As of OpenSSL 3.0, `SHA256_Init`, `SHA256_Update`, and `SHA256_Final`
are deprectaed in favor of the higher-level `EVP_*` class of functions.
This causes compiler warnings, and sooner or later, will cause build
errors as these functions are excluded from distro headers.
Also add some documentation.
While copying my data dir to another drive, I missed copying the rpc_ssl.key file b/c of the file permissions.
This change will give a much more clear, descriptive error in that scenario.
1. Remove unused functions from misc_os_dependent.h
2. Move three remaining functions, get_gmt_time, get_ns_count, and get_tick_count into time_helper.h
3. Remove unused functions from time_helper.h
4. Refactor get_ns_count and get_internet_time_str and get_time_interval_string
5. Remove/add includes as needed
Relevant commits on the old PR:
Here lies dozens of unused files. This commit is ONLY file deletions except
for the removing of a couple of #includes and removing filenames from CmakeLists
where appropriate.
All tests were conducted on the same PC (Ryzen 5 5600X running at fixed 4.65 GHz).
test_cn_fast_hash<32> (100000 calls) - OK: 1 us/call
test_cn_fast_hash<16384> (1000 calls) - OK: 164 us/call
test_cn_fast_hash<32> (100000 calls) - OK: 0 us/call
test_cn_fast_hash<16384> (1000 calls) - OK: 31 us/call
More than 5 times speedup for cn_fast_hash.
Also noticed consistent 1-2% improvement in test_construct_tx results.
Implements view tags as proposed by @UkoeHB in MRL issue
At tx construction, the sender adds a 1-byte view tag to each
output. The view tag is derived from the sender-receiver
shared secret. When scanning for outputs, the receiver can
check the view tag for a match, in order to reduce scanning
time. When the view tag does not match, the wallet avoids the
more expensive EC operations when deriving the output public
key using the shared secret.
* `IWallet.h` hasn't been touched since 2014, and has been replaced by `src/wallet/api/wallet2_api.h`
* `INode.h` is in a similar situation with `src/p2p/net_node.h`