diff --git a/desktop/onionshare/resources/locale/af.json b/desktop/onionshare/resources/locale/af.json
index a83ab609..2fa529f3 100644
--- a/desktop/onionshare/resources/locale/af.json
+++ b/desktop/onionshare/resources/locale/af.json
@@ -77,7 +77,6 @@
"gui_server_autostop_timer_expired": "Die outo-stoptydhouer het reeds afgeloop. Pas dit aan om te begin deel.",
"gui_server_autostart_timer_expired": "Die geskeduleerde tyd is verstreke. Verstel dit om met deel te begin met.",
"gui_autostop_timer_cant_be_earlier_than_autostart_timer": "Die outo-stoptyd kan nie dieselfde of vroeër as die outo-begintyd wees nie. Pas dit aan om te begin deel.",
- "share_via_onionshare": "Deel d.m.v. OnionShare",
"gui_share_url_description": "Enigeen met hierdie OnionShare-adres en privaat sleutel kan u lêers aflaai d.m.v. die Tor Browser:
"gui_website_url_description": "Enigeen met hierdie OnionShare-adres en privaat sleutel kan u webwerf besoek d.m.v. die Tor Browser:
"gui_receive_url_description": "Enigeen met hierdie OnionShare-adres kan lêers d.m.v. die Tor Browser na u rekenaar oplaai:
diff --git a/desktop/onionshare/resources/locale/am.json b/desktop/onionshare/resources/locale/am.json
index 36d0b669..a32ea11e 100644
--- a/desktop/onionshare/resources/locale/am.json
+++ b/desktop/onionshare/resources/locale/am.json
@@ -1,94 +1,5 @@
- "not_a_readable_file": "",
- "other_page_loaded": "",
- "close_on_autostop_timer": "",
- "closing_automatically": "",
- "large_filesize": "",
- "systray_menu_exit": "",
- "gui_drag_and_drop": "",
- "gui_add": "",
- "gui_choose_items": "",
- "gui_share_start_server": "",
- "gui_share_stop_server": "",
- "gui_share_stop_server_autostop_timer": "",
- "gui_receive_start_server": "",
- "gui_receive_stop_server": "",
- "gui_receive_stop_server_autostop_timer": "",
- "gui_copy_url": "",
- "gui_canceled": "",
- "gui_copied_url_title": "",
- "gui_copied_url": "",
- "gui_please_wait": "",
- "gui_quit_warning_quit": "",
- "zip_progress_bar_format": "",
- "gui_settings_window_title": "",
- "gui_settings_autoupdate_label": "",
- "gui_settings_autoupdate_option": "",
- "gui_settings_autoupdate_timestamp": "",
- "gui_settings_autoupdate_timestamp_never": "",
- "gui_settings_autoupdate_check_button": "",
- "gui_settings_connection_type_label": "",
- "gui_settings_connection_type_bundled_option": "",
- "gui_settings_connection_type_automatic_option": "",
- "gui_settings_connection_type_control_port_option": "",
- "gui_settings_connection_type_socket_file_option": "",
- "gui_settings_connection_type_test_button": "",
- "gui_settings_control_port_label": "",
- "gui_settings_socket_file_label": "",
- "gui_settings_socks_label": "",
- "gui_settings_authenticate_no_auth_option": "",
- "gui_settings_authenticate_password_option": "",
- "gui_settings_password_label": "",
- "gui_settings_tor_bridges": "",
- "gui_settings_meek_lite_expensive_warning": "",
- "gui_settings_tor_bridges_invalid": "",
- "gui_settings_button_save": "",
"gui_settings_button_cancel": "ተወው",
"gui_settings_button_help": "መመሪያ",
- "settings_error_unknown": "",
- "settings_error_automatic": "",
- "settings_error_socket_port": "",
- "settings_error_socket_file": "",
- "settings_error_auth": "",
- "settings_error_missing_password": "",
- "settings_error_unreadable_cookie_file": "",
- "settings_error_bundled_tor_not_supported": "",
- "settings_error_bundled_tor_timeout": "",
- "settings_error_bundled_tor_broken": "",
- "settings_test_success": "",
- "error_tor_protocol_error": "",
- "connecting_to_tor": "",
- "update_available": "",
- "update_error_check_error": "",
- "update_error_invalid_latest_version": "",
- "update_not_available": "",
- "gui_tor_connection_ask": "",
- "gui_tor_connection_ask_open_settings": "አዎ",
- "gui_tor_connection_ask_quit": "",
- "gui_tor_connection_error_settings": "",
- "gui_tor_connection_canceled": "",
- "gui_tor_connection_lost": "",
- "gui_server_started_after_autostop_timer": "",
- "gui_server_autostop_timer_expired": "",
- "share_via_onionshare": "",
- "gui_share_url_description": "",
- "gui_receive_url_description": "",
- "gui_url_label_persistent": "",
- "gui_url_label_stay_open": "",
- "gui_url_label_onetime": "",
- "gui_url_label_onetime_and_persistent": "",
- "gui_status_indicator_share_stopped": "",
- "gui_status_indicator_share_working": "",
- "gui_status_indicator_share_started": "",
- "gui_status_indicator_receive_stopped": "",
- "gui_status_indicator_receive_working": "",
- "gui_status_indicator_receive_started": "",
- "gui_file_info": "",
- "gui_file_info_single": "",
- "history_in_progress_tooltip": "",
- "history_completed_tooltip": "",
- "gui_receive_mode_warning": "",
- "systray_page_loaded_title": "",
- "gui_settings_language_label": "",
- "gui_settings_language_changed_notice": ""
+ "gui_tor_connection_ask_open_settings": "አዎ"
diff --git a/desktop/onionshare/resources/locale/ar.json b/desktop/onionshare/resources/locale/ar.json
index 7a898017..6f915a4d 100644
--- a/desktop/onionshare/resources/locale/ar.json
+++ b/desktop/onionshare/resources/locale/ar.json
@@ -70,7 +70,6 @@
"gui_tor_connection_lost": "لقد قُطع الاتصل بشبكة تور.",
"gui_server_started_after_autostop_timer": "لقد بلغ مؤقت الإيقاف التلقائي أجله قبل بدء الخادم. يُرجى إنشاء مشاركة جديدة.",
"gui_server_autostop_timer_expired": "لقد بلغ مؤقت الإيقاف التلقائي أجله. يُرجى ضبطه للبدء بالمشاركة.",
- "share_via_onionshare": "شارك باستعمال OnionShare",
"gui_share_url_description": "إن أي شخص لديه عنوان OnionShare هذا سيكون بوسعه تنزيل تلك الملفات باستخدام متصفح تور:
"gui_receive_url_description": "يمكن لأيّ شخص لديه عنوان OnionShare هذا رفع الملفات إلى حاسوبك باستعمال متصفح تور :
"gui_url_label_persistent": "لن تتوقف هذه المشاركة تلقائيا.
كل مشاركة لاحقة ستعيد استخدام نفس العنوان. (لاستخدام عناوين ذات الاستعمال الوحيد، عطّل خيار ”استخدم عنوانا دائما“ في الإعدادات.",
diff --git a/desktop/onionshare/resources/locale/ay.json b/desktop/onionshare/resources/locale/ay.json
index 40d05d58..0967ef42 100644
--- a/desktop/onionshare/resources/locale/ay.json
+++ b/desktop/onionshare/resources/locale/ay.json
@@ -1,256 +1 @@
- "not_a_readable_file": "",
- "other_page_loaded": "",
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- "close_on_autostop_timer": "",
- "closing_automatically": "",
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- "gui_drag_and_drop": "",
- "gui_add": "",
- "gui_add_files": "",
- "gui_add_folder": "",
- "gui_remove": "",
- "gui_dragdrop_sandbox_flatpak": "",
- "gui_file_selection_remove_all": "",
- "gui_choose_items": "",
- "gui_share_start_server": "",
- "gui_share_stop_server": "",
- "gui_share_stop_server_autostop_timer": "",
- "gui_chat_start_server": "",
- "gui_chat_stop_server": "",
- "gui_stop_server_autostop_timer_tooltip": "",
- "gui_start_server_autostart_timer_tooltip": "",
- "gui_receive_start_server": "",
- "gui_receive_stop_server": "",
- "gui_receive_stop_server_autostop_timer": "",
- "gui_receive_flatpak_data_dir": "",
- "gui_copy_url": "",
- "gui_copy_client_auth": "",
- "gui_canceled": "",
- "gui_copied_url_title": "",
- "gui_copied_url": "",
- "gui_copied_client_auth_title": "",
- "gui_copied_client_auth": "",
- "gui_show_qr_code": "",
- "gui_qr_code_dialog_title": "",
- "gui_qr_label_url_title": "",
- "gui_qr_label_auth_string_title": "",
- "gui_reveal": "",
- "gui_hide": "",
- "gui_waiting_to_start": "",
- "gui_please_wait_no_button": "",
- "gui_please_wait": "",
- "zip_progress_bar_format": "",
- "gui_tor_settings_window_title": "",
- "gui_autoconnect_description": "",
- "gui_enable_autoconnect_checkbox": "",
- "gui_autoconnect_failed_to_connect_to_tor": "",
- "gui_autoconnect_trying_to_connect_to_tor": "",
- "gui_autoconnect_connection_error_msg": "",
- "gui_autoconnect_bridge_description": "",
- "gui_autoconnect_bridge_detect_automatic": "",
- "gui_autoconnect_bridge_detect_manual": "",
- "gui_autoconnect_bridge_setting_options": "",
- "gui_autoconnect_start": "",
- "gui_autoconnect_configure": "",
- "gui_autoconnect_no_bridge": "",
- "gui_autoconnect_try_again_without_a_bridge": "",
- "gui_autoconnect_circumventing_censorship": "",
- "gui_autoconnect_circumventing_censorship_starting_circumvention": "",
- "gui_autoconnect_circumventing_censorship_starting_meek": "",
- "gui_autoconnect_circumventing_censorship_requesting_bridges": "",
- "gui_autoconnect_circumventing_censorship_got_bridges": "",
- "gui_autoconnect_could_not_connect_to_tor_api": "",
- "gui_settings_window_title": "",
- "gui_general_settings_window_title": "",
- "gui_settings_autoupdate_label": "",
- "gui_settings_autoupdate_option": "",
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- "gui_settings_autoupdate_timestamp_never": "",
- "gui_settings_autoupdate_check_button": "",
- "gui_settings_connection_type_label": "",
- "gui_settings_connection_type_bundled_option": "",
- "gui_settings_connection_type_automatic_option": "",
- "gui_settings_controller_extras_label": "",
- "gui_settings_connection_type_control_port_option": "",
- "gui_settings_connection_type_socket_file_option": "",
- "gui_settings_connection_type_test_button": "",
- "gui_settings_control_port_label": "",
- "gui_settings_socket_file_label": "",
- "gui_settings_socks_label": "",
- "gui_settings_authenticate_no_auth_option": "",
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- "gui_settings_password_label": "",
- "gui_settings_tor_bridges": "",
- "gui_settings_tor_bridges_label": "",
- "gui_settings_bridge_use_checkbox": "",
- "gui_settings_bridge_radio_builtin": "",
- "gui_settings_bridge_none_radio_option": "",
- "gui_settings_meek_lite_expensive_warning": "",
- "gui_settings_bridge_moat_radio_option": "",
- "gui_settings_bridge_moat_button": "",
- "gui_settings_bridge_custom_radio_option": "",
- "gui_settings_bridge_custom_placeholder": "",
- "gui_settings_moat_bridges_invalid": "",
- "gui_settings_tor_bridges_invalid": "",
- "gui_settings_stop_active_tabs_label": "",
- "gui_settings_button_save": "",
- "gui_settings_button_cancel": "",
- "gui_settings_button_help": "",
- "gui_settings_version_label": "",
- "gui_settings_help_label": "",
- "settings_test_success": "",
- "connecting_to_tor": "",
- "update_available": "",
- "update_error_invalid_latest_version": "",
- "update_error_check_error": "",
- "update_not_available": "",
- "gui_tor_connection_ask": "",
- "gui_tor_connection_ask_open_settings": "",
- "gui_tor_connection_ask_quit": "",
- "gui_tor_connection_error_settings": "",
- "gui_tor_connection_canceled": "",
- "gui_tor_connection_lost": "",
- "gui_server_started_after_autostop_timer": "",
- "gui_server_autostop_timer_expired": "",
- "gui_server_autostart_timer_expired": "",
- "gui_autostop_timer_cant_be_earlier_than_autostart_timer": "",
- "gui_server_doesnt_support_stealth": "",
- "share_via_onionshare": "",
- "gui_share_url_description": "",
- "gui_share_url_public_description": "",
- "gui_website_url_description": "",
- "gui_website_url_public_description": "",
- "gui_receive_url_description": "",
- "gui_receive_url_public_description": "",
- "gui_chat_url_description": "",
- "gui_chat_url_public_description": "",
- "gui_url_label_persistent": "",
- "gui_url_label_stay_open": "",
- "gui_url_label_onetime": "",
- "gui_url_label_onetime_and_persistent": "",
- "gui_url_instructions": "",
- "gui_url_instructions_public_mode": "",
- "gui_client_auth_instructions": "",
- "gui_status_indicator_share_stopped": "",
- "gui_status_indicator_share_working": "",
- "gui_status_indicator_share_scheduled": "",
- "gui_status_indicator_share_started": "",
- "gui_status_indicator_receive_stopped": "",
- "gui_status_indicator_receive_working": "",
- "gui_status_indicator_receive_scheduled": "",
- "gui_status_indicator_receive_started": "",
- "gui_status_indicator_chat_stopped": "",
- "gui_status_indicator_chat_working": "",
- "gui_status_indicator_chat_scheduled": "",
- "gui_status_indicator_chat_started": "",
- "gui_file_info": "",
- "gui_file_info_single": "",
- "history_in_progress_tooltip": "",
- "history_completed_tooltip": "",
- "history_requests_tooltip": "",
- "error_cannot_create_data_dir": "",
- "gui_receive_mode_warning": "",
- "gui_open_folder_error": "",
- "gui_settings_language_label": "",
- "gui_settings_theme_label": "",
- "gui_settings_theme_auto": "",
- "gui_settings_theme_light": "",
- "gui_settings_theme_dark": "",
- "gui_settings_language_changed_notice": "",
- "gui_color_mode_changed_notice": "",
- "systray_menu_exit": "",
- "systray_page_loaded_title": "",
- "systray_page_loaded_message": "",
- "systray_share_started_title": "",
- "systray_share_started_message": "",
- "systray_share_completed_title": "",
- "systray_share_completed_message": "",
- "systray_share_canceled_title": "",
- "systray_share_canceled_message": "",
- "systray_receive_started_title": "",
- "systray_receive_started_message": "",
- "gui_all_modes_history": "",
- "gui_all_modes_clear_history": "",
- "gui_all_modes_transfer_started": "",
- "gui_all_modes_progress_complete": "",
- "gui_all_modes_progress_starting": "",
- "gui_all_modes_progress_eta": "",
- "gui_share_mode_no_files": "",
- "gui_share_mode_autostop_timer_waiting": "",
- "gui_website_mode_no_files": "",
- "gui_receive_mode_no_files": "",
- "gui_receive_mode_autostop_timer_waiting": "",
- "days_first_letter": "",
- "hours_first_letter": "",
- "minutes_first_letter": "",
- "seconds_first_letter": "",
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- "gui_new_tab_tooltip": "",
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- "gui_new_tab_receive_button": "",
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- "gui_new_tab_chat_button": "",
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- "gui_tab_name_receive": "",
- "gui_tab_name_website": "",
- "gui_tab_name_chat": "",
- "gui_close_tab_warning_title": "",
- "gui_close_tab_warning_persistent_description": "",
- "gui_close_tab_warning_share_description": "",
- "gui_close_tab_warning_receive_description": "",
- "gui_close_tab_warning_website_description": "",
- "gui_close_tab_warning_close": "",
- "gui_close_tab_warning_cancel": "",
- "gui_quit_warning_title": "",
- "gui_quit_warning_description": "",
- "gui_quit_warning_quit": "",
- "gui_quit_warning_cancel": "",
- "mode_settings_advanced_toggle_show": "",
- "mode_settings_advanced_toggle_hide": "",
- "mode_settings_title_label": "",
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- "mode_settings_public_checkbox": "",
- "mode_settings_autostart_timer_checkbox": "",
- "mode_settings_autostop_timer_checkbox": "",
- "mode_settings_share_autostop_sharing_checkbox": "",
- "mode_settings_receive_data_dir_label": "",
- "mode_settings_receive_data_dir_browse_button": "",
- "mode_settings_receive_disable_text_checkbox": "",
- "mode_settings_receive_disable_files_checkbox": "",
- "mode_settings_receive_webhook_url_checkbox": "",
- "mode_settings_website_disable_csp_checkbox": "",
- "mode_settings_website_custom_csp_checkbox": "",
- "gui_all_modes_transfer_finished_range": "",
- "gui_all_modes_transfer_finished": "",
- "gui_all_modes_transfer_canceled_range": "",
- "gui_all_modes_transfer_canceled": "",
- "settings_error_unknown": "",
- "settings_error_automatic": "",
- "settings_error_socket_port": "",
- "settings_error_socket_file": "",
- "settings_error_auth": "",
- "settings_error_missing_password": "",
- "settings_error_unreadable_cookie_file": "",
- "settings_error_bundled_tor_not_supported": "",
- "settings_error_bundled_tor_timeout": "",
- "settings_error_bundled_tor_broken": "",
- "gui_rendezvous_cleanup": "",
- "gui_rendezvous_cleanup_quit_early": "",
- "error_port_not_available": "",
- "history_receive_read_message_button": "",
- "error_tor_protocol_error": "",
- "moat_contact_label": "",
- "moat_captcha_label": "",
- "moat_captcha_placeholder": "",
- "moat_captcha_submit": "",
- "moat_captcha_reload": "",
- "moat_bridgedb_error": "",
- "moat_captcha_error": "",
- "moat_solution_empty_error": "",
- "mode_tor_not_connected_label": ""
diff --git a/desktop/onionshare/resources/locale/be.json b/desktop/onionshare/resources/locale/be.json
index f571e89f..8bee1344 100644
--- a/desktop/onionshare/resources/locale/be.json
+++ b/desktop/onionshare/resources/locale/be.json
@@ -116,7 +116,6 @@
"gui_server_autostart_timer_expired": "Запланаваны час супаў. Абнавіце яго, каб пачаць адпраўку.",
"gui_autostop_timer_cant_be_earlier_than_autostart_timer": "Час аўтаспынення не можа быць такім жа або больш раннім, чым час аўтазапуску. Калі ласка, адрэгулюйце яго для пачатку сумеснага выкарыстання.",
"gui_server_doesnt_support_stealth": "Нажаль, гэтая версія Tor не падтрымлівае стэлс-рэжым (аўтэнтыфікацыю кліента). Паспрабуйце з дапамогай навейшай версіі Tor або скарыстайцеся агульнадаступным рэжымам, калі ён не павінен быць прыватным.",
- "share_via_onionshare": "Падзяліцца праз OnionShare",
"gui_share_url_description": "Любы, выкарыстоўваючы гэты адрас і прыватны ключ, можа спампоўваць вашы файлы праз браўзер Tor:
"gui_share_url_public_description": "Любы, які выкарыстоўвае гэты адрас OnionShare, можа спампоўваць вашы файлы праз браўзер Tor:
"gui_website_url_description": "Любы, выкарыстоўваючы гэты адрас і прыватны ключ, можа наведаць ваш сайт праз браўзер Tor:
diff --git a/desktop/onionshare/resources/locale/bg.json b/desktop/onionshare/resources/locale/bg.json
index 040a3445..d06347da 100644
--- a/desktop/onionshare/resources/locale/bg.json
+++ b/desktop/onionshare/resources/locale/bg.json
@@ -65,30 +65,193 @@
"gui_tor_connection_ask": "Отворете настройките, за да възстановите връзката с Тор?",
"gui_tor_connection_ask_open_settings": "Да",
"gui_tor_connection_ask_quit": "Изход",
- "gui_tor_connection_error_settings": "Опитайте се да промените в настройките как OnionShare се свързва с Тор.",
- "gui_tor_connection_canceled": "Не може да се установи връзка с Тор.\n\nУверете се, че имате връзка с интернтет, след което отново отворете OnionShare и пренастройте връзката с Тор.",
+ "gui_tor_connection_error_settings": "Опитайте да промените в настройките как OnionShare се свързва с Тор.",
+ "gui_tor_connection_canceled": "Грешка при свързване с Тор.\n\nУверете се, че сте свързани с интернет. Отворете OnionShare и настройте връзката с мрежата на Тор.",
"gui_tor_connection_lost": "Връзката с Тор е прекъсната.",
- "gui_server_started_after_autostop_timer": "Автоматично спиращият таймер спря преди сървърът да стартира.\nМоля направете нов дял.",
- "gui_server_autostop_timer_expired": "Автоматично спиращият таймер спря.\nМоля актуализирайте за да започнете споделяне.",
- "share_via_onionshare": "Споделете го чрез OnionShare",
- "gui_share_url_description": "Всеки с този OnionShare адрес може да свали Вашите файлове използвайки Тор браузера:
- "gui_receive_url_description": "Всеки с този OnionShare адрес може да качи файлове на Вашия компютър, използвайки Тор браузера:
+ "gui_server_started_after_autostop_timer": "Изчакването за автоматично изключване е изтекло преди сървърът да се включи. Споделете отново.",
+ "gui_server_autostop_timer_expired": "Изчакването за автоматично изключване е изтекло. Променете времето и споделете отново.",
+ "gui_share_url_description": "Всеки, имащ адреса на OnionShare и частния ключ може да изтегли файловете чрез Четеца Тор:
+ "gui_receive_url_description": "Всеки, имащ адреса на OnionShare и частния ключ може да изпрати файлове на това устройство чрез Четеца Тор:
"gui_url_label_persistent": "Този дял няма да спре автоматично.
Всеки следващ дял ще използва повторно адреса. (За да използвате еднократни адреси, изключете \"Използвайте постоянен адрес\" в настройките)",
- "gui_url_label_stay_open": "Този дял няма да спре автоматично.",
- "gui_url_label_onetime": "Този дял ще спре след първото изпълнение.",
+ "gui_url_label_stay_open": "Услугата няма да спре автоматично.",
+ "gui_url_label_onetime": "Услугата ще спре автоматично след първото изтегляне.",
"gui_url_label_onetime_and_persistent": "Този дял няма да спре автоматично.
Всеки следващ дял ще използва повторно адреса. (За да използвате еднократни адреси, изключете \"Използвайте постоянен адрес\" в настройките)",
- "gui_status_indicator_share_stopped": "Готово за споделяне",
- "gui_status_indicator_share_working": "Започва…",
+ "gui_status_indicator_share_stopped": "В готовност за споделяне",
+ "gui_status_indicator_share_working": "Включване…",
"gui_status_indicator_share_started": "Споделяне",
- "gui_status_indicator_receive_stopped": "Готово за приемане",
- "gui_status_indicator_receive_working": "Започва…",
+ "gui_status_indicator_receive_stopped": "В готовност за получаване",
+ "gui_status_indicator_receive_working": "Включване…",
"gui_status_indicator_receive_started": "Получаване",
- "gui_file_info": "{} файлове, {}",
+ "gui_file_info": "{} файла, {}",
"gui_file_info_single": "{} файл, {}",
"history_in_progress_tooltip": "{} е в прогрес",
"history_completed_tooltip": "{} завършено",
"gui_receive_mode_warning": "Режим на приемане позволява на хора да качват файлове на Вашия компютър.
Някои файлове могат потенциално да поемат контрол над компютъра Ви, ако ги отворите. Отваряйте единствено неща от хора, на които вярвате или ако знаете какво правите.",
"systray_page_loaded_title": "OnionShare страницата е заредена",
"gui_settings_language_label": "Предпочитан език",
- "gui_settings_language_changed_notice": "За да влезе промяна Ви на език в сила, рестартирайте OnionShare."
+ "gui_settings_language_changed_notice": "За да влезе в сила промяната на езика е необходим рестарт на OnionShare.",
+ "incorrect_password": "Невярна парола",
+ "gui_status_indicator_receive_scheduled": "По график…",
+ "gui_enable_autoconnect_checkbox": "Автоматично свързване с Тор",
+ "gui_add_folder": "Добавяне на папка",
+ "gui_file_selection_remove_all": "Премахване на всички",
+ "seconds_first_letter": "с",
+ "gui_receive_flatpak_data_dir": "Тъй като сте инсталирали OnionShare от Flatpak, трябва да запазвате файловете в папката ~/OnionShare.",
+ "gui_share_mode_no_files": "Няма изпратени файлове",
+ "gui_all_modes_history": "История",
+ "gui_remove": "Премахване",
+ "gui_new_tab": "Нов раздел",
+ "gui_all_modes_transfer_started": "Започнато {}",
+ "gui_autoconnect_configure": "Настройки на мрежата",
+ "systray_share_started_title": "Започнато е изтегляне",
+ "gui_tab_name_website": "Уеб страница",
+ "gui_tor_settings_window_title": "Настройки на Тор",
+ "hours_first_letter": "ч",
+ "gui_status_indicator_share_scheduled": "По график…",
+ "gui_tab_name_chat": "Разговор",
+ "gui_receive_mode_no_files": "Няма получени файлове",
+ "gui_new_tab_tooltip": "Отваряне на раздел",
+ "gui_qr_label_auth_string_title": "Частен ключ",
+ "gui_website_mode_no_files": "Няма публикувана страница",
+ "gui_autoconnect_failed_to_connect_to_tor": "Грешка при свързване с мрежата на Тор",
+ "gui_hide": "Скриване",
+ "gui_reveal": "Показване",
+ "gui_tab_name_receive": "Изтегляне",
+ "gui_new_tab_receive_button": "Получете файлове",
+ "days_first_letter": "д",
+ "gui_new_tab_share_button": "Споделете файлове",
+ "mode_settings_advanced_toggle_show": "Разширени настройки",
+ "minutes_first_letter": "м",
+ "gui_dragdrop_sandbox_flatpak": "С цел сигурност, пясъчниците на Flatpack не поддържат влачене и пускане на файлове и папки. Вместо това използвайте бутоните.",
+ "gui_tab_name_share": "Споделяне",
+ "mode_settings_receive_data_dir_label": "Запазване на файловете",
+ "mode_settings_receive_webhook_url_checkbox": "Използване на уеб кука за известия",
+ "gui_autoconnect_start": "Свързване с Тор",
+ "gui_please_wait_no_button": "Включване…",
+ "gui_quit_warning_title": "Изход от OnionShare",
+ "systray_share_canceled_title": "Прекъснато е изтегляне",
+ "systray_receive_started_message": "Някой ви изпраща файлове",
+ "gui_qr_label_url_title": "Адрес на OnionShare",
+ "gui_status_indicator_chat_working": "Включване…",
+ "gui_add_files": "Добавяне на файлове",
+ "gui_waiting_to_start": "Ще бъде включен в {}. Щракнете за отменяне.",
+ "gui_close_tab_warning_close": "Затваряне",
+ "gui_qr_code_dialog_title": "QR код на OnionShare",
+ "gui_show_qr_code": "Показване на QR код",
+ "gui_status_indicator_chat_started": "В разговор",
+ "gui_main_page_share_button": "Започнете да споделяте",
+ "gui_all_modes_clear_history": "Изчистване",
+ "gui_close_tab_warning_title": "Затваряне на раздел",
+ "gui_status_indicator_chat_scheduled": "По график…",
+ "gui_copied_client_auth": "Частният ключ е копиран",
+ "gui_copied_client_auth_title": "Частният ключ е копиран",
+ "history_requests_tooltip": "{} заявки",
+ "gui_chat_start_server": "Включване на сървър за съобщения",
+ "gui_copy_client_auth": "Копиране на частен ключ",
+ "gui_chat_stop_server": "Изключване на сървър за съобщения",
+ "gui_stop_server_autostop_timer_tooltip": "Време на автоматично изключване: {}",
+ "gui_start_server_autostart_timer_tooltip": "Време на автоматично включване: {}",
+ "gui_autoconnect_no_bridge": "Повторен опит без мостове",
+ "gui_url_instructions_public_mode": "Изпратете адреса на OnionShare:",
+ "gui_autoconnect_trying_to_connect_to_tor": "Свързване с Тор…",
+ "gui_autoconnect_bridge_detect_automatic": "От моето IP да бъде пределена държавата, според която да бъде избран мост",
+ "gui_settings_bridge_moat_radio_option": "Заявяване на мост от torproject.org",
+ "gui_settings_stop_active_tabs_label": "В някой от разделите работи услуга.\nЗа да променяте настройките на Тор услугите трябва да бъдат спрени.",
+ "gui_autoconnect_circumventing_censorship": "Отстраняват се проблеми с връзката…",
+ "gui_share_url_public_description": "Всеки, имащ адреса на OnionShare може да изтегли файловете чрез Четеца Тор:
+ "gui_website_url_description": "Всеки, имащ адреса на OnionShare и частния ключ може да посети страницата чрез Четеца Тор:
+ "gui_website_url_public_description": "Всеки, имащ адреса на OnionShare може да посети страницата чрез Четеца Тор:
+ "gui_settings_controller_extras_label": "Настройки на Тор",
+ "gui_settings_bridge_radio_builtin": "Използване на вграден мост",
+ "gui_autoconnect_try_again_without_a_bridge": "Повторен опит без мостове",
+ "gui_autoconnect_circumventing_censorship_starting_circumvention": "Заобикаля се цензурата…",
+ "gui_general_settings_window_title": "Общи",
+ "gui_settings_bridge_custom_radio_option": "Използване на мост, получен от доверен източник",
+ "gui_settings_bridge_custom_placeholder": "формат адрес:порт (по един на ред)",
+ "gui_settings_version_label": "Използвате OnionShare {}",
+ "gui_autostop_timer_cant_be_earlier_than_autostart_timer": "Времето на включване не може да бъде същото или по-ранно от времето на включване. Направете промени и споделете отново.",
+ "gui_settings_bridge_use_checkbox": "Използване на мост",
+ "gui_autoconnect_description": "OnionShare работи благодарение на мрежата на Тор, която се поддържа от доброволци.",
+ "gui_autoconnect_circumventing_censorship_starting_meek": "Осъществява се връзка с мост на meek с цел маскиране на домейните…",
+ "mode_settings_share_autostop_sharing_checkbox": "Изключване на услугата след изпращане на файловете (за изтегляне на отделни файлове махнете отметката)",
+ "mode_settings_autostop_timer_checkbox": "Изключване на услугата в определен час",
+ "gui_share_mode_autostop_timer_waiting": "Завършване на изпращането…",
+ "gui_autoconnect_could_not_connect_to_tor_api": "Грешка при свързване към ППИ на Тор. Уверете се, че има връзка с интернет преди да пробвате отново.",
+ "gui_autoconnect_bridge_setting_options": "Настройки на мост",
+ "gui_autoconnect_connection_error_msg": "Уверете се, че има връзка с интернет.",
+ "gui_autoconnect_bridge_detect_manual": "Ръчен избор на държавата, според която да бъде избран мост",
+ "gui_settings_bridge_none_radio_option": "Без използване на мостове",
+ "gui_autoconnect_bridge_description": "Ако връзката ви с интернет е цензурирана, пробвайте да се свържете чрез мост.",
+ "gui_url_instructions": "Първо, изпратете адреса на OnionShare:",
+ "gui_server_autostart_timer_expired": "Часът за включване е отминал. Направете промени и споделете отново.",
+ "gui_settings_moat_bridges_invalid": "Не сте заявили мост от torptoject.org.",
+ "gui_receive_url_public_description": "Всеки, имащ адреса на OnionShare може да изпрати файлове на това устройство чрез Четеца Тор:
+ "gui_chat_url_public_description": "Всеки, имащ адреса на OnionShare може да се присъедини към разговора чрез Четеца Тор:
+ "gui_autoconnect_circumventing_censorship_requesting_bridges": "Заявяват се мостове от ППИ-то на Тор за заобикаляне на цензурата…",
+ "gui_autoconnect_circumventing_censorship_got_bridges": "Мостовете са получени. Осъществява се повторна връзка с Тор…",
+ "gui_settings_help_label": "Нужна ви е помощ? Вижте docs.onionshare.org",
+ "gui_chat_url_description": "Всеки, имащ адреса на OnionShare и частния ключ може да се присъедини към разговора чрез Четеца Тор:
+ "gui_settings_tor_bridges_label": "Мостовете дават възможност да се свържете с мрежата на Тор от места, където Тор е блокиран. Някои мостове работят по-добре от други, зависимост от мястото от което се свързвате.",
+ "gui_client_auth_instructions": "След това, изпратете частния ключ за достъп до услугата на OnionShare:",
+ "mode_settings_autostart_timer_checkbox": "Включване на услугата в определен час",
+ "gui_settings_bridge_moat_button": "Заявяване на нов мост",
+ "gui_receive_mode_autostop_timer_waiting": "Завършване на изтеглянето…",
+ "gui_server_doesnt_support_stealth": "Извинете, но това издание на Тор не поддържа удостоверяване на клиента (режим „stealth“). Пробвайте с по-ново издание или използвайте публичния режим, ако не е необходим поверителен.",
+ "moat_captcha_placeholder": "Въведете знаците от изображението",
+ "gui_main_page_chat_button": "Започнете разговор",
+ "gui_all_modes_progress_eta": "{0:s}, готово след: {1:s}, %p%",
+ "systray_receive_started_title": "Започнато е получаване",
+ "mode_settings_advanced_toggle_hide": "Скриване на разширени настройки",
+ "gui_close_tab_warning_receive_description": "Затваряте раздел, който получава файлове!",
+ "gui_status_indicator_chat_stopped": "В готовност за разговор",
+ "moat_solution_empty_error": "Въведете знаците от изображението",
+ "mode_settings_receive_disable_files_checkbox": "Без качване на файлове",
+ "gui_rendezvous_cleanup": "Изчакват се веригите на Tor да затворят, за да е сигурно, че файловете са прехвърлени.\n\nМоже да отнеме минута.",
+ "mode_settings_receive_data_dir_browse_button": "Избиране",
+ "systray_share_completed_message": "Край на изпращане на файловете",
+ "mode_settings_persistent_checkbox": "Отваряне на този раздел при стартиране на OnionShare",
+ "systray_share_started_message": "Начало на изпращане на файлове към някого",
+ "waitress_web_server_error": "Грешка при стартиране на уеб сървъра",
+ "gui_all_modes_progress_starting": "{0:s}, %p% (изчисляват се)",
+ "gui_close_tab_warning_share_description": "Затваряте раздел, от който се изпращат файлове!",
+ "gui_open_folder_error": "Грешка при отваряне на папка с xdg-open. Файлът се намира тук: {}",
+ "moat_bridgedb_error": "Грешка при свързване с BridgeDB.",
+ "gui_all_modes_transfer_finished": "Пренесено {}",
+ "gui_close_tab_warning_cancel": "Отказ",
+ "gui_all_modes_transfer_canceled": "Отказано {}",
+ "systray_page_loaded_message": "Зареден е адрес на OnionShare",
+ "gui_main_page_website_button": "Направете достъпна",
+ "mode_settings_public_checkbox": "Общодостъпна услуга на OnionShare (без частен ключ)",
+ "mode_settings_website_custom_csp_checkbox": "Потребителска заглавка на Content Security Policy",
+ "systray_share_completed_title": "Завършено е изтегляне",
+ "gui_quit_warning_cancel": "Отказ",
+ "gui_new_tab_website_button": "Уеб страница",
+ "gui_settings_theme_light": "Светла",
+ "moat_captcha_reload": "Презареждане",
+ "moat_captcha_label": "За да получите мостове, решете тази CAPTCHA.",
+ "gui_rendezvous_cleanup_quit_early": "Ранен изход",
+ "gui_settings_theme_label": "Тема",
+ "gui_new_tab_chat_button": "Анонимен разговор",
+ "gui_close_tab_warning_persistent_description": "Затваряте постоянен адрес. Ще загубите .onion адреса, който използва!",
+ "mode_settings_title_label": "Заглавие на раздела",
+ "gui_color_mode_changed_notice": "За да влезе в сила промяната на темата е необходим рестарт на OnionShare.",
+ "gui_all_modes_transfer_canceled_range": "Отказано {} - {}",
+ "gui_close_tab_warning_chat_description": "Затваряте раздел, който съдържа услуга за разговори!",
+ "error_cannot_create_data_dir": "Грешка при създаване на папката за данни на OnionShare : {}",
+ "moat_captcha_error": "Грешен отговор. Опитайте отново.",
+ "gui_all_modes_transfer_finished_range": "Пренесено {} - {}",
+ "gui_quit_warning_description": "При изход ще бъдат затворени всички раздели, дори и да съдържат работещи услуги!",
+ "gui_all_modes_progress_complete": "%p%, за {0:s}.",
+ "gui_settings_theme_dark": "Тъмна",
+ "moat_captcha_submit": "Изпращане",
+ "gui_close_tab_warning_website_description": "Затваряте раздел, който обслужва уеб страница!",
+ "moat_contact_label": "Свързване с BridgeDB…",
+ "gui_settings_theme_auto": "Автом.",
+ "gui_main_page_receive_button": "Започнете да получавате",
+ "error_port_not_available": "Портът на OnionShare е недостъпен",
+ "mode_settings_receive_disable_text_checkbox": "Без изпращане на съобщения",
+ "mode_tor_not_connected_label": "OnionShare не е свързан с мрежата на Тор",
+ "systray_share_canceled_message": "Някой прекъсна изтеглянето на файловете",
+ "mode_settings_website_disable_csp_checkbox": "Без изпращане на подразбираната заглавка на Content Security Policy (за използване на странични ресурси)",
+ "history_receive_read_message_button": "Прочитане"
diff --git a/desktop/onionshare/resources/locale/bn.json b/desktop/onionshare/resources/locale/bn.json
index 23e12bbb..06ba39fc 100644
--- a/desktop/onionshare/resources/locale/bn.json
+++ b/desktop/onionshare/resources/locale/bn.json
@@ -70,7 +70,6 @@
"gui_tor_connection_lost": "টর এর সাথে যোগাযোগ বিচ্ছিন্ন হয়ে গেছে।",
"gui_server_started_after_autostop_timer": "সার্ভার শুরু হওয়ার আগেই স্বয়ংক্রিয়-বন্ধ ঘড়ির সময় শেষ হয়ে গেছে। অনুগ্রহ করে আবার নতুনভাবে শেয়ার করো।",
"gui_server_autostop_timer_expired": "অটো-স্টপ টাইমারের সময় ইতিমধ্যেই শেষ হয়ে গিয়েছে। দয়া করে, শেয়ারিং শুরু করতে নতুনভাবে সময় সেট করো।",
- "share_via_onionshare": "OnionShare এর মাধমে শেয়ার করো",
"gui_share_url_description": "যার কাছেই এই ঠিকানা এবং ব্যক্তিগত কী থাকবে সে ই টর ব্রাউজার ব্যবহার করে এই OnionShare ঠিকানায় গিয়ে যে কেউ আপনার ফাইল(গুলি) ডাউনলোড করতে পারবে:
"gui_receive_url_description": "যার কাছেই এই ঠিকানা এবং ব্যক্তিগত কী থাকবে সে ই টর ব্রাউজার ব্যবহার করে এই OnionShare ঠিকানায় গিয়ে যে কেউ আপনার কম্পিউটারে ফাইল আপলোড করতে পারবে:
"gui_url_label_persistent": "এই শেয়ার অটো-স্টপ হবে না ।
কারণ, প্রতিটি শেয়ার এই একই স্থায়ী ঠিকানা ব্যবহার করে। (অস্থায়ী ঠিকানা ব্যবহার করতে, সেটিংসে গিয়ে 'স্থায়ী ঠিকানা ব্যবহার করুন' অপশনটির টিক চিহ্ন উঠিয়ে দিন)",
@@ -247,6 +246,6 @@
"gui_autoconnect_connection_error_msg": "তুমি কি ইন্টারনেটে যুক্ত?",
"gui_autoconnect_circumventing_censorship_got_bridges": "সেতু পাওয়া গেছে! টর এ পুনঃসংযোগের চেষ্টা করা হচ্ছে",
"gui_autoconnect_circumventing_censorship_starting_meek": "ডোমেন-ফ্রন্টিং এর জন্য মিইক শুরু করা হচ্ছে",
- "gui_autoconnect_trying_to_connect_to_tor": "টর এ সংযোগের চেষ্টা করা হচ্ছে...",
+ "gui_autoconnect_trying_to_connect_to_tor": "টর এ সংযোগের চেষ্টা করা হচ্ছে…",
"gui_autoconnect_try_again_without_a_bridge": "সেতু ছাড়া চেষ্টা করো"
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@@ -70,7 +70,6 @@
"gui_tor_connection_lost": "S'ha perdut la connexió amb Tor.",
"gui_server_started_after_autostop_timer": "El temporitzador de finalització automàtica ha acabat abans que s'iniciés el servidor. Torneu a compartir-ho.",
"gui_server_autostop_timer_expired": "El temporitzador de finalització automàtica ja s'ha acabat. Ajusteu-lo per a poder compartir.",
- "share_via_onionshare": "Comparteix-ho amb l'OnionShare",
"gui_share_url_description": "Qualsevol persona amb aquesta adreça d'OnionShare pot baixar els vostres fitxers fent servir el Navegador Tor:
"gui_receive_url_description": "Qualsevol persona amb aquesta adreça d'OnionShare pot pujar fitxers al vostre ordinador fent servir el Navegador Tor:
"gui_url_label_persistent": "Aquest recurs no es tancarà ell sol.
Cada recurs compartit reutilitzarà aquesta mateixa adreça. (Si voleu crear una adreça diferent per a cada recurs, desactiveu l'opció «Utilitza una adreça persistent» a les opcions.)",
diff --git a/desktop/onionshare/resources/locale/ckb.json b/desktop/onionshare/resources/locale/ckb.json
index 22289919..1dd3e797 100644
--- a/desktop/onionshare/resources/locale/ckb.json
+++ b/desktop/onionshare/resources/locale/ckb.json
@@ -72,7 +72,6 @@
"gui_server_autostop_timer_expired": "Demê otomotîk-sekinandin ji berê de qediya. Ji kerema xwe dem dirêj bike ji bo weşan destpê bike.",
"gui_server_autostart_timer_expired": "Demê pilankirî derbas bû. Ji kerema xwe dîsa dirêj bike ji bo weşan destpê bike.",
"gui_autostop_timer_cant_be_earlier_than_autostart_timer": "Demê otomatîk-qedandin nikare ji demê otomatîk-despêkirin kêmtir and wek heve bibe. Ji kerema xwe demê wê dirêjtir bike ji bo weşan despê bike.",
- "share_via_onionshare": "Bi rêya OnionShare parve bike",
"gui_share_url_description": "Her kesî bi vê malpera OnionShare bikare belgeryên te bi TorBrowser berjêr bike:
"gui_website_url_description": "Her kesî bi vê malpera OnionShare dikare were li ser malpera te dema TorBrowser bikar tîne:
"gui_receive_url_description": "Her kesekî bi vê malpera OnionShare dikare belgeran li ser komputera te bi kar anîna Tor Broweser bar bike:
diff --git a/desktop/onionshare/resources/locale/cs.json b/desktop/onionshare/resources/locale/cs.json
index 2e6fd347..c3756bfd 100644
--- a/desktop/onionshare/resources/locale/cs.json
+++ b/desktop/onionshare/resources/locale/cs.json
@@ -108,7 +108,6 @@
"moat_captcha_error": "Nesprávné řešení. Zkuste to prosím znovu.",
"moat_solution_empty_error": "Zadejte znaky z obrázku",
"mode_tor_not_connected_label": "OnionShare není připojen k síti Tor",
- "share_via_onionshare": "Sdílet přes OnionShare",
"gui_url_instructions_public_mode": "Odeslat adresu OnionShare uvedenou níže:",
"gui_client_auth_instructions": "Dále zašlete soukromý klíč pro umožnění přístupu k Vaší službě OnionShare :",
"gui_status_indicator_chat_stopped": "Připraveno chatovat",
diff --git a/desktop/onionshare/resources/locale/da.json b/desktop/onionshare/resources/locale/da.json
index cad28afc..55673644 100644
--- a/desktop/onionshare/resources/locale/da.json
+++ b/desktop/onionshare/resources/locale/da.json
@@ -64,7 +64,6 @@
"gui_tor_connection_lost": "Der er ikke oprettet forbindelse til Tor.",
"gui_server_started_after_autostop_timer": "Timeren med automatisk stop løb ud inden serveren startede. Opret venligst en ny deling.",
"gui_server_autostop_timer_expired": "Timeren med automatisk stop er allerede løbet ud. Juster den venligst for at begynde at dele.",
- "share_via_onionshare": "Del via OnionShare",
"gui_copied_url_title": "Kopierede OnionShare-adresse",
"gui_url_label_persistent": "Delingen stopper ikke automatisk.
Enhver efterfølgende deling bruger den samme adresse igen (hvis du vil bruge engangsadresser, så deaktivér \"Brug vedvarende adresse\", i indstillingerne).",
"gui_url_label_stay_open": "Delingen stopper ikke automatisk.",
diff --git a/desktop/onionshare/resources/locale/de.json b/desktop/onionshare/resources/locale/de.json
index acd47380..0019872b 100644
--- a/desktop/onionshare/resources/locale/de.json
+++ b/desktop/onionshare/resources/locale/de.json
@@ -66,7 +66,6 @@
"gui_tor_connection_ask_open_settings": "Ja",
"gui_tor_connection_error_settings": "Versuche in den Einstellungen zu ändern, wie sich OnionShare mit dem Tor-Netzwerk verbindet.",
"gui_tor_connection_canceled": "Konnte keine Verbindung zu Tor herstellen.\n\nStelle sicher, dass du mit dem Internet verbunden bist, öffne OnionShare erneut und richte die Verbindung zu Tor ein.",
- "share_via_onionshare": "Teilen mit OnionShare",
"gui_share_url_description": "Jeder kann mit dieser OnionShare-Adresse und dem privaten Schlüssel deine Dateien mit dem Tor Browser herunterladen:
"gui_receive_url_description": "Jeder mit dieser OnionShare-Adresse und dem privaten Schlüssel kann mit dem Tor Browser Dateien auf deinen Computer hochladen:
"gui_url_label_persistent": "Diese Freigabe wird nicht automatisch beendet.
Jede folgende Freigabe wird die Adresse erneut nutzen. (Um Adressen nur einmal zu nutzen, schalte „Nutze beständige Adressen“ in den Einstellungen aus.)",
@@ -119,7 +118,7 @@
"gui_all_modes_progress_complete": "%p%, {0:s} vergangen.",
"gui_waiting_to_start": "Geplant in {} zu starten. Klicken zum Abbrechen.",
"gui_stop_server_autostop_timer_tooltip": "Automatischer Stopptimer endet um {}",
- "gui_start_server_autostart_timer_tooltip": "Automatischer Stopptimer endet um {}",
+ "gui_start_server_autostart_timer_tooltip": "Auto-Start-Timer endet um {}",
"gui_server_autostart_timer_expired": "Die geplante Zeit ist bereits abgelaufen. Bitte passe diese an, um das Teilen zu starten.",
"gui_autostop_timer_cant_be_earlier_than_autostart_timer": "Die automatische Stoppzeit kann nicht gleich oder früher als die Startzeit sein. Bitte passe die Zeiten an, um das Teilen zu starten.",
"gui_status_indicator_share_scheduled": "Geplant…",
diff --git a/desktop/onionshare/resources/locale/el.json b/desktop/onionshare/resources/locale/el.json
index 5aec374f..c9490ec7 100644
--- a/desktop/onionshare/resources/locale/el.json
+++ b/desktop/onionshare/resources/locale/el.json
@@ -70,7 +70,6 @@
"gui_tor_connection_lost": "Έγινε αποσύνδεση από το δίκτυο του Tor.",
"gui_server_started_after_autostop_timer": "Το χρονόμετρο αυτόματης διακοπής τελείωσε πριν την εκκίνηση του server. Παρακαλώ κάντε ένα νέο διαμοιρασμό.",
"gui_server_autostop_timer_expired": "Το χρονόμετρο αυτόματης διακοπής έχει ήδη τελειώσει. Παρακαλώ ρυθμίστε το για να ξεκινήσετε το διαμοιρασμό.",
- "share_via_onionshare": "Μοιραστείτε μέσω OnionShare",
"gui_share_url_description": "Οποιοσδήποτε με αυτή τη διεύθυνση OnionShare και το ιδιωτικό κλειδί μπορεί να κατεβάσει τα αρχεία σας χρησιμοποιώντας το Tor Browser:
"gui_receive_url_description": "Οποιοσδήποτε με αυτή τη διεύθυνση OnionShare και το ιδιωτικό κλειδί μπορεί να ανεβάσει αρχεία στον υπολογιστή σας χρησιμοποιώντας το Tor Browser:
"gui_url_label_persistent": "Αυτή η σελίδα διαμοιρασμού δεν θα πάψει να λειτουργεί αυτόματα.
Όσοι μοιράζονται αρχεία μαζί σας θα μπορέσουν να ξαναχρησιμοποιήσουν αυτή τη διεύθυνση αργότερα. (Για να χρησιμοποιήσετε διευθύνσεις μιας χρήσης, απενεργοποιήστε τη λειτουργία \"Χρήση μόνιμης διεύθυνσης\" στις Ρυθμίσεις.)",
@@ -159,7 +158,7 @@
"gui_tab_name_chat": "Συνομιλία",
"gui_tab_name_website": "Ιστότοπος",
"gui_tab_name_receive": "Λήψη",
- "gui_tab_name_share": "Κοινοποίηση",
+ "gui_tab_name_share": "Κοινή χρήση",
"gui_main_page_chat_button": "Έναρξη συνομιλίας",
"gui_main_page_website_button": "Έναρξη φιλοξενίας",
"gui_main_page_receive_button": "Έναρξη λήψης",
diff --git a/desktop/onionshare/resources/locale/en.json b/desktop/onionshare/resources/locale/en.json
index 375c4bc7..287f3b00 100644
--- a/desktop/onionshare/resources/locale/en.json
+++ b/desktop/onionshare/resources/locale/en.json
@@ -116,7 +116,6 @@
"gui_server_autostart_timer_expired": "The scheduled time has already passed. Please adjust it to start sharing.",
"gui_autostop_timer_cant_be_earlier_than_autostart_timer": "The auto-stop time can't be the same or earlier than the auto-start time. Please adjust it to start sharing.",
"gui_server_doesnt_support_stealth": "Sorry, this version of Tor doesn't support stealth (client authentication). Please try with a newer version of Tor, or use 'public' mode if it doesn't need to be private.",
- "share_via_onionshare": "Share via OnionShare",
"gui_share_url_description": "Anyone with this OnionShare address and private key can download your files using the Tor Browser:
"gui_share_url_public_description": "Anyone with this OnionShare address can download your files using the Tor Browser:
"gui_website_url_description": "Anyone with this OnionShare address and private key can visit your website using the Tor Browser:
diff --git a/desktop/onionshare/resources/locale/es.json b/desktop/onionshare/resources/locale/es.json
index b2981a5a..190cf754 100644
--- a/desktop/onionshare/resources/locale/es.json
+++ b/desktop/onionshare/resources/locale/es.json
@@ -54,7 +54,6 @@
"gui_tor_connection_lost": "Se desconectó de Tor.",
"gui_server_started_after_autostop_timer": "El temporizador de parada automática expiró antes de que se iniciara el servidor. Por favor vuelve a compartirlo.",
"gui_server_autostop_timer_expired": "El temporizador de parada automática ya expiró. Por favor ajústalo para comenzar a compartir.",
- "share_via_onionshare": "Compartir con OnionShare",
"gui_share_url_description": "Cualquiera con esta dirección OnionShare y la clave privada puede descargar tus archivos usando el Navegador Tor:
"gui_receive_url_description": "Cualquiera con esta dirección de OnionShare y clave privada puede subir archivos a tu ordenador usando el Navegador Tor:
"gui_url_label_persistent": "Este recurso compartido no se detendrá automáticamente.
Cada recurso compartido subsiguiente reutilizará la dirección. (Para usar direcciones una sola vez, desactiva la opción «Usar dirección persistente» en la configuración.)",
diff --git a/desktop/onionshare/resources/locale/fa.json b/desktop/onionshare/resources/locale/fa.json
index 9feb73b5..b70e75d1 100644
--- a/desktop/onionshare/resources/locale/fa.json
+++ b/desktop/onionshare/resources/locale/fa.json
@@ -70,10 +70,9 @@
"gui_tor_connection_lost": "اتصال با Tor قطع شده است.",
"gui_server_started_after_autostop_timer": "زمانسنج توقف خودکار، قبل از آغاز کارساز به پایان رسید. لطفا یک همرسانی جدید درست کنید.",
"gui_server_autostop_timer_expired": "زمانسنج توقف خودکار به پایان رسید. لطفا برای آغاز همرسانی آن را تنظیم کنید.",
- "share_via_onionshare": "همرسانی با OnionShare",
"gui_share_url_description": "هر کس با این نشانی OnionShare و کلید خصوصی میتواند توسط مرورگر Tor فایلهای شما را بارگیری کند:
"gui_receive_url_description": "هر کس با این نشانی OnionShare و کلید خصوصی میتواند توسط مرورگر Tor فایلهایی را بر روی رایانه شما بارگذاری کند:
- "gui_url_label_persistent": "این همرسانی به صورت خودکار متوقف نمیشود.
همرسانیهای بعدی هم از همین نشانی استفاده میکنند. (برای استفاده از نشانیهای یکبارمصرف، گزینه «استفاده از آدرس پایا» را در تنظیمات غیرفعال کنید.)",
+ "gui_url_label_persistent": "این همرسانی به صورت خودکار متوقف نمیشود.
همرسانیهای بعدی هم از همین نشانی استفاده میکنند. (برای استفاده از نشانیهای یکبارمصرف، گزینه «استفاده از آدرس پایا» را در تنظیمات غیرفعال کنید.)",
"gui_url_label_stay_open": "این همرسانی به صورت خودکار متوقف خواهد شد.",
"gui_url_label_onetime": "این همرسانی پس از اولین تکمیل متوقف خواهد شد.",
"gui_url_label_onetime_and_persistent": "این همرسانی به صورت خودکار متوقف نخواهد شد.
همرسانیهای بعدی نیز از همین نشانی استفاده خواهند کرد. (برای استفاده از نشانیهای یکبارمصرف، گزینه «استفاده از آدرس پایا» را در تنظیمات غیرفعال کنید.)",
diff --git a/desktop/onionshare/resources/locale/fi.json b/desktop/onionshare/resources/locale/fi.json
index ed7b57b1..0acd80c8 100644
--- a/desktop/onionshare/resources/locale/fi.json
+++ b/desktop/onionshare/resources/locale/fi.json
@@ -71,7 +71,6 @@
"gui_tor_connection_lost": "Tor-yhteys katkaistu.",
"gui_server_started_after_autostop_timer": "Automaattinen loputusajastin pysäytti toiminnon ennen palvelimen käynnistymistä. Luo uusi jako.",
"gui_server_autostop_timer_expired": "Automaattinen pysäytysajastin päättyi jo. Säädä se jaon aloittamiseksi.",
- "share_via_onionshare": "Jaa OnionSharella",
"gui_share_url_description": "Kaikki joilla on tämä OnionShare-osoite voivat ladata tiedostojasi käyttämällä Tor-selainta:
"gui_receive_url_description": "Kaikki joilla on tämä OnionShare-osoite voivat lähettäätiedostoja tietokoneellesi käyttämällä Tor-selainta:
"gui_url_label_persistent": "Tämä jako ei pysähdy automaattisesti.
Jokainen seuraava jako käyttää osoitetta uudelleen. (Jos haluat käyttää kertaluontoisia osoitteita, sammuta \"Käytä pysyvää osoitetta\" asetuksissa.)",
diff --git a/desktop/onionshare/resources/locale/fil.json b/desktop/onionshare/resources/locale/fil.json
index 40d05d58..0967ef42 100644
--- a/desktop/onionshare/resources/locale/fil.json
+++ b/desktop/onionshare/resources/locale/fil.json
@@ -1,256 +1 @@
- "not_a_readable_file": "",
- "other_page_loaded": "",
- "incorrect_password": "",
- "close_on_autostop_timer": "",
- "closing_automatically": "",
- "large_filesize": "",
- "gui_drag_and_drop": "",
- "gui_add": "",
- "gui_add_files": "",
- "gui_add_folder": "",
- "gui_remove": "",
- "gui_dragdrop_sandbox_flatpak": "",
- "gui_file_selection_remove_all": "",
- "gui_choose_items": "",
- "gui_share_start_server": "",
- "gui_share_stop_server": "",
- "gui_share_stop_server_autostop_timer": "",
- "gui_chat_start_server": "",
- "gui_chat_stop_server": "",
- "gui_stop_server_autostop_timer_tooltip": "",
- "gui_start_server_autostart_timer_tooltip": "",
- "gui_receive_start_server": "",
- "gui_receive_stop_server": "",
- "gui_receive_stop_server_autostop_timer": "",
- "gui_receive_flatpak_data_dir": "",
- "gui_copy_url": "",
- "gui_copy_client_auth": "",
- "gui_canceled": "",
- "gui_copied_url_title": "",
- "gui_copied_url": "",
- "gui_copied_client_auth_title": "",
- "gui_copied_client_auth": "",
- "gui_show_qr_code": "",
- "gui_qr_code_dialog_title": "",
- "gui_qr_label_url_title": "",
- "gui_qr_label_auth_string_title": "",
- "gui_reveal": "",
- "gui_hide": "",
- "gui_waiting_to_start": "",
- "gui_please_wait_no_button": "",
- "gui_please_wait": "",
- "zip_progress_bar_format": "",
- "gui_tor_settings_window_title": "",
- "gui_autoconnect_description": "",
- "gui_enable_autoconnect_checkbox": "",
- "gui_autoconnect_failed_to_connect_to_tor": "",
- "gui_autoconnect_trying_to_connect_to_tor": "",
- "gui_autoconnect_connection_error_msg": "",
- "gui_autoconnect_bridge_description": "",
- "gui_autoconnect_bridge_detect_automatic": "",
- "gui_autoconnect_bridge_detect_manual": "",
- "gui_autoconnect_bridge_setting_options": "",
- "gui_autoconnect_start": "",
- "gui_autoconnect_configure": "",
- "gui_autoconnect_no_bridge": "",
- "gui_autoconnect_try_again_without_a_bridge": "",
- "gui_autoconnect_circumventing_censorship": "",
- "gui_autoconnect_circumventing_censorship_starting_circumvention": "",
- "gui_autoconnect_circumventing_censorship_starting_meek": "",
- "gui_autoconnect_circumventing_censorship_requesting_bridges": "",
- "gui_autoconnect_circumventing_censorship_got_bridges": "",
- "gui_autoconnect_could_not_connect_to_tor_api": "",
- "gui_settings_window_title": "",
- "gui_general_settings_window_title": "",
- "gui_settings_autoupdate_label": "",
- "gui_settings_autoupdate_option": "",
- "gui_settings_autoupdate_timestamp": "",
- "gui_settings_autoupdate_timestamp_never": "",
- "gui_settings_autoupdate_check_button": "",
- "gui_settings_connection_type_label": "",
- "gui_settings_connection_type_bundled_option": "",
- "gui_settings_connection_type_automatic_option": "",
- "gui_settings_controller_extras_label": "",
- "gui_settings_connection_type_control_port_option": "",
- "gui_settings_connection_type_socket_file_option": "",
- "gui_settings_connection_type_test_button": "",
- "gui_settings_control_port_label": "",
- "gui_settings_socket_file_label": "",
- "gui_settings_socks_label": "",
- "gui_settings_authenticate_no_auth_option": "",
- "gui_settings_authenticate_password_option": "",
- "gui_settings_password_label": "",
- "gui_settings_tor_bridges": "",
- "gui_settings_tor_bridges_label": "",
- "gui_settings_bridge_use_checkbox": "",
- "gui_settings_bridge_radio_builtin": "",
- "gui_settings_bridge_none_radio_option": "",
- "gui_settings_meek_lite_expensive_warning": "",
- "gui_settings_bridge_moat_radio_option": "",
- "gui_settings_bridge_moat_button": "",
- "gui_settings_bridge_custom_radio_option": "",
- "gui_settings_bridge_custom_placeholder": "",
- "gui_settings_moat_bridges_invalid": "",
- "gui_settings_tor_bridges_invalid": "",
- "gui_settings_stop_active_tabs_label": "",
- "gui_settings_button_save": "",
- "gui_settings_button_cancel": "",
- "gui_settings_button_help": "",
- "gui_settings_version_label": "",
- "gui_settings_help_label": "",
- "settings_test_success": "",
- "connecting_to_tor": "",
- "update_available": "",
- "update_error_invalid_latest_version": "",
- "update_error_check_error": "",
- "update_not_available": "",
- "gui_tor_connection_ask": "",
- "gui_tor_connection_ask_open_settings": "",
- "gui_tor_connection_ask_quit": "",
- "gui_tor_connection_error_settings": "",
- "gui_tor_connection_canceled": "",
- "gui_tor_connection_lost": "",
- "gui_server_started_after_autostop_timer": "",
- "gui_server_autostop_timer_expired": "",
- "gui_server_autostart_timer_expired": "",
- "gui_autostop_timer_cant_be_earlier_than_autostart_timer": "",
- "gui_server_doesnt_support_stealth": "",
- "share_via_onionshare": "",
- "gui_share_url_description": "",
- "gui_share_url_public_description": "",
- "gui_website_url_description": "",
- "gui_website_url_public_description": "",
- "gui_receive_url_description": "",
- "gui_receive_url_public_description": "",
- "gui_chat_url_description": "",
- "gui_chat_url_public_description": "",
- "gui_url_label_persistent": "",
- "gui_url_label_stay_open": "",
- "gui_url_label_onetime": "",
- "gui_url_label_onetime_and_persistent": "",
- "gui_url_instructions": "",
- "gui_url_instructions_public_mode": "",
- "gui_client_auth_instructions": "",
- "gui_status_indicator_share_stopped": "",
- "gui_status_indicator_share_working": "",
- "gui_status_indicator_share_scheduled": "",
- "gui_status_indicator_share_started": "",
- "gui_status_indicator_receive_stopped": "",
- "gui_status_indicator_receive_working": "",
- "gui_status_indicator_receive_scheduled": "",
- "gui_status_indicator_receive_started": "",
- "gui_status_indicator_chat_stopped": "",
- "gui_status_indicator_chat_working": "",
- "gui_status_indicator_chat_scheduled": "",
- "gui_status_indicator_chat_started": "",
- "gui_file_info": "",
- "gui_file_info_single": "",
- "history_in_progress_tooltip": "",
- "history_completed_tooltip": "",
- "history_requests_tooltip": "",
- "error_cannot_create_data_dir": "",
- "gui_receive_mode_warning": "",
- "gui_open_folder_error": "",
- "gui_settings_language_label": "",
- "gui_settings_theme_label": "",
- "gui_settings_theme_auto": "",
- "gui_settings_theme_light": "",
- "gui_settings_theme_dark": "",
- "gui_settings_language_changed_notice": "",
- "gui_color_mode_changed_notice": "",
- "systray_menu_exit": "",
- "systray_page_loaded_title": "",
- "systray_page_loaded_message": "",
- "systray_share_started_title": "",
- "systray_share_started_message": "",
- "systray_share_completed_title": "",
- "systray_share_completed_message": "",
- "systray_share_canceled_title": "",
- "systray_share_canceled_message": "",
- "systray_receive_started_title": "",
- "systray_receive_started_message": "",
- "gui_all_modes_history": "",
- "gui_all_modes_clear_history": "",
- "gui_all_modes_transfer_started": "",
- "gui_all_modes_progress_complete": "",
- "gui_all_modes_progress_starting": "",
- "gui_all_modes_progress_eta": "",
- "gui_share_mode_no_files": "",
- "gui_share_mode_autostop_timer_waiting": "",
- "gui_website_mode_no_files": "",
- "gui_receive_mode_no_files": "",
- "gui_receive_mode_autostop_timer_waiting": "",
- "days_first_letter": "",
- "hours_first_letter": "",
- "minutes_first_letter": "",
- "seconds_first_letter": "",
- "gui_new_tab": "",
- "gui_new_tab_tooltip": "",
- "gui_new_tab_share_button": "",
- "gui_new_tab_receive_button": "",
- "gui_new_tab_website_button": "",
- "gui_new_tab_chat_button": "",
- "gui_main_page_share_button": "",
- "gui_main_page_receive_button": "",
- "gui_main_page_website_button": "",
- "gui_main_page_chat_button": "",
- "gui_tab_name_share": "",
- "gui_tab_name_receive": "",
- "gui_tab_name_website": "",
- "gui_tab_name_chat": "",
- "gui_close_tab_warning_title": "",
- "gui_close_tab_warning_persistent_description": "",
- "gui_close_tab_warning_share_description": "",
- "gui_close_tab_warning_receive_description": "",
- "gui_close_tab_warning_website_description": "",
- "gui_close_tab_warning_close": "",
- "gui_close_tab_warning_cancel": "",
- "gui_quit_warning_title": "",
- "gui_quit_warning_description": "",
- "gui_quit_warning_quit": "",
- "gui_quit_warning_cancel": "",
- "mode_settings_advanced_toggle_show": "",
- "mode_settings_advanced_toggle_hide": "",
- "mode_settings_title_label": "",
- "mode_settings_persistent_checkbox": "",
- "mode_settings_public_checkbox": "",
- "mode_settings_autostart_timer_checkbox": "",
- "mode_settings_autostop_timer_checkbox": "",
- "mode_settings_share_autostop_sharing_checkbox": "",
- "mode_settings_receive_data_dir_label": "",
- "mode_settings_receive_data_dir_browse_button": "",
- "mode_settings_receive_disable_text_checkbox": "",
- "mode_settings_receive_disable_files_checkbox": "",
- "mode_settings_receive_webhook_url_checkbox": "",
- "mode_settings_website_disable_csp_checkbox": "",
- "mode_settings_website_custom_csp_checkbox": "",
- "gui_all_modes_transfer_finished_range": "",
- "gui_all_modes_transfer_finished": "",
- "gui_all_modes_transfer_canceled_range": "",
- "gui_all_modes_transfer_canceled": "",
- "settings_error_unknown": "",
- "settings_error_automatic": "",
- "settings_error_socket_port": "",
- "settings_error_socket_file": "",
- "settings_error_auth": "",
- "settings_error_missing_password": "",
- "settings_error_unreadable_cookie_file": "",
- "settings_error_bundled_tor_not_supported": "",
- "settings_error_bundled_tor_timeout": "",
- "settings_error_bundled_tor_broken": "",
- "gui_rendezvous_cleanup": "",
- "gui_rendezvous_cleanup_quit_early": "",
- "error_port_not_available": "",
- "history_receive_read_message_button": "",
- "error_tor_protocol_error": "",
- "moat_contact_label": "",
- "moat_captcha_label": "",
- "moat_captcha_placeholder": "",
- "moat_captcha_submit": "",
- "moat_captcha_reload": "",
- "moat_bridgedb_error": "",
- "moat_captcha_error": "",
- "moat_solution_empty_error": "",
- "mode_tor_not_connected_label": ""
diff --git a/desktop/onionshare/resources/locale/fr.json b/desktop/onionshare/resources/locale/fr.json
index 0a5fffb4..849c5bff 100644
--- a/desktop/onionshare/resources/locale/fr.json
+++ b/desktop/onionshare/resources/locale/fr.json
@@ -58,7 +58,6 @@
"gui_tor_connection_ask_open_settings": "Oui",
"gui_tor_connection_ask_quit": "Fermer",
"gui_tor_connection_lost": "Vous êtes déconnecté de Tor.",
- "share_via_onionshare": "Partager avec OnionShare",
"gui_share_url_description": "Quiconque disposant de cette adresse OnionShare et de cette clé privée peut télécharger vos fichiers en utilisant le Navigateur Tor :
"gui_receive_url_description": "Quiconque disposant de cette adresse OnionShare et de cette clé privée peut téléverser des fichiers vers votre ordinateur en utilisant le Navigateur Tor :
"gui_url_label_persistent": "Ce partage ne s’arrêtera pas automatiquement.
Tout partage subséquent réutilisera l’adresse. (Pour des adresses qui ne peuvent être utilisées qu’une fois, désactivez « Utiliser une adresse persistante » dans les paramètres.)",
diff --git a/desktop/onionshare/resources/locale/ga.json b/desktop/onionshare/resources/locale/ga.json
index 8de225b7..35d29918 100644
--- a/desktop/onionshare/resources/locale/ga.json
+++ b/desktop/onionshare/resources/locale/ga.json
@@ -70,7 +70,6 @@
"gui_tor_connection_lost": "Dícheangailte ó Tor.",
"gui_server_started_after_autostop_timer": "Bhí an t-amadóir uathstoptha caite sular thosaigh an freastalaí. Caithfidh tú comhroinnt nua a chruthú.",
"gui_server_autostop_timer_expired": "Tá an t-amadóir uathstoptha caite cheana. Caithfidh tú é a athshocrú sular féidir leat comhaid a chomhroinnt.",
- "share_via_onionshare": "Comhroinn trí OnionShare",
"gui_share_url_description": "Tá aon duine a bhfuil an seoladh agus eochair phríobháideach seo OnionShare aige/aici in ann do chuid comhad a íoslódáil le Brabhsálaí Tor:
"gui_receive_url_description": "Tá aon duine a bhfuil an seoladh agus eochair phríobháideach seo OnionShare aige/aici in ann comhaid a uaslódáil go dtí do ríomhaire le Brabhsálaí Tor:
"gui_url_label_persistent": "Ní stopfaidh an chomhroinnt seo go huathoibríoch.
Úsáidfear an seoladh seo arís gach uair a dhéanfaidh tú comhroinnt. (Chun seoladh aon uaire a úsáid, múch \"Úsáid seoladh seasmhach\" sna socruithe.)",
diff --git a/desktop/onionshare/resources/locale/gl.json b/desktop/onionshare/resources/locale/gl.json
index d4afa3dd..41886d16 100644
--- a/desktop/onionshare/resources/locale/gl.json
+++ b/desktop/onionshare/resources/locale/gl.json
@@ -72,7 +72,6 @@
"gui_server_autostop_timer_expired": "O temporizador de detención automática esgotouse. Configúrao para comezar a compartir.",
"gui_server_autostart_timer_expired": "A hora programada xa pasou. Configúraa para comezar a compartir.",
"gui_autostop_timer_cant_be_earlier_than_autostart_timer": "A hora de detención automática non pode ser a mesma ou anterior á hora de inicio. Configúraa para comezar a compartir.",
- "share_via_onionshare": "Compartir vía OnionShare",
"gui_share_url_description": "Calquera con este enderezo OnionShare e chave privada pode descargar os teus ficheiros usando o Tor Browser:
"gui_website_url_description": "Calqueracon este enderezo OnionShare e chave privada pode visitar o teu sition web usando Tor Browser:
"gui_receive_url_description": "Calquera con este enderezo OnionShare e chave privada pode subir ficheiros ó teu ordenador usando Tor Browser:
diff --git a/desktop/onionshare/resources/locale/gu.json b/desktop/onionshare/resources/locale/gu.json
index a22cac8b..b47c7e08 100644
--- a/desktop/onionshare/resources/locale/gu.json
+++ b/desktop/onionshare/resources/locale/gu.json
@@ -4,93 +4,9 @@
"close_on_autostop_timer": "બંધ થયું કારણ કે સ્વત stop-સ્ટોપ ટાઇમર સમાપ્ત થઈ ગયો છે",
"closing_automatically": "અટક્યું કારણ કે સ્થાનાંતરણ પૂર્ણ છે",
"large_filesize": "ચેતવણી: મોટો શેર મોકલવામાં કલાકો લાગી શકે છે",
- "systray_menu_exit": "",
"gui_drag_and_drop": "ફાઇલો અને ફોલ્ડર્સ ખેંચો અને છોડો\nવહેંચણી શરૂ કરવા માટે",
"gui_add": "ઉમેરો",
- "gui_choose_items": "",
- "gui_share_start_server": "",
- "gui_share_stop_server": "",
- "gui_share_stop_server_autostop_timer": "",
- "gui_receive_start_server": "",
- "gui_receive_stop_server": "",
- "gui_receive_stop_server_autostop_timer": "",
- "gui_copy_url": "",
- "gui_canceled": "",
- "gui_copied_url_title": "",
- "gui_copied_url": "",
- "gui_please_wait": "",
- "gui_quit_warning_quit": "",
- "zip_progress_bar_format": "",
- "gui_settings_window_title": "",
- "gui_settings_autoupdate_label": "",
- "gui_settings_autoupdate_option": "",
- "gui_settings_autoupdate_timestamp": "",
"gui_settings_autoupdate_timestamp_never": "ક્યારેય નહીં",
- "gui_settings_autoupdate_check_button": "",
- "gui_settings_connection_type_label": "",
- "gui_settings_connection_type_bundled_option": "",
- "gui_settings_connection_type_automatic_option": "",
- "gui_settings_connection_type_control_port_option": "",
- "gui_settings_connection_type_socket_file_option": "",
- "gui_settings_connection_type_test_button": "",
- "gui_settings_control_port_label": "",
- "gui_settings_socket_file_label": "",
- "gui_settings_socks_label": "",
- "gui_settings_authenticate_no_auth_option": "",
- "gui_settings_authenticate_password_option": "",
- "gui_settings_password_label": "",
- "gui_settings_tor_bridges": "",
- "gui_settings_meek_lite_expensive_warning": "",
- "gui_settings_tor_bridges_invalid": "",
- "gui_settings_button_save": "",
- "gui_settings_button_cancel": "",
- "gui_settings_button_help": "",
- "settings_error_unknown": "",
- "settings_error_automatic": "",
- "settings_error_socket_port": "",
- "settings_error_socket_file": "",
- "settings_error_auth": "",
- "settings_error_missing_password": "",
- "settings_error_unreadable_cookie_file": "",
- "settings_error_bundled_tor_not_supported": "",
- "settings_error_bundled_tor_timeout": "",
- "settings_error_bundled_tor_broken": "",
- "settings_test_success": "",
- "error_tor_protocol_error": "",
- "connecting_to_tor": "",
- "update_available": "",
- "update_error_check_error": "",
- "update_error_invalid_latest_version": "",
- "update_not_available": "",
- "gui_tor_connection_ask": "",
- "gui_tor_connection_ask_open_settings": "",
- "gui_tor_connection_ask_quit": "",
- "gui_tor_connection_error_settings": "",
- "gui_tor_connection_canceled": "",
- "gui_tor_connection_lost": "",
- "gui_server_started_after_autostop_timer": "",
- "gui_server_autostop_timer_expired": "",
- "share_via_onionshare": "",
- "gui_share_url_description": "",
- "gui_receive_url_description": "",
- "gui_url_label_persistent": "",
- "gui_url_label_stay_open": "",
- "gui_url_label_onetime": "",
- "gui_url_label_onetime_and_persistent": "",
- "gui_status_indicator_share_stopped": "",
- "gui_status_indicator_share_working": "",
- "gui_status_indicator_share_started": "",
- "gui_status_indicator_receive_stopped": "",
- "gui_status_indicator_receive_working": "",
- "gui_status_indicator_receive_started": "",
- "gui_file_info": "",
- "gui_file_info_single": "",
- "history_in_progress_tooltip": "",
- "history_completed_tooltip": "",
- "gui_receive_mode_warning": "",
- "systray_page_loaded_title": "",
- "gui_settings_language_label": "",
- "gui_settings_language_changed_notice": "",
"gui_add_files": "ફાઇલો ઉમેરો",
"gui_add_folder": "ફોલ્ડર ઉમેરો",
"incorrect_password": "ખોટો પાસવર્ડ"
diff --git a/desktop/onionshare/resources/locale/he.json b/desktop/onionshare/resources/locale/he.json
index b0763511..914dfae4 100644
--- a/desktop/onionshare/resources/locale/he.json
+++ b/desktop/onionshare/resources/locale/he.json
@@ -1,11 +1,5 @@
- "not_a_readable_file": "",
- "other_page_loaded": "",
- "close_on_autostop_timer": "",
- "closing_automatically": "",
- "large_filesize": "",
"systray_menu_exit": "יציאה",
- "gui_drag_and_drop": "",
"gui_add": "הוסף",
"gui_add_files": "הוסף קבצים",
"gui_add_folder": "הוסף תיקייה",
@@ -13,86 +7,20 @@
"gui_share_start_server": "התחל לשתף",
"gui_share_stop_server": "הפסק לשתף",
"gui_share_stop_server_autostop_timer": "הפסק לשתף ({})",
- "gui_receive_start_server": "",
- "gui_receive_stop_server": "",
- "gui_receive_stop_server_autostop_timer": "",
"gui_copy_url": "העתק כתובת",
"gui_canceled": "מבוטל",
- "gui_copied_url_title": "",
- "gui_copied_url": "",
- "gui_please_wait": "",
"gui_quit_warning_quit": "יציאה",
- "zip_progress_bar_format": "",
"gui_settings_window_title": "הגדרות",
"gui_settings_autoupdate_label": "בדיקה לאיתור גרסה חדשה",
- "gui_settings_autoupdate_option": "",
- "gui_settings_autoupdate_timestamp": "",
"gui_settings_autoupdate_timestamp_never": "לעולם לא",
- "gui_settings_autoupdate_check_button": "",
- "gui_settings_connection_type_label": "",
- "gui_settings_connection_type_bundled_option": "",
- "gui_settings_connection_type_automatic_option": "",
- "gui_settings_connection_type_control_port_option": "",
- "gui_settings_connection_type_socket_file_option": "",
- "gui_settings_connection_type_test_button": "",
"gui_settings_control_port_label": "פתחת בקרה",
- "gui_settings_socket_file_label": "",
- "gui_settings_socks_label": "",
- "gui_settings_authenticate_no_auth_option": "",
"gui_settings_authenticate_password_option": "סיסמה",
"gui_settings_password_label": "סיסמה",
- "gui_settings_tor_bridges": "",
- "gui_settings_meek_lite_expensive_warning": "",
- "gui_settings_tor_bridges_invalid": "",
"gui_settings_button_save": "שמור",
"gui_settings_button_cancel": "ביטול",
- "gui_settings_button_help": "",
- "settings_error_unknown": "",
- "settings_error_automatic": "",
- "settings_error_socket_port": "",
- "settings_error_socket_file": "",
- "settings_error_auth": "",
- "settings_error_missing_password": "",
- "settings_error_unreadable_cookie_file": "",
- "settings_error_bundled_tor_not_supported": "",
- "settings_error_bundled_tor_timeout": "",
- "settings_error_bundled_tor_broken": "",
- "settings_test_success": "",
- "error_tor_protocol_error": "",
- "connecting_to_tor": "",
- "update_available": "",
- "update_error_check_error": "",
- "update_error_invalid_latest_version": "",
- "update_not_available": "",
- "gui_tor_connection_ask": "",
"gui_tor_connection_ask_open_settings": "כן",
"gui_tor_connection_ask_quit": "יציאה",
- "gui_tor_connection_error_settings": "",
- "gui_tor_connection_canceled": "",
- "gui_tor_connection_lost": "",
- "gui_server_started_after_autostop_timer": "",
- "gui_server_autostop_timer_expired": "",
- "share_via_onionshare": "",
- "gui_share_url_description": "",
- "gui_receive_url_description": "",
- "gui_url_label_persistent": "",
- "gui_url_label_stay_open": "",
- "gui_url_label_onetime": "",
- "gui_url_label_onetime_and_persistent": "",
- "gui_status_indicator_share_stopped": "",
- "gui_status_indicator_share_working": "",
- "gui_status_indicator_share_started": "",
- "gui_status_indicator_receive_stopped": "",
- "gui_status_indicator_receive_working": "",
"gui_status_indicator_receive_started": "במהלך קבלה",
- "gui_file_info": "",
- "gui_file_info_single": "",
- "history_in_progress_tooltip": "",
- "history_completed_tooltip": "",
- "gui_receive_mode_warning": "",
- "systray_page_loaded_title": "",
- "gui_settings_language_label": "",
- "gui_settings_language_changed_notice": "",
"gui_all_modes_history": "היסטוריה",
"gui_all_modes_clear_history": "למחוק הכול"
diff --git a/desktop/onionshare/resources/locale/hi.json b/desktop/onionshare/resources/locale/hi.json
index 0f40cd02..410e5c0a 100644
--- a/desktop/onionshare/resources/locale/hi.json
+++ b/desktop/onionshare/resources/locale/hi.json
@@ -41,8 +41,7 @@
"gui_settings_authenticate_password_option": "पासवर्ड",
"gui_settings_password_label": "पासवर्ड",
"gui_settings_tor_bridges": "Tor ब्रिज सपोर्ट",
- "gui_settings_meek_lite_expensive_warning": "चेतावनी: टॉर प्रोजेक्ट को चलाने के लिए मीक_लाइट ब्रिज एक अच्छा विकल्प नहीं हैं।
केवल उनका उपयोग तभी करें यदि ओबीफएस4 ट्रांसपोर्ट, या अन्य सामान्य ब्रिड्जेस के माध्यम से टोर से सीधे कनेक्ट करने में आप असमर्थ हों।",
- "gui_settings_tor_bridges_invalid": "",
+ "gui_settings_meek_lite_expensive_warning": "चेतावनी: टॉर प्रोजेक्ट को चलाने के लिए मीक_लाइट ब्रिज एक अच्छा विकल्प नहीं हैं।
केवल उनका उपयोग तभी करें यदि ओबीफएस4 ट्रांसपोर्ट, या अन्य सामान्य ब्रिड्जेस के माध्यम से टोर से सीधे कनेक्ट करने में आप असमर्थ हों।",
"gui_settings_button_save": "सहेजें",
"gui_settings_button_cancel": "रद्द करे",
"gui_settings_button_help": "मदद",
@@ -56,67 +55,17 @@
"settings_error_bundled_tor_not_supported": "ओनियनशेयर के साथ आने वाले टोर वर्शन का उपयोग विंडोज या मैकओएस पर डेवलपर मोड में काम नहीं करता है।",
"settings_error_bundled_tor_timeout": "टोर से कनेक्ट होने में बहुत अधिक समय लग रहा है. हो सकता है कि आप इंटरनेट से कनेक्ट न हों, या आपके पास सिस्टम की घड़ी गलत हो?",
"settings_error_bundled_tor_broken": "अनियन शेयर टोर से कनेक्ट नहीं हो सका :\n{}",
- "settings_test_success": "",
"error_tor_protocol_error": "टोर के साथ एक एरर हुई: {}",
- "connecting_to_tor": "",
- "update_available": "",
- "update_error_check_error": "",
- "update_error_invalid_latest_version": "",
- "update_not_available": "",
- "gui_tor_connection_ask": "",
"gui_tor_connection_ask_open_settings": "हां",
"gui_tor_connection_ask_quit": "छोड़ें",
- "gui_tor_connection_error_settings": "",
- "gui_tor_connection_canceled": "",
- "gui_tor_connection_lost": "",
- "gui_server_started_after_autostop_timer": "",
- "gui_server_autostop_timer_expired": "",
- "share_via_onionshare": "",
- "gui_share_url_description": "",
- "gui_receive_url_description": "",
- "gui_url_label_persistent": "",
- "gui_url_label_stay_open": "",
- "gui_url_label_onetime": "",
- "gui_url_label_onetime_and_persistent": "",
- "gui_status_indicator_share_stopped": "",
- "gui_status_indicator_share_working": "",
"gui_status_indicator_share_started": "शेयरिंग",
- "gui_status_indicator_receive_stopped": "",
- "gui_status_indicator_receive_working": "",
- "gui_status_indicator_receive_started": "",
- "gui_file_info": "",
- "gui_file_info_single": "",
- "history_in_progress_tooltip": "",
- "history_completed_tooltip": "",
- "error_cannot_create_data_dir": "",
- "gui_receive_mode_warning": "",
- "gui_settings_language_label": "",
- "gui_settings_language_changed_notice": "",
"systray_menu_exit": "छोड़ें",
- "systray_page_loaded_title": "",
- "systray_page_loaded_message": "",
- "systray_share_started_title": "",
- "systray_share_started_message": "",
- "systray_share_completed_title": "",
- "systray_share_completed_message": "",
- "systray_share_canceled_title": "",
- "systray_share_canceled_message": "",
- "systray_receive_started_title": "",
- "systray_receive_started_message": "",
"gui_all_modes_history": "इतिहास",
- "gui_all_modes_clear_history": "",
"gui_all_modes_transfer_started": "द्वारा शुरू किया गया",
"gui_all_modes_transfer_finished_range": "ट्रांस्फरेद {} - {}",
"gui_all_modes_transfer_finished": "ट्रांस्फरेद {}",
"gui_all_modes_transfer_canceled_range": "रद्द {} - {}",
"gui_all_modes_transfer_canceled": "रद्द {}",
- "gui_all_modes_progress_complete": "",
- "gui_all_modes_progress_starting": "",
- "gui_all_modes_progress_eta": "",
- "gui_share_mode_no_files": "",
- "gui_share_mode_autostop_timer_waiting": "",
- "gui_receive_mode_no_files": "",
- "gui_receive_mode_autostop_timer_waiting": "",
"gui_stop_server_autostop_timer_tooltip": "ऑटो-स्टॉप टाइमर {} पर बंद होगा",
"gui_start_server_autostart_timer_tooltip": "ऑटो-स्टार्ट टाइमर {} पर बंद होगा",
"gui_waiting_to_start": "{} में शुरू होने के लिए शेडयूल है। रद्द करने के लिए क्लिक करें।",
diff --git a/desktop/onionshare/resources/locale/hr.json b/desktop/onionshare/resources/locale/hr.json
index e738e716..fd0fb476 100644
--- a/desktop/onionshare/resources/locale/hr.json
+++ b/desktop/onionshare/resources/locale/hr.json
@@ -59,7 +59,7 @@
"settings_error_unreadable_cookie_file": "Povezan s Tor kontrolerom, ali je lozinka možda pogrešna ili tvom korisniku nije dozvoljeno čitati datoteku kolačića.",
"settings_error_bundled_tor_not_supported": "Tor verzija koja se isporučuje s OnionShare ne radi u razvojnom modusu operacijskih sustava Windows ili macOS.",
"settings_error_bundled_tor_timeout": "Povezivanje s Torom traje predugo. Možda nemaš vezu s internetom ili imaš netočno postavljen sat sustava?",
- "settings_error_bundled_tor_broken": "Neuspjelo povezivanje OnionShare-a s Torom:\n{}",
+ "settings_error_bundled_tor_broken": "Neuspjelo povezivanje OnionSharea s Torom:\n{}",
"settings_test_success": "Povezan s Tor kontrolerom.\n\nTor verzija: {}\nPodržava kratkotrajne Onion usluge: {}.\nPodržava autentifikaciju klijenta: {}.\nPodržava .onion adrese sljedeće generacije: {}.",
"error_tor_protocol_error": "Dogodila se greška s Torom: {}",
"connecting_to_tor": "Povezivanje s Tor mrežom",
@@ -77,7 +77,6 @@
"gui_server_autostop_timer_expired": "Vrijeme timera za automatsko prekidanje je već isteklo. Za pokretanje dijeljenja, podesi vrijeme.",
"gui_server_autostart_timer_expired": "Planirano vrijeme je već prošlo. Za pokretanje dijeljenja, podesi vrijeme.",
"gui_autostop_timer_cant_be_earlier_than_autostart_timer": "Vrijeme za automatsko prekidanje ne može biti isto kao vrijeme za automatsko pokretanje ili ranije. Za pokretanje dijeljenja, podesi vrijeme.",
- "share_via_onionshare": "Dijeli putem OnionSharea",
"gui_share_url_description": "Svatko s ovom OnionShare adresom i privatnim ključem može preuzeti tvoje datoteke koristeći Tor preglednik:
"gui_website_url_description": "Svatko s ovom OnionShare adresom i privatnim ključem može posjetiti tvoju web-stranicu koristeći Tor preglednik:
"gui_receive_url_description": "Svatko s ovom OnionShare adresom i privatnim ključem može prenijeti datoteke na tvoje računalo koristeći Tor preglednik:
@@ -106,7 +105,7 @@
"systray_page_loaded_title": "Stranica učitana",
"systray_page_loaded_message": "OnionShare adresa učitana",
"systray_share_started_title": "Dijeljenje pokrenuto",
- "systray_share_started_message": "Počinje slanja datoteka nekome",
+ "systray_share_started_message": "Počinje slanje datoteka nekome",
"systray_share_completed_title": "Dijeljenje završeno",
"systray_share_completed_message": "Završeno je slanje datoteka",
"systray_share_canceled_title": "Dijeljenje prekinuto",
@@ -231,7 +230,7 @@
"moat_captcha_error": "Neispravno rješenje. Pokušaj ponovo.",
"moat_solution_empty_error": "Upiši znakove koji se nalaze u slici",
"gui_enable_autoconnect_checkbox": "Poveži se na Tor automatski",
- "gui_autoconnect_failed_to_connect_to_tor": "Neuspjelo povezivanje na Tor",
+ "gui_autoconnect_failed_to_connect_to_tor": "Neuspjelo povezivanje s Torom",
"gui_autoconnect_connection_error_msg": "Provjeri jesi li povezan(a) na internet.",
"gui_autoconnect_bridge_detect_automatic": "Automatski odredi moju zemlju prema mojoj IP adresi za postavke mosta",
"gui_autoconnect_bridge_detect_manual": "Ručno odaberi moju zemlju za postavke mosta",
@@ -243,12 +242,16 @@
"gui_autoconnect_circumventing_censorship_starting_circumvention": "Zaobilaženje cenzure …",
"gui_autoconnect_circumventing_censorship_got_bridges": "Mostovi su uspostavljeni. Ponovno povezivanje na Tor …",
"gui_general_settings_window_title": "Opće",
- "gui_autoconnect_could_not_connect_to_tor_api": "Povezivanje s Tor API-jem nije moguće. Prije ponovnog pokušaja provjeri vezu s internetom.",
+ "gui_autoconnect_could_not_connect_to_tor_api": "Neuspjelo povezivanje s Tor API-jem. Prije ponovnog pokušaja provjeri vezu s internetom.",
"gui_autoconnect_circumventing_censorship_requesting_bridges": "Zahtijevanje mostova od Tor API-ja za zaobilaženja cenzure …",
"moat_contact_label": "Kontaktiranje BridgeDB-a …",
"gui_autoconnect_description": "OnionShare koristi Tor mrežu, koju pokreću tisuće volontera širom svijeta.",
"gui_autoconnect_bridge_setting_options": "Postavke mosta",
- "gui_autoconnect_trying_to_connect_to_tor": "Povezivanje na Tor …",
+ "gui_autoconnect_trying_to_connect_to_tor": "Povezivanje s Torom …",
"gui_autoconnect_bridge_description": "Možda ćeš se moći povezati pomoću mosta ako je tvoja internetska veza cenzurirana.",
- "gui_settings_bridge_custom_radio_option": "Omogući most o kojem si saznao/la iz pouzdanog izvora"
+ "gui_settings_bridge_custom_radio_option": "Omogući most o kojem si saznao/la iz pouzdanog izvora",
+ "waitress_web_server_error": "Došlo je do problema pri pokretanju web servera",
+ "gui_autoconnect_circumventing_censorship_starting_meek": "Uspostavljanje meek mosta za domain-fronting …",
+ "gui_dragdrop_sandbox_flatpak": "Kako bi Flatpak sandbox bio sigurniji, funkcija povlačenja i ispuštanja nije podržana. Umjesto toga koristi gumbe „Dodaj datoteke” i „Dodaj mapu” za biranje datoteka.",
+ "gui_close_tab_warning_chat_description": "Zatvoriti karticu koja hostira server za razgovore?"
diff --git a/desktop/onionshare/resources/locale/hu.json b/desktop/onionshare/resources/locale/hu.json
index ce2fac3d..217cd266 100644
--- a/desktop/onionshare/resources/locale/hu.json
+++ b/desktop/onionshare/resources/locale/hu.json
@@ -62,35 +62,11 @@
"update_error_check_error": "Nem sikerült az új verzió keresése: Az OnionShare weboldal szerint az új verzió '{}' ám az felismerhetetlen…",
"update_error_invalid_latest_version": "Nem sikerült az új verzió keresése: Lehet, hogy nem csatlakoztál a Tor-hoz, vagy az OnionShare oldal nem elérhető?",
"update_not_available": "A legújabb OnionShare-verziót használod.",
- "gui_tor_connection_ask": "",
"gui_tor_connection_ask_open_settings": "Igen",
"gui_tor_connection_ask_quit": "Kilépés",
- "gui_tor_connection_error_settings": "",
- "gui_tor_connection_canceled": "",
- "gui_tor_connection_lost": "",
- "gui_server_started_after_autostop_timer": "",
- "gui_server_autostop_timer_expired": "",
- "share_via_onionshare": "",
- "gui_share_url_description": "",
- "gui_receive_url_description": "",
- "gui_url_label_persistent": "",
- "gui_url_label_stay_open": "",
- "gui_url_label_onetime": "",
- "gui_url_label_onetime_and_persistent": "",
- "gui_status_indicator_share_stopped": "",
- "gui_status_indicator_share_working": "",
"gui_status_indicator_share_started": "Megosztás",
- "gui_status_indicator_receive_stopped": "",
- "gui_status_indicator_receive_working": "",
"gui_status_indicator_receive_started": "Bevétel",
- "gui_file_info": "",
- "gui_file_info_single": "",
- "history_in_progress_tooltip": "",
- "history_completed_tooltip": "",
- "gui_receive_mode_warning": "",
- "systray_page_loaded_title": "",
"gui_settings_language_label": "Előnyben részesített nyelv",
- "gui_settings_language_changed_notice": "",
"gui_add_files": "Fájlok hozzáadása",
"gui_add_folder": "Mappák hozzáadása",
"gui_stop_server_autostop_timer_tooltip": "Auto-stop időzítő megáll: {}",
diff --git a/desktop/onionshare/resources/locale/hy_AM.json b/desktop/onionshare/resources/locale/hy_AM.json
index 40d05d58..0967ef42 100644
--- a/desktop/onionshare/resources/locale/hy_AM.json
+++ b/desktop/onionshare/resources/locale/hy_AM.json
@@ -1,256 +1 @@
- "not_a_readable_file": "",
- "other_page_loaded": "",
- "incorrect_password": "",
- "close_on_autostop_timer": "",
- "closing_automatically": "",
- "large_filesize": "",
- "gui_drag_and_drop": "",
- "gui_add": "",
- "gui_add_files": "",
- "gui_add_folder": "",
- "gui_remove": "",
- "gui_dragdrop_sandbox_flatpak": "",
- "gui_file_selection_remove_all": "",
- "gui_choose_items": "",
- "gui_share_start_server": "",
- "gui_share_stop_server": "",
- "gui_share_stop_server_autostop_timer": "",
- "gui_chat_start_server": "",
- "gui_chat_stop_server": "",
- "gui_stop_server_autostop_timer_tooltip": "",
- "gui_start_server_autostart_timer_tooltip": "",
- "gui_receive_start_server": "",
- "gui_receive_stop_server": "",
- "gui_receive_stop_server_autostop_timer": "",
- "gui_receive_flatpak_data_dir": "",
- "gui_copy_url": "",
- "gui_copy_client_auth": "",
- "gui_canceled": "",
- "gui_copied_url_title": "",
- "gui_copied_url": "",
- "gui_copied_client_auth_title": "",
- "gui_copied_client_auth": "",
- "gui_show_qr_code": "",
- "gui_qr_code_dialog_title": "",
- "gui_qr_label_url_title": "",
- "gui_qr_label_auth_string_title": "",
- "gui_reveal": "",
- "gui_hide": "",
- "gui_waiting_to_start": "",
- "gui_please_wait_no_button": "",
- "gui_please_wait": "",
- "zip_progress_bar_format": "",
- "gui_tor_settings_window_title": "",
- "gui_autoconnect_description": "",
- "gui_enable_autoconnect_checkbox": "",
- "gui_autoconnect_failed_to_connect_to_tor": "",
- "gui_autoconnect_trying_to_connect_to_tor": "",
- "gui_autoconnect_connection_error_msg": "",
- "gui_autoconnect_bridge_description": "",
- "gui_autoconnect_bridge_detect_automatic": "",
- "gui_autoconnect_bridge_detect_manual": "",
- "gui_autoconnect_bridge_setting_options": "",
- "gui_autoconnect_start": "",
- "gui_autoconnect_configure": "",
- "gui_autoconnect_no_bridge": "",
- "gui_autoconnect_try_again_without_a_bridge": "",
- "gui_autoconnect_circumventing_censorship": "",
- "gui_autoconnect_circumventing_censorship_starting_circumvention": "",
- "gui_autoconnect_circumventing_censorship_starting_meek": "",
- "gui_autoconnect_circumventing_censorship_requesting_bridges": "",
- "gui_autoconnect_circumventing_censorship_got_bridges": "",
- "gui_autoconnect_could_not_connect_to_tor_api": "",
- "gui_settings_window_title": "",
- "gui_general_settings_window_title": "",
- "gui_settings_autoupdate_label": "",
- "gui_settings_autoupdate_option": "",
- "gui_settings_autoupdate_timestamp": "",
- "gui_settings_autoupdate_timestamp_never": "",
- "gui_settings_autoupdate_check_button": "",
- "gui_settings_connection_type_label": "",
- "gui_settings_connection_type_bundled_option": "",
- "gui_settings_connection_type_automatic_option": "",
- "gui_settings_controller_extras_label": "",
- "gui_settings_connection_type_control_port_option": "",
- "gui_settings_connection_type_socket_file_option": "",
- "gui_settings_connection_type_test_button": "",
- "gui_settings_control_port_label": "",
- "gui_settings_socket_file_label": "",
- "gui_settings_socks_label": "",
- "gui_settings_authenticate_no_auth_option": "",
- "gui_settings_authenticate_password_option": "",
- "gui_settings_password_label": "",
- "gui_settings_tor_bridges": "",
- "gui_settings_tor_bridges_label": "",
- "gui_settings_bridge_use_checkbox": "",
- "gui_settings_bridge_radio_builtin": "",
- "gui_settings_bridge_none_radio_option": "",
- "gui_settings_meek_lite_expensive_warning": "",
- "gui_settings_bridge_moat_radio_option": "",
- "gui_settings_bridge_moat_button": "",
- "gui_settings_bridge_custom_radio_option": "",
- "gui_settings_bridge_custom_placeholder": "",
- "gui_settings_moat_bridges_invalid": "",
- "gui_settings_tor_bridges_invalid": "",
- "gui_settings_stop_active_tabs_label": "",
- "gui_settings_button_save": "",
- "gui_settings_button_cancel": "",
- "gui_settings_button_help": "",
- "gui_settings_version_label": "",
- "gui_settings_help_label": "",
- "settings_test_success": "",
- "connecting_to_tor": "",
- "update_available": "",
- "update_error_invalid_latest_version": "",
- "update_error_check_error": "",
- "update_not_available": "",
- "gui_tor_connection_ask": "",
- "gui_tor_connection_ask_open_settings": "",
- "gui_tor_connection_ask_quit": "",
- "gui_tor_connection_error_settings": "",
- "gui_tor_connection_canceled": "",
- "gui_tor_connection_lost": "",
- "gui_server_started_after_autostop_timer": "",
- "gui_server_autostop_timer_expired": "",
- "gui_server_autostart_timer_expired": "",
- "gui_autostop_timer_cant_be_earlier_than_autostart_timer": "",
- "gui_server_doesnt_support_stealth": "",
- "share_via_onionshare": "",
- "gui_share_url_description": "",
- "gui_share_url_public_description": "",
- "gui_website_url_description": "",
- "gui_website_url_public_description": "",
- "gui_receive_url_description": "",
- "gui_receive_url_public_description": "",
- "gui_chat_url_description": "",
- "gui_chat_url_public_description": "",
- "gui_url_label_persistent": "",
- "gui_url_label_stay_open": "",
- "gui_url_label_onetime": "",
- "gui_url_label_onetime_and_persistent": "",
- "gui_url_instructions": "",
- "gui_url_instructions_public_mode": "",
- "gui_client_auth_instructions": "",
- "gui_status_indicator_share_stopped": "",
- "gui_status_indicator_share_working": "",
- "gui_status_indicator_share_scheduled": "",
- "gui_status_indicator_share_started": "",
- "gui_status_indicator_receive_stopped": "",
- "gui_status_indicator_receive_working": "",
- "gui_status_indicator_receive_scheduled": "",
- "gui_status_indicator_receive_started": "",
- "gui_status_indicator_chat_stopped": "",
- "gui_status_indicator_chat_working": "",
- "gui_status_indicator_chat_scheduled": "",
- "gui_status_indicator_chat_started": "",
- "gui_file_info": "",
- "gui_file_info_single": "",
- "history_in_progress_tooltip": "",
- "history_completed_tooltip": "",
- "history_requests_tooltip": "",
- "error_cannot_create_data_dir": "",
- "gui_receive_mode_warning": "",
- "gui_open_folder_error": "",
- "gui_settings_language_label": "",
- "gui_settings_theme_label": "",
- "gui_settings_theme_auto": "",
- "gui_settings_theme_light": "",
- "gui_settings_theme_dark": "",
- "gui_settings_language_changed_notice": "",
- "gui_color_mode_changed_notice": "",
- "systray_menu_exit": "",
- "systray_page_loaded_title": "",
- "systray_page_loaded_message": "",
- "systray_share_started_title": "",
- "systray_share_started_message": "",
- "systray_share_completed_title": "",
- "systray_share_completed_message": "",
- "systray_share_canceled_title": "",
- "systray_share_canceled_message": "",
- "systray_receive_started_title": "",
- "systray_receive_started_message": "",
- "gui_all_modes_history": "",
- "gui_all_modes_clear_history": "",
- "gui_all_modes_transfer_started": "",
- "gui_all_modes_progress_complete": "",
- "gui_all_modes_progress_starting": "",
- "gui_all_modes_progress_eta": "",
- "gui_share_mode_no_files": "",
- "gui_share_mode_autostop_timer_waiting": "",
- "gui_website_mode_no_files": "",
- "gui_receive_mode_no_files": "",
- "gui_receive_mode_autostop_timer_waiting": "",
- "days_first_letter": "",
- "hours_first_letter": "",
- "minutes_first_letter": "",
- "seconds_first_letter": "",
- "gui_new_tab": "",
- "gui_new_tab_tooltip": "",
- "gui_new_tab_share_button": "",
- "gui_new_tab_receive_button": "",
- "gui_new_tab_website_button": "",
- "gui_new_tab_chat_button": "",
- "gui_main_page_share_button": "",
- "gui_main_page_receive_button": "",
- "gui_main_page_website_button": "",
- "gui_main_page_chat_button": "",
- "gui_tab_name_share": "",
- "gui_tab_name_receive": "",
- "gui_tab_name_website": "",
- "gui_tab_name_chat": "",
- "gui_close_tab_warning_title": "",
- "gui_close_tab_warning_persistent_description": "",
- "gui_close_tab_warning_share_description": "",
- "gui_close_tab_warning_receive_description": "",
- "gui_close_tab_warning_website_description": "",
- "gui_close_tab_warning_close": "",
- "gui_close_tab_warning_cancel": "",
- "gui_quit_warning_title": "",
- "gui_quit_warning_description": "",
- "gui_quit_warning_quit": "",
- "gui_quit_warning_cancel": "",
- "mode_settings_advanced_toggle_show": "",
- "mode_settings_advanced_toggle_hide": "",
- "mode_settings_title_label": "",
- "mode_settings_persistent_checkbox": "",
- "mode_settings_public_checkbox": "",
- "mode_settings_autostart_timer_checkbox": "",
- "mode_settings_autostop_timer_checkbox": "",
- "mode_settings_share_autostop_sharing_checkbox": "",
- "mode_settings_receive_data_dir_label": "",
- "mode_settings_receive_data_dir_browse_button": "",
- "mode_settings_receive_disable_text_checkbox": "",
- "mode_settings_receive_disable_files_checkbox": "",
- "mode_settings_receive_webhook_url_checkbox": "",
- "mode_settings_website_disable_csp_checkbox": "",
- "mode_settings_website_custom_csp_checkbox": "",
- "gui_all_modes_transfer_finished_range": "",
- "gui_all_modes_transfer_finished": "",
- "gui_all_modes_transfer_canceled_range": "",
- "gui_all_modes_transfer_canceled": "",
- "settings_error_unknown": "",
- "settings_error_automatic": "",
- "settings_error_socket_port": "",
- "settings_error_socket_file": "",
- "settings_error_auth": "",
- "settings_error_missing_password": "",
- "settings_error_unreadable_cookie_file": "",
- "settings_error_bundled_tor_not_supported": "",
- "settings_error_bundled_tor_timeout": "",
- "settings_error_bundled_tor_broken": "",
- "gui_rendezvous_cleanup": "",
- "gui_rendezvous_cleanup_quit_early": "",
- "error_port_not_available": "",
- "history_receive_read_message_button": "",
- "error_tor_protocol_error": "",
- "moat_contact_label": "",
- "moat_captcha_label": "",
- "moat_captcha_placeholder": "",
- "moat_captcha_submit": "",
- "moat_captcha_reload": "",
- "moat_bridgedb_error": "",
- "moat_captcha_error": "",
- "moat_solution_empty_error": "",
- "mode_tor_not_connected_label": ""
diff --git a/desktop/onionshare/resources/locale/id.json b/desktop/onionshare/resources/locale/id.json
index 7bb99438..a5137d3b 100644
--- a/desktop/onionshare/resources/locale/id.json
+++ b/desktop/onionshare/resources/locale/id.json
@@ -70,7 +70,6 @@
"gui_tor_connection_lost": "Terputus dari Tor.",
"gui_server_started_after_autostop_timer": "Timer berhenti otomatis habis sebelum server dimulai. Silakan buat pembagian baru.",
"gui_server_autostop_timer_expired": "Timer berhenti otomatis sudah habis. Silakan sesuaikan untuk mulai berbagi.",
- "share_via_onionshare": "Bagikan via OnionShare",
"gui_share_url_description": "Siapa saja dengan alamat OnionShare ini dapat mengunduh berkas Anda menggunakan Tor Browser:
"gui_receive_url_description": "Siapa saja dengan alamat OnionShare ini dapat mengunggah berkas ke komputer Anda menggunakan Tor Browser:
"gui_url_label_persistent": "Pembagian ini tidak akan berhenti otomatis.
Setiap pembagian selanjutnya menggunakan lagi alamat tersebut. (Untuk menggunakan alamat sekali pakai, matikan \"Gunakan alamat persisten\" di pengaturan.)",
diff --git a/desktop/onionshare/resources/locale/is.json b/desktop/onionshare/resources/locale/is.json
index 5ef8f1c4..0bc6c69d 100644
--- a/desktop/onionshare/resources/locale/is.json
+++ b/desktop/onionshare/resources/locale/is.json
@@ -69,7 +69,6 @@
"gui_tor_connection_canceled": "Tókst ekki að tengjast Tor.\n\nGakktu úr skugga um að þú sért tengd/ur internetinu, opnaðu síðan aftur OnionShare og settu upp tengingu þess við Tor.",
"gui_tor_connection_lost": "Aftengt frá Tor.",
"gui_server_autostop_timer_expired": "Sjálfvirkri niðurtalningu er þegar lokið. Lagaðu hana til að hefja deilingu.",
- "share_via_onionshare": "Deila með OnionShare",
"gui_share_url_description": "Hver sem er með þetta OnionShare vistfang og þennan einkalykil getur sótt skrárnar þínar með því að nota Tor-vafrann:
"gui_receive_url_description": "Hver sem er með þetta OnionShare vistfang og einkalykil getur sent skrár inn á tölvuna þína með því að nota Tor-vafrann:
"gui_url_label_persistent": "Deiling þessarar sameignar mun ekki stöðvast sjálfvirkt.
Allar deilingar sem á eftir koma munu endurnýta vistfangið. (Til að nota eins-skiptis vistföng skaltu slökkva á \"Nota viðvarandi vistföng\" í stillingunum.)",
diff --git a/desktop/onionshare/resources/locale/it.json b/desktop/onionshare/resources/locale/it.json
index 137536d6..83d02695 100644
--- a/desktop/onionshare/resources/locale/it.json
+++ b/desktop/onionshare/resources/locale/it.json
@@ -11,14 +11,14 @@
"gui_canceled": "Annullato",
"gui_copied_url": "Indirizzo OnionShare copiato negli appunti",
"gui_please_wait": "Avviato... Clicca per annullare.",
- "zip_progress_bar_format": "Compressione in corso: %p%",
+ "zip_progress_bar_format": "In compressione: %p%",
"not_a_readable_file": "{0:s} non è un file leggibile.",
"close_on_autostop_timer": "Interrotto perché il timer di arresto automatico è scaduto",
"systray_menu_exit": "Termina",
"gui_share_stop_server_autostop_timer": "Interrompi la condivisione ({})",
"gui_receive_start_server": "Avvia modalità Ricezione",
- "gui_receive_stop_server": "Interrompi la Modalità di Ricezione",
- "gui_receive_stop_server_autostop_timer": "Interrompi la Modalità di Ricezione ({} rimanenti)",
+ "gui_receive_stop_server": "Ferma modalità Ricezione",
+ "gui_receive_stop_server_autostop_timer": "Ferma la ricezione ({} rimanenti)",
"gui_copied_url_title": "Indirizzo OnionShare copiato",
"gui_quit_warning_quit": "Esci",
"gui_settings_window_title": "Impostazioni",
@@ -74,9 +74,8 @@
"gui_tor_connection_lost": "Disconnesso da Tor.",
"gui_server_started_after_autostop_timer": "Il timer ad arresto automatico si è fermato prima dell'avvio del server. Si prega di fare una nuova condivisione.",
"gui_server_autostop_timer_expired": "Il timer di arresto automatico è già scaduto. Si prega di modificarlo per iniziare la condivisione.",
- "share_via_onionshare": "Condividi via OnionShare",
- "gui_share_url_description": "1 Tutti2 con questo l'indirizzo di OnionShare possono 3 scaricare4 i tuoi file usando 5 il Browser Tor6:
- "gui_receive_url_description": "1 Tutti2 con questo indirizzo OnionShare possono 3 caricare4 file nel tuo computer usando 5 Tor Browser6:
+ "gui_share_url_description": "Tutti con questo indirizzo OnionShare possono scaricare i tuoi file usando il Browser Tor:
+ "gui_receive_url_description": "Tutti con questo indirizzo OnionShare possono caricare file nel tuo computer usando il Browser Tor:
"gui_url_label_persistent": "Questa condivisione non si arresterà automaticamente.
Ogni successiva condivisione riutilizza l'indirizzo. (Per utilizzare indirizzi monouso, disattivare \"Usa indirizzo persistente\" nelle impostazioni.)",
"gui_url_label_stay_open": "Questa condivisione non si arresterà automaticamente.",
"gui_url_label_onetime": "Questa condivisione verrà interrotta dopo il primo completamento.",
@@ -141,7 +140,7 @@
"gui_tab_name_share": "Condividi",
"gui_main_page_chat_button": "Inizia a Chattare",
"gui_main_page_receive_button": "Inizia a Ricevere",
- "gui_main_page_share_button": "Inizia a Condividere",
+ "gui_main_page_share_button": "Avvia condivisione",
"gui_new_tab_chat_button": "Chatta in modo anonimo",
"gui_new_tab_receive_button": "Ricevi File",
"gui_new_tab_share_button": "Condividi Files",
@@ -239,5 +238,20 @@
"gui_settings_help_label": "Hai bisogno di aiuto? Visita docs.onionshare.org",
"gui_url_instructions_public_mode": "Invia l'indirizzo OnionShare qua sotto:",
"gui_client_auth_instructions": "Successivamente, invia la chiave privata per consentire l'accesso al servizio OnionShare:",
- "moat_bridgedb_error": "Impossibile contattare BridgeDB."
+ "moat_bridgedb_error": "Impossibile contattare BridgeDB.",
+ "gui_status_indicator_chat_stopped": "Pronto a chattare",
+ "gui_settings_stop_active_tabs_label": "Ci sono servizi in esecuzione in alcune delle tue schede.\nDevi arrestare tutti i servizi per modificare le impostazioni di Tor.",
+ "waitress_web_server_error": "\"Si è verificato un problema nell'avvio del server web\"",
+ "gui_autoconnect_circumventing_censorship_starting_circumvention": "Eludere la censura…",
+ "gui_settings_bridge_custom_radio_option": "\"Fornisci un bridge di cui hai avuto notizia da una fonte affidabile.\"",
+ "gui_settings_bridge_custom_placeholder": "\"inserisci indirizzo:porta (uno per riga)\"",
+ "mode_settings_website_custom_csp_checkbox": "\"Invia un'intestazione personalizzata per la politica di sicurezza dei contenuti\"",
+ "gui_autoconnect_circumventing_censorship_starting_meek": "Stabilendo un bridge meek per il domain-fronting…",
+ "gui_autoconnect_could_not_connect_to_tor_api": "Impossibile connettersi all'API di Tor. Assicurati di essere connesso a Internet prima di riprovare.",
+ "gui_close_tab_warning_chat_description": "Chiudere la scheda che ospita un server di chat?",
+ "gui_autoconnect_circumventing_censorship_requesting_bridges": "Richiesta di bridge tramite la API di elusione della censura di Tor…",
+ "gui_settings_tor_bridges_label": "I bridge consentono al tuo traffico di entrare nella rete Tor se l'accesso a Tor è bloccato. A seconda di dove ti connetti, un bridge potrebbe funzionare meglio di un altro.",
+ "gui_status_indicator_chat_started": "\"In chat\"",
+ "mode_settings_receive_disable_text_checkbox": "\"Disabilita l'invio di testo\"",
+ "gui_server_doesnt_support_stealth": "Spiacenti, questa versione di Tor non supporta la modalità stealth (autenticazione del client). Prova con una versione più recente di Tor o utilizza la modalità 'pubblica' se non è necessario che sia privata."
diff --git a/desktop/onionshare/resources/locale/ja.json b/desktop/onionshare/resources/locale/ja.json
index 54fdcdb5..867fb873 100644
--- a/desktop/onionshare/resources/locale/ja.json
+++ b/desktop/onionshare/resources/locale/ja.json
@@ -72,7 +72,6 @@
"gui_tor_connection_lost": "Torから切断されました。",
"gui_server_started_after_autostop_timer": "サーバーが起動した前、自動停止タイマーがタイムアウトしました。再びファイル共有をして下さい。",
"gui_server_autostop_timer_expired": "自動停止タイマーはすでにタイムアウトしています。共有し始めるにはタイマーを調整して下さい。",
- "share_via_onionshare": "OnionShareで共有する",
"gui_share_url_description": "このOnionShareアドレスと秘密鍵を持つ限り誰でもはTor Browserを利用してこのファイルをダウンロードできます:
"gui_receive_url_description": "このOnionShareアドレスと秘密鍵を持つ限り誰でもはTor Browserを利用してこのPCにファイルをアップロードできます:
"gui_url_label_persistent": "このファイル共有には自動停止はありません。
diff --git a/desktop/onionshare/resources/locale/ka.json b/desktop/onionshare/resources/locale/ka.json
index 2703f115..f8517604 100644
--- a/desktop/onionshare/resources/locale/ka.json
+++ b/desktop/onionshare/resources/locale/ka.json
@@ -1,95 +1,7 @@
- "not_a_readable_file": "",
- "other_page_loaded": "",
- "close_on_autostop_timer": "",
- "closing_automatically": "",
- "large_filesize": "",
"systray_menu_exit": "პროგრამის დატოვება",
- "gui_drag_and_drop": "",
"gui_add": "დამატება",
- "gui_choose_items": "",
- "gui_share_start_server": "",
- "gui_share_stop_server": "",
- "gui_share_stop_server_autostop_timer": "",
- "gui_receive_start_server": "",
- "gui_receive_stop_server": "",
- "gui_receive_stop_server_autostop_timer": "",
- "gui_copy_url": "",
- "gui_canceled": "",
- "gui_copied_url_title": "",
- "gui_copied_url": "",
- "gui_please_wait": "",
"gui_quit_warning_quit": "პროგრამის დატოვება",
- "zip_progress_bar_format": "",
- "gui_settings_window_title": "",
- "gui_settings_autoupdate_label": "",
- "gui_settings_autoupdate_option": "",
- "gui_settings_autoupdate_timestamp": "",
- "gui_settings_autoupdate_timestamp_never": "",
- "gui_settings_autoupdate_check_button": "",
- "gui_settings_connection_type_label": "",
- "gui_settings_connection_type_bundled_option": "",
- "gui_settings_connection_type_automatic_option": "",
- "gui_settings_connection_type_control_port_option": "",
- "gui_settings_connection_type_socket_file_option": "",
- "gui_settings_connection_type_test_button": "",
- "gui_settings_control_port_label": "",
- "gui_settings_socket_file_label": "",
- "gui_settings_socks_label": "",
- "gui_settings_authenticate_no_auth_option": "",
- "gui_settings_authenticate_password_option": "",
- "gui_settings_password_label": "",
- "gui_settings_tor_bridges": "",
- "gui_settings_meek_lite_expensive_warning": "",
- "gui_settings_tor_bridges_invalid": "",
"gui_settings_button_save": "შენახვა",
- "gui_settings_button_cancel": "",
- "gui_settings_button_help": "",
- "settings_error_unknown": "",
- "settings_error_automatic": "",
- "settings_error_socket_port": "",
- "settings_error_socket_file": "",
- "settings_error_auth": "",
- "settings_error_missing_password": "",
- "settings_error_unreadable_cookie_file": "",
- "settings_error_bundled_tor_not_supported": "",
- "settings_error_bundled_tor_timeout": "",
- "settings_error_bundled_tor_broken": "",
- "settings_test_success": "",
- "error_tor_protocol_error": "",
- "connecting_to_tor": "",
- "update_available": "",
- "update_error_check_error": "",
- "update_error_invalid_latest_version": "",
- "update_not_available": "",
- "gui_tor_connection_ask": "",
- "gui_tor_connection_ask_open_settings": "",
- "gui_tor_connection_ask_quit": "პროგრამის დატოვება",
- "gui_tor_connection_error_settings": "",
- "gui_tor_connection_canceled": "",
- "gui_tor_connection_lost": "",
- "gui_server_started_after_autostop_timer": "",
- "gui_server_autostop_timer_expired": "",
- "share_via_onionshare": "",
- "gui_share_url_description": "",
- "gui_receive_url_description": "",
- "gui_url_label_persistent": "",
- "gui_url_label_stay_open": "",
- "gui_url_label_onetime": "",
- "gui_url_label_onetime_and_persistent": "",
- "gui_status_indicator_share_stopped": "",
- "gui_status_indicator_share_working": "",
- "gui_status_indicator_share_started": "",
- "gui_status_indicator_receive_stopped": "",
- "gui_status_indicator_receive_working": "",
- "gui_status_indicator_receive_started": "",
- "gui_file_info": "",
- "gui_file_info_single": "",
- "history_in_progress_tooltip": "",
- "history_completed_tooltip": "",
- "gui_receive_mode_warning": "",
- "systray_page_loaded_title": "",
- "gui_settings_language_label": "",
- "gui_settings_language_changed_notice": "",
- "gui_all_modes_history": ""
+ "gui_tor_connection_ask_quit": "პროგრამის დატოვება"
diff --git a/desktop/onionshare/resources/locale/km.json b/desktop/onionshare/resources/locale/km.json
index 67a7d9b8..9e94e660 100644
--- a/desktop/onionshare/resources/locale/km.json
+++ b/desktop/onionshare/resources/locale/km.json
@@ -76,7 +76,6 @@
"gui_server_autostop_timer_expired": "កម្មវិធីកំណត់ម៉ោងបញ្ឈប់ដោយស្វ័យប្រវត្តិបានផុតពេលហើយ។ សូមកែតម្រូវវា ដើម្បីចាប់ផ្តើមការបញ្ជូន។",
"gui_server_autostart_timer_expired": "ពេលវេលាដែលបានកំណត់ កន្លងផុតទៅហើយ។ សូមកែតម្រូវវា ដើម្បីចាប់ផ្តើមការបញ្ជូន។",
"gui_autostop_timer_cant_be_earlier_than_autostart_timer": "កម្មវិធីកំណត់ម៉ោងបញ្ឈប់ដោយស្វ័យប្រវត្តិមិនអាចដូចគ្នា ឬ មុនកម្មវិធីកំណត់ម៉ោងដោយស្វ័យប្រវត្តិចាប់ផ្តើមនោះទេ។ សូមកែតម្រូវវា ដើម្បីចាប់ផ្តើមការបញ្ជូន។",
- "share_via_onionshare": "បញ្ជូនតាមរយៈ OnionShare",
"gui_share_url_description": "នរណាក៏ដោយ ដែលមានអាសយដ្ឋាន OnionShare និងកូនសោសម្ងាត់នេះ អាច ទាញយក ឯកសាររបស់អ្នកដោយប្រើ កម្មវិធីរុករក Tor:
"gui_receive_url_description": "នរណាក៏ដោយ ដែលមានអាសយដ្ឋាន OnionShare និងកូនសោសម្ងាត់នេះ អាច ផ្ទុកឡើង ឯកសារទៅកុំព្យូទ័ររបស់អ្នក ដោយប្រើ កម្មវិធីរុករក Tor:
"gui_url_label_persistent": "ការបញ្ជូននេះនឹងមិនឈប់ដោយស្វ័យប្រវត្តិទេ។
រាល់ការបញ្ជូនបន្តបន្ទាប់ ប្រើអាសយដ្ឋានដដែល។ (ដើម្បីប្រើអាសយដ្ឋានតែម្តង សូមបិទ \"ប្រើអាសយដ្ឋានជាប់ជានិច្ច\" នៅក្នុងការកំណត់។ )",
diff --git a/desktop/onionshare/resources/locale/ko.json b/desktop/onionshare/resources/locale/ko.json
index b466abc0..21d54607 100644
--- a/desktop/onionshare/resources/locale/ko.json
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@@ -22,75 +22,16 @@
"gui_quit_warning_quit": "종료",
"zip_progress_bar_format": "압축: %p%",
"gui_settings_window_title": "설정",
- "gui_settings_autoupdate_label": "",
- "gui_settings_autoupdate_option": "",
- "gui_settings_autoupdate_timestamp": "",
"gui_settings_autoupdate_timestamp_never": "안함",
- "gui_settings_autoupdate_check_button": "",
- "gui_settings_connection_type_label": "",
- "gui_settings_connection_type_bundled_option": "",
- "gui_settings_connection_type_automatic_option": "",
- "gui_settings_connection_type_control_port_option": "",
- "gui_settings_connection_type_socket_file_option": "",
- "gui_settings_connection_type_test_button": "",
"gui_settings_control_port_label": "제어 포트",
- "gui_settings_socket_file_label": "",
- "gui_settings_socks_label": "",
- "gui_settings_authenticate_no_auth_option": "",
"gui_settings_authenticate_password_option": "암호",
"gui_settings_password_label": "암호",
- "gui_settings_tor_bridges": "",
- "gui_settings_meek_lite_expensive_warning": "",
- "gui_settings_tor_bridges_invalid": "",
"gui_settings_button_save": "저장하기",
"gui_settings_button_cancel": "취소하기",
"gui_settings_button_help": "도움말",
- "settings_error_unknown": "",
- "settings_error_automatic": "",
- "settings_error_socket_port": "",
- "settings_error_socket_file": "",
- "settings_error_auth": "",
- "settings_error_missing_password": "",
- "settings_error_unreadable_cookie_file": "",
- "settings_error_bundled_tor_not_supported": "",
- "settings_error_bundled_tor_timeout": "",
- "settings_error_bundled_tor_broken": "",
- "settings_test_success": "",
- "error_tor_protocol_error": "",
- "connecting_to_tor": "",
- "update_available": "",
- "update_error_check_error": "",
- "update_error_invalid_latest_version": "",
- "update_not_available": "",
- "gui_tor_connection_ask": "",
- "gui_tor_connection_ask_open_settings": "",
"gui_tor_connection_ask_quit": "종료",
- "gui_tor_connection_error_settings": "",
- "gui_tor_connection_canceled": "",
- "gui_tor_connection_lost": "",
- "gui_server_started_after_autostop_timer": "",
- "gui_server_autostop_timer_expired": "",
- "share_via_onionshare": "",
- "gui_share_url_description": "",
- "gui_receive_url_description": "",
- "gui_url_label_persistent": "",
- "gui_url_label_stay_open": "",
- "gui_url_label_onetime": "",
- "gui_url_label_onetime_and_persistent": "",
- "gui_status_indicator_share_stopped": "",
- "gui_status_indicator_share_working": "",
- "gui_status_indicator_share_started": "",
- "gui_status_indicator_receive_stopped": "",
- "gui_status_indicator_receive_working": "",
"gui_status_indicator_receive_started": "수신",
- "gui_file_info": "",
- "gui_file_info_single": "",
- "history_in_progress_tooltip": "",
- "history_completed_tooltip": "",
- "gui_receive_mode_warning": "",
- "systray_page_loaded_title": "",
"gui_settings_language_label": "언어",
- "gui_settings_language_changed_notice": "",
"gui_autoconnect_bridge_description": "인터넷 연결이 검열된 경우 브리지를 사용하여 연결할 수 있습니다.",
"gui_receive_flatpak_data_dir": "Flatpak을 사용하여 OnionShare를 설치했으므로 ~/OnionShare의 폴더에 파일을 저장해야 합니다.",
"gui_add_files": "파일 추가하기",
diff --git a/desktop/onionshare/resources/locale/lg.json b/desktop/onionshare/resources/locale/lg.json
index 38b858ed..0967ef42 100644
--- a/desktop/onionshare/resources/locale/lg.json
+++ b/desktop/onionshare/resources/locale/lg.json
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- "systray_menu_exit": "",
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- "gui_add": "",
- "gui_choose_items": "",
- "gui_share_start_server": "",
- "gui_share_stop_server": "",
- "gui_share_stop_server_autostop_timer": "",
- "gui_receive_start_server": "",
- "gui_receive_stop_server": "",
- "gui_receive_stop_server_autostop_timer": "",
- "gui_copy_url": "",
- "gui_canceled": "",
- "gui_copied_url_title": "",
- "gui_copied_url": "",
- "gui_please_wait": "",
- "gui_quit_warning_quit": "",
- "zip_progress_bar_format": "",
- "gui_settings_window_title": "",
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- "gui_settings_autoupdate_option": "",
- "gui_settings_autoupdate_timestamp": "",
- "gui_settings_autoupdate_timestamp_never": "",
- "gui_settings_autoupdate_check_button": "",
- "gui_settings_connection_type_label": "",
- "gui_settings_connection_type_bundled_option": "",
- "gui_settings_connection_type_automatic_option": "",
- "gui_settings_connection_type_control_port_option": "",
- "gui_settings_connection_type_socket_file_option": "",
- "gui_settings_connection_type_test_button": "",
- "gui_settings_control_port_label": "",
- "gui_settings_socket_file_label": "",
- "gui_settings_socks_label": "",
- "gui_settings_authenticate_no_auth_option": "",
- "gui_settings_authenticate_password_option": "",
- "gui_settings_password_label": "",
- "gui_settings_tor_bridges": "",
- "gui_settings_meek_lite_expensive_warning": "",
- "gui_settings_tor_bridges_invalid": "",
- "gui_settings_button_save": "",
- "gui_settings_button_cancel": "",
- "gui_settings_button_help": "",
- "settings_error_unknown": "",
- "settings_error_automatic": "",
- "settings_error_socket_port": "",
- "settings_error_socket_file": "",
- "settings_error_auth": "",
- "settings_error_missing_password": "",
- "settings_error_unreadable_cookie_file": "",
- "settings_error_bundled_tor_not_supported": "",
- "settings_error_bundled_tor_timeout": "",
- "settings_error_bundled_tor_broken": "",
- "settings_test_success": "",
- "error_tor_protocol_error": "",
- "connecting_to_tor": "",
- "update_available": "",
- "update_error_check_error": "",
- "update_error_invalid_latest_version": "",
- "update_not_available": "",
- "gui_tor_connection_ask": "",
- "gui_tor_connection_ask_open_settings": "",
- "gui_tor_connection_ask_quit": "",
- "gui_tor_connection_error_settings": "",
- "gui_tor_connection_canceled": "",
- "gui_tor_connection_lost": "",
- "gui_server_started_after_autostop_timer": "",
- "gui_server_autostop_timer_expired": "",
- "share_via_onionshare": "",
- "gui_share_url_description": "",
- "gui_receive_url_description": "",
- "gui_url_label_persistent": "",
- "gui_url_label_stay_open": "",
- "gui_url_label_onetime": "",
- "gui_url_label_onetime_and_persistent": "",
- "gui_status_indicator_share_stopped": "",
- "gui_status_indicator_share_working": "",
- "gui_status_indicator_share_started": "",
- "gui_status_indicator_receive_stopped": "",
- "gui_status_indicator_receive_working": "",
- "gui_status_indicator_receive_started": "",
- "gui_file_info": "",
- "gui_file_info_single": "",
- "history_in_progress_tooltip": "",
- "history_completed_tooltip": "",
- "gui_receive_mode_warning": "",
- "systray_page_loaded_title": "",
- "gui_settings_language_label": "",
- "gui_settings_language_changed_notice": ""
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index 20a464b2..010220d5 100644
--- a/desktop/onionshare/resources/locale/lt.json
+++ b/desktop/onionshare/resources/locale/lt.json
@@ -76,7 +76,6 @@
"gui_server_autostop_timer_expired": "Automatinio sustabdymo laikmatis jau baigėsi. Sureguliuokite jį, kad pradėtumėte dalintis.",
"gui_server_autostart_timer_expired": "Numatytas laikas jau praėjo. Pakoreguokite jį, kad galėtumėte pradėti dalintis.",
"gui_autostop_timer_cant_be_earlier_than_autostart_timer": "Automatinio sustabdymo laikas negali būti toks pat arba ankstesnis už automatinio paleidimo laiką. Sureguliuokite jį, kad galėtumėte pradėti dalytis.",
- "share_via_onionshare": "Bendrinti per „OnionShare“",
"gui_share_url_description": "Visi, turintys šį „OnionShare“ adresą ir privatųjį raktą gali atsisiųsti jūsų failus, naudodamiesi „Tor“Naršykle:
"gui_website_url_description": "Kiekvienas, turintis šį „OnionShare“ adresą ir privatųjį raktą, gali apsilankyti jūsų svetainėje naudodamas „Tor“ naršyklę:
"gui_receive_url_description": "Kiekvienas, turintis šį „OnionShare“ adresą ir privatųjį raktą, gali įkelti failus į jūsų kompiuterį naudodamas „Tor“ naršyklę:
diff --git a/desktop/onionshare/resources/locale/mk.json b/desktop/onionshare/resources/locale/mk.json
index b3356646..816332c2 100644
--- a/desktop/onionshare/resources/locale/mk.json
+++ b/desktop/onionshare/resources/locale/mk.json
@@ -1,94 +1,9 @@
- "not_a_readable_file": "",
- "other_page_loaded": "",
- "close_on_autostop_timer": "",
- "closing_automatically": "",
- "large_filesize": "",
"systray_menu_exit": "Излези",
- "gui_drag_and_drop": "",
- "gui_add": "",
- "gui_choose_items": "",
- "gui_share_start_server": "",
- "gui_share_stop_server": "",
- "gui_share_stop_server_autostop_timer": "",
- "gui_receive_start_server": "",
- "gui_receive_stop_server": "",
- "gui_receive_stop_server_autostop_timer": "",
- "gui_copy_url": "",
- "gui_canceled": "",
- "gui_copied_url_title": "",
- "gui_copied_url": "",
- "gui_please_wait": "",
"gui_quit_warning_quit": "Излези",
- "zip_progress_bar_format": "",
"gui_settings_window_title": "Поставки",
- "gui_settings_autoupdate_label": "",
- "gui_settings_autoupdate_option": "",
- "gui_settings_autoupdate_timestamp": "",
"gui_settings_autoupdate_timestamp_never": "Никогаш",
- "gui_settings_autoupdate_check_button": "",
- "gui_settings_connection_type_label": "",
- "gui_settings_connection_type_bundled_option": "",
- "gui_settings_connection_type_automatic_option": "",
- "gui_settings_connection_type_control_port_option": "",
- "gui_settings_connection_type_socket_file_option": "",
- "gui_settings_connection_type_test_button": "",
- "gui_settings_control_port_label": "",
- "gui_settings_socket_file_label": "",
- "gui_settings_socks_label": "",
- "gui_settings_authenticate_no_auth_option": "",
- "gui_settings_authenticate_password_option": "",
- "gui_settings_password_label": "",
- "gui_settings_tor_bridges": "",
- "gui_settings_meek_lite_expensive_warning": "",
- "gui_settings_tor_bridges_invalid": "",
"gui_settings_button_save": "Зачувување",
"gui_settings_button_cancel": "Откажи",
- "gui_settings_button_help": "",
- "settings_error_unknown": "",
- "settings_error_automatic": "",
- "settings_error_socket_port": "",
- "settings_error_socket_file": "",
- "settings_error_auth": "",
- "settings_error_missing_password": "",
- "settings_error_unreadable_cookie_file": "",
- "settings_error_bundled_tor_not_supported": "",
- "settings_error_bundled_tor_timeout": "",
- "settings_error_bundled_tor_broken": "",
- "settings_test_success": "",
- "error_tor_protocol_error": "",
- "connecting_to_tor": "",
- "update_available": "",
- "update_error_check_error": "",
- "update_error_invalid_latest_version": "",
- "update_not_available": "",
- "gui_tor_connection_ask": "",
- "gui_tor_connection_ask_open_settings": "",
- "gui_tor_connection_ask_quit": "Излези",
- "gui_tor_connection_error_settings": "",
- "gui_tor_connection_canceled": "",
- "gui_tor_connection_lost": "",
- "gui_server_started_after_autostop_timer": "",
- "gui_server_autostop_timer_expired": "",
- "share_via_onionshare": "",
- "gui_share_url_description": "",
- "gui_receive_url_description": "",
- "gui_url_label_persistent": "",
- "gui_url_label_stay_open": "",
- "gui_url_label_onetime": "",
- "gui_url_label_onetime_and_persistent": "",
- "gui_status_indicator_share_stopped": "",
- "gui_status_indicator_share_working": "",
- "gui_status_indicator_share_started": "",
- "gui_status_indicator_receive_stopped": "",
- "gui_status_indicator_receive_working": "",
- "gui_status_indicator_receive_started": "",
- "gui_file_info": "",
- "gui_file_info_single": "",
- "history_in_progress_tooltip": "",
- "history_completed_tooltip": "",
- "gui_receive_mode_warning": "",
- "systray_page_loaded_title": "",
- "gui_settings_language_label": "",
- "gui_settings_language_changed_notice": ""
+ "gui_tor_connection_ask_quit": "Излези"
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index bae4e134..1c4ad0ce 100644
--- a/desktop/onionshare/resources/locale/ms.json
+++ b/desktop/onionshare/resources/locale/ms.json
@@ -1,120 +1,15 @@
- "not_a_readable_file": "",
- "other_page_loaded": "",
- "close_on_autostop_timer": "",
- "closing_automatically": "",
- "large_filesize": "",
- "gui_drag_and_drop": "",
"gui_add": "Tambah",
- "gui_add_files": "",
- "gui_add_folder": "",
- "gui_choose_items": "",
- "gui_share_start_server": "",
- "gui_share_stop_server": "",
- "gui_share_stop_server_autostop_timer": "",
- "gui_receive_start_server": "",
- "gui_receive_stop_server": "",
- "gui_receive_stop_server_autostop_timer": "",
- "gui_copy_url": "",
- "gui_canceled": "",
- "gui_copied_url_title": "",
- "gui_copied_url": "",
- "gui_please_wait": "",
"gui_quit_warning_quit": "Keluar",
- "zip_progress_bar_format": "",
"gui_settings_window_title": "Tetapan",
- "gui_settings_autoupdate_label": "",
- "gui_settings_autoupdate_option": "",
- "gui_settings_autoupdate_timestamp": "",
"gui_settings_autoupdate_timestamp_never": "Tidak pernah",
- "gui_settings_autoupdate_check_button": "",
- "gui_settings_connection_type_label": "",
- "gui_settings_connection_type_bundled_option": "",
- "gui_settings_connection_type_automatic_option": "",
- "gui_settings_connection_type_control_port_option": "",
- "gui_settings_connection_type_socket_file_option": "",
- "gui_settings_connection_type_test_button": "",
- "gui_settings_control_port_label": "",
- "gui_settings_socket_file_label": "",
- "gui_settings_socks_label": "",
- "gui_settings_authenticate_no_auth_option": "",
"gui_settings_authenticate_password_option": "Kara laluan",
"gui_settings_password_label": "Kara laluan",
- "gui_settings_tor_bridges": "",
- "gui_settings_meek_lite_expensive_warning": "",
- "gui_settings_tor_bridges_invalid": "",
"gui_settings_button_save": "Simpan",
"gui_settings_button_cancel": "Batal",
- "gui_settings_button_help": "",
- "settings_error_unknown": "",
- "settings_error_automatic": "",
- "settings_error_socket_port": "",
- "settings_error_socket_file": "",
- "settings_error_auth": "",
- "settings_error_missing_password": "",
- "settings_error_unreadable_cookie_file": "",
- "settings_error_bundled_tor_not_supported": "",
- "settings_error_bundled_tor_timeout": "",
- "settings_error_bundled_tor_broken": "",
- "settings_test_success": "",
- "error_tor_protocol_error": "",
- "connecting_to_tor": "",
- "update_available": "",
- "update_error_check_error": "",
- "update_error_invalid_latest_version": "",
- "update_not_available": "",
- "gui_tor_connection_ask": "",
"gui_tor_connection_ask_open_settings": "Ya",
"gui_tor_connection_ask_quit": "Keluar",
- "gui_tor_connection_error_settings": "",
- "gui_tor_connection_canceled": "",
- "gui_tor_connection_lost": "",
- "gui_server_started_after_autostop_timer": "",
- "gui_server_autostop_timer_expired": "",
- "share_via_onionshare": "",
- "gui_share_url_description": "",
- "gui_receive_url_description": "",
- "gui_url_label_persistent": "",
- "gui_url_label_stay_open": "",
- "gui_url_label_onetime": "",
- "gui_url_label_onetime_and_persistent": "",
- "gui_status_indicator_share_stopped": "",
- "gui_status_indicator_share_working": "",
- "gui_status_indicator_share_started": "",
- "gui_status_indicator_receive_stopped": "",
- "gui_status_indicator_receive_working": "",
"gui_status_indicator_receive_started": "Penerimaan",
- "gui_file_info": "",
- "gui_file_info_single": "",
- "history_in_progress_tooltip": "",
- "history_completed_tooltip": "",
- "error_cannot_create_data_dir": "",
- "gui_receive_mode_warning": "",
- "gui_settings_language_label": "",
- "gui_settings_language_changed_notice": "",
"systray_menu_exit": "Keluar",
- "systray_page_loaded_title": "",
- "systray_page_loaded_message": "",
- "systray_share_started_title": "",
- "systray_share_started_message": "",
- "systray_share_completed_title": "",
- "systray_share_completed_message": "",
- "systray_share_canceled_title": "",
- "systray_share_canceled_message": "",
- "systray_receive_started_title": "",
- "systray_receive_started_message": "",
- "gui_all_modes_history": "Sejarah",
- "gui_all_modes_clear_history": "",
- "gui_all_modes_transfer_started": "",
- "gui_all_modes_transfer_finished_range": "",
- "gui_all_modes_transfer_finished": "",
- "gui_all_modes_transfer_canceled_range": "",
- "gui_all_modes_transfer_canceled": "",
- "gui_all_modes_progress_complete": "",
- "gui_all_modes_progress_starting": "",
- "gui_all_modes_progress_eta": "",
- "gui_share_mode_no_files": "",
- "gui_share_mode_autostop_timer_waiting": "",
- "gui_receive_mode_no_files": "",
- "gui_receive_mode_autostop_timer_waiting": ""
+ "gui_all_modes_history": "Sejarah"
diff --git a/desktop/onionshare/resources/locale/nb_NO.json b/desktop/onionshare/resources/locale/nb_NO.json
index 1e68b884..6f94c395 100644
--- a/desktop/onionshare/resources/locale/nb_NO.json
+++ b/desktop/onionshare/resources/locale/nb_NO.json
@@ -70,7 +70,6 @@
"gui_tor_connection_lost": "Frakoblet fra Tor.",
"gui_server_started_after_autostop_timer": "Tidsavbruddsuret gikk ut før tjeneren startet. Lag en ny deling.",
"gui_server_autostop_timer_expired": "Tidsavbruddsuret har gått ut allerede. Juster det for å starte deling.",
- "share_via_onionshare": "Del via OnionShare",
"gui_share_url_description": "Alle som har denne OnionShare-adressen og tilhørende privat nøkkel kan Laste ned filene dine ved bruk av Tor-Browser:
"gui_receive_url_description": "Alle som har denne OnionShare-adressen og tilhørende privat nøkkel kan Laste opp filer til din datamaskin ved bruk av Tor-Browser:
"gui_url_label_persistent": "Delingen vil ikke stoppe automatisk.
Hver påfølgende deling vil gjenbruke adressen. (For engangsadresser, skru av \"Bruk vedvarende adresse\" i innstillingene.)",
diff --git a/desktop/onionshare/resources/locale/nl.json b/desktop/onionshare/resources/locale/nl.json
index 7ff43c3e..d2e0dce7 100644
--- a/desktop/onionshare/resources/locale/nl.json
+++ b/desktop/onionshare/resources/locale/nl.json
@@ -59,7 +59,6 @@
"gui_tor_connection_canceled": "Kon niet verbinden met Tor.\n\nZorg dat je met het internet verbonden bent, herstart OnionShare en configureer de verbinding met Tor.",
"gui_server_started_after_autostop_timer": "De auto-stop timer verliep, voordat de server startte. Maak een nieuwe share aan.",
"gui_server_autostop_timer_expired": "De auto-stop timer is al verlopen. Stel een nieuwe tijd in om te beginnen met delen.",
- "share_via_onionshare": "Deel via OnionShare",
"gui_share_start_server": "Start met delen",
"gui_share_stop_server": "Stop met delen",
"gui_share_stop_server_autostop_timer": "Stop met Delen ({})",
@@ -71,7 +70,7 @@
"gui_settings_meek_lite_expensive_warning": "Waarschuwing: De meek_lite bridges zijn erg kostbaar voor het Tor Project om uit te voeren.
Gebruik ze alleen als je niet direct met Tor kan verbinden, via obfs4 transports, of andere normale bridges.",
"gui_settings_tor_bridges_invalid": "Geen van de bridges die je hebt toegevoegd werken. Controleer ze of voeg andere toe.",
"gui_tor_connection_lost": "De verbinding met Tor is verbroken.",
- "gui_share_url_description": "1Iedereen2 met dit OnionShare-adres kan je bestanden 3binnenhalen4 met de 5Tor Browser6:
+ "gui_share_url_description": "Iedereen met dit OnionShare-adres kan je bestanden binnenhalen met de Tor Browser:
"gui_receive_url_description": "Iedereen met dit OnionShare adres kan bestanden op je computer plaatsen met de Tor Browser:
"gui_url_label_persistent": "Deze share stopt niet vanzelf.
Elke volgende share zal het adres hergebruiken. (Om eenmalige adressen te gebruiken, zet \"Gebruik vast adres\" uit in de settings.)",
"gui_url_label_stay_open": "Deze share stopt niet automatisch.",
@@ -122,7 +121,7 @@
"gui_status_indicator_receive_scheduled": "Gepland…",
"gui_share_mode_autostop_timer_waiting": "Verzenden afronden…",
"gui_receive_mode_autostop_timer_waiting": "Wachten tot ontvangen klaar is…",
- "gui_website_url_description": "1Iedereen2 met dit OnionShare-adres kan je bestanden 3bezoeken4 met de 5Tor Browser6:
+ "gui_website_url_description": "Iedereen met dit OnionShare-adres kan je bestanden bezoeken met de Tor Browser:
"gui_website_mode_no_files": "Nog Geen Website Gedeeld",
"incorrect_password": "Foutief wachtwoord",
"error_cannot_create_data_dir": "Kon geen OnionShare datamap aanmaken: {}",
diff --git a/desktop/onionshare/resources/locale/pa.json b/desktop/onionshare/resources/locale/pa.json
index 88daac14..9540fa91 100644
--- a/desktop/onionshare/resources/locale/pa.json
+++ b/desktop/onionshare/resources/locale/pa.json
@@ -1,94 +1,5 @@
- "not_a_readable_file": "",
- "other_page_loaded": "",
- "close_on_autostop_timer": "",
- "closing_automatically": "",
- "large_filesize": "",
"systray_menu_exit": "ਬਾਹਰ",
- "gui_drag_and_drop": "",
- "gui_add": "",
- "gui_choose_items": "",
- "gui_share_start_server": "",
- "gui_share_stop_server": "",
- "gui_share_stop_server_autostop_timer": "",
- "gui_receive_start_server": "",
- "gui_receive_stop_server": "",
- "gui_receive_stop_server_autostop_timer": "",
- "gui_copy_url": "",
- "gui_canceled": "",
- "gui_copied_url_title": "",
- "gui_copied_url": "",
- "gui_please_wait": "",
"gui_quit_warning_quit": "ਬਾਹਰ",
- "zip_progress_bar_format": "",
- "gui_settings_window_title": "",
- "gui_settings_autoupdate_label": "",
- "gui_settings_autoupdate_option": "",
- "gui_settings_autoupdate_timestamp": "",
- "gui_settings_autoupdate_timestamp_never": "",
- "gui_settings_autoupdate_check_button": "",
- "gui_settings_connection_type_label": "",
- "gui_settings_connection_type_bundled_option": "",
- "gui_settings_connection_type_automatic_option": "",
- "gui_settings_connection_type_control_port_option": "",
- "gui_settings_connection_type_socket_file_option": "",
- "gui_settings_connection_type_test_button": "",
- "gui_settings_control_port_label": "",
- "gui_settings_socket_file_label": "",
- "gui_settings_socks_label": "",
- "gui_settings_authenticate_no_auth_option": "",
- "gui_settings_authenticate_password_option": "",
- "gui_settings_password_label": "",
- "gui_settings_tor_bridges": "",
- "gui_settings_meek_lite_expensive_warning": "",
- "gui_settings_tor_bridges_invalid": "",
- "gui_settings_button_save": "",
- "gui_settings_button_cancel": "",
- "gui_settings_button_help": "",
- "settings_error_unknown": "",
- "settings_error_automatic": "",
- "settings_error_socket_port": "",
- "settings_error_socket_file": "",
- "settings_error_auth": "",
- "settings_error_missing_password": "",
- "settings_error_unreadable_cookie_file": "",
- "settings_error_bundled_tor_not_supported": "",
- "settings_error_bundled_tor_timeout": "",
- "settings_error_bundled_tor_broken": "",
- "settings_test_success": "",
- "error_tor_protocol_error": "",
- "connecting_to_tor": "",
- "update_available": "",
- "update_error_check_error": "",
- "update_error_invalid_latest_version": "",
- "update_not_available": "",
- "gui_tor_connection_ask": "",
- "gui_tor_connection_ask_open_settings": "",
- "gui_tor_connection_ask_quit": "ਬਾਹਰ",
- "gui_tor_connection_error_settings": "",
- "gui_tor_connection_canceled": "",
- "gui_tor_connection_lost": "",
- "gui_server_started_after_autostop_timer": "",
- "gui_server_autostop_timer_expired": "",
- "share_via_onionshare": "",
- "gui_share_url_description": "",
- "gui_receive_url_description": "",
- "gui_url_label_persistent": "",
- "gui_url_label_stay_open": "",
- "gui_url_label_onetime": "",
- "gui_url_label_onetime_and_persistent": "",
- "gui_status_indicator_share_stopped": "",
- "gui_status_indicator_share_working": "",
- "gui_status_indicator_share_started": "",
- "gui_status_indicator_receive_stopped": "",
- "gui_status_indicator_receive_working": "",
- "gui_status_indicator_receive_started": "",
- "gui_file_info": "",
- "gui_file_info_single": "",
- "history_in_progress_tooltip": "",
- "history_completed_tooltip": "",
- "gui_receive_mode_warning": "",
- "systray_page_loaded_title": "",
- "gui_settings_language_label": "",
- "gui_settings_language_changed_notice": ""
+ "gui_tor_connection_ask_quit": "ਬਾਹਰ"
diff --git a/desktop/onionshare/resources/locale/pl.json b/desktop/onionshare/resources/locale/pl.json
index 8891c7d7..39e669b4 100644
--- a/desktop/onionshare/resources/locale/pl.json
+++ b/desktop/onionshare/resources/locale/pl.json
@@ -70,7 +70,6 @@
"gui_tor_connection_lost": "Odłączony od sieci Tor.",
"gui_server_started_after_autostop_timer": "Czas automatycznego zatrzymania upłynął przed uruchomieniem serwera. Utwórz nowy udział.",
"gui_server_autostop_timer_expired": "Czas automatycznego zatrzymania już upłynął. Dostosuj go, aby rozpocząć udostępnianie.",
- "share_via_onionshare": "Udostępniaj przez OnionShare",
"gui_share_url_description": "Każdy z tym adresem OnionShare oraz kluczem prywatnym może pobrać Twoje pliki za pomocą przeglądarki Tor Browser:
"gui_receive_url_description": "Każdy z tym adresem OnionShare oraz kluczem prywatnym może przesyłać pliki na Twój komputer za pomocą przeglądarki Tor Browser:
"gui_url_label_persistent": "Ten udział nie zatrzyma się automatycznie.
Każdy kolejny udział ponownie użyje tego adresu. (Aby użyć adresów jednorazowych, wyłącz w ustawieniach „Użyj stałego adresu”.)",
@@ -172,7 +171,7 @@
"gui_quit_warning_description": "Wyjść i zamknąć wszystke karty, mimo że udostępnianie jest aktywne w niektórych z nich?",
"gui_quit_warning_title": "Zakończyć OnionShare?",
"gui_close_tab_warning_cancel": "Anuluj",
- "gui_close_tab_warning_close": "Zamknij",
+ "gui_close_tab_warning_close": "OK",
"gui_close_tab_warning_website_description": "Zamknąć kartę, która hostuje stronę internetową?",
"gui_close_tab_warning_receive_description": "Zamknij kartę, która odbiera pliki?",
"gui_close_tab_warning_share_description": "Zamknąć kartę, która wysyła pliki?",
@@ -254,5 +253,6 @@
"gui_autoconnect_start": "Połącz się z siecią Tor",
"gui_general_settings_window_title": "Ogólne",
"waitress_web_server_error": "Wystąpił problem z uruchomieniem serwera WWW",
- "gui_close_tab_warning_chat_description": "Zamknąć kartę hostującą serwer czatu?"
+ "gui_close_tab_warning_chat_description": "Zamknąć kartę hostującą serwer czatu?",
+ "gui_chat_mode_explainer": "Tryb czatu umożliwia interaktywną rozmowę z innymi osobami w Tor Browser.
Historia czatów nie jest przechowywana w OnionShare. Historia czatów zniknie, gdy zamkniesz Tor Browser."
diff --git a/desktop/onionshare/resources/locale/pt_BR.json b/desktop/onionshare/resources/locale/pt_BR.json
index 0abd2a9f..82dd27a2 100644
--- a/desktop/onionshare/resources/locale/pt_BR.json
+++ b/desktop/onionshare/resources/locale/pt_BR.json
@@ -70,7 +70,6 @@
"gui_tor_connection_lost": "Desconectado do Tor.",
"gui_server_started_after_autostop_timer": "O cronômetro de parada automática acabou antes que o servidor fosse iniciado. Por favor, faça um novo compartilhamento.",
"gui_server_autostop_timer_expired": "O cronômetro já esgotou. Por favor, ajuste-o para começar a compartilhar.",
- "share_via_onionshare": "Compartilhar via OnionShare",
"gui_share_url_description": "Qualquer pessoa com este endereço e esta chave privada do OnionShare pode baixar seus arquivos usando o Navegador Tor:
"gui_receive_url_description": "Qualquer pessoa com este endereço do OnionShare e chave privada pode carregar arquivos no seu computador usando o Navegador Tor:
"gui_url_label_persistent": "Este compartilhamento não vai ser encerrado automaticamente.
Todos os compartilhamentos posteriores reutilizarão este endereço. (Para usar um endereço novo a cada vez, desative a opção \"Usar o mesmo endereço\" nas configurações.)",
diff --git a/desktop/onionshare/resources/locale/pt_PT.json b/desktop/onionshare/resources/locale/pt_PT.json
index 85dba9f4..a3c227da 100644
--- a/desktop/onionshare/resources/locale/pt_PT.json
+++ b/desktop/onionshare/resources/locale/pt_PT.json
@@ -70,7 +70,6 @@
"gui_tor_connection_lost": "Desconectado da rede Tor.",
"gui_server_started_after_autostop_timer": "O cronómetro de paragem automática atingiu o tempo limite antes do servidor iniciar. Crie uma nova partilha.",
"gui_server_autostop_timer_expired": "O cronómetro de paragem automática expirou. Por favor, ajuste-o para começar a partilhar.",
- "share_via_onionshare": "Partilhar via OnionShare",
"gui_share_url_description": "Qualquer pessoa com este endereço do OnionShare pode descarregar os seus ficheiros utilizando o Tor Browser:
"gui_receive_url_description": "Qualquer pessoa com este endereço do OnionShare pode enviar ficheiros para o seu computador utilizando o Tor Browser:
"gui_url_label_persistent": "Esta partilha não vai ser encerrada automaticamente.
Todas as partilhas posteriores utilizarão este endereço. (Para usar endereços de uma só utilização, desative a opção \"Usar endereço persistente\" nas configurações.)",
diff --git a/desktop/onionshare/resources/locale/ro.json b/desktop/onionshare/resources/locale/ro.json
index 100094fb..0e123ffa 100644
--- a/desktop/onionshare/resources/locale/ro.json
+++ b/desktop/onionshare/resources/locale/ro.json
@@ -70,7 +70,6 @@
"gui_tor_connection_lost": "Deconectat de la Tor.",
"gui_server_started_after_autostop_timer": "Cronometrul de oprire automată a expirat înainte de pornirea serverului. Vă rugăm să faceți o nouă partajare.",
"gui_server_autostop_timer_expired": "Timpul pentru cronometrul auto-stop a expirat deja. Vă rugăm să îl modificați pentru a începe distribuirea.",
- "share_via_onionshare": "Partajați prin OnionShare",
"gui_share_url_description": "Oricine are această adresă OnionShare poate descărca fișierele dvs. folosind Tor Browser:
"gui_receive_url_description": "Oricine are această adresă OnionShare poate încărca fișiere pe computerul dvs. folosind Tor Browser:
"gui_url_label_persistent": "Această partajare nu se va opri automat.
Fiecare acțiune ulterioară reutilizează adresa. (Pentru a utiliza adrese unice, dezactivați „Utilizați adresa persistentă” din setări.)",
diff --git a/desktop/onionshare/resources/locale/ru.json b/desktop/onionshare/resources/locale/ru.json
index 9cacdea2..f03368a3 100644
--- a/desktop/onionshare/resources/locale/ru.json
+++ b/desktop/onionshare/resources/locale/ru.json
@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@
"gui_settings_password_label": "Пароль",
"gui_settings_button_save": "Сохранить",
"gui_settings_button_cancel": "Отмена",
- "gui_settings_button_help": "Помощь",
+ "gui_settings_button_help": "Справка",
"gui_tor_connection_ask_open_settings": "Да",
"gui_tor_connection_ask_quit": "Выйти",
"gui_status_indicator_share_started": "Идёт отправка",
@@ -73,7 +73,6 @@
"gui_tor_connection_lost": "Сеть Tor не подключена.",
"gui_server_started_after_autostop_timer": "Время стоп-таймера истекло до того, как сервер был запущен. Пожалуйста, отправьте файлы заново.",
"gui_server_autostop_timer_expired": "Время стоп-таймера истекло. Пожалуйста, отрегулируйте его для начала отправки.",
- "share_via_onionshare": "Поделиться через OnionShare",
"gui_share_url_description": "Кто угодно c этим адресом OnionShare и секретным ключом может скачать Ваши файлы при помощи Tor Browser:
"gui_receive_url_description": "Кто угодно c этим адресом OnionShare и секретным ключом может загрузить файлы на ваш компьютер с помощьюTor Browser:
"gui_url_label_persistent": "Эта отправка не будет завершена автоматически.
Каждая последующая отправка будет повторно использовать данный адрес. (Чтобы использовать одноразовый адрес, отключите опцию \"Использовать устаревший адрес\" в настройках.)",
@@ -252,5 +251,7 @@
"gui_autoconnect_no_bridge": "Попробовать подключиться без моста ещё раз",
"gui_autoconnect_try_again_without_a_bridge": "Попробовать подключиться без моста ещё раз",
"gui_autoconnect_circumventing_censorship_starting_meek": "Подключаемся к мосту meek…",
- "gui_general_settings_window_title": "Общие"
+ "gui_general_settings_window_title": "Общие",
+ "waitress_web_server_error": "Возникла проблема с запуском веб-сервера",
+ "gui_close_tab_warning_chat_description": "Закрыть вкладку, на которой размещен сервер чата?"
diff --git a/desktop/onionshare/resources/locale/si.json b/desktop/onionshare/resources/locale/si.json
index c6f2afbb..0967ef42 100644
--- a/desktop/onionshare/resources/locale/si.json
+++ b/desktop/onionshare/resources/locale/si.json
@@ -1,181 +1 @@
- "not_a_readable_file": "",
- "other_page_loaded": "",
- "incorrect_password": "",
- "close_on_autostop_timer": "",
- "closing_automatically": "",
- "large_filesize": "",
- "gui_drag_and_drop": "",
- "gui_add": "එකතු කරන්න",
- "gui_add_files": "",
- "gui_add_folder": "",
- "gui_remove": "ඉවත් කරන්න",
- "gui_file_selection_remove_all": "",
- "gui_choose_items": "",
- "gui_share_start_server": "",
- "gui_share_stop_server": "",
- "gui_share_stop_server_autostop_timer": "",
- "gui_chat_start_server": "",
- "gui_chat_stop_server": "",
- "gui_stop_server_autostop_timer_tooltip": "",
- "gui_start_server_autostart_timer_tooltip": "",
- "gui_receive_start_server": "",
- "gui_receive_stop_server": "",
- "gui_receive_stop_server_autostop_timer": "",
- "gui_receive_flatpak_data_dir": "",
- "gui_copy_url": "",
- "gui_canceled": "",
- "gui_copied_url_title": "",
- "gui_copied_url": "",
- "gui_show_qr_code": "",
- "gui_qr_code_dialog_title": "",
- "gui_waiting_to_start": "",
- "gui_please_wait": "",
- "zip_progress_bar_format": "",
- "gui_settings_window_title": "",
- "gui_settings_autoupdate_label": "",
- "gui_settings_autoupdate_option": "",
- "gui_settings_autoupdate_timestamp": "",
- "gui_settings_autoupdate_timestamp_never": "",
- "gui_settings_autoupdate_check_button": "",
- "gui_settings_connection_type_label": "",
- "gui_settings_connection_type_bundled_option": "",
- "gui_settings_connection_type_automatic_option": "",
- "gui_settings_connection_type_control_port_option": "",
- "gui_settings_connection_type_socket_file_option": "",
- "gui_settings_connection_type_test_button": "",
- "gui_settings_control_port_label": "",
- "gui_settings_socket_file_label": "",
- "gui_settings_socks_label": "",
- "gui_settings_authenticate_no_auth_option": "",
- "gui_settings_authenticate_password_option": "",
- "gui_settings_password_label": "",
- "gui_settings_tor_bridges": "",
- "gui_settings_meek_lite_expensive_warning": "",
- "gui_settings_tor_bridges_invalid": "",
- "gui_settings_button_save": "",
- "gui_settings_button_cancel": "",
- "gui_settings_button_help": "",
- "settings_test_success": "",
- "connecting_to_tor": "",
- "update_available": "",
- "update_error_invalid_latest_version": "",
- "update_error_check_error": "",
- "update_not_available": "",
- "gui_tor_connection_ask": "",
- "gui_tor_connection_ask_open_settings": "",
- "gui_tor_connection_ask_quit": "",
- "gui_tor_connection_error_settings": "",
- "gui_tor_connection_canceled": "",
- "gui_tor_connection_lost": "",
- "gui_server_started_after_autostop_timer": "",
- "gui_server_autostop_timer_expired": "",
- "gui_server_autostart_timer_expired": "",
- "gui_autostop_timer_cant_be_earlier_than_autostart_timer": "",
- "share_via_onionshare": "",
- "gui_share_url_description": "",
- "gui_website_url_description": "",
- "gui_receive_url_description": "",
- "gui_chat_url_description": "",
- "gui_url_label_persistent": "",
- "gui_url_label_stay_open": "",
- "gui_url_label_onetime": "",
- "gui_url_label_onetime_and_persistent": "",
- "gui_status_indicator_share_stopped": "",
- "gui_status_indicator_share_working": "",
- "gui_status_indicator_share_scheduled": "",
- "gui_status_indicator_share_started": "",
- "gui_status_indicator_receive_stopped": "",
- "gui_status_indicator_receive_working": "",
- "gui_status_indicator_receive_scheduled": "",
- "gui_status_indicator_receive_started": "",
- "gui_file_info": "",
- "gui_file_info_single": "",
- "history_in_progress_tooltip": "",
- "history_completed_tooltip": "",
- "history_requests_tooltip": "",
- "error_cannot_create_data_dir": "",
- "gui_receive_mode_warning": "",
- "gui_open_folder_error": "",
- "gui_settings_language_label": "",
- "gui_settings_language_changed_notice": "",
- "gui_color_mode_changed_notice": "",
- "systray_menu_exit": "",
- "systray_page_loaded_title": "",
- "systray_page_loaded_message": "",
- "systray_share_started_title": "",
- "systray_share_started_message": "",
- "systray_share_completed_title": "",
- "systray_share_completed_message": "",
- "systray_share_canceled_title": "",
- "systray_share_canceled_message": "",
- "systray_receive_started_title": "",
- "systray_receive_started_message": "",
- "gui_all_modes_history": "",
- "gui_all_modes_clear_history": "",
- "gui_all_modes_transfer_started": "",
- "gui_all_modes_progress_complete": "",
- "gui_all_modes_progress_starting": "",
- "gui_all_modes_progress_eta": "",
- "gui_share_mode_no_files": "",
- "gui_share_mode_autostop_timer_waiting": "",
- "gui_website_mode_no_files": "",
- "gui_receive_mode_no_files": "",
- "gui_receive_mode_autostop_timer_waiting": "",
- "days_first_letter": "",
- "hours_first_letter": "",
- "minutes_first_letter": "",
- "seconds_first_letter": "",
- "gui_new_tab": "",
- "gui_new_tab_tooltip": "",
- "gui_new_tab_share_button": "",
- "gui_new_tab_receive_button": "",
- "gui_new_tab_website_button": "",
- "gui_new_tab_chat_button": "",
- "gui_main_page_share_button": "",
- "gui_main_page_receive_button": "",
- "gui_main_page_website_button": "",
- "gui_main_page_chat_button": "",
- "gui_tab_name_share": "",
- "gui_tab_name_receive": "",
- "gui_tab_name_website": "",
- "gui_tab_name_chat": "",
- "gui_close_tab_warning_title": "",
- "gui_close_tab_warning_persistent_description": "",
- "gui_close_tab_warning_share_description": "",
- "gui_close_tab_warning_receive_description": "",
- "gui_close_tab_warning_website_description": "",
- "gui_close_tab_warning_close": "",
- "gui_close_tab_warning_cancel": "",
- "gui_quit_warning_title": "",
- "gui_quit_warning_description": "",
- "gui_quit_warning_quit": "",
- "gui_quit_warning_cancel": "",
- "mode_settings_advanced_toggle_show": "",
- "mode_settings_advanced_toggle_hide": "",
- "mode_settings_persistent_checkbox": "",
- "mode_settings_public_checkbox": "",
- "mode_settings_autostart_timer_checkbox": "",
- "mode_settings_autostop_timer_checkbox": "",
- "mode_settings_share_autostop_sharing_checkbox": "",
- "mode_settings_receive_data_dir_label": "",
- "mode_settings_receive_data_dir_browse_button": "",
- "mode_settings_website_disable_csp_checkbox": "",
- "gui_all_modes_transfer_finished_range": "",
- "gui_all_modes_transfer_finished": "",
- "gui_all_modes_transfer_canceled_range": "",
- "gui_all_modes_transfer_canceled": "",
- "settings_error_unknown": "",
- "settings_error_automatic": "",
- "settings_error_socket_port": "",
- "settings_error_socket_file": "",
- "settings_error_auth": "",
- "settings_error_missing_password": "",
- "settings_error_unreadable_cookie_file": "",
- "settings_error_bundled_tor_not_supported": "",
- "settings_error_bundled_tor_timeout": "",
- "settings_error_bundled_tor_broken": "",
- "gui_rendezvous_cleanup": "",
- "gui_rendezvous_cleanup_quit_early": "",
- "error_port_not_available": ""
diff --git a/desktop/onionshare/resources/locale/sk.json b/desktop/onionshare/resources/locale/sk.json
index 2e5d1145..e6e37f43 100644
--- a/desktop/onionshare/resources/locale/sk.json
+++ b/desktop/onionshare/resources/locale/sk.json
@@ -72,7 +72,6 @@
"gui_server_autostop_timer_expired": "Časovač automatického zastavenia už vypršal. Upravte ho tak, aby sa začal zdieľať.",
"gui_server_autostart_timer_expired": "Plánovaný čas už uplynul. Upravte ho tak, aby sa začal zdieľať.",
"gui_autostop_timer_cant_be_earlier_than_autostart_timer": "Čas automatického zastavenia nemôže byť rovnaký alebo skorší ako čas automatického spustenia. Upravte ho, aby ste mohli začať zdieľať.",
- "share_via_onionshare": "Zdieľať cez OnionShare",
"gui_share_url_description": "Ktokoľvek s touto adresou OnionShare si môže stiahnuť vaše súbory pomocou Tor Browser:
"gui_website_url_description": "Ktokoľvek s touto adresou OnionShare môže navštíviť váš web pomocou Tor Browser:
"gui_receive_url_description": "Ktokoľvek s touto adresou OnionShare môže nahrať súbory do vášho počítača pomocou Tor Browser:
diff --git a/desktop/onionshare/resources/locale/sl.json b/desktop/onionshare/resources/locale/sl.json
index cd5e7085..43eeac29 100644
--- a/desktop/onionshare/resources/locale/sl.json
+++ b/desktop/onionshare/resources/locale/sl.json
@@ -11,86 +11,13 @@
"gui_share_start_server": "Začni deliti",
"gui_share_stop_server": "Zaustavi deljenje",
"gui_share_stop_server_autostop_timer": "Zaustavi deljenje ({})",
- "gui_receive_start_server": "",
- "gui_receive_stop_server": "",
- "gui_receive_stop_server_autostop_timer": "",
- "gui_copy_url": "",
"gui_canceled": "Odpovedan",
- "gui_copied_url_title": "",
- "gui_copied_url": "",
- "gui_please_wait": "",
"gui_quit_warning_quit": "Izhod",
- "zip_progress_bar_format": "",
- "gui_settings_window_title": "",
- "gui_settings_autoupdate_label": "",
- "gui_settings_autoupdate_option": "",
- "gui_settings_autoupdate_timestamp": "",
"gui_settings_autoupdate_timestamp_never": "Nikoli",
- "gui_settings_autoupdate_check_button": "",
- "gui_settings_connection_type_label": "",
- "gui_settings_connection_type_bundled_option": "",
- "gui_settings_connection_type_automatic_option": "",
- "gui_settings_connection_type_control_port_option": "",
- "gui_settings_connection_type_socket_file_option": "",
- "gui_settings_connection_type_test_button": "",
"gui_settings_control_port_label": "Krmilna vrata",
- "gui_settings_socket_file_label": "",
- "gui_settings_socks_label": "",
- "gui_settings_authenticate_no_auth_option": "",
- "gui_settings_authenticate_password_option": "",
- "gui_settings_password_label": "",
- "gui_settings_tor_bridges": "",
- "gui_settings_meek_lite_expensive_warning": "",
- "gui_settings_tor_bridges_invalid": "",
- "gui_settings_button_save": "",
- "gui_settings_button_cancel": "",
"gui_settings_button_help": "Pomoč",
- "settings_error_unknown": "",
- "settings_error_automatic": "",
- "settings_error_socket_port": "",
- "settings_error_socket_file": "",
- "settings_error_auth": "",
- "settings_error_missing_password": "",
- "settings_error_unreadable_cookie_file": "",
- "settings_error_bundled_tor_not_supported": "",
- "settings_error_bundled_tor_timeout": "",
- "settings_error_bundled_tor_broken": "",
- "settings_test_success": "",
- "error_tor_protocol_error": "",
- "connecting_to_tor": "",
- "update_available": "",
- "update_error_check_error": "",
- "update_error_invalid_latest_version": "",
- "update_not_available": "",
- "gui_tor_connection_ask": "",
"gui_tor_connection_ask_open_settings": "Da",
"gui_tor_connection_ask_quit": "Izhod",
- "gui_tor_connection_error_settings": "",
- "gui_tor_connection_canceled": "",
- "gui_tor_connection_lost": "",
- "gui_server_started_after_autostop_timer": "",
- "gui_server_autostop_timer_expired": "",
- "share_via_onionshare": "",
- "gui_share_url_description": "",
- "gui_receive_url_description": "",
- "gui_url_label_persistent": "",
- "gui_url_label_stay_open": "",
- "gui_url_label_onetime": "",
- "gui_url_label_onetime_and_persistent": "",
- "gui_status_indicator_share_stopped": "",
- "gui_status_indicator_share_working": "",
- "gui_status_indicator_share_started": "",
- "gui_status_indicator_receive_stopped": "",
- "gui_status_indicator_receive_working": "",
- "gui_status_indicator_receive_started": "",
- "gui_file_info": "",
- "gui_file_info_single": "",
- "history_in_progress_tooltip": "",
- "history_completed_tooltip": "",
- "gui_receive_mode_warning": "",
- "systray_page_loaded_title": "",
- "gui_settings_language_label": "",
- "gui_settings_language_changed_notice": "",
"gui_add_files": "Dodaj Datoteke",
"gui_add_folder": "Dodaj Mapo",
"gui_stop_server_autostop_timer_tooltip": "Samodejno zaustavi timer, ki se konča ob{}",
diff --git a/desktop/onionshare/resources/locale/sn.json b/desktop/onionshare/resources/locale/sn.json
index 7602e409..1e4c9756 100644
--- a/desktop/onionshare/resources/locale/sn.json
+++ b/desktop/onionshare/resources/locale/sn.json
@@ -72,7 +72,6 @@
"gui_tor_connection_lost": "haijaunganishwa na Tor.",
"gui_server_started_after_autostop_timer": "Auto-stop timer imetoka kabla haijahifadhiwa. tafadhali hakikisha unasambaza.",
"gui_server_autostop_timer_expired": "Auto-stop timer tayari imetoka. tafadhali sogeza ili uanze kusambaza.",
- "share_via_onionshare": "sambaza kupitia OnionShare",
"gui_share_url_description": "yeyotemwenye anuani ya OnionShare na private key anaweza kupakuakwa kutumia faili lako la kivinjari cha Tor:
"gui_receive_url_description": " yeyote : mwenye anuani ya OnionShare na private key anaweza kupakia mafaili kwenye kompyuta yako kwa kutumia Tor Browser :
"gui_url_label_persistent": "ukisambaza haiwezi kusimama,
na kila utakapotumia itahitaji utumie tna anuani. ( ili kutumia anuani ya moja kwa moja, zima \"tumia anuani inayoendelea\" kwenye mpangilio.)",
diff --git a/desktop/onionshare/resources/locale/sq.json b/desktop/onionshare/resources/locale/sq.json
index effe56a2..615388d0 100644
--- a/desktop/onionshare/resources/locale/sq.json
+++ b/desktop/onionshare/resources/locale/sq.json
@@ -116,7 +116,6 @@
"gui_server_autostart_timer_expired": "Koha e planifikuar kaloi tashmë. Ju lutemi, rregullojeni, që të fillohet të ndahet me të tjerë.",
"gui_autostop_timer_cant_be_earlier_than_autostart_timer": "Koha për vetëndalje s’mund të jetë e njëjtë ose më herët se koha për vetënisje. Ju lutemi, që të fillohet ndarje me të tjerë, rregullojeni.",
"gui_server_doesnt_support_stealth": "Na ndjeni, ky version i Tor-it s’mbulon “stealth” (mirëfilltësim klientësh). Ju lutemi, provoni me një version më të ri të Tor-it, ose përdorni mënyrën 'public', nëse s’është e nevojshme të jetë private.",
- "share_via_onionshare": "Ndajeni me të tjerë përmes OnionShare-it",
"gui_share_url_description": "Cilido me këtë adresë OnionShare dhe kyç privat mundet të shkarkojë kartelat tuaja duke përdorur Shfletuesin Tor:
"gui_share_url_public_description": "Cilido me këtë adresë OnionShare mundet të shkarkojë kartelat tuaja duke përdorur Shfletuesin Tor:
"gui_website_url_description": "Cilido me këtë adresë OnionShare dhe kyç privat mundet të vizitojë sajtin tuaj duke përdorur Shfletuesin Tor:
@@ -252,5 +251,7 @@
"moat_bridgedb_error": "S’u lidh dot me BridgeDB.",
"moat_captcha_error": "Zgjidhje e pasaktë. Ju lutemi, riprovoni.",
"moat_solution_empty_error": "Jepni shenjat prej figure",
- "mode_tor_not_connected_label": "OnionShare s’është i lidhur me rrjetin Tor"
+ "mode_tor_not_connected_label": "OnionShare s’është i lidhur me rrjetin Tor",
+ "waitress_web_server_error": "Pati një problem me nisjen e shërbyesit",
+ "gui_close_tab_warning_chat_description": "Të mbyllet skeda që strehon një shërbyes fjalosjeje?"
diff --git a/desktop/onionshare/resources/locale/sr_Latn.json b/desktop/onionshare/resources/locale/sr_Latn.json
index b1992d2f..2df294c2 100644
--- a/desktop/onionshare/resources/locale/sr_Latn.json
+++ b/desktop/onionshare/resources/locale/sr_Latn.json
@@ -77,7 +77,6 @@
"gui_server_autostop_timer_expired": "Tajmer automatskog zaustavljanja je već odbrojao. Podesi ga da bi započelo deljenje.",
"gui_server_autostart_timer_expired": "Predviđeno vreme je već prošlo. Podesi ga da bi započelo deljenje.",
"gui_autostop_timer_cant_be_earlier_than_autostart_timer": "Vreme automatskog zaustavljanja ne može biti isto ili ranije od vremena početka automatskog pokretanja. Podesi ga da bi započelo deljenje.",
- "share_via_onionshare": "Deljenje pomoću OnionShare",
"gui_share_url_description": "Svako sa ovom OnionShare adresom i privatnim ključem može preuzeti tvoje datoteke koristeći Tor Browser:
"gui_website_url_description": "Bilo ko sa ovom OnionShare adresom i privatnim ključem može posetiti tvoju web-stranicu koristeći Tor Browser:
"gui_receive_url_description": "Bilo ko sa ovom OnionShare adresom i privatnim ključem može poslati datoteke na tvoj računar koristeći Tor Browser:
diff --git a/desktop/onionshare/resources/locale/sv.json b/desktop/onionshare/resources/locale/sv.json
index a20d4669..e967427d 100644
--- a/desktop/onionshare/resources/locale/sv.json
+++ b/desktop/onionshare/resources/locale/sv.json
@@ -70,7 +70,6 @@
"gui_tor_connection_lost": "Frånkopplad från Tor.",
"gui_server_started_after_autostop_timer": "Tiden för den automatiska stopp-tidtagaren löpte ut innan servern startades.\nGör en ny delning.",
"gui_server_autostop_timer_expired": "Den automatiska stopp-tidtagaren har redan löpt ut. Justera den för att starta delning.",
- "share_via_onionshare": "Dela med OnionShare",
"gui_share_url_description": "Vem som helst med denna OnionShare-adress och privata nyckel kan ladda ner dina filer med hjälp av Tor Browser:
"gui_receive_url_description": "Alla med denna OnionShare-adress och privata nyckel kan ladda upp filer till din dator med Tor Browser:
"gui_url_label_persistent": "Denna delning kommer inte automatiskt att avslutas.
< br>Varje efterföljande delning återanvänder adressen. (För att använda engångsadresser, stäng av \"Använd beständig adress\" i inställningarna.)",
@@ -252,5 +251,7 @@
"gui_general_settings_window_title": "Allmänt",
"gui_autoconnect_bridge_setting_options": "Inställningar för bryggning",
"gui_autoconnect_circumventing_censorship_requesting_bridges": "Begär broar från Tors censur kringgående API…",
- "gui_autoconnect_could_not_connect_to_tor_api": "Det gick inte att ansluta till Tor API. Kontrollera att du är ansluten till internet innan du försöker igen."
+ "gui_autoconnect_could_not_connect_to_tor_api": "Det gick inte att ansluta till Tor API. Kontrollera att du är ansluten till internet innan du försöker igen.",
+ "gui_close_tab_warning_chat_description": "Stäng flik som är värd för en chattserver?",
+ "waitress_web_server_error": "Det gick inte att starta webbservern"
diff --git a/desktop/onionshare/resources/locale/sw.json b/desktop/onionshare/resources/locale/sw.json
index 5319b5f2..3a3b8bb5 100644
--- a/desktop/onionshare/resources/locale/sw.json
+++ b/desktop/onionshare/resources/locale/sw.json
@@ -76,7 +76,6 @@
"gui_server_autostop_timer_expired": "Tayari muda wa auto-stop timer umekwiasha. Tafadhali rekebisha na uanze kusambaza.",
"gui_server_autostart_timer_expired": "Wakati uliopangwa tayari umepita. Tafadhali irekebishe ili kuanza kusambaza.",
"gui_autostop_timer_cant_be_earlier_than_autostart_timer": "Muda wa kuisha hauwezi kuwa sawa na muda wa kuanza. Tafadhali rekebisha ili kuanza kusambaza.",
- "share_via_onionshare": "Sambaza kupitia OnionShare",
"gui_share_url_description": "Yeyote mwenye hizi anwani za OnionShare pamoja na alama za kipekee binafsi anaweza kupakua mafaili yako kwa kutumiaTor Browser:
"gui_receive_url_description": "Yeyote mwenye hii anwani ya OnionShare na private key anawezaoakia mafaili katika kompyuta yako kwa kutumia Tor Browser:
"gui_url_label_persistent": "Hii anuani inaweza kusimama.
Hivyo unaweza kutumia baadae. (Unaweza kutumia mara moja , zima halafu tumia anuani inayoendelea kwenye mpangilio.)",
diff --git a/desktop/onionshare/resources/locale/ta.json b/desktop/onionshare/resources/locale/ta.json
index 40d05d58..0967ef42 100644
--- a/desktop/onionshare/resources/locale/ta.json
+++ b/desktop/onionshare/resources/locale/ta.json
@@ -1,256 +1 @@
- "not_a_readable_file": "",
- "other_page_loaded": "",
- "incorrect_password": "",
- "close_on_autostop_timer": "",
- "closing_automatically": "",
- "large_filesize": "",
- "gui_drag_and_drop": "",
- "gui_add": "",
- "gui_add_files": "",
- "gui_add_folder": "",
- "gui_remove": "",
- "gui_dragdrop_sandbox_flatpak": "",
- "gui_file_selection_remove_all": "",
- "gui_choose_items": "",
- "gui_share_start_server": "",
- "gui_share_stop_server": "",
- "gui_share_stop_server_autostop_timer": "",
- "gui_chat_start_server": "",
- "gui_chat_stop_server": "",
- "gui_stop_server_autostop_timer_tooltip": "",
- "gui_start_server_autostart_timer_tooltip": "",
- "gui_receive_start_server": "",
- "gui_receive_stop_server": "",
- "gui_receive_stop_server_autostop_timer": "",
- "gui_receive_flatpak_data_dir": "",
- "gui_copy_url": "",
- "gui_copy_client_auth": "",
- "gui_canceled": "",
- "gui_copied_url_title": "",
- "gui_copied_url": "",
- "gui_copied_client_auth_title": "",
- "gui_copied_client_auth": "",
- "gui_show_qr_code": "",
- "gui_qr_code_dialog_title": "",
- "gui_qr_label_url_title": "",
- "gui_qr_label_auth_string_title": "",
- "gui_reveal": "",
- "gui_hide": "",
- "gui_waiting_to_start": "",
- "gui_please_wait_no_button": "",
- "gui_please_wait": "",
- "zip_progress_bar_format": "",
- "gui_tor_settings_window_title": "",
- "gui_autoconnect_description": "",
- "gui_enable_autoconnect_checkbox": "",
- "gui_autoconnect_failed_to_connect_to_tor": "",
- "gui_autoconnect_trying_to_connect_to_tor": "",
- "gui_autoconnect_connection_error_msg": "",
- "gui_autoconnect_bridge_description": "",
- "gui_autoconnect_bridge_detect_automatic": "",
- "gui_autoconnect_bridge_detect_manual": "",
- "gui_autoconnect_bridge_setting_options": "",
- "gui_autoconnect_start": "",
- "gui_autoconnect_configure": "",
- "gui_autoconnect_no_bridge": "",
- "gui_autoconnect_try_again_without_a_bridge": "",
- "gui_autoconnect_circumventing_censorship": "",
- "gui_autoconnect_circumventing_censorship_starting_circumvention": "",
- "gui_autoconnect_circumventing_censorship_starting_meek": "",
- "gui_autoconnect_circumventing_censorship_requesting_bridges": "",
- "gui_autoconnect_circumventing_censorship_got_bridges": "",
- "gui_autoconnect_could_not_connect_to_tor_api": "",
- "gui_settings_window_title": "",
- "gui_general_settings_window_title": "",
- "gui_settings_autoupdate_label": "",
- "gui_settings_autoupdate_option": "",
- "gui_settings_autoupdate_timestamp": "",
- "gui_settings_autoupdate_timestamp_never": "",
- "gui_settings_autoupdate_check_button": "",
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- "gui_settings_connection_type_bundled_option": "",
- "gui_settings_connection_type_automatic_option": "",
- "gui_settings_controller_extras_label": "",
- "gui_settings_connection_type_control_port_option": "",
- "gui_settings_connection_type_socket_file_option": "",
- "gui_settings_connection_type_test_button": "",
- "gui_settings_control_port_label": "",
- "gui_settings_socket_file_label": "",
- "gui_settings_socks_label": "",
- "gui_settings_authenticate_no_auth_option": "",
- "gui_settings_authenticate_password_option": "",
- "gui_settings_password_label": "",
- "gui_settings_tor_bridges": "",
- "gui_settings_tor_bridges_label": "",
- "gui_settings_bridge_use_checkbox": "",
- "gui_settings_bridge_radio_builtin": "",
- "gui_settings_bridge_none_radio_option": "",
- "gui_settings_meek_lite_expensive_warning": "",
- "gui_settings_bridge_moat_radio_option": "",
- "gui_settings_bridge_moat_button": "",
- "gui_settings_bridge_custom_radio_option": "",
- "gui_settings_bridge_custom_placeholder": "",
- "gui_settings_moat_bridges_invalid": "",
- "gui_settings_tor_bridges_invalid": "",
- "gui_settings_stop_active_tabs_label": "",
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- "gui_settings_button_cancel": "",
- "gui_settings_button_help": "",
- "gui_settings_version_label": "",
- "gui_settings_help_label": "",
- "settings_test_success": "",
- "connecting_to_tor": "",
- "update_available": "",
- "update_error_invalid_latest_version": "",
- "update_error_check_error": "",
- "update_not_available": "",
- "gui_tor_connection_ask": "",
- "gui_tor_connection_ask_open_settings": "",
- "gui_tor_connection_ask_quit": "",
- "gui_tor_connection_error_settings": "",
- "gui_tor_connection_canceled": "",
- "gui_tor_connection_lost": "",
- "gui_server_started_after_autostop_timer": "",
- "gui_server_autostop_timer_expired": "",
- "gui_server_autostart_timer_expired": "",
- "gui_autostop_timer_cant_be_earlier_than_autostart_timer": "",
- "gui_server_doesnt_support_stealth": "",
- "share_via_onionshare": "",
- "gui_share_url_description": "",
- "gui_share_url_public_description": "",
- "gui_website_url_description": "",
- "gui_website_url_public_description": "",
- "gui_receive_url_description": "",
- "gui_receive_url_public_description": "",
- "gui_chat_url_description": "",
- "gui_chat_url_public_description": "",
- "gui_url_label_persistent": "",
- "gui_url_label_stay_open": "",
- "gui_url_label_onetime": "",
- "gui_url_label_onetime_and_persistent": "",
- "gui_url_instructions": "",
- "gui_url_instructions_public_mode": "",
- "gui_client_auth_instructions": "",
- "gui_status_indicator_share_stopped": "",
- "gui_status_indicator_share_working": "",
- "gui_status_indicator_share_scheduled": "",
- "gui_status_indicator_share_started": "",
- "gui_status_indicator_receive_stopped": "",
- "gui_status_indicator_receive_working": "",
- "gui_status_indicator_receive_scheduled": "",
- "gui_status_indicator_receive_started": "",
- "gui_status_indicator_chat_stopped": "",
- "gui_status_indicator_chat_working": "",
- "gui_status_indicator_chat_scheduled": "",
- "gui_status_indicator_chat_started": "",
- "gui_file_info": "",
- "gui_file_info_single": "",
- "history_in_progress_tooltip": "",
- "history_completed_tooltip": "",
- "history_requests_tooltip": "",
- "error_cannot_create_data_dir": "",
- "gui_receive_mode_warning": "",
- "gui_open_folder_error": "",
- "gui_settings_language_label": "",
- "gui_settings_theme_label": "",
- "gui_settings_theme_auto": "",
- "gui_settings_theme_light": "",
- "gui_settings_theme_dark": "",
- "gui_settings_language_changed_notice": "",
- "gui_color_mode_changed_notice": "",
- "systray_menu_exit": "",
- "systray_page_loaded_title": "",
- "systray_page_loaded_message": "",
- "systray_share_started_title": "",
- "systray_share_started_message": "",
- "systray_share_completed_title": "",
- "systray_share_completed_message": "",
- "systray_share_canceled_title": "",
- "systray_share_canceled_message": "",
- "systray_receive_started_title": "",
- "systray_receive_started_message": "",
- "gui_all_modes_history": "",
- "gui_all_modes_clear_history": "",
- "gui_all_modes_transfer_started": "",
- "gui_all_modes_progress_complete": "",
- "gui_all_modes_progress_starting": "",
- "gui_all_modes_progress_eta": "",
- "gui_share_mode_no_files": "",
- "gui_share_mode_autostop_timer_waiting": "",
- "gui_website_mode_no_files": "",
- "gui_receive_mode_no_files": "",
- "gui_receive_mode_autostop_timer_waiting": "",
- "days_first_letter": "",
- "hours_first_letter": "",
- "minutes_first_letter": "",
- "seconds_first_letter": "",
- "gui_new_tab": "",
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- "gui_new_tab_receive_button": "",
- "gui_new_tab_website_button": "",
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- "gui_main_page_receive_button": "",
- "gui_main_page_website_button": "",
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- "gui_tab_name_receive": "",
- "gui_tab_name_website": "",
- "gui_tab_name_chat": "",
- "gui_close_tab_warning_title": "",
- "gui_close_tab_warning_persistent_description": "",
- "gui_close_tab_warning_share_description": "",
- "gui_close_tab_warning_receive_description": "",
- "gui_close_tab_warning_website_description": "",
- "gui_close_tab_warning_close": "",
- "gui_close_tab_warning_cancel": "",
- "gui_quit_warning_title": "",
- "gui_quit_warning_description": "",
- "gui_quit_warning_quit": "",
- "gui_quit_warning_cancel": "",
- "mode_settings_advanced_toggle_show": "",
- "mode_settings_advanced_toggle_hide": "",
- "mode_settings_title_label": "",
- "mode_settings_persistent_checkbox": "",
- "mode_settings_public_checkbox": "",
- "mode_settings_autostart_timer_checkbox": "",
- "mode_settings_autostop_timer_checkbox": "",
- "mode_settings_share_autostop_sharing_checkbox": "",
- "mode_settings_receive_data_dir_label": "",
- "mode_settings_receive_data_dir_browse_button": "",
- "mode_settings_receive_disable_text_checkbox": "",
- "mode_settings_receive_disable_files_checkbox": "",
- "mode_settings_receive_webhook_url_checkbox": "",
- "mode_settings_website_disable_csp_checkbox": "",
- "mode_settings_website_custom_csp_checkbox": "",
- "gui_all_modes_transfer_finished_range": "",
- "gui_all_modes_transfer_finished": "",
- "gui_all_modes_transfer_canceled_range": "",
- "gui_all_modes_transfer_canceled": "",
- "settings_error_unknown": "",
- "settings_error_automatic": "",
- "settings_error_socket_port": "",
- "settings_error_socket_file": "",
- "settings_error_auth": "",
- "settings_error_missing_password": "",
- "settings_error_unreadable_cookie_file": "",
- "settings_error_bundled_tor_not_supported": "",
- "settings_error_bundled_tor_timeout": "",
- "settings_error_bundled_tor_broken": "",
- "gui_rendezvous_cleanup": "",
- "gui_rendezvous_cleanup_quit_early": "",
- "error_port_not_available": "",
- "history_receive_read_message_button": "",
- "error_tor_protocol_error": "",
- "moat_contact_label": "",
- "moat_captcha_label": "",
- "moat_captcha_placeholder": "",
- "moat_captcha_submit": "",
- "moat_captcha_reload": "",
- "moat_bridgedb_error": "",
- "moat_captcha_error": "",
- "moat_solution_empty_error": "",
- "mode_tor_not_connected_label": ""
diff --git a/desktop/onionshare/resources/locale/te.json b/desktop/onionshare/resources/locale/te.json
index a044f10d..ce88695b 100644
--- a/desktop/onionshare/resources/locale/te.json
+++ b/desktop/onionshare/resources/locale/te.json
@@ -76,7 +76,6 @@
"gui_server_autostop_timer_expired": "స్వయంచాలితంగా ఆగు సమయ సూచీ సమయాతీతమయిపోయినది. పంచుకోవడం మొదలుపెట్టడానికి దానిని నవీకరించండి.",
"gui_server_autostart_timer_expired": "నిర్ణీత సమయం ఇప్పటికే దాటిపోయింది. పంచుకోవడం ప్రారంభించడం కొరకు దయచేసి దానిని నవీకరించండి.",
"gui_autostop_timer_cant_be_earlier_than_autostart_timer": "స్వయంచాలక ఆగు సమయం అనేది స్వయంచాలక ప్రారంభ సమయంతో సమానంగా లేదా అంతకు ముందు ఉండకూడదు. పంచుకోవడం ప్రారంభించడం కొరకు దయచేసి దానిని నవీకరించండి.",
- "share_via_onionshare": "OnionShare చేయి",
"gui_share_url_description": "ఈOnionShare చిరునామా గల ఎవరైనా మీ దస్త్రాలను Tor విహారిణితో దింపుకోవచ్చు:
"gui_receive_url_description": "ఈOnionShare చిరునామా గల ఎవరైనా మీ దస్త్రాలను Tor విహారిణితో ఎక్కించుకోవచ్చు:
"gui_url_label_persistent": "ఈ పంచుకొనబడిన అంశం స్వయంచాలితంగా ఆపబడదు.
తదుపరి పంచుకోబడిన ప్రతి అంశం ఈ చిరునామాను మరల వాడుకుంటుంది. (ఒక్కసారికి మాత్రం వాడగలిగే చిరునామాలను వాడాలనుకుంటే, అమరికలలో \"నిరంతర చిరునామాను వాడు\"ని అచేతనం చేయండి.)",
diff --git a/desktop/onionshare/resources/locale/tl.json b/desktop/onionshare/resources/locale/tl.json
index 40d05d58..0967ef42 100644
--- a/desktop/onionshare/resources/locale/tl.json
+++ b/desktop/onionshare/resources/locale/tl.json
@@ -1,256 +1 @@
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- "closing_automatically": "",
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- "gui_add": "",
- "gui_add_files": "",
- "gui_add_folder": "",
- "gui_remove": "",
- "gui_dragdrop_sandbox_flatpak": "",
- "gui_file_selection_remove_all": "",
- "gui_choose_items": "",
- "gui_share_start_server": "",
- "gui_share_stop_server": "",
- "gui_share_stop_server_autostop_timer": "",
- "gui_chat_start_server": "",
- "gui_chat_stop_server": "",
- "gui_stop_server_autostop_timer_tooltip": "",
- "gui_start_server_autostart_timer_tooltip": "",
- "gui_receive_start_server": "",
- "gui_receive_stop_server": "",
- "gui_receive_stop_server_autostop_timer": "",
- "gui_receive_flatpak_data_dir": "",
- "gui_copy_url": "",
- "gui_copy_client_auth": "",
- "gui_canceled": "",
- "gui_copied_url_title": "",
- "gui_copied_url": "",
- "gui_copied_client_auth_title": "",
- "gui_copied_client_auth": "",
- "gui_show_qr_code": "",
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- "gui_qr_label_auth_string_title": "",
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- "gui_please_wait": "",
- "zip_progress_bar_format": "",
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- "gui_autoconnect_description": "",
- "gui_enable_autoconnect_checkbox": "",
- "gui_autoconnect_failed_to_connect_to_tor": "",
- "gui_autoconnect_trying_to_connect_to_tor": "",
- "gui_autoconnect_connection_error_msg": "",
- "gui_autoconnect_bridge_description": "",
- "gui_autoconnect_bridge_detect_automatic": "",
- "gui_autoconnect_bridge_detect_manual": "",
- "gui_autoconnect_bridge_setting_options": "",
- "gui_autoconnect_start": "",
- "gui_autoconnect_configure": "",
- "gui_autoconnect_no_bridge": "",
- "gui_autoconnect_try_again_without_a_bridge": "",
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- "gui_autoconnect_circumventing_censorship_got_bridges": "",
- "gui_autoconnect_could_not_connect_to_tor_api": "",
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- "gui_settings_connection_type_socket_file_option": "",
- "gui_settings_connection_type_test_button": "",
- "gui_settings_control_port_label": "",
- "gui_settings_socket_file_label": "",
- "gui_settings_socks_label": "",
- "gui_settings_authenticate_no_auth_option": "",
- "gui_settings_authenticate_password_option": "",
- "gui_settings_password_label": "",
- "gui_settings_tor_bridges": "",
- "gui_settings_tor_bridges_label": "",
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- "gui_settings_moat_bridges_invalid": "",
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- "gui_tor_connection_error_settings": "",
- "gui_tor_connection_canceled": "",
- "gui_tor_connection_lost": "",
- "gui_server_started_after_autostop_timer": "",
- "gui_server_autostop_timer_expired": "",
- "gui_server_autostart_timer_expired": "",
- "gui_autostop_timer_cant_be_earlier_than_autostart_timer": "",
- "gui_server_doesnt_support_stealth": "",
- "share_via_onionshare": "",
- "gui_share_url_description": "",
- "gui_share_url_public_description": "",
- "gui_website_url_description": "",
- "gui_website_url_public_description": "",
- "gui_receive_url_description": "",
- "gui_receive_url_public_description": "",
- "gui_chat_url_description": "",
- "gui_chat_url_public_description": "",
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- "gui_url_label_onetime_and_persistent": "",
- "gui_url_instructions": "",
- "gui_url_instructions_public_mode": "",
- "gui_client_auth_instructions": "",
- "gui_status_indicator_share_stopped": "",
- "gui_status_indicator_share_working": "",
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- "gui_status_indicator_share_started": "",
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- "gui_status_indicator_receive_working": "",
- "gui_status_indicator_receive_scheduled": "",
- "gui_status_indicator_receive_started": "",
- "gui_status_indicator_chat_stopped": "",
- "gui_status_indicator_chat_working": "",
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- "systray_page_loaded_title": "",
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- "systray_share_started_message": "",
- "systray_share_completed_title": "",
- "systray_share_completed_message": "",
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- "systray_share_canceled_message": "",
- "systray_receive_started_title": "",
- "systray_receive_started_message": "",
- "gui_all_modes_history": "",
- "gui_all_modes_clear_history": "",
- "gui_all_modes_transfer_started": "",
- "gui_all_modes_progress_complete": "",
- "gui_all_modes_progress_starting": "",
- "gui_all_modes_progress_eta": "",
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- "gui_share_mode_autostop_timer_waiting": "",
- "gui_website_mode_no_files": "",
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- "seconds_first_letter": "",
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- "gui_close_tab_warning_receive_description": "",
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- "mode_settings_website_custom_csp_checkbox": "",
- "gui_all_modes_transfer_finished_range": "",
- "gui_all_modes_transfer_finished": "",
- "gui_all_modes_transfer_canceled_range": "",
- "gui_all_modes_transfer_canceled": "",
- "settings_error_unknown": "",
- "settings_error_automatic": "",
- "settings_error_socket_port": "",
- "settings_error_socket_file": "",
- "settings_error_auth": "",
- "settings_error_missing_password": "",
- "settings_error_unreadable_cookie_file": "",
- "settings_error_bundled_tor_not_supported": "",
- "settings_error_bundled_tor_timeout": "",
- "settings_error_bundled_tor_broken": "",
- "gui_rendezvous_cleanup": "",
- "gui_rendezvous_cleanup_quit_early": "",
- "error_port_not_available": "",
- "history_receive_read_message_button": "",
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- "moat_captcha_error": "",
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index f5a038bc..2f3ee943 100644
--- a/desktop/onionshare/resources/locale/tr.json
+++ b/desktop/onionshare/resources/locale/tr.json
@@ -71,7 +71,6 @@
"gui_tor_connection_lost": "Tor bağlantısı kesildi.",
"gui_server_started_after_autostop_timer": "Otomatik durdurma sayacı, sunucu başlamadan önce sona erdi. Lütfen yeni bir paylaşım yapın.",
"gui_server_autostop_timer_expired": "Otomatik durdurma sayacı zaten sona ermiş. Paylaşımı başlatmak için sayacı ayarlayın.",
- "share_via_onionshare": "OnionShare ile paylaş",
"gui_share_url_description": "Bu OnionShare adresine ve kişisel anahtara sahip olan herkes Tor Browser kullanarak dosyalarınızı indirebilir:
"gui_receive_url_description": "Bu OnionShare adresine ve kişisel anahtara sahip olan herkes Tor Browser kullanarak dosyaları bilgisayarınıza yükleyebilir:
"gui_url_label_persistent": "Bu paylaşım otomatik olarak durdurulmayacak.
Sonraki her paylaşımda adres yeniden kullanılır (bir kerelik adresleri kullanmak için, ayarlardan \"Kalıcı adres kullanılsın\" seçeneğini kapatın.)",
@@ -146,7 +145,7 @@
"gui_quit_warning_description": "Bazılarında paylaşım etkin olsa bile tüm sekmelerden çıkıp kapatılsın mı?",
"gui_quit_warning_title": "OnionShare'den çıkılsın mı?",
"gui_close_tab_warning_cancel": "İptal",
- "gui_close_tab_warning_close": "Kapat",
+ "gui_close_tab_warning_close": "Tamam",
"gui_close_tab_warning_website_description": "Bir web sitesini barındıran sekme kapatılsın mı?",
"gui_close_tab_warning_receive_description": "Dosya alan sekme kapatılsın mı?",
"gui_close_tab_warning_share_description": "Dosya gönderen sekme kapatılsın mı?",
@@ -254,5 +253,6 @@
"gui_autoconnect_could_not_connect_to_tor_api": "Tor API'sine bağlanılamadı. Tekrar denemeden önce internete bağlı olduğunuzdan emin olun.",
"gui_general_settings_window_title": "Genel",
"waitress_web_server_error": "Web sunucusu başlatılırken bir sorun oluştu",
- "gui_close_tab_warning_chat_description": "Sohbet sunucusu barındıran sekme kapatılsın mı?"
+ "gui_close_tab_warning_chat_description": "Sohbet sunucusu barındıran sekme kapatılsın mı?",
+ "gui_chat_mode_explainer": "Sohbet modu, Tor Browser'da başkalarıyla etkileşimli olarak sohbet etmenizi sağlar.
Sohbet geçmişi OnionShare'de saklanmaz. Tor Browser'ı kapattığınızda sohbet geçmişi kaybolacaktır."
diff --git a/desktop/onionshare/resources/locale/ug.json b/desktop/onionshare/resources/locale/ug.json
index a22e6ccc..0967ef42 100644
--- a/desktop/onionshare/resources/locale/ug.json
+++ b/desktop/onionshare/resources/locale/ug.json
@@ -1,257 +1 @@
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- "gui_add": "",
- "gui_add_files": "",
- "gui_add_folder": "",
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- "gui_dragdrop_sandbox_flatpak": "",
- "gui_file_selection_remove_all": "",
- "gui_choose_items": "",
- "gui_share_start_server": "",
- "gui_share_stop_server": "",
- "gui_share_stop_server_autostop_timer": "",
- "gui_chat_start_server": "",
- "gui_chat_stop_server": "",
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- "gui_receive_start_server": "",
- "gui_receive_stop_server": "",
- "gui_receive_stop_server_autostop_timer": "",
- "gui_receive_flatpak_data_dir": "",
- "gui_copy_url": "",
- "gui_copy_client_auth": "",
- "gui_canceled": "",
- "gui_copied_url_title": "",
- "gui_copied_url": "",
- "gui_copied_client_auth_title": "",
- "gui_copied_client_auth": "",
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- "gui_qr_code_dialog_title": "",
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- "gui_qr_label_auth_string_title": "",
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- "gui_please_wait": "",
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- "gui_autoconnect_bridge_detect_manual": "",
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- "gui_autoconnect_configure": "",
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- "gui_autoconnect_circumventing_censorship": "",
- "gui_autoconnect_circumventing_censorship_starting_circumvention": "",
- "gui_autoconnect_circumventing_censorship_starting_meek": "",
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- "gui_autoconnect_circumventing_censorship_got_bridges": "",
- "gui_autoconnect_could_not_connect_to_tor_api": "",
- "gui_settings_window_title": "",
- "gui_general_settings_window_title": "",
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- "gui_settings_bridge_custom_radio_option": "",
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- "gui_settings_tor_bridges_invalid": "",
- "gui_settings_stop_active_tabs_label": "",
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- "gui_settings_version_label": "",
- "gui_settings_help_label": "",
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- "connecting_to_tor": "",
- "update_available": "",
- "update_error_invalid_latest_version": "",
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- "gui_tor_connection_canceled": "",
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- "gui_server_started_after_autostop_timer": "",
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- "gui_server_autostart_timer_expired": "",
- "gui_autostop_timer_cant_be_earlier_than_autostart_timer": "",
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- "gui_website_url_public_description": "",
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- "gui_receive_url_public_description": "",
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- "gui_chat_url_public_description": "",
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- "gui_url_label_onetime_and_persistent": "",
- "gui_url_instructions": "",
- "gui_url_instructions_public_mode": "",
- "gui_client_auth_instructions": "",
- "gui_status_indicator_share_stopped": "",
- "gui_status_indicator_share_working": "",
- "gui_status_indicator_share_scheduled": "",
- "gui_status_indicator_share_started": "",
- "gui_status_indicator_receive_stopped": "",
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- "gui_status_indicator_receive_started": "",
- "gui_status_indicator_chat_stopped": "",
- "gui_status_indicator_chat_working": "",
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- "gui_status_indicator_chat_started": "",
- "gui_file_info": "",
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- "history_in_progress_tooltip": "",
- "history_completed_tooltip": "",
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- "error_cannot_create_data_dir": "",
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- "systray_menu_exit": "",
- "systray_page_loaded_title": "",
- "systray_page_loaded_message": "",
- "systray_share_started_title": "",
- "systray_share_started_message": "",
- "systray_share_completed_title": "",
- "systray_share_completed_message": "",
- "systray_share_canceled_title": "",
- "systray_share_canceled_message": "",
- "systray_receive_started_title": "",
- "systray_receive_started_message": "",
- "gui_all_modes_history": "",
- "gui_all_modes_clear_history": "",
- "gui_all_modes_transfer_started": "",
- "gui_all_modes_progress_complete": "",
- "gui_all_modes_progress_starting": "",
- "gui_all_modes_progress_eta": "",
- "gui_share_mode_no_files": "",
- "gui_share_mode_autostop_timer_waiting": "",
- "gui_website_mode_no_files": "",
- "gui_receive_mode_no_files": "",
- "gui_receive_mode_autostop_timer_waiting": "",
- "days_first_letter": "",
- "hours_first_letter": "",
- "minutes_first_letter": "",
- "seconds_first_letter": "",
- "gui_new_tab": "",
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- "gui_close_tab_warning_title": "",
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- "gui_close_tab_warning_receive_description": "",
- "gui_close_tab_warning_website_description": "",
- "gui_close_tab_warning_close": "",
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- "gui_quit_warning_title": "",
- "gui_quit_warning_description": "",
- "gui_quit_warning_quit": "",
- "gui_quit_warning_cancel": "",
- "mode_settings_advanced_toggle_show": "",
- "mode_settings_advanced_toggle_hide": "",
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- "mode_settings_receive_data_dir_label": "",
- "mode_settings_receive_data_dir_browse_button": "",
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- "mode_settings_receive_disable_files_checkbox": "",
- "mode_settings_receive_webhook_url_checkbox": "",
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- "gui_all_modes_transfer_finished_range": "",
- "gui_all_modes_transfer_finished": "",
- "gui_all_modes_transfer_canceled_range": "",
- "gui_all_modes_transfer_canceled": "",
- "settings_error_unknown": "",
- "settings_error_automatic": "",
- "settings_error_socket_port": "",
- "settings_error_socket_file": "",
- "settings_error_auth": "",
- "settings_error_missing_password": "",
- "settings_error_unreadable_cookie_file": "",
- "settings_error_bundled_tor_not_supported": "",
- "settings_error_bundled_tor_timeout": "",
- "settings_error_bundled_tor_broken": "",
- "gui_rendezvous_cleanup": "",
- "gui_rendezvous_cleanup_quit_early": "",
- "error_port_not_available": "",
- "history_receive_read_message_button": "",
- "error_tor_protocol_error": "",
- "moat_contact_label": "",
- "moat_captcha_label": "",
- "moat_captcha_placeholder": "",
- "moat_captcha_submit": "",
- "moat_captcha_reload": "",
- "moat_bridgedb_error": "",
- "moat_captcha_error": "",
- "moat_solution_empty_error": "",
- "mode_tor_not_connected_label": "",
- "waitress_web_server_error": ""
diff --git a/desktop/onionshare/resources/locale/uk.json b/desktop/onionshare/resources/locale/uk.json
index 79dc6555..ae3d611d 100644
--- a/desktop/onionshare/resources/locale/uk.json
+++ b/desktop/onionshare/resources/locale/uk.json
@@ -76,7 +76,6 @@
"gui_server_autostop_timer_expired": "Час автостопу збіг. Налаштуйте його, щоб розпочати надсилання.",
"gui_server_autostart_timer_expired": "Запланований час збіг. Оновіть його, щоб почати надсилання.",
"gui_autostop_timer_cant_be_earlier_than_autostart_timer": "Час автостопу не може бути однаковим або ранішим за час автозапуску. Налаштуйте його, щоб почати надсилання.",
- "share_via_onionshare": "Поділитися через OnionShare",
"gui_share_url_description": "Будь-хто, за допомогою цієї адреси та приватного ключа, може завантажити ваші файли, через Tor Browser:
"gui_receive_url_description": "Будь-хто, за допомогою цієї адреси та приватного ключа, може вивантажити файли на ваш комп'ютер через Tor Browser:
"gui_url_label_persistent": "Це надсилання не припинятиметься автоматично.
Кожне наступне надсилання використовує ту ж адресу. (Для використання одноразової адреси, вимкніть «Використовувати постійну адресу» в налаштуваннях.)",
diff --git a/desktop/onionshare/resources/locale/vi.json b/desktop/onionshare/resources/locale/vi.json
index f2bfd18d..586312cf 100644
--- a/desktop/onionshare/resources/locale/vi.json
+++ b/desktop/onionshare/resources/locale/vi.json
@@ -116,7 +116,6 @@
"gui_server_autostart_timer_expired": "Thời gian được lịch trình đã qua mất rồi. Xin vui lòng điều chỉnh nó để bắt đầu chia sẻ.",
"gui_autostop_timer_cant_be_earlier_than_autostart_timer": "Thời gian tự động dừng không thể trùng khớp hoặc sớm hơn thời gian tự động bắt đầu. Xin vui lòng điều chỉnh nó để bắt đầu chia sẻ.",
"gui_server_doesnt_support_stealth": "Xin lỗi, phiên bản này của Tor không hỗ trợ tàng hình (xác thực máy khách). Xin vui lòng thử lại với một phiên bản mới hơn của Tor, hoặc sử dụng chế độ 'công cộng' nếu nó không cần phải được riêng tư.",
- "share_via_onionshare": "Chia sẻ thông qua OnionShare",
"gui_share_url_description": "Bất kỳ ai có địa chỉ OnionShare và khóa key cá nhân này đều có thể tải xuống các tệp của bạn bằng cách sử dụng Trình duyệt Tor:
"gui_share_url_public_description": "Bất kỳ ai có địa chỉ OnionShare này có thể tải xuống các tập tin của bạn bằng cách sử dụng Trình duyệt Tor Browser:
"gui_website_url_description": "Bất kỳ ai có địa chỉ OnionShare và khoá key cá nhân này có thể ghé thăm trang web của bạn bằng cách sử dụng Trình duyệt Tor Browser:
diff --git a/desktop/onionshare/resources/locale/wo.json b/desktop/onionshare/resources/locale/wo.json
index 38b858ed..0967ef42 100644
--- a/desktop/onionshare/resources/locale/wo.json
+++ b/desktop/onionshare/resources/locale/wo.json
@@ -1,94 +1 @@
- "not_a_readable_file": "",
- "other_page_loaded": "",
- "close_on_autostop_timer": "",
- "closing_automatically": "",
- "large_filesize": "",
- "systray_menu_exit": "",
- "gui_drag_and_drop": "",
- "gui_add": "",
- "gui_choose_items": "",
- "gui_share_start_server": "",
- "gui_share_stop_server": "",
- "gui_share_stop_server_autostop_timer": "",
- "gui_receive_start_server": "",
- "gui_receive_stop_server": "",
- "gui_receive_stop_server_autostop_timer": "",
- "gui_copy_url": "",
- "gui_canceled": "",
- "gui_copied_url_title": "",
- "gui_copied_url": "",
- "gui_please_wait": "",
- "gui_quit_warning_quit": "",
- "zip_progress_bar_format": "",
- "gui_settings_window_title": "",
- "gui_settings_autoupdate_label": "",
- "gui_settings_autoupdate_option": "",
- "gui_settings_autoupdate_timestamp": "",
- "gui_settings_autoupdate_timestamp_never": "",
- "gui_settings_autoupdate_check_button": "",
- "gui_settings_connection_type_label": "",
- "gui_settings_connection_type_bundled_option": "",
- "gui_settings_connection_type_automatic_option": "",
- "gui_settings_connection_type_control_port_option": "",
- "gui_settings_connection_type_socket_file_option": "",
- "gui_settings_connection_type_test_button": "",
- "gui_settings_control_port_label": "",
- "gui_settings_socket_file_label": "",
- "gui_settings_socks_label": "",
- "gui_settings_authenticate_no_auth_option": "",
- "gui_settings_authenticate_password_option": "",
- "gui_settings_password_label": "",
- "gui_settings_tor_bridges": "",
- "gui_settings_meek_lite_expensive_warning": "",
- "gui_settings_tor_bridges_invalid": "",
- "gui_settings_button_save": "",
- "gui_settings_button_cancel": "",
- "gui_settings_button_help": "",
- "settings_error_unknown": "",
- "settings_error_automatic": "",
- "settings_error_socket_port": "",
- "settings_error_socket_file": "",
- "settings_error_auth": "",
- "settings_error_missing_password": "",
- "settings_error_unreadable_cookie_file": "",
- "settings_error_bundled_tor_not_supported": "",
- "settings_error_bundled_tor_timeout": "",
- "settings_error_bundled_tor_broken": "",
- "settings_test_success": "",
- "error_tor_protocol_error": "",
- "connecting_to_tor": "",
- "update_available": "",
- "update_error_check_error": "",
- "update_error_invalid_latest_version": "",
- "update_not_available": "",
- "gui_tor_connection_ask": "",
- "gui_tor_connection_ask_open_settings": "",
- "gui_tor_connection_ask_quit": "",
- "gui_tor_connection_error_settings": "",
- "gui_tor_connection_canceled": "",
- "gui_tor_connection_lost": "",
- "gui_server_started_after_autostop_timer": "",
- "gui_server_autostop_timer_expired": "",
- "share_via_onionshare": "",
- "gui_share_url_description": "",
- "gui_receive_url_description": "",
- "gui_url_label_persistent": "",
- "gui_url_label_stay_open": "",
- "gui_url_label_onetime": "",
- "gui_url_label_onetime_and_persistent": "",
- "gui_status_indicator_share_stopped": "",
- "gui_status_indicator_share_working": "",
- "gui_status_indicator_share_started": "",
- "gui_status_indicator_receive_stopped": "",
- "gui_status_indicator_receive_working": "",
- "gui_status_indicator_receive_started": "",
- "gui_file_info": "",
- "gui_file_info_single": "",
- "history_in_progress_tooltip": "",
- "history_completed_tooltip": "",
- "gui_receive_mode_warning": "",
- "systray_page_loaded_title": "",
- "gui_settings_language_label": "",
- "gui_settings_language_changed_notice": ""
diff --git a/desktop/onionshare/resources/locale/yo.json b/desktop/onionshare/resources/locale/yo.json
index a704270d..bbd55d3e 100644
--- a/desktop/onionshare/resources/locale/yo.json
+++ b/desktop/onionshare/resources/locale/yo.json
@@ -4,7 +4,6 @@
"close_on_autostop_timer": "O danuduro nitori akoko idaduro aifowoyi ti pe",
"closing_automatically": "Odanuduro nitori o ti fi ranse tan",
"large_filesize": "Ikilo: Fi fi nkan repete ranse le gba aimoye wakati",
- "systray_menu_exit": "",
"gui_drag_and_drop": "Wo awon iwe pelebe ati apamowo re sibi lati bere sini fi ranse",
"gui_add": "Fikun",
"gui_choose_items": "Yan",
@@ -13,84 +12,6 @@
"gui_share_stop_server_autostop_timer": "Dawo pinpin duro ({})",
"gui_receive_start_server": "Bere ipele gbigba",
"gui_receive_stop_server": "Duro ipele gbigba",
- "gui_receive_stop_server_autostop_timer": "",
- "gui_copy_url": "",
- "gui_canceled": "",
- "gui_copied_url_title": "",
- "gui_copied_url": "",
- "gui_please_wait": "",
- "gui_quit_warning_quit": "",
- "zip_progress_bar_format": "",
- "gui_settings_window_title": "",
- "gui_settings_autoupdate_label": "",
- "gui_settings_autoupdate_option": "",
- "gui_settings_autoupdate_timestamp": "",
- "gui_settings_autoupdate_timestamp_never": "",
- "gui_settings_autoupdate_check_button": "",
- "gui_settings_connection_type_label": "",
- "gui_settings_connection_type_bundled_option": "",
- "gui_settings_connection_type_automatic_option": "",
- "gui_settings_connection_type_control_port_option": "",
- "gui_settings_connection_type_socket_file_option": "",
- "gui_settings_connection_type_test_button": "",
- "gui_settings_control_port_label": "",
- "gui_settings_socket_file_label": "",
- "gui_settings_socks_label": "",
- "gui_settings_authenticate_no_auth_option": "",
- "gui_settings_authenticate_password_option": "",
- "gui_settings_password_label": "",
- "gui_settings_tor_bridges": "",
- "gui_settings_meek_lite_expensive_warning": "",
- "gui_settings_tor_bridges_invalid": "",
- "gui_settings_button_save": "",
- "gui_settings_button_cancel": "",
- "gui_settings_button_help": "",
- "settings_error_unknown": "",
- "settings_error_automatic": "",
- "settings_error_socket_port": "",
- "settings_error_socket_file": "",
- "settings_error_auth": "",
- "settings_error_missing_password": "",
- "settings_error_unreadable_cookie_file": "",
- "settings_error_bundled_tor_not_supported": "",
- "settings_error_bundled_tor_timeout": "",
- "settings_error_bundled_tor_broken": "",
- "settings_test_success": "",
- "error_tor_protocol_error": "",
- "connecting_to_tor": "",
- "update_available": "",
- "update_error_check_error": "",
- "update_error_invalid_latest_version": "",
- "update_not_available": "",
- "gui_tor_connection_ask": "",
- "gui_tor_connection_ask_open_settings": "",
- "gui_tor_connection_ask_quit": "",
- "gui_tor_connection_error_settings": "",
- "gui_tor_connection_canceled": "",
- "gui_tor_connection_lost": "",
- "gui_server_started_after_autostop_timer": "",
- "gui_server_autostop_timer_expired": "",
- "share_via_onionshare": "",
- "gui_share_url_description": "",
- "gui_receive_url_description": "",
- "gui_url_label_persistent": "",
- "gui_url_label_stay_open": "",
- "gui_url_label_onetime": "",
- "gui_url_label_onetime_and_persistent": "",
- "gui_status_indicator_share_stopped": "",
- "gui_status_indicator_share_working": "",
- "gui_status_indicator_share_started": "",
- "gui_status_indicator_receive_stopped": "",
- "gui_status_indicator_receive_working": "",
- "gui_status_indicator_receive_started": "",
- "gui_file_info": "",
- "gui_file_info_single": "",
- "history_in_progress_tooltip": "",
- "history_completed_tooltip": "",
- "gui_receive_mode_warning": "",
- "systray_page_loaded_title": "",
- "gui_settings_language_label": "",
- "gui_settings_language_changed_notice": "",
"gui_start_server_autostart_timer_tooltip": "Akoko ti nbere laifowoyi duro ni {}",
"gui_stop_server_autostop_timer_tooltip": "Akoko ti nduro laifowoyi dopin ni {}",
"gui_chat_stop_server": "Da olupin iregbe duro",
diff --git a/desktop/onionshare/resources/locale/zh_Hans.json b/desktop/onionshare/resources/locale/zh_Hans.json
index 91255d5c..eaa51a2a 100644
--- a/desktop/onionshare/resources/locale/zh_Hans.json
+++ b/desktop/onionshare/resources/locale/zh_Hans.json
@@ -70,7 +70,6 @@
"gui_tor_connection_lost": "已断开与 Tor 的连接。",
"gui_server_started_after_autostop_timer": "在服务器启动之前,自动停止定时器的计时已到。请建立一个新的共享。",
"gui_server_autostop_timer_expired": "自动停止定时器计时已到。请对其调整以开始共享。",
- "share_via_onionshare": "通过 OnionShare 共享",
"gui_share_url_description": "任何人只要有这个 OnionShare 地址和私钥,都可以用 Tor Browser 来下载你的文件:
"gui_receive_url_description": "任何人只要有 OnionShare 地址和私钥,都可以用 Tor 浏览器上传文件到你的计算机:
"gui_url_label_persistent": "这个共享不会自动停止。
diff --git a/desktop/onionshare/resources/locale/zh_Hant.json b/desktop/onionshare/resources/locale/zh_Hant.json
index 3fbe7242..c3d1b71f 100644
--- a/desktop/onionshare/resources/locale/zh_Hant.json
+++ b/desktop/onionshare/resources/locale/zh_Hant.json
@@ -70,7 +70,6 @@
"gui_tor_connection_lost": "已斷開Tor連接。",
"gui_server_started_after_autostop_timer": "在服務器啓動之前,自動停止的定時器的計時已到。請建立一個新的共享。",
"gui_server_autostop_timer_expired": "自動停止計時器時間已到。請調整它來開始分享。",
- "share_via_onionshare": "使用OnionShare分享",
"gui_share_url_description": "任何人只要擁有這個地址就可以下載你的檔案經由Tor Browser:
"gui_receive_url_description": "任何人只要擁有這個地址就可以上傳檔案到你的電腦經由Tor Browser:
"gui_url_label_persistent": "此次分享不會自動停止。
diff --git a/docs/source/install.rst b/docs/source/install.rst
index 111ddfab..0ba3c0db 100644
--- a/docs/source/install.rst
+++ b/docs/source/install.rst
@@ -69,6 +69,40 @@ Command-line only
You can install just the command-line version of OnionShare on any operating system using the Python package manager ``pip``. :ref:`cli` has more info.
+.. _freebsd:
+Althought not being officially developed for this platform, OnionShare can also be installed on `FreeBSD `_. It's available via its ports collection or as pre-built package. Should you opt to install and use OnionShare on a FreeBSD operating system, please be aware that it's **NOT** officially supported by the OnionShare project.
+Though not being offered and officially maintained by the OnionShare developers, the FreeBSD packages and ports do fetch and verifies the source codes from the official OnionShare repository (or its official release packages from `PyPI `_). Should you wish to check changes related to this platform, please refer to the following resources:
+- https://cgit.freebsd.org/ports/log/www/onionshare
+- https://www.freshports.org/www/onionshare
+Manual pkg Installation
+To install the binary package, use ``pkg install pyXY-onionshare``, with ``pyXY`` specifying the version of Python the package was built for. So, in order to install OnionShare for Python 3.9, use::
+ pkg install py39-onionshare
+There's also a **Command-line only** version of OnionShare available as pre-built package. Replace ``py39-onionshare`` by ``py39-onionshare-cli`` if you want to install that version.
+For additional information and details about the FreeBSD pre-built packages, please refer to its `official Handbook section about pkg `_.
+Manual port Installation
+To install the FreeBSD port, change directory to the `ports collection `_ you must have checked out before and run the following::
+ make -s -C www/onionshare all install clean
+The ports collection also offers a dedicated port for the **Command-line only** version of OnionShare. Replace ``www/onionshare`` by ``www/onionshare-cli`` if you want to install that version.
+For additional information and details about the FreeBSD ports collection, please refer to its `official Handbook section about ports `_.
.. _verifying_sigs:
Verifying PGP signatures
diff --git a/docs/source/locale/af/LC_MESSAGES/advanced.po b/docs/source/locale/af/LC_MESSAGES/advanced.po
index 7117d69f..1ba0956c 100644
--- a/docs/source/locale/af/LC_MESSAGES/advanced.po
+++ b/docs/source/locale/af/LC_MESSAGES/advanced.po
@@ -6,8 +6,8 @@
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: OnionShare 2.5\n"
-"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: onionshare-dev@lists.riseup.net\n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2022-01-17 10:28-0800\n"
+"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2023-09-05 11:30-0700\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2022-11-06 19:08+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: Gideon Wentink \n"
"Language-Team: none\n"
@@ -26,179 +26,6 @@ msgstr "Gevorderde gebruik"
msgid "Save Tabs"
msgstr "Bewaar oortjies"
-#: ../../source/advanced.rst:9
-msgid ""
-"Everything in OnionShare is temporary by default. If you close an OnionShare "
-"tab, its address no longer exists and it can't be used again. Sometimes you "
-"might want an OnionShare service to be persistent. This is useful if you "
-"want to host a website available from the same OnionShare address even if "
-"you reboot your computer."
-msgstr ""
-#: ../../source/advanced.rst:13
-msgid ""
-"To make any tab persistent, check the \"Save this tab, and automatically "
-"open it when I open OnionShare\" box before starting the server. When a tab "
-"is saved a purple pin icon appears to the left of its server status."
-msgstr ""
-#: ../../source/advanced.rst:18
-msgid ""
-"When you quit OnionShare and then open it again, your saved tabs will start "
-"opened. You'll have to manually start each service, but when you do they "
-"will start with the same OnionShare address and private key."
-msgstr ""
-#: ../../source/advanced.rst:21
-msgid ""
-"If you save a tab, a copy of that tab's onion service secret key will be "
-"stored on your computer with your OnionShare settings."
-msgstr ""
-#: ../../source/advanced.rst:26 ../../source/advanced.rst:24
-msgid "Turn Off Private Key"
-msgstr "Deaktiveer privaat sleutel"
-#: ../../source/advanced.rst:28 ../../source/advanced.rst:26
-msgid ""
-"By default, all OnionShare services are protected with a private key, which "
-"Tor calls \"client authentication\"."
-msgstr ""
-"Alle OnionShare-dienste word by verstek met ’n privaat sleutel beskerm. Tor "
-"noem dit “klantstawing”."
-#: ../../source/advanced.rst:30
-msgid ""
-"When browsing to an OnionShare service in Tor Browser, Tor Browser will "
-"prompt for the private key to be entered."
-msgstr ""
-#: ../../source/advanced.rst:32
-msgid ""
-"Sometimes you might want your OnionShare service to be accessible to the "
-"public, like if you want to set up an OnionShare receive service so the "
-"public can securely and anonymously send you files. In this case, it's "
-"better to disable the private key altogether."
-msgstr ""
-#: ../../source/advanced.rst:35
-msgid ""
-"To turn off the private key for any tab, check the \"This is a public "
-"OnionShare service (disables private key)\" box before starting the server. "
-"Then the server will be public and won't need a private key to view in Tor "
-msgstr ""
-#: ../../source/advanced.rst:40 ../../source/advanced.rst:37
-msgid "Custom Titles"
-msgstr "Pasgemaakte titels"
-#: ../../source/advanced.rst:42
-msgid ""
-"By default, when people load an OnionShare service in Tor Browser they see "
-"the default title for the type of service. For example, the default title of "
-"a chat service is \"OnionShare Chat\"."
-msgstr ""
-#: ../../source/advanced.rst:44
-msgid ""
-"If you want to choose a custom title, set the \"Custom title\" setting "
-"before starting a server."
-msgstr ""
-#: ../../source/advanced.rst:47 ../../source/advanced.rst:45
-msgid "Scheduled Times"
-msgstr "Geskeduleerde tye"
-#: ../../source/advanced.rst:49 ../../source/advanced.rst:47
-msgid ""
-"OnionShare supports scheduling exactly when a service should start and stop. "
-"Before starting a server, click \"Show advanced settings\" in its tab and "
-"then check the boxes next to either \"Start onion service at scheduled time"
-"\", \"Stop onion service at scheduled time\", or both, and set the "
-"respective desired dates and times."
-msgstr ""
-"OnionShare ondersteun skedulering van wanneer ’n diens moet begin en eindig. "
-"Voordat u ’n bediener begin, klik op “Toon gevorderde instellings” in die "
-"oortjie en merk dan die kassies af langs òf “Begin onion-diens op "
-"geskeduleerde tyd”, “Eindig onion-diens op geskeduleerde tyd”, of albei en "
-"stel die onderskeie datums en tye soos verlang."
-#: ../../source/advanced.rst:52
-msgid ""
-"If you scheduled a service to start in the future, when you click the "
-"\"Start sharing\" button you will see a timer counting down until it starts. "
-"If you scheduled it to stop in the future, after it's started you will see a "
-"timer counting down to when it will stop automatically."
-msgstr ""
-#: ../../source/advanced.rst:55
-msgid ""
-"**Scheduling an OnionShare service to automatically start can be used as a "
-"dead man's switch**, where your service will be made public at a given time "
-"in the future if anything happens to you. If nothing happens to you, you can "
-"cancel the service before it's scheduled to start."
-msgstr ""
-#: ../../source/advanced.rst:60
-msgid ""
-"**Scheduling an OnionShare service to automatically stop can be useful to "
-"limit exposure**, like if you want to share secret documents while making "
-"sure they're not available on the internet for more than a few days."
-msgstr ""
-#: ../../source/advanced.rst:67 ../../source/advanced.rst:68
-msgid "Command-line Interface"
-msgstr "Bevellynkoppelvlak"
-#: ../../source/advanced.rst:69 ../../source/advanced.rst:70
-msgid ""
-"In addition to its graphical interface, OnionShare has a command-line "
-msgstr ""
-"Buiten die grafiese koppelvlak het OnionShare ook ’n bevellynkoppelvlak."
-#: ../../source/advanced.rst:71 ../../source/advanced.rst:72
-msgid ""
-"You can install just the command-line version of OnionShare using ``pip3``::"
-msgstr ""
-"U kan slegs die bevellyn-weergawe van OnionShare installeer d.m.v. ``pip3``::"
-#: ../../source/advanced.rst:75 ../../source/advanced.rst:76
-msgid ""
-"Note that you will also need the ``tor`` package installed. In macOS, "
-"install it with: ``brew install tor``"
-msgstr ""
-"Let op dat die ``tor``-pakket ook geïnstalleer moet wees. In macOS kan u dit "
-"installeer met: ``brew install tor``"
-#: ../../source/advanced.rst:77 ../../source/advanced.rst:78
-msgid "Then run it like this::"
-msgstr "Loop dit dan soos volg::"
-#: ../../source/advanced.rst:81
-msgid ""
-"For information about installing it on different operating systems, see the "
-"`CLI readme file `_ in the git repository."
-msgstr ""
-#: ../../source/advanced.rst:83
-msgid ""
-"If you installed OnionShare using the Linux Snapcraft package, you can also "
-"just run ``onionshare.cli`` to access the command-line interface version."
-msgstr ""
-#: ../../source/advanced.rst:86 ../../source/advanced.rst:87
-msgid "Usage"
-msgstr "Gebruik"
-#: ../../source/advanced.rst:88
-msgid ""
-"You can browse the command-line documentation by running ``onionshare --"
-msgstr ""
#: ../../source/advanced.rst:9
msgid ""
"Closing OnionShare tabs you host destroys them, preventing reuse. "
@@ -225,6 +52,18 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
+#: ../../source/advanced.rst:24
+msgid "Turn Off Private Key"
+msgstr "Deaktiveer privaat sleutel"
+#: ../../source/advanced.rst:26
+msgid ""
+"By default, all OnionShare services are protected with a private key, which "
+"Tor calls \"client authentication\"."
+msgstr ""
+"Alle OnionShare-dienste word by verstek met ’n privaat sleutel beskerm. Tor "
+"noem dit “klantstawing”."
#: ../../source/advanced.rst:28
msgid ""
"The Tor Browser will ask you to enter your private key when you load an "
@@ -240,6 +79,10 @@ msgid ""
"the Tor Browser."
msgstr ""
+#: ../../source/advanced.rst:37
+msgid "Custom Titles"
+msgstr "Pasgemaakte titels"
#: ../../source/advanced.rst:39
msgid ""
"When people load OnionShare services in the Tor Browser they see the default "
@@ -253,6 +96,24 @@ msgid ""
"change it."
msgstr ""
+#: ../../source/advanced.rst:45
+msgid "Scheduled Times"
+msgstr "Geskeduleerde tye"
+#: ../../source/advanced.rst:47
+msgid ""
+"OnionShare supports scheduling exactly when a service should start and stop. "
+"Before starting a server, click \"Show advanced settings\" in its tab and "
+"then check the boxes next to either \"Start onion service at scheduled "
+"time\", \"Stop onion service at scheduled time\", or both, and set the "
+"respective desired dates and times."
+msgstr ""
+"OnionShare ondersteun skedulering van wanneer ’n diens moet begin en eindig. "
+"Voordat u ’n bediener begin, klik op “Toon gevorderde instellings” in die "
+"oortjie en merk dan die kassies af langs òf “Begin onion-diens op "
+"geskeduleerde tyd”, “Eindig onion-diens op geskeduleerde tyd”, of albei en "
+"stel die onderskeie datums en tye soos verlang."
#: ../../source/advanced.rst:51
msgid ""
"Services scheduled to start in the future display a countdown timer when "
@@ -275,6 +136,35 @@ msgid ""
"outdated, you can do so for selected limited time."
msgstr ""
+#: ../../source/advanced.rst:68
+msgid "Command-line Interface"
+msgstr "Bevellynkoppelvlak"
+#: ../../source/advanced.rst:70
+msgid ""
+"In addition to its graphical interface, OnionShare has a command-line "
+msgstr ""
+"Buiten die grafiese koppelvlak het OnionShare ook ’n bevellynkoppelvlak."
+#: ../../source/advanced.rst:72
+msgid ""
+"You can install just the command-line version of OnionShare using ``pip3``::"
+msgstr ""
+"U kan slegs die bevellyn-weergawe van OnionShare installeer d.m.v. ``pip3``::"
+#: ../../source/advanced.rst:76
+msgid ""
+"Note that you will also need the ``tor`` package installed. In macOS, "
+"install it with: ``brew install tor``"
+msgstr ""
+"Let op dat die ``tor``-pakket ook geïnstalleer moet wees. In macOS kan u dit "
+"installeer met: ``brew install tor``"
+#: ../../source/advanced.rst:78
+msgid "Then run it like this::"
+msgstr "Loop dit dan soos volg::"
#: ../../source/advanced.rst:82
msgid ""
"Info about installing it on different operating systems can be found in the "
@@ -288,6 +178,10 @@ msgid ""
"``onionshare.cli`` to access the command-line interface version."
msgstr ""
+#: ../../source/advanced.rst:87
+msgid "Usage"
+msgstr "Gebruik"
#: ../../source/advanced.rst:89
msgid ""
"Browse the command-line documentation by running ``onionshare --help``::"
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msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: OnionShare 2.5\n"
-"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: onionshare-dev@lists.riseup.net\n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2022-01-17 10:28-0800\n"
+"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2023-09-05 11:30-0700\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2022-11-16 07:48+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: Gideon Wentink \n"
"Language-Team: none\n"
diff --git a/docs/source/locale/af/LC_MESSAGES/features.po b/docs/source/locale/af/LC_MESSAGES/features.po
index c43dbc04..2ad57e87 100644
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msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: OnionShare 2.5\n"
-"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: onionshare-dev@lists.riseup.net\n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2022-01-17 10:28-0800\n"
+"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2023-09-05 11:30-0700\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2022-11-01 10:03+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: Gideon Wentink \n"
"Language-Team: none\n"
diff --git a/docs/source/locale/af/LC_MESSAGES/help.po b/docs/source/locale/af/LC_MESSAGES/help.po
index 206ff496..c1321e95 100644
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msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: OnionShare 2.5\n"
-"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: onionshare-dev@lists.riseup.net\n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2022-01-17 10:28-0800\n"
+"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2023-09-05 11:30-0700\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2022-10-21 15:07+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: Gideon Wentink \n"
"Language-Team: none\n"
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msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: OnionShare 2.5\n"
-"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: onionshare-dev@lists.riseup.net\n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2022-01-17 10:28-0800\n"
+"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2023-09-05 11:30-0700\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2022-10-19 10:07+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: Gideon Wentink \n"
"Language-Team: none\n"
diff --git a/docs/source/locale/af/LC_MESSAGES/install.po b/docs/source/locale/af/LC_MESSAGES/install.po
index e7364aea..d4eb34a1 100644
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@@ -7,8 +7,8 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: OnionShare 2.5\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2023-06-06 13:07+0200\n"
-"PO-Revision-Date: 2022-11-10 05:49+0000\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2023-09-05 11:51-0700\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2024-02-10 08:02+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: Gideon Wentink \n"
"Language-Team: none\n"
"Language: af\n"
@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ msgstr ""
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=n != 1;\n"
-"X-Generator: Weblate 4.15-dev\n"
+"X-Generator: Weblate 5.4-dev\n"
#: ../../source/install.rst:2
msgid "Installation"
@@ -45,6 +45,11 @@ msgid ""
"`_ package. Flatpak and Snapcraft ensure that you'll "
"always use the newest version and run OnionShare inside of a sandbox."
msgstr ""
+"Daar is verskeie maniere om OnionShare vir Linux te installeer, maar die "
+"aanbevole manier is om òf die `Flatpak- `_ òf die "
+"`Snap- `_-pakket te gebruik. Flatpak en Snapcrat "
+"verseker dat u altyd die nuutste weergawe het en laat OnionShare binne ’n "
+"sandput loop."
#: ../../source/install.rst:17
msgid ""
@@ -52,6 +57,9 @@ msgid ""
"support, but which you use is up to you. Both work in all Linux "
msgstr ""
+"Snapcraft-ondersteuning is ingebou in Ubuntu en Fedora kom met Flatpak-"
+"ondersteuning, maar u kies wat u wil gebruik. Albei werk in alle Linux-"
#: ../../source/install.rst:19
msgid ""
@@ -62,11 +70,9 @@ msgstr ""
#: ../../source/install.rst:21
-#, fuzzy
msgid "**Install OnionShare using Snapcraft**: https://snapcraft.io/onionshare"
msgstr ""
-"**Installeer OnionShare d.m.v. Flatpak**: https://flathub.org/apps/details/"
+"**Installeer OnionShare d.m.v. Snapcraft**: https://snapcraft.io/onionshare"
#: ../../source/install.rst:23
msgid ""
@@ -77,9 +83,8 @@ msgstr ""
"installeer vanaf https://onionshare.org/dist/ indien u dit verkies."
#: ../../source/install.rst:26
-#, fuzzy
msgid "Manual Flatpak Installation"
-msgstr "Installasie"
+msgstr "Handmatige Flatpak-installasie"
#: ../../source/install.rst:28
msgid ""
@@ -87,11 +92,16 @@ msgid ""
"signed `single-file bundle `_, you can do so like this:"
msgstr ""
+"Indien u OnionShare handmatig met Flatpak met die PGP-ondertekende "
+"`enkellêerbundel `_ wil installeer, kan u dit soos volg doen:"
#: ../../source/install.rst:30
msgid ""
"Install Flatpak by following the instructions at https://flatpak.org/setup/."
msgstr ""
+"Installeer Flatpak deur die instruksies by https://flatpak.org/setup/ te "
#: ../../source/install.rst:31
msgid ""
@@ -100,12 +110,18 @@ msgid ""
"won't be downloading OnionShare from Flathub, OnionShare depends on some "
"packages that are only available there."
msgstr ""
+"Voeg die Flathub-opslagplek die deur ``flatpak remote-add --if-not-exists "
+"flathub https://flathub.org/repo/flathub.flatpakrepo`` te loop. Hoewel u nie "
+"OnionShare deur Flathub gaan aflaai nie, is OnionShare afhanklik van sommige "
+"pakkette wat slegs daar beskikbaar is."
#: ../../source/install.rst:32
msgid ""
"Go to https://onionshare.org/dist/, choose the latest version of OnionShare, "
"and download the ``.flatpak`` and ``.flatpak.asc`` files."
msgstr ""
+"Gaan na https://onionshare.org/dist/, kies die nuutste weergawe van "
+"OnionShare, en laai die ``.flatpak``- en ``.flatpak.asc``-lêers af."
#: ../../source/install.rst:33
msgid ""
@@ -119,38 +135,49 @@ msgid ""
"VERSION.flatpak``. Replace ``VERSION`` with the version number of the file "
"you downloaded."
msgstr ""
+"Installeer die ``.flatpak``-lêer deur ``flatpak install OnionShare-VERSION."
+"flatpak`` te loop. Vervang ``VERSION`` met die weergawenommer van die "
+"afgelaaide lêer."
#: ../../source/install.rst:36
msgid "You can run OnionShare with: `flatpak run org.onionshare.OnionShare`."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "U kan OnionShare loop met: `flatpak run org.onionshare.OnionShare`."
#: ../../source/install.rst:39
msgid "Manual Snapcraft Installation"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Handmatige Snapcraft-installasie"
#: ../../source/install.rst:41
msgid ""
"If you'd like to install OnionShare manually with Snapcraft using the PGP-"
"signed Snapcraft package, you can do so like this:"
msgstr ""
+"Indien u OnionShare handmatig met Snapcraft wil installeer deur die PGP-"
+"ondertekende pakket te gebruik, kan u dit soos volg doen:"
#: ../../source/install.rst:43
msgid ""
"Install Snapcraft by following the instructions at https://snapcraft.io/docs/"
msgstr ""
+"Installeer Snapcraft deur die instruksies by https://snapcraft.io/docs/"
+"installing-snapd te volg."
#: ../../source/install.rst:44
msgid ""
"Go to https://onionshare.org/dist/, choose the latest version of OnionShare, "
"and download the ``.snap`` and ``.snap.asc`` files."
msgstr ""
+"Gaan na https://onionshare.org/dist/, kies die nuutste weergawe van "
+"OnionShare en laai die ``.snap``- en ``.snap.asc``- lêers af."
#: ../../source/install.rst:45
msgid ""
"Verify the PGP signature of the ``.snap`` file. See :ref:`verifying_sigs` "
"for more info."
msgstr ""
+"Bevestig die PGP-handtekening van die ``.snap``-lêer. Sien :ref:"
+"`verifying_sigs` vir meer inligting."
#: ../../source/install.rst:46
msgid ""
@@ -160,10 +187,15 @@ msgid ""
"package is not signed by the Snapcraft store, however you did verify its PGP "
"signature, so you know it's legitimate."
msgstr ""
+"Installeer die ``.snap``-lêer deir ``snap install --dangerous "
+"onionshare_VERSION_amd64.snap`` te loop. Vervang ``VERSION`` met die "
+"weergawenommer van die afgelaaide lêer. Let daarop dat u `--dangerous` moet "
+"gebruik omdat die pakket nie deur die Snapcraft-winkel onderteken is nie. U "
+"het egter die PGP-handtekening geverifieer daarom weet u dit is wettig."
#: ../../source/install.rst:48
msgid "You can run OnionShare with: `snap run onionshare`."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "U kan OnionShare loop met: `snap run onionshare`."
#: ../../source/install.rst:53
msgid "Command-line only"
@@ -174,6 +206,9 @@ msgid ""
"You can install just the command-line version of OnionShare on any operating "
"system using the Python package manager ``pip``. :ref:`cli` has more info."
msgstr ""
+"U kan slegs die opdragreëlweergawe van OnionShare op enige bedryfstelsel "
+"installeer deur die Python-pakketbestuurder ``pip`` te gebruik. :ref:`cli` "
+"het meer inligting."
#: ../../source/install.rst:60
msgid "Verifying PGP signatures"
@@ -226,11 +261,12 @@ msgid "Signatures"
msgstr "Handtekeninge"
#: ../../source/install.rst:76
+#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"You can find the signatures (as ``.asc`` files), as well as Windows, macOS, "
"Flatpak, Snap, and source packages, at https://onionshare.org/dist/ in the "
"folders named for each version of OnionShare. You can also find them on the "
-"`GitHub Releases page `_."
+"`GitHub Releases page `_."
msgstr ""
"U kan die handtekeninge (as ``.asc``-lêers), asook Windows, macOS, Flatpak, "
"Snap en bronpakkette, by https://onionshare.org/dist/ kry in die vouers met "
@@ -245,31 +281,61 @@ msgstr "Bevestig tans"
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"Once you have imported Micah's public key into your GnuPG keychain, "
-"downloaded the binary and ``.asc`` signature, you can verify the binary for "
-"macOS in a terminal like this::"
+"downloaded the binary and ``.asc`` signature, you can verify the binary in a "
+"terminal like this:"
msgstr ""
"Sodra u Micah se openbare sleutel in u GnuPG-sleutelhouer ingevoer het, en "
"die binêr en ``.asc``-handtekening afgelaai het, kan u die binêr vir macOS "
"soos volg in ’n terminaal bevestig::"
-#: ../../source/install.rst:86
-msgid "Or for Windows, in a command-prompt like this::"
-msgstr "Of vir Windows in ’n bevelpor soos volg::"
+#: ../../source/install.rst:84
+msgid "For Windows::"
+msgstr ""
-#: ../../source/install.rst:90
+#: ../../source/install.rst:88
+msgid "For macOS::"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../source/install.rst:92
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "For Linux::"
+msgstr "Linux"
+#: ../../source/install.rst:98
+msgid "and for the source file::"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../source/install.rst:102
msgid "The expected output looks like this::"
msgstr "Die verwagte afvoer lyk soos volg::"
-#: ../../source/install.rst:102
+#: ../../source/install.rst:112
+#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"If you don't see ``Good signature from``, there might be a problem with the "
"integrity of the file (malicious or otherwise), and you should not install "
-"the package. (The ``WARNING:`` shown above, is not a problem with the "
-"package, it only means you haven't defined a level of \"trust\" of Micah's "
-"(the core developer) PGP key.)"
+"the package."
msgstr ""
+"Indien u nie ``Geldige handtekenign van`` sien nie is daar dalk ’n probleem "
+"met die lêer se integriteit (kwaadwillig of andersins), en u moet nie die "
+"pakket installeer nie. (Die ``WAARSKUWING:`` hier bo is nie ’n probleem met "
+"die pakket nie, dit beteken slegs dat u nie ’n vlak van “vertroue” van Micah "
+"(die kernontwikkelaar) se PGP-sleutel gedefinieer het nie.)"
-#: ../../source/install.rst:104
+#: ../../source/install.rst:114
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"The ``WARNING:`` shown above, is not a problem with the package, it only "
+"means you haven't defined a level of \"trust\" of Micah's (the core "
+"developer) PGP key."
+msgstr ""
+"Indien u nie ``Geldige handtekenign van`` sien nie is daar dalk ’n probleem "
+"met die lêer se integriteit (kwaadwillig of andersins), en u moet nie die "
+"pakket installeer nie. (Die ``WAARSKUWING:`` hier bo is nie ’n probleem met "
+"die pakket nie, dit beteken slegs dat u nie ’n vlak van “vertroue” van Micah "
+"(die kernontwikkelaar) se PGP-sleutel gedefinieer het nie.)"
+#: ../../source/install.rst:116
msgid ""
"If you want to learn more about verifying PGP signatures, the guides for "
"`Qubes OS `_ and "
@@ -280,3 +346,6 @@ msgstr ""
"handleidings vir `Qubes OS `_ en die `Tor Project `_ handig wees."
+#~ msgid "Or for Windows, in a command-prompt like this::"
+#~ msgstr "Of vir Windows in ’n bevelpor soos volg::"
diff --git a/docs/source/locale/af/LC_MESSAGES/security.po b/docs/source/locale/af/LC_MESSAGES/security.po
index 4cfbee0b..db662ef2 100644
--- a/docs/source/locale/af/LC_MESSAGES/security.po
+++ b/docs/source/locale/af/LC_MESSAGES/security.po
@@ -6,8 +6,8 @@
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: OnionShare 2.5\n"
-"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: onionshare-dev@lists.riseup.net\n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2022-01-17 10:28-0800\n"
+"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2023-09-05 11:30-0700\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2023-07-04 03:02+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: Gideon Wentink \n"
"Language-Team: none\n"
@@ -39,18 +39,19 @@ msgstr "Waarteen OnionShare beskerm"
msgid ""
"**Third parties don't have access to anything that happens in OnionShare.** "
"Using OnionShare means hosting services directly on your computer. When "
-"sharing files with OnionShare, they are not uploaded to any server. If you "
-"make an OnionShare chat room, your computer acts as a server for that too. "
-"This avoids the traditional model of having to trust the computers of others."
+"sharing your files with OnionShare, they are not uploaded to any third-party "
+"server. If you make an OnionShare chat room, your computer acts as a server "
+"for that too. This avoids the traditional model of having to trust the "
+"computers of others."
msgstr ""
"**Derdepartye het nie toegang tot enigiets wat in OnionShare gebeur nie.** "
-"Die gebruik van OnionShare beteken dat dienste direk op u rekenaar gehuisves "
-"word. Wanneer u lêers met OnionShare deel word dit na geen bediener opgelaai "
-"nie. Indien u ’n OnionShare-kletskamer skep, tree u rekenaar ook as gasheer "
-"daarvoor op. Dit voorkom die tradisionele model waar ander se rekenaars "
-"vertrou moet word."
+"Gebruik van OnionShare beteken dat dienste direk op u rekenaar gehuisves "
+"word. Wanneer u u lêers met OnionShare deel word dit nie na ’n "
+"derdepartybediener opgelaai nie. Indien u ’n OnionShare-kletskamer skep, "
+"dien u rekenaar as bediener daarvoor ook. Dit vermy die tradisionele model "
+"waar ander se rekenaars vertrou moet word."
-#: ../../source/security.rst:13 ../../source/security.rst:17
+#: ../../source/security.rst:17
msgid ""
"**Network eavesdroppers can't spy on anything that happens in OnionShare in "
"transit.** The connection between the Tor onion service and Tor Browser is "
@@ -68,7 +69,7 @@ msgstr ""
"Tor Browser met die oniondiens van OnionShare te verbind, word die verkeer "
"met die oniondiens se privaat sleutel geënkripteer."
-#: ../../source/security.rst:15 ../../source/security.rst:23
+#: ../../source/security.rst:23
msgid ""
"**Anonymity of OnionShare users are protected by Tor.** OnionShare and Tor "
"Browser protect the anonymity of the users. As long as the OnionShare user "
@@ -82,82 +83,6 @@ msgstr ""
"kommunikeer, kan Tor Browser-gebruikers en afluisteraars nie die identiteit "
"van die OnionShare-gebruiker nie agterhaal nie."
-#: ../../source/security.rst:17
-msgid ""
-"**If an attacker learns about the onion service, it still can't access "
-"anything.** Prior attacks against the Tor network to enumerate onion "
-"services allowed the attacker to discover private ``.onion`` addresses. If "
-"an attack discovers a private OnionShare address, they will also need to "
-"guess the private key used for client authentication in order to access it "
-"(unless the OnionShare user chooses make their service public by turning off "
-"the private key -- see :ref:`turn_off_private_key`)."
-msgstr ""
-"**Indien ’n aanvaller van die onion-diens te hore kom, is dit steeds "
-"ontoeganklik.** Vorige aanvalle op die Tor-netwerk om onion-dienste op te "
-"gee het die aanvaller in staat gestel om privaat ``.onion``-adresse te "
-"ontdek. Indien ’n aanval ’n privaat OnionShare-adres ontdek, sal hulle ook "
-"die privaat sleutel wat vir klantstawing nodig is, moet raai om toegang "
-"daartoe te kry (tensy die OnionShare-gebruiker kies om hul diens openbaar te "
-"maak deur die privaat sleutel te deaktiveer -- "
-#: ../../source/security.rst:20 ../../source/security.rst:33
-msgid "What OnionShare doesn't protect against"
-msgstr "Waarteen OnionShare nie beskerm nie"
-#: ../../source/security.rst:22
-msgid ""
-"**Communicating the OnionShare address and private key might not be secure."
-"** Communicating the OnionShare address to people is the responsibility of "
-"the OnionShare user. If sent insecurely (such as through an email message "
-"monitored by an attacker), an eavesdropper can tell that OnionShare is being "
-"used. If the eavesdropper loads the address in Tor Browser while the service "
-"is still up, they can access it. To avoid this, the address must be "
-"communicated securely, via encrypted text message (probably with "
-"disappearing messages enabled), encrypted email, or in person. This isn't "
-"necessary when using OnionShare for something that isn't secret."
-msgstr ""
-"**Bekendmaking van die OnionShare-adres en privaat sleutel is dalk "
-"onveilig.** Om die OnionShare-adres aan mense te kommunikeer is die "
-"verantwoordelikheid van die OnionShare-gebruiker. Indien dit onveilig "
-"verstuur is (soos deur ’n e-posboodskap wat deur ’n aanvaller dopgehou word)"
-", kan ’n luistervink vasstel of daardie OnionShare-gebruik word. Indien die "
-"luistervink die adres in Tor Blaaier laai terwyl die diens aktief is, kry "
-"hulle toegang daartoe. Om dit te vermy moet die adres veilig gekommunikeer "
-"word d.m.v. geënkripteerde teksboodskap (waarskynlik met verdwynboodskappe "
-"geaktiveer), geënkripteerde e-pos of in persoon. Dit is onnodig wanneer "
-"OnionShare vir iets wat nie geheim is nie, gebruik word."
-#: ../../source/security.rst:24
-msgid ""
-"**Communicating the OnionShare address and private key might not be "
-"anonymous.** Extra precautions must be taken to ensure the OnionShare "
-"address is communicated anonymously. A new email or chat account, only "
-"accessed over Tor, can be used to share the address. This isn't necessary "
-"unless anonymity is a goal."
-msgstr ""
-"**Bekendmaking van die OnionShare-adres en privaat sleutel is dalk nie "
-"anoniem nie.** Ekstra voorsorg moet getref word om te verseker dat die "
-"OnionShare-adres anoniem gekommunikeer word. ’n Nuwe e-posadres of "
-"kletsrekening wat slegs oor Tor bereik kan word, kan gebruik word om die "
-"adres te deel. Dit is onnodig tensy anonimiteit ’n doel is."
-#: ../../source/security.rst:11
-msgid ""
-"**Third parties don't have access to anything that happens in OnionShare.** "
-"Using OnionShare means hosting services directly on your computer. When "
-"sharing your files with OnionShare, they are not uploaded to any third-party "
-"server. If you make an OnionShare chat room, your computer acts as a server "
-"for that too. This avoids the traditional model of having to trust the "
-"computers of others."
-msgstr ""
-"**Derdepartye het nie toegang tot enigiets wat in OnionShare gebeur nie.** "
-"Gebruik van OnionShare beteken dat dienste direk op u rekenaar gehuisves "
-"word. Wanneer u u lêers met OnionShare deel word dit nie na ’n "
-"derdepartybediener opgelaai nie. Indien u ’n OnionShare-kletskamer skep, "
-"dien u rekenaar as bediener daarvoor ook. Dit vermy die tradisionele model "
-"waar ander se rekenaars vertrou moet word."
#: ../../source/security.rst:28
msgid ""
"**If an attacker learns about the onion service, they still can't access "
@@ -175,6 +100,10 @@ msgstr ""
"diens reeds openbaar gemaak is deur die privaat sleutel te deaktiveer -- "
"sien \"ref\"`turn_off_private_key`)."
+#: ../../source/security.rst:33
+msgid "What OnionShare doesn't protect against"
+msgstr "Waarteen OnionShare nie beskerm nie"
#: ../../source/security.rst:35
msgid ""
"**Communicating the OnionShare address and private key might not be secure."
@@ -187,11 +116,11 @@ msgid ""
"messages enabled), encrypted e-mail, or in person. This isn't necessary when "
"using OnionShare for something that isn't secret."
msgstr ""
-"**Bekendmaking van die OnionShare-adres en privaat sleutel is dalk "
-"onveilig.** Om die OnionShare-adres aan mense te kommunikeer is die "
+"**Bekendmaking van die OnionShare-adres en privaat sleutel is dalk onveilig."
+"** Om die OnionShare-adres aan mense te kommunikeer is die "
"verantwoordelikheid van die OnionShare-gebruiker. Indien dit onveilig "
-"verstuur is (soos deur ’n e-posboodskap wat deur ’n aanvaller dopgehou word)"
-", kan ’n luistervink vasstel of daardie OnionShare-gebruik word. "
+"verstuur is (soos deur ’n e-posboodskap wat deur ’n aanvaller dopgehou "
+"word), kan ’n luistervink vasstel of daardie OnionShare-gebruik word. "
"Luistervinke kry toegang tot bedieners wat loop deur hul adres en/of verlore "
"sleutel in die Tor Blaaier te laai. Vermy dit deur die adres veilig te "
"kommunikeer d.m.v. geënkripteerde teksboodskap (waarskynlik met "
@@ -211,3 +140,73 @@ msgstr ""
"OnionShare-adres anoniem gekommunikeer word. ’n Nuwe e-pos- of kletsrekening "
"wat slegs oor Tor bereik kan word, kan gebruik word om die adres te deel. "
"Dit is onnodig tensy anonimiteit ’n doel is."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "**Third parties don't have access to anything that happens in OnionShare."
+#~ "** Using OnionShare means hosting services directly on your computer. "
+#~ "When sharing files with OnionShare, they are not uploaded to any server. "
+#~ "If you make an OnionShare chat room, your computer acts as a server for "
+#~ "that too. This avoids the traditional model of having to trust the "
+#~ "computers of others."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "**Derdepartye het nie toegang tot enigiets wat in OnionShare gebeur nie."
+#~ "** Die gebruik van OnionShare beteken dat dienste direk op u rekenaar "
+#~ "gehuisves word. Wanneer u lêers met OnionShare deel word dit na geen "
+#~ "bediener opgelaai nie. Indien u ’n OnionShare-kletskamer skep, tree u "
+#~ "rekenaar ook as gasheer daarvoor op. Dit voorkom die tradisionele model "
+#~ "waar ander se rekenaars vertrou moet word."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "**If an attacker learns about the onion service, it still can't access "
+#~ "anything.** Prior attacks against the Tor network to enumerate onion "
+#~ "services allowed the attacker to discover private ``.onion`` addresses. "
+#~ "If an attack discovers a private OnionShare address, they will also need "
+#~ "to guess the private key used for client authentication in order to "
+#~ "access it (unless the OnionShare user chooses make their service public "
+#~ "by turning off the private key -- see :ref:`turn_off_private_key`)."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "**Indien ’n aanvaller van die onion-diens te hore kom, is dit steeds "
+#~ "ontoeganklik.** Vorige aanvalle op die Tor-netwerk om onion-dienste op te "
+#~ "gee het die aanvaller in staat gestel om privaat ``.onion``-adresse te "
+#~ "ontdek. Indien ’n aanval ’n privaat OnionShare-adres ontdek, sal hulle "
+#~ "ook die privaat sleutel wat vir klantstawing nodig is, moet raai om "
+#~ "toegang daartoe te kry (tensy die OnionShare-gebruiker kies om hul diens "
+#~ "openbaar te maak deur die privaat sleutel te deaktiveer -- sien:ref:"
+#~ "`turn_off_private_key`)."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "**Communicating the OnionShare address and private key might not be "
+#~ "secure.** Communicating the OnionShare address to people is the "
+#~ "responsibility of the OnionShare user. If sent insecurely (such as "
+#~ "through an email message monitored by an attacker), an eavesdropper can "
+#~ "tell that OnionShare is being used. If the eavesdropper loads the address "
+#~ "in Tor Browser while the service is still up, they can access it. To "
+#~ "avoid this, the address must be communicated securely, via encrypted text "
+#~ "message (probably with disappearing messages enabled), encrypted email, "
+#~ "or in person. This isn't necessary when using OnionShare for something "
+#~ "that isn't secret."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "**Bekendmaking van die OnionShare-adres en privaat sleutel is dalk "
+#~ "onveilig.** Om die OnionShare-adres aan mense te kommunikeer is die "
+#~ "verantwoordelikheid van die OnionShare-gebruiker. Indien dit onveilig "
+#~ "verstuur is (soos deur ’n e-posboodskap wat deur ’n aanvaller dopgehou "
+#~ "word), kan ’n luistervink vasstel of daardie OnionShare-gebruik word. "
+#~ "Indien die luistervink die adres in Tor Blaaier laai terwyl die diens "
+#~ "aktief is, kry hulle toegang daartoe. Om dit te vermy moet die adres "
+#~ "veilig gekommunikeer word d.m.v. geënkripteerde teksboodskap (waarskynlik "
+#~ "met verdwynboodskappe geaktiveer), geënkripteerde e-pos of in persoon. "
+#~ "Dit is onnodig wanneer OnionShare vir iets wat nie geheim is nie, gebruik "
+#~ "word."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "**Communicating the OnionShare address and private key might not be "
+#~ "anonymous.** Extra precautions must be taken to ensure the OnionShare "
+#~ "address is communicated anonymously. A new email or chat account, only "
+#~ "accessed over Tor, can be used to share the address. This isn't necessary "
+#~ "unless anonymity is a goal."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "**Bekendmaking van die OnionShare-adres en privaat sleutel is dalk nie "
+#~ "anoniem nie.** Ekstra voorsorg moet getref word om te verseker dat die "
+#~ "OnionShare-adres anoniem gekommunikeer word. ’n Nuwe e-posadres of "
+#~ "kletsrekening wat slegs oor Tor bereik kan word, kan gebruik word om die "
+#~ "adres te deel. Dit is onnodig tensy anonimiteit ’n doel is."
diff --git a/docs/source/locale/af/LC_MESSAGES/sphinx.po b/docs/source/locale/af/LC_MESSAGES/sphinx.po
index 728c3419..0f3efff7 100644
--- a/docs/source/locale/af/LC_MESSAGES/sphinx.po
+++ b/docs/source/locale/af/LC_MESSAGES/sphinx.po
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: OnionShare 2.5\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2022-10-09 15:01-0700\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2023-09-05 11:30-0700\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2022-10-19 10:07+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: Gideon Wentink \n"
"Language-Team: none\n"
diff --git a/docs/source/locale/af/LC_MESSAGES/tor.po b/docs/source/locale/af/LC_MESSAGES/tor.po
index 23191c32..5957c5de 100644
--- a/docs/source/locale/af/LC_MESSAGES/tor.po
+++ b/docs/source/locale/af/LC_MESSAGES/tor.po
@@ -6,8 +6,8 @@
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: OnionShare 2.5\n"
-"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: onionshare-dev@lists.riseup.net\n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2023-06-06 13:07+0200\n"
+"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2023-09-05 11:30-0700\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2023-07-05 12:52+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: Gideon Wentink \n"
"Language-Team: none\n"
@@ -211,8 +211,8 @@ msgstr "**Gebruik van brûe**"
#: ../../source/tor.rst:78
msgid ""
-"To use a bridge, you must select \"Use the Tor version built into OnionShare"
-"\" and check the \"Use a bridge\" checkbox."
+"To use a bridge, you must select \"Use the Tor version built into "
+"OnionShare\" and check the \"Use a bridge\" checkbox."
msgstr ""
"Om ’n brug te gebruik moet u “Gebruik die Tor-weergawe wat by OnionShare "
"ingebou is” kies en die “Gebruik ’n brug”-kassie afmerk."
@@ -347,8 +347,8 @@ msgstr ""
"instellingsoortjie. Kies “Koppel d.m.v. kontrolepoort” onder “Hoe moet "
"OnionShare aan Tor koppel?” en stel “Kontrolepoort” op ```` en "
"“Poort” op ``9051``. Kies “Wagwoord” onder “Tor-stawingsinstellings” en stel "
-"die wagwoord vir die kontrolepoortwagwoord wat u bo gekies het. Klik die “"
-"Toets koppeling na Tor”-knop. Indien alles goed afloop, sal u “Gekoppel aan "
+"die wagwoord vir die kontrolepoortwagwoord wat u bo gekies het. Klik die "
+"“Toets koppeling na Tor”-knop. Indien alles goed afloop, sal u “Gekoppel aan "
"die Tor-beheerder” sien."
#: ../../source/tor.rst:134
@@ -427,8 +427,8 @@ msgstr ""
#: ../../source/tor.rst:170
msgid ""
-"Reboot your computer. After it boots up again, open OnionShare, click the \"⚙"
-"\" icon in it, and switch to the Tor Settings tab. Under \"How should "
+"Reboot your computer. After it boots up again, open OnionShare, click the "
+"\"⚙\" icon in it, and switch to the Tor Settings tab. Under \"How should "
"OnionShare connect to Tor?\" choose \"Connect using socket file\". Set the "
"socket file to be ``/var/run/tor/control``. Under \"Tor authentication "
"settings\" choose \"No authentication, or cookie authentication\". Click the "
diff --git a/docs/source/locale/am/LC_MESSAGES/advanced.po b/docs/source/locale/am/LC_MESSAGES/advanced.po
index 24ad6ba5..3b1f0abb 100644
--- a/docs/source/locale/am/LC_MESSAGES/advanced.po
+++ b/docs/source/locale/am/LC_MESSAGES/advanced.po
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: OnionShare 2.5\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2022-01-17 10:28-0800\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2023-09-05 11:30-0700\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n"
"Last-Translator: Automatically generated\n"
"Language-Team: none\n"
@@ -24,168 +24,6 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Save Tabs"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../source/advanced.rst:9
-msgid ""
-"Everything in OnionShare is temporary by default. If you close an OnionShare "
-"tab, its address no longer exists and it can't be used again. Sometimes you "
-"might want an OnionShare service to be persistent. This is useful if you "
-"want to host a website available from the same OnionShare address even if "
-"you reboot your computer."
-msgstr ""
-#: ../../source/advanced.rst:13
-msgid ""
-"To make any tab persistent, check the \"Save this tab, and automatically "
-"open it when I open OnionShare\" box before starting the server. When a tab "
-"is saved a purple pin icon appears to the left of its server status."
-msgstr ""
-#: ../../source/advanced.rst:18
-msgid ""
-"When you quit OnionShare and then open it again, your saved tabs will start "
-"opened. You'll have to manually start each service, but when you do they "
-"will start with the same OnionShare address and private key."
-msgstr ""
-#: ../../source/advanced.rst:21
-msgid ""
-"If you save a tab, a copy of that tab's onion service secret key will be "
-"stored on your computer with your OnionShare settings."
-msgstr ""
-#: ../../source/advanced.rst:26 ../../source/advanced.rst:24
-msgid "Turn Off Private Key"
-msgstr ""
-#: ../../source/advanced.rst:28 ../../source/advanced.rst:26
-msgid ""
-"By default, all OnionShare services are protected with a private key, which "
-"Tor calls \"client authentication\"."
-msgstr ""
-#: ../../source/advanced.rst:30
-msgid ""
-"When browsing to an OnionShare service in Tor Browser, Tor Browser will "
-"prompt for the private key to be entered."
-msgstr ""
-#: ../../source/advanced.rst:32
-msgid ""
-"Sometimes you might want your OnionShare service to be accessible to the "
-"public, like if you want to set up an OnionShare receive service so the "
-"public can securely and anonymously send you files. In this case, it's "
-"better to disable the private key altogether."
-msgstr ""
-#: ../../source/advanced.rst:35
-msgid ""
-"To turn off the private key for any tab, check the \"This is a public "
-"OnionShare service (disables private key)\" box before starting the server. "
-"Then the server will be public and won't need a private key to view in Tor "
-msgstr ""
-#: ../../source/advanced.rst:40 ../../source/advanced.rst:37
-msgid "Custom Titles"
-msgstr ""
-#: ../../source/advanced.rst:42
-msgid ""
-"By default, when people load an OnionShare service in Tor Browser they see "
-"the default title for the type of service. For example, the default title of "
-"a chat service is \"OnionShare Chat\"."
-msgstr ""
-#: ../../source/advanced.rst:44
-msgid ""
-"If you want to choose a custom title, set the \"Custom title\" setting "
-"before starting a server."
-msgstr ""
-#: ../../source/advanced.rst:47 ../../source/advanced.rst:45
-msgid "Scheduled Times"
-msgstr ""
-#: ../../source/advanced.rst:49 ../../source/advanced.rst:47
-msgid ""
-"OnionShare supports scheduling exactly when a service should start and stop. "
-"Before starting a server, click \"Show advanced settings\" in its tab and "
-"then check the boxes next to either \"Start onion service at scheduled time"
-"\", \"Stop onion service at scheduled time\", or both, and set the "
-"respective desired dates and times."
-msgstr ""
-#: ../../source/advanced.rst:52
-msgid ""
-"If you scheduled a service to start in the future, when you click the "
-"\"Start sharing\" button you will see a timer counting down until it starts. "
-"If you scheduled it to stop in the future, after it's started you will see a "
-"timer counting down to when it will stop automatically."
-msgstr ""
-#: ../../source/advanced.rst:55
-msgid ""
-"**Scheduling an OnionShare service to automatically start can be used as a "
-"dead man's switch**, where your service will be made public at a given time "
-"in the future if anything happens to you. If nothing happens to you, you can "
-"cancel the service before it's scheduled to start."
-msgstr ""
-#: ../../source/advanced.rst:60
-msgid ""
-"**Scheduling an OnionShare service to automatically stop can be useful to "
-"limit exposure**, like if you want to share secret documents while making "
-"sure they're not available on the internet for more than a few days."
-msgstr ""
-#: ../../source/advanced.rst:67 ../../source/advanced.rst:68
-msgid "Command-line Interface"
-msgstr ""
-#: ../../source/advanced.rst:69 ../../source/advanced.rst:70
-msgid ""
-"In addition to its graphical interface, OnionShare has a command-line "
-msgstr ""
-#: ../../source/advanced.rst:71 ../../source/advanced.rst:72
-msgid ""
-"You can install just the command-line version of OnionShare using ``pip3``::"
-msgstr ""
-#: ../../source/advanced.rst:75 ../../source/advanced.rst:76
-msgid ""
-"Note that you will also need the ``tor`` package installed. In macOS, "
-"install it with: ``brew install tor``"
-msgstr ""
-#: ../../source/advanced.rst:77 ../../source/advanced.rst:78
-msgid "Then run it like this::"
-msgstr ""
-#: ../../source/advanced.rst:81
-msgid ""
-"For information about installing it on different operating systems, see the "
-"`CLI readme file `_ in the git repository."
-msgstr ""
-#: ../../source/advanced.rst:83
-msgid ""
-"If you installed OnionShare using the Linux Snapcraft package, you can also "
-"just run ``onionshare.cli`` to access the command-line interface version."
-msgstr ""
-#: ../../source/advanced.rst:86 ../../source/advanced.rst:87
-msgid "Usage"
-msgstr ""
-#: ../../source/advanced.rst:88
-msgid ""
-"You can browse the command-line documentation by running ``onionshare --"
-msgstr ""
#: ../../source/advanced.rst:9
msgid ""
"Closing OnionShare tabs you host destroys them, preventing reuse. "
@@ -212,6 +50,16 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
+#: ../../source/advanced.rst:24
+msgid "Turn Off Private Key"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../source/advanced.rst:26
+msgid ""
+"By default, all OnionShare services are protected with a private key, which "
+"Tor calls \"client authentication\"."
+msgstr ""
#: ../../source/advanced.rst:28
msgid ""
"The Tor Browser will ask you to enter your private key when you load an "
@@ -227,6 +75,10 @@ msgid ""
"the Tor Browser."
msgstr ""
+#: ../../source/advanced.rst:37
+msgid "Custom Titles"
+msgstr ""
#: ../../source/advanced.rst:39
msgid ""
"When people load OnionShare services in the Tor Browser they see the default "
@@ -240,6 +92,19 @@ msgid ""
"change it."
msgstr ""
+#: ../../source/advanced.rst:45
+msgid "Scheduled Times"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../source/advanced.rst:47
+msgid ""
+"OnionShare supports scheduling exactly when a service should start and stop. "
+"Before starting a server, click \"Show advanced settings\" in its tab and "
+"then check the boxes next to either \"Start onion service at scheduled "
+"time\", \"Stop onion service at scheduled time\", or both, and set the "
+"respective desired dates and times."
+msgstr ""
#: ../../source/advanced.rst:51
msgid ""
"Services scheduled to start in the future display a countdown timer when "
@@ -262,6 +127,31 @@ msgid ""
"outdated, you can do so for selected limited time."
msgstr ""
+#: ../../source/advanced.rst:68
+msgid "Command-line Interface"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../source/advanced.rst:70
+msgid ""
+"In addition to its graphical interface, OnionShare has a command-line "
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../source/advanced.rst:72
+msgid ""
+"You can install just the command-line version of OnionShare using ``pip3``::"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../source/advanced.rst:76
+msgid ""
+"Note that you will also need the ``tor`` package installed. In macOS, "
+"install it with: ``brew install tor``"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../source/advanced.rst:78
+msgid "Then run it like this::"
+msgstr ""
#: ../../source/advanced.rst:82
msgid ""
"Info about installing it on different operating systems can be found in the "
@@ -275,6 +165,10 @@ msgid ""
"``onionshare.cli`` to access the command-line interface version."
msgstr ""
+#: ../../source/advanced.rst:87
+msgid "Usage"
+msgstr ""
#: ../../source/advanced.rst:89
msgid ""
"Browse the command-line documentation by running ``onionshare --help``::"
diff --git a/docs/source/locale/am/LC_MESSAGES/develop.po b/docs/source/locale/am/LC_MESSAGES/develop.po
index 7778135b..d8abe583 100644
--- a/docs/source/locale/am/LC_MESSAGES/develop.po
+++ b/docs/source/locale/am/LC_MESSAGES/develop.po
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: OnionShare 2.5\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2022-01-17 10:28-0800\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2023-09-05 11:30-0700\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n"
"Last-Translator: Automatically generated\n"
"Language-Team: none\n"
diff --git a/docs/source/locale/am/LC_MESSAGES/features.po b/docs/source/locale/am/LC_MESSAGES/features.po
index e500a84b..a441fafe 100644
--- a/docs/source/locale/am/LC_MESSAGES/features.po
+++ b/docs/source/locale/am/LC_MESSAGES/features.po
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: OnionShare 2.5\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2022-01-17 10:28-0800\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2023-09-05 11:30-0700\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n"
"Last-Translator: Automatically generated\n"
"Language-Team: none\n"
diff --git a/docs/source/locale/am/LC_MESSAGES/help.po b/docs/source/locale/am/LC_MESSAGES/help.po
index b138e702..70be77ce 100644
--- a/docs/source/locale/am/LC_MESSAGES/help.po
+++ b/docs/source/locale/am/LC_MESSAGES/help.po
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: OnionShare 2.5\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2022-01-17 10:28-0800\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2023-09-05 11:30-0700\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n"
"Last-Translator: Automatically generated\n"
"Language-Team: none\n"
diff --git a/docs/source/locale/am/LC_MESSAGES/index.po b/docs/source/locale/am/LC_MESSAGES/index.po
index f49cae41..50be602e 100644
--- a/docs/source/locale/am/LC_MESSAGES/index.po
+++ b/docs/source/locale/am/LC_MESSAGES/index.po
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: OnionShare 2.5\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2022-01-17 10:28-0800\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2023-09-05 11:30-0700\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n"
"Last-Translator: Automatically generated\n"
"Language-Team: none\n"
diff --git a/docs/source/locale/am/LC_MESSAGES/install.po b/docs/source/locale/am/LC_MESSAGES/install.po
index 38ac8d7e..09fbd534 100644
--- a/docs/source/locale/am/LC_MESSAGES/install.po
+++ b/docs/source/locale/am/LC_MESSAGES/install.po
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: OnionShare 2.5\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2023-06-06 13:07+0200\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2023-09-05 11:51-0700\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n"
"Last-Translator: Automatically generated\n"
"Language-Team: none\n"
@@ -205,7 +205,7 @@ msgid ""
"You can find the signatures (as ``.asc`` files), as well as Windows, macOS, "
"Flatpak, Snap, and source packages, at https://onionshare.org/dist/ in the "
"folders named for each version of OnionShare. You can also find them on the "
-"`GitHub Releases page `_."
+"`GitHub Releases page `_."
msgstr ""
#: ../../source/install.rst:80
@@ -215,28 +215,45 @@ msgstr ""
#: ../../source/install.rst:82
msgid ""
"Once you have imported Micah's public key into your GnuPG keychain, "
-"downloaded the binary and ``.asc`` signature, you can verify the binary for "
-"macOS in a terminal like this::"
+"downloaded the binary and ``.asc`` signature, you can verify the binary in a "
+"terminal like this:"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../source/install.rst:86
-msgid "Or for Windows, in a command-prompt like this::"
+#: ../../source/install.rst:84
+msgid "For Windows::"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../source/install.rst:90
-msgid "The expected output looks like this::"
+#: ../../source/install.rst:88
+msgid "For macOS::"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../source/install.rst:92
+msgid "For Linux::"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../source/install.rst:98
+msgid "and for the source file::"
msgstr ""
#: ../../source/install.rst:102
+msgid "The expected output looks like this::"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../source/install.rst:112
msgid ""
"If you don't see ``Good signature from``, there might be a problem with the "
"integrity of the file (malicious or otherwise), and you should not install "
-"the package. (The ``WARNING:`` shown above, is not a problem with the "
-"package, it only means you haven't defined a level of \"trust\" of Micah's "
-"(the core developer) PGP key.)"
+"the package."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../source/install.rst:104
+#: ../../source/install.rst:114
+msgid ""
+"The ``WARNING:`` shown above, is not a problem with the package, it only "
+"means you haven't defined a level of \"trust\" of Micah's (the core "
+"developer) PGP key."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../source/install.rst:116
msgid ""
"If you want to learn more about verifying PGP signatures, the guides for "
"`Qubes OS `_ and "
diff --git a/docs/source/locale/am/LC_MESSAGES/security.po b/docs/source/locale/am/LC_MESSAGES/security.po
index 00a55681..5116b8c0 100644
--- a/docs/source/locale/am/LC_MESSAGES/security.po
+++ b/docs/source/locale/am/LC_MESSAGES/security.po
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: OnionShare 2.5\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2022-01-17 10:28-0800\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2023-09-05 11:30-0700\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n"
"Last-Translator: Automatically generated\n"
"Language-Team: none\n"
@@ -36,12 +36,13 @@ msgstr ""
msgid ""
"**Third parties don't have access to anything that happens in OnionShare.** "
"Using OnionShare means hosting services directly on your computer. When "
-"sharing files with OnionShare, they are not uploaded to any server. If you "
-"make an OnionShare chat room, your computer acts as a server for that too. "
-"This avoids the traditional model of having to trust the computers of others."
+"sharing your files with OnionShare, they are not uploaded to any third-party "
+"server. If you make an OnionShare chat room, your computer acts as a server "
+"for that too. This avoids the traditional model of having to trust the "
+"computers of others."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../source/security.rst:13 ../../source/security.rst:17
+#: ../../source/security.rst:17
msgid ""
"**Network eavesdroppers can't spy on anything that happens in OnionShare in "
"transit.** The connection between the Tor onion service and Tor Browser is "
@@ -52,7 +53,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
-#: ../../source/security.rst:15 ../../source/security.rst:23
+#: ../../source/security.rst:23
msgid ""
"**Anonymity of OnionShare users are protected by Tor.** OnionShare and Tor "
"Browser protect the anonymity of the users. As long as the OnionShare user "
@@ -61,53 +62,6 @@ msgid ""
"OnionShare user."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../source/security.rst:17
-msgid ""
-"**If an attacker learns about the onion service, it still can't access "
-"anything.** Prior attacks against the Tor network to enumerate onion "
-"services allowed the attacker to discover private ``.onion`` addresses. If "
-"an attack discovers a private OnionShare address, they will also need to "
-"guess the private key used for client authentication in order to access it "
-"(unless the OnionShare user chooses make their service public by turning off "
-"the private key -- see :ref:`turn_off_private_key`)."
-msgstr ""
-#: ../../source/security.rst:20 ../../source/security.rst:33
-msgid "What OnionShare doesn't protect against"
-msgstr ""
-#: ../../source/security.rst:22
-msgid ""
-"**Communicating the OnionShare address and private key might not be secure."
-"** Communicating the OnionShare address to people is the responsibility of "
-"the OnionShare user. If sent insecurely (such as through an email message "
-"monitored by an attacker), an eavesdropper can tell that OnionShare is being "
-"used. If the eavesdropper loads the address in Tor Browser while the service "
-"is still up, they can access it. To avoid this, the address must be "
-"communicated securely, via encrypted text message (probably with "
-"disappearing messages enabled), encrypted email, or in person. This isn't "
-"necessary when using OnionShare for something that isn't secret."
-msgstr ""
-#: ../../source/security.rst:24
-msgid ""
-"**Communicating the OnionShare address and private key might not be "
-"anonymous.** Extra precautions must be taken to ensure the OnionShare "
-"address is communicated anonymously. A new email or chat account, only "
-"accessed over Tor, can be used to share the address. This isn't necessary "
-"unless anonymity is a goal."
-msgstr ""
-#: ../../source/security.rst:11
-msgid ""
-"**Third parties don't have access to anything that happens in OnionShare.** "
-"Using OnionShare means hosting services directly on your computer. When "
-"sharing your files with OnionShare, they are not uploaded to any third-party "
-"server. If you make an OnionShare chat room, your computer acts as a server "
-"for that too. This avoids the traditional model of having to trust the "
-"computers of others."
-msgstr ""
#: ../../source/security.rst:28
msgid ""
"**If an attacker learns about the onion service, they still can't access "
@@ -118,6 +72,10 @@ msgid ""
"public by turning off the private key -- see :ref:`turn_off_private_key`)."
msgstr ""
+#: ../../source/security.rst:33
+msgid "What OnionShare doesn't protect against"
+msgstr ""
#: ../../source/security.rst:35
msgid ""
"**Communicating the OnionShare address and private key might not be secure."
diff --git a/docs/source/locale/am/LC_MESSAGES/sphinx.po b/docs/source/locale/am/LC_MESSAGES/sphinx.po
index 88fe95e5..c42070df 100644
--- a/docs/source/locale/am/LC_MESSAGES/sphinx.po
+++ b/docs/source/locale/am/LC_MESSAGES/sphinx.po
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: OnionShare 2.5\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2022-10-09 15:01-0700\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2023-09-05 11:30-0700\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n"
"Last-Translator: Automatically generated\n"
"Language-Team: none\n"
diff --git a/docs/source/locale/am/LC_MESSAGES/tor.po b/docs/source/locale/am/LC_MESSAGES/tor.po
index b5ab84bf..54f23d1f 100644
--- a/docs/source/locale/am/LC_MESSAGES/tor.po
+++ b/docs/source/locale/am/LC_MESSAGES/tor.po
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: OnionShare 2.5\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2023-06-06 13:07+0200\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2023-09-05 11:30-0700\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n"
"Last-Translator: Automatically generated\n"
"Language-Team: none\n"
@@ -197,8 +197,8 @@ msgstr ""
#: ../../source/tor.rst:78
msgid ""
-"To use a bridge, you must select \"Use the Tor version built into OnionShare"
-"\" and check the \"Use a bridge\" checkbox."
+"To use a bridge, you must select \"Use the Tor version built into "
+"OnionShare\" and check the \"Use a bridge\" checkbox."
msgstr ""
#: ../../source/tor.rst:80
@@ -354,8 +354,8 @@ msgstr ""
#: ../../source/tor.rst:170
msgid ""
-"Reboot your computer. After it boots up again, open OnionShare, click the \"⚙"
-"\" icon in it, and switch to the Tor Settings tab. Under \"How should "
+"Reboot your computer. After it boots up again, open OnionShare, click the "
+"\"⚙\" icon in it, and switch to the Tor Settings tab. Under \"How should "
"OnionShare connect to Tor?\" choose \"Connect using socket file\". Set the "
"socket file to be ``/var/run/tor/control``. Under \"Tor authentication "
"settings\" choose \"No authentication, or cookie authentication\". Click the "
diff --git a/docs/source/locale/ar/LC_MESSAGES/advanced.po b/docs/source/locale/ar/LC_MESSAGES/advanced.po
index b2eb1ee4..220678d8 100644
--- a/docs/source/locale/ar/LC_MESSAGES/advanced.po
+++ b/docs/source/locale/ar/LC_MESSAGES/advanced.po
@@ -6,18 +6,18 @@
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: OnionShare 2.3\n"
-"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: onionshare-dev@lists.riseup.net\n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2020-11-15 14:42-0800\n"
-"PO-Revision-Date: 2023-05-11 14:42+0000\n"
-"Last-Translator: emma peel \n"
+"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2023-09-05 11:30-0700\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2024-02-05 09:03+0000\n"
+"Last-Translator: ButterflyOfFire \n"
"Language-Team: LANGUAGE \n"
"Language: ar\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
-"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8\n"
+"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=6; plural=n==0 ? 0 : n==1 ? 1 : n==2 ? 2 : n%100>=3 "
"&& n%100<=10 ? 3 : n%100>=11 ? 4 : 5;\n"
-"X-Generator: Weblate 4.18-dev\n"
+"X-Generator: Weblate 5.4-dev\n"
"Generated-By: Babel 2.9.0\n"
#: ../../source/advanced.rst:2
@@ -28,180 +28,6 @@ msgstr "الاستخدام المتقدم"
msgid "Save Tabs"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../source/advanced.rst:9
-msgid ""
-"Everything in OnionShare is temporary by default. If you close an OnionShare "
-"tab, its address no longer exists and it can't be used again. Sometimes you "
-"might want an OnionShare service to be persistent. This is useful if you "
-"want to host a website available from the same OnionShare address even if "
-"you reboot your computer."
-msgstr ""
-#: ../../source/advanced.rst:13
-msgid ""
-"To make any tab persistent, check the \"Save this tab, and automatically "
-"open it when I open OnionShare\" box before starting the server. When a tab "
-"is saved a purple pin icon appears to the left of its server status."
-msgstr ""
-#: ../../source/advanced.rst:18
-msgid ""
-"When you quit OnionShare and then open it again, your saved tabs will start "
-"opened. You'll have to manually start each service, but when you do they "
-"will start with the same OnionShare address and password."
-msgstr ""
-#: ../../source/advanced.rst:21
-msgid ""
-"If you save a tab, a copy of that tab's onion service secret key will be "
-"stored on your computer with your OnionShare settings."
-msgstr ""
-#: ../../source/advanced.rst:26
-msgid "Turn Off Passwords"
-msgstr ""
-#: ../../source/advanced.rst:28
-msgid ""
-"By default, all OnionShare services are protected with the username "
-"``onionshare`` and a randomly-generated password. If someone takes 20 wrong "
-"guesses at the password, your onion service is automatically stopped to "
-"prevent a brute force attack against the OnionShare service."
-msgstr ""
-#: ../../source/advanced.rst:31
-msgid ""
-"Sometimes you might want your OnionShare service to be accessible to the "
-"public, like if you want to set up an OnionShare receive service so the "
-"public can securely and anonymously send you files. In this case, it's "
-"better to disable the password altogether. If you don't do this, someone can "
-"force your server to stop just by making 20 wrong guesses of your password, "
-"even if they know the correct password."
-msgstr ""
-#: ../../source/advanced.rst:35
-msgid ""
-"To turn off the password for any tab, just check the \"Don't use a password"
-"\" box before starting the server. Then the server will be public and won't "
-"have a password."
-msgstr ""
-#: ../../source/advanced.rst:38 ../../source/advanced.rst:45
-msgid "Scheduled Times"
-msgstr ""
-#: ../../source/advanced.rst:40 ../../source/advanced.rst:47
-msgid ""
-"OnionShare supports scheduling exactly when a service should start and stop. "
-"Before starting a server, click \"Show advanced settings\" in its tab and "
-"then check the boxes next to either \"Start onion service at scheduled time"
-"\", \"Stop onion service at scheduled time\", or both, and set the "
-"respective desired dates and times."
-msgstr ""
-#: ../../source/advanced.rst:43
-msgid ""
-"If you scheduled a service to start in the future, when you click the "
-"\"Start sharing\" button you will see a timer counting down until it starts. "
-"If you scheduled it to stop in the future, after it's started you will see a "
-"timer counting down to when it will stop automatically."
-msgstr ""
-#: ../../source/advanced.rst:46
-msgid ""
-"**Scheduling an OnionShare service to automatically start can be used as a "
-"dead man's switch**, where your service will be made public at a given time "
-"in the future if anything happens to you. If nothing happens to you, you can "
-"cancel the service before it's scheduled to start."
-msgstr ""
-#: ../../source/advanced.rst:51
-msgid ""
-"**Scheduling an OnionShare service to automatically stop can be useful to "
-"limit exposure**, like if you want to share secret documents while making "
-"sure they're not available on the Internet for more than a few days."
-msgstr ""
-#: ../../source/advanced.rst:56 ../../source/advanced.rst:68
-msgid "Command-line Interface"
-msgstr ""
-#: ../../source/advanced.rst:58 ../../source/advanced.rst:70
-msgid ""
-"In addition to its graphical interface, OnionShare has a command-line "
-msgstr ""
-#: ../../source/advanced.rst:60 ../../source/advanced.rst:72
-msgid ""
-"You can install just the command-line version of OnionShare using ``pip3``::"
-msgstr ""
-#: ../../source/advanced.rst:64 ../../source/advanced.rst:76
-msgid ""
-"Note that you will also need the ``tor`` package installed. In macOS, "
-"install it with: ``brew install tor``"
-msgstr ""
-#: ../../source/advanced.rst:66 ../../source/advanced.rst:78
-msgid "Then run it like this::"
-msgstr ""
-#: ../../source/advanced.rst:70
-msgid ""
-"If you installed OnionShare using the Linux Snapcraft package, you can also "
-"just run ``onionshare.cli`` to access the command-line interface version."
-msgstr ""
-#: ../../source/advanced.rst:73 ../../source/advanced.rst:87
-msgid "Usage"
-msgstr ""
-#: ../../source/advanced.rst:75
-msgid ""
-"You can browse the command-line documentation by running ``onionshare --"
-msgstr ""
-#: ../../source/advanced.rst:132
-msgid "Legacy Addresses"
-msgstr ""
-#: ../../source/advanced.rst:134
-msgid ""
-"OnionShare uses v3 Tor onion services by default. These are modern onion "
-"addresses that have 56 characters, for example::"
-msgstr ""
-#: ../../source/advanced.rst:139
-msgid ""
-"OnionShare still has support for v2 onion addresses, the old type of onion "
-"addresses that have 16 characters, for example::"
-msgstr ""
-#: ../../source/advanced.rst:143
-msgid ""
-"OnionShare calls v2 onion addresses \"legacy addresses\", and they are not "
-"recommended, as v3 onion addresses are more secure."
-msgstr ""
-#: ../../source/advanced.rst:145
-msgid ""
-"To use legacy addresses, before starting a server click \"Show advanced "
-"settings\" from its tab and check the \"Use a legacy address (v2 onion "
-"service, not recommended)\" box. In legacy mode you can optionally turn on "
-"Tor client authentication. Once you start a server in legacy mode you cannot "
-"remove legacy mode in that tab. Instead you must start a separate service in "
-"a separate tab."
-msgstr ""
-#: ../../source/advanced.rst:150
-msgid ""
-"Tor Project plans to `completely deprecate v2 onion services `_ on October 15, 2021, and legacy "
-"onion services will be removed from OnionShare before then."
-msgstr ""
#: ../../source/advanced.rst:9
msgid ""
"Closing OnionShare tabs you host destroys them, preventing reuse. "
@@ -230,7 +56,7 @@ msgstr ""
#: ../../source/advanced.rst:24
msgid "Turn Off Private Key"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "تعطيل المفتاح الخاص"
#: ../../source/advanced.rst:26
msgid ""
@@ -255,7 +81,7 @@ msgstr ""
#: ../../source/advanced.rst:37
msgid "Custom Titles"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "عناوين مخصصة"
#: ../../source/advanced.rst:39
msgid ""
@@ -270,6 +96,19 @@ msgid ""
"change it."
msgstr ""
+#: ../../source/advanced.rst:45
+msgid "Scheduled Times"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../source/advanced.rst:47
+msgid ""
+"OnionShare supports scheduling exactly when a service should start and stop. "
+"Before starting a server, click \"Show advanced settings\" in its tab and "
+"then check the boxes next to either \"Start onion service at scheduled "
+"time\", \"Stop onion service at scheduled time\", or both, and set the "
+"respective desired dates and times."
+msgstr ""
#: ../../source/advanced.rst:51
msgid ""
"Services scheduled to start in the future display a countdown timer when "
@@ -292,6 +131,31 @@ msgid ""
"outdated, you can do so for selected limited time."
msgstr ""
+#: ../../source/advanced.rst:68
+msgid "Command-line Interface"
+msgstr "واجهة سطر الأوامر"
+#: ../../source/advanced.rst:70
+msgid ""
+"In addition to its graphical interface, OnionShare has a command-line "
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../source/advanced.rst:72
+msgid ""
+"You can install just the command-line version of OnionShare using ``pip3``::"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../source/advanced.rst:76
+msgid ""
+"Note that you will also need the ``tor`` package installed. In macOS, "
+"install it with: ``brew install tor``"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../source/advanced.rst:78
+msgid "Then run it like this::"
+msgstr ""
#: ../../source/advanced.rst:82
msgid ""
"Info about installing it on different operating systems can be found in the "
@@ -305,6 +169,10 @@ msgid ""
"``onionshare.cli`` to access the command-line interface version."
msgstr ""
+#: ../../source/advanced.rst:87
+msgid "Usage"
+msgstr "الإستخدام"
#: ../../source/advanced.rst:89
msgid ""
"Browse the command-line documentation by running ``onionshare --help``::"
@@ -312,7 +180,7 @@ msgstr ""
#: ../../source/advanced.rst:151
msgid "Keyboard Shortcuts"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "اختصارات لوحة المفاتيح"
#: ../../source/advanced.rst:153
msgid ""
diff --git a/docs/source/locale/ar/LC_MESSAGES/develop.po b/docs/source/locale/ar/LC_MESSAGES/develop.po
index 42f2850f..32fa3c2d 100644
--- a/docs/source/locale/ar/LC_MESSAGES/develop.po
+++ b/docs/source/locale/ar/LC_MESSAGES/develop.po
@@ -8,12 +8,13 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: OnionShare 2.3\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2020-11-15 14:42-0800\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2023-09-05 11:30-0700\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n"
"Last-Translator: FULL NAME \n"
"Language-Team: LANGUAGE \n"
+"Language: \n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
-"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8\n"
+"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Generated-By: Babel 2.9.0\n"
@@ -49,15 +50,15 @@ msgstr ""
#: ../../source/develop.rst:17
msgid ""
"OnionShare source code is to be found in this Git repository: https://github."
msgstr ""
#: ../../source/develop.rst:19
msgid ""
"If you'd like to contribute code to OnionShare, it helps to join the Keybase "
"team and ask questions about what you're thinking of working on. You should "
-"also review all of the `open issues `_ on GitHub to see if there are any you'd like to tackle."
+"also review all of the `open issues `_ on GitHub to see if there are any you'd like to tackle."
msgstr ""
#: ../../source/develop.rst:22
@@ -74,7 +75,7 @@ msgstr ""
#: ../../source/develop.rst:29
msgid ""
"OnionShare is developed in Python. To get started, clone the Git repository "
-"at https://github.com/micahflee/onionshare/ and then consult the ``cli/"
+"at https://github.com/onionshare/onionshare/ and then consult the ``cli/"
"README.md`` file to learn how to set up your development environment for the "
"command-line version, and the ``desktop/README.md`` file to learn how to set "
"up your development environment for the graphical version."
@@ -128,18 +129,18 @@ msgid ""
"flag. For example::"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../source/develop.rst:164
+#: ../../source/develop.rst:165
msgid ""
-"In this case, you load the URL ``http://onionshare:train-"
-"system@`` in a normal web-browser like Firefox, instead of "
-"using the Tor Browser."
+"In this case, you load the URL ```` in a normal web-"
+"browser like Firefox, instead of using the Tor Browser. The private key is "
+"not actually needed in local-only mode, so you can ignore it."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../source/develop.rst:167 ../../source/develop.rst:168
+#: ../../source/develop.rst:168
msgid "Contributing Translations"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../source/develop.rst:169 ../../source/develop.rst:170
+#: ../../source/develop.rst:170
msgid ""
"Help make OnionShare easier to use and more familiar and welcoming for "
"people by translating it on `Hosted Weblate `_ on GitHub to see if there are any you'd like to tackle."
-msgstr ""
-#: ../../source/develop.rst:29
-msgid ""
-"OnionShare is developed in Python. To get started, clone the Git repository "
-"at https://github.com/onionshare/onionshare/ and then consult the ``cli/"
-"README.md`` file to learn how to set up your development environment for the "
-"command-line version, and the ``desktop/README.md`` file to learn how to set "
-"up your development environment for the graphical version."
-msgstr ""
-#: ../../source/develop.rst:165
-msgid ""
-"In this case, you load the URL ```` in a normal web-"
-"browser like Firefox, instead of using the Tor Browser. The private key is "
-"not actually needed in local-only mode, so you can ignore it."
-msgstr ""
diff --git a/docs/source/locale/ar/LC_MESSAGES/features.po b/docs/source/locale/ar/LC_MESSAGES/features.po
index c63c317d..04fb48a7 100644
--- a/docs/source/locale/ar/LC_MESSAGES/features.po
+++ b/docs/source/locale/ar/LC_MESSAGES/features.po
@@ -6,14 +6,14 @@
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: OnionShare 2.3\n"
-"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: onionshare-dev@lists.riseup.net\n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2020-11-15 14:42-0800\n"
+"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2023-09-05 11:30-0700\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2021-09-18 20:19+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: ButterflyOfFire \n"
"Language-Team: LANGUAGE \n"
"Language: ar\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
-"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8\n"
+"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=6; plural=n==0 ? 0 : n==1 ? 1 : n==2 ? 2 : n%100>=3 "
"&& n%100<=10 ? 3 : n%100>=11 ? 4 : 5;\n"
@@ -31,345 +31,6 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
-#: ../../source/features.rst:8
-msgid ""
-"By default, OnionShare web addresses are protected with a random password. A "
-"typical OnionShare address might look something like this::"
-msgstr ""
-#: ../../source/features.rst:12
-msgid ""
-"You're responsible for securely sharing that URL using a communication "
-"channel of your choice like in an encrypted chat message, or using something "
-"less secure like unencrypted e-mail, depending on your `threat model "
-msgstr ""
-#: ../../source/features.rst:14
-msgid ""
-"The people you send the URL to then copy and paste it into their `Tor "
-"Browser `_ to access the OnionShare service."
-msgstr ""
-#: ../../source/features.rst:16
-msgid ""
-"If you run OnionShare on your laptop to send someone files, and then suspend "
-"it before the files are sent, the service will not be available until your "
-"laptop is unsuspended and on the Internet again. OnionShare works best when "
-"working with people in real-time."
-msgstr ""
-#: ../../source/features.rst:18 ../../source/features.rst:26
-msgid ""
-"Because your own computer is the web server, *no third party can access "
-"anything that happens in OnionShare*, not even the developers of OnionShare. "
-"It's completely private. And because OnionShare is based on Tor onion "
-"services too, it also protects your anonymity. See the :doc:`security design "
-"` for more info."
-msgstr ""
-#: ../../source/features.rst:21 ../../source/features.rst:29
-msgid "Share Files"
-msgstr "مشاركة الملفات"
-#: ../../source/features.rst:23 ../../source/features.rst:31
-msgid ""
-"You can use OnionShare to send files and folders to people securely and "
-"anonymously. Open a share tab, drag in the files and folders you wish to "
-"share, and click \"Start sharing\"."
-msgstr ""
-#: ../../source/features.rst:27 ../../source/features.rst:93
-#: ../../source/features.rst:35 ../../source/features.rst:112
-msgid ""
-"After you add files, you'll see some settings. Make sure you choose the "
-"setting you're interested in before you start sharing."
-msgstr ""
-#: ../../source/features.rst:31
-msgid ""
-"As soon as someone finishes downloading your files, OnionShare will "
-"automatically stop the server, removing the website from the Internet. To "
-"allow multiple people to download them, uncheck the \"Stop sharing after "
-"files have been sent (uncheck to allow downloading individual files)\" box."
-msgstr ""
-#: ../../source/features.rst:34 ../../source/features.rst:42
-msgid ""
-"Also, if you uncheck this box, people will be able to download the "
-"individual files you share rather than a single compressed version of all "
-"the files."
-msgstr ""
-#: ../../source/features.rst:36 ../../source/features.rst:44
-msgid ""
-"When you're ready to share, click the \"Start sharing\" button. You can "
-"always click \"Stop sharing\", or quit OnionShare, immediately taking the "
-"website down. You can also click the \"↑\" icon in the top-right corner to "
-"show the history and progress of people downloading files from you."
-msgstr ""
-#: ../../source/features.rst:40
-msgid ""
-"Now that you have a OnionShare, copy the address and send it to the person "
-"you want to receive the files. If the files need to stay secure, or the "
-"person is otherwise exposed to danger, use an encrypted messaging app."
-msgstr ""
-#: ../../source/features.rst:42
-msgid ""
-"That person then must load the address in Tor Browser. After logging in with "
-"the random password included in the web address, the files can be downloaded "
-"directly from your computer by clicking the \"Download Files\" link in the "
-msgstr ""
-#: ../../source/features.rst:47
-msgid "Receive Files"
-msgstr ""
-#: ../../source/features.rst:49
-msgid ""
-"You can use OnionShare to let people anonymously upload files directly to "
-"your computer, essentially turning it into an anonymous dropbox. Open a "
-"\"Receive tab\", choose where you want to save the files and other settings, "
-"and then click \"Start Receive Mode\"."
-msgstr ""
-#: ../../source/features.rst:54
-msgid ""
-"This starts the OnionShare service. Anyone loading this address in their Tor "
-"Browser will be able to upload files to your computer."
-msgstr ""
-#: ../../source/features.rst:58 ../../source/features.rst:75
-msgid ""
-"You can also click the down \"↓\" icon in the top-right corner to show the "
-"history and progress of people sending files to you."
-msgstr ""
-#: ../../source/features.rst:60
-msgid "Here is what it looks like for someone sending you files."
-msgstr ""
-#: ../../source/features.rst:64
-msgid ""
-"When someone uploads files to your receive service, by default they get "
-"saved to a folder called ``OnionShare`` in the home folder on your computer, "
-"automatically organized into separate subfolders based on the time that the "
-"files get uploaded."
-msgstr ""
-#: ../../source/features.rst:66 ../../source/features.rst:83
-msgid ""
-"Setting up an OnionShare receiving service is useful for journalists and "
-"others needing to securely accept documents from anonymous sources. When "
-"used in this way, OnionShare is sort of like a lightweight, simpler, not "
-"quite as secure version of `SecureDrop `_, the "
-"whistleblower submission system."
-msgstr ""
-#: ../../source/features.rst:69 ../../source/features.rst:86
-msgid "Use at your own risk"
-msgstr ""
-#: ../../source/features.rst:71
-msgid ""
-"Just like with malicious e-mail attachments, it's possible someone could try "
-"to attack your computer by uploading a malicious file to your OnionShare "
-"service. OnionShare does not add any safety mechanisms to protect your "
-"system from malicious files."
-msgstr ""
-#: ../../source/features.rst:73 ../../source/features.rst:90
-msgid ""
-"If you receive an Office document or a PDF through OnionShare, you can "
-"convert these documents into PDFs that are safe to open using `Dangerzone "
-"`_. You can also protect yourself when opening "
-"untrusted documents by opening them in `Tails `_ or "
-"in a `Qubes `_ disposableVM."
-msgstr ""
-#: ../../source/features.rst:76 ../../source/features.rst:95
-msgid "Tips for running a receive service"
-msgstr "نصائح لتشغيل خدمة الاستلام"
-#: ../../source/features.rst:78
-msgid ""
-"If you want to host your own anonymous dropbox using OnionShare, it's "
-"recommended you do so on a separate, dedicated computer always powered on "
-"and connected to the Internet, and not on the one you use on a regular basis."
-msgstr ""
-#: ../../source/features.rst:80
-msgid ""
-"If you intend to put the OnionShare address on your website or social media "
-"profiles, save the tab (see :ref:`save_tabs`) and run it as a public service "
-"(see :ref:`turn_off_passwords`)."
-msgstr ""
-#: ../../source/features.rst:83 ../../source/features.rst:102
-msgid "Host a Website"
-msgstr "استضافة موقع ويب"
-#: ../../source/features.rst:85 ../../source/features.rst:104
-msgid ""
-"To host a static HTML website with OnionShare, open a website tab, drag the "
-"files and folders that make up the static content there, and click \"Start "
-"sharing\" when you are ready."
-msgstr ""
-#: ../../source/features.rst:89 ../../source/features.rst:108
-msgid ""
-"If you add an ``index.html`` file, it will render when someone loads your "
-"website. You should also include any other HTML files, CSS files, JavaScript "
-"files, and images that make up the website. (Note that OnionShare only "
-"supports hosting *static* websites. It can't host websites that execute code "
-"or use databases. So you can't for example use WordPress.)"
-msgstr ""
-#: ../../source/features.rst:91 ../../source/features.rst:110
-msgid ""
-"If you don't have an ``index.html`` file, it will show a directory listing "
-"instead, and people loading it can look through the files and download them."
-msgstr ""
-#: ../../source/features.rst:98 ../../source/features.rst:117
-msgid "Content Security Policy"
-msgstr "سياسة أمان المحتوى"
-#: ../../source/features.rst:100
-msgid ""
-"By default OnionShare helps secure your website by setting a strict `Content "
-"Security Police `_ "
-"header. However, this prevents third-party content from loading inside the "
-"web page."
-msgstr ""
-#: ../../source/features.rst:102
-msgid ""
-"If you want to load content from third-party websites, like assets or "
-"JavaScript libraries from CDNs, check the \"Don't send Content Security "
-"Policy header (allows your website to use third-party resources)\" box "
-"before starting the service."
-msgstr ""
-#: ../../source/features.rst:105 ../../source/features.rst:127
-msgid "Tips for running a website service"
-msgstr "نصائح لتشغيل خدمة موقع ويب"
-#: ../../source/features.rst:107
-msgid ""
-"If you want to host a long-term website using OnionShare (meaning not "
-"something to quickly show someone something), it's recommended you do it on "
-"a separate, dedicated computer always powered on and connected to the "
-"Internet, and not on the one you use on a regular basis. Save the tab (see :"
-"ref:`save_tabs`) so you can resume the website with the same address if you "
-"close OnionShare and re-open it later."
-msgstr ""
-#: ../../source/features.rst:110
-msgid ""
-"If your website is intended for the public, you should run it as a public "
-"service (see :ref:`turn_off_passwords`)."
-msgstr ""
-#: ../../source/features.rst:113 ../../source/features.rst:135
-msgid "Chat Anonymously"
-msgstr "دردشة مجهولة"
-#: ../../source/features.rst:115 ../../source/features.rst:137
-msgid ""
-"You can use OnionShare to set up a private, secure chat room that doesn't "
-"log anything. Just open a chat tab and click \"Start chat server\"."
-msgstr ""
-#: ../../source/features.rst:119
-msgid ""
-"After you start the server, copy the OnionShare address and send it to the "
-"people you want in the anonymous chat room. If it's important to limit "
-"exactly who can join, use an encrypted messaging app to send out the "
-"OnionShare address."
-msgstr ""
-#: ../../source/features.rst:124 ../../source/features.rst:146
-msgid ""
-"People can join the chat room by loading its OnionShare address in Tor "
-"Browser. The chat room requires JavasScript, so everyone who wants to "
-"participate must have their Tor Browser security level set to \"Standard\" "
-"or \"Safer\", instead of \"Safest\"."
-msgstr ""
-#: ../../source/features.rst:127 ../../source/features.rst:149
-msgid ""
-"When someone joins the chat room they get assigned a random name. They can "
-"change their name by typing a new name in the box in the left panel and "
-"pressing ↵. Since the chat history isn't saved anywhere, it doesn't get "
-"displayed at all, even if others were already chatting in the room."
-msgstr ""
-#: ../../source/features.rst:133 ../../source/features.rst:155
-msgid ""
-"In an OnionShare chat room, everyone is anonymous. Anyone can change their "
-"name to anything, and there is no way to confirm anyone's identity."
-msgstr ""
-#: ../../source/features.rst:136 ../../source/features.rst:158
-msgid ""
-"However, if you create an OnionShare chat room and securely send the address "
-"only to a small group of trusted friends using encrypted messages, you can "
-"be reasonably confident the people joining the chat room are your friends."
-msgstr ""
-#: ../../source/features.rst:139 ../../source/features.rst:161
-msgid "How is this useful?"
-msgstr ""
-#: ../../source/features.rst:141 ../../source/features.rst:163
-msgid ""
-"If you need to already be using an encrypted messaging app, what's the point "
-"of an OnionShare chat room to begin with? It leaves less traces."
-msgstr ""
-#: ../../source/features.rst:143
-msgid ""
-"If you for example send a message to a Signal group, a copy of your message "
-"ends up on each device (the devices, and computers if they set up Signal "
-"Desktop) of each member of the group. Even if disappearing messages is "
-"turned on, it's hard to confirm all copies of the messages are actually "
-"deleted from all devices, and from any other places (like notifications "
-"databases) they may have been saved to. OnionShare chat rooms don't store "
-"any messages anywhere, so the problem is reduced to a minimum."
-msgstr ""
-#: ../../source/features.rst:146
-msgid ""
-"OnionShare chat rooms can also be useful for people wanting to chat "
-"anonymously and securely with someone without needing to create any "
-"accounts. For example, a source can send an OnionShare address to a "
-"journalist using a disposable e-mail address, and then wait for the "
-"journalist to join the chat room, all without compromosing their anonymity."
-msgstr ""
-#: ../../source/features.rst:150 ../../source/features.rst:172
-msgid "How does the encryption work?"
-msgstr "كيف تعمل التعمية؟"
-#: ../../source/features.rst:152 ../../source/features.rst:174
-msgid ""
-"Because OnionShare relies on Tor onion services, connections between the Tor "
-"Browser and OnionShare are all end-to-end encrypted (E2EE). When someone "
-"posts a message to an OnionShare chat room, they send it to the server "
-"through the E2EE onion connection, which then sends it to all other members "
-"of the chat room using WebSockets, through their E2EE onion connections."
-msgstr ""
-#: ../../source/features.rst:154 ../../source/features.rst:176
-msgid ""
-"OnionShare doesn't implement any chat encryption on its own. It relies on "
-"the Tor onion service's encryption instead."
-msgstr ""
#: ../../source/features.rst:8
msgid "By default, OnionShare web addresses are protected with a private key."
msgstr ""
@@ -406,6 +67,32 @@ msgid ""
"working with people in real-time."
msgstr ""
+#: ../../source/features.rst:26
+msgid ""
+"Because your own computer is the web server, *no third party can access "
+"anything that happens in OnionShare*, not even the developers of OnionShare. "
+"It's completely private. And because OnionShare is based on Tor onion "
+"services too, it also protects your anonymity. See the :doc:`security design "
+"` for more info."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../source/features.rst:29
+msgid "Share Files"
+msgstr "مشاركة الملفات"
+#: ../../source/features.rst:31
+msgid ""
+"You can use OnionShare to send files and folders to people securely and "
+"anonymously. Open a share tab, drag in the files and folders you wish to "
+"share, and click \"Start sharing\"."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../source/features.rst:35 ../../source/features.rst:112
+msgid ""
+"After you add files, you'll see some settings. Make sure you choose the "
+"setting you're interested in before you start sharing."
+msgstr ""
#: ../../source/features.rst:39
msgid ""
"As soon as someone finishes downloading your files, OnionShare will "
@@ -414,6 +101,21 @@ msgid ""
"files have been sent (uncheck to allow downloading individual files)\" box."
msgstr ""
+#: ../../source/features.rst:42
+msgid ""
+"Also, if you uncheck this box, people will be able to download the "
+"individual files you share rather than a single compressed version of all "
+"the files."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../source/features.rst:44
+msgid ""
+"When you're ready to share, click the \"Start sharing\" button. You can "
+"always click \"Stop sharing\", or quit OnionShare, immediately taking the "
+"website down. You can also click the \"↑\" icon in the top-right corner to "
+"show the history and progress of people downloading files from you."
+msgstr ""
#: ../../source/features.rst:48
msgid ""
"Now that you have a OnionShare, copy the address and the private key and "
@@ -474,6 +176,12 @@ msgid ""
"submit files and messages which get uploaded to your computer."
msgstr ""
+#: ../../source/features.rst:75
+msgid ""
+"You can also click the down \"↓\" icon in the top-right corner to show the "
+"history and progress of people sending files to you."
+msgstr ""
#: ../../source/features.rst:77
msgid "Here is what it looks like for someone sending you files and messages."
msgstr ""
@@ -486,6 +194,19 @@ msgid ""
"that the files get uploaded."
msgstr ""
+#: ../../source/features.rst:83
+msgid ""
+"Setting up an OnionShare receiving service is useful for journalists and "
+"others needing to securely accept documents from anonymous sources. When "
+"used in this way, OnionShare is sort of like a lightweight, simpler, not "
+"quite as secure version of `SecureDrop `_, the "
+"whistleblower submission system."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../source/features.rst:86
+msgid "Use at your own risk"
+msgstr ""
#: ../../source/features.rst:88
msgid ""
"Just like with malicious email attachments, it's possible someone could try "
@@ -494,11 +215,24 @@ msgid ""
"system from malicious files."
msgstr ""
+#: ../../source/features.rst:90
+msgid ""
+"If you receive an Office document or a PDF through OnionShare, you can "
+"convert these documents into PDFs that are safe to open using `Dangerzone "
+"`_. You can also protect yourself when opening "
+"untrusted documents by opening them in `Tails `_ or "
+"in a `Qubes `_ disposableVM."
+msgstr ""
#: ../../source/features.rst:92
msgid ""
"However, it is always safe to open text messages sent through OnionShare."
msgstr ""
+#: ../../source/features.rst:95
+msgid "Tips for running a receive service"
+msgstr "نصائح لتشغيل خدمة الاستلام"
#: ../../source/features.rst:97
msgid ""
"If you want to host your own anonymous dropbox using OnionShare, it's "
@@ -514,6 +248,36 @@ msgid ""
"title (see :ref:`custom_titles`)."
msgstr ""
+#: ../../source/features.rst:102
+msgid "Host a Website"
+msgstr "استضافة موقع ويب"
+#: ../../source/features.rst:104
+msgid ""
+"To host a static HTML website with OnionShare, open a website tab, drag the "
+"files and folders that make up the static content there, and click \"Start "
+"sharing\" when you are ready."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../source/features.rst:108
+msgid ""
+"If you add an ``index.html`` file, it will render when someone loads your "
+"website. You should also include any other HTML files, CSS files, JavaScript "
+"files, and images that make up the website. (Note that OnionShare only "
+"supports hosting *static* websites. It can't host websites that execute code "
+"or use databases. So you can't for example use WordPress.)"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../source/features.rst:110
+msgid ""
+"If you don't have an ``index.html`` file, it will show a directory listing "
+"instead, and people loading it can look through the files and download them."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../source/features.rst:117
+msgid "Content Security Policy"
+msgstr "سياسة أمان المحتوى"
#: ../../source/features.rst:119
msgid ""
"By default OnionShare helps secure your website by setting a strict `Content "
@@ -540,6 +304,10 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "You can send a custom Content Security Policy header."
msgstr "سياسة أمان المحتوى"
+#: ../../source/features.rst:127
+msgid "Tips for running a website service"
+msgstr "نصائح لتشغيل خدمة موقع ويب"
#: ../../source/features.rst:129
msgid ""
"If you want to host a long-term website using OnionShare (meaning not just "
@@ -556,6 +324,16 @@ msgid ""
"service (see :ref:`turn_off_private_key`)."
msgstr ""
+#: ../../source/features.rst:135
+msgid "Chat Anonymously"
+msgstr "دردشة مجهولة"
+#: ../../source/features.rst:137
+msgid ""
+"You can use OnionShare to set up a private, secure chat room that doesn't "
+"log anything. Just open a chat tab and click \"Start chat server\"."
+msgstr ""
#: ../../source/features.rst:141
msgid ""
"After you start the server, copy the OnionShare address and private key and "
@@ -564,6 +342,45 @@ msgid ""
"send out the OnionShare address and private key."
msgstr ""
+#: ../../source/features.rst:146
+msgid ""
+"People can join the chat room by loading its OnionShare address in Tor "
+"Browser. The chat room requires JavasScript, so everyone who wants to "
+"participate must have their Tor Browser security level set to \"Standard\" "
+"or \"Safer\", instead of \"Safest\"."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../source/features.rst:149
+msgid ""
+"When someone joins the chat room they get assigned a random name. They can "
+"change their name by typing a new name in the box in the left panel and "
+"pressing ↵. Since the chat history isn't saved anywhere, it doesn't get "
+"displayed at all, even if others were already chatting in the room."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../source/features.rst:155
+msgid ""
+"In an OnionShare chat room, everyone is anonymous. Anyone can change their "
+"name to anything, and there is no way to confirm anyone's identity."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../source/features.rst:158
+msgid ""
+"However, if you create an OnionShare chat room and securely send the address "
+"only to a small group of trusted friends using encrypted messages, you can "
+"be reasonably confident the people joining the chat room are your friends."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../source/features.rst:161
+msgid "How is this useful?"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../source/features.rst:163
+msgid ""
+"If you need to already be using an encrypted messaging app, what's the point "
+"of an OnionShare chat room to begin with? It leaves less traces."
+msgstr ""
#: ../../source/features.rst:165
msgid ""
"If you for example send a message to a Signal group, a copy of your message "
@@ -583,3 +400,22 @@ msgid ""
"journalist using a disposable email address, and then wait for the "
"journalist to join the chat room, all without compromosing their anonymity."
msgstr ""
+#: ../../source/features.rst:172
+msgid "How does the encryption work?"
+msgstr "كيف تعمل التعمية؟"
+#: ../../source/features.rst:174
+msgid ""
+"Because OnionShare relies on Tor onion services, connections between the Tor "
+"Browser and OnionShare are all end-to-end encrypted (E2EE). When someone "
+"posts a message to an OnionShare chat room, they send it to the server "
+"through the E2EE onion connection, which then sends it to all other members "
+"of the chat room using WebSockets, through their E2EE onion connections."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../source/features.rst:176
+msgid ""
+"OnionShare doesn't implement any chat encryption on its own. It relies on "
+"the Tor onion service's encryption instead."
+msgstr ""
diff --git a/docs/source/locale/ar/LC_MESSAGES/help.po b/docs/source/locale/ar/LC_MESSAGES/help.po
index 8821463e..8ec28e29 100644
--- a/docs/source/locale/ar/LC_MESSAGES/help.po
+++ b/docs/source/locale/ar/LC_MESSAGES/help.po
@@ -6,14 +6,14 @@
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: OnionShare 2.3\n"
-"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: onionshare-dev@lists.riseup.net\n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2020-11-15 14:42-0800\n"
+"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2023-09-05 11:30-0700\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2023-06-29 13:53+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: jonnysemon \n"
"Language-Team: LANGUAGE \n"
"Language: ar\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
-"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8\n"
+"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=6; plural=n==0 ? 0 : n==1 ? 1 : n==2 ? 2 : n%100>=3 "
"&& n%100<=10 ? 3 : n%100>=11 ? 4 : 5;\n"
@@ -43,13 +43,13 @@ msgstr "تحقق من مشكلات GitHub"
#: ../../source/help.rst:12
msgid ""
"If it isn't on the website, please check the `GitHub issues `_. It's possible someone else has "
+"com/onionshare/onionshare/issues>`_. It's possible someone else has "
"encountered the same problem and either raised it with the developers, or "
"maybe even posted a solution."
msgstr ""
-"إذا لم يكن موجودًا على موقع الويب، فيرجى التحقق من `مشكلات Github "
-"`_. من المحتمل أن يكون شخص "
-"آخر قد واجه نفس المشكلة وأثارها مع المطورين، أو ربما نشر حلًا."
+"إذا لم يكن موجودًا على موقع الويب، فيرجى التحقق من `مشكلات GitHub `_. من المحتمل أن يكون شخص آخر قد "
+"واجه نفس المشكلة وأثارها مع المطورين، أو ربما نشر حلًا."
#: ../../source/help.rst:15
msgid "Submit an Issue Yourself"
@@ -58,14 +58,14 @@ msgstr "أرسل خللا بنفسك"
#: ../../source/help.rst:17
msgid ""
"If you are unable to find a solution, or wish to ask a question or suggest a "
-"new feature, please `submit an issue `_. This requires `creating a GitHub account `_."
msgstr ""
"إذا لم تتمكن من إيجاد حل، أو كنت ترغب في طرح سؤال أو اقتراح ميزة جديدة، يرجى "
"`إرسال مشكلة `_. يتطلب "
-"هذا `إنشاء حساب GitHub `_."
+"هذا `إنشاء حساب GitHub `_."
#: ../../source/help.rst:20
msgid "Join our Keybase Team"
@@ -79,25 +79,24 @@ msgstr ""
"انظر: المرجع: `التعاون` حول كيفية الانضمام إلى فريق Keybase المستخدم لمناقشة "
-#: ../../source/help.rst:12
-msgid ""
-"If it isn't on the website, please check the `GitHub issues `_. It's possible someone else has "
-"encountered the same problem and either raised it with the developers, or "
-"maybe even posted a solution."
-msgstr ""
-"إذا لم يكن موجودًا على موقع الويب، فيرجى التحقق من `مشكلات GitHub "
-"`_. من المحتمل أن يكون شخص "
-"آخر قد واجه نفس المشكلة وأثارها مع المطورين، أو ربما نشر حلًا."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "If it isn't on the website, please check the `GitHub issues `_. It's possible someone else has "
+#~ "encountered the same problem and either raised it with the developers, or "
+#~ "maybe even posted a solution."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "إذا لم يكن موجودًا على موقع الويب، فيرجى التحقق من `مشكلات Github `_. من المحتمل أن يكون شخص آخر قد "
+#~ "واجه نفس المشكلة وأثارها مع المطورين، أو ربما نشر حلًا."
-#: ../../source/help.rst:17
-msgid ""
-"If you are unable to find a solution, or wish to ask a question or suggest a "
-"new feature, please `submit an issue `_. This requires `creating a GitHub account `_."
-msgstr ""
-"إذا لم تتمكن من إيجاد حل، أو كنت ترغب في طرح سؤال أو اقتراح ميزة جديدة، يرجى "
-"`إرسال مشكلة `_. يتطلب "
-"هذا `إنشاء حساب GitHub `_."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "If you are unable to find a solution, or wish to ask a question or "
+#~ "suggest a new feature, please `submit an issue `_. This requires `creating a GitHub "
+#~ "account `_."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "إذا لم تتمكن من إيجاد حل، أو كنت ترغب في طرح سؤال أو اقتراح ميزة جديدة، "
+#~ "يرجى `إرسال مشكلة `_. "
+#~ "يتطلب هذا `إنشاء حساب GitHub `_."
diff --git a/docs/source/locale/ar/LC_MESSAGES/index.po b/docs/source/locale/ar/LC_MESSAGES/index.po
index 56d8c7ce..7762ad9d 100644
--- a/docs/source/locale/ar/LC_MESSAGES/index.po
+++ b/docs/source/locale/ar/LC_MESSAGES/index.po
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: OnionShare 2.3\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2022-10-09 15:01-0700\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2023-09-05 11:30-0700\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2021-02-19 21:35+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: Mohamed Elghdban \n"
"Language-Team: LANGUAGE \n"
diff --git a/docs/source/locale/ar/LC_MESSAGES/install.po b/docs/source/locale/ar/LC_MESSAGES/install.po
index 143cbf0f..7004f912 100644
--- a/docs/source/locale/ar/LC_MESSAGES/install.po
+++ b/docs/source/locale/ar/LC_MESSAGES/install.po
@@ -6,8 +6,8 @@
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: OnionShare 2.3\n"
-"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: onionshare-dev@lists.riseup.net\n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2023-06-06 13:07+0200\n"
+"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2023-09-05 11:51-0700\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2023-07-31 22:05+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: jonnysemon \n"
"Language-Team: LANGUAGE \n"
@@ -48,9 +48,9 @@ msgid ""
"always use the newest version and run OnionShare inside of a sandbox."
msgstr ""
"توجد عدة طرق لتثبيت OnionShare لنظام التشغيل Linux، ولكن الطريقة الموصى بها "
-"هي استخدام إما حزمة `Flatpak `_ أو حزمة `Snap "
-"`_. تضمن كل من Flatpak و Snapcraft أنك ستستخدم دائمًا "
-"أحدث إصدار وتقوم بتشغيل OnionShare داخل صندوق تديد الوصول."
+"هي استخدام إما حزمة `Flatpak `_ أو حزمة `Snap `_. تضمن كل من Flatpak و Snapcraft أنك ستستخدم دائمًا أحدث "
+"إصدار وتقوم بتشغيل OnionShare داخل صندوق تديد الوصول."
#: ../../source/install.rst:17
msgid ""
@@ -79,8 +79,8 @@ msgid ""
"You can also download and install PGP-signed ``.flatpak`` or ``.snap`` "
"packages from https://onionshare.org/dist/ if you prefer."
msgstr ""
-"يمكنك أيضًا تنزيل وتثبيت حزم ``.flatpak`` or ``.snap`` موقعة بPGP من "
-"https://onionshare.org/dist/ إذا كنت تفضل ذلك."
+"يمكنك أيضًا تنزيل وتثبيت حزم ``.flatpak`` or ``.snap`` موقعة بPGP من https://"
+"onionshare.org/dist/ إذا كنت تفضل ذلك."
#: ../../source/install.rst:26
msgid "Manual Flatpak Installation"
@@ -99,7 +99,8 @@ msgstr ""
#: ../../source/install.rst:30
msgid ""
"Install Flatpak by following the instructions at https://flatpak.org/setup/."
-msgstr "تثبيت Flatpak باتباع التعليمات الموجودة على https://flatpak.org/setup/."
+msgstr ""
+"تثبيت Flatpak باتباع التعليمات الموجودة على https://flatpak.org/setup/."
#: ../../source/install.rst:31
msgid ""
@@ -135,8 +136,8 @@ msgid ""
"VERSION.flatpak``. Replace ``VERSION`` with the version number of the file "
"you downloaded."
msgstr ""
-"قم بتثبيت ملف ``.flatpak`` عن طريق تشغيل ``flatpak install OnionShare-VERSION"
-".flatpak``. استبدل ``VERSION`` برقم إصدار الملف الذي قمت بتنزيله."
+"قم بتثبيت ملف ``.flatpak`` عن طريق تشغيل ``flatpak install OnionShare-"
+"VERSION.flatpak``. استبدل ``VERSION`` برقم إصدار الملف الذي قمت بتنزيله."
#: ../../source/install.rst:36
msgid "You can run OnionShare with: `flatpak run org.onionshare.OnionShare`."
@@ -240,7 +241,7 @@ msgid ""
"You can find the signatures (as ``.asc`` files), as well as Windows, macOS, "
"Flatpak, Snap, and source packages, at https://onionshare.org/dist/ in the "
"folders named for each version of OnionShare. You can also find them on the "
-"`GitHub Releases page `_."
+"`GitHub Releases page `_."
msgstr ""
#: ../../source/install.rst:80
@@ -250,28 +251,46 @@ msgstr ""
#: ../../source/install.rst:82
msgid ""
"Once you have imported Micah's public key into your GnuPG keychain, "
-"downloaded the binary and ``.asc`` signature, you can verify the binary for "
-"macOS in a terminal like this::"
+"downloaded the binary and ``.asc`` signature, you can verify the binary in a "
+"terminal like this:"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../source/install.rst:86
-msgid "Or for Windows, in a command-prompt like this::"
+#: ../../source/install.rst:84
+msgid "For Windows::"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../source/install.rst:90
-msgid "The expected output looks like this::"
+#: ../../source/install.rst:88
+msgid "For macOS::"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../source/install.rst:92
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "For Linux::"
+msgstr "Linux"
+#: ../../source/install.rst:98
+msgid "and for the source file::"
msgstr ""
#: ../../source/install.rst:102
+msgid "The expected output looks like this::"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../source/install.rst:112
msgid ""
"If you don't see ``Good signature from``, there might be a problem with the "
"integrity of the file (malicious or otherwise), and you should not install "
-"the package. (The ``WARNING:`` shown above, is not a problem with the "
-"package, it only means you haven't defined a level of \"trust\" of Micah's "
-"(the core developer) PGP key.)"
+"the package."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../source/install.rst:104
+#: ../../source/install.rst:114
+msgid ""
+"The ``WARNING:`` shown above, is not a problem with the package, it only "
+"means you haven't defined a level of \"trust\" of Micah's (the core "
+"developer) PGP key."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../source/install.rst:116
msgid ""
"If you want to learn more about verifying PGP signatures, the guides for "
"`Qubes OS `_ and "
diff --git a/docs/source/locale/ar/LC_MESSAGES/security.po b/docs/source/locale/ar/LC_MESSAGES/security.po
index 9d294569..3136641b 100644
--- a/docs/source/locale/ar/LC_MESSAGES/security.po
+++ b/docs/source/locale/ar/LC_MESSAGES/security.po
@@ -3,23 +3,26 @@
# This file is distributed under the same license as the OnionShare package.
# FIRST AUTHOR , 2020.
-#, fuzzy
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: OnionShare 2.3\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2020-12-13 15:48-0800\n"
-"PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n"
-"Last-Translator: FULL NAME \n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2023-09-05 11:30-0700\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2024-02-05 09:03+0000\n"
+"Last-Translator: ButterflyOfFire \n"
"Language-Team: LANGUAGE \n"
+"Language: ar\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
-"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8\n"
+"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
+"Plural-Forms: nplurals=6; plural=n==0 ? 0 : n==1 ? 1 : n==2 ? 2 : n%100>=3 "
+"&& n%100<=10 ? 3 : n%100>=11 ? 4 : 5;\n"
+"X-Generator: Weblate 5.4-dev\n"
"Generated-By: Babel 2.9.0\n"
#: ../../source/security.rst:2
msgid "Security Design"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "تصميم الأمان"
#: ../../source/security.rst:4
msgid "Read :ref:`how_it_works` first to get a handle on how OnionShare works."
@@ -37,12 +40,13 @@ msgstr ""
msgid ""
"**Third parties don't have access to anything that happens in OnionShare.** "
"Using OnionShare means hosting services directly on your computer. When "
-"sharing files with OnionShare, they are not uploaded to any server. If you "
-"make an OnionShare chat room, your computer acts as a server for that too. "
-"This avoids the traditional model of having to trust the computers of others."
+"sharing your files with OnionShare, they are not uploaded to any third-party "
+"server. If you make an OnionShare chat room, your computer acts as a server "
+"for that too. This avoids the traditional model of having to trust the "
+"computers of others."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../source/security.rst:13 ../../source/security.rst:17
+#: ../../source/security.rst:17
msgid ""
"**Network eavesdroppers can't spy on anything that happens in OnionShare in "
"transit.** The connection between the Tor onion service and Tor Browser is "
@@ -53,7 +57,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
-#: ../../source/security.rst:15 ../../source/security.rst:23
+#: ../../source/security.rst:23
msgid ""
"**Anonymity of OnionShare users are protected by Tor.** OnionShare and Tor "
"Browser protect the anonymity of the users. As long as the OnionShare user "
@@ -62,54 +66,6 @@ msgid ""
"OnionShare user."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../source/security.rst:17
-msgid ""
-"**If an attacker learns about the onion service, it still can't access "
-"anything.** Prior attacks against the Tor network to enumerate onion "
-"services allowed the attacker to discover private .onion addresses. If an "
-"attack discovers a private OnionShare address, a password will be prevent "
-"them from accessing it (unless the OnionShare user chooses to turn it off "
-"and make it public). The password is generated by choosing two random words "
-"from a list of 6800 words, making 6800², or about 46 million possible "
-"passwords. Only 20 wrong guesses can be made before OnionShare stops the "
-"server, preventing brute force attacks against the password."
-msgstr ""
-#: ../../source/security.rst:20 ../../source/security.rst:33
-msgid "What OnionShare doesn't protect against"
-msgstr ""
-#: ../../source/security.rst:22
-msgid ""
-"**Communicating the OnionShare address might not be secure.** Communicating "
-"the OnionShare address to people is the responsibility of the OnionShare "
-"user. If sent insecurely (such as through an email message monitored by an "
-"attacker), an eavesdropper can tell that OnionShare is being used. If the "
-"eavesdropper loads the address in Tor Browser while the service is still up, "
-"they can access it. To avoid this, the address must be communicateed "
-"securely, via encrypted text message (probably with disappearing messages "
-"enabled), encrypted email, or in person. This isn't necessary when using "
-"OnionShare for something that isn't secret."
-msgstr ""
-#: ../../source/security.rst:24
-msgid ""
-"**Communicating the OnionShare address might not be anonymous.** Extra "
-"precautions must be taken to ensure the OnionShare address is communicated "
-"anonymously. A new email or chat account, only accessed over Tor, can be "
-"used to share the address. This isn't necessary unless anonymity is a goal."
-msgstr ""
-#: ../../source/security.rst:11
-msgid ""
-"**Third parties don't have access to anything that happens in OnionShare.** "
-"Using OnionShare means hosting services directly on your computer. When "
-"sharing your files with OnionShare, they are not uploaded to any third-party "
-"server. If you make an OnionShare chat room, your computer acts as a server "
-"for that too. This avoids the traditional model of having to trust the "
-"computers of others."
-msgstr ""
#: ../../source/security.rst:28
msgid ""
"**If an attacker learns about the onion service, they still can't access "
@@ -120,6 +76,10 @@ msgid ""
"public by turning off the private key -- see :ref:`turn_off_private_key`)."
msgstr ""
+#: ../../source/security.rst:33
+msgid "What OnionShare doesn't protect against"
+msgstr ""
#: ../../source/security.rst:35
msgid ""
"**Communicating the OnionShare address and private key might not be secure."
diff --git a/docs/source/locale/ar/LC_MESSAGES/sphinx.po b/docs/source/locale/ar/LC_MESSAGES/sphinx.po
index 14552a36..14e3da5a 100644
--- a/docs/source/locale/ar/LC_MESSAGES/sphinx.po
+++ b/docs/source/locale/ar/LC_MESSAGES/sphinx.po
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: OnionShare 2.3\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2022-10-09 15:01-0700\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2023-09-05 11:30-0700\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2021-02-19 21:35+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: Mohamed Elghdban \n"
"Language-Team: LANGUAGE \n"
diff --git a/docs/source/locale/ar/LC_MESSAGES/tor.po b/docs/source/locale/ar/LC_MESSAGES/tor.po
index 6d10836c..3aa7e584 100644
--- a/docs/source/locale/ar/LC_MESSAGES/tor.po
+++ b/docs/source/locale/ar/LC_MESSAGES/tor.po
@@ -3,30 +3,32 @@
# This file is distributed under the same license as the OnionShare package.
# FIRST AUTHOR , 2020.
-#, fuzzy
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: OnionShare 2.3\n"
-"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2023-06-06 13:07+0200\n"
-"PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n"
-"Last-Translator: FULL NAME \n"
+"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: onionshare-dev@lists.riseup.net\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2023-09-05 11:30-0700\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2024-02-12 17:11+0000\n"
+"Last-Translator: ButterflyOfFire \n"
"Language-Team: LANGUAGE \n"
-"Language: \n"
+"Language: ar\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
+"Plural-Forms: nplurals=6; plural=n==0 ? 0 : n==1 ? 1 : n==2 ? 2 : n%100>=3 "
+"&& n%100<=10 ? 3 : n%100>=11 ? 4 : 5;\n"
+"X-Generator: Weblate 5.4-dev\n"
"Generated-By: Babel 2.9.0\n"
#: ../../source/tor.rst:2
msgid "Connecting to Tor"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "الاتصال بشبكة تور"
#: ../../source/tor.rst:4
msgid ""
"When OnionShare starts, it will show you a screen asking you to connect to "
"the Tor network."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "عند بدء تشغيل OnionShare، ستظهر لك شاشة تطلب منك الاتصال بشبكة تور."
#: ../../source/tor.rst:8
msgid ""
@@ -53,7 +55,7 @@ msgstr ""
#: ../../source/tor.rst:16
msgid "Automatic censorship circumvention"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "تجاوز الرقابة التلقائية"
#: ../../source/tor.rst:18
msgid ""
@@ -67,7 +69,7 @@ msgstr ""
#: ../../source/tor.rst:22
msgid "Try again without a bridge"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "حاول مرة أخرى بدون جسر"
#: ../../source/tor.rst:23
msgid ""
@@ -116,7 +118,7 @@ msgstr ""
#: ../../source/tor.rst:46
msgid "How automatic censorship circumvention works"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "كيف يعمل تجاوز الرقابة التلقائي"
#: ../../source/tor.rst:48
msgid ""
@@ -160,7 +162,7 @@ msgstr ""
#: ../../source/tor.rst:59
msgid "Manually configure Tor settings"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "ضبط إعدادات تور يدويا"
#: ../../source/tor.rst:61
msgid ""
@@ -177,7 +179,7 @@ msgstr ""
#: ../../source/tor.rst:68
msgid "Use the Tor version built into OnionShare"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "استخدم إصدار تور المُدمَج مع OnionShare"
#: ../../source/tor.rst:70
msgid ""
@@ -195,12 +197,12 @@ msgstr ""
#: ../../source/tor.rst:76
msgid "**Using bridges**"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "**استخدام الجسور**"
#: ../../source/tor.rst:78
msgid ""
-"To use a bridge, you must select \"Use the Tor version built into OnionShare"
-"\" and check the \"Use a bridge\" checkbox."
+"To use a bridge, you must select \"Use the Tor version built into "
+"OnionShare\" and check the \"Use a bridge\" checkbox."
msgstr ""
#: ../../source/tor.rst:80
@@ -221,11 +223,11 @@ msgstr ""
msgid ""
"You also have the option of using a bridge that you learned about from a "
"trusted source."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "لديكم أيضًا خيار استخدام جسر تعرفتم عليه من مصدر موثوق به."
#: ../../source/tor.rst:91
msgid "Attempt auto-configuration with Tor Browser"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "حاول التهيئة التلقائية باستخدام متصفح تور"
#: ../../source/tor.rst:93
msgid ""
@@ -356,8 +358,8 @@ msgstr ""
#: ../../source/tor.rst:170
msgid ""
-"Reboot your computer. After it boots up again, open OnionShare, click the \"⚙"
-"\" icon in it, and switch to the Tor Settings tab. Under \"How should "
+"Reboot your computer. After it boots up again, open OnionShare, click the "
+"\"⚙\" icon in it, and switch to the Tor Settings tab. Under \"How should "
"OnionShare connect to Tor?\" choose \"Connect using socket file\". Set the "
"socket file to be ``/var/run/tor/control``. Under \"Tor authentication "
"settings\" choose \"No authentication, or cookie authentication\". Click the "
diff --git a/docs/source/locale/ay/LC_MESSAGES/advanced.po b/docs/source/locale/ay/LC_MESSAGES/advanced.po
index ea6bcd09..68637f6b 100644
--- a/docs/source/locale/ay/LC_MESSAGES/advanced.po
+++ b/docs/source/locale/ay/LC_MESSAGES/advanced.po
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: OnionShare 2.6\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2022-10-09 15:01-0700\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2023-09-05 11:30-0700\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n"
"Last-Translator: Automatically generated\n"
"Language-Team: none\n"
@@ -25,19 +25,29 @@ msgid "Save Tabs"
msgstr ""
#: ../../source/advanced.rst:9
-msgid "Closing OnionShare tabs you host destroys them, preventing reuse. Persistently hosted websites are available on the same address even if the computer they are shared from is rebooted."
+msgid ""
+"Closing OnionShare tabs you host destroys them, preventing reuse. "
+"Persistently hosted websites are available on the same address even if the "
+"computer they are shared from is rebooted."
msgstr ""
#: ../../source/advanced.rst:12
-msgid "Make any tab persistent by checking the \"Always open this tab when OnionShare is started\" box before starting your server."
+msgid ""
+"Make any tab persistent by checking the \"Always open this tab when "
+"OnionShare is started\" box before starting your server."
msgstr ""
#: ../../source/advanced.rst:16
-msgid "When opening OnionShare, your saved tabs from the prior session will start opened. Each service then can be started manually, and will be available on the same OnionShare address and be protected by the same private key."
+msgid ""
+"When opening OnionShare, your saved tabs from the prior session will start "
+"opened. Each service then can be started manually, and will be available on "
+"the same OnionShare address and be protected by the same private key."
msgstr ""
#: ../../source/advanced.rst:19
-msgid "If you save a tab, a copy of its onion service secret key is stored on your computer."
+msgid ""
+"If you save a tab, a copy of its onion service secret key is stored on your "
msgstr ""
#: ../../source/advanced.rst:24
@@ -45,15 +55,24 @@ msgid "Turn Off Private Key"
msgstr ""
#: ../../source/advanced.rst:26
-msgid "By default, all OnionShare services are protected with a private key, which Tor calls \"client authentication\"."
+msgid ""
+"By default, all OnionShare services are protected with a private key, which "
+"Tor calls \"client authentication\"."
msgstr ""
#: ../../source/advanced.rst:28
-msgid "The Tor Browser will ask you to enter your private key when you load an OnionShare service. If you want allow the public to use your service, it's better to disable the private key altogether."
+msgid ""
+"The Tor Browser will ask you to enter your private key when you load an "
+"OnionShare service. If you want allow the public to use your service, it's "
+"better to disable the private key altogether."
msgstr ""
#: ../../source/advanced.rst:31
-msgid "To turn off the private key for any tab, check the \"This is a public OnionShare service (disables private key)\" box before starting the server. Then the server will be public and a private key is not needed to load it in the Tor Browser."
+msgid ""
+"To turn off the private key for any tab, check the \"This is a public "
+"OnionShare service (disables private key)\" box before starting the server. "
+"Then the server will be public and a private key is not needed to load it in "
+"the Tor Browser."
msgstr ""
#: ../../source/advanced.rst:37
@@ -61,11 +80,16 @@ msgid "Custom Titles"
msgstr ""
#: ../../source/advanced.rst:39
-msgid "When people load OnionShare services in the Tor Browser they see the default title for each type of service. For example, the default title for chat services is \"OnionShare Chat\"."
+msgid ""
+"When people load OnionShare services in the Tor Browser they see the default "
+"title for each type of service. For example, the default title for chat "
+"services is \"OnionShare Chat\"."
msgstr ""
#: ../../source/advanced.rst:42
-msgid "If you edit the \"Custom title\" setting before starting a server you can change it."
+msgid ""
+"If you edit the \"Custom title\" setting before starting a server you can "
+"change it."
msgstr ""
#: ../../source/advanced.rst:45
@@ -73,19 +97,34 @@ msgid "Scheduled Times"
msgstr ""
#: ../../source/advanced.rst:47
-msgid "OnionShare supports scheduling exactly when a service should start and stop. Before starting a server, click \"Show advanced settings\" in its tab and then check the boxes next to either \"Start onion service at scheduled time\", \"Stop onion service at scheduled time\", or both, and set the respective desired dates and times."
+msgid ""
+"OnionShare supports scheduling exactly when a service should start and stop. "
+"Before starting a server, click \"Show advanced settings\" in its tab and "
+"then check the boxes next to either \"Start onion service at scheduled "
+"time\", \"Stop onion service at scheduled time\", or both, and set the "
+"respective desired dates and times."
msgstr ""
#: ../../source/advanced.rst:51
-msgid "Services scheduled to start in the future display a countdown timer when when the \"Start sharing\" button is clicked. Services scheduled to stop in the future display a countdown timer when started."
+msgid ""
+"Services scheduled to start in the future display a countdown timer when "
+"when the \"Start sharing\" button is clicked. Services scheduled to stop in "
+"the future display a countdown timer when started."
msgstr ""
#: ../../source/advanced.rst:54
-msgid "**Scheduling an OnionShare service to automatically start can be used as a dead man's switch**. This means your service is made public at a given time in the future if you are not there to prevent it. If nothing happens to you, you can cancel the service before it's scheduled to start."
+msgid ""
+"**Scheduling an OnionShare service to automatically start can be used as a "
+"dead man's switch**. This means your service is made public at a given time "
+"in the future if you are not there to prevent it. If nothing happens to you, "
+"you can cancel the service before it's scheduled to start."
msgstr ""
#: ../../source/advanced.rst:60
-msgid "**Scheduling an OnionShare service to automatically stop limits its exposure**. If you want to share secret info or something that will be outdated, you can do so for selected limited time."
+msgid ""
+"**Scheduling an OnionShare service to automatically stop limits its "
+"exposure**. If you want to share secret info or something that will be "
+"outdated, you can do so for selected limited time."
msgstr ""
#: ../../source/advanced.rst:68
@@ -93,15 +132,20 @@ msgid "Command-line Interface"
msgstr ""
#: ../../source/advanced.rst:70
-msgid "In addition to its graphical interface, OnionShare has a command-line interface."
+msgid ""
+"In addition to its graphical interface, OnionShare has a command-line "
msgstr ""
#: ../../source/advanced.rst:72
-msgid "You can install just the command-line version of OnionShare using ``pip3``::"
+msgid ""
+"You can install just the command-line version of OnionShare using ``pip3``::"
msgstr ""
#: ../../source/advanced.rst:76
-msgid "Note that you will also need the ``tor`` package installed. In macOS, install it with: ``brew install tor``"
+msgid ""
+"Note that you will also need the ``tor`` package installed. In macOS, "
+"install it with: ``brew install tor``"
msgstr ""
#: ../../source/advanced.rst:78
@@ -109,11 +153,16 @@ msgid "Then run it like this::"
msgstr ""
#: ../../source/advanced.rst:82
-msgid "Info about installing it on different operating systems can be found in the `CLI README file `_ in the Git repository."
+msgid ""
+"Info about installing it on different operating systems can be found in the "
+"`CLI README file `_ in the Git repository."
msgstr ""
#: ../../source/advanced.rst:84
-msgid "If you installed OnionShare using the Snap package, you can also just run ``onionshare.cli`` to access the command-line interface version."
+msgid ""
+"If you installed OnionShare using the Snap package, you can also just run "
+"``onionshare.cli`` to access the command-line interface version."
msgstr ""
#: ../../source/advanced.rst:87
@@ -121,7 +170,8 @@ msgid "Usage"
msgstr ""
#: ../../source/advanced.rst:89
-msgid "Browse the command-line documentation by running ``onionshare --help``::"
+msgid ""
+"Browse the command-line documentation by running ``onionshare --help``::"
msgstr ""
#: ../../source/advanced.rst:151
@@ -129,7 +179,9 @@ msgid "Keyboard Shortcuts"
msgstr ""
#: ../../source/advanced.rst:153
-msgid "The OnionShare desktop application contains some keyboard shortcuts, for convenience and accessibility::"
+msgid ""
+"The OnionShare desktop application contains some keyboard shortcuts, for "
+"convenience and accessibility::"
msgstr ""
#: ../../source/advanced.rst:158
diff --git a/docs/source/locale/ay/LC_MESSAGES/develop.po b/docs/source/locale/ay/LC_MESSAGES/develop.po
index c5c51be2..15a01998 100644
--- a/docs/source/locale/ay/LC_MESSAGES/develop.po
+++ b/docs/source/locale/ay/LC_MESSAGES/develop.po
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: OnionShare 2.6\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2022-10-09 15:01-0700\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2023-09-05 11:30-0700\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n"
"Last-Translator: Automatically generated\n"
"Language-Team: none\n"
@@ -25,11 +25,20 @@ msgid "Collaborating"
msgstr ""
#: ../../source/develop.rst:9
-msgid "OnionShare has an open Keybase team to discuss the project, ask questions, share ideas and designs, and making plans for future development. (It's also an easy way to send end-to-end encrypted direct messages to others in the OnionShare community, like OnionShare addresses.) To use Keybase, download the `Keybase app `_, make an account, and `join this team `_. Within the app, go to \"Teams\", click \"Join a Team\", and type \"onionshare\"."
+msgid ""
+"OnionShare has an open Keybase team to discuss the project, ask questions, "
+"share ideas and designs, and making plans for future development. (It's also "
+"an easy way to send end-to-end encrypted direct messages to others in the "
+"OnionShare community, like OnionShare addresses.) To use Keybase, download "
+"the `Keybase app `_, make an account, and `join "
+"this team `_. Within the app, go to "
+"\"Teams\", click \"Join a Team\", and type \"onionshare\"."
msgstr ""
#: ../../source/develop.rst:12
-msgid "OnionShare also has a `mailing list `_ for developers and and designers to discuss the project."
+msgid ""
+"OnionShare also has a `mailing list `_ for developers and and designers to discuss the project."
msgstr ""
#: ../../source/develop.rst:15
@@ -37,15 +46,24 @@ msgid "Contributing Code"
msgstr ""
#: ../../source/develop.rst:17
-msgid "OnionShare source code is to be found in this Git repository: https://github.com/onionshare/onionshare"
+msgid ""
+"OnionShare source code is to be found in this Git repository: https://github."
msgstr ""
#: ../../source/develop.rst:19
-msgid "If you'd like to contribute code to OnionShare, it helps to join the Keybase team and ask questions about what you're thinking of working on. You should also review all of the `open issues `_ on GitHub to see if there are any you'd like to tackle."
+msgid ""
+"If you'd like to contribute code to OnionShare, it helps to join the Keybase "
+"team and ask questions about what you're thinking of working on. You should "
+"also review all of the `open issues `_ on GitHub to see if there are any you'd like to tackle."
msgstr ""
#: ../../source/develop.rst:22
-msgid "When you're ready to contribute code, open a pull request in the GitHub repository and one of the project maintainers will review it and possibly ask questions, request changes, reject it, or merge it into the project."
+msgid ""
+"When you're ready to contribute code, open a pull request in the GitHub "
+"repository and one of the project maintainers will review it and possibly "
+"ask questions, request changes, reject it, or merge it into the project."
msgstr ""
#: ../../source/develop.rst:27
@@ -53,11 +71,19 @@ msgid "Starting Development"
msgstr ""
#: ../../source/develop.rst:29
-msgid "OnionShare is developed in Python. To get started, clone the Git repository at https://github.com/onionshare/onionshare/ and then consult the ``cli/README.md`` file to learn how to set up your development environment for the command-line version, and the ``desktop/README.md`` file to learn how to set up your development environment for the graphical version."
+msgid ""
+"OnionShare is developed in Python. To get started, clone the Git repository "
+"at https://github.com/onionshare/onionshare/ and then consult the ``cli/"
+"README.md`` file to learn how to set up your development environment for the "
+"command-line version, and the ``desktop/README.md`` file to learn how to set "
+"up your development environment for the graphical version."
msgstr ""
#: ../../source/develop.rst:32
-msgid "Those files contain the necessary technical instructions and commands install dependencies for your platform, and to run OnionShare from the source tree."
+msgid ""
+"Those files contain the necessary technical instructions and commands "
+"install dependencies for your platform, and to run OnionShare from the "
+"source tree."
msgstr ""
#: ../../source/develop.rst:35
@@ -69,15 +95,25 @@ msgid "Verbose mode"
msgstr ""
#: ../../source/develop.rst:40
-msgid "When developing, it's convenient to run OnionShare from a terminal and add the ``--verbose`` (or ``-v``) flag to the command. This prints a lot of helpful messages to the terminal, such as when certain objects are initialized, when events occur (like buttons clicked, settings saved or reloaded), and other debug info. For example::"
+msgid ""
+"When developing, it's convenient to run OnionShare from a terminal and add "
+"the ``--verbose`` (or ``-v``) flag to the command. This prints a lot of "
+"helpful messages to the terminal, such as when certain objects are "
+"initialized, when events occur (like buttons clicked, settings saved or "
+"reloaded), and other debug info. For example::"
msgstr ""
#: ../../source/develop.rst:117
-msgid "You can add your own debug messages by running the ``Common.log`` method from ``onionshare/common.py``. For example::"
+msgid ""
+"You can add your own debug messages by running the ``Common.log`` method "
+"from ``onionshare/common.py``. For example::"
msgstr ""
#: ../../source/develop.rst:121
-msgid "This can be useful when learning the chain of events that occur when using OnionShare, or the value of certain variables before and after they are manipulated."
+msgid ""
+"This can be useful when learning the chain of events that occur when using "
+"OnionShare, or the value of certain variables before and after they are "
msgstr ""
#: ../../source/develop.rst:124
@@ -85,11 +121,17 @@ msgid "Local Only"
msgstr ""
#: ../../source/develop.rst:126
-msgid "Tor is slow, and it's often convenient to skip starting onion services altogether during development. You can do this with the ``--local-only`` flag. For example::"
+msgid ""
+"Tor is slow, and it's often convenient to skip starting onion services "
+"altogether during development. You can do this with the ``--local-only`` "
+"flag. For example::"
msgstr ""
#: ../../source/develop.rst:165
-msgid "In this case, you load the URL ```` in a normal web-browser like Firefox, instead of using the Tor Browser. The private key is not actually needed in local-only mode, so you can ignore it."
+msgid ""
+"In this case, you load the URL ```` in a normal web-"
+"browser like Firefox, instead of using the Tor Browser. The private key is "
+"not actually needed in local-only mode, so you can ignore it."
msgstr ""
#: ../../source/develop.rst:168
@@ -97,11 +139,16 @@ msgid "Contributing Translations"
msgstr ""
#: ../../source/develop.rst:170
-msgid "Help make OnionShare easier to use and more familiar and welcoming for people by translating it on `Hosted Weblate `_. Always keep the \"OnionShare\" in latin letters, and use \"OnionShare (localname)\" if needed."
+msgid ""
+"Help make OnionShare easier to use and more familiar and welcoming for "
+"people by translating it on `Hosted Weblate `_. Always keep the \"OnionShare\" in latin letters, "
+"and use \"OnionShare (localname)\" if needed."
msgstr ""
#: ../../source/develop.rst:172
-msgid "To help translate, make a Hosted Weblate account and start contributing."
+msgid ""
+"To help translate, make a Hosted Weblate account and start contributing."
msgstr ""
#: ../../source/develop.rst:175
@@ -109,11 +156,17 @@ msgid "Suggestions for Original English Strings"
msgstr ""
#: ../../source/develop.rst:177
-msgid "Sometimes the original English strings are wrong, or don't match between the application and the documentation."
+msgid ""
+"Sometimes the original English strings are wrong, or don't match between the "
+"application and the documentation."
msgstr ""
#: ../../source/develop.rst:179
-msgid "File source string improvements by adding @kingu to your Weblate comment, or open a GitHub issue or pull request. The latter ensures all upstream developers see the suggestion, and can potentially modify the string via the usual code review processes."
+msgid ""
+"File source string improvements by adding @kingu to your Weblate comment, or "
+"open a GitHub issue or pull request. The latter ensures all upstream "
+"developers see the suggestion, and can potentially modify the string via the "
+"usual code review processes."
msgstr ""
#: ../../source/develop.rst:183
@@ -121,5 +174,8 @@ msgid "Status of Translations"
msgstr ""
#: ../../source/develop.rst:184
-msgid "Here is the current translation status. If you want start a translation in a language not yet started, please write to the mailing list: onionshare-dev@lists.riseup.net"
+msgid ""
+"Here is the current translation status. If you want start a translation in a "
+"language not yet started, please write to the mailing list: onionshare-"
msgstr ""
diff --git a/docs/source/locale/ay/LC_MESSAGES/features.po b/docs/source/locale/ay/LC_MESSAGES/features.po
index dd23afcd..afbe0f48 100644
--- a/docs/source/locale/ay/LC_MESSAGES/features.po
+++ b/docs/source/locale/ay/LC_MESSAGES/features.po
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: OnionShare 2.6\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2022-10-09 15:01-0700\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2023-09-05 11:30-0700\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n"
"Last-Translator: Automatically generated\n"
"Language-Team: none\n"
diff --git a/docs/source/locale/ay/LC_MESSAGES/help.po b/docs/source/locale/ay/LC_MESSAGES/help.po
index f329ccc6..bb269a44 100644
--- a/docs/source/locale/ay/LC_MESSAGES/help.po
+++ b/docs/source/locale/ay/LC_MESSAGES/help.po
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: OnionShare 2.6\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2022-10-09 15:01-0700\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2023-09-05 11:30-0700\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n"
"Last-Translator: Automatically generated\n"
"Language-Team: none\n"
diff --git a/docs/source/locale/ay/LC_MESSAGES/index.po b/docs/source/locale/ay/LC_MESSAGES/index.po
index 395c8770..a9994ca5 100644
--- a/docs/source/locale/ay/LC_MESSAGES/index.po
+++ b/docs/source/locale/ay/LC_MESSAGES/index.po
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: OnionShare 2.6\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2022-10-09 15:01-0700\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2023-09-05 11:30-0700\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n"
"Last-Translator: Automatically generated\n"
"Language-Team: none\n"
@@ -21,5 +21,7 @@ msgid "OnionShare's documentation"
msgstr ""
#: ../../source/index.rst:6
-msgid "OnionShare is an open source tool that lets you securely and anonymously share files, host websites, and chat with friends using the Tor network."
+msgid ""
+"OnionShare is an open source tool that lets you securely and anonymously "
+"share files, host websites, and chat with friends using the Tor network."
msgstr ""
diff --git a/docs/source/locale/ay/LC_MESSAGES/install.po b/docs/source/locale/ay/LC_MESSAGES/install.po
index 533430aa..f6bea135 100644
--- a/docs/source/locale/ay/LC_MESSAGES/install.po
+++ b/docs/source/locale/ay/LC_MESSAGES/install.po
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: OnionShare 2.6\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2023-06-06 13:07+0200\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2023-09-05 11:51-0700\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n"
"Last-Translator: Automatically generated\n"
"Language-Team: none\n"
@@ -205,7 +205,7 @@ msgid ""
"You can find the signatures (as ``.asc`` files), as well as Windows, macOS, "
"Flatpak, Snap, and source packages, at https://onionshare.org/dist/ in the "
"folders named for each version of OnionShare. You can also find them on the "
-"`GitHub Releases page `_."
+"`GitHub Releases page `_."
msgstr ""
#: ../../source/install.rst:80
@@ -215,28 +215,45 @@ msgstr ""
#: ../../source/install.rst:82
msgid ""
"Once you have imported Micah's public key into your GnuPG keychain, "
-"downloaded the binary and ``.asc`` signature, you can verify the binary for "
-"macOS in a terminal like this::"
+"downloaded the binary and ``.asc`` signature, you can verify the binary in a "
+"terminal like this:"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../source/install.rst:86
-msgid "Or for Windows, in a command-prompt like this::"
+#: ../../source/install.rst:84
+msgid "For Windows::"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../source/install.rst:90
-msgid "The expected output looks like this::"
+#: ../../source/install.rst:88
+msgid "For macOS::"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../source/install.rst:92
+msgid "For Linux::"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../source/install.rst:98
+msgid "and for the source file::"
msgstr ""
#: ../../source/install.rst:102
+msgid "The expected output looks like this::"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../source/install.rst:112
msgid ""
"If you don't see ``Good signature from``, there might be a problem with the "
"integrity of the file (malicious or otherwise), and you should not install "
-"the package. (The ``WARNING:`` shown above, is not a problem with the "
-"package, it only means you haven't defined a level of \"trust\" of Micah's "
-"(the core developer) PGP key.)"
+"the package."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../source/install.rst:104
+#: ../../source/install.rst:114
+msgid ""
+"The ``WARNING:`` shown above, is not a problem with the package, it only "
+"means you haven't defined a level of \"trust\" of Micah's (the core "
+"developer) PGP key."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../source/install.rst:116
msgid ""
"If you want to learn more about verifying PGP signatures, the guides for "
"`Qubes OS `_ and "
diff --git a/docs/source/locale/ay/LC_MESSAGES/security.po b/docs/source/locale/ay/LC_MESSAGES/security.po
index c55d7f67..5154c820 100644
--- a/docs/source/locale/ay/LC_MESSAGES/security.po
+++ b/docs/source/locale/ay/LC_MESSAGES/security.po
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: OnionShare 2.6\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2022-10-09 15:01-0700\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2023-09-05 11:30-0700\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n"
"Last-Translator: Automatically generated\n"
"Language-Team: none\n"
@@ -33,19 +33,43 @@ msgid "What OnionShare protects against"
msgstr ""
#: ../../source/security.rst:11
-msgid "**Third parties don't have access to anything that happens in OnionShare.** Using OnionShare means hosting services directly on your computer. When sharing your files with OnionShare, they are not uploaded to any third-party server. If you make an OnionShare chat room, your computer acts as a server for that too. This avoids the traditional model of having to trust the computers of others."
+msgid ""
+"**Third parties don't have access to anything that happens in OnionShare.** "
+"Using OnionShare means hosting services directly on your computer. When "
+"sharing your files with OnionShare, they are not uploaded to any third-party "
+"server. If you make an OnionShare chat room, your computer acts as a server "
+"for that too. This avoids the traditional model of having to trust the "
+"computers of others."
msgstr ""
#: ../../source/security.rst:17
-msgid "**Network eavesdroppers can't spy on anything that happens in OnionShare in transit.** The connection between the Tor onion service and Tor Browser is end-to-end encrypted. This means network attackers can't eavesdrop on anything except encrypted Tor traffic. Even if an eavesdropper is a malicious rendezvous node used to connect the Tor Browser with OnionShare's onion service, the traffic is encrypted using the onion service's private key."
+msgid ""
+"**Network eavesdroppers can't spy on anything that happens in OnionShare in "
+"transit.** The connection between the Tor onion service and Tor Browser is "
+"end-to-end encrypted. This means network attackers can't eavesdrop on "
+"anything except encrypted Tor traffic. Even if an eavesdropper is a "
+"malicious rendezvous node used to connect the Tor Browser with OnionShare's "
+"onion service, the traffic is encrypted using the onion service's private "
msgstr ""
#: ../../source/security.rst:23
-msgid "**Anonymity of OnionShare users are protected by Tor.** OnionShare and Tor Browser protect the anonymity of the users. As long as the OnionShare user anonymously communicates the OnionShare address with the Tor Browser users, the Tor Browser users and eavesdroppers can't learn the identity of the OnionShare user."
+msgid ""
+"**Anonymity of OnionShare users are protected by Tor.** OnionShare and Tor "
+"Browser protect the anonymity of the users. As long as the OnionShare user "
+"anonymously communicates the OnionShare address with the Tor Browser users, "
+"the Tor Browser users and eavesdroppers can't learn the identity of the "
+"OnionShare user."
msgstr ""
#: ../../source/security.rst:28
-msgid "**If an attacker learns about the onion service, they still can't access anything.** Prior attacks against the Tor network to enumerate onion services allowed attackers to discover private ``.onion`` addresses. To access an OnionShare service from its address, the private key used for client authentication must be guessed (unless the service is already made public by turning off the private key -- see :ref:`turn_off_private_key`)."
+msgid ""
+"**If an attacker learns about the onion service, they still can't access "
+"anything.** Prior attacks against the Tor network to enumerate onion "
+"services allowed attackers to discover private ``.onion`` addresses. To "
+"access an OnionShare service from its address, the private key used for "
+"client authentication must be guessed (unless the service is already made "
+"public by turning off the private key -- see :ref:`turn_off_private_key`)."
msgstr ""
#: ../../source/security.rst:33
@@ -53,9 +77,23 @@ msgid "What OnionShare doesn't protect against"
msgstr ""
#: ../../source/security.rst:35
-msgid "**Communicating the OnionShare address and private key might not be secure.** Communicating the OnionShare address to people is the responsibility of the OnionShare user. If sent insecurely (such as through an e-mail message monitored by an attacker), an eavesdropper can tell that OnionShare is being used. Eavesdroppers can access services that are still up by loading their addresses and/or lost key in the Tor Browser. Avoid this by communicating the address securely, via encrypted text message (probably with disappearing messages enabled), encrypted e-mail, or in person. This isn't necessary when using OnionShare for something that isn't secret."
+msgid ""
+"**Communicating the OnionShare address and private key might not be secure."
+"** Communicating the OnionShare address to people is the responsibility of "
+"the OnionShare user. If sent insecurely (such as through an e-mail message "
+"monitored by an attacker), an eavesdropper can tell that OnionShare is being "
+"used. Eavesdroppers can access services that are still up by loading their "
+"addresses and/or lost key in the Tor Browser. Avoid this by communicating "
+"the address securely, via encrypted text message (probably with disappearing "
+"messages enabled), encrypted e-mail, or in person. This isn't necessary when "
+"using OnionShare for something that isn't secret."
msgstr ""
#: ../../source/security.rst:42
-msgid "**Communicating the OnionShare address and private key might not be anonymous.** Extra precaution must be taken to ensure the OnionShare address is communicated anonymously. A new e-mail or chat account, only accessed over Tor, can be used to share the address. This isn't necessary unless anonymity is a goal."
+msgid ""
+"**Communicating the OnionShare address and private key might not be "
+"anonymous.** Extra precaution must be taken to ensure the OnionShare address "
+"is communicated anonymously. A new e-mail or chat account, only accessed "
+"over Tor, can be used to share the address. This isn't necessary unless "
+"anonymity is a goal."
msgstr ""
diff --git a/docs/source/locale/ay/LC_MESSAGES/tor.po b/docs/source/locale/ay/LC_MESSAGES/tor.po
index a636fe3f..97be0275 100644
--- a/docs/source/locale/ay/LC_MESSAGES/tor.po
+++ b/docs/source/locale/ay/LC_MESSAGES/tor.po
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: OnionShare 2.6\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2023-06-06 13:07+0200\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2023-09-05 11:30-0700\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n"
"Last-Translator: Automatically generated\n"
"Language-Team: none\n"
@@ -197,8 +197,8 @@ msgstr ""
#: ../../source/tor.rst:78
msgid ""
-"To use a bridge, you must select \"Use the Tor version built into OnionShare"
-"\" and check the \"Use a bridge\" checkbox."
+"To use a bridge, you must select \"Use the Tor version built into "
+"OnionShare\" and check the \"Use a bridge\" checkbox."
msgstr ""
#: ../../source/tor.rst:80
@@ -354,8 +354,8 @@ msgstr ""
#: ../../source/tor.rst:170
msgid ""
-"Reboot your computer. After it boots up again, open OnionShare, click the \"⚙"
-"\" icon in it, and switch to the Tor Settings tab. Under \"How should "
+"Reboot your computer. After it boots up again, open OnionShare, click the "
+"\"⚙\" icon in it, and switch to the Tor Settings tab. Under \"How should "
"OnionShare connect to Tor?\" choose \"Connect using socket file\". Set the "
"socket file to be ``/var/run/tor/control``. Under \"Tor authentication "
"settings\" choose \"No authentication, or cookie authentication\". Click the "
diff --git a/docs/source/locale/be/LC_MESSAGES/advanced.po b/docs/source/locale/be/LC_MESSAGES/advanced.po
index 6e40d613..49782602 100644
--- a/docs/source/locale/be/LC_MESSAGES/advanced.po
+++ b/docs/source/locale/be/LC_MESSAGES/advanced.po
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: OnionShare 2.6\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2022-10-09 15:01-0700\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2023-09-05 11:30-0700\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n"
"Last-Translator: Automatically generated\n"
"Language-Team: none\n"
@@ -100,8 +100,8 @@ msgstr ""
msgid ""
"OnionShare supports scheduling exactly when a service should start and stop. "
"Before starting a server, click \"Show advanced settings\" in its tab and "
-"then check the boxes next to either \"Start onion service at scheduled time"
-"\", \"Stop onion service at scheduled time\", or both, and set the "
+"then check the boxes next to either \"Start onion service at scheduled "
+"time\", \"Stop onion service at scheduled time\", or both, and set the "
"respective desired dates and times."
msgstr ""
diff --git a/docs/source/locale/be/LC_MESSAGES/develop.po b/docs/source/locale/be/LC_MESSAGES/develop.po
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..a19f3797
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/source/locale/be/LC_MESSAGES/develop.po
@@ -0,0 +1,181 @@
+# Copyright (C) Micah Lee, et al.
+# This file is distributed under the same license as the OnionShare package.
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+"Project-Id-Version: OnionShare 2.6\n"
+"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2023-09-05 11:30-0700\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n"
+"Last-Translator: Automatically generated\n"
+"Language-Team: none\n"
+"Language: be\n"
+"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
+"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
+"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
+#: ../../source/develop.rst:2
+msgid "Developing OnionShare"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../source/develop.rst:7
+msgid "Collaborating"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../source/develop.rst:9
+msgid ""
+"OnionShare has an open Keybase team to discuss the project, ask questions, "
+"share ideas and designs, and making plans for future development. (It's also "
+"an easy way to send end-to-end encrypted direct messages to others in the "
+"OnionShare community, like OnionShare addresses.) To use Keybase, download "
+"the `Keybase app `_, make an account, and `join "
+"this team `_. Within the app, go to "
+"\"Teams\", click \"Join a Team\", and type \"onionshare\"."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../source/develop.rst:12
+msgid ""
+"OnionShare also has a `mailing list `_ for developers and and designers to discuss the project."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../source/develop.rst:15
+msgid "Contributing Code"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../source/develop.rst:17
+msgid ""
+"OnionShare source code is to be found in this Git repository: https://github."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../source/develop.rst:19
+msgid ""
+"If you'd like to contribute code to OnionShare, it helps to join the Keybase "
+"team and ask questions about what you're thinking of working on. You should "
+"also review all of the `open issues `_ on GitHub to see if there are any you'd like to tackle."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../source/develop.rst:22
+msgid ""
+"When you're ready to contribute code, open a pull request in the GitHub "
+"repository and one of the project maintainers will review it and possibly "
+"ask questions, request changes, reject it, or merge it into the project."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../source/develop.rst:27
+msgid "Starting Development"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../source/develop.rst:29
+msgid ""
+"OnionShare is developed in Python. To get started, clone the Git repository "
+"at https://github.com/onionshare/onionshare/ and then consult the ``cli/"
+"README.md`` file to learn how to set up your development environment for the "
+"command-line version, and the ``desktop/README.md`` file to learn how to set "
+"up your development environment for the graphical version."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../source/develop.rst:32
+msgid ""
+"Those files contain the necessary technical instructions and commands "
+"install dependencies for your platform, and to run OnionShare from the "
+"source tree."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../source/develop.rst:35
+msgid "Debugging tips"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../source/develop.rst:38
+msgid "Verbose mode"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../source/develop.rst:40
+msgid ""
+"When developing, it's convenient to run OnionShare from a terminal and add "
+"the ``--verbose`` (or ``-v``) flag to the command. This prints a lot of "
+"helpful messages to the terminal, such as when certain objects are "
+"initialized, when events occur (like buttons clicked, settings saved or "
+"reloaded), and other debug info. For example::"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../source/develop.rst:117
+msgid ""
+"You can add your own debug messages by running the ``Common.log`` method "
+"from ``onionshare/common.py``. For example::"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../source/develop.rst:121
+msgid ""
+"This can be useful when learning the chain of events that occur when using "
+"OnionShare, or the value of certain variables before and after they are "
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../source/develop.rst:124
+msgid "Local Only"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../source/develop.rst:126
+msgid ""
+"Tor is slow, and it's often convenient to skip starting onion services "
+"altogether during development. You can do this with the ``--local-only`` "
+"flag. For example::"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../source/develop.rst:165
+msgid ""
+"In this case, you load the URL ```` in a normal web-"
+"browser like Firefox, instead of using the Tor Browser. The private key is "
+"not actually needed in local-only mode, so you can ignore it."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../source/develop.rst:168
+msgid "Contributing Translations"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../source/develop.rst:170
+msgid ""
+"Help make OnionShare easier to use and more familiar and welcoming for "
+"people by translating it on `Hosted Weblate `_. Always keep the \"OnionShare\" in latin letters, "
+"and use \"OnionShare (localname)\" if needed."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../source/develop.rst:172
+msgid ""
+"To help translate, make a Hosted Weblate account and start contributing."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../source/develop.rst:175
+msgid "Suggestions for Original English Strings"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../source/develop.rst:177
+msgid ""
+"Sometimes the original English strings are wrong, or don't match between the "
+"application and the documentation."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../source/develop.rst:179
+msgid ""
+"File source string improvements by adding @kingu to your Weblate comment, or "
+"open a GitHub issue or pull request. The latter ensures all upstream "
+"developers see the suggestion, and can potentially modify the string via the "
+"usual code review processes."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../source/develop.rst:183
+msgid "Status of Translations"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../source/develop.rst:184
+msgid ""
+"Here is the current translation status. If you want start a translation in a "
+"language not yet started, please write to the mailing list: onionshare-"
+msgstr ""
diff --git a/docs/source/locale/be/LC_MESSAGES/features.po b/docs/source/locale/be/LC_MESSAGES/features.po
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..2c2ca010
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/source/locale/be/LC_MESSAGES/features.po
@@ -0,0 +1,416 @@
+# Copyright (C) Micah Lee, et al.
+# This file is distributed under the same license as the OnionShare package.
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+"Project-Id-Version: OnionShare 2.6\n"
+"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2023-09-05 11:30-0700\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n"
+"Last-Translator: Automatically generated\n"
+"Language-Team: none\n"
+"Language: be\n"
+"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
+"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
+"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
+#: ../../source/features.rst:4
+msgid "How OnionShare Works"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../source/features.rst:6
+msgid ""
+"Web servers are started locally on your computer and made accessible to "
+"other people as `Tor `_ `onion services "
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../source/features.rst:8
+msgid "By default, OnionShare web addresses are protected with a private key."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../source/features.rst:10
+msgid "OnionShare addresses look something like this::"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../source/features.rst:14
+msgid "And private keys might look something like this::"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../source/features.rst:18
+msgid ""
+"You're responsible for securely sharing that URL and private key using a "
+"communication channel of your choice like in an encrypted chat message, or "
+"using something less secure like unencrypted email, depending on your "
+"`threat model `_."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../source/features.rst:20
+msgid ""
+"The people you send the URL to then copy and paste it into their `Tor "
+"Browser `_ to access the OnionShare service. "
+"Tor Browser will then prompt for the private key, which the people can also "
+"then copy and paste in."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../source/features.rst:24
+msgid ""
+"If you run OnionShare on your laptop to send someone files, and then suspend "
+"it before the files are sent, the service will not be available until your "
+"laptop is unsuspended and on the internet again. OnionShare works best when "
+"working with people in real-time."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../source/features.rst:26
+msgid ""
+"Because your own computer is the web server, *no third party can access "
+"anything that happens in OnionShare*, not even the developers of OnionShare. "
+"It's completely private. And because OnionShare is based on Tor onion "
+"services too, it also protects your anonymity. See the :doc:`security design "
+"` for more info."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../source/features.rst:29
+msgid "Share Files"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../source/features.rst:31
+msgid ""
+"You can use OnionShare to send files and folders to people securely and "
+"anonymously. Open a share tab, drag in the files and folders you wish to "
+"share, and click \"Start sharing\"."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../source/features.rst:35 ../../source/features.rst:112
+msgid ""
+"After you add files, you'll see some settings. Make sure you choose the "
+"setting you're interested in before you start sharing."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../source/features.rst:39
+msgid ""
+"As soon as someone finishes downloading your files, OnionShare will "
+"automatically stop the server, removing the website from the internet. To "
+"allow multiple people to download them, uncheck the \"Stop sharing after "
+"files have been sent (uncheck to allow downloading individual files)\" box."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../source/features.rst:42
+msgid ""
+"Also, if you uncheck this box, people will be able to download the "
+"individual files you share rather than a single compressed version of all "
+"the files."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../source/features.rst:44
+msgid ""
+"When you're ready to share, click the \"Start sharing\" button. You can "
+"always click \"Stop sharing\", or quit OnionShare, immediately taking the "
+"website down. You can also click the \"↑\" icon in the top-right corner to "
+"show the history and progress of people downloading files from you."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../source/features.rst:48
+msgid ""
+"Now that you have a OnionShare, copy the address and the private key and "
+"send it to the person you want to receive the files. If the files need to "
+"stay secure, or the person is otherwise exposed to danger, use an encrypted "
+"messaging app."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../source/features.rst:50
+msgid ""
+"That person then must load the address in Tor Browser. After logging in with "
+"the private key, the files can be downloaded directly from your computer by "
+"clicking the \"Download Files\" link in the corner."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../source/features.rst:55
+msgid "Receive Files and Messages"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../source/features.rst:57
+msgid ""
+"You can use OnionShare to let people anonymously submit files and messages "
+"directly to your computer, essentially turning it into an anonymous dropbox. "
+"Open a receive tab and choose the settings that you want."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../source/features.rst:62
+msgid ""
+"You can browse for a folder to save messages and files that get submitted."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../source/features.rst:64
+msgid ""
+"You can check \"Disable submitting text\" if want to only allow file "
+"uploads, and you can check \"Disable uploading files\" if you want to only "
+"allow submitting text messages, like for an anonymous contact form."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../source/features.rst:66
+msgid ""
+"You can check \"Use notification webhook\" and then choose a webhook URL if "
+"you want to be notified when someone submits files or messages to your "
+"OnionShare service. If you use this feature, OnionShare will make an HTTP "
+"POST request to this URL whenever someone submits files or messages. For "
+"example, if you want to get an encrypted text messaging on the messaging app "
+"`Keybase `_, you can start a conversation with "
+"`@webhookbot `_, type ``!webhook create "
+"onionshare-alerts``, and it will respond with a URL. Use that as the "
+"notification webhook URL. If someone uploads a file to your receive mode "
+"service, @webhookbot will send you a message on Keybase letting you know as "
+"soon as it happens."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../source/features.rst:71
+msgid ""
+"When you are ready, click \"Start Receive Mode\". This starts the OnionShare "
+"service. Anyone loading this address in their Tor Browser will be able to "
+"submit files and messages which get uploaded to your computer."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../source/features.rst:75
+msgid ""
+"You can also click the down \"↓\" icon in the top-right corner to show the "
+"history and progress of people sending files to you."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../source/features.rst:77
+msgid "Here is what it looks like for someone sending you files and messages."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../source/features.rst:81
+msgid ""
+"When someone submits files or messages to your receive service, by default "
+"they get saved to a folder called ``OnionShare`` in the home folder on your "
+"computer, automatically organized into separate subfolders based on the time "
+"that the files get uploaded."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../source/features.rst:83
+msgid ""
+"Setting up an OnionShare receiving service is useful for journalists and "
+"others needing to securely accept documents from anonymous sources. When "
+"used in this way, OnionShare is sort of like a lightweight, simpler, not "
+"quite as secure version of `SecureDrop `_, the "
+"whistleblower submission system."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../source/features.rst:86
+msgid "Use at your own risk"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../source/features.rst:88
+msgid ""
+"Just like with malicious email attachments, it's possible someone could try "
+"to attack your computer by uploading a malicious file to your OnionShare "
+"service. OnionShare does not add any safety mechanisms to protect your "
+"system from malicious files."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../source/features.rst:90
+msgid ""
+"If you receive an Office document or a PDF through OnionShare, you can "
+"convert these documents into PDFs that are safe to open using `Dangerzone "
+"`_. You can also protect yourself when opening "
+"untrusted documents by opening them in `Tails `_ or "
+"in a `Qubes `_ disposableVM."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../source/features.rst:92
+msgid ""
+"However, it is always safe to open text messages sent through OnionShare."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../source/features.rst:95
+msgid "Tips for running a receive service"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../source/features.rst:97
+msgid ""
+"If you want to host your own anonymous dropbox using OnionShare, it's "
+"recommended you do so on a separate, dedicated computer always powered on "
+"and connected to the internet, and not on the one you use on a regular basis."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../source/features.rst:99
+msgid ""
+"If you intend to put the OnionShare address on your website or social media "
+"profiles, save the tab (see :ref:`save_tabs`) and run it as a public service "
+"(see :ref:`turn_off_private_key`). It's also a good idea to give it a custom "
+"title (see :ref:`custom_titles`)."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../source/features.rst:102
+msgid "Host a Website"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../source/features.rst:104
+msgid ""
+"To host a static HTML website with OnionShare, open a website tab, drag the "
+"files and folders that make up the static content there, and click \"Start "
+"sharing\" when you are ready."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../source/features.rst:108
+msgid ""
+"If you add an ``index.html`` file, it will render when someone loads your "
+"website. You should also include any other HTML files, CSS files, JavaScript "
+"files, and images that make up the website. (Note that OnionShare only "
+"supports hosting *static* websites. It can't host websites that execute code "
+"or use databases. So you can't for example use WordPress.)"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../source/features.rst:110
+msgid ""
+"If you don't have an ``index.html`` file, it will show a directory listing "
+"instead, and people loading it can look through the files and download them."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../source/features.rst:117
+msgid "Content Security Policy"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../source/features.rst:119
+msgid ""
+"By default OnionShare helps secure your website by setting a strict `Content "
+"Security Policy `_ "
+"header. However, this prevents third-party content from loading inside the "
+"web page."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../source/features.rst:121
+msgid ""
+"If you want to load content from third-party websites, like assets or "
+"JavaScript libraries from CDNs, you have two options:"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../source/features.rst:123
+msgid ""
+"You can disable sending a Content Security Policy header by checking the "
+"\"Don't send Content Security Policy header (allows your website to use "
+"third-party resources)\" box before starting the service."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../source/features.rst:124
+msgid "You can send a custom Content Security Policy header."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../source/features.rst:127
+msgid "Tips for running a website service"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../source/features.rst:129
+msgid ""
+"If you want to host a long-term website using OnionShare (meaning not just "
+"to quickly show someone something), it's recommended you do it on a "
+"separate, dedicated computer that is always powered on and connected to the "
+"internet, and not on the one you use on a regular basis. Save the tab (see :"
+"ref:`save_tabs`) so you can resume the website with the same address if you "
+"close OnionShare and re-open it later."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../source/features.rst:132
+msgid ""
+"If your website is intended for the public, you should run it as a public "
+"service (see :ref:`turn_off_private_key`)."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../source/features.rst:135
+msgid "Chat Anonymously"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../source/features.rst:137
+msgid ""
+"You can use OnionShare to set up a private, secure chat room that doesn't "
+"log anything. Just open a chat tab and click \"Start chat server\"."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../source/features.rst:141
+msgid ""
+"After you start the server, copy the OnionShare address and private key and "
+"send them to the people you want in the anonymous chat room. If it's "
+"important to limit exactly who can join, use an encrypted messaging app to "
+"send out the OnionShare address and private key."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../source/features.rst:146
+msgid ""
+"People can join the chat room by loading its OnionShare address in Tor "
+"Browser. The chat room requires JavasScript, so everyone who wants to "
+"participate must have their Tor Browser security level set to \"Standard\" "
+"or \"Safer\", instead of \"Safest\"."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../source/features.rst:149
+msgid ""
+"When someone joins the chat room they get assigned a random name. They can "
+"change their name by typing a new name in the box in the left panel and "
+"pressing ↵. Since the chat history isn't saved anywhere, it doesn't get "
+"displayed at all, even if others were already chatting in the room."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../source/features.rst:155
+msgid ""
+"In an OnionShare chat room, everyone is anonymous. Anyone can change their "
+"name to anything, and there is no way to confirm anyone's identity."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../source/features.rst:158
+msgid ""
+"However, if you create an OnionShare chat room and securely send the address "
+"only to a small group of trusted friends using encrypted messages, you can "
+"be reasonably confident the people joining the chat room are your friends."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../source/features.rst:161
+msgid "How is this useful?"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../source/features.rst:163
+msgid ""
+"If you need to already be using an encrypted messaging app, what's the point "
+"of an OnionShare chat room to begin with? It leaves less traces."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../source/features.rst:165
+msgid ""
+"If you for example send a message to a Signal group, a copy of your message "
+"ends up on each device (the smartphones, and computers if they set up Signal "
+"Desktop) of each member of the group. Even if disappearing messages is "
+"turned on, it's hard to confirm all copies of the messages are actually "
+"deleted from all devices, and from any other places (like notifications "
+"databases) they may have been saved to. OnionShare chat rooms don't store "
+"any messages anywhere, so the problem is reduced to a minimum."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../source/features.rst:168
+msgid ""
+"OnionShare chat rooms can also be useful for people wanting to chat "
+"anonymously and securely with someone without needing to create any "
+"accounts. For example, a source can send an OnionShare address to a "
+"journalist using a disposable email address, and then wait for the "
+"journalist to join the chat room, all without compromosing their anonymity."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../source/features.rst:172
+msgid "How does the encryption work?"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../source/features.rst:174
+msgid ""
+"Because OnionShare relies on Tor onion services, connections between the Tor "
+"Browser and OnionShare are all end-to-end encrypted (E2EE). When someone "
+"posts a message to an OnionShare chat room, they send it to the server "
+"through the E2EE onion connection, which then sends it to all other members "
+"of the chat room using WebSockets, through their E2EE onion connections."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../source/features.rst:176
+msgid ""
+"OnionShare doesn't implement any chat encryption on its own. It relies on "
+"the Tor onion service's encryption instead."
+msgstr ""
diff --git a/docs/source/locale/be/LC_MESSAGES/help.po b/docs/source/locale/be/LC_MESSAGES/help.po
index c57e4611..f24b0868 100644
--- a/docs/source/locale/be/LC_MESSAGES/help.po
+++ b/docs/source/locale/be/LC_MESSAGES/help.po
@@ -6,8 +6,8 @@
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: OnionShare 2.6\n"
-"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: onionshare-dev@lists.riseup.net\n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2022-10-09 15:01-0700\n"
+"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2023-09-05 11:30-0700\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2023-06-20 18:52+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: Maksim \n"
"Language-Team: none\n"
@@ -66,8 +66,8 @@ msgstr ""
"Калі вы не можаце знайсці рашэнне, хочаце задаць пытанне ці прапанаваць "
"новую функцыю, калі ласка, `паведаміце аб праблеме `_. Для гэтага неабходна `стварыць уліковы "
-"запіс на GitHub `_."
+"запіс на GitHub `_."
#: ../../source/help.rst:20
msgid "Join our Keybase Team"
diff --git a/docs/source/locale/be/LC_MESSAGES/index.po b/docs/source/locale/be/LC_MESSAGES/index.po
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..b39be1b0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/source/locale/be/LC_MESSAGES/index.po
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+# Copyright (C) Micah Lee, et al.
+# This file is distributed under the same license as the OnionShare package.
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+"Project-Id-Version: OnionShare 2.6\n"
+"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2023-09-05 11:30-0700\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2023-11-20 16:03+0000\n"
+"Last-Translator: kopatych \n"
+"Language-Team: none\n"
+"Language: be\n"
+"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
+"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
+"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
+"Plural-Forms: nplurals=3; plural=n%10==1 && n%100!=11 ? 0 : n%10>=2 && "
+"n%10<=4 && (n%100<10 || n%100>=20) ? 1 : 2;\n"
+"X-Generator: Weblate 5.2\n"
+#: ../../source/index.rst:2
+msgid "OnionShare's documentation"
+msgstr "Дакументацыя OnionShare"
+#: ../../source/index.rst:6
+msgid ""
+"OnionShare is an open source tool that lets you securely and anonymously "
+"share files, host websites, and chat with friends using the Tor network."
+msgstr ""
+"OnionShare - гэта інструмент з адкрытым зыходным кодам, які дазваляе "
+"бяспечна і ананімна абменьвацца файламі, размяшчаць вэб-сайты і мець зносіны "
+"з сябрамі з дапамогай сеткі Tor."
diff --git a/docs/source/locale/be/LC_MESSAGES/install.po b/docs/source/locale/be/LC_MESSAGES/install.po
index 95866f47..3a94ff03 100644
--- a/docs/source/locale/be/LC_MESSAGES/install.po
+++ b/docs/source/locale/be/LC_MESSAGES/install.po
@@ -7,167 +7,351 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: OnionShare 2.6.1\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2023-06-06 13:07+0200\n"
-"PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n"
-"Last-Translator: Automatically generated\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2023-09-05 11:51-0700\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2023-11-20 16:03+0000\n"
+"Last-Translator: kopatych \n"
"Language-Team: none\n"
"Language: be\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
+"Plural-Forms: nplurals=3; plural=n%10==1 && n%100!=11 ? 0 : n%10>=2 && "
+"n%10<=4 && (n%100<10 || n%100>=20) ? 1 : 2;\n"
+"X-Generator: Weblate 5.2\n"
#: ../../source/install.rst:2
msgid "Installation"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Усталяванне"
#: ../../source/install.rst:5
msgid "Windows or macOS"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Windows або macOS"
#: ../../source/install.rst:7
-msgid "You can download OnionShare for Windows and macOS from the `OnionShare website `_."
+msgid ""
+"You can download OnionShare for Windows and macOS from the `OnionShare "
+"website `_."
msgstr ""
+"Вы можаце загрузіць OnionShare для Windows і macOS з вэб-сайта `OnionShare "
#: ../../source/install.rst:12
msgid "Linux"
msgstr ""
#: ../../source/install.rst:14
-msgid "There are various ways to install OnionShare for Linux, but the recommended way is to use either the `Flatpak `_ or the `Snap `_ package. Flatpak and Snapcraft ensure that you'll always use the newest version and run OnionShare inside of a sandbox."
+msgid ""
+"There are various ways to install OnionShare for Linux, but the recommended "
+"way is to use either the `Flatpak `_ or the `Snap "
+"`_ package. Flatpak and Snapcraft ensure that you'll "
+"always use the newest version and run OnionShare inside of a sandbox."
msgstr ""
+"Існуюць розныя спосабы ўсталявання OnionShare на Linux, але мы рэкамендуем "
+"выкарыстоўваць пакет `Flatpak `_ або `Snap `_. Flatpak і Snapcraft гарантуюць, што вы заўсёды "
+"выкарыстоўваеце апошнюю версію і OnionShare працуе ў пясочніцы."
#: ../../source/install.rst:17
-msgid "Snapcraft support is built-in to Ubuntu and Fedora comes with Flatpak support, but which you use is up to you. Both work in all Linux distributions."
+msgid ""
+"Snapcraft support is built-in to Ubuntu and Fedora comes with Flatpak "
+"support, but which you use is up to you. Both work in all Linux "
msgstr ""
+"Падтрымка Snapcraft убудавана ў Ubuntu, а Flatpak убудаваны ў Fedora, але "
+"вам вырашаць, які з іх выкарыстоўваць. Яны абодва працуюць на ўсіх "
+"дыстрыбутывах Linux."
#: ../../source/install.rst:19
-msgid "**Install OnionShare using Flatpak**: https://flathub.org/apps/details/org.onionshare.OnionShare"
+msgid ""
+"**Install OnionShare using Flatpak**: https://flathub.org/apps/details/org."
msgstr ""
+"**Усталюйце OnionShare з дапамогай Flatpak**: https://flathub.org/apps/"
#: ../../source/install.rst:21
msgid "**Install OnionShare using Snapcraft**: https://snapcraft.io/onionshare"
msgstr ""
+"**Усталюйце OnionShare з дапамогай Snapcraft**: https://snapcraft.io/"
#: ../../source/install.rst:23
-msgid "You can also download and install PGP-signed ``.flatpak`` or ``.snap`` packages from https://onionshare.org/dist/ if you prefer."
+msgid ""
+"You can also download and install PGP-signed ``.flatpak`` or ``.snap`` "
+"packages from https://onionshare.org/dist/ if you prefer."
msgstr ""
+"Пры жаданні вы можаце загрузіць і ўсталяваць падпісаныя PGP пакеты ``."
+"flatpak`` ці ``.snap`` з сайта https://onionshare.org/dist/."
#: ../../source/install.rst:26
msgid "Manual Flatpak Installation"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Усталёўка Flatpak уручную"
#: ../../source/install.rst:28
-msgid "If you'd like to install OnionShare manually with Flatpak using the PGP-signed `single-file bundle `_, you can do so like this:"
+msgid ""
+"If you'd like to install OnionShare manually with Flatpak using the PGP-"
+"signed `single-file bundle `_, you can do so like this:"
msgstr ""
+"Калі вы жадаеце ўсталяваць OnionShare уручную з дапамогай Flatpak, "
+"выкарыстоўваючы падпісаны PGP`single-file bundle `_, вы можаце зрабіць гэта наступным "
#: ../../source/install.rst:30
-msgid "Install Flatpak by following the instructions at https://flatpak.org/setup/."
+msgid ""
+"Install Flatpak by following the instructions at https://flatpak.org/setup/."
msgstr ""
+"Усталюйце Flatpak, прытрымліваючыся інструкцый на сайце https://flatpak.org/"
#: ../../source/install.rst:31
-msgid "Add the Flathub repository by running ``flatpak remote-add --if-not-exists flathub https://flathub.org/repo/flathub.flatpakrepo``. Even though you won't be downloading OnionShare from Flathub, OnionShare depends on some packages that are only available there."
+msgid ""
+"Add the Flathub repository by running ``flatpak remote-add --if-not-exists "
+"flathub https://flathub.org/repo/flathub.flatpakrepo``. Even though you "
+"won't be downloading OnionShare from Flathub, OnionShare depends on some "
+"packages that are only available there."
msgstr ""
+"Дадайце рэпазітар Flathub, выканаўшы каманду ``flatpak remote-add --if-not-"
+"exists flathub https://flathub.org/repo/flathub.flatpakrepo``. Нягледзячы на "
+"тое, што вы не будзеце загружаць OnionShare з Flathub, OnionShare залежыць "
+"ад некаторых пакетаў, якія даступныя толькі там."
#: ../../source/install.rst:32
-msgid "Go to https://onionshare.org/dist/, choose the latest version of OnionShare, and download the ``.flatpak`` and ``.flatpak.asc`` files."
+msgid ""
+"Go to https://onionshare.org/dist/, choose the latest version of OnionShare, "
+"and download the ``.flatpak`` and ``.flatpak.asc`` files."
msgstr ""
+"Перайдзіце на сайт https://onionshare.org/dist/, абярыце апошнюю версію "
+"OnionShare і загрузіце файлы ``.flatpak`` і ``.flatpak.asc``."
#: ../../source/install.rst:33
-msgid "Verify the PGP signature of the ``.flatpak`` file. See :ref:`verifying_sigs` for more info."
+msgid ""
+"Verify the PGP signature of the ``.flatpak`` file. See :ref:`verifying_sigs` "
+"for more info."
msgstr ""
+"Праверка подпіса PGP файла ``.flatpak``. Дадатковую інфармацыю гл. у :ref:"
#: ../../source/install.rst:34
-msgid "Install the ``.flatpak`` file by running ``flatpak install OnionShare-VERSION.flatpak``. Replace ``VERSION`` with the version number of the file you downloaded."
+msgid ""
+"Install the ``.flatpak`` file by running ``flatpak install OnionShare-"
+"VERSION.flatpak``. Replace ``VERSION`` with the version number of the file "
+"you downloaded."
msgstr ""
+"Усталюеце файл ``.flatpak``, выканаўшы каманду ``flatpak install OnionShare-"
+"VERSION.flatpak``. Заменіце ``VERSION`` на нумар версіі загружанага файла."
#: ../../source/install.rst:36
msgid "You can run OnionShare with: `flatpak run org.onionshare.OnionShare`."
msgstr ""
+"Запусціць OnionShare можна з дапамогай: `flatpak run org.onionshare."
#: ../../source/install.rst:39
msgid "Manual Snapcraft Installation"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Усталёўка Snapcraft уручную"
#: ../../source/install.rst:41
-msgid "If you'd like to install OnionShare manually with Snapcraft using the PGP-signed Snapcraft package, you can do so like this:"
+msgid ""
+"If you'd like to install OnionShare manually with Snapcraft using the PGP-"
+"signed Snapcraft package, you can do so like this:"
msgstr ""
+"Калі вы жадаеце ўсталяваць OnionShare уручную з дапамогай Snapcraft, "
+"выкарыстоўваючы пакет Snapcraft з PGP-подпісам, вы можаце зрабіць гэта "
+"наступным чынам:"
#: ../../source/install.rst:43
-msgid "Install Snapcraft by following the instructions at https://snapcraft.io/docs/installing-snapd."
+msgid ""
+"Install Snapcraft by following the instructions at https://snapcraft.io/docs/"
msgstr ""
+"Усталюйце Snapcraft, прытрымліваючыся інструкцыям на сайце https://snapcraft."
#: ../../source/install.rst:44
-msgid "Go to https://onionshare.org/dist/, choose the latest version of OnionShare, and download the ``.snap`` and ``.snap.asc`` files."
+msgid ""
+"Go to https://onionshare.org/dist/, choose the latest version of OnionShare, "
+"and download the ``.snap`` and ``.snap.asc`` files."
msgstr ""
+"Перайдзіце на сайт https://onionshare.org/dist/, абярыце апошнюю версію "
+"OnionShare і загрузіце файлы ``.snap`` і ``.snap.asc``."
#: ../../source/install.rst:45
-msgid "Verify the PGP signature of the ``.snap`` file. See :ref:`verifying_sigs` for more info."
+msgid ""
+"Verify the PGP signature of the ``.snap`` file. See :ref:`verifying_sigs` "
+"for more info."
msgstr ""
+"Праверка подпіса PGP файла ``.snap``. Больш падрабязную інфармацыю гл. у :"
#: ../../source/install.rst:46
-msgid "Install the ``.snap`` file by running ``snap install --dangerous onionshare_VERSION_amd64.snap``. Replace ``VERSION`` with the version number of the file you downloaded. Note that you must use `--dangerous` because the package is not signed by the Snapcraft store, however you did verify its PGP signature, so you know it's legitimate."
+msgid ""
+"Install the ``.snap`` file by running ``snap install --dangerous "
+"onionshare_VERSION_amd64.snap``. Replace ``VERSION`` with the version number "
+"of the file you downloaded. Note that you must use `--dangerous` because the "
+"package is not signed by the Snapcraft store, however you did verify its PGP "
+"signature, so you know it's legitimate."
msgstr ""
+"Усталюеце файл ``.snap``, выканаўшы каманду ``snap install --dangerous "
+"onionshare_VERSION_amd64.snap``. Заменіце ``VERSION`` на нумар версіі "
+"загружанага файла. Звярніце ўвагу, што выкарыстоўваць `--dangerous` "
+"неабходна таму, што пакет не падпісаны крамай Snapcraft, аднак вы праверылі "
+"яго PGP-подпіс, таму ўпэўненыя ў яго легітымнасці."
#: ../../source/install.rst:48
msgid "You can run OnionShare with: `snap run onionshare`."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Запусціць OnionShare можна з дапамогай: `snap run onionshare`."
#: ../../source/install.rst:53
msgid "Command-line only"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Толькі для каманднага радка"
#: ../../source/install.rst:55
-msgid "You can install just the command-line version of OnionShare on any operating system using the Python package manager ``pip``. :ref:`cli` has more info."
+msgid ""
+"You can install just the command-line version of OnionShare on any operating "
+"system using the Python package manager ``pip``. :ref:`cli` has more info."
msgstr ""
+"Вы можаце ўсталяваць толькі версію OnionShare для каманднага радка на любой "
+"аперацыйнай сістэме з дапамогай менеджара пакетаў Python ``pip``. Больш "
+"падрабязная інфармацыя змяшчаецца ў: ref: `cli`."
#: ../../source/install.rst:60
msgid "Verifying PGP signatures"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Праверка подпісаў PGP"
#: ../../source/install.rst:62
-msgid "You can verify that the package you download is legitimate and hasn't been tampered with by verifying its PGP signature. For Windows and macOS, this step is optional and provides defense in depth: the OnionShare binaries include operating system-specific signatures, and you can just rely on those alone if you'd like."
+msgid ""
+"You can verify that the package you download is legitimate and hasn't been "
+"tampered with by verifying its PGP signature. For Windows and macOS, this "
+"step is optional and provides defense in depth: the OnionShare binaries "
+"include operating system-specific signatures, and you can just rely on those "
+"alone if you'd like."
msgstr ""
+"Вы можаце пераканацца, што пакет, які вы спампоўваеце, сапраўдны і не быў "
+"падроблены, праверыўшы яго подпіс PGP. Для Windows і macOS гэты крок "
+"з'яўляецца неабавязковым і забяспечвае глыбокую абарону: двайковыя файлы "
+"OnionShare уключаюць спецыфічныя подпісы аперацыйнай сістэмы, і вы можаце "
+"спадзявацца на іх, калі хочаце."
#: ../../source/install.rst:66
msgid "Signing key"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Ключ подпісу"
#: ../../source/install.rst:68
-msgid "Packages are signed by Micah Lee, the core developer, using his PGP public key with fingerprint ``927F419D7EC82C2F149C1BD1403C2657CD994F73``. You can download Micah's key `from the keys.openpgp.org keyserver `_."
+msgid ""
+"Packages are signed by Micah Lee, the core developer, using his PGP public "
+"key with fingerprint ``927F419D7EC82C2F149C1BD1403C2657CD994F73``. You can "
+"download Micah's key `from the keys.openpgp.org keyserver `_."
msgstr ""
+"Пакеты падпісваюцца асноўным распрацоўшчыкам Micah Lee яго адкрытым ключом "
+"PGP з лічбавым подпісам ``927F419D7EC82C2F149C1BD1403C2657CD994F73``. Ключ "
+"Micah можна загрузіць `з сервера ключоў keys.openpgp.org `_."
#: ../../source/install.rst:71
-msgid "You must have GnuPG installed to verify signatures. For macOS you probably want `GPGTools `_, and for Windows you probably want `Gpg4win `_."
+msgid ""
+"You must have GnuPG installed to verify signatures. For macOS you probably "
+"want `GPGTools `_, and for Windows you probably want "
+"`Gpg4win `_."
msgstr ""
+"Для праверкі подпісаў неабходна ўсталяваць GnuPG. Для macOS вам, верагодна, "
+"спатрэбіцца `GPGTools `_, а для Windows вам, "
+"верагодна, спатрэбіцца `Gpg4win `_."
#: ../../source/install.rst:74
msgid "Signatures"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Подпісы"
#: ../../source/install.rst:76
-msgid "You can find the signatures (as ``.asc`` files), as well as Windows, macOS, Flatpak, Snap, and source packages, at https://onionshare.org/dist/ in the folders named for each version of OnionShare. You can also find them on the `GitHub Releases page `_."
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"You can find the signatures (as ``.asc`` files), as well as Windows, macOS, "
+"Flatpak, Snap, and source packages, at https://onionshare.org/dist/ in the "
+"folders named for each version of OnionShare. You can also find them on the "
+"`GitHub Releases page `_."
msgstr ""
+"Вы можаце знайсці подпісы (файлы ``.asc``), а таксама Windows, macOS, "
+"Flatpak, Snap і зыходныя пакеты на https://onionshare.org/dist/ у папках, "
+"названых для кожнай версіі OnionShare. Вы таксама можаце знайсці іх на "
+"`старонцы выпускаў GitHub `_."
#: ../../source/install.rst:80
msgid "Verifying"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Праверка"
#: ../../source/install.rst:82
-msgid "Once you have imported Micah's public key into your GnuPG keychain, downloaded the binary and ``.asc`` signature, you can verify the binary for macOS in a terminal like this::"
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"Once you have imported Micah's public key into your GnuPG keychain, "
+"downloaded the binary and ``.asc`` signature, you can verify the binary in a "
+"terminal like this:"
+msgstr ""
+"Пасля таго як адкрыты ключ Micah будзе імпартаваны ў ваша сховішча ключоў "
+"GnuPG, двайковы файл загружаны і подпіс ``.asc`` загружаны, вы можаце "
+"праверыць двайковы файл macOS у тэрмінале наступным чынам::"
+#: ../../source/install.rst:84
+msgid "For Windows::"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../source/install.rst:86
-msgid "Or for Windows, in a command-prompt like this::"
+#: ../../source/install.rst:88
+msgid "For macOS::"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../source/install.rst:90
-msgid "The expected output looks like this::"
+#: ../../source/install.rst:92
+msgid "For Linux::"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../source/install.rst:98
+msgid "and for the source file::"
msgstr ""
#: ../../source/install.rst:102
-msgid "If you don't see ``Good signature from``, there might be a problem with the integrity of the file (malicious or otherwise), and you should not install the package. (The ``WARNING:`` shown above, is not a problem with the package, it only means you haven't defined a level of \"trust\" of Micah's (the core developer) PGP key.)"
-msgstr ""
+msgid "The expected output looks like this::"
+msgstr "Чаканы вынік выглядае наступным чынам::"
-#: ../../source/install.rst:104
-msgid "If you want to learn more about verifying PGP signatures, the guides for `Qubes OS `_ and the `Tor Project `_ may be useful."
+#: ../../source/install.rst:112
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"If you don't see ``Good signature from``, there might be a problem with the "
+"integrity of the file (malicious or otherwise), and you should not install "
+"the package."
msgstr ""
+"Калі вы не бачыце ``Good signature from``, магчыма, існуе праблема з "
+"цэласнасцю файла (шкоднасная ці іншая), і вам не варта ўсталёўваць пакет. "
+"(Паказанае вышэй паведамленне ``WARNING:`` не з'яўляецца праблемай з "
+"пакетам, яно толькі азначае, што вы не вызначылі ўзровень \"даверу\" да PGP-"
+"ключу Micah (асноўнага распрацоўніка).)"
+#: ../../source/install.rst:114
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"The ``WARNING:`` shown above, is not a problem with the package, it only "
+"means you haven't defined a level of \"trust\" of Micah's (the core "
+"developer) PGP key."
+msgstr ""
+"Калі вы не бачыце ``Good signature from``, магчыма, існуе праблема з "
+"цэласнасцю файла (шкоднасная ці іншая), і вам не варта ўсталёўваць пакет. "
+"(Паказанае вышэй паведамленне ``WARNING:`` не з'яўляецца праблемай з "
+"пакетам, яно толькі азначае, што вы не вызначылі ўзровень \"даверу\" да PGP-"
+"ключу Micah (асноўнага распрацоўніка).)"
+#: ../../source/install.rst:116
+msgid ""
+"If you want to learn more about verifying PGP signatures, the guides for "
+"`Qubes OS `_ and "
+"the `Tor Project `_ may be useful."
+msgstr ""
+"Калі вы жадаеце даведацца больш пра праверку PGP-подпісаў, вам могуць быць "
+"карысныя кіраўніцтва па `Qubes OS `_ і `Tor Project `_."
+#~ msgid "Or for Windows, in a command-prompt like this::"
+#~ msgstr "Або для Windows - у камандным радку, напрыклад, так::"
diff --git a/docs/source/locale/be/LC_MESSAGES/security.po b/docs/source/locale/be/LC_MESSAGES/security.po
index 5a646a49..3615f054 100644
--- a/docs/source/locale/be/LC_MESSAGES/security.po
+++ b/docs/source/locale/be/LC_MESSAGES/security.po
@@ -6,8 +6,8 @@
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: OnionShare 2.6\n"
-"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: onionshare-dev@lists.riseup.net\n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2022-10-09 15:01-0700\n"
+"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2023-09-05 11:30-0700\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2023-06-20 18:52+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: Maksim \n"
"Language-Team: none\n"
@@ -100,8 +100,8 @@ msgstr ""
"пераліку цыбульных сэрвісаў дазволілі зламыснікам выявіць дзелі адрасы ``."
"onion``. Каб атрымаць доступ да сэрвісу OnionShare па ім адрасу, неабходна "
"адгадаць зачынены ключ, выкарыстоўваны для аўтэнтыфікацыі кліента (калі "
-"толькі сэрвіс ужо не стаў публічным шляхам адключэння зачыненага ключа -- гл "
+"толькі сэрвіс ужо не стаў публічным шляхам адключэння зачыненага ключа -- "
+"гл :ref:`turn_off_private_key`)."
#: ../../source/security.rst:33
msgid "What OnionShare doesn't protect against"
@@ -139,8 +139,8 @@ msgid ""
"over Tor, can be used to share the address. This isn't necessary unless "
"anonymity is a goal."
msgstr ""
-"**Паведамленне адраса OnionShare і прыватнага ключа можа быць не ананімным.**"
-" Трэба прыняць дадатковыя меры, каб забяспечыць ананімную перадачу адраса "
+"**Паведамленне адраса OnionShare і прыватнага ключа можа быць не ананімным."
+"** Трэба прыняць дадатковыя меры, каб забяспечыць ананімную перадачу адраса "
"OnionShare. Для абмену новым адрасам можна карыстацца новым уліковым запісам "
"электроннай пошты ці чата, доступ да якога ажыццяўляецца толькі праз Tor. "
"Гэта не абавязкова, калі ананімнасьць не зьяўляецца мэтай."
diff --git a/docs/source/locale/be/LC_MESSAGES/sphinx.po b/docs/source/locale/be/LC_MESSAGES/sphinx.po
index 8409c9f5..0c5acb23 100644
--- a/docs/source/locale/be/LC_MESSAGES/sphinx.po
+++ b/docs/source/locale/be/LC_MESSAGES/sphinx.po
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: OnionShare 2.6\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2022-10-09 15:01-0700\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2023-09-05 11:30-0700\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2023-05-24 07:49+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: Maksim \n"
"Language-Team: none\n"
@@ -15,8 +15,8 @@ msgstr ""
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
-"Plural-Forms: nplurals=3; plural=n%10==1 && n%100!=11 ? 0 : n%10>=2 && n"
-"%10<=4 && (n%100<10 || n%100>=20) ? 1 : 2;\n"
+"Plural-Forms: nplurals=3; plural=n%10==1 && n%100!=11 ? 0 : n%10>=2 && "
+"n%10<=4 && (n%100<10 || n%100>=20) ? 1 : 2;\n"
"X-Generator: Weblate 4.18-dev\n"
#: ../../source/_templates/versions.html:10
diff --git a/docs/source/locale/be/LC_MESSAGES/tor.po b/docs/source/locale/be/LC_MESSAGES/tor.po
index 4e33c07e..56a3be2f 100644
--- a/docs/source/locale/be/LC_MESSAGES/tor.po
+++ b/docs/source/locale/be/LC_MESSAGES/tor.po
@@ -7,121 +7,250 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: OnionShare 2.6.1\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2023-06-06 13:07+0200\n"
-"PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n"
-"Last-Translator: Automatically generated\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2023-09-05 11:30-0700\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2023-11-29 17:05+0000\n"
+"Last-Translator: kopatych \n"
"Language-Team: none\n"
"Language: be\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
+"Plural-Forms: nplurals=3; plural=n%10==1 && n%100!=11 ? 0 : n%10>=2 && "
+"n%10<=4 && (n%100<10 || n%100>=20) ? 1 : 2;\n"
+"X-Generator: Weblate 5.3-dev\n"
#: ../../source/tor.rst:2
msgid "Connecting to Tor"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Падключэнне да Tor"
#: ../../source/tor.rst:4
-msgid "When OnionShare starts, it will show you a screen asking you to connect to the Tor network."
+msgid ""
+"When OnionShare starts, it will show you a screen asking you to connect to "
+"the Tor network."
msgstr ""
+"Калі OnionShare запускаецца, ён пакажа вам экран з просьбай падлучыцца да "
+"сеткі Tor."
#: ../../source/tor.rst:8
-msgid "You can toggle on the switch \"Connect to Tor automatically\" before clicking \"Connect to Tor\". This means that next time OnionShare starts, it will automatically connect with its Tor connection settings from the last session, instead of presenting you with the connection options. If the connection fails, you can still try bridges or reconfigure Tor via the \"Network Settings\" button."
+msgid ""
+"You can toggle on the switch \"Connect to Tor automatically\" before "
+"clicking \"Connect to Tor\". This means that next time OnionShare starts, it "
+"will automatically connect with its Tor connection settings from the last "
+"session, instead of presenting you with the connection options. If the "
+"connection fails, you can still try bridges or reconfigure Tor via the "
+"\"Network Settings\" button."
msgstr ""
+"Перад націскам кнопкі \"Падключыцца да Tor\" можна ўключыць перамыкач "
+"\"Падключацца да Tor аўтаматычна\". Гэта азначае, што пры наступным запуску "
+"OnionShare будзе аўтаматычна падлучацца, выкарыстоўваючы настройкі злучэння "
+"з Tor з апошняга сеансу працы, замест таго каб прапаноўваць Вам варыянты "
+"падключэння. Калі падлучэнне не атрымалася, можна паспрабаваць усталяваць "
+"мост ці пераналадзіць Tor з дапамогай кнопкі \"Налады Сеткі\"."
#: ../../source/tor.rst:11
-msgid "You can click \"Connect to Tor\" to begin the connection process. If there are no problems with your network, including any attempts to block your access to the Tor network, this should hopefully work the first time."
+msgid ""
+"You can click \"Connect to Tor\" to begin the connection process. If there "
+"are no problems with your network, including any attempts to block your "
+"access to the Tor network, this should hopefully work the first time."
msgstr ""
+"Вы можаце націснуць кнопку \"Падключыцца да Tor\", каб пачаць працэс "
+"падключэння. Калі ў вашай сетцы няма ніякіх праблем, уключаючы спробы "
+"заблакіраваць доступ да сеткі Tor, тое ўсё павінна атрымацца з першага разу."
#: ../../source/tor.rst:13
-msgid "Or, if you want to manually configure Bridges or other Tor settings before you connect, you can click \"Network Settings\"."
+msgid ""
+"Or, if you want to manually configure Bridges or other Tor settings before "
+"you connect, you can click \"Network Settings\"."
msgstr ""
+"Ці, калі вы жадаеце ўручную наладзіць Масты ці іншыя параметры Tor перад "
+"падлучэннем, вы можаце націснуць кнопку \"Налады сеткі\"."
#: ../../source/tor.rst:16
msgid "Automatic censorship circumvention"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Аўтаматычны абыход цэнзуры"
#: ../../source/tor.rst:18
-msgid "When you click \"Connect to Tor\", if OnionShare fails to connect, it might be because Tor is censored in your country or on your local network."
+msgid ""
+"When you click \"Connect to Tor\", if OnionShare fails to connect, it might "
+"be because Tor is censored in your country or on your local network."
msgstr ""
+"Калі пры націску кнопкі \"Падключыцца да Tor\" OnionShare не атрымоўваецца "
+"падлучыцца, гэта можа быць злучана з тым, што Tor падвяргаецца цэнзуры ў "
+"вашай краіне ці ў вашай лакальнай сетцы."
#: ../../source/tor.rst:20
msgid "If this occurs, you will have these choices:"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "У гэтым выпадку ў Вас будуць наступныя варыянты:"
#: ../../source/tor.rst:22
msgid "Try again without a bridge"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Паўтарыце спробу без моста"
#: ../../source/tor.rst:23
-msgid "Automatically determine my country from my IP address for bridge settings"
-msgstr ""
+msgid ""
+"Automatically determine my country from my IP address for bridge settings"
+msgstr "Аўтаматычнае вызначэнне маёй краіны па IP-адрасе для налад маста"
#: ../../source/tor.rst:24
msgid "Manually select my country for bridge settings"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Ручны выбар маёй краіны для налад маста"
#: ../../source/tor.rst:28
-msgid "If you choose the \"Try again without a bridge\" option, OnionShare will retry connecting to Tor like normal, without attempting to bypass censorship."
+msgid ""
+"If you choose the \"Try again without a bridge\" option, OnionShare will "
+"retry connecting to Tor like normal, without attempting to bypass censorship."
msgstr ""
+"Калі абраць опцыю \"Паспрабаваць яшчэ раз без маста\", OnionShare паўторыць "
+"спробу падлучэння да Tor у звычайным рэжыме, не спрабуючы абысці цэнзуру."
#: ../../source/tor.rst:30
-msgid "The other two options will attempt to automatically bypass censorship using Tor bridges. If your network provider is blocking access to the Tor network, you can hopefully still connect to a Tor bridge, which will then connect you to the Tor network, circumventing the censorship. Both of these options use the Tor Project's Censorship Circumvention API to provide you with bridge settings that should work for you. OnionShare will temporarily use the `Meek `_ domain-fronting proxy to make a non-Tor connection from your computer to Tor's Censorship Circumvention API. The Meek proxy hides the fact that you are trying to find a way to connect to Tor."
+msgid ""
+"The other two options will attempt to automatically bypass censorship using "
+"Tor bridges. If your network provider is blocking access to the Tor network, "
+"you can hopefully still connect to a Tor bridge, which will then connect you "
+"to the Tor network, circumventing the censorship. Both of these options use "
+"the Tor Project's Censorship Circumvention API to provide you with bridge "
+"settings that should work for you. OnionShare will temporarily use the `Meek "
+"`_ domain-"
+"fronting proxy to make a non-Tor connection from your computer to Tor's "
+"Censorship Circumvention API. The Meek proxy hides the fact that you are "
+"trying to find a way to connect to Tor."
msgstr ""
+"У двух іншых варыянтах будзе зроблена спроба аўтаматычнага абыходу цэнзуры з "
+"дапамогай мастоў Tor. Калі ваш правайдар блакіруе доступ да сеткі Tor, вы "
+"можаце падключыцца да Tor-моста, які падключыць вас да сеткі Tor, абышоўшы "
+"цэнзуру. Абодва варыянты выкарыстоўваюць API абыходу цэнзуры праекта Tor, "
+"каб даць вам наладкі моста, якія павінны працаваць для вас. OnionShare "
+"часова выкарыстоўвае проксі-сервер `Meek `_ з даменным фронтам для стварэння Tor-"
+"злучэння з вашага камп’ютара з Tor Censorship Circumvention API. Проксі Meek "
+"хавае той факт, што вы спрабуеце знайсці спосаб падключэння да Tor."
#: ../../source/tor.rst:36
-msgid "If you choose \"Automatically determine my country from my IP address for bridge settings\", the Censorship Circumvention API will consider your IP address (yes, your real IP address) to determine what country you might reside in. Based on the country information, the API will try to automatically find bridges that suit your location."
+msgid ""
+"If you choose \"Automatically determine my country from my IP address for "
+"bridge settings\", the Censorship Circumvention API will consider your IP "
+"address (yes, your real IP address) to determine what country you might "
+"reside in. Based on the country information, the API will try to "
+"automatically find bridges that suit your location."
msgstr ""
+"Калі вы вылучыце опцыю \"Аўтаматычна вызначаць краіну па IP-адрасе для "
+"налады мастоў\", то API абыходу цэнзуры будзе ўлічваць ваш IP-адрас (так, "
+"ваш рэальны IP-адрас), каб вызначыць, у якой краіне вы можаце пражываць. На "
+"аснове інфармацыі аб краіне API паспрабуе аўтаматычна знайсці масты, якія "
+"адпавядаюць вашаму месцазнаходжання."
#: ../../source/tor.rst:41
-msgid "If you choose \"Manually select my country for bridge settings\", the Censorship API will find the bridges that suit the country that you specified."
+msgid ""
+"If you choose \"Manually select my country for bridge settings\", the "
+"Censorship API will find the bridges that suit the country that you "
msgstr ""
+"Калі вы вылучыце опцыю \"Выбраць краіну для налады мастоў уручную\", то "
+"Censorship API знойдзе масты, прыдатныя для паказанай вамі краіны."
#: ../../source/tor.rst:46
msgid "How automatic censorship circumvention works"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Як працуе аўтаматычны абыход цэнзуры"
#: ../../source/tor.rst:48
-msgid "If the Censorship Circumvention API finds bridges that it believes will suit you, OnionShare will try to reconnect to Tor using those bridges. If the API does not find any bridges for your location, OnionShare will ask the API for \"fallback\" options, and then try to reconnect using those."
+msgid ""
+"If the Censorship Circumvention API finds bridges that it believes will suit "
+"you, OnionShare will try to reconnect to Tor using those bridges. If the API "
+"does not find any bridges for your location, OnionShare will ask the API for "
+"\"fallback\" options, and then try to reconnect using those."
msgstr ""
+"Калі Censorship Circumvention API знойдзе масты, якія, па яго меркаванню, "
+"вам падыдуць, OnionShare паспрабуе перападлучыцца да Tor, выкарыстоўваючы "
+"гэтыя масты. Калі API не знойдзе ніводнага маста для вашага "
+"месцазнаходжання, OnionShare запытае ў API \"запасныя\" варыянты, а затым "
+"паспрабуе перападлучыцца з іх дапамогай."
#: ../../source/tor.rst:50
-msgid "If for some reason OnionShare fails to connect to the Censorship API itself, or if the API returns an error message, OnionShare will attempt to use the obfs4 built-in bridges."
+msgid ""
+"If for some reason OnionShare fails to connect to the Censorship API itself, "
+"or if the API returns an error message, OnionShare will attempt to use the "
+"obfs4 built-in bridges."
msgstr ""
+"Калі па якіх-небудзь чынніках OnionShare не атрымоўваецца падлучыцца да "
+"самога Censorship API ці API выдае паведамленне аб памылцы, OnionShare "
+"паспрабуе выкарыстаць убудаваныя масты obfs4."
#: ../../source/tor.rst:52
-msgid "It's important to note that the requests to the Censorship Circumvention API do not go over the Tor network (because if you could connect to Tor already, you wouldn't need to connect to the API)."
+msgid ""
+"It's important to note that the requests to the Censorship Circumvention API "
+"do not go over the Tor network (because if you could connect to Tor already, "
+"you wouldn't need to connect to the API)."
msgstr ""
+"Важна адзначыць, што запыты да API абыходу цэнзуры не праходзяць праз сетку "
+"Tor (бо калі б вы ўжо маглі падлучыцца да Tor, то вам не трэба было б "
+"падлучацца да API)."
#: ../../source/tor.rst:54
-msgid "Even though it's hard for an adversary to discover where the Meek request is going, this may still be risky for some users. Therefore, it is an opt-in feature. The use of Meek and non-torified network requests are limited only to making one or two requests to the Censorship Circumvention API. Then Meek is stopped, and all further network requests happen over the Tor network."
+msgid ""
+"Even though it's hard for an adversary to discover where the Meek request is "
+"going, this may still be risky for some users. Therefore, it is an opt-in "
+"feature. The use of Meek and non-torified network requests are limited only "
+"to making one or two requests to the Censorship Circumvention API. Then Meek "
+"is stopped, and all further network requests happen over the Tor network."
msgstr ""
+"Нягледзячы на тое, што зламысніку цяжка выявіць, куды накіроўваецца запыт "
+"Meek, для некаторых карыстальнікаў гэта ўсё ж можа быць рызыкоўна. Таму "
+"дадзеная функцыя з'яўляецца апцыянальнай. Выкарыстанне Meek і "
+"нетарыфікаваных сеткавых запытаў абмяжоўваецца толькі выкананнем аднаго-двух "
+"запытаў да API абыходу цэнзуры. Пасля гэтага праца Meek спыняецца, і ўсе "
+"далейшыя сеткавыя запыты ажыццяўляюцца праз сетку Tor."
#: ../../source/tor.rst:56
-msgid "If you are uncomfortable with making a request that doesn't go over the Tor network, you can click \"Network Settings\" (or the Settings icon in the bottom right corner, followed by the Tor Settings tab in the screen that appears), and manually configure bridges. After you save any bridge settings, OnionShare will try to reconnect using those bridges."
+msgid ""
+"If you are uncomfortable with making a request that doesn't go over the Tor "
+"network, you can click \"Network Settings\" (or the Settings icon in the "
+"bottom right corner, followed by the Tor Settings tab in the screen that "
+"appears), and manually configure bridges. After you save any bridge "
+"settings, OnionShare will try to reconnect using those bridges."
msgstr ""
+"Калі вам няёмка рабіць запыт, які не праходзіць праз сетку Tor, вы можаце "
+"націснуць кнопку \"Налады сеткі\" (ці значок \"Налады\" у правым ніжнім "
+"куце, а затым укладку \"Налады Tor\" у якое з'явілася акне) і ўручную "
+"наладзіць масты. Пасля захавання налад мастоў OnionShare будзе спрабаваць "
+"аднавіць злучэнне з дапамогай гэтых мастоў."
#: ../../source/tor.rst:59
msgid "Manually configure Tor settings"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Ручная настройка параметраў Tor"
#: ../../source/tor.rst:61
-msgid "You can get to the Tor settings by clicking \"Network Settings\" on the welcome screen, or by clicking the \"⚙\" icon in the bottom-right corner of the application, and then switch to the Tor Settings tab in the screen that appears."
+msgid ""
+"You can get to the Tor settings by clicking \"Network Settings\" on the "
+"welcome screen, or by clicking the \"⚙\" icon in the bottom-right corner of "
+"the application, and then switch to the Tor Settings tab in the screen that "
msgstr ""
+"Вы можаце атрымаць доступ да налад Tor, націснуўшы «Налады сеткі» на экране "
+"прывітання або націснуўшы значок «⚙» у правым ніжнім куце праграмы, а затым "
+"перайшоўшы на ўкладку «Налады Tor» на экране, які з'явіцца."
#: ../../source/tor.rst:65
-msgid "Here are the different ways you can configure OnionShare to connect to Tor:"
+msgid ""
+"Here are the different ways you can configure OnionShare to connect to Tor:"
msgstr ""
#: ../../source/tor.rst:68
msgid "Use the Tor version built into OnionShare"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Выкарыстоўвайце версію Tor, убудаваную ў OnionShare"
#: ../../source/tor.rst:70
-msgid "This is the default, simplest and most reliable way that OnionShare connects to Tor. For this reason, it's recommended for most users."
+msgid ""
+"This is the default, simplest and most reliable way that OnionShare connects "
+"to Tor. For this reason, it's recommended for most users."
msgstr ""
#: ../../source/tor.rst:73
-msgid "When you open OnionShare, it launches an already configured ``tor`` process in the background for OnionShare to use. It doesn't interfere with other ``tor`` processes on your computer, so you can use the Tor Browser or the system ``tor`` on their own."
+msgid ""
+"When you open OnionShare, it launches an already configured ``tor`` process "
+"in the background for OnionShare to use. It doesn't interfere with other "
+"``tor`` processes on your computer, so you can use the Tor Browser or the "
+"system ``tor`` on their own."
msgstr ""
#: ../../source/tor.rst:76
@@ -129,27 +258,41 @@ msgid "**Using bridges**"
msgstr ""
#: ../../source/tor.rst:78
-msgid "To use a bridge, you must select \"Use the Tor version built into OnionShare\" and check the \"Use a bridge\" checkbox."
+msgid ""
+"To use a bridge, you must select \"Use the Tor version built into "
+"OnionShare\" and check the \"Use a bridge\" checkbox."
msgstr ""
#: ../../source/tor.rst:80
-msgid "Try using a built-in bridge first. Using `obfs4` or `snowflake` bridges is recommended over using `meek-azure`."
+msgid ""
+"Try using a built-in bridge first. Using `obfs4` or `snowflake` bridges is "
+"recommended over using `meek-azure`."
msgstr ""
#: ../../source/tor.rst:84
-msgid "If using a built-in bridge doesn't work, you can request a bridge from torproject.org. You will have to solve a CAPTCHA in order to request a bridge. (This makes it more difficult for governments or ISPs to block access to Tor bridges.)"
+msgid ""
+"If using a built-in bridge doesn't work, you can request a bridge from "
+"torproject.org. You will have to solve a CAPTCHA in order to request a "
+"bridge. (This makes it more difficult for governments or ISPs to block "
+"access to Tor bridges.)"
msgstr ""
#: ../../source/tor.rst:88
-msgid "You also have the option of using a bridge that you learned about from a trusted source."
+msgid ""
+"You also have the option of using a bridge that you learned about from a "
+"trusted source."
msgstr ""
#: ../../source/tor.rst:91
msgid "Attempt auto-configuration with Tor Browser"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Спроба аўтаканфігурацыі з дапамогай Tor Browser"
#: ../../source/tor.rst:93
-msgid "If you have `downloaded the Tor Browser `_ and don't want two ``tor`` processes running, you can use the ``tor`` process from the Tor Browser. Keep in mind you need to keep Tor Browser open in the background while you're using OnionShare for this to work."
+msgid ""
+"If you have `downloaded the Tor Browser `_ and "
+"don't want two ``tor`` processes running, you can use the ``tor`` process "
+"from the Tor Browser. Keep in mind you need to keep Tor Browser open in the "
+"background while you're using OnionShare for this to work."
msgstr ""
#: ../../source/tor.rst:97
@@ -157,27 +300,47 @@ msgid "Using a system ``tor`` in Windows"
msgstr ""
#: ../../source/tor.rst:99
-msgid "This is fairly advanced. You'll need to know how edit plaintext files and do stuff as an administrator."
+msgid ""
+"This is fairly advanced. You'll need to know how edit plaintext files and do "
+"stuff as an administrator."
msgstr ""
#: ../../source/tor.rst:101
-msgid "Download the Tor Windows Expert Bundle `from the Tor website `_. Extract the compressed file and copy the extracted folder to ``C:\\Program Files (x86)\\`` Rename the extracted folder with ``Data`` and ``Tor`` in it to ``tor-win32``."
+msgid ""
+"Download the Tor Windows Expert Bundle `from the Tor website `_. Extract the compressed file and copy the "
+"extracted folder to ``C:\\Program Files (x86)\\`` Rename the extracted "
+"folder with ``Data`` and ``Tor`` in it to ``tor-win32``."
msgstr ""
#: ../../source/tor.rst:105
-msgid "Make up a control port password. (Using 7 words in a sequence like ``comprised stumble rummage work avenging construct volatile`` is a good idea for a password.) Now open a command prompt (``cmd``) as an administrator, and use ``tor.exe --hash-password`` to generate a hash of your password. For example::"
+msgid ""
+"Make up a control port password. (Using 7 words in a sequence like "
+"``comprised stumble rummage work avenging construct volatile`` is a good "
+"idea for a password.) Now open a command prompt (``cmd``) as an "
+"administrator, and use ``tor.exe --hash-password`` to generate a hash of "
+"your password. For example::"
msgstr ""
#: ../../source/tor.rst:112
-msgid "The hashed password output is displayed after some warnings (which you can ignore). In the case of the above example, it is ``16:00322E903D96DE986058BB9ABDA91E010D7A863768635AC38E213FDBEF``."
+msgid ""
+"The hashed password output is displayed after some warnings (which you can "
+"ignore). In the case of the above example, it is "
msgstr ""
#: ../../source/tor.rst:114
-msgid "Now create a new text file at ``C:\\Program Files (x86)\\tor-win32\\torrc`` and put your hashed password output in it, replacing the ``HashedControlPassword`` with the one you just generated::"
+msgid ""
+"Now create a new text file at ``C:\\Program Files (x86)\\tor-win32\\torrc`` "
+"and put your hashed password output in it, replacing the "
+"``HashedControlPassword`` with the one you just generated::"
msgstr ""
#: ../../source/tor.rst:119
-msgid "In your administrator command prompt, install ``tor`` as a service using the appropriate ``torrc`` file you just created (as described in ``_). Like this::"
+msgid ""
+"In your administrator command prompt, install ``tor`` as a service using the "
+"appropriate ``torrc`` file you just created (as described in ``_). Like this::"
msgstr ""
#: ../../source/tor.rst:123
@@ -185,7 +348,14 @@ msgid "You are now running a system ``tor`` process in Windows!"
msgstr ""
#: ../../source/tor.rst:125
-msgid "Open OnionShare, click the \"⚙\" icon in it, and switch to the Tor Settings tab. Under \"How should OnionShare connect to Tor?\" choose \"Connect using control port\", and set \"Control port\" to ```` and \"Port\" to ``9051``. Under \"Tor authentication settings\" choose \"Password\" and set the password to the control port password you picked above. Click the \"Test Connection to Tor\" button. If all goes well, you should see \"Connected to the Tor controller\"."
+msgid ""
+"Open OnionShare, click the \"⚙\" icon in it, and switch to the Tor Settings "
+"tab. Under \"How should OnionShare connect to Tor?\" choose \"Connect using "
+"control port\", and set \"Control port\" to ```` and \"Port\" to "
+"``9051``. Under \"Tor authentication settings\" choose \"Password\" and set "
+"the password to the control port password you picked above. Click the \"Test "
+"Connection to Tor\" button. If all goes well, you should see \"Connected to "
+"the Tor controller\"."
msgstr ""
#: ../../source/tor.rst:134
@@ -193,7 +363,9 @@ msgid "Using a system ``tor`` in macOS"
msgstr ""
#: ../../source/tor.rst:136
-msgid "First, install `Homebrew `_ if you don't already have it, and then install Tor::"
+msgid ""
+"First, install `Homebrew `_ if you don't already have it, "
+"and then install Tor::"
msgstr ""
#: ../../source/tor.rst:140
@@ -205,11 +377,16 @@ msgid "And start the system Tor service::"
msgstr ""
#: ../../source/tor.rst:151
-msgid "Open OnionShare, click the \"⚙\" icon in it, and switch to the Tor Settings tab. Under \"How should OnionShare connect to Tor?\" choose \"Connect using socket file\", and set the socket file to be ``/usr/local/var/run/tor/control.socket``. Under \"Tor authentication settings\" choose \"No authentication, or cookie authentication\". Click the \"Test Connection to Tor\" button."
+msgid ""
+"Open OnionShare, click the \"⚙\" icon in it, and switch to the Tor Settings "
+"tab. Under \"How should OnionShare connect to Tor?\" choose \"Connect using "
+"socket file\", and set the socket file to be ``/usr/local/var/run/tor/"
+"control.socket``. Under \"Tor authentication settings\" choose \"No "
+"authentication, or cookie authentication\". Click the \"Test Connection to "
+"Tor\" button."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../source/tor.rst:157
-#: ../../source/tor.rst:177
+#: ../../source/tor.rst:157 ../../source/tor.rst:177
msgid "If all goes well, you should see \"Connected to the Tor controller\"."
msgstr ""
@@ -218,17 +395,31 @@ msgid "Using a system ``tor`` in Linux"
msgstr ""
#: ../../source/tor.rst:162
-msgid "First, install the ``tor`` package. If you're using Debian, Ubuntu, or a similar Linux distro, It is recommended to use the Tor Project's `official repository `_."
+msgid ""
+"First, install the ``tor`` package. If you're using Debian, Ubuntu, or a "
+"similar Linux distro, It is recommended to use the Tor Project's `official "
+"repository `_."
msgstr ""
#: ../../source/tor.rst:164
-msgid "Next, add your user to the group that runs the ``tor`` process (in the case of Debian and Ubuntu, ``debian-tor``) and configure OnionShare to connect to your system ``tor``'s control socket file."
+msgid ""
+"Next, add your user to the group that runs the ``tor`` process (in the case "
+"of Debian and Ubuntu, ``debian-tor``) and configure OnionShare to connect to "
+"your system ``tor``'s control socket file."
msgstr ""
#: ../../source/tor.rst:166
-msgid "Add your user to the ``debian-tor`` group by running this command (replace ``username`` with your actual username)::"
+msgid ""
+"Add your user to the ``debian-tor`` group by running this command (replace "
+"``username`` with your actual username)::"
msgstr ""
#: ../../source/tor.rst:170
-msgid "Reboot your computer. After it boots up again, open OnionShare, click the \"⚙\" icon in it, and switch to the Tor Settings tab. Under \"How should OnionShare connect to Tor?\" choose \"Connect using socket file\". Set the socket file to be ``/var/run/tor/control``. Under \"Tor authentication settings\" choose \"No authentication, or cookie authentication\". Click the \"Test Connection to Tor\" button."
+msgid ""
+"Reboot your computer. After it boots up again, open OnionShare, click the "
+"\"⚙\" icon in it, and switch to the Tor Settings tab. Under \"How should "
+"OnionShare connect to Tor?\" choose \"Connect using socket file\". Set the "
+"socket file to be ``/var/run/tor/control``. Under \"Tor authentication "
+"settings\" choose \"No authentication, or cookie authentication\". Click the "
+"\"Test Connection to Tor\" button."
msgstr ""
diff --git a/docs/source/locale/bg/LC_MESSAGES/advanced.po b/docs/source/locale/bg/LC_MESSAGES/advanced.po
index 47a3a0c1..0ccacd8d 100644
--- a/docs/source/locale/bg/LC_MESSAGES/advanced.po
+++ b/docs/source/locale/bg/LC_MESSAGES/advanced.po
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: OnionShare 2.5\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2022-01-17 10:28-0800\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2023-09-05 11:30-0700\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n"
"Last-Translator: Automatically generated\n"
"Language-Team: none\n"
@@ -24,168 +24,6 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Save Tabs"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../source/advanced.rst:9
-msgid ""
-"Everything in OnionShare is temporary by default. If you close an OnionShare "
-"tab, its address no longer exists and it can't be used again. Sometimes you "
-"might want an OnionShare service to be persistent. This is useful if you "
-"want to host a website available from the same OnionShare address even if "
-"you reboot your computer."
-msgstr ""
-#: ../../source/advanced.rst:13
-msgid ""
-"To make any tab persistent, check the \"Save this tab, and automatically "
-"open it when I open OnionShare\" box before starting the server. When a tab "
-"is saved a purple pin icon appears to the left of its server status."
-msgstr ""
-#: ../../source/advanced.rst:18
-msgid ""
-"When you quit OnionShare and then open it again, your saved tabs will start "
-"opened. You'll have to manually start each service, but when you do they "
-"will start with the same OnionShare address and private key."
-msgstr ""
-#: ../../source/advanced.rst:21
-msgid ""
-"If you save a tab, a copy of that tab's onion service secret key will be "
-"stored on your computer with your OnionShare settings."
-msgstr ""
-#: ../../source/advanced.rst:26 ../../source/advanced.rst:24
-msgid "Turn Off Private Key"
-msgstr ""
-#: ../../source/advanced.rst:28 ../../source/advanced.rst:26
-msgid ""
-"By default, all OnionShare services are protected with a private key, which "
-"Tor calls \"client authentication\"."
-msgstr ""
-#: ../../source/advanced.rst:30
-msgid ""
-"When browsing to an OnionShare service in Tor Browser, Tor Browser will "
-"prompt for the private key to be entered."
-msgstr ""
-#: ../../source/advanced.rst:32
-msgid ""
-"Sometimes you might want your OnionShare service to be accessible to the "
-"public, like if you want to set up an OnionShare receive service so the "
-"public can securely and anonymously send you files. In this case, it's "
-"better to disable the private key altogether."
-msgstr ""
-#: ../../source/advanced.rst:35
-msgid ""
-"To turn off the private key for any tab, check the \"This is a public "
-"OnionShare service (disables private key)\" box before starting the server. "
-"Then the server will be public and won't need a private key to view in Tor "
-msgstr ""
-#: ../../source/advanced.rst:40 ../../source/advanced.rst:37
-msgid "Custom Titles"
-msgstr ""
-#: ../../source/advanced.rst:42
-msgid ""
-"By default, when people load an OnionShare service in Tor Browser they see "
-"the default title for the type of service. For example, the default title of "
-"a chat service is \"OnionShare Chat\"."
-msgstr ""
-#: ../../source/advanced.rst:44
-msgid ""
-"If you want to choose a custom title, set the \"Custom title\" setting "
-"before starting a server."
-msgstr ""
-#: ../../source/advanced.rst:47 ../../source/advanced.rst:45
-msgid "Scheduled Times"
-msgstr ""
-#: ../../source/advanced.rst:49 ../../source/advanced.rst:47
-msgid ""
-"OnionShare supports scheduling exactly when a service should start and stop. "
-"Before starting a server, click \"Show advanced settings\" in its tab and "
-"then check the boxes next to either \"Start onion service at scheduled time"
-"\", \"Stop onion service at scheduled time\", or both, and set the "
-"respective desired dates and times."
-msgstr ""
-#: ../../source/advanced.rst:52
-msgid ""
-"If you scheduled a service to start in the future, when you click the "
-"\"Start sharing\" button you will see a timer counting down until it starts. "
-"If you scheduled it to stop in the future, after it's started you will see a "
-"timer counting down to when it will stop automatically."
-msgstr ""
-#: ../../source/advanced.rst:55
-msgid ""
-"**Scheduling an OnionShare service to automatically start can be used as a "
-"dead man's switch**, where your service will be made public at a given time "
-"in the future if anything happens to you. If nothing happens to you, you can "
-"cancel the service before it's scheduled to start."
-msgstr ""
-#: ../../source/advanced.rst:60
-msgid ""
-"**Scheduling an OnionShare service to automatically stop can be useful to "
-"limit exposure**, like if you want to share secret documents while making "
-"sure they're not available on the internet for more than a few days."
-msgstr ""
-#: ../../source/advanced.rst:67 ../../source/advanced.rst:68
-msgid "Command-line Interface"
-msgstr ""
-#: ../../source/advanced.rst:69 ../../source/advanced.rst:70
-msgid ""
-"In addition to its graphical interface, OnionShare has a command-line "
-msgstr ""
-#: ../../source/advanced.rst:71 ../../source/advanced.rst:72
-msgid ""
-"You can install just the command-line version of OnionShare using ``pip3``::"
-msgstr ""
-#: ../../source/advanced.rst:75 ../../source/advanced.rst:76
-msgid ""
-"Note that you will also need the ``tor`` package installed. In macOS, "
-"install it with: ``brew install tor``"
-msgstr ""
-#: ../../source/advanced.rst:77 ../../source/advanced.rst:78
-msgid "Then run it like this::"
-msgstr ""
-#: ../../source/advanced.rst:81
-msgid ""
-"For information about installing it on different operating systems, see the "
-"`CLI readme file `_ in the git repository."
-msgstr ""
-#: ../../source/advanced.rst:83
-msgid ""
-"If you installed OnionShare using the Linux Snapcraft package, you can also "
-"just run ``onionshare.cli`` to access the command-line interface version."
-msgstr ""
-#: ../../source/advanced.rst:86 ../../source/advanced.rst:87
-msgid "Usage"
-msgstr ""
-#: ../../source/advanced.rst:88
-msgid ""
-"You can browse the command-line documentation by running ``onionshare --"
-msgstr ""
#: ../../source/advanced.rst:9
msgid ""
"Closing OnionShare tabs you host destroys them, preventing reuse. "
@@ -212,6 +50,16 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
+#: ../../source/advanced.rst:24
+msgid "Turn Off Private Key"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../source/advanced.rst:26
+msgid ""
+"By default, all OnionShare services are protected with a private key, which "
+"Tor calls \"client authentication\"."
+msgstr ""
#: ../../source/advanced.rst:28
msgid ""
"The Tor Browser will ask you to enter your private key when you load an "
@@ -227,6 +75,10 @@ msgid ""
"the Tor Browser."
msgstr ""
+#: ../../source/advanced.rst:37
+msgid "Custom Titles"
+msgstr ""
#: ../../source/advanced.rst:39
msgid ""
"When people load OnionShare services in the Tor Browser they see the default "
@@ -240,6 +92,19 @@ msgid ""
"change it."
msgstr ""
+#: ../../source/advanced.rst:45
+msgid "Scheduled Times"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../source/advanced.rst:47
+msgid ""
+"OnionShare supports scheduling exactly when a service should start and stop. "
+"Before starting a server, click \"Show advanced settings\" in its tab and "
+"then check the boxes next to either \"Start onion service at scheduled "
+"time\", \"Stop onion service at scheduled time\", or both, and set the "
+"respective desired dates and times."
+msgstr ""
#: ../../source/advanced.rst:51
msgid ""
"Services scheduled to start in the future display a countdown timer when "
@@ -262,6 +127,31 @@ msgid ""
"outdated, you can do so for selected limited time."
msgstr ""
+#: ../../source/advanced.rst:68
+msgid "Command-line Interface"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../source/advanced.rst:70
+msgid ""
+"In addition to its graphical interface, OnionShare has a command-line "
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../source/advanced.rst:72
+msgid ""
+"You can install just the command-line version of OnionShare using ``pip3``::"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../source/advanced.rst:76
+msgid ""
+"Note that you will also need the ``tor`` package installed. In macOS, "
+"install it with: ``brew install tor``"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../source/advanced.rst:78
+msgid "Then run it like this::"
+msgstr ""
#: ../../source/advanced.rst:82
msgid ""
"Info about installing it on different operating systems can be found in the "
@@ -275,6 +165,10 @@ msgid ""
"``onionshare.cli`` to access the command-line interface version."
msgstr ""
+#: ../../source/advanced.rst:87
+msgid "Usage"
+msgstr ""
#: ../../source/advanced.rst:89
msgid ""
"Browse the command-line documentation by running ``onionshare --help``::"
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-"POT-Creation-Date: 2021-11-23 19:33-0800\n"
-"PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n"
-"Last-Translator: Automatically generated\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2023-09-05 11:30-0700\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2023-10-07 13:10+0000\n"
+"Last-Translator: 109247019824 \n"
"Language-Team: none\n"
"Language: bg\n"
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+"X-Generator: Weblate 5.1-dev\n"
#: ../../source/develop.rst:2
msgid "Developing OnionShare"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Разработка на OnionShare"
#: ../../source/develop.rst:7
msgid "Collaborating"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Сътрудничество"
#: ../../source/develop.rst:9
msgid ""
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@@ -7,18 +7,20 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: OnionShare 2.5\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2022-01-17 10:28-0800\n"
-"PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n"
-"Last-Translator: Automatically generated\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2023-09-05 11:30-0700\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2023-09-17 21:00+0000\n"
+"Last-Translator: 109247019824 \n"
"Language-Team: none\n"
"Language: bg\n"
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"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
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+"X-Generator: Weblate 5.0.2\n"
#: ../../source/features.rst:4
msgid "How OnionShare Works"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Принцип на работа на OnionShare"
#: ../../source/features.rst:6
msgid ""
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@@ -7,32 +7,36 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: OnionShare 2.5\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2022-01-17 10:28-0800\n"
-"PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n"
-"Last-Translator: Automatically generated\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2023-09-05 11:30-0700\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2023-09-17 21:00+0000\n"
+"Last-Translator: 109247019824 \n"
"Language-Team: none\n"
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#: ../../source/help.rst:2
msgid "Getting Help"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Помощ"
#: ../../source/help.rst:5
msgid "Read This Website"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Започнете от тук"
#: ../../source/help.rst:7
msgid ""
"You will find instructions on how to use OnionShare. Look through all of the "
"sections first to see if anything answers your questions."
msgstr ""
+"Тази страница съдържа инструкции за използвне на OnionShare. Прегледайте "
+"всички раздели , за да потърсите отговора на въпросите си."
#: ../../source/help.rst:10
msgid "Check the GitHub Issues"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Проверете раздел „Issues“ в страницата на Гитхъб"
#: ../../source/help.rst:12
msgid ""
@@ -41,10 +45,14 @@ msgid ""
"encountered the same problem and either raised it with the developers, or "
"maybe even posted a solution."
msgstr ""
+"Ако не намирате решение тук, потърсете в `дефектите в Гитхъб `_. Възможно е някой друг вече да се е "
+"сблъскал със същия проблем и да го е съобщил на разработчиците, или дори да "
+"е споделил свое решение."
#: ../../source/help.rst:15
msgid "Submit an Issue Yourself"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Съобщете за проблем"
#: ../../source/help.rst:17
msgid ""
@@ -53,13 +61,19 @@ msgid ""
"onionshare/issues/new>`_. This requires `creating a GitHub account `_."
msgstr ""
+"Ако не можете да намерите решение или искате да зададете въпрос, предложение "
+"и т.н. `направете нова тема `_. Необходимо е `да създадете профил в Гитхъб `_."
#: ../../source/help.rst:20
msgid "Join our Keybase Team"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Присъединете се към екипа ни в Кийбейс"
#: ../../source/help.rst:22
msgid ""
"See :ref:`collaborating` on how to join the Keybase team used to discuss the "
msgstr ""
+"Запознайте се с инструкцията :ref: `collaborating` как да се присъедините "
+"към екипа в Кийбейс, в който обсъждаме проекта OnionShare."
diff --git a/docs/source/locale/bg/LC_MESSAGES/index.po b/docs/source/locale/bg/LC_MESSAGES/index.po
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@@ -6,8 +6,8 @@
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: OnionShare 2.5\n"
-"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: onionshare-dev@lists.riseup.net\n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2022-01-17 10:28-0800\n"
+"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2023-09-05 11:30-0700\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2023-08-05 22:50+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: Salif Mehmed \n"
"Language-Team: none\n"
@@ -27,3 +27,6 @@ msgid ""
"OnionShare is an open source tool that lets you securely and anonymously "
"share files, host websites, and chat with friends using the Tor network."
msgstr ""
+"OnionShare е инструмент с отворен код, който дава възможност на "
+"потребителите си сигурно и анонимно да споделят файлове, да публикуват "
+"страница в интернит и да разговарят с приятели през мрежата на Тор."
diff --git a/docs/source/locale/bg/LC_MESSAGES/install.po b/docs/source/locale/bg/LC_MESSAGES/install.po
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@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: OnionShare 2.5\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2023-06-06 13:07+0200\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2023-09-05 11:51-0700\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n"
"Last-Translator: Automatically generated\n"
"Language-Team: none\n"
@@ -15,24 +15,28 @@ msgstr ""
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
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#: ../../source/install.rst:2
msgid "Installation"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Инсталиране"
#: ../../source/install.rst:5
msgid "Windows or macOS"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Windows или macOS"
#: ../../source/install.rst:7
msgid ""
"You can download OnionShare for Windows and macOS from the `OnionShare "
"website `_."
msgstr ""
+"Изтеглете OnionShare за Windows и macOS от `страницата на OnionShare "
#: ../../source/install.rst:12
msgid "Linux"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Linux"
#: ../../source/install.rst:14
msgid ""
@@ -41,6 +45,10 @@ msgid ""
"`_ package. Flatpak and Snapcraft ensure that you'll "
"always use the newest version and run OnionShare inside of a sandbox."
msgstr ""
+"Има различни начини да инсталирате OnionShare за Linux, но препоръчителният "
+"е да използвате пакетите `Flatpak `_ или `Snap "
+"`_. Flatpak и Snapcraft гарантират, че винаги ще "
+"използвате най-новото издание и OnionShare ще работи в контролирана среда."
#: ../../source/install.rst:17
msgid ""
@@ -48,26 +56,34 @@ msgid ""
"support, but which you use is up to you. Both work in all Linux "
msgstr ""
+"Поддръжката за Snapcraft е вградена в Ubuntu, а Fedora идва с поддръжка за "
+"Flatpak, но изборът е изцяло ваш. И двата пакета работят във всички варианти "
+"на Linux."
#: ../../source/install.rst:19
msgid ""
"**Install OnionShare using Flatpak**: https://flathub.org/apps/details/org."
msgstr ""
+"**Инсталиране на OnionShare от Flatpak**: https://flathub.org/apps/details/"
#: ../../source/install.rst:21
msgid "**Install OnionShare using Snapcraft**: https://snapcraft.io/onionshare"
msgstr ""
+"**Инсталиране на OnionShare от Snapcraft**: https://snapcraft.io/onionshare"
#: ../../source/install.rst:23
msgid ""
"You can also download and install PGP-signed ``.flatpak`` or ``.snap`` "
"packages from https://onionshare.org/dist/ if you prefer."
msgstr ""
+"Ако предпочитате можете да изтеглите и цифрово подписани с PGP пакети на ``."
+"flatpak`` или ``.snap`` от https://onionshare.org/dist/."
#: ../../source/install.rst:26
msgid "Manual Flatpak Installation"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Ръчна инсталация от Flatpak"
#: ../../source/install.rst:28
msgid ""
@@ -205,7 +221,7 @@ msgid ""
"You can find the signatures (as ``.asc`` files), as well as Windows, macOS, "
"Flatpak, Snap, and source packages, at https://onionshare.org/dist/ in the "
"folders named for each version of OnionShare. You can also find them on the "
-"`GitHub Releases page `_."
+"`GitHub Releases page `_."
msgstr ""
#: ../../source/install.rst:80
@@ -215,28 +231,46 @@ msgstr ""
#: ../../source/install.rst:82
msgid ""
"Once you have imported Micah's public key into your GnuPG keychain, "
-"downloaded the binary and ``.asc`` signature, you can verify the binary for "
-"macOS in a terminal like this::"
+"downloaded the binary and ``.asc`` signature, you can verify the binary in a "
+"terminal like this:"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../source/install.rst:86
-msgid "Or for Windows, in a command-prompt like this::"
+#: ../../source/install.rst:84
+msgid "For Windows::"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../source/install.rst:90
-msgid "The expected output looks like this::"
+#: ../../source/install.rst:88
+msgid "For macOS::"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../source/install.rst:92
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "For Linux::"
+msgstr "Linux"
+#: ../../source/install.rst:98
+msgid "and for the source file::"
msgstr ""
#: ../../source/install.rst:102
+msgid "The expected output looks like this::"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../source/install.rst:112
msgid ""
"If you don't see ``Good signature from``, there might be a problem with the "
"integrity of the file (malicious or otherwise), and you should not install "
-"the package. (The ``WARNING:`` shown above, is not a problem with the "
-"package, it only means you haven't defined a level of \"trust\" of Micah's "
-"(the core developer) PGP key.)"
+"the package."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../source/install.rst:104
+#: ../../source/install.rst:114
+msgid ""
+"The ``WARNING:`` shown above, is not a problem with the package, it only "
+"means you haven't defined a level of \"trust\" of Micah's (the core "
+"developer) PGP key."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../source/install.rst:116
msgid ""
"If you want to learn more about verifying PGP signatures, the guides for "
"`Qubes OS `_ and "
diff --git a/docs/source/locale/bg/LC_MESSAGES/security.po b/docs/source/locale/bg/LC_MESSAGES/security.po
index adea9a27..e11f3483 100644
--- a/docs/source/locale/bg/LC_MESSAGES/security.po
+++ b/docs/source/locale/bg/LC_MESSAGES/security.po
@@ -7,96 +7,36 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: OnionShare 2.5\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2022-01-17 10:28-0800\n"
-"PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n"
-"Last-Translator: Automatically generated\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2023-09-05 11:30-0700\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2023-09-17 21:00+0000\n"
+"Last-Translator: 109247019824 \n"
"Language-Team: none\n"
"Language: bg\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
+"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=n != 1;\n"
+"X-Generator: Weblate 5.0.2\n"
#: ../../source/security.rst:2
msgid "Security Design"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Модел на сигурност"
#: ../../source/security.rst:4
msgid "Read :ref:`how_it_works` first to get a handle on how OnionShare works."
msgstr ""
+"Първо прочетете :ref:`how_it_works`, за да разберете общия принцип на работа "
+"на OnionShare."
#: ../../source/security.rst:6
msgid "Like all software, OnionShare may contain bugs or vulnerabilities."
msgstr ""
+"Като всеки софтуерен продукт, OnionShare може да съдържа дефекти и "
#: ../../source/security.rst:9
msgid "What OnionShare protects against"
-msgstr ""
-#: ../../source/security.rst:11
-msgid ""
-"**Third parties don't have access to anything that happens in OnionShare.** "
-"Using OnionShare means hosting services directly on your computer. When "
-"sharing files with OnionShare, they are not uploaded to any server. If you "
-"make an OnionShare chat room, your computer acts as a server for that too. "
-"This avoids the traditional model of having to trust the computers of others."
-msgstr ""
-#: ../../source/security.rst:13 ../../source/security.rst:17
-msgid ""
-"**Network eavesdroppers can't spy on anything that happens in OnionShare in "
-"transit.** The connection between the Tor onion service and Tor Browser is "
-"end-to-end encrypted. This means network attackers can't eavesdrop on "
-"anything except encrypted Tor traffic. Even if an eavesdropper is a "
-"malicious rendezvous node used to connect the Tor Browser with OnionShare's "
-"onion service, the traffic is encrypted using the onion service's private "
-msgstr ""
-#: ../../source/security.rst:15 ../../source/security.rst:23
-msgid ""
-"**Anonymity of OnionShare users are protected by Tor.** OnionShare and Tor "
-"Browser protect the anonymity of the users. As long as the OnionShare user "
-"anonymously communicates the OnionShare address with the Tor Browser users, "
-"the Tor Browser users and eavesdroppers can't learn the identity of the "
-"OnionShare user."
-msgstr ""
-#: ../../source/security.rst:17
-msgid ""
-"**If an attacker learns about the onion service, it still can't access "
-"anything.** Prior attacks against the Tor network to enumerate onion "
-"services allowed the attacker to discover private ``.onion`` addresses. If "
-"an attack discovers a private OnionShare address, they will also need to "
-"guess the private key used for client authentication in order to access it "
-"(unless the OnionShare user chooses make their service public by turning off "
-"the private key -- see :ref:`turn_off_private_key`)."
-msgstr ""
-#: ../../source/security.rst:20 ../../source/security.rst:33
-msgid "What OnionShare doesn't protect against"
-msgstr ""
-#: ../../source/security.rst:22
-msgid ""
-"**Communicating the OnionShare address and private key might not be secure."
-"** Communicating the OnionShare address to people is the responsibility of "
-"the OnionShare user. If sent insecurely (such as through an email message "
-"monitored by an attacker), an eavesdropper can tell that OnionShare is being "
-"used. If the eavesdropper loads the address in Tor Browser while the service "
-"is still up, they can access it. To avoid this, the address must be "
-"communicated securely, via encrypted text message (probably with "
-"disappearing messages enabled), encrypted email, or in person. This isn't "
-"necessary when using OnionShare for something that isn't secret."
-msgstr ""
-#: ../../source/security.rst:24
-msgid ""
-"**Communicating the OnionShare address and private key might not be "
-"anonymous.** Extra precautions must be taken to ensure the OnionShare "
-"address is communicated anonymously. A new email or chat account, only "
-"accessed over Tor, can be used to share the address. This isn't necessary "
-"unless anonymity is a goal."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "От какво защитава OnionShare"
#: ../../source/security.rst:11
msgid ""
@@ -108,6 +48,26 @@ msgid ""
"computers of others."
msgstr ""
+#: ../../source/security.rst:17
+msgid ""
+"**Network eavesdroppers can't spy on anything that happens in OnionShare in "
+"transit.** The connection between the Tor onion service and Tor Browser is "
+"end-to-end encrypted. This means network attackers can't eavesdrop on "
+"anything except encrypted Tor traffic. Even if an eavesdropper is a "
+"malicious rendezvous node used to connect the Tor Browser with OnionShare's "
+"onion service, the traffic is encrypted using the onion service's private "
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../source/security.rst:23
+msgid ""
+"**Anonymity of OnionShare users are protected by Tor.** OnionShare and Tor "
+"Browser protect the anonymity of the users. As long as the OnionShare user "
+"anonymously communicates the OnionShare address with the Tor Browser users, "
+"the Tor Browser users and eavesdroppers can't learn the identity of the "
+"OnionShare user."
+msgstr ""
#: ../../source/security.rst:28
msgid ""
"**If an attacker learns about the onion service, they still can't access "
@@ -118,6 +78,10 @@ msgid ""
"public by turning off the private key -- see :ref:`turn_off_private_key`)."
msgstr ""
+#: ../../source/security.rst:33
+msgid "What OnionShare doesn't protect against"
+msgstr ""
#: ../../source/security.rst:35
msgid ""
"**Communicating the OnionShare address and private key might not be secure."
@@ -139,3 +103,18 @@ msgid ""
"over Tor, can be used to share the address. This isn't necessary unless "
"anonymity is a goal."
msgstr ""
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "**Third parties don't have access to anything that happens in OnionShare."
+#~ "** Using OnionShare means hosting services directly on your computer. "
+#~ "When sharing files with OnionShare, they are not uploaded to any server. "
+#~ "If you make an OnionShare chat room, your computer acts as a server for "
+#~ "that too. This avoids the traditional model of having to trust the "
+#~ "computers of others."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "**Трети страни нямат достъп, до случващото се в OnionShare.** Като "
+#~ "използвате OnionShare вие създавате услуги на собственото си устройство. "
+#~ "Ако споделите файлове посредством OnionShare те не се изпращат към никой "
+#~ "сървър. Ако създадете стая за разговори, вашето устройство е сървъра, на "
+#~ "който това се случва. По този начин се избягва традиционния модел, при "
+#~ "който трябва да се доверите на устройствата на други хора."
diff --git a/docs/source/locale/bg/LC_MESSAGES/sphinx.po b/docs/source/locale/bg/LC_MESSAGES/sphinx.po
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--- a/docs/source/locale/bg/LC_MESSAGES/sphinx.po
+++ b/docs/source/locale/bg/LC_MESSAGES/sphinx.po
@@ -6,8 +6,8 @@
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: OnionShare 2.5\n"
-"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: onionshare-dev@lists.riseup.net\n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2022-10-09 15:01-0700\n"
+"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2023-09-05 11:30-0700\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2023-08-05 22:50+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: Salif Mehmed \n"
"Language-Team: none\n"
diff --git a/docs/source/locale/bg/LC_MESSAGES/tor.po b/docs/source/locale/bg/LC_MESSAGES/tor.po
index 2db6e973..a57639ad 100644
--- a/docs/source/locale/bg/LC_MESSAGES/tor.po
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@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: OnionShare 2.5\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2023-06-06 13:07+0200\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2023-09-05 11:30-0700\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n"
"Last-Translator: Automatically generated\n"
"Language-Team: none\n"
@@ -15,10 +15,12 @@ msgstr ""
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
+"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=n != 1;\n"
+"X-Generator: Weblate 5.0.1-dev\n"
#: ../../source/tor.rst:2
msgid "Connecting to Tor"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Свързване към Тор"
#: ../../source/tor.rst:4
msgid ""
@@ -197,8 +199,8 @@ msgstr ""
#: ../../source/tor.rst:78
msgid ""
-"To use a bridge, you must select \"Use the Tor version built into OnionShare"
-"\" and check the \"Use a bridge\" checkbox."
+"To use a bridge, you must select \"Use the Tor version built into "
+"OnionShare\" and check the \"Use a bridge\" checkbox."
msgstr ""
#: ../../source/tor.rst:80
@@ -354,8 +356,8 @@ msgstr ""
#: ../../source/tor.rst:170
msgid ""
-"Reboot your computer. After it boots up again, open OnionShare, click the \"⚙"
-"\" icon in it, and switch to the Tor Settings tab. Under \"How should "
+"Reboot your computer. After it boots up again, open OnionShare, click the "
+"\"⚙\" icon in it, and switch to the Tor Settings tab. Under \"How should "
"OnionShare connect to Tor?\" choose \"Connect using socket file\". Set the "
"socket file to be ``/var/run/tor/control``. Under \"Tor authentication "
"settings\" choose \"No authentication, or cookie authentication\". Click the "
diff --git a/docs/source/locale/bn/LC_MESSAGES/advanced.po b/docs/source/locale/bn/LC_MESSAGES/advanced.po
index b099309a..b358bbdb 100644
--- a/docs/source/locale/bn/LC_MESSAGES/advanced.po
+++ b/docs/source/locale/bn/LC_MESSAGES/advanced.po
@@ -6,8 +6,8 @@
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: OnionShare 2.5\n"
-"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: onionshare-dev@lists.riseup.net\n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2022-01-17 10:28-0800\n"
+"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2023-09-05 11:30-0700\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2023-08-19 20:51+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: Sabbir Ahmed Shameem \n"
"Language-Team: none\n"
@@ -26,173 +26,6 @@ msgstr "অ্যাডভান্সড ব্যবহার"
msgid "Save Tabs"
msgstr "ট্যাবগুলি সংরক্ষণ করুন"
-#: ../../source/advanced.rst:9
-msgid ""
-"Everything in OnionShare is temporary by default. If you close an OnionShare "
-"tab, its address no longer exists and it can't be used again. Sometimes you "
-"might want an OnionShare service to be persistent. This is useful if you "
-"want to host a website available from the same OnionShare address even if "
-"you reboot your computer."
-msgstr ""
-"OnionShare-এর সবকিছুই সাধরনত অস্থায়ী। আপনি যদি একটি অনিয়ন শেয়ার ট্যাব বন্ধ "
-"করেন, তাহলে এর ঠিকানা আর থাকবে না এবং এটি আবার ব্যবহার করা যাবে না। কখনও "
-"কখনও আপনি একটি OnionShare পরিষেবা স্থায়ী করতে চাইতে পারেন। আপনি আপনার "
-"কম্পিউটার রিবুট করলেও একই OnionShare ঠিকানা থেকে উপলব্ধ একটি ওয়েবসাইট হোস্ট "
-"করতে চাইলে এটি কার্যকর।"
-#: ../../source/advanced.rst:13
-msgid ""
-"To make any tab persistent, check the \"Save this tab, and automatically "
-"open it when I open OnionShare\" box before starting the server. When a tab "
-"is saved a purple pin icon appears to the left of its server status."
-msgstr ""
-#: ../../source/advanced.rst:18
-msgid ""
-"When you quit OnionShare and then open it again, your saved tabs will start "
-"opened. You'll have to manually start each service, but when you do they "
-"will start with the same OnionShare address and private key."
-msgstr ""
-#: ../../source/advanced.rst:21
-msgid ""
-"If you save a tab, a copy of that tab's onion service secret key will be "
-"stored on your computer with your OnionShare settings."
-msgstr ""
-#: ../../source/advanced.rst:26 ../../source/advanced.rst:24
-msgid "Turn Off Private Key"
-msgstr ""
-#: ../../source/advanced.rst:28 ../../source/advanced.rst:26
-msgid ""
-"By default, all OnionShare services are protected with a private key, which "
-"Tor calls \"client authentication\"."
-msgstr ""
-#: ../../source/advanced.rst:30
-msgid ""
-"When browsing to an OnionShare service in Tor Browser, Tor Browser will "
-"prompt for the private key to be entered."
-msgstr ""
-#: ../../source/advanced.rst:32
-msgid ""
-"Sometimes you might want your OnionShare service to be accessible to the "
-"public, like if you want to set up an OnionShare receive service so the "
-"public can securely and anonymously send you files. In this case, it's "
-"better to disable the private key altogether."
-msgstr ""
-#: ../../source/advanced.rst:35
-msgid ""
-"To turn off the private key for any tab, check the \"This is a public "
-"OnionShare service (disables private key)\" box before starting the server. "
-"Then the server will be public and won't need a private key to view in Tor "
-msgstr ""
-#: ../../source/advanced.rst:40 ../../source/advanced.rst:37
-msgid "Custom Titles"
-msgstr ""
-#: ../../source/advanced.rst:42
-msgid ""
-"By default, when people load an OnionShare service in Tor Browser they see "
-"the default title for the type of service. For example, the default title of "
-"a chat service is \"OnionShare Chat\"."
-msgstr ""
-#: ../../source/advanced.rst:44
-msgid ""
-"If you want to choose a custom title, set the \"Custom title\" setting "
-"before starting a server."
-msgstr ""
-#: ../../source/advanced.rst:47 ../../source/advanced.rst:45
-msgid "Scheduled Times"
-msgstr ""
-#: ../../source/advanced.rst:49 ../../source/advanced.rst:47
-msgid ""
-"OnionShare supports scheduling exactly when a service should start and stop. "
-"Before starting a server, click \"Show advanced settings\" in its tab and "
-"then check the boxes next to either \"Start onion service at scheduled time"
-"\", \"Stop onion service at scheduled time\", or both, and set the "
-"respective desired dates and times."
-msgstr ""
-#: ../../source/advanced.rst:52
-msgid ""
-"If you scheduled a service to start in the future, when you click the "
-"\"Start sharing\" button you will see a timer counting down until it starts. "
-"If you scheduled it to stop in the future, after it's started you will see a "
-"timer counting down to when it will stop automatically."
-msgstr ""
-#: ../../source/advanced.rst:55
-msgid ""
-"**Scheduling an OnionShare service to automatically start can be used as a "
-"dead man's switch**, where your service will be made public at a given time "
-"in the future if anything happens to you. If nothing happens to you, you can "
-"cancel the service before it's scheduled to start."
-msgstr ""
-#: ../../source/advanced.rst:60
-msgid ""
-"**Scheduling an OnionShare service to automatically stop can be useful to "
-"limit exposure**, like if you want to share secret documents while making "
-"sure they're not available on the internet for more than a few days."
-msgstr ""
-#: ../../source/advanced.rst:67 ../../source/advanced.rst:68
-msgid "Command-line Interface"
-msgstr ""
-#: ../../source/advanced.rst:69 ../../source/advanced.rst:70
-msgid ""
-"In addition to its graphical interface, OnionShare has a command-line "
-msgstr ""
-#: ../../source/advanced.rst:71 ../../source/advanced.rst:72
-msgid ""
-"You can install just the command-line version of OnionShare using ``pip3``::"
-msgstr ""
-#: ../../source/advanced.rst:75 ../../source/advanced.rst:76
-msgid ""
-"Note that you will also need the ``tor`` package installed. In macOS, "
-"install it with: ``brew install tor``"
-msgstr ""
-#: ../../source/advanced.rst:77 ../../source/advanced.rst:78
-msgid "Then run it like this::"
-msgstr ""
-#: ../../source/advanced.rst:81
-msgid ""
-"For information about installing it on different operating systems, see the "
-"`CLI readme file `_ in the git repository."
-msgstr ""
-#: ../../source/advanced.rst:83
-msgid ""
-"If you installed OnionShare using the Linux Snapcraft package, you can also "
-"just run ``onionshare.cli`` to access the command-line interface version."
-msgstr ""
-#: ../../source/advanced.rst:86 ../../source/advanced.rst:87
-msgid "Usage"
-msgstr ""
-#: ../../source/advanced.rst:88
-msgid ""
-"You can browse the command-line documentation by running ``onionshare --"
-msgstr ""
#: ../../source/advanced.rst:9
msgid ""
"Closing OnionShare tabs you host destroys them, preventing reuse. "
@@ -219,6 +52,16 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
+#: ../../source/advanced.rst:24
+msgid "Turn Off Private Key"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../source/advanced.rst:26
+msgid ""
+"By default, all OnionShare services are protected with a private key, which "
+"Tor calls \"client authentication\"."
+msgstr ""
#: ../../source/advanced.rst:28
msgid ""
"The Tor Browser will ask you to enter your private key when you load an "
@@ -234,6 +77,10 @@ msgid ""
"the Tor Browser."
msgstr ""
+#: ../../source/advanced.rst:37
+msgid "Custom Titles"
+msgstr ""
#: ../../source/advanced.rst:39
msgid ""
"When people load OnionShare services in the Tor Browser they see the default "
@@ -247,6 +94,19 @@ msgid ""
"change it."
msgstr ""
+#: ../../source/advanced.rst:45
+msgid "Scheduled Times"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../source/advanced.rst:47
+msgid ""
+"OnionShare supports scheduling exactly when a service should start and stop. "
+"Before starting a server, click \"Show advanced settings\" in its tab and "
+"then check the boxes next to either \"Start onion service at scheduled "
+"time\", \"Stop onion service at scheduled time\", or both, and set the "
+"respective desired dates and times."
+msgstr ""
#: ../../source/advanced.rst:51
msgid ""
"Services scheduled to start in the future display a countdown timer when "
@@ -269,6 +129,31 @@ msgid ""
"outdated, you can do so for selected limited time."
msgstr ""
+#: ../../source/advanced.rst:68
+msgid "Command-line Interface"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../source/advanced.rst:70
+msgid ""
+"In addition to its graphical interface, OnionShare has a command-line "
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../source/advanced.rst:72
+msgid ""
+"You can install just the command-line version of OnionShare using ``pip3``::"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../source/advanced.rst:76
+msgid ""
+"Note that you will also need the ``tor`` package installed. In macOS, "
+"install it with: ``brew install tor``"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../source/advanced.rst:78
+msgid "Then run it like this::"
+msgstr ""
#: ../../source/advanced.rst:82
msgid ""
"Info about installing it on different operating systems can be found in the "
@@ -282,6 +167,10 @@ msgid ""
"``onionshare.cli`` to access the command-line interface version."
msgstr ""
+#: ../../source/advanced.rst:87
+msgid "Usage"
+msgstr ""
#: ../../source/advanced.rst:89
msgid ""
"Browse the command-line documentation by running ``onionshare --help``::"
@@ -300,3 +189,16 @@ msgstr ""
#: ../../source/advanced.rst:158
msgid "And from the main mode chooser screen::"
msgstr ""
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Everything in OnionShare is temporary by default. If you close an "
+#~ "OnionShare tab, its address no longer exists and it can't be used again. "
+#~ "Sometimes you might want an OnionShare service to be persistent. This is "
+#~ "useful if you want to host a website available from the same OnionShare "
+#~ "address even if you reboot your computer."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "OnionShare-এর সবকিছুই সাধরনত অস্থায়ী। আপনি যদি একটি অনিয়ন শেয়ার ট্যাব বন্ধ "
+#~ "করেন, তাহলে এর ঠিকানা আর থাকবে না এবং এটি আবার ব্যবহার করা যাবে না। কখনও "
+#~ "কখনও আপনি একটি OnionShare পরিষেবা স্থায়ী করতে চাইতে পারেন। আপনি আপনার "
+#~ "কম্পিউটার রিবুট করলেও একই OnionShare ঠিকানা থেকে উপলব্ধ একটি ওয়েবসাইট হোস্ট "
+#~ "করতে চাইলে এটি কার্যকর।"
diff --git a/docs/source/locale/bn/LC_MESSAGES/develop.po b/docs/source/locale/bn/LC_MESSAGES/develop.po
index 6b038f00..c043145a 100644
--- a/docs/source/locale/bn/LC_MESSAGES/develop.po
+++ b/docs/source/locale/bn/LC_MESSAGES/develop.po
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: OnionShare 2.4.1\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2021-11-23 19:33-0800\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2023-09-05 11:30-0700\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n"
"Last-Translator: Automatically generated\n"
"Language-Team: none\n"
diff --git a/docs/source/locale/bn/LC_MESSAGES/features.po b/docs/source/locale/bn/LC_MESSAGES/features.po
index e882eaf7..aacc400f 100644
--- a/docs/source/locale/bn/LC_MESSAGES/features.po
+++ b/docs/source/locale/bn/LC_MESSAGES/features.po
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: OnionShare 2.5\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2022-01-17 10:28-0800\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2023-09-05 11:30-0700\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n"
"Last-Translator: Automatically generated\n"
"Language-Team: none\n"
diff --git a/docs/source/locale/bn/LC_MESSAGES/help.po b/docs/source/locale/bn/LC_MESSAGES/help.po
index af0c1ff6..be66fecc 100644
--- a/docs/source/locale/bn/LC_MESSAGES/help.po
+++ b/docs/source/locale/bn/LC_MESSAGES/help.po
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: OnionShare 2.5\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2022-01-17 10:28-0800\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2023-09-05 11:30-0700\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n"
"Last-Translator: Automatically generated\n"
"Language-Team: none\n"
diff --git a/docs/source/locale/bn/LC_MESSAGES/index.po b/docs/source/locale/bn/LC_MESSAGES/index.po
index 92527454..c91b2e33 100644
--- a/docs/source/locale/bn/LC_MESSAGES/index.po
+++ b/docs/source/locale/bn/LC_MESSAGES/index.po
@@ -6,8 +6,8 @@
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: OnionShare 2.3.1\n"
-"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: onionshare-dev@lists.riseup.net\n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2021-02-22 13:40-0800\n"
+"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2023-09-05 11:30-0700\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2021-04-24 23:31+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: Oymate \n"
"Language-Team: none\n"
diff --git a/docs/source/locale/bn/LC_MESSAGES/install.po b/docs/source/locale/bn/LC_MESSAGES/install.po
index 56e6b89a..81a9b734 100644
--- a/docs/source/locale/bn/LC_MESSAGES/install.po
+++ b/docs/source/locale/bn/LC_MESSAGES/install.po
@@ -6,8 +6,8 @@
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: OnionShare 2.5\n"
-"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: onionshare-dev@lists.riseup.net\n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2023-06-06 13:07+0200\n"
+"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2023-09-05 11:51-0700\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2023-08-18 19:50+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: Sabbir Ahmed Shameem \n"
"Language-Team: none\n"
@@ -31,8 +31,8 @@ msgid ""
"You can download OnionShare for Windows and macOS from the `OnionShare "
"website `_."
msgstr ""
-"আপনি `OnionShare ওয়েবসাইট `_ থেকে Windows এবং "
-"macOS-এর জন্য OnionShare ডাউনলোড করতে পারেন।"
+"আপনি `OnionShare ওয়েবসাইট `_ থেকে Windows এবং macOS-"
+"এর জন্য OnionShare ডাউনলোড করতে পারেন।"
#: ../../source/install.rst:12
msgid "Linux"
@@ -214,7 +214,7 @@ msgid ""
"You can find the signatures (as ``.asc`` files), as well as Windows, macOS, "
"Flatpak, Snap, and source packages, at https://onionshare.org/dist/ in the "
"folders named for each version of OnionShare. You can also find them on the "
-"`GitHub Releases page `_."
+"`GitHub Releases page `_."
msgstr ""
#: ../../source/install.rst:80
@@ -224,28 +224,45 @@ msgstr ""
#: ../../source/install.rst:82
msgid ""
"Once you have imported Micah's public key into your GnuPG keychain, "
-"downloaded the binary and ``.asc`` signature, you can verify the binary for "
-"macOS in a terminal like this::"
+"downloaded the binary and ``.asc`` signature, you can verify the binary in a "
+"terminal like this:"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../source/install.rst:86
-msgid "Or for Windows, in a command-prompt like this::"
+#: ../../source/install.rst:84
+msgid "For Windows::"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../source/install.rst:90
-msgid "The expected output looks like this::"
+#: ../../source/install.rst:88
+msgid "For macOS::"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../source/install.rst:92
+msgid "For Linux::"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../source/install.rst:98
+msgid "and for the source file::"
msgstr ""
#: ../../source/install.rst:102
+msgid "The expected output looks like this::"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../source/install.rst:112
msgid ""
"If you don't see ``Good signature from``, there might be a problem with the "
"integrity of the file (malicious or otherwise), and you should not install "
-"the package. (The ``WARNING:`` shown above, is not a problem with the "
-"package, it only means you haven't defined a level of \"trust\" of Micah's "
-"(the core developer) PGP key.)"
+"the package."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../source/install.rst:104
+#: ../../source/install.rst:114
+msgid ""
+"The ``WARNING:`` shown above, is not a problem with the package, it only "
+"means you haven't defined a level of \"trust\" of Micah's (the core "
+"developer) PGP key."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../source/install.rst:116
msgid ""
"If you want to learn more about verifying PGP signatures, the guides for "
"`Qubes OS `_ and "
diff --git a/docs/source/locale/bn/LC_MESSAGES/security.po b/docs/source/locale/bn/LC_MESSAGES/security.po
index 54d17946..1d0529e7 100644
--- a/docs/source/locale/bn/LC_MESSAGES/security.po
+++ b/docs/source/locale/bn/LC_MESSAGES/security.po
@@ -6,8 +6,8 @@
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: OnionShare 2.3.1\n"
-"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: onionshare-dev@lists.riseup.net\n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2021-02-22 13:40-0800\n"
+"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2023-09-05 11:30-0700\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2023-08-20 17:50+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: Sabbir Ahmed Shameem \n"
"Language-Team: none\n"
@@ -35,83 +35,6 @@ msgstr "সব সফটওয়্যারের মতোই অনিওনশ
msgid "What OnionShare protects against"
msgstr "অনিয়নশেয়ার কিসের বিরুদ্ধে নিরাপত্তা দেয়"
-#: ../../source/security.rst:11
-msgid ""
-"**Third parties don't have access to anything that happens in OnionShare.** "
-"Using OnionShare means hosting services directly on your computer. When "
-"sharing files with OnionShare, they are not uploaded to any server. If you "
-"make an OnionShare chat room, your computer acts as a server for that too. "
-"This avoids the traditional model of having to trust the computers of others."
-msgstr ""
-"**অনিয়নশেয়ারে যা হয় তৃতীয় কোনো পক্ষের তা জানার ক্ষমতা বা অনুমতি নেই।** "
-"অনিয়নশেয়ার ব্যবহার মানে সরাসরি নিজের কম্পিউটারে উপস্থাপন করা। যখন তুমি "
-"অনিয়নশেয়ার দিয়ে কিছু ভাগ করো তখন তা সার্ভারে পাঠানো হয় না। তুমি অনিয়নশেয়ার চ্যাট "
-"বা অনিয়নশেয়ার বার্তা বানালেও তোমার কম্পিউটার সার্ভার হিসেবে কাজ করে। এতে "
-"সাধারণভাবে ব্যবহৃত অন্য কম্পিউটারের উপর বিশ্বাস এড়ানো যায়।"
-#: ../../source/security.rst:13 ../../source/security.rst:17
-msgid ""
-"**Network eavesdroppers can't spy on anything that happens in OnionShare in "
-"transit.** The connection between the Tor onion service and Tor Browser is "
-"end-to-end encrypted. This means network attackers can't eavesdrop on "
-"anything except encrypted Tor traffic. Even if an eavesdropper is a "
-"malicious rendezvous node used to connect the Tor Browser with OnionShare's "
-"onion service, the traffic is encrypted using the onion service's private "
-msgstr ""
-#: ../../source/security.rst:15 ../../source/security.rst:23
-msgid ""
-"**Anonymity of OnionShare users are protected by Tor.** OnionShare and Tor "
-"Browser protect the anonymity of the users. As long as the OnionShare user "
-"anonymously communicates the OnionShare address with the Tor Browser users, "
-"the Tor Browser users and eavesdroppers can't learn the identity of the "
-"OnionShare user."
-msgstr ""
-"** OnionShare ব্যবহারকারীদের গোপনীয়তা Tor দ্বারা সুরক্ষিত।**OnionShare এবং "
-"Tor ব্রাউজার ব্যবহারকারীদের গোপনীয়তা রক্ষা করে।যতক্ষণ পর্যন্ত OnionShare "
-"ব্যবহারকারী বেনামে টোর ব্রাউজার ব্যবহারকারীদের সাথে OnionShare ঠিকানাটি "
-"যোগাযোগ করেন, ততক্ষণ টর ব্রাউজার ব্যবহারকারীরা এবং eavesdroppers রা "
-"OnionShare ব্যবহারকারীর পরিচয় জানতে পারবেন না।"
-#: ../../source/security.rst:17
-msgid ""
-"**If an attacker learns about the onion service, it still can't access "
-"anything.** Prior attacks against the Tor network to enumerate onion "
-"services allowed the attacker to discover private .onion addresses. If an "
-"attack discovers a private OnionShare address, a password will be prevent "
-"them from accessing it (unless the OnionShare user chooses to turn it off "
-"and make it public). The password is generated by choosing two random words "
-"from a list of 6800 words, making 6800², or about 46 million possible "
-"passwords. Only 20 wrong guesses can be made before OnionShare stops the "
-"server, preventing brute force attacks against the password."
-msgstr ""
-#: ../../source/security.rst:20 ../../source/security.rst:33
-msgid "What OnionShare doesn't protect against"
-msgstr "অনিওনশেয়ার কিসের বিরুদ্ধে রক্ষা করে না"
-#: ../../source/security.rst:22
-msgid ""
-"**Communicating the OnionShare address might not be secure.** Communicating "
-"the OnionShare address to people is the responsibility of the OnionShare "
-"user. If sent insecurely (such as through an email message monitored by an "
-"attacker), an eavesdropper can tell that OnionShare is being used. If the "
-"eavesdropper loads the address in Tor Browser while the service is still up, "
-"they can access it. To avoid this, the address must be communicateed "
-"securely, via encrypted text message (probably with disappearing messages "
-"enabled), encrypted email, or in person. This isn't necessary when using "
-"OnionShare for something that isn't secret."
-msgstr ""
-#: ../../source/security.rst:24
-msgid ""
-"**Communicating the OnionShare address might not be anonymous.** Extra "
-"precautions must be taken to ensure the OnionShare address is communicated "
-"anonymously. A new email or chat account, only accessed over Tor, can be "
-"used to share the address. This isn't necessary unless anonymity is a goal."
-msgstr ""
#: ../../source/security.rst:11
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
@@ -128,6 +51,31 @@ msgstr ""
"বা অনিয়নশেয়ার বার্তা বানালেও তোমার কম্পিউটার সার্ভার হিসেবে কাজ করে। এতে "
"সাধারণভাবে ব্যবহৃত অন্য কম্পিউটারের উপর বিশ্বাস এড়ানো যায়।"
+#: ../../source/security.rst:17
+msgid ""
+"**Network eavesdroppers can't spy on anything that happens in OnionShare in "
+"transit.** The connection between the Tor onion service and Tor Browser is "
+"end-to-end encrypted. This means network attackers can't eavesdrop on "
+"anything except encrypted Tor traffic. Even if an eavesdropper is a "
+"malicious rendezvous node used to connect the Tor Browser with OnionShare's "
+"onion service, the traffic is encrypted using the onion service's private "
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../source/security.rst:23
+msgid ""
+"**Anonymity of OnionShare users are protected by Tor.** OnionShare and Tor "
+"Browser protect the anonymity of the users. As long as the OnionShare user "
+"anonymously communicates the OnionShare address with the Tor Browser users, "
+"the Tor Browser users and eavesdroppers can't learn the identity of the "
+"OnionShare user."
+msgstr ""
+"** OnionShare ব্যবহারকারীদের গোপনীয়তা Tor দ্বারা সুরক্ষিত।**OnionShare এবং Tor "
+"ব্রাউজার ব্যবহারকারীদের গোপনীয়তা রক্ষা করে।যতক্ষণ পর্যন্ত OnionShare ব্যবহারকারী "
+"বেনামে টোর ব্রাউজার ব্যবহারকারীদের সাথে OnionShare ঠিকানাটি যোগাযোগ করেন, "
+"ততক্ষণ টর ব্রাউজার ব্যবহারকারীরা এবং eavesdroppers রা OnionShare ব্যবহারকারীর "
+"পরিচয় জানতে পারবেন না।"
#: ../../source/security.rst:28
msgid ""
"**If an attacker learns about the onion service, they still can't access "
@@ -138,6 +86,10 @@ msgid ""
"public by turning off the private key -- see :ref:`turn_off_private_key`)."
msgstr ""
+#: ../../source/security.rst:33
+msgid "What OnionShare doesn't protect against"
+msgstr "অনিওনশেয়ার কিসের বিরুদ্ধে রক্ষা করে না"
#: ../../source/security.rst:35
msgid ""
"**Communicating the OnionShare address and private key might not be secure."
@@ -159,3 +111,17 @@ msgid ""
"over Tor, can be used to share the address. This isn't necessary unless "
"anonymity is a goal."
msgstr ""
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "**Third parties don't have access to anything that happens in OnionShare."
+#~ "** Using OnionShare means hosting services directly on your computer. "
+#~ "When sharing files with OnionShare, they are not uploaded to any server. "
+#~ "If you make an OnionShare chat room, your computer acts as a server for "
+#~ "that too. This avoids the traditional model of having to trust the "
+#~ "computers of others."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "**অনিয়নশেয়ারে যা হয় তৃতীয় কোনো পক্ষের তা জানার ক্ষমতা বা অনুমতি নেই।** "
+#~ "অনিয়নশেয়ার ব্যবহার মানে সরাসরি নিজের কম্পিউটারে উপস্থাপন করা। যখন তুমি "
+#~ "অনিয়নশেয়ার দিয়ে কিছু ভাগ করো তখন তা সার্ভারে পাঠানো হয় না। তুমি অনিয়নশেয়ার "
+#~ "চ্যাট বা অনিয়নশেয়ার বার্তা বানালেও তোমার কম্পিউটার সার্ভার হিসেবে কাজ করে। "
+#~ "এতে সাধারণভাবে ব্যবহৃত অন্য কম্পিউটারের উপর বিশ্বাস এড়ানো যায়।"
diff --git a/docs/source/locale/bn/LC_MESSAGES/sphinx.po b/docs/source/locale/bn/LC_MESSAGES/sphinx.po
index 46460448..8d09b273 100644
--- a/docs/source/locale/bn/LC_MESSAGES/sphinx.po
+++ b/docs/source/locale/bn/LC_MESSAGES/sphinx.po
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: OnionShare 2.5\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2022-10-09 15:01-0700\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2023-09-05 11:30-0700\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2022-05-27 13:16+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: Oymate \n"
"Language-Team: none\n"
diff --git a/docs/source/locale/bn/LC_MESSAGES/tor.po b/docs/source/locale/bn/LC_MESSAGES/tor.po
index 38d1d798..b774a699 100644
--- a/docs/source/locale/bn/LC_MESSAGES/tor.po
+++ b/docs/source/locale/bn/LC_MESSAGES/tor.po
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: OnionShare 2.3.1\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2023-06-06 13:07+0200\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2023-09-05 11:30-0700\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n"
"Last-Translator: Automatically generated\n"
"Language-Team: none\n"
@@ -197,8 +197,8 @@ msgstr ""
#: ../../source/tor.rst:78
msgid ""
-"To use a bridge, you must select \"Use the Tor version built into OnionShare"
-"\" and check the \"Use a bridge\" checkbox."
+"To use a bridge, you must select \"Use the Tor version built into "
+"OnionShare\" and check the \"Use a bridge\" checkbox."
msgstr ""
#: ../../source/tor.rst:80
@@ -354,8 +354,8 @@ msgstr ""
#: ../../source/tor.rst:170
msgid ""
-"Reboot your computer. After it boots up again, open OnionShare, click the \"⚙"
-"\" icon in it, and switch to the Tor Settings tab. Under \"How should "
+"Reboot your computer. After it boots up again, open OnionShare, click the "
+"\"⚙\" icon in it, and switch to the Tor Settings tab. Under \"How should "
"OnionShare connect to Tor?\" choose \"Connect using socket file\". Set the "
"socket file to be ``/var/run/tor/control``. Under \"Tor authentication "
"settings\" choose \"No authentication, or cookie authentication\". Click the "
diff --git a/docs/source/locale/bo/LC_MESSAGES/advanced.po b/docs/source/locale/bo/LC_MESSAGES/advanced.po
index 89019ac9..31c71188 100644
--- a/docs/source/locale/bo/LC_MESSAGES/advanced.po
+++ b/docs/source/locale/bo/LC_MESSAGES/advanced.po
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: OnionShare 2.6\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2022-10-09 15:01-0700\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2023-09-05 11:30-0700\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n"
"Last-Translator: Automatically generated\n"
"Language-Team: none\n"
@@ -25,19 +25,29 @@ msgid "Save Tabs"
msgstr ""
#: ../../source/advanced.rst:9
-msgid "Closing OnionShare tabs you host destroys them, preventing reuse. Persistently hosted websites are available on the same address even if the computer they are shared from is rebooted."
+msgid ""
+"Closing OnionShare tabs you host destroys them, preventing reuse. "
+"Persistently hosted websites are available on the same address even if the "
+"computer they are shared from is rebooted."
msgstr ""
#: ../../source/advanced.rst:12
-msgid "Make any tab persistent by checking the \"Always open this tab when OnionShare is started\" box before starting your server."
+msgid ""
+"Make any tab persistent by checking the \"Always open this tab when "
+"OnionShare is started\" box before starting your server."
msgstr ""
#: ../../source/advanced.rst:16
-msgid "When opening OnionShare, your saved tabs from the prior session will start opened. Each service then can be started manually, and will be available on the same OnionShare address and be protected by the same private key."
+msgid ""
+"When opening OnionShare, your saved tabs from the prior session will start "
+"opened. Each service then can be started manually, and will be available on "
+"the same OnionShare address and be protected by the same private key."
msgstr ""
#: ../../source/advanced.rst:19
-msgid "If you save a tab, a copy of its onion service secret key is stored on your computer."
+msgid ""
+"If you save a tab, a copy of its onion service secret key is stored on your "
msgstr ""
#: ../../source/advanced.rst:24
@@ -45,15 +55,24 @@ msgid "Turn Off Private Key"
msgstr ""
#: ../../source/advanced.rst:26
-msgid "By default, all OnionShare services are protected with a private key, which Tor calls \"client authentication\"."
+msgid ""
+"By default, all OnionShare services are protected with a private key, which "
+"Tor calls \"client authentication\"."
msgstr ""
#: ../../source/advanced.rst:28
-msgid "The Tor Browser will ask you to enter your private key when you load an OnionShare service. If you want allow the public to use your service, it's better to disable the private key altogether."
+msgid ""
+"The Tor Browser will ask you to enter your private key when you load an "
+"OnionShare service. If you want allow the public to use your service, it's "
+"better to disable the private key altogether."
msgstr ""
#: ../../source/advanced.rst:31
-msgid "To turn off the private key for any tab, check the \"This is a public OnionShare service (disables private key)\" box before starting the server. Then the server will be public and a private key is not needed to load it in the Tor Browser."
+msgid ""
+"To turn off the private key for any tab, check the \"This is a public "
+"OnionShare service (disables private key)\" box before starting the server. "
+"Then the server will be public and a private key is not needed to load it in "
+"the Tor Browser."
msgstr ""
#: ../../source/advanced.rst:37
@@ -61,11 +80,16 @@ msgid "Custom Titles"
msgstr ""
#: ../../source/advanced.rst:39
-msgid "When people load OnionShare services in the Tor Browser they see the default title for each type of service. For example, the default title for chat services is \"OnionShare Chat\"."
+msgid ""
+"When people load OnionShare services in the Tor Browser they see the default "
+"title for each type of service. For example, the default title for chat "
+"services is \"OnionShare Chat\"."
msgstr ""
#: ../../source/advanced.rst:42
-msgid "If you edit the \"Custom title\" setting before starting a server you can change it."
+msgid ""
+"If you edit the \"Custom title\" setting before starting a server you can "
+"change it."
msgstr ""
#: ../../source/advanced.rst:45
@@ -73,19 +97,34 @@ msgid "Scheduled Times"
msgstr ""
#: ../../source/advanced.rst:47
-msgid "OnionShare supports scheduling exactly when a service should start and stop. Before starting a server, click \"Show advanced settings\" in its tab and then check the boxes next to either \"Start onion service at scheduled time\", \"Stop onion service at scheduled time\", or both, and set the respective desired dates and times."
+msgid ""
+"OnionShare supports scheduling exactly when a service should start and stop. "
+"Before starting a server, click \"Show advanced settings\" in its tab and "
+"then check the boxes next to either \"Start onion service at scheduled "
+"time\", \"Stop onion service at scheduled time\", or both, and set the "
+"respective desired dates and times."
msgstr ""
#: ../../source/advanced.rst:51
-msgid "Services scheduled to start in the future display a countdown timer when when the \"Start sharing\" button is clicked. Services scheduled to stop in the future display a countdown timer when started."
+msgid ""
+"Services scheduled to start in the future display a countdown timer when "
+"when the \"Start sharing\" button is clicked. Services scheduled to stop in "
+"the future display a countdown timer when started."
msgstr ""
#: ../../source/advanced.rst:54
-msgid "**Scheduling an OnionShare service to automatically start can be used as a dead man's switch**. This means your service is made public at a given time in the future if you are not there to prevent it. If nothing happens to you, you can cancel the service before it's scheduled to start."
+msgid ""
+"**Scheduling an OnionShare service to automatically start can be used as a "
+"dead man's switch**. This means your service is made public at a given time "
+"in the future if you are not there to prevent it. If nothing happens to you, "
+"you can cancel the service before it's scheduled to start."
msgstr ""
#: ../../source/advanced.rst:60
-msgid "**Scheduling an OnionShare service to automatically stop limits its exposure**. If you want to share secret info or something that will be outdated, you can do so for selected limited time."
+msgid ""
+"**Scheduling an OnionShare service to automatically stop limits its "
+"exposure**. If you want to share secret info or something that will be "
+"outdated, you can do so for selected limited time."
msgstr ""
#: ../../source/advanced.rst:68
@@ -93,15 +132,20 @@ msgid "Command-line Interface"
msgstr ""
#: ../../source/advanced.rst:70
-msgid "In addition to its graphical interface, OnionShare has a command-line interface."
+msgid ""
+"In addition to its graphical interface, OnionShare has a command-line "
msgstr ""
#: ../../source/advanced.rst:72
-msgid "You can install just the command-line version of OnionShare using ``pip3``::"
+msgid ""
+"You can install just the command-line version of OnionShare using ``pip3``::"
msgstr ""
#: ../../source/advanced.rst:76
-msgid "Note that you will also need the ``tor`` package installed. In macOS, install it with: ``brew install tor``"
+msgid ""
+"Note that you will also need the ``tor`` package installed. In macOS, "
+"install it with: ``brew install tor``"
msgstr ""
#: ../../source/advanced.rst:78
@@ -109,11 +153,16 @@ msgid "Then run it like this::"
msgstr ""
#: ../../source/advanced.rst:82
-msgid "Info about installing it on different operating systems can be found in the `CLI README file `_ in the Git repository."
+msgid ""
+"Info about installing it on different operating systems can be found in the "
+"`CLI README file `_ in the Git repository."
msgstr ""
#: ../../source/advanced.rst:84
-msgid "If you installed OnionShare using the Snap package, you can also just run ``onionshare.cli`` to access the command-line interface version."
+msgid ""
+"If you installed OnionShare using the Snap package, you can also just run "
+"``onionshare.cli`` to access the command-line interface version."
msgstr ""
#: ../../source/advanced.rst:87
@@ -121,7 +170,8 @@ msgid "Usage"
msgstr ""
#: ../../source/advanced.rst:89
-msgid "Browse the command-line documentation by running ``onionshare --help``::"
+msgid ""
+"Browse the command-line documentation by running ``onionshare --help``::"
msgstr ""
#: ../../source/advanced.rst:151
@@ -129,7 +179,9 @@ msgid "Keyboard Shortcuts"
msgstr ""
#: ../../source/advanced.rst:153
-msgid "The OnionShare desktop application contains some keyboard shortcuts, for convenience and accessibility::"
+msgid ""
+"The OnionShare desktop application contains some keyboard shortcuts, for "
+"convenience and accessibility::"
msgstr ""
#: ../../source/advanced.rst:158
diff --git a/docs/source/locale/bo/LC_MESSAGES/develop.po b/docs/source/locale/bo/LC_MESSAGES/develop.po
index 854ea5e7..20791d8f 100644
--- a/docs/source/locale/bo/LC_MESSAGES/develop.po
+++ b/docs/source/locale/bo/LC_MESSAGES/develop.po
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: OnionShare 2.6\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2022-10-02 16:17-0700\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2023-09-05 11:30-0700\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n"
"Last-Translator: Automatically generated\n"
"Language-Team: none\n"
diff --git a/docs/source/locale/bo/LC_MESSAGES/features.po b/docs/source/locale/bo/LC_MESSAGES/features.po
index ef08c134..a5e22fc9 100644
--- a/docs/source/locale/bo/LC_MESSAGES/features.po
+++ b/docs/source/locale/bo/LC_MESSAGES/features.po
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: OnionShare 2.6\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2022-10-09 15:01-0700\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2023-09-05 11:30-0700\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n"
"Last-Translator: Automatically generated\n"
"Language-Team: none\n"
@@ -21,7 +21,10 @@ msgid "How OnionShare Works"
msgstr ""
#: ../../source/features.rst:6
-msgid "Web servers are started locally on your computer and made accessible to other people as `Tor `_ `onion services `_."
+msgid ""
+"Web servers are started locally on your computer and made accessible to "
+"other people as `Tor `_ `onion services "
msgstr ""
#: ../../source/features.rst:8
@@ -37,19 +40,36 @@ msgid "And private keys might look something like this::"
msgstr ""
#: ../../source/features.rst:18
-msgid "You're responsible for securely sharing that URL and private key using a communication channel of your choice like in an encrypted chat message, or using something less secure like unencrypted email, depending on your `threat model `_."
+msgid ""
+"You're responsible for securely sharing that URL and private key using a "
+"communication channel of your choice like in an encrypted chat message, or "
+"using something less secure like unencrypted email, depending on your "
+"`threat model `_."
msgstr ""
#: ../../source/features.rst:20
-msgid "The people you send the URL to then copy and paste it into their `Tor Browser `_ to access the OnionShare service. Tor Browser will then prompt for the private key, which the people can also then copy and paste in."
+msgid ""
+"The people you send the URL to then copy and paste it into their `Tor "
+"Browser `_ to access the OnionShare service. "
+"Tor Browser will then prompt for the private key, which the people can also "
+"then copy and paste in."
msgstr ""
#: ../../source/features.rst:24
-msgid "If you run OnionShare on your laptop to send someone files, and then suspend it before the files are sent, the service will not be available until your laptop is unsuspended and on the internet again. OnionShare works best when working with people in real-time."
+msgid ""
+"If you run OnionShare on your laptop to send someone files, and then suspend "
+"it before the files are sent, the service will not be available until your "
+"laptop is unsuspended and on the internet again. OnionShare works best when "
+"working with people in real-time."
msgstr ""
#: ../../source/features.rst:26
-msgid "Because your own computer is the web server, *no third party can access anything that happens in OnionShare*, not even the developers of OnionShare. It's completely private. And because OnionShare is based on Tor onion services too, it also protects your anonymity. See the :doc:`security design ` for more info."
+msgid ""
+"Because your own computer is the web server, *no third party can access "
+"anything that happens in OnionShare*, not even the developers of OnionShare. "
+"It's completely private. And because OnionShare is based on Tor onion "
+"services too, it also protects your anonymity. See the :doc:`security design "
+"` for more info."
msgstr ""
#: ../../source/features.rst:29
@@ -57,32 +77,54 @@ msgid "Share Files"
msgstr ""
#: ../../source/features.rst:31
-msgid "You can use OnionShare to send files and folders to people securely and anonymously. Open a share tab, drag in the files and folders you wish to share, and click \"Start sharing\"."
+msgid ""
+"You can use OnionShare to send files and folders to people securely and "
+"anonymously. Open a share tab, drag in the files and folders you wish to "
+"share, and click \"Start sharing\"."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../source/features.rst:35
-#: ../../source/features.rst:112
-msgid "After you add files, you'll see some settings. Make sure you choose the setting you're interested in before you start sharing."
+#: ../../source/features.rst:35 ../../source/features.rst:112
+msgid ""
+"After you add files, you'll see some settings. Make sure you choose the "
+"setting you're interested in before you start sharing."
msgstr ""
#: ../../source/features.rst:39
-msgid "As soon as someone finishes downloading your files, OnionShare will automatically stop the server, removing the website from the internet. To allow multiple people to download them, uncheck the \"Stop sharing after files have been sent (uncheck to allow downloading individual files)\" box."
+msgid ""
+"As soon as someone finishes downloading your files, OnionShare will "
+"automatically stop the server, removing the website from the internet. To "
+"allow multiple people to download them, uncheck the \"Stop sharing after "
+"files have been sent (uncheck to allow downloading individual files)\" box."
msgstr ""
#: ../../source/features.rst:42
-msgid "Also, if you uncheck this box, people will be able to download the individual files you share rather than a single compressed version of all the files."
+msgid ""
+"Also, if you uncheck this box, people will be able to download the "
+"individual files you share rather than a single compressed version of all "
+"the files."
msgstr ""
#: ../../source/features.rst:44
-msgid "When you're ready to share, click the \"Start sharing\" button. You can always click \"Stop sharing\", or quit OnionShare, immediately taking the website down. You can also click the \"↑\" icon in the top-right corner to show the history and progress of people downloading files from you."
+msgid ""
+"When you're ready to share, click the \"Start sharing\" button. You can "
+"always click \"Stop sharing\", or quit OnionShare, immediately taking the "
+"website down. You can also click the \"↑\" icon in the top-right corner to "
+"show the history and progress of people downloading files from you."
msgstr ""
#: ../../source/features.rst:48
-msgid "Now that you have a OnionShare, copy the address and the private key and send it to the person you want to receive the files. If the files need to stay secure, or the person is otherwise exposed to danger, use an encrypted messaging app."
+msgid ""
+"Now that you have a OnionShare, copy the address and the private key and "
+"send it to the person you want to receive the files. If the files need to "
+"stay secure, or the person is otherwise exposed to danger, use an encrypted "
+"messaging app."
msgstr ""
#: ../../source/features.rst:50
-msgid "That person then must load the address in Tor Browser. After logging in with the private key, the files can be downloaded directly from your computer by clicking the \"Download Files\" link in the corner."
+msgid ""
+"That person then must load the address in Tor Browser. After logging in with "
+"the private key, the files can be downloaded directly from your computer by "
+"clicking the \"Download Files\" link in the corner."
msgstr ""
#: ../../source/features.rst:55
@@ -90,27 +132,50 @@ msgid "Receive Files and Messages"
msgstr ""
#: ../../source/features.rst:57
-msgid "You can use OnionShare to let people anonymously submit files and messages directly to your computer, essentially turning it into an anonymous dropbox. Open a receive tab and choose the settings that you want."
+msgid ""
+"You can use OnionShare to let people anonymously submit files and messages "
+"directly to your computer, essentially turning it into an anonymous dropbox. "
+"Open a receive tab and choose the settings that you want."
msgstr ""
#: ../../source/features.rst:62
-msgid "You can browse for a folder to save messages and files that get submitted."
+msgid ""
+"You can browse for a folder to save messages and files that get submitted."
msgstr ""
#: ../../source/features.rst:64
-msgid "You can check \"Disable submitting text\" if want to only allow file uploads, and you can check \"Disable uploading files\" if you want to only allow submitting text messages, like for an anonymous contact form."
+msgid ""
+"You can check \"Disable submitting text\" if want to only allow file "
+"uploads, and you can check \"Disable uploading files\" if you want to only "
+"allow submitting text messages, like for an anonymous contact form."
msgstr ""
#: ../../source/features.rst:66
-msgid "You can check \"Use notification webhook\" and then choose a webhook URL if you want to be notified when someone submits files or messages to your OnionShare service. If you use this feature, OnionShare will make an HTTP POST request to this URL whenever someone submits files or messages. For example, if you want to get an encrypted text messaging on the messaging app `Keybase `_, you can start a conversation with `@webhookbot `_, type ``!webhook create onionshare-alerts``, and it will respond with a URL. Use that as the notification webhook URL. If someone uploads a file to your receive mode service, @webhookbot will send you a message on Keybase letting you know as soon as it happens."
+msgid ""
+"You can check \"Use notification webhook\" and then choose a webhook URL if "
+"you want to be notified when someone submits files or messages to your "
+"OnionShare service. If you use this feature, OnionShare will make an HTTP "
+"POST request to this URL whenever someone submits files or messages. For "
+"example, if you want to get an encrypted text messaging on the messaging app "
+"`Keybase `_, you can start a conversation with "
+"`@webhookbot `_, type ``!webhook create "
+"onionshare-alerts``, and it will respond with a URL. Use that as the "
+"notification webhook URL. If someone uploads a file to your receive mode "
+"service, @webhookbot will send you a message on Keybase letting you know as "
+"soon as it happens."
msgstr ""
#: ../../source/features.rst:71
-msgid "When you are ready, click \"Start Receive Mode\". This starts the OnionShare service. Anyone loading this address in their Tor Browser will be able to submit files and messages which get uploaded to your computer."
+msgid ""
+"When you are ready, click \"Start Receive Mode\". This starts the OnionShare "
+"service. Anyone loading this address in their Tor Browser will be able to "
+"submit files and messages which get uploaded to your computer."
msgstr ""
#: ../../source/features.rst:75
-msgid "You can also click the down \"↓\" icon in the top-right corner to show the history and progress of people sending files to you."
+msgid ""
+"You can also click the down \"↓\" icon in the top-right corner to show the "
+"history and progress of people sending files to you."
msgstr ""
#: ../../source/features.rst:77
@@ -118,11 +183,20 @@ msgid "Here is what it looks like for someone sending you files and messages."
msgstr ""
#: ../../source/features.rst:81
-msgid "When someone submits files or messages to your receive service, by default they get saved to a folder called ``OnionShare`` in the home folder on your computer, automatically organized into separate subfolders based on the time that the files get uploaded."
+msgid ""
+"When someone submits files or messages to your receive service, by default "
+"they get saved to a folder called ``OnionShare`` in the home folder on your "
+"computer, automatically organized into separate subfolders based on the time "
+"that the files get uploaded."
msgstr ""
#: ../../source/features.rst:83
-msgid "Setting up an OnionShare receiving service is useful for journalists and others needing to securely accept documents from anonymous sources. When used in this way, OnionShare is sort of like a lightweight, simpler, not quite as secure version of `SecureDrop `_, the whistleblower submission system."
+msgid ""
+"Setting up an OnionShare receiving service is useful for journalists and "
+"others needing to securely accept documents from anonymous sources. When "
+"used in this way, OnionShare is sort of like a lightweight, simpler, not "
+"quite as secure version of `SecureDrop `_, the "
+"whistleblower submission system."
msgstr ""
#: ../../source/features.rst:86
@@ -130,15 +204,25 @@ msgid "Use at your own risk"
msgstr ""
#: ../../source/features.rst:88
-msgid "Just like with malicious email attachments, it's possible someone could try to attack your computer by uploading a malicious file to your OnionShare service. OnionShare does not add any safety mechanisms to protect your system from malicious files."
+msgid ""
+"Just like with malicious email attachments, it's possible someone could try "
+"to attack your computer by uploading a malicious file to your OnionShare "
+"service. OnionShare does not add any safety mechanisms to protect your "
+"system from malicious files."
msgstr ""
#: ../../source/features.rst:90
-msgid "If you receive an Office document or a PDF through OnionShare, you can convert these documents into PDFs that are safe to open using `Dangerzone `_. You can also protect yourself when opening untrusted documents by opening them in `Tails `_ or in a `Qubes `_ disposableVM."
+msgid ""
+"If you receive an Office document or a PDF through OnionShare, you can "
+"convert these documents into PDFs that are safe to open using `Dangerzone "
+"`_. You can also protect yourself when opening "
+"untrusted documents by opening them in `Tails `_ or "
+"in a `Qubes `_ disposableVM."
msgstr ""
#: ../../source/features.rst:92
-msgid "However, it is always safe to open text messages sent through OnionShare."
+msgid ""
+"However, it is always safe to open text messages sent through OnionShare."
msgstr ""
#: ../../source/features.rst:95
@@ -146,11 +230,18 @@ msgid "Tips for running a receive service"
msgstr ""
#: ../../source/features.rst:97
-msgid "If you want to host your own anonymous dropbox using OnionShare, it's recommended you do so on a separate, dedicated computer always powered on and connected to the internet, and not on the one you use on a regular basis."
+msgid ""
+"If you want to host your own anonymous dropbox using OnionShare, it's "
+"recommended you do so on a separate, dedicated computer always powered on "
+"and connected to the internet, and not on the one you use on a regular basis."
msgstr ""
#: ../../source/features.rst:99
-msgid "If you intend to put the OnionShare address on your website or social media profiles, save the tab (see :ref:`save_tabs`) and run it as a public service (see :ref:`turn_off_private_key`). It's also a good idea to give it a custom title (see :ref:`custom_titles`)."
+msgid ""
+"If you intend to put the OnionShare address on your website or social media "
+"profiles, save the tab (see :ref:`save_tabs`) and run it as a public service "
+"(see :ref:`turn_off_private_key`). It's also a good idea to give it a custom "
+"title (see :ref:`custom_titles`)."
msgstr ""
#: ../../source/features.rst:102
@@ -158,15 +249,25 @@ msgid "Host a Website"
msgstr ""
#: ../../source/features.rst:104
-msgid "To host a static HTML website with OnionShare, open a website tab, drag the files and folders that make up the static content there, and click \"Start sharing\" when you are ready."
+msgid ""
+"To host a static HTML website with OnionShare, open a website tab, drag the "
+"files and folders that make up the static content there, and click \"Start "
+"sharing\" when you are ready."
msgstr ""
#: ../../source/features.rst:108
-msgid "If you add an ``index.html`` file, it will render when someone loads your website. You should also include any other HTML files, CSS files, JavaScript files, and images that make up the website. (Note that OnionShare only supports hosting *static* websites. It can't host websites that execute code or use databases. So you can't for example use WordPress.)"
+msgid ""
+"If you add an ``index.html`` file, it will render when someone loads your "
+"website. You should also include any other HTML files, CSS files, JavaScript "
+"files, and images that make up the website. (Note that OnionShare only "
+"supports hosting *static* websites. It can't host websites that execute code "
+"or use databases. So you can't for example use WordPress.)"
msgstr ""
#: ../../source/features.rst:110
-msgid "If you don't have an ``index.html`` file, it will show a directory listing instead, and people loading it can look through the files and download them."
+msgid ""
+"If you don't have an ``index.html`` file, it will show a directory listing "
+"instead, and people loading it can look through the files and download them."
msgstr ""
#: ../../source/features.rst:117
@@ -174,15 +275,24 @@ msgid "Content Security Policy"
msgstr ""
#: ../../source/features.rst:119
-msgid "By default OnionShare helps secure your website by setting a strict `Content Security Policy `_ header. However, this prevents third-party content from loading inside the web page."
+msgid ""
+"By default OnionShare helps secure your website by setting a strict `Content "
+"Security Policy `_ "
+"header. However, this prevents third-party content from loading inside the "
+"web page."
msgstr ""
#: ../../source/features.rst:121
-msgid "If you want to load content from third-party websites, like assets or JavaScript libraries from CDNs, you have two options:"
+msgid ""
+"If you want to load content from third-party websites, like assets or "
+"JavaScript libraries from CDNs, you have two options:"
msgstr ""
#: ../../source/features.rst:123
-msgid "You can disable sending a Content Security Policy header by checking the \"Don't send Content Security Policy header (allows your website to use third-party resources)\" box before starting the service."
+msgid ""
+"You can disable sending a Content Security Policy header by checking the "
+"\"Don't send Content Security Policy header (allows your website to use "
+"third-party resources)\" box before starting the service."
msgstr ""
#: ../../source/features.rst:124
@@ -194,11 +304,19 @@ msgid "Tips for running a website service"
msgstr ""
#: ../../source/features.rst:129
-msgid "If you want to host a long-term website using OnionShare (meaning not just to quickly show someone something), it's recommended you do it on a separate, dedicated computer that is always powered on and connected to the internet, and not on the one you use on a regular basis. Save the tab (see :ref:`save_tabs`) so you can resume the website with the same address if you close OnionShare and re-open it later."
+msgid ""
+"If you want to host a long-term website using OnionShare (meaning not just "
+"to quickly show someone something), it's recommended you do it on a "
+"separate, dedicated computer that is always powered on and connected to the "
+"internet, and not on the one you use on a regular basis. Save the tab (see :"
+"ref:`save_tabs`) so you can resume the website with the same address if you "
+"close OnionShare and re-open it later."
msgstr ""
#: ../../source/features.rst:132
-msgid "If your website is intended for the public, you should run it as a public service (see :ref:`turn_off_private_key`)."
+msgid ""
+"If your website is intended for the public, you should run it as a public "
+"service (see :ref:`turn_off_private_key`)."
msgstr ""
#: ../../source/features.rst:135
@@ -206,27 +324,46 @@ msgid "Chat Anonymously"
msgstr ""
#: ../../source/features.rst:137
-msgid "You can use OnionShare to set up a private, secure chat room that doesn't log anything. Just open a chat tab and click \"Start chat server\"."
+msgid ""
+"You can use OnionShare to set up a private, secure chat room that doesn't "
+"log anything. Just open a chat tab and click \"Start chat server\"."
msgstr ""
#: ../../source/features.rst:141
-msgid "After you start the server, copy the OnionShare address and private key and send them to the people you want in the anonymous chat room. If it's important to limit exactly who can join, use an encrypted messaging app to send out the OnionShare address and private key."
+msgid ""
+"After you start the server, copy the OnionShare address and private key and "
+"send them to the people you want in the anonymous chat room. If it's "
+"important to limit exactly who can join, use an encrypted messaging app to "
+"send out the OnionShare address and private key."
msgstr ""
#: ../../source/features.rst:146
-msgid "People can join the chat room by loading its OnionShare address in Tor Browser. The chat room requires JavasScript, so everyone who wants to participate must have their Tor Browser security level set to \"Standard\" or \"Safer\", instead of \"Safest\"."
+msgid ""
+"People can join the chat room by loading its OnionShare address in Tor "
+"Browser. The chat room requires JavasScript, so everyone who wants to "
+"participate must have their Tor Browser security level set to \"Standard\" "
+"or \"Safer\", instead of \"Safest\"."
msgstr ""
#: ../../source/features.rst:149
-msgid "When someone joins the chat room they get assigned a random name. They can change their name by typing a new name in the box in the left panel and pressing ↵. Since the chat history isn't saved anywhere, it doesn't get displayed at all, even if others were already chatting in the room."
+msgid ""
+"When someone joins the chat room they get assigned a random name. They can "
+"change their name by typing a new name in the box in the left panel and "
+"pressing ↵. Since the chat history isn't saved anywhere, it doesn't get "
+"displayed at all, even if others were already chatting in the room."
msgstr ""
#: ../../source/features.rst:155
-msgid "In an OnionShare chat room, everyone is anonymous. Anyone can change their name to anything, and there is no way to confirm anyone's identity."
+msgid ""
+"In an OnionShare chat room, everyone is anonymous. Anyone can change their "
+"name to anything, and there is no way to confirm anyone's identity."
msgstr ""
#: ../../source/features.rst:158
-msgid "However, if you create an OnionShare chat room and securely send the address only to a small group of trusted friends using encrypted messages, you can be reasonably confident the people joining the chat room are your friends."
+msgid ""
+"However, if you create an OnionShare chat room and securely send the address "
+"only to a small group of trusted friends using encrypted messages, you can "
+"be reasonably confident the people joining the chat room are your friends."
msgstr ""
#: ../../source/features.rst:161
@@ -234,15 +371,29 @@ msgid "How is this useful?"
msgstr ""
#: ../../source/features.rst:163
-msgid "If you need to already be using an encrypted messaging app, what's the point of an OnionShare chat room to begin with? It leaves less traces."
+msgid ""
+"If you need to already be using an encrypted messaging app, what's the point "
+"of an OnionShare chat room to begin with? It leaves less traces."
msgstr ""
#: ../../source/features.rst:165
-msgid "If you for example send a message to a Signal group, a copy of your message ends up on each device (the smartphones, and computers if they set up Signal Desktop) of each member of the group. Even if disappearing messages is turned on, it's hard to confirm all copies of the messages are actually deleted from all devices, and from any other places (like notifications databases) they may have been saved to. OnionShare chat rooms don't store any messages anywhere, so the problem is reduced to a minimum."
+msgid ""
+"If you for example send a message to a Signal group, a copy of your message "
+"ends up on each device (the smartphones, and computers if they set up Signal "
+"Desktop) of each member of the group. Even if disappearing messages is "
+"turned on, it's hard to confirm all copies of the messages are actually "
+"deleted from all devices, and from any other places (like notifications "
+"databases) they may have been saved to. OnionShare chat rooms don't store "
+"any messages anywhere, so the problem is reduced to a minimum."
msgstr ""
#: ../../source/features.rst:168
-msgid "OnionShare chat rooms can also be useful for people wanting to chat anonymously and securely with someone without needing to create any accounts. For example, a source can send an OnionShare address to a journalist using a disposable email address, and then wait for the journalist to join the chat room, all without compromosing their anonymity."
+msgid ""
+"OnionShare chat rooms can also be useful for people wanting to chat "
+"anonymously and securely with someone without needing to create any "
+"accounts. For example, a source can send an OnionShare address to a "
+"journalist using a disposable email address, and then wait for the "
+"journalist to join the chat room, all without compromosing their anonymity."
msgstr ""
#: ../../source/features.rst:172
@@ -250,9 +401,16 @@ msgid "How does the encryption work?"
msgstr ""
#: ../../source/features.rst:174
-msgid "Because OnionShare relies on Tor onion services, connections between the Tor Browser and OnionShare are all end-to-end encrypted (E2EE). When someone posts a message to an OnionShare chat room, they send it to the server through the E2EE onion connection, which then sends it to all other members of the chat room using WebSockets, through their E2EE onion connections."
+msgid ""
+"Because OnionShare relies on Tor onion services, connections between the Tor "
+"Browser and OnionShare are all end-to-end encrypted (E2EE). When someone "
+"posts a message to an OnionShare chat room, they send it to the server "
+"through the E2EE onion connection, which then sends it to all other members "
+"of the chat room using WebSockets, through their E2EE onion connections."
msgstr ""
#: ../../source/features.rst:176
-msgid "OnionShare doesn't implement any chat encryption on its own. It relies on the Tor onion service's encryption instead."
+msgid ""
+"OnionShare doesn't implement any chat encryption on its own. It relies on "
+"the Tor onion service's encryption instead."
msgstr ""
diff --git a/docs/source/locale/bo/LC_MESSAGES/help.po b/docs/source/locale/bo/LC_MESSAGES/help.po
index c1934274..75090ac5 100644
--- a/docs/source/locale/bo/LC_MESSAGES/help.po
+++ b/docs/source/locale/bo/LC_MESSAGES/help.po
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: OnionShare 2.6\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2022-10-09 15:01-0700\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2023-09-05 11:30-0700\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n"
"Last-Translator: Automatically generated\n"
"Language-Team: none\n"
@@ -25,7 +25,9 @@ msgid "Read This Website"
msgstr ""
#: ../../source/help.rst:7
-msgid "You will find instructions on how to use OnionShare. Look through all of the sections first to see if anything answers your questions."
+msgid ""
+"You will find instructions on how to use OnionShare. Look through all of the "
+"sections first to see if anything answers your questions."
msgstr ""
#: ../../source/help.rst:10
@@ -33,7 +35,11 @@ msgid "Check the GitHub Issues"
msgstr ""
#: ../../source/help.rst:12
-msgid "If it isn't on the website, please check the `GitHub issues `_. It's possible someone else has encountered the same problem and either raised it with the developers, or maybe even posted a solution."
+msgid ""
+"If it isn't on the website, please check the `GitHub issues `_. It's possible someone else has "
+"encountered the same problem and either raised it with the developers, or "
+"maybe even posted a solution."
msgstr ""
#: ../../source/help.rst:15
@@ -41,7 +47,11 @@ msgid "Submit an Issue Yourself"
msgstr ""
#: ../../source/help.rst:17
-msgid "If you are unable to find a solution, or wish to ask a question or suggest a new feature, please `submit an issue `_. This requires `creating a GitHub account `_."
+msgid ""
+"If you are unable to find a solution, or wish to ask a question or suggest a "
+"new feature, please `submit an issue `_. This requires `creating a GitHub account `_."
msgstr ""
#: ../../source/help.rst:20
@@ -49,5 +59,7 @@ msgid "Join our Keybase Team"
msgstr ""
#: ../../source/help.rst:22
-msgid "See :ref:`collaborating` on how to join the Keybase team used to discuss the project."
+msgid ""
+"See :ref:`collaborating` on how to join the Keybase team used to discuss the "
msgstr ""
diff --git a/docs/source/locale/bo/LC_MESSAGES/index.po b/docs/source/locale/bo/LC_MESSAGES/index.po
index ea64f440..05afe306 100644
--- a/docs/source/locale/bo/LC_MESSAGES/index.po
+++ b/docs/source/locale/bo/LC_MESSAGES/index.po
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: OnionShare 2.6\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2022-10-09 15:01-0700\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2023-09-05 11:30-0700\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n"
"Last-Translator: Automatically generated\n"
"Language-Team: none\n"
@@ -21,5 +21,7 @@ msgid "OnionShare's documentation"
msgstr ""
#: ../../source/index.rst:6
-msgid "OnionShare is an open source tool that lets you securely and anonymously share files, host websites, and chat with friends using the Tor network."
+msgid ""
+"OnionShare is an open source tool that lets you securely and anonymously "
+"share files, host websites, and chat with friends using the Tor network."
msgstr ""
diff --git a/docs/source/locale/bo/LC_MESSAGES/install.po b/docs/source/locale/bo/LC_MESSAGES/install.po
index 51397143..0a900723 100644
--- a/docs/source/locale/bo/LC_MESSAGES/install.po
+++ b/docs/source/locale/bo/LC_MESSAGES/install.po
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: OnionShare 2.6\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2023-06-06 13:07+0200\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2023-09-05 11:51-0700\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n"
"Last-Translator: Automatically generated\n"
"Language-Team: none\n"
@@ -205,7 +205,7 @@ msgid ""
"You can find the signatures (as ``.asc`` files), as well as Windows, macOS, "
"Flatpak, Snap, and source packages, at https://onionshare.org/dist/ in the "
"folders named for each version of OnionShare. You can also find them on the "
-"`GitHub Releases page `_."
+"`GitHub Releases page `_."
msgstr ""
#: ../../source/install.rst:80
@@ -215,28 +215,45 @@ msgstr ""
#: ../../source/install.rst:82
msgid ""
"Once you have imported Micah's public key into your GnuPG keychain, "
-"downloaded the binary and ``.asc`` signature, you can verify the binary for "
-"macOS in a terminal like this::"
+"downloaded the binary and ``.asc`` signature, you can verify the binary in a "
+"terminal like this:"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../source/install.rst:86
-msgid "Or for Windows, in a command-prompt like this::"
+#: ../../source/install.rst:84
+msgid "For Windows::"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../source/install.rst:90
-msgid "The expected output looks like this::"
+#: ../../source/install.rst:88
+msgid "For macOS::"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../source/install.rst:92
+msgid "For Linux::"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../source/install.rst:98
+msgid "and for the source file::"
msgstr ""
#: ../../source/install.rst:102
+msgid "The expected output looks like this::"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../source/install.rst:112
msgid ""
"If you don't see ``Good signature from``, there might be a problem with the "
"integrity of the file (malicious or otherwise), and you should not install "
-"the package. (The ``WARNING:`` shown above, is not a problem with the "
-"package, it only means you haven't defined a level of \"trust\" of Micah's "
-"(the core developer) PGP key.)"
+"the package."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../source/install.rst:104
+#: ../../source/install.rst:114
+msgid ""
+"The ``WARNING:`` shown above, is not a problem with the package, it only "
+"means you haven't defined a level of \"trust\" of Micah's (the core "
+"developer) PGP key."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../source/install.rst:116
msgid ""
"If you want to learn more about verifying PGP signatures, the guides for "
"`Qubes OS `_ and "
diff --git a/docs/source/locale/bo/LC_MESSAGES/security.po b/docs/source/locale/bo/LC_MESSAGES/security.po
index 1893d50a..c892b5ee 100644
--- a/docs/source/locale/bo/LC_MESSAGES/security.po
+++ b/docs/source/locale/bo/LC_MESSAGES/security.po
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: OnionShare 2.6\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2022-10-09 15:01-0700\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2023-09-05 11:30-0700\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n"
"Last-Translator: Automatically generated\n"
"Language-Team: none\n"
@@ -33,19 +33,43 @@ msgid "What OnionShare protects against"
msgstr ""
#: ../../source/security.rst:11
-msgid "**Third parties don't have access to anything that happens in OnionShare.** Using OnionShare means hosting services directly on your computer. When sharing your files with OnionShare, they are not uploaded to any third-party server. If you make an OnionShare chat room, your computer acts as a server for that too. This avoids the traditional model of having to trust the computers of others."
+msgid ""
+"**Third parties don't have access to anything that happens in OnionShare.** "
+"Using OnionShare means hosting services directly on your computer. When "
+"sharing your files with OnionShare, they are not uploaded to any third-party "
+"server. If you make an OnionShare chat room, your computer acts as a server "
+"for that too. This avoids the traditional model of having to trust the "
+"computers of others."
msgstr ""
#: ../../source/security.rst:17
-msgid "**Network eavesdroppers can't spy on anything that happens in OnionShare in transit.** The connection between the Tor onion service and Tor Browser is end-to-end encrypted. This means network attackers can't eavesdrop on anything except encrypted Tor traffic. Even if an eavesdropper is a malicious rendezvous node used to connect the Tor Browser with OnionShare's onion service, the traffic is encrypted using the onion service's private key."
+msgid ""
+"**Network eavesdroppers can't spy on anything that happens in OnionShare in "
+"transit.** The connection between the Tor onion service and Tor Browser is "
+"end-to-end encrypted. This means network attackers can't eavesdrop on "
+"anything except encrypted Tor traffic. Even if an eavesdropper is a "
+"malicious rendezvous node used to connect the Tor Browser with OnionShare's "
+"onion service, the traffic is encrypted using the onion service's private "
msgstr ""
#: ../../source/security.rst:23
-msgid "**Anonymity of OnionShare users are protected by Tor.** OnionShare and Tor Browser protect the anonymity of the users. As long as the OnionShare user anonymously communicates the OnionShare address with the Tor Browser users, the Tor Browser users and eavesdroppers can't learn the identity of the OnionShare user."
+msgid ""
+"**Anonymity of OnionShare users are protected by Tor.** OnionShare and Tor "
+"Browser protect the anonymity of the users. As long as the OnionShare user "
+"anonymously communicates the OnionShare address with the Tor Browser users, "
+"the Tor Browser users and eavesdroppers can't learn the identity of the "
+"OnionShare user."
msgstr ""
#: ../../source/security.rst:28
-msgid "**If an attacker learns about the onion service, they still can't access anything.** Prior attacks against the Tor network to enumerate onion services allowed attackers to discover private ``.onion`` addresses. To access an OnionShare service from its address, the private key used for client authentication must be guessed (unless the service is already made public by turning off the private key -- see :ref:`turn_off_private_key`)."
+msgid ""
+"**If an attacker learns about the onion service, they still can't access "
+"anything.** Prior attacks against the Tor network to enumerate onion "
+"services allowed attackers to discover private ``.onion`` addresses. To "
+"access an OnionShare service from its address, the private key used for "
+"client authentication must be guessed (unless the service is already made "
+"public by turning off the private key -- see :ref:`turn_off_private_key`)."
msgstr ""
#: ../../source/security.rst:33
@@ -53,9 +77,23 @@ msgid "What OnionShare doesn't protect against"
msgstr ""
#: ../../source/security.rst:35
-msgid "**Communicating the OnionShare address and private key might not be secure.** Communicating the OnionShare address to people is the responsibility of the OnionShare user. If sent insecurely (such as through an e-mail message monitored by an attacker), an eavesdropper can tell that OnionShare is being used. Eavesdroppers can access services that are still up by loading their addresses and/or lost key in the Tor Browser. Avoid this by communicating the address securely, via encrypted text message (probably with disappearing messages enabled), encrypted e-mail, or in person. This isn't necessary when using OnionShare for something that isn't secret."
+msgid ""
+"**Communicating the OnionShare address and private key might not be secure."
+"** Communicating the OnionShare address to people is the responsibility of "
+"the OnionShare user. If sent insecurely (such as through an e-mail message "
+"monitored by an attacker), an eavesdropper can tell that OnionShare is being "
+"used. Eavesdroppers can access services that are still up by loading their "
+"addresses and/or lost key in the Tor Browser. Avoid this by communicating "
+"the address securely, via encrypted text message (probably with disappearing "
+"messages enabled), encrypted e-mail, or in person. This isn't necessary when "
+"using OnionShare for something that isn't secret."
msgstr ""
#: ../../source/security.rst:42
-msgid "**Communicating the OnionShare address and private key might not be anonymous.** Extra precaution must be taken to ensure the OnionShare address is communicated anonymously. A new e-mail or chat account, only accessed over Tor, can be used to share the address. This isn't necessary unless anonymity is a goal."
+msgid ""
+"**Communicating the OnionShare address and private key might not be "
+"anonymous.** Extra precaution must be taken to ensure the OnionShare address "
+"is communicated anonymously. A new e-mail or chat account, only accessed "
+"over Tor, can be used to share the address. This isn't necessary unless "
+"anonymity is a goal."
msgstr ""
diff --git a/docs/source/locale/bo/LC_MESSAGES/sphinx.po b/docs/source/locale/bo/LC_MESSAGES/sphinx.po
index 7e55ddd1..8d65cde2 100644
--- a/docs/source/locale/bo/LC_MESSAGES/sphinx.po
+++ b/docs/source/locale/bo/LC_MESSAGES/sphinx.po
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: OnionShare 2.6\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2022-10-09 15:01-0700\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2023-09-05 11:30-0700\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n"
"Last-Translator: Automatically generated\n"
"Language-Team: none\n"
diff --git a/docs/source/locale/bo/LC_MESSAGES/tor.po b/docs/source/locale/bo/LC_MESSAGES/tor.po
index 8d4b28a5..86beb7e1 100644
--- a/docs/source/locale/bo/LC_MESSAGES/tor.po
+++ b/docs/source/locale/bo/LC_MESSAGES/tor.po
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: OnionShare 2.6.1\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2023-06-06 13:07+0200\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2023-09-05 11:30-0700\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n"
"Last-Translator: Automatically generated\n"
"Language-Team: none\n"
@@ -21,19 +21,32 @@ msgid "Connecting to Tor"
msgstr ""
#: ../../source/tor.rst:4
-msgid "When OnionShare starts, it will show you a screen asking you to connect to the Tor network."
+msgid ""
+"When OnionShare starts, it will show you a screen asking you to connect to "
+"the Tor network."
msgstr ""
#: ../../source/tor.rst:8
-msgid "You can toggle on the switch \"Connect to Tor automatically\" before clicking \"Connect to Tor\". This means that next time OnionShare starts, it will automatically connect with its Tor connection settings from the last session, instead of presenting you with the connection options. If the connection fails, you can still try bridges or reconfigure Tor via the \"Network Settings\" button."
+msgid ""
+"You can toggle on the switch \"Connect to Tor automatically\" before "
+"clicking \"Connect to Tor\". This means that next time OnionShare starts, it "
+"will automatically connect with its Tor connection settings from the last "
+"session, instead of presenting you with the connection options. If the "
+"connection fails, you can still try bridges or reconfigure Tor via the "
+"\"Network Settings\" button."
msgstr ""
#: ../../source/tor.rst:11
-msgid "You can click \"Connect to Tor\" to begin the connection process. If there are no problems with your network, including any attempts to block your access to the Tor network, this should hopefully work the first time."
+msgid ""
+"You can click \"Connect to Tor\" to begin the connection process. If there "
+"are no problems with your network, including any attempts to block your "
+"access to the Tor network, this should hopefully work the first time."
msgstr ""
#: ../../source/tor.rst:13
-msgid "Or, if you want to manually configure Bridges or other Tor settings before you connect, you can click \"Network Settings\"."
+msgid ""
+"Or, if you want to manually configure Bridges or other Tor settings before "
+"you connect, you can click \"Network Settings\"."
msgstr ""
#: ../../source/tor.rst:16
@@ -41,7 +54,9 @@ msgid "Automatic censorship circumvention"
msgstr ""
#: ../../source/tor.rst:18
-msgid "When you click \"Connect to Tor\", if OnionShare fails to connect, it might be because Tor is censored in your country or on your local network."
+msgid ""
+"When you click \"Connect to Tor\", if OnionShare fails to connect, it might "
+"be because Tor is censored in your country or on your local network."
msgstr ""
#: ../../source/tor.rst:20
@@ -53,7 +68,8 @@ msgid "Try again without a bridge"
msgstr ""
#: ../../source/tor.rst:23
-msgid "Automatically determine my country from my IP address for bridge settings"
+msgid ""
+"Automatically determine my country from my IP address for bridge settings"
msgstr ""
#: ../../source/tor.rst:24
@@ -61,19 +77,39 @@ msgid "Manually select my country for bridge settings"
msgstr ""
#: ../../source/tor.rst:28
-msgid "If you choose the \"Try again without a bridge\" option, OnionShare will retry connecting to Tor like normal, without attempting to bypass censorship."
+msgid ""
+"If you choose the \"Try again without a bridge\" option, OnionShare will "
+"retry connecting to Tor like normal, without attempting to bypass censorship."
msgstr ""
#: ../../source/tor.rst:30
-msgid "The other two options will attempt to automatically bypass censorship using Tor bridges. If your network provider is blocking access to the Tor network, you can hopefully still connect to a Tor bridge, which will then connect you to the Tor network, circumventing the censorship. Both of these options use the Tor Project's Censorship Circumvention API to provide you with bridge settings that should work for you. OnionShare will temporarily use the `Meek `_ domain-fronting proxy to make a non-Tor connection from your computer to Tor's Censorship Circumvention API. The Meek proxy hides the fact that you are trying to find a way to connect to Tor."
+msgid ""
+"The other two options will attempt to automatically bypass censorship using "
+"Tor bridges. If your network provider is blocking access to the Tor network, "
+"you can hopefully still connect to a Tor bridge, which will then connect you "
+"to the Tor network, circumventing the censorship. Both of these options use "
+"the Tor Project's Censorship Circumvention API to provide you with bridge "
+"settings that should work for you. OnionShare will temporarily use the `Meek "
+"`_ domain-"
+"fronting proxy to make a non-Tor connection from your computer to Tor's "
+"Censorship Circumvention API. The Meek proxy hides the fact that you are "
+"trying to find a way to connect to Tor."
msgstr ""
#: ../../source/tor.rst:36
-msgid "If you choose \"Automatically determine my country from my IP address for bridge settings\", the Censorship Circumvention API will consider your IP address (yes, your real IP address) to determine what country you might reside in. Based on the country information, the API will try to automatically find bridges that suit your location."
+msgid ""
+"If you choose \"Automatically determine my country from my IP address for "
+"bridge settings\", the Censorship Circumvention API will consider your IP "
+"address (yes, your real IP address) to determine what country you might "
+"reside in. Based on the country information, the API will try to "
+"automatically find bridges that suit your location."
msgstr ""
#: ../../source/tor.rst:41
-msgid "If you choose \"Manually select my country for bridge settings\", the Censorship API will find the bridges that suit the country that you specified."
+msgid ""
+"If you choose \"Manually select my country for bridge settings\", the "
+"Censorship API will find the bridges that suit the country that you "
msgstr ""
#: ../../source/tor.rst:46
@@ -81,23 +117,43 @@ msgid "How automatic censorship circumvention works"
msgstr ""
#: ../../source/tor.rst:48
-msgid "If the Censorship Circumvention API finds bridges that it believes will suit you, OnionShare will try to reconnect to Tor using those bridges. If the API does not find any bridges for your location, OnionShare will ask the API for \"fallback\" options, and then try to reconnect using those."
+msgid ""
+"If the Censorship Circumvention API finds bridges that it believes will suit "
+"you, OnionShare will try to reconnect to Tor using those bridges. If the API "
+"does not find any bridges for your location, OnionShare will ask the API for "
+"\"fallback\" options, and then try to reconnect using those."
msgstr ""
#: ../../source/tor.rst:50
-msgid "If for some reason OnionShare fails to connect to the Censorship API itself, or if the API returns an error message, OnionShare will attempt to use the obfs4 built-in bridges."
+msgid ""
+"If for some reason OnionShare fails to connect to the Censorship API itself, "
+"or if the API returns an error message, OnionShare will attempt to use the "
+"obfs4 built-in bridges."
msgstr ""
#: ../../source/tor.rst:52
-msgid "It's important to note that the requests to the Censorship Circumvention API do not go over the Tor network (because if you could connect to Tor already, you wouldn't need to connect to the API)."
+msgid ""
+"It's important to note that the requests to the Censorship Circumvention API "
+"do not go over the Tor network (because if you could connect to Tor already, "
+"you wouldn't need to connect to the API)."
msgstr ""
#: ../../source/tor.rst:54
-msgid "Even though it's hard for an adversary to discover where the Meek request is going, this may still be risky for some users. Therefore, it is an opt-in feature. The use of Meek and non-torified network requests are limited only to making one or two requests to the Censorship Circumvention API. Then Meek is stopped, and all further network requests happen over the Tor network."
+msgid ""
+"Even though it's hard for an adversary to discover where the Meek request is "
+"going, this may still be risky for some users. Therefore, it is an opt-in "
+"feature. The use of Meek and non-torified network requests are limited only "
+"to making one or two requests to the Censorship Circumvention API. Then Meek "
+"is stopped, and all further network requests happen over the Tor network."
msgstr ""
#: ../../source/tor.rst:56
-msgid "If you are uncomfortable with making a request that doesn't go over the Tor network, you can click \"Network Settings\" (or the Settings icon in the bottom right corner, followed by the Tor Settings tab in the screen that appears), and manually configure bridges. After you save any bridge settings, OnionShare will try to reconnect using those bridges."
+msgid ""
+"If you are uncomfortable with making a request that doesn't go over the Tor "
+"network, you can click \"Network Settings\" (or the Settings icon in the "
+"bottom right corner, followed by the Tor Settings tab in the screen that "
+"appears), and manually configure bridges. After you save any bridge "
+"settings, OnionShare will try to reconnect using those bridges."
msgstr ""
#: ../../source/tor.rst:59
@@ -105,11 +161,16 @@ msgid "Manually configure Tor settings"
msgstr ""
#: ../../source/tor.rst:61
-msgid "You can get to the Tor settings by clicking \"Network Settings\" on the welcome screen, or by clicking the \"⚙\" icon in the bottom-right corner of the application, and then switch to the Tor Settings tab in the screen that appears."
+msgid ""
+"You can get to the Tor settings by clicking \"Network Settings\" on the "
+"welcome screen, or by clicking the \"⚙\" icon in the bottom-right corner of "
+"the application, and then switch to the Tor Settings tab in the screen that "
msgstr ""
#: ../../source/tor.rst:65
-msgid "Here are the different ways you can configure OnionShare to connect to Tor:"
+msgid ""
+"Here are the different ways you can configure OnionShare to connect to Tor:"
msgstr ""
#: ../../source/tor.rst:68
@@ -117,11 +178,17 @@ msgid "Use the Tor version built into OnionShare"
msgstr ""
#: ../../source/tor.rst:70
-msgid "This is the default, simplest and most reliable way that OnionShare connects to Tor. For this reason, it's recommended for most users."
+msgid ""
+"This is the default, simplest and most reliable way that OnionShare connects "
+"to Tor. For this reason, it's recommended for most users."
msgstr ""
#: ../../source/tor.rst:73
-msgid "When you open OnionShare, it launches an already configured ``tor`` process in the background for OnionShare to use. It doesn't interfere with other ``tor`` processes on your computer, so you can use the Tor Browser or the system ``tor`` on their own."
+msgid ""
+"When you open OnionShare, it launches an already configured ``tor`` process "
+"in the background for OnionShare to use. It doesn't interfere with other "
+"``tor`` processes on your computer, so you can use the Tor Browser or the "
+"system ``tor`` on their own."
msgstr ""
#: ../../source/tor.rst:76
@@ -129,19 +196,29 @@ msgid "**Using bridges**"
msgstr ""
#: ../../source/tor.rst:78
-msgid "To use a bridge, you must select \"Use the Tor version built into OnionShare\" and check the \"Use a bridge\" checkbox."
+msgid ""
+"To use a bridge, you must select \"Use the Tor version built into "
+"OnionShare\" and check the \"Use a bridge\" checkbox."
msgstr ""
#: ../../source/tor.rst:80
-msgid "Try using a built-in bridge first. Using `obfs4` or `snowflake` bridges is recommended over using `meek-azure`."
+msgid ""
+"Try using a built-in bridge first. Using `obfs4` or `snowflake` bridges is "
+"recommended over using `meek-azure`."
msgstr ""
#: ../../source/tor.rst:84
-msgid "If using a built-in bridge doesn't work, you can request a bridge from torproject.org. You will have to solve a CAPTCHA in order to request a bridge. (This makes it more difficult for governments or ISPs to block access to Tor bridges.)"
+msgid ""
+"If using a built-in bridge doesn't work, you can request a bridge from "
+"torproject.org. You will have to solve a CAPTCHA in order to request a "
+"bridge. (This makes it more difficult for governments or ISPs to block "
+"access to Tor bridges.)"
msgstr ""
#: ../../source/tor.rst:88
-msgid "You also have the option of using a bridge that you learned about from a trusted source."
+msgid ""
+"You also have the option of using a bridge that you learned about from a "
+"trusted source."
msgstr ""
#: ../../source/tor.rst:91
@@ -149,7 +226,11 @@ msgid "Attempt auto-configuration with Tor Browser"
msgstr ""
#: ../../source/tor.rst:93
-msgid "If you have `downloaded the Tor Browser `_ and don't want two ``tor`` processes running, you can use the ``tor`` process from the Tor Browser. Keep in mind you need to keep Tor Browser open in the background while you're using OnionShare for this to work."
+msgid ""
+"If you have `downloaded the Tor Browser `_ and "
+"don't want two ``tor`` processes running, you can use the ``tor`` process "
+"from the Tor Browser. Keep in mind you need to keep Tor Browser open in the "
+"background while you're using OnionShare for this to work."
msgstr ""
#: ../../source/tor.rst:97
@@ -157,27 +238,47 @@ msgid "Using a system ``tor`` in Windows"
msgstr ""
#: ../../source/tor.rst:99
-msgid "This is fairly advanced. You'll need to know how edit plaintext files and do stuff as an administrator."
+msgid ""
+"This is fairly advanced. You'll need to know how edit plaintext files and do "
+"stuff as an administrator."
msgstr ""
#: ../../source/tor.rst:101
-msgid "Download the Tor Windows Expert Bundle `from the Tor website `_. Extract the compressed file and copy the extracted folder to ``C:\\Program Files (x86)\\`` Rename the extracted folder with ``Data`` and ``Tor`` in it to ``tor-win32``."
+msgid ""
+"Download the Tor Windows Expert Bundle `from the Tor website `_. Extract the compressed file and copy the "
+"extracted folder to ``C:\\Program Files (x86)\\`` Rename the extracted "
+"folder with ``Data`` and ``Tor`` in it to ``tor-win32``."
msgstr ""
#: ../../source/tor.rst:105
-msgid "Make up a control port password. (Using 7 words in a sequence like ``comprised stumble rummage work avenging construct volatile`` is a good idea for a password.) Now open a command prompt (``cmd``) as an administrator, and use ``tor.exe --hash-password`` to generate a hash of your password. For example::"
+msgid ""
+"Make up a control port password. (Using 7 words in a sequence like "
+"``comprised stumble rummage work avenging construct volatile`` is a good "
+"idea for a password.) Now open a command prompt (``cmd``) as an "
+"administrator, and use ``tor.exe --hash-password`` to generate a hash of "
+"your password. For example::"
msgstr ""
#: ../../source/tor.rst:112
-msgid "The hashed password output is displayed after some warnings (which you can ignore). In the case of the above example, it is ``16:00322E903D96DE986058BB9ABDA91E010D7A863768635AC38E213FDBEF``."
+msgid ""
+"The hashed password output is displayed after some warnings (which you can "
+"ignore). In the case of the above example, it is "
msgstr ""
#: ../../source/tor.rst:114
-msgid "Now create a new text file at ``C:\\Program Files (x86)\\tor-win32\\torrc`` and put your hashed password output in it, replacing the ``HashedControlPassword`` with the one you just generated::"
+msgid ""
+"Now create a new text file at ``C:\\Program Files (x86)\\tor-win32\\torrc`` "
+"and put your hashed password output in it, replacing the "
+"``HashedControlPassword`` with the one you just generated::"
msgstr ""
#: ../../source/tor.rst:119
-msgid "In your administrator command prompt, install ``tor`` as a service using the appropriate ``torrc`` file you just created (as described in ``_). Like this::"
+msgid ""
+"In your administrator command prompt, install ``tor`` as a service using the "
+"appropriate ``torrc`` file you just created (as described in ``_). Like this::"
msgstr ""
#: ../../source/tor.rst:123
@@ -185,7 +286,14 @@ msgid "You are now running a system ``tor`` process in Windows!"
msgstr ""
#: ../../source/tor.rst:125
-msgid "Open OnionShare, click the \"⚙\" icon in it, and switch to the Tor Settings tab. Under \"How should OnionShare connect to Tor?\" choose \"Connect using control port\", and set \"Control port\" to ```` and \"Port\" to ``9051``. Under \"Tor authentication settings\" choose \"Password\" and set the password to the control port password you picked above. Click the \"Test Connection to Tor\" button. If all goes well, you should see \"Connected to the Tor controller\"."
+msgid ""
+"Open OnionShare, click the \"⚙\" icon in it, and switch to the Tor Settings "
+"tab. Under \"How should OnionShare connect to Tor?\" choose \"Connect using "
+"control port\", and set \"Control port\" to ```` and \"Port\" to "
+"``9051``. Under \"Tor authentication settings\" choose \"Password\" and set "
+"the password to the control port password you picked above. Click the \"Test "
+"Connection to Tor\" button. If all goes well, you should see \"Connected to "
+"the Tor controller\"."
msgstr ""
#: ../../source/tor.rst:134
@@ -193,7 +301,9 @@ msgid "Using a system ``tor`` in macOS"
msgstr ""
#: ../../source/tor.rst:136
-msgid "First, install `Homebrew `_ if you don't already have it, and then install Tor::"
+msgid ""
+"First, install `Homebrew `_ if you don't already have it, "
+"and then install Tor::"
msgstr ""
#: ../../source/tor.rst:140
@@ -205,11 +315,16 @@ msgid "And start the system Tor service::"
msgstr ""
#: ../../source/tor.rst:151
-msgid "Open OnionShare, click the \"⚙\" icon in it, and switch to the Tor Settings tab. Under \"How should OnionShare connect to Tor?\" choose \"Connect using socket file\", and set the socket file to be ``/usr/local/var/run/tor/control.socket``. Under \"Tor authentication settings\" choose \"No authentication, or cookie authentication\". Click the \"Test Connection to Tor\" button."
+msgid ""
+"Open OnionShare, click the \"⚙\" icon in it, and switch to the Tor Settings "
+"tab. Under \"How should OnionShare connect to Tor?\" choose \"Connect using "
+"socket file\", and set the socket file to be ``/usr/local/var/run/tor/"
+"control.socket``. Under \"Tor authentication settings\" choose \"No "
+"authentication, or cookie authentication\". Click the \"Test Connection to "
+"Tor\" button."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../source/tor.rst:157
-#: ../../source/tor.rst:177
+#: ../../source/tor.rst:157 ../../source/tor.rst:177
msgid "If all goes well, you should see \"Connected to the Tor controller\"."
msgstr ""
@@ -218,17 +333,31 @@ msgid "Using a system ``tor`` in Linux"
msgstr ""
#: ../../source/tor.rst:162
-msgid "First, install the ``tor`` package. If you're using Debian, Ubuntu, or a similar Linux distro, It is recommended to use the Tor Project's `official repository `_."
+msgid ""
+"First, install the ``tor`` package. If you're using Debian, Ubuntu, or a "
+"similar Linux distro, It is recommended to use the Tor Project's `official "
+"repository `_."
msgstr ""
#: ../../source/tor.rst:164
-msgid "Next, add your user to the group that runs the ``tor`` process (in the case of Debian and Ubuntu, ``debian-tor``) and configure OnionShare to connect to your system ``tor``'s control socket file."
+msgid ""
+"Next, add your user to the group that runs the ``tor`` process (in the case "
+"of Debian and Ubuntu, ``debian-tor``) and configure OnionShare to connect to "
+"your system ``tor``'s control socket file."
msgstr ""
#: ../../source/tor.rst:166
-msgid "Add your user to the ``debian-tor`` group by running this command (replace ``username`` with your actual username)::"
+msgid ""
+"Add your user to the ``debian-tor`` group by running this command (replace "
+"``username`` with your actual username)::"
msgstr ""
#: ../../source/tor.rst:170
-msgid "Reboot your computer. After it boots up again, open OnionShare, click the \"⚙\" icon in it, and switch to the Tor Settings tab. Under \"How should OnionShare connect to Tor?\" choose \"Connect using socket file\". Set the socket file to be ``/var/run/tor/control``. Under \"Tor authentication settings\" choose \"No authentication, or cookie authentication\". Click the \"Test Connection to Tor\" button."
+msgid ""
+"Reboot your computer. After it boots up again, open OnionShare, click the "
+"\"⚙\" icon in it, and switch to the Tor Settings tab. Under \"How should "
+"OnionShare connect to Tor?\" choose \"Connect using socket file\". Set the "
+"socket file to be ``/var/run/tor/control``. Under \"Tor authentication "
+"settings\" choose \"No authentication, or cookie authentication\". Click the "
+"\"Test Connection to Tor\" button."
msgstr ""
diff --git a/docs/source/locale/ca/LC_MESSAGES/advanced.po b/docs/source/locale/ca/LC_MESSAGES/advanced.po
index c4000682..2c8e75d2 100644
--- a/docs/source/locale/ca/LC_MESSAGES/advanced.po
+++ b/docs/source/locale/ca/LC_MESSAGES/advanced.po
@@ -6,14 +6,14 @@
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: OnionShare 2.3\n"
-"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: onionshare-dev@lists.riseup.net\n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2020-11-15 14:42-0800\n"
+"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2023-09-05 11:30-0700\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2020-11-25 18:28+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: fadelkon \n"
"Language-Team: LANGUAGE \n"
"Language: ca\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
-"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8\n"
+"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=n != 1;\n"
"X-Generator: Weblate 4.4-dev\n"
@@ -27,180 +27,6 @@ msgstr "Ús avançat"
msgid "Save Tabs"
msgstr "Desa les pestanyes"
-#: ../../source/advanced.rst:9
-msgid ""
-"Everything in OnionShare is temporary by default. If you close an OnionShare "
-"tab, its address no longer exists and it can't be used again. Sometimes you "
-"might want an OnionShare service to be persistent. This is useful if you "
-"want to host a website available from the same OnionShare address even if "
-"you reboot your computer."
-msgstr ""
-#: ../../source/advanced.rst:13
-msgid ""
-"To make any tab persistent, check the \"Save this tab, and automatically "
-"open it when I open OnionShare\" box before starting the server. When a tab "
-"is saved a purple pin icon appears to the left of its server status."
-msgstr ""
-#: ../../source/advanced.rst:18
-msgid ""
-"When you quit OnionShare and then open it again, your saved tabs will start "
-"opened. You'll have to manually start each service, but when you do they "
-"will start with the same OnionShare address and password."
-msgstr ""
-#: ../../source/advanced.rst:21
-msgid ""
-"If you save a tab, a copy of that tab's onion service secret key will be "
-"stored on your computer with your OnionShare settings."
-msgstr ""
-#: ../../source/advanced.rst:26
-msgid "Turn Off Passwords"
-msgstr ""
-#: ../../source/advanced.rst:28
-msgid ""
-"By default, all OnionShare services are protected with the username "
-"``onionshare`` and a randomly-generated password. If someone takes 20 wrong "
-"guesses at the password, your onion service is automatically stopped to "
-"prevent a brute force attack against the OnionShare service."
-msgstr ""
-#: ../../source/advanced.rst:31
-msgid ""
-"Sometimes you might want your OnionShare service to be accessible to the "
-"public, like if you want to set up an OnionShare receive service so the "
-"public can securely and anonymously send you files. In this case, it's "
-"better to disable the password altogether. If you don't do this, someone can "
-"force your server to stop just by making 20 wrong guesses of your password, "
-"even if they know the correct password."
-msgstr ""
-#: ../../source/advanced.rst:35
-msgid ""
-"To turn off the password for any tab, just check the \"Don't use a password"
-"\" box before starting the server. Then the server will be public and won't "
-"have a password."
-msgstr ""
-#: ../../source/advanced.rst:38 ../../source/advanced.rst:45
-msgid "Scheduled Times"
-msgstr ""
-#: ../../source/advanced.rst:40 ../../source/advanced.rst:47
-msgid ""
-"OnionShare supports scheduling exactly when a service should start and stop. "
-"Before starting a server, click \"Show advanced settings\" in its tab and "
-"then check the boxes next to either \"Start onion service at scheduled time"
-"\", \"Stop onion service at scheduled time\", or both, and set the "
-"respective desired dates and times."
-msgstr ""
-#: ../../source/advanced.rst:43
-msgid ""
-"If you scheduled a service to start in the future, when you click the "
-"\"Start sharing\" button you will see a timer counting down until it starts. "
-"If you scheduled it to stop in the future, after it's started you will see a "
-"timer counting down to when it will stop automatically."
-msgstr ""
-#: ../../source/advanced.rst:46
-msgid ""
-"**Scheduling an OnionShare service to automatically start can be used as a "
-"dead man's switch**, where your service will be made public at a given time "
-"in the future if anything happens to you. If nothing happens to you, you can "
-"cancel the service before it's scheduled to start."
-msgstr ""
-#: ../../source/advanced.rst:51
-msgid ""
-"**Scheduling an OnionShare service to automatically stop can be useful to "
-"limit exposure**, like if you want to share secret documents while making "
-"sure they're not available on the Internet for more than a few days."
-msgstr ""
-#: ../../source/advanced.rst:56 ../../source/advanced.rst:68
-msgid "Command-line Interface"
-msgstr ""
-#: ../../source/advanced.rst:58 ../../source/advanced.rst:70
-msgid ""
-"In addition to its graphical interface, OnionShare has a command-line "
-msgstr ""
-#: ../../source/advanced.rst:60 ../../source/advanced.rst:72
-msgid ""
-"You can install just the command-line version of OnionShare using ``pip3``::"
-msgstr ""
-#: ../../source/advanced.rst:64 ../../source/advanced.rst:76
-msgid ""
-"Note that you will also need the ``tor`` package installed. In macOS, "
-"install it with: ``brew install tor``"
-msgstr ""
-#: ../../source/advanced.rst:66 ../../source/advanced.rst:78
-msgid "Then run it like this::"
-msgstr ""
-#: ../../source/advanced.rst:70
-msgid ""
-"If you installed OnionShare using the Linux Snapcraft package, you can also "
-"just run ``onionshare.cli`` to access the command-line interface version."
-msgstr ""
-#: ../../source/advanced.rst:73 ../../source/advanced.rst:87
-msgid "Usage"
-msgstr ""
-#: ../../source/advanced.rst:75
-msgid ""
-"You can browse the command-line documentation by running ``onionshare --"
-msgstr ""
-#: ../../source/advanced.rst:132
-msgid "Legacy Addresses"
-msgstr ""
-#: ../../source/advanced.rst:134
-msgid ""
-"OnionShare uses v3 Tor onion services by default. These are modern onion "
-"addresses that have 56 characters, for example::"
-msgstr ""
-#: ../../source/advanced.rst:139
-msgid ""
-"OnionShare still has support for v2 onion addresses, the old type of onion "
-"addresses that have 16 characters, for example::"
-msgstr ""
-#: ../../source/advanced.rst:143
-msgid ""
-"OnionShare calls v2 onion addresses \"legacy addresses\", and they are not "
-"recommended, as v3 onion addresses are more secure."
-msgstr ""
-#: ../../source/advanced.rst:145
-msgid ""
-"To use legacy addresses, before starting a server click \"Show advanced "
-"settings\" from its tab and check the \"Use a legacy address (v2 onion "
-"service, not recommended)\" box. In legacy mode you can optionally turn on "
-"Tor client authentication. Once you start a server in legacy mode you cannot "
-"remove legacy mode in that tab. Instead you must start a separate service in "
-"a separate tab."
-msgstr ""
-#: ../../source/advanced.rst:150
-msgid ""
-"Tor Project plans to `completely deprecate v2 onion services `_ on October 15, 2021, and legacy "
-"onion services will be removed from OnionShare before then."
-msgstr ""
#: ../../source/advanced.rst:9
msgid ""
"Closing OnionShare tabs you host destroys them, preventing reuse. "
@@ -269,6 +95,19 @@ msgid ""
"change it."
msgstr ""
+#: ../../source/advanced.rst:45
+msgid "Scheduled Times"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../source/advanced.rst:47
+msgid ""
+"OnionShare supports scheduling exactly when a service should start and stop. "
+"Before starting a server, click \"Show advanced settings\" in its tab and "
+"then check the boxes next to either \"Start onion service at scheduled "
+"time\", \"Stop onion service at scheduled time\", or both, and set the "
+"respective desired dates and times."
+msgstr ""
#: ../../source/advanced.rst:51
msgid ""
"Services scheduled to start in the future display a countdown timer when "
@@ -291,6 +130,31 @@ msgid ""
"outdated, you can do so for selected limited time."
msgstr ""
+#: ../../source/advanced.rst:68
+msgid "Command-line Interface"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../source/advanced.rst:70
+msgid ""
+"In addition to its graphical interface, OnionShare has a command-line "
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../source/advanced.rst:72
+msgid ""
+"You can install just the command-line version of OnionShare using ``pip3``::"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../source/advanced.rst:76
+msgid ""
+"Note that you will also need the ``tor`` package installed. In macOS, "
+"install it with: ``brew install tor``"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../source/advanced.rst:78
+msgid "Then run it like this::"
+msgstr ""
#: ../../source/advanced.rst:82
msgid ""
"Info about installing it on different operating systems can be found in the "
@@ -304,6 +168,10 @@ msgid ""
"``onionshare.cli`` to access the command-line interface version."
msgstr ""
+#: ../../source/advanced.rst:87
+msgid "Usage"
+msgstr ""
#: ../../source/advanced.rst:89
msgid ""
"Browse the command-line documentation by running ``onionshare --help``::"
diff --git a/docs/source/locale/ca/LC_MESSAGES/develop.po b/docs/source/locale/ca/LC_MESSAGES/develop.po
index 9d5619a0..c074aa2d 100644
--- a/docs/source/locale/ca/LC_MESSAGES/develop.po
+++ b/docs/source/locale/ca/LC_MESSAGES/develop.po
@@ -6,14 +6,14 @@
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: OnionShare 2.3\n"
-"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: onionshare-dev@lists.riseup.net\n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2020-11-15 14:42-0800\n"
+"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2023-09-05 11:30-0700\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2020-11-25 18:28+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: fadelkon \n"
"Language-Team: LANGUAGE \n"
"Language: ca\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
-"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8\n"
+"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=n != 1;\n"
"X-Generator: Weblate 4.4-dev\n"
@@ -51,15 +51,15 @@ msgstr ""
#: ../../source/develop.rst:17
msgid ""
"OnionShare source code is to be found in this Git repository: https://github."
msgstr ""
#: ../../source/develop.rst:19
msgid ""
"If you'd like to contribute code to OnionShare, it helps to join the Keybase "
"team and ask questions about what you're thinking of working on. You should "
-"also review all of the `open issues `_ on GitHub to see if there are any you'd like to tackle."
+"also review all of the `open issues `_ on GitHub to see if there are any you'd like to tackle."
msgstr ""
#: ../../source/develop.rst:22
@@ -76,7 +76,7 @@ msgstr ""
#: ../../source/develop.rst:29
msgid ""
"OnionShare is developed in Python. To get started, clone the Git repository "
-"at https://github.com/micahflee/onionshare/ and then consult the ``cli/"
+"at https://github.com/onionshare/onionshare/ and then consult the ``cli/"
"README.md`` file to learn how to set up your development environment for the "
"command-line version, and the ``desktop/README.md`` file to learn how to set "
"up your development environment for the graphical version."
@@ -130,18 +130,18 @@ msgid ""
"flag. For example::"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../source/develop.rst:164
+#: ../../source/develop.rst:165
msgid ""
-"In this case, you load the URL ``http://onionshare:train-"
-"system@`` in a normal web-browser like Firefox, instead of "
-"using the Tor Browser."
+"In this case, you load the URL ```` in a normal web-"
+"browser like Firefox, instead of using the Tor Browser. The private key is "
+"not actually needed in local-only mode, so you can ignore it."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../source/develop.rst:167 ../../source/develop.rst:168
+#: ../../source/develop.rst:168
msgid "Contributing Translations"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../source/develop.rst:169 ../../source/develop.rst:170
+#: ../../source/develop.rst:170
msgid ""
"Help make OnionShare easier to use and more familiar and welcoming for "
"people by translating it on `Hosted Weblate `_ on GitHub to see if there are any you'd like to tackle."
-msgstr ""
-#: ../../source/develop.rst:29
-msgid ""
-"OnionShare is developed in Python. To get started, clone the Git repository "
-"at https://github.com/onionshare/onionshare/ and then consult the ``cli/"
-"README.md`` file to learn how to set up your development environment for the "
-"command-line version, and the ``desktop/README.md`` file to learn how to set "
-"up your development environment for the graphical version."
-msgstr ""
-#: ../../source/develop.rst:165
-msgid ""
-"In this case, you load the URL ```` in a normal web-"
-"browser like Firefox, instead of using the Tor Browser. The private key is "
-"not actually needed in local-only mode, so you can ignore it."
-msgstr ""
diff --git a/docs/source/locale/ca/LC_MESSAGES/features.po b/docs/source/locale/ca/LC_MESSAGES/features.po
index 2716741c..ac9c8ac8 100644
--- a/docs/source/locale/ca/LC_MESSAGES/features.po
+++ b/docs/source/locale/ca/LC_MESSAGES/features.po
@@ -6,14 +6,14 @@
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: OnionShare 2.3\n"
-"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: onionshare-dev@lists.riseup.net\n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2020-11-15 14:42-0800\n"
+"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2023-09-05 11:30-0700\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2021-11-28 19:16+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: fadelkon \n"
"Language-Team: LANGUAGE \n"
"Language: ca\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
-"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8\n"
+"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=n != 1;\n"
"X-Generator: Weblate 4.10-dev\n"
@@ -33,345 +33,6 @@ msgstr ""
"accessibles a altres persones com a _`serveis onion `_ de `Tor `."
-#: ../../source/features.rst:8
-msgid ""
-"By default, OnionShare web addresses are protected with a random password. A "
-"typical OnionShare address might look something like this::"
-msgstr ""
-#: ../../source/features.rst:12
-msgid ""
-"You're responsible for securely sharing that URL using a communication "
-"channel of your choice like in an encrypted chat message, or using something "
-"less secure like unencrypted e-mail, depending on your `threat model "
-msgstr ""
-#: ../../source/features.rst:14
-msgid ""
-"The people you send the URL to then copy and paste it into their `Tor "
-"Browser `_ to access the OnionShare service."
-msgstr ""
-#: ../../source/features.rst:16
-msgid ""
-"If you run OnionShare on your laptop to send someone files, and then suspend "
-"it before the files are sent, the service will not be available until your "
-"laptop is unsuspended and on the Internet again. OnionShare works best when "
-"working with people in real-time."
-msgstr ""
-#: ../../source/features.rst:18 ../../source/features.rst:26
-msgid ""
-"Because your own computer is the web server, *no third party can access "
-"anything that happens in OnionShare*, not even the developers of OnionShare. "
-"It's completely private. And because OnionShare is based on Tor onion "
-"services too, it also protects your anonymity. See the :doc:`security design "
-"` for more info."
-msgstr ""
-#: ../../source/features.rst:21 ../../source/features.rst:29
-msgid "Share Files"
-msgstr ""
-#: ../../source/features.rst:23 ../../source/features.rst:31
-msgid ""
-"You can use OnionShare to send files and folders to people securely and "
-"anonymously. Open a share tab, drag in the files and folders you wish to "
-"share, and click \"Start sharing\"."
-msgstr ""
-#: ../../source/features.rst:27 ../../source/features.rst:93
-#: ../../source/features.rst:35 ../../source/features.rst:112
-msgid ""
-"After you add files, you'll see some settings. Make sure you choose the "
-"setting you're interested in before you start sharing."
-msgstr ""
-#: ../../source/features.rst:31
-msgid ""
-"As soon as someone finishes downloading your files, OnionShare will "
-"automatically stop the server, removing the website from the Internet. To "
-"allow multiple people to download them, uncheck the \"Stop sharing after "
-"files have been sent (uncheck to allow downloading individual files)\" box."
-msgstr ""
-#: ../../source/features.rst:34 ../../source/features.rst:42
-msgid ""
-"Also, if you uncheck this box, people will be able to download the "
-"individual files you share rather than a single compressed version of all "
-"the files."
-msgstr ""
-#: ../../source/features.rst:36 ../../source/features.rst:44
-msgid ""
-"When you're ready to share, click the \"Start sharing\" button. You can "
-"always click \"Stop sharing\", or quit OnionShare, immediately taking the "
-"website down. You can also click the \"↑\" icon in the top-right corner to "
-"show the history and progress of people downloading files from you."
-msgstr ""
-#: ../../source/features.rst:40
-msgid ""
-"Now that you have a OnionShare, copy the address and send it to the person "
-"you want to receive the files. If the files need to stay secure, or the "
-"person is otherwise exposed to danger, use an encrypted messaging app."
-msgstr ""
-#: ../../source/features.rst:42
-msgid ""
-"That person then must load the address in Tor Browser. After logging in with "
-"the random password included in the web address, the files can be downloaded "
-"directly from your computer by clicking the \"Download Files\" link in the "
-msgstr ""
-#: ../../source/features.rst:47
-msgid "Receive Files"
-msgstr ""
-#: ../../source/features.rst:49
-msgid ""
-"You can use OnionShare to let people anonymously upload files directly to "
-"your computer, essentially turning it into an anonymous dropbox. Open a "
-"\"Receive tab\", choose where you want to save the files and other settings, "
-"and then click \"Start Receive Mode\"."
-msgstr ""
-#: ../../source/features.rst:54
-msgid ""
-"This starts the OnionShare service. Anyone loading this address in their Tor "
-"Browser will be able to upload files to your computer."
-msgstr ""
-#: ../../source/features.rst:58 ../../source/features.rst:75
-msgid ""
-"You can also click the down \"↓\" icon in the top-right corner to show the "
-"history and progress of people sending files to you."
-msgstr ""
-#: ../../source/features.rst:60
-msgid "Here is what it looks like for someone sending you files."
-msgstr ""
-#: ../../source/features.rst:64
-msgid ""
-"When someone uploads files to your receive service, by default they get "
-"saved to a folder called ``OnionShare`` in the home folder on your computer, "
-"automatically organized into separate subfolders based on the time that the "
-"files get uploaded."
-msgstr ""
-#: ../../source/features.rst:66 ../../source/features.rst:83
-msgid ""
-"Setting up an OnionShare receiving service is useful for journalists and "
-"others needing to securely accept documents from anonymous sources. When "
-"used in this way, OnionShare is sort of like a lightweight, simpler, not "
-"quite as secure version of `SecureDrop `_, the "
-"whistleblower submission system."
-msgstr ""
-#: ../../source/features.rst:69 ../../source/features.rst:86
-msgid "Use at your own risk"
-msgstr ""
-#: ../../source/features.rst:71
-msgid ""
-"Just like with malicious e-mail attachments, it's possible someone could try "
-"to attack your computer by uploading a malicious file to your OnionShare "
-"service. OnionShare does not add any safety mechanisms to protect your "
-"system from malicious files."
-msgstr ""
-#: ../../source/features.rst:73 ../../source/features.rst:90
-msgid ""
-"If you receive an Office document or a PDF through OnionShare, you can "
-"convert these documents into PDFs that are safe to open using `Dangerzone "
-"`_. You can also protect yourself when opening "
-"untrusted documents by opening them in `Tails `_ or "
-"in a `Qubes `_ disposableVM."
-msgstr ""
-#: ../../source/features.rst:76 ../../source/features.rst:95
-msgid "Tips for running a receive service"
-msgstr ""
-#: ../../source/features.rst:78
-msgid ""
-"If you want to host your own anonymous dropbox using OnionShare, it's "
-"recommended you do so on a separate, dedicated computer always powered on "
-"and connected to the Internet, and not on the one you use on a regular basis."
-msgstr ""
-#: ../../source/features.rst:80
-msgid ""
-"If you intend to put the OnionShare address on your website or social media "
-"profiles, save the tab (see :ref:`save_tabs`) and run it as a public service "
-"(see :ref:`turn_off_passwords`)."
-msgstr ""
-#: ../../source/features.rst:83 ../../source/features.rst:102
-msgid "Host a Website"
-msgstr ""
-#: ../../source/features.rst:85 ../../source/features.rst:104
-msgid ""
-"To host a static HTML website with OnionShare, open a website tab, drag the "
-"files and folders that make up the static content there, and click \"Start "
-"sharing\" when you are ready."
-msgstr ""
-#: ../../source/features.rst:89 ../../source/features.rst:108
-msgid ""
-"If you add an ``index.html`` file, it will render when someone loads your "
-"website. You should also include any other HTML files, CSS files, JavaScript "
-"files, and images that make up the website. (Note that OnionShare only "
-"supports hosting *static* websites. It can't host websites that execute code "
-"or use databases. So you can't for example use WordPress.)"
-msgstr ""
-#: ../../source/features.rst:91 ../../source/features.rst:110
-msgid ""
-"If you don't have an ``index.html`` file, it will show a directory listing "
-"instead, and people loading it can look through the files and download them."
-msgstr ""
-#: ../../source/features.rst:98 ../../source/features.rst:117
-msgid "Content Security Policy"
-msgstr ""
-#: ../../source/features.rst:100
-msgid ""
-"By default OnionShare helps secure your website by setting a strict `Content "
-"Security Police `_ "
-"header. However, this prevents third-party content from loading inside the "
-"web page."
-msgstr ""
-#: ../../source/features.rst:102
-msgid ""
-"If you want to load content from third-party websites, like assets or "
-"JavaScript libraries from CDNs, check the \"Don't send Content Security "
-"Policy header (allows your website to use third-party resources)\" box "
-"before starting the service."
-msgstr ""
-#: ../../source/features.rst:105 ../../source/features.rst:127
-msgid "Tips for running a website service"
-msgstr ""
-#: ../../source/features.rst:107
-msgid ""
-"If you want to host a long-term website using OnionShare (meaning not "
-"something to quickly show someone something), it's recommended you do it on "
-"a separate, dedicated computer always powered on and connected to the "
-"Internet, and not on the one you use on a regular basis. Save the tab (see :"
-"ref:`save_tabs`) so you can resume the website with the same address if you "
-"close OnionShare and re-open it later."
-msgstr ""
-#: ../../source/features.rst:110
-msgid ""
-"If your website is intended for the public, you should run it as a public "
-"service (see :ref:`turn_off_passwords`)."
-msgstr ""
-#: ../../source/features.rst:113 ../../source/features.rst:135
-msgid "Chat Anonymously"
-msgstr ""
-#: ../../source/features.rst:115 ../../source/features.rst:137
-msgid ""
-"You can use OnionShare to set up a private, secure chat room that doesn't "
-"log anything. Just open a chat tab and click \"Start chat server\"."
-msgstr ""
-#: ../../source/features.rst:119
-msgid ""
-"After you start the server, copy the OnionShare address and send it to the "
-"people you want in the anonymous chat room. If it's important to limit "
-"exactly who can join, use an encrypted messaging app to send out the "
-"OnionShare address."
-msgstr ""
-#: ../../source/features.rst:124 ../../source/features.rst:146
-msgid ""
-"People can join the chat room by loading its OnionShare address in Tor "
-"Browser. The chat room requires JavasScript, so everyone who wants to "
-"participate must have their Tor Browser security level set to \"Standard\" "
-"or \"Safer\", instead of \"Safest\"."
-msgstr ""
-#: ../../source/features.rst:127 ../../source/features.rst:149
-msgid ""
-"When someone joins the chat room they get assigned a random name. They can "
-"change their name by typing a new name in the box in the left panel and "
-"pressing ↵. Since the chat history isn't saved anywhere, it doesn't get "
-"displayed at all, even if others were already chatting in the room."
-msgstr ""
-#: ../../source/features.rst:133 ../../source/features.rst:155
-msgid ""
-"In an OnionShare chat room, everyone is anonymous. Anyone can change their "
-"name to anything, and there is no way to confirm anyone's identity."
-msgstr ""
-#: ../../source/features.rst:136 ../../source/features.rst:158
-msgid ""
-"However, if you create an OnionShare chat room and securely send the address "
-"only to a small group of trusted friends using encrypted messages, you can "
-"be reasonably confident the people joining the chat room are your friends."
-msgstr ""
-#: ../../source/features.rst:139 ../../source/features.rst:161
-msgid "How is this useful?"
-msgstr ""
-#: ../../source/features.rst:141 ../../source/features.rst:163
-msgid ""
-"If you need to already be using an encrypted messaging app, what's the point "
-"of an OnionShare chat room to begin with? It leaves less traces."
-msgstr ""
-#: ../../source/features.rst:143
-msgid ""
-"If you for example send a message to a Signal group, a copy of your message "
-"ends up on each device (the devices, and computers if they set up Signal "
-"Desktop) of each member of the group. Even if disappearing messages is "
-"turned on, it's hard to confirm all copies of the messages are actually "
-"deleted from all devices, and from any other places (like notifications "
-"databases) they may have been saved to. OnionShare chat rooms don't store "
-"any messages anywhere, so the problem is reduced to a minimum."
-msgstr ""
-#: ../../source/features.rst:146
-msgid ""
-"OnionShare chat rooms can also be useful for people wanting to chat "
-"anonymously and securely with someone without needing to create any "
-"accounts. For example, a source can send an OnionShare address to a "
-"journalist using a disposable e-mail address, and then wait for the "
-"journalist to join the chat room, all without compromosing their anonymity."
-msgstr ""
-#: ../../source/features.rst:150 ../../source/features.rst:172
-msgid "How does the encryption work?"
-msgstr ""
-#: ../../source/features.rst:152 ../../source/features.rst:174
-msgid ""
-"Because OnionShare relies on Tor onion services, connections between the Tor "
-"Browser and OnionShare are all end-to-end encrypted (E2EE). When someone "
-"posts a message to an OnionShare chat room, they send it to the server "
-"through the E2EE onion connection, which then sends it to all other members "
-"of the chat room using WebSockets, through their E2EE onion connections."
-msgstr ""
-#: ../../source/features.rst:154 ../../source/features.rst:176
-msgid ""
-"OnionShare doesn't implement any chat encryption on its own. It relies on "
-"the Tor onion service's encryption instead."
-msgstr ""
#: ../../source/features.rst:8
msgid "By default, OnionShare web addresses are protected with a private key."
msgstr ""
@@ -408,6 +69,32 @@ msgid ""
"working with people in real-time."
msgstr ""
+#: ../../source/features.rst:26
+msgid ""
+"Because your own computer is the web server, *no third party can access "
+"anything that happens in OnionShare*, not even the developers of OnionShare. "
+"It's completely private. And because OnionShare is based on Tor onion "
+"services too, it also protects your anonymity. See the :doc:`security design "
+"` for more info."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../source/features.rst:29
+msgid "Share Files"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../source/features.rst:31
+msgid ""
+"You can use OnionShare to send files and folders to people securely and "
+"anonymously. Open a share tab, drag in the files and folders you wish to "
+"share, and click \"Start sharing\"."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../source/features.rst:35 ../../source/features.rst:112
+msgid ""
+"After you add files, you'll see some settings. Make sure you choose the "
+"setting you're interested in before you start sharing."
+msgstr ""
#: ../../source/features.rst:39
msgid ""
"As soon as someone finishes downloading your files, OnionShare will "
@@ -416,6 +103,21 @@ msgid ""
"files have been sent (uncheck to allow downloading individual files)\" box."
msgstr ""
+#: ../../source/features.rst:42
+msgid ""
+"Also, if you uncheck this box, people will be able to download the "
+"individual files you share rather than a single compressed version of all "
+"the files."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../source/features.rst:44
+msgid ""
+"When you're ready to share, click the \"Start sharing\" button. You can "
+"always click \"Stop sharing\", or quit OnionShare, immediately taking the "
+"website down. You can also click the \"↑\" icon in the top-right corner to "
+"show the history and progress of people downloading files from you."
+msgstr ""
#: ../../source/features.rst:48
msgid ""
"Now that you have a OnionShare, copy the address and the private key and "
@@ -476,6 +178,12 @@ msgid ""
"submit files and messages which get uploaded to your computer."
msgstr ""
+#: ../../source/features.rst:75
+msgid ""
+"You can also click the down \"↓\" icon in the top-right corner to show the "
+"history and progress of people sending files to you."
+msgstr ""
#: ../../source/features.rst:77
msgid "Here is what it looks like for someone sending you files and messages."
msgstr ""
@@ -488,6 +196,19 @@ msgid ""
"that the files get uploaded."
msgstr ""
+#: ../../source/features.rst:83
+msgid ""
+"Setting up an OnionShare receiving service is useful for journalists and "
+"others needing to securely accept documents from anonymous sources. When "
+"used in this way, OnionShare is sort of like a lightweight, simpler, not "
+"quite as secure version of `SecureDrop `_, the "
+"whistleblower submission system."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../source/features.rst:86
+msgid "Use at your own risk"
+msgstr ""
#: ../../source/features.rst:88
msgid ""
"Just like with malicious email attachments, it's possible someone could try "
@@ -496,11 +217,24 @@ msgid ""
"system from malicious files."
msgstr ""
+#: ../../source/features.rst:90
+msgid ""
+"If you receive an Office document or a PDF through OnionShare, you can "
+"convert these documents into PDFs that are safe to open using `Dangerzone "
+"`_. You can also protect yourself when opening "
+"untrusted documents by opening them in `Tails `_ or "
+"in a `Qubes `_ disposableVM."
+msgstr ""
#: ../../source/features.rst:92
msgid ""
"However, it is always safe to open text messages sent through OnionShare."
msgstr ""
+#: ../../source/features.rst:95
+msgid "Tips for running a receive service"
+msgstr ""
#: ../../source/features.rst:97
msgid ""
"If you want to host your own anonymous dropbox using OnionShare, it's "
@@ -516,6 +250,36 @@ msgid ""
"title (see :ref:`custom_titles`)."
msgstr ""
+#: ../../source/features.rst:102
+msgid "Host a Website"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../source/features.rst:104
+msgid ""
+"To host a static HTML website with OnionShare, open a website tab, drag the "
+"files and folders that make up the static content there, and click \"Start "
+"sharing\" when you are ready."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../source/features.rst:108
+msgid ""
+"If you add an ``index.html`` file, it will render when someone loads your "
+"website. You should also include any other HTML files, CSS files, JavaScript "
+"files, and images that make up the website. (Note that OnionShare only "
+"supports hosting *static* websites. It can't host websites that execute code "
+"or use databases. So you can't for example use WordPress.)"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../source/features.rst:110
+msgid ""
+"If you don't have an ``index.html`` file, it will show a directory listing "
+"instead, and people loading it can look through the files and download them."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../source/features.rst:117
+msgid "Content Security Policy"
+msgstr ""
#: ../../source/features.rst:119
msgid ""
"By default OnionShare helps secure your website by setting a strict `Content "
@@ -541,6 +305,10 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "You can send a custom Content Security Policy header."
msgstr ""
+#: ../../source/features.rst:127
+msgid "Tips for running a website service"
+msgstr ""
#: ../../source/features.rst:129
msgid ""
"If you want to host a long-term website using OnionShare (meaning not just "
@@ -557,6 +325,16 @@ msgid ""
"service (see :ref:`turn_off_private_key`)."
msgstr ""
+#: ../../source/features.rst:135
+msgid "Chat Anonymously"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../source/features.rst:137
+msgid ""
+"You can use OnionShare to set up a private, secure chat room that doesn't "
+"log anything. Just open a chat tab and click \"Start chat server\"."
+msgstr ""
#: ../../source/features.rst:141
msgid ""
"After you start the server, copy the OnionShare address and private key and "
@@ -565,6 +343,45 @@ msgid ""
"send out the OnionShare address and private key."
msgstr ""
+#: ../../source/features.rst:146
+msgid ""
+"People can join the chat room by loading its OnionShare address in Tor "
+"Browser. The chat room requires JavasScript, so everyone who wants to "
+"participate must have their Tor Browser security level set to \"Standard\" "
+"or \"Safer\", instead of \"Safest\"."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../source/features.rst:149
+msgid ""
+"When someone joins the chat room they get assigned a random name. They can "
+"change their name by typing a new name in the box in the left panel and "
+"pressing ↵. Since the chat history isn't saved anywhere, it doesn't get "
+"displayed at all, even if others were already chatting in the room."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../source/features.rst:155
+msgid ""
+"In an OnionShare chat room, everyone is anonymous. Anyone can change their "
+"name to anything, and there is no way to confirm anyone's identity."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../source/features.rst:158
+msgid ""
+"However, if you create an OnionShare chat room and securely send the address "
+"only to a small group of trusted friends using encrypted messages, you can "
+"be reasonably confident the people joining the chat room are your friends."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../source/features.rst:161
+msgid "How is this useful?"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../source/features.rst:163
+msgid ""
+"If you need to already be using an encrypted messaging app, what's the point "
+"of an OnionShare chat room to begin with? It leaves less traces."
+msgstr ""
#: ../../source/features.rst:165
msgid ""
"If you for example send a message to a Signal group, a copy of your message "
@@ -584,3 +401,22 @@ msgid ""
"journalist using a disposable email address, and then wait for the "
"journalist to join the chat room, all without compromosing their anonymity."
msgstr ""
+#: ../../source/features.rst:172
+msgid "How does the encryption work?"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../source/features.rst:174
+msgid ""
+"Because OnionShare relies on Tor onion services, connections between the Tor "
+"Browser and OnionShare are all end-to-end encrypted (E2EE). When someone "
+"posts a message to an OnionShare chat room, they send it to the server "
+"through the E2EE onion connection, which then sends it to all other members "
+"of the chat room using WebSockets, through their E2EE onion connections."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../source/features.rst:176
+msgid ""
+"OnionShare doesn't implement any chat encryption on its own. It relies on "
+"the Tor onion service's encryption instead."
+msgstr ""
diff --git a/docs/source/locale/ca/LC_MESSAGES/help.po b/docs/source/locale/ca/LC_MESSAGES/help.po
index 04447bd2..8e144428 100644
--- a/docs/source/locale/ca/LC_MESSAGES/help.po
+++ b/docs/source/locale/ca/LC_MESSAGES/help.po
@@ -6,14 +6,14 @@
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: OnionShare 2.3\n"
-"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: onionshare-dev@lists.riseup.net\n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2020-11-15 14:42-0800\n"
+"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2023-09-05 11:30-0700\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2023-04-12 19:02+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: Ecron \n"
"Language-Team: LANGUAGE \n"
"Language: ca\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
-"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8\n"
+"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=n != 1;\n"
"X-Generator: Weblate 4.17-dev\n"
@@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ msgstr "Reviseu els Issues del GitHub"
#: ../../source/help.rst:12
msgid ""
"If it isn't on the website, please check the `GitHub issues `_. It's possible someone else has "
+"com/onionshare/onionshare/issues>`_. It's possible someone else has "
"encountered the same problem and either raised it with the developers, or "
"maybe even posted a solution."
msgstr ""
@@ -54,7 +54,7 @@ msgstr "Envieu un Issue"
#: ../../source/help.rst:17
msgid ""
"If you are unable to find a solution, or wish to ask a question or suggest a "
-"new feature, please `submit an issue `_. This requires `creating a GitHub account `_."
msgstr ""
@@ -70,19 +70,3 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Aneu a :ref:`collaboracio` per a aprendre com unir-vos a l'equip de Keybase "
"que utilitzem per a debatre sobre el projecte."
-#: ../../source/help.rst:12
-msgid ""
-"If it isn't on the website, please check the `GitHub issues `_. It's possible someone else has "
-"encountered the same problem and either raised it with the developers, or "
-"maybe even posted a solution."
-msgstr ""
-#: ../../source/help.rst:17
-msgid ""
-"If you are unable to find a solution, or wish to ask a question or suggest a "
-"new feature, please `submit an issue `_. This requires `creating a GitHub account `_."
-msgstr ""
diff --git a/docs/source/locale/ca/LC_MESSAGES/index.po b/docs/source/locale/ca/LC_MESSAGES/index.po
index 82ac4242..a3571107 100644
--- a/docs/source/locale/ca/LC_MESSAGES/index.po
+++ b/docs/source/locale/ca/LC_MESSAGES/index.po
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: OnionShare 2.3\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2022-10-09 15:01-0700\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2023-09-05 11:30-0700\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2021-11-28 19:16+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: fadelkon \n"
"Language-Team: LANGUAGE \n"
diff --git a/docs/source/locale/ca/LC_MESSAGES/install.po b/docs/source/locale/ca/LC_MESSAGES/install.po
index 535743be..91b66b2d 100644
--- a/docs/source/locale/ca/LC_MESSAGES/install.po
+++ b/docs/source/locale/ca/LC_MESSAGES/install.po
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: OnionShare 2.3\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2023-06-06 13:07+0200\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2023-09-05 11:51-0700\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2020-11-25 18:28+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: fadelkon \n"
"Language-Team: ca \n"
@@ -208,7 +208,7 @@ msgid ""
"You can find the signatures (as ``.asc`` files), as well as Windows, macOS, "
"Flatpak, Snap, and source packages, at https://onionshare.org/dist/ in the "
"folders named for each version of OnionShare. You can also find them on the "
-"`GitHub Releases page `_."
+"`GitHub Releases page `_."
msgstr ""
#: ../../source/install.rst:80
@@ -218,28 +218,45 @@ msgstr ""
#: ../../source/install.rst:82
msgid ""
"Once you have imported Micah's public key into your GnuPG keychain, "
-"downloaded the binary and ``.asc`` signature, you can verify the binary for "
-"macOS in a terminal like this::"
+"downloaded the binary and ``.asc`` signature, you can verify the binary in a "
+"terminal like this:"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../source/install.rst:86
-msgid "Or for Windows, in a command-prompt like this::"
+#: ../../source/install.rst:84
+msgid "For Windows::"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../source/install.rst:90
-msgid "The expected output looks like this::"
+#: ../../source/install.rst:88
+msgid "For macOS::"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../source/install.rst:92
+msgid "For Linux::"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../source/install.rst:98
+msgid "and for the source file::"
msgstr ""
#: ../../source/install.rst:102
+msgid "The expected output looks like this::"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../source/install.rst:112
msgid ""
"If you don't see ``Good signature from``, there might be a problem with the "
"integrity of the file (malicious or otherwise), and you should not install "
-"the package. (The ``WARNING:`` shown above, is not a problem with the "
-"package, it only means you haven't defined a level of \"trust\" of Micah's "
-"(the core developer) PGP key.)"
+"the package."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../source/install.rst:104
+#: ../../source/install.rst:114
+msgid ""
+"The ``WARNING:`` shown above, is not a problem with the package, it only "
+"means you haven't defined a level of \"trust\" of Micah's (the core "
+"developer) PGP key."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../source/install.rst:116
msgid ""
"If you want to learn more about verifying PGP signatures, the guides for "
"`Qubes OS `_ and "
diff --git a/docs/source/locale/ca/LC_MESSAGES/security.po b/docs/source/locale/ca/LC_MESSAGES/security.po
index b30caff9..296e990c 100644
--- a/docs/source/locale/ca/LC_MESSAGES/security.po
+++ b/docs/source/locale/ca/LC_MESSAGES/security.po
@@ -6,14 +6,14 @@
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: OnionShare 2.3\n"
-"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: onionshare-dev@lists.riseup.net\n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2020-12-13 15:48-0800\n"
+"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2023-09-05 11:30-0700\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2023-04-12 19:02+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: Ecron \n"
"Language-Team: ca \n"
"Language: ca\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
-"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8\n"
+"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=n != 1;\n"
"X-Generator: Weblate 4.17-dev\n"
@@ -42,12 +42,13 @@ msgstr "De què protegeix l'OnionShare"
msgid ""
"**Third parties don't have access to anything that happens in OnionShare.** "
"Using OnionShare means hosting services directly on your computer. When "
-"sharing files with OnionShare, they are not uploaded to any server. If you "
-"make an OnionShare chat room, your computer acts as a server for that too. "
-"This avoids the traditional model of having to trust the computers of others."
+"sharing your files with OnionShare, they are not uploaded to any third-party "
+"server. If you make an OnionShare chat room, your computer acts as a server "
+"for that too. This avoids the traditional model of having to trust the "
+"computers of others."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../source/security.rst:13 ../../source/security.rst:17
+#: ../../source/security.rst:17
msgid ""
"**Network eavesdroppers can't spy on anything that happens in OnionShare in "
"transit.** The connection between the Tor onion service and Tor Browser is "
@@ -65,7 +66,7 @@ msgstr ""
"Navegador Tor amb el servei «onion» de l'OnionShare, el trànsit es xifra "
"utilitzat la clau privada del servei «onion»."
-#: ../../source/security.rst:15 ../../source/security.rst:23
+#: ../../source/security.rst:23
msgid ""
"**Anonymity of OnionShare users are protected by Tor.** OnionShare and Tor "
"Browser protect the anonymity of the users. As long as the OnionShare user "
@@ -79,54 +80,6 @@ msgstr ""
"als usuaris del Navegador Tor, aquests usuaris i qualsevol espia no podran "
"esbrinar la identitat de l'usuari de l'OnionShare."
-#: ../../source/security.rst:17
-msgid ""
-"**If an attacker learns about the onion service, it still can't access "
-"anything.** Prior attacks against the Tor network to enumerate onion "
-"services allowed the attacker to discover private .onion addresses. If an "
-"attack discovers a private OnionShare address, a password will be prevent "
-"them from accessing it (unless the OnionShare user chooses to turn it off "
-"and make it public). The password is generated by choosing two random words "
-"from a list of 6800 words, making 6800², or about 46 million possible "
-"passwords. Only 20 wrong guesses can be made before OnionShare stops the "
-"server, preventing brute force attacks against the password."
-msgstr ""
-#: ../../source/security.rst:20 ../../source/security.rst:33
-msgid "What OnionShare doesn't protect against"
-msgstr "De què no protegeix l'OnionShare"
-#: ../../source/security.rst:22
-msgid ""
-"**Communicating the OnionShare address might not be secure.** Communicating "
-"the OnionShare address to people is the responsibility of the OnionShare "
-"user. If sent insecurely (such as through an email message monitored by an "
-"attacker), an eavesdropper can tell that OnionShare is being used. If the "
-"eavesdropper loads the address in Tor Browser while the service is still up, "
-"they can access it. To avoid this, the address must be communicateed "
-"securely, via encrypted text message (probably with disappearing messages "
-"enabled), encrypted email, or in person. This isn't necessary when using "
-"OnionShare for something that isn't secret."
-msgstr ""
-#: ../../source/security.rst:24
-msgid ""
-"**Communicating the OnionShare address might not be anonymous.** Extra "
-"precautions must be taken to ensure the OnionShare address is communicated "
-"anonymously. A new email or chat account, only accessed over Tor, can be "
-"used to share the address. This isn't necessary unless anonymity is a goal."
-msgstr ""
-#: ../../source/security.rst:11
-msgid ""
-"**Third parties don't have access to anything that happens in OnionShare.** "
-"Using OnionShare means hosting services directly on your computer. When "
-"sharing your files with OnionShare, they are not uploaded to any third-party "
-"server. If you make an OnionShare chat room, your computer acts as a server "
-"for that too. This avoids the traditional model of having to trust the "
-"computers of others."
-msgstr ""
#: ../../source/security.rst:28
msgid ""
"**If an attacker learns about the onion service, they still can't access "
@@ -137,6 +90,10 @@ msgid ""
"public by turning off the private key -- see :ref:`turn_off_private_key`)."
msgstr ""
+#: ../../source/security.rst:33
+msgid "What OnionShare doesn't protect against"
+msgstr "De què no protegeix l'OnionShare"
#: ../../source/security.rst:35
msgid ""
"**Communicating the OnionShare address and private key might not be secure."
diff --git a/docs/source/locale/ca/LC_MESSAGES/sphinx.po b/docs/source/locale/ca/LC_MESSAGES/sphinx.po
index 0eb4c412..215c7393 100644
--- a/docs/source/locale/ca/LC_MESSAGES/sphinx.po
+++ b/docs/source/locale/ca/LC_MESSAGES/sphinx.po
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: OnionShare 2.3\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2022-10-09 15:01-0700\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2023-09-05 11:30-0700\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2020-11-25 18:28+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: fadelkon \n"
"Language-Team: LANGUAGE \n"
diff --git a/docs/source/locale/ca/LC_MESSAGES/tor.po b/docs/source/locale/ca/LC_MESSAGES/tor.po
index 7180ace7..3509c9ec 100644
--- a/docs/source/locale/ca/LC_MESSAGES/tor.po
+++ b/docs/source/locale/ca/LC_MESSAGES/tor.po
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: OnionShare 2.3\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2023-06-06 13:07+0200\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2023-09-05 11:30-0700\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2020-11-25 18:28+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: fadelkon \n"
"Language-Team: ca \n"
@@ -199,8 +199,8 @@ msgstr ""
#: ../../source/tor.rst:78
msgid ""
-"To use a bridge, you must select \"Use the Tor version built into OnionShare"
-"\" and check the \"Use a bridge\" checkbox."
+"To use a bridge, you must select \"Use the Tor version built into "
+"OnionShare\" and check the \"Use a bridge\" checkbox."
msgstr ""
#: ../../source/tor.rst:80
@@ -356,8 +356,8 @@ msgstr ""
#: ../../source/tor.rst:170
msgid ""
-"Reboot your computer. After it boots up again, open OnionShare, click the \"⚙"
-"\" icon in it, and switch to the Tor Settings tab. Under \"How should "
+"Reboot your computer. After it boots up again, open OnionShare, click the "
+"\"⚙\" icon in it, and switch to the Tor Settings tab. Under \"How should "
"OnionShare connect to Tor?\" choose \"Connect using socket file\". Set the "
"socket file to be ``/var/run/tor/control``. Under \"Tor authentication "
"settings\" choose \"No authentication, or cookie authentication\". Click the "
diff --git a/docs/source/locale/ckb/LC_MESSAGES/advanced.po b/docs/source/locale/ckb/LC_MESSAGES/advanced.po
index e6efb11b..6fc05061 100644
--- a/docs/source/locale/ckb/LC_MESSAGES/advanced.po
+++ b/docs/source/locale/ckb/LC_MESSAGES/advanced.po
@@ -6,8 +6,8 @@
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: OnionShare 2.3\n"
-"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: onionshare-dev@lists.riseup.net\n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2020-11-15 14:43-0800\n"
+"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2023-09-05 11:30-0700\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2020-11-28 11:29+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: Lecwan Munzur \n"
"Language-Team: none\n"
@@ -26,188 +26,6 @@ msgstr "Bikaranîna pêsketî"
msgid "Save Tabs"
msgstr "Beşan qeyd bike"
-#: ../../source/advanced.rst:9
-msgid ""
-"Everything in OnionShare is temporary by default. If you close an OnionShare "
-"tab, its address no longer exists and it can't be used again. Sometimes you "
-"might want an OnionShare service to be persistent. This is useful if you "
-"want to host a website available from the same OnionShare address even if "
-"you reboot your computer."
-msgstr ""
-"Di nav OnionShare de hertişt xwezayî demkî ye. Dema tu beşekî OnionShare "
-"vermirînî ew malper êdî nema heye û nikare carekî din were bikaranîn jî. Car "
-"caran dibe kû tu servîsa OnionShare bikî herdem an demdirêj. Ev kêr were "
-"dema tu bixwaze malperekî dixwazî host bikî kû li ser heman malpera "
-"OnionShare ye. Li wir tu dikarî makîneya xwe her jinûve vekî jî."
-#: ../../source/advanced.rst:13
-msgid ""
-"To make any tab persistent, check the \"Save this tab, and automatically "
-"open it when I open OnionShare\" box before starting the server. When a tab "
-"is saved a purple pin icon appears to the left of its server status."
-msgstr ""
-"Ji bo beşekî bikî demdirêj an herdemkî \"Vê beşê qeyd bike û otomotîk veke "
-"dema ez OnionShare vedikim\" bitikîne beriya tu serverê desptê bikî. Dema "
-"beşekî qeyd kirî ye sembolekî mor di çepê statû ya serverê xuya bike."
-#: ../../source/advanced.rst:18
-msgid ""
-"When you quit OnionShare and then open it again, your saved tabs will start "
-"opened. You'll have to manually start each service, but when you do they "
-"will start with the same OnionShare address and password."
-msgstr ""
-#: ../../source/advanced.rst:21
-msgid ""
-"If you save a tab, a copy of that tab's onion service secret key will be "
-"stored on your computer with your OnionShare settings."
-msgstr ""
-#: ../../source/advanced.rst:26
-msgid "Turn Off Passwords"
-msgstr "Şîfreyan vemirîne"
-#: ../../source/advanced.rst:28
-msgid ""
-"By default, all OnionShare services are protected with the username "
-"``onionshare`` and a randomly-generated password. If someone takes 20 wrong "
-"guesses at the password, your onion service is automatically stopped to "
-"prevent a brute force attack against the OnionShare service."
-msgstr ""
-#: ../../source/advanced.rst:31
-msgid ""
-"Sometimes you might want your OnionShare service to be accessible to the "
-"public, like if you want to set up an OnionShare receive service so the "
-"public can securely and anonymously send you files. In this case, it's "
-"better to disable the password altogether. If you don't do this, someone can "
-"force your server to stop just by making 20 wrong guesses of your password, "
-"even if they know the correct password."
-msgstr ""
-#: ../../source/advanced.rst:35
-msgid ""
-"To turn off the password for any tab, just check the \"Don't use a password"
-"\" box before starting the server. Then the server will be public and won't "
-"have a password."
-msgstr ""
-#: ../../source/advanced.rst:38 ../../source/advanced.rst:45
-msgid "Scheduled Times"
-msgstr "Demên ayarkirî"
-#: ../../source/advanced.rst:40 ../../source/advanced.rst:47
-msgid ""
-"OnionShare supports scheduling exactly when a service should start and stop. "
-"Before starting a server, click \"Show advanced settings\" in its tab and "
-"then check the boxes next to either \"Start onion service at scheduled time"
-"\", \"Stop onion service at scheduled time\", or both, and set the "
-"respective desired dates and times."
-msgstr ""
-#: ../../source/advanced.rst:43
-msgid ""
-"If you scheduled a service to start in the future, when you click the "
-"\"Start sharing\" button you will see a timer counting down until it starts. "
-"If you scheduled it to stop in the future, after it's started you will see a "
-"timer counting down to when it will stop automatically."
-msgstr ""
-#: ../../source/advanced.rst:46
-msgid ""
-"**Scheduling an OnionShare service to automatically start can be used as a "
-"dead man's switch**, where your service will be made public at a given time "
-"in the future if anything happens to you. If nothing happens to you, you can "
-"cancel the service before it's scheduled to start."
-msgstr ""
-#: ../../source/advanced.rst:51
-msgid ""
-"**Scheduling an OnionShare service to automatically stop can be useful to "
-"limit exposure**, like if you want to share secret documents while making "
-"sure they're not available on the Internet for more than a few days."
-msgstr ""
-#: ../../source/advanced.rst:56 ../../source/advanced.rst:68
-msgid "Command-line Interface"
-msgstr ""
-#: ../../source/advanced.rst:58 ../../source/advanced.rst:70
-msgid ""
-"In addition to its graphical interface, OnionShare has a command-line "
-msgstr ""
-#: ../../source/advanced.rst:60 ../../source/advanced.rst:72
-msgid ""
-"You can install just the command-line version of OnionShare using ``pip3``::"
-msgstr ""
-#: ../../source/advanced.rst:64 ../../source/advanced.rst:76
-msgid ""
-"Note that you will also need the ``tor`` package installed. In macOS, "
-"install it with: ``brew install tor``"
-msgstr ""
-#: ../../source/advanced.rst:66 ../../source/advanced.rst:78
-msgid "Then run it like this::"
-msgstr ""
-#: ../../source/advanced.rst:70
-msgid ""
-"If you installed OnionShare using the Linux Snapcraft package, you can also "
-"just run ``onionshare.cli`` to access the command-line interface version."
-msgstr ""
-#: ../../source/advanced.rst:73 ../../source/advanced.rst:87
-msgid "Usage"
-msgstr "Bikaranîn"
-#: ../../source/advanced.rst:75
-msgid ""
-"You can browse the command-line documentation by running ``onionshare --"
-msgstr ""
-#: ../../source/advanced.rst:132
-msgid "Legacy Addresses"
-msgstr ""
-#: ../../source/advanced.rst:134
-msgid ""
-"OnionShare uses v3 Tor onion services by default. These are modern onion "
-"addresses that have 56 characters, for example::"
-msgstr ""
-#: ../../source/advanced.rst:139
-msgid ""
-"OnionShare still has support for v2 onion addresses, the old type of onion "
-"addresses that have 16 characters, for example::"
-msgstr ""
-#: ../../source/advanced.rst:143
-msgid ""
-"OnionShare calls v2 onion addresses \"legacy addresses\", and they are not "
-"recommended, as v3 onion addresses are more secure."
-msgstr ""
-#: ../../source/advanced.rst:145
-msgid ""
-"To use legacy addresses, before starting a server click \"Show advanced "
-"settings\" from its tab and check the \"Use a legacy address (v2 onion "
-"service, not recommended)\" box. In legacy mode you can optionally turn on "
-"Tor client authentication. Once you start a server in legacy mode you cannot "
-"remove legacy mode in that tab. Instead you must start a separate service in "
-"a separate tab."
-msgstr ""
-#: ../../source/advanced.rst:150
-msgid ""
-"Tor Project plans to `completely deprecate v2 onion services `_ on October 15, 2021, and legacy "
-"onion services will be removed from OnionShare before then."
-msgstr ""
#: ../../source/advanced.rst:9
msgid ""
"Closing OnionShare tabs you host destroys them, preventing reuse. "
@@ -276,6 +94,19 @@ msgid ""
"change it."
msgstr ""
+#: ../../source/advanced.rst:45
+msgid "Scheduled Times"
+msgstr "Demên ayarkirî"
+#: ../../source/advanced.rst:47
+msgid ""
+"OnionShare supports scheduling exactly when a service should start and stop. "
+"Before starting a server, click \"Show advanced settings\" in its tab and "
+"then check the boxes next to either \"Start onion service at scheduled "
+"time\", \"Stop onion service at scheduled time\", or both, and set the "
+"respective desired dates and times."
+msgstr ""
#: ../../source/advanced.rst:51
msgid ""
"Services scheduled to start in the future display a countdown timer when "
@@ -298,6 +129,31 @@ msgid ""
"outdated, you can do so for selected limited time."
msgstr ""
+#: ../../source/advanced.rst:68
+msgid "Command-line Interface"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../source/advanced.rst:70
+msgid ""
+"In addition to its graphical interface, OnionShare has a command-line "
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../source/advanced.rst:72
+msgid ""
+"You can install just the command-line version of OnionShare using ``pip3``::"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../source/advanced.rst:76
+msgid ""
+"Note that you will also need the ``tor`` package installed. In macOS, "
+"install it with: ``brew install tor``"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../source/advanced.rst:78
+msgid "Then run it like this::"
+msgstr ""
#: ../../source/advanced.rst:82
msgid ""
"Info about installing it on different operating systems can be found in the "
@@ -311,6 +167,10 @@ msgid ""
"``onionshare.cli`` to access the command-line interface version."
msgstr ""
+#: ../../source/advanced.rst:87
+msgid "Usage"
+msgstr "Bikaranîn"
#: ../../source/advanced.rst:89
msgid ""
"Browse the command-line documentation by running ``onionshare --help``::"
@@ -329,3 +189,28 @@ msgstr ""
#: ../../source/advanced.rst:158
msgid "And from the main mode chooser screen::"
msgstr ""
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Everything in OnionShare is temporary by default. If you close an "
+#~ "OnionShare tab, its address no longer exists and it can't be used again. "
+#~ "Sometimes you might want an OnionShare service to be persistent. This is "
+#~ "useful if you want to host a website available from the same OnionShare "
+#~ "address even if you reboot your computer."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Di nav OnionShare de hertişt xwezayî demkî ye. Dema tu beşekî OnionShare "
+#~ "vermirînî ew malper êdî nema heye û nikare carekî din were bikaranîn jî. "
+#~ "Car caran dibe kû tu servîsa OnionShare bikî herdem an demdirêj. Ev kêr "
+#~ "were dema tu bixwaze malperekî dixwazî host bikî kû li ser heman malpera "
+#~ "OnionShare ye. Li wir tu dikarî makîneya xwe her jinûve vekî jî."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "To make any tab persistent, check the \"Save this tab, and automatically "
+#~ "open it when I open OnionShare\" box before starting the server. When a "
+#~ "tab is saved a purple pin icon appears to the left of its server status."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Ji bo beşekî bikî demdirêj an herdemkî \"Vê beşê qeyd bike û otomotîk "
+#~ "veke dema ez OnionShare vedikim\" bitikîne beriya tu serverê desptê bikî. "
+#~ "Dema beşekî qeyd kirî ye sembolekî mor di çepê statû ya serverê xuya bike."
+#~ msgid "Turn Off Passwords"
+#~ msgstr "Şîfreyan vemirîne"
diff --git a/docs/source/locale/ckb/LC_MESSAGES/develop.po b/docs/source/locale/ckb/LC_MESSAGES/develop.po
index 1222ca7f..2caacdf0 100644
--- a/docs/source/locale/ckb/LC_MESSAGES/develop.po
+++ b/docs/source/locale/ckb/LC_MESSAGES/develop.po
@@ -6,8 +6,8 @@
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: OnionShare 2.3\n"
-"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: onionshare-dev@lists.riseup.net\n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2020-11-15 14:43-0800\n"
+"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2023-09-05 11:30-0700\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2020-11-22 18:29+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: Lecwan Munzur \n"
"Language-Team: none\n"
@@ -59,15 +59,15 @@ msgstr ""
#: ../../source/develop.rst:17
msgid ""
"OnionShare source code is to be found in this Git repository: https://github."
msgstr ""
#: ../../source/develop.rst:19
msgid ""
"If you'd like to contribute code to OnionShare, it helps to join the Keybase "
"team and ask questions about what you're thinking of working on. You should "
-"also review all of the `open issues `_ on GitHub to see if there are any you'd like to tackle."
+"also review all of the `open issues `_ on GitHub to see if there are any you'd like to tackle."
msgstr ""
#: ../../source/develop.rst:22
@@ -84,7 +84,7 @@ msgstr ""
#: ../../source/develop.rst:29
msgid ""
"OnionShare is developed in Python. To get started, clone the Git repository "
-"at https://github.com/micahflee/onionshare/ and then consult the ``cli/"
+"at https://github.com/onionshare/onionshare/ and then consult the ``cli/"
"README.md`` file to learn how to set up your development environment for the "
"command-line version, and the ``desktop/README.md`` file to learn how to set "
"up your development environment for the graphical version."
@@ -138,18 +138,18 @@ msgid ""
"flag. For example::"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../source/develop.rst:164
+#: ../../source/develop.rst:165
msgid ""
-"In this case, you load the URL ``http://onionshare:train-"
-"system@`` in a normal web-browser like Firefox, instead of "
-"using the Tor Browser."
+"In this case, you load the URL ```` in a normal web-"
+"browser like Firefox, instead of using the Tor Browser. The private key is "
+"not actually needed in local-only mode, so you can ignore it."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../source/develop.rst:167 ../../source/develop.rst:168
+#: ../../source/develop.rst:168
msgid "Contributing Translations"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../source/develop.rst:169 ../../source/develop.rst:170
+#: ../../source/develop.rst:170
msgid ""
"Help make OnionShare easier to use and more familiar and welcoming for "
"people by translating it on `Hosted Weblate `_ on GitHub to see if there are any you'd like to tackle."
-msgstr ""
-#: ../../source/develop.rst:29
-msgid ""
-"OnionShare is developed in Python. To get started, clone the Git repository "
-"at https://github.com/onionshare/onionshare/ and then consult the ``cli/"
-"README.md`` file to learn how to set up your development environment for the "
-"command-line version, and the ``desktop/README.md`` file to learn how to set "
-"up your development environment for the graphical version."
-msgstr ""
-#: ../../source/develop.rst:165
-msgid ""
-"In this case, you load the URL ```` in a normal web-"
-"browser like Firefox, instead of using the Tor Browser. The private key is "
-"not actually needed in local-only mode, so you can ignore it."
-msgstr ""
diff --git a/docs/source/locale/ckb/LC_MESSAGES/features.po b/docs/source/locale/ckb/LC_MESSAGES/features.po
index da5c9317..3e1d9e8a 100644
--- a/docs/source/locale/ckb/LC_MESSAGES/features.po
+++ b/docs/source/locale/ckb/LC_MESSAGES/features.po
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: OnionShare 2.3\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2020-11-15 14:43-0800\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2023-09-05 11:30-0700\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n"
"Last-Translator: Automatically generated\n"
"Language-Team: none\n"
@@ -27,345 +27,6 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
-#: ../../source/features.rst:8
-msgid ""
-"By default, OnionShare web addresses are protected with a random password. A "
-"typical OnionShare address might look something like this::"
-msgstr ""
-#: ../../source/features.rst:12
-msgid ""
-"You're responsible for securely sharing that URL using a communication "
-"channel of your choice like in an encrypted chat message, or using something "
-"less secure like unencrypted e-mail, depending on your `threat model "
-msgstr ""
-#: ../../source/features.rst:14
-msgid ""
-"The people you send the URL to then copy and paste it into their `Tor "
-"Browser `_ to access the OnionShare service."
-msgstr ""
-#: ../../source/features.rst:16
-msgid ""
-"If you run OnionShare on your laptop to send someone files, and then suspend "
-"it before the files are sent, the service will not be available until your "
-"laptop is unsuspended and on the Internet again. OnionShare works best when "
-"working with people in real-time."
-msgstr ""
-#: ../../source/features.rst:18 ../../source/features.rst:26
-msgid ""
-"Because your own computer is the web server, *no third party can access "
-"anything that happens in OnionShare*, not even the developers of OnionShare. "
-"It's completely private. And because OnionShare is based on Tor onion "
-"services too, it also protects your anonymity. See the :doc:`security design "
-"` for more info."
-msgstr ""
-#: ../../source/features.rst:21 ../../source/features.rst:29
-msgid "Share Files"
-msgstr ""
-#: ../../source/features.rst:23 ../../source/features.rst:31
-msgid ""
-"You can use OnionShare to send files and folders to people securely and "
-"anonymously. Open a share tab, drag in the files and folders you wish to "
-"share, and click \"Start sharing\"."
-msgstr ""
-#: ../../source/features.rst:27 ../../source/features.rst:93
-#: ../../source/features.rst:35 ../../source/features.rst:112
-msgid ""
-"After you add files, you'll see some settings. Make sure you choose the "
-"setting you're interested in before you start sharing."
-msgstr ""
-#: ../../source/features.rst:31
-msgid ""
-"As soon as someone finishes downloading your files, OnionShare will "
-"automatically stop the server, removing the website from the Internet. To "
-"allow multiple people to download them, uncheck the \"Stop sharing after "
-"files have been sent (uncheck to allow downloading individual files)\" box."
-msgstr ""
-#: ../../source/features.rst:34 ../../source/features.rst:42
-msgid ""
-"Also, if you uncheck this box, people will be able to download the "
-"individual files you share rather than a single compressed version of all "
-"the files."
-msgstr ""
-#: ../../source/features.rst:36 ../../source/features.rst:44
-msgid ""
-"When you're ready to share, click the \"Start sharing\" button. You can "
-"always click \"Stop sharing\", or quit OnionShare, immediately taking the "
-"website down. You can also click the \"↑\" icon in the top-right corner to "
-"show the history and progress of people downloading files from you."
-msgstr ""
-#: ../../source/features.rst:40
-msgid ""
-"Now that you have a OnionShare, copy the address and send it to the person "
-"you want to receive the files. If the files need to stay secure, or the "
-"person is otherwise exposed to danger, use an encrypted messaging app."
-msgstr ""
-#: ../../source/features.rst:42
-msgid ""
-"That person then must load the address in Tor Browser. After logging in with "
-"the random password included in the web address, the files can be downloaded "
-"directly from your computer by clicking the \"Download Files\" link in the "
-msgstr ""
-#: ../../source/features.rst:47
-msgid "Receive Files"
-msgstr ""
-#: ../../source/features.rst:49
-msgid ""
-"You can use OnionShare to let people anonymously upload files directly to "
-"your computer, essentially turning it into an anonymous dropbox. Open a "
-"\"Receive tab\", choose where you want to save the files and other settings, "
-"and then click \"Start Receive Mode\"."
-msgstr ""
-#: ../../source/features.rst:54
-msgid ""
-"This starts the OnionShare service. Anyone loading this address in their Tor "
-"Browser will be able to upload files to your computer."
-msgstr ""
-#: ../../source/features.rst:58 ../../source/features.rst:75
-msgid ""
-"You can also click the down \"↓\" icon in the top-right corner to show the "
-"history and progress of people sending files to you."
-msgstr ""
-#: ../../source/features.rst:60
-msgid "Here is what it looks like for someone sending you files."
-msgstr ""
-#: ../../source/features.rst:64
-msgid ""
-"When someone uploads files to your receive service, by default they get "
-"saved to a folder called ``OnionShare`` in the home folder on your computer, "
-"automatically organized into separate subfolders based on the time that the "
-"files get uploaded."
-msgstr ""
-#: ../../source/features.rst:66 ../../source/features.rst:83
-msgid ""
-"Setting up an OnionShare receiving service is useful for journalists and "
-"others needing to securely accept documents from anonymous sources. When "
-"used in this way, OnionShare is sort of like a lightweight, simpler, not "
-"quite as secure version of `SecureDrop `_, the "
-"whistleblower submission system."
-msgstr ""
-#: ../../source/features.rst:69 ../../source/features.rst:86
-msgid "Use at your own risk"
-msgstr ""
-#: ../../source/features.rst:71
-msgid ""
-"Just like with malicious e-mail attachments, it's possible someone could try "
-"to attack your computer by uploading a malicious file to your OnionShare "
-"service. OnionShare does not add any safety mechanisms to protect your "
-"system from malicious files."
-msgstr ""
-#: ../../source/features.rst:73 ../../source/features.rst:90
-msgid ""
-"If you receive an Office document or a PDF through OnionShare, you can "
-"convert these documents into PDFs that are safe to open using `Dangerzone "
-"`_. You can also protect yourself when opening "
-"untrusted documents by opening them in `Tails `_ or "
-"in a `Qubes `_ disposableVM."
-msgstr ""
-#: ../../source/features.rst:76 ../../source/features.rst:95
-msgid "Tips for running a receive service"
-msgstr ""
-#: ../../source/features.rst:78
-msgid ""
-"If you want to host your own anonymous dropbox using OnionShare, it's "
-"recommended you do so on a separate, dedicated computer always powered on "
-"and connected to the Internet, and not on the one you use on a regular basis."
-msgstr ""
-#: ../../source/features.rst:80
-msgid ""
-"If you intend to put the OnionShare address on your website or social media "
-"profiles, save the tab (see :ref:`save_tabs`) and run it as a public service "
-"(see :ref:`turn_off_passwords`)."
-msgstr ""
-#: ../../source/features.rst:83 ../../source/features.rst:102
-msgid "Host a Website"
-msgstr ""
-#: ../../source/features.rst:85 ../../source/features.rst:104
-msgid ""
-"To host a static HTML website with OnionShare, open a website tab, drag the "
-"files and folders that make up the static content there, and click \"Start "
-"sharing\" when you are ready."
-msgstr ""
-#: ../../source/features.rst:89 ../../source/features.rst:108
-msgid ""
-"If you add an ``index.html`` file, it will render when someone loads your "
-"website. You should also include any other HTML files, CSS files, JavaScript "
-"files, and images that make up the website. (Note that OnionShare only "
-"supports hosting *static* websites. It can't host websites that execute code "
-"or use databases. So you can't for example use WordPress.)"
-msgstr ""
-#: ../../source/features.rst:91 ../../source/features.rst:110
-msgid ""
-"If you don't have an ``index.html`` file, it will show a directory listing "
-"instead, and people loading it can look through the files and download them."
-msgstr ""
-#: ../../source/features.rst:98 ../../source/features.rst:117
-msgid "Content Security Policy"
-msgstr ""
-#: ../../source/features.rst:100
-msgid ""
-"By default OnionShare helps secure your website by setting a strict `Content "
-"Security Police `_ "
-"header. However, this prevents third-party content from loading inside the "
-"web page."
-msgstr ""
-#: ../../source/features.rst:102
-msgid ""
-"If you want to load content from third-party websites, like assets or "
-"JavaScript libraries from CDNs, check the \"Don't send Content Security "
-"Policy header (allows your website to use third-party resources)\" box "
-"before starting the service."
-msgstr ""
-#: ../../source/features.rst:105 ../../source/features.rst:127
-msgid "Tips for running a website service"
-msgstr ""
-#: ../../source/features.rst:107
-msgid ""
-"If you want to host a long-term website using OnionShare (meaning not "
-"something to quickly show someone something), it's recommended you do it on "
-"a separate, dedicated computer always powered on and connected to the "
-"Internet, and not on the one you use on a regular basis. Save the tab (see :"
-"ref:`save_tabs`) so you can resume the website with the same address if you "
-"close OnionShare and re-open it later."
-msgstr ""
-#: ../../source/features.rst:110
-msgid ""
-"If your website is intended for the public, you should run it as a public "
-"service (see :ref:`turn_off_passwords`)."
-msgstr ""
-#: ../../source/features.rst:113 ../../source/features.rst:135
-msgid "Chat Anonymously"
-msgstr ""
-#: ../../source/features.rst:115 ../../source/features.rst:137
-msgid ""
-"You can use OnionShare to set up a private, secure chat room that doesn't "
-"log anything. Just open a chat tab and click \"Start chat server\"."
-msgstr ""
-#: ../../source/features.rst:119
-msgid ""
-"After you start the server, copy the OnionShare address and send it to the "
-"people you want in the anonymous chat room. If it's important to limit "
-"exactly who can join, use an encrypted messaging app to send out the "
-"OnionShare address."
-msgstr ""
-#: ../../source/features.rst:124 ../../source/features.rst:146
-msgid ""
-"People can join the chat room by loading its OnionShare address in Tor "
-"Browser. The chat room requires JavasScript, so everyone who wants to "
-"participate must have their Tor Browser security level set to \"Standard\" "
-"or \"Safer\", instead of \"Safest\"."
-msgstr ""
-#: ../../source/features.rst:127 ../../source/features.rst:149
-msgid ""
-"When someone joins the chat room they get assigned a random name. They can "
-"change their name by typing a new name in the box in the left panel and "
-"pressing ↵. Since the chat history isn't saved anywhere, it doesn't get "
-"displayed at all, even if others were already chatting in the room."
-msgstr ""
-#: ../../source/features.rst:133 ../../source/features.rst:155
-msgid ""
-"In an OnionShare chat room, everyone is anonymous. Anyone can change their "
-"name to anything, and there is no way to confirm anyone's identity."
-msgstr ""
-#: ../../source/features.rst:136 ../../source/features.rst:158
-msgid ""
-"However, if you create an OnionShare chat room and securely send the address "
-"only to a small group of trusted friends using encrypted messages, you can "
-"be reasonably confident the people joining the chat room are your friends."
-msgstr ""
-#: ../../source/features.rst:139 ../../source/features.rst:161
-msgid "How is this useful?"
-msgstr ""
-#: ../../source/features.rst:141 ../../source/features.rst:163
-msgid ""
-"If you need to already be using an encrypted messaging app, what's the point "
-"of an OnionShare chat room to begin with? It leaves less traces."
-msgstr ""
-#: ../../source/features.rst:143
-msgid ""
-"If you for example send a message to a Signal group, a copy of your message "
-"ends up on each device (the devices, and computers if they set up Signal "
-"Desktop) of each member of the group. Even if disappearing messages is "
-"turned on, it's hard to confirm all copies of the messages are actually "
-"deleted from all devices, and from any other places (like notifications "
-"databases) they may have been saved to. OnionShare chat rooms don't store "
-"any messages anywhere, so the problem is reduced to a minimum."
-msgstr ""
-#: ../../source/features.rst:146
-msgid ""
-"OnionShare chat rooms can also be useful for people wanting to chat "
-"anonymously and securely with someone without needing to create any "
-"accounts. For example, a source can send an OnionShare address to a "
-"journalist using a disposable e-mail address, and then wait for the "
-"journalist to join the chat room, all without compromosing their anonymity."
-msgstr ""
-#: ../../source/features.rst:150 ../../source/features.rst:172
-msgid "How does the encryption work?"
-msgstr ""
-#: ../../source/features.rst:152 ../../source/features.rst:174
-msgid ""
-"Because OnionShare relies on Tor onion services, connections between the Tor "
-"Browser and OnionShare are all end-to-end encrypted (E2EE). When someone "
-"posts a message to an OnionShare chat room, they send it to the server "
-"through the E2EE onion connection, which then sends it to all other members "
-"of the chat room using WebSockets, through their E2EE onion connections."
-msgstr ""
-#: ../../source/features.rst:154 ../../source/features.rst:176
-msgid ""
-"OnionShare doesn't implement any chat encryption on its own. It relies on "
-"the Tor onion service's encryption instead."
-msgstr ""
#: ../../source/features.rst:8
msgid "By default, OnionShare web addresses are protected with a private key."
msgstr ""
@@ -402,6 +63,32 @@ msgid ""
"working with people in real-time."
msgstr ""
+#: ../../source/features.rst:26
+msgid ""
+"Because your own computer is the web server, *no third party can access "
+"anything that happens in OnionShare*, not even the developers of OnionShare. "
+"It's completely private. And because OnionShare is based on Tor onion "
+"services too, it also protects your anonymity. See the :doc:`security design "
+"` for more info."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../source/features.rst:29
+msgid "Share Files"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../source/features.rst:31
+msgid ""
+"You can use OnionShare to send files and folders to people securely and "
+"anonymously. Open a share tab, drag in the files and folders you wish to "
+"share, and click \"Start sharing\"."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../source/features.rst:35 ../../source/features.rst:112
+msgid ""
+"After you add files, you'll see some settings. Make sure you choose the "
+"setting you're interested in before you start sharing."
+msgstr ""
#: ../../source/features.rst:39
msgid ""
"As soon as someone finishes downloading your files, OnionShare will "
@@ -410,6 +97,21 @@ msgid ""
"files have been sent (uncheck to allow downloading individual files)\" box."
msgstr ""
+#: ../../source/features.rst:42
+msgid ""
+"Also, if you uncheck this box, people will be able to download the "
+"individual files you share rather than a single compressed version of all "
+"the files."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../source/features.rst:44
+msgid ""
+"When you're ready to share, click the \"Start sharing\" button. You can "
+"always click \"Stop sharing\", or quit OnionShare, immediately taking the "
+"website down. You can also click the \"↑\" icon in the top-right corner to "
+"show the history and progress of people downloading files from you."
+msgstr ""
#: ../../source/features.rst:48
msgid ""
"Now that you have a OnionShare, copy the address and the private key and "
@@ -470,6 +172,12 @@ msgid ""
"submit files and messages which get uploaded to your computer."
msgstr ""
+#: ../../source/features.rst:75
+msgid ""
+"You can also click the down \"↓\" icon in the top-right corner to show the "
+"history and progress of people sending files to you."
+msgstr ""
#: ../../source/features.rst:77
msgid "Here is what it looks like for someone sending you files and messages."
msgstr ""
@@ -482,6 +190,19 @@ msgid ""
"that the files get uploaded."
msgstr ""
+#: ../../source/features.rst:83
+msgid ""
+"Setting up an OnionShare receiving service is useful for journalists and "
+"others needing to securely accept documents from anonymous sources. When "
+"used in this way, OnionShare is sort of like a lightweight, simpler, not "
+"quite as secure version of `SecureDrop `_, the "
+"whistleblower submission system."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../source/features.rst:86
+msgid "Use at your own risk"
+msgstr ""
#: ../../source/features.rst:88
msgid ""
"Just like with malicious email attachments, it's possible someone could try "
@@ -490,11 +211,24 @@ msgid ""
"system from malicious files."
msgstr ""
+#: ../../source/features.rst:90
+msgid ""
+"If you receive an Office document or a PDF through OnionShare, you can "
+"convert these documents into PDFs that are safe to open using `Dangerzone "
+"`_. You can also protect yourself when opening "
+"untrusted documents by opening them in `Tails `_ or "
+"in a `Qubes `_ disposableVM."
+msgstr ""
#: ../../source/features.rst:92
msgid ""
"However, it is always safe to open text messages sent through OnionShare."
msgstr ""
+#: ../../source/features.rst:95
+msgid "Tips for running a receive service"
+msgstr ""
#: ../../source/features.rst:97
msgid ""
"If you want to host your own anonymous dropbox using OnionShare, it's "
@@ -510,6 +244,36 @@ msgid ""
"title (see :ref:`custom_titles`)."
msgstr ""
+#: ../../source/features.rst:102
+msgid "Host a Website"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../source/features.rst:104
+msgid ""
+"To host a static HTML website with OnionShare, open a website tab, drag the "
+"files and folders that make up the static content there, and click \"Start "
+"sharing\" when you are ready."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../source/features.rst:108
+msgid ""
+"If you add an ``index.html`` file, it will render when someone loads your "
+"website. You should also include any other HTML files, CSS files, JavaScript "
+"files, and images that make up the website. (Note that OnionShare only "
+"supports hosting *static* websites. It can't host websites that execute code "
+"or use databases. So you can't for example use WordPress.)"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../source/features.rst:110
+msgid ""
+"If you don't have an ``index.html`` file, it will show a directory listing "
+"instead, and people loading it can look through the files and download them."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../source/features.rst:117
+msgid "Content Security Policy"
+msgstr ""
#: ../../source/features.rst:119
msgid ""
"By default OnionShare helps secure your website by setting a strict `Content "
@@ -535,6 +299,10 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "You can send a custom Content Security Policy header."
msgstr ""
+#: ../../source/features.rst:127
+msgid "Tips for running a website service"
+msgstr ""
#: ../../source/features.rst:129
msgid ""
"If you want to host a long-term website using OnionShare (meaning not just "
@@ -551,6 +319,16 @@ msgid ""
"service (see :ref:`turn_off_private_key`)."
msgstr ""
+#: ../../source/features.rst:135
+msgid "Chat Anonymously"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../source/features.rst:137
+msgid ""
+"You can use OnionShare to set up a private, secure chat room that doesn't "
+"log anything. Just open a chat tab and click \"Start chat server\"."
+msgstr ""
#: ../../source/features.rst:141
msgid ""
"After you start the server, copy the OnionShare address and private key and "
@@ -559,6 +337,45 @@ msgid ""
"send out the OnionShare address and private key."
msgstr ""
+#: ../../source/features.rst:146
+msgid ""
+"People can join the chat room by loading its OnionShare address in Tor "
+"Browser. The chat room requires JavasScript, so everyone who wants to "
+"participate must have their Tor Browser security level set to \"Standard\" "
+"or \"Safer\", instead of \"Safest\"."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../source/features.rst:149
+msgid ""
+"When someone joins the chat room they get assigned a random name. They can "
+"change their name by typing a new name in the box in the left panel and "
+"pressing ↵. Since the chat history isn't saved anywhere, it doesn't get "
+"displayed at all, even if others were already chatting in the room."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../source/features.rst:155
+msgid ""
+"In an OnionShare chat room, everyone is anonymous. Anyone can change their "
+"name to anything, and there is no way to confirm anyone's identity."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../source/features.rst:158
+msgid ""
+"However, if you create an OnionShare chat room and securely send the address "
+"only to a small group of trusted friends using encrypted messages, you can "
+"be reasonably confident the people joining the chat room are your friends."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../source/features.rst:161
+msgid "How is this useful?"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../source/features.rst:163
+msgid ""
+"If you need to already be using an encrypted messaging app, what's the point "
+"of an OnionShare chat room to begin with? It leaves less traces."
+msgstr ""
#: ../../source/features.rst:165
msgid ""
"If you for example send a message to a Signal group, a copy of your message "
@@ -578,3 +395,22 @@ msgid ""
"journalist using a disposable email address, and then wait for the "
"journalist to join the chat room, all without compromosing their anonymity."
msgstr ""
+#: ../../source/features.rst:172
+msgid "How does the encryption work?"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../source/features.rst:174
+msgid ""
+"Because OnionShare relies on Tor onion services, connections between the Tor "
+"Browser and OnionShare are all end-to-end encrypted (E2EE). When someone "
+"posts a message to an OnionShare chat room, they send it to the server "
+"through the E2EE onion connection, which then sends it to all other members "
+"of the chat room using WebSockets, through their E2EE onion connections."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../source/features.rst:176
+msgid ""
+"OnionShare doesn't implement any chat encryption on its own. It relies on "
+"the Tor onion service's encryption instead."
+msgstr ""
diff --git a/docs/source/locale/ckb/LC_MESSAGES/help.po b/docs/source/locale/ckb/LC_MESSAGES/help.po
index 9d0eee1e..48692c71 100644
--- a/docs/source/locale/ckb/LC_MESSAGES/help.po
+++ b/docs/source/locale/ckb/LC_MESSAGES/help.po
@@ -6,8 +6,8 @@
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: OnionShare 2.3\n"
-"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: onionshare-dev@lists.riseup.net\n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2020-11-15 14:43-0800\n"
+"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2023-09-05 11:30-0700\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2020-11-24 09:28+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: Lecwan Munzur \n"
"Language-Team: none\n"
@@ -39,9 +39,10 @@ msgid "Check the GitHub Issues"
msgstr "Pirsgirêkên GitHub kontrol bike"
#: ../../source/help.rst:12
+#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"If it isn't on the website, please check the `GitHub issues `_. It's possible someone else has "
+"com/onionshare/onionshare/issues>`_. It's possible someone else has "
"encountered the same problem and either raised it with the developers, or "
"maybe even posted a solution."
msgstr ""
@@ -55,9 +56,10 @@ msgid "Submit an Issue Yourself"
msgstr "Bixwe pirsgirêkekî parve bike"
#: ../../source/help.rst:17
+#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"If you are unable to find a solution, or wish to ask a question or suggest a "
-"new feature, please `submit an issue `_. This requires `creating a GitHub account `_."
msgstr ""
@@ -78,28 +80,26 @@ msgstr ""
"Mêze bike :ref:`collaborating`tu çawa tevlî tîma Keybase bibî ji bo li ser "
"proje tevlî nîqaşan bibî."
-#: ../../source/help.rst:12
-#, fuzzy
-msgid ""
-"If it isn't on the website, please check the `GitHub issues `_. It's possible someone else has "
-"encountered the same problem and either raised it with the developers, or "
-"maybe even posted a solution."
-msgstr ""
-"Dema li ser malperê de nîne, ji kerema xwe `GitHub issues `_ kontrol bike. Gengaze kesekî din heman "
-"pirsgirêk dîtiye û bi avakar re parve kir an jî bi xwe çareseriya wî parve "
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "If it isn't on the website, please check the `GitHub issues `_. It's possible someone else has "
+#~ "encountered the same problem and either raised it with the developers, or "
+#~ "maybe even posted a solution."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Dema li ser malperê de nîne, ji kerema xwe `GitHub issues `_ kontrol bike. Gengaze kesekî din heman "
+#~ "pirsgirêk dîtiye û bi avakar re parve kir an jî bi xwe çareseriya wî "
+#~ "parve kir."
-#: ../../source/help.rst:17
-#, fuzzy
-msgid ""
-"If you are unable to find a solution, or wish to ask a question or suggest a "
-"new feature, please `submit an issue `_. This requires `creating a GitHub account `_."
-msgstr ""
-"Dema tu çareserî nedît an jî dixwazî pirsekî bipirsî an tiştekî nû pêşniyar "
-"bikî, ji kerema xwe `pirsgirêk parve bike `_. Ji bo wê pêwîste tu`hesabekî GitHub ava bikî "
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "If you are unable to find a solution, or wish to ask a question or "
+#~ "suggest a new feature, please `submit an issue `_. This requires `creating a GitHub "
+#~ "account `_."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Dema tu çareserî nedît an jî dixwazî pirsekî bipirsî an tiştekî nû "
+#~ "pêşniyar bikî, ji kerema xwe `pirsgirêk parve bike `_. Ji bo wê pêwîste tu`hesabekî GitHub "
+#~ "ava bikî `_."
diff --git a/docs/source/locale/ckb/LC_MESSAGES/index.po b/docs/source/locale/ckb/LC_MESSAGES/index.po
index 15015dba..5285b10d 100644
--- a/docs/source/locale/ckb/LC_MESSAGES/index.po
+++ b/docs/source/locale/ckb/LC_MESSAGES/index.po
@@ -6,8 +6,8 @@
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: OnionShare 2.3\n"
-"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: onionshare-dev@lists.riseup.net\n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2020-11-15 14:43-0800\n"
+"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2023-09-05 11:30-0700\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2020-11-26 19:28+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: Lecwan Munzur \n"
"Language-Team: none\n"
diff --git a/docs/source/locale/ckb/LC_MESSAGES/install.po b/docs/source/locale/ckb/LC_MESSAGES/install.po
index 73462a29..53b5d5de 100644
--- a/docs/source/locale/ckb/LC_MESSAGES/install.po
+++ b/docs/source/locale/ckb/LC_MESSAGES/install.po
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: OnionShare 2.3\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2023-06-06 13:07+0200\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2023-09-05 11:51-0700\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2020-11-24 09:28+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: Lecwan Munzur \n"
"Language-Team: none\n"
@@ -225,7 +225,7 @@ msgid ""
"You can find the signatures (as ``.asc`` files), as well as Windows, macOS, "
"Flatpak, Snap, and source packages, at https://onionshare.org/dist/ in the "
"folders named for each version of OnionShare. You can also find them on the "
-"`GitHub Releases page `_."
+"`GitHub Releases page `_."
msgstr ""
#: ../../source/install.rst:80
@@ -235,28 +235,45 @@ msgstr ""
#: ../../source/install.rst:82
msgid ""
"Once you have imported Micah's public key into your GnuPG keychain, "
-"downloaded the binary and ``.asc`` signature, you can verify the binary for "
-"macOS in a terminal like this::"
+"downloaded the binary and ``.asc`` signature, you can verify the binary in a "
+"terminal like this:"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../source/install.rst:86
-msgid "Or for Windows, in a command-prompt like this::"
+#: ../../source/install.rst:84
+msgid "For Windows::"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../source/install.rst:90
-msgid "The expected output looks like this::"
+#: ../../source/install.rst:88
+msgid "For macOS::"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../source/install.rst:92
+msgid "For Linux::"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../source/install.rst:98
+msgid "and for the source file::"
msgstr ""
#: ../../source/install.rst:102
+msgid "The expected output looks like this::"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../source/install.rst:112
msgid ""
"If you don't see ``Good signature from``, there might be a problem with the "
"integrity of the file (malicious or otherwise), and you should not install "
-"the package. (The ``WARNING:`` shown above, is not a problem with the "
-"package, it only means you haven't defined a level of \"trust\" of Micah's "
-"(the core developer) PGP key.)"
+"the package."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../source/install.rst:104
+#: ../../source/install.rst:114
+msgid ""
+"The ``WARNING:`` shown above, is not a problem with the package, it only "
+"means you haven't defined a level of \"trust\" of Micah's (the core "
+"developer) PGP key."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../source/install.rst:116
msgid ""
"If you want to learn more about verifying PGP signatures, the guides for "
"`Qubes OS `_ and "
diff --git a/docs/source/locale/ckb/LC_MESSAGES/security.po b/docs/source/locale/ckb/LC_MESSAGES/security.po
index 9274a3f1..df3aa1ef 100644
--- a/docs/source/locale/ckb/LC_MESSAGES/security.po
+++ b/docs/source/locale/ckb/LC_MESSAGES/security.po
@@ -6,8 +6,8 @@
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: OnionShare 2.3\n"
-"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: onionshare-dev@lists.riseup.net\n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2020-11-15 14:43-0800\n"
+"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2023-09-05 11:30-0700\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2020-11-22 18:29+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: Lecwan Munzur \n"
"Language-Team: none\n"
@@ -36,79 +36,6 @@ msgstr "Wek hemû bername, gengaze kêmasî yên OnionShar hebin."
msgid "What OnionShare protects against"
msgstr "OnionShare li hemberî çi diparêze"
-#: ../../source/security.rst:11
-msgid ""
-"**Third parties don't have access to anything that happens in OnionShare.** "
-"Using OnionShare means hosting services directly on your computer. When "
-"sharing files with OnionShare, they are not uploaded to any server. If you "
-"make an OnionShare chat room, your computer acts as a server for that too. "
-"This avoids the traditional model of having to trust the computers of others."
-msgstr ""
-"**Kesên şêyemîn nikarin dest bidin tiştekî kû di nava OnionShare de pêk tê."
-"** Bikar anîna OnionShare tê maneya hosting rasterast li ser komputerê te. "
-"Dema parvekirina nameya bi OnionShare, wê name naçin tu server. Wexta tu "
-"odeya pêwendî li ser OnionShare ava bikî, komputerê te ji bo wê jî wek "
-"server kar dike. Ev jî pêşiya modela kevnar digire bê kû mirov ji komputerên "
-"kesekî bawer bike."
-#: ../../source/security.rst:13 ../../source/security.rst:17
-msgid ""
-"**Network eavesdroppers can't spy on anything that happens in OnionShare in "
-"transit.** The connection between the Tor onion service and Tor Browser is "
-"end-to-end encrypted. This means network attackers can't eavesdrop on "
-"anything except encrypted Tor traffic. Even if an eavesdropper is a "
-"malicious rendezvous node used to connect the Tor Browser with OnionShare's "
-"onion service, the traffic is encrypted using the onion service's private "
-msgstr ""
-#: ../../source/security.rst:15 ../../source/security.rst:23
-msgid ""
-"**Anonymity of OnionShare users are protected by Tor.** OnionShare and Tor "
-"Browser protect the anonymity of the users. As long as the OnionShare user "
-"anonymously communicates the OnionShare address with the Tor Browser users, "
-"the Tor Browser users and eavesdroppers can't learn the identity of the "
-"OnionShare user."
-msgstr ""
-#: ../../source/security.rst:17
-msgid ""
-"**If an attacker learns about the onion service, it still can't access "
-"anything.** Prior attacks against the Tor network to enumerate onion "
-"services allowed the attacker to discover private .onion addresses. If an "
-"attack discovers a private OnionShare address, a password will be prevent "
-"them from accessing it (unless the OnionShare user chooses to turn it off "
-"and make it public).. The password is generated by choosing two random words "
-"from a list of 6800 words, making 6800^2, or about 46 million possible "
-"passwords. Only 20 wrong guesses can be made before OnionShare stops the "
-"server, preventing brute force attacks against the password."
-msgstr ""
-#: ../../source/security.rst:20 ../../source/security.rst:33
-msgid "What OnionShare doesn't protect against"
-msgstr ""
-#: ../../source/security.rst:22
-msgid ""
-"**Communicating the OnionShare address might not be secure.** Communicating "
-"the OnionShare address to people is the responsibility of the OnionShare "
-"user. If sent insecurely (such as through an email message monitored by an "
-"attacker), an eavesdropper can tell that OnionShare is being used. If the "
-"eavesdropper loads the address in Tor Browser while the service is still up, "
-"they can access it. To avoid this, the address must be communicateed "
-"securely, via encrypted text message (probably with disappearing messages "
-"enabled), encrypted email, or in person. This isn't necessary when using "
-"OnionShare for something that isn't secret."
-msgstr ""
-#: ../../source/security.rst:24
-msgid ""
-"**Communicating the OnionShare address might not be anonymous.** Extra steps "
-"must be taken to ensure the OnionShare address is communicated anonymously. "
-"A new email or chat account, only accessed over Tor, can be used to share "
-"the address. This isn't necessary unless anonymity is a goal."
-msgstr ""
#: ../../source/security.rst:11
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
@@ -126,6 +53,26 @@ msgstr ""
"server kar dike. Ev jî pêşiya modela kevnar digire bê kû mirov ji komputerên "
"kesekî bawer bike."
+#: ../../source/security.rst:17
+msgid ""
+"**Network eavesdroppers can't spy on anything that happens in OnionShare in "
+"transit.** The connection between the Tor onion service and Tor Browser is "
+"end-to-end encrypted. This means network attackers can't eavesdrop on "
+"anything except encrypted Tor traffic. Even if an eavesdropper is a "
+"malicious rendezvous node used to connect the Tor Browser with OnionShare's "
+"onion service, the traffic is encrypted using the onion service's private "
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../source/security.rst:23
+msgid ""
+"**Anonymity of OnionShare users are protected by Tor.** OnionShare and Tor "
+"Browser protect the anonymity of the users. As long as the OnionShare user "
+"anonymously communicates the OnionShare address with the Tor Browser users, "
+"the Tor Browser users and eavesdroppers can't learn the identity of the "
+"OnionShare user."
+msgstr ""
#: ../../source/security.rst:28
msgid ""
"**If an attacker learns about the onion service, they still can't access "
@@ -136,6 +83,10 @@ msgid ""
"public by turning off the private key -- see :ref:`turn_off_private_key`)."
msgstr ""
+#: ../../source/security.rst:33
+msgid "What OnionShare doesn't protect against"
+msgstr ""
#: ../../source/security.rst:35
msgid ""
"**Communicating the OnionShare address and private key might not be secure."
@@ -157,3 +108,18 @@ msgid ""
"over Tor, can be used to share the address. This isn't necessary unless "
"anonymity is a goal."
msgstr ""
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "**Third parties don't have access to anything that happens in OnionShare."
+#~ "** Using OnionShare means hosting services directly on your computer. "
+#~ "When sharing files with OnionShare, they are not uploaded to any server. "
+#~ "If you make an OnionShare chat room, your computer acts as a server for "
+#~ "that too. This avoids the traditional model of having to trust the "
+#~ "computers of others."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "**Kesên şêyemîn nikarin dest bidin tiştekî kû di nava OnionShare de pêk "
+#~ "tê.** Bikar anîna OnionShare tê maneya hosting rasterast li ser komputerê "
+#~ "te. Dema parvekirina nameya bi OnionShare, wê name naçin tu server. Wexta "
+#~ "tu odeya pêwendî li ser OnionShare ava bikî, komputerê te ji bo wê jî wek "
+#~ "server kar dike. Ev jî pêşiya modela kevnar digire bê kû mirov ji "
+#~ "komputerên kesekî bawer bike."
diff --git a/docs/source/locale/ckb/LC_MESSAGES/sphinx.po b/docs/source/locale/ckb/LC_MESSAGES/sphinx.po
index 5e3d6f8c..c5ba97de 100644
--- a/docs/source/locale/ckb/LC_MESSAGES/sphinx.po
+++ b/docs/source/locale/ckb/LC_MESSAGES/sphinx.po
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: OnionShare 2.3\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2022-10-09 15:01-0700\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2023-09-05 11:30-0700\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2020-11-20 17:28+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: Lecwan Munzur \n"
"Language-Team: none\n"
diff --git a/docs/source/locale/ckb/LC_MESSAGES/tor.po b/docs/source/locale/ckb/LC_MESSAGES/tor.po
index ee3f317b..4226698f 100644
--- a/docs/source/locale/ckb/LC_MESSAGES/tor.po
+++ b/docs/source/locale/ckb/LC_MESSAGES/tor.po
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: OnionShare 2.3\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2023-06-06 13:07+0200\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2023-09-05 11:30-0700\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2020-11-20 17:28+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: Lecwan Munzur \n"
"Language-Team: none\n"
@@ -200,8 +200,8 @@ msgstr ""
#: ../../source/tor.rst:78
msgid ""
-"To use a bridge, you must select \"Use the Tor version built into OnionShare"
-"\" and check the \"Use a bridge\" checkbox."
+"To use a bridge, you must select \"Use the Tor version built into "
+"OnionShare\" and check the \"Use a bridge\" checkbox."
msgstr ""
#: ../../source/tor.rst:80
@@ -357,8 +357,8 @@ msgstr ""
#: ../../source/tor.rst:170
msgid ""
-"Reboot your computer. After it boots up again, open OnionShare, click the \"⚙"
-"\" icon in it, and switch to the Tor Settings tab. Under \"How should "
+"Reboot your computer. After it boots up again, open OnionShare, click the "
+"\"⚙\" icon in it, and switch to the Tor Settings tab. Under \"How should "
"OnionShare connect to Tor?\" choose \"Connect using socket file\". Set the "
"socket file to be ``/var/run/tor/control``. Under \"Tor authentication "
"settings\" choose \"No authentication, or cookie authentication\". Click the "
diff --git a/docs/source/locale/cs/LC_MESSAGES/advanced.po b/docs/source/locale/cs/LC_MESSAGES/advanced.po
index 4a80e235..3fd277f6 100644
--- a/docs/source/locale/cs/LC_MESSAGES/advanced.po
+++ b/docs/source/locale/cs/LC_MESSAGES/advanced.po
@@ -6,8 +6,8 @@
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: OnionShare 2.5\n"
-"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: onionshare-dev@lists.riseup.net\n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2022-01-17 10:28-0800\n"
+"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2023-09-05 11:30-0700\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2023-01-24 17:48+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: Toro \n"
"Language-Team: none\n"
@@ -26,189 +26,6 @@ msgstr "Pokročilé funkce"
msgid "Save Tabs"
msgstr "Uložit panely"
-#: ../../source/advanced.rst:9
-msgid ""
-"Everything in OnionShare is temporary by default. If you close an OnionShare "
-"tab, its address no longer exists and it can't be used again. Sometimes you "
-"might want an OnionShare service to be persistent. This is useful if you "
-"want to host a website available from the same OnionShare address even if "
-"you reboot your computer."
-msgstr ""
-"Vše v OnionShare je ve výchozím nastavení dočasné. Pokud zavřete kartu "
-"OnionShare, její adresa přestane neexistovat a nelze ji znovu použít. Někdy "
-"však možná budete chtít, aby byla služba trvalá. To je užitečné, pokud "
-"například chcete hostovat webovou stránku dostupnou ze stejné adresy "
-"OnionShare, i když restartujete počítač."
-#: ../../source/advanced.rst:13
-msgid ""
-"To make any tab persistent, check the \"Save this tab, and automatically "
-"open it when I open OnionShare\" box before starting the server. When a tab "
-"is saved a purple pin icon appears to the left of its server status."
-msgstr ""
-"Chcete-li, aby některá karta byla trvalá, zaškrtněte před spuštěním serveru "
-"políčko \"Uložit tuto kartu a automaticky ji otevřít při otevření služby "
-"OnionShare\". Po uložení karty se vlevo od jejího stavu na serveru zobrazí "
-"ikona fialového špendlíku."
-#: ../../source/advanced.rst:18
-msgid ""
-"When you quit OnionShare and then open it again, your saved tabs will start "
-"opened. You'll have to manually start each service, but when you do they "
-"will start with the same OnionShare address and private key."
-msgstr ""
-#: ../../source/advanced.rst:21
-msgid ""
-"If you save a tab, a copy of that tab's onion service secret key will be "
-"stored on your computer with your OnionShare settings."
-msgstr ""
-#: ../../source/advanced.rst:26 ../../source/advanced.rst:24
-msgid "Turn Off Private Key"
-msgstr "Vypnout soukromý klíč"
-#: ../../source/advanced.rst:28 ../../source/advanced.rst:26
-msgid ""
-"By default, all OnionShare services are protected with a private key, which "
-"Tor calls \"client authentication\"."
-msgstr ""
-"Ve výchozím nastavení jsou všechny služby OnionShare chráněny soukromým "
-"klíčem, který Tor nazývá \"client authentication\"."
-#: ../../source/advanced.rst:30
-msgid ""
-"When browsing to an OnionShare service in Tor Browser, Tor Browser will "
-"prompt for the private key to be entered."
-msgstr ""
-#: ../../source/advanced.rst:32
-msgid ""
-"Sometimes you might want your OnionShare service to be accessible to the "
-"public, like if you want to set up an OnionShare receive service so the "
-"public can securely and anonymously send you files. In this case, it's "
-"better to disable the private key altogether."
-msgstr ""
-#: ../../source/advanced.rst:35
-msgid ""
-"To turn off the private key for any tab, check the \"This is a public "
-"OnionShare service (disables private key)\" box before starting the server. "
-"Then the server will be public and won't need a private key to view in Tor "
-msgstr ""
-#: ../../source/advanced.rst:40 ../../source/advanced.rst:37
-msgid "Custom Titles"
-msgstr "Vlasní názvy"
-#: ../../source/advanced.rst:42
-msgid ""
-"By default, when people load an OnionShare service in Tor Browser they see "
-"the default title for the type of service. For example, the default title of "
-"a chat service is \"OnionShare Chat\"."
-msgstr ""
-#: ../../source/advanced.rst:44
-msgid ""
-"If you want to choose a custom title, set the \"Custom title\" setting "
-"before starting a server."
-msgstr ""
-#: ../../source/advanced.rst:47 ../../source/advanced.rst:45
-msgid "Scheduled Times"
-msgstr "Plánovaný čas"
-#: ../../source/advanced.rst:49 ../../source/advanced.rst:47
-msgid ""
-"OnionShare supports scheduling exactly when a service should start and stop. "
-"Before starting a server, click \"Show advanced settings\" in its tab and "
-"then check the boxes next to either \"Start onion service at scheduled time"
-"\", \"Stop onion service at scheduled time\", or both, and set the "
-"respective desired dates and times."
-msgstr ""
-"OnionShare podporuje přesné plánování, kdy se má služba spustit a zastavit. "
-"Před spuštěním serveru klikněte na jeho kartě na tlačítko \"Zobrazit "
-"pokročilá nastavení\" a poté zaškrtněte políčka u položek \"Spustit službu "
-"onion v naplánovaný čas\", \"Zastavit službu onion v naplánovaný čas\" nebo "
-"u obou a nastavte příslušné požadované datum a čas."
-#: ../../source/advanced.rst:52
-msgid ""
-"If you scheduled a service to start in the future, when you click the "
-"\"Start sharing\" button you will see a timer counting down until it starts. "
-"If you scheduled it to stop in the future, after it's started you will see a "
-"timer counting down to when it will stop automatically."
-msgstr ""
-#: ../../source/advanced.rst:55
-msgid ""
-"**Scheduling an OnionShare service to automatically start can be used as a "
-"dead man's switch**, where your service will be made public at a given time "
-"in the future if anything happens to you. If nothing happens to you, you can "
-"cancel the service before it's scheduled to start."
-msgstr ""
-#: ../../source/advanced.rst:60
-msgid ""
-"**Scheduling an OnionShare service to automatically stop can be useful to "
-"limit exposure**, like if you want to share secret documents while making "
-"sure they're not available on the internet for more than a few days."
-msgstr ""
-#: ../../source/advanced.rst:67 ../../source/advanced.rst:68
-msgid "Command-line Interface"
-msgstr "Rozhraní příkazového řádku"
-#: ../../source/advanced.rst:69 ../../source/advanced.rst:70
-msgid ""
-"In addition to its graphical interface, OnionShare has a command-line "
-msgstr ""
-"Kromě grafického rozhraní má OnionShare také rozhraní příkazového řádku."
-#: ../../source/advanced.rst:71 ../../source/advanced.rst:72
-msgid ""
-"You can install just the command-line version of OnionShare using ``pip3``::"
-msgstr ""
-"Pomocí ``pip3`` můžete nainstalovat pouze verzi OnionShare pro příkazový "
-#: ../../source/advanced.rst:75 ../../source/advanced.rst:76
-msgid ""
-"Note that you will also need the ``tor`` package installed. In macOS, "
-"install it with: ``brew install tor``"
-msgstr ""
-"Vemte na vědomí, že budete potřebovat nainstalovaný balíček ``tor``. V "
-"systému macOS jej nainstalujte pomocí: ``brew install tor``"
-#: ../../source/advanced.rst:77 ../../source/advanced.rst:78
-msgid "Then run it like this::"
-msgstr "Následně jej takto spusťte::"
-#: ../../source/advanced.rst:81
-msgid ""
-"For information about installing it on different operating systems, see the "
-"`CLI readme file `_ in the git repository."
-msgstr ""
-#: ../../source/advanced.rst:83
-msgid ""
-"If you installed OnionShare using the Linux Snapcraft package, you can also "
-"just run ``onionshare.cli`` to access the command-line interface version."
-msgstr ""
-#: ../../source/advanced.rst:86 ../../source/advanced.rst:87
-msgid "Usage"
-msgstr "Použití"
-#: ../../source/advanced.rst:88
-msgid ""
-"You can browse the command-line documentation by running ``onionshare --"
-msgstr ""
#: ../../source/advanced.rst:9
msgid ""
"Closing OnionShare tabs you host destroys them, preventing reuse. "
@@ -235,6 +52,18 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
+#: ../../source/advanced.rst:24
+msgid "Turn Off Private Key"
+msgstr "Vypnout soukromý klíč"
+#: ../../source/advanced.rst:26
+msgid ""
+"By default, all OnionShare services are protected with a private key, which "
+"Tor calls \"client authentication\"."
+msgstr ""
+"Ve výchozím nastavení jsou všechny služby OnionShare chráněny soukromým "
+"klíčem, který Tor nazývá \"client authentication\"."
#: ../../source/advanced.rst:28
msgid ""
"The Tor Browser will ask you to enter your private key when you load an "
@@ -250,6 +79,10 @@ msgid ""
"the Tor Browser."
msgstr ""
+#: ../../source/advanced.rst:37
+msgid "Custom Titles"
+msgstr "Vlasní názvy"
#: ../../source/advanced.rst:39
msgid ""
"When people load OnionShare services in the Tor Browser they see the default "
@@ -263,6 +96,24 @@ msgid ""
"change it."
msgstr ""
+#: ../../source/advanced.rst:45
+msgid "Scheduled Times"
+msgstr "Plánovaný čas"
+#: ../../source/advanced.rst:47
+msgid ""
+"OnionShare supports scheduling exactly when a service should start and stop. "
+"Before starting a server, click \"Show advanced settings\" in its tab and "
+"then check the boxes next to either \"Start onion service at scheduled "
+"time\", \"Stop onion service at scheduled time\", or both, and set the "
+"respective desired dates and times."
+msgstr ""
+"OnionShare podporuje přesné plánování, kdy se má služba spustit a zastavit. "
+"Před spuštěním serveru klikněte na jeho kartě na tlačítko \"Zobrazit "
+"pokročilá nastavení\" a poté zaškrtněte políčka u položek \"Spustit službu "
+"onion v naplánovaný čas\", \"Zastavit službu onion v naplánovaný čas\" nebo "
+"u obou a nastavte příslušné požadované datum a čas."
#: ../../source/advanced.rst:51
msgid ""
"Services scheduled to start in the future display a countdown timer when "
@@ -285,6 +136,36 @@ msgid ""
"outdated, you can do so for selected limited time."
msgstr ""
+#: ../../source/advanced.rst:68
+msgid "Command-line Interface"
+msgstr "Rozhraní příkazového řádku"
+#: ../../source/advanced.rst:70
+msgid ""
+"In addition to its graphical interface, OnionShare has a command-line "
+msgstr ""
+"Kromě grafického rozhraní má OnionShare také rozhraní příkazového řádku."
+#: ../../source/advanced.rst:72
+msgid ""
+"You can install just the command-line version of OnionShare using ``pip3``::"
+msgstr ""
+"Pomocí ``pip3`` můžete nainstalovat pouze verzi OnionShare pro příkazový "
+#: ../../source/advanced.rst:76
+msgid ""
+"Note that you will also need the ``tor`` package installed. In macOS, "
+"install it with: ``brew install tor``"
+msgstr ""
+"Vemte na vědomí, že budete potřebovat nainstalovaný balíček ``tor``. V "
+"systému macOS jej nainstalujte pomocí: ``brew install tor``"
+#: ../../source/advanced.rst:78
+msgid "Then run it like this::"
+msgstr "Následně jej takto spusťte::"
#: ../../source/advanced.rst:82
msgid ""
"Info about installing it on different operating systems can be found in the "
@@ -298,6 +179,10 @@ msgid ""
"``onionshare.cli`` to access the command-line interface version."
msgstr ""
+#: ../../source/advanced.rst:87
+msgid "Usage"
+msgstr "Použití"
#: ../../source/advanced.rst:89
msgid ""
"Browse the command-line documentation by running ``onionshare --help``::"
@@ -316,3 +201,26 @@ msgstr ""
#: ../../source/advanced.rst:158
msgid "And from the main mode chooser screen::"
msgstr ""
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Everything in OnionShare is temporary by default. If you close an "
+#~ "OnionShare tab, its address no longer exists and it can't be used again. "
+#~ "Sometimes you might want an OnionShare service to be persistent. This is "
+#~ "useful if you want to host a website available from the same OnionShare "
+#~ "address even if you reboot your computer."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Vše v OnionShare je ve výchozím nastavení dočasné. Pokud zavřete kartu "
+#~ "OnionShare, její adresa přestane neexistovat a nelze ji znovu použít. "
+#~ "Někdy však možná budete chtít, aby byla služba trvalá. To je užitečné, "
+#~ "pokud například chcete hostovat webovou stránku dostupnou ze stejné "
+#~ "adresy OnionShare, i když restartujete počítač."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "To make any tab persistent, check the \"Save this tab, and automatically "
+#~ "open it when I open OnionShare\" box before starting the server. When a "
+#~ "tab is saved a purple pin icon appears to the left of its server status."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Chcete-li, aby některá karta byla trvalá, zaškrtněte před spuštěním "
+#~ "serveru políčko \"Uložit tuto kartu a automaticky ji otevřít při otevření "
+#~ "služby OnionShare\". Po uložení karty se vlevo od jejího stavu na serveru "
+#~ "zobrazí ikona fialového špendlíku."
diff --git a/docs/source/locale/cs/LC_MESSAGES/develop.po b/docs/source/locale/cs/LC_MESSAGES/develop.po
index a841e929..08770456 100644
--- a/docs/source/locale/cs/LC_MESSAGES/develop.po
+++ b/docs/source/locale/cs/LC_MESSAGES/develop.po
@@ -6,8 +6,8 @@
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: OnionShare 2.4.1\n"
-"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: onionshare-dev@lists.riseup.net\n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2021-11-23 19:33-0800\n"
+"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2023-09-05 11:30-0700\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2023-06-06 17:06+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: emma peel \n"
"Language-Team: none\n"
diff --git a/docs/source/locale/cs/LC_MESSAGES/features.po b/docs/source/locale/cs/LC_MESSAGES/features.po
index e2fb0c3b..d8292387 100644
--- a/docs/source/locale/cs/LC_MESSAGES/features.po
+++ b/docs/source/locale/cs/LC_MESSAGES/features.po
@@ -6,8 +6,8 @@
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: OnionShare 2.5\n"
-"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: onionshare-dev@lists.riseup.net\n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2022-01-17 10:28-0800\n"
+"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2023-09-05 11:30-0700\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2023-01-25 18:49+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: Toro \n"
"Language-Team: none\n"
diff --git a/docs/source/locale/cs/LC_MESSAGES/help.po b/docs/source/locale/cs/LC_MESSAGES/help.po
index 6d5e0cd0..1e90535d 100644
--- a/docs/source/locale/cs/LC_MESSAGES/help.po
+++ b/docs/source/locale/cs/LC_MESSAGES/help.po
@@ -6,8 +6,8 @@
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: OnionShare 2.5\n"
-"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: onionshare-dev@lists.riseup.net\n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2022-01-17 10:28-0800\n"
+"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2023-09-05 11:30-0700\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2023-01-24 17:48+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: Toro \n"
"Language-Team: none\n"
diff --git a/docs/source/locale/cs/LC_MESSAGES/index.po b/docs/source/locale/cs/LC_MESSAGES/index.po
index 071bda55..30746666 100644
--- a/docs/source/locale/cs/LC_MESSAGES/index.po
+++ b/docs/source/locale/cs/LC_MESSAGES/index.po
@@ -6,8 +6,8 @@
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: OnionShare 2.5\n"
-"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: onionshare-dev@lists.riseup.net\n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2022-01-17 10:28-0800\n"
+"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2023-09-05 11:30-0700\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2022-08-09 18:18+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: Toro \n"
"Language-Team: none\n"
diff --git a/docs/source/locale/cs/LC_MESSAGES/install.po b/docs/source/locale/cs/LC_MESSAGES/install.po
index 533d261e..06450dc1 100644
--- a/docs/source/locale/cs/LC_MESSAGES/install.po
+++ b/docs/source/locale/cs/LC_MESSAGES/install.po
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: OnionShare 2.5\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2023-06-06 13:07+0200\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2023-09-05 11:51-0700\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2023-06-06 12:39+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: emma peel \n"
"Language-Team: none\n"
@@ -237,11 +237,12 @@ msgid "Signatures"
msgstr "Podpisy"
#: ../../source/install.rst:76
+#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"You can find the signatures (as ``.asc`` files), as well as Windows, macOS, "
"Flatpak, Snap, and source packages, at https://onionshare.org/dist/ in the "
"folders named for each version of OnionShare. You can also find them on the "
-"`GitHub Releases page `_."
+"`GitHub Releases page `_."
msgstr ""
"Podpisy (jako ``.asc`` soubory), stejně jako Windows, macOS, Flatpak, Snap a "
"zdrojové balíčky na https://onionshare.org/dist/ v adresáři pojmenovaném pro "
@@ -256,35 +257,58 @@ msgstr "Ověřování"
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"Once you have imported Micah's public key into your GnuPG keychain, "
-"downloaded the binary and ``.asc`` signature, you can verify the binary for "
-"macOS in a terminal like this::"
+"downloaded the binary and ``.asc`` signature, you can verify the binary in a "
+"terminal like this:"
msgstr ""
"Po importu Micahova veřejného klíče do vaší klíčenky GnuPG, stažení binárky "
"a podpisu ``.asc`` můžete binárku pro macOS ověřit v terminálu takto::"
-#: ../../source/install.rst:86
-msgid "Or for Windows, in a command-prompt like this::"
-msgstr "Nebo pro Windows v příkazovém řádku takto::"
+#: ../../source/install.rst:84
+msgid "For Windows::"
+msgstr ""
-#: ../../source/install.rst:90
+#: ../../source/install.rst:88
+msgid "For macOS::"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../source/install.rst:92
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "For Linux::"
+msgstr "Linux"
+#: ../../source/install.rst:98
+msgid "and for the source file::"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../source/install.rst:102
msgid "The expected output looks like this::"
msgstr "Očekávaný výstup vypadá takto::"
-#: ../../source/install.rst:102
+#: ../../source/install.rst:112
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"If you don't see ``Good signature from``, there might be a problem with the "
"integrity of the file (malicious or otherwise), and you should not install "
-"the package. (The ``WARNING:`` shown above, is not a problem with the "
-"package, it only means you haven't defined a level of \"trust\" of Micah's "
-"(the core developer) PGP key.)"
+"the package."
msgstr ""
"Pokud nevidíte ``Good signature from``, může být problém s integritou "
"souboru (např. škodlivý) a balíček byste neměli instalovat. (Výše zobrazené "
"``VAROVÁNÍ:`` neznamená problém s balíčkem, ale pouze to, že jste "
"nedefinovali úroveň \"důvěryhodnosti\" Micahova PGP klíče.)"
-#: ../../source/install.rst:104
+#: ../../source/install.rst:114
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"The ``WARNING:`` shown above, is not a problem with the package, it only "
+"means you haven't defined a level of \"trust\" of Micah's (the core "
+"developer) PGP key."
+msgstr ""
+"Pokud nevidíte ``Good signature from``, může být problém s integritou "
+"souboru (např. škodlivý) a balíček byste neměli instalovat. (Výše zobrazené "
+"``VAROVÁNÍ:`` neznamená problém s balíčkem, ale pouze to, že jste "
+"nedefinovali úroveň \"důvěryhodnosti\" Micahova PGP klíče.)"
+#: ../../source/install.rst:116
msgid ""
"If you want to learn more about verifying PGP signatures, the guides for "
"`Qubes OS `_ and "
@@ -296,6 +320,9 @@ msgstr ""
"signatures/>`_ a `Tor Project `_."
+#~ msgid "Or for Windows, in a command-prompt like this::"
+#~ msgstr "Nebo pro Windows v příkazovém řádku takto::"
#~ msgid ""
#~ "There are various ways to install OnionShare for Linux, but the "
#~ "recommended way is to use either the `Flatpak `_ or "
@@ -327,15 +354,3 @@ msgstr ""
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Můžete nainstalovat CLI (command line verzi) OnionSharu na jakýkoliv "
#~ "operační systém za pomoci Python package manageru ``pip``. Viz :ref:`cli`."
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "If you don't see ``Good signature from``, there might be a problem with "
-#~ "the integrity of the file (malicious or otherwise), and you should not "
-#~ "install the package. (The ``WARNING:`` shown above, is not a problem with "
-#~ "the package, it only means you haven't defined a level of \"trust\" of "
-#~ "Micah's PGP key.)"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Pokud nevidíte ``Good signature from``, může být problém s integritou "
-#~ "souboru (např. škodlivý) a balíček byste neměli instalovat. (Výše "
-#~ "zobrazené ``VAROVÁNÍ:`` neznamená problém s balíčkem, ale pouze to, že "
-#~ "jste nedefinovali úroveň \"důvěryhodnosti\" Micahova PGP klíče.)"
diff --git a/docs/source/locale/cs/LC_MESSAGES/security.po b/docs/source/locale/cs/LC_MESSAGES/security.po
index 3cad7ee2..d900a15b 100644
--- a/docs/source/locale/cs/LC_MESSAGES/security.po
+++ b/docs/source/locale/cs/LC_MESSAGES/security.po
@@ -6,8 +6,8 @@
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: OnionShare 2.5\n"
-"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: onionshare-dev@lists.riseup.net\n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2022-01-17 10:28-0800\n"
+"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2023-09-05 11:30-0700\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2022-08-10 19:21+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: Toro \n"
"Language-Team: none\n"
@@ -38,12 +38,13 @@ msgstr ""
msgid ""
"**Third parties don't have access to anything that happens in OnionShare.** "
"Using OnionShare means hosting services directly on your computer. When "
-"sharing files with OnionShare, they are not uploaded to any server. If you "
-"make an OnionShare chat room, your computer acts as a server for that too. "
-"This avoids the traditional model of having to trust the computers of others."
+"sharing your files with OnionShare, they are not uploaded to any third-party "
+"server. If you make an OnionShare chat room, your computer acts as a server "
+"for that too. This avoids the traditional model of having to trust the "
+"computers of others."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../source/security.rst:13 ../../source/security.rst:17
+#: ../../source/security.rst:17
msgid ""
"**Network eavesdroppers can't spy on anything that happens in OnionShare in "
"transit.** The connection between the Tor onion service and Tor Browser is "
@@ -54,7 +55,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
-#: ../../source/security.rst:15 ../../source/security.rst:23
+#: ../../source/security.rst:23
msgid ""
"**Anonymity of OnionShare users are protected by Tor.** OnionShare and Tor "
"Browser protect the anonymity of the users. As long as the OnionShare user "
@@ -63,53 +64,6 @@ msgid ""
"OnionShare user."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../source/security.rst:17
-msgid ""
-"**If an attacker learns about the onion service, it still can't access "
-"anything.** Prior attacks against the Tor network to enumerate onion "
-"services allowed the attacker to discover private ``.onion`` addresses. If "
-"an attack discovers a private OnionShare address, they will also need to "
-"guess the private key used for client authentication in order to access it "
-"(unless the OnionShare user chooses make their service public by turning off "
-"the private key -- see :ref:`turn_off_private_key`)."
-msgstr ""
-#: ../../source/security.rst:20 ../../source/security.rst:33
-msgid "What OnionShare doesn't protect against"
-msgstr ""
-#: ../../source/security.rst:22
-msgid ""
-"**Communicating the OnionShare address and private key might not be secure."
-"** Communicating the OnionShare address to people is the responsibility of "
-"the OnionShare user. If sent insecurely (such as through an email message "
-"monitored by an attacker), an eavesdropper can tell that OnionShare is being "
-"used. If the eavesdropper loads the address in Tor Browser while the service "
-"is still up, they can access it. To avoid this, the address must be "
-"communicated securely, via encrypted text message (probably with "
-"disappearing messages enabled), encrypted email, or in person. This isn't "
-"necessary when using OnionShare for something that isn't secret."
-msgstr ""
-#: ../../source/security.rst:24
-msgid ""
-"**Communicating the OnionShare address and private key might not be "
-"anonymous.** Extra precautions must be taken to ensure the OnionShare "
-"address is communicated anonymously. A new email or chat account, only "
-"accessed over Tor, can be used to share the address. This isn't necessary "
-"unless anonymity is a goal."
-msgstr ""
-#: ../../source/security.rst:11
-msgid ""
-"**Third parties don't have access to anything that happens in OnionShare.** "
-"Using OnionShare means hosting services directly on your computer. When "
-"sharing your files with OnionShare, they are not uploaded to any third-party "
-"server. If you make an OnionShare chat room, your computer acts as a server "
-"for that too. This avoids the traditional model of having to trust the "
-"computers of others."
-msgstr ""
#: ../../source/security.rst:28
msgid ""
"**If an attacker learns about the onion service, they still can't access "
@@ -120,6 +74,10 @@ msgid ""
"public by turning off the private key -- see :ref:`turn_off_private_key`)."
msgstr ""
+#: ../../source/security.rst:33
+msgid "What OnionShare doesn't protect against"
+msgstr ""
#: ../../source/security.rst:35
msgid ""
"**Communicating the OnionShare address and private key might not be secure."
diff --git a/docs/source/locale/cs/LC_MESSAGES/sphinx.po b/docs/source/locale/cs/LC_MESSAGES/sphinx.po
index 48c4a6a9..7f81299c 100644
--- a/docs/source/locale/cs/LC_MESSAGES/sphinx.po
+++ b/docs/source/locale/cs/LC_MESSAGES/sphinx.po
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: OnionShare 2.5\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2022-10-09 15:01-0700\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2023-09-05 11:30-0700\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2022-08-09 18:18+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: Toro \n"
"Language-Team: none\n"
diff --git a/docs/source/locale/cs/LC_MESSAGES/tor.po b/docs/source/locale/cs/LC_MESSAGES/tor.po
index 96e03a0d..454f3f7a 100644
--- a/docs/source/locale/cs/LC_MESSAGES/tor.po
+++ b/docs/source/locale/cs/LC_MESSAGES/tor.po
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: OnionShare 2.5\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2023-06-06 13:07+0200\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2023-09-05 11:30-0700\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2023-06-02 11:21+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: emma peel \n"
"Language-Team: none\n"
@@ -206,8 +206,8 @@ msgstr ""
#: ../../source/tor.rst:78
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
-"To use a bridge, you must select \"Use the Tor version built into OnionShare"
-"\" and check the \"Use a bridge\" checkbox."
+"To use a bridge, you must select \"Use the Tor version built into "
+"OnionShare\" and check the \"Use a bridge\" checkbox."
msgstr ""
"Chcete-li použít most, otevřete kartu Nastavení Toru. Musíte vybrat možnost "
"\"Použít verzi Toru vestavěnou v OnionShare \" a zaškrtnout políčko \"Použít "
@@ -424,8 +424,8 @@ msgstr ""
#: ../../source/tor.rst:170
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
-"Reboot your computer. After it boots up again, open OnionShare, click the \"⚙"
-"\" icon in it, and switch to the Tor Settings tab. Under \"How should "
+"Reboot your computer. After it boots up again, open OnionShare, click the "
+"\"⚙\" icon in it, and switch to the Tor Settings tab. Under \"How should "
"OnionShare connect to Tor?\" choose \"Connect using socket file\". Set the "
"socket file to be ``/var/run/tor/control``. Under \"Tor authentication "
"settings\" choose \"No authentication, or cookie authentication\". Click the "
diff --git a/docs/source/locale/da/LC_MESSAGES/advanced.po b/docs/source/locale/da/LC_MESSAGES/advanced.po
index e377c863..4fab44bd 100644
--- a/docs/source/locale/da/LC_MESSAGES/advanced.po
+++ b/docs/source/locale/da/LC_MESSAGES/advanced.po
@@ -8,12 +8,13 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: OnionShare 2.3\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2020-11-15 14:42-0800\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2023-09-05 11:30-0700\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n"
"Last-Translator: FULL NAME \n"
"Language-Team: LANGUAGE \n"
+"Language: \n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
-"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8\n"
+"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Generated-By: Babel 2.9.0\n"
@@ -25,180 +26,6 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Save Tabs"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../source/advanced.rst:9
-msgid ""
-"Everything in OnionShare is temporary by default. If you close an OnionShare "
-"tab, its address no longer exists and it can't be used again. Sometimes you "
-"might want an OnionShare service to be persistent. This is useful if you "
-"want to host a website available from the same OnionShare address even if "
-"you reboot your computer."
-msgstr ""
-#: ../../source/advanced.rst:13
-msgid ""
-"To make any tab persistent, check the \"Save this tab, and automatically "
-"open it when I open OnionShare\" box before starting the server. When a tab "
-"is saved a purple pin icon appears to the left of its server status."
-msgstr ""
-#: ../../source/advanced.rst:18
-msgid ""
-"When you quit OnionShare and then open it again, your saved tabs will start "
-"opened. You'll have to manually start each service, but when you do they "
-"will start with the same OnionShare address and password."
-msgstr ""
-#: ../../source/advanced.rst:21
-msgid ""
-"If you save a tab, a copy of that tab's onion service secret key will be "
-"stored on your computer with your OnionShare settings."
-msgstr ""
-#: ../../source/advanced.rst:26
-msgid "Turn Off Passwords"
-msgstr ""
-#: ../../source/advanced.rst:28
-msgid ""
-"By default, all OnionShare services are protected with the username "
-"``onionshare`` and a randomly-generated password. If someone takes 20 wrong "
-"guesses at the password, your onion service is automatically stopped to "
-"prevent a brute force attack against the OnionShare service."
-msgstr ""
-#: ../../source/advanced.rst:31
-msgid ""
-"Sometimes you might want your OnionShare service to be accessible to the "
-"public, like if you want to set up an OnionShare receive service so the "
-"public can securely and anonymously send you files. In this case, it's "
-"better to disable the password altogether. If you don't do this, someone can "
-"force your server to stop just by making 20 wrong guesses of your password, "
-"even if they know the correct password."
-msgstr ""
-#: ../../source/advanced.rst:35
-msgid ""
-"To turn off the password for any tab, just check the \"Don't use a password"
-"\" box before starting the server. Then the server will be public and won't "
-"have a password."
-msgstr ""
-#: ../../source/advanced.rst:38 ../../source/advanced.rst:45
-msgid "Scheduled Times"
-msgstr ""
-#: ../../source/advanced.rst:40 ../../source/advanced.rst:47
-msgid ""
-"OnionShare supports scheduling exactly when a service should start and stop. "
-"Before starting a server, click \"Show advanced settings\" in its tab and "
-"then check the boxes next to either \"Start onion service at scheduled time"
-"\", \"Stop onion service at scheduled time\", or both, and set the "
-"respective desired dates and times."
-msgstr ""
-#: ../../source/advanced.rst:43
-msgid ""
-"If you scheduled a service to start in the future, when you click the "
-"\"Start sharing\" button you will see a timer counting down until it starts. "
-"If you scheduled it to stop in the future, after it's started you will see a "
-"timer counting down to when it will stop automatically."
-msgstr ""
-#: ../../source/advanced.rst:46
-msgid ""
-"**Scheduling an OnionShare service to automatically start can be used as a "
-"dead man's switch**, where your service will be made public at a given time "
-"in the future if anything happens to you. If nothing happens to you, you can "
-"cancel the service before it's scheduled to start."
-msgstr ""
-#: ../../source/advanced.rst:51
-msgid ""
-"**Scheduling an OnionShare service to automatically stop can be useful to "
-"limit exposure**, like if you want to share secret documents while making "
-"sure they're not available on the Internet for more than a few days."
-msgstr ""
-#: ../../source/advanced.rst:56 ../../source/advanced.rst:68
-msgid "Command-line Interface"
-msgstr ""
-#: ../../source/advanced.rst:58 ../../source/advanced.rst:70
-msgid ""
-"In addition to its graphical interface, OnionShare has a command-line "
-msgstr ""
-#: ../../source/advanced.rst:60 ../../source/advanced.rst:72
-msgid ""
-"You can install just the command-line version of OnionShare using ``pip3``::"
-msgstr ""
-#: ../../source/advanced.rst:64 ../../source/advanced.rst:76
-msgid ""
-"Note that you will also need the ``tor`` package installed. In macOS, "
-"install it with: ``brew install tor``"
-msgstr ""
-#: ../../source/advanced.rst:66 ../../source/advanced.rst:78
-msgid "Then run it like this::"
-msgstr ""
-#: ../../source/advanced.rst:70
-msgid ""
-"If you installed OnionShare using the Linux Snapcraft package, you can also "
-"just run ``onionshare.cli`` to access the command-line interface version."
-msgstr ""
-#: ../../source/advanced.rst:73 ../../source/advanced.rst:87
-msgid "Usage"
-msgstr ""
-#: ../../source/advanced.rst:75
-msgid ""
-"You can browse the command-line documentation by running ``onionshare --"
-msgstr ""
-#: ../../source/advanced.rst:132
-msgid "Legacy Addresses"
-msgstr ""
-#: ../../source/advanced.rst:134
-msgid ""
-"OnionShare uses v3 Tor onion services by default. These are modern onion "
-"addresses that have 56 characters, for example::"
-msgstr ""
-#: ../../source/advanced.rst:139
-msgid ""
-"OnionShare still has support for v2 onion addresses, the old type of onion "
-"addresses that have 16 characters, for example::"
-msgstr ""
-#: ../../source/advanced.rst:143
-msgid ""
-"OnionShare calls v2 onion addresses \"legacy addresses\", and they are not "
-"recommended, as v3 onion addresses are more secure."
-msgstr ""
-#: ../../source/advanced.rst:145
-msgid ""
-"To use legacy addresses, before starting a server click \"Show advanced "
-"settings\" from its tab and check the \"Use a legacy address (v2 onion "
-"service, not recommended)\" box. In legacy mode you can optionally turn on "
-"Tor client authentication. Once you start a server in legacy mode you cannot "
-"remove legacy mode in that tab. Instead you must start a separate service in "
-"a separate tab."
-msgstr ""
-#: ../../source/advanced.rst:150
-msgid ""
-"Tor Project plans to `completely deprecate v2 onion services `_ on October 15, 2021, and legacy "
-"onion services will be removed from OnionShare before then."
-msgstr ""
#: ../../source/advanced.rst:9
msgid ""
"Closing OnionShare tabs you host destroys them, preventing reuse. "
@@ -267,6 +94,19 @@ msgid ""
"change it."
msgstr ""
+#: ../../source/advanced.rst:45
+msgid "Scheduled Times"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../source/advanced.rst:47
+msgid ""
+"OnionShare supports scheduling exactly when a service should start and stop. "
+"Before starting a server, click \"Show advanced settings\" in its tab and "
+"then check the boxes next to either \"Start onion service at scheduled "
+"time\", \"Stop onion service at scheduled time\", or both, and set the "
+"respective desired dates and times."
+msgstr ""
#: ../../source/advanced.rst:51
msgid ""
"Services scheduled to start in the future display a countdown timer when "
@@ -289,6 +129,31 @@ msgid ""
"outdated, you can do so for selected limited time."
msgstr ""
+#: ../../source/advanced.rst:68
+msgid "Command-line Interface"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../source/advanced.rst:70
+msgid ""
+"In addition to its graphical interface, OnionShare has a command-line "
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../source/advanced.rst:72
+msgid ""
+"You can install just the command-line version of OnionShare using ``pip3``::"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../source/advanced.rst:76
+msgid ""
+"Note that you will also need the ``tor`` package installed. In macOS, "
+"install it with: ``brew install tor``"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../source/advanced.rst:78
+msgid "Then run it like this::"
+msgstr ""
#: ../../source/advanced.rst:82
msgid ""
"Info about installing it on different operating systems can be found in the "
@@ -302,6 +167,10 @@ msgid ""
"``onionshare.cli`` to access the command-line interface version."
msgstr ""
+#: ../../source/advanced.rst:87
+msgid "Usage"
+msgstr ""
#: ../../source/advanced.rst:89
msgid ""
"Browse the command-line documentation by running ``onionshare --help``::"
diff --git a/docs/source/locale/da/LC_MESSAGES/develop.po b/docs/source/locale/da/LC_MESSAGES/develop.po
index 42f2850f..32fa3c2d 100644
--- a/docs/source/locale/da/LC_MESSAGES/develop.po
+++ b/docs/source/locale/da/LC_MESSAGES/develop.po
@@ -8,12 +8,13 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: OnionShare 2.3\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2020-11-15 14:42-0800\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2023-09-05 11:30-0700\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n"
"Last-Translator: FULL NAME \n"
"Language-Team: LANGUAGE \n"
+"Language: \n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
-"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8\n"
+"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Generated-By: Babel 2.9.0\n"
@@ -49,15 +50,15 @@ msgstr ""
#: ../../source/develop.rst:17
msgid ""
"OnionShare source code is to be found in this Git repository: https://github."
msgstr ""
#: ../../source/develop.rst:19
msgid ""
"If you'd like to contribute code to OnionShare, it helps to join the Keybase "
"team and ask questions about what you're thinking of working on. You should "
-"also review all of the `open issues `_ on GitHub to see if there are any you'd like to tackle."
+"also review all of the `open issues `_ on GitHub to see if there are any you'd like to tackle."
msgstr ""
#: ../../source/develop.rst:22
@@ -74,7 +75,7 @@ msgstr ""
#: ../../source/develop.rst:29
msgid ""
"OnionShare is developed in Python. To get started, clone the Git repository "
-"at https://github.com/micahflee/onionshare/ and then consult the ``cli/"
+"at https://github.com/onionshare/onionshare/ and then consult the ``cli/"
"README.md`` file to learn how to set up your development environment for the "
"command-line version, and the ``desktop/README.md`` file to learn how to set "
"up your development environment for the graphical version."
@@ -128,18 +129,18 @@ msgid ""
"flag. For example::"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../source/develop.rst:164
+#: ../../source/develop.rst:165
msgid ""
-"In this case, you load the URL ``http://onionshare:train-"
-"system@`` in a normal web-browser like Firefox, instead of "
-"using the Tor Browser."
+"In this case, you load the URL ```` in a normal web-"
+"browser like Firefox, instead of using the Tor Browser. The private key is "
+"not actually needed in local-only mode, so you can ignore it."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../source/develop.rst:167 ../../source/develop.rst:168
+#: ../../source/develop.rst:168
msgid "Contributing Translations"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../source/develop.rst:169 ../../source/develop.rst:170
+#: ../../source/develop.rst:170
msgid ""
"Help make OnionShare easier to use and more familiar and welcoming for "
"people by translating it on `Hosted Weblate `_ on GitHub to see if there are any you'd like to tackle."
-msgstr ""
-#: ../../source/develop.rst:29
-msgid ""
-"OnionShare is developed in Python. To get started, clone the Git repository "
-"at https://github.com/onionshare/onionshare/ and then consult the ``cli/"
-"README.md`` file to learn how to set up your development environment for the "
-"command-line version, and the ``desktop/README.md`` file to learn how to set "
-"up your development environment for the graphical version."
-msgstr ""
-#: ../../source/develop.rst:165
-msgid ""
-"In this case, you load the URL ```` in a normal web-"
-"browser like Firefox, instead of using the Tor Browser. The private key is "
-"not actually needed in local-only mode, so you can ignore it."
-msgstr ""
diff --git a/docs/source/locale/da/LC_MESSAGES/features.po b/docs/source/locale/da/LC_MESSAGES/features.po
index 96233627..374852a5 100644
--- a/docs/source/locale/da/LC_MESSAGES/features.po
+++ b/docs/source/locale/da/LC_MESSAGES/features.po
@@ -8,12 +8,13 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: OnionShare 2.3\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2020-11-15 14:42-0800\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2023-09-05 11:30-0700\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n"
"Last-Translator: FULL NAME \n"
"Language-Team: LANGUAGE \n"
+"Language: \n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
-"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8\n"
+"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Generated-By: Babel 2.9.0\n"
@@ -28,345 +29,6 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
-#: ../../source/features.rst:8
-msgid ""
-"By default, OnionShare web addresses are protected with a random password. A "
-"typical OnionShare address might look something like this::"
-msgstr ""
-#: ../../source/features.rst:12
-msgid ""
-"You're responsible for securely sharing that URL using a communication "
-"channel of your choice like in an encrypted chat message, or using something "
-"less secure like unencrypted e-mail, depending on your `threat model "
-msgstr ""
-#: ../../source/features.rst:14
-msgid ""
-"The people you send the URL to then copy and paste it into their `Tor "
-"Browser `_ to access the OnionShare service."
-msgstr ""
-#: ../../source/features.rst:16
-msgid ""
-"If you run OnionShare on your laptop to send someone files, and then suspend "
-"it before the files are sent, the service will not be available until your "
-"laptop is unsuspended and on the Internet again. OnionShare works best when "
-"working with people in real-time."
-msgstr ""
-#: ../../source/features.rst:18 ../../source/features.rst:26
-msgid ""
-"Because your own computer is the web server, *no third party can access "
-"anything that happens in OnionShare*, not even the developers of OnionShare. "
-"It's completely private. And because OnionShare is based on Tor onion "
-"services too, it also protects your anonymity. See the :doc:`security design "
-"` for more info."
-msgstr ""
-#: ../../source/features.rst:21 ../../source/features.rst:29
-msgid "Share Files"
-msgstr ""
-#: ../../source/features.rst:23 ../../source/features.rst:31
-msgid ""
-"You can use OnionShare to send files and folders to people securely and "
-"anonymously. Open a share tab, drag in the files and folders you wish to "
-"share, and click \"Start sharing\"."
-msgstr ""
-#: ../../source/features.rst:27 ../../source/features.rst:93
-#: ../../source/features.rst:35 ../../source/features.rst:112
-msgid ""
-"After you add files, you'll see some settings. Make sure you choose the "
-"setting you're interested in before you start sharing."
-msgstr ""
-#: ../../source/features.rst:31
-msgid ""
-"As soon as someone finishes downloading your files, OnionShare will "
-"automatically stop the server, removing the website from the Internet. To "
-"allow multiple people to download them, uncheck the \"Stop sharing after "
-"files have been sent (uncheck to allow downloading individual files)\" box."
-msgstr ""
-#: ../../source/features.rst:34 ../../source/features.rst:42
-msgid ""
-"Also, if you uncheck this box, people will be able to download the "
-"individual files you share rather than a single compressed version of all "
-"the files."
-msgstr ""
-#: ../../source/features.rst:36 ../../source/features.rst:44
-msgid ""
-"When you're ready to share, click the \"Start sharing\" button. You can "
-"always click \"Stop sharing\", or quit OnionShare, immediately taking the "
-"website down. You can also click the \"↑\" icon in the top-right corner to "
-"show the history and progress of people downloading files from you."
-msgstr ""
-#: ../../source/features.rst:40
-msgid ""
-"Now that you have a OnionShare, copy the address and send it to the person "
-"you want to receive the files. If the files need to stay secure, or the "
-"person is otherwise exposed to danger, use an encrypted messaging app."
-msgstr ""
-#: ../../source/features.rst:42
-msgid ""
-"That person then must load the address in Tor Browser. After logging in with "
-"the random password included in the web address, the files can be downloaded "
-"directly from your computer by clicking the \"Download Files\" link in the "
-msgstr ""
-#: ../../source/features.rst:47
-msgid "Receive Files"
-msgstr ""
-#: ../../source/features.rst:49
-msgid ""
-"You can use OnionShare to let people anonymously upload files directly to "
-"your computer, essentially turning it into an anonymous dropbox. Open a "
-"\"Receive tab\", choose where you want to save the files and other settings, "
-"and then click \"Start Receive Mode\"."
-msgstr ""
-#: ../../source/features.rst:54
-msgid ""
-"This starts the OnionShare service. Anyone loading this address in their Tor "
-"Browser will be able to upload files to your computer."
-msgstr ""
-#: ../../source/features.rst:58 ../../source/features.rst:75
-msgid ""
-"You can also click the down \"↓\" icon in the top-right corner to show the "
-"history and progress of people sending files to you."
-msgstr ""
-#: ../../source/features.rst:60
-msgid "Here is what it looks like for someone sending you files."
-msgstr ""
-#: ../../source/features.rst:64
-msgid ""
-"When someone uploads files to your receive service, by default they get "
-"saved to a folder called ``OnionShare`` in the home folder on your computer, "
-"automatically organized into separate subfolders based on the time that the "
-"files get uploaded."
-msgstr ""
-#: ../../source/features.rst:66 ../../source/features.rst:83
-msgid ""
-"Setting up an OnionShare receiving service is useful for journalists and "
-"others needing to securely accept documents from anonymous sources. When "
-"used in this way, OnionShare is sort of like a lightweight, simpler, not "
-"quite as secure version of `SecureDrop `_, the "
-"whistleblower submission system."
-msgstr ""
-#: ../../source/features.rst:69 ../../source/features.rst:86
-msgid "Use at your own risk"
-msgstr ""
-#: ../../source/features.rst:71
-msgid ""
-"Just like with malicious e-mail attachments, it's possible someone could try "
-"to attack your computer by uploading a malicious file to your OnionShare "
-"service. OnionShare does not add any safety mechanisms to protect your "
-"system from malicious files."
-msgstr ""
-#: ../../source/features.rst:73 ../../source/features.rst:90
-msgid ""
-"If you receive an Office document or a PDF through OnionShare, you can "
-"convert these documents into PDFs that are safe to open using `Dangerzone "
-"`_. You can also protect yourself when opening "
-"untrusted documents by opening them in `Tails `_ or "
-"in a `Qubes `_ disposableVM."
-msgstr ""
-#: ../../source/features.rst:76 ../../source/features.rst:95
-msgid "Tips for running a receive service"
-msgstr ""
-#: ../../source/features.rst:78
-msgid ""
-"If you want to host your own anonymous dropbox using OnionShare, it's "
-"recommended you do so on a separate, dedicated computer always powered on "
-"and connected to the Internet, and not on the one you use on a regular basis."
-msgstr ""
-#: ../../source/features.rst:80
-msgid ""
-"If you intend to put the OnionShare address on your website or social media "
-"profiles, save the tab (see :ref:`save_tabs`) and run it as a public service "
-"(see :ref:`turn_off_passwords`)."
-msgstr ""
-#: ../../source/features.rst:83 ../../source/features.rst:102
-msgid "Host a Website"
-msgstr ""
-#: ../../source/features.rst:85 ../../source/features.rst:104
-msgid ""
-"To host a static HTML website with OnionShare, open a website tab, drag the "
-"files and folders that make up the static content there, and click \"Start "
-"sharing\" when you are ready."
-msgstr ""
-#: ../../source/features.rst:89 ../../source/features.rst:108
-msgid ""
-"If you add an ``index.html`` file, it will render when someone loads your "
-"website. You should also include any other HTML files, CSS files, JavaScript "
-"files, and images that make up the website. (Note that OnionShare only "
-"supports hosting *static* websites. It can't host websites that execute code "
-"or use databases. So you can't for example use WordPress.)"
-msgstr ""
-#: ../../source/features.rst:91 ../../source/features.rst:110
-msgid ""
-"If you don't have an ``index.html`` file, it will show a directory listing "
-"instead, and people loading it can look through the files and download them."
-msgstr ""
-#: ../../source/features.rst:98 ../../source/features.rst:117
-msgid "Content Security Policy"
-msgstr ""
-#: ../../source/features.rst:100
-msgid ""
-"By default OnionShare helps secure your website by setting a strict `Content "
-"Security Police `_ "
-"header. However, this prevents third-party content from loading inside the "
-"web page."
-msgstr ""
-#: ../../source/features.rst:102
-msgid ""
-"If you want to load content from third-party websites, like assets or "
-"JavaScript libraries from CDNs, check the \"Don't send Content Security "
-"Policy header (allows your website to use third-party resources)\" box "
-"before starting the service."
-msgstr ""
-#: ../../source/features.rst:105 ../../source/features.rst:127
-msgid "Tips for running a website service"
-msgstr ""
-#: ../../source/features.rst:107
-msgid ""
-"If you want to host a long-term website using OnionShare (meaning not "
-"something to quickly show someone something), it's recommended you do it on "
-"a separate, dedicated computer always powered on and connected to the "
-"Internet, and not on the one you use on a regular basis. Save the tab (see :"
-"ref:`save_tabs`) so you can resume the website with the same address if you "
-"close OnionShare and re-open it later."
-msgstr ""
-#: ../../source/features.rst:110
-msgid ""
-"If your website is intended for the public, you should run it as a public "
-"service (see :ref:`turn_off_passwords`)."
-msgstr ""
-#: ../../source/features.rst:113 ../../source/features.rst:135
-msgid "Chat Anonymously"
-msgstr ""
-#: ../../source/features.rst:115 ../../source/features.rst:137
-msgid ""
-"You can use OnionShare to set up a private, secure chat room that doesn't "
-"log anything. Just open a chat tab and click \"Start chat server\"."
-msgstr ""
-#: ../../source/features.rst:119
-msgid ""
-"After you start the server, copy the OnionShare address and send it to the "
-"people you want in the anonymous chat room. If it's important to limit "
-"exactly who can join, use an encrypted messaging app to send out the "
-"OnionShare address."
-msgstr ""
-#: ../../source/features.rst:124 ../../source/features.rst:146
-msgid ""
-"People can join the chat room by loading its OnionShare address in Tor "
-"Browser. The chat room requires JavasScript, so everyone who wants to "
-"participate must have their Tor Browser security level set to \"Standard\" "
-"or \"Safer\", instead of \"Safest\"."
-msgstr ""
-#: ../../source/features.rst:127 ../../source/features.rst:149
-msgid ""
-"When someone joins the chat room they get assigned a random name. They can "
-"change their name by typing a new name in the box in the left panel and "
-"pressing ↵. Since the chat history isn't saved anywhere, it doesn't get "
-"displayed at all, even if others were already chatting in the room."
-msgstr ""
-#: ../../source/features.rst:133 ../../source/features.rst:155
-msgid ""
-"In an OnionShare chat room, everyone is anonymous. Anyone can change their "
-"name to anything, and there is no way to confirm anyone's identity."
-msgstr ""
-#: ../../source/features.rst:136 ../../source/features.rst:158
-msgid ""
-"However, if you create an OnionShare chat room and securely send the address "
-"only to a small group of trusted friends using encrypted messages, you can "
-"be reasonably confident the people joining the chat room are your friends."
-msgstr ""
-#: ../../source/features.rst:139 ../../source/features.rst:161
-msgid "How is this useful?"
-msgstr ""
-#: ../../source/features.rst:141 ../../source/features.rst:163
-msgid ""
-"If you need to already be using an encrypted messaging app, what's the point "
-"of an OnionShare chat room to begin with? It leaves less traces."
-msgstr ""
-#: ../../source/features.rst:143
-msgid ""
-"If you for example send a message to a Signal group, a copy of your message "
-"ends up on each device (the devices, and computers if they set up Signal "
-"Desktop) of each member of the group. Even if disappearing messages is "
-"turned on, it's hard to confirm all copies of the messages are actually "
-"deleted from all devices, and from any other places (like notifications "
-"databases) they may have been saved to. OnionShare chat rooms don't store "
-"any messages anywhere, so the problem is reduced to a minimum."
-msgstr ""
-#: ../../source/features.rst:146
-msgid ""
-"OnionShare chat rooms can also be useful for people wanting to chat "
-"anonymously and securely with someone without needing to create any "
-"accounts. For example, a source can send an OnionShare address to a "
-"journalist using a disposable e-mail address, and then wait for the "
-"journalist to join the chat room, all without compromosing their anonymity."
-msgstr ""
-#: ../../source/features.rst:150 ../../source/features.rst:172
-msgid "How does the encryption work?"
-msgstr ""
-#: ../../source/features.rst:152 ../../source/features.rst:174
-msgid ""
-"Because OnionShare relies on Tor onion services, connections between the Tor "
-"Browser and OnionShare are all end-to-end encrypted (E2EE). When someone "
-"posts a message to an OnionShare chat room, they send it to the server "
-"through the E2EE onion connection, which then sends it to all other members "
-"of the chat room using WebSockets, through their E2EE onion connections."
-msgstr ""
-#: ../../source/features.rst:154 ../../source/features.rst:176
-msgid ""
-"OnionShare doesn't implement any chat encryption on its own. It relies on "
-"the Tor onion service's encryption instead."
-msgstr ""
#: ../../source/features.rst:8
msgid "By default, OnionShare web addresses are protected with a private key."
msgstr ""
@@ -403,6 +65,32 @@ msgid ""
"working with people in real-time."
msgstr ""
+#: ../../source/features.rst:26
+msgid ""
+"Because your own computer is the web server, *no third party can access "
+"anything that happens in OnionShare*, not even the developers of OnionShare. "
+"It's completely private. And because OnionShare is based on Tor onion "
+"services too, it also protects your anonymity. See the :doc:`security design "
+"` for more info."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../source/features.rst:29
+msgid "Share Files"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../source/features.rst:31
+msgid ""
+"You can use OnionShare to send files and folders to people securely and "
+"anonymously. Open a share tab, drag in the files and folders you wish to "
+"share, and click \"Start sharing\"."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../source/features.rst:35 ../../source/features.rst:112
+msgid ""
+"After you add files, you'll see some settings. Make sure you choose the "
+"setting you're interested in before you start sharing."
+msgstr ""
#: ../../source/features.rst:39
msgid ""
"As soon as someone finishes downloading your files, OnionShare will "
@@ -411,6 +99,21 @@ msgid ""
"files have been sent (uncheck to allow downloading individual files)\" box."
msgstr ""
+#: ../../source/features.rst:42
+msgid ""
+"Also, if you uncheck this box, people will be able to download the "
+"individual files you share rather than a single compressed version of all "
+"the files."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../source/features.rst:44
+msgid ""
+"When you're ready to share, click the \"Start sharing\" button. You can "
+"always click \"Stop sharing\", or quit OnionShare, immediately taking the "
+"website down. You can also click the \"↑\" icon in the top-right corner to "
+"show the history and progress of people downloading files from you."
+msgstr ""
#: ../../source/features.rst:48
msgid ""
"Now that you have a OnionShare, copy the address and the private key and "
@@ -471,6 +174,12 @@ msgid ""
"submit files and messages which get uploaded to your computer."
msgstr ""
+#: ../../source/features.rst:75
+msgid ""
+"You can also click the down \"↓\" icon in the top-right corner to show the "
+"history and progress of people sending files to you."
+msgstr ""
#: ../../source/features.rst:77
msgid "Here is what it looks like for someone sending you files and messages."
msgstr ""
@@ -483,6 +192,19 @@ msgid ""
"that the files get uploaded."
msgstr ""
+#: ../../source/features.rst:83
+msgid ""
+"Setting up an OnionShare receiving service is useful for journalists and "
+"others needing to securely accept documents from anonymous sources. When "
+"used in this way, OnionShare is sort of like a lightweight, simpler, not "
+"quite as secure version of `SecureDrop `_, the "
+"whistleblower submission system."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../source/features.rst:86
+msgid "Use at your own risk"
+msgstr ""
#: ../../source/features.rst:88
msgid ""
"Just like with malicious email attachments, it's possible someone could try "
@@ -491,11 +213,24 @@ msgid ""
"system from malicious files."
msgstr ""
+#: ../../source/features.rst:90
+msgid ""
+"If you receive an Office document or a PDF through OnionShare, you can "
+"convert these documents into PDFs that are safe to open using `Dangerzone "
+"`_. You can also protect yourself when opening "
+"untrusted documents by opening them in `Tails `_ or "
+"in a `Qubes `_ disposableVM."
+msgstr ""
#: ../../source/features.rst:92
msgid ""
"However, it is always safe to open text messages sent through OnionShare."
msgstr ""
+#: ../../source/features.rst:95
+msgid "Tips for running a receive service"
+msgstr ""
#: ../../source/features.rst:97
msgid ""
"If you want to host your own anonymous dropbox using OnionShare, it's "
@@ -511,6 +246,36 @@ msgid ""
"title (see :ref:`custom_titles`)."
msgstr ""
+#: ../../source/features.rst:102
+msgid "Host a Website"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../source/features.rst:104
+msgid ""
+"To host a static HTML website with OnionShare, open a website tab, drag the "
+"files and folders that make up the static content there, and click \"Start "
+"sharing\" when you are ready."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../source/features.rst:108
+msgid ""
+"If you add an ``index.html`` file, it will render when someone loads your "
+"website. You should also include any other HTML files, CSS files, JavaScript "
+"files, and images that make up the website. (Note that OnionShare only "
+"supports hosting *static* websites. It can't host websites that execute code "
+"or use databases. So you can't for example use WordPress.)"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../source/features.rst:110
+msgid ""
+"If you don't have an ``index.html`` file, it will show a directory listing "
+"instead, and people loading it can look through the files and download them."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../source/features.rst:117
+msgid "Content Security Policy"
+msgstr ""
#: ../../source/features.rst:119
msgid ""
"By default OnionShare helps secure your website by setting a strict `Content "
@@ -536,6 +301,10 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "You can send a custom Content Security Policy header."
msgstr ""
+#: ../../source/features.rst:127
+msgid "Tips for running a website service"
+msgstr ""
#: ../../source/features.rst:129
msgid ""
"If you want to host a long-term website using OnionShare (meaning not just "
@@ -552,6 +321,16 @@ msgid ""
"service (see :ref:`turn_off_private_key`)."
msgstr ""
+#: ../../source/features.rst:135
+msgid "Chat Anonymously"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../source/features.rst:137
+msgid ""
+"You can use OnionShare to set up a private, secure chat room that doesn't "
+"log anything. Just open a chat tab and click \"Start chat server\"."
+msgstr ""
#: ../../source/features.rst:141
msgid ""
"After you start the server, copy the OnionShare address and private key and "
@@ -560,6 +339,45 @@ msgid ""
"send out the OnionShare address and private key."
msgstr ""
+#: ../../source/features.rst:146
+msgid ""
+"People can join the chat room by loading its OnionShare address in Tor "
+"Browser. The chat room requires JavasScript, so everyone who wants to "
+"participate must have their Tor Browser security level set to \"Standard\" "
+"or \"Safer\", instead of \"Safest\"."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../source/features.rst:149
+msgid ""
+"When someone joins the chat room they get assigned a random name. They can "
+"change their name by typing a new name in the box in the left panel and "
+"pressing ↵. Since the chat history isn't saved anywhere, it doesn't get "
+"displayed at all, even if others were already chatting in the room."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../source/features.rst:155
+msgid ""
+"In an OnionShare chat room, everyone is anonymous. Anyone can change their "
+"name to anything, and there is no way to confirm anyone's identity."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../source/features.rst:158
+msgid ""
+"However, if you create an OnionShare chat room and securely send the address "
+"only to a small group of trusted friends using encrypted messages, you can "
+"be reasonably confident the people joining the chat room are your friends."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../source/features.rst:161
+msgid "How is this useful?"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../source/features.rst:163
+msgid ""
+"If you need to already be using an encrypted messaging app, what's the point "
+"of an OnionShare chat room to begin with? It leaves less traces."
+msgstr ""
#: ../../source/features.rst:165
msgid ""
"If you for example send a message to a Signal group, a copy of your message "
@@ -579,3 +397,22 @@ msgid ""
"journalist using a disposable email address, and then wait for the "
"journalist to join the chat room, all without compromosing their anonymity."
msgstr ""
+#: ../../source/features.rst:172
+msgid "How does the encryption work?"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../source/features.rst:174
+msgid ""
+"Because OnionShare relies on Tor onion services, connections between the Tor "
+"Browser and OnionShare are all end-to-end encrypted (E2EE). When someone "
+"posts a message to an OnionShare chat room, they send it to the server "
+"through the E2EE onion connection, which then sends it to all other members "
+"of the chat room using WebSockets, through their E2EE onion connections."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../source/features.rst:176
+msgid ""
+"OnionShare doesn't implement any chat encryption on its own. It relies on "
+"the Tor onion service's encryption instead."
+msgstr ""
diff --git a/docs/source/locale/da/LC_MESSAGES/help.po b/docs/source/locale/da/LC_MESSAGES/help.po
index 0203fb5a..a6be6ac8 100644
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@@ -8,12 +8,13 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: OnionShare 2.3\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2020-11-15 14:42-0800\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2023-09-05 11:30-0700\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n"
"Last-Translator: FULL NAME \n"
"Language-Team: LANGUAGE \n"
+"Language: \n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
-"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8\n"
+"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Generated-By: Babel 2.9.0\n"
@@ -38,7 +39,7 @@ msgstr ""
#: ../../source/help.rst:12
msgid ""
"If it isn't on the website, please check the `GitHub issues `_. It's possible someone else has "
+"com/onionshare/onionshare/issues>`_. It's possible someone else has "
"encountered the same problem and either raised it with the developers, or "
"maybe even posted a solution."
msgstr ""
@@ -50,7 +51,7 @@ msgstr ""
#: ../../source/help.rst:17
msgid ""
"If you are unable to find a solution, or wish to ask a question or suggest a "
-"new feature, please `submit an issue `_. This requires `creating a GitHub account `_."
msgstr ""
@@ -64,19 +65,3 @@ msgid ""
"See :ref:`collaborating` on how to join the Keybase team used to discuss the "
msgstr ""
-#: ../../source/help.rst:12
-msgid ""
-"If it isn't on the website, please check the `GitHub issues `_. It's possible someone else has "
-"encountered the same problem and either raised it with the developers, or "
-"maybe even posted a solution."
-msgstr ""
-#: ../../source/help.rst:17
-msgid ""
-"If you are unable to find a solution, or wish to ask a question or suggest a "
-"new feature, please `submit an issue `_. This requires `creating a GitHub account `_."
-msgstr ""
diff --git a/docs/source/locale/da/LC_MESSAGES/index.po b/docs/source/locale/da/LC_MESSAGES/index.po
index 410c3470..4d9e7df2 100644
--- a/docs/source/locale/da/LC_MESSAGES/index.po
+++ b/docs/source/locale/da/LC_MESSAGES/index.po
@@ -8,12 +8,13 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: OnionShare 2.3\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2020-09-03 11:46-0700\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2023-09-05 11:30-0700\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n"
"Last-Translator: FULL NAME \n"
"Language-Team: LANGUAGE \n"
+"Language: \n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
-"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8\n"
+"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Generated-By: Babel 2.8.0\n"
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index 4a80c776..7c7e91d7 100644
--- a/docs/source/locale/da/LC_MESSAGES/install.po
+++ b/docs/source/locale/da/LC_MESSAGES/install.po
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: OnionShare 2.3\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2023-06-06 13:07+0200\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2023-09-05 11:51-0700\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n"
"Last-Translator: FULL NAME \n"
"Language-Team: LANGUAGE \n"
@@ -207,7 +207,7 @@ msgid ""
"You can find the signatures (as ``.asc`` files), as well as Windows, macOS, "
"Flatpak, Snap, and source packages, at https://onionshare.org/dist/ in the "
"folders named for each version of OnionShare. You can also find them on the "
-"`GitHub Releases page `_."
+"`GitHub Releases page `_."
msgstr ""
#: ../../source/install.rst:80
@@ -217,28 +217,45 @@ msgstr ""
#: ../../source/install.rst:82
msgid ""
"Once you have imported Micah's public key into your GnuPG keychain, "
-"downloaded the binary and ``.asc`` signature, you can verify the binary for "
-"macOS in a terminal like this::"
+"downloaded the binary and ``.asc`` signature, you can verify the binary in a "
+"terminal like this:"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../source/install.rst:86
-msgid "Or for Windows, in a command-prompt like this::"
+#: ../../source/install.rst:84
+msgid "For Windows::"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../source/install.rst:90
-msgid "The expected output looks like this::"
+#: ../../source/install.rst:88
+msgid "For macOS::"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../source/install.rst:92
+msgid "For Linux::"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../source/install.rst:98
+msgid "and for the source file::"
msgstr ""
#: ../../source/install.rst:102
+msgid "The expected output looks like this::"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../source/install.rst:112
msgid ""
"If you don't see ``Good signature from``, there might be a problem with the "
"integrity of the file (malicious or otherwise), and you should not install "
-"the package. (The ``WARNING:`` shown above, is not a problem with the "
-"package, it only means you haven't defined a level of \"trust\" of Micah's "
-"(the core developer) PGP key.)"
+"the package."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../source/install.rst:104
+#: ../../source/install.rst:114
+msgid ""
+"The ``WARNING:`` shown above, is not a problem with the package, it only "
+"means you haven't defined a level of \"trust\" of Micah's (the core "
+"developer) PGP key."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../source/install.rst:116
msgid ""
"If you want to learn more about verifying PGP signatures, the guides for "
"`Qubes OS `_ and "
diff --git a/docs/source/locale/da/LC_MESSAGES/security.po b/docs/source/locale/da/LC_MESSAGES/security.po
index 9d294569..8aea12f3 100644
--- a/docs/source/locale/da/LC_MESSAGES/security.po
+++ b/docs/source/locale/da/LC_MESSAGES/security.po
@@ -8,12 +8,13 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: OnionShare 2.3\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2020-12-13 15:48-0800\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2023-09-05 11:30-0700\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n"
"Last-Translator: FULL NAME \n"
"Language-Team: LANGUAGE \n"
+"Language: \n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
-"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8\n"
+"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Generated-By: Babel 2.9.0\n"
@@ -37,12 +38,13 @@ msgstr ""
msgid ""
"**Third parties don't have access to anything that happens in OnionShare.** "
"Using OnionShare means hosting services directly on your computer. When "
-"sharing files with OnionShare, they are not uploaded to any server. If you "
-"make an OnionShare chat room, your computer acts as a server for that too. "
-"This avoids the traditional model of having to trust the computers of others."
+"sharing your files with OnionShare, they are not uploaded to any third-party "
+"server. If you make an OnionShare chat room, your computer acts as a server "
+"for that too. This avoids the traditional model of having to trust the "
+"computers of others."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../source/security.rst:13 ../../source/security.rst:17
+#: ../../source/security.rst:17
msgid ""
"**Network eavesdroppers can't spy on anything that happens in OnionShare in "
"transit.** The connection between the Tor onion service and Tor Browser is "
@@ -53,7 +55,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
-#: ../../source/security.rst:15 ../../source/security.rst:23
+#: ../../source/security.rst:23
msgid ""
"**Anonymity of OnionShare users are protected by Tor.** OnionShare and Tor "
"Browser protect the anonymity of the users. As long as the OnionShare user "
@@ -62,54 +64,6 @@ msgid ""
"OnionShare user."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../source/security.rst:17
-msgid ""
-"**If an attacker learns about the onion service, it still can't access "
-"anything.** Prior attacks against the Tor network to enumerate onion "
-"services allowed the attacker to discover private .onion addresses. If an "
-"attack discovers a private OnionShare address, a password will be prevent "
-"them from accessing it (unless the OnionShare user chooses to turn it off "
-"and make it public). The password is generated by choosing two random words "
-"from a list of 6800 words, making 6800², or about 46 million possible "
-"passwords. Only 20 wrong guesses can be made before OnionShare stops the "
-"server, preventing brute force attacks against the password."
-msgstr ""
-#: ../../source/security.rst:20 ../../source/security.rst:33
-msgid "What OnionShare doesn't protect against"
-msgstr ""
-#: ../../source/security.rst:22
-msgid ""
-"**Communicating the OnionShare address might not be secure.** Communicating "
-"the OnionShare address to people is the responsibility of the OnionShare "
-"user. If sent insecurely (such as through an email message monitored by an "
-"attacker), an eavesdropper can tell that OnionShare is being used. If the "
-"eavesdropper loads the address in Tor Browser while the service is still up, "
-"they can access it. To avoid this, the address must be communicateed "
-"securely, via encrypted text message (probably with disappearing messages "
-"enabled), encrypted email, or in person. This isn't necessary when using "
-"OnionShare for something that isn't secret."
-msgstr ""
-#: ../../source/security.rst:24
-msgid ""
-"**Communicating the OnionShare address might not be anonymous.** Extra "
-"precautions must be taken to ensure the OnionShare address is communicated "
-"anonymously. A new email or chat account, only accessed over Tor, can be "
-"used to share the address. This isn't necessary unless anonymity is a goal."
-msgstr ""
-#: ../../source/security.rst:11
-msgid ""
-"**Third parties don't have access to anything that happens in OnionShare.** "
-"Using OnionShare means hosting services directly on your computer. When "
-"sharing your files with OnionShare, they are not uploaded to any third-party "
-"server. If you make an OnionShare chat room, your computer acts as a server "
-"for that too. This avoids the traditional model of having to trust the "
-"computers of others."
-msgstr ""
#: ../../source/security.rst:28
msgid ""
"**If an attacker learns about the onion service, they still can't access "
@@ -120,6 +74,10 @@ msgid ""
"public by turning off the private key -- see :ref:`turn_off_private_key`)."
msgstr ""
+#: ../../source/security.rst:33
+msgid "What OnionShare doesn't protect against"
+msgstr ""
#: ../../source/security.rst:35
msgid ""
"**Communicating the OnionShare address and private key might not be secure."
diff --git a/docs/source/locale/da/LC_MESSAGES/sphinx.po b/docs/source/locale/da/LC_MESSAGES/sphinx.po
index 221e1045..04af1dc6 100644
--- a/docs/source/locale/da/LC_MESSAGES/sphinx.po
+++ b/docs/source/locale/da/LC_MESSAGES/sphinx.po
@@ -8,12 +8,13 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: OnionShare 2.3\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2020-09-03 11:37-0700\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2023-09-05 11:30-0700\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n"
"Last-Translator: FULL NAME \n"
"Language-Team: LANGUAGE \n"
+"Language: \n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
-"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8\n"
+"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Generated-By: Babel 2.8.0\n"
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index 6d10836c..6a28174b 100644
--- a/docs/source/locale/da/LC_MESSAGES/tor.po
+++ b/docs/source/locale/da/LC_MESSAGES/tor.po
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: OnionShare 2.3\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2023-06-06 13:07+0200\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2023-09-05 11:30-0700\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n"
"Last-Translator: FULL NAME \n"
"Language-Team: LANGUAGE \n"
@@ -199,8 +199,8 @@ msgstr ""
#: ../../source/tor.rst:78
msgid ""
-"To use a bridge, you must select \"Use the Tor version built into OnionShare"
-"\" and check the \"Use a bridge\" checkbox."
+"To use a bridge, you must select \"Use the Tor version built into "
+"OnionShare\" and check the \"Use a bridge\" checkbox."
msgstr ""
#: ../../source/tor.rst:80
@@ -356,8 +356,8 @@ msgstr ""
#: ../../source/tor.rst:170
msgid ""
-"Reboot your computer. After it boots up again, open OnionShare, click the \"⚙"
-"\" icon in it, and switch to the Tor Settings tab. Under \"How should "
+"Reboot your computer. After it boots up again, open OnionShare, click the "
+"\"⚙\" icon in it, and switch to the Tor Settings tab. Under \"How should "
"OnionShare connect to Tor?\" choose \"Connect using socket file\". Set the "
"socket file to be ``/var/run/tor/control``. Under \"Tor authentication "
"settings\" choose \"No authentication, or cookie authentication\". Click the "
diff --git a/docs/source/locale/de/LC_MESSAGES/advanced.po b/docs/source/locale/de/LC_MESSAGES/advanced.po
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--- a/docs/source/locale/de/LC_MESSAGES/advanced.po
+++ b/docs/source/locale/de/LC_MESSAGES/advanced.po
@@ -6,17 +6,17 @@
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: OnionShare 2.3\n"
-"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: onionshare-dev@lists.riseup.net\n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2022-10-02 16:17-0700\n"
-"PO-Revision-Date: 2022-12-07 23:55+0000\n"
-"Last-Translator: munter \n"
+"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2023-09-05 11:30-0700\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2023-12-25 11:10+0000\n"
+"Last-Translator: curtisb \n"
"Language-Team: de \n"
"Language: de\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
-"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8\n"
+"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=n != 1;\n"
-"X-Generator: Weblate 4.15-dev\n"
+"X-Generator: Weblate 5.4-dev\n"
"Generated-By: Babel 2.10.3\n"
#: ../../source/advanced.rst:2
@@ -33,12 +33,19 @@ msgid ""
"Persistently hosted websites are available on the same address even if the "
"computer they are shared from is rebooted."
msgstr ""
+"Wenn du die von dir gehosteten OnionShare-Tabs schließt, werden sie zerstört "
+"und können nicht wiederverwendet werden. Dauerhaft gehostete Websites sind "
+"unter derselben Adresse verfügbar, auch wenn der Computer, von dem aus sie "
+"freigegeben wurden, neu gestartet wird."
#: ../../source/advanced.rst:12
msgid ""
"Make any tab persistent by checking the \"Always open this tab when "
"OnionShare is started\" box before starting your server."
msgstr ""
+"Mach jede Registerkarte dauerhaft, indem du das Kästchen \"Diese "
+"Registerkarte immer öffnen, wenn OnionShare gestartet wird\" aktivierst, "
+"bevor du deinen Server startest."
#: ../../source/advanced.rst:16
msgid ""
@@ -46,16 +53,18 @@ msgid ""
"opened. Each service then can be started manually, and will be available on "
"the same OnionShare address and be protected by the same private key."
msgstr ""
+"Wenn du OnionShare öffnest, werden deine gespeicherten Tabs aus der "
+"vorherigen Sitzung geöffnet. Jeder Dienst kann dann manuell gestartet werden "
+"und ist unter der gleichen OnionShare-Adresse verfügbar und durch den "
+"gleichen privaten Schlüssel geschützt."
#: ../../source/advanced.rst:19
-#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"If you save a tab, a copy of its onion service secret key is stored on your "
msgstr ""
-"Wenn du einen Reiter speicherst, wird eine Kopie des zum jeweiligen Onion-"
-"Dienst gehörenden geheimen Schlüssels auf deinem Rechner, zusammen mit "
-"deinen OnionShare-Einstellungen, abgespeichert."
+"Wenn du eine Registerkarte speicherst, wird eine Kopie des geheimen "
+"Schlüssels des Onion-Dienstes auf deinem Computer gespeichert."
#: ../../source/advanced.rst:24
msgid "Turn Off Private Key"
@@ -75,26 +84,29 @@ msgid ""
"OnionShare service. If you want allow the public to use your service, it's "
"better to disable the private key altogether."
msgstr ""
+"Der Tor-Browser wird dich auffordern, deinen privaten Schlüssel einzugeben, "
+"wenn du einen OnionShare-Dienst lädst. Wenn du der Öffentlichkeit erlauben "
+"willst, deinen Dienst zu nutzen, ist es besser, den privaten Schlüssel ganz "
+"zu deaktivieren."
#: ../../source/advanced.rst:31
-#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"To turn off the private key for any tab, check the \"This is a public "
"OnionShare service (disables private key)\" box before starting the server. "
"Then the server will be public and a private key is not needed to load it in "
"the Tor Browser."
msgstr ""
-"Um den privaten Schlüssel für einen Tab zu deaktivieren, setze ein Kreuz in "
-"das \"Dies ist ein öffentlicher OnionShare-Service (Deaktiviert den privaten "
-"Schlüssel)\" Kästchen bevor du den Server startest. Dadurch wird der Server "
-"öffentlich Zugänglich, wodurch kein privater Schlüssel mehr benötigt wird."
+"Um den privaten Schlüssel für eine Registerkarte zu deaktivieren, setze ein "
+"Kreuz in das \"Dies ist ein öffentlicher OnionShare-Service (Deaktiviert den "
+"privaten Schlüssel)\" Kästchen bevor du den Server startest. Dadurch wird "
+"der Server öffentlich Zugänglich, wodurch kein privater Schlüssel mehr "
+"benötigt wird."
#: ../../source/advanced.rst:37
msgid "Custom Titles"
msgstr "Benutzerdefinierte Titel"
#: ../../source/advanced.rst:39
-#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"When people load OnionShare services in the Tor Browser they see the default "
"title for each type of service. For example, the default title for chat "
@@ -105,14 +117,12 @@ msgstr ""
"Titel eines Chat-Dienstes ist beispielsweise \"OnionShare Chat\"."
#: ../../source/advanced.rst:42
-#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"If you edit the \"Custom title\" setting before starting a server you can "
"change it."
msgstr ""
-"Wenn du einen benutzerdefinierten Titel wählen möchtest, kannst du ihn, "
-"bevor du den Service startest, mithilfe der Einstellung "
-"\"Benutzerdefinierter Titel\" ändern."
+"Wenn du die Einstellung \"Benutzerdefinierter Titel\" bearbeitest, bevor du "
+"einen Server startest, kannst du sie ändern."
#: ../../source/advanced.rst:45
msgid "Scheduled Times"
@@ -122,8 +132,8 @@ msgstr "Geplante Zeiten"
msgid ""
"OnionShare supports scheduling exactly when a service should start and stop. "
"Before starting a server, click \"Show advanced settings\" in its tab and "
-"then check the boxes next to either \"Start onion service at scheduled time"
-"\", \"Stop onion service at scheduled time\", or both, and set the "
+"then check the boxes next to either \"Start onion service at scheduled "
+"time\", \"Stop onion service at scheduled time\", or both, and set the "
"respective desired dates and times."
msgstr ""
"OnionShare erlaubt eine genaue Zeitsteuerung, wann ein Dienst starten und "
@@ -139,6 +149,10 @@ msgid ""
"when the \"Start sharing\" button is clicked. Services scheduled to stop in "
"the future display a countdown timer when started."
msgstr ""
+"Bei Diensten, die in der Zukunft starten sollen, wird ein Countdown-Timer "
+"angezeigt, wenn die Schaltfläche \"Freigabe starten\" angeklickt wird. Bei "
+"Diensten, die in der Zukunft gestoppt werden sollen, wird ein Countdown-"
+"Timer angezeigt, wenn sie gestartet werden."
#: ../../source/advanced.rst:54
msgid ""
@@ -156,17 +170,15 @@ msgstr ""
"Dein erneutes zutun."
#: ../../source/advanced.rst:60
-#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"**Scheduling an OnionShare service to automatically stop limits its "
"exposure**. If you want to share secret info or something that will be "
"outdated, you can do so for selected limited time."
msgstr ""
-"**Der automatische, zeigesteuerte Stopp eines OnionShare-Dienstes kann "
-"sinnvoll sein, um den Dienst nicht mehr als nötig einem Zugriff von Außen "
-"auszusetzen**; beispielsweise, wenn du geheime Dokumente freigeben möchtest "
-"und diese nicht länger als für ein paar Tage über das Internet zugänglich "
-"sein sollen."
+"**Die automatische Beendigung eines OnionShare-Dienstes schränkt seine "
+"Sichtbarkeit ein**. Wenn du geheime Informationen oder etwas, das veraltet "
+"ist, weitergeben willst, kannst du das für eine ausgewählte begrenzte Zeit "
#: ../../source/advanced.rst:68
msgid "Command-line Interface"
@@ -200,33 +212,28 @@ msgid "Then run it like this::"
msgstr "Führe es dann wie folgt aus::"
#: ../../source/advanced.rst:82
-#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"Info about installing it on different operating systems can be found in the "
"`CLI README file `_ in the Git repository."
msgstr ""
-"Um mehr Informationen darüber zu bekommen, wie du es auf verschiedenen "
-"Betriebssystem installieren kannst, schau dir die `CLI README Datei `_ im Git-"
-"Repository an."
+"Informationen über die Installation auf verschiedenen Betriebssystem findest "
+"du in der Datei `CLI README`_ im Git-Repository."
#: ../../source/advanced.rst:84
-#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"If you installed OnionShare using the Snap package, you can also just run "
"``onionshare.cli`` to access the command-line interface version."
msgstr ""
-"Falls du OnionShare über das Snapcraft-Paket für Linux installiert hast, "
-"kannst du ``onionshare.cli`` ausführen, um zur Kommandozeilen-Version zu "
+"Falls du OnionShare über das Snap-Paket installiert hast, kannst du einfach "
+"``onionshare.cli`` ausführen, um zur Kommandozeilen-Version zu gelangen."
#: ../../source/advanced.rst:87
msgid "Usage"
msgstr "Benutzung"
#: ../../source/advanced.rst:89
-#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"Browse the command-line documentation by running ``onionshare --help``::"
msgstr ""
@@ -235,17 +242,19 @@ msgstr ""
#: ../../source/advanced.rst:151
msgid "Keyboard Shortcuts"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Tastaturkurzbefehle"
#: ../../source/advanced.rst:153
msgid ""
"The OnionShare desktop application contains some keyboard shortcuts, for "
"convenience and accessibility::"
msgstr ""
+"Die OnionShare-Desktop-Anwendung enthält einige Tastaturkurzbefehle, die der "
+"Bequemlichkeit und Zugänglichkeit dienen::"
#: ../../source/advanced.rst:158
msgid "And from the main mode chooser screen::"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Und auf dem Hauptbildschirm für die Modusauswahl::"
#~ msgid ""
#~ "By default, everything in OnionShare is temporary. As soon as you close "
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+++ b/docs/source/locale/de/LC_MESSAGES/develop.po
@@ -6,17 +6,17 @@
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: OnionShare 2.3\n"
-"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: onionshare-dev@lists.riseup.net\n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2021-09-09 19:15-0700\n"
-"PO-Revision-Date: 2023-06-06 17:06+0000\n"
-"Last-Translator: emma peel \n"
+"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2023-09-05 11:30-0700\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2024-01-25 13:17+0000\n"
+"Last-Translator: emma peel \n"
"Language-Team: de \n"
"Language: de\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
-"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8\n"
+"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=n != 1;\n"
-"X-Generator: Weblate 4.18-dev\n"
+"X-Generator: Weblate 5.4-dev\n"
"Generated-By: Babel 2.9.0\n"
#: ../../source/develop.rst:2
@@ -65,8 +65,8 @@ msgid ""
"OnionShare source code is to be found in this Git repository: https://github."
msgstr ""
-"Der OnionShare Quellcode befindet sich in diesem Git-Repository: "
+"Der OnionShare Quellcode befindet sich in diesem Git-Repository: https://"
#: ../../source/develop.rst:19
msgid ""
@@ -181,7 +181,7 @@ msgid ""
"browser like Firefox, instead of using the Tor Browser. The private key is "
"not actually needed in local-only mode, so you can ignore it."
msgstr ""
-"In diesem Fall lädst du die URL ```` in einem normalen "
+"In diesem Fall lädst du die URL ```` in einem normalen "
"Webbrowser wie Firefox anstelle des Tor Browsers. Der private Schlüssel wird "
"im lokalen Betrieb für gewöhnlich nicht benötigt."
@@ -206,7 +206,7 @@ msgid ""
"To help translate, make a Hosted Weblate account and start contributing."
msgstr ""
"Um bei der Übersetzung mitzuhelfen, erstelle dir ein Benutzerkonto für "
-"``Hosted Weblate``, und schon kann es losgehen."
+"Hosted Weblate, und schon kann es losgehen."
#: ../../source/develop.rst:175
msgid "Suggestions for Original English Strings"
diff --git a/docs/source/locale/de/LC_MESSAGES/features.po b/docs/source/locale/de/LC_MESSAGES/features.po
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@@ -6,17 +6,17 @@
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: OnionShare 2.3\n"
-"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: onionshare-dev@lists.riseup.net\n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2022-01-17 10:28-0800\n"
-"PO-Revision-Date: 2022-10-03 23:25+0000\n"
-"Last-Translator: nautilusx \n"
+"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2023-09-05 11:30-0700\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2024-01-25 13:17+0000\n"
+"Last-Translator: emma peel \n"
"Language-Team: de \n"
"Language: de\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
-"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8\n"
+"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
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+"X-Generator: Weblate 5.4-dev\n"
"Generated-By: Babel 2.9.1\n"
#: ../../source/features.rst:4
@@ -57,7 +57,7 @@ msgstr ""
"Du bist für die sichere Weitergabe dieser URL und des privaten Schlüssels "
"über einen Kommunikationskanal deiner Wahl verantwortlich, z. B. über eine "
"verschlüsselte Chatnachricht oder über etwas weniger Sicheres wie eine "
-"unverschlüsselte E-Mail, je nach deinem \"Bedrohungsmodell\"`_."
#: ../../source/features.rst:20
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index d8dc9b2e..a9df4a0c 100644
--- a/docs/source/locale/de/LC_MESSAGES/help.po
+++ b/docs/source/locale/de/LC_MESSAGES/help.po
@@ -6,17 +6,17 @@
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: OnionShare 2.3\n"
-"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: onionshare-dev@lists.riseup.net\n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2021-08-20 13:37-0700\n"
-"PO-Revision-Date: 2021-09-19 15:37+0000\n"
-"Last-Translator: register718