mirror of
synced 2025-03-21 04:36:32 -04:00

libglim is an Apache-licensed C++ wrapper for lmdb, and rather than rolling our own it seems prudent to use it. Note: lmdb is not included in it, and unless something happens as did with libunbound, should be installed via each OS' package manager or equivalent.
2533 lines
77 KiB
2533 lines
77 KiB
// Generated by the protocol buffer compiler. DO NOT EDIT!
// source: ql2.proto
#ifndef PROTOBUF_ql2_2eproto__INCLUDED
#define PROTOBUF_ql2_2eproto__INCLUDED
#include <string>
#include <google/protobuf/stubs/common.h>
#error This file was generated by a newer version of protoc which is
#error incompatible with your Protocol Buffer headers. Please update
#error your headers.
#error This file was generated by an older version of protoc which is
#error incompatible with your Protocol Buffer headers. Please
#error regenerate this file with a newer version of protoc.
#include <google/protobuf/generated_message_util.h>
#include <google/protobuf/repeated_field.h>
#include <google/protobuf/extension_set.h>
#include <google/protobuf/generated_message_reflection.h>
// @@protoc_insertion_point(includes)
// Internal implementation detail -- do not call these.
void protobuf_AddDesc_ql2_2eproto();
void protobuf_AssignDesc_ql2_2eproto();
void protobuf_ShutdownFile_ql2_2eproto();
class VersionDummy;
class Query;
class Query_AssocPair;
class Frame;
class Backtrace;
class Response;
class Datum;
class Datum_AssocPair;
class Term;
class Term_AssocPair;
enum VersionDummy_Version {
VersionDummy_Version_V0_1 = 1063369270,
VersionDummy_Version_V0_2 = 1915781601
bool VersionDummy_Version_IsValid(int value);
const VersionDummy_Version VersionDummy_Version_Version_MIN = VersionDummy_Version_V0_1;
const VersionDummy_Version VersionDummy_Version_Version_MAX = VersionDummy_Version_V0_2;
const int VersionDummy_Version_Version_ARRAYSIZE = VersionDummy_Version_Version_MAX + 1;
const ::google::protobuf::EnumDescriptor* VersionDummy_Version_descriptor();
inline const ::std::string& VersionDummy_Version_Name(VersionDummy_Version value) {
return ::google::protobuf::internal::NameOfEnum(
VersionDummy_Version_descriptor(), value);
inline bool VersionDummy_Version_Parse(
const ::std::string& name, VersionDummy_Version* value) {
return ::google::protobuf::internal::ParseNamedEnum<VersionDummy_Version>(
VersionDummy_Version_descriptor(), name, value);
enum Query_QueryType {
Query_QueryType_START = 1,
Query_QueryType_CONTINUE = 2,
Query_QueryType_STOP = 3
bool Query_QueryType_IsValid(int value);
const Query_QueryType Query_QueryType_QueryType_MIN = Query_QueryType_START;
const Query_QueryType Query_QueryType_QueryType_MAX = Query_QueryType_STOP;
const int Query_QueryType_QueryType_ARRAYSIZE = Query_QueryType_QueryType_MAX + 1;
const ::google::protobuf::EnumDescriptor* Query_QueryType_descriptor();
inline const ::std::string& Query_QueryType_Name(Query_QueryType value) {
return ::google::protobuf::internal::NameOfEnum(
Query_QueryType_descriptor(), value);
inline bool Query_QueryType_Parse(
const ::std::string& name, Query_QueryType* value) {
return ::google::protobuf::internal::ParseNamedEnum<Query_QueryType>(
Query_QueryType_descriptor(), name, value);
enum Frame_FrameType {
Frame_FrameType_POS = 1,
Frame_FrameType_OPT = 2
bool Frame_FrameType_IsValid(int value);
const Frame_FrameType Frame_FrameType_FrameType_MIN = Frame_FrameType_POS;
const Frame_FrameType Frame_FrameType_FrameType_MAX = Frame_FrameType_OPT;
const int Frame_FrameType_FrameType_ARRAYSIZE = Frame_FrameType_FrameType_MAX + 1;
const ::google::protobuf::EnumDescriptor* Frame_FrameType_descriptor();
inline const ::std::string& Frame_FrameType_Name(Frame_FrameType value) {
return ::google::protobuf::internal::NameOfEnum(
Frame_FrameType_descriptor(), value);
inline bool Frame_FrameType_Parse(
const ::std::string& name, Frame_FrameType* value) {
return ::google::protobuf::internal::ParseNamedEnum<Frame_FrameType>(
Frame_FrameType_descriptor(), name, value);
enum Response_ResponseType {
Response_ResponseType_SUCCESS_ATOM = 1,
Response_ResponseType_SUCCESS_SEQUENCE = 2,
Response_ResponseType_SUCCESS_PARTIAL = 3,
Response_ResponseType_CLIENT_ERROR = 16,
Response_ResponseType_COMPILE_ERROR = 17,
Response_ResponseType_RUNTIME_ERROR = 18
bool Response_ResponseType_IsValid(int value);
const Response_ResponseType Response_ResponseType_ResponseType_MIN = Response_ResponseType_SUCCESS_ATOM;
const Response_ResponseType Response_ResponseType_ResponseType_MAX = Response_ResponseType_RUNTIME_ERROR;
const int Response_ResponseType_ResponseType_ARRAYSIZE = Response_ResponseType_ResponseType_MAX + 1;
const ::google::protobuf::EnumDescriptor* Response_ResponseType_descriptor();
inline const ::std::string& Response_ResponseType_Name(Response_ResponseType value) {
return ::google::protobuf::internal::NameOfEnum(
Response_ResponseType_descriptor(), value);
inline bool Response_ResponseType_Parse(
const ::std::string& name, Response_ResponseType* value) {
return ::google::protobuf::internal::ParseNamedEnum<Response_ResponseType>(
Response_ResponseType_descriptor(), name, value);
enum Datum_DatumType {
Datum_DatumType_R_NULL = 1,
Datum_DatumType_R_BOOL = 2,
Datum_DatumType_R_NUM = 3,
Datum_DatumType_R_STR = 4,
Datum_DatumType_R_ARRAY = 5,
Datum_DatumType_R_OBJECT = 6
bool Datum_DatumType_IsValid(int value);
const Datum_DatumType Datum_DatumType_DatumType_MIN = Datum_DatumType_R_NULL;
const Datum_DatumType Datum_DatumType_DatumType_MAX = Datum_DatumType_R_OBJECT;
const int Datum_DatumType_DatumType_ARRAYSIZE = Datum_DatumType_DatumType_MAX + 1;
const ::google::protobuf::EnumDescriptor* Datum_DatumType_descriptor();
inline const ::std::string& Datum_DatumType_Name(Datum_DatumType value) {
return ::google::protobuf::internal::NameOfEnum(
Datum_DatumType_descriptor(), value);
inline bool Datum_DatumType_Parse(
const ::std::string& name, Datum_DatumType* value) {
return ::google::protobuf::internal::ParseNamedEnum<Datum_DatumType>(
Datum_DatumType_descriptor(), name, value);
enum Term_TermType {
Term_TermType_DATUM = 1,
Term_TermType_MAKE_ARRAY = 2,
Term_TermType_MAKE_OBJ = 3,
Term_TermType_VAR = 10,
Term_TermType_JAVASCRIPT = 11,
Term_TermType_ERROR = 12,
Term_TermType_IMPLICIT_VAR = 13,
Term_TermType_DB = 14,
Term_TermType_TABLE = 15,
Term_TermType_GET = 16,
Term_TermType_GET_ALL = 78,
Term_TermType_EQ = 17,
Term_TermType_NE = 18,
Term_TermType_LT = 19,
Term_TermType_LE = 20,
Term_TermType_GT = 21,
Term_TermType_GE = 22,
Term_TermType_NOT = 23,
Term_TermType_ADD = 24,
Term_TermType_SUB = 25,
Term_TermType_MUL = 26,
Term_TermType_DIV = 27,
Term_TermType_MOD = 28,
Term_TermType_APPEND = 29,
Term_TermType_PREPEND = 80,
Term_TermType_DIFFERENCE = 95,
Term_TermType_SET_INSERT = 88,
Term_TermType_SET_INTERSECTION = 89,
Term_TermType_SET_UNION = 90,
Term_TermType_SET_DIFFERENCE = 91,
Term_TermType_SLICE = 30,
Term_TermType_SKIP = 70,
Term_TermType_LIMIT = 71,
Term_TermType_INDEXES_OF = 87,
Term_TermType_CONTAINS = 93,
Term_TermType_GETATTR = 31,
Term_TermType_KEYS = 94,
Term_TermType_HAS_FIELDS = 32,
Term_TermType_WITH_FIELDS = 96,
Term_TermType_PLUCK = 33,
Term_TermType_WITHOUT = 34,
Term_TermType_MERGE = 35,
Term_TermType_BETWEEN = 36,
Term_TermType_REDUCE = 37,
Term_TermType_MAP = 38,
Term_TermType_FILTER = 39,
Term_TermType_CONCATMAP = 40,
Term_TermType_ORDERBY = 41,
Term_TermType_DISTINCT = 42,
Term_TermType_COUNT = 43,
Term_TermType_IS_EMPTY = 86,
Term_TermType_UNION = 44,
Term_TermType_NTH = 45,
Term_TermType_GROUPED_MAP_REDUCE = 46,
Term_TermType_GROUPBY = 47,
Term_TermType_INNER_JOIN = 48,
Term_TermType_OUTER_JOIN = 49,
Term_TermType_EQ_JOIN = 50,
Term_TermType_ZIP = 72,
Term_TermType_INSERT_AT = 82,
Term_TermType_DELETE_AT = 83,
Term_TermType_CHANGE_AT = 84,
Term_TermType_SPLICE_AT = 85,
Term_TermType_COERCE_TO = 51,
Term_TermType_TYPEOF = 52,
Term_TermType_UPDATE = 53,
Term_TermType_DELETE = 54,
Term_TermType_REPLACE = 55,
Term_TermType_INSERT = 56,
Term_TermType_DB_CREATE = 57,
Term_TermType_DB_DROP = 58,
Term_TermType_DB_LIST = 59,
Term_TermType_TABLE_CREATE = 60,
Term_TermType_TABLE_DROP = 61,
Term_TermType_TABLE_LIST = 62,
Term_TermType_INDEX_CREATE = 75,
Term_TermType_INDEX_DROP = 76,
Term_TermType_INDEX_LIST = 77,
Term_TermType_FUNCALL = 64,
Term_TermType_BRANCH = 65,
Term_TermType_ANY = 66,
Term_TermType_ALL = 67,
Term_TermType_FOREACH = 68,
Term_TermType_FUNC = 69,
Term_TermType_ASC = 73,
Term_TermType_DESC = 74,
Term_TermType_INFO = 79,
Term_TermType_MATCH = 97,
Term_TermType_SAMPLE = 81,
Term_TermType_DEFAULT = 92
bool Term_TermType_IsValid(int value);
const Term_TermType Term_TermType_TermType_MIN = Term_TermType_DATUM;
const Term_TermType Term_TermType_TermType_MAX = Term_TermType_MATCH;
const int Term_TermType_TermType_ARRAYSIZE = Term_TermType_TermType_MAX + 1;
const ::google::protobuf::EnumDescriptor* Term_TermType_descriptor();
inline const ::std::string& Term_TermType_Name(Term_TermType value) {
return ::google::protobuf::internal::NameOfEnum(
Term_TermType_descriptor(), value);
inline bool Term_TermType_Parse(
const ::std::string& name, Term_TermType* value) {
return ::google::protobuf::internal::ParseNamedEnum<Term_TermType>(
Term_TermType_descriptor(), name, value);
// ===================================================================
class VersionDummy : public ::google::protobuf::Message {
virtual ~VersionDummy();
VersionDummy(const VersionDummy& from);
inline VersionDummy& operator=(const VersionDummy& from) {
return *this;
inline const ::google::protobuf::UnknownFieldSet& unknown_fields() const {
return _unknown_fields_;
inline ::google::protobuf::UnknownFieldSet* mutable_unknown_fields() {
return &_unknown_fields_;
static const ::google::protobuf::Descriptor* descriptor();
static const VersionDummy& default_instance();
void Swap(VersionDummy* other);
// implements Message ----------------------------------------------
VersionDummy* New() const;
void CopyFrom(const ::google::protobuf::Message& from);
void MergeFrom(const ::google::protobuf::Message& from);
void CopyFrom(const VersionDummy& from);
void MergeFrom(const VersionDummy& from);
void Clear();
bool IsInitialized() const;
int ByteSize() const;
bool MergePartialFromCodedStream(
::google::protobuf::io::CodedInputStream* input);
void SerializeWithCachedSizes(
::google::protobuf::io::CodedOutputStream* output) const;
::google::protobuf::uint8* SerializeWithCachedSizesToArray(::google::protobuf::uint8* output) const;
int GetCachedSize() const { return _cached_size_; }
void SharedCtor();
void SharedDtor();
void SetCachedSize(int size) const;
::google::protobuf::Metadata GetMetadata() const;
// nested types ----------------------------------------------------
typedef VersionDummy_Version Version;
static const Version V0_1 = VersionDummy_Version_V0_1;
static const Version V0_2 = VersionDummy_Version_V0_2;
static inline bool Version_IsValid(int value) {
return VersionDummy_Version_IsValid(value);
static const Version Version_MIN =
static const Version Version_MAX =
static const int Version_ARRAYSIZE =
static inline const ::google::protobuf::EnumDescriptor*
Version_descriptor() {
return VersionDummy_Version_descriptor();
static inline const ::std::string& Version_Name(Version value) {
return VersionDummy_Version_Name(value);
static inline bool Version_Parse(const ::std::string& name,
Version* value) {
return VersionDummy_Version_Parse(name, value);
// accessors -------------------------------------------------------
// @@protoc_insertion_point(class_scope:VersionDummy)
::google::protobuf::UnknownFieldSet _unknown_fields_;
mutable int _cached_size_;
::google::protobuf::uint32 _has_bits_[1];
friend void protobuf_AddDesc_ql2_2eproto();
friend void protobuf_AssignDesc_ql2_2eproto();
friend void protobuf_ShutdownFile_ql2_2eproto();
void InitAsDefaultInstance();
static VersionDummy* default_instance_;
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
class Query_AssocPair : public ::google::protobuf::Message {
virtual ~Query_AssocPair();
Query_AssocPair(const Query_AssocPair& from);
inline Query_AssocPair& operator=(const Query_AssocPair& from) {
return *this;
inline const ::google::protobuf::UnknownFieldSet& unknown_fields() const {
return _unknown_fields_;
inline ::google::protobuf::UnknownFieldSet* mutable_unknown_fields() {
return &_unknown_fields_;
static const ::google::protobuf::Descriptor* descriptor();
static const Query_AssocPair& default_instance();
void Swap(Query_AssocPair* other);
// implements Message ----------------------------------------------
Query_AssocPair* New() const;
void CopyFrom(const ::google::protobuf::Message& from);
void MergeFrom(const ::google::protobuf::Message& from);
void CopyFrom(const Query_AssocPair& from);
void MergeFrom(const Query_AssocPair& from);
void Clear();
bool IsInitialized() const;
int ByteSize() const;
bool MergePartialFromCodedStream(
::google::protobuf::io::CodedInputStream* input);
void SerializeWithCachedSizes(
::google::protobuf::io::CodedOutputStream* output) const;
::google::protobuf::uint8* SerializeWithCachedSizesToArray(::google::protobuf::uint8* output) const;
int GetCachedSize() const { return _cached_size_; }
void SharedCtor();
void SharedDtor();
void SetCachedSize(int size) const;
::google::protobuf::Metadata GetMetadata() const;
// nested types ----------------------------------------------------
// accessors -------------------------------------------------------
// optional string key = 1;
inline bool has_key() const;
inline void clear_key();
static const int kKeyFieldNumber = 1;
inline const ::std::string& key() const;
inline void set_key(const ::std::string& value);
inline void set_key(const char* value);
inline void set_key(const char* value, size_t size);
inline ::std::string* mutable_key();
inline ::std::string* release_key();
// optional .Term val = 2;
inline bool has_val() const;
inline void clear_val();
static const int kValFieldNumber = 2;
inline const ::Term& val() const;
inline ::Term* mutable_val();
inline ::Term* release_val();
// @@protoc_insertion_point(class_scope:Query.AssocPair)
inline void set_has_key();
inline void clear_has_key();
inline void set_has_val();
inline void clear_has_val();
::google::protobuf::UnknownFieldSet _unknown_fields_;
::std::string* key_;
::Term* val_;
mutable int _cached_size_;
::google::protobuf::uint32 _has_bits_[(2 + 31) / 32];
friend void protobuf_AddDesc_ql2_2eproto();
friend void protobuf_AssignDesc_ql2_2eproto();
friend void protobuf_ShutdownFile_ql2_2eproto();
void InitAsDefaultInstance();
static Query_AssocPair* default_instance_;
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
class Query : public ::google::protobuf::Message {
virtual ~Query();
Query(const Query& from);
inline Query& operator=(const Query& from) {
return *this;
inline const ::google::protobuf::UnknownFieldSet& unknown_fields() const {
return _unknown_fields_;
inline ::google::protobuf::UnknownFieldSet* mutable_unknown_fields() {
return &_unknown_fields_;
static const ::google::protobuf::Descriptor* descriptor();
static const Query& default_instance();
void Swap(Query* other);
// implements Message ----------------------------------------------
Query* New() const;
void CopyFrom(const ::google::protobuf::Message& from);
void MergeFrom(const ::google::protobuf::Message& from);
void CopyFrom(const Query& from);
void MergeFrom(const Query& from);
void Clear();
bool IsInitialized() const;
int ByteSize() const;
bool MergePartialFromCodedStream(
::google::protobuf::io::CodedInputStream* input);
void SerializeWithCachedSizes(
::google::protobuf::io::CodedOutputStream* output) const;
::google::protobuf::uint8* SerializeWithCachedSizesToArray(::google::protobuf::uint8* output) const;
int GetCachedSize() const { return _cached_size_; }
void SharedCtor();
void SharedDtor();
void SetCachedSize(int size) const;
::google::protobuf::Metadata GetMetadata() const;
// nested types ----------------------------------------------------
typedef Query_AssocPair AssocPair;
typedef Query_QueryType QueryType;
static const QueryType START = Query_QueryType_START;
static const QueryType CONTINUE = Query_QueryType_CONTINUE;
static const QueryType STOP = Query_QueryType_STOP;
static inline bool QueryType_IsValid(int value) {
return Query_QueryType_IsValid(value);
static const QueryType QueryType_MIN =
static const QueryType QueryType_MAX =
static const int QueryType_ARRAYSIZE =
static inline const ::google::protobuf::EnumDescriptor*
QueryType_descriptor() {
return Query_QueryType_descriptor();
static inline const ::std::string& QueryType_Name(QueryType value) {
return Query_QueryType_Name(value);
static inline bool QueryType_Parse(const ::std::string& name,
QueryType* value) {
return Query_QueryType_Parse(name, value);
// accessors -------------------------------------------------------
// optional .Query.QueryType type = 1;
inline bool has_type() const;
inline void clear_type();
static const int kTypeFieldNumber = 1;
inline ::Query_QueryType type() const;
inline void set_type(::Query_QueryType value);
// optional .Term query = 2;
inline bool has_query() const;
inline void clear_query();
static const int kQueryFieldNumber = 2;
inline const ::Term& query() const;
inline ::Term* mutable_query();
inline ::Term* release_query();
// optional int64 token = 3;
inline bool has_token() const;
inline void clear_token();
static const int kTokenFieldNumber = 3;
inline ::google::protobuf::int64 token() const;
inline void set_token(::google::protobuf::int64 value);
// optional bool OBSOLETE_noreply = 4 [default = false];
inline bool has_obsolete_noreply() const;
inline void clear_obsolete_noreply();
static const int kOBSOLETENoreplyFieldNumber = 4;
inline bool obsolete_noreply() const;
inline void set_obsolete_noreply(bool value);
// repeated .Query.AssocPair global_optargs = 6;
inline int global_optargs_size() const;
inline void clear_global_optargs();
static const int kGlobalOptargsFieldNumber = 6;
inline const ::Query_AssocPair& global_optargs(int index) const;
inline ::Query_AssocPair* mutable_global_optargs(int index);
inline ::Query_AssocPair* add_global_optargs();
inline const ::google::protobuf::RepeatedPtrField< ::Query_AssocPair >&
global_optargs() const;
inline ::google::protobuf::RepeatedPtrField< ::Query_AssocPair >*
// @@protoc_insertion_point(class_scope:Query)
inline void set_has_type();
inline void clear_has_type();
inline void set_has_query();
inline void clear_has_query();
inline void set_has_token();
inline void clear_has_token();
inline void set_has_obsolete_noreply();
inline void clear_has_obsolete_noreply();
::google::protobuf::UnknownFieldSet _unknown_fields_;
::Term* query_;
int type_;
bool obsolete_noreply_;
::google::protobuf::int64 token_;
::google::protobuf::RepeatedPtrField< ::Query_AssocPair > global_optargs_;
mutable int _cached_size_;
::google::protobuf::uint32 _has_bits_[(5 + 31) / 32];
friend void protobuf_AddDesc_ql2_2eproto();
friend void protobuf_AssignDesc_ql2_2eproto();
friend void protobuf_ShutdownFile_ql2_2eproto();
void InitAsDefaultInstance();
static Query* default_instance_;
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
class Frame : public ::google::protobuf::Message {
virtual ~Frame();
Frame(const Frame& from);
inline Frame& operator=(const Frame& from) {
return *this;
inline const ::google::protobuf::UnknownFieldSet& unknown_fields() const {
return _unknown_fields_;
inline ::google::protobuf::UnknownFieldSet* mutable_unknown_fields() {
return &_unknown_fields_;
static const ::google::protobuf::Descriptor* descriptor();
static const Frame& default_instance();
void Swap(Frame* other);
// implements Message ----------------------------------------------
Frame* New() const;
void CopyFrom(const ::google::protobuf::Message& from);
void MergeFrom(const ::google::protobuf::Message& from);
void CopyFrom(const Frame& from);
void MergeFrom(const Frame& from);
void Clear();
bool IsInitialized() const;
int ByteSize() const;
bool MergePartialFromCodedStream(
::google::protobuf::io::CodedInputStream* input);
void SerializeWithCachedSizes(
::google::protobuf::io::CodedOutputStream* output) const;
::google::protobuf::uint8* SerializeWithCachedSizesToArray(::google::protobuf::uint8* output) const;
int GetCachedSize() const { return _cached_size_; }
void SharedCtor();
void SharedDtor();
void SetCachedSize(int size) const;
::google::protobuf::Metadata GetMetadata() const;
// nested types ----------------------------------------------------
typedef Frame_FrameType FrameType;
static const FrameType POS = Frame_FrameType_POS;
static const FrameType OPT = Frame_FrameType_OPT;
static inline bool FrameType_IsValid(int value) {
return Frame_FrameType_IsValid(value);
static const FrameType FrameType_MIN =
static const FrameType FrameType_MAX =
static const int FrameType_ARRAYSIZE =
static inline const ::google::protobuf::EnumDescriptor*
FrameType_descriptor() {
return Frame_FrameType_descriptor();
static inline const ::std::string& FrameType_Name(FrameType value) {
return Frame_FrameType_Name(value);
static inline bool FrameType_Parse(const ::std::string& name,
FrameType* value) {
return Frame_FrameType_Parse(name, value);
// accessors -------------------------------------------------------
// optional .Frame.FrameType type = 1;
inline bool has_type() const;
inline void clear_type();
static const int kTypeFieldNumber = 1;
inline ::Frame_FrameType type() const;
inline void set_type(::Frame_FrameType value);
// optional int64 pos = 2;
inline bool has_pos() const;
inline void clear_pos();
static const int kPosFieldNumber = 2;
inline ::google::protobuf::int64 pos() const;
inline void set_pos(::google::protobuf::int64 value);
// optional string opt = 3;
inline bool has_opt() const;
inline void clear_opt();
static const int kOptFieldNumber = 3;
inline const ::std::string& opt() const;
inline void set_opt(const ::std::string& value);
inline void set_opt(const char* value);
inline void set_opt(const char* value, size_t size);
inline ::std::string* mutable_opt();
inline ::std::string* release_opt();
// @@protoc_insertion_point(class_scope:Frame)
inline void set_has_type();
inline void clear_has_type();
inline void set_has_pos();
inline void clear_has_pos();
inline void set_has_opt();
inline void clear_has_opt();
::google::protobuf::UnknownFieldSet _unknown_fields_;
::google::protobuf::int64 pos_;
::std::string* opt_;
int type_;
mutable int _cached_size_;
::google::protobuf::uint32 _has_bits_[(3 + 31) / 32];
friend void protobuf_AddDesc_ql2_2eproto();
friend void protobuf_AssignDesc_ql2_2eproto();
friend void protobuf_ShutdownFile_ql2_2eproto();
void InitAsDefaultInstance();
static Frame* default_instance_;
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
class Backtrace : public ::google::protobuf::Message {
virtual ~Backtrace();
Backtrace(const Backtrace& from);
inline Backtrace& operator=(const Backtrace& from) {
return *this;
inline const ::google::protobuf::UnknownFieldSet& unknown_fields() const {
return _unknown_fields_;
inline ::google::protobuf::UnknownFieldSet* mutable_unknown_fields() {
return &_unknown_fields_;
static const ::google::protobuf::Descriptor* descriptor();
static const Backtrace& default_instance();
void Swap(Backtrace* other);
// implements Message ----------------------------------------------
Backtrace* New() const;
void CopyFrom(const ::google::protobuf::Message& from);
void MergeFrom(const ::google::protobuf::Message& from);
void CopyFrom(const Backtrace& from);
void MergeFrom(const Backtrace& from);
void Clear();
bool IsInitialized() const;
int ByteSize() const;
bool MergePartialFromCodedStream(
::google::protobuf::io::CodedInputStream* input);
void SerializeWithCachedSizes(
::google::protobuf::io::CodedOutputStream* output) const;
::google::protobuf::uint8* SerializeWithCachedSizesToArray(::google::protobuf::uint8* output) const;
int GetCachedSize() const { return _cached_size_; }
void SharedCtor();
void SharedDtor();
void SetCachedSize(int size) const;
::google::protobuf::Metadata GetMetadata() const;
// nested types ----------------------------------------------------
// accessors -------------------------------------------------------
// repeated .Frame frames = 1;
inline int frames_size() const;
inline void clear_frames();
static const int kFramesFieldNumber = 1;
inline const ::Frame& frames(int index) const;
inline ::Frame* mutable_frames(int index);
inline ::Frame* add_frames();
inline const ::google::protobuf::RepeatedPtrField< ::Frame >&
frames() const;
inline ::google::protobuf::RepeatedPtrField< ::Frame >*
// @@protoc_insertion_point(class_scope:Backtrace)
::google::protobuf::UnknownFieldSet _unknown_fields_;
::google::protobuf::RepeatedPtrField< ::Frame > frames_;
mutable int _cached_size_;
::google::protobuf::uint32 _has_bits_[(1 + 31) / 32];
friend void protobuf_AddDesc_ql2_2eproto();
friend void protobuf_AssignDesc_ql2_2eproto();
friend void protobuf_ShutdownFile_ql2_2eproto();
void InitAsDefaultInstance();
static Backtrace* default_instance_;
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
class Response : public ::google::protobuf::Message {
virtual ~Response();
Response(const Response& from);
inline Response& operator=(const Response& from) {
return *this;
inline const ::google::protobuf::UnknownFieldSet& unknown_fields() const {
return _unknown_fields_;
inline ::google::protobuf::UnknownFieldSet* mutable_unknown_fields() {
return &_unknown_fields_;
static const ::google::protobuf::Descriptor* descriptor();
static const Response& default_instance();
void Swap(Response* other);
// implements Message ----------------------------------------------
Response* New() const;
void CopyFrom(const ::google::protobuf::Message& from);
void MergeFrom(const ::google::protobuf::Message& from);
void CopyFrom(const Response& from);
void MergeFrom(const Response& from);
void Clear();
bool IsInitialized() const;
int ByteSize() const;
bool MergePartialFromCodedStream(
::google::protobuf::io::CodedInputStream* input);
void SerializeWithCachedSizes(
::google::protobuf::io::CodedOutputStream* output) const;
::google::protobuf::uint8* SerializeWithCachedSizesToArray(::google::protobuf::uint8* output) const;
int GetCachedSize() const { return _cached_size_; }
void SharedCtor();
void SharedDtor();
void SetCachedSize(int size) const;
::google::protobuf::Metadata GetMetadata() const;
// nested types ----------------------------------------------------
typedef Response_ResponseType ResponseType;
static const ResponseType SUCCESS_ATOM = Response_ResponseType_SUCCESS_ATOM;
static const ResponseType SUCCESS_SEQUENCE = Response_ResponseType_SUCCESS_SEQUENCE;
static const ResponseType SUCCESS_PARTIAL = Response_ResponseType_SUCCESS_PARTIAL;
static const ResponseType CLIENT_ERROR = Response_ResponseType_CLIENT_ERROR;
static const ResponseType COMPILE_ERROR = Response_ResponseType_COMPILE_ERROR;
static const ResponseType RUNTIME_ERROR = Response_ResponseType_RUNTIME_ERROR;
static inline bool ResponseType_IsValid(int value) {
return Response_ResponseType_IsValid(value);
static const ResponseType ResponseType_MIN =
static const ResponseType ResponseType_MAX =
static const int ResponseType_ARRAYSIZE =
static inline const ::google::protobuf::EnumDescriptor*
ResponseType_descriptor() {
return Response_ResponseType_descriptor();
static inline const ::std::string& ResponseType_Name(ResponseType value) {
return Response_ResponseType_Name(value);
static inline bool ResponseType_Parse(const ::std::string& name,
ResponseType* value) {
return Response_ResponseType_Parse(name, value);
// accessors -------------------------------------------------------
// optional .Response.ResponseType type = 1;
inline bool has_type() const;
inline void clear_type();
static const int kTypeFieldNumber = 1;
inline ::Response_ResponseType type() const;
inline void set_type(::Response_ResponseType value);
// optional int64 token = 2;
inline bool has_token() const;
inline void clear_token();
static const int kTokenFieldNumber = 2;
inline ::google::protobuf::int64 token() const;
inline void set_token(::google::protobuf::int64 value);
// repeated .Datum response = 3;
inline int response_size() const;
inline void clear_response();
static const int kResponseFieldNumber = 3;
inline const ::Datum& response(int index) const;
inline ::Datum* mutable_response(int index);
inline ::Datum* add_response();
inline const ::google::protobuf::RepeatedPtrField< ::Datum >&
response() const;
inline ::google::protobuf::RepeatedPtrField< ::Datum >*
// optional .Backtrace backtrace = 4;
inline bool has_backtrace() const;
inline void clear_backtrace();
static const int kBacktraceFieldNumber = 4;
inline const ::Backtrace& backtrace() const;
inline ::Backtrace* mutable_backtrace();
inline ::Backtrace* release_backtrace();
// @@protoc_insertion_point(class_scope:Response)
inline void set_has_type();
inline void clear_has_type();
inline void set_has_token();
inline void clear_has_token();
inline void set_has_backtrace();
inline void clear_has_backtrace();
::google::protobuf::UnknownFieldSet _unknown_fields_;
::google::protobuf::int64 token_;
::google::protobuf::RepeatedPtrField< ::Datum > response_;
::Backtrace* backtrace_;
int type_;
mutable int _cached_size_;
::google::protobuf::uint32 _has_bits_[(4 + 31) / 32];
friend void protobuf_AddDesc_ql2_2eproto();
friend void protobuf_AssignDesc_ql2_2eproto();
friend void protobuf_ShutdownFile_ql2_2eproto();
void InitAsDefaultInstance();
static Response* default_instance_;
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
class Datum_AssocPair : public ::google::protobuf::Message {
virtual ~Datum_AssocPair();
Datum_AssocPair(const Datum_AssocPair& from);
inline Datum_AssocPair& operator=(const Datum_AssocPair& from) {
return *this;
inline const ::google::protobuf::UnknownFieldSet& unknown_fields() const {
return _unknown_fields_;
inline ::google::protobuf::UnknownFieldSet* mutable_unknown_fields() {
return &_unknown_fields_;
static const ::google::protobuf::Descriptor* descriptor();
static const Datum_AssocPair& default_instance();
void Swap(Datum_AssocPair* other);
// implements Message ----------------------------------------------
Datum_AssocPair* New() const;
void CopyFrom(const ::google::protobuf::Message& from);
void MergeFrom(const ::google::protobuf::Message& from);
void CopyFrom(const Datum_AssocPair& from);
void MergeFrom(const Datum_AssocPair& from);
void Clear();
bool IsInitialized() const;
int ByteSize() const;
bool MergePartialFromCodedStream(
::google::protobuf::io::CodedInputStream* input);
void SerializeWithCachedSizes(
::google::protobuf::io::CodedOutputStream* output) const;
::google::protobuf::uint8* SerializeWithCachedSizesToArray(::google::protobuf::uint8* output) const;
int GetCachedSize() const { return _cached_size_; }
void SharedCtor();
void SharedDtor();
void SetCachedSize(int size) const;
::google::protobuf::Metadata GetMetadata() const;
// nested types ----------------------------------------------------
// accessors -------------------------------------------------------
// optional string key = 1;
inline bool has_key() const;
inline void clear_key();
static const int kKeyFieldNumber = 1;
inline const ::std::string& key() const;
inline void set_key(const ::std::string& value);
inline void set_key(const char* value);
inline void set_key(const char* value, size_t size);
inline ::std::string* mutable_key();
inline ::std::string* release_key();
// optional .Datum val = 2;
inline bool has_val() const;
inline void clear_val();
static const int kValFieldNumber = 2;
inline const ::Datum& val() const;
inline ::Datum* mutable_val();
inline ::Datum* release_val();
// @@protoc_insertion_point(class_scope:Datum.AssocPair)
inline void set_has_key();
inline void clear_has_key();
inline void set_has_val();
inline void clear_has_val();
::google::protobuf::UnknownFieldSet _unknown_fields_;
::std::string* key_;
::Datum* val_;
mutable int _cached_size_;
::google::protobuf::uint32 _has_bits_[(2 + 31) / 32];
friend void protobuf_AddDesc_ql2_2eproto();
friend void protobuf_AssignDesc_ql2_2eproto();
friend void protobuf_ShutdownFile_ql2_2eproto();
void InitAsDefaultInstance();
static Datum_AssocPair* default_instance_;
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
class Datum : public ::google::protobuf::Message {
virtual ~Datum();
Datum(const Datum& from);
inline Datum& operator=(const Datum& from) {
return *this;
inline const ::google::protobuf::UnknownFieldSet& unknown_fields() const {
return _unknown_fields_;
inline ::google::protobuf::UnknownFieldSet* mutable_unknown_fields() {
return &_unknown_fields_;
static const ::google::protobuf::Descriptor* descriptor();
static const Datum& default_instance();
void Swap(Datum* other);
// implements Message ----------------------------------------------
Datum* New() const;
void CopyFrom(const ::google::protobuf::Message& from);
void MergeFrom(const ::google::protobuf::Message& from);
void CopyFrom(const Datum& from);
void MergeFrom(const Datum& from);
void Clear();
bool IsInitialized() const;
int ByteSize() const;
bool MergePartialFromCodedStream(
::google::protobuf::io::CodedInputStream* input);
void SerializeWithCachedSizes(
::google::protobuf::io::CodedOutputStream* output) const;
::google::protobuf::uint8* SerializeWithCachedSizesToArray(::google::protobuf::uint8* output) const;
int GetCachedSize() const { return _cached_size_; }
void SharedCtor();
void SharedDtor();
void SetCachedSize(int size) const;
::google::protobuf::Metadata GetMetadata() const;
// nested types ----------------------------------------------------
typedef Datum_AssocPair AssocPair;
typedef Datum_DatumType DatumType;
static const DatumType R_NULL = Datum_DatumType_R_NULL;
static const DatumType R_BOOL = Datum_DatumType_R_BOOL;
static const DatumType R_NUM = Datum_DatumType_R_NUM;
static const DatumType R_STR = Datum_DatumType_R_STR;
static const DatumType R_ARRAY = Datum_DatumType_R_ARRAY;
static const DatumType R_OBJECT = Datum_DatumType_R_OBJECT;
static inline bool DatumType_IsValid(int value) {
return Datum_DatumType_IsValid(value);
static const DatumType DatumType_MIN =
static const DatumType DatumType_MAX =
static const int DatumType_ARRAYSIZE =
static inline const ::google::protobuf::EnumDescriptor*
DatumType_descriptor() {
return Datum_DatumType_descriptor();
static inline const ::std::string& DatumType_Name(DatumType value) {
return Datum_DatumType_Name(value);
static inline bool DatumType_Parse(const ::std::string& name,
DatumType* value) {
return Datum_DatumType_Parse(name, value);
// accessors -------------------------------------------------------
// optional .Datum.DatumType type = 1;
inline bool has_type() const;
inline void clear_type();
static const int kTypeFieldNumber = 1;
inline ::Datum_DatumType type() const;
inline void set_type(::Datum_DatumType value);
// optional bool r_bool = 2;
inline bool has_r_bool() const;
inline void clear_r_bool();
static const int kRBoolFieldNumber = 2;
inline bool r_bool() const;
inline void set_r_bool(bool value);
// optional double r_num = 3;
inline bool has_r_num() const;
inline void clear_r_num();
static const int kRNumFieldNumber = 3;
inline double r_num() const;
inline void set_r_num(double value);
// optional string r_str = 4;
inline bool has_r_str() const;
inline void clear_r_str();
static const int kRStrFieldNumber = 4;
inline const ::std::string& r_str() const;
inline void set_r_str(const ::std::string& value);
inline void set_r_str(const char* value);
inline void set_r_str(const char* value, size_t size);
inline ::std::string* mutable_r_str();
inline ::std::string* release_r_str();
// repeated .Datum r_array = 5;
inline int r_array_size() const;
inline void clear_r_array();
static const int kRArrayFieldNumber = 5;
inline const ::Datum& r_array(int index) const;
inline ::Datum* mutable_r_array(int index);
inline ::Datum* add_r_array();
inline const ::google::protobuf::RepeatedPtrField< ::Datum >&
r_array() const;
inline ::google::protobuf::RepeatedPtrField< ::Datum >*
// repeated .Datum.AssocPair r_object = 6;
inline int r_object_size() const;
inline void clear_r_object();
static const int kRObjectFieldNumber = 6;
inline const ::Datum_AssocPair& r_object(int index) const;
inline ::Datum_AssocPair* mutable_r_object(int index);
inline ::Datum_AssocPair* add_r_object();
inline const ::google::protobuf::RepeatedPtrField< ::Datum_AssocPair >&
r_object() const;
inline ::google::protobuf::RepeatedPtrField< ::Datum_AssocPair >*
// @@protoc_insertion_point(class_scope:Datum)
inline void set_has_type();
inline void clear_has_type();
inline void set_has_r_bool();
inline void clear_has_r_bool();
inline void set_has_r_num();
inline void clear_has_r_num();
inline void set_has_r_str();
inline void clear_has_r_str();
::google::protobuf::internal::ExtensionSet _extensions_;
::google::protobuf::UnknownFieldSet _unknown_fields_;
int type_;
bool r_bool_;
double r_num_;
::std::string* r_str_;
::google::protobuf::RepeatedPtrField< ::Datum > r_array_;
::google::protobuf::RepeatedPtrField< ::Datum_AssocPair > r_object_;
mutable int _cached_size_;
::google::protobuf::uint32 _has_bits_[(6 + 31) / 32];
friend void protobuf_AddDesc_ql2_2eproto();
friend void protobuf_AssignDesc_ql2_2eproto();
friend void protobuf_ShutdownFile_ql2_2eproto();
void InitAsDefaultInstance();
static Datum* default_instance_;
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
class Term_AssocPair : public ::google::protobuf::Message {
virtual ~Term_AssocPair();
Term_AssocPair(const Term_AssocPair& from);
inline Term_AssocPair& operator=(const Term_AssocPair& from) {
return *this;
inline const ::google::protobuf::UnknownFieldSet& unknown_fields() const {
return _unknown_fields_;
inline ::google::protobuf::UnknownFieldSet* mutable_unknown_fields() {
return &_unknown_fields_;
static const ::google::protobuf::Descriptor* descriptor();
static const Term_AssocPair& default_instance();
void Swap(Term_AssocPair* other);
// implements Message ----------------------------------------------
Term_AssocPair* New() const;
void CopyFrom(const ::google::protobuf::Message& from);
void MergeFrom(const ::google::protobuf::Message& from);
void CopyFrom(const Term_AssocPair& from);
void MergeFrom(const Term_AssocPair& from);
void Clear();
bool IsInitialized() const;
int ByteSize() const;
bool MergePartialFromCodedStream(
::google::protobuf::io::CodedInputStream* input);
void SerializeWithCachedSizes(
::google::protobuf::io::CodedOutputStream* output) const;
::google::protobuf::uint8* SerializeWithCachedSizesToArray(::google::protobuf::uint8* output) const;
int GetCachedSize() const { return _cached_size_; }
void SharedCtor();
void SharedDtor();
void SetCachedSize(int size) const;
::google::protobuf::Metadata GetMetadata() const;
// nested types ----------------------------------------------------
// accessors -------------------------------------------------------
// optional string key = 1;
inline bool has_key() const;
inline void clear_key();
static const int kKeyFieldNumber = 1;
inline const ::std::string& key() const;
inline void set_key(const ::std::string& value);
inline void set_key(const char* value);
inline void set_key(const char* value, size_t size);
inline ::std::string* mutable_key();
inline ::std::string* release_key();
// optional .Term val = 2;
inline bool has_val() const;
inline void clear_val();
static const int kValFieldNumber = 2;
inline const ::Term& val() const;
inline ::Term* mutable_val();
inline ::Term* release_val();
// @@protoc_insertion_point(class_scope:Term.AssocPair)
inline void set_has_key();
inline void clear_has_key();
inline void set_has_val();
inline void clear_has_val();
::google::protobuf::UnknownFieldSet _unknown_fields_;
::std::string* key_;
::Term* val_;
mutable int _cached_size_;
::google::protobuf::uint32 _has_bits_[(2 + 31) / 32];
friend void protobuf_AddDesc_ql2_2eproto();
friend void protobuf_AssignDesc_ql2_2eproto();
friend void protobuf_ShutdownFile_ql2_2eproto();
void InitAsDefaultInstance();
static Term_AssocPair* default_instance_;
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
class Term : public ::google::protobuf::Message {
virtual ~Term();
Term(const Term& from);
inline Term& operator=(const Term& from) {
return *this;
inline const ::google::protobuf::UnknownFieldSet& unknown_fields() const {
return _unknown_fields_;
inline ::google::protobuf::UnknownFieldSet* mutable_unknown_fields() {
return &_unknown_fields_;
static const ::google::protobuf::Descriptor* descriptor();
static const Term& default_instance();
void Swap(Term* other);
// implements Message ----------------------------------------------
Term* New() const;
void CopyFrom(const ::google::protobuf::Message& from);
void MergeFrom(const ::google::protobuf::Message& from);
void CopyFrom(const Term& from);
void MergeFrom(const Term& from);
void Clear();
bool IsInitialized() const;
int ByteSize() const;
bool MergePartialFromCodedStream(
::google::protobuf::io::CodedInputStream* input);
void SerializeWithCachedSizes(
::google::protobuf::io::CodedOutputStream* output) const;
::google::protobuf::uint8* SerializeWithCachedSizesToArray(::google::protobuf::uint8* output) const;
int GetCachedSize() const { return _cached_size_; }
void SharedCtor();
void SharedDtor();
void SetCachedSize(int size) const;
::google::protobuf::Metadata GetMetadata() const;
// nested types ----------------------------------------------------
typedef Term_AssocPair AssocPair;
typedef Term_TermType TermType;
static const TermType DATUM = Term_TermType_DATUM;
static const TermType MAKE_ARRAY = Term_TermType_MAKE_ARRAY;
static const TermType MAKE_OBJ = Term_TermType_MAKE_OBJ;
static const TermType VAR = Term_TermType_VAR;
static const TermType JAVASCRIPT = Term_TermType_JAVASCRIPT;
static const TermType ERROR = Term_TermType_ERROR;
static const TermType IMPLICIT_VAR = Term_TermType_IMPLICIT_VAR;
static const TermType DB = Term_TermType_DB;
static const TermType TABLE = Term_TermType_TABLE;
static const TermType GET = Term_TermType_GET;
static const TermType GET_ALL = Term_TermType_GET_ALL;
static const TermType EQ = Term_TermType_EQ;
static const TermType NE = Term_TermType_NE;
static const TermType LT = Term_TermType_LT;
static const TermType LE = Term_TermType_LE;
static const TermType GT = Term_TermType_GT;
static const TermType GE = Term_TermType_GE;
static const TermType NOT = Term_TermType_NOT;
static const TermType ADD = Term_TermType_ADD;
static const TermType SUB = Term_TermType_SUB;
static const TermType MUL = Term_TermType_MUL;
static const TermType DIV = Term_TermType_DIV;
static const TermType MOD = Term_TermType_MOD;
static const TermType APPEND = Term_TermType_APPEND;
static const TermType PREPEND = Term_TermType_PREPEND;
static const TermType DIFFERENCE = Term_TermType_DIFFERENCE;
static const TermType SET_INSERT = Term_TermType_SET_INSERT;
static const TermType SET_INTERSECTION = Term_TermType_SET_INTERSECTION;
static const TermType SET_UNION = Term_TermType_SET_UNION;
static const TermType SET_DIFFERENCE = Term_TermType_SET_DIFFERENCE;
static const TermType SLICE = Term_TermType_SLICE;
static const TermType SKIP = Term_TermType_SKIP;
static const TermType LIMIT = Term_TermType_LIMIT;
static const TermType INDEXES_OF = Term_TermType_INDEXES_OF;
static const TermType CONTAINS = Term_TermType_CONTAINS;
static const TermType GETATTR = Term_TermType_GETATTR;
static const TermType KEYS = Term_TermType_KEYS;
static const TermType HAS_FIELDS = Term_TermType_HAS_FIELDS;
static const TermType WITH_FIELDS = Term_TermType_WITH_FIELDS;
static const TermType PLUCK = Term_TermType_PLUCK;
static const TermType WITHOUT = Term_TermType_WITHOUT;
static const TermType MERGE = Term_TermType_MERGE;
static const TermType BETWEEN = Term_TermType_BETWEEN;
static const TermType REDUCE = Term_TermType_REDUCE;
static const TermType MAP = Term_TermType_MAP;
static const TermType FILTER = Term_TermType_FILTER;
static const TermType CONCATMAP = Term_TermType_CONCATMAP;
static const TermType ORDERBY = Term_TermType_ORDERBY;
static const TermType DISTINCT = Term_TermType_DISTINCT;
static const TermType COUNT = Term_TermType_COUNT;
static const TermType IS_EMPTY = Term_TermType_IS_EMPTY;
static const TermType UNION = Term_TermType_UNION;
static const TermType NTH = Term_TermType_NTH;
static const TermType GROUPED_MAP_REDUCE = Term_TermType_GROUPED_MAP_REDUCE;
static const TermType GROUPBY = Term_TermType_GROUPBY;
static const TermType INNER_JOIN = Term_TermType_INNER_JOIN;
static const TermType OUTER_JOIN = Term_TermType_OUTER_JOIN;
static const TermType EQ_JOIN = Term_TermType_EQ_JOIN;
static const TermType ZIP = Term_TermType_ZIP;
static const TermType INSERT_AT = Term_TermType_INSERT_AT;
static const TermType DELETE_AT = Term_TermType_DELETE_AT;
static const TermType CHANGE_AT = Term_TermType_CHANGE_AT;
static const TermType SPLICE_AT = Term_TermType_SPLICE_AT;
static const TermType COERCE_TO = Term_TermType_COERCE_TO;
static const TermType TYPEOF = Term_TermType_TYPEOF;
static const TermType UPDATE = Term_TermType_UPDATE;
static const TermType DELETE = Term_TermType_DELETE;
static const TermType REPLACE = Term_TermType_REPLACE;
static const TermType INSERT = Term_TermType_INSERT;
static const TermType DB_CREATE = Term_TermType_DB_CREATE;
static const TermType DB_DROP = Term_TermType_DB_DROP;
static const TermType DB_LIST = Term_TermType_DB_LIST;
static const TermType TABLE_CREATE = Term_TermType_TABLE_CREATE;
static const TermType TABLE_DROP = Term_TermType_TABLE_DROP;
static const TermType TABLE_LIST = Term_TermType_TABLE_LIST;
static const TermType INDEX_CREATE = Term_TermType_INDEX_CREATE;
static const TermType INDEX_DROP = Term_TermType_INDEX_DROP;
static const TermType INDEX_LIST = Term_TermType_INDEX_LIST;
static const TermType FUNCALL = Term_TermType_FUNCALL;
static const TermType BRANCH = Term_TermType_BRANCH;
static const TermType ANY = Term_TermType_ANY;
static const TermType ALL = Term_TermType_ALL;
static const TermType FOREACH = Term_TermType_FOREACH;
static const TermType FUNC = Term_TermType_FUNC;
static const TermType ASC = Term_TermType_ASC;
static const TermType DESC = Term_TermType_DESC;
static const TermType INFO = Term_TermType_INFO;
static const TermType MATCH = Term_TermType_MATCH;
static const TermType SAMPLE = Term_TermType_SAMPLE;
static const TermType DEFAULT = Term_TermType_DEFAULT;
static inline bool TermType_IsValid(int value) {
return Term_TermType_IsValid(value);
static const TermType TermType_MIN =
static const TermType TermType_MAX =
static const int TermType_ARRAYSIZE =
static inline const ::google::protobuf::EnumDescriptor*
TermType_descriptor() {
return Term_TermType_descriptor();
static inline const ::std::string& TermType_Name(TermType value) {
return Term_TermType_Name(value);
static inline bool TermType_Parse(const ::std::string& name,
TermType* value) {
return Term_TermType_Parse(name, value);
// accessors -------------------------------------------------------
// optional .Term.TermType type = 1;
inline bool has_type() const;
inline void clear_type();
static const int kTypeFieldNumber = 1;
inline ::Term_TermType type() const;
inline void set_type(::Term_TermType value);
// optional .Datum datum = 2;
inline bool has_datum() const;
inline void clear_datum();
static const int kDatumFieldNumber = 2;
inline const ::Datum& datum() const;
inline ::Datum* mutable_datum();
inline ::Datum* release_datum();
// repeated .Term args = 3;
inline int args_size() const;
inline void clear_args();
static const int kArgsFieldNumber = 3;
inline const ::Term& args(int index) const;
inline ::Term* mutable_args(int index);
inline ::Term* add_args();
inline const ::google::protobuf::RepeatedPtrField< ::Term >&
args() const;
inline ::google::protobuf::RepeatedPtrField< ::Term >*
// repeated .Term.AssocPair optargs = 4;
inline int optargs_size() const;
inline void clear_optargs();
static const int kOptargsFieldNumber = 4;
inline const ::Term_AssocPair& optargs(int index) const;
inline ::Term_AssocPair* mutable_optargs(int index);
inline ::Term_AssocPair* add_optargs();
inline const ::google::protobuf::RepeatedPtrField< ::Term_AssocPair >&
optargs() const;
inline ::google::protobuf::RepeatedPtrField< ::Term_AssocPair >*
// @@protoc_insertion_point(class_scope:Term)
inline void set_has_type();
inline void clear_has_type();
inline void set_has_datum();
inline void clear_has_datum();
::google::protobuf::internal::ExtensionSet _extensions_;
::google::protobuf::UnknownFieldSet _unknown_fields_;
::Datum* datum_;
::google::protobuf::RepeatedPtrField< ::Term > args_;
::google::protobuf::RepeatedPtrField< ::Term_AssocPair > optargs_;
int type_;
mutable int _cached_size_;
::google::protobuf::uint32 _has_bits_[(4 + 31) / 32];
friend void protobuf_AddDesc_ql2_2eproto();
friend void protobuf_AssignDesc_ql2_2eproto();
friend void protobuf_ShutdownFile_ql2_2eproto();
void InitAsDefaultInstance();
static Term* default_instance_;
// ===================================================================
// ===================================================================
// VersionDummy
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
// Query_AssocPair
// optional string key = 1;
inline bool Query_AssocPair::has_key() const {
return (_has_bits_[0] & 0x00000001u) != 0;
inline void Query_AssocPair::set_has_key() {
_has_bits_[0] |= 0x00000001u;
inline void Query_AssocPair::clear_has_key() {
_has_bits_[0] &= ~0x00000001u;
inline void Query_AssocPair::clear_key() {
if (key_ != &::google::protobuf::internal::kEmptyString) {
inline const ::std::string& Query_AssocPair::key() const {
return *key_;
inline void Query_AssocPair::set_key(const ::std::string& value) {
if (key_ == &::google::protobuf::internal::kEmptyString) {
key_ = new ::std::string;
inline void Query_AssocPair::set_key(const char* value) {
if (key_ == &::google::protobuf::internal::kEmptyString) {
key_ = new ::std::string;
inline void Query_AssocPair::set_key(const char* value, size_t size) {
if (key_ == &::google::protobuf::internal::kEmptyString) {
key_ = new ::std::string;
key_->assign(reinterpret_cast<const char*>(value), size);
inline ::std::string* Query_AssocPair::mutable_key() {
if (key_ == &::google::protobuf::internal::kEmptyString) {
key_ = new ::std::string;
return key_;
inline ::std::string* Query_AssocPair::release_key() {
if (key_ == &::google::protobuf::internal::kEmptyString) {
return NULL;
} else {
::std::string* temp = key_;
key_ = const_cast< ::std::string*>(&::google::protobuf::internal::kEmptyString);
return temp;
// optional .Term val = 2;
inline bool Query_AssocPair::has_val() const {
return (_has_bits_[0] & 0x00000002u) != 0;
inline void Query_AssocPair::set_has_val() {
_has_bits_[0] |= 0x00000002u;
inline void Query_AssocPair::clear_has_val() {
_has_bits_[0] &= ~0x00000002u;
inline void Query_AssocPair::clear_val() {
if (val_ != NULL) val_->::Term::Clear();
inline const ::Term& Query_AssocPair::val() const {
return val_ != NULL ? *val_ : *default_instance_->val_;
inline ::Term* Query_AssocPair::mutable_val() {
if (val_ == NULL) val_ = new ::Term;
return val_;
inline ::Term* Query_AssocPair::release_val() {
::Term* temp = val_;
val_ = NULL;
return temp;
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
// Query
// optional .Query.QueryType type = 1;
inline bool Query::has_type() const {
return (_has_bits_[0] & 0x00000001u) != 0;
inline void Query::set_has_type() {
_has_bits_[0] |= 0x00000001u;
inline void Query::clear_has_type() {
_has_bits_[0] &= ~0x00000001u;
inline void Query::clear_type() {
type_ = 1;
inline ::Query_QueryType Query::type() const {
return static_cast< ::Query_QueryType >(type_);
inline void Query::set_type(::Query_QueryType value) {
type_ = value;
// optional .Term query = 2;
inline bool Query::has_query() const {
return (_has_bits_[0] & 0x00000002u) != 0;
inline void Query::set_has_query() {
_has_bits_[0] |= 0x00000002u;
inline void Query::clear_has_query() {
_has_bits_[0] &= ~0x00000002u;
inline void Query::clear_query() {
if (query_ != NULL) query_->::Term::Clear();
inline const ::Term& Query::query() const {
return query_ != NULL ? *query_ : *default_instance_->query_;
inline ::Term* Query::mutable_query() {
if (query_ == NULL) query_ = new ::Term;
return query_;
inline ::Term* Query::release_query() {
::Term* temp = query_;
query_ = NULL;
return temp;
// optional int64 token = 3;
inline bool Query::has_token() const {
return (_has_bits_[0] & 0x00000004u) != 0;
inline void Query::set_has_token() {
_has_bits_[0] |= 0x00000004u;
inline void Query::clear_has_token() {
_has_bits_[0] &= ~0x00000004u;
inline void Query::clear_token() {
token_ = GOOGLE_LONGLONG(0);
inline ::google::protobuf::int64 Query::token() const {
return token_;
inline void Query::set_token(::google::protobuf::int64 value) {
token_ = value;
// optional bool OBSOLETE_noreply = 4 [default = false];
inline bool Query::has_obsolete_noreply() const {
return (_has_bits_[0] & 0x00000008u) != 0;
inline void Query::set_has_obsolete_noreply() {
_has_bits_[0] |= 0x00000008u;
inline void Query::clear_has_obsolete_noreply() {
_has_bits_[0] &= ~0x00000008u;
inline void Query::clear_obsolete_noreply() {
obsolete_noreply_ = false;
inline bool Query::obsolete_noreply() const {
return obsolete_noreply_;
inline void Query::set_obsolete_noreply(bool value) {
obsolete_noreply_ = value;
// repeated .Query.AssocPair global_optargs = 6;
inline int Query::global_optargs_size() const {
return global_optargs_.size();
inline void Query::clear_global_optargs() {
inline const ::Query_AssocPair& Query::global_optargs(int index) const {
return global_optargs_.Get(index);
inline ::Query_AssocPair* Query::mutable_global_optargs(int index) {
return global_optargs_.Mutable(index);
inline ::Query_AssocPair* Query::add_global_optargs() {
return global_optargs_.Add();
inline const ::google::protobuf::RepeatedPtrField< ::Query_AssocPair >&
Query::global_optargs() const {
return global_optargs_;
inline ::google::protobuf::RepeatedPtrField< ::Query_AssocPair >*
Query::mutable_global_optargs() {
return &global_optargs_;
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
// Frame
// optional .Frame.FrameType type = 1;
inline bool Frame::has_type() const {
return (_has_bits_[0] & 0x00000001u) != 0;
inline void Frame::set_has_type() {
_has_bits_[0] |= 0x00000001u;
inline void Frame::clear_has_type() {
_has_bits_[0] &= ~0x00000001u;
inline void Frame::clear_type() {
type_ = 1;
inline ::Frame_FrameType Frame::type() const {
return static_cast< ::Frame_FrameType >(type_);
inline void Frame::set_type(::Frame_FrameType value) {
type_ = value;
// optional int64 pos = 2;
inline bool Frame::has_pos() const {
return (_has_bits_[0] & 0x00000002u) != 0;
inline void Frame::set_has_pos() {
_has_bits_[0] |= 0x00000002u;
inline void Frame::clear_has_pos() {
_has_bits_[0] &= ~0x00000002u;
inline void Frame::clear_pos() {
inline ::google::protobuf::int64 Frame::pos() const {
return pos_;
inline void Frame::set_pos(::google::protobuf::int64 value) {
pos_ = value;
// optional string opt = 3;
inline bool Frame::has_opt() const {
return (_has_bits_[0] & 0x00000004u) != 0;
inline void Frame::set_has_opt() {
_has_bits_[0] |= 0x00000004u;
inline void Frame::clear_has_opt() {
_has_bits_[0] &= ~0x00000004u;
inline void Frame::clear_opt() {
if (opt_ != &::google::protobuf::internal::kEmptyString) {
inline const ::std::string& Frame::opt() const {
return *opt_;
inline void Frame::set_opt(const ::std::string& value) {
if (opt_ == &::google::protobuf::internal::kEmptyString) {
opt_ = new ::std::string;
inline void Frame::set_opt(const char* value) {
if (opt_ == &::google::protobuf::internal::kEmptyString) {
opt_ = new ::std::string;
inline void Frame::set_opt(const char* value, size_t size) {
if (opt_ == &::google::protobuf::internal::kEmptyString) {
opt_ = new ::std::string;
opt_->assign(reinterpret_cast<const char*>(value), size);
inline ::std::string* Frame::mutable_opt() {
if (opt_ == &::google::protobuf::internal::kEmptyString) {
opt_ = new ::std::string;
return opt_;
inline ::std::string* Frame::release_opt() {
if (opt_ == &::google::protobuf::internal::kEmptyString) {
return NULL;
} else {
::std::string* temp = opt_;
opt_ = const_cast< ::std::string*>(&::google::protobuf::internal::kEmptyString);
return temp;
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
// Backtrace
// repeated .Frame frames = 1;
inline int Backtrace::frames_size() const {
return frames_.size();
inline void Backtrace::clear_frames() {
inline const ::Frame& Backtrace::frames(int index) const {
return frames_.Get(index);
inline ::Frame* Backtrace::mutable_frames(int index) {
return frames_.Mutable(index);
inline ::Frame* Backtrace::add_frames() {
return frames_.Add();
inline const ::google::protobuf::RepeatedPtrField< ::Frame >&
Backtrace::frames() const {
return frames_;
inline ::google::protobuf::RepeatedPtrField< ::Frame >*
Backtrace::mutable_frames() {
return &frames_;
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
// Response
// optional .Response.ResponseType type = 1;
inline bool Response::has_type() const {
return (_has_bits_[0] & 0x00000001u) != 0;
inline void Response::set_has_type() {
_has_bits_[0] |= 0x00000001u;
inline void Response::clear_has_type() {
_has_bits_[0] &= ~0x00000001u;
inline void Response::clear_type() {
type_ = 1;
inline ::Response_ResponseType Response::type() const {
return static_cast< ::Response_ResponseType >(type_);
inline void Response::set_type(::Response_ResponseType value) {
type_ = value;
// optional int64 token = 2;
inline bool Response::has_token() const {
return (_has_bits_[0] & 0x00000002u) != 0;
inline void Response::set_has_token() {
_has_bits_[0] |= 0x00000002u;
inline void Response::clear_has_token() {
_has_bits_[0] &= ~0x00000002u;
inline void Response::clear_token() {
token_ = GOOGLE_LONGLONG(0);
inline ::google::protobuf::int64 Response::token() const {
return token_;
inline void Response::set_token(::google::protobuf::int64 value) {
token_ = value;
// repeated .Datum response = 3;
inline int Response::response_size() const {
return response_.size();
inline void Response::clear_response() {
inline const ::Datum& Response::response(int index) const {
return response_.Get(index);
inline ::Datum* Response::mutable_response(int index) {
return response_.Mutable(index);
inline ::Datum* Response::add_response() {
return response_.Add();
inline const ::google::protobuf::RepeatedPtrField< ::Datum >&
Response::response() const {
return response_;
inline ::google::protobuf::RepeatedPtrField< ::Datum >*
Response::mutable_response() {
return &response_;
// optional .Backtrace backtrace = 4;
inline bool Response::has_backtrace() const {
return (_has_bits_[0] & 0x00000008u) != 0;
inline void Response::set_has_backtrace() {
_has_bits_[0] |= 0x00000008u;
inline void Response::clear_has_backtrace() {
_has_bits_[0] &= ~0x00000008u;
inline void Response::clear_backtrace() {
if (backtrace_ != NULL) backtrace_->::Backtrace::Clear();
inline const ::Backtrace& Response::backtrace() const {
return backtrace_ != NULL ? *backtrace_ : *default_instance_->backtrace_;
inline ::Backtrace* Response::mutable_backtrace() {
if (backtrace_ == NULL) backtrace_ = new ::Backtrace;
return backtrace_;
inline ::Backtrace* Response::release_backtrace() {
::Backtrace* temp = backtrace_;
backtrace_ = NULL;
return temp;
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
// Datum_AssocPair
// optional string key = 1;
inline bool Datum_AssocPair::has_key() const {
return (_has_bits_[0] & 0x00000001u) != 0;
inline void Datum_AssocPair::set_has_key() {
_has_bits_[0] |= 0x00000001u;
inline void Datum_AssocPair::clear_has_key() {
_has_bits_[0] &= ~0x00000001u;
inline void Datum_AssocPair::clear_key() {
if (key_ != &::google::protobuf::internal::kEmptyString) {
inline const ::std::string& Datum_AssocPair::key() const {
return *key_;
inline void Datum_AssocPair::set_key(const ::std::string& value) {
if (key_ == &::google::protobuf::internal::kEmptyString) {
key_ = new ::std::string;
inline void Datum_AssocPair::set_key(const char* value) {
if (key_ == &::google::protobuf::internal::kEmptyString) {
key_ = new ::std::string;
inline void Datum_AssocPair::set_key(const char* value, size_t size) {
if (key_ == &::google::protobuf::internal::kEmptyString) {
key_ = new ::std::string;
key_->assign(reinterpret_cast<const char*>(value), size);
inline ::std::string* Datum_AssocPair::mutable_key() {
if (key_ == &::google::protobuf::internal::kEmptyString) {
key_ = new ::std::string;
return key_;
inline ::std::string* Datum_AssocPair::release_key() {
if (key_ == &::google::protobuf::internal::kEmptyString) {
return NULL;
} else {
::std::string* temp = key_;
key_ = const_cast< ::std::string*>(&::google::protobuf::internal::kEmptyString);
return temp;
// optional .Datum val = 2;
inline bool Datum_AssocPair::has_val() const {
return (_has_bits_[0] & 0x00000002u) != 0;
inline void Datum_AssocPair::set_has_val() {
_has_bits_[0] |= 0x00000002u;
inline void Datum_AssocPair::clear_has_val() {
_has_bits_[0] &= ~0x00000002u;
inline void Datum_AssocPair::clear_val() {
if (val_ != NULL) val_->::Datum::Clear();
inline const ::Datum& Datum_AssocPair::val() const {
return val_ != NULL ? *val_ : *default_instance_->val_;
inline ::Datum* Datum_AssocPair::mutable_val() {
if (val_ == NULL) val_ = new ::Datum;
return val_;
inline ::Datum* Datum_AssocPair::release_val() {
::Datum* temp = val_;
val_ = NULL;
return temp;
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
// Datum
// optional .Datum.DatumType type = 1;
inline bool Datum::has_type() const {
return (_has_bits_[0] & 0x00000001u) != 0;
inline void Datum::set_has_type() {
_has_bits_[0] |= 0x00000001u;
inline void Datum::clear_has_type() {
_has_bits_[0] &= ~0x00000001u;
inline void Datum::clear_type() {
type_ = 1;
inline ::Datum_DatumType Datum::type() const {
return static_cast< ::Datum_DatumType >(type_);
inline void Datum::set_type(::Datum_DatumType value) {
type_ = value;
// optional bool r_bool = 2;
inline bool Datum::has_r_bool() const {
return (_has_bits_[0] & 0x00000002u) != 0;
inline void Datum::set_has_r_bool() {
_has_bits_[0] |= 0x00000002u;
inline void Datum::clear_has_r_bool() {
_has_bits_[0] &= ~0x00000002u;
inline void Datum::clear_r_bool() {
r_bool_ = false;
inline bool Datum::r_bool() const {
return r_bool_;
inline void Datum::set_r_bool(bool value) {
r_bool_ = value;
// optional double r_num = 3;
inline bool Datum::has_r_num() const {
return (_has_bits_[0] & 0x00000004u) != 0;
inline void Datum::set_has_r_num() {
_has_bits_[0] |= 0x00000004u;
inline void Datum::clear_has_r_num() {
_has_bits_[0] &= ~0x00000004u;
inline void Datum::clear_r_num() {
r_num_ = 0;
inline double Datum::r_num() const {
return r_num_;
inline void Datum::set_r_num(double value) {
r_num_ = value;
// optional string r_str = 4;
inline bool Datum::has_r_str() const {
return (_has_bits_[0] & 0x00000008u) != 0;
inline void Datum::set_has_r_str() {
_has_bits_[0] |= 0x00000008u;
inline void Datum::clear_has_r_str() {
_has_bits_[0] &= ~0x00000008u;
inline void Datum::clear_r_str() {
if (r_str_ != &::google::protobuf::internal::kEmptyString) {
inline const ::std::string& Datum::r_str() const {
return *r_str_;
inline void Datum::set_r_str(const ::std::string& value) {
if (r_str_ == &::google::protobuf::internal::kEmptyString) {
r_str_ = new ::std::string;
inline void Datum::set_r_str(const char* value) {
if (r_str_ == &::google::protobuf::internal::kEmptyString) {
r_str_ = new ::std::string;
inline void Datum::set_r_str(const char* value, size_t size) {
if (r_str_ == &::google::protobuf::internal::kEmptyString) {
r_str_ = new ::std::string;
r_str_->assign(reinterpret_cast<const char*>(value), size);
inline ::std::string* Datum::mutable_r_str() {
if (r_str_ == &::google::protobuf::internal::kEmptyString) {
r_str_ = new ::std::string;
return r_str_;
inline ::std::string* Datum::release_r_str() {
if (r_str_ == &::google::protobuf::internal::kEmptyString) {
return NULL;
} else {
::std::string* temp = r_str_;
r_str_ = const_cast< ::std::string*>(&::google::protobuf::internal::kEmptyString);
return temp;
// repeated .Datum r_array = 5;
inline int Datum::r_array_size() const {
return r_array_.size();
inline void Datum::clear_r_array() {
inline const ::Datum& Datum::r_array(int index) const {
return r_array_.Get(index);
inline ::Datum* Datum::mutable_r_array(int index) {
return r_array_.Mutable(index);
inline ::Datum* Datum::add_r_array() {
return r_array_.Add();
inline const ::google::protobuf::RepeatedPtrField< ::Datum >&
Datum::r_array() const {
return r_array_;
inline ::google::protobuf::RepeatedPtrField< ::Datum >*
Datum::mutable_r_array() {
return &r_array_;
// repeated .Datum.AssocPair r_object = 6;
inline int Datum::r_object_size() const {
return r_object_.size();
inline void Datum::clear_r_object() {
inline const ::Datum_AssocPair& Datum::r_object(int index) const {
return r_object_.Get(index);
inline ::Datum_AssocPair* Datum::mutable_r_object(int index) {
return r_object_.Mutable(index);
inline ::Datum_AssocPair* Datum::add_r_object() {
return r_object_.Add();
inline const ::google::protobuf::RepeatedPtrField< ::Datum_AssocPair >&
Datum::r_object() const {
return r_object_;
inline ::google::protobuf::RepeatedPtrField< ::Datum_AssocPair >*
Datum::mutable_r_object() {
return &r_object_;
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
// Term_AssocPair
// optional string key = 1;
inline bool Term_AssocPair::has_key() const {
return (_has_bits_[0] & 0x00000001u) != 0;
inline void Term_AssocPair::set_has_key() {
_has_bits_[0] |= 0x00000001u;
inline void Term_AssocPair::clear_has_key() {
_has_bits_[0] &= ~0x00000001u;
inline void Term_AssocPair::clear_key() {
if (key_ != &::google::protobuf::internal::kEmptyString) {
inline const ::std::string& Term_AssocPair::key() const {
return *key_;
inline void Term_AssocPair::set_key(const ::std::string& value) {
if (key_ == &::google::protobuf::internal::kEmptyString) {
key_ = new ::std::string;
inline void Term_AssocPair::set_key(const char* value) {
if (key_ == &::google::protobuf::internal::kEmptyString) {
key_ = new ::std::string;
inline void Term_AssocPair::set_key(const char* value, size_t size) {
if (key_ == &::google::protobuf::internal::kEmptyString) {
key_ = new ::std::string;
key_->assign(reinterpret_cast<const char*>(value), size);
inline ::std::string* Term_AssocPair::mutable_key() {
if (key_ == &::google::protobuf::internal::kEmptyString) {
key_ = new ::std::string;
return key_;
inline ::std::string* Term_AssocPair::release_key() {
if (key_ == &::google::protobuf::internal::kEmptyString) {
return NULL;
} else {
::std::string* temp = key_;
key_ = const_cast< ::std::string*>(&::google::protobuf::internal::kEmptyString);
return temp;
// optional .Term val = 2;
inline bool Term_AssocPair::has_val() const {
return (_has_bits_[0] & 0x00000002u) != 0;
inline void Term_AssocPair::set_has_val() {
_has_bits_[0] |= 0x00000002u;
inline void Term_AssocPair::clear_has_val() {
_has_bits_[0] &= ~0x00000002u;
inline void Term_AssocPair::clear_val() {
if (val_ != NULL) val_->::Term::Clear();
inline const ::Term& Term_AssocPair::val() const {
return val_ != NULL ? *val_ : *default_instance_->val_;
inline ::Term* Term_AssocPair::mutable_val() {
if (val_ == NULL) val_ = new ::Term;
return val_;
inline ::Term* Term_AssocPair::release_val() {
::Term* temp = val_;
val_ = NULL;
return temp;
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
// Term
// optional .Term.TermType type = 1;
inline bool Term::has_type() const {
return (_has_bits_[0] & 0x00000001u) != 0;
inline void Term::set_has_type() {
_has_bits_[0] |= 0x00000001u;
inline void Term::clear_has_type() {
_has_bits_[0] &= ~0x00000001u;
inline void Term::clear_type() {
type_ = 1;
inline ::Term_TermType Term::type() const {
return static_cast< ::Term_TermType >(type_);
inline void Term::set_type(::Term_TermType value) {
type_ = value;
// optional .Datum datum = 2;
inline bool Term::has_datum() const {
return (_has_bits_[0] & 0x00000002u) != 0;
inline void Term::set_has_datum() {
_has_bits_[0] |= 0x00000002u;
inline void Term::clear_has_datum() {
_has_bits_[0] &= ~0x00000002u;
inline void Term::clear_datum() {
if (datum_ != NULL) datum_->::Datum::Clear();
inline const ::Datum& Term::datum() const {
return datum_ != NULL ? *datum_ : *default_instance_->datum_;
inline ::Datum* Term::mutable_datum() {
if (datum_ == NULL) datum_ = new ::Datum;
return datum_;
inline ::Datum* Term::release_datum() {
::Datum* temp = datum_;
datum_ = NULL;
return temp;
// repeated .Term args = 3;
inline int Term::args_size() const {
return args_.size();
inline void Term::clear_args() {
inline const ::Term& Term::args(int index) const {
return args_.Get(index);
inline ::Term* Term::mutable_args(int index) {
return args_.Mutable(index);
inline ::Term* Term::add_args() {
return args_.Add();
inline const ::google::protobuf::RepeatedPtrField< ::Term >&
Term::args() const {
return args_;
inline ::google::protobuf::RepeatedPtrField< ::Term >*
Term::mutable_args() {
return &args_;
// repeated .Term.AssocPair optargs = 4;
inline int Term::optargs_size() const {
return optargs_.size();
inline void Term::clear_optargs() {
inline const ::Term_AssocPair& Term::optargs(int index) const {
return optargs_.Get(index);
inline ::Term_AssocPair* Term::mutable_optargs(int index) {
return optargs_.Mutable(index);
inline ::Term_AssocPair* Term::add_optargs() {
return optargs_.Add();
inline const ::google::protobuf::RepeatedPtrField< ::Term_AssocPair >&
Term::optargs() const {
return optargs_;
inline ::google::protobuf::RepeatedPtrField< ::Term_AssocPair >*
Term::mutable_optargs() {
return &optargs_;
// @@protoc_insertion_point(namespace_scope)
#ifndef SWIG
namespace google {
namespace protobuf {
template <>
inline const EnumDescriptor* GetEnumDescriptor< ::VersionDummy_Version>() {
return ::VersionDummy_Version_descriptor();
template <>
inline const EnumDescriptor* GetEnumDescriptor< ::Query_QueryType>() {
return ::Query_QueryType_descriptor();
template <>
inline const EnumDescriptor* GetEnumDescriptor< ::Frame_FrameType>() {
return ::Frame_FrameType_descriptor();
template <>
inline const EnumDescriptor* GetEnumDescriptor< ::Response_ResponseType>() {
return ::Response_ResponseType_descriptor();
template <>
inline const EnumDescriptor* GetEnumDescriptor< ::Datum_DatumType>() {
return ::Datum_DatumType_descriptor();
template <>
inline const EnumDescriptor* GetEnumDescriptor< ::Term_TermType>() {
return ::Term_TermType_descriptor();
} // namespace google
} // namespace protobuf
#endif // SWIG
// @@protoc_insertion_point(global_scope)
#endif // PROTOBUF_ql2_2eproto__INCLUDED