layout: wip
title: Translation and review of GUI Wallet, monero-site, Monero Means Money (subtitles) and Sound Money, Safe Mode (subtitles) to Italian.
author: staff91
date: November 18, 2020
amount: 28
  - name: Milestone 1 - Completion of GUI Wallet, monero-site Translation and review to Italian
    funds: 4 XMR
    status: unfinished
  - name: Milestone 2 - Completion of Monero Means Money (subtitles), Sound Money, Safe Mode (subtitles) Translation and review to Italian
    funds: 24 XMR
    status: unfinished
  - date:
  - date:

# About this Proposal

Translation and review of the [GUI Wallet](https://translate.getmonero.org/projects/monero/gui-wallet/), [monero-site](https://translate.getmonero.org/projects/getmonero/monero-site/), [Monero Means Money (subtitles)](https://translate.getmonero.org/projects/community/monero-means-money/) and [Sound Money, Safe Mode (subtitles)](https://translate.getmonero.org/projects/community/sound-money-safe-mode-subtitles/) to Italian.

Review of translation made by others (if any) of the [GUI Wallet](https://translate.getmonero.org/projects/monero/gui-wallet/), [monero-site](https://translate.getmonero.org/projects/getmonero/monero-site/), [Monero Means Money (subtitles)](https://translate.getmonero.org/projects/community/monero-means-money/) and [Sound Money, Safe Mode (subtitles)](https://translate.getmonero.org/projects/community/sound-money-safe-mode-subtitles/) for free to Italian.

# About the Translators

## staff91
  Hello my name is Stavros Kilonis and I was a member of the RChain Cooperative Bounties Program. I am a translator and a developer. Created the Italian website and translated everything for the bounties to Italian.

### Links

- [Monero Project Translations (Weblate)](https://translate.getmonero.org/user/staff91/)
- [GitHub](https://github.com/staff91)
- [Monero's GitLab](https://repo.getmonero.org/staff91)

## Chris-Arv  
  I have worked with staff91 in the past for the same projects.

### Links

- [Monero Project Translations (Weblate)](https://translate.getmonero.org/user/Chris-Arv/)
- [GitHub](https://github.com/Chris-Arv)
- [Monero's GitLab](https://repo.getmonero.org/Chris-Arv)

# Milestones and Projected Timeline

## Milestone 1 - Completion of GUI Wallet, monero-site Translation and Review to Italian

Complete translation of the [GUI Wallet](https://translate.getmonero.org/projects/monero/gui-wallet/) and [monero-site](https://translate.getmonero.org/projects/getmonero/monero-site/).

Comprises of 4909 words, which equals to 4 XMR.

Timeline: 20/11/2020 - 30/11/2020

## Milestone 2 - Completion of Monero Means Money (subtitles), Sound Money, Safe Mode (subtitles) Translation and Review to Italian

Complete translation of the [Monero Means Money (subtitles)](https://translate.getmonero.org/projects/community/monero-means-money/) and [Sound Money, Safe Mode (subtitles)](https://translate.getmonero.org/projects/community/sound-money-safe-mode-subtitles/).

Comprises of 24093 words, which equals to 24 XMR.

Timeline: 01/12/2020 - 15/12/2020

**Proposal Expiration Date**: 30/11/2020