jeffro256 38f354e89f
Enforce Tx unlock_time is Zero by Relay Rule
Related to

Added a relay rule that enforces the `unlock_time` field is equal to 0 for non-coinbase transactions.

UIs changed:
* Removed `locked_transfer` and `locked_sweep_all` commands from `monero-wallet-cli`

APIs changed:
* Removed `unlock_time` parameters from `wallet2` transfer methods
* Wallet RPC transfer endpoints send error codes when requested unlock time is not 0
* Removed `unlock_time` parameters from `construct_tx*` cryptonote core functions
2024-02-24 14:27:17 -06:00

297 lines
12 KiB

// Created by Dusan Klinec on 2019-02-28.
#include "wallet_tools.h"
#include <random>
using namespace std;
using namespace epee;
using namespace crypto;
using namespace cryptonote;
void wallet_accessor_test::set_account(tools::wallet2 * wallet, cryptonote::account_base& account)
wallet->m_account = account;
wallet->m_key_device_type = account.get_device().get_type();
wallet->m_account_public_address = account.get_keys().m_account_address;
wallet->m_watch_only = false;
wallet->m_multisig = false;
wallet->m_multisig_threshold = 0;
wallet->m_device_name = account.get_device().get_name();
wallet->m_subaddress_lookahead_major = 5;
wallet->m_subaddress_lookahead_minor = 20;
wallet->setup_new_blockchain(); // generates also subadress register
void wallet_accessor_test::process_parsed_blocks(tools::wallet2 * wallet, uint64_t start_height, const std::vector<cryptonote::block_complete_entry> &blocks, const std::vector<tools::wallet2::parsed_block> &parsed_blocks, uint64_t& blocks_added)
if (wallet != nullptr) {
wallet->process_parsed_blocks(start_height, blocks, parsed_blocks, blocks_added);
void wallet_tools::process_transactions(tools::wallet2 * wallet, const std::vector<test_event_entry>& events, const cryptonote::block& blk_head, block_tracker &bt, const boost::optional<crypto::hash>& blk_tail)
std::vector<tools::wallet2*> wallet_vector = { wallet };
process_transactions(wallet_vector, events, blk_head, bt, blk_tail);
void wallet_tools::process_transactions(const std::vector<tools::wallet2*>& wallets, const std::vector<test_event_entry>& events, const cryptonote::block& blk_head, block_tracker &bt, const boost::optional<crypto::hash>& blk_tail)
map_hash2tx_t mtx;
std::vector<const cryptonote::block*> blockchain;
find_block_chain(events, blockchain, mtx, get_block_hash(blk_head));
if (blk_tail){
trim_block_chain(blockchain, blk_tail.get());
process_transactions(wallets, blockchain, mtx, bt);
void wallet_tools::process_transactions(tools::wallet2 * wallet, const std::vector<const cryptonote::block*>& blockchain, const map_hash2tx_t & mtx, block_tracker &bt){
std::vector<tools::wallet2*> wallet_vector = { wallet };
process_transactions(wallet_vector, blockchain, mtx, bt);
void wallet_tools::process_transactions(const std::vector<tools::wallet2*>& wallets, const std::vector<const cryptonote::block*>& blockchain, const map_hash2tx_t & mtx, block_tracker &bt)
uint64_t start_height=0, blocks_added=0;
std::vector<cryptonote::block_complete_entry> v_bche;
std::vector<tools::wallet2::parsed_block> v_parsed_block;
size_t idx = 0;
for(auto bl : blockchain)
idx += 1;
uint64_t height;
wallet_tools::gen_block_data(bt, bl, mtx, v_bche.back(), v_parsed_block.back(), idx == 1 ? start_height : height);
for(auto wallet: wallets) {
wallet_accessor_test::process_parsed_blocks(wallet, start_height, v_bche, v_parsed_block, blocks_added);
bool wallet_tools::fill_tx_sources(tools::wallet2 * wallet, std::vector<cryptonote::tx_source_entry>& sources, size_t mixin, const boost::optional<size_t>& num_utxo, const boost::optional<uint64_t>& min_amount, block_tracker &bt, std::vector<size_t> &selected, uint64_t cur_height, ssize_t offset, int step, const boost::optional<fnc_accept_tx_source_t>& fnc_accept, const boost::optional<fnc_accept_output_t>& fnc_in_accept)
CHECK_AND_ASSERT_THROW_MES(step != 0, "Step is zero");
auto & transfers = wallet_accessor_test::get_transfers(wallet);
std::unordered_set<size_t> selected_idx;
std::unordered_set<crypto::key_image> selected_kis;
const size_t ntrans = wallet->get_num_transfer_details();
size_t roffset = offset >= 0 ? offset : ntrans - offset - 1;
size_t iters = 0;
uint64_t sum = 0;
size_t cur_utxo = 0;
bool should_abort_search = false;
unsigned brk_cond = 0;
unsigned brk_thresh = num_utxo && min_amount ? 2 : (num_utxo || min_amount ? 1 : 0);
#define EVAL_BRK_COND() do { \
brk_cond = 0; \
if (num_utxo && num_utxo.get() <= cur_utxo) \
brk_cond += 1; \
if (min_amount && min_amount.get() <= sum) \
brk_cond += 1; \
} while(0)
for(ssize_t i = roffset; iters < ntrans && !should_abort_search; i += step, ++iters)
if (brk_cond >= brk_thresh)
i = i < 0 ? (i + ntrans) : i % ntrans;
auto & td = transfers[i];
if (td.m_spent)
if (td.m_tx.unlock_time < CRYPTONOTE_MAX_BLOCK_NUMBER && td.m_tx.unlock_time > cur_height + 1)
if (selected_idx.find((size_t)i) != selected_idx.end()){
MERROR("Should not happen (selected_idx not found): " << i);
if (selected_kis.find(td.m_key_image) != selected_kis.end()){
MERROR("Should not happen (selected KI): " << i << "ki: " << dump_keys(;
try {
cryptonote::tx_source_entry src;
wallet_tools::gen_tx_src(mixin, cur_height, td, src, bt, fnc_in_accept);
// Acceptor function
if (fnc_accept && !(fnc_accept.get())({.td=&td, .src=&src, .selected_idx=&selected_idx, .selected_kis=&selected_kis,
.ntrans=ntrans, .iters=iters, .sum=sum, .cur_utxo=cur_utxo}, should_abort_search))
MDEBUG("Selected " << i << " from tx: " << dump_keys(
<< " ki: " << dump_keys(
<< " amnt: " << td.amount()
<< " rct: " << td.is_rct()
<< " glob: " << td.m_global_output_index);
sum += td.amount();
cur_utxo += 1;
} catch(const std::exception &e){
MTRACE("Output " << i << ", from: " << dump_keys(
<< ", amnt: " << td.amount() << ", rct: " << td.is_rct()
<< ", glob: " << td.m_global_output_index << " is not applicable: " << e.what());
const auto res = brk_cond >= brk_thresh;
if (!res) {
MDEBUG("fill_tx_sources fails, brk_cond: " << brk_cond << ", brk_thresh: " << brk_thresh << ", utxos: " << cur_utxo << ", sum: " << sum);
return res;
void wallet_tools::gen_tx_src(size_t mixin, uint64_t cur_height, const tools::wallet2::transfer_details & td, cryptonote::tx_source_entry & src, block_tracker &bt, const boost::optional<fnc_accept_output_t>& fnc_accept)
CHECK_AND_ASSERT_THROW_MES(mixin != 0, "mixin is zero");
src.amount = td.amount();
src.rct = td.is_rct();
std::vector<tools::wallet2::get_outs_entry> outs;
bt.get_fake_outs(mixin, td.is_rct() ? 0 : td.amount(), td.m_global_output_index, cur_height, outs, fnc_accept);
for (size_t n = 0; n < mixin; ++n)
cryptonote::tx_source_entry::output_entry oe;
oe.first = std::get<0>(outs[n]);
oe.second.dest = rct::pk2rct(std::get<1>(outs[n]));
oe.second.mask = std::get<2>(outs[n]);
size_t real_idx = crypto::rand<size_t>() % mixin;
cryptonote::tx_source_entry::output_entry &real_oe = src.outputs[real_idx];
real_oe.first = td.m_global_output_index;
real_oe.second.dest = rct::pk2rct(boost::get<txout_to_key>(td.m_tx.vout[td.m_internal_output_index].target).key);
real_oe.second.mask = rct::commit(td.amount(), td.m_mask);
std::sort(src.outputs.begin(), src.outputs.end(), [&](const cryptonote::tx_source_entry::output_entry i0, const cryptonote::tx_source_entry::output_entry i1) {
return i0.first < i1.first;
for (size_t i = 0; i < src.outputs.size(); ++i){
if (src.outputs[i].first == td.m_global_output_index){
src.real_output = i;
src.mask = td.m_mask;
src.real_out_tx_key = get_tx_pub_key_from_extra(td.m_tx, td.m_pk_index);
src.real_out_additional_tx_keys = get_additional_tx_pub_keys_from_extra(td.m_tx);
src.real_output_in_tx_index = td.m_internal_output_index;
src.multisig_kLRki = rct::multisig_kLRki({rct::zero(), rct::zero(), rct::zero(), rct::zero()});
void wallet_tools::gen_block_data(block_tracker &bt, const cryptonote::block *bl, const map_hash2tx_t &mtx, cryptonote::block_complete_entry &bche, tools::wallet2::parsed_block &parsed_block, uint64_t &height)
vector<const transaction*> vtx;
height = boost::get<txin_gen>(*bl->;
BOOST_FOREACH(const crypto::hash &h, bl->tx_hashes) {
const map_hash2tx_t::const_iterator cit = mtx.find(h);
CHECK_AND_ASSERT_THROW_MES(mtx.end() != cit, "block contains an unknown tx hash @ " << height << ", " << h);
bche.block = "NA";
parsed_block.error = false;
parsed_block.hash = get_block_hash(*bl);
parsed_block.block = *bl;
auto & o_indices = parsed_block.o_indices.indices;
o_indices.reserve(bl->tx_hashes.size() + 1);
size_t cur = 0;
BOOST_FOREACH(const transaction *tx, vtx){
cur += 1;
bt.process(bl, tx, cur - 1);
bt.global_indices(tx, o_indices.back().indices);
if (cur > 1) // miner not included
void wallet_tools::compute_subaddresses(std::unordered_map<crypto::public_key, cryptonote::subaddress_index> &subaddresses, cryptonote::account_base & creds, size_t account, size_t minors)
auto &hwdev = hw::get_device("default");
const std::vector<crypto::public_key> pkeys = hwdev.get_subaddress_spend_public_keys(creds.get_keys(), account, 0, minors);
for(uint32_t c = 0; c < pkeys.size(); ++c){
cryptonote::subaddress_index sidx{(uint32_t)account, c};
subaddresses[pkeys[c]] = sidx;
cryptonote::account_public_address get_address(const tools::wallet2* inp)
return (inp)->get_account().get_keys().m_account_address;
bool construct_tx_to_key(cryptonote::transaction& tx,
tools::wallet2 * sender_wallet, const var_addr_t& to, uint64_t amount,
std::vector<cryptonote::tx_source_entry> &sources,
uint64_t fee, bool rct, rct::RangeProofType range_proof_type, int bp_version)
vector<tx_destination_entry> destinations;
fill_tx_destinations(sender_wallet->get_account(), get_address(to), amount, fee, sources, destinations, rct);
return construct_tx_rct(sender_wallet, sources, destinations, get_address(sender_wallet), std::vector<uint8_t>(), tx, rct, range_proof_type, bp_version);
bool construct_tx_to_key(cryptonote::transaction& tx,
tools::wallet2 * sender_wallet,
const std::vector<cryptonote::tx_destination_entry>& destinations,
std::vector<cryptonote::tx_source_entry> &sources,
uint64_t fee, bool rct, rct::RangeProofType range_proof_type, int bp_version)
vector<tx_destination_entry> all_destinations;
fill_tx_destinations(sender_wallet->get_account(), destinations, fee, sources, all_destinations, rct);
return construct_tx_rct(sender_wallet, sources, all_destinations, get_address(sender_wallet), std::vector<uint8_t>(), tx, rct, range_proof_type, bp_version);
bool construct_tx_rct(tools::wallet2 * sender_wallet, std::vector<cryptonote::tx_source_entry>& sources, const std::vector<cryptonote::tx_destination_entry>& destinations, const boost::optional<cryptonote::account_public_address>& change_addr, std::vector<uint8_t> extra, cryptonote::transaction& tx, bool rct, rct::RangeProofType range_proof_type, int bp_version)
subaddresses_t & subaddresses = wallet_accessor_test::get_subaddresses(sender_wallet);
crypto::secret_key tx_key;
std::vector<crypto::secret_key> additional_tx_keys;
std::vector<tx_destination_entry> destinations_copy = destinations;
rct::RCTConfig rct_config = {range_proof_type, bp_version};
return construct_tx_and_get_tx_key(sender_wallet->get_account().get_keys(), subaddresses, sources, destinations_copy, change_addr, extra, tx, tx_key, additional_tx_keys, rct, rct_config);