// Copyright (c) 2006-2013, Andrey N. Sabelnikov, www.sabelnikov.net // All rights reserved. // // Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without // modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: // * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright // notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. // * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright // notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the // documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. // * Neither the name of the Andrey N. Sabelnikov nor the // names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products // derived from this software without specific prior written permission. // // THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND // ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED // WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE // DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER BE LIABLE FOR ANY // DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES // (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; // LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND // ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT // (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS // SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. // #pragma once #include <boost/shared_ptr.hpp> #include <boost/regex.hpp> #include <boost/lexical_cast.hpp> //#include <mbstring.h> #include <algorithm> #include <cctype> #include <functional> #include "net_helper.h" #include "http_client_base.h" #ifdef HTTP_ENABLE_GZIP #include "gzip_encoding.h" #endif #include "string_tools.h" #include "reg_exp_definer.h" #include "http_base.h" #include "to_nonconst_iterator.h" #include "net_parse_helpers.h" //#include "shlwapi.h" //#pragma comment(lib, "shlwapi.lib") extern epee::critical_section gregexp_lock; namespace epee { namespace net_utils { using namespace std; /*struct url { public: void parse(const std::string& url_s) { const string prot_end("://"); string::const_iterator prot_i = search(url_s.begin(), url_s.end(), prot_end.begin(), prot_end.end()); protocol_.reserve(distance(url_s.begin(), prot_i)); transform(url_s.begin(), prot_i, back_inserter(protocol_), ptr_fun<int,int>(tolower)); // protocol is icase if( prot_i == url_s.end() ) return; advance(prot_i, prot_end.length()); string::const_iterator path_i = find(prot_i, url_s.end(), '/'); host_.reserve(distance(prot_i, path_i)); transform(prot_i, path_i, back_inserter(host_), ptr_fun<int,int>(tolower)); // host is icase string::const_iterator query_i = find(path_i, url_s.end(), '?'); path_.assign(path_i, query_i); if( query_i != url_s.end() ) ++query_i; query_.assign(query_i, url_s.end()); } std::string protocol_; std::string host_; std::string path_; std::string query_; };*/ //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- static inline const char* get_hex_vals() { static char hexVals[16] = {'0','1','2','3','4','5','6','7','8','9','A','B','C','D','E','F'}; return hexVals; } static inline const char* get_unsave_chars() { //static char unsave_chars[] = "\"<>%\\^[]`+$,@:;/!#?=&"; static char unsave_chars[] = "\"<>%\\^[]`+$,@:;!#&"; return unsave_chars; } static inline bool is_unsafe(unsigned char compare_char) { if(compare_char <= 32 || compare_char >= 123) return true; const char* punsave = get_unsave_chars(); for(int ichar_pos = 0; 0!=punsave[ichar_pos] ;ichar_pos++) if(compare_char == punsave[ichar_pos]) return true; return false; } static inline std::string dec_to_hex(char num, int radix) { int temp=0; std::string csTmp; int num_char; num_char = (int) num; if (num_char < 0) num_char = 256 + num_char; while (num_char >= radix) { temp = num_char % radix; num_char = (int)floor((float)num_char / (float)radix); csTmp = get_hex_vals()[temp]; } csTmp += get_hex_vals()[num_char]; if(csTmp.size() < 2) { csTmp += '0'; } std::reverse(csTmp.begin(), csTmp.end()); //_mbsrev((unsigned char*)csTmp.data()); return csTmp; } static inline std::string convert(char val) { std::string csRet; csRet += "%"; csRet += dec_to_hex(val, 16); return csRet; } static inline std::string conver_to_url_format(const std::string& uri) { std::string result; for(size_t i = 0; i!= uri.size(); i++) { if(is_unsafe(uri[i])) result += convert(uri[i]); else result += uri[i]; } return result; } static inline std::string convert_to_url_format_force_all(const std::string& uri) { std::string result; for(size_t i = 0; i!= uri.size(); i++) { result += convert(uri[i]); } return result; } namespace http { class http_simple_client: public i_target_handler { public: private: enum reciev_machine_state { reciev_machine_state_header, reciev_machine_state_body_content_len, reciev_machine_state_body_connection_close, reciev_machine_state_body_chunked, reciev_machine_state_done, reciev_machine_state_error }; enum chunked_state{ http_chunked_state_chunk_head, http_chunked_state_chunk_body, http_chunked_state_done, http_chunked_state_undefined }; blocked_mode_client m_net_client; std::string m_host_buff; std::string m_port; unsigned int m_timeout; std::string m_header_cache; http_response_info m_response_info; size_t m_len_in_summary; size_t m_len_in_remain; //std::string* m_ptarget_buffer; boost::shared_ptr<i_sub_handler> m_pcontent_encoding_handler; reciev_machine_state m_state; chunked_state m_chunked_state; std::string m_chunked_cache; critical_section m_lock; public: void set_host_name(const std::string& name) { CRITICAL_REGION_LOCAL(m_lock); m_host_buff = name; } bool connect(const std::string& host, int port, unsigned int timeout) { return connect(host, std::to_string(port), timeout); } bool connect(const std::string& host, const std::string& port, unsigned int timeout) { CRITICAL_REGION_LOCAL(m_lock); m_host_buff = host; m_port = port; m_timeout = timeout; return m_net_client.connect(host, port, timeout, timeout); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool disconnect() { CRITICAL_REGION_LOCAL(m_lock); return m_net_client.disconnect(); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool is_connected() { CRITICAL_REGION_LOCAL(m_lock); return m_net_client.is_connected(); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- virtual bool handle_target_data(std::string& piece_of_transfer) { CRITICAL_REGION_LOCAL(m_lock); m_response_info.m_body += piece_of_transfer; piece_of_transfer.clear(); return true; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- inline bool invoke_get(const std::string& uri, const std::string& body = std::string(), const http_response_info** ppresponse_info = NULL, const fields_list& additional_params = fields_list()) { CRITICAL_REGION_LOCAL(m_lock); return invoke(uri, "GET", body, ppresponse_info, additional_params); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- inline bool invoke(const std::string& uri, const std::string& method, const std::string& body, const http_response_info** ppresponse_info = NULL, const fields_list& additional_params = fields_list()) { CRITICAL_REGION_LOCAL(m_lock); if(!is_connected()) { LOG_PRINT("Reconnecting...", LOG_LEVEL_3); if(!connect(m_host_buff, m_port, m_timeout)) { LOG_PRINT("Failed to connect to " << m_host_buff << ":" << m_port, LOG_LEVEL_3); return false; } } m_response_info.clear(); std::string req_buff = method + " "; req_buff += uri + " HTTP/1.1\r\n" + "Host: "+ m_host_buff +"\r\n" + "Content-Length: " + boost::lexical_cast<std::string>(body.size()) + "\r\n"; //handle "additional_params" for(fields_list::const_iterator it = additional_params.begin(); it!=additional_params.end(); it++) req_buff += it->first + ": " + it->second + "\r\n"; req_buff += "\r\n"; //-- bool res = m_net_client.send(req_buff); CHECK_AND_ASSERT_MES(res, false, "HTTP_CLIENT: Failed to SEND"); if(body.size()) res = m_net_client.send(body); CHECK_AND_ASSERT_MES(res, false, "HTTP_CLIENT: Failed to SEND"); if(ppresponse_info) *ppresponse_info = &m_response_info; m_state = reciev_machine_state_header; return handle_reciev(); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- inline bool invoke_post(const std::string& uri, const std::string& body, const http_response_info** ppresponse_info = NULL, const fields_list& additional_params = fields_list()) { CRITICAL_REGION_LOCAL(m_lock); return invoke(uri, "POST", body, ppresponse_info, additional_params); } private: //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- inline bool handle_reciev() { CRITICAL_REGION_LOCAL(m_lock); bool keep_handling = true; bool need_more_data = true; std::string recv_buffer; while(keep_handling) { if(need_more_data) { if(!m_net_client.recv(recv_buffer)) { LOG_PRINT("Unexpected reciec fail", LOG_LEVEL_3); m_state = reciev_machine_state_error; } if(!recv_buffer.size()) { //connection is going to be closed if(reciev_machine_state_body_connection_close != m_state) { m_state = reciev_machine_state_error; } } need_more_data = false; } switch(m_state) { case reciev_machine_state_header: keep_handling = handle_header(recv_buffer, need_more_data); break; case reciev_machine_state_body_content_len: keep_handling = handle_body_content_len(recv_buffer, need_more_data); break; case reciev_machine_state_body_connection_close: keep_handling = handle_body_connection_close(recv_buffer, need_more_data); break; case reciev_machine_state_body_chunked: keep_handling = handle_body_body_chunked(recv_buffer, need_more_data); break; case reciev_machine_state_done: keep_handling = false; break; case reciev_machine_state_error: keep_handling = false; break; } } m_header_cache.clear(); if(m_state != reciev_machine_state_error) { if(m_response_info.m_header_info.m_connection.size() && !string_tools::compare_no_case("close", m_response_info.m_header_info.m_connection)) disconnect(); return true; } else { LOG_PRINT_L3("Returning false because of wrong state machine. state: " << m_state); return false; } } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- inline bool handle_header(std::string& recv_buff, bool& need_more_data) { CRITICAL_REGION_LOCAL(m_lock); if(!recv_buff.size()) { LOG_ERROR("Connection closed at handle_header"); m_state = reciev_machine_state_error; return false; } m_header_cache += recv_buff; recv_buff.clear(); std::string::size_type pos = m_header_cache.find("\r\n\r\n"); if(pos != std::string::npos) { recv_buff.assign(m_header_cache.begin()+pos+4, m_header_cache.end()); m_header_cache.erase(m_header_cache.begin()+pos+4, m_header_cache.end()); analize_cached_header_and_invoke_state(); m_header_cache.clear(); if(!recv_buff.size() && (m_state != reciev_machine_state_error && m_state != reciev_machine_state_done)) need_more_data = true; return true; }else need_more_data = true; return true; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- inline bool handle_body_content_len(std::string& recv_buff, bool& need_more_data) { CRITICAL_REGION_LOCAL(m_lock); if(!recv_buff.size()) { LOG_PRINT("Warning: Content-Len mode, but connection unexpectedly closed", LOG_LEVEL_3); m_state = reciev_machine_state_done; return true; } CHECK_AND_ASSERT_MES(m_len_in_remain >= recv_buff.size(), false, "m_len_in_remain >= recv_buff.size()"); m_len_in_remain -= recv_buff.size(); m_pcontent_encoding_handler->update_in(recv_buff); if(m_len_in_remain == 0) m_state = reciev_machine_state_done; else need_more_data = true; return true; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- inline bool handle_body_connection_close(std::string& recv_buff, bool& need_more_data) { CRITICAL_REGION_LOCAL(m_lock); if(!recv_buff.size()) { m_state = reciev_machine_state_done; return true; } need_more_data = true; m_pcontent_encoding_handler->update_in(recv_buff); return true; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- inline bool is_hex_symbol(char ch) { if( (ch >= '0' && ch <='9')||(ch >= 'A' && ch <='F')||(ch >= 'a' && ch <='f')) return true; else return false; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- inline bool get_len_from_chunk_head(const std::string &chunk_head, size_t& result_size) { std::stringstream str_stream; str_stream << std::hex; if(!(str_stream << chunk_head && str_stream >> result_size)) return false; return true; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- inline bool get_chunk_head(std::string& buff, size_t& chunk_size, bool& is_matched) { is_matched = false; size_t offset = 0; for(std::string::iterator it = buff.begin(); it!= buff.end(); it++, offset++) { if(!is_hex_symbol(*it)) { if(*it == '\r' || *it == ' ' ) { offset--; continue; } else if(*it == '\n') { std::string chunk_head = buff.substr(0, offset); if(!get_len_from_chunk_head(chunk_head, chunk_size)) return false; if(0 == chunk_size) { //Here is a small confusion //In brief - if the chunk is the last one we need to get terminating sequence //along with the cipher, generally in the "ddd\r\n\r\n" form for(it++;it != buff.end(); it++) { if('\r' == *it) continue; else if('\n' == *it) break; else { LOG_ERROR("http_stream_filter: Wrong last chunk terminator"); return false; } } if(it == buff.end()) return true; } buff.erase(buff.begin(), ++it); is_matched = true; return true; } else return false; } } return true; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- inline bool handle_body_body_chunked(std::string& recv_buff, bool& need_more_data) { CRITICAL_REGION_LOCAL(m_lock); if(!recv_buff.size()) { LOG_PRINT("Warning: CHUNKED mode, but connection unexpectedly closed", LOG_LEVEL_3); m_state = reciev_machine_state_done; return true; } m_chunked_cache += recv_buff; recv_buff.clear(); bool is_matched = false; while(true) { if(!m_chunked_cache.size()) { need_more_data = true; break; } switch(m_chunked_state) { case http_chunked_state_chunk_head: if(m_chunked_cache[0] == '\n' || m_chunked_cache[0] == '\r') { //optimize a bit if(m_chunked_cache[0] == '\r' && m_chunked_cache.size()>1 && m_chunked_cache[1] == '\n') m_chunked_cache.erase(0, 2); else m_chunked_cache.erase(0, 1); break; } if(!get_chunk_head(m_chunked_cache, m_len_in_remain, is_matched)) { LOG_ERROR("http_stream_filter::handle_chunked(*) Failed to get length from chunked head:" << m_chunked_cache); m_state = reciev_machine_state_error; return false; } if(!is_matched) { need_more_data = true; return true; }else { m_chunked_state = http_chunked_state_chunk_body; if(m_len_in_remain == 0) {//last chunk, let stop the stream and fix the chunk queue. m_state = reciev_machine_state_done; return true; } m_chunked_state = http_chunked_state_chunk_body; break; } break; case http_chunked_state_chunk_body: { std::string chunk_body; if(m_len_in_remain >= m_chunked_cache.size()) { m_len_in_remain -= m_chunked_cache.size(); chunk_body.swap(m_chunked_cache); }else { chunk_body.assign(m_chunked_cache, 0, m_len_in_remain); m_chunked_cache.erase(0, m_len_in_remain); m_len_in_remain = 0; } m_pcontent_encoding_handler->update_in(chunk_body); if(!m_len_in_remain) m_chunked_state = http_chunked_state_chunk_head; } break; case http_chunked_state_done: m_state = reciev_machine_state_done; return true; case http_chunked_state_undefined: default: LOG_ERROR("http_stream_filter::handle_chunked(): Wrong state" << m_chunked_state); return false; } } return true; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- inline bool parse_header(http_header_info& body_info, const std::string& m_cache_to_process) { LOG_FRAME("http_stream_filter::parse_cached_header(*)", LOG_LEVEL_4); STATIC_REGEXP_EXPR_1(rexp_mach_field, "\n?((Connection)|(Referer)|(Content-Length)|(Content-Type)|(Transfer-Encoding)|(Content-Encoding)|(Host)|(Cookie)|(User-Agent)" // 12 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 "|([\\w-]+?)) ?: ?((.*?)(\r?\n))[^\t ]", //11 1213 14 boost::regex::icase | boost::regex::normal); boost::smatch result; std::string::const_iterator it_current_bound = m_cache_to_process.begin(); std::string::const_iterator it_end_bound = m_cache_to_process.end(); //lookup all fields and fill well-known fields while( boost::regex_search( it_current_bound, it_end_bound, result, rexp_mach_field, boost::match_default) && result[0].matched) { const size_t field_val = 13; //const size_t field_etc_name = 11; int i = 2; //start position = 2 if(result[i++].matched)//"Connection" body_info.m_connection = result[field_val]; else if(result[i++].matched)//"Referrer" body_info.m_referer = result[field_val]; else if(result[i++].matched)//"Content-Length" body_info.m_content_length = result[field_val]; else if(result[i++].matched)//"Content-Type" body_info.m_content_type = result[field_val]; else if(result[i++].matched)//"Transfer-Encoding" body_info.m_transfer_encoding = result[field_val]; else if(result[i++].matched)//"Content-Encoding" body_info.m_content_encoding = result[field_val]; else if(result[i++].matched)//"Host" { body_info.m_host = result[field_val]; string_tools::trim(body_info.m_host); } else if(result[i++].matched)//"Cookie" body_info.m_cookie = result[field_val]; else if(result[i++].matched)//"User-Agent" body_info.m_user_agent = result[field_val]; else if(result[i++].matched)//e.t.c (HAVE TO BE MATCHED!) {;} else {CHECK_AND_ASSERT_MES(false, false, "http_stream_filter::parse_cached_header() not matched last entry in:"<<m_cache_to_process);} it_current_bound = result[(int)result.size()-1]. first; } return true; } inline bool analize_first_response_line() { //First line response, look like this: "HTTP/1.1 200 OK" STATIC_REGEXP_EXPR_1(rexp_match_first_response_line, "^HTTP/(\\d+).(\\d+) ((\\d)\\d{2})( [^\n]*)?\r?\n", boost::regex::icase | boost::regex::normal); // 1 2 34 5 //size_t match_len = 0; boost::smatch result; if(boost::regex_search( m_header_cache, result, rexp_match_first_response_line, boost::match_default) && result[0].matched) { CHECK_AND_ASSERT_MES(result[1].matched&&result[2].matched, false, "http_stream_filter::handle_invoke_reply_line() assert failed..."); m_response_info.m_http_ver_hi = boost::lexical_cast<int>(result[1]); m_response_info.m_http_ver_lo = boost::lexical_cast<int>(result[2]); m_response_info.m_response_code = boost::lexical_cast<int>(result[3]); m_header_cache.erase(to_nonsonst_iterator(m_header_cache, result[0].first), to_nonsonst_iterator(m_header_cache, result[0].second)); return true; }else { LOG_ERROR("http_stream_filter::handle_invoke_reply_line(): Failed to match first response line:" << m_header_cache); return false; } } inline bool set_reply_content_encoder() { STATIC_REGEXP_EXPR_1(rexp_match_gzip, "^.*?((gzip)|(deflate))", boost::regex::icase | boost::regex::normal); boost::smatch result; // 12 3 if(boost::regex_search( m_response_info.m_header_info.m_content_encoding, result, rexp_match_gzip, boost::match_default) && result[0].matched) { #ifdef HTTP_ENABLE_GZIP m_pcontent_encoding_handler.reset(new content_encoding_gzip(this, result[3].matched)); #else m_pcontent_encoding_handler.reset(new do_nothing_sub_handler(this)); LOG_ERROR("GZIP encoding not supported in this build, please add zlib to your project and define HTTP_ENABLE_GZIP"); return false; #endif } else { m_pcontent_encoding_handler.reset(new do_nothing_sub_handler(this)); } return true; } inline bool analize_cached_header_and_invoke_state() { m_response_info.clear(); analize_first_response_line(); std::string fake_str; //gcc error workaround bool res = parse_header(m_response_info.m_header_info, m_header_cache); CHECK_AND_ASSERT_MES(res, false, "http_stream_filter::analize_cached_reply_header_and_invoke_state(): failed to anilize reply header: " << m_header_cache); set_reply_content_encoder(); m_len_in_summary = 0; bool content_len_valid = false; if(m_response_info.m_header_info.m_content_length.size()) content_len_valid = string_tools::get_xtype_from_string(m_len_in_summary, m_response_info.m_header_info.m_content_length); if(!m_len_in_summary && ((m_response_info.m_response_code>=100&&m_response_info.m_response_code<200) || 204 == m_response_info.m_response_code || 304 == m_response_info.m_response_code) ) {//There will be no response body, server will display the local page with error m_state = reciev_machine_state_done; return true; }else if(m_response_info.m_header_info.m_transfer_encoding.size()) { string_tools::trim(m_response_info.m_header_info.m_transfer_encoding); if(string_tools::compare_no_case(m_response_info.m_header_info.m_transfer_encoding, "chunked")) { LOG_ERROR("Wrong Transfer-Encoding:" << m_response_info.m_header_info.m_transfer_encoding); m_state = reciev_machine_state_error; return false; } m_state = reciev_machine_state_body_chunked; m_chunked_state = http_chunked_state_chunk_head; return true; } else if(!m_response_info.m_header_info.m_content_length.empty()) { //In the response header the length was specified if(!content_len_valid) { LOG_ERROR("http_stream_filter::analize_cached_reply_header_and_invoke_state(): Failed to get_len_from_content_lenght();, m_query_info.m_content_length="<<m_response_info.m_header_info.m_content_length); m_state = reciev_machine_state_error; return false; } if(!m_len_in_summary) { m_state = reciev_machine_state_done; return true; } else { m_len_in_remain = m_len_in_summary; m_state = reciev_machine_state_body_content_len; return true; } }else if(!m_response_info.m_header_info.m_connection.empty() && is_connection_close_field(m_response_info.m_header_info.m_connection)) { //By indirect signs we suspect that data transfer will end with a connection break m_state = reciev_machine_state_body_connection_close; }else if(is_multipart_body(m_response_info.m_header_info, fake_str)) { m_state = reciev_machine_state_error; LOG_ERROR("Unsupported MULTIPART BODY."); return false; }else { //Apparently there are no signs of the form of transfer, will receive data until the connection is closed m_state = reciev_machine_state_error; LOG_PRINT("Undefinded transfer type, consider http_body_transfer_connection_close method. header: " << m_header_cache, LOG_LEVEL_2); return false; } return false; } inline bool is_connection_close_field(const std::string& str) { STATIC_REGEXP_EXPR_1(rexp_match_close, "^\\s*close", boost::regex::icase | boost::regex::normal); boost::smatch result; if(boost::regex_search( str, result, rexp_match_close, boost::match_default) && result[0].matched) return true; else return false; } inline bool is_multipart_body(const http_header_info& head_info, OUT std::string& boundary) { //Check whether this is multi part - if yes, capture boundary immediately STATIC_REGEXP_EXPR_1(rexp_match_multipart_type, "^\\s*multipart/([\\w\\-]+); boundary=((\"(.*?)\")|(\\\\\"(.*?)\\\\\")|([^\\s;]*))", boost::regex::icase | boost::regex::normal); boost::smatch result; if(boost::regex_search(head_info.m_content_type, result, rexp_match_multipart_type, boost::match_default) && result[0].matched) { if(result[4].matched) boundary = result[4]; else if(result[6].matched) boundary = result[6]; else if(result[7].matched) boundary = result[7]; else { LOG_ERROR("Failed to match boundary in content-type=" << head_info.m_content_type); return false; } return true; } else return false; return true; } }; /************************************************************************/ /* */ /************************************************************************/ //inline template<class t_transport> bool invoke_request(const std::string& url, t_transport& tr, unsigned int timeout, const http_response_info** ppresponse_info, const std::string& method = "GET", const std::string& body = std::string(), const fields_list& additional_params = fields_list()) { http::url_content u_c; bool res = parse_url(url, u_c); if(!tr.is_connected() && !u_c.host.empty()) { CHECK_AND_ASSERT_MES(res, false, "failed to parse url: " << url); if(!u_c.port) u_c.port = 80;//default for http res = tr.connect(u_c.host, static_cast<int>(u_c.port), timeout); CHECK_AND_ASSERT_MES(res, false, "failed to connect " << u_c.host << ":" << u_c.port); } return tr.invoke(u_c.uri, method, body, ppresponse_info, additional_params); } } } }