Start adding cx_Freeze linux support

This commit is contained in:
Micah Lee 2021-12-23 11:58:07 -08:00
parent f51d3770bc
commit 25f9df4c84

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@ -19,16 +19,17 @@ You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program. If not, see <>.
import os
import sys
import platform
import shutil
import cx_Freeze
from cx_Freeze import setup, Executable
# There's an obscure cx_Freeze bug that I'm hitting that's preventing the macOS
# package from getting built. This is some monkeypatching to fix it.
if platform.system() == "Darwin":
if platform.system() == "Darwin" or platform.system() == "Linux":
import importlib_metadata
import shutil
import pathlib
from pathlib import Path
from tempfile import TemporaryDirectory
@ -134,6 +135,15 @@ elif platform.system() == "Darwin":
elif platform.system() == "Linux":
include_msvcr = False
gui_base = None
exec_icon = None
if not shutil.which("patchelf"):
print("Install the patchelf package")