diff --git a/Lists_of_OSINT_Web_Resources/1-Complete-List-of-OSINT-Web-Resources.md b/Lists_of_OSINT_Web_Resources/1-Complete-List-of-OSINT-Web-Resources.md index 5aac7b7..6a9cac9 100644 --- a/Lists_of_OSINT_Web_Resources/1-Complete-List-of-OSINT-Web-Resources.md +++ b/Lists_of_OSINT_Web_Resources/1-Complete-List-of-OSINT-Web-Resources.md @@ -967,9 +967,9 @@ A Google CSE that searches for scientific publications. An archive site which stores historical snapshots of web pages. - [WebCite](https://www.webcitation.org/) WebCite is an on-demand archive site, designed to digitally preserve scientific and educationally important material on the web by making snapshots of Internet contents as they existed at the time when a blogger, or a scholar cited or quoted from it. -- [Google Cache](https://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:) +- [Google Cache](https://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:) Google takes a snapshot of each web page as a backup in case the current page isn't available. Simply enter the address you wish to search at the end of the URL. Example: `https://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:` -- [Bing Cache](https://www.bing.com/search?q=url:www.) +- [Bing Cache](https://www.bing.com/search?q=url:www.) Bing also allows you to view cached webpages. Simply search `url:www.`, click the small arrow next to the result, then click on "Cached". - [MementoWeb Time Travel](https://timetravel.mementoweb.org/) Find Mementos in Internet Archive, Archive-It, British Library, archive.today, GitHub and many more. @@ -984,12 +984,18 @@ A Google CSE that searches for scientific publications. - [NewspaperMap](https://newspapermap.com/) An interactive map of the world that shows you the different newspaper publishers for a specific area, simply zoom into an area of interest. +- [Paperboy](https://www.thepaperboy.com/) + Provides easy access to more than 11,000 online newspapers from around the world. +- [Elephind](https://elephind.com/) + A search engine that allows you to search for newspapers from all over the world. - [EMM News Search](https://emm.newsbrief.eu/NewsBrief/clusteredition/en/latest.html) Search for news articles from all over the world via keyword. Very useful when investigating companies and widely known individuals. - [NewspaperArchive](https://newspaperarchive.com/) Explore billions of newspaper articles from all over the world. Extremely useful tool. Requires a paid subscription. - [AllYouCanRead](https://www.allyoucanread.com/) A searchable list of news sites and newspapers organized by geographic location. +- [Wikipedia - List of Newspaper Archives](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:List_of_online_newspaper_archives) ([Wikiless](https://wikiless.org/wiki/Wikipedia:List_of_online_newspaper_archives)) + Wikipedia's list of worldwide newspaper archives. ## **Paste Sites**