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## Installing OnionShare CLI
First, make sure you have `tor` installed. In Linux, install it through your package manager. In macOS, install it with [Homebrew](https://brew.sh): `brew install tor`.
Then install OnionShare CLI:
pip install onionshare-cli
Then run it with:
onionshare-cli --help
## Developing OnionShare CLI
You must have python3 and [poetry](https://python-poetry.org/) installed.
Install dependencies with poetry:
poetry install
To run from the source tree:
poetry run onionshare-cli
To run tests:
poetry run pytest -v ./tests
## Build a wheel package
poetry build
This will create `dist/onionshare_cli-$VERSION-py3-none-any.whl`.
### Making a release
Before making a release, update the version in these places:
- `pyproject.toml`
- `onionshare_cli/resources/version.txt`
Build and publish to PyPi:
poetry publish --build