chengtripp c343ac170a
Update: announcements, get directory, reduce log output
* Created announce_check function which will check if need to rebroadcast announcement (hard coded to every 30 minutes)
* Using os.getcwd now can get current directory so doesn't need hardcoded dir for storage/identity
* Reduced RNS.log printout
* Adjustable redis database
2023-02-01 10:06:14 +00:00

147 lines
5.2 KiB

import RNS
import LXMF
import os
import redis
import shortuuid
import time
display_name = "SolarExpress Message Board"
configdir = os.getcwd()
identitypath = configdir+"/storage/identity"
redis_db = 2
r = redis.Redis(db=redis_db, decode_responses=True)
def setup_lxmf():
if os.path.isfile(identitypath):
identity = RNS.Identity.from_file(identitypath)
RNS.log('Loaded identity from file', RNS.LOG_INFO)
RNS.log('No Primary Identity file found, creating new...', RNS.LOG_INFO)
identity = RNS.Identity()
return identity
def lxmf_delivery(message):
# Do something here with a received message
RNS.log("A message was received: "+str(message.content.decode('utf-8')))
message_content = message.content.decode('utf-8')
source_hash_text = RNS.hexrep(message.source_hash, delimit=False)
if r.exists(source_hash_text):
uuid_user = r.get(source_hash_text)
RNS.log('Generate new username', RNS.LOG_INFO)
uuid_user = shortuuid.ShortUUID().random(length=12)
r.set(source_hash_text, uuid_user)
message_id = '{}_{}'.format(source_hash_text, time.time())
r.set(message_id, 'Hi, your unique username is {}, this is linked to your nomad address'.format(uuid_user))
r.lpush('message_queue', message_id)
RNS.log('UUID: {}'.format(uuid_user), RNS.LOG_INFO)
time_string = time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", time.localtime(message.timestamp))
new_message = '{} {}: {}'.format(time_string, uuid_user, message_content)
r.lpush('message_board_general', new_message)
message_id = '{}_{}'.format(source_hash_text, time.time())
r.set(message_id, 'Your message has been added to the messageboard')
r.lpush('message_queue', message_id)
def announce_now(lxmf_destination):
def send_message(destination_hash, message_content):
# Make a binary destination hash from a hexadecimal string
destination_hash = bytes.fromhex(destination_hash)
except Exception as e:
RNS.log("Invalid destination hash", RNS.LOG_ERROR)
# Check that size is correct
if not len(destination_hash) == RNS.Reticulum.TRUNCATED_HASHLENGTH//8:
RNS.log("Invalid destination hash length", RNS.LOG_ERROR)
# Length of address was correct, let's try to recall the
# corresponding Identity
destination_identity = RNS.Identity.recall(destination_hash)
if destination_identity == None:
# No path/identity known, we'll have to abort or request one
RNS.log("Could not recall an Identity for the requested address. You have probably never received an announce from it. Try requesting a path from the network first. In fact, let's do this now :)", RNS.LOG_ERROR)
RNS.log("OK, a path was requested. If the network knows a path, you will receive an announce with the Identity data shortly.", RNS.LOG_INFO)
# We know the identity for the destination hash, let's
# reconstruct a destination object.
lxmf_destination = RNS.Destination(destination_identity, RNS.Destination.OUT, RNS.Destination.SINGLE, "lxmf", "delivery")
# Create a new message object
lxm = LXMF.LXMessage(lxmf_destination, local_lxmf_destination, message_content, title="Reply", desired_method=LXMF.LXMessage.DIRECT)
# You can optionally tell LXMF to try to send the message
# as a propagated message if a direct link fails
lxm.try_propagation_on_fail = True
# Send it
def announce_check():
if r.exists('announce'):
RNS.log('Recent announcement', RNS.LOG_DEBUG)
r.set('announce', 1)
r.expire('announce', 1800)
RNS.log('Announcement sent, expr set 1800 seconds', RNS.LOG_INFO)
# Start Reticulum and print out all the debug messages
reticulum = RNS.Reticulum(loglevel=RNS.LOG_VERBOSE)
# Create a Identity.
current_identity = setup_lxmf()
# Init the LXMF router
message_router = LXMF.LXMRouter(identity = current_identity, storagepath = configdir)
# Register a delivery destination (for yourself)
# In this example we use the same Identity as we used
# to instantiate the LXMF router. It could be a different one,
# but it can also just be the same, depending on what you want.
local_lxmf_destination = message_router.register_delivery_identity(current_identity, display_name=display_name)
# Set a callback for when a message is received
# Announce node properties
RNS.log('LXMF Router ready to receive on: {}'.format(RNS.prettyhexrep(local_lxmf_destination.hash)), RNS.LOG_INFO)
while True:
# Work through redis message queue
for i in range(0, r.llen('message_queue')):
message_id = r.lpop('message_queue')
message = r.get(message_id)
destination_hash = message_id.split('_')[0]
RNS.log('{} {}'.format(destination_hash, message), RNS.LOG_INFO)
send_message(destination_hash, message)
# Check whether we need to make another announcement