#!/usr/bin/env python3 # Copyright (c) 2019 The Monero Project # # All rights reserved. # # Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are # permitted provided that the following conditions are met: # # 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of # conditions and the following disclaimer. # # 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list # of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other # materials provided with the distribution. # # 3. Neither the name of the copyright holder nor the names of its contributors may be # used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific # prior written permission. # # THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY # EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF # MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL # THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, # SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, # PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS # INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, # STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF # THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. from __future__ import print_function import subprocess import os import time """Test daemon RPC payment calls """ from framework.daemon import Daemon from framework.wallet import Wallet class RPCPaymentTest(): def run_test(self): self.make_test_signature = os.environ['MAKE_TEST_SIGNATURE'] assert len(self.make_test_signature) > 0 self.secret_key, self.public_key = self.get_keys() self.signatures = [] self.reset() self.test_access_tracking() self.test_access_mining() self.test_access_payment() self.test_access_account() self.test_free_access() def get_keys(self): output = subprocess.check_output([self.make_test_signature]).decode('utf-8').rstrip() fields = output.split() assert len(fields) == 2 return fields def refill_signatures(self): signatures = subprocess.check_output([self.make_test_signature, self.secret_key, '256']).decode('utf-8') for line in signatures.split(): self.signatures.append(line.rstrip()) def get_signature(self): if len(self.signatures) == 0: self.refill_signatures() s = self.signatures[0] self.signatures = self.signatures[1:] return s def reset(self): print('Resetting blockchain') daemon = Daemon(idx=1) res = daemon.get_height() daemon.pop_blocks(res.height - 1) daemon.flush_txpool() def test_access_tracking(self): print('Testing access tracking') daemon = Daemon(idx=1) res = daemon.rpc_access_tracking(True) res = daemon.rpc_access_tracking() data = sorted(res.data, key = lambda k: k['rpc']) assert len(data) == 1 entry = data[0] assert entry.rpc == 'rpc_access_tracking' assert entry.count == 1 assert entry.time >= 0 assert entry.credits == 0 daemon.get_connections() res = daemon.rpc_access_tracking() data = sorted(res.data, key = lambda k: k['rpc']) assert len(data) == 2 entry = data[0] assert entry.rpc == 'get_connections' assert entry.count == 1 assert entry.time >= 0 assert entry.credits == 0 daemon.get_connections() res = daemon.rpc_access_tracking() data = sorted(res.data, key = lambda k: k['rpc']) assert len(data) == 2 entry = data[0] assert entry.rpc == 'get_connections' assert entry.count == 2 assert entry.time >= 0 assert entry.credits == 0 daemon.get_alternate_chains() res = daemon.rpc_access_tracking() data = sorted(res.data, key = lambda k: k['rpc']) assert len(data) == 3 entry = data[0] assert entry.rpc == 'get_alternate_chains' assert entry.count == 1 assert entry.time >= 0 assert entry.credits == 0 entry = res.data[1] assert entry.rpc == 'get_connections' assert entry.count == 2 assert entry.time >= 0 assert entry.credits == 0 res = daemon.rpc_access_tracking(True) res = daemon.rpc_access_tracking() data = sorted(res.data, key = lambda k: k['rpc']) assert len(data) == 1 entry = data[0] assert entry.rpc == 'rpc_access_tracking' assert entry.count == 1 def test_access_mining(self): print('Testing access mining') daemon = Daemon(idx=1) wallet = Wallet(idx=3) res = daemon.rpc_access_info(client = self.get_signature()) assert len(res.hashing_blob) > 39 assert res.height == 1 assert res.top_hash == '418015bb9ae982a1975da7d79277c2705727a56894ba0fb246adaabb1f4632e3' assert res.credits_per_hash_found == 5000 assert res.diff == 10 assert res.credits == 0 cookie = res.cookie # Try random nonces till we find one that's valid and one that's invalid nonce = 0 found_valid = 0 found_invalid = 0 last_credits = 0 loop_time = time.time() while found_valid == 0 or found_invalid == 0: nonce += 1 try: res = daemon.rpc_access_submit_nonce(nonce = nonce, cookie = cookie, client = self.get_signature()) found_valid += 1 assert res.credits == last_credits + 5000 except Exception as e: found_invalid += 1 res = daemon.rpc_access_info(client = self.get_signature()) cookie = res.cookie loop_time = time.time() assert res.credits < last_credits or res.credits == 0 assert nonce < 1000 # can't find both valid and invalid -> the RPC probably fails last_credits = res.credits if time.time() >= loop_time + 10: res = daemon.rpc_access_info(client = self.get_signature()) cookie = res.cookie loop_time = time.time() # we should now have 1 valid nonce, and a number of bad ones res = daemon.rpc_access_info(client = self.get_signature()) assert len(res.hashing_blob) > 39 assert res.height > 1 assert res.top_hash != '418015bb9ae982a1975da7d79277c2705727a56894ba0fb246adaabb1f4632e3' # here, any share matches network diff assert res.credits_per_hash_found == 5000 assert res.diff == 10 cookie = res.cookie res = daemon.rpc_access_data() assert len(res.entries) > 0 e = [x for x in res.entries if x['client'] == self.public_key] assert len(e) == 1 e = e[0] assert e.nonces_stale == 0 assert e.nonces_bad == found_invalid assert e.nonces_good == found_valid assert e.nonces_dupe == 0 # Try random nonces till we find one that's valid so we get a load of credits loop_time = time.time() while last_credits == 0: nonce += 1 try: res = daemon.rpc_access_submit_nonce(nonce = nonce, cookie = cookie, client = self.get_signature()) found_valid += 1 last_credits = res.credits break except: found_invalid += 1 assert nonce < 1000 # can't find a valid none -> the RPC probably fails if time.time() >= loop_time + 10: res = daemon.rpc_access_info(client = self.get_signature()) cookie = res.cookie loop_time = time.time() # we should now have at least 5000 res = daemon.rpc_access_info(client = self.get_signature()) assert res.credits == last_credits assert res.credits >= 5000 # last one was a valid nonce res = daemon.rpc_access_data() assert len(res.entries) > 0 e = [x for x in res.entries if x['client'] == self.public_key] assert len(e) == 1 e = e[0] assert e.nonces_stale == 0 assert e.nonces_bad == found_invalid assert e.nonces_good == found_valid assert e.nonces_dupe == 0 assert e.balance == 5000 assert e.credits_total >= 5000 # find a valid one, then check dupes aren't allowed res = daemon.rpc_access_info(client = self.get_signature()) cookie = res.cookie old_cookie = cookie # we keep that so can submit a stale later loop_time = time.time() while True: nonce += 1 try: res = daemon.rpc_access_submit_nonce(nonce = nonce, cookie = cookie, client = self.get_signature()) found_valid += 1 break except: found_invalid += 1 assert nonce < 1000 # can't find both valid and invalid -> the RPC probably fails if time.time() >= loop_time + 10: res = daemon.rpc_access_info(client = self.get_signature()) cookie = res.cookie loop_time = time.time() res = daemon.rpc_access_data() assert len(res.entries) > 0 e = [x for x in res.entries if x['client'] == self.public_key] assert len(e) == 1 e = e[0] assert e.nonces_stale == 0 assert e.nonces_bad == found_invalid assert e.nonces_good == found_valid assert e.nonces_dupe == 0 ok = False try: res = daemon.rpc_access_submit_nonce(nonce = nonce, cookie = cookie, client = self.get_signature()) except: ok = True assert ok res = daemon.rpc_access_data() assert len(res.entries) > 0 e = [x for x in res.entries if x['client'] == self.public_key] assert len(e) == 1 e = e[0] assert e.nonces_stale == 0 assert e.nonces_bad == found_invalid assert e.nonces_good == found_valid assert e.nonces_dupe == 1 # find stales without updating cookie, one within 5 seconds (accepted), one later (rejected) res = daemon.rpc_access_info(client = self.get_signature()) cookie = res.cookie # let the daemon update its timestamp, but use old cookie found_close_stale = 0 found_late_stale = 0 loop_time = time.time() while found_close_stale == 0 or found_late_stale == 0: nonce += 1 try: res = daemon.rpc_access_submit_nonce(nonce = nonce, cookie = cookie, client = self.get_signature()) found_close_stale += 1 found_valid += 1 time.sleep(15) # now we've got an early stale, wait till they become late stales except Exception as e: #if e[0]['error']['code'] == -18: # stale if "'code': -18" in str(e): # stale (ugly version, but also works with python 3) found_late_stale += 1 else: found_invalid += 1 assert nonce < 1000 # can't find both valid and invalid -> the RPC probably fails if time.time() >= loop_time + 10: res = daemon.rpc_access_info(client = self.get_signature()) # cookie = res.cookie # let the daemon update its timestamp, but use old cookie loop_time = time.time() res = daemon.rpc_access_data() assert len(res.entries) > 0 e = [x for x in res.entries if x['client'] == self.public_key] assert len(e) == 1 e = e[0] assert e.nonces_stale == found_late_stale # close stales are accepted, don't count here assert e.nonces_bad == found_invalid assert e.nonces_good == found_valid assert e.nonces_dupe == 1 # find very stale with old cookie (rejected) res = daemon.rpc_access_info(client = self.get_signature()) nonce += 1 ok = False try: res = daemon.rpc_access_submit_nonce(nonce = nonce, cookie = old_cookie, client = self.get_signature()) except: found_late_stale += 1 ok = True assert ok res = daemon.rpc_access_data() assert len(res.entries) > 0 e = [x for x in res.entries if x['client'] == self.public_key] assert len(e) == 1 e = e[0] assert e.nonces_stale == found_late_stale assert e.nonces_bad == found_invalid assert e.nonces_good == found_valid assert e.nonces_dupe == 1 def test_access_payment(self): print('Testing access payment') daemon = Daemon(idx=1) wallet = Wallet(idx=3) # Try random nonces till we find one that's valid so we get a load of credits res = daemon.rpc_access_info(client = self.get_signature()) credits = res.credits cookie = res.cookie nonce = 0 while credits <= 100: nonce += 1 try: res = daemon.rpc_access_submit_nonce(nonce = nonce, cookie = cookie, client = self.get_signature()) break except: pass assert nonce < 1000 # can't find both valid and invalid -> the RPC probably fails res = daemon.rpc_access_info(client = self.get_signature()) credits = res.credits assert credits > 0 res = daemon.get_info(client = self.get_signature()) assert res.credits == credits - 1 credits = res.credits res = daemon.generateblocks('42ey1afDFnn4886T7196doS9GPMzexD9gXpsZJDwVjeRVdFCSoHnv7KPbBeGpzJBzHRCAs9UxqeoyFQMYbqSWYTfJJQAWDm', 100) block_hashes = res.blocks # ask for 1 block -> 1 credit res = daemon.getblockheadersrange(0, 0, client = self.get_signature()) assert res.credits == credits - 1 credits = res.credits # ask for 100 blocks -> >1 credit res = daemon.getblockheadersrange(1, 100, client = self.get_signature()) assert res.credits < credits - 1 credits = res.credits # external users res = daemon.rpc_access_pay(payment = 1, paying_for = 'foo', client = self.get_signature()) assert res.credits == credits - 1 res = daemon.rpc_access_pay(payment = 4, paying_for = 'bar', client = self.get_signature()) assert res.credits == credits - 5 res = daemon.rpc_access_pay(payment = credits, paying_for = 'baz', client = self.get_signature()) assert "PAYMENT REQUIRED" in res.status res = daemon.rpc_access_pay(payment = 2, paying_for = 'quux', client = self.get_signature()) assert res.credits == credits - 7 res = daemon.rpc_access_pay(payment = 3, paying_for = 'bar', client = self.get_signature()) assert res.credits == credits - 10 # that should be rejected because its cost is massive ok = False try: res = daemon.get_output_histogram(amounts = [], client = self.get_signature()) except Exception as e: print('e: ' + str(e)); ok = "PAYMENT REQUIRED" in e.status assert ok or "PAYMENT REQUIRED" in res.status def test_access_account(self): print('Testing access account') daemon = Daemon(idx=1) wallet = Wallet(idx=3) res = daemon.rpc_access_info(client = self.get_signature()) credits = res.credits res = daemon.rpc_access_account(self.get_signature(), 0) assert res.credits == credits res = daemon.rpc_access_account(self.get_signature(), 50) assert res.credits == credits + 50 res = daemon.rpc_access_account(self.get_signature(), -10) assert res.credits == credits + 40 res = daemon.rpc_access_account(self.get_signature(), -(credits + 50)) assert res.credits == 0 res = daemon.rpc_access_account(self.get_signature(), 2**63 - 5) assert res.credits == 2**63 - 5 res = daemon.rpc_access_account(self.get_signature(), 2**63 - 1) assert res.credits == 2**64 - 6 res = daemon.rpc_access_account(self.get_signature(), 2) assert res.credits == 2**64 - 4 res = daemon.rpc_access_account(self.get_signature(), 8) assert res.credits == 2**64 - 1 res = daemon.rpc_access_account(self.get_signature(), -1) assert res.credits == 2**64 - 2 res = daemon.rpc_access_account(self.get_signature(), -(2**63 - 1)) assert res.credits == 2**64 - 2 -(2**63 - 1) res = daemon.rpc_access_account(self.get_signature(), -(2**63 - 1)) assert res.credits == 0 def test_free_access(self): print('Testing free access') daemon = Daemon(idx=0) wallet = Wallet(idx=0) res = daemon.rpc_access_info(client = self.get_signature()) assert res.credits_per_hash_found == 0 assert res.diff == 0 assert res.credits == 0 res = daemon.get_info(client = self.get_signature()) assert res.credits == 0 # any nonce will do here res = daemon.rpc_access_submit_nonce(nonce = 0, cookie = 0, client = self.get_signature()) assert res.credits == 0 class Guard: def __enter__(self): for i in range(4): Wallet(idx = i).auto_refresh(False) def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_value, traceback): for i in range(4): Wallet(idx = i).auto_refresh(True) if __name__ == '__main__': with Guard() as guard: RPCPaymentTest().run_test()