diff --git a/.gitmodules b/.gitmodules index 721cce3b4..2da2efc11 100644 --- a/.gitmodules +++ b/.gitmodules @@ -4,9 +4,6 @@ [submodule "external/rapidjson"] path = external/rapidjson url = https://github.com/Tencent/rapidjson -[submodule "external/trezor-common"] - path = external/trezor-common - url = https://github.com/trezor/trezor-common.git [submodule "external/randomx"] path = external/randomx url = https://github.com/tevador/RandomX diff --git a/CMakeLists.txt b/CMakeLists.txt index eb3300cbb..1e1bf1a94 100644 --- a/CMakeLists.txt +++ b/CMakeLists.txt @@ -377,7 +377,6 @@ if(NOT MANUAL_SUBMODULES) message(STATUS "Checking submodules") check_submodule(external/miniupnp) check_submodule(external/rapidjson) - check_submodule(external/trezor-common) check_submodule(external/randomx) check_submodule(external/supercop) endif() diff --git a/cmake/CheckTrezor.cmake b/cmake/CheckTrezor.cmake index 106454daa..74f76fe4a 100644 --- a/cmake/CheckTrezor.cmake +++ b/cmake/CheckTrezor.cmake @@ -126,7 +126,7 @@ if(Protobuf_FOUND AND USE_DEVICE_TREZOR) list(APPEND _proto_files "messages-debug.proto") endif () - set(_proto_include_dir "${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/external/trezor-common/protob") + set(_proto_include_dir "${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/src/device_trezor/trezor/protob") set(_proto_files_absolute) foreach(file IN LISTS _proto_files) list(APPEND _proto_files_absolute "${_proto_include_dir}/${file}") diff --git a/external/trezor-common b/external/trezor-common deleted file mode 160000 index bc28c316d..000000000 --- a/external/trezor-common +++ /dev/null @@ -1 +0,0 @@ -Subproject commit bc28c316d05bf1e9ebfe3d7df1ab25831d98d168 diff --git a/src/device_trezor/trezor/.gitignore b/src/device_trezor/trezor/.gitignore new file mode 100644 index 000000000..ff81a190d --- /dev/null +++ b/src/device_trezor/trezor/.gitignore @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +trezor-common diff --git a/src/device_trezor/trezor/fetch_protob.sh b/src/device_trezor/trezor/fetch_protob.sh new file mode 100755 index 000000000..2ca138f13 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/device_trezor/trezor/fetch_protob.sh @@ -0,0 +1,28 @@ +#!/usr/bin/env sh +set -e + +cd "$(dirname "$0")" + +if [ ! -d "trezor-common" ]; then + git clone https://github.com/trezor/trezor-common.git +fi + +cd trezor-common +git fetch +git reset --hard bc28c316d05bf1e9ebfe3d7df1ab25831d98d168 +cd .. + +rm -rf protob +mkdir protob + +proto_files="messages.proto messages-common.proto messages-monero.proto messages-management.proto messages-debug.proto" + +for file in ${proto_files} +do + cp "trezor-common/protob/${file}" protob/ +done +cp "trezor-common/COPYING" protob/ + +cd protob +echo "Checksums:" +find . -type f -print0 | env LC_ALL=C sort -z | xargs -r0 sha256sum diff --git a/src/device_trezor/trezor/protob/COPYING b/src/device_trezor/trezor/protob/COPYING new file mode 100644 index 000000000..65c5ca88a --- /dev/null +++ b/src/device_trezor/trezor/protob/COPYING @@ -0,0 +1,165 @@ + GNU LESSER GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE + Version 3, 29 June 2007 + + Copyright (C) 2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc. + Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies + of this license document, but changing it is not allowed. + + + This version of the GNU Lesser General Public License incorporates +the terms and conditions of version 3 of the GNU General Public +License, supplemented by the additional permissions listed below. + + 0. Additional Definitions. + + As used herein, "this License" refers to version 3 of the GNU Lesser +General Public License, and the "GNU GPL" refers to version 3 of the GNU +General Public License. + + "The Library" refers to a covered work governed by this License, +other than an Application or a Combined Work as defined below. + + An "Application" is any work that makes use of an interface provided +by the Library, but which is not otherwise based on the Library. +Defining a subclass of a class defined by the Library is deemed a mode +of using an interface provided by the Library. + + A "Combined Work" is a work produced by combining or linking an +Application with the Library. The particular version of the Library +with which the Combined Work was made is also called the "Linked +Version". + + The "Minimal Corresponding Source" for a Combined Work means the +Corresponding Source for the Combined Work, excluding any source code +for portions of the Combined Work that, considered in isolation, are +based on the Application, and not on the Linked Version. + + The "Corresponding Application Code" for a Combined Work means the +object code and/or source code for the Application, including any data +and utility programs needed for reproducing the Combined Work from the +Application, but excluding the System Libraries of the Combined Work. + + 1. Exception to Section 3 of the GNU GPL. + + You may convey a covered work under sections 3 and 4 of this License +without being bound by section 3 of the GNU GPL. + + 2. Conveying Modified Versions. + + If you modify a copy of the Library, and, in your modifications, a +facility refers to a function or data to be supplied by an Application +that uses the facility (other than as an argument passed when the +facility is invoked), then you may convey a copy of the modified +version: + + a) under this License, provided that you make a good faith effort to + ensure that, in the event an Application does not supply the + function or data, the facility still operates, and performs + whatever part of its purpose remains meaningful, or + + b) under the GNU GPL, with none of the additional permissions of + this License applicable to that copy. + + 3. Object Code Incorporating Material from Library Header Files. + + The object code form of an Application may incorporate material from +a header file that is part of the Library. You may convey such object +code under terms of your choice, provided that, if the incorporated +material is not limited to numerical parameters, data structure +layouts and accessors, or small macros, inline functions and templates +(ten or fewer lines in length), you do both of the following: + + a) Give prominent notice with each copy of the object code that the + Library is used in it and that the Library and its use are + covered by this License. + + b) Accompany the object code with a copy of the GNU GPL and this license + document. + + 4. Combined Works. + + You may convey a Combined Work under terms of your choice that, +taken together, effectively do not restrict modification of the +portions of the Library contained in the Combined Work and reverse +engineering for debugging such modifications, if you also do each of +the following: + + a) Give prominent notice with each copy of the Combined Work that + the Library is used in it and that the Library and its use are + covered by this License. + + b) Accompany the Combined Work with a copy of the GNU GPL and this license + document. + + c) For a Combined Work that displays copyright notices during + execution, include the copyright notice for the Library among + these notices, as well as a reference directing the user to the + copies of the GNU GPL and this license document. + + d) Do one of the following: + + 0) Convey the Minimal Corresponding Source under the terms of this + License, and the Corresponding Application Code in a form + suitable for, and under terms that permit, the user to + recombine or relink the Application with a modified version of + the Linked Version to produce a modified Combined Work, in the + manner specified by section 6 of the GNU GPL for conveying + Corresponding Source. + + 1) Use a suitable shared library mechanism for linking with the + Library. A suitable mechanism is one that (a) uses at run time + a copy of the Library already present on the user's computer + system, and (b) will operate properly with a modified version + of the Library that is interface-compatible with the Linked + Version. + + e) Provide Installation Information, but only if you would otherwise + be required to provide such information under section 6 of the + GNU GPL, and only to the extent that such information is + necessary to install and execute a modified version of the + Combined Work produced by recombining or relinking the + Application with a modified version of the Linked Version. (If + you use option 4d0, the Installation Information must accompany + the Minimal Corresponding Source and Corresponding Application + Code. If you use option 4d1, you must provide the Installation + Information in the manner specified by section 6 of the GNU GPL + for conveying Corresponding Source.) + + 5. Combined Libraries. + + You may place library facilities that are a work based on the +Library side by side in a single library together with other library +facilities that are not Applications and are not covered by this +License, and convey such a combined library under terms of your +choice, if you do both of the following: + + a) Accompany the combined library with a copy of the same work based + on the Library, uncombined with any other library facilities, + conveyed under the terms of this License. + + b) Give prominent notice with the combined library that part of it + is a work based on the Library, and explaining where to find the + accompanying uncombined form of the same work. + + 6. Revised Versions of the GNU Lesser General Public License. + + The Free Software Foundation may publish revised and/or new versions +of the GNU Lesser General Public License from time to time. Such new +versions will be similar in spirit to the present version, but may +differ in detail to address new problems or concerns. + + Each version is given a distinguishing version number. If the +Library as you received it specifies that a certain numbered version +of the GNU Lesser General Public License "or any later version" +applies to it, you have the option of following the terms and +conditions either of that published version or of any later version +published by the Free Software Foundation. If the Library as you +received it does not specify a version number of the GNU Lesser +General Public License, you may choose any version of the GNU Lesser +General Public License ever published by the Free Software Foundation. + + If the Library as you received it specifies that a proxy can decide +whether future versions of the GNU Lesser General Public License shall +apply, that proxy's public statement of acceptance of any version is +permanent authorization for you to choose that version for the +Library. diff --git a/src/device_trezor/trezor/protob/messages-common.proto b/src/device_trezor/trezor/protob/messages-common.proto new file mode 100644 index 000000000..e7a0ac715 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/device_trezor/trezor/protob/messages-common.proto @@ -0,0 +1,165 @@ +syntax = "proto2"; +package hw.trezor.messages.common; + +// Sugar for easier handling in Java +option java_package = "com.satoshilabs.trezor.lib.protobuf"; +option java_outer_classname = "TrezorMessageCommon"; + +option (include_in_bitcoin_only) = true; + +import "messages.proto"; + +/** + * Response: Success of the previous request + * @end + */ +message Success { + optional string message = 1 [default=""]; // human readable description of action or request-specific payload +} + +/** + * Response: Failure of the previous request + * @end + */ +message Failure { + optional FailureType code = 1; // computer-readable definition of the error state + optional string message = 2; // human-readable message of the error state + enum FailureType { + Failure_UnexpectedMessage = 1; + Failure_ButtonExpected = 2; + Failure_DataError = 3; + Failure_ActionCancelled = 4; + Failure_PinExpected = 5; + Failure_PinCancelled = 6; + Failure_PinInvalid = 7; + Failure_InvalidSignature = 8; + Failure_ProcessError = 9; + Failure_NotEnoughFunds = 10; + Failure_NotInitialized = 11; + Failure_PinMismatch = 12; + Failure_WipeCodeMismatch = 13; + Failure_InvalidSession = 14; + Failure_FirmwareError = 99; + } +} + +/** + * Response: Device is waiting for HW button press. + * @auxstart + * @next ButtonAck + */ +message ButtonRequest { + optional ButtonRequestType code = 1; // enum identifier of the screen + optional uint32 pages = 2; // if the screen is paginated, number of pages + /** + * Type of button request + */ + enum ButtonRequestType { + ButtonRequest_Other = 1; + ButtonRequest_FeeOverThreshold = 2; + ButtonRequest_ConfirmOutput = 3; + ButtonRequest_ResetDevice = 4; + ButtonRequest_ConfirmWord = 5; + ButtonRequest_WipeDevice = 6; + ButtonRequest_ProtectCall = 7; + ButtonRequest_SignTx = 8; + ButtonRequest_FirmwareCheck = 9; + ButtonRequest_Address = 10; + ButtonRequest_PublicKey = 11; + ButtonRequest_MnemonicWordCount = 12; + ButtonRequest_MnemonicInput = 13; + _Deprecated_ButtonRequest_PassphraseType = 14 [deprecated=true]; + ButtonRequest_UnknownDerivationPath = 15; + ButtonRequest_RecoveryHomepage = 16; + ButtonRequest_Success = 17; + ButtonRequest_Warning = 18; + ButtonRequest_PassphraseEntry = 19; + ButtonRequest_PinEntry = 20; + } +} + +/** + * Request: Computer agrees to wait for HW button press + * @auxend + */ +message ButtonAck { +} + +/** + * Response: Device is asking computer to show PIN matrix and awaits PIN encoded using this matrix scheme + * @auxstart + * @next PinMatrixAck + */ +message PinMatrixRequest { + optional PinMatrixRequestType type = 1; + /** + * Type of PIN request + */ + enum PinMatrixRequestType { + PinMatrixRequestType_Current = 1; + PinMatrixRequestType_NewFirst = 2; + PinMatrixRequestType_NewSecond = 3; + PinMatrixRequestType_WipeCodeFirst = 4; + PinMatrixRequestType_WipeCodeSecond = 5; + } +} + +/** + * Request: Computer responds with encoded PIN + * @auxend + */ +message PinMatrixAck { + required string pin = 1; // matrix encoded PIN entered by user +} + +/** + * Response: Device awaits encryption passphrase + * @auxstart + * @next PassphraseAck + */ +message PassphraseRequest { + optional bool _on_device = 1 [deprecated=true]; // <2.3.0 +} + +/** + * Request: Send passphrase back + * @auxend + */ +message PassphraseAck { + optional string passphrase = 1; + optional bytes _state = 2 [deprecated=true]; // <2.3.0 + optional bool on_device = 3; // user wants to enter passphrase on the device +} + +/** + * Response: Device awaits passphrase state + * Deprecated in 2.3.0 + * @next Deprecated_PassphraseStateAck + */ +message Deprecated_PassphraseStateRequest { + option deprecated = true; + optional bytes state = 1; // actual device state +} + +/** + * Request: Send passphrase state back + * Deprecated in 2.3.0 + * @auxend + */ +message Deprecated_PassphraseStateAck { + option deprecated = true; +} + +/** + * Structure representing BIP32 (hierarchical deterministic) node + * Used for imports of private key into the device and exporting public key out of device + * @embed + */ +message HDNodeType { + required uint32 depth = 1; + required uint32 fingerprint = 2; + required uint32 child_num = 3; + required bytes chain_code = 4; + optional bytes private_key = 5; + required bytes public_key = 6; +} diff --git a/src/device_trezor/trezor/protob/messages-debug.proto b/src/device_trezor/trezor/protob/messages-debug.proto new file mode 100644 index 000000000..efe347b27 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/device_trezor/trezor/protob/messages-debug.proto @@ -0,0 +1,185 @@ +syntax = "proto2"; +package hw.trezor.messages.debug; + +// Sugar for easier handling in Java +option java_package = "com.satoshilabs.trezor.lib.protobuf"; +option java_outer_classname = "TrezorMessageDebug"; + +option (include_in_bitcoin_only) = true; + +import "messages.proto"; +import "messages-common.proto"; +import "messages-management.proto"; + +/** + * Request: "Press" the button on the device + * @start + * @next DebugLinkLayout + */ +message DebugLinkDecision { + optional DebugButton button = 1; // button press + optional DebugSwipeDirection swipe = 2; // swipe direction + optional string input = 3; // keyboard input + /** + * Structure representing swipe direction + */ + enum DebugSwipeDirection { + UP = 0; + DOWN = 1; + LEFT = 2; + RIGHT = 3; + } + + /** + * Structure representing button presses + */ + enum DebugButton { + NO = 0; + YES = 1; + INFO = 2; + } + + optional uint32 x = 4; // touch X coordinate + optional uint32 y = 5; // touch Y coordinate + optional bool wait = 6; // wait for layout change + optional uint32 hold_ms = 7; // touch hold duration +} + +/** + * Response: Device text layout + * @end + */ +message DebugLinkLayout { + repeated string lines = 1; +} + +/** + * Request: Re-seed RNG with given value + * @start + * @next Success + */ +message DebugLinkReseedRandom { + optional uint32 value = 1; +} + +/** + * Request: Start or stop recording screen changes into given target directory + * @start + * @next Success + */ +message DebugLinkRecordScreen { + optional string target_directory = 1; // empty or missing to stop recording +} + +/** + * Request: Computer asks for device state + * @start + * @next DebugLinkState + */ +message DebugLinkGetState { + optional bool wait_word_list = 1; // Trezor T only - wait until mnemonic words are shown + optional bool wait_word_pos = 2; // Trezor T only - wait until reset word position is requested + optional bool wait_layout = 3; // wait until current layout changes +} + +/** + * Response: Device current state + * @end + */ +message DebugLinkState { + optional bytes layout = 1; // raw buffer of display + optional string pin = 2; // current PIN, blank if PIN is not set/enabled + optional string matrix = 3; // current PIN matrix + optional bytes mnemonic_secret = 4; // current mnemonic secret + optional common.HDNodeType node = 5; // current BIP-32 node + optional bool passphrase_protection = 6; // is node/mnemonic encrypted using passphrase? + optional string reset_word = 7; // word on device display during ResetDevice workflow + optional bytes reset_entropy = 8; // current entropy during ResetDevice workflow + optional string recovery_fake_word = 9; // (fake) word on display during RecoveryDevice workflow + optional uint32 recovery_word_pos = 10; // index of mnemonic word the device is expecting during RecoveryDevice workflow + optional uint32 reset_word_pos = 11; // index of mnemonic word the device is expecting during ResetDevice workflow + optional management.BackupType mnemonic_type = 12; // current mnemonic type (BIP-39/SLIP-39) + repeated string layout_lines = 13; // current layout text +} + +/** + * Request: Ask device to restart + * @start + */ +message DebugLinkStop { +} + +/** + * Response: Device wants host to log event + * @ignore + */ +message DebugLinkLog { + optional uint32 level = 1; + optional string bucket = 2; + optional string text = 3; +} + +/** + * Request: Read memory from device + * @start + * @next DebugLinkMemory + */ +message DebugLinkMemoryRead { + optional uint32 address = 1; + optional uint32 length = 2; +} + +/** + * Response: Device sends memory back + * @end + */ +message DebugLinkMemory { + optional bytes memory = 1; +} + +/** + * Request: Write memory to device. + * WARNING: Writing to the wrong location can irreparably break the device. + * @start + * @next Success + * @next Failure + */ +message DebugLinkMemoryWrite { + optional uint32 address = 1; + optional bytes memory = 2; + optional bool flash = 3; +} + +/** + * Request: Erase block of flash on device + * WARNING: Writing to the wrong location can irreparably break the device. + * @start + * @next Success + * @next Failure + */ +message DebugLinkFlashErase { + optional uint32 sector = 1; +} + + +/** + * Request: Erase the SD card + * @start + * @next Success + * @next Failure + */ +message DebugLinkEraseSdCard { + optional bool format = 1; // if true, the card will be formatted to FAT32. + // if false, it will be all 0xFF bytes. +} + + +/** + * Request: Start or stop tracking layout changes + * @start + * @next Success + */ +message DebugLinkWatchLayout { + optional bool watch = 1; // if true, start watching layout. + // if false, stop. +} diff --git a/src/device_trezor/trezor/protob/messages-management.proto b/src/device_trezor/trezor/protob/messages-management.proto new file mode 100644 index 000000000..cc87c9338 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/device_trezor/trezor/protob/messages-management.proto @@ -0,0 +1,504 @@ +syntax = "proto2"; +package hw.trezor.messages.management; + +// Sugar for easier handling in Java +option java_package = "com.satoshilabs.trezor.lib.protobuf"; +option java_outer_classname = "TrezorMessageManagement"; + +option (include_in_bitcoin_only) = true; + +import "messages.proto"; + +/** + * Type of the mnemonic backup given/received by the device during reset/recovery. + */ +enum BackupType { + Bip39 = 0; // also called "Single Backup", see BIP-0039 + Slip39_Basic = 1; // also called "Shamir Backup", see SLIP-0039 + Slip39_Advanced = 2; // also called "Super Shamir" or "Shamir with Groups", see SLIP-0039#two-level-scheme +} + +/** + * Level of safety checks for unsafe actions like spending from invalid path namespace or setting high transaction fee. + */ +enum SafetyCheckLevel { + Strict = 0; // disallow unsafe actions, this is the default + PromptAlways = 1; // ask user before unsafe action + PromptTemporarily = 2; // like PromptAlways but reverts to Strict after reboot +} + + +/** + * Format of the homescreen image + */ +enum HomescreenFormat { + Toif144x144 = 1; + Jpeg240x240 = 2; +} + +/** + * Request: Reset device to default state and ask for device details + * @start + * @next Features + */ +message Initialize { + optional bytes session_id = 1; // assumed device session id; Trezor clears caches if it is different or empty + optional bool _skip_passphrase = 2 [deprecated=true]; // removed as part of passphrase redesign + optional bool derive_cardano = 3; // whether to derive Cardano Icarus root keys in this session +} + +/** + * Request: Ask for device details (no device reset) + * @start + * @next Features + */ +message GetFeatures { +} + +/** + * Response: Reports various information about the device + * @end + */ +message Features { + optional string vendor = 1; // name of the manufacturer, e.g. "trezor.io" + required uint32 major_version = 2; // major version of the firmware/bootloader, e.g. 1 + required uint32 minor_version = 3; // minor version of the firmware/bootloader, e.g. 0 + required uint32 patch_version = 4; // patch version of the firmware/bootloader, e.g. 0 + optional bool bootloader_mode = 5; // is device in bootloader mode? + optional string device_id = 6; // device's unique identifier + optional bool pin_protection = 7; // is device protected by PIN? + optional bool passphrase_protection = 8; // is node/mnemonic encrypted using passphrase? + optional string language = 9; // device language + optional string label = 10; // device description label + optional bool initialized = 12; // does device contain seed? + optional bytes revision = 13; // SCM revision of firmware + optional bytes bootloader_hash = 14; // hash of the bootloader + optional bool imported = 15; // was storage imported from an external source? + optional bool unlocked = 16; // is the device unlocked? called "pin_cached" previously + optional bool _passphrase_cached = 17 [deprecated=true]; // is passphrase already cached in session? + optional bool firmware_present = 18; // is valid firmware loaded? + optional bool needs_backup = 19; // does storage need backup? (equals to Storage.needs_backup) + optional uint32 flags = 20; // device flags (equals to Storage.flags) + optional string model = 21; // device hardware model + optional uint32 fw_major = 22; // reported firmware version if in bootloader mode + optional uint32 fw_minor = 23; // reported firmware version if in bootloader mode + optional uint32 fw_patch = 24; // reported firmware version if in bootloader mode + optional string fw_vendor = 25; // reported firmware vendor if in bootloader mode + // optional bytes fw_vendor_keys = 26; // obsoleted, use fw_vendor + optional bool unfinished_backup = 27; // report unfinished backup (equals to Storage.unfinished_backup) + optional bool no_backup = 28; // report no backup (equals to Storage.no_backup) + optional bool recovery_mode = 29; // is recovery mode in progress + repeated Capability capabilities = 30; // list of supported capabilities + enum Capability { + option (has_bitcoin_only_values) = true; + + Capability_Bitcoin = 1 [(bitcoin_only) = true]; + Capability_Bitcoin_like = 2; // Altcoins based on the Bitcoin source code + Capability_Binance = 3; + Capability_Cardano = 4; + Capability_Crypto = 5 [(bitcoin_only) = true]; // generic crypto operations for GPG, SSH, etc. + Capability_EOS = 6; + Capability_Ethereum = 7; + Capability_Lisk = 8 [deprecated = true]; + Capability_Monero = 9; + Capability_NEM = 10; + Capability_Ripple = 11; + Capability_Stellar = 12; + Capability_Tezos = 13; + Capability_U2F = 14; + Capability_Shamir = 15 [(bitcoin_only) = true]; + Capability_ShamirGroups = 16 [(bitcoin_only) = true]; + Capability_PassphraseEntry = 17 [(bitcoin_only) = true]; // the device is capable of passphrase entry directly on the device + } + optional BackupType backup_type = 31; // type of device backup (BIP-39 / SLIP-39 basic / SLIP-39 advanced) + optional bool sd_card_present = 32; // is SD card present + optional bool sd_protection = 33; // is SD Protect enabled + optional bool wipe_code_protection = 34; // is wipe code protection enabled + optional bytes session_id = 35; + optional bool passphrase_always_on_device = 36; // device enforces passphrase entry on Trezor + optional SafetyCheckLevel safety_checks = 37; // safety check level, set to Prompt to limit path namespace enforcement + optional uint32 auto_lock_delay_ms = 38; // number of milliseconds after which the device locks itself + optional uint32 display_rotation = 39; // in degrees from North + optional bool experimental_features = 40; // are experimental message types enabled? + optional bool busy = 41; // is the device busy, showing "Do not disconnect"? + optional HomescreenFormat homescreen_format = 42; // format of the homescreen, 1 = TOIf 144x144, 2 = jpg 240x240 + optional bool hide_passphrase_from_host = 43; // should we hide the passphrase when it comes from host? +} + +/** + * Request: soft-lock the device. Following actions will require PIN. Passphrases remain cached. + * @start + * @next Success + */ +message LockDevice { +} + +/** + * Request: Show a "Do not disconnect" dialog instead of the standard homescreen. + * @start + * @next Success + */ +message SetBusy { + optional uint32 expiry_ms = 1; // The time in milliseconds after which the dialog will automatically disappear. Overrides any previously set expiry. If not set, then the dialog is hidden. +} + +/** + * Request: end the current sesson. Following actions must call Initialize again. + * Cache for the current session is discarded, other sessions remain intact. + * Device is not PIN-locked. + * @start + * @next Success + */ +message EndSession { +} + +/** + * Request: change language and/or label of the device + * @start + * @next Success + * @next Failure + */ +message ApplySettings { + optional string language = 1; + optional string label = 2; + optional bool use_passphrase = 3; + optional bytes homescreen = 4; + optional uint32 _passphrase_source = 5 [deprecated=true]; // ASK = 0; DEVICE = 1; HOST = 2; + optional uint32 auto_lock_delay_ms = 6; + optional uint32 display_rotation = 7; // in degrees from North + optional bool passphrase_always_on_device = 8; // do not prompt for passphrase, enforce device entry + optional SafetyCheckLevel safety_checks = 9; // Safety check level, set to Prompt to limit path namespace enforcement + optional bool experimental_features = 10; // enable experimental message types + optional bool hide_passphrase_from_host = 11; // do not show passphrase coming from host +} + +/** + * Request: set flags of the device + * @start + * @next Success + * @next Failure + */ +message ApplyFlags { + required uint32 flags = 1; // bitmask, can only set bits, not unset +} + +/** + * Request: Starts workflow for setting/changing/removing the PIN + * @start + * @next Success + * @next Failure + */ +message ChangePin { + optional bool remove = 1; // is PIN removal requested? +} + +/** + * Request: Starts workflow for setting/removing the wipe code + * @start + * @next Success + * @next Failure + */ +message ChangeWipeCode { + optional bool remove = 1; // is wipe code removal requested? +} + +/** + * Request: Starts workflow for enabling/regenerating/disabling SD card protection + * @start + * @next Success + * @next Failure + */ +message SdProtect { + required SdProtectOperationType operation = 1; + /** + * Structure representing SD card protection operation + */ + enum SdProtectOperationType { + DISABLE = 0; + ENABLE = 1; + REFRESH = 2; + } +} + +/** + * Request: Test if the device is alive, device sends back the message in Success response + * @start + * @next Success + */ +message Ping { + optional string message = 1 [default=""]; // message to send back in Success message + optional bool button_protection = 2; // ask for button press +} + +/** + * Request: Abort last operation that required user interaction + * @start + * @next Failure + */ +message Cancel { +} + +/** + * Request: Request a sample of random data generated by hardware RNG. May be used for testing. + * @start + * @next Entropy + * @next Failure + */ +message GetEntropy { + required uint32 size = 1; // size of requested entropy +} + +/** + * Response: Reply with random data generated by internal RNG + * @end + */ +message Entropy { + required bytes entropy = 1; // chunk of random generated bytes +} + +/** + * Request: Get a hash of the installed firmware combined with an optional challenge. + * @start + * @next FirmwareHash + * @next Failure + */ +message GetFirmwareHash { + optional bytes challenge = 1; // Blake2s key up to 32 bytes in length. +} + +/** + * Response: Hash of the installed firmware combined with the optional challenge. + * @end + */ +message FirmwareHash { + required bytes hash = 1; +} + +/** + * Request: Request device to wipe all sensitive data and settings + * @start + * @next Success + * @next Failure + */ +message WipeDevice { +} + +/** + * Request: Load seed and related internal settings from the computer + * @start + * @next Success + * @next Failure + */ +message LoadDevice { + repeated string mnemonics = 1; // seed encoded as mnemonic (12, 18 or 24 words for BIP39, 20 or 33 for SLIP39) + optional string pin = 3; // set PIN protection + optional bool passphrase_protection = 4; // enable master node encryption using passphrase + optional string language = 5 [default='en-US']; // device language (IETF BCP 47 language tag) + optional string label = 6; // device label + optional bool skip_checksum = 7; // do not test mnemonic for valid BIP-39 checksum + optional uint32 u2f_counter = 8; // U2F counter + optional bool needs_backup = 9; // set "needs backup" flag + optional bool no_backup = 10; // indicate that no backup is going to be made +} + +/** + * Request: Ask device to do initialization involving user interaction + * @start + * @next EntropyRequest + * @next Failure + */ +message ResetDevice { + optional bool display_random = 1; // display entropy generated by the device before asking for additional entropy + optional uint32 strength = 2 [default=256]; // strength of seed in bits + optional bool passphrase_protection = 3; // enable master node encryption using passphrase + optional bool pin_protection = 4; // enable PIN protection + optional string language = 5 [default='en-US']; // device language (IETF BCP 47 language tag) + optional string label = 6; // device label + optional uint32 u2f_counter = 7; // U2F counter + optional bool skip_backup = 8; // postpone seed backup to BackupDevice workflow + optional bool no_backup = 9; // indicate that no backup is going to be made + optional BackupType backup_type = 10 [default=Bip39]; // type of the mnemonic backup +} + +/** + * Request: Perform backup of the device seed if not backed up using ResetDevice + * @start + * @next Success + */ +message BackupDevice { +} + +/** + * Response: Ask for additional entropy from host computer + * @next EntropyAck + */ +message EntropyRequest { +} + +/** + * Request: Provide additional entropy for seed generation function + * @next Success + */ +message EntropyAck { + required bytes entropy = 1; // 256 bits (32 bytes) of random data +} + +/** + * Request: Start recovery workflow asking user for specific words of mnemonic + * Used to recovery device safely even on untrusted computer. + * @start + * @next WordRequest + */ +message RecoveryDevice { + optional uint32 word_count = 1; // number of words in BIP-39 mnemonic + optional bool passphrase_protection = 2; // enable master node encryption using passphrase + optional bool pin_protection = 3; // enable PIN protection + optional string language = 4; // device language (IETF BCP 47 language tag) + optional string label = 5; // device label + optional bool enforce_wordlist = 6; // enforce BIP-39 wordlist during the process + // 7 reserved for unused recovery method + optional RecoveryDeviceType type = 8; // supported recovery type + optional uint32 u2f_counter = 9; // U2F counter + optional bool dry_run = 10; // perform dry-run recovery workflow (for safe mnemonic validation) + /** + * Type of recovery procedure. These should be used as bitmask, e.g., + * `RecoveryDeviceType_ScrambledWords | RecoveryDeviceType_Matrix` + * listing every method supported by the host computer. + * + * Note that ScrambledWords must be supported by every implementation + * for backward compatibility; there is no way to not support it. + */ + enum RecoveryDeviceType { + // use powers of two when extending this field + RecoveryDeviceType_ScrambledWords = 0; // words in scrambled order + RecoveryDeviceType_Matrix = 1; // matrix recovery type + } +} + +/** + * Response: Device is waiting for user to enter word of the mnemonic + * Its position is shown only on device's internal display. + * @next WordAck + */ +message WordRequest { + required WordRequestType type = 1; + /** + * Type of Recovery Word request + */ + enum WordRequestType { + WordRequestType_Plain = 0; + WordRequestType_Matrix9 = 1; + WordRequestType_Matrix6 = 2; + } +} + +/** + * Request: Computer replies with word from the mnemonic + * @next WordRequest + * @next Success + * @next Failure + */ +message WordAck { + required string word = 1; // one word of mnemonic on asked position +} + +/** + * Request: Set U2F counter + * @start + * @next Success + */ +message SetU2FCounter { + required uint32 u2f_counter = 1; +} + +/** + * Request: Set U2F counter + * @start + * @next NextU2FCounter + */ +message GetNextU2FCounter { +} + +/** + * Request: Set U2F counter + * @end + */ +message NextU2FCounter { + required uint32 u2f_counter = 1; +} + +/** + * Request: Ask device to prepare for a preauthorized operation. + * @start + * @next PreauthorizedRequest + * @next Failure + */ +message DoPreauthorized { +} + +/** + * Request: Device awaits a preauthorized operation. + * @start + * @next SignTx + * @next GetOwnershipProof + */ +message PreauthorizedRequest { +} + +/** + * Request: Cancel any outstanding authorization in the current session. + * @start + * @next Success + * @next Failure + */ +message CancelAuthorization { +} + +/** + * Request: Reboot firmware to bootloader + * @start + * @next Success + */ +message RebootToBootloader { +} + +/** + * Request: Ask device to generate a random nonce and store it in the session's cache + * @start + * @next Nonce + */ +message GetNonce { + option (experimental_message) = true; +} + +/** + * Response: Contains a random nonce + * @end + */ +message Nonce { + option (experimental_message) = true; + + required bytes nonce = 1; // a 32-byte random value generated by Trezor +} + +/** + * Request: Ask device to unlock a subtree of the keychain. + * @start + * @next UnlockedPathRequest + * @next Failure + */ +message UnlockPath { + repeated uint32 address_n = 1; // prefix of the BIP-32 path leading to the account (m / purpose') + optional bytes mac = 2; // the MAC returned by UnlockedPathRequest +} + +/** + * Request: Device awaits an operation. + * @start + * @next SignTx + * @next GetPublicKey + * @next GetAddress + */ +message UnlockedPathRequest { + optional bytes mac = 1; // authentication code for future UnlockPath calls +} diff --git a/src/device_trezor/trezor/protob/messages-monero.proto b/src/device_trezor/trezor/protob/messages-monero.proto new file mode 100644 index 000000000..c88218d3b --- /dev/null +++ b/src/device_trezor/trezor/protob/messages-monero.proto @@ -0,0 +1,502 @@ +syntax = "proto2"; +package hw.trezor.messages.monero; + +// Sugar for easier handling in Java +option java_package = "com.satoshilabs.trezor.lib.protobuf"; +option java_outer_classname = "TrezorMessageMonero"; + +enum MoneroNetworkType { + MAINNET = 0; + TESTNET = 1; + STAGENET = 2; + FAKECHAIN = 3; +} + +/** + * Structure representing Monero transaction source entry, UTXO + * @embed + */ +message MoneroTransactionSourceEntry { + repeated MoneroOutputEntry outputs = 1; // all outputs including decoys (forms the ring) + optional uint64 real_output = 2; // index denoting which item in `outputs` is our real output (not a decoy) + optional bytes real_out_tx_key = 3; // tx key located in the real output's tx + repeated bytes real_out_additional_tx_keys = 4; // additional tx keys if applicable + optional uint64 real_output_in_tx_index = 5; // index of our real output in the tx (aka which output was it in the transaction) + optional uint64 amount = 6; + optional bool rct = 7; // is RingCT used (true for newer UTXOs) + optional bytes mask = 8; + optional MoneroMultisigKLRki multisig_kLRki = 9; + optional uint32 subaddr_minor = 10; // minor subaddr index UTXO was sent to + message MoneroOutputEntry { + optional uint64 idx = 1; + optional MoneroRctKeyPublic key = 2; + message MoneroRctKeyPublic { + required bytes dest = 1; + required bytes commitment = 2; + } + } + message MoneroMultisigKLRki { + optional bytes K = 1; + optional bytes L = 2; + optional bytes R = 3; + optional bytes ki = 4; + } +} + +/** + * Structure representing Monero transaction destination entry + * @embed + */ +message MoneroTransactionDestinationEntry { + optional uint64 amount = 1; + optional MoneroAccountPublicAddress addr = 2; + optional bool is_subaddress = 3; + optional bytes original = 4; + optional bool is_integrated = 5; + /** + * Structure representing Monero public address + */ + message MoneroAccountPublicAddress { + optional bytes spend_public_key = 1; + optional bytes view_public_key = 2; + } +} + +/** + * Range sig parameters / data. + * @embed + */ +message MoneroTransactionRsigData { + optional uint32 rsig_type = 1; // range signature (aka proof) type + optional uint32 offload_type = 2; + repeated uint64 grouping = 3; // aggregation scheme for BP + + optional bytes mask = 4; // mask vector + optional bytes rsig = 5; // range sig data, all of it or partial (based on rsig_parts) + repeated bytes rsig_parts = 6; + optional uint32 bp_version = 7; // Bulletproof version +} + +/** + * Request: Ask device for public address derived from seed and address_n + * @start + * @next MoneroAddress + * @next Failure + */ +message MoneroGetAddress { + repeated uint32 address_n = 1; // BIP-32 path to derive the key from master node + optional bool show_display = 2; // Optionally show on display before sending the result + optional MoneroNetworkType network_type = 3 [default=MAINNET]; // Network type + optional uint32 account = 4; // Major subaddr index + optional uint32 minor = 5; // Minor subaddr index + optional bytes payment_id = 6; // Payment ID for integrated address +} + +/** + * Response: Contains Monero watch-only credentials derived from device private seed + * @end + */ +message MoneroAddress { + optional bytes address = 1; +} + +/** + * Request: Ask device for watch only credentials + * @start + * @next MoneroWatchKey + * @next Failure + */ +message MoneroGetWatchKey { + repeated uint32 address_n = 1; // BIP-32 path to derive the key from master node + optional MoneroNetworkType network_type = 2 [default=MAINNET]; // Network type +} + +/** + * Response: Contains Monero watch-only credentials derived from device private seed + * @end + */ +message MoneroWatchKey { + optional bytes watch_key = 1; + optional bytes address = 2; +} + +/** + * Request: Sub request of MoneroTransactionSign. Initializes transaction signing. + * @start + * @next MoneroTransactionInitAck + */ +message MoneroTransactionInitRequest { + optional uint32 version = 1; + repeated uint32 address_n = 2; + optional MoneroNetworkType network_type = 3 [default=MAINNET]; // Network type + optional MoneroTransactionData tsx_data = 4; + /** + * Structure representing Monero initial transaction information + */ + message MoneroTransactionData { + optional uint32 version = 1; + optional bytes payment_id = 2; + optional uint64 unlock_time = 3; + repeated MoneroTransactionDestinationEntry outputs = 4; + optional MoneroTransactionDestinationEntry change_dts = 5; + optional uint32 num_inputs = 6; + optional uint32 mixin = 7; + optional uint64 fee = 8; + optional uint32 account = 9; + repeated uint32 minor_indices = 10; + optional MoneroTransactionRsigData rsig_data = 11; + repeated uint32 integrated_indices = 12; + optional uint32 client_version = 13; // connected client version + optional uint32 hard_fork = 14; // transaction hard fork number + optional bytes monero_version = 15; // monero software version + } +} + +/** + * Response: Response to transaction signing initialization. + * @next MoneroTransactionSetInputRequest + */ +message MoneroTransactionInitAck { + repeated bytes hmacs = 1; + optional MoneroTransactionRsigData rsig_data = 2; +} + +/** + * Request: Sub request of MoneroTransactionSign. Sends one UTXO to device + * @next MoneroTransactionSetInputAck + */ +message MoneroTransactionSetInputRequest { + optional MoneroTransactionSourceEntry src_entr = 1; +} + +/** + * Response: Response to setting UTXO for signature. Contains sealed values needed for further protocol steps. + * @next MoneroTransactionSetInputAck + * @next MoneroTransactionInputViniRequest + */ +message MoneroTransactionSetInputAck { + optional bytes vini = 1; // xmrtypes.TxinToKey + optional bytes vini_hmac = 2; + optional bytes pseudo_out = 3; + optional bytes pseudo_out_hmac = 4; + optional bytes pseudo_out_alpha = 5; + optional bytes spend_key = 6; +} + +/** + * Request: Sub request of MoneroTransactionSign. Sends one UTXO to device together with sealed values. + * @next MoneroTransactionInputViniAck + */ +message MoneroTransactionInputViniRequest { + optional MoneroTransactionSourceEntry src_entr = 1; + optional bytes vini = 2; // xmrtypes.TxinToKey + optional bytes vini_hmac = 3; + optional bytes pseudo_out = 4; + optional bytes pseudo_out_hmac = 5; + optional uint32 orig_idx = 6; // original sort index, before sorting by key-images +} + +/** + * Response: Response to setting UTXO to the device + * @next MoneroTransactionInputViniRequest + * @next MoneroTransactionAllInputsSetRequest + */ +message MoneroTransactionInputViniAck { +} + +/** + * Request: Sub request of MoneroTransactionSign. Sent after all inputs have been sent. Useful for rangeisg offloading. + * @next MoneroTransactionAllInputsSetAck + */ +message MoneroTransactionAllInputsSetRequest { +} + +/** + * Response: Response to after all inputs have been set. + * @next MoneroTransactionSetOutputRequest + */ +message MoneroTransactionAllInputsSetAck { + optional MoneroTransactionRsigData rsig_data = 1; +} + +/** + * Request: Sub request of MoneroTransactionSign. Sends one transaction destination to device (HMACed) + * @next MoneroTransactionSetOutputAck + */ +message MoneroTransactionSetOutputRequest { + optional MoneroTransactionDestinationEntry dst_entr = 1; + optional bytes dst_entr_hmac = 2; + optional MoneroTransactionRsigData rsig_data = 3; + optional bool is_offloaded_bp = 4; // Extra message, with offloaded BP. +} + +/** + * Response: Response to setting transaction destination. Contains sealed values needed for further protocol steps. + * @next MoneroTransactionSetOutputRequest + * @next MoneroTransactionAllOutSetRequest + */ +message MoneroTransactionSetOutputAck { + optional bytes tx_out = 1; // xmrtypes.TxOut + optional bytes vouti_hmac = 2; + optional MoneroTransactionRsigData rsig_data = 3; + optional bytes out_pk = 4; + optional bytes ecdh_info = 5; +} + +/** + * Request: Sub request of MoneroTransactionSign. Sent after all outputs are sent. + * @next MoneroTransactionAllOutSetAck + */ +message MoneroTransactionAllOutSetRequest { + optional MoneroTransactionRsigData rsig_data = 1; +} + +/** + * Response: After all outputs are sent the initial RCT signature fields are sent. + * @next MoneroTransactionSignInputRequest + */ +message MoneroTransactionAllOutSetAck { + optional bytes extra = 1; + optional bytes tx_prefix_hash = 2; + optional MoneroRingCtSig rv = 4; // xmrtypes.RctSig + optional bytes full_message_hash = 5; + + /* + * Structure represents initial fields of the Monero RCT signature + */ + message MoneroRingCtSig { + optional uint64 txn_fee = 1; + optional bytes message = 2; + optional uint32 rv_type = 3; + } +} + +/** + * Request: Sub request of MoneroTransactionSign. Sends UTXO for the signing. + * @next MoneroTransactionSignInputAck + */ +message MoneroTransactionSignInputRequest { + optional MoneroTransactionSourceEntry src_entr = 1; + optional bytes vini = 2; // xmrtypes.TxinToKey + optional bytes vini_hmac = 3; + optional bytes pseudo_out = 4; + optional bytes pseudo_out_hmac = 5; + optional bytes pseudo_out_alpha = 6; + optional bytes spend_key = 7; + optional uint32 orig_idx = 8; // original sort index, before sorting by key-images +} + +/** + * Response: Contains full MG signature of the UTXO + multisig data if applicable. + * @next MoneroTransactionSignInputRequest + * @next MoneroTransactionFinalRequest + */ +message MoneroTransactionSignInputAck { + optional bytes signature = 1; + optional bytes pseudo_out = 2; // updated pseudo-out after mask correction +} + +/** + * Request: Sub request of MoneroTransactionSign. Final message of the procol after all UTXOs are signed + * @next MoneroTransactionFinalAck + */ +message MoneroTransactionFinalRequest { +} + +/** + * Response: Contains transaction metadata and encryption keys needed for further transaction operations (e.g. multisig, send proof). + * @end + */ +message MoneroTransactionFinalAck { + optional bytes cout_key = 1; + optional bytes salt = 2; + optional bytes rand_mult = 3; + optional bytes tx_enc_keys = 4; + optional bytes opening_key = 5; // enc master key to decrypt CLSAGs after protocol finishes correctly +} + +/** + * Request: Sub request of MoneroKeyImageSync. Initializing key image sync. + * @start + * @next MoneroKeyImageExportInitAck + */ +message MoneroKeyImageExportInitRequest { + required uint64 num = 1; + required bytes hash = 2; + repeated uint32 address_n = 3; // BIP-32 path to derive the key from master node + optional MoneroNetworkType network_type = 4 [default=MAINNET]; // network type + repeated MoneroSubAddressIndicesList subs = 5; + /** + * Structure representing Monero list of sub-addresses + */ + message MoneroSubAddressIndicesList { + required uint32 account = 1; + repeated uint32 minor_indices = 2; + } +} + +/** + * Response: Response to key image sync initialization. + * @next MoneroKeyImageSyncStepRequest + */ +message MoneroKeyImageExportInitAck { +} + +/** + * Request: Sub request of MoneroKeyImageSync. Contains batch of the UTXO to export key image for. + * @next MoneroKeyImageSyncStepAck + */ +message MoneroKeyImageSyncStepRequest { + repeated MoneroTransferDetails tdis = 1; + /** + * Structure representing Monero UTXO for key image sync + */ + message MoneroTransferDetails { + required bytes out_key = 1; + required bytes tx_pub_key = 2; + repeated bytes additional_tx_pub_keys = 3; + required uint64 internal_output_index = 4; + optional uint32 sub_addr_major = 5; + optional uint32 sub_addr_minor = 6; + } +} + +/** + * Response: Response to key image sync step. Contains encrypted exported key image. + * @next MoneroKeyImageSyncStepRequest + * @next MoneroKeyImageSyncFinalRequest + */ +message MoneroKeyImageSyncStepAck { + repeated MoneroExportedKeyImage kis = 1; + /** + * Structure representing Monero encrypted exported key image + */ + message MoneroExportedKeyImage { + optional bytes iv = 1; + optional bytes blob = 3; + } +} + +/** + * Request: Sub request of MoneroKeyImageSync. Final message of the sync protocol. + * @next MoneroKeyImageSyncFinalAck + */ +message MoneroKeyImageSyncFinalRequest { +} + +/** + * Response: Response to key image sync step. Contains encryption keys for exported key images. + * @end + */ +message MoneroKeyImageSyncFinalAck { + optional bytes enc_key = 1; +} + +/** + * Request: Decrypt tx private keys blob + * @next MoneroGetTxKeyAck + */ +message MoneroGetTxKeyRequest { + repeated uint32 address_n = 1; // BIP-32 path to derive the key from master node + optional MoneroNetworkType network_type = 2 [default=MAINNET]; // network type + + required bytes salt1 = 3; + required bytes salt2 = 4; + required bytes tx_enc_keys = 5; + required bytes tx_prefix_hash = 6; + optional uint32 reason = 7; // reason to display for user. e.g., tx_proof + optional bytes view_public_key = 8; // addr for derivation +} + +/** + * Response: Response with the re-encrypted private keys and derivations blob under view key + * @end + */ +message MoneroGetTxKeyAck { + optional bytes salt = 1; + optional bytes tx_keys = 2; + optional bytes tx_derivations = 3; +} + +/** + * Request: Starts live refresh flow. Asks user permission, switches state + * @next MoneroLiveRefreshStartAck + */ +message MoneroLiveRefreshStartRequest { + repeated uint32 address_n = 1; // BIP-32 path to derive the key from master node + optional MoneroNetworkType network_type = 2 [default=MAINNET]; // network type +} + +/** + * Response after user gave permission + * @next MoneroLiveRefreshStepRequest + * @next MoneroLiveRefreshFinalRequest + */ +message MoneroLiveRefreshStartAck { + +} + +/** + * Request: Request to compute a single key image during live sync + * @next MoneroLiveRefreshStepAck + */ +message MoneroLiveRefreshStepRequest { + required bytes out_key = 1; + required bytes recv_deriv = 2; + required uint64 real_out_idx = 3; + required uint32 sub_addr_major = 4; + required uint32 sub_addr_minor = 5; +} + +/** + * Response: Response with the encrypted key image + signature + * @next MoneroLiveRefreshStepRequest + * @next MoneroLiveRefreshFinishedRequest + */ +message MoneroLiveRefreshStepAck { + optional bytes salt = 1; + optional bytes key_image = 2; +} + +/** + * Request: Request terminating live refresh mode. + * @next MoneroLiveRefreshFinishedAck + */ +message MoneroLiveRefreshFinalRequest { + +} + +/** + * Response: Response on termination of live refresh mode. + * @end + */ +message MoneroLiveRefreshFinalAck { + +} + +/** + * Request: Universal Monero protocol implementation diagnosis request. + * @start + * @next DebugMoneroDiagAck + */ +message DebugMoneroDiagRequest { + optional uint64 ins = 1; + optional uint64 p1 = 2; + optional uint64 p2 = 3; + repeated uint64 pd = 4; + optional bytes data1 = 5; + optional bytes data2 = 6; +} + +/** + * Response: Response to Monero diagnosis protocol. + * @end + */ +message DebugMoneroDiagAck { + optional uint64 ins = 1; + optional uint64 p1 = 2; + optional uint64 p2 = 3; + repeated uint64 pd = 4; + optional bytes data1 = 5; + optional bytes data2 = 6; +} diff --git a/src/device_trezor/trezor/protob/messages.proto b/src/device_trezor/trezor/protob/messages.proto new file mode 100644 index 000000000..c0ea0ff75 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/device_trezor/trezor/protob/messages.proto @@ -0,0 +1,360 @@ +syntax = "proto2"; +package hw.trezor.messages; + +/** + * Messages for Trezor communication + */ + +// Sugar for easier handling in Java +option java_package = "com.satoshilabs.trezor.lib.protobuf"; +option java_outer_classname = "TrezorMessage"; + +option (include_in_bitcoin_only) = true; + +import "google/protobuf/descriptor.proto"; + +/************************* WARNING *********************** +Due to the way extensions are accessed in pb2py, there needs to be a globally unique +name-ID mapping for extensions. That means that two different extensions, e.g. for +EnumValueOptions and FieldOptions, MUST NOT have the same ID. + +Using the same ID indicates the same purpose (protobuf does not allow multiple +extensions with the same name), such as EnumValueOptions.bitcoin_only and +FileOptions.include_in_bitcoin_only. pb2py can then find the extension under +either name. + +The convention to achieve this is as follows: + - extensions specific to a type have the same prefix: + * 50xxx for EnumValueOptions + * 51xxx for EnumOptions + * 52xxx for MessageOptions + * 53xxx for FieldOptions + - extensions that might be used across types have the same "global" prefix 60xxx +*/ +/** + * Options for specifying message direction and type of wire (normal/debug) + */ +extend google.protobuf.EnumValueOptions { + optional bool wire_in = 50002; // message can be transmitted via wire from PC to Trezor + optional bool wire_out = 50003; // message can be transmitted via wire from Trezor to PC + optional bool wire_debug_in = 50004; // message can be transmitted via debug wire from PC to Trezor + optional bool wire_debug_out = 50005; // message can be transmitted via debug wire from Trezor to PC + optional bool wire_tiny = 50006; // message is handled by Trezor when the USB stack is in tiny mode + optional bool wire_bootloader = 50007; // message is only handled by Trezor Bootloader + optional bool wire_no_fsm = 50008; // message is not handled by Trezor unless the USB stack is in tiny mode + + optional bool bitcoin_only = 60000; // enum value is available on BITCOIN_ONLY build + // (messages not marked bitcoin_only will be EXCLUDED) +} + +/** Options for tagging enum types */ +extend google.protobuf.EnumOptions { + optional bool has_bitcoin_only_values = 51001; // indicate that some values should be excluded on BITCOIN_ONLY builds +} + +/** Options for tagging message types */ +extend google.protobuf.MessageOptions { + optional bool experimental_message = 52001; // indicate that a message is intended for development and beta testing only and its definition may change at any time + optional uint32 wire_type = 52002; // override wire type specified in the MessageType enum +} + +/** Options for tagging field types */ +extend google.protobuf.FieldOptions { + optional bool experimental_field = 53001; // indicate that a field is intended for development and beta testing only +} + +/** Options for tagging files with protobuf definitions */ +extend google.protobuf.FileOptions { + optional bool include_in_bitcoin_only = 60000; // definitions are available on BITCOIN_ONLY build + // intentionally identical to `bitcoin_only` from enum +} + + +/** + * Mapping between Trezor wire identifier (uint) and a protobuf message + */ +enum MessageType { + option (has_bitcoin_only_values) = true; + + // Management + MessageType_Initialize = 0 [(bitcoin_only) = true, (wire_in) = true, (wire_tiny) = true]; + MessageType_Ping = 1 [(bitcoin_only) = true, (wire_in) = true]; + MessageType_Success = 2 [(bitcoin_only) = true, (wire_out) = true, (wire_debug_out) = true]; + MessageType_Failure = 3 [(bitcoin_only) = true, (wire_out) = true, (wire_debug_out) = true]; + MessageType_ChangePin = 4 [(bitcoin_only) = true, (wire_in) = true]; + MessageType_WipeDevice = 5 [(bitcoin_only) = true, (wire_in) = true]; + MessageType_GetEntropy = 9 [(bitcoin_only) = true, (wire_in) = true]; + MessageType_Entropy = 10 [(bitcoin_only) = true, (wire_out) = true]; + MessageType_LoadDevice = 13 [(bitcoin_only) = true, (wire_in) = true]; + MessageType_ResetDevice = 14 [(bitcoin_only) = true, (wire_in) = true]; + MessageType_SetBusy = 16 [(bitcoin_only) = true, (wire_in) = true]; + MessageType_Features = 17 [(bitcoin_only) = true, (wire_out) = true]; + MessageType_PinMatrixRequest = 18 [(bitcoin_only) = true, (wire_out) = true]; + MessageType_PinMatrixAck = 19 [(bitcoin_only) = true, (wire_in) = true, (wire_tiny) = true, (wire_no_fsm) = true]; + MessageType_Cancel = 20 [(bitcoin_only) = true, (wire_in) = true, (wire_tiny) = true]; + MessageType_LockDevice = 24 [(bitcoin_only) = true, (wire_in) = true]; + MessageType_ApplySettings = 25 [(bitcoin_only) = true, (wire_in) = true]; + MessageType_ButtonRequest = 26 [(bitcoin_only) = true, (wire_out) = true]; + MessageType_ButtonAck = 27 [(bitcoin_only) = true, (wire_in) = true, (wire_tiny) = true, (wire_no_fsm) = true]; + MessageType_ApplyFlags = 28 [(bitcoin_only) = true, (wire_in) = true]; + MessageType_GetNonce = 31 [(bitcoin_only) = true, (wire_in) = true]; + MessageType_Nonce = 33 [(bitcoin_only) = true, (wire_out) = true]; + MessageType_BackupDevice = 34 [(bitcoin_only) = true, (wire_in) = true]; + MessageType_EntropyRequest = 35 [(bitcoin_only) = true, (wire_out) = true]; + MessageType_EntropyAck = 36 [(bitcoin_only) = true, (wire_in) = true]; + MessageType_PassphraseRequest = 41 [(bitcoin_only) = true, (wire_out) = true]; + MessageType_PassphraseAck = 42 [(bitcoin_only) = true, (wire_in) = true, (wire_tiny) = true, (wire_no_fsm) = true]; + MessageType_RecoveryDevice = 45 [(bitcoin_only) = true, (wire_in) = true]; + MessageType_WordRequest = 46 [(bitcoin_only) = true, (wire_out) = true]; + MessageType_WordAck = 47 [(bitcoin_only) = true, (wire_in) = true]; + MessageType_GetFeatures = 55 [(bitcoin_only) = true, (wire_in) = true]; + MessageType_SdProtect = 79 [(bitcoin_only) = true, (wire_in) = true]; + MessageType_ChangeWipeCode = 82 [(bitcoin_only) = true, (wire_in) = true]; + MessageType_EndSession = 83 [(bitcoin_only) = true, (wire_in) = true]; + MessageType_DoPreauthorized = 84 [(bitcoin_only) = true, (wire_in) = true]; + MessageType_PreauthorizedRequest = 85 [(bitcoin_only) = true, (wire_out) = true]; + MessageType_CancelAuthorization = 86 [(bitcoin_only) = true, (wire_in) = true]; + MessageType_RebootToBootloader = 87 [(bitcoin_only) = true, (wire_in) = true]; + MessageType_GetFirmwareHash = 88 [(bitcoin_only) = true, (wire_in) = true]; + MessageType_FirmwareHash = 89 [(bitcoin_only) = true, (wire_out) = true]; + reserved 90 to 92; + MessageType_UnlockPath = 93 [(bitcoin_only) = true, (wire_in) = true]; + MessageType_UnlockedPathRequest = 94 [(bitcoin_only) = true, (wire_out) = true]; + + MessageType_SetU2FCounter = 63 [(wire_in) = true]; + MessageType_GetNextU2FCounter = 80 [(wire_in) = true]; + MessageType_NextU2FCounter = 81 [(wire_out) = true]; + + // Deprecated messages, kept for protobuf compatibility. + // Both are marked wire_out so that we don't need to implement incoming handler for legacy + MessageType_Deprecated_PassphraseStateRequest = 77 [deprecated = true]; + MessageType_Deprecated_PassphraseStateAck = 78 [deprecated = true]; + + // Bootloader + MessageType_FirmwareErase = 6 [(bitcoin_only) = true, (wire_in) = true, (wire_bootloader) = true]; + MessageType_FirmwareUpload = 7 [(bitcoin_only) = true, (wire_in) = true, (wire_bootloader) = true]; + MessageType_FirmwareRequest = 8 [(bitcoin_only) = true, (wire_out) = true, (wire_bootloader) = true]; + MessageType_SelfTest = 32 [(bitcoin_only) = true, (wire_in) = true, (wire_bootloader) = true]; + + // Bitcoin + MessageType_GetPublicKey = 11 [(bitcoin_only) = true, (wire_in) = true]; + MessageType_PublicKey = 12 [(bitcoin_only) = true, (wire_out) = true]; + MessageType_SignTx = 15 [(bitcoin_only) = true, (wire_in) = true]; + MessageType_TxRequest = 21 [(bitcoin_only) = true, (wire_out) = true]; + MessageType_TxAck = 22 [(bitcoin_only) = true, (wire_in) = true]; + MessageType_GetAddress = 29 [(bitcoin_only) = true, (wire_in) = true]; + MessageType_Address = 30 [(bitcoin_only) = true, (wire_out) = true]; + MessageType_TxAckPaymentRequest = 37 [(wire_in) = true]; + MessageType_SignMessage = 38 [(bitcoin_only) = true, (wire_in) = true]; + MessageType_VerifyMessage = 39 [(bitcoin_only) = true, (wire_in) = true]; + MessageType_MessageSignature = 40 [(bitcoin_only) = true, (wire_out) = true]; + MessageType_GetOwnershipId = 43 [(bitcoin_only) = true, (wire_in) = true]; + MessageType_OwnershipId = 44 [(bitcoin_only) = true, (wire_out) = true]; + MessageType_GetOwnershipProof = 49 [(bitcoin_only) = true, (wire_in) = true]; + MessageType_OwnershipProof = 50 [(bitcoin_only) = true, (wire_out) = true]; + MessageType_AuthorizeCoinJoin = 51 [(bitcoin_only) = true, (wire_in) = true]; + + // Crypto + MessageType_CipherKeyValue = 23 [(bitcoin_only) = true, (wire_in) = true]; + MessageType_CipheredKeyValue = 48 [(bitcoin_only) = true, (wire_out) = true]; + MessageType_SignIdentity = 53 [(bitcoin_only) = true, (wire_in) = true]; + MessageType_SignedIdentity = 54 [(bitcoin_only) = true, (wire_out) = true]; + MessageType_GetECDHSessionKey = 61 [(bitcoin_only) = true, (wire_in) = true]; + MessageType_ECDHSessionKey = 62 [(bitcoin_only) = true, (wire_out) = true]; + MessageType_CosiCommit = 71 [(bitcoin_only) = true, (wire_in) = true]; + MessageType_CosiCommitment = 72 [(bitcoin_only) = true, (wire_out) = true]; + MessageType_CosiSign = 73 [(bitcoin_only) = true, (wire_in) = true]; + MessageType_CosiSignature = 74 [(bitcoin_only) = true, (wire_out) = true]; + + // Debug + MessageType_DebugLinkDecision = 100 [(bitcoin_only) = true, (wire_debug_in) = true, (wire_tiny) = true, (wire_no_fsm) = true]; + MessageType_DebugLinkGetState = 101 [(bitcoin_only) = true, (wire_debug_in) = true, (wire_tiny) = true]; + MessageType_DebugLinkState = 102 [(bitcoin_only) = true, (wire_debug_out) = true]; + MessageType_DebugLinkStop = 103 [(bitcoin_only) = true, (wire_debug_in) = true]; + MessageType_DebugLinkLog = 104 [(bitcoin_only) = true, (wire_debug_out) = true]; + MessageType_DebugLinkMemoryRead = 110 [(bitcoin_only) = true, (wire_debug_in) = true]; + MessageType_DebugLinkMemory = 111 [(bitcoin_only) = true, (wire_debug_out) = true]; + MessageType_DebugLinkMemoryWrite = 112 [(bitcoin_only) = true, (wire_debug_in) = true]; + MessageType_DebugLinkFlashErase = 113 [(bitcoin_only) = true, (wire_debug_in) = true]; + MessageType_DebugLinkLayout = 9001 [(bitcoin_only) = true, (wire_debug_out) = true]; + MessageType_DebugLinkReseedRandom = 9002 [(bitcoin_only) = true, (wire_debug_in) = true]; + MessageType_DebugLinkRecordScreen = 9003 [(bitcoin_only) = true, (wire_debug_in) = true]; + MessageType_DebugLinkEraseSdCard = 9005 [(bitcoin_only) = true, (wire_debug_in) = true]; + MessageType_DebugLinkWatchLayout = 9006 [(bitcoin_only) = true, (wire_debug_in) = true]; + + // Ethereum + MessageType_EthereumGetPublicKey = 450 [(wire_in) = true]; + MessageType_EthereumPublicKey = 451 [(wire_out) = true]; + MessageType_EthereumGetAddress = 56 [(wire_in) = true]; + MessageType_EthereumAddress = 57 [(wire_out) = true]; + MessageType_EthereumSignTx = 58 [(wire_in) = true]; + MessageType_EthereumSignTxEIP1559 = 452 [(wire_in) = true]; + MessageType_EthereumTxRequest = 59 [(wire_out) = true]; + MessageType_EthereumTxAck = 60 [(wire_in) = true]; + MessageType_EthereumSignMessage = 64 [(wire_in) = true]; + MessageType_EthereumVerifyMessage = 65 [(wire_in) = true]; + MessageType_EthereumMessageSignature = 66 [(wire_out) = true]; + MessageType_EthereumSignTypedData = 464 [(wire_in) = true]; + MessageType_EthereumTypedDataStructRequest = 465 [(wire_out) = true]; + MessageType_EthereumTypedDataStructAck = 466 [(wire_in) = true]; + MessageType_EthereumTypedDataValueRequest = 467 [(wire_out) = true]; + MessageType_EthereumTypedDataValueAck = 468 [(wire_in) = true]; + MessageType_EthereumTypedDataSignature = 469 [(wire_out) = true]; + MessageType_EthereumSignTypedHash = 470 [(wire_in) = true]; + + // NEM + MessageType_NEMGetAddress = 67 [(wire_in) = true]; + MessageType_NEMAddress = 68 [(wire_out) = true]; + MessageType_NEMSignTx = 69 [(wire_in) = true]; + MessageType_NEMSignedTx = 70 [(wire_out) = true]; + MessageType_NEMDecryptMessage = 75 [(wire_in) = true]; + MessageType_NEMDecryptedMessage = 76 [(wire_out) = true]; + + // Lisk + /* + MessageType_LiskGetAddress = 114 [(wire_in) = true]; + MessageType_LiskAddress = 115 [(wire_out) = true]; + MessageType_LiskSignTx = 116 [(wire_in) = true]; + MessageType_LiskSignedTx = 117 [(wire_out) = true]; + MessageType_LiskSignMessage = 118 [(wire_in) = true]; + MessageType_LiskMessageSignature = 119 [(wire_out) = true]; + MessageType_LiskVerifyMessage = 120 [(wire_in) = true]; + MessageType_LiskGetPublicKey = 121 [(wire_in) = true]; + MessageType_LiskPublicKey = 122 [(wire_out) = true]; + */ + reserved 114 to 122; + + // Tezos + MessageType_TezosGetAddress = 150 [(wire_in) = true]; + MessageType_TezosAddress = 151 [(wire_out) = true]; + MessageType_TezosSignTx = 152 [(wire_in) = true]; + MessageType_TezosSignedTx = 153 [(wire_out) = true]; + MessageType_TezosGetPublicKey = 154 [(wire_in) = true]; + MessageType_TezosPublicKey = 155 [(wire_out) = true]; + + // Stellar + MessageType_StellarSignTx = 202 [(wire_in) = true]; + MessageType_StellarTxOpRequest = 203 [(wire_out) = true]; + MessageType_StellarGetAddress = 207 [(wire_in) = true]; + MessageType_StellarAddress = 208 [(wire_out) = true]; + MessageType_StellarCreateAccountOp = 210 [(wire_in) = true]; + MessageType_StellarPaymentOp = 211 [(wire_in) = true]; + MessageType_StellarPathPaymentStrictReceiveOp = 212 [(wire_in) = true]; + MessageType_StellarManageSellOfferOp = 213 [(wire_in) = true]; + MessageType_StellarCreatePassiveSellOfferOp = 214 [(wire_in) = true]; + MessageType_StellarSetOptionsOp = 215 [(wire_in) = true]; + MessageType_StellarChangeTrustOp = 216 [(wire_in) = true]; + MessageType_StellarAllowTrustOp = 217 [(wire_in) = true]; + MessageType_StellarAccountMergeOp = 218 [(wire_in) = true]; + // omitted: StellarInflationOp is not a supported operation, would be 219 + MessageType_StellarManageDataOp = 220 [(wire_in) = true]; + MessageType_StellarBumpSequenceOp = 221 [(wire_in) = true]; + MessageType_StellarManageBuyOfferOp = 222 [(wire_in) = true]; + MessageType_StellarPathPaymentStrictSendOp = 223 [(wire_in) = true]; + MessageType_StellarSignedTx = 230 [(wire_out) = true]; + + // Cardano + // dropped Sign/VerifyMessage ids 300-302 + // dropped TxRequest/TxAck ids 304 and 309 (shelley update) + // dropped SignTx/SignedTx/SignedTxChunk/SignedTxChunkAck ids 303, 310, 311 and 312 + reserved 300 to 304, 309 to 312; + MessageType_CardanoGetPublicKey = 305 [(wire_in) = true]; + MessageType_CardanoPublicKey = 306 [(wire_out) = true]; + MessageType_CardanoGetAddress = 307 [(wire_in) = true]; + MessageType_CardanoAddress = 308 [(wire_out) = true]; + MessageType_CardanoTxItemAck = 313 [(wire_out) = true]; + MessageType_CardanoTxAuxiliaryDataSupplement = 314 [(wire_out) = true]; + MessageType_CardanoTxWitnessRequest = 315 [(wire_in) = true]; + MessageType_CardanoTxWitnessResponse = 316 [(wire_out) = true]; + MessageType_CardanoTxHostAck = 317 [(wire_in) = true]; + MessageType_CardanoTxBodyHash = 318 [(wire_out) = true]; + MessageType_CardanoSignTxFinished = 319 [(wire_out) = true]; + MessageType_CardanoSignTxInit = 320 [(wire_in) = true]; + MessageType_CardanoTxInput = 321 [(wire_in) = true]; + MessageType_CardanoTxOutput = 322 [(wire_in) = true]; + MessageType_CardanoAssetGroup = 323 [(wire_in) = true]; + MessageType_CardanoToken = 324 [(wire_in) = true]; + MessageType_CardanoTxCertificate = 325 [(wire_in) = true]; + MessageType_CardanoTxWithdrawal = 326 [(wire_in) = true]; + MessageType_CardanoTxAuxiliaryData = 327 [(wire_in) = true]; + MessageType_CardanoPoolOwner = 328 [(wire_in) = true]; + MessageType_CardanoPoolRelayParameters = 329 [(wire_in) = true]; + MessageType_CardanoGetNativeScriptHash = 330 [(wire_in) = true]; + MessageType_CardanoNativeScriptHash = 331 [(wire_out) = true]; + MessageType_CardanoTxMint = 332 [(wire_in) = true]; + MessageType_CardanoTxCollateralInput = 333 [(wire_in) = true]; + MessageType_CardanoTxRequiredSigner = 334 [(wire_in) = true]; + MessageType_CardanoTxInlineDatumChunk = 335 [(wire_in) = true]; + MessageType_CardanoTxReferenceScriptChunk = 336 [(wire_in) = true]; + MessageType_CardanoTxReferenceInput = 337 [(wire_in) = true]; + + // Ripple + MessageType_RippleGetAddress = 400 [(wire_in) = true]; + MessageType_RippleAddress = 401 [(wire_out) = true]; + MessageType_RippleSignTx = 402 [(wire_in) = true]; + MessageType_RippleSignedTx = 403 [(wire_in) = true]; + + // Monero + MessageType_MoneroTransactionInitRequest = 501 [(wire_out) = true]; + MessageType_MoneroTransactionInitAck = 502 [(wire_out) = true]; + MessageType_MoneroTransactionSetInputRequest = 503 [(wire_out) = true]; + MessageType_MoneroTransactionSetInputAck = 504 [(wire_out) = true]; + MessageType_MoneroTransactionInputViniRequest = 507 [(wire_out) = true]; + MessageType_MoneroTransactionInputViniAck = 508 [(wire_out) = true]; + MessageType_MoneroTransactionAllInputsSetRequest = 509 [(wire_out) = true]; + MessageType_MoneroTransactionAllInputsSetAck = 510 [(wire_out) = true]; + MessageType_MoneroTransactionSetOutputRequest = 511 [(wire_out) = true]; + MessageType_MoneroTransactionSetOutputAck = 512 [(wire_out) = true]; + MessageType_MoneroTransactionAllOutSetRequest = 513 [(wire_out) = true]; + MessageType_MoneroTransactionAllOutSetAck = 514 [(wire_out) = true]; + MessageType_MoneroTransactionSignInputRequest = 515 [(wire_out) = true]; + MessageType_MoneroTransactionSignInputAck = 516 [(wire_out) = true]; + MessageType_MoneroTransactionFinalRequest = 517 [(wire_out) = true]; + MessageType_MoneroTransactionFinalAck = 518 [(wire_out) = true]; + MessageType_MoneroKeyImageExportInitRequest = 530 [(wire_out) = true]; + MessageType_MoneroKeyImageExportInitAck = 531 [(wire_out) = true]; + MessageType_MoneroKeyImageSyncStepRequest = 532 [(wire_out) = true]; + MessageType_MoneroKeyImageSyncStepAck = 533 [(wire_out) = true]; + MessageType_MoneroKeyImageSyncFinalRequest = 534 [(wire_out) = true]; + MessageType_MoneroKeyImageSyncFinalAck = 535 [(wire_out) = true]; + MessageType_MoneroGetAddress = 540 [(wire_in) = true]; + MessageType_MoneroAddress = 541 [(wire_out) = true]; + MessageType_MoneroGetWatchKey = 542 [(wire_in) = true]; + MessageType_MoneroWatchKey = 543 [(wire_out) = true]; + MessageType_DebugMoneroDiagRequest = 546 [(wire_in) = true]; + MessageType_DebugMoneroDiagAck = 547 [(wire_out) = true]; + MessageType_MoneroGetTxKeyRequest = 550 [(wire_in) = true]; + MessageType_MoneroGetTxKeyAck = 551 [(wire_out) = true]; + MessageType_MoneroLiveRefreshStartRequest = 552 [(wire_in) = true]; + MessageType_MoneroLiveRefreshStartAck = 553 [(wire_out) = true]; + MessageType_MoneroLiveRefreshStepRequest = 554 [(wire_in) = true]; + MessageType_MoneroLiveRefreshStepAck = 555 [(wire_out) = true]; + MessageType_MoneroLiveRefreshFinalRequest = 556 [(wire_in) = true]; + MessageType_MoneroLiveRefreshFinalAck = 557 [(wire_out) = true]; + + // EOS + MessageType_EosGetPublicKey = 600 [(wire_in) = true]; + MessageType_EosPublicKey = 601 [(wire_out) = true]; + MessageType_EosSignTx = 602 [(wire_in) = true]; + MessageType_EosTxActionRequest = 603 [(wire_out) = true]; + MessageType_EosTxActionAck = 604 [(wire_in) = true]; + MessageType_EosSignedTx = 605 [(wire_out) = true]; + + // Binance + MessageType_BinanceGetAddress = 700 [(wire_in) = true]; + MessageType_BinanceAddress = 701 [(wire_out) = true]; + MessageType_BinanceGetPublicKey = 702 [(wire_in) = true]; + MessageType_BinancePublicKey = 703 [(wire_out) = true]; + MessageType_BinanceSignTx = 704 [(wire_in) = true]; + MessageType_BinanceTxRequest = 705 [(wire_out) = true]; + MessageType_BinanceTransferMsg = 706 [(wire_in) = true]; + MessageType_BinanceOrderMsg = 707 [(wire_in) = true]; + MessageType_BinanceCancelMsg = 708 [(wire_in) = true]; + MessageType_BinanceSignedTx = 709 [(wire_out) = true]; + + // WebAuthn + MessageType_WebAuthnListResidentCredentials = 800 [(wire_in) = true]; + MessageType_WebAuthnCredentials = 801 [(wire_out) = true]; + MessageType_WebAuthnAddResidentCredential = 802 [(wire_in) = true]; + MessageType_WebAuthnRemoveResidentCredential = 803 [(wire_in) = true]; +}