--- layout: fr title: "Continued Feather Wallet development (3 months)" author: tobtoht date: 1 Nov 2021 amount: 93 milestones: - name: First month funds: 33% (31 XMR) done: status: unfinished - name: Second month funds: 33% (31 XMR) done: status: unfinished - name: Third month funds: 33% (31 XMR) done: status: unfinished payouts: - date: amount: - date: amount: - date: amount: --- ### What This CCS proposal is for 3 months of full time Feather Wallet development. Non-exhaustive list of things I want to work on / towards or experiment with: - Prepare for next network upgrade - Translations - Persistent payment requests - Recurring payments - Reproducibe macOS builds - More transaction types (e.g. multi-destination transactions with manual input selection) - Improved wallet_api thread safety - Move to Qt6 - Improving UI and documentation - Fix bugs and issues as they arrise I'll also: - Work on upstreaming patches to core - Help review pull requests on core / GUI where needed As always I will rely heavily on user feedback to determine where to put my focus. ### Who Hi, I'm tobtoht. Creator of xmrguide and maintainer of Feather Wallet. I have been an active contributor to the Monero ecosystem since April 2018. Some of the things I have worked on are: - Worked on Feather Wallet full-time for ~1.5 years - Created and maintained guides to set up Monero on Tails and Whonix ([xmrguide](https://xmrguide.org), [reddit](https://old.reddit.com/r/Monero/comments/h8pbc2/)) - Made miscellaneous contributors to the GUI (most notably Tails support) - Maintained a [list](http://xmrguide.org/remote_nodes) of .onion remote nodes with their status ### Proposal Work 40 hours per week over the next 3 months (Nov, Dec, Jan) at a rate of 45 EUR/hour. At €232 / XMR (14 day EMA) this makes 93 XMR. Progress will be reported in #feather on OFTC. Updates will be posted to /r/FeatherWallet in the form on release changelogs.