moneromooo-monero f717d5936c
wallet2: guard against race with multiple decrypt_keys users
If more than one thread wants to make sure of the spend secret key,
then we decrypt on the first caller and reencrypt on the last caller,
otherwise we could use an invalid secret key.
2019-12-17 01:38:29 +00:00

2146 lines
102 KiB

// Copyright (c) 2014-2019, The Monero Project
// All rights reserved.
// Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are
// permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
// 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of
// conditions and the following disclaimer.
// 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list
// of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other
// materials provided with the distribution.
// 3. Neither the name of the copyright holder nor the names of its contributors may be
// used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific
// prior written permission.
// Parts of this file are originally copyright (c) 2012-2013 The Cryptonote developers
#pragma once
#include <memory>
#include <boost/program_options/options_description.hpp>
#include <boost/program_options/variables_map.hpp>
#include <boost/serialization/list.hpp>
#include <boost/serialization/vector.hpp>
#include <boost/serialization/deque.hpp>
#include <boost/thread/lock_guard.hpp>
#include <atomic>
#include <random>
#include "include_base_utils.h"
#include "cryptonote_basic/account.h"
#include "cryptonote_basic/account_boost_serialization.h"
#include "cryptonote_basic/cryptonote_basic_impl.h"
#include "net/http_client.h"
#include "storages/http_abstract_invoke.h"
#include "rpc/core_rpc_server_commands_defs.h"
#include "cryptonote_basic/cryptonote_format_utils.h"
#include "cryptonote_core/cryptonote_tx_utils.h"
#include "common/unordered_containers_boost_serialization.h"
#include "common/util.h"
#include "crypto/chacha.h"
#include "crypto/hash.h"
#include "ringct/rctTypes.h"
#include "ringct/rctOps.h"
#include "checkpoints/checkpoints.h"
#include "serialization/pair.h"
#include "wallet_errors.h"
#include "common/password.h"
#include "node_rpc_proxy.h"
#include "message_store.h"
#include "wallet_light_rpc.h"
#include "wallet_rpc_helpers.h"
#define MONERO_DEFAULT_LOG_CATEGORY "wallet.wallet2"
#define THROW_ON_RPC_RESPONSE_ERROR(r, error, res, method, ...) \
do { \
handle_payment_changes(res, std::integral_constant<bool, HasCredits<decltype(res)>::Has>()); \
throw_on_rpc_response_error(r, error, res.status, method); \
} while(0)
#define THROW_ON_RPC_RESPONSE_ERROR_GENERIC(r, err, res, method) \
THROW_ON_RPC_RESPONSE_ERROR(r, err, res, method, tools::error::wallet_generic_rpc_error, method, res.status)
class Serialization_portability_wallet_Test;
class wallet_accessor_test;
namespace tools
class ringdb;
class wallet2;
class Notify;
class gamma_picker
uint64_t pick();
gamma_picker(const std::vector<uint64_t> &rct_offsets);
gamma_picker(const std::vector<uint64_t> &rct_offsets, double shape, double scale);
struct gamma_engine
typedef uint64_t result_type;
static constexpr result_type min() { return 0; }
static constexpr result_type max() { return std::numeric_limits<result_type>::max(); }
result_type operator()() { return crypto::rand<result_type>(); }
} engine;
std::gamma_distribution<double> gamma;
const std::vector<uint64_t> &rct_offsets;
const uint64_t *begin, *end;
uint64_t num_rct_outputs;
double average_output_time;
class wallet_keys_unlocker
wallet_keys_unlocker(wallet2 &w, const boost::optional<tools::password_container> &password);
wallet_keys_unlocker(wallet2 &w, bool locked, const epee::wipeable_string &password);
wallet2 &w;
bool locked;
crypto::chacha_key key;
static boost::mutex lockers_lock;
static unsigned int lockers;
class i_wallet2_callback
// Full wallet callbacks
virtual void on_new_block(uint64_t height, const cryptonote::block& block) {}
virtual void on_money_received(uint64_t height, const crypto::hash &txid, const cryptonote::transaction& tx, uint64_t amount, const cryptonote::subaddress_index& subaddr_index, uint64_t unlock_time) {}
virtual void on_unconfirmed_money_received(uint64_t height, const crypto::hash &txid, const cryptonote::transaction& tx, uint64_t amount, const cryptonote::subaddress_index& subaddr_index) {}
virtual void on_money_spent(uint64_t height, const crypto::hash &txid, const cryptonote::transaction& in_tx, uint64_t amount, const cryptonote::transaction& spend_tx, const cryptonote::subaddress_index& subaddr_index) {}
virtual void on_skip_transaction(uint64_t height, const crypto::hash &txid, const cryptonote::transaction& tx) {}
virtual boost::optional<epee::wipeable_string> on_get_password(const char *reason) { return boost::none; }
// Light wallet callbacks
virtual void on_lw_new_block(uint64_t height) {}
virtual void on_lw_money_received(uint64_t height, const crypto::hash &txid, uint64_t amount) {}
virtual void on_lw_unconfirmed_money_received(uint64_t height, const crypto::hash &txid, uint64_t amount) {}
virtual void on_lw_money_spent(uint64_t height, const crypto::hash &txid, uint64_t amount) {}
// Device callbacks
virtual void on_device_button_request(uint64_t code) {}
virtual void on_device_button_pressed() {}
virtual boost::optional<epee::wipeable_string> on_device_pin_request() { return boost::none; }
virtual boost::optional<epee::wipeable_string> on_device_passphrase_request(bool on_device) { return boost::none; }
virtual void on_device_progress(const hw::device_progress& event) {};
// Common callbacks
virtual void on_pool_tx_removed(const crypto::hash &txid) {}
virtual ~i_wallet2_callback() {}
class wallet_device_callback : public hw::i_device_callback
wallet_device_callback(wallet2 * wallet): wallet(wallet) {};
void on_button_request(uint64_t code=0) override;
void on_button_pressed() override;
boost::optional<epee::wipeable_string> on_pin_request() override;
boost::optional<epee::wipeable_string> on_passphrase_request(bool on_device) override;
void on_progress(const hw::device_progress& event) override;
wallet2 * wallet;
struct tx_dust_policy
uint64_t dust_threshold;
bool add_to_fee;
cryptonote::account_public_address addr_for_dust;
tx_dust_policy(uint64_t a_dust_threshold = 0, bool an_add_to_fee = true, cryptonote::account_public_address an_addr_for_dust = cryptonote::account_public_address())
: dust_threshold(a_dust_threshold)
, add_to_fee(an_add_to_fee)
, addr_for_dust(an_addr_for_dust)
class hashchain
hashchain(): m_genesis(crypto::null_hash), m_offset(0) {}
size_t size() const { return m_blockchain.size() + m_offset; }
size_t offset() const { return m_offset; }
const crypto::hash &genesis() const { return m_genesis; }
void push_back(const crypto::hash &hash) { if (m_offset == 0 && m_blockchain.empty()) m_genesis = hash; m_blockchain.push_back(hash); }
bool is_in_bounds(size_t idx) const { return idx >= m_offset && idx < size(); }
const crypto::hash &operator[](size_t idx) const { return m_blockchain[idx - m_offset]; }
crypto::hash &operator[](size_t idx) { return m_blockchain[idx - m_offset]; }
void crop(size_t height) { m_blockchain.resize(height - m_offset); }
void clear() { m_offset = 0; m_blockchain.clear(); }
bool empty() const { return m_blockchain.empty() && m_offset == 0; }
void trim(size_t height) { while (height > m_offset && m_blockchain.size() > 1) { m_blockchain.pop_front(); ++m_offset; } m_blockchain.shrink_to_fit(); }
void refill(const crypto::hash &hash) { m_blockchain.push_back(hash); --m_offset; }
template <class t_archive>
inline void serialize(t_archive &a, const unsigned int ver)
a & m_offset;
a & m_genesis;
a & m_blockchain;
size_t m_offset;
crypto::hash m_genesis;
std::deque<crypto::hash> m_blockchain;
class wallet_keys_unlocker;
class wallet2
friend class ::Serialization_portability_wallet_Test;
friend class ::wallet_accessor_test;
friend class wallet_keys_unlocker;
friend class wallet_device_callback;
static constexpr const std::chrono::seconds rpc_timeout = std::chrono::minutes(3) + std::chrono::seconds(30);
enum RefreshType {
RefreshDefault = RefreshOptimizeCoinbase,
enum AskPasswordType {
AskPasswordNever = 0,
AskPasswordOnAction = 1,
AskPasswordToDecrypt = 2,
enum BackgroundMiningSetupType {
BackgroundMiningMaybe = 0,
BackgroundMiningYes = 1,
BackgroundMiningNo = 2,
enum ExportFormat {
Binary = 0,
static const char* tr(const char* str);
static bool has_testnet_option(const boost::program_options::variables_map& vm);
static bool has_stagenet_option(const boost::program_options::variables_map& vm);
static std::string device_name_option(const boost::program_options::variables_map& vm);
static std::string device_derivation_path_option(const boost::program_options::variables_map &vm);
static void init_options(boost::program_options::options_description& desc_params);
//! Uses stdin and stdout. Returns a wallet2 if no errors.
static std::pair<std::unique_ptr<wallet2>, password_container> make_from_json(const boost::program_options::variables_map& vm, bool unattended, const std::string& json_file, const std::function<boost::optional<password_container>(const char *, bool)> &password_prompter);
//! Uses stdin and stdout. Returns a wallet2 and password for `wallet_file` if no errors.
static std::pair<std::unique_ptr<wallet2>, password_container>
make_from_file(const boost::program_options::variables_map& vm, bool unattended, const std::string& wallet_file, const std::function<boost::optional<password_container>(const char *, bool)> &password_prompter);
//! Uses stdin and stdout. Returns a wallet2 and password for wallet with no file if no errors.
static std::pair<std::unique_ptr<wallet2>, password_container> make_new(const boost::program_options::variables_map& vm, bool unattended, const std::function<boost::optional<password_container>(const char *, bool)> &password_prompter);
//! Just parses variables.
static std::unique_ptr<wallet2> make_dummy(const boost::program_options::variables_map& vm, bool unattended, const std::function<boost::optional<password_container>(const char *, bool)> &password_prompter);
static bool verify_password(const std::string& keys_file_name, const epee::wipeable_string& password, bool no_spend_key, hw::device &hwdev, uint64_t kdf_rounds);
static bool query_device(hw::device::device_type& device_type, const std::string& keys_file_name, const epee::wipeable_string& password, uint64_t kdf_rounds = 1);
wallet2(cryptonote::network_type nettype = cryptonote::MAINNET, uint64_t kdf_rounds = 1, bool unattended = false);
struct multisig_info
struct LR
rct::key m_L;
rct::key m_R;
crypto::public_key m_signer;
std::vector<LR> m_LR;
std::vector<crypto::key_image> m_partial_key_images; // one per key the participant has
struct tx_scan_info_t
cryptonote::keypair in_ephemeral;
crypto::key_image ki;
rct::key mask;
uint64_t amount;
uint64_t money_transfered;
bool error;
boost::optional<cryptonote::subaddress_receive_info> received;
tx_scan_info_t(): amount(0), money_transfered(0), error(true) {}
struct transfer_details
uint64_t m_block_height;
cryptonote::transaction_prefix m_tx;
crypto::hash m_txid;
size_t m_internal_output_index;
uint64_t m_global_output_index;
bool m_spent;
bool m_frozen;
uint64_t m_spent_height;
crypto::key_image m_key_image; //TODO: key_image stored twice :(
rct::key m_mask;
uint64_t m_amount;
bool m_rct;
bool m_key_image_known;
bool m_key_image_request; // view wallets: we want to request it; cold wallets: it was requested
size_t m_pk_index;
cryptonote::subaddress_index m_subaddr_index;
bool m_key_image_partial;
std::vector<rct::key> m_multisig_k;
std::vector<multisig_info> m_multisig_info; // one per other participant
std::vector<std::pair<uint64_t, crypto::hash>> m_uses;
bool is_rct() const { return m_rct; }
uint64_t amount() const { return m_amount; }
const crypto::public_key &get_public_key() const { return boost::get<const cryptonote::txout_to_key>(m_tx.vout[m_internal_output_index].target).key; }
struct payment_details
crypto::hash m_tx_hash;
uint64_t m_amount;
uint64_t m_fee;
uint64_t m_block_height;
uint64_t m_unlock_time;
uint64_t m_timestamp;
bool m_coinbase;
cryptonote::subaddress_index m_subaddr_index;
struct address_tx : payment_details
bool m_mempool;
bool m_incoming;
struct pool_payment_details
payment_details m_pd;
bool m_double_spend_seen;
struct unconfirmed_transfer_details
cryptonote::transaction_prefix m_tx;
uint64_t m_amount_in;
uint64_t m_amount_out;
uint64_t m_change;
time_t m_sent_time;
std::vector<cryptonote::tx_destination_entry> m_dests;
crypto::hash m_payment_id;
enum { pending, pending_not_in_pool, failed } m_state;
uint64_t m_timestamp;
uint32_t m_subaddr_account; // subaddress account of your wallet to be used in this transfer
std::set<uint32_t> m_subaddr_indices; // set of address indices used as inputs in this transfer
std::vector<std::pair<crypto::key_image, std::vector<uint64_t>>> m_rings; // relative
struct confirmed_transfer_details
uint64_t m_amount_in;
uint64_t m_amount_out;
uint64_t m_change;
uint64_t m_block_height;
std::vector<cryptonote::tx_destination_entry> m_dests;
crypto::hash m_payment_id;
uint64_t m_timestamp;
uint64_t m_unlock_time;
uint32_t m_subaddr_account; // subaddress account of your wallet to be used in this transfer
std::set<uint32_t> m_subaddr_indices; // set of address indices used as inputs in this transfer
std::vector<std::pair<crypto::key_image, std::vector<uint64_t>>> m_rings; // relative
confirmed_transfer_details(): m_amount_in(0), m_amount_out(0), m_change((uint64_t)-1), m_block_height(0), m_payment_id(crypto::null_hash), m_timestamp(0), m_unlock_time(0), m_subaddr_account((uint32_t)-1) {}
confirmed_transfer_details(const unconfirmed_transfer_details &utd, uint64_t height):
m_amount_in(utd.m_amount_in), m_amount_out(utd.m_amount_out), m_change(utd.m_change), m_block_height(height), m_dests(utd.m_dests), m_payment_id(utd.m_payment_id), m_timestamp(utd.m_timestamp), m_unlock_time(utd.m_tx.unlock_time), m_subaddr_account(utd.m_subaddr_account), m_subaddr_indices(utd.m_subaddr_indices), m_rings(utd.m_rings) {}
struct tx_construction_data
std::vector<cryptonote::tx_source_entry> sources;
cryptonote::tx_destination_entry change_dts;
std::vector<cryptonote::tx_destination_entry> splitted_dsts; // split, includes change
std::vector<size_t> selected_transfers;
std::vector<uint8_t> extra;
uint64_t unlock_time;
bool use_rct;
rct::RCTConfig rct_config;
std::vector<cryptonote::tx_destination_entry> dests; // original setup, does not include change
uint32_t subaddr_account; // subaddress account of your wallet to be used in this transfer
std::set<uint32_t> subaddr_indices; // set of address indices used as inputs in this transfer
typedef std::vector<transfer_details> transfer_container;
typedef std::unordered_multimap<crypto::hash, payment_details> payment_container;
struct multisig_sig
rct::rctSig sigs;
std::unordered_set<crypto::public_key> ignore;
std::unordered_set<rct::key> used_L;
std::unordered_set<crypto::public_key> signing_keys;
rct::multisig_out msout;
// The convention for destinations is:
// dests does not include change
// splitted_dsts (in construction_data) does
struct pending_tx
cryptonote::transaction tx;
uint64_t dust, fee;
bool dust_added_to_fee;
cryptonote::tx_destination_entry change_dts;
std::vector<size_t> selected_transfers;
std::string key_images;
crypto::secret_key tx_key;
std::vector<crypto::secret_key> additional_tx_keys;
std::vector<cryptonote::tx_destination_entry> dests;
std::vector<multisig_sig> multisig_sigs;
tx_construction_data construction_data;
// The term "Unsigned tx" is not really a tx since it's not signed yet.
// It doesnt have tx hash, key and the integrated address is not separated into addr + payment id.
struct unsigned_tx_set
std::vector<tx_construction_data> txes;
std::pair<size_t, wallet2::transfer_container> transfers;
struct signed_tx_set
std::vector<pending_tx> ptx;
std::vector<crypto::key_image> key_images;
std::unordered_map<crypto::public_key, crypto::key_image> tx_key_images;
struct multisig_tx_set
std::vector<pending_tx> m_ptx;
std::unordered_set<crypto::public_key> m_signers;
struct keys_file_data
crypto::chacha_iv iv;
std::string account_data;
struct cache_file_data
crypto::chacha_iv iv;
std::string cache_data;
// GUI Address book
struct address_book_row
cryptonote::account_public_address m_address;
crypto::hash m_payment_id;
std::string m_description;
bool m_is_subaddress;
struct reserve_proof_entry
crypto::hash txid;
uint64_t index_in_tx;
crypto::public_key shared_secret;
crypto::key_image key_image;
crypto::signature shared_secret_sig;
crypto::signature key_image_sig;
typedef std::tuple<uint64_t, crypto::public_key, rct::key> get_outs_entry;
struct parsed_block
crypto::hash hash;
cryptonote::block block;
std::vector<cryptonote::transaction> txes;
cryptonote::COMMAND_RPC_GET_BLOCKS_FAST::block_output_indices o_indices;
bool error;
struct is_out_data
crypto::public_key pkey;
crypto::key_derivation derivation;
std::vector<boost::optional<cryptonote::subaddress_receive_info>> received;
struct tx_cache_data
std::vector<cryptonote::tx_extra_field> tx_extra_fields;
std::vector<is_out_data> primary;
std::vector<is_out_data> additional;
bool empty() const { return tx_extra_fields.empty() && primary.empty() && additional.empty(); }
* \brief Generates a wallet or restores one.
* \param wallet_ Name of wallet file
* \param password Password of wallet file
* \param multisig_data The multisig restore info and keys
* \param create_address_file Whether to create an address file
void generate(const std::string& wallet_, const epee::wipeable_string& password,
const epee::wipeable_string& multisig_data, bool create_address_file = false);
* \brief Generates a wallet or restores one.
* \param wallet_ Name of wallet file
* \param password Password of wallet file
* \param recovery_param If it is a restore, the recovery key
* \param recover Whether it is a restore
* \param two_random Whether it is a non-deterministic wallet
* \param create_address_file Whether to create an address file
* \return The secret key of the generated wallet
crypto::secret_key generate(const std::string& wallet, const epee::wipeable_string& password,
const crypto::secret_key& recovery_param = crypto::secret_key(), bool recover = false,
bool two_random = false, bool create_address_file = false);
* \brief Creates a wallet from a public address and a spend/view secret key pair.
* \param wallet_ Name of wallet file
* \param password Password of wallet file
* \param account_public_address The account's public address
* \param spendkey spend secret key
* \param viewkey view secret key
* \param create_address_file Whether to create an address file
void generate(const std::string& wallet, const epee::wipeable_string& password,
const cryptonote::account_public_address &account_public_address,
const crypto::secret_key& spendkey, const crypto::secret_key& viewkey, bool create_address_file = false);
* \brief Creates a watch only wallet from a public address and a view secret key.
* \param wallet_ Name of wallet file
* \param password Password of wallet file
* \param account_public_address The account's public address
* \param viewkey view secret key
* \param create_address_file Whether to create an address file
void generate(const std::string& wallet, const epee::wipeable_string& password,
const cryptonote::account_public_address &account_public_address,
const crypto::secret_key& viewkey = crypto::secret_key(), bool create_address_file = false);
* \brief Restore a wallet hold by an HW.
* \param wallet_ Name of wallet file
* \param password Password of wallet file
* \param device_name name of HW to use
* \param create_address_file Whether to create an address file
void restore(const std::string& wallet_, const epee::wipeable_string& password, const std::string &device_name, bool create_address_file = false);
* \brief Creates a multisig wallet
* \return empty if done, non empty if we need to send another string
* to other participants
std::string make_multisig(const epee::wipeable_string &password,
const std::vector<std::string> &info,
uint32_t threshold);
* \brief Creates a multisig wallet
* \return empty if done, non empty if we need to send another string
* to other participants
std::string make_multisig(const epee::wipeable_string &password,
const std::vector<crypto::secret_key> &view_keys,
const std::vector<crypto::public_key> &spend_keys,
uint32_t threshold);
std::string exchange_multisig_keys(const epee::wipeable_string &password,
const std::vector<std::string> &info);
* \brief Any but first round of keys exchange
std::string exchange_multisig_keys(const epee::wipeable_string &password,
std::unordered_set<crypto::public_key> pkeys,
std::vector<crypto::public_key> signers);
* \brief Finalizes creation of a multisig wallet
bool finalize_multisig(const epee::wipeable_string &password, const std::vector<std::string> &info);
* \brief Finalizes creation of a multisig wallet
bool finalize_multisig(const epee::wipeable_string &password, const std::unordered_set<crypto::public_key> &pkeys, std::vector<crypto::public_key> signers);
* Get a packaged multisig information string
std::string get_multisig_info() const;
* Verifies and extracts keys from a packaged multisig information string
static bool verify_multisig_info(const std::string &data, crypto::secret_key &skey, crypto::public_key &pkey);
* Verifies and extracts keys from a packaged multisig information string
static bool verify_extra_multisig_info(const std::string &data, std::unordered_set<crypto::public_key> &pkeys, crypto::public_key &signer);
* Export multisig info
* This will generate and remember new k values
cryptonote::blobdata export_multisig();
* Import a set of multisig info from multisig partners
* \return the number of inputs which were imported
size_t import_multisig(std::vector<cryptonote::blobdata> info);
* \brief Rewrites to the wallet file for wallet upgrade (doesn't generate key, assumes it's already there)
* \param wallet_name Name of wallet file (should exist)
* \param password Password for wallet file
void rewrite(const std::string& wallet_name, const epee::wipeable_string& password);
void write_watch_only_wallet(const std::string& wallet_name, const epee::wipeable_string& password, std::string &new_keys_filename);
void load(const std::string& wallet, const epee::wipeable_string& password);
void store();
* \brief store_to Stores wallet to another file(s), deleting old ones
* \param path Path to the wallet file (keys and address filenames will be generated based on this filename)
* \param password Password to protect new wallet (TODO: probably better save the password in the wallet object?)
void store_to(const std::string &path, const epee::wipeable_string &password);
std::string path() const;
* \brief verifies given password is correct for default wallet keys file
bool verify_password(const epee::wipeable_string& password);
cryptonote::account_base& get_account(){return m_account;}
const cryptonote::account_base& get_account()const{return m_account;}
void encrypt_keys(const crypto::chacha_key &key);
void encrypt_keys(const epee::wipeable_string &password);
void decrypt_keys(const crypto::chacha_key &key);
void decrypt_keys(const epee::wipeable_string &password);
void set_refresh_from_block_height(uint64_t height) {m_refresh_from_block_height = height;}
uint64_t get_refresh_from_block_height() const {return m_refresh_from_block_height;}
void explicit_refresh_from_block_height(bool expl) {m_explicit_refresh_from_block_height = expl;}
bool explicit_refresh_from_block_height() const {return m_explicit_refresh_from_block_height;}
bool deinit();
bool init(std::string daemon_address = "http://localhost:8080",
boost::optional<epee::net_utils::http::login> daemon_login = boost::none,
boost::asio::ip::tcp::endpoint proxy = {},
uint64_t upper_transaction_weight_limit = 0,
bool trusted_daemon = true,
epee::net_utils::ssl_options_t ssl_options = epee::net_utils::ssl_support_t::e_ssl_support_autodetect);
bool set_daemon(std::string daemon_address = "http://localhost:8080",
boost::optional<epee::net_utils::http::login> daemon_login = boost::none, bool trusted_daemon = true,
epee::net_utils::ssl_options_t ssl_options = epee::net_utils::ssl_support_t::e_ssl_support_autodetect);
void stop() {, std::memory_order_relaxed); m_message_store.stop(); }
i_wallet2_callback* callback() const { return m_callback; }
void callback(i_wallet2_callback* callback) { m_callback = callback; }
bool is_trusted_daemon() const { return m_trusted_daemon; }
void set_trusted_daemon(bool trusted) { m_trusted_daemon = trusted; }
* \brief Checks if deterministic wallet
bool is_deterministic() const;
bool get_seed(epee::wipeable_string& electrum_words, const epee::wipeable_string &passphrase = epee::wipeable_string()) const;
* \brief Checks if light wallet. A light wallet sends view key to a server where the blockchain is scanned.
bool light_wallet() const { return m_light_wallet; }
void set_light_wallet(bool light_wallet) { m_light_wallet = light_wallet; }
uint64_t get_light_wallet_scanned_block_height() const { return m_light_wallet_scanned_block_height; }
uint64_t get_light_wallet_blockchain_height() const { return m_light_wallet_blockchain_height; }
* \brief Gets the seed language
const std::string &get_seed_language() const;
* \brief Sets the seed language
void set_seed_language(const std::string &language);
// Subaddress scheme
cryptonote::account_public_address get_subaddress(const cryptonote::subaddress_index& index) const;
cryptonote::account_public_address get_address() const { return get_subaddress({0,0}); }
boost::optional<cryptonote::subaddress_index> get_subaddress_index(const cryptonote::account_public_address& address) const;
crypto::public_key get_subaddress_spend_public_key(const cryptonote::subaddress_index& index) const;
std::vector<crypto::public_key> get_subaddress_spend_public_keys(uint32_t account, uint32_t begin, uint32_t end) const;
std::string get_subaddress_as_str(const cryptonote::subaddress_index& index) const;
std::string get_address_as_str() const { return get_subaddress_as_str({0, 0}); }
std::string get_integrated_address_as_str(const crypto::hash8& payment_id) const;
void add_subaddress_account(const std::string& label);
size_t get_num_subaddress_accounts() const { return m_subaddress_labels.size(); }
size_t get_num_subaddresses(uint32_t index_major) const { return index_major < m_subaddress_labels.size() ? m_subaddress_labels[index_major].size() : 0; }
void add_subaddress(uint32_t index_major, const std::string& label); // throws when index is out of bound
void expand_subaddresses(const cryptonote::subaddress_index& index);
std::string get_subaddress_label(const cryptonote::subaddress_index& index) const;
void set_subaddress_label(const cryptonote::subaddress_index &index, const std::string &label);
void set_subaddress_lookahead(size_t major, size_t minor);
std::pair<size_t, size_t> get_subaddress_lookahead() const { return {m_subaddress_lookahead_major, m_subaddress_lookahead_minor}; }
* \brief Tells if the wallet file is deprecated.
bool is_deprecated() const;
void refresh(bool trusted_daemon);
void refresh(bool trusted_daemon, uint64_t start_height, uint64_t & blocks_fetched);
void refresh(bool trusted_daemon, uint64_t start_height, uint64_t & blocks_fetched, bool& received_money, bool check_pool = true);
bool refresh(bool trusted_daemon, uint64_t & blocks_fetched, bool& received_money, bool& ok);
void set_refresh_type(RefreshType refresh_type) { m_refresh_type = refresh_type; }
RefreshType get_refresh_type() const { return m_refresh_type; }
cryptonote::network_type nettype() const { return m_nettype; }
bool watch_only() const { return m_watch_only; }
bool multisig(bool *ready = NULL, uint32_t *threshold = NULL, uint32_t *total = NULL) const;
bool has_multisig_partial_key_images() const;
bool has_unknown_key_images() const;
bool get_multisig_seed(epee::wipeable_string& seed, const epee::wipeable_string &passphrase = std::string(), bool raw = true) const;
bool key_on_device() const { return get_device_type() != hw::device::device_type::SOFTWARE; }
hw::device::device_type get_device_type() const { return m_key_device_type; }
bool reconnect_device();
// locked & unlocked balance of given or current subaddress account
uint64_t balance(uint32_t subaddr_index_major, bool strict) const;
uint64_t unlocked_balance(uint32_t subaddr_index_major, bool strict, uint64_t *blocks_to_unlock = NULL) const;
// locked & unlocked balance per subaddress of given or current subaddress account
std::map<uint32_t, uint64_t> balance_per_subaddress(uint32_t subaddr_index_major, bool strict) const;
std::map<uint32_t, std::pair<uint64_t, uint64_t>> unlocked_balance_per_subaddress(uint32_t subaddr_index_major, bool strict) const;
// all locked & unlocked balances of all subaddress accounts
uint64_t balance_all(bool strict) const;
uint64_t unlocked_balance_all(bool strict, uint64_t *blocks_to_unlock = NULL) const;
template<typename T>
void transfer_selected(const std::vector<cryptonote::tx_destination_entry>& dsts, const std::vector<size_t>& selected_transfers, size_t fake_outputs_count,
std::vector<std::vector<tools::wallet2::get_outs_entry>> &outs,
uint64_t unlock_time, uint64_t fee, const std::vector<uint8_t>& extra, T destination_split_strategy, const tx_dust_policy& dust_policy, cryptonote::transaction& tx, pending_tx &ptx);
void transfer_selected_rct(std::vector<cryptonote::tx_destination_entry> dsts, const std::vector<size_t>& selected_transfers, size_t fake_outputs_count,
std::vector<std::vector<tools::wallet2::get_outs_entry>> &outs,
uint64_t unlock_time, uint64_t fee, const std::vector<uint8_t>& extra, cryptonote::transaction& tx, pending_tx &ptx, const rct::RCTConfig &rct_config);
void commit_tx(pending_tx& ptx_vector);
void commit_tx(std::vector<pending_tx>& ptx_vector);
bool save_tx(const std::vector<pending_tx>& ptx_vector, const std::string &filename) const;
std::string dump_tx_to_str(const std::vector<pending_tx> &ptx_vector) const;
std::string save_multisig_tx(multisig_tx_set txs);
bool save_multisig_tx(const multisig_tx_set &txs, const std::string &filename);
std::string save_multisig_tx(const std::vector<pending_tx>& ptx_vector);
bool save_multisig_tx(const std::vector<pending_tx>& ptx_vector, const std::string &filename);
multisig_tx_set make_multisig_tx_set(const std::vector<pending_tx>& ptx_vector) const;
// load unsigned tx from file and sign it. Takes confirmation callback as argument. Used by the cli wallet
bool sign_tx(const std::string &unsigned_filename, const std::string &signed_filename, std::vector<wallet2::pending_tx> &ptx, std::function<bool(const unsigned_tx_set&)> accept_func = NULL, bool export_raw = false);
// sign unsigned tx. Takes unsigned_tx_set as argument. Used by GUI
bool sign_tx(unsigned_tx_set &exported_txs, const std::string &signed_filename, std::vector<wallet2::pending_tx> &ptx, bool export_raw = false);
bool sign_tx(unsigned_tx_set &exported_txs, std::vector<wallet2::pending_tx> &ptx, signed_tx_set &signed_txs);
std::string sign_tx_dump_to_str(unsigned_tx_set &exported_txs, std::vector<wallet2::pending_tx> &ptx, signed_tx_set &signed_txes);
// load unsigned_tx_set from file.
bool load_unsigned_tx(const std::string &unsigned_filename, unsigned_tx_set &exported_txs) const;
bool parse_unsigned_tx_from_str(const std::string &unsigned_tx_st, unsigned_tx_set &exported_txs) const;
bool load_tx(const std::string &signed_filename, std::vector<tools::wallet2::pending_tx> &ptx, std::function<bool(const signed_tx_set&)> accept_func = NULL);
bool parse_tx_from_str(const std::string &signed_tx_st, std::vector<tools::wallet2::pending_tx> &ptx, std::function<bool(const signed_tx_set &)> accept_func);
std::vector<wallet2::pending_tx> create_transactions_2(std::vector<cryptonote::tx_destination_entry> dsts, const size_t fake_outs_count, const uint64_t unlock_time, uint32_t priority, const std::vector<uint8_t>& extra, uint32_t subaddr_account, std::set<uint32_t> subaddr_indices); // pass subaddr_indices by value on purpose
std::vector<wallet2::pending_tx> create_transactions_all(uint64_t below, const cryptonote::account_public_address &address, bool is_subaddress, const size_t outputs, const size_t fake_outs_count, const uint64_t unlock_time, uint32_t priority, const std::vector<uint8_t>& extra, uint32_t subaddr_account, std::set<uint32_t> subaddr_indices);
std::vector<wallet2::pending_tx> create_transactions_single(const crypto::key_image &ki, const cryptonote::account_public_address &address, bool is_subaddress, const size_t outputs, const size_t fake_outs_count, const uint64_t unlock_time, uint32_t priority, const std::vector<uint8_t>& extra);
std::vector<wallet2::pending_tx> create_transactions_from(const cryptonote::account_public_address &address, bool is_subaddress, const size_t outputs, std::vector<size_t> unused_transfers_indices, std::vector<size_t> unused_dust_indices, const size_t fake_outs_count, const uint64_t unlock_time, uint32_t priority, const std::vector<uint8_t>& extra);
bool sanity_check(const std::vector<wallet2::pending_tx> &ptx_vector, std::vector<cryptonote::tx_destination_entry> dsts) const;
void cold_tx_aux_import(const std::vector<pending_tx>& ptx, const std::vector<std::string>& tx_device_aux);
void cold_sign_tx(const std::vector<pending_tx>& ptx_vector, signed_tx_set &exported_txs, std::vector<cryptonote::address_parse_info> &dsts_info, std::vector<std::string> & tx_device_aux);
uint64_t cold_key_image_sync(uint64_t &spent, uint64_t &unspent);
void device_show_address(uint32_t account_index, uint32_t address_index, const boost::optional<crypto::hash8> &payment_id);
bool parse_multisig_tx_from_str(std::string multisig_tx_st, multisig_tx_set &exported_txs) const;
bool load_multisig_tx(cryptonote::blobdata blob, multisig_tx_set &exported_txs, std::function<bool(const multisig_tx_set&)> accept_func = NULL);
bool load_multisig_tx_from_file(const std::string &filename, multisig_tx_set &exported_txs, std::function<bool(const multisig_tx_set&)> accept_func = NULL);
bool sign_multisig_tx_from_file(const std::string &filename, std::vector<crypto::hash> &txids, std::function<bool(const multisig_tx_set&)> accept_func);
bool sign_multisig_tx(multisig_tx_set &exported_txs, std::vector<crypto::hash> &txids);
bool sign_multisig_tx_to_file(multisig_tx_set &exported_txs, const std::string &filename, std::vector<crypto::hash> &txids);
std::vector<pending_tx> create_unmixable_sweep_transactions();
void discard_unmixable_outputs();
bool check_connection(uint32_t *version = NULL, bool *ssl = NULL, uint32_t timeout = 200000);
void get_transfers(wallet2::transfer_container& incoming_transfers) const;
void get_payments(const crypto::hash& payment_id, std::list<wallet2::payment_details>& payments, uint64_t min_height = 0, const boost::optional<uint32_t>& subaddr_account = boost::none, const std::set<uint32_t>& subaddr_indices = {}) const;
void get_payments(std::list<std::pair<crypto::hash,wallet2::payment_details>>& payments, uint64_t min_height, uint64_t max_height = (uint64_t)-1, const boost::optional<uint32_t>& subaddr_account = boost::none, const std::set<uint32_t>& subaddr_indices = {}) const;
void get_payments_out(std::list<std::pair<crypto::hash,wallet2::confirmed_transfer_details>>& confirmed_payments,
uint64_t min_height, uint64_t max_height = (uint64_t)-1, const boost::optional<uint32_t>& subaddr_account = boost::none, const std::set<uint32_t>& subaddr_indices = {}) const;
void get_unconfirmed_payments_out(std::list<std::pair<crypto::hash,wallet2::unconfirmed_transfer_details>>& unconfirmed_payments, const boost::optional<uint32_t>& subaddr_account = boost::none, const std::set<uint32_t>& subaddr_indices = {}) const;
void get_unconfirmed_payments(std::list<std::pair<crypto::hash,wallet2::pool_payment_details>>& unconfirmed_payments, const boost::optional<uint32_t>& subaddr_account = boost::none, const std::set<uint32_t>& subaddr_indices = {}) const;
uint64_t get_blockchain_current_height() const { return m_light_wallet_blockchain_height ? m_light_wallet_blockchain_height : m_blockchain.size(); }
void rescan_spent();
void rescan_blockchain(bool hard, bool refresh = true, bool keep_key_images = false);
bool is_transfer_unlocked(const transfer_details& td) const;
bool is_transfer_unlocked(uint64_t unlock_time, uint64_t block_height) const;
uint64_t get_last_block_reward() const { return m_last_block_reward; }
uint64_t get_device_last_key_image_sync() const { return m_device_last_key_image_sync; }
std::vector<cryptonote::public_node> get_public_nodes(bool white_only = true);
template <class t_archive>
inline void serialize(t_archive &a, const unsigned int ver)
uint64_t dummy_refresh_height = 0; // moved to keys file
if(ver < 5)
if (ver < 19)
std::vector<crypto::hash> blockchain;
a & blockchain;
for (const auto &b: blockchain)
a & m_blockchain;
a & m_transfers;
a & m_account_public_address;
a & m_key_images;
if(ver < 6)
a & m_unconfirmed_txs;
if(ver < 7)
a & m_payments;
if(ver < 8)
a & m_tx_keys;
if(ver < 9)
a & m_confirmed_txs;
if(ver < 11)
a & dummy_refresh_height;
if(ver < 12)
a & m_tx_notes;
if(ver < 13)
if (ver < 17)
// we're loading an old version, where m_unconfirmed_payments was a std::map
std::unordered_map<crypto::hash, payment_details> m;
a & m;
for (std::unordered_map<crypto::hash, payment_details>::const_iterator i = m.begin(); i != m.end(); ++i)
m_unconfirmed_payments.insert(std::make_pair(i->first, pool_payment_details{i->second, false}));
if(ver < 14)
if(ver < 15)
// we're loading an older wallet without a pubkey map, rebuild it
for (size_t i = 0; i < m_transfers.size(); ++i)
const transfer_details &td = m_transfers[i];
const cryptonote::tx_out &out = td.m_tx.vout[td.m_internal_output_index];
const cryptonote::txout_to_key &o = boost::get<const cryptonote::txout_to_key>(;
m_pub_keys.emplace(o.key, i);
a & m_pub_keys;
if(ver < 16)
a & m_address_book;
if(ver < 17)
if (ver < 22)
// we're loading an old version, where m_unconfirmed_payments payload was payment_details
std::unordered_multimap<crypto::hash, payment_details> m;
a & m;
for (const auto &i: m)
m_unconfirmed_payments.insert(std::make_pair(i.first, pool_payment_details{i.second, false}));
if(ver < 18)
a & m_scanned_pool_txs[0];
a & m_scanned_pool_txs[1];
if (ver < 20)
a & m_subaddresses;
std::unordered_map<cryptonote::subaddress_index, crypto::public_key> dummy_subaddresses_inv;
a & dummy_subaddresses_inv;
a & m_subaddress_labels;
a & m_additional_tx_keys;
if(ver < 21)
a & m_attributes;
if(ver < 22)
a & m_unconfirmed_payments;
if(ver < 23)
a & m_account_tags;
if(ver < 24)
a & m_ring_history_saved;
if(ver < 25)
a & m_last_block_reward;
if(ver < 26)
a & m_tx_device;
if(ver < 27)
a & m_device_last_key_image_sync;
if(ver < 28)
a & m_cold_key_images;
if(ver < 29)
a & m_rpc_client_secret_key;
* \brief Check if wallet keys and bin files exist
* \param file_path Wallet file path
* \param keys_file_exists Whether keys file exists
* \param wallet_file_exists Whether bin file exists
static void wallet_exists(const std::string& file_path, bool& keys_file_exists, bool& wallet_file_exists);
* \brief Check if wallet file path is valid format
* \param file_path Wallet file path
* \return Whether path is valid format
static bool wallet_valid_path_format(const std::string& file_path);
static bool parse_long_payment_id(const std::string& payment_id_str, crypto::hash& payment_id);
static bool parse_short_payment_id(const std::string& payment_id_str, crypto::hash8& payment_id);
static bool parse_payment_id(const std::string& payment_id_str, crypto::hash& payment_id);
bool always_confirm_transfers() const { return m_always_confirm_transfers; }
void always_confirm_transfers(bool always) { m_always_confirm_transfers = always; }
bool print_ring_members() const { return m_print_ring_members; }
void print_ring_members(bool value) { m_print_ring_members = value; }
bool store_tx_info() const { return m_store_tx_info; }
void store_tx_info(bool store) { m_store_tx_info = store; }
uint32_t default_mixin() const { return m_default_mixin; }
void default_mixin(uint32_t m) { m_default_mixin = m; }
uint32_t get_default_priority() const { return m_default_priority; }
void set_default_priority(uint32_t p) { m_default_priority = p; }
bool auto_refresh() const { return m_auto_refresh; }
void auto_refresh(bool r) { m_auto_refresh = r; }
AskPasswordType ask_password() const { return m_ask_password; }
void ask_password(AskPasswordType ask) { m_ask_password = ask; }
void set_min_output_count(uint32_t count) { m_min_output_count = count; }
uint32_t get_min_output_count() const { return m_min_output_count; }
void set_min_output_value(uint64_t value) { m_min_output_value = value; }
uint64_t get_min_output_value() const { return m_min_output_value; }
void merge_destinations(bool merge) { m_merge_destinations = merge; }
bool merge_destinations() const { return m_merge_destinations; }
bool confirm_backlog() const { return m_confirm_backlog; }
void confirm_backlog(bool always) { m_confirm_backlog = always; }
void set_confirm_backlog_threshold(uint32_t threshold) { m_confirm_backlog_threshold = threshold; };
uint32_t get_confirm_backlog_threshold() const { return m_confirm_backlog_threshold; };
bool confirm_export_overwrite() const { return m_confirm_export_overwrite; }
void confirm_export_overwrite(bool always) { m_confirm_export_overwrite = always; }
bool auto_low_priority() const { return m_auto_low_priority; }
void auto_low_priority(bool value) { m_auto_low_priority = value; }
bool segregate_pre_fork_outputs() const { return m_segregate_pre_fork_outputs; }
void segregate_pre_fork_outputs(bool value) { m_segregate_pre_fork_outputs = value; }
bool key_reuse_mitigation2() const { return m_key_reuse_mitigation2; }
void key_reuse_mitigation2(bool value) { m_key_reuse_mitigation2 = value; }
uint64_t segregation_height() const { return m_segregation_height; }
void segregation_height(uint64_t height) { m_segregation_height = height; }
bool ignore_fractional_outputs() const { return m_ignore_fractional_outputs; }
void ignore_fractional_outputs(bool value) { m_ignore_fractional_outputs = value; }
bool confirm_non_default_ring_size() const { return m_confirm_non_default_ring_size; }
void confirm_non_default_ring_size(bool always) { m_confirm_non_default_ring_size = always; }
uint64_t ignore_outputs_above() const { return m_ignore_outputs_above; }
void ignore_outputs_above(uint64_t value) { m_ignore_outputs_above = value; }
uint64_t ignore_outputs_below() const { return m_ignore_outputs_below; }
void ignore_outputs_below(uint64_t value) { m_ignore_outputs_below = value; }
bool track_uses() const { return m_track_uses; }
void track_uses(bool value) { m_track_uses = value; }
BackgroundMiningSetupType setup_background_mining() const { return m_setup_background_mining; }
void setup_background_mining(BackgroundMiningSetupType value) { m_setup_background_mining = value; }
uint32_t inactivity_lock_timeout() const { return m_inactivity_lock_timeout; }
void inactivity_lock_timeout(uint32_t seconds) { m_inactivity_lock_timeout = seconds; }
const std::string & device_name() const { return m_device_name; }
void device_name(const std::string & device_name) { m_device_name = device_name; }
const std::string & device_derivation_path() const { return m_device_derivation_path; }
void device_derivation_path(const std::string &device_derivation_path) { m_device_derivation_path = device_derivation_path; }
const ExportFormat & export_format() const { return m_export_format; }
inline void set_export_format(const ExportFormat& export_format) { m_export_format = export_format; }
bool persistent_rpc_client_id() const { return m_persistent_rpc_client_id; }
void persistent_rpc_client_id(bool persistent) { m_persistent_rpc_client_id = persistent; }
void auto_mine_for_rpc_payment_threshold(float threshold) { m_auto_mine_for_rpc_payment_threshold = threshold; }
float auto_mine_for_rpc_payment_threshold() const { return m_auto_mine_for_rpc_payment_threshold; }
crypto::secret_key get_rpc_client_secret_key() const { return m_rpc_client_secret_key; }
void set_rpc_client_secret_key(const crypto::secret_key &key) { m_rpc_client_secret_key = key; m_node_rpc_proxy.set_client_secret_key(key); }
uint64_t credits_target() const { return m_credits_target; }
void credits_target(uint64_t threshold) { m_credits_target = threshold; }
bool get_tx_key_cached(const crypto::hash &txid, crypto::secret_key &tx_key, std::vector<crypto::secret_key> &additional_tx_keys) const;
void set_tx_key(const crypto::hash &txid, const crypto::secret_key &tx_key, const std::vector<crypto::secret_key> &additional_tx_keys);
bool get_tx_key(const crypto::hash &txid, crypto::secret_key &tx_key, std::vector<crypto::secret_key> &additional_tx_keys);
void check_tx_key(const crypto::hash &txid, const crypto::secret_key &tx_key, const std::vector<crypto::secret_key> &additional_tx_keys, const cryptonote::account_public_address &address, uint64_t &received, bool &in_pool, uint64_t &confirmations);
void check_tx_key_helper(const crypto::hash &txid, const crypto::key_derivation &derivation, const std::vector<crypto::key_derivation> &additional_derivations, const cryptonote::account_public_address &address, uint64_t &received, bool &in_pool, uint64_t &confirmations);
void check_tx_key_helper(const cryptonote::transaction &tx, const crypto::key_derivation &derivation, const std::vector<crypto::key_derivation> &additional_derivations, const cryptonote::account_public_address &address, uint64_t &received) const;
std::string get_tx_proof(const crypto::hash &txid, const cryptonote::account_public_address &address, bool is_subaddress, const std::string &message);
std::string get_tx_proof(const cryptonote::transaction &tx, const crypto::secret_key &tx_key, const std::vector<crypto::secret_key> &additional_tx_keys, const cryptonote::account_public_address &address, bool is_subaddress, const std::string &message) const;
bool check_tx_proof(const crypto::hash &txid, const cryptonote::account_public_address &address, bool is_subaddress, const std::string &message, const std::string &sig_str, uint64_t &received, bool &in_pool, uint64_t &confirmations);
bool check_tx_proof(const cryptonote::transaction &tx, const cryptonote::account_public_address &address, bool is_subaddress, const std::string &message, const std::string &sig_str, uint64_t &received) const;
std::string get_spend_proof(const crypto::hash &txid, const std::string &message);
bool check_spend_proof(const crypto::hash &txid, const std::string &message, const std::string &sig_str);
* \brief Generates a proof that proves the reserve of unspent funds
* \param account_minreserve When specified, collect outputs only belonging to the given account and prove the smallest reserve above the given amount
* When unspecified, proves for all unspent outputs across all accounts
* \param message Arbitrary challenge message to be signed together
* \return Signature string
std::string get_reserve_proof(const boost::optional<std::pair<uint32_t, uint64_t>> &account_minreserve, const std::string &message);
* \brief Verifies a proof of reserve
* \param address The signer's address
* \param message Challenge message used for signing
* \param sig_str Signature string
* \param total [OUT] the sum of funds included in the signature
* \param spent [OUT] the sum of spent funds included in the signature
* \return true if the signature verifies correctly
bool check_reserve_proof(const cryptonote::account_public_address &address, const std::string &message, const std::string &sig_str, uint64_t &total, uint64_t &spent);
* \brief GUI Address book get/store
std::vector<address_book_row> get_address_book() const { return m_address_book; }
bool add_address_book_row(const cryptonote::account_public_address &address, const crypto::hash &payment_id, const std::string &description, bool is_subaddress);
bool set_address_book_row(size_t row_id, const cryptonote::account_public_address &address, const crypto::hash &payment_id, const std::string &description, bool is_subaddress);
bool delete_address_book_row(std::size_t row_id);
uint64_t get_num_rct_outputs();
size_t get_num_transfer_details() const { return m_transfers.size(); }
const transfer_details &get_transfer_details(size_t idx) const;
uint8_t get_current_hard_fork();
void get_hard_fork_info(uint8_t version, uint64_t &earliest_height);
bool use_fork_rules(uint8_t version, int64_t early_blocks = 0);
int get_fee_algorithm();
std::string get_wallet_file() const;
std::string get_keys_file() const;
std::string get_daemon_address() const;
const boost::optional<epee::net_utils::http::login>& get_daemon_login() const { return m_daemon_login; }
uint64_t get_daemon_blockchain_height(std::string& err);
uint64_t get_daemon_blockchain_target_height(std::string& err);
* \brief Calculates the approximate blockchain height from current date/time.
uint64_t get_approximate_blockchain_height() const;
uint64_t estimate_blockchain_height();
std::vector<size_t> select_available_outputs_from_histogram(uint64_t count, bool atleast, bool unlocked, bool allow_rct);
std::vector<size_t> select_available_outputs(const std::function<bool(const transfer_details &td)> &f) const;
std::vector<size_t> select_available_unmixable_outputs();
std::vector<size_t> select_available_mixable_outputs();
size_t pop_best_value_from(const transfer_container &transfers, std::vector<size_t> &unused_dust_indices, const std::vector<size_t>& selected_transfers, bool smallest = false) const;
size_t pop_best_value(std::vector<size_t> &unused_dust_indices, const std::vector<size_t>& selected_transfers, bool smallest = false) const;
void set_tx_note(const crypto::hash &txid, const std::string &note);
std::string get_tx_note(const crypto::hash &txid) const;
void set_tx_device_aux(const crypto::hash &txid, const std::string &aux);
std::string get_tx_device_aux(const crypto::hash &txid) const;
void set_description(const std::string &description);
std::string get_description() const;
* \brief Get the list of registered account tags.
* \return first.Key=(tag's name), first.Value=(tag's label), second[i]=(i-th account's tag)
const std::pair<std::map<std::string, std::string>, std::vector<std::string>>& get_account_tags();
* \brief Set a tag to the given accounts.
* \param account_indices Indices of accounts.
* \param tag Tag's name. If empty, the accounts become untagged.
void set_account_tag(const std::set<uint32_t> &account_indices, const std::string& tag);
* \brief Set the label of the given tag.
* \param tag Tag's name (which must be non-empty).
* \param description Tag's description.
void set_account_tag_description(const std::string& tag, const std::string& description);
std::string sign(const std::string &data) const;
bool verify(const std::string &data, const cryptonote::account_public_address &address, const std::string &signature) const;
* \brief sign_multisig_participant signs given message with the multisig public signer key
* \param data message to sign
* \throws if wallet is not multisig
* \return signature
std::string sign_multisig_participant(const std::string& data) const;
* \brief verify_with_public_key verifies message was signed with given public key
* \param data message
* \param public_key public key to check signature
* \param signature signature of the message
* \return true if the signature is correct
bool verify_with_public_key(const std::string &data, const crypto::public_key &public_key, const std::string &signature) const;
// Import/Export wallet data
std::pair<size_t, std::vector<tools::wallet2::transfer_details>> export_outputs(bool all = false) const;
std::string export_outputs_to_str(bool all = false) const;
size_t import_outputs(const std::pair<size_t, std::vector<tools::wallet2::transfer_details>> &outputs);
size_t import_outputs_from_str(const std::string &outputs_st);
payment_container export_payments() const;
void import_payments(const payment_container &payments);
void import_payments_out(const std::list<std::pair<crypto::hash,wallet2::confirmed_transfer_details>> &confirmed_payments);
std::tuple<size_t, crypto::hash, std::vector<crypto::hash>> export_blockchain() const;
void import_blockchain(const std::tuple<size_t, crypto::hash, std::vector<crypto::hash>> &bc);
bool export_key_images(const std::string &filename, bool all = false) const;
std::pair<size_t, std::vector<std::pair<crypto::key_image, crypto::signature>>> export_key_images(bool all = false) const;
uint64_t import_key_images(const std::vector<std::pair<crypto::key_image, crypto::signature>> &signed_key_images, size_t offset, uint64_t &spent, uint64_t &unspent, bool check_spent = true);
uint64_t import_key_images(const std::string &filename, uint64_t &spent, uint64_t &unspent);
bool import_key_images(std::vector<crypto::key_image> key_images, size_t offset=0, boost::optional<std::unordered_set<size_t>> selected_transfers=boost::none);
bool import_key_images(signed_tx_set & signed_tx, size_t offset=0, bool only_selected_transfers=false);
crypto::public_key get_tx_pub_key_from_received_outs(const tools::wallet2::transfer_details &td) const;
void update_pool_state(std::vector<std::pair<cryptonote::transaction, bool>> &process_txs, bool refreshed = false);
void process_pool_state(const std::vector<std::pair<cryptonote::transaction, bool>> &txs);
void remove_obsolete_pool_txs(const std::vector<crypto::hash> &tx_hashes);
std::string encrypt(const char *plaintext, size_t len, const crypto::secret_key &skey, bool authenticated = true) const;
std::string encrypt(const epee::span<char> &span, const crypto::secret_key &skey, bool authenticated = true) const;
std::string encrypt(const std::string &plaintext, const crypto::secret_key &skey, bool authenticated = true) const;
std::string encrypt(const epee::wipeable_string &plaintext, const crypto::secret_key &skey, bool authenticated = true) const;
std::string encrypt_with_view_secret_key(const std::string &plaintext, bool authenticated = true) const;
template<typename T=std::string> T decrypt(const std::string &ciphertext, const crypto::secret_key &skey, bool authenticated = true) const;
std::string decrypt_with_view_secret_key(const std::string &ciphertext, bool authenticated = true) const;
std::string make_uri(const std::string &address, const std::string &payment_id, uint64_t amount, const std::string &tx_description, const std::string &recipient_name, std::string &error) const;
bool parse_uri(const std::string &uri, std::string &address, std::string &payment_id, uint64_t &amount, std::string &tx_description, std::string &recipient_name, std::vector<std::string> &unknown_parameters, std::string &error);
uint64_t get_blockchain_height_by_date(uint16_t year, uint8_t month, uint8_t day); // 1<=month<=12, 1<=day<=31
bool is_synced();
std::vector<std::pair<uint64_t, uint64_t>> estimate_backlog(const std::vector<std::pair<double, double>> &fee_levels);
std::vector<std::pair<uint64_t, uint64_t>> estimate_backlog(uint64_t min_tx_weight, uint64_t max_tx_weight, const std::vector<uint64_t> &fees);
uint64_t get_fee_multiplier(uint32_t priority, int fee_algorithm = -1);
uint64_t get_base_fee();
uint64_t get_fee_quantization_mask();
uint64_t get_min_ring_size();
uint64_t get_max_ring_size();
uint64_t adjust_mixin(uint64_t mixin);
uint32_t adjust_priority(uint32_t priority);
bool is_unattended() const { return m_unattended; }
bool get_rpc_payment_info(bool mining, bool &payment_required, uint64_t &credits, uint64_t &diff, uint64_t &credits_per_hash_found, cryptonote::blobdata &hashing_blob, uint64_t &height, uint64_t &seed_height, crypto::hash &seed_hash, crypto::hash &next_seed_hash, uint32_t &cookie);
bool daemon_requires_payment();
bool make_rpc_payment(uint32_t nonce, uint32_t cookie, uint64_t &credits, uint64_t &balance);
bool search_for_rpc_payment(uint64_t credits_target, const std::function<bool(uint64_t, uint64_t)> &startfunc, const std::function<bool(unsigned)> &contfunc, const std::function<bool(uint64_t)> &foundfunc = NULL, const std::function<void(const std::string&)> &errorfunc = NULL);
template<typename T> void handle_payment_changes(const T &res, std::true_type) {
if (res.status == CORE_RPC_STATUS_OK || res.status == CORE_RPC_STATUS_PAYMENT_REQUIRED)
m_rpc_payment_state.credits = res.credits;
if (res.top_hash != m_rpc_payment_state.top_hash)
m_rpc_payment_state.top_hash = res.top_hash;
m_rpc_payment_state.stale = true;
template<typename T> void handle_payment_changes(const T &res, std::false_type) {}
// Light wallet specific functions
// fetch unspent outs from lw node and store in m_transfers
void light_wallet_get_unspent_outs();
// fetch txs and store in m_payments
void light_wallet_get_address_txs();
// get_address_info
bool light_wallet_get_address_info(tools::COMMAND_RPC_GET_ADDRESS_INFO::response &response);
// Login. new_address is true if address hasn't been used on lw node before.
bool light_wallet_login(bool &new_address);
// Send an import request to lw node. returns info about import fee, address and payment_id
bool light_wallet_import_wallet_request(tools::COMMAND_RPC_IMPORT_WALLET_REQUEST::response &response);
// get random outputs from light wallet server
void light_wallet_get_outs(std::vector<std::vector<get_outs_entry>> &outs, const std::vector<size_t> &selected_transfers, size_t fake_outputs_count);
// Parse rct string
bool light_wallet_parse_rct_str(const std::string& rct_string, const crypto::public_key& tx_pub_key, uint64_t internal_output_index, rct::key& decrypted_mask, rct::key& rct_commit, bool decrypt) const;
// check if key image is ours
bool light_wallet_key_image_is_ours(const crypto::key_image& key_image, const crypto::public_key& tx_public_key, uint64_t out_index);
* "attributes" are a mechanism to store an arbitrary number of string values
* on the level of the wallet as a whole, identified by keys. Their introduction,
* technically the unordered map m_attributes stored as part of a wallet file,
* led to a new wallet file version, but now new singular pieces of info may be added
* without the need for a new version.
* The first and so far only value stored as such an attribute is the description.
* It's stored under the standard key ATTRIBUTE_DESCRIPTION (see method set_description).
* The mechanism is open to all clients and allows them to use it for storing basically any
* single string values in a wallet. To avoid the problem that different clients possibly
* overwrite or misunderstand each other's attributes, a two-part key scheme is
* proposed: <client name>.<value name>
const char* const ATTRIBUTE_DESCRIPTION = "wallet2.description";
void set_attribute(const std::string &key, const std::string &value);
bool get_attribute(const std::string &key, std::string &value) const;
crypto::public_key get_multisig_signer_public_key(const crypto::secret_key &spend_skey) const;
crypto::public_key get_multisig_signer_public_key() const;
crypto::public_key get_multisig_signing_public_key(size_t idx) const;
crypto::public_key get_multisig_signing_public_key(const crypto::secret_key &skey) const;
template<class t_request, class t_response>
inline bool invoke_http_json(const boost::string_ref uri, const t_request& req, t_response& res, std::chrono::milliseconds timeout = std::chrono::seconds(15), const boost::string_ref http_method = "GET")
if (m_offline) return false;
boost::lock_guard<boost::recursive_mutex> lock(m_daemon_rpc_mutex);
return epee::net_utils::invoke_http_json(uri, req, res, m_http_client, timeout, http_method);
template<class t_request, class t_response>
inline bool invoke_http_bin(const boost::string_ref uri, const t_request& req, t_response& res, std::chrono::milliseconds timeout = std::chrono::seconds(15), const boost::string_ref http_method = "GET")
if (m_offline) return false;
boost::lock_guard<boost::recursive_mutex> lock(m_daemon_rpc_mutex);
return epee::net_utils::invoke_http_bin(uri, req, res, m_http_client, timeout, http_method);
template<class t_request, class t_response>
inline bool invoke_http_json_rpc(const boost::string_ref uri, const std::string& method_name, const t_request& req, t_response& res, std::chrono::milliseconds timeout = std::chrono::seconds(15), const boost::string_ref http_method = "GET", const std::string& req_id = "0")
if (m_offline) return false;
boost::lock_guard<boost::recursive_mutex> lock(m_daemon_rpc_mutex);
return epee::net_utils::invoke_http_json_rpc(uri, method_name, req, res, m_http_client, timeout, http_method, req_id);
bool set_ring_database(const std::string &filename);
const std::string get_ring_database() const { return m_ring_database; }
bool get_ring(const crypto::key_image &key_image, std::vector<uint64_t> &outs);
bool get_rings(const crypto::hash &txid, std::vector<std::pair<crypto::key_image, std::vector<uint64_t>>> &outs);
bool set_ring(const crypto::key_image &key_image, const std::vector<uint64_t> &outs, bool relative);
bool unset_ring(const std::vector<crypto::key_image> &key_images);
bool unset_ring(const crypto::hash &txid);
bool find_and_save_rings(bool force = true);
bool blackball_output(const std::pair<uint64_t, uint64_t> &output);
bool set_blackballed_outputs(const std::vector<std::pair<uint64_t, uint64_t>> &outputs, bool add = false);
bool unblackball_output(const std::pair<uint64_t, uint64_t> &output);
bool is_output_blackballed(const std::pair<uint64_t, uint64_t> &output) const;
void freeze(size_t idx);
void thaw(size_t idx);
bool frozen(size_t idx) const;
void freeze(const crypto::key_image &ki);
void thaw(const crypto::key_image &ki);
bool frozen(const crypto::key_image &ki) const;
bool frozen(const transfer_details &td) const;
bool save_to_file(const std::string& path_to_file, const std::string& binary, bool is_printable = false) const;
static bool load_from_file(const std::string& path_to_file, std::string& target_str, size_t max_size = 1000000000);
uint64_t get_bytes_sent() const;
uint64_t get_bytes_received() const;
// MMS -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
mms::message_store& get_message_store() { return m_message_store; };
const mms::message_store& get_message_store() const { return m_message_store; };
mms::multisig_wallet_state get_multisig_wallet_state() const;
bool lock_keys_file();
bool unlock_keys_file();
bool is_keys_file_locked() const;
void change_password(const std::string &filename, const epee::wipeable_string &original_password, const epee::wipeable_string &new_password);
void set_tx_notify(const std::shared_ptr<tools::Notify> &notify) { m_tx_notify = notify; }
bool is_tx_spendtime_unlocked(uint64_t unlock_time, uint64_t block_height) const;
void hash_m_transfer(const transfer_details & transfer, crypto::hash &hash) const;
uint64_t hash_m_transfers(int64_t transfer_height, crypto::hash &hash) const;
void finish_rescan_bc_keep_key_images(uint64_t transfer_height, const crypto::hash &hash);
void enable_dns(bool enable) { m_use_dns = enable; }
void set_offline(bool offline = true);
uint64_t credits() const { return m_rpc_payment_state.credits; }
void credit_report(uint64_t &expected_spent, uint64_t &discrepancy) const { expected_spent = m_rpc_payment_state.expected_spent; discrepancy = m_rpc_payment_state.discrepancy; }
* \brief Stores wallet information to wallet file.
* \param keys_file_name Name of wallet file
* \param password Password of wallet file
* \param watch_only true to save only view key, false to save both spend and view keys
* \return Whether it was successful.
bool store_keys(const std::string& keys_file_name, const epee::wipeable_string& password, bool watch_only = false);
* \brief Load wallet information from wallet file.
* \param keys_file_name Name of wallet file
* \param password Password of wallet file
bool load_keys(const std::string& keys_file_name, const epee::wipeable_string& password);
void process_new_transaction(const crypto::hash &txid, const cryptonote::transaction& tx, const std::vector<uint64_t> &o_indices, uint64_t height, uint8_t block_version, uint64_t ts, bool miner_tx, bool pool, bool double_spend_seen, const tx_cache_data &tx_cache_data, std::map<std::pair<uint64_t, uint64_t>, size_t> *output_tracker_cache = NULL);
bool should_skip_block(const cryptonote::block &b, uint64_t height) const;
void process_new_blockchain_entry(const cryptonote::block& b, const cryptonote::block_complete_entry& bche, const parsed_block &parsed_block, const crypto::hash& bl_id, uint64_t height, const std::vector<tx_cache_data> &tx_cache_data, size_t tx_cache_data_offset, std::map<std::pair<uint64_t, uint64_t>, size_t> *output_tracker_cache = NULL);
void detach_blockchain(uint64_t height, std::map<std::pair<uint64_t, uint64_t>, size_t> *output_tracker_cache = NULL);
void get_short_chain_history(std::list<crypto::hash>& ids, uint64_t granularity = 1) const;
bool clear();
void clear_soft(bool keep_key_images=false);
void pull_blocks(uint64_t start_height, uint64_t& blocks_start_height, const std::list<crypto::hash> &short_chain_history, std::vector<cryptonote::block_complete_entry> &blocks, std::vector<cryptonote::COMMAND_RPC_GET_BLOCKS_FAST::block_output_indices> &o_indices, uint64_t &current_height);
void pull_hashes(uint64_t start_height, uint64_t& blocks_start_height, const std::list<crypto::hash> &short_chain_history, std::vector<crypto::hash> &hashes);
void fast_refresh(uint64_t stop_height, uint64_t &blocks_start_height, std::list<crypto::hash> &short_chain_history, bool force = false);
void pull_and_parse_next_blocks(uint64_t start_height, uint64_t &blocks_start_height, std::list<crypto::hash> &short_chain_history, const std::vector<cryptonote::block_complete_entry> &prev_blocks, const std::vector<parsed_block> &prev_parsed_blocks, std::vector<cryptonote::block_complete_entry> &blocks, std::vector<parsed_block> &parsed_blocks, bool &last, bool &error, std::exception_ptr &exception);
void process_parsed_blocks(uint64_t start_height, const std::vector<cryptonote::block_complete_entry> &blocks, const std::vector<parsed_block> &parsed_blocks, uint64_t& blocks_added, std::map<std::pair<uint64_t, uint64_t>, size_t> *output_tracker_cache = NULL);
uint64_t select_transfers(uint64_t needed_money, std::vector<size_t> unused_transfers_indices, std::vector<size_t>& selected_transfers) const;
bool prepare_file_names(const std::string& file_path);
void process_unconfirmed(const crypto::hash &txid, const cryptonote::transaction& tx, uint64_t height);
void process_outgoing(const crypto::hash &txid, const cryptonote::transaction& tx, uint64_t height, uint64_t ts, uint64_t spent, uint64_t received, uint32_t subaddr_account, const std::set<uint32_t>& subaddr_indices);
void add_unconfirmed_tx(const cryptonote::transaction& tx, uint64_t amount_in, const std::vector<cryptonote::tx_destination_entry> &dests, const crypto::hash &payment_id, uint64_t change_amount, uint32_t subaddr_account, const std::set<uint32_t>& subaddr_indices);
void generate_genesis(cryptonote::block& b) const;
void check_genesis(const crypto::hash& genesis_hash) const; //throws
bool generate_chacha_key_from_secret_keys(crypto::chacha_key &key) const;
void generate_chacha_key_from_password(const epee::wipeable_string &pass, crypto::chacha_key &key) const;
crypto::hash get_payment_id(const pending_tx &ptx) const;
void check_acc_out_precomp(const cryptonote::tx_out &o, const crypto::key_derivation &derivation, const std::vector<crypto::key_derivation> &additional_derivations, size_t i, tx_scan_info_t &tx_scan_info) const;
void check_acc_out_precomp(const cryptonote::tx_out &o, const crypto::key_derivation &derivation, const std::vector<crypto::key_derivation> &additional_derivations, size_t i, const is_out_data *is_out_data, tx_scan_info_t &tx_scan_info) const;
void check_acc_out_precomp_once(const cryptonote::tx_out &o, const crypto::key_derivation &derivation, const std::vector<crypto::key_derivation> &additional_derivations, size_t i, const is_out_data *is_out_data, tx_scan_info_t &tx_scan_info, bool &already_seen) const;
void parse_block_round(const cryptonote::blobdata &blob, cryptonote::block &bl, crypto::hash &bl_id, bool &error) const;
uint64_t get_upper_transaction_weight_limit();
std::vector<uint64_t> get_unspent_amounts_vector(bool strict);
uint64_t get_dynamic_base_fee_estimate();
float get_output_relatedness(const transfer_details &td0, const transfer_details &td1) const;
std::vector<size_t> pick_preferred_rct_inputs(uint64_t needed_money, uint32_t subaddr_account, const std::set<uint32_t> &subaddr_indices) const;
void set_spent(size_t idx, uint64_t height);
void set_unspent(size_t idx);
bool is_spent(const transfer_details &td, bool strict = true) const;
bool is_spent(size_t idx, bool strict = true) const;
void get_outs(std::vector<std::vector<get_outs_entry>> &outs, const std::vector<size_t> &selected_transfers, size_t fake_outputs_count);
bool tx_add_fake_output(std::vector<std::vector<tools::wallet2::get_outs_entry>> &outs, uint64_t global_index, const crypto::public_key& tx_public_key, const rct::key& mask, uint64_t real_index, bool unlocked) const;
bool should_pick_a_second_output(bool use_rct, size_t n_transfers, const std::vector<size_t> &unused_transfers_indices, const std::vector<size_t> &unused_dust_indices) const;
std::vector<size_t> get_only_rct(const std::vector<size_t> &unused_dust_indices, const std::vector<size_t> &unused_transfers_indices) const;
void scan_output(const cryptonote::transaction &tx, bool miner_tx, const crypto::public_key &tx_pub_key, size_t i, tx_scan_info_t &tx_scan_info, int &num_vouts_received, std::unordered_map<cryptonote::subaddress_index, uint64_t> &tx_money_got_in_outs, std::vector<size_t> &outs, bool pool);
void trim_hashchain();
crypto::key_image get_multisig_composite_key_image(size_t n) const;
rct::multisig_kLRki get_multisig_composite_kLRki(size_t n, const std::unordered_set<crypto::public_key> &ignore_set, std::unordered_set<rct::key> &used_L, std::unordered_set<rct::key> &new_used_L) const;
rct::multisig_kLRki get_multisig_kLRki(size_t n, const rct::key &k) const;
rct::key get_multisig_k(size_t idx, const std::unordered_set<rct::key> &used_L) const;
void update_multisig_rescan_info(const std::vector<std::vector<rct::key>> &multisig_k, const std::vector<std::vector<tools::wallet2::multisig_info>> &info, size_t n);
bool add_rings(const crypto::chacha_key &key, const cryptonote::transaction_prefix &tx);
bool add_rings(const cryptonote::transaction_prefix &tx);
bool remove_rings(const cryptonote::transaction_prefix &tx);
bool get_ring(const crypto::chacha_key &key, const crypto::key_image &key_image, std::vector<uint64_t> &outs);
crypto::chacha_key get_ringdb_key();
void setup_keys(const epee::wipeable_string &password);
size_t get_transfer_details(const crypto::key_image &ki) const;
void register_devices();
hw::device& lookup_device(const std::string & device_descriptor);
bool get_rct_distribution(uint64_t &start_height, std::vector<uint64_t> &distribution);
uint64_t get_segregation_fork_height() const;
void unpack_multisig_info(const std::vector<std::string>& info,
std::vector<crypto::public_key> &public_keys,
std::vector<crypto::secret_key> &secret_keys) const;
bool unpack_extra_multisig_info(const std::vector<std::string>& info,
std::vector<crypto::public_key> &signers,
std::unordered_set<crypto::public_key> &pkeys) const;
void cache_tx_data(const cryptonote::transaction& tx, const crypto::hash &txid, tx_cache_data &tx_cache_data) const;
std::shared_ptr<std::map<std::pair<uint64_t, uint64_t>, size_t>> create_output_tracker_cache() const;
void init_type(hw::device::device_type device_type);
void setup_new_blockchain();
void create_keys_file(const std::string &wallet_, bool watch_only, const epee::wipeable_string &password, bool create_address_file);
wallet_device_callback * get_device_callback();
void on_device_button_request(uint64_t code);
void on_device_button_pressed();
boost::optional<epee::wipeable_string> on_device_pin_request();
boost::optional<epee::wipeable_string> on_device_passphrase_request(bool on_device);
void on_device_progress(const hw::device_progress& event);
std::string get_rpc_status(const std::string &s) const;
void throw_on_rpc_response_error(bool r, const epee::json_rpc::error &error, const std::string &status, const char *method) const;
std::string get_client_signature() const;
void check_rpc_cost(const char *call, uint64_t post_call_credits, uint64_t pre_credits, double expected_cost);
cryptonote::account_base m_account;
boost::optional<epee::net_utils::http::login> m_daemon_login;
std::string m_daemon_address;
std::string m_wallet_file;
std::string m_keys_file;
std::string m_mms_file;
epee::net_utils::http::http_simple_client m_http_client;
hashchain m_blockchain;
std::unordered_map<crypto::hash, unconfirmed_transfer_details> m_unconfirmed_txs;
std::unordered_map<crypto::hash, confirmed_transfer_details> m_confirmed_txs;
std::unordered_multimap<crypto::hash, pool_payment_details> m_unconfirmed_payments;
std::unordered_map<crypto::hash, crypto::secret_key> m_tx_keys;
cryptonote::checkpoints m_checkpoints;
std::unordered_map<crypto::hash, std::vector<crypto::secret_key>> m_additional_tx_keys;
transfer_container m_transfers;
payment_container m_payments;
std::unordered_map<crypto::key_image, size_t> m_key_images;
std::unordered_map<crypto::public_key, size_t> m_pub_keys;
cryptonote::account_public_address m_account_public_address;
std::unordered_map<crypto::public_key, cryptonote::subaddress_index> m_subaddresses;
std::vector<std::vector<std::string>> m_subaddress_labels;
std::unordered_map<crypto::hash, std::string> m_tx_notes;
std::unordered_map<std::string, std::string> m_attributes;
std::vector<tools::wallet2::address_book_row> m_address_book;
std::pair<std::map<std::string, std::string>, std::vector<std::string>> m_account_tags;
uint64_t m_upper_transaction_weight_limit; //TODO: auto-calc this value or request from daemon, now use some fixed value
const std::vector<std::vector<tools::wallet2::multisig_info>> *m_multisig_rescan_info;
const std::vector<std::vector<rct::key>> *m_multisig_rescan_k;
std::unordered_map<crypto::public_key, crypto::key_image> m_cold_key_images;
std::atomic<bool> m_run;
boost::recursive_mutex m_daemon_rpc_mutex;
bool m_trusted_daemon;
i_wallet2_callback* m_callback;
hw::device::device_type m_key_device_type;
cryptonote::network_type m_nettype;
uint64_t m_kdf_rounds;
std::string seed_language; /*!< Language of the mnemonics (seed). */
bool is_old_file_format; /*!< Whether the wallet file is of an old file format */
bool m_watch_only; /*!< no spend key */
bool m_multisig; /*!< if > 1 spend secret key will not match spend public key */
uint32_t m_multisig_threshold;
std::vector<crypto::public_key> m_multisig_signers;
//in case of general M/N multisig wallet we should perform N - M + 1 key exchange rounds and remember how many rounds are passed.
uint32_t m_multisig_rounds_passed;
std::vector<crypto::public_key> m_multisig_derivations;
bool m_always_confirm_transfers;
bool m_print_ring_members;
bool m_store_tx_info; /*!< request txkey to be returned in RPC, and store in the wallet cache file */
uint32_t m_default_mixin;
uint32_t m_default_priority;
RefreshType m_refresh_type;
bool m_auto_refresh;
bool m_first_refresh_done;
uint64_t m_refresh_from_block_height;
// If m_refresh_from_block_height is explicitly set to zero we need this to differentiate it from the case that
// m_refresh_from_block_height was defaulted to zero.*/
bool m_explicit_refresh_from_block_height;
bool m_confirm_non_default_ring_size;
AskPasswordType m_ask_password;
uint32_t m_min_output_count;
uint64_t m_min_output_value;
bool m_merge_destinations;
bool m_confirm_backlog;
uint32_t m_confirm_backlog_threshold;
bool m_confirm_export_overwrite;
bool m_auto_low_priority;
bool m_segregate_pre_fork_outputs;
bool m_key_reuse_mitigation2;
uint64_t m_segregation_height;
bool m_ignore_fractional_outputs;
uint64_t m_ignore_outputs_above;
uint64_t m_ignore_outputs_below;
bool m_track_uses;
uint32_t m_inactivity_lock_timeout;
BackgroundMiningSetupType m_setup_background_mining;
bool m_persistent_rpc_client_id;
float m_auto_mine_for_rpc_payment_threshold;
bool m_is_initialized;
NodeRPCProxy m_node_rpc_proxy;
std::unordered_set<crypto::hash> m_scanned_pool_txs[2];
size_t m_subaddress_lookahead_major, m_subaddress_lookahead_minor;
std::string m_device_name;
std::string m_device_derivation_path;
uint64_t m_device_last_key_image_sync;
bool m_use_dns;
bool m_offline;
uint32_t m_rpc_version;
crypto::secret_key m_rpc_client_secret_key;
rpc_payment_state_t m_rpc_payment_state;
uint64_t m_credits_target;
// Aux transaction data from device
std::unordered_map<crypto::hash, std::string> m_tx_device;
// Light wallet
bool m_light_wallet; /* sends view key to daemon for scanning */
uint64_t m_light_wallet_scanned_block_height;
uint64_t m_light_wallet_blockchain_height;
uint64_t m_light_wallet_per_kb_fee = FEE_PER_KB;
bool m_light_wallet_connected;
uint64_t m_light_wallet_balance;
uint64_t m_light_wallet_unlocked_balance;
// Light wallet info needed to populate m_payment requires 2 separate api calls (get_address_txs and get_unspent_outs)
// We save the info from the first call in m_light_wallet_address_txs for easier lookup.
std::unordered_map<crypto::hash, address_tx> m_light_wallet_address_txs;
// store calculated key image for faster lookup
std::unordered_map<crypto::public_key, std::map<uint64_t, crypto::key_image> > m_key_image_cache;
std::string m_ring_database;
bool m_ring_history_saved;
std::unique_ptr<ringdb> m_ringdb;
boost::optional<crypto::chacha_key> m_ringdb_key;
uint64_t m_last_block_reward;
std::unique_ptr<tools::file_locker> m_keys_file_locker;
mms::message_store m_message_store;
bool m_original_keys_available;
cryptonote::account_public_address m_original_address;
crypto::secret_key m_original_view_secret_key;
crypto::chacha_key m_cache_key;
boost::optional<epee::wipeable_string> m_encrypt_keys_after_refresh;
boost::mutex m_decrypt_keys_lock;
unsigned int m_decrypt_keys_lockers;
bool m_unattended;
bool m_devices_registered;
std::shared_ptr<tools::Notify> m_tx_notify;
std::unique_ptr<wallet_device_callback> m_device_callback;
ExportFormat m_export_format;
BOOST_CLASS_VERSION(tools::wallet2, 29)
BOOST_CLASS_VERSION(tools::wallet2::transfer_details, 12)
BOOST_CLASS_VERSION(tools::wallet2::multisig_info, 1)
BOOST_CLASS_VERSION(tools::wallet2::multisig_info::LR, 0)
BOOST_CLASS_VERSION(tools::wallet2::multisig_tx_set, 1)
BOOST_CLASS_VERSION(tools::wallet2::payment_details, 4)
BOOST_CLASS_VERSION(tools::wallet2::pool_payment_details, 1)
BOOST_CLASS_VERSION(tools::wallet2::unconfirmed_transfer_details, 8)
BOOST_CLASS_VERSION(tools::wallet2::confirmed_transfer_details, 6)
BOOST_CLASS_VERSION(tools::wallet2::address_book_row, 17)
BOOST_CLASS_VERSION(tools::wallet2::reserve_proof_entry, 0)
BOOST_CLASS_VERSION(tools::wallet2::unsigned_tx_set, 0)
BOOST_CLASS_VERSION(tools::wallet2::signed_tx_set, 1)
BOOST_CLASS_VERSION(tools::wallet2::tx_construction_data, 4)
BOOST_CLASS_VERSION(tools::wallet2::pending_tx, 3)
BOOST_CLASS_VERSION(tools::wallet2::multisig_sig, 0)
namespace boost
namespace serialization
template <class Archive>
inline typename std::enable_if<!Archive::is_loading::value, void>::type initialize_transfer_details(Archive &a, tools::wallet2::transfer_details &x, const boost::serialization::version_type ver)
template <class Archive>
inline typename std::enable_if<Archive::is_loading::value, void>::type initialize_transfer_details(Archive &a, tools::wallet2::transfer_details &x, const boost::serialization::version_type ver)
if (ver < 1)
x.m_mask = rct::identity();
x.m_amount = x.m_tx.vout[x.m_internal_output_index].amount;
if (ver < 2)
x.m_spent_height = 0;
if (ver < 4)
x.m_rct = x.m_tx.vout[x.m_internal_output_index].amount == 0;
if (ver < 6)
x.m_key_image_known = true;
if (ver < 7)
x.m_pk_index = 0;
if (ver < 8)
x.m_subaddr_index = {};
if (ver < 9)
x.m_key_image_partial = false;
if (ver < 10)
x.m_key_image_request = false;
if (ver < 12)
x.m_frozen = false;
template <class Archive>
inline void serialize(Archive &a, tools::wallet2::transfer_details &x, const boost::serialization::version_type ver)
a & x.m_block_height;
a & x.m_global_output_index;
a & x.m_internal_output_index;
if (ver < 3)
cryptonote::transaction tx;
a & tx;
x.m_tx = (const cryptonote::transaction_prefix&)tx;
x.m_txid = cryptonote::get_transaction_hash(tx);
a & x.m_tx;
a & x.m_spent;
a & x.m_key_image;
if (ver < 1)
// ensure mask and amount are set
initialize_transfer_details(a, x, ver);
a & x.m_mask;
a & x.m_amount;
if (ver < 2)
initialize_transfer_details(a, x, ver);
a & x.m_spent_height;
if (ver < 3)
initialize_transfer_details(a, x, ver);
a & x.m_txid;
if (ver < 4)
initialize_transfer_details(a, x, ver);
a & x.m_rct;
if (ver < 5)
initialize_transfer_details(a, x, ver);
if (ver < 6)
// v5 did not properly initialize
uint8_t u;
a & u;
x.m_key_image_known = true;
a & x.m_key_image_known;
if (ver < 7)
initialize_transfer_details(a, x, ver);
a & x.m_pk_index;
if (ver < 8)
initialize_transfer_details(a, x, ver);
a & x.m_subaddr_index;
if (ver < 9)
initialize_transfer_details(a, x, ver);
a & x.m_multisig_info;
a & x.m_multisig_k;
a & x.m_key_image_partial;
if (ver < 10)
initialize_transfer_details(a, x, ver);
a & x.m_key_image_request;
if (ver < 11)
initialize_transfer_details(a, x, ver);
a & x.m_uses;
if (ver < 12)
initialize_transfer_details(a, x, ver);
a & x.m_frozen;
template <class Archive>
inline void serialize(Archive &a, tools::wallet2::multisig_info::LR &x, const boost::serialization::version_type ver)
a & x.m_L;
a & x.m_R;
template <class Archive>
inline void serialize(Archive &a, tools::wallet2::multisig_info &x, const boost::serialization::version_type ver)
a & x.m_signer;
a & x.m_LR;
a & x.m_partial_key_images;
template <class Archive>
inline void serialize(Archive &a, tools::wallet2::multisig_tx_set &x, const boost::serialization::version_type ver)
a & x.m_ptx;
a & x.m_signers;
template <class Archive>
inline void serialize(Archive &a, tools::wallet2::unconfirmed_transfer_details &x, const boost::serialization::version_type ver)
a & x.m_change;
a & x.m_sent_time;
if (ver < 5)
cryptonote::transaction tx;
a & tx;
x.m_tx = (const cryptonote::transaction_prefix&)tx;
a & x.m_tx;
if (ver < 1)
a & x.m_dests;
a & x.m_payment_id;
if (ver < 2)
a & x.m_state;
if (ver < 3)
a & x.m_timestamp;
if (ver < 4)
a & x.m_amount_in;
a & x.m_amount_out;
if (ver < 6)
// v<6 may not have change accumulated in m_amount_out, which is a pain,
// as it's readily understood to be sum of outputs.
// We convert it to include change from v6
if (!typename Archive::is_saving() && x.m_change != (uint64_t)-1)
x.m_amount_out += x.m_change;
if (ver < 7)
x.m_subaddr_account = 0;
a & x.m_subaddr_account;
a & x.m_subaddr_indices;
if (ver < 8)
a & x.m_rings;
template <class Archive>
inline void serialize(Archive &a, tools::wallet2::confirmed_transfer_details &x, const boost::serialization::version_type ver)
a & x.m_amount_in;
a & x.m_amount_out;
a & x.m_change;
a & x.m_block_height;
if (ver < 1)
a & x.m_dests;
a & x.m_payment_id;
if (ver < 2)
a & x.m_timestamp;
if (ver < 3)
// v<3 may not have change accumulated in m_amount_out, which is a pain,
// as it's readily understood to be sum of outputs. Whether it got added
// or not depends on whether it came from a unconfirmed_transfer_details
// (not included) or not (included). We can't reliably tell here, so we
// check whether either yields a "negative" fee, or use the other if so.
// We convert it to include change from v3
if (!typename Archive::is_saving() && x.m_change != (uint64_t)-1)
if (x.m_amount_in > (x.m_amount_out + x.m_change))
x.m_amount_out += x.m_change;
if (ver < 4)
if (!typename Archive::is_saving())
x.m_unlock_time = 0;
a & x.m_unlock_time;
if (ver < 5)
x.m_subaddr_account = 0;
a & x.m_subaddr_account;
a & x.m_subaddr_indices;
if (ver < 6)
a & x.m_rings;
template <class Archive>
inline void serialize(Archive& a, tools::wallet2::payment_details& x, const boost::serialization::version_type ver)
a & x.m_tx_hash;
a & x.m_amount;
a & x.m_block_height;
a & x.m_unlock_time;
if (ver < 1)
a & x.m_timestamp;
if (ver < 2)
x.m_coinbase = false;
x.m_subaddr_index = {};
a & x.m_subaddr_index;
if (ver < 3)
x.m_coinbase = false;
x.m_fee = 0;
a & x.m_fee;
if (ver < 4)
x.m_coinbase = false;
a & x.m_coinbase;
template <class Archive>
inline void serialize(Archive& a, tools::wallet2::pool_payment_details& x, const boost::serialization::version_type ver)
a & x.m_pd;
a & x.m_double_spend_seen;
template <class Archive>
inline void serialize(Archive& a, tools::wallet2::address_book_row& x, const boost::serialization::version_type ver)
a & x.m_address;
a & x.m_payment_id;
a & x.m_description;
if (ver < 17)
x.m_is_subaddress = false;
a & x.m_is_subaddress;
template <class Archive>
inline void serialize(Archive& a, tools::wallet2::reserve_proof_entry& x, const boost::serialization::version_type ver)
a & x.txid;
a & x.index_in_tx;
a & x.shared_secret;
a & x.key_image;
a & x.shared_secret_sig;
a & x.key_image_sig;
template <class Archive>
inline void serialize(Archive &a, tools::wallet2::unsigned_tx_set &x, const boost::serialization::version_type ver)
a & x.txes;
a & x.transfers;
template <class Archive>
inline void serialize(Archive &a, tools::wallet2::signed_tx_set &x, const boost::serialization::version_type ver)
a & x.ptx;
a & x.key_images;
if (ver < 1)
a & x.tx_key_images;
template <class Archive>
inline void serialize(Archive &a, tools::wallet2::tx_construction_data &x, const boost::serialization::version_type ver)
a & x.sources;
a & x.change_dts;
a & x.splitted_dsts;
if (ver < 2)
// load list to vector
std::list<size_t> selected_transfers;
a & selected_transfers;
for (size_t t: selected_transfers)
a & x.extra;
a & x.unlock_time;
a & x.use_rct;
a & x.dests;
if (ver < 1)
x.subaddr_account = 0;
a & x.subaddr_account;
a & x.subaddr_indices;
if (ver < 2)
if (!typename Archive::is_saving())
x.rct_config = { rct::RangeProofBorromean, 0 };
a & x.selected_transfers;
if (ver < 3)
if (!typename Archive::is_saving())
x.rct_config = { rct::RangeProofBorromean, 0 };
if (ver < 4)
bool use_bulletproofs = x.rct_config.range_proof_type != rct::RangeProofBorromean;
a & use_bulletproofs;
if (!typename Archive::is_saving())
x.rct_config = { use_bulletproofs ? rct::RangeProofBulletproof : rct::RangeProofBorromean, 0 };
a & x.rct_config;
template <class Archive>
inline void serialize(Archive &a, tools::wallet2::multisig_sig &x, const boost::serialization::version_type ver)
a & x.sigs;
a & x.ignore;
a & x.used_L;
a & x.signing_keys;
a & x.msout;
template <class Archive>
inline void serialize(Archive &a, tools::wallet2::pending_tx &x, const boost::serialization::version_type ver)
a & x.tx;
a & x.dust;
a & x.fee;
a & x.dust_added_to_fee;
a & x.change_dts;
if (ver < 2)
// load list to vector
std::list<size_t> selected_transfers;
a & selected_transfers;
for (size_t t: selected_transfers)
a & x.key_images;
a & x.tx_key;
a & x.dests;
a & x.construction_data;
if (ver < 1)
a & x.additional_tx_keys;
if (ver < 2)
a & x.selected_transfers;
if (ver < 3)
a & x.multisig_sigs;
namespace tools
namespace detail
inline void digit_split_strategy(const std::vector<cryptonote::tx_destination_entry>& dsts,
const cryptonote::tx_destination_entry& change_dst, uint64_t dust_threshold,
std::vector<cryptonote::tx_destination_entry>& splitted_dsts, std::vector<cryptonote::tx_destination_entry> &dust_dsts)
for(auto& de: dsts)
cryptonote::decompose_amount_into_digits(de.amount, 0,
[&](uint64_t chunk) { splitted_dsts.push_back(cryptonote::tx_destination_entry(chunk, de.addr, de.is_subaddress)); },
[&](uint64_t a_dust) { splitted_dsts.push_back(cryptonote::tx_destination_entry(a_dust, de.addr, de.is_subaddress)); } );
cryptonote::decompose_amount_into_digits(change_dst.amount, 0,
[&](uint64_t chunk) {
if (chunk <= dust_threshold)
dust_dsts.push_back(cryptonote::tx_destination_entry(chunk, change_dst.addr, false));
splitted_dsts.push_back(cryptonote::tx_destination_entry(chunk, change_dst.addr, false));
[&](uint64_t a_dust) { dust_dsts.push_back(cryptonote::tx_destination_entry(a_dust, change_dst.addr, false)); } );
inline void null_split_strategy(const std::vector<cryptonote::tx_destination_entry>& dsts,
const cryptonote::tx_destination_entry& change_dst, uint64_t dust_threshold,
std::vector<cryptonote::tx_destination_entry>& splitted_dsts, std::vector<cryptonote::tx_destination_entry> &dust_dsts)
splitted_dsts = dsts;
uint64_t change = change_dst.amount;
if (0 != change)
splitted_dsts.push_back(cryptonote::tx_destination_entry(change, change_dst.addr, false));
inline void print_source_entry(const cryptonote::tx_source_entry& src)
std::string indexes;
std::for_each(src.outputs.begin(), src.outputs.end(), [&](const cryptonote::tx_source_entry::output_entry& s_e) { indexes += boost::to_string(s_e.first) + " "; });
LOG_PRINT_L0("amount=" << cryptonote::print_money(src.amount) << ", real_output=" <<src.real_output << ", real_output_in_tx_index=" << src.real_output_in_tx_index << ", indexes: " << indexes);