diff --git a/Lists_of_OSINT_Web_Resources/Weapons-and-Equipment-Identification.md b/Lists_of_OSINT_Web_Resources/Weapons-and-Equipment-Identification.md
index 28b6a44..a956c42 100644
--- a/Lists_of_OSINT_Web_Resources/Weapons-and-Equipment-Identification.md
+++ b/Lists_of_OSINT_Web_Resources/Weapons-and-Equipment-Identification.md
@@ -20,6 +20,8 @@
   Ran by YouTuber Ian McCollum. Offers videos and articles with extremely in-depth history, reviews, complete disassembly and reassembly of hundreds of different firearms.
 - [Internet Movie Firearms Database](http://www.imfdb.org/wiki/Main_Page)  
   An online database of firearms used or featured in films, television shows, video games, and anime.
+- [Cartrology](http://www.cartrology.com/)  
+  This cartridge collection consists of military rifle, heavy machine gun, and small to medium caliber cannon ammunition. The primary focus is on ammunition up to 35mm caliber made during WWII or later, although some specimens do fall outside of these general guidelines.
 ## **<u>Ordnance</u>**