15:43 < hahsun> Im on stagenet and I suddenly get this exception: 2018-11-04 14:42:52.416 [RPC0] ERROR wallet.wallet2 src/wallet/wallet2.cpp:2070 !m_blockchain.is_in_bounds(current_index). THROW EXCEPTION: error::out_of_hashchain_bounds_error
16:01 <+moneromooo> OK, possibly because the blckchain is always seeded with the genesis block hash...
16:02 <+moneromooo> So that case should be allowed, assuming it doesn't break the code around it.
16:05 <+moneromooo> OK if stop_height == size || (size==1 && stop_heigt ==0)
16:05 <+moneromooo> Throw if not that.
16:06 < hahsun> k