.rst:127
msgid "Tips for running a website service"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Wenke om ’n webwerfdiens te huisves"
#: ../../source/features.rst:129
msgid "If you want to host a long-term website using OnionShare (meaning not just to quickly show someone something), it's recommended you do it on a separate, dedicated computer that is always powered on and connected to the internet, and not on the one you use on a regular basis. Save the tab (see :ref:`save_tabs`) so you can resume the website with the same address if you close OnionShare and re-open it later."
msgstr ""
"Indien u ’n langtermynwebwerf met OnionShare wil huisves (bedoelende nie om "
"net vinnig iets vir iemand te wys nie), is dit aanbeveel dat u dit op ’n "
"aparte, toegewyde rekenaar doen wat altyd aan is en ’n internetverbinding "
"het, en nie die een wat u daagliks gebruik nie. Bewaar die oortjie (sien "
":ref:`save_tabs`) sodat u die webwerf kan voortsit met dieselfde adres "
"indien u OnionShare afsluit en later weer open."
#: ../../source/features.rst:132
msgid "If your website is intended for the public, you should run it as a public service (see :ref:`turn_off_private_key`)."
msgstr ""
"Indien u webwerf bedoel is vir die publiek, moet u dit as ’n publieke diens "
"loop (sien :ref:`turn_off_private_key`)."
#: ../../source/features.rst:135
msgid "Chat Anonymously"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Klets anoniem"
#: ../../source/features.rst:137
msgid "You can use OnionShare to set up a private, secure chat room that doesn't log anything. Just open a chat tab and click \"Start chat server\"."
msgstr ""
"U kan OnionShare gebruik om ’n privaat, beveiligde kletskamer op te stel wat "
"niks byhou nie. Open bloot ’n kletsoortjie en klik “Begin kletsbediener”."
#: ../../source/features.rst:141
msgid "After you start the server, copy the OnionShare address and private key and send them to the people you want in the anonymous chat room. If it's important to limit exactly who can join, use an encrypted messaging app to send out the OnionShare address and private key."
msgstr ""
"Nadat u die bediener begin het kan u die OnionShare-adres en privaat sleutel "
"kopieer en dit stuur aan die mense wat u in die anonieme kletskamer wil hê. "
"Indien dit belangrik is om te beperk wie kan aansluit, gebruik dan ’n "
"geënkripteerde boodskaptoep om die OnionShare-adres en privaat sleutel te "
#: ../../source/features.rst:146
msgid "People can join the chat room by loading its OnionShare address in Tor Browser. The chat room requires JavasScript, so everyone who wants to participate must have their Tor Browser security level set to \"Standard\" or \"Safer\", instead of \"Safest\"."
msgstr ""
"Mense kan by die kletskamer aansluit deur die OnionShare-adres in Tor "
"Blaaier te laai. Die kletskamer vereis JavaScript, daarom moet almal wat wil "
"deelneem hul Tor Blaaier se sekuriteitsvlak stel na “Standaard” of “Veiliger”"
" eerder as “Veiligste”."
#: ../../source/features.rst:149
msgid "When someone joins the chat room they get assigned a random name. They can change their name by typing a new name in the box in the left panel and pressing ↵. Since the chat history isn't saved anywhere, it doesn't get displayed at all, even if others were already chatting in the room."
msgstr ""
"Wanneer iemand by die kletskamer aansluit word ’n lukrake naam aan hulle "
"toegeken. Hulle kan hul naam verander deur ’n nuwe naam in die kassie in die "
"linkerpaneel te tik en dan ↵ te druk. Aangesien die kletsgeskiedenis nêrens "
"bewaar word nie, word dit glar nie vertoon nie, selfs indien ander reeds in "
"die kletskamer was."
#: ../../source/features.rst:155
msgid "In an OnionShare chat room, everyone is anonymous. Anyone can change their name to anything, and there is no way to confirm anyone's identity."
msgstr ""
"Almal in ’n OnionShare-kletskamer is anoniem. Enigeen kan hul naam na "
"enigiets verander, en daar is geen manier om iemand se identiteit te "
"bevestig nie."
#: ../../source/features.rst:158
msgid "However, if you create an OnionShare chat room and securely send the address only to a small group of trusted friends using encrypted messages, you can be reasonably confident the people joining the chat room are your friends."
msgstr ""
"Indien u egter ’n OnionShare-kletskamer skep en die adres veilig aan ’n "
"klein groep vertrouelinge stuur d.m.v. geënkripteerde boodskappe, kan u "
"redelik seker wees dat die mense wat by die kletskamer aansluit, u vriende "
#: ../../source/features.rst:161
msgid "How is this useful?"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Hoe is dit nutig?"
#: ../../source/features.rst:163
msgid "If you need to already be using an encrypted messaging app, what's the point of an OnionShare chat room to begin with? It leaves less traces."
msgstr ""
"Indien u reeds ’n geënkripteerdeboodskaptoep moet gebruik, wat is dit punt "
"van ’n OnionShare-kletskamer dan nou? Dit laat minder spore agter."
#: ../../source/features.rst:165
msgid "If you for example send a message to a Signal group, a copy of your message ends up on each device (the smartphones, and computers if they set up Signal Desktop) of each member of the group. Even if disappearing messages is turned on, it's hard to confirm all copies of the messages are actually deleted from all devices, and from any other places (like notifications databases) they may have been saved to. OnionShare chat rooms don't store any messages anywhere, so the problem is reduced to a minimum."
msgstr ""
"Indien u bv. ’n boodskap aan ’n Signal-groep stuur, beland ’n kopie van u "
"boodskap op elke toestel (slimfone, en rekenaars indien hulle met Signal "
"Desktop werk) van elke lid van die groep. Selfs indien verdwynende "
"boodskappe geaktiveer is, is dit moeilik om te bevestig dat al die "
"boodskappe werklik vanaf alle toestelle geskrap is, en van enige ander plek ("
"soos kennisgewingsdatabasisse) waarin dit bewaar is. OnionShare-kletskamers "
"bewaar nêrens enige boodskappenie, daarom is die probleem tot ’n minimum "
#: ../../source/features.rst:168
msgid "OnionShare chat rooms can also be useful for people wanting to chat anonymously and securely with someone without needing to create any accounts. For example, a source can send an OnionShare address to a journalist using a disposable email address, and then wait for the journalist to join the chat room, all without compromosing their anonymity."
msgstr ""
"OnionShare-kletskamers kan ook nuttig wees vir mense wat anoniem en veilig "
"met iemand wil klets sonder om enige rekeninge te moet skep. ’n Bron kan bv. "
"’n OnionShare-adres na ’n joernalis stuur met ’n weggooibare e-posadres en "
"dan vir die joernalis wag om bt die kletskamer aan te sluit, alles sonder om "
"hul anonimiteit prys te gee."
#: ../../source/features.rst:172
msgid "How does the encryption work?"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Hoe werk die enkripsie?"
#: ../../source/features.rst:174
msgid "Because OnionShare relies on Tor onion services, connections between the Tor Browser and OnionShare are all end-to-end encrypted (E2EE). When someone posts a message to an OnionShare chat room, they send it to the server through the E2EE onion connection, which then sends it to all other members of the chat room using WebSockets, through their E2EE onion connections."
msgstr ""
"Omdat OnionShare op Tor-oniondienste steun, is die koppeling tussen die Tor "
"Blaaier en OnionShare geheel eind-tot-eind-geënkripteer (E2EE). Wanneer "
"iemand ’n boodskap in ’n OnionShare-kletskamer skryf, stuur hulle na die "
"bediener deur die E2EE-onionverbinding, wat dit dan d.m.v. WebSokke na alle "
"ander lede van die kletskamer stuur, deur hulle E2EE-onionverbindings."
#: ../../source/features.rst:176
msgid "OnionShare doesn't implement any chat encryption on its own. It relies on the Tor onion service's encryption instead."
msgstr ""
"OnionShare implementeer self geen kletsenkripsie nie. Dit steun eerder op "
"die Tor onion-diens se enkripsie."
@ -6,48 +6,63 @@
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: OnionShare 2.5\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: onionshare-dev@lists.riseup.net\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2022-01-17 10:28-0800\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n"
"Last-Translator: Automatically generated\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2022-10-21 15:07+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: Gideon Wentink <gjwentink@gmail.com>\n"
"Language-Team: none\n"
"Language: af\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=n != 1;\n"
"X-Generator: Weblate 4.14.2-dev\n"
#: ../../source/help.rst:2
msgid "Getting Help"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Om hulp te kry"
#: ../../source/help.rst:5
msgid "Read This Website"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Lees hierdie webwerf"
#: ../../source/help.rst:7
msgid "You will find instructions on how to use OnionShare. Look through all of the sections first to see if anything answers your questions."
msgstr ""
"U vind hier instruksies oor hoe u OnionShare kan gebruik. Kyk eers deur al "
"die seksies om te sien of u vrae beantwoord word."
#: ../../source/help.rst:10
msgid "Check the GitHub Issues"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Gaan die GitHub-probleme na"
#: ../../source/help.rst:12
msgid "If it isn't on the website, please check the `GitHub issues <https://github.com/onionshare/onionshare/issues>`_. It's possible someone else has encountered the same problem and either raised it with the developers, or maybe even posted a solution."
msgstr ""
"Indien dit nie op die webwerf is nie, gaan asb. die `GitHub-probleme "
"<https://github.com/onionshare/onionshare/issues>`_. Iemand anders het "
"moontlik dieselfde probleem teëgekom en dit met die ontwikkelaars opgeneem, "
"of selfs ’n oplossing geplaas."
#: ../../source/help.rst:15
msgid "Submit an Issue Yourself"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Dien self ’n probleem in"
#: ../../source/help.rst:17
msgid "If you are unable to find a solution, or wish to ask a question or suggest a new feature, please `submit an issue <https://github.com/onionshare/onionshare/issues/new>`_. This requires `creating a GitHub account <https://help.github.com/articles/signing-up-for-a-new-github-account/>`_."
msgstr ""
"Indien u nie ’n oplossing kan vind nie, of ’n vraag oor ’n nuwe probleem wil "
"vra of ’n nuwe funksie wil versoek, `dien dan ’n probleem in <https://github."
"com/onionshare/onionshare/issues/new>`_. Hiervoor moet u ’n `GitHub-rekening "
"skep <https://help.gitbuh.com/articles/signing-up-for-a-new-github-account/"
#: ../../source/help.rst:20
msgid "Join our Keybase Team"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Sluit by ons Keybase-span aan"
#: ../../source/help.rst:22
msgid "See :ref:`collaborating` on how to join the Keybase team used to discuss the project."
msgstr ""
"Sien :ref:`samewerking` oor hoe u by die Keybase-span kan aansluit waar die "
"projek bespreek word."
@ -6,20 +6,25 @@
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: OnionShare 2.5\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: onionshare-dev@lists.riseup.net\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2022-01-17 10:28-0800\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n"
"Last-Translator: Automatically generated\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2022-10-19 10:07+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: Gideon Wentink <gjwentink@gmail.com>\n"
"Language-Team: none\n"
"Language: af\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=n != 1;\n"
"X-Generator: Weblate 4.14.2-dev\n"
#: ../../source/index.rst:2
msgid "OnionShare's documentation"
msgstr ""
msgstr "OnionShare dokumentasie"
#: ../../source/index.rst:6
msgid "OnionShare is an open source tool that lets you securely and anonymously share files, host websites, and chat with friends using the Tor network."
msgstr ""
"OnionShare is ’n oopbronnutsmiddel wat u op ’n veilige en anonieme manier "
"lêers laat deel, webwerwe kan huisves en met vriende klets oor die Tor-"
@ -6,31 +6,35 @@
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: OnionShare 2.5\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: onionshare-dev@lists.riseup.net\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2022-01-17 10:28-0800\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n"
"Last-Translator: Automatically generated\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2022-11-10 05:49+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: Gideon Wentink <gjwentink@gmail.com>\n"
"Language-Team: none\n"
"Language: af\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=n != 1;\n"
"X-Generator: Weblate 4.15-dev\n"
#: ../../source/install.rst:2
msgid "Installation"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Installasie"
#: ../../source/install.rst:5
msgid "Windows or macOS"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Windows of macOS"
#: ../../source/install.rst:7
msgid "You can download OnionShare for Windows and macOS from the `OnionShare website <https://onionshare.org/>`_."
msgstr ""
"U kan OnionShare vir Windows of macOS vanaf die `OnionShare-"
"webwerf<https://onionshare.org/>`_ aflaai."
#: ../../source/install.rst:12
msgid "Linux"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Linux"
#: ../../source/install.rst:14
msgid "There are various ways to install OnionShare for Linux, but the recommended way is to use either the `Flatpak <https://flatpak.org/>`_ or the `Snap <https://snapcraft.io/>`_ package. Flatpak and Snap ensure that you'll always use the newest version and run OnionShare inside of a sandbox."
@ -43,6 +47,8 @@ msgstr ""
#: ../../source/install.rst:19
msgid "**Install OnionShare using Flatpak**: https://flathub.org/apps/details/org.onionshare.OnionShare"
msgstr ""
"**Installeer OnionShare d.m.v. Flatpak**: https://flathub.org/apps/details/"
#: ../../source/install.rst:21
msgid "**Install OnionShare using Snap**: https://snapcraft.io/onionshare"
@ -51,10 +57,12 @@ msgstr ""
#: ../../source/install.rst:23
msgid "You can also download and install PGP-signed ``.flatpak`` or ``.snap`` packages from https://onionshare.org/dist/ if you prefer."
msgstr ""
"U kan ook PGP-ondertekende ``.flatpak`` - of ``.snap``-pakketten aflaai en "
"installeer vanaf https://onionshare.org/dist/ indien u dit verkies."
#: ../../source/install.rst:28
msgid "Command-line only"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Slegs bevellyn"
#: ../../source/install.rst:30
msgid "You can install just the command line version of OnionShare on any operating system using the Python package manager ``pip``. See :ref:`cli` for more information."
@ -62,47 +70,67 @@ msgstr ""
#: ../../source/install.rst:35
msgid "Verifying PGP signatures"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Bevestig PGP-handtekeninge"
#: ../../source/install.rst:37
msgid "You can verify that the package you download is legitimate and hasn't been tampered with by verifying its PGP signature. For Windows and macOS, this step is optional and provides defense in depth: the OnionShare binaries include operating system-specific signatures, and you can just rely on those alone if you'd like."
msgstr ""
"U kan bevestig dat die pakket wat u aflaai legitiem is en dat daar nie mee "
"gekarring is nie deur die PGP-handtekening te bevestig. Hierdie stap is "
"opsioneel vir Windows en macOS en bied diepgaande beskerming: die "
"OnionSharebinêre binaries bevat bedryfstelselspesifieke handtekeninge en u "
"kan daarop alleen staatmaak indien u sou wou."
#: ../../source/install.rst:41
msgid "Signing key"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Ondertekeningsleutel"
#: ../../source/install.rst:43
msgid "Packages are signed by Micah Lee, the core developer, using his PGP public key with fingerprint ``927F419D7EC82C2F149C1BD1403C2657CD994F73``. You can download Micah's key `from the keys.openpgp.org keyserver <https://keys.openpgp.org/vks/v1/by-fingerprint/927F419D7EC82C2F149C1BD1403C2657CD994F73>`_."
msgstr ""
"Pakkette word deur Micah Lee, die kernontwikkelaar, met sy PGP- publieke "
"sleutel met vingerafdruk ``927F419D7EC82C2F149C1BD1403C2657CD994F73`` "
"onderteken. U kan Micah se sleutel aflaai `by die keys.openpgp.org "
"sleutelbediener <https://keys.openpgp.org/vks/v1/by-fingerprint/"
#: ../../source/install.rst:45
msgid "You must have GnuPG installed to verify signatures. For macOS you probably want `GPGTools <https://gpgtools.org/>`_, and for Windows you probably want `Gpg4win <https://www.gpg4win.org/>`_."
msgstr ""
"GnuPG moet geïnstalleer wees om handtekeninge te bevestig. Vir macOS wil u "
"waarskynlik `GPGTools <https://gpgtools.org/>`_ hê en vir Windows wil u "
"waarskynlik `Gpg4win <https://www.gpg4win.org/>`_ hê."
#: ../../source/install.rst:48
msgid "Signatures"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Handtekeninge"
#: ../../source/install.rst:50
msgid "You can find the signatures (as ``.asc`` files), as well as Windows, macOS, Flatpak, Snap, and source packages, at https://onionshare.org/dist/ in the folders named for each version of OnionShare. You can also find them on the `GitHub Releases page <https://github.com/micahflee/onionshare/releases>`_."
msgstr ""
"U kan die handtekeninge (as ``.asc``-lêers), asook Windows, macOS, Flatpak, "
"Snap en bronpakkette, by https://onionshare.org/dist/ kry in die vouers met "
"die naam van elke weergawe van OnionShare. U kan dit ook op die `GitHub-"
"vrystellingsblad <https://github.com/micahflee/onionshare/releases>`_ kry."
#: ../../source/install.rst:54
msgid "Verifying"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Bevestig tans"
#: ../../source/install.rst:56
msgid "Once you have imported Micah's public key into your GnuPG keychain, downloaded the binary and and ``.asc`` signature, you can verify the binary for macOS in a terminal like this::"
msgstr ""
"Sodra u Micah se openbare sleutel in u GnuPG-sleutelhouer ingevoer het, en "
"die binêr en ``.asc``-handtekening afgelaai het, kan u die binêr vir macOS "
"soos volg in ’n terminaal bevestig::"
#: ../../source/install.rst:60
msgid "Or for Windows, in a command-prompt like this::"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Of vir Windows in ’n bevelpor soos volg::"
#: ../../source/install.rst:64
msgid "The expected output looks like this::"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Die verwagte afvoer lyk soos volg::"
#: ../../source/install.rst:76
msgid "If you don't see ``Good signature from``, there might be a problem with the integrity of the file (malicious or otherwise), and you should not install the package. (The ``WARNING:`` shown above, is not a problem with the package, it only means you haven't defined a level of \"trust\" of Micah's PGP key.)"
@ -111,3 +139,7 @@ msgstr ""
#: ../../source/install.rst:78
msgid "If you want to learn more about verifying PGP signatures, the guides for `Qubes OS <https://www.qubes-os.org/security/verifying-signatures/>`_ and the `Tor Project <https://support.torproject.org/tbb/how-to-verify-signature/>`_ may be useful."
msgstr ""
"Indien u meer wil leer oor hoe om PGP-handtekeninge te bevestig, kan die "
"handleidings vir `Qubes OS <https://www.qubes-os.org/security/"
"verifying-signatures/>`_ en die `Tor Project <https://support.torproject.org/"
"tbb/how-to-verify-signature/>`_ handig wees."
@ -6,31 +6,34 @@
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: OnionShare 2.5\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: onionshare-dev@lists.riseup.net\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2022-01-17 10:28-0800\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n"
"Last-Translator: Automatically generated\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2022-10-19 10:07+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: Gideon Wentink <gjwentink@gmail.com>\n"
"Language-Team: none\n"
"Language: af\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=n != 1;\n"
"X-Generator: Weblate 4.14.2-dev\n"
#: ../../source/security.rst:2
msgid "Security Design"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Beveiligingsontwerp"
#: ../../source/security.rst:4
msgid "Read :ref:`how_it_works` first to get a handle on how OnionShare works."
msgstr ""
"Lees eers :ref: `how_it_works` om ’n idee te kry oor hoe OnionShare werk."
#: ../../source/security.rst:6
msgid "Like all software, OnionShare may contain bugs or vulnerabilities."
msgstr ""
msgstr "Soos alle programmatuur kan OnionShare goggas of kwesbaarhede bevat."
#: ../../source/security.rst:9
msgid "What OnionShare protects against"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Waarteen OnionShare beskerm"
#: ../../source/security.rst:11
msgid "**Third parties don't have access to anything that happens in OnionShare.** Using OnionShare means hosting services directly on your computer. When sharing files with OnionShare, they are not uploaded to any server. If you make an OnionShare chat room, your computer acts as a server for that too. This avoids the traditional model of having to trust the computers of others."
@ -39,10 +42,22 @@ msgstr ""
#: ../../source/security.rst:13
msgid "**Network eavesdroppers can't spy on anything that happens in OnionShare in transit.** The connection between the Tor onion service and Tor Browser is end-to-end encrypted. This means network attackers can't eavesdrop on anything except encrypted Tor traffic. Even if an eavesdropper is a malicious rendezvous node used to connect the Tor Browser with OnionShare's onion service, the traffic is encrypted using the onion service's private key."
msgstr ""
"**Netwerk-afluisteraars kan nie spioeneer op enigiets wat onderweg in "
"OnionShare gebeur nie.** Die verbinding tussen die Tor-oniondiens en Tor "
"Browser is eind-tot-eind geënkripteer. Dit beteken dat netwerkaanvallers "
"niks kan afluister nie behalwe geënkripteerde Tor-verkeer. Selfs as ’n "
"afluisteraar ’n kwaadwillige rendezvous-knooppunt is wat gebruik word om die "
"Tor Browser met die oniondiens van OnionShare te verbind, word die verkeer "
"met die oniondiens se privaat sleutel geënkripteer."
#: ../../source/security.rst:15
msgid "**Anonymity of OnionShare users are protected by Tor.** OnionShare and Tor Browser protect the anonymity of the users. As long as the OnionShare user anonymously communicates the OnionShare address with the Tor Browser users, the Tor Browser users and eavesdroppers can't learn the identity of the OnionShare user."
msgstr ""
"**Anonimiteit van OnionShare-gebruikers word beskerm deur Tor.** OnionShare "
"en die Tor Browser beskerm die anonimiteit van gebruikers. Solank die "
"OnionShare-gebruiker die OnionShare-adres anoniem met Tor Browser-gebruikers "
"kommunikeer, kan Tor Browser-gebruikers en afluisteraars nie die identiteit "
"van die OnionShare-gebruiker nie agterhaal nie."
#: ../../source/security.rst:17
msgid "**If an attacker learns about the onion service, it still can't access anything.** Prior attacks against the Tor network to enumerate onion services allowed the attacker to discover private ``.onion`` addresses. If an attack discovers a private OnionShare address, they will also need to guess the private key used for client authentication in order to access it (unless the OnionShare user chooses make their service public by turning off the private key -- see :ref:`turn_off_private_key`)."
@ -50,7 +65,7 @@ msgstr ""
#: ../../source/security.rst:20
msgid "What OnionShare doesn't protect against"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Waarteen OnionShare nie beskerm nie"
#: ../../source/security.rst:22
msgid "**Communicating the OnionShare address and private key might not be secure.** Communicating the OnionShare address to people is the responsibility of the OnionShare user. If sent insecurely (such as through an email message monitored by an attacker), an eavesdropper can tell that OnionShare is being used. If the eavesdropper loads the address in Tor Browser while the service is still up, they can access it. To avoid this, the address must be communicated securely, via encrypted text message (probably with disappearing messages enabled), encrypted email, or in person. This isn't necessary when using OnionShare for something that isn't secret."
@ -6,20 +6,22 @@
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: OnionShare 2.5\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: onionshare-dev@lists.riseup.net\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2022-01-17 10:28-0800\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n"
"Last-Translator: Automatically generated\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2022-10-19 10:07+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: Gideon Wentink <gjwentink@gmail.com>\n"
"Language-Team: none\n"
"Language: af\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=n != 1;\n"
"X-Generator: Weblate 4.14.2-dev\n"
#: ../../source/_templates/versions.html:10
msgid "Versions"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Weergawes"
#: ../../source/_templates/versions.html:18
msgid "Languages"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Tale"
@ -6,19 +6,21 @@
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: OnionShare 2.5\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: onionshare-dev@lists.riseup.net\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2022-01-17 10:28-0800\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n"
"Last-Translator: Automatically generated\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2023-04-04 09:41+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: Gideon Wentink <gjwentink@gmail.com>\n"
"Language-Team: none\n"
"Language: af\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=n != 1;\n"
"X-Generator: Weblate 4.17-dev\n"
#: ../../source/tor.rst:2
msgid "Connecting to Tor"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Koppel tans aan Tor"
#: ../../source/tor.rst:4
msgid "Pick a way to connect OnionShare to Tor by clicking the Tor onion icon in the bottom right of the OnionShare window to open the Tor Settings tab."
@ -26,15 +28,21 @@ msgstr ""
#: ../../source/tor.rst:9
msgid "Use the Tor version built into OnionShare"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Gebruik die Tor-weergawe wat by OnionShare ingebou is"
#: ../../source/tor.rst:11
msgid "This is the default, simplest and most reliable way that OnionShare connects to Tor. For this reason, it's recommended for most users."
msgstr ""
"Dit is die verstek, eenvoudigste en betroubaarste manier waarop OnionShare "
"aan Tor koppel. Om hierdie rede word dit vir die meeste gebruikers aanbeveel."
#: ../../source/tor.rst:14
msgid "When you open OnionShare, it launches an already configured ``tor`` process in the background for OnionShare to use. It doesn't interfere with other ``tor`` processes on your computer, so you can use the Tor Browser or the system ``tor`` on their own."
msgstr ""
"Wanneer u OnionShare open lanseer dit ’n reeds opgestelde ``tor``-proses in "
"die agtergrond vir gebruik deur OnionShare. Dit meng nie in met ander "
"``tor``-prosesse op u rekenaar nie, dus kan u die Tor Blaaier op die "
"stelsel-``tor`` op hul eie gebruik."
#: ../../source/tor.rst:18
msgid "Getting Around Censorship"
@ -51,54 +59,86 @@ msgstr ""
#: ../../source/tor.rst:25
msgid "Try using a built-in bridge first. Using `obfs4` or `snowflake` bridges is recommended over using `meek-azure`."
msgstr ""
"Probeer eers om ’n ingeboude brug te gebruik. Gebruik van `obfs4`- of "
"`snowflake`-brûe word bo `meek-azure` aanbeveel."
#: ../../source/tor.rst:29
msgid "If using a built-in bridge doesn't work, you can request a bridge from torproject.org. You will have to solve a CAPTCHA in order to request a bridge. (This makes it more difficult for governments or ISPs to block access to Tor bridges.)"
msgstr ""
"Indien gebruik van ’n ingeboude brug nie werk nie, kan u ’n brug by "
"torproject.org versoek. U sal ’n CAPTCHA moet voltooi om ’n brug te versoek. "
"(Dit maak dit moeiliker vir regerings of IDV’s om toegang tot Tor-brûe te "
#: ../../source/tor.rst:33
msgid "You also have the option of using a bridge that you learned about from a trusted source."
msgstr ""
"U het ook die opsie om ’n brug te gebruik wat u by ’n vertroude bron van "
"gehoor het."
#: ../../source/tor.rst:36
msgid "Attempt auto-configuration with Tor Browser"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Probeer outo-opstelling met Tor Blaaier"
#: ../../source/tor.rst:38
msgid "If you have `downloaded the Tor Browser <https://www.torproject.org>`_ and don't want two ``tor`` processes running, you can use the ``tor`` process from the Tor Browser. Keep in mind you need to keep Tor Browser open in the background while you're using OnionShare for this to work."
msgstr ""
"Indien u die `Tor Blaaier afgelaai het <https://www.torproject.org>`_ en nie "
"twee ``tor``-prosesse wil loop nie, kan u die ``tor``-proses van die Tor "
"Blaaier gebruik. Hou in gedagte dat die Tor Blaaier in die agtergrond oop "
"moet bly terwyl u OnionShare vir hierdie werk gebruik."
#: ../../source/tor.rst:42
msgid "Using a system ``tor`` in Windows"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Om ’n stelsel-``tor`` in Windows te gebruik"
#: ../../source/tor.rst:44
msgid "This is fairly advanced. You'll need to know how edit plaintext files and do stuff as an administrator."
msgstr ""
"Dit is redelik gevorderd. U moet weet hoe om plattekslêers te wysig en take "
"van ’n administreerder kan uitvoer."
#: ../../source/tor.rst:46
msgid "Download the Tor Windows Expert Bundle `from <https://www.torproject.org/download/tor/>`_. Extract the compressed file and copy the extracted folder to ``C:\\Program Files (x86)\\`` Rename the extracted folder with ``Data`` and ``Tor`` in it to ``tor-win32``."
msgstr ""
"Laai die Tor Windows Expert Bundle van `from <https://www.torproject.org/"
"download/tor/>`_. af Ekstraheer die gekomprimeerde lêer en kopieer die "
"geëkstraheerde vouer na ``C:\\Program Files (x86)\\`` Hernoem die "
"geëkstraheerde vouer met ``Data`` en ``Tor`` daarin na ``tor-win32``."
#: ../../source/tor.rst:50
msgid "Make up a control port password. (Using 7 words in a sequence like ``comprised stumble rummage work avenging construct volatile`` is a good idea for a password.) Now open a command prompt (``cmd``) as an administrator, and use ``tor.exe --hash-password`` to generate a hash of your password. For example::"
msgstr ""
"Maak ’n beheerpoortwagwoord op. (Om 7 woorde in ’n volgorde te gebruik soos "
"``komprimeer struikel vroetel werk wreek heropbou plofbaar`` is ’n goeie "
"idee vir ’n wagwoord.) Open nou ’n bevelpor (``cmd``) as ’n administrateur, "
"en gebruik ``tor.exe --hash-password`` om ’n hutswaarde van u wagwoord te "
"genereer. Bv.::"
#: ../../source/tor.rst:57
msgid "The hashed password output is displayed after some warnings (which you can ignore). In the case of the above example, it is ``16:00322E903D96DE986058BB9ABDA91E010D7A863768635AC38E213FDBEF``."
msgstr ""
"Die gehutste wagwoordafvoer word na ’n paar waarskuwings (u kan dit ignoreer)"
" vertoon. In die geval van die bostaande voorbeeld is die "
#: ../../source/tor.rst:59
msgid "Now create a new text file at ``C:\\Program Files (x86)\\tor-win32\\torrc`` and put your hashed password output in it, replacing the ``HashedControlPassword`` with the one you just generated::"
msgstr ""
"Skep nou ’n tekslêer by ``C:\\Program Files (x86)\\tor-win32\\torrc`` en "
"plaas u gehutste wagwoordafvoer daarin en vervang die "
"``HashedControlPassword`` met die een wat u pas gegenereer het::"
#: ../../source/tor.rst:64
msgid "In your administrator command prompt, install ``tor`` as a service using the appropriate ``torrc`` file you just created (as described in `<https://2019.www.torproject.org/docs/faq.html.en#NTService>`_). Like this::"
msgstr ""
"Installeer ``tor`` as ’n diens in u administrateur-bevelpor met die geskikte "
"``torrc``-lêer wat u pas geskep het (soos beskryf in `<https://2019.www."
"torproject.org/docs/faq.html.en#NTService>`_). Soos dit::"
#: ../../source/tor.rst:68
msgid "You are now running a system ``tor`` process in Windows!"
msgstr ""
msgstr "U loop nou ’n stelsel-``tor``-proses in Windows!"
#: ../../source/tor.rst:70
msgid "Open OnionShare and click the \"⚙\" icon in it. Under \"How should OnionShare connect to Tor?\" choose \"Connect using control port\", and set \"Control port\" to ```` and \"Port\" to ``9051``. Under \"Tor authentication settings\" choose \"Password\" and set the password to the control port password you picked above. Click the \"Test Connection to Tor\" button. If all goes well, you should see \"Connected to the Tor controller\"."
@ -106,19 +146,21 @@ msgstr ""
#: ../../source/tor.rst:79
msgid "Using a system ``tor`` in macOS"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Om ’n stelsel-``tor`` in macOS te gebruik"
#: ../../source/tor.rst:81
msgid "First, install `Homebrew <https://brew.sh/>`_ if you don't already have it, and then install Tor::"
msgstr ""
"Installeer eers `Homebrew <https://brew.sh/>`_ indien u dit nog nie het nie, "
"en installeer dan Tor::"
#: ../../source/tor.rst:85
msgid "Now configure Tor to allow connections from OnionShare::"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Stel nou die Tor op om verbindings van OnionShare toe te laat::"
#: ../../source/tor.rst:92
msgid "And start the system Tor service::"
msgstr ""
msgstr "En begin die stelsel-Tor-diens::"
#: ../../source/tor.rst:96
msgid "Open OnionShare and click the \"⚙\" icon in it. Under \"How should OnionShare connect to Tor?\" choose \"Connect using socket file\", and set the socket file to be ``/usr/local/var/run/tor/control.socket``. Under \"Tor authentication settings\" choose \"No authentication, or cookie authentication\". Click the \"Test Connection to Tor\" button."
@ -128,22 +170,33 @@ msgstr ""
#: ../../source/tor.rst:122
msgid "If all goes well, you should see \"Connected to the Tor controller\"."
msgstr ""
"Indien alles glad verloop, behoort u “Gekoppel aan die Tor-beheerder” te "
#: ../../source/tor.rst:105
msgid "Using a system ``tor`` in Linux"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Om ’n stelsel-``tor`` in Linux te gebruik"
#: ../../source/tor.rst:107
msgid "First, install the ``tor`` package. If you're using Debian, Ubuntu, or a similar Linux distro, It is recommended to use the Tor Project's `official repository <https://support.torproject.org/apt/tor-deb-repo/>`_."
msgstr ""
"Installeer eers die ``tor``-pakket. Indien u Debian, Ubuntu of ’n "
"soortgelyke Linux-verspreiding gebruik, beveel ons aan om die Tor Projek se `"
"amptelike opslagplek <https://support.torproject.org/apt/tor-deb-repo/>`_ te "
#: ../../source/tor.rst:109
msgid "Next, add your user to the group that runs the ``tor`` process (in the case of Debian and Ubuntu, ``debian-tor``) and configure OnionShare to connect to your system ``tor``'s control socket file."
msgstr ""
"Voeg vervolgens u gebruiker toe tot die groep wat die ``tor``-proses loop ("
"in die geval van Debian of Ubuntu, ``debian-tor``) en stel OnionShare op om "
"u stelsel se ``tor``-beheersoklêer te koppel op."
#: ../../source/tor.rst:111
msgid "Add your user to the ``debian-tor`` group by running this command (replace ``username`` with your actual username)::"
msgstr ""
"Voeg u gebruiker tot die ``debian-tor``-groep toe deur hierdie bevel uit te "
"voer (vervang ``gebruikersnaam`` met u werklike gebruikersnaam)::"
#: ../../source/tor.rst:115
msgid "Reboot your computer. After it boots up again, open OnionShare and click the \"⚙\" icon in it. Under \"How should OnionShare connect to Tor?\" choose \"Connect using socket file\". Set the socket file to be ``/var/run/tor/control``. Under \"Tor authentication settings\" choose \"No authentication, or cookie authentication\". Click the \"Test Connection to Tor\" button."
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,125 @@
# Copyright (C) Micah Lee, et al.
# This file is distributed under the same license as the OnionShare package.
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: OnionShare 2.6\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2022-10-02 16:17-0700\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n"
"Last-Translator: Automatically generated\n"
"Language-Team: none\n"
"Language: bo\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
#: ../../source/develop.rst:2
msgid "Developing OnionShare"
msgstr ""
#: ../../source/develop.rst:7
msgid "Collaborating"
msgstr ""
#: ../../source/develop.rst:9
msgid "OnionShare has an open Keybase team to discuss the project, ask questions, share ideas and designs, and making plans for future development. (It's also an easy way to send end-to-end encrypted direct messages to others in the OnionShare community, like OnionShare addresses.) To use Keybase, download the `Keybase app <https://keybase.io/download>`_, make an account, and `join this team <https://keybase.io/team/onionshare>`_. Within the app, go to \"Teams\", click \"Join a Team\", and type \"onionshare\"."
msgstr ""
#: ../../source/develop.rst:12
msgid "OnionShare also has a `mailing list <https://lists.riseup.net/www/subscribe/onionshare-dev>`_ for developers and and designers to discuss the project."
msgstr ""
#: ../../source/develop.rst:15
msgid "Contributing Code"
msgstr ""
#: ../../source/develop.rst:17
msgid "OnionShare source code is to be found in this Git repository: https://github.com/onionshare/onionshare"
msgstr ""
#: ../../source/develop.rst:19
msgid "If you'd like to contribute code to OnionShare, it helps to join the Keybase team and ask questions about what you're thinking of working on. You should also review all of the `open issues <https://github.com/onionshare/onionshare/issues>`_ on GitHub to see if there are any you'd like to tackle."
msgstr ""
#: ../../source/develop.rst:22
msgid "When you're ready to contribute code, open a pull request in the GitHub repository and one of the project maintainers will review it and possibly ask questions, request changes, reject it, or merge it into the project."
msgstr ""
#: ../../source/develop.rst:27
msgid "Starting Development"
msgstr ""
#: ../../source/develop.rst:29
msgid "OnionShare is developed in Python. To get started, clone the Git repository at https://github.com/onionshare/onionshare/ and then consult the ``cli/README.md`` file to learn how to set up your development environment for the command-line version, and the ``desktop/README.md`` file to learn how to set up your development environment for the graphical version."
msgstr ""
#: ../../source/develop.rst:32
msgid "Those files contain the necessary technical instructions and commands install dependencies for your platform, and to run OnionShare from the source tree."
msgstr ""
#: ../../source/develop.rst:35
msgid "Debugging tips"
msgstr ""
#: ../../source/develop.rst:38
msgid "Verbose mode"
msgstr ""
#: ../../source/develop.rst:40
msgid "When developing, it's convenient to run OnionShare from a terminal and add the ``--verbose`` (or ``-v``) flag to the command. This prints a lot of helpful messages to the terminal, such as when certain objects are initialized, when events occur (like buttons clicked, settings saved or reloaded), and other debug info. For example::"
msgstr ""
#: ../../source/develop.rst:117
msgid "You can add your own debug messages by running the ``Common.log`` method from ``onionshare/common.py``. For example::"
msgstr ""
#: ../../source/develop.rst:121
msgid "This can be useful when learning the chain of events that occur when using OnionShare, or the value of certain variables before and after they are manipulated."
msgstr ""
#: ../../source/develop.rst:124
msgid "Local Only"
msgstr ""
#: ../../source/develop.rst:126
msgid "Tor is slow, and it's often convenient to skip starting onion services altogether during development. You can do this with the ``--local-only`` flag. For example::"
msgstr ""
#: ../../source/develop.rst:165
msgid "In this case, you load the URL ```` in a normal web-browser like Firefox, instead of using the Tor Browser. The private key is not actually needed in local-only mode, so you can ignore it."
msgstr ""
#: ../../source/develop.rst:168
msgid "Contributing Translations"
msgstr ""
#: ../../source/develop.rst:170
msgid "Help make OnionShare easier to use and more familiar and welcoming for people by translating it on `Hosted Weblate <https://hosted.weblate.org/projects/onionshare/>`_. Always keep the \"OnionShare\" in latin letters, and use \"OnionShare (localname)\" if needed."
msgstr ""
#: ../../source/develop.rst:172
msgid "To help translate, make a Hosted Weblate account and start contributing."
msgstr ""
#: ../../source/develop.rst:175
msgid "Suggestions for Original English Strings"
msgstr ""
#: ../../source/develop.rst:177
msgid "Sometimes the original English strings are wrong, or don't match between the application and the documentation."
msgstr ""
#: ../../source/develop.rst:179
msgid "File source string improvements by adding @kingu to your Weblate comment, or open a GitHub issue or pull request. The latter ensures all upstream developers see the suggestion, and can potentially modify the string via the usual code review processes."
msgstr ""
#: ../../source/develop.rst:183
msgid "Status of Translations"
msgstr ""
#: ../../source/develop.rst:184
msgid "Here is the current translation status. If you want start a translation in a language not yet started, please write to the mailing list: onionshare-dev@lists.riseup.net"
msgstr ""
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,113 @@
# Copyright (C) Micah Lee, et al.
# This file is distributed under the same license as the OnionShare package.
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: OnionShare 2.6\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2022-10-02 16:17-0700\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n"
"Last-Translator: Automatically generated\n"
"Language-Team: none\n"
"Language: bo\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
#: ../../source/install.rst:2
msgid "Installation"
msgstr ""
#: ../../source/install.rst:5
msgid "Windows or macOS"
msgstr ""
#: ../../source/install.rst:7
msgid "You can download OnionShare for Windows and macOS from the `OnionShare website <https://onionshare.org/>`_."
msgstr ""
#: ../../source/install.rst:12
msgid "Linux"
msgstr ""
#: ../../source/install.rst:14
msgid "There are various ways to install OnionShare for Linux, but the recommended way is to use either the `Flatpak <https://flatpak.org/>`_ or the `Snap <https://snapcraft.io/>`_ package. Flatpak and Snapcraft ensure that you'll always use the newest version and run OnionShare inside of a sandbox."
msgstr ""
#: ../../source/install.rst:17
msgid "Snapcraft support is built-in to Ubuntu and Fedora comes with Flatpak support, but which you use is up to you. Both work in all Linux distributions."
msgstr ""
#: ../../source/install.rst:19
msgid "**Install OnionShare using Flatpak**: https://flathub.org/apps/details/org.onionshare.OnionShare"
msgstr ""
#: ../../source/install.rst:21
msgid "**Install OnionShare using Snapcraft**: https://snapcraft.io/onionshare"
msgstr ""
#: ../../source/install.rst:23
msgid "You can also download and install PGP-signed ``.flatpak`` or ``.snap`` packages from https://onionshare.org/dist/ if you prefer."
msgstr ""
#: ../../source/install.rst:28
msgid "Command-line only"
msgstr ""
#: ../../source/install.rst:30
msgid "You can install just the command-line version of OnionShare on any operating system using the Python package manager ``pip``. :ref:`cli` has more info."
msgstr ""
#: ../../source/install.rst:35
msgid "Verifying PGP signatures"
msgstr ""
#: ../../source/install.rst:37
msgid "You can verify that the package you download is legitimate and hasn't been tampered with by verifying its PGP signature. For Windows and macOS, this step is optional and provides defense in depth: the OnionShare binaries include operating system-specific signatures, and you can just rely on those alone if you'd like."
msgstr ""
#: ../../source/install.rst:41
msgid "Signing key"
msgstr ""
#: ../../source/install.rst:43
msgid "Packages are signed by Micah Lee, the core developer, using his PGP public key with fingerprint ``927F419D7EC82C2F149C1BD1403C2657CD994F73``. You can download Micah's key `from the keys.openpgp.org keyserver <https://keys.openpgp.org/vks/v1/by-fingerprint/927F419D7EC82C2F149C1BD1403C2657CD994F73>`_."
msgstr ""
#: ../../source/install.rst:46
msgid "You must have GnuPG installed to verify signatures. For macOS you probably want `GPGTools <https://gpgtools.org/>`_, and for Windows you probably want `Gpg4win <https://www.gpg4win.org/>`_."
msgstr ""
#: ../../source/install.rst:49
msgid "Signatures"
msgstr ""
#: ../../source/install.rst:51
msgid "You can find the signatures (as ``.asc`` files), as well as Windows, macOS, Flatpak, Snap, and source packages, at https://onionshare.org/dist/ in the folders named for each version of OnionShare. You can also find them on the `GitHub Releases page <https://github.com/micahflee/onionshare/releases>`_."
msgstr ""
#: ../../source/install.rst:55
msgid "Verifying"
msgstr ""
#: ../../source/install.rst:57
msgid "Once you have imported Micah's public key into your GnuPG keychain, downloaded the binary and and ``.asc`` signature, you can verify the binary for macOS in a terminal like this::"
msgstr ""
#: ../../source/install.rst:61
msgid "Or for Windows, in a command-prompt like this::"
msgstr ""
#: ../../source/install.rst:65
msgid "The expected output looks like this::"
msgstr ""
#: ../../source/install.rst:77
msgid "If you don't see ``Good signature from``, there might be a problem with the integrity of the file (malicious or otherwise), and you should not install the package. (The ``WARNING:`` shown above, is not a problem with the package, it only means you haven't defined a level of \"trust\" of Micah's (the core developer) PGP key.)"
msgstr ""
#: ../../source/install.rst:79
msgid "If you want to learn more about verifying PGP signatures, the guides for `Qubes OS <https://www.qubes-os.org/security/verifying-signatures/>`_ and the `Tor Project <https://support.torproject.org/tbb/how-to-verify-signature/>`_ may be useful."
msgstr ""
@ -8,34 +8,36 @@ msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: OnionShare 2.3\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: onionshare-dev@lists.riseup.net\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2020-11-15 14:42-0800\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2021-11-28 19:16+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: fadelkon <fadelkon@posteo.net>\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2023-04-12 19:02+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: Ecron <ecron_89@hotmail.com>\n"
"Language-Team: LANGUAGE <LL@li.org>\n"
"Language: ca\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=n != 1;\n"
"X-Generator: Weblate 4.10-dev\n"
"X-Generator: Weblate 4.17-dev\n"
"Generated-By: Babel 2.9.0\n"
#: ../../source/help.rst:2
msgid "Getting Help"
msgstr "Demanar ajuda"
msgstr "Obtenció d'ajuda"
#: ../../source/help.rst:5
msgid "Read This Website"
msgstr "Llegeix aquest web"
msgstr "Llegiu aquest lloc web"
#: ../../source/help.rst:7
msgid ""
"You will find instructions on how to use OnionShare. Look through all of "
"the sections first to see if anything answers your questions."
msgstr ""
"Trobareu instruccions sobre com utilitzar l'OnionShare. Mireu totes les "
"seccions primer per a veure si alguna respon les vostres preguntes."
#: ../../source/help.rst:10
msgid "Check the GitHub Issues"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Reviseu els Issues del GitHub"
#: ../../source/help.rst:12
msgid ""
@ -47,7 +49,7 @@ msgstr ""
#: ../../source/help.rst:15
msgid "Submit an Issue Yourself"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Envieu un Issue"
#: ../../source/help.rst:17
msgid ""
@ -60,13 +62,15 @@ msgstr ""
#: ../../source/help.rst:20
msgid "Join our Keybase Team"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Uniu-vos a l'Equip Keybase"
#: ../../source/help.rst:22
msgid ""
"See :ref:`collaborating` on how to join the Keybase team used to discuss "
"the project."
msgstr ""
"Aneu a :ref:`collaboracio` per a aprendre com unir-vos a l'equip de Keybase "
"que utilitzem per a debatre sobre el projecte."
#~ msgid "If you need help with OnionShare, please follow the instructions below."
#~ msgstr ""
@ -8,34 +8,35 @@ msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: OnionShare 2.3\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: onionshare-dev@lists.riseup.net\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2020-12-13 15:48-0800\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2021-11-28 19:16+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: fadelkon <fadelkon@posteo.net>\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2023-04-12 19:02+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: Ecron <ecron_89@hotmail.com>\n"
"Language-Team: ca <LL@li.org>\n"
"Language: ca\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=n != 1;\n"
"X-Generator: Weblate 4.10-dev\n"
"X-Generator: Weblate 4.17-dev\n"
"Generated-By: Babel 2.9.0\n"
#: ../../source/security.rst:2
msgid "Security Design"
msgstr "Disseny de seguretat"
msgstr "Disseny de la seguretat"
#: ../../source/security.rst:4
msgid "Read :ref:`how_it_works` first to get a handle on how OnionShare works."
msgstr ""
"Pots llegir :ref:`how_it_works` per entendre una mica com funciona "
"Llegiu :ref:`how_it_works` per a entendre una mica com funciona l'OnionShare."
#: ../../source/security.rst:6
msgid "Like all software, OnionShare may contain bugs or vulnerabilities."
msgstr ""
"Com qualsevol programari, l'Onionshare podria contenir errors i "
#: ../../source/security.rst:9
msgid "What OnionShare protects against"
msgstr ""
msgstr "De què protegeix l'OnionShare"
#: ../../source/security.rst:11
msgid ""
@ -57,6 +58,13 @@ msgid ""
"Browser with OnionShare's onion service, the traffic is encrypted using "
"the onion service's private key."
msgstr ""
"**Els tafaners de xarxes no poden espiar res del que ocorri al trànsit de "
"l'OnionShare.** La connexió entre el servei «onion» del Tor i el Navegador "
"Tor és xifrada d'extrem a extrem. Això significa que els atacants de la "
"xarxa no poden tafanejar res excepte el trànsit xifrat del Tor. Inclús si "
"l'espia és un node de trobada maliciós que s'utilitza per a connectar el "
"Navegador Tor amb el servei «onion» de l'OnionShare, el trànsit es xifra "
"utilitzat la clau privada del servei «onion»."
#: ../../source/security.rst:15
msgid ""
@ -66,6 +74,11 @@ msgid ""
"Browser users, the Tor Browser users and eavesdroppers can't learn the "
"identity of the OnionShare user."
msgstr ""
"**L'anonimat dels usuaris de l'OnionShare es troba protegida per Tor**. "
"L'OnionShare i el Navegador Tor protegeixen l'anonimat dels usuaris. Sempre "
"que l'usuari de l'OnionShare comuniqui anònimament l'adreça de l'OnionShare "
"als usuaris del Navegador Tor, aquests usuaris i qualsevol espia no podran "
"esbrinar la identitat de l'usuari de l'OnionShare."
#: ../../source/security.rst:17
msgid ""
@ -83,7 +96,7 @@ msgstr ""
#: ../../source/security.rst:20
msgid "What OnionShare doesn't protect against"
msgstr ""
msgstr "De què no protegeix l'OnionShare"
#: ../../source/security.rst:22
msgid ""
@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: OnionShare 2.5\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: onionshare-dev@lists.riseup.net\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2022-01-17 10:28-0800\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2022-08-12 08:18+0000\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2023-01-24 17:48+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: Toro <ads.verifications@pm.me>\n"
"Language-Team: none\n"
"Language: cs\n"
@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ msgstr ""
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=3; plural=(n==1) ? 0 : (n>=2 && n<=4) ? 1 : 2;\n"
"X-Generator: Weblate 4.14-dev\n"
"X-Generator: Weblate 4.16-dev\n"
#: ../../source/advanced.rst:2
msgid "Advanced Usage"
@ -29,10 +29,19 @@ msgstr "Uložit panely"
#: ../../source/advanced.rst:9
msgid "Everything in OnionShare is temporary by default. If you close an OnionShare tab, its address no longer exists and it can't be used again. Sometimes you might want an OnionShare service to be persistent. This is useful if you want to host a website available from the same OnionShare address even if you reboot your computer."
msgstr ""
"Vše v OnionShare je ve výchozím nastavení dočasné. Pokud zavřete kartu "
"OnionShare, její adresa přestane neexistovat a nelze ji znovu použít. Někdy "
"však možná budete chtít, aby byla služba trvalá. To je užitečné, pokud "
"například chcete hostovat webovou stránku dostupnou ze stejné adresy "
"OnionShare, i když restartujete počítač."
#: ../../source/advanced.rst:13
msgid "To make any tab persistent, check the \"Save this tab, and automatically open it when I open OnionShare\" box before starting the server. When a tab is saved a purple pin icon appears to the left of its server status."
msgstr ""
"Chcete-li, aby některá karta byla trvalá, zaškrtněte před spuštěním serveru "
"políčko \"Uložit tuto kartu a automaticky ji otevřít při otevření služby "
"OnionShare\". Po uložení karty se vlevo od jejího stavu na serveru zobrazí "
"ikona fialového špendlíku."
#: ../../source/advanced.rst:18
msgid "When you quit OnionShare and then open it again, your saved tabs will start opened. You'll have to manually start each service, but when you do they will start with the same OnionShare address and private key."
@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: OnionShare 2.4.1\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: onionshare-dev@lists.riseup.net\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2021-11-23 19:33-0800\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2022-08-12 08:18+0000\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2023-01-24 17:48+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: Toro <ads.verifications@pm.me>\n"
"Language-Team: none\n"
"Language: cs\n"
@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ msgstr ""
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=3; plural=(n==1) ? 0 : (n>=2 && n<=4) ? 1 : 2;\n"
"X-Generator: Weblate 4.14-dev\n"
"X-Generator: Weblate 4.16-dev\n"
#: ../../source/develop.rst:2
msgid "Developing OnionShare"
@ -29,14 +29,14 @@ msgstr "Spolupráce"
#: ../../source/develop.rst:9
msgid "OnionShare has an open Keybase team to discuss the project, ask questions, share ideas and designs, and making plans for future development. (It's also an easy way to send end-to-end encrypted direct messages to others in the OnionShare community, like OnionShare addresses.) To use Keybase, download the `Keybase app <https://keybase.io/download>`_, make an account, and `join this team <https://keybase.io/team/onionshare>`_. Within the app, go to \"Teams\", click \"Join a Team\", and type \"onionshare\"."
msgstr ""
"OnionShare má otevřený tým Keybase pro diskuzi o projektu, kladení otázek, "
"sdílení nápadů a návrhů a plánování budoucího vývoje. (Je to také snadný "
"způsob jak posílat end-to-end šifrované zprávy ostatním členům komunity "
"OnionShare, jako například OnionShare adresy.) Chcete-li používat Keybase, "
"stáhněte si `aplikaci Keybase <https://keybase.io/download>`_, vytvořte si "
"účet a `připojte se k tomuto týmu <https://keybase.io/team/onionshare>`_. V "
"aplikaci přejděte do sekce \"Teams\", klikněte na \"Join a Team\" a zadejte "
"OnionShare má otevřený tým na Keybase pro diskuzi o projektu, kladení "
"otázek, sdílení nápadů a návrhů a plánování budoucího vývoje. (Je to také "
"snadný způsob jak posílat end-to-end šifrované zprávy ostatním členům "
"komunity OnionShare, jako například OnionShare adresy.) Chcete-li používat "
"Keybase, stáhněte si `aplikaci Keybase <https://keybase.io/download>`_, "
"vytvořte si účet a `připojte se k tomuto týmu <https://keybase.io/team/"
"onionshare>`_. V aplikaci přejděte do sekce \"Teams\", klikněte na \"Join a "
"Team\" a zadejte \"onionshare\"."
#: ../../source/develop.rst:12
msgid "OnionShare also has a `mailing list <https://lists.riseup.net/www/subscribe/onionshare-dev>`_ for developers and and designers to discuss the project."
@ -6,39 +6,49 @@
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: OnionShare 2.5\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: onionshare-dev@lists.riseup.net\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2022-01-17 10:28-0800\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n"
"Last-Translator: Automatically generated\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2023-01-25 18:49+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: Toro <ads.verifications@pm.me>\n"
"Language-Team: none\n"
"Language: cs\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=3; plural=(n==1) ? 0 : (n>=2 && n<=4) ? 1 : 2;\n"
"X-Generator: Weblate 4.16-dev\n"
#: ../../source/features.rst:4
msgid "How OnionShare Works"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Jak OnionShare funguje"
#: ../../source/features.rst:6
msgid "Web servers are started locally on your computer and made accessible to other people as `Tor <https://www.torproject.org/>`_ `onion services <https://community.torproject.org/onion-services/>`_."
msgstr ""
"Webové servery jsou souštěny lokálně na vašem počítači a jsou zpřístupněny "
"ostatním lidem jako `Tor <https://www.torproject.org/>`_ `onion services "
#: ../../source/features.rst:8
msgid "By default, OnionShare web addresses are protected with a private key."
msgstr ""
"Ve výchozím stavu jsou webové adresy OnionShare chráněny soukromým klíčem."
#: ../../source/features.rst:10
msgid "OnionShare addresses look something like this::"
msgstr ""
msgstr "OnionShare adresy mohou vypadat takto::"
#: ../../source/features.rst:14
msgid "And private keys might look something like this::"
msgstr ""
msgstr "A soukromé klíče například takto::"
#: ../../source/features.rst:18
msgid "You're responsible for securely sharing that URL and private key using a communication channel of your choice like in an encrypted chat message, or using something less secure like unencrypted email, depending on your `threat model <https://ssd.eff.org/module/your-security-plan>`_."
msgstr ""
"Jste zodpovědný za bezpečné sdílení této adresy a soukromého klíče skrze "
"vámi zvolené komunikační kanály, ať už se jedná o šifrovaný chat, či méně "
"bezpečné alternativy, kupříkladu email, v závislosti na vašem `threat modelu "
#: ../../source/features.rst:20
msgid "The people you send the URL to then copy and paste it into their `Tor Browser <https://www.torproject.org/>`_ to access the OnionShare service. Tor Browser will then prompt for the private key, which the people can also then copy and paste in."
@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: OnionShare 2.5\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: onionshare-dev@lists.riseup.net\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2022-01-17 10:28-0800\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2022-08-12 08:18+0000\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2023-01-24 17:48+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: Toro <ads.verifications@pm.me>\n"
"Language-Team: none\n"
"Language: cs\n"
@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ msgstr ""
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=3; plural=(n==1) ? 0 : (n>=2 && n<=4) ? 1 : 2;\n"
"X-Generator: Weblate 4.14-dev\n"
"X-Generator: Weblate 4.16-dev\n"
#: ../../source/help.rst:2
msgid "Getting Help"
@ -39,19 +39,29 @@ msgstr "Podívejte se na GitHub Issues"
#: ../../source/help.rst:12
msgid "If it isn't on the website, please check the `GitHub issues <https://github.com/onionshare/onionshare/issues>`_. It's possible someone else has encountered the same problem and either raised it with the developers, or maybe even posted a solution."
msgstr ""
"Pokud to není na webu, podívejte se prosím do `GitHub issues <https://github."
"com/onionshare/onionshare/issues>`_. Je možné, že se se stejným problémem "
"setkal někdo jiný a buď na něj upozornil vývojáře, nebo dokonce zveřejnil "
#: ../../source/help.rst:15
msgid "Submit an Issue Yourself"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Nahlásit problém"
#: ../../source/help.rst:17
msgid "If you are unable to find a solution, or wish to ask a question or suggest a new feature, please `submit an issue <https://github.com/onionshare/onionshare/issues/new>`_. This requires `creating a GitHub account <https://help.github.com/articles/signing-up-for-a-new-github-account/>`_."
msgstr ""
"Pokud se vám nedaří najít řešení, nebo chcete položit otázku či navrhnout "
"novou funkci, `nahlašte problém <https://github.com/onionshare/onionshare/"
"issues/new>`_. Je vyžadováno `založení účtu GitHub <https://help.github.com/"
#: ../../source/help.rst:20
msgid "Join our Keybase Team"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Přidejte se k našemu Keybase teamu"
#: ../../source/help.rst:22
msgid "See :ref:`collaborating` on how to join the Keybase team used to discuss the project."
msgstr ""
"Viz :ref:`spolupráce` jak se připojit k týmu Keybase, který slouží k diskusi "
"o projektu."
@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: OnionShare 2.5\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: onionshare-dev@lists.riseup.net\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2022-01-17 10:28-0800\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2022-08-10 19:21+0000\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2023-01-24 17:48+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: Toro <ads.verifications@pm.me>\n"
"Language-Team: none\n"
"Language: cs\n"
@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ msgstr ""
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=3; plural=(n==1) ? 0 : (n>=2 && n<=4) ? 1 : 2;\n"
"X-Generator: Weblate 4.14-dev\n"
"X-Generator: Weblate 4.16-dev\n"
#: ../../source/install.rst:2
msgid "Installation"
@ -39,26 +39,35 @@ msgstr "Linux"
#: ../../source/install.rst:14
msgid "There are various ways to install OnionShare for Linux, but the recommended way is to use either the `Flatpak <https://flatpak.org/>`_ or the `Snap <https://snapcraft.io/>`_ package. Flatpak and Snap ensure that you'll always use the newest version and run OnionShare inside of a sandbox."
msgstr ""
"Existuje mnoho cest, jak instalovat OnionShare pro Linux, avšak je "
"doporučeno využít `Flatpak <https://flatpak.org/>`_ nebo`Snap "
"<https://snapcraft.io/>`_ balíček."
#: ../../source/install.rst:17
msgid "Snap support is built-in to Ubuntu and Fedora comes with Flatpak support, but which you use is up to you. Both work in all Linux distributions."
msgstr ""
"Snap je vestavěně podporován na Ubuntu, Fedora přichází s podporou Flatpaku. "
"Který z nich si však vyberete je na vás. Oba fungují na Linuxových "
#: ../../source/install.rst:19
msgid "**Install OnionShare using Flatpak**: https://flathub.org/apps/details/org.onionshare.OnionShare"
msgstr ""
"**Instalovat OnionShare za pomocí Flatpaku**: https://flathub.org/apps/"
"**Instalovat OnionShare za pomoci Flatpaku**: https://flathub.org/apps/"
#: ../../source/install.rst:21
msgid "**Install OnionShare using Snap**: https://snapcraft.io/onionshare"
msgstr ""
"**Instalovat OnionShare za pomoci Snapu**: https://flathub.org/apps/details/"
#: ../../source/install.rst:23
msgid "You can also download and install PGP-signed ``.flatpak`` or ``.snap`` packages from https://onionshare.org/dist/ if you prefer."
msgstr ""
"Pokud dáváte přednost stažení a instalaci PGP-signed balíčků ``.flatpak`` "
"nebo ``.snap``, můžete si je stáhnout z https://onionshare.org/dist/ ."
"Pokud dáváte přednost stažení a instalaci PGP podepsaných balíčků ``."
"flatpak`` nebo ``.snap``, můžete si je stáhnout z https://onionshare.org/"
"dist/ ."
#: ../../source/install.rst:28
msgid "Command-line only"
@ -67,6 +76,8 @@ msgstr "CLI"
#: ../../source/install.rst:30
msgid "You can install just the command line version of OnionShare on any operating system using the Python package manager ``pip``. See :ref:`cli` for more information."
msgstr ""
"Můžete nainstalovat CLI (command line verzi) OnionSharu na jakýkoliv "
"operační systém za pomoci Python package manageru ``pip``. Viz :ref:`cli`."
#: ../../source/install.rst:35
msgid "Verifying PGP signatures"
@ -98,7 +109,7 @@ msgid "You must have GnuPG installed to verify signatures. For macOS you probabl
msgstr ""
"Pro ověření podpisů je nutné mít nainstalovaný GnuPG. Pro macOS "
"pravděpodobně potřebujete `GPGTools <https://gpgtools.org/>`_, pro Windows "
"pravděpodobně `Gpg4win <https://www.gpg4win.org/>`_."
"pak např. `Gpg4win <https://www.gpg4win.org/>`_."
#: ../../source/install.rst:48
msgid "Signatures"
@ -107,27 +118,41 @@ msgstr "Podpisy"
#: ../../source/install.rst:50
msgid "You can find the signatures (as ``.asc`` files), as well as Windows, macOS, Flatpak, Snap, and source packages, at https://onionshare.org/dist/ in the folders named for each version of OnionShare. You can also find them on the `GitHub Releases page <https://github.com/micahflee/onionshare/releases>`_."
msgstr ""
"Podpisy (jako ``.asc`` soubory), stejně jako Windows, macOS, Flatpak, Snap a "
"zdrojové balíčky na https://onionshare.org/dist/ v adresáři pojmenovaném pro "
"každou verzi OnionShare. Můžete je také najít na GitHub Releases page "
#: ../../source/install.rst:54
msgid "Verifying"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Ověřování"
#: ../../source/install.rst:56
msgid "Once you have imported Micah's public key into your GnuPG keychain, downloaded the binary and and ``.asc`` signature, you can verify the binary for macOS in a terminal like this::"
msgstr ""
"Po importu Micahova veřejného klíče do vaší klíčenky GnuPG, stažení binárky "
"a podpisu ``.asc`` můžete binárku pro macOS ověřit v terminálu takto::"
#: ../../source/install.rst:60
msgid "Or for Windows, in a command-prompt like this::"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Nebo pro Windows v příkazovém řádku takto:"
#: ../../source/install.rst:64
msgid "The expected output looks like this::"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Očekávaný výstup vypadá takto::"
#: ../../source/install.rst:76
msgid "If you don't see ``Good signature from``, there might be a problem with the integrity of the file (malicious or otherwise), and you should not install the package. (The ``WARNING:`` shown above, is not a problem with the package, it only means you haven't defined a level of \"trust\" of Micah's PGP key.)"
msgstr ""
"Pokud nevidíte ``Good signature from``, může být problém s integritou "
"souboru (např. škodlivý) a balíček byste neměli instalovat. (Výše zobrazené "
"``VAROVÁNÍ:`` neznamená problém s balíčkem, ale pouze to, že jste "
"nedefinovali úroveň \"důvěryhodnosti\" Micahova PGP klíče.)"
#: ../../source/install.rst:78
msgid "If you want to learn more about verifying PGP signatures, the guides for `Qubes OS <https://www.qubes-os.org/security/verifying-signatures/>`_ and the `Tor Project <https://support.torproject.org/tbb/how-to-verify-signature/>`_ may be useful."
msgstr ""
"Pokud se chcete dozvědět více o ověřování podpisů PGP, mohou vám být "
"užitečné příručky pro `Qubes OS <https://www.qubes-os.org/security/"
"verifying-signatures/>`_ a `Tor Project <https://support.torproject.org/tbb/"
@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: OnionShare 2.5\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: onionshare-dev@lists.riseup.net\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2022-01-17 10:28-0800\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2022-08-12 08:18+0000\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2023-01-31 18:46+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: Toro <ads.verifications@pm.me>\n"
"Language-Team: none\n"
"Language: cs\n"
@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ msgstr ""
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=3; plural=(n==1) ? 0 : (n>=2 && n<=4) ? 1 : 2;\n"
"X-Generator: Weblate 4.14-dev\n"
"X-Generator: Weblate 4.16-dev\n"
#: ../../source/tor.rst:2
msgid "Connecting to Tor"
@ -25,6 +25,9 @@ msgstr "Připojení k síti Tor"
#: ../../source/tor.rst:4
msgid "Pick a way to connect OnionShare to Tor by clicking the Tor onion icon in the bottom right of the OnionShare window to open the Tor Settings tab."
msgstr ""
"Způsob připojení služby OnionShare k síti Tor zvolíte kliknutím na ikonu "
"Toru (cibule) v pravém dolním rohu okna služby OnionShare, čímž otevřete "
"kartu Nastavení sítě Tor."
#: ../../source/tor.rst:9
msgid "Use the Tor version built into OnionShare"
@ -99,55 +102,83 @@ msgstr ""
#: ../../source/tor.rst:42
msgid "Using a system ``tor`` in Windows"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Používání ``toru`` v systému Windows"
#: ../../source/tor.rst:44
msgid "This is fairly advanced. You'll need to know how edit plaintext files and do stuff as an administrator."
msgstr ""
"Toto je poměrně pokročilé. Musíte umět upravovat soubory s prostým textem a "
"dělat věci jako administrátor."
#: ../../source/tor.rst:46
msgid "Download the Tor Windows Expert Bundle `from <https://www.torproject.org/download/tor/>`_. Extract the compressed file and copy the extracted folder to ``C:\\Program Files (x86)\\`` Rename the extracted folder with ``Data`` and ``Tor`` in it to ``tor-win32``."
msgstr ""
"Stáhněte Tor Windows Expert Bundle `z <https://www.torproject.org/download/"
"tor/>`_. Vyextrahujte soubory, zkopírujte vyextrahovanou složku do ``C:"
"\\Program Files (x86)\\``, tuto složku s `Data`` a ``Tor`` přejmenujte na "
#: ../../source/tor.rst:50
msgid "Make up a control port password. (Using 7 words in a sequence like ``comprised stumble rummage work avenging construct volatile`` is a good idea for a password.) Now open a command prompt (``cmd``) as an administrator, and use ``tor.exe --hash-password`` to generate a hash of your password. For example::"
msgstr ""
"Vytvořte heslo control portu. (Používání alespoň 7 slov za sebou, kupříkladu "
"``Byl pozdni vecer prvni maj lasky cas`` je relativně dobrý start.) Nyní "
"otevřete příkazový řádek (``cmd``) jako administrátor a pomocí ``tor.exe "
"--hash-password`` vygenerujte hash vašeho hesla. Například::"
#: ../../source/tor.rst:57
msgid "The hashed password output is displayed after some warnings (which you can ignore). In the case of the above example, it is ``16:00322E903D96DE986058BB9ABDA91E010D7A863768635AC38E213FDBEF``."
msgstr ""
"Zahashované heslo je zobrazeno po několika ignorovatlených upozorněních. V "
"našem případě je to "
#: ../../source/tor.rst:59
msgid "Now create a new text file at ``C:\\Program Files (x86)\\tor-win32\\torrc`` and put your hashed password output in it, replacing the ``HashedControlPassword`` with the one you just generated::"
msgstr ""
"Nyní vytvořte nový textový soubor na ``C:\\Program Files (x86)\\tor-"
"win32\\torrc`` a vložte do něj vygenerovaný hash, ``HashedControlPassword`` "
"nahraďte právě vygenerovaným hashem::"
#: ../../source/tor.rst:64
msgid "In your administrator command prompt, install ``tor`` as a service using the appropriate ``torrc`` file you just created (as described in `<https://2019.www.torproject.org/docs/faq.html.en#NTService>`_). Like this::"
msgstr ""
"V administrátorské příkazové řádce nainstalujte ``tor`` jako službu za užití "
"příslušného souboru ``torrc``, který jste právě vytvořili (jak je popsáno v "
"`<https://2019.www.torproject.org/docs/faq.html.en#NTService>`_). Například "
#: ../../source/tor.rst:68
msgid "You are now running a system ``tor`` process in Windows!"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Nyní jste spustili systémový proces ``tor`` ve Windows!"
#: ../../source/tor.rst:70
msgid "Open OnionShare and click the \"⚙\" icon in it. Under \"How should OnionShare connect to Tor?\" choose \"Connect using control port\", and set \"Control port\" to ```` and \"Port\" to ``9051``. Under \"Tor authentication settings\" choose \"Password\" and set the password to the control port password you picked above. Click the \"Test Connection to Tor\" button. If all goes well, you should see \"Connected to the Tor controller\"."
msgstr ""
"Otevřete OnionShare a v něm klikněte na ikonu \"⚙\". Pod \"Jak by se měl "
"OnionShare připojit k Toru?\" vyberte \"Připojit se pomocí řídícího portu ("
"control port)\" a nastavte \"Control port\" na ```` a \"Port\" na "
"``9051``. Jako heslo zadejte to, které jste ke control portu vytvořili "
"předtím. Klidněte na \"Vyzkoušet připojení k Toru\". Pokud půjde vše jak má, "
"měli byste vidět \"Připojeno k Tor controlleru\"."
#: ../../source/tor.rst:79
msgid "Using a system ``tor`` in macOS"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Používání ``toru`` v macOS"
#: ../../source/tor.rst:81
msgid "First, install `Homebrew <https://brew.sh/>`_ if you don't already have it, and then install Tor::"
msgstr ""
"Nejdříve nainstalujte `Homebrew <https://brew.sh/>`_, pokud ho ještě nemáte, "
"následně nainstalujte Tor::"
#: ../../source/tor.rst:85
msgid "Now configure Tor to allow connections from OnionShare::"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Nyní nakonfigurujte Tor pro umožnění připojení z OnionShare::"
#: ../../source/tor.rst:92
msgid "And start the system Tor service::"
msgstr ""
msgstr "A spusťte systémovou službu Tor::"
#: ../../source/tor.rst:96
msgid "Open OnionShare and click the \"⚙\" icon in it. Under \"How should OnionShare connect to Tor?\" choose \"Connect using socket file\", and set the socket file to be ``/usr/local/var/run/tor/control.socket``. Under \"Tor authentication settings\" choose \"No authentication, or cookie authentication\". Click the \"Test Connection to Tor\" button."
@ -8,14 +8,15 @@ msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: OnionShare 2.3\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: onionshare-dev@lists.riseup.net\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2022-10-02 16:17-0700\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2021-12-04 15:52+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: Jannes Leßmann <janneslessmann@web.de>\n"
"Language: de\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2022-12-07 23:55+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: munter <muntermacherbln@hotmail.com>\n"
"Language-Team: de <LL@li.org>\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=n != 1;\n"
"Language: de\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=n != 1;\n"
"X-Generator: Weblate 4.15-dev\n"
"Generated-By: Babel 2.10.3\n"
#: ../../source/advanced.rst:2
@ -150,6 +151,13 @@ msgid ""
"time in the future if you are not there to prevent it. If nothing happens"
" to you, you can cancel the service before it's scheduled to start."
msgstr ""
"**Die Einstellung eines automatischen Starts (Datum und Uhrzeit) für einen "
"OnionShare Dienst kann als eine Totmannschaltung verwendet werden**. Das "
"bedeutet dass der von Dir so eingestellte Dienst zu einem bestimmten "
"Zeitpunkt in der Zukunft veröffentlich wird, wenn Du dies nicht zuvor "
"änderst. Wenn Dir nichts passiert, kannst Du den Dienst stoppen bevor er "
"beginnt zu starten, wenn Dir etwas passiert ist, startet der Dienst ohne "
"Dein erneutes zutun."
#: ../../source/advanced.rst:60
#, fuzzy
@ -194,7 +202,7 @@ msgstr ""
#: ../../source/advanced.rst:78
msgid "Then run it like this::"
msgstr "Führe es dann wiefolgt aus::"
msgstr "Führe es dann wie folgt aus::"
#: ../../source/advanced.rst:82
#, fuzzy
@ -646,4 +654,3 @@ msgstr ""
#~ "gespeicherte Tabs erhalten ein purpurfarbenen"
#~ " Stecknadelsymbol links dem Status des "
#~ "Dienstes."
@ -8,14 +8,15 @@ msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: OnionShare 2.3\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: onionshare-dev@lists.riseup.net\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2022-03-31 16:26+1100\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2021-09-19 15:37+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: register718 <register2021@outlook.de>\n"
"Language: de\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2023-01-15 16:48+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: nautilusx <translate@disroot.org>\n"
"Language-Team: de <LL@li.org>\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=n != 1\n"
"Language: de\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=n != 1;\n"
"X-Generator: Weblate 4.15.1-dev\n"
"Generated-By: Babel 2.9.1\n"
#: ../../source/install.rst:2
@ -54,7 +55,6 @@ msgstr ""
"Version hast und dass OnionShare in einer Sandbox läuft."
#: ../../source/install.rst:17
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"Snapcraft support is built-in to Ubuntu and Fedora comes with Flatpak "
"support, but which you use is up to you. Both work in all Linux "
@ -73,9 +73,10 @@ msgstr ""
#: ../../source/install.rst:21
#, fuzzy
msgid "**Install OnionShare using Snapcraft**: https://snapcraft.io/onionshare"
msgstr "**Installation von OnionShare über Snap**: https://snapcraft.io/onionshare"
msgstr ""
"**Installation von OnionShare über Snapcraft**: https://snapcraft.io/"
#: ../../source/install.rst:23
msgid ""
@ -305,4 +306,3 @@ msgstr ""
#~ msgid "Command Line Only"
#~ msgstr ""
@ -8,14 +8,15 @@ msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: OnionShare 2.3\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: onionshare-dev@lists.riseup.net\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2022-07-04 17:16-0400\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2021-09-13 10:46+0000\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2022-10-19 10:07+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: nautilusx <translate@disroot.org>\n"
"Language: de\n"
"Language-Team: de <LL@li.org>\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=n != 1;\n"
"Language: de\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=n != 1;\n"
"X-Generator: Weblate 4.14.2-dev\n"
"Generated-By: Babel 2.10.3\n"
#: ../../source/tor.rst:2
@ -27,6 +28,8 @@ msgid ""
"When OnionShare starts, it will show you a screen asking you to connect "
"to the Tor network."
msgstr ""
"Wenn OnionShare startet, wird ein Bildschirm angezeigt, der dich auffordert, "
"dich mit dem Tor-Netzwerk zu verbinden."
#: ../../source/tor.rst:8
msgid ""
@ -37,6 +40,12 @@ msgid ""
"the connection fails, you can still try bridges or reconfigure Tor via "
"the \"Network Settings\" button."
msgstr ""
"Du kannst den Schalter \"Automatisch mit Tor verbinden\" einschalten, bevor "
"du auf \"Mit Tor verbinden\" klickst. Das bedeutet, dass sich OnionShare "
"beim nächsten Start automatisch mit den Tor-Verbindungseinstellungen der "
"letzten Sitzung verbindet, anstatt dir die Verbindungsoptionen anzuzeigen. "
"Wenn die Verbindung fehlschlägt, kannst du immer noch Brücken versuchen oder "
"über die Schaltfläche \"Netzwerkeinstellungen\" neu zu konfigurieren."
#: ../../source/tor.rst:11
msgid ""
@ -45,16 +54,23 @@ msgid ""
"your access to the Tor network, this should hopefully work the first "
msgstr ""
"Du kannst auf \"Mit Tor verbinden\" klicken, um den Verbindungsprozess zu "
"starten. Wenn es keine Probleme mit deinem Netzwerk gibt, einschließlich "
"aller Versuche, deinen Zugang zum Tor-Netzwerk zu blockieren, sollte dies "
"hoffentlich beim ersten Mal funktionieren."
#: ../../source/tor.rst:13
msgid ""
"Or, if you want to manually configure Bridges or other Tor settings "
"before you connect, you can click \"Network Settings\"."
msgstr ""
"Wenn du Brücken oder andere Tor-Einstellungen manuell konfigurieren "
"möchtest, bevor du dich verbindest, kannst du auf \"Netzwerkeinstellungen\" "
#: ../../source/tor.rst:16
msgid "Automatic censorship circumvention"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Automatische Zensurumgehung"
#: ../../source/tor.rst:18
msgid ""
@ -62,10 +78,13 @@ msgid ""
"might be because Tor is censored in your country or on your local "
msgstr ""
"Wenn du auf \"Mit Tor verbinden\" klickst und OnionShare sich nicht "
"verbinden kann, könnte es daran liegen, dass Tor in deinem Land oder in "
"deinem lokalen Netzwerk zensiert wird."
#: ../../source/tor.rst:20
msgid "If this occurs, you will have these choices:"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Wenn dies der Fall ist, hast du folgende Möglichkeiten:"
#: ../../source/tor.rst:22
msgid "Try again without a bridge"
@ -182,16 +201,16 @@ msgstr ""
#: ../../source/tor.rst:68
msgid "Use the Tor version built into OnionShare"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Die integrierte Tor-Version von OnionShare nutzen"
#: ../../source/tor.rst:70
msgid ""
"This is the default, simplest and most reliable way that OnionShare "
"connects to Tor. For this reason, it's recommended for most users."
msgstr ""
"So verbindet sich OnionShare standardmäßig mit Tor, es zugleich der "
"einfachste und zuverlässigste Weg. Es empfiehlt sich daher für die "
"meisten Nutzer."
"Dies ist die standardmäßige, einfachste und zuverlässigste Art, wie sich "
"OnionShare mit Tor verbindet. Aus diesem Grund wird sie für die meisten "
"Nutzer empfohlen."
#: ../../source/tor.rst:73
msgid ""
@ -674,4 +693,3 @@ msgstr ""
#~ " and check the \"Use a bridge\" "
#~ "checkbox."
#~ msgstr ""
@ -8,14 +8,15 @@ msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: OnionShare 2.3\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: onionshare-dev@lists.riseup.net\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2022-10-02 16:17-0700\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2022-08-28 18:21+0000\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2022-10-21 15:07+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: eulalio <eulalio@disroot.org>\n"
"Language: es\n"
"Language-Team: none\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=n != 1;\n"
"Language: es\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=n != 1;\n"
"X-Generator: Weblate 4.14.2-dev\n"
"Generated-By: Babel 2.10.3\n"
#: ../../source/advanced.rst:2
@ -32,12 +33,19 @@ msgid ""
"Persistently hosted websites are available on the same address even if "
"the computer they are shared from is rebooted."
msgstr ""
"Al cerrar las pestañas de OnionShare que alojas, se destruyen y se impide su "
"reutilización. Los sitios web alojados de forma persistente están "
"disponibles en la misma dirección incluso si se reinicia el ordenador desde "
"el que se comparten."
#: ../../source/advanced.rst:12
msgid ""
"Make any tab persistent by checking the \"Always open this tab when "
"OnionShare is started\" box before starting your server."
msgstr ""
"Se hace cualquier pestaña persistente al cliquear en la casilla \"Abrir "
"siempre esta pestaña cuando se inicie OnionShare\" antes de iniciar tu "
#: ../../source/advanced.rst:16
msgid ""
@ -230,17 +238,19 @@ msgstr ""
#: ../../source/advanced.rst:151
msgid "Keyboard Shortcuts"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Atajos de teclado"
#: ../../source/advanced.rst:153
msgid ""
"The OnionShare desktop application contains some keyboard shortcuts, for "
"convenience and accessibility::"
msgstr ""
"La aplicación de escritorio OnionShare contiene algunos atajos de teclado, "
"para mayor comodidad y accesibilidad::"
#: ../../source/advanced.rst:158
msgid "And from the main mode chooser screen::"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Y desde la pantalla principal del selector de modo::"
#~ msgid ""
#~ "By default, everything in OnionShare is"
@ -640,4 +650,3 @@ msgstr ""
#~ " un ícono púrpura de un pin "
#~ "aparece a la izquierda del estado "
#~ "de su servidor."
@ -8,15 +8,15 @@ msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: OnionShare 2.3\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: onionshare-dev@lists.riseup.net\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2021-09-09 19:15-0700\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2021-10-09 09:04+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: Zuhualime Akoochimoya <zakooch@protonmail.ch>\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2023-01-13 14:50+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: gallegonovato <fran-carro@hotmail.es>\n"
"Language-Team: none\n"
"Language: es\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=n != 1;\n"
"X-Generator: Weblate 4.9-dev\n"
"X-Generator: Weblate 4.15.1-dev\n"
"Generated-By: Babel 2.9.0\n"
#: ../../source/develop.rst:2
@ -67,8 +67,8 @@ msgid ""
"OnionShare source code is to be found in this Git repository: "
msgstr ""
"El código fuente de OnionShare está en este repositorio git: https://github."
"El código fuente de OnionShare se encuentra en este repositorio Git: "
#: ../../source/develop.rst:19
msgid ""
@ -8,15 +8,15 @@ msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: OnionShare 2.3\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: onionshare-dev@lists.riseup.net\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2022-01-17 10:28-0800\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2022-01-31 12:53+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: Zuhualime Akoochimoya <zakooch@protonmail.ch>\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2022-10-12 06:50+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: Deleted User <noreply+35918@weblate.org>\n"
"Language-Team: none\n"
"Language: es\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=n != 1;\n"
"X-Generator: Weblate 4.11-dev\n"
"X-Generator: Weblate 4.15-dev\n"
"Generated-By: Babel 2.9.1\n"
#: ../../source/features.rst:4
@ -37,16 +37,16 @@ msgstr ""
#: ../../source/features.rst:8
msgid "By default, OnionShare web addresses are protected with a private key."
msgstr ""
"Por defecto, las direcciones web de OnionShare están protegidas con una "
"clave privada."
"Por defecto, las direcciones web de OnionShare se protegen con una llave "
#: ../../source/features.rst:10
msgid "OnionShare addresses look something like this::"
msgstr "Las direcciones de OnionShare se ven más o menos así::"
msgstr "Los enlaces de OnionShare son algo así::"
#: ../../source/features.rst:14
msgid "And private keys might look something like this::"
msgstr "Y las llaves privadas se ven más o menos así::"
msgstr "Y las claves privadas son así::"
#: ../../source/features.rst:18
msgid ""
@ -55,11 +55,10 @@ msgid ""
"or using something less secure like unencrypted email, depending on your "
"`threat model <https://ssd.eff.org/module/your-security-plan>`_."
msgstr ""
"Usted es responsable de compartir de forma segura la URL y la clave "
"privada mediante un canal de comunicación de su elección, como mensajes "
"de chat cifrados, o usando algo menos seguro como un email sin cifrar, "
"dependiendo de su `modelo de amenaza <https://ssd.eff.org/module/your-"
"Eres responsable de compartir de forma segura la URL y la clave privada "
"mediante un canal de comunicación de tu elección, como mensajes de chat "
"cifrados, o usando algo menos seguro como un email sin cifrar, dependiendo "
"de tu `modelo de amenaza <https://ssd.eff.org/module/your-security-plan>`_."
#: ../../source/features.rst:20
msgid ""
@ -8,15 +8,15 @@ msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: OnionShare 2.3\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: onionshare-dev@lists.riseup.net\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2022-03-31 16:26+1100\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2022-09-03 11:22+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: eulalio <eulalio@disroot.org>\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2023-01-13 14:50+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: gallegonovato <fran-carro@hotmail.es>\n"
"Language-Team: none\n"
"Language: es\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=n != 1;\n"
"X-Generator: Weblate 4.14.1-dev\n"
"X-Generator: Weblate 4.15.1-dev\n"
"Generated-By: Babel 2.9.1\n"
#: ../../source/install.rst:2
@ -84,18 +84,17 @@ msgstr ""
#: ../../source/install.rst:28
msgid "Command-line only"
msgstr "Solo línea de comandos"
msgstr "Sólo línea de comandos"
#: ../../source/install.rst:30
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"You can install just the command-line version of OnionShare on any "
"operating system using the Python package manager ``pip``. :ref:`cli` has"
" more info."
msgstr ""
"Puedes instalar solo la versión de consola de OnionShare en cualquier "
"sistema operativo usando el gestor de paquetes ``pip`` de Python. Ver "
":ref:`cli` para más información."
"Puedes instalar sólo la versión de línea de comandos de OnionShare en "
"cualquier sistema operativo utilizando el gestor de paquetes de Python "
"``pip``. :ref:`cli` tiene más información."
#: ../../source/install.rst:35
msgid "Verifying PGP signatures"
@ -185,7 +184,6 @@ msgid "The expected output looks like this::"
msgstr "La salida esperada se parece a esta::"
#: ../../source/install.rst:77
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"If you don't see ``Good signature from``, there might be a problem with "
"the integrity of the file (malicious or otherwise), and you should not "
@ -193,11 +191,11 @@ msgid ""
" the package, it only means you haven't defined a level of \"trust\" of "
"Micah's (the core developer) PGP key.)"
msgstr ""
"Si no ves 'Good signature from', entonces podría haber un problema con la"
" integridad del archivo (malicioso u otra causa), y no deberías instalar "
"el paquete. (La \"ADVERTENCIA:\" mostrada arriba no es un problema con el"
" paquete: solamente significa que no has definido ningún nivel de "
"'confianza' con respecto a la clave PGP de Micah.)"
"Si no ves ``Good signature from``, puede haber un problema con la integridad "
"del archivo (malicioso o no), y no deberías instalar el paquete. (El "
"``WARNING:`` mostrado arriba, no es un problema con el paquete, sólo "
"significa que no has definido un nivel de \"confianza\" de la clave PGP de "
"Micah (el desarrollador del núcleo))"
#: ../../source/install.rst:79
msgid ""
@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: OnionShare 2.3\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: onionshare-dev@lists.riseup.net\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2022-03-31 16:26+1100\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2022-08-30 10:18+0000\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2022-10-21 15:07+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: eulalio <eulalio@disroot.org>\n"
"Language-Team: none\n"
"Language: es\n"
@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ msgstr ""
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=n != 1;\n"
"X-Generator: Weblate 4.14.1-dev\n"
"X-Generator: Weblate 4.14.2-dev\n"
"Generated-By: Babel 2.9.1\n"
#: ../../source/tor.rst:2
@ -28,6 +28,8 @@ msgid ""
"When OnionShare starts, it will show you a screen asking you to connect "
"to the Tor network."
msgstr ""
"Cuando se inicie OnionShare, te mostrará una pantalla que te pedirá que se "
"conecte a la red Tor."
#: ../../source/tor.rst:8
msgid ""
@ -50,16 +52,21 @@ msgid ""
"your access to the Tor network, this should hopefully work the first "
msgstr ""
"Puedes pulsar en \"Conectar a Tor\" para comenzar el proceso de conexión. Si "
"no hay problemas con la red, incluidos los intentos de bloquear tu acceso a "
"la red Tor, es de esperar que esto funcione a la primera vez."
#: ../../source/tor.rst:13
msgid ""
"Or, if you want to manually configure Bridges or other Tor settings "
"before you connect, you can click \"Network Settings\"."
msgstr ""
"O, si deseas configurar manualmente Puentes u otras configuraciones de Tor "
"antes de conectarte, puedes hacer clic en \"Configuración de red\"."
#: ../../source/tor.rst:16
msgid "Automatic censorship circumvention"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Elusión automática de la censura"
#: ../../source/tor.rst:18
msgid ""
@ -67,22 +74,26 @@ msgid ""
"might be because Tor is censored in your country or on your local "
msgstr ""
"Cuando haces clic en \"Conectar a Tor\", si OnionShare no se conecta, puede "
"deberse a que Tor está censurado en tu país o en tu red local."
#: ../../source/tor.rst:20
msgid "If this occurs, you will have these choices:"
msgstr ""
msgstr "De ser así, tienes estas opciones:"
#: ../../source/tor.rst:22
msgid "Try again without a bridge"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Inténtalo de nuevo sin un puente"
#: ../../source/tor.rst:23
msgid "Automatically determine my country from my IP address for bridge settings"
msgstr ""
"Determina automáticamente mi país a partir de mi dirección IP para "
"configurar el puente"
#: ../../source/tor.rst:24
msgid "Manually select my country for bridge settings"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Selecciona manualmente mi país para la configuración del puente"
#: ../../source/tor.rst:28
msgid ""
@ -90,6 +101,8 @@ msgid ""
"retry connecting to Tor like normal, without attempting to bypass "
msgstr ""
"Si eliges la opción \"Intentar de nuevo sin puente\", OnionShare volverá a "
"intentar conectarse a Tor como de costumbre, sin intentar eludir la censura."
#: ../../source/tor.rst:30
msgid ""
@ -105,6 +118,17 @@ msgid ""
"Censorship Circumvention API. The Meek proxy hides the fact that you are "
"trying to find a way to connect to Tor."
msgstr ""
"Las otras dos opciones intentarán eludir automáticamente la censura "
"utilizando los puentes Tor. Si tu proveedor de red está bloqueando el acceso "
"a la red Tor, es de esperar que aún puedas conectarte a un puente Tor, que "
"luego te conectará a la red Tor, eludiendo la censura. Ambas opciones "
"utilizan la API de Elusión de Censura del Proyecto Tor para brindarte "
"configuración de puente que debería funcionar. OnionShare utilizará "
"temporalmente el proxy _ domain-fronting `Meek <https://gitlab.torproject."
"org/legacy/trac/-/wikis/doc/meek/>`_ para hacer una conexión que no sea Tor "
"desde su ordenador a la API de Elusión de Censura del Proyecto Tor. El proxy "
"Meek oculta el hecho de que estás tratando de encontrar una forma de "
"conectarte a Tor."
#: ../../source/tor.rst:36
msgid ""
@ -114,6 +138,11 @@ msgid ""
"might reside in. Based on the country information, the API will try to "
"automatically find bridges that suit your location."
msgstr ""
"Si eliges \"Determinar automáticamente mi país a partir de mi dirección IP "
"para la configuración del puente\", la API de elusión de la censura "
"considerará tu dirección IP (sí, tu dirección IP real) para determinar en "
"qué país podrías residir. Según la información del país, la API intentará "
"encontrar automáticamente los puentes que se adapten a su ubicación."
#: ../../source/tor.rst:41
msgid ""
@ -121,10 +150,13 @@ msgid ""
"Censorship API will find the bridges that suit the country that you "
msgstr ""
"Si eliges \"Seleccionar manualmente mi país para la configuración del "
"puente\", la API de censura encontrará los puentes que se adapten al país "
"que concretastes."
#: ../../source/tor.rst:46
msgid "How automatic censorship circumvention works"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Cómo funciona la elusión automática de la censura"
#: ../../source/tor.rst:48
msgid ""
@ -133,6 +165,10 @@ msgid ""
" the API does not find any bridges for your location, OnionShare will ask"
" the API for \"fallback\" options, and then try to reconnect using those."
msgstr ""
"Si la API de Elusión de Censura encuentra puentes que cree que te convienen, "
"OnionShare intentará volver a conectarse a Tor usando esos puentes. Si la "
"API no encuentra ningún puente para tu ubicación, OnionShare le pedirá a la "
"API opciones \"alternativas\" y luego intentará reconectar usándolos."
#: ../../source/tor.rst:50
msgid ""
@ -140,6 +176,9 @@ msgid ""
"itself, or if the API returns an error message, OnionShare will attempt "
"to use the obfs4 built-in bridges."
msgstr ""
"Si por algún motivo, OnionShare no puede conectarse a la API de Censura, o "
"si la API devuelve un mensaje de error, OnionShare intentará usar los "
"puentes integrados obfs4."
#: ../../source/tor.rst:52
msgid ""
@ -147,6 +186,9 @@ msgid ""
"API do not go over the Tor network (because if you could connect to Tor "
"already, you wouldn't need to connect to the API)."
msgstr ""
"Es importante tener en cuenta que las solicitudes a la API de Elusión de la "
"Censura no pasan por la red Tor (porque si ya pudieras conectarte a Tor, no "
"necesitarías conectarte a la API)."
#: ../../source/tor.rst:54
msgid ""
@ -157,6 +199,12 @@ msgid ""
"Circumvention API. Then Meek is stopped, and all further network requests"
" happen over the Tor network."
msgstr ""
"Aunque es difícil para un adversario descubrir a dónde va la solicitud de "
"Meek, aún puede ser arrriesgado para algunos usuarios. Por lo tanto, es una "
"función opcional. El uso de solicitudes de red Meek y no torificadas se "
"limita solo a realizar una o dos solicitudes a la API de Elusión de la "
"Censura. Luego, Meek se detiene y todas las demás solicitudes de red se "
"realizan a través de la red Tor."
#: ../../source/tor.rst:56
msgid ""
@ -166,10 +214,16 @@ msgid ""
"that appears), and manually configure bridges. After you save any bridge "
"settings, OnionShare will try to reconnect using those bridges."
msgstr ""
"Si no te sientes cómodo haciendo una solicitud que no pase por la red Tor, "
"puedes hacer clic en \"Editar/Ajustes/Conexión/Puentes/Añadir un Puente "
"Nuevo/Añade un Puente Manualmente\" o en la esquina superior derecha (al "
"lado de la escoba), seguido de la pestaña Ajustes), y configurar puentes "
"manualmente. Después de guardar cualquier configuración de puente, "
"OnionShare intentará volver a conectarse usando esos puentes."
#: ../../source/tor.rst:59
msgid "Manually configure Tor settings"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Configuración manual de los ajustes de Tor"
#: ../../source/tor.rst:61
msgid ""
@ -178,12 +232,18 @@ msgid ""
"of the application, and then switch to the Tor Settings tab in the screen"
" that appears."
msgstr ""
"Puedes acceder a la configuración de Tor haciendo clic en \"¿Nuevo en el "
"navegador Tor? Comencemos\" en la pantalla de bienvenida, o haciendo clic en "
"el ícono \"⚙\" en la esquina inferior derecha de la aplicación, y luego a "
"\"cambiar la configuración de red de Tor\"."
#: ../../source/tor.rst:65
msgid ""
"Here are the different ways you can configure OnionShare to connect to "
msgstr ""
"He aquí las diferentes formas en que puedes configurar OnionShare para "
"conectarte a Tor:"
#: ../../source/tor.rst:68
msgid "Use the Tor version built into OnionShare"
@ -212,17 +272,15 @@ msgstr ""
#: ../../source/tor.rst:76
msgid "**Using bridges**"
msgstr ""
msgstr "**Usando puentes**"
#: ../../source/tor.rst:78
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"To use a bridge, you must select \"Use the Tor version built into "
"OnionShare\" and check the \"Use a bridge\" checkbox."
msgstr ""
"Para usar un puente, abre la pestaña de Configuraciones de Tor. Debes "
"seleccionar \"Usar la versión de Tor incorporada dentro de OnionShare\" y"
" marcar la casilla \"Usar un puente\"."
"Para usar un puente, debes seleccionar \"Usar la versión de Tor integrada en "
"OnionShare\" y marcar la casilla de verificación \"Usar un puente\"."
#: ../../source/tor.rst:80
msgid ""
@ -345,7 +403,6 @@ msgid "You are now running a system ``tor`` process in Windows!"
msgstr "¡Ahora estás ejecutando un proceso ``tor`` de sistema en Windows!"
#: ../../source/tor.rst:125
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"Open OnionShare, click the \"⚙\" icon in it, and switch to the Tor "
"Settings tab. Under \"How should OnionShare connect to Tor?\" choose "
@ -356,12 +413,12 @@ msgid ""
"you should see \"Connected to the Tor controller\"."
msgstr ""
"Abre OnionShare y haz clic en el ícono \"⚙\". Bajo \"¿Cómo debería "
"conectarse OnionShare a Tor?\", elige \"Conectar usando puerto de "
"control\", y establece \"Puerto de control\" a ```` y \"Puerto\""
" a ``9051``. Bajo \"Ajustes de autenticación de Tor\", elige "
"\"Contraseña\", y establécela a la contraseña para el puerto de control "
"que elegiste arriba. Haz clic en el botón \"Probar Conexión a Tor\". Si "
"todo va bien, deberías ver \"Conectado al controlador Tor\"."
"conectarse OnionShare a Tor?\", elige \"Conectar usando puerto de control\", "
"y establece \"Puerto de control\" a ```` y \"Puerto\" a ``9051``. "
"Bajo \"Ajustes de autenticación de Tor\", elige \"Contraseña\", y "
"establécela a la contraseña para el puerto de control que elegiste arriba. "
"Haz clic en el botón \"Probar Conexión a Tor\". Si todo va bien, deberías "
"ver \"Conectado al controlador Tor\"."
#: ../../source/tor.rst:134
msgid "Using a system ``tor`` in macOS"
@ -384,7 +441,6 @@ msgid "And start the system Tor service::"
msgstr "E inicia el servicio Tor de sistema::"
#: ../../source/tor.rst:151
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"Open OnionShare, click the \"⚙\" icon in it, and switch to the Tor "
"Settings tab. Under \"How should OnionShare connect to Tor?\" choose "
@ -393,12 +449,12 @@ msgid ""
"settings\" choose \"No authentication, or cookie authentication\". Click "
"the \"Test Connection to Tor\" button."
msgstr ""
"Abre OnionShare y haz clic en el ícono \"⚙\". Bajo \"¿Cómo debería "
"conectarse OnionShare a Tor?\", elige \"Conectar usando un archivo "
"socket\", y establece el mismo a "
"``/usr/local/var/run/tor/control.socket``. Bajo \"Ajustes de "
"autenticación de Tor\", elige \"Sin autenticación, o autenticación por "
"cookies\". Haz clic en el botón \"Probar Conexión a Tor\"."
"Abre OnionShare, clic en el icono \"⚙\" y ve a la pestaña Configuración de "
"Tor. En \"¿Cómo debería conectarse OnionShare a Tor?\" pincha en \"Conectar "
"usando un archivo de socket\" y configura el archivo de socket para que sea "
"``/usr/local/var/run/tor/control.socket``. En \"Configuración de "
"autenticación de Tor\", elige \"Sin autenticación o autenticación de "
"cookies\". Vlic en \"Probar conexión a Tor\"."
#: ../../source/tor.rst:157 ../../source/tor.rst:177
msgid "If all goes well, you should see \"Connected to the Tor controller\"."
@ -439,7 +495,6 @@ msgstr ""
"(reemplaza ``username`` con tu nombre de usuario real)::"
#: ../../source/tor.rst:170
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"Reboot your computer. After it boots up again, open OnionShare, click the"
" \"⚙\" icon in it, and switch to the Tor Settings tab. Under \"How should"
@ -448,12 +503,11 @@ msgid ""
"authentication settings\" choose \"No authentication, or cookie "
"authentication\". Click the \"Test Connection to Tor\" button."
msgstr ""
"Reinicia tu computadora. Luego del arranque, abre OnionShare y haz clic "
"en el ícono \"⚙\". Bajo \"¿Cómo debería conectarse OnionShare a Tor?\", "
"elige \"Conectar usando un archivo socket\". Establécelo a "
"``/var/run/tor/control``. Bajo \"Ajustes de autenticación de tor\", elige"
" \"Sin autenticación, o autenticación por cookies\". Haz clic en el botón"
" \"Probar Conexión a Tor\"."
"Reinicia tu ordenador. Luego del arranque, abre OnionShare y haz clic en el "
"ícono \"⚙\". Bajo \"¿Cómo debería conectarse OnionShare a Tor?\", elige "
"\"Conectar usando un archivo socket\". Establécelo a ``/var/run/tor/control``"
". Bajo \"Ajustes de autenticación de tor\", elige \"Sin autenticación, o "
"autenticación por cookies\". Haz clic en el botón \"Probar Conexión a Tor\"."
#~ msgid "Using a system Tor in Mac OS X"
#~ msgstr "Usando un Tor de sistema en macOS"
@ -8,19 +8,20 @@ msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: OnionShare 2.3.2\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: onionshare-dev@lists.riseup.net\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2021-11-23 19:33-0800\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2021-08-25 18:33+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: Kaantaja <ufdbvgoljrjkrkyyub@ianvvn.com>\n"
"Language: fi\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2023-03-08 06:12+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: Oskari Lavinto <olavinto@protonmail.com>\n"
"Language-Team: none\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=n != 1\n"
"Language: fi\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=n != 1;\n"
"X-Generator: Weblate 4.16.2-dev\n"
"Generated-By: Babel 2.9.0\n"
#: ../../source/features.rst:4
msgid "How OnionShare Works"
msgstr "Kuinka OnionShare toimii"
msgstr "Miten OnionShare toimii"
#: ../../source/features.rst:6
msgid ""
@ -656,4 +657,3 @@ msgstr ""
#~ "tallennettu. OnionShare-keskusteluhuoneet eivät "
#~ "säilö mitään viestejä minnekään, joten "
#~ "ongelma on rajattu minimiin."
@ -8,14 +8,15 @@ msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: OnionShare 2.3.2\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: onionshare-dev@lists.riseup.net\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2021-09-09 19:16-0700\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2021-08-24 17:33+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: Kaantaja <ufdbvgoljrjkrkyyub@ianvvn.com>\n"
"Language: fi\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2023-03-08 06:12+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: Oskari Lavinto <olavinto@protonmail.com>\n"
"Language-Team: none\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=n != 1\n"
"Language: fi\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=n != 1;\n"
"X-Generator: Weblate 4.16.2-dev\n"
"Generated-By: Babel 2.9.0\n"
#: ../../source/install.rst:2
@ -36,7 +37,7 @@ msgstr ""
#: ../../source/install.rst:12
msgid "Linux"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Linux"
#: ../../source/install.rst:14
msgid ""
@ -209,4 +210,3 @@ msgstr ""
#~ msgid "Install in Linux"
#~ msgstr "Asenna Linuxille"
@ -8,14 +8,15 @@ msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: OnionShare 2.3.2\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: onionshare-dev@lists.riseup.net\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2021-11-23 19:33-0800\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2021-08-25 18:33+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: Kaantaja <ufdbvgoljrjkrkyyub@ianvvn.com>\n"
"Language: fi\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2023-01-23 11:49+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: Oskari Lavinto <olavinto@protonmail.com>\n"
"Language-Team: none\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=n != 1\n"
"Language: fi\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=n != 1;\n"
"X-Generator: Weblate 4.16-dev\n"
"Generated-By: Babel 2.9.0\n"
#: ../../source/tor.rst:2
@ -33,7 +34,7 @@ msgstr ""
#: ../../source/tor.rst:9
msgid "Use the Tor version built into OnionShare"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Käytä OnionShareen sisäänrakennettua Tor versiota"
#: ../../source/tor.rst:11
msgid ""
@ -84,6 +85,8 @@ msgid ""
"Try using a built-in bridge first. Using `obfs4` or `snowflake` bridges "
"is recommended over using `meek-azure`."
msgstr ""
"Kokeile ensin sisäänrakennettuja siltoja. \"meek-azure\"-siltojen sijaan on "
"suositeltavaa käyttää \"obfs4\"- tai \"snowflake\"-siltoja."
#: ../../source/tor.rst:29
msgid ""
@ -324,4 +327,3 @@ msgstr ""
#~ "<https://bridges.torproject.org/>`_. Jos tarvitset "
#~ "siltaa, yritä sisäänrakennettua obfs4-vaihtoehtoa"
#~ " ensin."
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,141 @@
# Copyright (C) Micah Lee, et al.
# This file is distributed under the same license as the OnionShare package.
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: OnionShare 2.6\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: onionshare-dev@lists.riseup.net\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2022-10-02 16:17-0700\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2022-12-07 23:55+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: Cyndaquissshhh <iversonbriones123@gmail.com>\n"
"Language-Team: none\n"
"Language: fil\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=n != 1 && n != 2 && n != 3 && (n % 10 == 4 "
"|| n % 10 == 6 || n % 10 == 9);\n"
"X-Generator: Weblate 4.15-dev\n"
#: ../../source/develop.rst:2
msgid "Developing OnionShare"
msgstr "Pagde-develop sa OnionShare"
#: ../../source/develop.rst:7
msgid "Collaborating"
msgstr "Pakikipagtulungan"
#: ../../source/develop.rst:9
msgid "OnionShare has an open Keybase team to discuss the project, ask questions, share ideas and designs, and making plans for future development. (It's also an easy way to send end-to-end encrypted direct messages to others in the OnionShare community, like OnionShare addresses.) To use Keybase, download the `Keybase app <https://keybase.io/download>`_, make an account, and `join this team <https://keybase.io/team/onionshare>`_. Within the app, go to \"Teams\", click \"Join a Team\", and type \"onionshare\"."
msgstr ""
"May bukas na pangkat sa Keybase ang OnionShare para matalakay ang proyekto, "
"magtanong, magbahagi ng mga ideya at disenyo, at magplano para sa hinaharap. "
"(Madali rin itong paraan para magpadala ng end-to-end encrypted na mga "
"direktang mensahe sa iba pang mga kasapi ng komunidad ng OnionShare, tulad "
"ng mga OnionShare address.) Para gamitin ang Keybase, i-download ang `app ng "
"Keybase <https://keybase.io/download>`_, gumawa ng account, at `salihan ang "
"pangkat na ito <https://keybase.io/team/onionshare>`_. Sa loob ng app, "
"pumunta sa \"Teams\", i-click \"Join a Team\", at ilagay ang \"onionshare\"."
#: ../../source/develop.rst:12
msgid "OnionShare also has a `mailing list <https://lists.riseup.net/www/subscribe/onionshare-dev>`_ for developers and and designers to discuss the project."
msgstr ""
"May `mailing list <https://lists.riseup.net/www/subscribe/onionshare-dev>`_ "
"rin ang OnionShare para matalakay ng mga developer at tagadisenyo ang "
#: ../../source/develop.rst:15
msgid "Contributing Code"
msgstr "Pamantayan sa Pag-ambag"
#: ../../source/develop.rst:17
msgid "OnionShare source code is to be found in this Git repository: https://github.com/onionshare/onionshare"
msgstr ""
"Nasa Git repository na ito ang source code ng OnionShare: https://github.com/"
#: ../../source/develop.rst:19
msgid "If you'd like to contribute code to OnionShare, it helps to join the Keybase team and ask questions about what you're thinking of working on. You should also review all of the `open issues <https://github.com/onionshare/onionshare/issues>`_ on GitHub to see if there are any you'd like to tackle."
msgstr ""
#: ../../source/develop.rst:22
msgid "When you're ready to contribute code, open a pull request in the GitHub repository and one of the project maintainers will review it and possibly ask questions, request changes, reject it, or merge it into the project."
msgstr ""
#: ../../source/develop.rst:27
msgid "Starting Development"
msgstr ""
#: ../../source/develop.rst:29
msgid "OnionShare is developed in Python. To get started, clone the Git repository at https://github.com/onionshare/onionshare/ and then consult the ``cli/README.md`` file to learn how to set up your development environment for the command-line version, and the ``desktop/README.md`` file to learn how to set up your development environment for the graphical version."
msgstr ""
#: ../../source/develop.rst:32
msgid "Those files contain the necessary technical instructions and commands install dependencies for your platform, and to run OnionShare from the source tree."
msgstr ""
#: ../../source/develop.rst:35
msgid "Debugging tips"
msgstr ""
#: ../../source/develop.rst:38
msgid "Verbose mode"
msgstr ""
#: ../../source/develop.rst:40
msgid "When developing, it's convenient to run OnionShare from a terminal and add the ``--verbose`` (or ``-v``) flag to the command. This prints a lot of helpful messages to the terminal, such as when certain objects are initialized, when events occur (like buttons clicked, settings saved or reloaded), and other debug info. For example::"
msgstr ""
#: ../../source/develop.rst:117
msgid "You can add your own debug messages by running the ``Common.log`` method from ``onionshare/common.py``. For example::"
msgstr ""
#: ../../source/develop.rst:121
msgid "This can be useful when learning the chain of events that occur when using OnionShare, or the value of certain variables before and after they are manipulated."
msgstr ""
#: ../../source/develop.rst:124
msgid "Local Only"
msgstr ""
#: ../../source/develop.rst:126
msgid "Tor is slow, and it's often convenient to skip starting onion services altogether during development. You can do this with the ``--local-only`` flag. For example::"
msgstr ""
#: ../../source/develop.rst:165
msgid "In this case, you load the URL ```` in a normal web-browser like Firefox, instead of using the Tor Browser. The private key is not actually needed in local-only mode, so you can ignore it."
msgstr ""
#: ../../source/develop.rst:168
msgid "Contributing Translations"
msgstr ""
#: ../../source/develop.rst:170
msgid "Help make OnionShare easier to use and more familiar and welcoming for people by translating it on `Hosted Weblate <https://hosted.weblate.org/projects/onionshare/>`_. Always keep the \"OnionShare\" in latin letters, and use \"OnionShare (localname)\" if needed."
msgstr ""
#: ../../source/develop.rst:172
msgid "To help translate, make a Hosted Weblate account and start contributing."
msgstr ""
#: ../../source/develop.rst:175
msgid "Suggestions for Original English Strings"
msgstr ""
#: ../../source/develop.rst:177
msgid "Sometimes the original English strings are wrong, or don't match between the application and the documentation."
msgstr ""
#: ../../source/develop.rst:179
msgid "File source string improvements by adding @kingu to your Weblate comment, or open a GitHub issue or pull request. The latter ensures all upstream developers see the suggestion, and can potentially modify the string via the usual code review processes."
msgstr ""
#: ../../source/develop.rst:183
msgid "Status of Translations"
msgstr ""
#: ../../source/develop.rst:184
msgid "Here is the current translation status. If you want start a translation in a language not yet started, please write to the mailing list: onionshare-dev@lists.riseup.net"
msgstr ""
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
# Copyright (C) Micah Lee, et al.
# This file is distributed under the same license as the OnionShare package.
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: OnionShare 2.6\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: onionshare-dev@lists.riseup.net\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2022-10-02 16:17-0700\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2022-12-07 23:55+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: Cyndaquissshhh <iversonbriones123@gmail.com>\n"
"Language-Team: none\n"
"Language: fil\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=n != 1 && n != 2 && n != 3 && (n % 10 == 4 "
"|| n % 10 == 6 || n % 10 == 9);\n"
"X-Generator: Weblate 4.15-dev\n"
#: ../../source/index.rst:2
msgid "OnionShare's documentation"
msgstr "Dokumentasyon ng OnionShare"
#: ../../source/index.rst:6
msgid "OnionShare is an open source tool that lets you securely and anonymously share files, host websites, and chat with friends using the Tor network."
msgstr ""
"Ang OnionShare ay isang open source na kagamitan para ligtas at anonymous na "
"magbahagi ng file, magpatakbo ng mga website, at makipag-usap sa mga "
"kaibigan gamit ang network ng Tor."
@ -8,14 +8,15 @@ msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: OnionShare 2.3\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: onionshare-dev@lists.riseup.net\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2022-10-02 16:17-0700\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2021-10-23 18:43+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: aezjrareareare <jeromechaland@riseup.net>\n"
"Language: fr\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2023-03-23 16:50+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: a-side <sebstenza@gmail.com>\n"
"Language-Team: none\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=n > 1;\n"
"Language: fr\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=n > 1;\n"
"X-Generator: Weblate 4.16.2-dev\n"
"Generated-By: Babel 2.10.3\n"
#: ../../source/advanced.rst:2
@ -32,12 +33,17 @@ msgid ""
"Persistently hosted websites are available on the same address even if "
"the computer they are shared from is rebooted."
msgstr ""
"Lorsque les onglets OnionShare que vous hébergez sont fermés, ils sont "
"détruits. Les sites web hébergés de façon persistante restent disponibles à "
"la même adresse, même lorsque l'ordinateur qui les hébergent est redémarré."
#: ../../source/advanced.rst:12
msgid ""
"Make any tab persistent by checking the \"Always open this tab when "
"OnionShare is started\" box before starting your server."
msgstr ""
"Rendez tout onglet persistant en cochant la case \"Toujours ouvrir cet "
"onglet au démarrage d'OnionShare\" avant de démarrer votre serveur."
#: ../../source/advanced.rst:16
msgid ""
@ -46,25 +52,30 @@ msgid ""
"available on the same OnionShare address and be protected by the same "
"private key."
msgstr ""
"En démarrant OnionShare, vos onglets sauvegardés lors de votre dernière "
"session seront affichés. Chaque service peut alors être démarré "
"manuellement, et sera disponible avec la même adresse OnionShare et protégé "
"par la même clé privée."
#: ../../source/advanced.rst:19
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"If you save a tab, a copy of its onion service secret key is stored on "
"your computer."
msgstr ""
"Si vous sauvegarder un onglet, une copie de la clé secrète de ce service "
"ognon sera stocké dans votre ordinateur avec vos paramètres OnionShare."
"Si vous enregistrez un onglet, une copie de sa clé secrète de service en "
"oignon est stockée sur votre ordinateur."
#: ../../source/advanced.rst:24
msgid "Turn Off Private Key"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Désactiver la Clé Privée"
#: ../../source/advanced.rst:26
msgid ""
"By default, all OnionShare services are protected with a private key, "
"which Tor calls \"client authentication\"."
msgstr ""
"Par défaut, tous les services OnionShare sont protégés par une clé privée, "
"que Tor appelle \"authentification du client\"."
#: ../../source/advanced.rst:28
msgid ""
@ -72,6 +83,9 @@ msgid ""
"OnionShare service. If you want allow the public to use your service, "
"it's better to disable the private key altogether."
msgstr ""
"Le navigateur Tor vous demandera d'entrer votre clé privée lorsque vous "
"chargez un service OnionShare. Si vous voulez permettre au public d'utiliser "
"votre service, il est préférable de désactiver complètement la clé privée."
#: ../../source/advanced.rst:31
msgid ""
@ -80,10 +94,14 @@ msgid ""
"server. Then the server will be public and a private key is not needed to"
" load it in the Tor Browser."
msgstr ""
"Pour désactiver la clé privée pour chaque onglet, cochez la case \"Ceci est "
"un service public OnionShare (désactive la clé privée)\" avant de démarrer "
"le serveur. Le serveur sera alors public et une clé privée ne sera pas "
"chargée dans le Navigateur Tor."
#: ../../source/advanced.rst:37
msgid "Custom Titles"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Titres personnalisés"
#: ../../source/advanced.rst:39
msgid ""
@ -91,12 +109,17 @@ msgid ""
"default title for each type of service. For example, the default title "
"for chat services is \"OnionShare Chat\"."
msgstr ""
"Lorsque les gens chargent les services OnionShare dans le navigateur Tor, "
"ils voient le titre par défaut pour chaque type de service. Par exemple, le "
"titre par défaut pour les services de chat est \"OnionShare Chat\"."
#: ../../source/advanced.rst:42
msgid ""
"If you edit the \"Custom title\" setting before starting a server you can"
" change it."
msgstr ""
"Si vous modifiez le paramètre \"Titre personnalisé\" avant de démarrer un "
"serveur, vous pouvez le modifier."
#: ../../source/advanced.rst:45
msgid "Scheduled Times"
@ -123,6 +146,10 @@ msgid ""
"when the \"Start sharing\" button is clicked. Services scheduled to stop "
"in the future display a countdown timer when started."
msgstr ""
"Les services programmés pour démarrer dans le futur afficheront un compte à "
"rebours lorsque vous cliquerez sur le bouton \"Démarrer le partage\". Les "
"services programmés pour s'arrêter à l'avenir afficheront un compte à "
"rebours lorsqu'ils seront démarrés."
#: ../../source/advanced.rst:54
msgid ""
@ -131,6 +158,11 @@ msgid ""
"time in the future if you are not there to prevent it. If nothing happens"
" to you, you can cancel the service before it's scheduled to start."
msgstr ""
"**Programmer le démarrage automatique d'un service OnionShare peut être "
"utilisé pour vérifier l'activité d'un utilisateur**. Cela signifie que votre "
"service est rendu public à un moment donné dans le futur si vous n'êtes pas "
"là pour l'empêcher. Si rien ne vous arrive, vous pouvez annuler le service "
"avant qu'il ne soit programmé pour être mis en route."
#: ../../source/advanced.rst:60
msgid ""
@ -138,6 +170,10 @@ msgid ""
"exposure**. If you want to share secret info or something that will be "
"outdated, you can do so for selected limited time."
msgstr ""
"**La programmation de l'arrêt automatique d'un service OnionShare limite son "
"exposition**. Si vous souhaitez partager des informations secrètes ou "
"quelque chose qui sera périmé, vous pouvez le faire pour une durée limitée "
#: ../../source/advanced.rst:68
msgid "Command-line Interface"
@ -156,7 +192,7 @@ msgid ""
"You can install just the command-line version of OnionShare using "
msgstr ""
"Vous pouvez installez uniquement la version en ligne de commande "
"Vous pouvez installer uniquement la version en ligne de commande "
"d'OnionShare en utilisant ``pip3``::"
#: ../../source/advanced.rst:76
@ -169,7 +205,7 @@ msgstr ""
#: ../../source/advanced.rst:78
msgid "Then run it like this::"
msgstr "Puis lancez le avec ::"
msgstr "Puis lancez-le avec ::"
#: ../../source/advanced.rst:82
msgid ""
@ -178,15 +214,17 @@ msgid ""
"<https://github.com/onionshare/onionshare/blob/develop/cli/README.md>`_ "
"in the Git repository."
msgstr ""
"Des informations sur son installation sur différents systèmes d'exploitation "
"peuvent être trouvées dans le fichier `CLI README <https://github.com/"
"onionshare/onionshare/blob/develop/cli/README.md>`_ dans le dépôt Git."
#: ../../source/advanced.rst:84
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"If you installed OnionShare using the Snap package, you can also just run"
" ``onionshare.cli`` to access the command-line interface version."
msgstr ""
"Si vous installez OnionShare en utilisant le paquet Linux Snapcraft, vous"
" pouvez vous contentez de lancer ``onionshare.cli`` pour accéder à "
"Si vous installez OnionShare en utilisant le paquet Linux Snapcraft, vous "
"pouvez vous contenter de lancer ``onionshare.cli`` pour accéder à "
"l'interface en ligne de commande."
#: ../../source/advanced.rst:87
@ -194,25 +232,26 @@ msgid "Usage"
msgstr "Utilisation"
#: ../../source/advanced.rst:89
#, fuzzy
msgid "Browse the command-line documentation by running ``onionshare --help``::"
msgstr ""
"Vous pouvez consultez la documentation de l'interface en ligne de "
"commande en lançant ``onionshare --help``::"
"Vous pouvez consulter la documentation de l'interface en ligne de commande "
"en lançant ``onionshare --help`` : :"
#: ../../source/advanced.rst:151
msgid "Keyboard Shortcuts"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Raccourcis Clavier"
#: ../../source/advanced.rst:153
msgid ""
"The OnionShare desktop application contains some keyboard shortcuts, for "
"convenience and accessibility::"
msgstr ""
"L'application de bureau OnionShare contient quelques raccourcis clavier, "
"pour des raisons de commodité et d'accessibilité : :"
#: ../../source/advanced.rst:158
msgid "And from the main mode chooser screen::"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Et à partir de l'écran principal du sélecteur de mode :"
#~ msgid "Make a symbolic link to the OnionShare command line binary line this::"
#~ msgstr ""
@ -690,4 +729,3 @@ msgstr ""
#~ "serveur. Quand un onglet est sauvegardé"
#~ " un icône d'épingle violet apparaît à"
#~ " la gauche du statut du serveur."
@ -8,15 +8,15 @@ msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: OnionShare 2.3\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: onionshare-dev@lists.riseup.net\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2022-01-17 10:28-0800\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2022-03-15 19:57+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: aezjrareareare <jeromechaland@riseup.net>\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2023-04-08 09:08+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: tachyglossues <tachyglossues@gmail.com>\n"
"Language-Team: none\n"
"Language: fr\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=n > 1;\n"
"X-Generator: Weblate 4.12-dev\n"
"X-Generator: Weblate 4.17-dev\n"
"Generated-By: Babel 2.9.1\n"
#: ../../source/features.rst:4
@ -30,9 +30,8 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Les serveurs web sont démarrés automatiquement sur votre ordinateur et "
"rendus accessibles à autrui en tant que `service ognon "
"<https://community.torproject.org/onion-services/>`_ `Tor "
"<https://www.torproject.org/>`_ ."
"rendus accessibles à autrui en tant que `service onion <https://community."
"torproject.org/onion-services/>`_ `Tor <https://www.torproject.org/>`_ ."
#: ../../source/features.rst:8
msgid "By default, OnionShare web addresses are protected with a private key."
@ -45,7 +44,7 @@ msgstr "Les adresses OnionShare ressemblent à quelque chose comme ça ::"
#: ../../source/features.rst:14
msgid "And private keys might look something like this::"
msgstr "Et les clés privées ressemblent à quelque chose comme ça ::"
msgstr "Et les clés privées ressemblent à quelque chose comme ça : :"
#: ../../source/features.rst:18
msgid ""
@ -176,16 +175,15 @@ msgstr ""
"une application de messagerie chiffrée."
#: ../../source/features.rst:50
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"That person then must load the address in Tor Browser. After logging in "
"with the private key, the files can be downloaded directly from your "
"computer by clicking the \"Download Files\" link in the corner."
msgstr ""
"La personne doit ensuite charger l'adresse dans le Navigateur Tor. Après "
"s'être connectée avec la clé privée, les fichiers doivent être téléchargées "
"directement depuis votre ordinateur en cliquant le lien \"Download Files\" "
"dans le coin."
"Cette personne doit ensuite charger l'adresse dans Tor Browser. Après s'être "
"connecté avec la clé privée, les fichiers peuvent être téléchargés "
"directement depuis son ordinateur en cliquant sur le lien \"Télécharger les "
"fichiers\" dans le coin."
#: ../../source/features.rst:55
msgid "Receive Files and Messages"
@ -215,6 +213,11 @@ msgid ""
"uploads, and you can check \"Disable uploading files\" if you want to "
"only allow submitting text messages, like for an anonymous contact form."
msgstr ""
"Vous pouvez cocher la case \"Désactiver la soumission de texte\" si vous "
"souhaitez uniquement autoriser le téléchargement de fichiers, et vous pouvez "
"cocher la case \"Désactiver le téléchargement de fichiers\" si vous "
"souhaitez uniquement autoriser la soumission de messages texte, comme pour "
"un formulaire de contact anonyme."
#: ../../source/features.rst:66
msgid ""
@ -230,6 +233,19 @@ msgid ""
"your receive mode service, @webhookbot will send you a message on Keybase"
" letting you know as soon as it happens."
msgstr ""
"Vous pouvez cocher l'option \" Utiliser le service de notification par "
"webhook \", puis choisir une URL de webhook si vous souhaitez être informé "
"lorsque quelqu'un soumet des fichiers ou des messages à votre service "
"OnionShare. Si vous utilisez cette fonctionnalité, OnionShare effectuera une "
"requête HTTP POST vers cette URL chaque fois que quelqu'un soumettra des "
"fichiers ou des messages. Par exemple, si vous voulez obtenir un message "
"texte crypté sur l'application de messagerie `Keybase <https://keybase.io/>`"
"_, vous pouvez démarrer une conversation avec `@webhookbot <https://keybase."
"io/webhookbot>`_, taper `!webhook create onionshare-alerts``, et il répondra "
"avec une URL. Utilisez-la comme URL du webhook de notification. Si quelqu'un "
"télécharge un fichier sur votre service en mode réception, @webhookbot vous "
"enverra un message sur Keybase pour vous en informer dès que cela se "
#: ../../source/features.rst:71
msgid ""
@ -238,6 +254,10 @@ msgid ""
" be able to submit files and messages which get uploaded to your "
msgstr ""
"Lorsque vous êtes prêt, cliquez sur \" Démarrer le mode réception \". Cela "
"démarre le service OnionShare. Quiconque charge cette adresse dans son "
"navigateur Tor pourra soumettre des fichiers et des messages qui seront "
"téléchargés sur votre ordinateur."
#: ../../source/features.rst:75
msgid ""
@ -293,6 +313,10 @@ msgid ""
"OnionShare service. OnionShare does not add any safety mechanisms to "
"protect your system from malicious files."
msgstr ""
"Tout comme pour les pièces jointes d'e-mails malveillants, il est possible "
"que quelqu'un tente d'attaquer votre ordinateur en téléchargeant un fichier "
"malveillant sur votre service OnionShare. Il n'y a aucun mécanisme de "
"sécurité pour protéger votre système contre les fichiers malveillants."
#: ../../source/features.rst:90
msgid ""
@ -313,6 +337,8 @@ msgstr ""
#: ../../source/features.rst:92
msgid "However, it is always safe to open text messages sent through OnionShare."
msgstr ""
"Cependant, il est toujours prudent d'ouvrir les messages texte envoyés par "
#: ../../source/features.rst:95
msgid "Tips for running a receive service"
@ -325,6 +351,10 @@ msgid ""
" and connected to the internet, and not on the one you use on a regular "
msgstr ""
"Si vous souhaitez héberger votre propre boîte de dépôt anonyme à l'aide "
"d'OnionShare, il est recommandé de le faire sur un ordinateur distinct et "
"dédié, toujours allumé et connecté à Internet, et non sur celui que vous "
"utilisez régulièrement."
#: ../../source/features.rst:99
msgid ""
@ -333,6 +363,11 @@ msgid ""
"public service (see :ref:`turn_off_private_key`). It's also a good idea "
"to give it a custom title (see :ref:`custom_titles`)."
msgstr ""
"Si vous avez l'intention de mettre l'adresse d'OnionShare sur votre site Web "
"ou vos profils de médias sociaux, enregistrez l'onglet (voir "
":ref:`save_tabs`) et exécutez-le en tant que service public (voir "
":ref:`turn_off_private_key`). C'est aussi une bonne idée de lui donner un "
"titre personnalisé (voir :ref:`custom_titles`)."
#: ../../source/features.rst:102
msgid "Host a Website"
@ -388,17 +423,19 @@ msgid ""
"However, this prevents third-party content from loading inside the web "
msgstr ""
"Par défaut, OnionShare aide à sécuriser votre site Web en définissant un en-"
"tête strict `Content Security Policy <https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/"
"Content_Security_Policy>`_. Cependant, cela empêche le chargement de contenu "
"tiers à l'intérieur de la page Web."
#: ../../source/features.rst:121
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"If you want to load content from third-party websites, like assets or "
"JavaScript libraries from CDNs, you have two options:"
msgstr ""
"Si vous voulez charger du contenu depuis des sites internets tiers, comme"
" des \"assets\" ou des bibliothèque JavaScript depuis des CDNs, vérifiez "
"la case « Ne pas envoyer d’en-tête Politique de sécurité de contenu "
"(permet à votre site Web d’utiliser des ressources tierces »."
"Si vous souhaitez charger du contenu provenant de sites Web tiers, comme des "
"ressources ou des bibliothèques JavaScript provenant de CDN, vous avez deux "
"possibilités :"
#: ../../source/features.rst:123
msgid ""
@ -406,10 +443,16 @@ msgid ""
"\"Don't send Content Security Policy header (allows your website to use "
"third-party resources)\" box before starting the service."
msgstr ""
"Vous pouvez désactiver l'envoi d'un en-tête de politique de sécurité du "
"contenu en cochant la case \"Ne pas envoyer d'en-tête de politique de "
"sécurité du contenu (permet à votre site Web d'utiliser des ressources "
"tierces)\" avant de lancer le service."
#: ../../source/features.rst:124
msgid "You can send a custom Content Security Policy header."
msgstr ""
"Vous pouvez envoyer un en-tête personnalisé de politique de sécurité du "
#: ../../source/features.rst:127
msgid "Tips for running a website service"
@ -424,12 +467,21 @@ msgid ""
" (see :ref:`save_tabs`) so you can resume the website with the same "
"address if you close OnionShare and re-open it later."
msgstr ""
"Si vous souhaitez héberger un site web à long terme en utilisant OnionShare "
"(c'est-à-dire pas seulement pour montrer rapidement quelque chose à "
"quelqu'un), il est recommandé de le faire sur un ordinateur séparé, dédié, "
"toujours allumé et connecté à Internet, et non sur celui que vous utilisez "
"régulièrement. Sauvegardez l'onglet (voir :ref:`save_tabs`) afin de pouvoir "
"reprendre le site avec la même adresse si vous fermez OnionShare et le "
"réouvrez plus tard."
#: ../../source/features.rst:132
msgid ""
"If your website is intended for the public, you should run it as a public"
" service (see :ref:`turn_off_private_key`)."
msgstr ""
"Si votre site web est destiné au public, vous devez le faire fonctionner "
"comme un service public (voir :ref:`turn_off_private_key`)."
#: ../../source/features.rst:135
msgid "Chat Anonymously"
@ -451,6 +503,11 @@ msgid ""
"important to limit exactly who can join, use an encrypted messaging app "
"to send out the OnionShare address and private key."
msgstr ""
"Après avoir démarré le serveur, copiez l'adresse et la clé privée "
"d'OnionShare et envoyez-les aux personnes que vous souhaitez voir dans le "
"salon de discussion anonyme. S'il est important de limiter le nombre exact "
"de participants, utilisez une application de messagerie cryptée pour envoyer "
"l'adresse et la clé privée de OnionShare."
#: ../../source/features.rst:146
msgid ""
@ -523,6 +580,15 @@ msgid ""
"rooms don't store any messages anywhere, so the problem is reduced to a "
msgstr ""
"Si vous envoyez par exemple un message à un groupe Signal, une copie de "
"votre message se retrouve sur chaque appareil (les smartphones, et les "
"ordinateurs s'ils ont configuré Signal Desktop) de chaque membre du groupe. "
"Même si la fonction de disparition des messages est activée, il est "
"difficile de confirmer que toutes les copies des messages sont effectivement "
"supprimées de tous les appareils et de tous les autres endroits (comme les "
"bases de données de notifications) où elles ont pu être enregistrées. Les "
"salons de discussion OnionShare ne stockent aucun message nulle part, ce qui "
"réduit le problème au minimum."
#: ../../source/features.rst:168
msgid ""
@ -533,6 +599,12 @@ msgid ""
"journalist to join the chat room, all without compromosing their "
msgstr ""
"Les salons de discussion OnionShare peuvent également être utiles aux "
"personnes souhaitant discuter de manière anonyme et sécurisée avec quelqu'un "
"sans avoir à créer de compte. Par exemple, une source peut envoyer une "
"adresse OnionShare à un journaliste en utilisant une adresse électronique "
"jetable, puis attendre que le journaliste rejoigne le salon de discussion, "
"le tout sans compromettre son anonymat."
#: ../../source/features.rst:172
msgid "How does the encryption work?"
@ -8,14 +8,15 @@ msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: OnionShare 2.3\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: onionshare-dev@lists.riseup.net\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2022-03-31 16:26+1100\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2022-02-15 13:55+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: aezjrareareare <jeromechaland@riseup.net>\n"
"Language: fr\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2023-01-15 16:48+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: tachyglossues <tachyglossues@gmail.com>\n"
"Language-Team: none\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=n > 1\n"
"Language: fr\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=n > 1;\n"
"X-Generator: Weblate 4.15.1-dev\n"
"Generated-By: Babel 2.9.1\n"
#: ../../source/install.rst:2
@ -39,7 +40,6 @@ msgid "Linux"
msgstr "Linux"
#: ../../source/install.rst:14
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"There are various ways to install OnionShare for Linux, but the "
"recommended way is to use either the `Flatpak <https://flatpak.org/>`_ or"
@ -47,22 +47,21 @@ msgid ""
"ensure that you'll always use the newest version and run OnionShare "
"inside of a sandbox."
msgstr ""
"Il y a plusieurs façons d'installer OnionShare sur Linux, mais la méthode"
" recommendée est le paquet `Flatpak <https://flatpak.org/>`_ ou `Snap "
"<https://snapcraft.io/>`_. Flatpak et Snap vous assure de toujours avoir "
"la dernière version d'OnionShare et executé dans un bac à sable "
"Il existe plusieurs façons d'installer OnionShare pour Linux, mais la "
"méthode recommandée est d'utiliser soit le paquet `Flatpak <https://flatpak."
"org/>`_ soit le paquet `Snap <https://snapcraft.io/>`_. Flatpak et Snapcraft "
"garantissent que vous utiliserez toujours la version la plus récente et que "
"vous exécuterez OnionShare à l'intérieur d'un bac à sable."
#: ../../source/install.rst:17
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"Snapcraft support is built-in to Ubuntu and Fedora comes with Flatpak "
"support, but which you use is up to you. Both work in all Linux "
msgstr ""
"Snap est supporté de manière native dans Ubuntu et Fedora intègre "
"Flatpak, mais c'est à vous de décider lequel vous souhaitez utiliser. Les"
" deux marchent sur toutes les distributions Linux."
"La prise en charge de Snapcraft est intégrée à Ubuntu et Fedora est fournie "
"avec la prise en charge de Flatpak, mais c'est à vous de choisir. Les deux "
"fonctionnent dans toutes les distributions Linux."
#: ../../source/install.rst:19
msgid ""
@ -73,11 +72,9 @@ msgstr ""
#: ../../source/install.rst:21
#, fuzzy
msgid "**Install OnionShare using Snapcraft**: https://snapcraft.io/onionshare"
msgstr ""
"**Installer OnionShare en utilisant Snap** : "
"**Installer OnionShare en utilisant Snap** : https://snapcraft.io/onionshare"
#: ../../source/install.rst:23
msgid ""
@ -437,4 +434,3 @@ msgstr ""
#~ "means you haven't defined a level "
#~ "of \"trust\" of Micah's PGP key.)"
#~ msgstr ""
@ -8,14 +8,15 @@ msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: OnionShare 2.3\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: onionshare-dev@lists.riseup.net\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2022-07-04 17:16-0400\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2021-03-10 10:02+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: AO Localisation Lab <ao@localizationlab.org>\n"
"Language: fr\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2023-01-15 16:48+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: tachyglossues <tachyglossues@gmail.com>\n"
"Language-Team: none\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=n > 1;\n"
"Language: fr\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=n > 1;\n"
"X-Generator: Weblate 4.15.1-dev\n"
"Generated-By: Babel 2.10.3\n"
#: ../../source/security.rst:2
@ -47,6 +48,13 @@ msgid ""
"computer acts as a server for that too. This avoids the traditional model"
" of having to trust the computers of others."
msgstr ""
"**Les tiers n'ont pas accès à ce qui se passe dans OnionShare.** Utiliser "
"OnionShare signifie héberger des services directement sur votre ordinateur. "
"Lorsque vous partagez vos fichiers avec OnionShare, ils ne sont pas "
"téléchargés sur un serveur tiers. Si vous créez un salon de discussion sur "
"OnionShare, votre ordinateur fait également office de serveur pour celui-ci. "
"Ceci évite le modèle traditionnel qui consiste à devoir faire confiance aux "
"ordinateurs des autres."
#: ../../source/security.rst:17
msgid ""
@ -83,7 +91,6 @@ msgstr ""
"de l’utilisateur d’OnionShare."
#: ../../source/security.rst:28
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"**If an attacker learns about the onion service, they still can't access "
"anything.** Prior attacks against the Tor network to enumerate onion "
@ -93,21 +100,18 @@ msgid ""
" public by turning off the private key -- see "
msgstr ""
"** Si un assaillant prend connaissance du service oignon, il ne peut "
"quand même accéder à rien.** Les attaques précédentes contre le réseau "
"Tor pour énumérer les services oignon ont permis à l’attaquant de "
"découvrir des adresses ``.onion`` privées. Si une attaque découvre une "
"adresse OnionShare privée, afin d’y accéder, l’assaillant devra aussi "
"deviner la clé privée utilisée pour l’authentification client (à moins "
"que l’utilisateur d’OnionShare choisisse de rendre son service public en "
"désactivant la clé privée -- voir :ref:`turn_off_private_key`)."
"**Les attaques précédentes contre le réseau Tor pour énumérer les services "
"en oignon ont permis aux attaquants de découvrir les adresses privées ``."
"onion``. Pour accéder à un service OnionShare à partir de son adresse, la "
"clé privée utilisée pour l'authentification du client doit être devinée ("
"sauf si le service est déjà rendu public en désactivant la clé privée -- "
"voir :ref:`turn_off_private_key`)."
#: ../../source/security.rst:33
msgid "What OnionShare doesn't protect against"
msgstr "Contre quoi OnionShare ne protège pas"
#: ../../source/security.rst:35
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"**Communicating the OnionShare address and private key might not be "
"secure.** Communicating the OnionShare address to people is the "
@ -120,20 +124,18 @@ msgid ""
"e-mail, or in person. This isn't necessary when using OnionShare for "
"something that isn't secret."
msgstr ""
"**Communiquer l’adresse OnionShare et la clé privée pourrait être "
"dangereux.** La communication de l’adresse OnionShare à autrui est la "
"responsabilité de l’utilisateur d’OnionShare. Si elle est envoyée de "
"façon non sécurisée (par exemple par un courriel surveillé par un "
"assaillant), une oreille indiscrète peut en déduire qu’OnionShare est "
"utilisé. Si la personne qui surveille charge l’adresse dans le Navigateur"
" Tor alors que le service est encore en fonction, elle peut y accéder. "
"Pour éviter cela, l’adresse doit être communiquée de façon sécurisée, par"
" un texto chiffré (probablement avec les messages éphémères activés), un "
"courriel chiffré ou en personne. Cela n’est pas nécessaire si OnionShare "
"est utilisé pour quelque chose qui n’est pas secret."
"**La communication de l'adresse d'OnionShare et de la clé privée peut ne pas "
"être sécurisée. Si l'adresse est envoyée de manière non sécurisée (par "
"exemple par le biais d'un message électronique surveillé par un attaquant), "
"une personne qui écouterait les conversations pourrait savoir qu'OnionShare "
"est utilisé. Les oreilles indiscrètes peuvent accéder à des services qui "
"sont encore actifs en chargeant leurs adresses et/ou leur clé perdue dans le "
"navigateur Tor. Pour éviter cela, communiquez l'adresse de manière "
"sécurisée, par message texte crypté (probablement en activant les messages "
"disparus), par e-mail crypté ou en personne. Ce n'est pas nécessaire lorsque "
"vous utilisez OnionShare pour quelque chose qui n'est pas secret."
#: ../../source/security.rst:42
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"**Communicating the OnionShare address and private key might not be "
"anonymous.** Extra precaution must be taken to ensure the OnionShare "
@ -141,12 +143,14 @@ msgid ""
"accessed over Tor, can be used to share the address. This isn't necessary"
" unless anonymity is a goal."
msgstr ""
"**Communiquer l’adresse OnionShare et la clé privée pourrait ne pas être "
"anonyme.** Des précautions supplémentaires doivent être prises pour faire"
" en sorte que l’adresse OnionShare est communiquée anonymement. Un "
"nouveau compte de courriel ou de dialogue en ligne auquel vous n’accédez "
"que par Tor peut être utilisé pour partager l’adresse. Ce n’est pas "
"nécessaire, à moins que l’anonymat ne soit l’objectif."
"**La communication de l'adresse et de la clé privée d'OnionShare peut ne pas "
"être anonyme.** Des précautions supplémentaires doivent être prises pour "
"s'assurer que l'adresse d'OnionShare est communiquée de manière anonyme. Une "
"précaution supplémentaire doit être prise pour s'assurer que l'adresse "
"OnionShare est communiquée de manière anonyme. Un nouveau compte de "
"messagerie ou de chat, accessible uniquement via Tor, peut être utilisé pour "
"partager l'adresse. Cela n'est pas nécessaire, sauf si l'anonymat est un "
#~ msgid "Security design"
#~ msgstr ""
@ -372,4 +376,3 @@ msgstr ""
#~ "turning off the private key -- see"
#~ " :ref:`turn_off_private_key`)."
#~ msgstr ""
@ -8,14 +8,15 @@ msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: OnionShare 2.3\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: onionshare-dev@lists.riseup.net\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2022-07-04 17:16-0400\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2021-10-22 20:45+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: aezjrareareare <jeromechaland@riseup.net>\n"
"Language: fr\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2023-01-15 16:48+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: tachyglossues <tachyglossues@gmail.com>\n"
"Language-Team: none\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=n > 1;\n"
"Language: fr\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=n > 1;\n"
"X-Generator: Weblate 4.15.1-dev\n"
"Generated-By: Babel 2.10.3\n"
#: ../../source/tor.rst:2
@ -27,6 +28,8 @@ msgid ""
"When OnionShare starts, it will show you a screen asking you to connect "
"to the Tor network."
msgstr ""
"Quand OnionShare démarre, une fenêtre s'affiche vous demandant de vous "
"connecter au réseau Tor."
#: ../../source/tor.rst:8
msgid ""
@ -37,6 +40,13 @@ msgid ""
"the connection fails, you can still try bridges or reconfigure Tor via "
"the \"Network Settings\" button."
msgstr ""
"Vous pouvez activer le sélecteur \"Se connecter à Tor automatiquement\" "
"avant de cliquer sur \"Se connecter à Tor\". Cela signifie que la prochaine "
"fois qu'OnionShare démarrera, il se connectera automatiquement avec les "
"paramètres de connexion Tor de la dernière session, au lieu de vous "
"présenter les options de connexion. Si la connexion échoue, vous pouvez "
"toujours essayer des ponts ou reconfigurer Tor via le bouton \"Paramètres "
#: ../../source/tor.rst:11
msgid ""
@ -45,16 +55,22 @@ msgid ""
"your access to the Tor network, this should hopefully work the first "
msgstr ""
"Vous pouvez cliquer sur \"Se connecter à Tor\" pour commencer le processus "
"de connexion. S'il n'y a pas de problèmes avec votre réseau, incluant toute "
"tentative de bloquer votre accès au réseau Tor, cela devrait fonctionner du "
"premier coup."
#: ../../source/tor.rst:13
msgid ""
"Or, if you want to manually configure Bridges or other Tor settings "
"before you connect, you can click \"Network Settings\"."
msgstr ""
"Ou, si vous voulez configurer manuellement les ponts ou d'autres paramètres "
"Tor avant de vous connecter, vous pouvez cliquer sur \"Paramètres réseau\"."
#: ../../source/tor.rst:16
msgid "Automatic censorship circumvention"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Contournement automatique de la censure"
#: ../../source/tor.rst:18
msgid ""
@ -62,22 +78,27 @@ msgid ""
"might be because Tor is censored in your country or on your local "
msgstr ""
"Lorsque vous cliquez sur \"Connecter à Tor\", si OnionShare ne parvient pas "
"à se connecter, c'est peut-être parce que Tor est censuré dans votre pays ou "
"sur votre réseau local."
#: ../../source/tor.rst:20
msgid "If this occurs, you will have these choices:"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Si cela se produit, vous aurez les choix suivants :"
#: ../../source/tor.rst:22
msgid "Try again without a bridge"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Essayez sans ponts"
#: ../../source/tor.rst:23
msgid "Automatically determine my country from my IP address for bridge settings"
msgstr ""
"Déterminer automatiquement mon pays à partir de mon adresse IP pour les "
"paramètres du pont"
#: ../../source/tor.rst:24
msgid "Manually select my country for bridge settings"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Sélectionner manuellement mon pays pour les paramètres du pont"
#: ../../source/tor.rst:28
msgid ""
@ -85,6 +106,8 @@ msgid ""
"retry connecting to Tor like normal, without attempting to bypass "
msgstr ""
"Si vous choisissez l'option \"Réessayer sans pont\", OnionShare réessayera "
"de se connecter à Tor comme d'habitude, sans tenter de contourner la censure."
#: ../../source/tor.rst:30
msgid ""
@ -100,6 +123,17 @@ msgid ""
"Censorship Circumvention API. The Meek proxy hides the fact that you are "
"trying to find a way to connect to Tor."
msgstr ""
"Les deux autres options tenteront de contourner automatiquement la censure "
"en utilisant les ponts Tor. Si votre fournisseur d'accès bloque l'accès au "
"réseau Tor, vous pouvez toujours vous connecter à un pont Tor, qui vous "
"connectera alors au réseau Tor, contournant ainsi la censure. Ces deux "
"options utilisent l'API de contournement de la censure du projet Tor pour "
"vous fournir des paramètres de pont qui devraient fonctionner pour vous. "
"OnionShare utilisera temporairement le proxy `Meek <https://gitlab.torproject"
".org/legacy/trac/-/wikis/doc/meek/>`_ pour établir une connexion non-Tor "
"depuis votre ordinateur vers l'API de contournement de la censure de Tor. Le "
"proxy Meek cache le fait que vous essayez de trouver un moyen de vous "
"connecter à Tor."
#: ../../source/tor.rst:36
msgid ""
@ -109,6 +143,12 @@ msgid ""
"might reside in. Based on the country information, the API will try to "
"automatically find bridges that suit your location."
msgstr ""
"Si vous choisissez \"Déterminer automatiquement mon pays à partir de mon "
"adresse IP pour les paramètres des ponts\", l'API de contournement de la "
"censure prendra en compte votre adresse IP (oui, votre véritable adresse IP) "
"pour déterminer dans quel pays vous résidez. Sur la base des informations "
"relatives au pays, l'API essaiera de trouver automatiquement des ponts qui "
"correspondent à votre situation géographique."
#: ../../source/tor.rst:41
msgid ""
@ -116,10 +156,13 @@ msgid ""
"Censorship API will find the bridges that suit the country that you "
msgstr ""
"Si vous choisissez \"Sélectionner manuellement mon pays pour les paramètres "
"des ponts\", l'API relative à la censure trouvera les ponts qui conviennent "
"au pays que vous avez spécifié."
#: ../../source/tor.rst:46
msgid "How automatic censorship circumvention works"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Comment fonctionne le contournement de la censure automatique"
#: ../../source/tor.rst:48
msgid ""
@ -128,6 +171,11 @@ msgid ""
" the API does not find any bridges for your location, OnionShare will ask"
" the API for \"fallback\" options, and then try to reconnect using those."
msgstr ""
"Si l'API de contournement de la censure trouve des ponts qui, selon elle, "
"vous seront utiles, OnionShare essaiera de se reconnecter à Tor en utilisant "
"ces ponts. Si l'API ne trouve pas de ponts pour votre localisation, "
"OnionShare demandera à l'API des options de \"repli\", et essaiera de se "
"reconnecter en utilisant celles-ci."
#: ../../source/tor.rst:50
msgid ""
@ -135,6 +183,9 @@ msgid ""
"itself, or if the API returns an error message, OnionShare will attempt "
"to use the obfs4 built-in bridges."
msgstr ""
"Si, pour une raison quelconque, OnionShare ne parvient pas à se connecter à "
"l'API de censure elle-même, ou si l'API renvoie un message d'erreur, "
"OnionShare tentera d'utiliser les ponts intégrés obfs4."
#: ../../source/tor.rst:52
msgid ""
@ -142,6 +193,9 @@ msgid ""
"API do not go over the Tor network (because if you could connect to Tor "
"already, you wouldn't need to connect to the API)."
msgstr ""
"Il est important de noter que les demandes à l'API de contournement de la "
"censure ne passent pas par le réseau Tor (parce que si vous pouviez déjà "
"vous connecter à Tor, vous n'auriez pas besoin de vous connecter à l'API)."
#: ../../source/tor.rst:54
msgid ""
@ -152,6 +206,12 @@ msgid ""
"Circumvention API. Then Meek is stopped, and all further network requests"
" happen over the Tor network."
msgstr ""
"Même s'il est difficile pour un malfaiteur de découvrir où va la requête "
"Meek, cela peut être risqué pour certains utilisateurs. Il s'agit donc d'une "
"fonctionnalité facultative. L'utilisation de Meek et des requêtes réseau non "
"censurées est limitée à une ou deux requêtes à l'API de contournement de la "
"censure. Ensuite, Meek est arrêté, et toutes les autres requêtes réseau se "
"font via le réseau Tor."
#: ../../source/tor.rst:56
msgid ""
@ -161,10 +221,16 @@ msgid ""
"that appears), and manually configure bridges. After you save any bridge "
"settings, OnionShare will try to reconnect using those bridges."
msgstr ""
"Si vous n'êtes pas à l'aise avec le fait de faire une demande qui ne passe "
"pas par le réseau Tor, vous pouvez cliquer sur \"Paramètres réseau\" (ou sur "
"l'icône Paramètres dans le coin inférieur droit, suivi de l'onglet "
"Paramètres Tor dans l'écran qui apparaît), et configurer manuellement les "
"ponts. Après avoir enregistré les paramètres des ponts, OnionShare essaiera "
"de se reconnecter en utilisant ces ponts."
#: ../../source/tor.rst:59
msgid "Manually configure Tor settings"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Configurer manuellement les paramètres de Tor"
#: ../../source/tor.rst:61
msgid ""
@ -173,12 +239,18 @@ msgid ""
"of the application, and then switch to the Tor Settings tab in the screen"
" that appears."
msgstr ""
"Vous pouvez accéder aux paramètres de Tor en cliquant sur \"Paramètres "
"réseau\" sur l'écran de bienvenue, ou en cliquant sur l'icône \"⚙\" dans le "
"coin inférieur droit de l'application, puis passez à l'onglet Paramètres Tor "
"dans l'écran qui apparaît."
#: ../../source/tor.rst:65
msgid ""
"Here are the different ways you can configure OnionShare to connect to "
msgstr ""
"Voici les différentes façons dont vous pouvez configurer OnionShare pour "
"vous connecter à Tor :"
#: ../../source/tor.rst:68
msgid "Use the Tor version built into OnionShare"
@ -208,17 +280,15 @@ msgstr ""
#: ../../source/tor.rst:76
msgid "**Using bridges**"
msgstr ""
msgstr "**Utilisation des ponts**"
#: ../../source/tor.rst:78
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"To use a bridge, you must select \"Use the Tor version built into "
"OnionShare\" and check the \"Use a bridge\" checkbox."
msgstr ""
"Pour utiliser un pont, ouvrez l’onglet des paramètres de Tor. Vous devez "
"sélectionner « Utiliser la version de Tor intégrée dans OnionShare » et "
"cocher « Utiliser un pont »."
"Pour utiliser un pont, vous devez sélectionner \"Utiliser la version Tor "
"intégrée à OnionShare\" et cocher la case \"Utiliser un pont\"."
#: ../../source/tor.rst:80
msgid ""
@ -346,7 +416,6 @@ msgid "You are now running a system ``tor`` process in Windows!"
msgstr "Vous exécutez désormais un processus ``tor``système sur Windows."
#: ../../source/tor.rst:125
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"Open OnionShare, click the \"⚙\" icon in it, and switch to the Tor "
"Settings tab. Under \"How should OnionShare connect to Tor?\" choose "
@ -356,14 +425,14 @@ msgid ""
" above. Click the \"Test Connection to Tor\" button. If all goes well, "
"you should see \"Connected to the Tor controller\"."
msgstr ""
"Ouvrez OnionShare et cliquez l’icône « ⚙ ». Sous « Comment OnionShare "
"devrait-il se connecter à Tor ? », choisissez « Se connecter en utilisant"
" le port de contrôle » et définissez « Port de contrôle » à ````"
" et « Port » à ``9051``. Sous « Paramètres d’authentification de Tor », "
"choisissez « Mot de passe » et définissez le même mot de passe que celui "
"choisi précédemment pour le port de contrôle. Cliquez sur le bouton « "
"Tester la connexion à Tor ». Si tout se passe bien, vous devriez voir « "
"Vous êtes connecté au contrôleur Tor. »."
"Ouvrez OnionShare, cliquez sur l'icône \"⚙\" qu'il contient, et passez à "
"l'onglet Paramètres Tor. Sous \"Comment OnionShare doit-il se connecter à "
"Tor ?\", choisissez \"Connecter en utilisant le port de contrôle\", et "
"réglez le \"Port de contrôle\" sur ```` et le \"Port\" sur ``9051``"
". Sous \"Paramètres d'authentification Tor\", choisissez \"Mot de passe\" et "
"définissez le mot de passe comme celui du port de contrôle que vous avez "
"choisi ci-dessus. Cliquez sur le bouton \"Tester la connexion à Tor\". Si "
"tout va bien, vous devriez voir \"Connecté au contrôleur Tor\"."
#: ../../source/tor.rst:134
msgid "Using a system ``tor`` in macOS"
@ -388,7 +457,6 @@ msgid "And start the system Tor service::"
msgstr "Et démarrez le service Tor du système :"
#: ../../source/tor.rst:151
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"Open OnionShare, click the \"⚙\" icon in it, and switch to the Tor "
"Settings tab. Under \"How should OnionShare connect to Tor?\" choose "
@ -397,13 +465,13 @@ msgid ""
"settings\" choose \"No authentication, or cookie authentication\". Click "
"the \"Test Connection to Tor\" button."
msgstr ""
"Ouvrez OnionShare et cliquez sur l’icône ⚙. Sous « Comment OnionShare "
"devrait-il se connecter à Tor ? », choisissez « Se connecter en utilisant"
" un fichier d’interface de connexion », et définissez "
"``/usr/local/var/run/tor/control.socket`` comme fichier d’interface de "
"connexion. Sous « Paramètres d’authentification de Tor », choisissez « "
"Pas d’authentification, ou authentification par témoin ». Cliquez sur le "
"bouton « Tester la connexion à Tor »."
"Ouvrez OnionShare, cliquez sur l'icône \"⚙\" qu'il contient, et passez à "
"l'onglet \"Paramètres Tor\". Sous \"Comment OnionShare doit-il se connecter "
"à Tor ?\", choisissez \"Connecter en utilisant un fichier socket\", et "
"définissez le fichier socket comme étant ``/usr/local/var/run/tor/control."
"socket``. Sous \"Paramètres d'authentification Tor\", choisissez \"Pas "
"d'authentification, ou authentification par cookie\". Cliquez sur le bouton "
"\"Tester la connexion à Tor\"."
#: ../../source/tor.rst:157 ../../source/tor.rst:177
msgid "If all goes well, you should see \"Connected to the Tor controller\"."
@ -447,7 +515,6 @@ msgstr ""
"commande (remplacez ``username`` par votre nom d’utilisateur) ::"
#: ../../source/tor.rst:170
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"Reboot your computer. After it boots up again, open OnionShare, click the"
" \"⚙\" icon in it, and switch to the Tor Settings tab. Under \"How should"
@ -456,13 +523,13 @@ msgid ""
"authentication settings\" choose \"No authentication, or cookie "
"authentication\". Click the \"Test Connection to Tor\" button."
msgstr ""
"Redémarrez votre ordinateur. Une fois redémarré, ouvrez OnionShare et "
"cliquer l’icône « ⚙ ». Sous « Comment OnionShare devrait-il se connecter "
"à Tor ? », choisissez « Se connecter en utilisant un fichier d’interface "
"de connexion ». Définissez le fichier d’interface de connexion comme "
"étant ``/var/run/tor/control``. Sous de « Paramètres d’authentification "
"de Tor » choisissez « Pas d’authentification, ou authentification par "
"témoin ». Cliquez sur le bouton « Tester la connexion à Tor »."
"Redémarrez votre ordinateur. Une fois qu'il a redémarré, ouvrez OnionShare, "
"cliquez sur l'icône \"⚙\" qu'il contient, et passez à l'onglet \"Paramètres "
"Tor\". Sous \"Comment OnionShare doit-il se connecter à Tor ?\", choisissez "
"\"Connecter en utilisant un fichier socket\". Définissez le fichier socket "
"comme étant ``/var/run/tor/control``. Sous \"Paramètres d'authentification "
"Tor\", choisissez \"Pas d'authentification, ou authentification par cookie\""
". Cliquez sur le bouton \"Tester la connexion à Tor\"."
#~ msgid "Using a system Tor in Mac OS X"
#~ msgstr ""
@ -780,4 +847,3 @@ msgstr ""
#~ "OnionShare se connecte à Tor sans, "
#~ "vous n’avez pas besoin d’utiliser de "
#~ "pont."
@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: OnionShare 2.3\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: onionshare-dev@lists.riseup.net\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2020-09-03 11:46-0700\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2021-09-18 20:19+0000\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2023-03-31 16:38+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: Kevin Scannell <kscanne@gmail.com>\n"
"Language-Team: LANGUAGE <LL@li.org>\n"
"Language: ga\n"
@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ msgstr ""
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
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"X-Generator: Weblate 4.9-dev\n"
"X-Generator: Weblate 4.17-dev\n"
"Generated-By: Babel 2.8.0\n"
#: ../../source/index.rst:2
@ -29,3 +29,6 @@ msgid ""
"OnionShare is an open source tool that lets you securely and anonymously "
"share files, host websites, and chat with friends using the Tor network."
msgstr ""
"Is éard atá i gceist le OnionShare ná uirlis foinse oscailte lenar féidir "
"leat comhaid a chomhroinnt go slán sábháilte, suímh ghréasáin a óstáil, agus "
"comhrá a dhéanamh le cairde ar líonra Tor."
@ -6,20 +6,25 @@
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: OnionShare 2.5\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: onionshare-dev@lists.riseup.net\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2022-01-17 10:28-0800\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n"
"Last-Translator: Automatically generated\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2022-11-26 18:25+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: gallegonovato <fran-carro@hotmail.es>\n"
"Language-Team: none\n"
"Language: gl\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
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"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=n != 1;\n"
"X-Generator: Weblate 4.15-dev\n"
#: ../../source/index.rst:2
msgid "OnionShare's documentation"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Documentación de OnionShare"
#: ../../source/index.rst:6
msgid "OnionShare is an open source tool that lets you securely and anonymously share files, host websites, and chat with friends using the Tor network."
msgstr ""
"OnionShare é unha ferramenta de código aberto que che permite compartir "
"ficheiros de forma segura e anónima, aloxar sitios web e chatear con amigos "
"mediante a rede Tor."
@ -6,31 +6,34 @@
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: OnionShare 2.5\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: onionshare-dev@lists.riseup.net\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2022-01-17 10:28-0800\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n"
"Last-Translator: Automatically generated\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2022-11-30 10:47+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: gallegonovato <fran-carro@hotmail.es>\n"
"Language-Team: none\n"
"Language: gl\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=n != 1;\n"
"X-Generator: Weblate 4.15-dev\n"
#: ../../source/security.rst:2
msgid "Security Design"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Deseño de seguridade"
#: ../../source/security.rst:4
msgid "Read :ref:`how_it_works` first to get a handle on how OnionShare works."
msgstr ""
msgstr "Lea primeiro :ref:`how_it_works` para coñecer como funciona OnionShare."
#: ../../source/security.rst:6
msgid "Like all software, OnionShare may contain bugs or vulnerabilities."
msgstr ""
"Como calquera software, OnionShare pode conter erros ou vulnerabilidades."
#: ../../source/security.rst:9
msgid "What OnionShare protects against"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Contra o que protexe OnionShare"
#: ../../source/security.rst:11
msgid "**Third parties don't have access to anything that happens in OnionShare.** Using OnionShare means hosting services directly on your computer. When sharing files with OnionShare, they are not uploaded to any server. If you make an OnionShare chat room, your computer acts as a server for that too. This avoids the traditional model of having to trust the computers of others."
@ -39,10 +42,23 @@ msgstr ""
#: ../../source/security.rst:13
msgid "**Network eavesdroppers can't spy on anything that happens in OnionShare in transit.** The connection between the Tor onion service and Tor Browser is end-to-end encrypted. This means network attackers can't eavesdrop on anything except encrypted Tor traffic. Even if an eavesdropper is a malicious rendezvous node used to connect the Tor Browser with OnionShare's onion service, the traffic is encrypted using the onion service's private key."
msgstr ""
"**Os terceiros non teñen acceso a nada do que ocorre en OnionShare.** Usar "
"OnionShare significa hospedar servizos directamente no teu ordenador. Cando "
"compartelos teus ficheiros con OnionShare, non se cargan a ningún servidor "
"de terceiros. Se creas unha sala de chat de OnionShare, o teu ordenador "
"tamén actúa como un servidor para iso. Isto evita o modelo tradicional de "
"ter que confiar nos ordenadores alleos."
#: ../../source/security.rst:15
msgid "**Anonymity of OnionShare users are protected by Tor.** OnionShare and Tor Browser protect the anonymity of the users. As long as the OnionShare user anonymously communicates the OnionShare address with the Tor Browser users, the Tor Browser users and eavesdroppers can't learn the identity of the OnionShare user."
msgstr ""
"**Os fisgones da rede non poden levar a cabo a súa actividade en todolo que "
"ocorre en OnionShare.** A conexión entre o servizo Onion Tor e o navegador "
"Tor está cifrada de extremo a extremo. Isto significa que os atacantes na "
"rede non poden escoitar nada excepto o tráfico Tor cifrado. Aínda que o "
"espía sexa un nodo de encontro malicioso usado para conectar o navegador Tor "
"ao servizo Onion de OnionShare, o tráfico cífrase mediante a clave privada "
"de Onion."
#: ../../source/security.rst:17
msgid "**If an attacker learns about the onion service, it still can't access anything.** Prior attacks against the Tor network to enumerate onion services allowed the attacker to discover private ``.onion`` addresses. If an attack discovers a private OnionShare address, they will also need to guess the private key used for client authentication in order to access it (unless the OnionShare user chooses make their service public by turning off the private key -- see :ref:`turn_off_private_key`)."
@ -50,7 +66,7 @@ msgstr ""
#: ../../source/security.rst:20
msgid "What OnionShare doesn't protect against"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Contra o que non protexe OnionShare"
#: ../../source/security.rst:22
msgid "**Communicating the OnionShare address and private key might not be secure.** Communicating the OnionShare address to people is the responsibility of the OnionShare user. If sent insecurely (such as through an email message monitored by an attacker), an eavesdropper can tell that OnionShare is being used. If the eavesdropper loads the address in Tor Browser while the service is still up, they can access it. To avoid this, the address must be communicated securely, via encrypted text message (probably with disappearing messages enabled), encrypted email, or in person. This isn't necessary when using OnionShare for something that isn't secret."
@ -6,20 +6,22 @@
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: OnionShare 2.5\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: onionshare-dev@lists.riseup.net\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2022-01-17 10:28-0800\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n"
"Last-Translator: Automatically generated\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2022-11-30 10:47+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: gallegonovato <fran-carro@hotmail.es>\n"
"Language-Team: none\n"
"Language: gl\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=n != 1;\n"
"X-Generator: Weblate 4.15-dev\n"
#: ../../source/_templates/versions.html:10
msgid "Versions"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Versións"
#: ../../source/_templates/versions.html:18
msgid "Languages"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Linguas"
@ -8,16 +8,16 @@ msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: OnionShare 2.3\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: onionshare-dev@lists.riseup.net\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2020-12-13 15:48-0800\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2021-01-25 16:32+0000\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2023-01-09 22:49+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: Milo Ivir <mail@milotype.de>\n"
"Language-Team: none\n"
"Language: hr\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=3; plural=n%10==1 && n%100!=11 ? 0 : n%10>=2 && n"
"%10<=4 && (n%100<10 || n%100>=20) ? 1 : 2;\n"
"X-Generator: Weblate 4.5-dev\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=3; plural=n%10==1 && n%100!=11 ? 0 : n%10>=2 && "
"n%10<=4 && (n%100<10 || n%100>=20) ? 1 : 2;\n"
"X-Generator: Weblate 4.15.1-dev\n"
#: ../../source/tor.rst:2
msgid "Connecting to Tor"
@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ msgstr ""
#: ../../source/tor.rst:18
msgid "Attempt auto-configuration with Tor Browser"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Pokušaj automatsku konfiguraciju s Tor preglednikom"
#: ../../source/tor.rst:20
msgid "If you have `downloaded the Tor Browser <https://www.torproject.org>`_ and don't want two ``tor`` processes running, you can use the ``tor`` process from the Tor Browser. Keep in mind you need to keep Tor Browser open in the background while you're using OnionShare for this to work."
@ -6,27 +6,31 @@
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: OnionShare 2.3.2\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: onionshare-dev@lists.riseup.net\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2021-05-03 21:48-0700\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n"
"Last-Translator: Automatically generated\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2023-02-23 14:39+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: Shizuka <yosiaondi48@gmail.com>\n"
"Language-Team: none\n"
"Language: id\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=1; plural=0;\n"
"X-Generator: Weblate 4.16-dev\n"
#: ../../source/install.rst:2
msgid "Installation"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Instalasi"
#: ../../source/install.rst:5
msgid "Windows or macOS"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Windows atau macOS"
#: ../../source/install.rst:7
msgid "You can download OnionShare for Windows and macOS from the `OnionShare website <https://onionshare.org/>`_."
msgstr ""
"Anda dapat mengunduh OnionShare untuk Windows dan macOS dari `situs web "
"OnionShare <https://onionshare.org/>`_."
#: ../../source/install.rst:12
msgid "Install in Linux"
@ -43,6 +47,8 @@ msgstr ""
#: ../../source/install.rst:19
msgid "**Install OnionShare using Flatpak**: https://flathub.org/apps/details/org.onionshare.OnionShare"
msgstr ""
"**Instal OnionShare menggunakan Flatpak**: https://flathub.org/apps/details/"
#: ../../source/install.rst:21
msgid "**Install OnionShare using Snap**: https://snapcraft.io/onionshare"
@ -51,50 +57,73 @@ msgstr ""
#: ../../source/install.rst:23
msgid "You can also download and install PGP-signed ``.flatpak`` or ``.snap`` packages from https://onionshare.org/dist/ if you prefer."
msgstr ""
"Anda juga dapat mengunduh dan menginstal paket ``.flatpak`` atau ``.snap`` "
"bertanda PGP dari https://onionshare.org/dist/ jika Anda mau."
#: ../../source/install.rst:28
msgid "Verifying PGP signatures"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Memverifikasi tanda tangan PGP"
#: ../../source/install.rst:30
msgid "You can verify that the package you download is legitimate and hasn't been tampered with by verifying its PGP signature. For Windows and macOS, this step is optional and provides defense in depth: the OnionShare binaries include operating system-specific signatures, and you can just rely on those alone if you'd like."
msgstr ""
"Anda dapat memverifikasi bahwa paket yang Anda unduh sah dan belum diubah "
"dengan memverifikasi tanda tangan PGP-nya. Untuk Windows dan macOS, langkah "
"ini bersifat opsional dan memberikan keamanan mendalam: binari OnionShare "
"menyertakan tanda tangan khusus sistem operasi, dan Anda dapat "
"menggunakannya jika Anda mau."
#: ../../source/install.rst:34
msgid "Signing key"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Kunci masuk"
#: ../../source/install.rst:36
msgid "Packages are signed by Micah Lee, the core developer, using his PGP public key with fingerprint ``927F419D7EC82C2F149C1BD1403C2657CD994F73``. You can download Micah's key `from the keys.openpgp.org keyserver <https://keys.openpgp.org/vks/v1/by-fingerprint/927F419D7EC82C2F149C1BD1403C2657CD994F73>`_."
msgstr ""
"Paket ditandatangani oleh Micah Lee, pengembang inti, menggunakan kunci "
"publik PGP miliknya dengan sidik jari "
"``927F419D7EC82C2F149C1BD1403C2657CD994F73``. Anda dapat mengunduh kunci "
"Micah `dari server kunci keys.openpgp.org <https://keys.openpgp.org/vks/v1/"
#: ../../source/install.rst:38
msgid "You must have GnuPG installed to verify signatures. For macOS you probably want `GPGTools <https://gpgtools.org/>`_, and for Windows you probably want `Gpg4win <https://www.gpg4win.org/>`_."
msgstr ""
"Anda harus menginstal GnuPG untuk memverifikasi tanda tangan. Untuk macOS "
"Anda mungkin menginginkan `GPGTools <https://gpgtools.org/>`_, dan untuk "
"Windows Anda mungkin menginginkan `Gpg4win <https://www.gpg4win.org/>`_."
#: ../../source/install.rst:41
msgid "Signatures"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Tanda tangan"
#: ../../source/install.rst:43
msgid "You can find the signatures (as ``.asc`` files), as well as Windows, macOS, Flatpak, Snap, and source packages, at https://onionshare.org/dist/ in the folders named for each version of OnionShare. You can also find them on the `GitHub Releases page <https://github.com/micahflee/onionshare/releases>`_."
msgstr ""
"Anda dapat menemukan tanda tangan (sebagai file ``.asc``), serta paket "
"Windows, macOS, Flatpak, Snap, dan sumber, di https://onionshare.org/dist/ "
"di folder yang diberi nama untuk setiap versi OnionShare. Anda juga dapat "
"menemukannya di halaman `Rilis GitHub <https://github.com/micahflee/"
#: ../../source/install.rst:47
msgid "Verifying"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Memverifikasi"
#: ../../source/install.rst:49
msgid "Once you have imported Micah's public key into your GnuPG keychain, downloaded the binary and and ``.asc`` signature, you can verify the binary for macOS in a terminal like this::"
msgstr ""
"Setelah Anda mengimpor kunci publik Micah ke gantungan kunci GnuPG Anda, "
"tanda tangan biner yang sudah diunduh dan dan ``.asc``, Anda dapat "
"memverifikasi biner untuk macOS di terminal seperti ini::"
#: ../../source/install.rst:53
msgid "Or for Windows, in a command-prompt like this::"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Atau untuk Windows, di command-prompt seperti ini ::"
#: ../../source/install.rst:57
msgid "The expected output looks like this::"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Output yang diharapkan terlihat seperti ini ::"
#: ../../source/install.rst:69
msgid "If you don't see 'Good signature from', there might be a problem with the integrity of the file (malicious or otherwise), and you should not install the package. (The \"WARNING:\" shown above, is not a problem with the package, it only means you haven't already defined any level of 'trust' of Micah's PGP key.)"
@ -103,3 +132,7 @@ msgstr ""
#: ../../source/install.rst:71
msgid "If you want to learn more about verifying PGP signatures, the guides for `Qubes OS <https://www.qubes-os.org/security/verifying-signatures/>`_ and the `Tor Project <https://support.torproject.org/tbb/how-to-verify-signature/>`_ may be useful."
msgstr ""
"Jika Anda ingin mempelajari lebih lanjut tentang memverifikasi tanda tangan "
"PGP, panduan untuk `Qubes OS <https://www.qubes-os.org/security/"
"verifying-signatures/>`_ dan `Tor Project <https://support .torproject.org/"
"tbb/how-to-verify-signature/>`_ mungkin bermanfaat."
@ -8,14 +8,15 @@ msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: OnionShare 2.3\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: onionshare-dev@lists.riseup.net\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2022-10-02 16:17-0700\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2020-12-02 19:29+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: x <hardwired1.0@protonmail.com>\n"
"Language: it\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2023-02-28 18:45+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: Gabriele <gabboxl0@gmail.com>\n"
"Language-Team: it <LL@li.org>\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=n != 1;\n"
"Language: it\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=n != 1;\n"
"X-Generator: Weblate 4.16-rc\n"
"Generated-By: Babel 2.10.3\n"
#: ../../source/advanced.rst:2
@ -58,7 +59,7 @@ msgstr ""
#: ../../source/advanced.rst:24
msgid "Turn Off Private Key"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Disattiva chiave privata"
#: ../../source/advanced.rst:26
msgid ""
@ -728,4 +729,3 @@ msgstr ""
#~ "viene salvata, a sinistra dello stato"
#~ " del server appare l'icona di uno "
#~ "spillo viola."
@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: OnionShare 2.3\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: onionshare-dev@lists.riseup.net\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2022-01-17 10:28-0800\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2022-09-13 19:18+0000\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2023-03-01 19:40+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: Gabriele <gabboxl0@gmail.com>\n"
"Language-Team: it <LL@li.org>\n"
"Language: it\n"
@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ msgstr ""
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=n != 1;\n"
"X-Generator: Weblate 4.14.1-dev\n"
"X-Generator: Weblate 4.16\n"
"Generated-By: Babel 2.9.1\n"
#: ../../source/develop.rst:2
@ -108,6 +108,11 @@ msgid ""
"file to learn how to set up your development environment for the "
"graphical version."
msgstr ""
"OnionShare è sviluppato in Python. Per iniziare, clona il repository Git da "
"https://github.com/onionshare/onionshare/ e poi consulta il file ``cli/README"
".md`` per sapere come configurare il tuo ambiente di sviluppo per la "
"versione a riga di comando e il file ``desktop/README.md`` per imparare come "
"impostare il proprio ambiente di sviluppo per la versione grafica."
#: ../../source/develop.rst:32
msgid ""
@ -175,15 +180,15 @@ msgstr ""
#: ../../source/develop.rst:165
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"In this case, you load the URL ```` in a normal "
"web-browser like Firefox, instead of using the Tor Browser. The private "
"key is not actually needed in local-only mode, so you can ignore it."
msgstr ""
"In questo caso, carichi l'URL ``http://onionshare:train-"
"system@`` in un normale browser web come Firefox, invece "
"di usare Tor Browser."
"In questo caso, vai all'URL ``http://onionshare:train-system@127.0.0."
"1:17635`` in un normale browser web come Firefox, invece di usare Tor "
"Browser. La chiave privata non è necessaria nella modalità in locale, per "
"cui puoi ignorarla."
#: ../../source/develop.rst:168
msgid "Contributing Translations"
@ -8,14 +8,15 @@ msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: OnionShare 2.3\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: onionshare-dev@lists.riseup.net\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2022-01-17 10:28-0800\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2020-12-02 19:29+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: x <hardwired1.0@protonmail.com>\n"
"Language: it\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2023-03-01 19:40+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: Gabriele <gabboxl0@gmail.com>\n"
"Language-Team: it <LL@li.org>\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=n != 1\n"
"Language: it\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=n != 1;\n"
"X-Generator: Weblate 4.16\n"
"Generated-By: Babel 2.9.1\n"
#: ../../source/features.rst:4
@ -33,20 +34,18 @@ msgstr ""
"services <https://community.torproject.org/onion-services/>`_."
#: ../../source/features.rst:8
#, fuzzy
msgid "By default, OnionShare web addresses are protected with a private key."
msgstr ""
"Di default, gli indirizzi web di OnionShare sono protetti con una "
"password random. Un tipico esempio di indirizzo di OnionShare potrebbe "
"somigliare a questo::"
"Di default, gli indirizzi web di OnionShare sono protetti con una chiave "
#: ../../source/features.rst:10
msgid "OnionShare addresses look something like this::"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Gli indirizzi OnionShare possono somigliare a questo::"
#: ../../source/features.rst:14
msgid "And private keys might look something like this::"
msgstr ""
msgstr "E le chiave private possono essere simili a questa::"
#: ../../source/features.rst:18
#, fuzzy
@ -192,7 +191,7 @@ msgstr ""
#: ../../source/features.rst:55
msgid "Receive Files and Messages"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Ricevi file e messaggi"
#: ../../source/features.rst:57
msgid ""
@ -205,6 +204,7 @@ msgstr ""
#: ../../source/features.rst:62
msgid "You can browse for a folder to save messages and files that get submitted."
msgstr ""
"Puoi sfogliare una cartella per salvare messaggi e file che vengono inviati."
#: ../../source/features.rst:64
msgid ""
@ -1067,4 +1067,3 @@ msgstr ""
#~ " room di OnionShare non memorizzano "
#~ "alcun messaggio da nessuna parte, quindi"
#~ " il problema è ridotto al minimo."
@ -8,14 +8,15 @@ msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: OnionShare 2.3\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: onionshare-dev@lists.riseup.net\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2022-01-17 10:28-0800\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2020-12-01 17:29+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: rc <coluccini.riccardo@gmail.com>\n"
"Language: it\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2023-02-28 18:46+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: Gabriele <gabboxl0@gmail.com>\n"
"Language-Team: it <LL@li.org>\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=n != 1\n"
"Language: it\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=n != 1;\n"
"X-Generator: Weblate 4.16-rc\n"
"Generated-By: Babel 2.9.1\n"
#: ../../source/help.rst:2
@ -40,17 +41,16 @@ msgid "Check the GitHub Issues"
msgstr "Controlla le issue su GitHub"
#: ../../source/help.rst:12
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"If it isn't on the website, please check the `GitHub issues "
"<https://github.com/onionshare/onionshare/issues>`_. It's possible "
"someone else has encountered the same problem and either raised it with "
"the developers, or maybe even posted a solution."
msgstr ""
"Se non si trova sul sito, per favore controlla tra le `issue GitHub "
"<https://github.com/micahflee/onionshare/issues>`_. Qualche altra persona"
" potrebbe aver incontrato il tuo stesso problema e averlo già segnalato "
"agli sviluppatori o forse aver persino postato la soluzione."
"Se non si trova sul sito, per favore controlla tra le `issue di GitHub "
"<https://github.com/micahflee/onionshare/issues>`_. Qualche altra persona "
"potrebbe aver incontrato il tuo stesso problema e averlo già segnalato agli "
"sviluppatori o forse aver persino postato la soluzione."
#: ../../source/help.rst:15
msgid "Submit an Issue Yourself"
@ -64,6 +64,10 @@ msgid ""
"`creating a GitHub account <https://help.github.com/articles/signing-up-"
msgstr ""
"Se non riesci a trovare una soluzione, o desideri porre una domanda oppure "
"vuoi suggerire una funzionalità, `crea una issue <https://github.com/"
"onionshare/onionshare/issues/new>`_. Ciò richiede `creare un account GitHub "
#: ../../source/help.rst:20
msgid "Join our Keybase Team"
@ -147,4 +151,3 @@ msgstr ""
#~ " richiede di `creare un account "
#~ "GitHub <https://help.github.com/articles/signing-up-"
#~ "for-a-new-github-account/>`_."
@ -8,14 +8,15 @@ msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: OnionShare 2.3\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: onionshare-dev@lists.riseup.net\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2022-03-31 16:26+1100\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2021-04-09 19:26+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: rc <coluccini.riccardo@gmail.com>\n"
"Language: it\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2023-03-01 19:40+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: Gabriele <gabboxl0@gmail.com>\n"
"Language-Team: it <LL@li.org>\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=n != 1\n"
"Language: it\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=n != 1;\n"
"X-Generator: Weblate 4.16\n"
"Generated-By: Babel 2.9.1\n"
#: ../../source/install.rst:2
@ -36,10 +37,9 @@ msgstr ""
#: ../../source/install.rst:12
msgid "Linux"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Linux"
#: ../../source/install.rst:14
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"There are various ways to install OnionShare for Linux, but the "
"recommended way is to use either the `Flatpak <https://flatpak.org/>`_ or"
@ -47,21 +47,21 @@ msgid ""
"ensure that you'll always use the newest version and run OnionShare "
"inside of a sandbox."
msgstr ""
"Ci sono diversi modi per installare OnionShare su Linux, ma il modo "
"suggerito è usare o il pacchetto di `Flatpak <https://flatpak.org/>`_ o "
"quello di `Snapcraft <https://snapcraft.io/>`_ . Flatpak e Snapcraft "
"garantiscono l'utilizzo della versione più aggiornata e l'avvio di "
"OnionShare all'interno di una sandbox."
"Ci sono diversi modi per installare OnionShare su Linux, ma la maniera "
"consigliata è usare o il pacchetto `Flatpak <https://flatpak.org/>`_ o `Snap "
"<https://snapcraft.io/>`_ . Flatpak e Snapcraft garantiscono l'utilizzo "
"della versione più aggiornata e l'avvio di OnionShare all'interno di una "
#: ../../source/install.rst:17
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"Snapcraft support is built-in to Ubuntu and Fedora comes with Flatpak "
"support, but which you use is up to you. Both work in all Linux "
msgstr ""
"Snapcraft è integrato in Ubuntu e Flatpak è integrato in Fedora, ma quale"
" scegliere dipende da te. Entrambi funzionano in tutte le distro Linux."
"Il supporto Snapcraft è integrato in Ubuntu e il supporto Flatpak è "
"integrato in Fedora, ma quale scegliere dipende da te. Entrambi funzionano "
"in tutte le distro Linux."
#: ../../source/install.rst:19
msgid ""
@ -72,22 +72,21 @@ msgstr ""
#: ../../source/install.rst:21
#, fuzzy
msgid "**Install OnionShare using Snapcraft**: https://snapcraft.io/onionshare"
msgstr "**Installa OnionShare usando Snapcraft**: https://snapcraft.io/onionshare"
msgstr ""
"**Installa OnionShare usando Snapcraft**: https://snapcraft.io/onionshare"
#: ../../source/install.rst:23
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"You can also download and install PGP-signed ``.flatpak`` or ``.snap`` "
"packages from https://onionshare.org/dist/ if you prefer."
msgstr ""
"Se preferisci puoi anche scaricare e installare pacchetti con firma PGP "
"``.flatpak`` o ``.snap`` da https://onionshare.org/dist/."
"Se preferisci puoi anche scaricare e installare pacchetti ``.flatpak`` o ``."
"snap`` con firma PGP da https://onionshare.org/dist/."
#: ../../source/install.rst:28
msgid "Command-line only"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Solo linea di comando"
#: ../../source/install.rst:30
msgid ""
@ -95,6 +94,9 @@ msgid ""
"operating system using the Python package manager ``pip``. :ref:`cli` has"
" more info."
msgstr ""
"Puoi anche installare soltanto la versione da linea di comando di OnionShare "
"su qualsiasi sistema operativo utilizzando il gestore dei pacchetti di "
"Python ``pip``. :ref:`cli`ha più informazioni."
#: ../../source/install.rst:35
msgid "Verifying PGP signatures"
@ -149,7 +151,6 @@ msgid "Signatures"
msgstr "Firme"
#: ../../source/install.rst:51
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"You can find the signatures (as ``.asc`` files), as well as Windows, "
"macOS, Flatpak, Snap, and source packages, at "
@ -157,26 +158,25 @@ msgid ""
"OnionShare. You can also find them on the `GitHub Releases page "
msgstr ""
"Puoi trovare le firme (file ``.asc``), così come i pacchetti sorrgente "
"per Windows, macOS, Flatpak e Snapcraft su https://onionshare.org/dist/ "
"nelle cartelle denominate per ogni versione di OnionShare. Puoi anche "
"trovarli nella pagina `GitHub Releases page "
"Puoi trovare le firme (file ``.asc``), così come i pacchetti sorgente per "
"Windows, macOS, Flatpak e Snapcraft su https://onionshare.org/dist/ nelle "
"cartelle denominate per ogni versione di OnionShare. Puoi anche trovarle "
"nella pagina `di GitHub Releases <https://github.com/micahflee/onionshare/"
#: ../../source/install.rst:55
msgid "Verifying"
msgstr "Verifica in corso"
#: ../../source/install.rst:57
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"Once you have imported Micah's public key into your GnuPG keychain, "
"downloaded the binary and and ``.asc`` signature, you can verify the "
"binary for macOS in a terminal like this::"
msgstr ""
"Dopo aver importato la chiave pubblica di Micah nel portachiavi GnuPG, "
"scaricato il binario e scaricato la firma ``.asc``, è possibile "
"verificare il binario per macOS in un terminale come questo::"
"Dopo aver importato la chiave pubblica di Micah nel tuo portachiavi GnuPG, "
"scaricato il binario, e scaricato la firma ``.asc``, puoi verificare il "
"binario per macOS in un terminale in questo modo::"
#: ../../source/install.rst:61
msgid "Or for Windows, in a command-prompt like this::"
@ -187,7 +187,6 @@ msgid "The expected output looks like this::"
msgstr "Il risultato atteso somiglia a questo::"
#: ../../source/install.rst:77
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"If you don't see ``Good signature from``, there might be a problem with "
"the integrity of the file (malicious or otherwise), and you should not "
@ -195,24 +194,23 @@ msgid ""
" the package, it only means you haven't defined a level of \"trust\" of "
"Micah's (the core developer) PGP key.)"
msgstr ""
"Se non viene visualizzato 'Good signature from', potrebbe verificarsi un "
"problema con l'integrità del file (dannoso o meno) e non dovresti "
"installare il pacchetto. (L'AVVISO mostrato sopra, non è un problema con "
"il pacchetto: significa solo che non hai già definito alcun livello di "
"'fiducia' della chiave PGP di Micah.)"
"Se non viene visualizzato ``Good signature from``, potrebbe essere un "
"problema legato all'integrità del file (dannoso o meno) e non dovresti "
"installare il pacchetto. (L'``AVVISO `` mostrato sopra, non è un problema "
"con il pacchetto: significa solo che non hai definito alcun livello di "
"'fiducia' della chiave PGP di Micah (lo sviluppatore principale).)"
#: ../../source/install.rst:79
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"If you want to learn more about verifying PGP signatures, the guides for "
"`Qubes OS <https://www.qubes-os.org/security/verifying-signatures/>`_ and"
" the `Tor Project <https://support.torproject.org/tbb/how-to-verify-"
"signature/>`_ may be useful."
msgstr ""
"Se volete saperne di più sulla verifica delle firme PGP, possono essere "
"utili le guide per `Qubes OS <https://www.qubes-os.org/security"
"/verifying-signatures/>`_ e il `Progetto Tor "
"Se vuoi saperne di più sulla verifica delle firme PGP, le guide per `Qubes "
"OS <https://www.qubes-os.org/security/verifying-signatures/>`_ e del `"
"Progetto Tor <https://support.torproject.org/it/tbb/how-to-verify-signature/"
"/>`_ possono essere utili."
#~ msgid "Install on Windows or macOS"
#~ msgstr ""
@ -339,4 +337,3 @@ msgstr ""
#~ "package manager ``pip``. See :ref:`cli` "
#~ "for more information."
#~ msgstr ""
@ -8,14 +8,15 @@ msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: OnionShare 2.3\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: onionshare-dev@lists.riseup.net\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2022-07-04 17:16-0400\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2022-01-20 11:57+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: albanobattistella <albano_battistella@hotmail.com>\n"
"Language: it\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2023-02-28 18:46+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: Gabriele <gabboxl0@gmail.com>\n"
"Language-Team: it <LL@li.org>\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=n != 1;\n"
"Language: it\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=n != 1;\n"
"X-Generator: Weblate 4.16-rc\n"
"Generated-By: Babel 2.10.3\n"
#: ../../source/tor.rst:2
@ -27,6 +28,8 @@ msgid ""
"When OnionShare starts, it will show you a screen asking you to connect "
"to the Tor network."
msgstr ""
"Quando OnionShare si avvia ti mostrerà una schermata chiedendoti di "
"connetterti alla rete Tor."
#: ../../source/tor.rst:8
msgid ""
@ -45,12 +48,17 @@ msgid ""
"your access to the Tor network, this should hopefully work the first "
msgstr ""
"Puoi cliccare \"Connetti a Tor\" per avviare il processo di connessione. Se "
"non sono presenti problemi con la tua rete, inclusi tentativi di blocco "
"all'accesso alla rete Tor, dovrebbe funzionare al primo tentativo."
#: ../../source/tor.rst:13
msgid ""
"Or, if you want to manually configure Bridges or other Tor settings "
"before you connect, you can click \"Network Settings\"."
msgstr ""
"Oppure se vuoi configurare manualmente i bridge o altre impostazioni Tor "
"prima della connessione, clicca su \"Impostazioni di rete\"."
#: ../../source/tor.rst:16
msgid "Automatic censorship circumvention"
@ -62,22 +70,26 @@ msgid ""
"might be because Tor is censored in your country or on your local "
msgstr ""
"Se OnionShare non riesce a connettersi quando clicchi \"Connetti a Tor\", "
"Tor potrebbe essere censurato nel tuo paese o nella tua rete locale."
#: ../../source/tor.rst:20
msgid "If this occurs, you will have these choices:"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Se ciò accade, hai a disposizione le seguenti scelte:"
#: ../../source/tor.rst:22
msgid "Try again without a bridge"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Riprova senza bridge"
#: ../../source/tor.rst:23
msgid "Automatically determine my country from my IP address for bridge settings"
msgstr ""
"Determina automaticamente il mio paese dal mio indirizzo IP per le "
"impostazioni di bridge"
#: ../../source/tor.rst:24
msgid "Manually select my country for bridge settings"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Seleziona manualmente il mio paese per le impostazioni di bridge"
#: ../../source/tor.rst:28
msgid ""
@ -85,6 +97,8 @@ msgid ""
"retry connecting to Tor like normal, without attempting to bypass "
msgstr ""
"Se scegli l'opzione \"Riprova senza bridge\", OnionShare riproverà a "
"connettersi a Tor normalmente senza tentare di aggirare la censura."
#: ../../source/tor.rst:30
msgid ""
@ -116,6 +130,9 @@ msgid ""
"Censorship API will find the bridges that suit the country that you "
msgstr ""
"Se scegli \"Seleziona manualmente il mio paese per le impostazioni di "
"bridge\", la \"Censorship API\" troverà dei bridge che potranno essere "
"adatti al paese che hai scelto."
#: ../../source/tor.rst:46
msgid "How automatic censorship circumvention works"
@ -164,7 +181,7 @@ msgstr ""
#: ../../source/tor.rst:59
msgid "Manually configure Tor settings"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Configura manualmente le impostazioni Tor"
#: ../../source/tor.rst:61
msgid ""
@ -207,7 +224,7 @@ msgstr ""
#: ../../source/tor.rst:76
msgid "**Using bridges**"
msgstr ""
msgstr "**Bridge in uso**"
#: ../../source/tor.rst:78
#, fuzzy
@ -730,4 +747,3 @@ msgstr ""
#~ "manual.torproject.org/bridges/>`_. Se OnionShare si"
#~ " connette a Tor senza uno, non "
#~ "è necessario utilizzare un bridge."
@ -6,19 +6,21 @@
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: OnionShare 2.5\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: onionshare-dev@lists.riseup.net\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2022-01-17 10:28-0800\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n"
"Last-Translator: Automatically generated\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2023-02-22 11:39+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: Temuri Doghonadze <temuri.doghonadze@gmail.com>\n"
"Language-Team: none\n"
"Language: ka\n"
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"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=n != 1;\n"
"X-Generator: Weblate 4.16-dev\n"
#: ../../source/tor.rst:2
msgid "Connecting to Tor"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Tor-თან დაკავშირება"
#: ../../source/tor.rst:4
msgid "Pick a way to connect OnionShare to Tor by clicking the Tor onion icon in the bottom right of the OnionShare window to open the Tor Settings tab."
@ -6,48 +6,60 @@
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: OnionShare 2.5\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: onionshare-dev@lists.riseup.net\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2022-01-17 10:28-0800\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n"
"Last-Translator: Automatically generated\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2022-10-19 10:07+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: 이정희 <daemul72@gmail.com>\n"
"Language-Team: none\n"
"Language: ko\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=1; plural=0;\n"
"X-Generator: Weblate 4.14.2-dev\n"
#: ../../source/help.rst:2
msgid "Getting Help"
msgstr ""
msgstr "도움말 받기"
#: ../../source/help.rst:5
msgid "Read This Website"
msgstr ""
msgstr "이 웹사이트 읽기"
#: ../../source/help.rst:7
msgid "You will find instructions on how to use OnionShare. Look through all of the sections first to see if anything answers your questions."
msgstr ""
"OnionShare를 사용하는 방법에 대한 지침을 찾을 수 있습니다. 먼저 모든 섹션을 "
"살펴보고 질문에 답하는 것이 있는지 확인하십시오."
#: ../../source/help.rst:10
msgid "Check the GitHub Issues"
msgstr ""
msgstr "GitHub 이슈 알아보기"
#: ../../source/help.rst:12
msgid "If it isn't on the website, please check the `GitHub issues <https://github.com/onionshare/onionshare/issues>`_. It's possible someone else has encountered the same problem and either raised it with the developers, or maybe even posted a solution."
msgstr ""
"웹사이트에 없으면 `GitHub 문제 <https://github.com/onionshare/onionshare/"
"issues>`_를 확인하세요. 다른 누군가가 동일한 문제에 직면하여 개발자에게 "
"문제를 제기했거나 솔루션을 게시했을 수도 있습니다."
#: ../../source/help.rst:15
msgid "Submit an Issue Yourself"
msgstr ""
msgstr "직접 이슈 제출하기"
#: ../../source/help.rst:17
msgid "If you are unable to find a solution, or wish to ask a question or suggest a new feature, please `submit an issue <https://github.com/onionshare/onionshare/issues/new>`_. This requires `creating a GitHub account <https://help.github.com/articles/signing-up-for-a-new-github-account/>`_."
msgstr ""
"해결 방법을 찾을 수 없거나, 질문을 하거나 새로운 기능을 제안하려면, 부디`"
"이슈를 제출해주세요 <https://github.com/onionshare/onionshare/issues/new>`_. "
"이를 위해서는 `GitHub 계정 생성 <https://help.github.com/articles/"
"signing-up-for-a-new-github-account/>`_이 필요합니다."
#: ../../source/help.rst:20
msgid "Join our Keybase Team"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Keybase 팀에 합류하세요"
#: ../../source/help.rst:22
msgid "See :ref:`collaborating` on how to join the Keybase team used to discuss the project."
msgstr ""
msgstr "프로젝트에 대해 논의하는 데 사용된 Keybase 팀에 합류하는 방법에 대해서는 "
":ref:`공동 작업`을 참조하십시오."
@ -6,20 +6,24 @@
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: OnionShare 2.5\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: onionshare-dev@lists.riseup.net\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2022-01-17 10:28-0800\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n"
"Last-Translator: Automatically generated\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2022-10-19 10:07+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: 이정희 <daemul72@gmail.com>\n"
"Language-Team: none\n"
"Language: ko\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=1; plural=0;\n"
"X-Generator: Weblate 4.14.2-dev\n"
#: ../../source/index.rst:2
msgid "OnionShare's documentation"
msgstr ""
msgstr "OnionShare의 문서"
#: ../../source/index.rst:6
msgid "OnionShare is an open source tool that lets you securely and anonymously share files, host websites, and chat with friends using the Tor network."
msgstr ""
"OnionShare는 Tor 네트워크를 사용하여 안전하게 익명으로 파일을 공유하고, "
"웹사이트를 호스팅하고, 친구와 채팅할 수 있는 오픈 소스 도구입니다."
@ -6,31 +6,35 @@
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: OnionShare 2.5\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: onionshare-dev@lists.riseup.net\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2022-01-17 10:28-0800\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n"
"Last-Translator: Automatically generated\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2022-10-19 10:07+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: 이정희 <daemul72@gmail.com>\n"
"Language-Team: none\n"
"Language: ko\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=1; plural=0;\n"
"X-Generator: Weblate 4.14.2-dev\n"
#: ../../source/install.rst:2
msgid "Installation"
msgstr ""
msgstr "설치"
#: ../../source/install.rst:5
msgid "Windows or macOS"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Windows 또는 macOS"
#: ../../source/install.rst:7
msgid "You can download OnionShare for Windows and macOS from the `OnionShare website <https://onionshare.org/>`_."
msgstr ""
"Windows 및 macOS용 OnionShare는 `OnionShare 웹사이트 <https://onionshare.org/"
">`_에서 다운로드할 수 있습니다."
#: ../../source/install.rst:12
msgid "Linux"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Linux"
#: ../../source/install.rst:14
msgid "There are various ways to install OnionShare for Linux, but the recommended way is to use either the `Flatpak <https://flatpak.org/>`_ or the `Snap <https://snapcraft.io/>`_ package. Flatpak and Snap ensure that you'll always use the newest version and run OnionShare inside of a sandbox."
@ -43,6 +47,8 @@ msgstr ""
#: ../../source/install.rst:19
msgid "**Install OnionShare using Flatpak**: https://flathub.org/apps/details/org.onionshare.OnionShare"
msgstr ""
"**Flatpak을 사용하여 OnionShare 설치**: https://flathub.org/apps/details/org."
#: ../../source/install.rst:21
msgid "**Install OnionShare using Snap**: https://snapcraft.io/onionshare"
@ -51,10 +57,12 @@ msgstr ""
#: ../../source/install.rst:23
msgid "You can also download and install PGP-signed ``.flatpak`` or ``.snap`` packages from https://onionshare.org/dist/ if you prefer."
msgstr ""
"원하는 경우 https://onionshare.org/dist/에서 PGP 서명 ``.flatpak`` 또는 ``."
"snap`` 패키지를 다운로드하여 설치할 수도 있습니다."
#: ../../source/install.rst:28
msgid "Command-line only"
msgstr ""
msgstr "명령줄만"
#: ../../source/install.rst:30
msgid "You can install just the command line version of OnionShare on any operating system using the Python package manager ``pip``. See :ref:`cli` for more information."
@ -62,47 +70,65 @@ msgstr ""
#: ../../source/install.rst:35
msgid "Verifying PGP signatures"
msgstr ""
msgstr "PGP 서명 검증"
#: ../../source/install.rst:37
msgid "You can verify that the package you download is legitimate and hasn't been tampered with by verifying its PGP signature. For Windows and macOS, this step is optional and provides defense in depth: the OnionShare binaries include operating system-specific signatures, and you can just rely on those alone if you'd like."
msgstr ""
"PGP 서명을 검증하여 다운로드한 패키지가 합법적이며 변조되지 않았는지 확인할 "
"수 있습니다. Windows 및 macOS의 경우 이 단계는 선택 사항이며 심층적인 방어를 "
"제공합니다. OnionShare 바이너리에는 운영 체제별 서명이 포함되어 있으며, "
"원하는 경우 해당 서명에만 의존할 수 있습니다."
#: ../../source/install.rst:41
msgid "Signing key"
msgstr ""
msgstr "서명 키"
#: ../../source/install.rst:43
msgid "Packages are signed by Micah Lee, the core developer, using his PGP public key with fingerprint ``927F419D7EC82C2F149C1BD1403C2657CD994F73``. You can download Micah's key `from the keys.openpgp.org keyserver <https://keys.openpgp.org/vks/v1/by-fingerprint/927F419D7EC82C2F149C1BD1403C2657CD994F73>`_."
msgstr ""
"패키지는 핵심 개발자인 Micah Lee가 지문 "
"``927F419D7EC82C2F149C1BD1403C2657CD994F73``을 사용하여 PGP 공개 키를 "
"사용하여 서명했습니다. Micah의 키는 `keys.openpgp.org keyserver <https://keys"
"_에서 다운로드할 수 있습니다."
#: ../../source/install.rst:45
msgid "You must have GnuPG installed to verify signatures. For macOS you probably want `GPGTools <https://gpgtools.org/>`_, and for Windows you probably want `Gpg4win <https://www.gpg4win.org/>`_."
msgstr ""
"서명을 검증하려면 GnuPG가 설치되어 있어야 합니다. macOS의 경우 `GPGTools "
"<https://gpgtools.org/>`_를 원할 것이고 Windows의 경우 `Gpg4win <https://www."
"gpg4win.org/>`_를 원할 것입니다."
#: ../../source/install.rst:48
msgid "Signatures"
msgstr ""
msgstr "서명"
#: ../../source/install.rst:50
msgid "You can find the signatures (as ``.asc`` files), as well as Windows, macOS, Flatpak, Snap, and source packages, at https://onionshare.org/dist/ in the folders named for each version of OnionShare. You can also find them on the `GitHub Releases page <https://github.com/micahflee/onionshare/releases>`_."
msgstr ""
"서명(``.asc`` 파일)과 Windows, macOS, Flatpak, Snap 및 소스 패키지는 "
"OnionShare의 각 버전에 대해 이름이 지정된 폴더의 https://onionshare.org/dist/"
"에서 찾을 수 있습니다. `GitHub 릴리스 페이지 <https://github.com/micahflee/"
"onionshare/releases>`_에서도 찾을 수 있습니다."
#: ../../source/install.rst:54
msgid "Verifying"
msgstr ""
msgstr "검증 중"
#: ../../source/install.rst:56
msgid "Once you have imported Micah's public key into your GnuPG keychain, downloaded the binary and and ``.asc`` signature, you can verify the binary for macOS in a terminal like this::"
msgstr ""
"Micah의 공개 키를 GnuPG 키체인으로 가져오고 바이너리와 ``.asc`` 서명을 "
"다운로드하면 다음과 같이 터미널에서 macOS용 바이너리를 확인할 수 있습니다::"
#: ../../source/install.rst:60
msgid "Or for Windows, in a command-prompt like this::"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Windows의 경우, 이와 같은 명령 프롬프트에서 사용할 수 있습니다::"
#: ../../source/install.rst:64
msgid "The expected output looks like this::"
msgstr ""
msgstr "예상되는 출력은 다음과 같습니다::"
#: ../../source/install.rst:76
msgid "If you don't see ``Good signature from``, there might be a problem with the integrity of the file (malicious or otherwise), and you should not install the package. (The ``WARNING:`` shown above, is not a problem with the package, it only means you haven't defined a level of \"trust\" of Micah's PGP key.)"
@ -111,3 +137,6 @@ msgstr ""
#: ../../source/install.rst:78
msgid "If you want to learn more about verifying PGP signatures, the guides for `Qubes OS <https://www.qubes-os.org/security/verifying-signatures/>`_ and the `Tor Project <https://support.torproject.org/tbb/how-to-verify-signature/>`_ may be useful."
msgstr ""
"PGP 서명 검증에 대한 자세한 내용은 `Qubes OS <https://www.qubes-os.org/"
"security/verifying-signatures/>`_ 및 `Tor 프로젝트 <https://support ."
"torproject.org/tbb/how-to-verify-signature/>`_가 유용할 수 있습니다."
@ -6,31 +6,35 @@
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: OnionShare 2.5\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: onionshare-dev@lists.riseup.net\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2022-01-17 10:28-0800\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n"
"Last-Translator: Automatically generated\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2022-10-19 10:07+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: 이정희 <daemul72@gmail.com>\n"
"Language-Team: none\n"
"Language: ko\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=1; plural=0;\n"
"X-Generator: Weblate 4.14.2-dev\n"
#: ../../source/security.rst:2
msgid "Security Design"
msgstr ""
msgstr "보안 설계"
#: ../../source/security.rst:4
msgid "Read :ref:`how_it_works` first to get a handle on how OnionShare works."
msgstr ""
msgstr "OnionShare가 어떻게 작동하는지 알아보려면 먼저 :ref:`how_it_works`를 "
#: ../../source/security.rst:6
msgid "Like all software, OnionShare may contain bugs or vulnerabilities."
msgstr ""
msgstr "모든 소프트웨어와 마찬가지로 OnionShare에는 버그 또는 취약점이 포함될 수 "
#: ../../source/security.rst:9
msgid "What OnionShare protects against"
msgstr ""
msgstr "OnionShare가 보호하는 것"
#: ../../source/security.rst:11
msgid "**Third parties don't have access to anything that happens in OnionShare.** Using OnionShare means hosting services directly on your computer. When sharing files with OnionShare, they are not uploaded to any server. If you make an OnionShare chat room, your computer acts as a server for that too. This avoids the traditional model of having to trust the computers of others."
@ -39,10 +43,20 @@ msgstr ""
#: ../../source/security.rst:13
msgid "**Network eavesdroppers can't spy on anything that happens in OnionShare in transit.** The connection between the Tor onion service and Tor Browser is end-to-end encrypted. This means network attackers can't eavesdrop on anything except encrypted Tor traffic. Even if an eavesdropper is a malicious rendezvous node used to connect the Tor Browser with OnionShare's onion service, the traffic is encrypted using the onion service's private key."
msgstr ""
"**네트워크 도청자는 전송 중 OnionShare에서 발생하는 모든 일을 감시할 수 "
"없습니다.** Tor onion 서비스와 Tor 브라우저 간의 연결은 종단 간 "
"암호화됩니다. 이것은 네트워크 공격자가 암호화된 Tor 트래픽을 제외한 어떤 "
"것도 도청할 수 없음을 의미합니다. 도청자가 Tor 브라우저와 OnionShare의 onion "
"서비스를 연결하는 데 사용되는 악의적인 접선 노드일지라도 트래픽은 onion "
"서비스의 개인 키를 사용하여 암호화됩니다."
#: ../../source/security.rst:15
msgid "**Anonymity of OnionShare users are protected by Tor.** OnionShare and Tor Browser protect the anonymity of the users. As long as the OnionShare user anonymously communicates the OnionShare address with the Tor Browser users, the Tor Browser users and eavesdroppers can't learn the identity of the OnionShare user."
msgstr ""
"**OnionShare 사용자의 익명성은 Tor에 의해 보호됩니다.** OnionShare 및 Tor "
"브라우저는 사용자의 익명성을 보호합니다. OnionShare 사용자가 Tor 브라우저 "
"사용자와 익명으로 OnionShare 주소를 통신하는 한, Tor 브라우저 사용자와 "
"도청자는 OnionShare 사용자의 신원을 알 수 없습니다."
#: ../../source/security.rst:17
msgid "**If an attacker learns about the onion service, it still can't access anything.** Prior attacks against the Tor network to enumerate onion services allowed the attacker to discover private ``.onion`` addresses. If an attack discovers a private OnionShare address, they will also need to guess the private key used for client authentication in order to access it (unless the OnionShare user chooses make their service public by turning off the private key -- see :ref:`turn_off_private_key`)."
@ -50,7 +64,7 @@ msgstr ""
#: ../../source/security.rst:20
msgid "What OnionShare doesn't protect against"
msgstr ""
msgstr "OnionShare가 보호하지 않는 것"
#: ../../source/security.rst:22
msgid "**Communicating the OnionShare address and private key might not be secure.** Communicating the OnionShare address to people is the responsibility of the OnionShare user. If sent insecurely (such as through an email message monitored by an attacker), an eavesdropper can tell that OnionShare is being used. If the eavesdropper loads the address in Tor Browser while the service is still up, they can access it. To avoid this, the address must be communicated securely, via encrypted text message (probably with disappearing messages enabled), encrypted email, or in person. This isn't necessary when using OnionShare for something that isn't secret."
@ -6,20 +6,22 @@
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: OnionShare 2.5\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: onionshare-dev@lists.riseup.net\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2022-01-17 10:28-0800\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n"
"Last-Translator: Automatically generated\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2022-10-19 10:07+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: 이정희 <daemul72@gmail.com>\n"
"Language-Team: none\n"
"Language: ko\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=1; plural=0;\n"
"X-Generator: Weblate 4.14.2-dev\n"
#: ../../source/_templates/versions.html:10
msgid "Versions"
msgstr ""
msgstr "버전"
#: ../../source/_templates/versions.html:18
msgid "Languages"
msgstr ""
msgstr "언어"
@ -6,31 +6,37 @@
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: OnionShare 2.5\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: onionshare-dev@lists.riseup.net\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2022-01-17 10:28-0800\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n"
"Last-Translator: Automatically generated\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2022-10-30 20:01+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: Gediminas Murauskas <muziejusinfo@gmail.com>\n"
"Language-Team: none\n"
"Language: lt\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
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"19)) ? 0 : ((n % 10 >= 2 && n % 10 <= 9 && (n % 100 < 11 || n % 100 > 19)) ? "
"1 : 2);\n"
"X-Generator: Weblate 4.14.2-dev\n"
#: ../../source/install.rst:2
msgid "Installation"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Įdiegimas"
#: ../../source/install.rst:5
msgid "Windows or macOS"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Windows arba macOS"
#: ../../source/install.rst:7
msgid "You can download OnionShare for Windows and macOS from the `OnionShare website <https://onionshare.org/>`_."
msgstr ""
"„OnionShare“, skirtą „Windows“ ir „MacOS“, galite atsisiųsti iš „OnionShare“ "
"svetainės <https://onionshare.org/>`_."
#: ../../source/install.rst:12
msgid "Linux"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Linux"
#: ../../source/install.rst:14
msgid "There are various ways to install OnionShare for Linux, but the recommended way is to use either the `Flatpak <https://flatpak.org/>`_ or the `Snap <https://snapcraft.io/>`_ package. Flatpak and Snap ensure that you'll always use the newest version and run OnionShare inside of a sandbox."
@ -43,6 +49,8 @@ msgstr ""
#: ../../source/install.rst:19
msgid "**Install OnionShare using Flatpak**: https://flathub.org/apps/details/org.onionshare.OnionShare"
msgstr ""
"**Įdiekite „OnionShare“ naudodami „Flatpak“**: https://flathub.org/apps/"
#: ../../source/install.rst:21
msgid "**Install OnionShare using Snap**: https://snapcraft.io/onionshare"
@ -51,10 +59,12 @@ msgstr ""
#: ../../source/install.rst:23
msgid "You can also download and install PGP-signed ``.flatpak`` or ``.snap`` packages from https://onionshare.org/dist/ if you prefer."
msgstr ""
"Jei pageidaujate, galite atsisiųsti ir įdiegti PGP pasirašytus ``.flatpak`` "
"arba ``.snap`` paketus iš https://onionshare.org/dist/."
#: ../../source/install.rst:28
msgid "Command-line only"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Tik komandine eilute"
#: ../../source/install.rst:30
msgid "You can install just the command line version of OnionShare on any operating system using the Python package manager ``pip``. See :ref:`cli` for more information."
@ -62,47 +72,68 @@ msgstr ""
#: ../../source/install.rst:35
msgid "Verifying PGP signatures"
msgstr ""
msgstr "PGP parašų tikrinimas"
#: ../../source/install.rst:37
msgid "You can verify that the package you download is legitimate and hasn't been tampered with by verifying its PGP signature. For Windows and macOS, this step is optional and provides defense in depth: the OnionShare binaries include operating system-specific signatures, and you can just rely on those alone if you'd like."
msgstr ""
"Galite patikrinti, ar atsisiunčiamas paketas yra teisėtas ir ar jis nebuvo "
"sugadintas, patikrinę jo PGP parašą. Sistemoms „Windows“ ir „MacOS“ šis "
"veiksmas yra neprivalomas ir užtikrina gilią apsaugą: „OnionShare“ "
"dvejetainiai failai apima konkrečiai operacinei sistemai būdingus parašus "
"ir, jei norite, galite pasikliauti vien tik jais."
#: ../../source/install.rst:41
msgid "Signing key"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Pasirašymo raktas"
#: ../../source/install.rst:43
msgid "Packages are signed by Micah Lee, the core developer, using his PGP public key with fingerprint ``927F419D7EC82C2F149C1BD1403C2657CD994F73``. You can download Micah's key `from the keys.openpgp.org keyserver <https://keys.openpgp.org/vks/v1/by-fingerprint/927F419D7EC82C2F149C1BD1403C2657CD994F73>`_."
msgstr ""
"Paketus pasirašo pagrindinis kūrėjas Micah Lee, naudodamas savo viešąjį PGP "
"raktą su piršto atspaudu ``927F419D7EC82C2F149C1BD1403C2657CD994F73``. Micah "
"raktą galite atsisiųsti `iš keys.openpgp.org raktų serverio <https://keys."
#: ../../source/install.rst:45
msgid "You must have GnuPG installed to verify signatures. For macOS you probably want `GPGTools <https://gpgtools.org/>`_, and for Windows you probably want `Gpg4win <https://www.gpg4win.org/>`_."
msgstr ""
"Norėdami patikrinti parašus, turite turėti įdiegtą GnuPG. Jei naudojate "
"„MacOS“, tikriausiai norėsite `GPGTools <https://gpgtools.org/>`_, o "
"„Windows“ – `Gpg4win <https://www.gpg4win.org/>`_."
#: ../../source/install.rst:48
msgid "Signatures"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Parašai"
#: ../../source/install.rst:50
msgid "You can find the signatures (as ``.asc`` files), as well as Windows, macOS, Flatpak, Snap, and source packages, at https://onionshare.org/dist/ in the folders named for each version of OnionShare. You can also find them on the `GitHub Releases page <https://github.com/micahflee/onionshare/releases>`_."
msgstr ""
"Parašus (kaip ``.asc`` failus), taip pat „Windows“, „macOS“, „Flatpak“, "
"„Snap“ ir šaltinio paketus rasite adresu https://onionshare.org/dist/ "
"aplankuose, pavadintuose kiekvienai versijai „OnionShare“. Juos taip pat "
"galite rasti `„GitHub“ leidimų puslapyje <https://github.com/micahflee/"
#: ../../source/install.rst:54
msgid "Verifying"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Patikrinimas"
#: ../../source/install.rst:56
msgid "Once you have imported Micah's public key into your GnuPG keychain, downloaded the binary and and ``.asc`` signature, you can verify the binary for macOS in a terminal like this::"
msgstr ""
"Importavę Micah viešąjį raktą į savo „GnuPG“ raktų pakabuką, atsisiuntę "
"dvejetainį ir ``.asc`` parašą, galėsite patvirtinti dvejetainį „macOS“ "
"terminalą, pavyzdžiui:"
#: ../../source/install.rst:60
msgid "Or for Windows, in a command-prompt like this::"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Arba „Windows“ komandų eilutėje, kaip ši::"
#: ../../source/install.rst:64
msgid "The expected output looks like this::"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Laukiama išvestis atrodo taip::"
#: ../../source/install.rst:76
msgid "If you don't see ``Good signature from``, there might be a problem with the integrity of the file (malicious or otherwise), and you should not install the package. (The ``WARNING:`` shown above, is not a problem with the package, it only means you haven't defined a level of \"trust\" of Micah's PGP key.)"
@ -111,3 +142,7 @@ msgstr ""
#: ../../source/install.rst:78
msgid "If you want to learn more about verifying PGP signatures, the guides for `Qubes OS <https://www.qubes-os.org/security/verifying-signatures/>`_ and the `Tor Project <https://support.torproject.org/tbb/how-to-verify-signature/>`_ may be useful."
msgstr ""
"Jei norite sužinoti daugiau apie PGP parašų tikrinimą, peržiūrėkite `Qubes "
"OS <https://www.qubes-os.org/security/verifying-signatures/>` ir `Tor "
"Project <https://support. .torproject.org/tbb/how-to-verify-signature/>`_ "
"gali būti naudinga."
@ -8,15 +8,15 @@ msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: OnionShare 2.3\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: onionshare-dev@lists.riseup.net\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2020-11-15 14:42-0800\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2022-05-24 09:14+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: Erin McConnell <erinm@riseup.net>\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2023-01-31 18:46+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: Lucrezia <luctranslator@outlook.com>\n"
"Language-Team: LANGUAGE <LL@li.org>\n"
"Language: nl\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8\n"
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"X-Generator: Weblate 4.13-dev\n"
"X-Generator: Weblate 4.16-dev\n"
"Generated-By: Babel 2.9.0\n"
#: ../../source/advanced.rst:2
@ -156,7 +156,6 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
#: ../../source/advanced.rst:73
#, fuzzy
msgid "Usage"
msgstr "Gebruik"
@ -8,15 +8,15 @@ msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: OnionShare 2.3\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: onionshare-dev@lists.riseup.net\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2020-12-13 15:48-0800\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2021-05-14 19:05+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: nocturnalfilth <nocturnalfilth@gmail.com>\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2023-01-31 18:46+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: Lucrezia <luctranslator@outlook.com>\n"
"Language-Team: LANGUAGE <LL@li.org>\n"
"Language: nl\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8\n"
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"X-Generator: Weblate 4.7-dev\n"
"X-Generator: Weblate 4.16-dev\n"
"Generated-By: Babel 2.9.0\n"
#: ../../source/install.rst:2
@ -148,7 +148,6 @@ msgstr ""
#: ../../source/install.rst:47
#, fuzzy
msgid "Verifying"
msgstr "Verifiëren"
@ -8,15 +8,15 @@ msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: OnionShare 2.3\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: onionshare-dev@lists.riseup.net\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2020-12-13 15:48-0800\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2021-05-14 13:32+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: nocturnalfilth <nocturnalfilth@gmail.com>\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2023-01-31 18:46+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: Lucrezia <luctranslator@outlook.com>\n"
"Language-Team: LANGUAGE <LL@li.org>\n"
"Language: nl\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
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"X-Generator: Weblate 4.7-dev\n"
"X-Generator: Weblate 4.16-dev\n"
"Generated-By: Babel 2.9.0\n"
#: ../../source/security.rst:2
@ -111,9 +111,8 @@ msgstr ""
"worden voorkomen."
#: ../../source/security.rst:20
#, fuzzy
msgid "What OnionShare doesn't protect against"
msgstr "Waar OnionShare niet tegen beschermt"
msgstr "Waar OnionShare geen bescherming tegen biedt"
#: ../../source/security.rst:22
msgid ""
@ -8,15 +8,16 @@ msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: OnionShare 2.3\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: onionshare-dev@lists.riseup.net\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2022-10-02 16:17-0700\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2021-10-16 21:34+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: Rafał Godek <p3run@tutanota.com>\n"
"Language: pl\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2022-12-12 06:49+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: Matthaiks <kitynska@gmail.com>\n"
"Language-Team: pl <LL@li.org>\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=3; plural=n==1 ? 0 : n%10>=2 && n%10<=4 && "
"(n%100<10 || n%100>=20) ? 1 : 2;\n"
"Language: pl\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=3; plural=n==1 ? 0 : n%10>=2 && n%10<=4 && (n%100<10 "
"|| n%100>=20) ? 1 : 2;\n"
"X-Generator: Weblate 4.15-dev\n"
"Generated-By: Babel 2.10.3\n"
#: ../../source/advanced.rst:2
@ -33,12 +34,18 @@ msgid ""
"Persistently hosted websites are available on the same address even if "
"the computer they are shared from is rebooted."
msgstr ""
"Zamykanie hostowanych kart OnionShare niszczy je, uniemożliwiając ponowne "
"użycie. Stale hostowane strony internetowe są dostępne pod tym samym "
"adresem, nawet jeśli komputer, z którego są udostępniane, zostanie ponownie "
#: ../../source/advanced.rst:12
msgid ""
"Make any tab persistent by checking the \"Always open this tab when "
"OnionShare is started\" box before starting your server."
msgstr ""
"Utrwal dowolną kartę, zaznaczając pole „Zawsze otwieraj tę kartę po "
"uruchomieniu OnionShare” przed uruchomieniem serwera."
#: ../../source/advanced.rst:16
msgid ""
@ -47,15 +54,18 @@ msgid ""
"available on the same OnionShare address and be protected by the same "
"private key."
msgstr ""
"Podczas otwierania OnionShare Twoje zapisane karty z poprzedniej sesji "
"zaczną się otwierać. Każda usługa może być następnie uruchomiona ręcznie i "
"będzie dostępna pod tym samym adresem OnionShare, będzie chroniona tym samym "
"kluczem prywatnym."
#: ../../source/advanced.rst:19
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"If you save a tab, a copy of its onion service secret key is stored on "
"your computer."
msgstr ""
"Jeśli zapiszesz kartę, kopia tajnego klucza usługi cebulowej tej karty "
"zostanie zapisana na Twoim komputerze wraz z ustawieniami OnionShare."
"Jeśli zapiszesz kartę, kopia jej sekretnego klucza usługi cebulowej jest "
"przechowywana na Twoim komputerze."
#: ../../source/advanced.rst:24
msgid "Turn Off Private Key"
@ -75,43 +85,43 @@ msgid ""
"OnionShare service. If you want allow the public to use your service, "
"it's better to disable the private key altogether."
msgstr ""
"Tor Browser poprosi Cię o podanie klucza prywatnego podczas ładowania usługi "
"OnionShare. Jeśli chcesz zezwolić ludziom na korzystanie z Twojej usługi, "
"lepiej całkowicie wyłączyć klucz prywatny."
#: ../../source/advanced.rst:31
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"To turn off the private key for any tab, check the \"This is a public "
"OnionShare service (disables private key)\" box before starting the "
"server. Then the server will be public and a private key is not needed to"
" load it in the Tor Browser."
msgstr ""
"Aby wyłączyć obsługę klucza prywatnego dla dowolnej karty, zaznacz pole "
"„To jest usługa publiczna OnionShare (wyłącza klucz prywatny)” przed "
"Aby wyłączyć obsługę klucza prywatnego dla dowolnej karty, zaznacz pole „To "
"jest usługa publiczna OnionShare (wyłącza klucz prywatny)” przed "
"uruchomieniem serwera. Wtedy serwer będzie publiczny i nie będzie "
"potrzebował klucza prywatnego do przeglądania w przeglądarce Tor."
"potrzebował klucza prywatnego do przeglądania w Tor Browser."
#: ../../source/advanced.rst:37
msgid "Custom Titles"
msgstr "Tytuły Niestandardowe"
msgstr "Tytuły niestandardowe"
#: ../../source/advanced.rst:39
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"When people load OnionShare services in the Tor Browser they see the "
"default title for each type of service. For example, the default title "
"for chat services is \"OnionShare Chat\"."
msgstr ""
"Domyślnie, gdy ludzie ładują usługę OnionShare w przeglądarce Tor, widzą "
"domyślny tytuł dla danego typu usługi. Na przykład domyślny tytuł usługi "
"czatu to „OnionShare Chat”."
"Domyślnie, gdy ludzie ładują usługę OnionShare w Tor Browser, widzą domyślny "
"tytuł dla danego typu usługi. Na przykład domyślny tytuł usługi czatu to „"
"OnionShare Chat”."
#: ../../source/advanced.rst:42
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"If you edit the \"Custom title\" setting before starting a server you can"
" change it."
msgstr ""
"Jeśli chcesz wybrać tytuł niestandardowy, ustaw „Tytuł niestandardowy” "
"przed uruchomieniem serwera."
"Jeśli edytujesz ustawienie „Tytuł niestandardowy” przed uruchomieniem "
"serwera, możesz to zmienić."
#: ../../source/advanced.rst:45
msgid "Scheduled Times"
@ -138,6 +148,9 @@ msgid ""
"when the \"Start sharing\" button is clicked. Services scheduled to stop "
"in the future display a countdown timer when started."
msgstr ""
"Usługi zaplanowane do uruchomienia w przyszłości wyświetlają licznik czasu "
"po kliknięciu przycisku „Rozpocznij udostępnianie”. Usługi, które mają "
"zostać zatrzymane w przyszłości, po uruchomieniu wyświetlają licznik czasu."
#: ../../source/advanced.rst:54
msgid ""
@ -146,18 +159,21 @@ msgid ""
"time in the future if you are not there to prevent it. If nothing happens"
" to you, you can cancel the service before it's scheduled to start."
msgstr ""
"**Zaplanowanie automatycznego uruchamiania usługi OnionShare może służyć "
"jako wyłącznik awaryjny**. Oznacza to, że Twoja usługa zostanie "
"upubliczniona w określonym czasie w przyszłości, jeśli nie będziesz tam, aby "
"temu zapobiec. Jeśli nic Ci się nie stanie, możesz anulować usługę przed "
"planowanym rozpoczęciem."
#: ../../source/advanced.rst:60
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"**Scheduling an OnionShare service to automatically stop limits its "
"exposure**. If you want to share secret info or something that will be "
"outdated, you can do so for selected limited time."
msgstr ""
"**Zaplanowanie automatycznego zatrzymania usługi OnionShare może być "
"przydatne do ograniczenia ekspozycji**, na przykład, jeśli chcesz "
"udostępnić tajne dokumenty, upewniając się, że nie są one dostępne w "
"Internecie dłużej niż kilka dni."
"**Zaplanowanie automatycznego zatrzymania usługi OnionShare ogranicza jej "
"ekspozycję**. Jeśli chcesz udostępnić tajne informacje lub coś, co będzie "
"nieaktualne, możesz to zrobić przez wybrany ograniczony czas."
#: ../../source/advanced.rst:68
msgid "Command-line Interface"
@ -192,52 +208,49 @@ msgid "Then run it like this::"
msgstr "Następnie uruchom go następująco::"
#: ../../source/advanced.rst:82
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"Info about installing it on different operating systems can be found in "
"the `CLI README file "
"<https://github.com/onionshare/onionshare/blob/develop/cli/README.md>`_ "
"in the Git repository."
msgstr ""
"Aby uzyskać informacje o instalowaniu go w różnych systemach "
"operacyjnych, zobacz plik `CLI readme "
"<https://github.com/onionshare/onionshare/blob/develop/cli/README.md>`_ w"
" repozytorium git."
"Informacje o instalacji na różnych systemach operacyjnych można znaleźć w "
"pliku `CLI README <https://github.com/onionshare/onionshare/blob/develop/cli/"
"README.md>`_ w repozytorium Git."
#: ../../source/advanced.rst:84
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"If you installed OnionShare using the Snap package, you can also just run"
" ``onionshare.cli`` to access the command-line interface version."
msgstr ""
"Jeśli zainstalowałeś OnionShare przy użyciu pakietu Linux Snapcraft, "
"możesz po prostu uruchomić ``onionshare.cli``, aby uzyskać dostęp do "
"wersji interfejsu wiersza poleceń."
"Jeśli zainstalowano OnionShare przy użyciu pakietu Snap, możesz także po "
"prostu uruchomić ``onionshare.cli``, aby uzyskać dostęp do wersji interfejsu "
"wiersza poleceń."
#: ../../source/advanced.rst:87
msgid "Usage"
msgstr "Użytkowanie"
#: ../../source/advanced.rst:89
#, fuzzy
msgid "Browse the command-line documentation by running ``onionshare --help``::"
msgstr ""
"Możesz przeglądać dokumentację wiersza poleceń, uruchamiając ``onionshare"
" --help``::"
"Przejrzyj dokumentację wiersza poleceń, uruchamiając ``onionshare --help``::"
#: ../../source/advanced.rst:151
msgid "Keyboard Shortcuts"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Skróty klawiszowe"
#: ../../source/advanced.rst:153
msgid ""
"The OnionShare desktop application contains some keyboard shortcuts, for "
"convenience and accessibility::"
msgstr ""
"Aplikacja komputerowa OnionShare zawiera kilka skrótów klawiszowych dla "
"wygody i dostępności:"
#: ../../source/advanced.rst:158
msgid "And from the main mode chooser screen::"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Natomiast z głównego ekranu wyboru trybu:"
#~ msgid "Make a symbolic link to the OnionShare command line binary line this::"
#~ msgstr ""
@ -694,4 +707,3 @@ msgstr ""
#~ "uruchomieniem serwera. Po zapisaniu karty "
#~ "po lewej stronie statusu serwera pojawi"
#~ " się fioletowa ikona pinezki."
@ -8,15 +8,16 @@ msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: OnionShare 2.3\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: onionshare-dev@lists.riseup.net\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2022-03-31 16:26+1100\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2021-10-14 18:35+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: Rafał Godek <p3run@tutanota.com>\n"
"Language: pl\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2022-12-12 06:49+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: Matthaiks <kitynska@gmail.com>\n"
"Language-Team: pl <LL@li.org>\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=3; plural=n==1 ? 0 : n%10>=2 && n%10<=4 && "
"(n%100<10 || n%100>=20) ? 1 : 2\n"
"Language: pl\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=3; plural=n==1 ? 0 : n%10>=2 && n%10<=4 && (n%100<10 "
"|| n%100>=20) ? 1 : 2;\n"
"X-Generator: Weblate 4.15-dev\n"
"Generated-By: Babel 2.9.1\n"
#: ../../source/install.rst:2
@ -40,7 +41,6 @@ msgid "Linux"
msgstr "Linux"
#: ../../source/install.rst:14
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"There are various ways to install OnionShare for Linux, but the "
"recommended way is to use either the `Flatpak <https://flatpak.org/>`_ or"
@ -49,20 +49,18 @@ msgid ""
"inside of a sandbox."
msgstr ""
"Istnieją różne sposoby instalacji OnionShare dla systemu Linux, ale "
"zalecanym sposobem jest użycie pakietu `Flatpak <https://flatpak.org/>`_ "
"lub `Snap <https://snapcraft.io/>`_ . Flatpak i Snap zapewnią, że zawsze "
"będziesz korzystać z najnowszej wersji i uruchamiać OnionShare w "
"zalecanym sposobem jest użycie pakietu `Flatpak <https://flatpak.org/>`_ lub "
"`Snap <https://snapcraft.io/>`_ . Flatpak i Snap zapewnią, że zawsze "
"będziesz korzystać z najnowszej wersji i uruchamiać OnionShare w piaskownicy."
#: ../../source/install.rst:17
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"Snapcraft support is built-in to Ubuntu and Fedora comes with Flatpak "
"support, but which you use is up to you. Both work in all Linux "
msgstr ""
"Obsługa Snap jest wbudowana w Ubuntu, a Fedora dostarczana jest z "
"Flatpak, ale to, z którego pakietu korzystasz, zależy od Ciebie. Oba "
"Obsługa Snapcraft jest wbudowana w Ubuntu, a Fedora jest dostarczana z "
"obsługą Flatpak, ale to, z którego korzystasz, zależy od Ciebie. Oba "
"działają we wszystkich dystrybucjach Linuksa."
#: ../../source/install.rst:19
@ -74,11 +72,10 @@ msgstr ""
#: ../../source/install.rst:21
#, fuzzy
msgid "**Install OnionShare using Snapcraft**: https://snapcraft.io/onionshare"
msgstr ""
"**Instalacja OnionShare przy użyciu Snap**: "
"**Instalacja OnionShare przy użyciu Snapcraft**: https://snapcraft.io/"
#: ../../source/install.rst:23
msgid ""
@ -93,7 +90,6 @@ msgid "Command-line only"
msgstr "Wiersz poleceń"
#: ../../source/install.rst:30
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"You can install just the command-line version of OnionShare on any "
"operating system using the Python package manager ``pip``. :ref:`cli` has"
@ -190,7 +186,6 @@ msgid "The expected output looks like this::"
msgstr "Oczekiwany rezultat wygląda następująco::"
#: ../../source/install.rst:77
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"If you don't see ``Good signature from``, there might be a problem with "
"the integrity of the file (malicious or otherwise), and you should not "
@ -199,10 +194,9 @@ msgid ""
"Micah's (the core developer) PGP key.)"
msgstr ""
"Jeśli nie widzisz ``Good signature from``, może to oznaczać problem z "
"integralnością pliku (złośliwy lub inny) i nie powinieneś instalować "
"pakietu. (Pokazane powyżej ostrzeżenie ``WARNING:`` nie jest problemem z "
"pakietem, oznacza tylko, że nie zdefiniowałeś poziomu \"zaufania\" klucza"
" PGP Micah.)"
"integralnością pliku (złośliwy lub inny) i nie należy instalować pakietu. ("
"Pokazane powyżej ostrzeżenie ``WARNING:`` nie jest problemem z pakietem, "
"oznacza tylko, że nie zdefiniowano poziomu \"zaufania\" klucza PGP Micah.)"
#: ../../source/install.rst:79
msgid ""
@ -417,4 +411,3 @@ msgstr ""
#~ " level of 'trust' of Micah's PGP "
#~ "key.)"
#~ msgstr ""
@ -8,15 +8,16 @@ msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: OnionShare 2.3\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: onionshare-dev@lists.riseup.net\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2022-07-04 17:16-0400\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2021-10-13 17:58+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: Rafał Godek <p3run@tutanota.com>\n"
"Language: pl\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2022-12-12 06:49+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: Matthaiks <kitynska@gmail.com>\n"
"Language-Team: pl <LL@li.org>\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=3; plural=n==1 ? 0 : n%10>=2 && n%10<=4 && "
"(n%100<10 || n%100>=20) ? 1 : 2;\n"
"Language: pl\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=3; plural=n==1 ? 0 : n%10>=2 && n%10<=4 && (n%100<10 "
"|| n%100>=20) ? 1 : 2;\n"
"X-Generator: Weblate 4.15-dev\n"
"Generated-By: Babel 2.10.3\n"
#: ../../source/security.rst:2
@ -46,6 +47,12 @@ msgid ""
"computer acts as a server for that too. This avoids the traditional model"
" of having to trust the computers of others."
msgstr ""
"**Osoby trzecie nie mają dostępu do niczego, co dzieje się w OnionShare.** "
"Korzystanie z OnionShare oznacza hosting usług bezpośrednio na Twoim "
"komputerze. Kiedy udostępniasz swoje pliki OnionShare, nie są one przesyłane "
"na żaden serwer strony trzeciej. Jeśli tworzysz pokój rozmów OnionShare, "
"Twój komputer działa również jako serwer. Pozwala to uniknąć tradycyjnego "
"modelu zaufania do komputerów innych osób."
#: ../../source/security.rst:17
msgid ""
@ -80,7 +87,6 @@ msgstr ""
"będą mogli poznać tożsamości użytkownika OnionShare."
#: ../../source/security.rst:28
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"**If an attacker learns about the onion service, they still can't access "
"anything.** Prior attacks against the Tor network to enumerate onion "
@ -90,21 +96,19 @@ msgid ""
" public by turning off the private key -- see "
msgstr ""
"**Jeśli atakujący dowie się o usłudze cebulowej, nadal nie ma dostępu do "
"niczego z nią związanego.** Wcześniejsze ataki na sieć Tor, mające na "
"celu enumerację usług cebulowych, pozwoliły atakującemu odkryć prywatne "
"adresy ``.onion``. Jeśli atakujący wykryje prywatny adres OnionShare, "
"będzie musiał również odgadnąć klucz prywatny używany do uwierzytelnienia"
" klienta, aby uzyskać do niego dostęp (chyba że użytkownik OnionShare "
"wybierze upublicznienie swojej usługi poprzez wyłączenie klucza "
"prywatnego - patrz :ref:` turn_off_private_key`)."
"**Jeśli atakujący dowie się o usłudze cebulowej, nadal nie będzie mógł "
"uzyskać dostępu do niczego.** Wcześniejsze ataki na sieć Tor w celu "
"wyliczenia usług cebulowych umożliwiły atakującym odkrycie prywatnych "
"adresów ``.onion``. Aby uzyskać dostęp do usługi OnionShare z jej adresu, "
"należy odgadnąć klucz prywatny używany do uwierzytelniania klienta (chyba że "
"usługa jest już upubliczniona poprzez wyłączenie klucza prywatnego — patrz "
#: ../../source/security.rst:33
msgid "What OnionShare doesn't protect against"
msgstr "Przed czym nie chroni OnionShare"
#: ../../source/security.rst:35
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"**Communicating the OnionShare address and private key might not be "
"secure.** Communicating the OnionShare address to people is the "
@ -117,20 +121,19 @@ msgid ""
"e-mail, or in person. This isn't necessary when using OnionShare for "
"something that isn't secret."
msgstr ""
"**Ogłaszanie adresu OnionShare i klucza prywatnego może nie być "
"bezpieczne.** Przekazanie ludziom adresu OnionShare jest obowiązkiem "
"użytkownika OnionShare. Jeśli zostanie wysłany w sposób niepewny (na "
"przykład za pośrednictwem wiadomości e-mail monitorowanej przez "
"atakującego), podsłuchujący może stwierdzić, że jest używany OnionShare. "
"Jeśli podsłuchiwacz załaduje adres w przeglądarce Tor, gdy usługa jest "
"nadal aktywna, może uzyskać do niej dostęp. Aby tego uniknąć, adres musi "
"być przekazany w bezpieczny sposób, za pomocą zaszyfrowanej wiadomości "
"tekstowej (prawdopodobnie z włączonymi znikającymi wiadomościami), "
"zaszyfrowanej wiadomości e-mail lub osobiście. Nie jest to konieczne, gdy"
" używasz OnionShare do czegoś, co nie jest tajne."
"**Przekazywanie adresu OnionShare i klucza prywatnego może nie być "
"bezpieczne.** Przekazywanie adresu OnionShare innym osobom jest obowiązkiem "
"użytkownika OnionShare. W przypadku wysłania niezabezpieczonego (na przykład "
"za pośrednictwem wiadomości e-mail monitorowanej przez atakującego) "
"podsłuchujący może stwierdzić, że używany jest OnionShare. Podsłuchujący "
"mogą uzyskać dostęp do usług, które wciąż działają, ładując ich adresy i/lub "
"zgubiony klucz w przeglądarce Tor. Unikaj tego, przekazując adres w "
"bezpieczny sposób, zaszyfrowaną wiadomością tekstową (prawdopodobnie z "
"włączoną funkcją znikania wiadomości), zaszyfrowaną wiadomością e-mail lub "
"osobiście. Nie jest to konieczne, gdy używasz OnionShare do czegoś, co nie "
"jest tajne."
#: ../../source/security.rst:42
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"**Communicating the OnionShare address and private key might not be "
"anonymous.** Extra precaution must be taken to ensure the OnionShare "
@ -138,11 +141,11 @@ msgid ""
"accessed over Tor, can be used to share the address. This isn't necessary"
" unless anonymity is a goal."
msgstr ""
"**Ogłaszanie adresu i klucza prywatnego OnionShare może nie być "
"**Przekazywanie adresu OnionShare i klucza prywatnego może nie być "
"anonimowe.** Należy podjąć dodatkowe środki ostrożności, aby zapewnić "
"anonimowość przekazywania adresu OnionShare. Do udostępnienia adresu "
"można użyć nowego konta e-mail lub czatu, dostępnego tylko przez Tor. Nie"
" jest to konieczne, chyba że Twoim celem jest anonimowość."
"anonimowość przekazywania adresu OnionShare. Do udostępnienia adresu można "
"użyć nowego konta e-mail lub czatu, dostępnego tylko przez Tor. Nie jest to "
"konieczne, chyba że celem jest anonimowość."
#~ msgid "Security design"
#~ msgstr ""
@ -361,4 +364,3 @@ msgstr ""
#~ "jednocześnie jako serwer. Pozwala to "
#~ "uniknąć tradycyjnego modelu polegającego na"
#~ " zaufaniu komputerom innych osób."
@ -8,15 +8,16 @@ msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: OnionShare 2.3\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: onionshare-dev@lists.riseup.net\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2022-07-04 17:16-0400\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2021-09-19 15:37+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: Rafał Godek <p3run@tutanota.com>\n"
"Language: pl\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2022-12-12 06:49+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: Matthaiks <kitynska@gmail.com>\n"
"Language-Team: pl <LL@li.org>\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=3; plural=n==1 ? 0 : n%10>=2 && n%10<=4 && "
"(n%100<10 || n%100>=20) ? 1 : 2;\n"
"Language: pl\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=3; plural=n==1 ? 0 : n%10>=2 && n%10<=4 && (n%100<10 "
"|| n%100>=20) ? 1 : 2;\n"
"X-Generator: Weblate 4.15-dev\n"
"Generated-By: Babel 2.10.3\n"
#: ../../source/tor.rst:2
@ -28,6 +29,8 @@ msgid ""
"When OnionShare starts, it will show you a screen asking you to connect "
"to the Tor network."
msgstr ""
"Po uruchomieniu OnionShare wyświetli się ekran z prośbą o połączenie z "
"siecią Tor."
#: ../../source/tor.rst:8
msgid ""
@ -38,6 +41,12 @@ msgid ""
"the connection fails, you can still try bridges or reconfigure Tor via "
"the \"Network Settings\" button."
msgstr ""
"Możesz włączyć przełącznik „Połącz z siecią Tor automatycznie” przed "
"kliknięciem „Połącz z siecią Tor”. Oznacza to, że przy następnym "
"uruchomieniu OnionShare automatycznie połączy się z ustawieniami połączenia "
"Tor z ostatniej sesji, zamiast przedstawiać opcje połączenia. Jeśli "
"połączenie się nie powiedzie, nadal możesz wypróbować mosty lub zmienić "
"konfigurację Tor za pomocą przycisku „Ustawienia sieciowe”."
#: ../../source/tor.rst:11
msgid ""
@ -46,16 +55,21 @@ msgid ""
"your access to the Tor network, this should hopefully work the first "
msgstr ""
"Możesz kliknąć „Połącz z siecią Tor”, aby rozpocząć proces łączenia. Jeśli "
"nie ma problemów z siecią, w tym żadnych prób zablokowania dostępu do sieci "
"Tor, powinno to zadziałać za pierwszym razem."
#: ../../source/tor.rst:13
msgid ""
"Or, if you want to manually configure Bridges or other Tor settings "
"before you connect, you can click \"Network Settings\"."
msgstr ""
"Lub, jeśli chcesz ręcznie skonfigurować mostki lub inne ustawienia Tor przed "
"połączeniem, możesz kliknąć „Ustawienia sieciowe”."
#: ../../source/tor.rst:16
msgid "Automatic censorship circumvention"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Automatyczne obejście cenzury"
#: ../../source/tor.rst:18
msgid ""
@ -63,22 +77,27 @@ msgid ""
"might be because Tor is censored in your country or on your local "
msgstr ""
"Gdy klikniesz „Połącz z siecią Tor”, jeśli OnionShare nie może się połączyć, "
"może to być spowodowane cenzurą Tor w Twoim kraju lub w Twojej sieci "
#: ../../source/tor.rst:20
msgid "If this occurs, you will have these choices:"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Jeśli tak się stanie, będziesz mieć następujące możliwości:"
#: ../../source/tor.rst:22
msgid "Try again without a bridge"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Spróbuj ponownie bez mostka"
#: ../../source/tor.rst:23
msgid "Automatically determine my country from my IP address for bridge settings"
msgstr ""
"Automatycznie określ mój kraj na podstawie mojego adresu IP dla ustawień "
#: ../../source/tor.rst:24
msgid "Manually select my country for bridge settings"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Ręcznie wybierz mój kraj dla ustawień mostka"
#: ../../source/tor.rst:28
msgid ""
@ -86,6 +105,9 @@ msgid ""
"retry connecting to Tor like normal, without attempting to bypass "
msgstr ""
"Jeśli wybierzesz opcję „Spróbuj ponownie bez mostka”, OnionShare spróbuje "
"ponownie połączyć się z siecią Tor w normalny sposób, bez próby ominięcia "
#: ../../source/tor.rst:30
msgid ""
@ -101,6 +123,16 @@ msgid ""
"Censorship Circumvention API. The Meek proxy hides the fact that you are "
"trying to find a way to connect to Tor."
msgstr ""
"Pozostałe dwie opcje będą próbowały automatycznie ominąć cenzurę za pomocą "
"mostków Tor. Jeśli Twój operator sieci blokuje dostęp do sieci Tor, miejmy "
"nadzieję, że nadal możesz połączyć się z mostkem Tor, który następnie "
"połączy cię z siecią Tor, omijając cenzurę. Obie te opcje wykorzystują "
"interfejs API obejścia cenzury projektu Tor, aby zapewnić ci ustawienia "
"mostka, które powinny działać. OnionShare tymczasowo użyje serwera proxy `"
"Meek <https://gitlab.torproject.org/legacy/trac/-/wikis/doc/meek/>`_, aby "
"nawiązać połączenie inne niż Tor z Twojego komputera do interfejsu API "
"obejścia cenzury Tor. Proxy Meek ukrywa fakt, że próbujesz znaleźć sposób na "
"połączenie się z siecią Tor."
#: ../../source/tor.rst:36
msgid ""
@ -110,6 +142,11 @@ msgid ""
"might reside in. Based on the country information, the API will try to "
"automatically find bridges that suit your location."
msgstr ""
"Jeśli wybierzesz opcję „Automatycznie określ mój kraj na podstawie mojego "
"adresu IP dla ustawień mostka”, interfejs API służący do obchodzenia cenzury "
"weźmie pod uwagę Twój adres IP (tak, Twój prawdziwy adres IP), aby określić "
"kraj, w którym możesz mieszkać. Na podstawie informacji o kraju, API "
"spróbuje automatycznie znaleźć mostki pasujące do Twojej lokalizacji."
#: ../../source/tor.rst:41
msgid ""
@ -117,10 +154,12 @@ msgid ""
"Censorship API will find the bridges that suit the country that you "
msgstr ""
"Jeśli wybierzesz opcję „Ręcznie wybierz mój kraj dla ustawień mostu”, "
"interfejs API cenzury znajdzie mosty pasujące do określonego kraju."
#: ../../source/tor.rst:46
msgid "How automatic censorship circumvention works"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Jak działa automatyczne obejście cenzury"
#: ../../source/tor.rst:48
msgid ""
@ -129,6 +168,11 @@ msgid ""
" the API does not find any bridges for your location, OnionShare will ask"
" the API for \"fallback\" options, and then try to reconnect using those."
msgstr ""
"Jeśli API obejścia cenzury znajdzie mostki, które jego zdaniem będą Ci "
"odpowiadać, OnionShare spróbuje ponownie połączyć się z Tor za pomocą tych "
"mostków. Jeśli interfejs API nie znajdzie żadnych mostków dla Twojej "
"lokalizacji, OnionShare poprosi interfejs API o opcje „awaryjne”, a "
"następnie spróbuje połączyć się ponownie, korzystając z nich."
#: ../../source/tor.rst:50
msgid ""
@ -136,6 +180,9 @@ msgid ""
"itself, or if the API returns an error message, OnionShare will attempt "
"to use the obfs4 built-in bridges."
msgstr ""
"Jeśli z jakiegoś powodu OnionShare nie może połączyć się z interfejsem API "
"obejścia cenzury lub interfejs API zwraca komunikat o błędzie, OnionShare "
"spróbuje użyć wbudowanych mostków obfs4."
#: ../../source/tor.rst:52
msgid ""
@ -143,6 +190,9 @@ msgid ""
"API do not go over the Tor network (because if you could connect to Tor "
"already, you wouldn't need to connect to the API)."
msgstr ""
"Należy zauważyć, że żądania do API obejścia cenzury nie przechodzą przez "
"sieć Tor (gdyby można było już połączyć się z Tor, nie byłoby potrzeby "
"łączyć się z API)."
#: ../../source/tor.rst:54
msgid ""
@ -153,6 +203,12 @@ msgid ""
"Circumvention API. Then Meek is stopped, and all further network requests"
" happen over the Tor network."
msgstr ""
"Chociaż przeciwnikowi trudno jest odkryć, dokąd zmierza prośba Meeka, może "
"to być ryzykowne dla niektórych użytkowników. Dlatego jest to funkcja opt-"
"in. Korzystanie z Meek i nietoryfikowanych żądań sieciowych ogranicza się "
"tylko do złożenia jednego lub dwóch żądań do API obejścia cenzury. Następnie "
"Meek zostaje zatrzymany, a wszystkie dalsze żądania sieciowe odbywają się "
"przez sieć Tor."
#: ../../source/tor.rst:56
msgid ""
@ -162,10 +218,15 @@ msgid ""
"that appears), and manually configure bridges. After you save any bridge "
"settings, OnionShare will try to reconnect using those bridges."
msgstr ""
"Jeśli nie czujesz się komfortowo, wysyłając żądanie, które nie przechodzi "
"przez sieć Tor, możesz kliknąć „Ustawienia sieciowe” (lub ikonę Ustawienia w "
"prawym dolnym rogu, a następnie zakładkę Ustawienia Tor na wyświetlonym "
"ekranie) i ręcznie konfigurować mosty. Po zapisaniu ustawień mostka "
"OnionShare spróbuje ponownie połączyć się za pomocą tych mostków."
#: ../../source/tor.rst:59
msgid "Manually configure Tor settings"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Ręcznie skonfiguruj ustawienia Tor"
#: ../../source/tor.rst:61
msgid ""
@ -174,12 +235,15 @@ msgid ""
"of the application, and then switch to the Tor Settings tab in the screen"
" that appears."
msgstr ""
"Możesz przejść do ustawień sieci Tor, klikając „Ustawienia sieciowe” na "
"ekranie powitalnym lub klikając ikonę „⚙” w prawym dolnym rogu aplikacji, a "
"następnie przejść do zakładki Ustawienia Tor na ekranie, który się pojawi."
#: ../../source/tor.rst:65
msgid ""
"Here are the different ways you can configure OnionShare to connect to "
msgstr ""
msgstr "Oto różne sposoby konfiguracji OnionShare do łączenia się z Tor:"
#: ../../source/tor.rst:68
msgid "Use the Tor version built into OnionShare"
@ -208,16 +272,15 @@ msgstr ""
#: ../../source/tor.rst:76
msgid "**Using bridges**"
msgstr ""
msgstr "**Korzystanie z mostków**"
#: ../../source/tor.rst:78
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"To use a bridge, you must select \"Use the Tor version built into "
"OnionShare\" and check the \"Use a bridge\" checkbox."
msgstr ""
"Aby użyć mostka, otwórz zakładkę Ustawienia Tor. Musisz wybrać „Użyj "
"wersji Tora wbudowanej w OnionShare” i zaznacz pole wyboru „Użyj mostka”."
"Aby użyć mostka, musisz wybrać „Użyj wersji Tor wbudowanej w OnionShare” i "
"zaznaczyć pole wyboru „Użyj mostka”."
#: ../../source/tor.rst:80
msgid ""
@ -339,7 +402,6 @@ msgid "You are now running a system ``tor`` process in Windows!"
msgstr "Systemowy proces ``tor`` działa teraz w systemie Windows!"
#: ../../source/tor.rst:125
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"Open OnionShare, click the \"⚙\" icon in it, and switch to the Tor "
"Settings tab. Under \"How should OnionShare connect to Tor?\" choose "
@ -349,13 +411,13 @@ msgid ""
" above. Click the \"Test Connection to Tor\" button. If all goes well, "
"you should see \"Connected to the Tor controller\"."
msgstr ""
"Otwórz OnionShare i kliknij w nim ikonę „⚙”. W sekcji „W jaki sposób "
"OnionShare powinien połączyć się z siecią Tor?” wybierz „Połącz za pomocą"
" portu sterowania” i ustaw „Port sterowania” na ```` oraz „Port”"
" na ``9051``. W sekcji „Ustawienia uwierzytelniania sieci Tor” wybierz "
"„Hasło” i ustaw hasło na hasło portu sterowania wybrane powyżej. Kliknij "
"przycisk „Sprawdź połączenie z siecią Tor”. Jeśli wszystko pójdzie "
"dobrze, powinieneś zobaczyć „Połączono z kontrolerem Tor”."
"Otwórz OnionShare, kliknij w nim ikonę „⚙” i przejdź do zakładki Ustawienia "
"Tor. W sekcji „Jak OnionShare powinien łączyć się z Tor?” wybierz \"Połącz "
"używając portu kontrolnego\" i ustaw \"Port kontrolny\" na ```` i "
"\"Port\" na ``9051``. W sekcji „Ustawienia uwierzytelniania Tora” wybierz "
"„Hasło” i ustaw hasło na wybrane powyżej hasło portu kontrolnego. Kliknij "
"przycisk „Przetestuj połączenie z Tor”. Jeśli wszystko pójdzie dobrze, "
"powinieneś zobaczyć „Połączono z kontrolerem Tor”."
#: ../../source/tor.rst:134
msgid "Using a system ``tor`` in macOS"
@ -378,7 +440,6 @@ msgid "And start the system Tor service::"
msgstr "Uruchom systemową usługę Tor::"
#: ../../source/tor.rst:151
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"Open OnionShare, click the \"⚙\" icon in it, and switch to the Tor "
"Settings tab. Under \"How should OnionShare connect to Tor?\" choose "
@ -387,14 +448,12 @@ msgid ""
"settings\" choose \"No authentication, or cookie authentication\". Click "
"the \"Test Connection to Tor\" button."
msgstr ""
"Otwórz OnionShare i kliknij w nim ikonę „⚙”. W sekcji „W jaki sposób "
"OnionShare powinien połączyć się z siecią Tor?” wybierz \"Połącz używając"
" pliku socket\" i ustaw plik gniazda na "
"``/usr/local/var/run/tor/control.socket``. W sekcji „Ustawienia "
"uwierzytelniania sieci Tor” wybierz „Bez uwierzytelniania lub "
"uwierzytelnianie za pomocą cookie”. Kliknij przycisk „bierz „Hasło” i "
"ustaw hasło na hasło portu sterowania wybrane powyżej. Kliknij przycisk "
"„Sprawdź połączenie z siecią Tor”."
"Otwórz OnionShare, kliknij w nim ikonę „⚙” i przejdź do zakładki Ustawienia "
"Tor. W sekcji „Jak OnionShare powinien łączyć się z Tor?” wybierz „Połącz "
"używając pliku gniazda” i ustaw plik gniazda na ``/usr/local/var/run/tor/"
"control.socket``. W sekcji „Ustawienia uwierzytelniania Tor” wybierz „Brak "
"uwierzytelniania lub uwierzytelnianie za pomocą plików cookie”. Kliknij "
"przycisk „Przetestuj połączenie z Tor”."
#: ../../source/tor.rst:157 ../../source/tor.rst:177
msgid "If all goes well, you should see \"Connected to the Tor controller\"."
@ -436,7 +495,6 @@ msgstr ""
"polecenie (zamień ``username`` na swoją rzeczywistą nazwę użytkownika)::"
#: ../../source/tor.rst:170
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"Reboot your computer. After it boots up again, open OnionShare, click the"
" \"⚙\" icon in it, and switch to the Tor Settings tab. Under \"How should"
@ -445,12 +503,13 @@ msgid ""
"authentication settings\" choose \"No authentication, or cookie "
"authentication\". Click the \"Test Connection to Tor\" button."
msgstr ""
"Zrestartuj swój komputer. Po ponownym uruchomieniu otwórz OnionShare i "
"kliknij w nim ikonę „⚙”. W sekcji „W jaki sposób OnionShare powinien "
"połączyć się z siecią Tor?” wybierz \"Połącz używając pliku socket\". "
"Ustaw plik gniazda na ``/var/run/tor/control``. W sekcji „Ustawienia "
"uwierzytelniania Tor” wybierz „Bez uwierzytelniania lub uwierzytelnianie "
"za pomocą cookie”. Kliknij przycisk „Sprawdź połączenie z siecią Tor”."
"Zrestartuj swój komputer. Po ponownym uruchomieniu otwórz OnionShare, "
"kliknij w nim ikonę „⚙” i przejdź do zakładki Ustawienia Tor. W sekcji „Jak "
"OnionShare powinien łączyć się z Tor?” wybierz „Połącz za pomocą pliku "
"gniazda”. Ustaw plik gniazda na ``/var/run/tor/control``. W sekcji „"
"Ustawienia uwierzytelniania Tor” wybierz „Brak uwierzytelniania lub "
"uwierzytelnianie za pomocą plików cookie”. Kliknij przycisk „Przetestuj "
"połączenie z Tor”."
#~ msgid "Using a system Tor in Mac OS X"
#~ msgstr ""
@ -766,4 +825,3 @@ msgstr ""
#~ "manual.torproject.org/bridges/>`_. Jeśli OnionShare "
#~ "łączy się z Torem bez problemu, "
#~ "nie musisz używać mostka."
@ -8,14 +8,16 @@ msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: OnionShare 2.3\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: onionshare-dev@lists.riseup.net\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2022-10-02 16:17-0700\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2021-12-02 14:52+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: Venilson Carneiro <venilsoncarneiro@pm.me>\n"
"Language: pt_BR\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2023-04-02 13:40+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: Translator51 <Translator51@users.noreply.hosted.weblate.org>"
"Language-Team: pt_BR <LL@li.org>\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=n > 1;\n"
"Language: pt_BR\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=n > 1;\n"
"X-Generator: Weblate 4.17-dev\n"
"Generated-By: Babel 2.10.3\n"
#: ../../source/advanced.rst:2
@ -48,14 +50,12 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
#: ../../source/advanced.rst:19
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"If you save a tab, a copy of its onion service secret key is stored on "
"your computer."
msgstr ""
"Se você salvar uma ama, uma cópia da chave secreta do serviço onion dessa"
" aba será armazenada no seu computador com as suas configurações "
"Se você salvar uma aba, uma cópia da chave secreta do serviço onion dessa "
"aba será armazenada no seu computador com as suas configurações OnionShare."
#: ../../source/advanced.rst:24
msgid "Turn Off Private Key"
@ -77,32 +77,30 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
#: ../../source/advanced.rst:31
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"To turn off the private key for any tab, check the \"This is a public "
"OnionShare service (disables private key)\" box before starting the "
"server. Then the server will be public and a private key is not needed to"
" load it in the Tor Browser."
msgstr ""
"Para desligar a chave privada para qualquer aba, marque a caixa \"Este é "
"um serviço público OnionShare (desativa a chave privada)\" antes de "
"iniciar o servidor. Então o servidor será público e não precisará de uma "
"chave privada para visualizar no Tor Browser."
"Para desligar a chave privada para qualquer aba, marque a caixa \"Este é um "
"serviço público OnionShare (desativa a chave privada)\" antes de iniciar o "
"servidor. Então o servidor será público e não precisará de uma chave privada "
"para visualizar no Navegador Tor."
#: ../../source/advanced.rst:37
msgid "Custom Titles"
msgstr "Títulos Personalizados"
#: ../../source/advanced.rst:39
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"When people load OnionShare services in the Tor Browser they see the "
"default title for each type of service. For example, the default title "
"for chat services is \"OnionShare Chat\"."
msgstr ""
"Por padrão, quando as pessoas carregam um serviço OnionShare no Tor "
"Browser elas vêem o título padrão para o tipo de serviço. Por exemplo, o "
"título padrão de um serviço de bate-papo é \"OnionShare Chat\"."
"Por padrão, quando as pessoas carregam serviços OnionShare no Navegador Tor "
"elas veem o título padrão para cada tipo de serviço. Por exemplo, o título "
"padrão de serviços de bate-papo é \"OnionShare Chat\"."
#: ../../source/advanced.rst:42
#, fuzzy
@ -701,4 +699,3 @@ msgstr ""
#~ " o servidor. Quando uma aba é "
#~ "salva um alfinete roxo aparece à "
#~ "esquerda do status de seu servidor."
@ -8,14 +8,16 @@ msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: OnionShare 2.3\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: onionshare-dev@lists.riseup.net\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2022-03-31 16:26+1100\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2021-12-02 14:52+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: Gabriel Cardoso <g.cardoso@mailfence.com>\n"
"Language: pt_BR\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2023-03-31 16:38+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: Translator51 <Translator51@users.noreply.hosted.weblate.org>"
"Language-Team: pt_BR <LL@li.org>\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=n > 1\n"
"Language: pt_BR\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=n > 1;\n"
"X-Generator: Weblate 4.17-dev\n"
"Generated-By: Babel 2.9.1\n"
#: ../../source/install.rst:2
@ -39,7 +41,6 @@ msgid "Linux"
msgstr "Linux"
#: ../../source/install.rst:14
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"There are various ways to install OnionShare for Linux, but the "
"recommended way is to use either the `Flatpak <https://flatpak.org/>`_ or"
@ -49,20 +50,18 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Existem várias maneiras de instalar o OnionShare para Linux, mas a forma "
"recomendada é usar o pacote `Flatpak <https://flatpak.org/>` _ ou `Snap "
"<https://snapcraft.io/>` _ . Flatpak e Snap garantem que você sempre "
"usará a versão mais recente e executará o OnionShare dentro de uma "
"<https://snapcraft.io/>` _ . Flatpak e Snap garantem que você sempre usará a "
"versão mais recente e executará o OnionShare dentro de uma sandbox."
#: ../../source/install.rst:17
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"Snapcraft support is built-in to Ubuntu and Fedora comes with Flatpak "
"support, but which you use is up to you. Both work in all Linux "
msgstr ""
"O suporte a Snap está embutido no Ubuntu e o Fedora vem com suporte a "
"Flatpak, mas você decide o que usar. Ambos funcionam em todas as "
"distribuições Linux."
"O suporte para Snap está integrado no Ubuntu, enquanto que o suporte para "
"Flatpak está incorporado em Fedora, mas você decide qual usar. Ambos "
"funcionam em todas as distribuições Linux."
#: ../../source/install.rst:19
msgid ""
@ -73,9 +72,9 @@ msgstr ""
#: ../../source/install.rst:21
#, fuzzy
msgid "**Install OnionShare using Snapcraft**: https://snapcraft.io/onionshare"
msgstr "**Instalar o OnionShare usando o Snap**: https://snapcraft.io/onionshare"
msgstr ""
"**Instalar o OnionShare usando o Snapcraft**: https://snapcraft.io/onionshare"
#: ../../source/install.rst:23
msgid ""
@ -90,7 +89,6 @@ msgid "Command-line only"
msgstr "Somente linha de comando"
#: ../../source/install.rst:30
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"You can install just the command-line version of OnionShare on any "
"operating system using the Python package manager ``pip``. :ref:`cli` has"
@ -98,7 +96,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Você pode instalar apenas a versão de linha de comando do OnionShare em "
"qualquer sistema operacional utilizando o gerenciador de pacotes Python "
"``pip```. Veja :ref:`cli` para mais informações."
"``pip``. Para mais informações, consulte :ref:`cli`."
#: ../../source/install.rst:35
msgid "Verifying PGP signatures"
@ -188,7 +186,6 @@ msgid "The expected output looks like this::"
msgstr "O resultado esperado se parece com isso::"
#: ../../source/install.rst:77
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"If you don't see ``Good signature from``, there might be a problem with "
"the integrity of the file (malicious or otherwise), and you should not "
@ -196,11 +193,11 @@ msgid ""
" the package, it only means you haven't defined a level of \"trust\" of "
"Micah's (the core developer) PGP key.)"
msgstr ""
"Se você não ver 'Boa assinatura de', pode haver um problema com a "
"Se você não ver ``Boa assinatura de``, pode haver um problema com a "
"integridade do arquivo (malicioso ou outro) e você não deve instalar o "
"pacote. (O \"AVISO:\" mostrado acima não é um problema com o pacote, "
"significa apenas que você ainda não definiu nenhum nível de 'confiança' "
"da chave PGP de Micah.)"
"pacote. (O ``AVISO:`` mostrado acima não é um problema com o pacote, "
"significa apenas que você ainda não definiu qualquer nível de \"confiança\" "
"da chave PGP de Micah (o desenvolvedor principal).)"
#: ../../source/install.rst:79
msgid ""
@ -402,4 +399,3 @@ msgstr ""
#~ msgid "Install in Linux"
#~ msgstr "Instalar no Linux"
@ -8,15 +8,16 @@ msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: OnionShare 2.3\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: onionshare-dev@lists.riseup.net\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2022-03-31 16:26+1100\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2022-07-28 19:20+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: Gabriel Cardoso <g.cardoso@mailfence.com>\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2023-03-31 16:38+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: Translator51 <Translator51@users.noreply.hosted.weblate.org>"
"Language-Team: pt_BR <LL@li.org>\n"
"Language: pt_BR\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=n > 1;\n"
"X-Generator: Weblate 4.14-dev\n"
"X-Generator: Weblate 4.17-dev\n"
"Generated-By: Babel 2.9.1\n"
#: ../../source/security.rst:2
@ -87,7 +88,6 @@ msgstr ""
"do usuário OnionShare."
#: ../../source/security.rst:28
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"**If an attacker learns about the onion service, they still can't access "
"anything.** Prior attacks against the Tor network to enumerate onion "
@ -97,13 +97,12 @@ msgid ""
" public by turning off the private key -- see "
msgstr ""
"**Se um atacante tomar conhecimento acerca do onion service, ele ainda "
"não poderá acessar nada.** Ataques anteriores contra a rede Tor para "
"enumerar os serviços permitiram que o atacante descobrisse endereços "
"privados ``.onion```. Se um ataque descobrir um endereço privado do "
"OnionShare, ele também precisará adivinhar a chave privada utilizada para"
" autenticação do cliente para acessá-lo (a menos que o usuário do "
"OnionShare escolha tornar seu serviço público desligando a chave privada "
"**Se um atacante tomar conhecimento acerca do serviço onion, ele ainda não "
"poderá acessar nada.** Ataques anteriores contra a rede Tor para diversos "
"serviços onion permitiram que atacantes descobrissem endereços privados ``."
"onion``. Para acessar um serviço de OnionShare do seu endereço, a chave "
"privada usada para a autenticação do cliente precisa de ser descoberta (a "
"menos que o serviço já se tenha tornado público ao desativar a chave privada "
"-- veja :ref:`turn_off_private_key`)."
#: ../../source/security.rst:33
@ -111,7 +110,6 @@ msgid "What OnionShare doesn't protect against"
msgstr "Contra o que OnionShare não protege"
#: ../../source/security.rst:35
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"**Communicating the OnionShare address and private key might not be "
"secure.** Communicating the OnionShare address to people is the "
@ -124,20 +122,18 @@ msgid ""
"e-mail, or in person. This isn't necessary when using OnionShare for "
"something that isn't secret."
msgstr ""
"**Comunicar o endereço OnionShare e a chave privada pode não ser "
"seguro.** Comunicar o endereço OnionShare às pessoas é de "
"responsabilidade do usuário do OnionShare. Se enviado de forma insegura "
"(por exemplo, através de uma mensagem de e-mail monitorada por um "
"atacante), um espião pode notar que o OnionShare está sendo usado. Se o "
"espião carregar o endereço no Tor Browser enquanto o serviço ainda "
"estiver ativo, ele poderá acessá-lo. Para evitar isso, o endereço deve "
"ser comunicado com segurança, através de mensagem de texto criptografada "
"(provavelmente com o modo de mensagens efêmeras ativado), e-mail "
"criptografado ou pessoalmente. Isto não é necessário ao usar o OnionShare"
" para algo que não é secreto."
"**Comunicar o endereço OnionShare e a chave privada pode não ser seguro.** "
"Comunicar o endereço OnionShare às pessoas é da responsabilidade do usuário "
"do OnionShare. Se enviado de forma insegura (por exemplo, através de uma "
"mensagem de e-mail monitorada por um atacante), um espião pode notar que o "
"OnionShare está sendo usado. Se o espião carregar o endereço no Tor Browser "
"enquanto o serviço ainda estiver ativo, ele poderá acessá-lo. Para evitar "
"isso, o endereço deve ser comunicado com segurança, através de mensagem de "
"texto criptografada (provavelmente com o modo de mensagens efêmeras ativado)"
", e-mail criptografado ou pessoalmente. Isto não é necessário ao usar o "
"OnionShare para algo que não é secreto."
#: ../../source/security.rst:42
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"**Communicating the OnionShare address and private key might not be "
"anonymous.** Extra precaution must be taken to ensure the OnionShare "
@ -145,12 +141,11 @@ msgid ""
"accessed over Tor, can be used to share the address. This isn't necessary"
" unless anonymity is a goal."
msgstr ""
"**A comunicação do endereço e da chave privada do OnionShare pode não ser"
" anônimo.** Devem ser tomadas precauções adicionais para garantir que o "
"endereço do OnionShare seja comunicado anonimamente. Uma nova conta de "
"e-mail ou chat, acessada apenas pelo Tor, pode ser usada para "
"compartilhar o endereço. Isto não é necessário, a menos que o anonimato "
"seja um objetivo."
"**A comunicação do endereço do OnionShare e da chave privada pode não ser "
"anônima.** Devem ser tomadas precauções adicionais para garantir que o "
"endereço do OnionShare é comunicado anonimamente. Uma nova conta de e-mail "
"ou chat, acessada apenas pelo Tor, pode ser usada para compartilhar o "
"endereço. Isto não é necessário, exceto se o anonimato é um objetivo."
#~ msgid "Security design"
#~ msgstr ""
@ -8,14 +8,15 @@ msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: OnionShare 2.3\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: onionshare-dev@lists.riseup.net\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2022-07-04 17:16-0400\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2021-12-02 14:52+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: Venilson Carneiro <venilsoncarneiro@pm.me>\n"
"Language: pt_BR\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2023-03-04 05:41+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: Felipe Nogueira <contato.fnog@gmail.com>\n"
"Language-Team: pt_BR <LL@li.org>\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=n > 1;\n"
"Language: pt_BR\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=n > 1;\n"
"X-Generator: Weblate 4.16.2-dev\n"
"Generated-By: Babel 2.10.3\n"
#: ../../source/tor.rst:2
@ -27,6 +28,8 @@ msgid ""
"When OnionShare starts, it will show you a screen asking you to connect "
"to the Tor network."
msgstr ""
"Quando OnionShare inciar, ele irá mostrar uma tela pedindo para você "
"conectar à rede Tor."
#: ../../source/tor.rst:8
msgid ""
@ -766,4 +769,3 @@ msgstr ""
#~ "OnionShare se conectar à rede Tor "
#~ "sem o uso de uma bridge, você "
#~ "não precisa usa-las."
@ -3,23 +3,25 @@
# This file is distributed under the same license as the OnionShare package.
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: OnionShare 2.3\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: onionshare-dev@lists.riseup.net\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2020-11-15 14:42-0800\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n"
"Last-Translator: FULL NAME <EMAIL@ADDRESS>\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2023-02-13 21:40+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: ssantos <ssantos@web.de>\n"
"Language-Team: LANGUAGE <LL@li.org>\n"
"Language: pt_PT\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=n > 1;\n"
"X-Generator: Weblate 4.16-dev\n"
"Generated-By: Babel 2.9.0\n"
#: ../../source/features.rst:4
msgid "How OnionShare Works"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Como o OnionShare funciona"
#: ../../source/features.rst:6
msgid ""
@ -27,6 +29,9 @@ msgid ""
"other people as `Tor <https://www.torproject.org/>`_ `onion services "
msgstr ""
"Os Web servers são iniciados localmente no seu computador e são acessíveis "
"para outras pessoas como`Tor <https://www.torproject.org/>`_ `onion services "
#: ../../source/features.rst:8
msgid ""
@ -64,10 +69,15 @@ msgid ""
"Tor onion services too, it also protects your anonymity. See the "
":doc:`security design </security>` for more info."
msgstr ""
"Porque seu próprio computador é o servidor web, *nenhum terceiro pode "
"acessar o que acontece no OnionShare *, nem mesmo os programadores do "
"OnionShare. É completamente privado. E porque OnionShare é baseado em "
"serviços Tor onion também, ele também protege seu anonimato. Veja :doc:`"
"security design </security>` para mais informações."
#: ../../source/features.rst:21
msgid "Share Files"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Compartilhar Ficheiros"
#: ../../source/features.rst:23
msgid ""
@ -75,12 +85,19 @@ msgid ""
"anonymously. Open a share tab, drag in the files and folders you wish to "
"share, and click \"Start sharing\"."
msgstr ""
"Pode usar o OnionShare para enviar ficheiros e pastas para as pessoas de "
"forma segura e anônima. Abra uma guia de compartilhamento, arraste os "
"ficheiros e pastas que deseja compartilhar e clique em \"Começar a "
#: ../../source/features.rst:27 ../../source/features.rst:93
msgid ""
"After you add files, you'll see some settings. Make sure you choose the "
"setting you're interested in before you start sharing."
msgstr ""
"Depois de adicionar ficheiros, você verá algumas configurações. Certifique-"
"se de escolher a configuração na qual está interessado antes de começar a "
#: ../../source/features.rst:31
msgid ""
@ -97,6 +114,9 @@ msgid ""
"individual files you share rather than a single compressed version of all"
" the files."
msgstr ""
"Além disso, se você desmarcar esta caixa, as pessoas poderão baixar os "
"ficheiros individuais que você compartilha, em vez de uma única versão "
"compactada de todos os ficheiros."
#: ../../source/features.rst:36
msgid ""
@ -105,6 +125,11 @@ msgid ""
" website down. You can also click the \"↑\" icon in the top-right corner "
"to show the history and progress of people downloading files from you."
msgstr ""
"Quando estiver pronto para compartilhar, clique no botão \"Começar a "
"compartilhar\". Sempre pode clicar em \"Parar de compartilhar\" ou sair do "
"OnionShare, tirando o site do ar imediatamente. Também pode clicar no ícone "
"\"↑\" no canto superior direito para mostrar o histórico e o progresso das "
"pessoas que baixam seus ficheiros."
#: ../../source/features.rst:40
msgid ""
@ -145,6 +170,8 @@ msgid ""
"You can also click the down \"↓\" icon in the top-right corner to show "
"the history and progress of people sending files to you."
msgstr ""
"Também pode clicar no ícone \"↓\" no canto superior direito para mostrar o "
"histórico e o progresso das pessoas que enviam ficheiros para você."
#: ../../source/features.rst:60
msgid "Here is what it looks like for someone sending you files."
@ -166,10 +193,15 @@ msgid ""
"quite as secure version of `SecureDrop <https://securedrop.org/>`_, the "
"whistleblower submission system."
msgstr ""
"Configurar um serviço de recebimento OnionShare é útil para jornalistas e "
"outras pessoas que precisam aceitar documentos de fontes anônimas com "
"segurança. Quando usado desta forma, o OnionShare é como uma versão leve, "
"mais simples e não tão segura do `SecureDrop <https://securedrop.org/>` _, o "
"sistema de envio de denúncias."
#: ../../source/features.rst:69
msgid "Use at your own risk"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Use por sua conta e risco"
#: ../../source/features.rst:71
msgid ""
@ -188,10 +220,15 @@ msgid ""
"<https://tails.boum.org/>`_ or in a `Qubes <https://qubes-os.org/>`_ "
msgstr ""
"Se você receber um documento do Office ou PDF por meio do OnionShare, poderá "
"converter esses documentos em PDFs que podem ser abertos com segurança "
"usando `Dangerzone <https://dangerzone.rocks/>` _. Também pode se proteger "
"ao abrir documentos não confiáveis abrindo-os no `Tails <https://tails.boum."
"org/>` _ ou no `Qubes <https://qubes-os.org/>` _ disposableVM."
#: ../../source/features.rst:76
msgid "Tips for running a receive service"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Dicas para executar um serviço de recebimento"
#: ../../source/features.rst:78
msgid ""
@ -210,7 +247,7 @@ msgstr ""
#: ../../source/features.rst:83
msgid "Host a Website"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Hospedar um site"
#: ../../source/features.rst:85
msgid ""
@ -218,6 +255,9 @@ msgid ""
"the files and folders that make up the static content there, and click "
"\"Start sharing\" when you are ready."
msgstr ""
"Para hospedar um site HTML estático com o OnionShare, abra uma guia do site, "
"arraste os ficheiros e pastas que compõem o conteúdo estático e clique em "
"\"Começar a compartilhar\" quando estiver pronto."
#: ../../source/features.rst:89
msgid ""
@ -228,6 +268,12 @@ msgid ""
"websites that execute code or use databases. So you can't for example use"
" WordPress.)"
msgstr ""
"Se você adicionar um ficheiro `` index.html``, ele irá renderizar quando "
"alguém carregar o seu site. Também deve incluir quaisquer outros ficheiros "
"HTML, ficheiros CSS, ficheiros JavaScript e imagens que compõem o site. ("
"Observe que o OnionShare só oferece suporte à hospedagem de sites * "
"estáticos *. Ele não pode hospedar sites que executam códigos ou usam bancos "
"de dados. Portanto, você não pode, por exemplo, usar o WordPress.)"
#: ../../source/features.rst:91
msgid ""
@ -235,10 +281,13 @@ msgid ""
"listing instead, and people loading it can look through the files and "
"download them."
msgstr ""
"Se você não tiver um ficheiro `` index.html``, ele mostrará uma lista de "
"diretórios ao invés, e as pessoas que o carregarem podem olhar os ficheiros "
"e baixá-los."
#: ../../source/features.rst:98
msgid "Content Security Policy"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Política de Segurança de Conteúdo"
#: ../../source/features.rst:100
msgid ""
@ -259,7 +308,7 @@ msgstr ""
#: ../../source/features.rst:105
msgid "Tips for running a website service"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Dicas para executar um serviço de website"
#: ../../source/features.rst:107
msgid ""
@ -279,13 +328,16 @@ msgstr ""
#: ../../source/features.rst:113
msgid "Chat Anonymously"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Converse anonimamente"
#: ../../source/features.rst:115
msgid ""
"You can use OnionShare to set up a private, secure chat room that doesn't"
" log anything. Just open a chat tab and click \"Start chat server\"."
msgstr ""
"Pode usar o OnionShare para configurar uma sala de bate-papo privada e "
"segura que não registra nada. Basta abrir uma guia de bate-papo e clicar em "
"\"Iniciar um servidor de conversas\"."
#: ../../source/features.rst:119
msgid ""
@ -302,6 +354,10 @@ msgid ""
"participate must have their Tor Browser security level set to "
"\"Standard\" or \"Safer\", instead of \"Safest\"."
msgstr ""
"As pessoas podem entrar na sala de bate-papo carregando seu endereço "
"OnionShare no navegador Tor. A sala de chat requer JavasScript, então todos "
"que desejam participar devem ter seu nível de segurança do navegador Tor "
"definido como \"Padrão\" ou \"Mais seguro\", em vez de \" O Mais seguro\"."
#: ../../source/features.rst:127
msgid ""
@ -310,12 +366,20 @@ msgid ""
"and pressing ↵. Since the chat history isn't saved anywhere, it doesn't "
"get displayed at all, even if others were already chatting in the room."
msgstr ""
"Quando alguém entra na sala de chat, recebe um nome aleatório. Eles podem "
"alterar seus nomes digitando um novo nome na caixa no painel esquerdo e "
"pressionando ↵. Como o histórico do bate-papo não é salvo em nenhum lugar, "
"ele não é exibido de forma alguma, mesmo se outras pessoas já estivessem "
"conversando na sala."
#: ../../source/features.rst:133
msgid ""
"In an OnionShare chat room, everyone is anonymous. Anyone can change "
"their name to anything, and there is no way to confirm anyone's identity."
msgstr ""
"Numa sala de chat OnionShare, todos são anônimos. Qualquer pessoa pode "
"alterar seu nome para qualquer coisa e não há como confirmar a identidade de "
#: ../../source/features.rst:136
msgid ""
@ -324,16 +388,23 @@ msgid ""
"messages, you can be reasonably confident the people joining the chat "
"room are your friends."
msgstr ""
"No entanto, se você criar uma sala de bate-papo OnionShare e enviar com "
"segurança o endereço apenas para um pequeno grupo de amigos confiáveis "
"usando mensagens criptografadas, você pode ter uma certeza razoável de que "
"as pessoas que entram na sala de bate-papo são seus amigos."
#: ../../source/features.rst:139
msgid "How is this useful?"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Como isso é útil?"
#: ../../source/features.rst:141
msgid ""
"If you need to already be using an encrypted messaging app, what's the "
"point of an OnionShare chat room to begin with? It leaves less traces."
msgstr ""
"Se você já precisa estar usando um aplicativo de mensagens criptografadas, "
"para começar, qual é o ponto de uma sala de bate-papo OnionShare? Deixa "
"menos vestígios."
#: ../../source/features.rst:143
msgid ""
@ -359,7 +430,7 @@ msgstr ""
#: ../../source/features.rst:150
msgid "How does the encryption work?"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Como funciona a criptografia?"
#: ../../source/features.rst:152
msgid ""
@ -370,12 +441,20 @@ msgid ""
"other members of the chat room using WebSockets, through their E2EE onion"
" connections."
msgstr ""
"Como o OnionShare depende dos serviços Tor onion, as conexões entre o Tor "
"Browser e o OnionShare são criptografadas de ponta a ponta (E2EE). Quando "
"alguém posta uma mensagem numa sala de bate-papo OnionShare, eles a enviam "
"para o servidor por meio da conexão onion E2EE, que a envia para todos os "
"outros membros da sala de bate-papo usando WebSockets, por meio de suas "
"conexões onion E2EE."
#: ../../source/features.rst:154
msgid ""
"OnionShare doesn't implement any chat encryption on its own. It relies on"
" the Tor onion service's encryption instead."
msgstr ""
"OnionShare não implementa nenhuma criptografia de bate-papo por conta "
"própria. Ele depende da criptografia do serviço Tor onion."
#~ msgid "How OnionShare works"
#~ msgstr ""
@ -764,4 +843,3 @@ msgstr ""
#~ "WebSockets, through their E2EE onion "
#~ "connections."
#~ msgstr ""
@ -8,15 +8,16 @@ msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: OnionShare 2.3\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: onionshare-dev@lists.riseup.net\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2022-03-31 16:26+1100\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2021-09-23 15:36+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: Alexander Tarasenko <alexound.login@gmail.com>\n"
"Language: ru\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2023-03-23 07:37+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: AHOHNMYC <lqwh2h2cwa@protonmail.com>\n"
"Language-Team: ru <LL@li.org>\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=3; plural=n%10==1 && n%100!=11 ? 0 : n%10>=2 && "
"n%10<=4 && (n%100<10 || n%100>=20) ? 1 : 2\n"
"Language: ru\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=3; plural=n%10==1 && n%100!=11 ? 0 : n%10>=2 && "
"n%10<=4 && (n%100<10 || n%100>=20) ? 1 : 2;\n"
"X-Generator: Weblate 4.16.2-dev\n"
"Generated-By: Babel 2.9.1\n"
#: ../../source/install.rst:2
@ -40,7 +41,6 @@ msgid "Linux"
msgstr "Linux"
#: ../../source/install.rst:14
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"There are various ways to install OnionShare for Linux, but the "
"recommended way is to use either the `Flatpak <https://flatpak.org/>`_ or"
@ -49,24 +49,22 @@ msgid ""
"inside of a sandbox."
msgstr ""
"Существуют разные способы установки OnionShare на Linux. Рекомендуется "
"использовать такие менеджеры пакетов, как `Flatpak "
"<https://flatpak.org/>`_ или `Snap <https://snapcraft.io/>`. Их "
"использование гарантирует, что будет произведена установка самой свежей "
"версии OnionShare и что его запуск будет производиться \"в песочнице\" (в"
" специально выделенной (изолированной) среде для безопасного исполнения "
"компьютерных программ)."
"использовать такие менеджеры пакетов, как `Flatpak <https://flatpak.org/>`_ "
"или `Snap <https://snapcraft.io/>`_. Их использование гарантирует, что будет "
"произведена установка самой свежей версии OnionShare и что его запуск будет "
"производиться \"в песочнице\" (в специально выделенной (изолированной) среде "
"для безопасного исполнения компьютерных программ)."
#: ../../source/install.rst:17
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"Snapcraft support is built-in to Ubuntu and Fedora comes with Flatpak "
"support, but which you use is up to you. Both work in all Linux "
msgstr ""
"По умолчанию поддержка Snap предусмотрена дистрибутивами Ubuntu, "
"поддержка Flatpak - дистрибутивами Fedora. Нужно отметить, что "
"окончательный выбор менеджера пакетов остаётся за пользователем, "
"поскольку и тот, и другой работают во всех дистрибутивах Linux."
"По умолчанию поддержка Snap предусмотрена дистрибутивами Ubuntu, поддержка "
"Flatpak — дистрибутивами Fedora. Нужно отметить, что окончательный выбор "
"менеджера пакетов остаётся за пользователем, поскольку и тот, и другой "
"работают во всех дистрибутивах Linux."
#: ../../source/install.rst:19
msgid ""
@ -77,11 +75,10 @@ msgstr ""
#: ../../source/install.rst:21
#, fuzzy
msgid "**Install OnionShare using Snapcraft**: https://snapcraft.io/onionshare"
msgstr ""
"**Установка OnionShare с использованием Snap**: "
"**Установка OnionShare с использованием Snap**: https://snapcraft.io/"
#: ../../source/install.rst:23
msgid ""
@ -97,15 +94,14 @@ msgid "Command-line only"
msgstr "Отдельная установка консольной версии"
#: ../../source/install.rst:30
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"You can install just the command-line version of OnionShare on any "
"operating system using the Python package manager ``pip``. :ref:`cli` has"
" more info."
msgstr ""
"Консольную версию OnionShare можно установить отдельно на любую "
"операционную систему при помощи менеджера пакетов Python ``pip``. Больше "
"информации можно найти по :ref:`cli`."
"Консольную версию OnionShare можно установить отдельно на любую операционную "
"систему при помощи менеджера пакетов Python ``pip``. Больше информации можно "
"найти по :ref:`cli`."
#: ../../source/install.rst:35
msgid "Verifying PGP signatures"
@ -200,7 +196,6 @@ msgid "The expected output looks like this::"
msgstr "Ожидаемый результат выполнения команды:"
#: ../../source/install.rst:77
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"If you don't see ``Good signature from``, there might be a problem with "
"the integrity of the file (malicious or otherwise), and you should not "
@ -208,13 +203,12 @@ msgid ""
" the package, it only means you haven't defined a level of \"trust\" of "
"Micah's (the core developer) PGP key.)"
msgstr ""
"Если вывод команды не содержит строку ``Good signature from``, существует"
" вероятность, что целостность пакета была нарушена (в результате "
"злонамеренных действий третьих лиц или по техническим причиниам). В таком"
" случае нельзя прозводить дальнейшую установку. (Надпись \"WARNING:\" "
"Если вывод команды не содержит строку ``Good signature from``, существует "
"вероятность, что целостность пакета была нарушена (в результате "
"злонамеренных действий третьих лиц или по техническим причинам). В таком "
"случае нельзя производить дальнейшую установку. (Надпись \"WARNING:\" "
"показанная выше не является проблемой. Она только означает, что пока "
"отсутствует необходимый \"уровень доверия\" к публичному ключу PGP "
"отсутствует необходимый \"уровень доверия\" к публичному ключу PGP Micah.)"
#: ../../source/install.rst:79
msgid ""
@ -419,4 +413,3 @@ msgstr ""
#~ msgid "Command Line Only"
#~ msgstr ""
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