layout: cp
title: v1docq47 - video creation and translations into russian (february - july 2022)
author: v1docq47
date: July 31, 2022
amount: 62
  - name: February
    funds: 16.66% (10.3 XMR)
    done: February 28, 2022
    status: finished
  - name: March
    funds: 16.66% (10.3 XMR)
    done: March 31, 2022
    status: finished
  - name: April
    funds: 16.66% (10.3 XMR)
    done: April 30, 2022
    status: finished
  - name: May
    funds: 16.66% (10.3 XMR)
    done: May 31, 2022
    status: finished
  - name: June
    funds: 16.66% (10.3 XMR)
    done: June 30, 2022
    status: finished
  - name: July
    funds: 16.66% (10.5 XMR)
    done: July 31, 2022
    status: finished
  - date: 4 March 2022
    amount: 10.3
  - date: 2 April 2022
    amount: 10.3
  - date: 2 May 2022
    amount: 10.3
  - date: 9 June 2022
    amount: 10.3
  - date: 6 July 2022
    amount: 10.3
  - date: 4 August 2022
    amount: 10.5

# Introduction

Hello, my dear followers, colleagues, and friends!
[v1docq47](https://t.me/v1docq47) is here!  
And this is my new funding request for my work.

# Who I Am?

I am [v1docq47](https://github.com/v1docq47), active contributor of [XMR.RU team](https://xmr.ru/members/50/).  
Since September 2017 I translate into Russian everything related to Monero.  
My wife and I doing Russian dubbing and creating various videos about Monero for Monero Russian Community YouTube channel.   
I active contributor in [Monero Localization](https://translate.getmonero.org/user/v1docq47/) and [Monero Outreach](https://github.com/monero-ecosystem/outreach-docs/pulls?q=is%3Apr+is%3Aclosed+v1docq47) workgroups.

## This is the shortlist of my Monero localization works

- [Mastering Monero](https://github.com/monerobook/monerobook/pull/81)  
- [Zero to Monero - Second Edition](https://github.com/UkoeHB/Monero-RCT-report/pull/9)  
- [Monero Reserch Lab bulletins and pappers](https://github.com/v1docq47/monero-research-lab-translations/tree/master/publications/bulletins)  
- [Critical Decentralisation Cluster (36c3) transcriptions (RUS + ENG)](https://github.com/v1docq47/monero-cdc-36c3-transcriptions)  
- [Breaking Monero](https://github.com/monero-ecosystem/outreach-docs/tree/master/monero-outreach-docs/translations/ru/transcriptions/breaking_monero)  
- [Monero Cheatsheet](https://www.bybaro.it/Moh3po/)  
- [and more...](https://github.com/pulls?q=is%3Apr+author%3Av1docq47+archived%3Afalse+is%3Aclosed)

## This is the shortlist of my works for Monero Russian Community YouTube channel

- [Monero News (Weekly) playlist](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ixUamqRd3nc&list=PLQyX7h187qnQWtCN6brBXsB9QLEuaJWQO)  
- [Monero News (Quarterly) playlist](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XZD-b2gq9dQ&list=PLQyX7h187qnTrEQo1n1_-lxR5tk0qlRKo)  
- [What is Monero playlist](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FOsHxWG5jNs&list=PLQyX7h187qnTqq4_-EAnp4HZk9eJpMvZK)  
- [Monero Konferenco 2019 playlist](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=56Tr03HzGJ8&list=PLQyX7h187qnSZG_PTYtO57_z_nFOlWWEM)  

## My other projects

- [Unofficial technical documentation for Monero](https://wiki.xmr.ru/)  
- [XMR.RU on Hugo](https://github.com/xmr-ru/xmr_ru)

# What?

Localization of the Monero project into Russian.  
Creation of information / news and tutorials video for YouTube channel.  

A Short list of planned works for the new period:
- [Monero News (Weekly)](https://trello.com/c/6gZdbS5f/3-monero-news-weekly)
- [Monero News (Quarterly)](https://trello.com/c/WV6vwC8s/2-monero-news-quarterly)
- [Short Q&A about Monero](https://trello.com/c/bSJuEguZ/6-short-qa-about-monero)
- [Monero Meeting Log](https://trello.com/c/lzwe1Rk0/7-monero-meeting-log)
- [Support translations for Weblate (Russian)](https://trello.com/c/SCKgmryw/1-support-translations-for-weblate)
- [Behavioral Finance, Cryptocurrency Markets (subtitles)](https://trello.com/c/R8LQNrh8/5-behavioral-finance-cryptocurrency-markets-subtitles)
- [Monero Research Lab Papers](https://trello.com/c/UOp35NoU/4-monero-research-lab-papers)

A full list of planned works is available at the link (Trello board):  

It should be noted that this is not a complete list of the planned work. When I have free time, I deal with some additional items that may not be included in this list of work.

# How much and Payouts

Any kind of work must be paid, especially work which is pleasured for you and your viewer/reader.  
Payment on first days of every month during 6 months for my upcoming work.  
15$ per hour (~30 hours a week or ~120 hours a month). Usually I spend much more spare time for my work.  
14-day average price on Kraken ~174$ (28.01.2022)

## In total

~62 XMR for 6 month work's  
10.3 XMR per month starting from February.