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namespace fcmp_rust {
#include <cstdarg>
#include <cstdint>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <ostream>
#include <new>
// ----- deps C bindings -----
/// Inner integer type that the [`Limb`] newtype wraps.
// TODO: This is only valid for 64-bit platforms
using Word = uint64_t;
/// Big integers are represented as an array of smaller CPU word-size integers
/// called "limbs".
using Limb = Word;
/// Stack-allocated big unsigned integer.
/// Generic over the given number of `LIMBS`
/// # Encoding support
/// This type supports many different types of encodings, either via the
/// [`Encoding`][`crate::Encoding`] trait or various `const fn` decoding and
/// encoding functions that can be used with [`Uint`] constants.
/// Optional crate features for encoding (off-by-default):
/// - `generic-array`: enables [`ArrayEncoding`][`crate::ArrayEncoding`] trait which can be used to
/// [`Uint`] as `GenericArray<u8, N>` and a [`ArrayDecoding`][`crate::ArrayDecoding`] trait which
/// can be used to `GenericArray<u8, N>` as [`Uint`].
/// - `rlp`: support for [Recursive Length Prefix (RLP)][RLP] encoding.
/// [RLP]: https://eth.wiki/fundamentals/rlp
template<uintptr_t LIMBS>
struct Uint {
/// Inner limb array. Stored from least significant to most significant.
Limb limbs[LIMBS];
/// A residue mod `MOD`, represented using `LIMBS` limbs. The modulus of this residue is constant, so it cannot be set at runtime.
/// Internally, the value is stored in Montgomery form (multiplied by MOD::R) until it is retrieved.
template<uintptr_t LIMBS>
struct Residue {
Uint<LIMBS> montgomery_form;
/// A constant-time implementation of the Ed25519 field.
struct SeleneScalar {
Residue<4> _0;
/// The field novel to Helios/Selene.
struct HeliosScalar {
Residue<4> _0;
struct HeliosPoint {
SeleneScalar x;
SeleneScalar y;
SeleneScalar z;
struct SelenePoint {
HeliosScalar x;
HeliosScalar y;
HeliosScalar z;
// ----- End deps C bindings -----
struct CResult {
void* value;
void* err;
template<typename T>
struct Slice {
const T *buf;
uintptr_t len;
using HeliosScalarSlice = Slice<HeliosScalar>;
using SeleneScalarSlice = Slice<SeleneScalar>;
extern "C" {
HeliosPoint helios_hash_init_point();
SelenePoint selene_hash_init_point();
uint8_t *helios_scalar_to_bytes(HeliosScalar helios_scalar);
uint8_t *selene_scalar_to_bytes(SeleneScalar selene_scalar);
uint8_t *helios_point_to_bytes(HeliosPoint helios_point);
uint8_t *selene_point_to_bytes(SelenePoint selene_point);
SeleneScalar ed25519_point_to_selene_scalar(const uint8_t *ed25519_point);
HeliosScalar selene_point_to_helios_scalar(SelenePoint selene_point);
SeleneScalar helios_point_to_selene_scalar(HeliosPoint helios_point);
HeliosScalar helios_zero_scalar();
SeleneScalar selene_zero_scalar();
CResult hash_grow_helios(HeliosPoint existing_hash,
uintptr_t offset,
HeliosScalar existing_child_at_offset,
HeliosScalarSlice new_children);
CResult hash_trim_helios(HeliosPoint existing_hash,
uintptr_t offset,
HeliosScalarSlice children,
HeliosScalar child_to_grow_back);
CResult hash_grow_selene(SelenePoint existing_hash,
uintptr_t offset,
SeleneScalar existing_child_at_offset,
SeleneScalarSlice new_children);
CResult hash_trim_selene(SelenePoint existing_hash,
uintptr_t offset,
SeleneScalarSlice children,
SeleneScalar child_to_grow_back);
} // extern "C"