* CLI: Auto-updater. Updates downloading and verification functionality *Work In Progress*
in order to not clutter the proposal i'm not listing all the related pull requests. I strongly encourage you to visit the following Github links to see the amount of work done by me, its quality and importance for the Monero Project.
Please check the following links to inspect my Monero-related activity:
Looking forward to coding and accomplishing mentioned and ongoing tasks and issues. Implementing new code/functionality that will be needed. Investigating bug reports and submitting bug fixes, fixing build and compilations errors/warnings/etc. Would like to inspect and complete/fix/address issues and feature requests that are reasonably desired and/or worth to spend time on. Improving GUI, fixing UI/UX issues, implementing design changes.
Dedicate 40 hours per week to Monero Project, at 55 USD/hour rate for a total of 181 XMR. XMR/USD rate is based on the 14-day moving average exponential on Kraken from 5 Feb 2021, which is approximately 146.17 XMR/USD.