title: v1docq47 - monerokon and monerotopia voiceover and working on xmr.ru
author: v1docq47
date: March 31, 2023
amount: 42.8
- name: October
funds: 16.66% (7.13 XMR)
done: October 31, 2022
status: unfinished
- name: November
funds: 16.66% (7.13 XMR)
done: November 30, 2022
status: unfinished
- name: December
funds: 16.66% (7.13 XMR)
done: December 31, 2022
status: unfinished
- name: January
funds: 16.66% (7.13 XMR)
done: January 31, 2023
status: unfinished
- name: February
funds: 16.66% (7.13 XMR)
done: February 28, 2023
status: unfinished
- name: March
funds: 16.66% (7.13 XMR)
done: March 31, 2023
status: unfinished
- date:
- date:
- date:
- date:
- date:
- date:
# Introduction
Due to [disallow on posting new CCS to translate](https://github.com/monero-project/meta/issues/732) on ccs.getmonero.org, I redid [my previous CCS proposal](https://repo.getmonero.org/monero-project/ccs-proposals/-/merge_requests/329) and removed the translate part of the work.
# Who I Am?
I am [v1docq47](https://github.com/v1docq47), active contributor [Monero Localization](https://translate.getmonero.org/user/v1docq47/) and [Monero Outreach](https://github.com/monero-ecosystem/outreach-docs/pulls?q=is%3Apr+is%3Aclosed+v1docq47) workgroups.
[More than 5 years](https://github.com/pulls?q=is%3Apr+author%3Av1docq47+archived%3Afalse+is%3Aclosed+sort%3Acreated-asc) I have been translating into Russian. Also, I am a [moderator, designer and developer](https://github.com/xmr-ru/xmr_ru/commits/main) of the largest news and information website about Monero in the Russian-speaking segment - [XMR.RU](https://xmr.ru/) and [Unofficial Russian technical documentation for Monero](https://wiki.xmr.ru/).
Also I and my wife doing Russian voiceover and creating various videos about Monero for [Monero Russian Community YouTube channel](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UChZc5PLsbP5zeFrmOYMKGmA).
## Shortlist of my previous localization works on Russian
A full list of planned works is available at the link (Trello board) - https://trello.com/b/14d76On9/october-2022-march-2023
It should be noted that this is not a complete list of the planned work. When I have free time, I deal with some additional items that may not be included in this list of work.
# How much and Payouts
Any kind of work must be paid, especially work which is pleasured for you and your viewer / reader.
Payment on first days of every month during 6 months for my upcoming work.
10$ per hour (~28 hours a week or ~112 hours a month).
Monero median monthly price on Kraken ~157$ (15.08.2022 - 15.09.2022).