#!/bin/python3 import time import redis r = redis.Redis(db=2, decode_responses=True) print('`!`F222`Bddd`cSolarExpress Message Board') print('-') print('`a`b`f') print("") print("To add a message to the board just converse with the SolarExpress Message Board at , peers are assigned a unique username") print("Built with Python and Redis") time_string = time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", time.localtime(time.time())) print("Last Updated: {}".format(time_string)) print("") print('>Messages') print(" Date Time Username Message") for i in range(0, r.llen('message_board_general')): message_content = r.lindex('message_board_general', i) print("`a{}".format(message_content)) print("")