c4af33e Enforce restricted # pool txs served via RPC + optimize chunked reqs (j-berman)
9752116 wallet2, RPC: Optimize RPC calls for periodic refresh from 3 down to 1 call (rbrunner7)
- `/getblocks.bin` respects the `RESTRICTED_TX_COUNT` (=100) when
returning pool txs via a restricted RPC daemon.
- A restricted RPC daemon includes a max of `RESTRICTED_TX_COUNT` txs
in the `added_pool_txs` field, and returns any remaining pool hashes
in the `remaining_added_pool_txids` field. The client then requests
the remaining txs via `/gettransactions` in chunks.
- `/gettransactions` no longer does expensive no-ops for ALL pool txs
if the client requests a subset of pool txs. Instead it searches for
the txs the client explicitly requests.
- Reset `m_pool_info_query_time` when a user:
(1) rescans the chain (so the wallet re-requests the whole pool)
(2) changes the daemon their wallets points to (a new daemon would
have a different view of the pool)
- `/getblocks.bin` respects the `req.prune` field when returning
pool txs.
- Pool extension fields in response to `/getblocks.bin` are optional
with default 0'd values.
- Straight-forward call interface: `void rx_slow_hash(const char *seedhash, const void *data, size_t length, char *result_hash)`
- Consensus chain seed hash is now updated by calling `rx_set_main_seedhash` whenever a block is added/removed or a reorg happens
- `rx_slow_hash` will compute correct hash no matter if `rx_set_main_seedhash` was called or not (the only difference is performance)
- New environment variable `MONERO_RANDOMX_FULL_MEM` to force use the full dataset for PoW verification (faster block verification)
- When dataset is used for PoW verification, dataset updates don't stall other threads (verification is done in light mode then)
- When mining is running, PoW checks now also use dataset for faster verification
update_checkpoints() makes a few DNS requests and can take up to 20-30 seconds to complete (3-6 seconds on average). It is currently called from core::handle_incoming_block() which holds m_incoming_tx_lock, so it blocks all incoming transactions and blocks processing while update_checkpoints() is running. This PR moves it to until after a new block has been processed and relayed, to avoid full monerod locking.
Before the fix, it processed all transactions in the mempool which could be very slow when mempool grows to several MBs in size. I observed `get_block_template_backlog` taking up to 15 seconds of CPU time under high mempool load.
After the fix, only transactions that can potentially be mined in the next block will be processed (a bit more than the current block median weight).
Implements view tags as proposed by @UkoeHB in MRL issue
At tx construction, the sender adds a 1-byte view tag to each
output. The view tag is derived from the sender-receiver
shared secret. When scanning for outputs, the receiver can
check the view tag for a match, in order to reduce scanning
time. When the view tag does not match, the wallet avoids the
more expensive EC operations when deriving the output public
key using the shared secret.
This comment suggests this check is unnecessary, when it is completely necessary as miner TXs can have multiple outputs *which is a statement directly, and incorrectly, contradicted by this comment*. While I don't ever see someone removing this code and getting their edits merged into Monero, someone inexperienced who thinks they're cleaning old code may break their own work, and then there's really just zero benefit to keeping this around.