
559 lines
15 KiB

* Copyright (C) 2017 Toni Spets <>
* Copyright (C) 2017 KeePassXC Team <>
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 or (at your option)
* version 3 of the License.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <>.
#include "OpenSSHKey.h"
#include "ASN1Key.h"
#include <QRegularExpression>
#include <QStringList>
#include <QCryptographicHash>
#include "crypto/SymmetricCipher.h"
const QString OpenSSHKey::TYPE_DSA = "DSA PRIVATE KEY";
const QString OpenSSHKey::TYPE_RSA = "RSA PRIVATE KEY";
// bcrypt_pbkdf.cpp
int bcrypt_pbkdf(const QByteArray& pass, const QByteArray& salt, QByteArray& key, quint32 rounds);
OpenSSHKey::OpenSSHKey(QObject *parent)
: QObject(parent)
, m_type(QString())
, m_cipherName(QString("none"))
, m_kdfName(QString("none"))
, m_kdfOptions(QByteArray())
, m_rawPrivateData(QByteArray())
, m_publicData(QList<QByteArray>())
, m_privateData(QList<QByteArray>())
, m_privateType(QString())
, m_comment(QString())
, m_error(QString())
OpenSSHKey::OpenSSHKey(const OpenSSHKey& other)
: QObject(nullptr)
, m_type(other.m_type)
, m_cipherName(other.m_cipherName)
, m_kdfName(other.m_kdfName)
, m_kdfOptions(other.m_kdfOptions)
, m_rawPrivateData(other.m_rawPrivateData)
, m_publicData(other.m_publicData)
, m_privateData(other.m_privateData)
, m_comment(other.m_comment)
, m_error(other.m_error)
bool OpenSSHKey::operator==(const OpenSSHKey& other) const
// close enough for now
return (fingerprint() == other.fingerprint());
const QString OpenSSHKey::cipherName() const
return m_cipherName;
const QString OpenSSHKey::type() const
return m_type;
int OpenSSHKey::keyLength() const
if (m_type == "ssh-dss" && m_publicData.length() == 4) {
return (m_publicData[0].length() - 1) * 8;
} else if (m_type == "ssh-rsa" && m_publicData.length() == 2) {
return (m_publicData[1].length() - 1) * 8;
} else if (m_type.startsWith("ecdsa-sha2-") && m_publicData.length() == 2) {
return (m_publicData[1].length() - 1) * 4;
} else if (m_type == "ssh-ed25519" && m_publicData.length() == 1) {
return m_publicData[0].length() * 8;
return 0;
const QString OpenSSHKey::fingerprint() const
QByteArray publicKey;
BinaryStream stream(&publicKey);
for (QByteArray ba : m_publicData) {
QByteArray rawHash = QCryptographicHash::hash(publicKey, QCryptographicHash::Sha256);
return "SHA256:" + QString::fromLatin1(rawHash.toBase64(QByteArray::OmitTrailingEquals));
const QString OpenSSHKey::comment() const
return m_comment;
const QString OpenSSHKey::publicKey() const
QByteArray publicKey;
BinaryStream stream(&publicKey);
for (QByteArray ba : m_publicData) {
return m_type + " " + QString::fromLatin1(publicKey.toBase64()) + " " + m_comment;
const QString OpenSSHKey::errorString() const
return m_error;
void OpenSSHKey::setType(const QString& type)
m_type = type;
void OpenSSHKey::setPublicData(const QList<QByteArray>& data)
m_publicData = data;
void OpenSSHKey::setPrivateData(const QList<QByteArray>& data)
m_privateData = data;
void OpenSSHKey::setComment(const QString& comment)
m_comment = comment;
void OpenSSHKey::clearPrivate()
bool OpenSSHKey::parsePEM(const QByteArray& in, QByteArray& out)
QString pem = QString::fromLatin1(in);
QStringList rows = pem.split(QRegularExpression("(?:\r?\n|\r)"), QString::SkipEmptyParts);
if (rows.length() < 3) {
m_error = tr("Invalid key file, expecting an OpenSSH key");
return false;
QString begin = rows.first();
QString end = rows.last();
QRegularExpressionMatch beginMatch = QRegularExpression("^-----BEGIN ([^\\-]+)-----$").match(begin);
QRegularExpressionMatch endMatch = QRegularExpression("^-----END ([^\\-]+)-----$").match(end);
if (!beginMatch.hasMatch() || !endMatch.hasMatch()) {
m_error = tr("Invalid key file, expecting an OpenSSH key");
return false;
if (beginMatch.captured(1) != endMatch.captured(1)) {
m_error = tr("PEM boundary mismatch");
return false;
m_privateType = beginMatch.captured(1);
QRegularExpression keyValueExpr = QRegularExpression("^([A-Za-z0-9-]+): (.+)$");
QMap<QString, QString> pemOptions;
do {
QRegularExpressionMatch keyValueMatch = keyValueExpr.match(rows.first());
if (!keyValueMatch.hasMatch()) {
pemOptions.insert(keyValueMatch.captured(1), keyValueMatch.captured(2));
} while (!rows.isEmpty());
if (pemOptions.value("Proc-Type").compare("4,encrypted", Qt::CaseInsensitive) == 0) {
m_kdfName = "md5";
m_cipherName = pemOptions.value("DEK-Info").section(",", 0, 0);
m_cipherIV = QByteArray::fromHex(pemOptions.value("DEK-Info").section(",", 1, 1).toLatin1());
out = QByteArray::fromBase64(rows.join("").toLatin1());
if (out.isEmpty()) {
m_error = tr("Base64 decoding failed");
return false;
return true;
bool OpenSSHKey::parse(const QByteArray& in)
QByteArray data;
if (!parsePEM(in, data)) {
return false;
if (m_privateType == TYPE_DSA || m_privateType == TYPE_RSA) {
m_rawPrivateData = data;
} else if (m_privateType == TYPE_OPENSSH) {
BinaryStream stream(&data);
QByteArray magic;
if (! {
m_error = tr("Key file way too small.");
return false;
if (QString::fromLatin1(magic) != "openssh-key-v1") {
m_error = tr("Key file magic header id invalid");
return false;
quint32 numberOfKeys;;
if (numberOfKeys == 0) {
m_error = tr("Found zero keys");
return false;
for (quint32 i = 0; i < numberOfKeys; ++i) {
QByteArray publicKey;
if (!stream.readString(publicKey)) {
m_error = tr("Failed to read public key.");
return false;
if (i == 0) {
BinaryStream publicStream(&publicKey);
if (!readPublic(publicStream)) {
return false;
// padded list of keys
if (!stream.readString(m_rawPrivateData)) {
m_error = tr("Corrupted key file, reading private key failed");
return false;
} else {
m_error = tr("Unsupported key type: %1").arg(m_privateType);
return false;
// load private if no encryption
if (!encrypted()) {
return openPrivateKey();
return true;
bool OpenSSHKey::encrypted() const
return (m_cipherName != "none");
bool OpenSSHKey::openPrivateKey(const QString& passphrase)
QScopedPointer<SymmetricCipher> cipher;
if (!m_privateData.isEmpty()) {
return true;
if (m_rawPrivateData.isEmpty()) {
m_error = tr("No private key payload to decrypt");
return false;
if ("aes-128-cbc", Qt::CaseInsensitive) == 0) {
cipher.reset(new SymmetricCipher(SymmetricCipher::Aes128, SymmetricCipher::Cbc, SymmetricCipher::Decrypt));
} else if (m_cipherName == "aes256-cbc") {
cipher.reset(new SymmetricCipher(SymmetricCipher::Aes256, SymmetricCipher::Cbc, SymmetricCipher::Decrypt));
} else if (m_cipherName == "aes256-ctr") {
cipher.reset(new SymmetricCipher(SymmetricCipher::Aes256, SymmetricCipher::Ctr, SymmetricCipher::Decrypt));
} else if (m_cipherName != "none") {
m_error = tr("Unknown cipher: %1").arg(m_cipherName);
return false;
if (m_kdfName == "bcrypt") {
if (!cipher) {
m_error = tr("Trying to run KDF without cipher");
return false;
if (passphrase.length() == 0) {
m_error = tr("Passphrase is required to decrypt this key");
return false;
BinaryStream optionStream(&m_kdfOptions);
QByteArray salt;
quint32 rounds;
QByteArray decryptKey;
decryptKey.fill(0, cipher->keySize() + cipher->blockSize());
QByteArray phraseData = passphrase.toLatin1();
if (bcrypt_pbkdf(phraseData, salt, decryptKey, rounds) < 0) {
m_error = tr("Key derivation failed, key file corrupted?");
return false;
QByteArray keyData, ivData;
keyData.setRawData(, cipher->keySize());
ivData.setRawData( + cipher->keySize(), cipher->blockSize());
cipher->init(keyData, ivData);
if (!cipher->init(keyData, ivData)) {
m_error = cipher->errorString();
return false;
} else if (m_kdfName == "md5") {
if (m_cipherIV.length() < 8) {
m_error = tr("Cipher IV is too short for MD5 kdf");
return false;
QCryptographicHash hash(QCryptographicHash::Md5);
hash.addData(, 8);
QByteArray keyData = hash.result();
if (!cipher->init(keyData, m_cipherIV)) {
m_error = cipher->errorString();
return false;
} else if (m_kdfName != "none") {
m_error = tr("Unknown KDF: %1").arg(m_kdfName);
return false;
QByteArray rawPrivateData = m_rawPrivateData;
if (cipher && cipher->isInitalized()) {
bool ok = false;
rawPrivateData = cipher->process(rawPrivateData, &ok);
if (!ok) {
m_error = tr("Decryption failed, wrong passphrase?");
return false;
if (m_privateType == TYPE_DSA) {
if (!ASN1Key::parseDSA(rawPrivateData, *this)) {
m_error = tr("Decryption failed, wrong passphrase?");
return false;
return true;
} else if (m_privateType == TYPE_RSA) {
if (!ASN1Key::parseRSA(rawPrivateData, *this)) {
m_error = tr("Decryption failed, wrong passphrase?");
return false;
return true;
} else if (m_privateType == TYPE_OPENSSH) {
BinaryStream keyStream(&rawPrivateData);
quint32 checkInt1;
quint32 checkInt2;;;
if (checkInt1 != checkInt2) {
m_error = tr("Decryption failed, wrong passphrase?");
return false;
return readPrivate(keyStream);
m_error = tr("Unsupported key type: %1").arg(m_privateType);
return false;
bool OpenSSHKey::readPublic(BinaryStream& stream)
if (!stream.readString(m_type)) {
m_error = tr("Unexpected EOF while reading public key");
return false;
int keyParts;
if (m_type == "ssh-dss") {
keyParts = 4;
} else if (m_type == "ssh-rsa") {
keyParts = 2;
} else if (m_type.startsWith("ecdsa-sha2-")) {
keyParts = 2;
} else if (m_type == "ssh-ed25519") {
keyParts = 1;
} else {
m_error = tr("Unknown key type: %1").arg(m_type);
return false;
for (int i = 0; i < keyParts; ++i) {
QByteArray t;
if (!stream.readString(t)) {
m_error = tr("Unexpected EOF while reading public key");
return false;
return true;
bool OpenSSHKey::readPrivate(BinaryStream& stream)
if (!stream.readString(m_type)) {
m_error = tr("Unexpected EOF while reading private key");
return false;
int keyParts;
if (m_type == "ssh-dss") {
keyParts = 5;
} else if (m_type == "ssh-rsa") {
keyParts = 6;
} else if (m_type.startsWith("ecdsa-sha2-")) {
keyParts = 3;
} else if (m_type == "ssh-ed25519") {
keyParts = 2;
} else {
m_error = tr("Unknown key type: %1").arg(m_type);
return false;
for (int i = 0; i < keyParts; ++i) {
QByteArray t;
if (!stream.readString(t)) {
m_error = tr("Unexpected EOF while reading private key");
return false;
if (!stream.readString(m_comment)) {
m_error = tr("Unexpected EOF while reading private key");
return false;
return true;
bool OpenSSHKey::writePublic(BinaryStream& stream)
if (m_publicData.isEmpty()) {
m_error = tr("Can't write public key as it is empty");
return false;
if (!stream.writeString(m_type)) {
m_error = tr("Unexpected EOF when writing public key");
return false;
for (QByteArray t : m_publicData) {
if (!stream.writeString(t)) {
m_error = tr("Unexpected EOF when writing public key");
return false;
return true;
bool OpenSSHKey::writePrivate(BinaryStream& stream)
if (m_privateData.isEmpty()) {
m_error = tr("Can't write private key as it is empty");
return false;
if (!stream.writeString(m_type)) {
m_error = tr("Unexpected EOF when writing private key");
return false;
for (QByteArray t : m_privateData) {
if (!stream.writeString(t)) {
m_error = tr("Unexpected EOF when writing private key");
return false;
if (!stream.writeString(m_comment)) {
m_error = tr("Unexpected EOF when writing private key");
return false;
return true;
uint qHash(const OpenSSHKey& key)
return qHash(key.fingerprint());