--- layout: ideas title: Translation and review of GUI Wallet, monero-site, Monero Means Money (subtitles), Sound Money, Safe Mode (subtitles) and Monero GUI Guide to Dutch. author: RodrigoKLX date: November 11, 2020 amount: 36 milestones: - name: Milestone 1 - Completion of GUI Wallet Translation and review to Dutch funds: 0 XMR done: status: unfinished - name: Milestone 2 - Completion of monero-site Translation and review to Dutch funds: 3,8 XMR done: status: unfinished - name: Milestone 3 - Completion of Monero Means Money (subtitles) Translation and review to Dutch funds: 11,6 XMR done: status: unfinished - name: Milestone 4 - Completion of Sound Money, Safe Mode (subtitles) Translation and review to Dutch funds: 12,4 XMR done: status: unfinished - name: Milestone 5 - Completion of Monero GUI Guide Translation and review to Dutch funds: 8,5 XMR done: status: unfinished payouts: - date: amount: - date: amount: - date: amount: - date: amount: - date: amount: --- # About this Proposal Translation and review of the [GUI Wallet](https://translate.getmonero.org/projects/monero/gui-wallet/), [monero-site](https://translate.getmonero.org/projects/getmonero/monero-site/), [Monero Means Money (subtitles)](https://translate.getmonero.org/projects/community/monero-means-money/), [Sound Money, Safe Mode (subtitles)](https://translate.getmonero.org/projects/community/sound-money-safe-mode-subtitles/) and [Monero GUI Guide](https://github.com/monero-ecosystem/monero-GUI-guide/tree/master/en) Review of the already translated [GUI Wallet](https://translate.getmonero.org/projects/monero/gui-wallet/) and [monero-site](https://translate.getmonero.org/projects/getmonero/monero-site/), for free. # About the Translators ## RodrigoKLX Passionate cryptocurrency user and enthusiast. ### Links - [Monero Project Translations (Weblate)](https://translate.getmonero.org/user/RodrigoKLX/) - [GitHub](https://github.com/RodrigoKLX) - [Monero's GitLab](https://repo.getmonero.org/RodrigoKLX) ## amnesia32 Cypherpunk activist. ### Links - [Monero Project Translations (Weblate)](https://translate.getmonero.org/user/amnesia32/) - [GitHub](https://github.com/amnesia32) - [Monero's GitLab](https://repo.getmonero.org/amnesia32) # Why? The Dutch language is spoken by more than 29 million people, mainly in Netherlands. # Milestones and Projected Timeline ## Milestone 1 - Completion of GUI Wallet Translation and Review to Dutch Complete translation of the [GUI Wallet](https://translate.getmonero.org/projects/monero/gui-wallet/). Comprises of 557 words, for free. Timeline: 14/11/2020 - 17/11/2020 ## Milestone 2 - Completion of monero-site Translation and Review to Dutch Complete translation of the [monero-site](https://translate.getmonero.org/projects/getmonero/monero-site/) Comprises of 3896 words, which equals to 3,8 XMR. Timeline: 18/11/2020 - 23/11/2020 ## Milestone 3 - Completion of Monero Means Money (subtitles) Translation and Review to Dutch Complete translation of the [Monero Means Money (subtitles)](https://translate.getmonero.org/projects/community/monero-means-money/) Comprises of 11689 words, which equals to 11,6 XMR. Timeline: 24/11/2020 - 05/12/2020 ## Milestone 4 - Completion of Sound Money, Safe Mode (subtitles) Translation and Review to Dutch Complete translation of the [Sound Money, Safe Mode (subtitles)](https://translate.getmonero.org/projects/community/sound-money-safe-mode-subtitles/) Comprises of 12404 words, which equals to 12,4 XMR. Timeline: 06/12/2020 - 17/12/2020 ## Milestone 5 - Completion of Monero GUI Guide Translation and Review to Dutch Complete translation of the [Monero GUI Guide](https://github.com/monero-ecosystem/monero-GUI-guide/tree/master/en) Comprises of 8538 words, which equals to 8,5 XMR. Timeline: 18/12/2020 - 30/12/2020 **Proposal Expiration Date**: 20/11/2020