Enter an IP address and date to find out whether that address was used as a Tor relay.
- [TorWHOIS](https://torwhois.com/)
Look up an .onion address and see basic information such as date last seen, open ports, running software and banners. You can also query specific onions from the command line: `whois -h torwhois.com facebookcorewwwi.onion`
A search engine for the deep web. Official onion site can be found [here](http://3bbad7fauom4d6sgppalyqddsqbf5u5p56b5k5uk2zxsy3d6ey2jobad.onion/).
- [Dargle](https://www.dargle.net/search)
A data aggregation platform for dark web domains. Using this directory, we can generate a portfolio of domains and their statuses, gain insight into the content and nature of these services, as well as the connections between them.
- [OSINT Party Fresh Onion RSS](https://osint.party/api/rss/fresh)
An amazing RSS feed of fresh and newly discovered .onion sites. Be careful, this feed remains uncensored, so you may encounter illegal content.
A large and neatly organized directory of .onion sites. You can visit this site without TOR [here (CLEARNET PROXY)](https://zqktlwiuavvvqqt4ybvgvi7tyo4hjl5xgfuvpdf6otjiycgwqbym2qad.onion.pet/wiki/index.php/Main_Page).
Place with fresh links to TOR services hidden that is free of spam and scam sites. Only trusted and safe links are provided.
- [Hunchly Daily Dark Web Report](https://www.hunch.ly/darkweb-osint/)
Identify new hidden services, or find investigation targets that you might not have otherwise known about. It is 100% free and every day you will receive a link to a spreadsheet you can download or view online. Requires you to provide an email address to join their mailing list.
~~A search engine for TOR onion sites. Claims to index thousands of onions. Offers the ability to use [advanced search operators](https://darksearch.io/dorks), and they also provide a free API. Appears to be a bit outdated though.~~ Has removed all public access.
Specific market & vendor sale of goods engine. Currently indexing over 876,601 forum posts, 106,558 listings, 6,313 vendors, and 1,443,739 reviews from 12 markets and 5 forums.
The buyer’s DNM bible aims to be a complete guide that covers all steps that users have to take in order to buy securely from darknet markets. It orientates itself on OPSEC best practices and, if exactly followed, will greatly minimize the risk of you getting caught. They also offer an offline version of this guide, available [here (CLEARNET PROXY)](http://biblemeowimkh3utujmhm6oh2oeb3ubjw2lpgeq3lahrfr2l6ev6zgyd.onion.pet/bible.zip) and [here (Wayback)](https://archive.org/details/darknet-market-buyers-bible).
- [Dropgangs - The Future of Darknet Markets](https://opaque.link/post/dropgang/)
An excellent article from 2018 about the evolution and the future of darknet market places. Available as a [PDF](https://opaque.link/files/dropgang.pdf). Archived [here (Wayback)](https://web.archive.org/web/20210928214248/https://opaque.link/files/dropgang.pdf) and [here (archive.today)](https://archive.ph/Fn5ik).
A site for researchers that keeps track and provides links to various ransomware group darknet sites.
- [Ransomware Group Sites](http://ransomwr3tsydeii4q43vazm7wofla5ujdajquitomtd47cxjtfgwyyd.onion/)
An onion site that provides links and details about ransomware groups currently operating. Clearnet proxy provided [here (CLEARNET PROXY)](http://ransomwr3tsydeii4q43vazm7wofla5ujdajquitomtd47cxjtfgwyyd.onion.pet/).