{{.Service.Name}} {{if .Service.Verified}} {{end}}
Website {{if ne (len .Service.TosUrls) 0}} ToS {{end}} {{if ne .Service.Referral ""}} Referral {{end}} {{if ne (len .Service.OnionUrls) 0}} Tor {{end}}
{{template "components/service_icons" .Service}}

{{if ne .Service.Description ""}} {{.Service.Description}} {{else}} This {{.Service.Type}} does not have a description. {{end}}

{{template "components/kyc_level" .Service.KycLevel}}
{{if .Attributes}}
{{range .Attributes}} {{template "components/attribute_line" .}} {{end}}
{{end}} {{if .ListingComments}}
{{range .ListingComments}}

* {{.}} hello

Automated ToS Checker ?

Automated, ai-driven weekly ToS checks.

Last Check: 2023-10-18

{{if .Service.TosHighlights}}
{{range .Service.TosHighlights}} {{if .Affected}} {{template "components/tos_check" .}} {{end}} {{else}}

This service does not have any ToS checks.

Nostr Comments ?

Beware of fake reviews and accounts. Verify user profiles and conduct your own research.