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synced 2025-03-21 04:36:32 -04:00

libglim is an Apache-licensed C++ wrapper for lmdb, and rather than rolling our own it seems prudent to use it. Note: lmdb is not included in it, and unless something happens as did with libunbound, should be installed via each OS' package manager or equivalent.
94 lines
2.5 KiB
94 lines
2.5 KiB
PREFIX = /usr/local
INSTALL2 = ${PREFIX}/include/glim
CXXFLAGS = -std=c++1y -Wall -O2 -ggdb -DBOOST_ALL_DYN_LINK
all: test
@echo "make test\nmake install\nmake uninstall\nmake clean"
doc: doxyconf *.hpp
mkdir -p doc
doxygen doxyconf
test: test_sqlite test_gstring test_runner test_exception test_ldb
test_sqlite: bin/test_sqlite
cp bin/test_sqlite /tmp/libglim_test_sqlite && chmod +x /tmp/libglim_test_sqlite && /tmp/libglim_test_sqlite && rm -f /tmp/libglim_test_sqlite
bin/test_sqlite: test_sqlite.cc
mkdir -p bin
g++ $(CXXFLAGS) test_sqlite.cc -o bin/test_sqlite -lsqlite3
test_memcache: bin/test_memcache
cp bin/test_memcache /tmp/libglim_test_memcache && chmod +x /tmp/libglim_test_memcache && /tmp/libglim_test_memcache && rm -f /tmp/libglim_test_memcache
bin/test_memcache: test_memcache.cc memcache.hpp
mkdir -p bin
g++ $(CXXFLAGS) test_memcache.cc -o bin/test_memcache -lmemcache
bin/test_gstring: test_gstring.cc gstring.hpp
mkdir -p bin
g++ $(CXXFLAGS) test_gstring.cc -o bin/test_gstring
test_gstring: bin/test_gstring
cp bin/test_gstring /tmp/libglim_test_gstring
chmod +x /tmp/libglim_test_gstring
rm -f /tmp/libglim_test_gstring
bin/test_runner: test_runner.cc runner.hpp curl.hpp
mkdir -p bin
g++ $(CXXFLAGS) test_runner.cc -o bin/test_runner -pthread -lboost_log -levent -levent_pthreads -lcurl
test_runner: bin/test_runner
valgrind -q bin/test_runner
bin/test_exception: test_exception.cc exception.hpp
mkdir -p bin
g++ $(CXXFLAGS) test_exception.cc -o bin/test_exception -ldl -rdynamic
test_exception: bin/test_exception
valgrind -q bin/test_exception
test_ldb: test_ldb.cc ldb.hpp
mkdir -p bin
g++ $(CXXFLAGS) test_ldb.cc -o bin/test_ldb \
-lleveldb -lboost_serialization -lboost_filesystem -lboost_system
valgrind -q bin/test_ldb
bin/test_cbcoro: test_cbcoro.cc
mkdir -p bin
g++ $(CXXFLAGS) test_cbcoro.cc -o bin/test_cbcoro -pthread
test_cbcoro: bin/test_cbcoro
mkdir -p ${INSTALL2}/
cp sqlite.hpp ${INSTALL2}/
cp NsecTimer.hpp ${INSTALL2}/
cp TscTimer.hpp ${INSTALL2}/
cp memcache.hpp ${INSTALL2}/
cp gstring.hpp ${INSTALL2}/
cp runner.hpp ${INSTALL2}/
cp hget.hpp ${INSTALL2}/
cp curl.hpp ${INSTALL2}/
cp mdb.hpp ${INSTALL2}/
cp ldb.hpp ${INSTALL2}/
cp exception.hpp ${INSTALL2}/
cp SerializablePool.hpp ${INSTALL2}/
cp cbcoro.hpp ${INSTALL2}/
cp raii.hpp ${INSTALL2}/
cp channel.hpp ${INSTALL2}/
rm -rf ${INSTALL2}
rm -rf bin/*
rm -rf doc
rm -f /tmp/libglim_test_*
rm -f *.exe.stackdump